#i just really love hualian and see a lot of things in them that I see in myself as a queer young person just trying to find a balance
clandestine-poet · 3 months
For context, before anything else, I myself am a lesbian.
Alright. So I don't quite know how to explain it, but Hualian really just has lesbian vibes. At least to me.
Being a lesbian is a lot of: "You girls must be such good friends!" "Do your boyfriends know you're here?" "How come I never see you two apart?" "Haha, two girls kissing? They must be best friends."
And look. Listen.
Hualian is constantly having people be like "You two must be such great friends!" from most of the other heavenly officials (until later on).
Xie Lian and San Lang at Puqi Village getting the "where's your wives?" every .5 seconds.
Xie Lian is constantly asked/talked about with "where's YOUR crimson rain sought flower?" or "If you are here, Crimson Rain is not far behind".
THEY KISS SO MUCH AND MOSTLY GET LOUDLY TOLD "there's other ways to exchange spiritual power!"
Also, there's something inherently powerful about a queer couple.
Being queer creates a space outside the norm. That unites us so much.
And it just feels like Hualian are the most lesbian-coded gay man couple I have seen in a long, long time.
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ao3topshipsbracket · 17 days
Bonus statistics: the Really Funny Graph Awards
As I've pointed out before, it's often hard to notice voter fraud— even in large quantities— if you can't see, not just how many votes came in, but when and in what patterns. Accusations of fraud don't track fraud, they track controversy; the most fraud often happens in polls that nobody particularly objects to, because nobody was paying attention.
Unless you have a graph in front of you. Fortunately, we do! So here's a brief review of the graphs that made it very, very clear to the mod team group chat that someone was playing silly buggers.
Round 1:
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Davekat vs Zolu would almost even look natural, if it weren't for that enormous spike at the day 4 mark. But what a spike! And Akeshu vs Supercorp has those spikes in the middle, but the beginning stages of the graph look maybe fine... if you weren't watching for the first two days, and didn't get to see the progression:
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Round 2:
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This, on the other hand, couldn't be mistaken for natural by anyone. Look at this nonsense. The stairstep lines! The sharpness of the peaks! The sharpness of the dropoffs, which is how you can tell that this isn't just the poll being reblogged by large accounts, it is one person putting in truly insane amounts of effort! The fraud continuing long after Hualian had a significant lead, apparently just to make sure Buddie couldn't possibly launch a counteroffensive! Isn't it beautiful!
Round 4-5:
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And once again, Hualian voters— or, well, some particular Hualian voter— goes nuts. Usually in 1-day polls, the votes come in fast enough that even with a graph it's hard to see if anything's gone wonky. Not so here; that bend in both graphs at around the same time, where I can only assume our frauder stopped for the night and went to bed, is a work of art.
Round 6:
No visible irregularities in the graphs (I assume they were just happy with getting to the semifinals?) but I did see this ask pop up:
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I didn't see responses from anyone who took them up on it.
Real talk: This sort of thing is the reason I run poll brackets. This is proof that one person with insane dedication and a lot of time really can be the backbone of a fandom. This is, and I know this is melodramatic but I am being entirely sincere here, a chart of human passion.
Davekat, Akeshu, and especially Hualian— someone loves you very, very much.
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( Sorry for any writing mistakes, I don't speak English! )
Hello, it's me again! How are you? I was reading some of your Tgcf stories and I had an idea! ✨
I would like to request an Fluff Imagine (?), where (m/n) is married to Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, and has extremely beautiful long white hair!
The three of them were strolling through the ghost kingdom and Hua Cheng sees a beautiful bouquet of roses. He thinks it would look really nice on our hair, since the red would stand out against the white.
(M/n) and Xie Lian were looking at some things in another stall, when Hua Cheng arrives with a beautiful bouquet of roses. When (m/n) asks "what is this?", Hua Cheng just responds: "secret".
When they get home, Hua Cheng asks Xie Lian to help him put the roses in our hair. And it's a really cute moment between the three of them! 💗💗
I hope you have a great day! And I wanted to say that I love your stories! 🗣️💗💗
HuaLian x M!reader
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You, Xie Lian, and Hua Cheng have been married for a while.
It's a loving relationship
But if there was one thing they love most about your physical appearance it had to be your hair
Long, white, pretty locs. That reminded them of the snow.
They think it's gorgeous.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng spend a lot of time playing, braiding and running their fingers through your hair.
They're like obsessed with it
Well while stroking through ghost city, you and Xie Lian are busy looking at a stall with jewelry in it.
Hua Cheng on the other hand is busy buying some beautiful red roses.
He thinks they'd look gorgeous in your hair.
And it's like putting a piece of him on you.
So when the three of you meet back up and start walking home you're staring at the bouquet in his hands
"What's that for San Lang?"
"You'll see it's a secret baobei"
And you do find out.
When you get home Hua Cheng sits you down on the bed and starts trimming the roses stems and placing them in your hair.
Xie Lian helps too, careful to remove the thorns so it doesn't prick you
Once they're finished your hair has many roses in them, and it does look good.
The dark red popping from your white hair.
Hua Cheng is never wrong and he knew you'd be a vision like this.
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habizuh-studios · 5 months
me gushing about tgcf for... idek-
Haha, don't ask why i'm making this post when I'm basically dead, BUT- TGCF is honestly was got me into the danmei fandom. Two of my friends were gushing about it so in order to not feel left out i watched the donghua and it was the BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE not only because the donghua was actually so beautifully animated and the story was so captivating, but also because i watched it in dub and got to see howard wang. Which was great, obviously. unfortunately, i spoiled a LOT. And i mean A LOT of stuff after finishing season 1. I spoiled the ghost city arc, the 800 year wait, and some of Xie Lian's trauma before even starting season 2. And i didn't even have to wait that long for it- some people were waiting over 2 years!! which is crazy to me. The character designs are so intricate and beautiful in all mediums, including the audio drama (which is actually my favorite art out of all of 'em), which HOW?!??!?!? ITS AN AUDIO DRAMA?!?!??! i ended up buying all the books, despite spoiling myself a TON. And i don't regret it at all- i even convinced myself (not really myself, but my dead bank account) to buy the special edition of TGCF!! The official art is gorgeous, the pop-up is gorgeous, the books\ mark is gorgeous, and- despite all the spoilers, after i got used to the writing style it was honestly A BLAST. I finished all the books in less than 2 weeks. I stayed up late reading them- and my favorite part was finishing a book so i could jump to the next one. And my greatest surprise was i didn't even spoil ALL of it to myself! The instigator of the war between xianle and yong'an (if ykyk, hint: family) was such a surprise to me i had to put the book down for a good second before reading it again! xie lians occasional sassiness was honestly really in character, but still a surprise. I have seen some who didnt like tgcf because of the character arcs and hualian- which is fine, but as long as you have the right expectations going into the book, you will not be disappointed. Xie Lian is honestly my favorite. Sue me for being basic, but i love him. Even before knowing all the trauma, i loved him. (Followed closely are Ruoye and Feng Xin, so i guess you can guess my type which i immediately attach to, haha) anyway, in case you weren't looking for my life story, then here: watch the donghua of tgcf, then read all the books, no spoilers. Trust me. Spoilers ruined some of the emotional moments for me yet i still felt empathy for all the characters, which is kind of hard to do. (it hurts, dream on, there is no banquet that does not come to an end). then consume the fan content. Literally all of it. We are the most blessed fandom in history. You may look up some things to expect for tgcf, because i believe the theme is actually quite different from mxtx's other works! I still love wwx tho ;) ----- PS: I also love the parallels. I'll talk about one since this post is so long already, but here- I absolutely love the quotes. A lot of times, popular quotes are remembered when Hua Cheng is saying them, but when you read the books, you realize he's just parroting what xie lian has said... im biased and this isnt for everyone, and obviously his tone and context are wayy different + he has great quotes on his own- but I think it shows his love for him. or maybe i just love Xie Lian, haha.
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overshelter · 7 months
REVIEW: Heaven Official's Blessing
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WARNING: Contains numerous SPOILERS, so CAUTION!
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<< REFERS TO THE UNREVISED VERSION >> This is the author's third work and also her longest. TGCF, unlike SV which seems to focus more on the emotional and MDZS which focuses more on themes such as forgiveness and overcoming, seems to pay more attention to the feelings and relationships between the characters. The fact that the MC, Xie Lian, has lived for just over 800 years is definitely not something that can be easily overcome. Having lived, felt and related to numerous types of people over such a long period of time, it's completely natural that he would end up making extremely difficult decisions or be driven to almost irreparable psychological damage. In fact, I still find it incredible and truly admirable how he managed to overcome and move on even in the midst of many things. Even if there were moments in the current timeline when you can see that some of those wounds were merely treated, but never truly and completely healed. Most of his relationships in the beginning are completely in ruins, and don't seem to have any chance of recovery. But even with all that, he has still managed, not to mend, but to patch up many wounds that have emerged over the years. The other characters were also written and developed in a very human way, which was an unparalleled point of attraction in my opinion. What really stuck with me was that no one in this story can be described as entirely good or evil. Everyone walks a fine line between these two sides, fighting and doing the best they can for themselves, their loved ones and for a hope of happiness. All their decisions, actions and emotions are extremely relatable if you simply put yourself in their shoes without having any kind of prejudice in mind. They show that we can all reach a point of no return if we are pushed to the limit. Moving on, another crucial point in this story is undoubtedly the romance. It was developed in a very sweet way. So sweet that you end up melting with every interaction. HuaLian really is that fairytale couple, who have an enviable and perfect love, with a true sense of eternity. It's completely impossible to look at them and not feel like you're floating or have that warm feeling in your chest. To tell you the truth, I think they're the couple with the cutest vibe out of the three by this author. I'd say they're like that teenage romance or the taste of first love. That love that burns, that warms you, that won't let you forget it. A gentle love that makes you feel complete and totally welcomed. With this person, you feel like the whole world could turn its back on you and everything would still be fine. Because that person, that person alone is enough. That person you know and feel will never, ever abandon you and will always be there for you, supporting you no matter what. That's how HuaLian makes you feel. That's how they are. A simple, sweet and engaging definition of the word love. TGCF is also a very good story in terms of holding your attention. There are lots of things happening all the time, well-developed schemes, backstories to be discovered, new characters and a whole range of extremely attractive contexts that you can't take your eyes off. Everything was very well written and crafted, with nothing that seemed tedious or unnecessary throughout. MXTX, for me, is an author with a real talent for writing. Everything is very captivating and can hit you hard if you choose to give it a chance. Well, I'll stop here, as I feel I have nothing more to say. I hope you give this baby a try!
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taihua · 4 months
tgcf=bad writing (based on that reblog THIS ISNT HATE IM JUST GENUINELY CURIOUS I REALLY LOVE U)
Allow me to elaborate! It's my favorite book so I say this with all the love in my heart for the story and characters, but--
She needed an editor: there are large sections of the book that could have been cut without changing the plot. Like Hua Cheng trying on different outfits during the Brocade Immortal arc... I know fans like this scene, but it's obvious word-padding that doesn't contribute to the story or even contribute anything significant to Hualian's relationship development. See also the endless chapters leading up to Mount Tonglu. Bloated cast and characters not contributing anything significant (why were Banyue and Pei Xiu there except to address the fact that MXTX forgot about them after book 1???) and honestly, there's a lot of boring filler around this point in the novel. Reduce and cut.
Another thing that needed editing: loose ends not being tied up. The Brocade Immortal arc is a disaster, difficult to follow, and has no lasting impact besides Ling Wen being in jail for maybe two pages. It's never explained who created Cuocuo and why and Mu Qing's involvement is handwaved even though his explanation doesn't make sense. Xie Lian puts Banyue in a jar and forgets about her for an entire arc.
The descriptions are severely lacking compared to other danmei novels. I'm not a fan of 2ha but I'm reading it anyway because I love the way the author describes the scenery, the food, the clothes, the architecture... Thousand Autumns also has some of the most beautiful passages describing the cultivation techniques. I'm sure some of this has to do with the translation teams, but TGCF also doesn't really give much to work with? The descriptions of the Ghost City are good, but the rest of the book is just kind of like. "Xie Lian was in a room. He looked around and there was a table." versus other writers who are giving us sentences like "The celadon tea set gave an aroma of jasmine where it sat on top of the mahogany table and when he picked up the teacup, it was cool against his palm." Good descriptive writing engages five senses and I don't feel that TGCF does that successfully. What do we know about heaven except that the palaces are golden?
Anyway, what she does do successfully is making an interesting world with memorable characters, even if most of them don't get the attention they deserve, and she's great with dialogue and humor. Plus the romance is good; it's not rushed and it's believable that Hualian like each other (which you'd think would be a given in romance novels, but some of the ones I've been reading lately don't bother to establish that lmao).
tldr version: too many words that aren't giving us the right info :,I
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lanchang · 5 months
i see "hualian invented love" so often & every time im like these are the standards you're setting? either unattainably high (not all of us can be ghosties AND sculptors!!) or kind of a weird low bar depending on your point of view
trueeeeeeeeeeee yeah on the surface they have some interactions i really like and i do enjoy elements of the devotion and hc's ride or die nature can be charming when hes not being immature about it but theres not much underneath that it is just fantasy wish fulfillment and in that sense i really do get it like yeah it would be pretty awesome if a hot guy showed up and you liked hanging out with him and he already knew all the dark things about you that you were ashamed of but he loved you anyway and would defend you against anything. but also then you find out youre his entire reason for living and thinks you can do no wrong. and maybe youre like okay cool but also he doesnt really have anything else that he cares about so you never really feel like hes choosing you over anything else it kind of feels more like he has no choice at all..... and if you love him back i feel like eventually that would make you kind of sad like i wouldnt actually want that and in reality its a lot of pressure being someone's only or most significant relationship even if you really love them. also yeah they dont really ever develop or change theres a vague question of what hc's intentions are but xl isnt ever really worried about that and then they get together. its cute! but instead of them really going through anything together i feel like the backstory reveals take the place of any character development they go through because of each other. and yes hc actually does a lot because of xl but thats in the past and xl didnt know about any of it so idk its not very satisfying to me like oh it already happened.... and theres nothing from hc's point of view which could really have helped a lot. i guess it's nice that hc never loses faith and hope in xl but it might have been better if he did and then found it again. thats kind of what happens to xl and its way more interesting and its the heart of the story!!! yeah as a romance theyre fun and cute i do like them and i think they make sense in their context but there's a lot left to be desired
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akatsuki-shin · 5 months
Hi, @akatsuki-shin thanks so much for sharing your wonderful fanfics. I love to read them...🤩
I found your blog, cause I saw a lot of your JJK posts. Then I realized that you're also the author of quite a lot my favorite fanfics (sorry for being late in realizing it)....
Wow, now that you mentioned it, one of my twitter moot also like to post paralell between SatoSugu and HuaLian, somehow I felt it's not quite fit to their dynamics, and you worded them perfectly....
After reading your previous ask, do you mind if I ask you danmei questions? Can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from 'X'? And why you loved them? And your top 5 (or top 3) favorite moments from the novel? Thanks if you want to answer and sorry for the long ask....
'X' can be Qiang Jianjiu, Can Ci Pin or Mo Du, feel free to pick either one that you want to answer....
Aaaahhh thank you so much for reading my fics! 🥺 Hopefully I can post in the future for you to read hahaha
Yeah, I mean, for a ship to be similar to SatoSugu, I think one of them has to at least give off that Mom vibe like Suguru. Ngl, if Gojo were to marry Geto, he's not only going to get himself a wife but a Mom, as well, because he can be pretty childish and unhinged while Geto is there to make sure he doesn't run off somewhere. 😂
For your question, I'll go with Qiang Jinjiu.
My favorite character is definitely Shen Lanzhou. He's so pretty and smart. If he weren't so sickly, he would've been super strong when it comes to fighting. I love the fact that despite him often being looked down due to his looks and status, he ends becoming the most fearsome character in the story. Like, if you slight Ce'an, you may get off with just a few punches from him, but if you slight Lanzhou, you'll probably disappear that very same day. 😂
Next one is Xiao Ce'an. I love to see his change from wanting to kill Lanzhou on first sight then ended up becoming the most dedicated and loyal lover as the story progressed. Considering how precious Lanzhou is to me, I kinda share Ce'an's adoration for him and it just makes me happy to see him trying to spoil Lanzhou in every way.
For the third place, I'm not sure if I should say Papa Xiao Fangxu or Qi Zhuyin. They both definitely have a special place in my heart because of how strong and cool they are. Maybe I'll put Papa Xiao on 3rd and General Qi on 4th because I really love how we can see Xiao Fangxu's personality in Ce'an, especially with the way they both love and adore their partner. Qi Zhuyin is super awesome, though. Despite everyone's doubt on her as a woman, she proved to be a great and strong general (I think her troops are the most crucial there because she leads, like, 300thousand soldiers or something?).
I think it's pretty weird to put this one as a favorite character, but for some reason, I really love Ce'an's horse, Lang Tao Xue Jin. This horse always has the coolest description whenever it shows up and it's so funny when CeZhou had sex that night while riding the horse. The poor thing, LMAO. Also love Meng the gyrfalcon. I love them both. <3
As for my favorite moment, my number one is definitely when Ce'an resurrects the Libei Armored Cavalry after his father's death, that battle when they caught the Scorpions off-guard bytheir weapons and tactics upgrade in winter and pushes them all down to the Chasi Sink Hole. What I love the most about QJJ is how cinematic the battle scenes are and that one, followed by how Lanzhou desperately jumps into the sink hole to chase after Ce'an like a scene straight out of his nightmare is so uuurrgggghhhhhh 😭😭😭
Next one is the huge decisive battle with Hassen. Like, man, I didn't think I sleep at all until I finished that entire arc until Ce'an came and finished Hassen for good. From the very start when the invasion has just begun, to when the old commander (Yin Chang?) sacrificed himself outside the gate, when Fei Sheng rode all the way to lit the tower, when Tantai Hu came with reinforcement, and when Ce'an shot his arrow right before Hassen killed Lanzhou. I truly have no words; that must be the coolest battle scene I've read in my whole life.
The third one goes back a bit further to the earlier part when Lanzhou lets Ce'an go and locks him out of the city gate, so he could confront the guy who killed his teacher (Han Cheng, I think). But then Fei Sheng opened the gate for him and let Ce'an brought Lanzhou with him. That was so intense and the following hurt/comfort scene is just heartbreaking aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I'm not sure what to put as my fourth and fifth favorite scenes because there are so many interesting scenes throughout the story. I do remember two scenes that I still remember to this day.
One is when Qi Zhuyin's vice commander(?) sincerely told her that even if nobody were to remember her after this, then he would be the one to always light a candle for her, and after his death he would make sure his children continue to do the same. Qi Zhuyin really deserved that recognition after all her struggles and this show of sincere loyalty really just strikes me in my weakest point hhhhhhhhh
The other one is when Lu Yizhi came to visit Lanzhou to see what kind of man his brother-in-law has fallen in love with, but Lanzhou has no idea about it at all. And then at the end, Fei Sheng inadvertently opened the gift Lu Yizhi left for Lanzhou and went "mother of god it's a dowry" or something. xD
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
❤️a warm coal in the hearth of our hearts by eccentrick
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❤️a warm coal in the hearth of our hearts
by eccentrick
T, 46k, WWX & Hualian
Summary: No one truly likes a pitiful beggar; maybe they'll get a bit more money the first few days, but that quickly dries up. People like to see success stories, like to see the unfortunate dregs of society have smiles on their thin faces, and feel like they've helped in the long run. If you stay small, you'll only become smaller and blend in with the trash. Wei Ying is a good, smart boy. So he smiles and giggles and jokes. Most days he still goes hungry. Wei Ying is an orphan who fights to survive alone on the streets. But, sometimes, the streets give back just as it takes. (Complete, and will be updated as it is edited).
Mojo's comments: Ah, I loved this one so much! Widdle Wei Ying (about 5 years old) is absolutely precious and also terribly, terribly pitiful, doing his best to survive in the streets on his own. He eventually finds an abandoned old shrine where he can hunker down, and tries to pray to the god of it, but doesn't know how, and can't read his name, so no prayers actually get transmitted. He does manage to make some friends, though, one of whom is a very kind and gentle man who just says to call him Hua Xie. (Later in the story, little Wei Ying will bemoan, 'Do all grownups lie about their names and have more than one?') Wei Ying has been hurt a lot, by now, and takes a while to learn to trust his new friend. But the friend is kind, and takes things very slowly, and doesn't even introduce him to his husband for a long time. I was just. Really invested in this story. I pulled it all around me like a fuzzy blanket and gorged. It was everything I wanted. There are 5 parts to the story so far (most of them one shots based around Part 1, while Part 4 is a brief look in on baby Lan Wangji) and a 6th work is in progress. Lovely, lovely! It is so satisfying to see all of these wounded, flawed and loving grownups take a single look at Wei Ying and go, Yes, this one; we will love and protect him until our last breath. (The story is set more in the TGCF world, since that's where all the adults are. I think you'll enjoy the story fine not knowing much about them, since it's post-canon for that story. I have only seen the portion that's on Netflix (and read some fics), and knew nothing at all about Shi Qingxuan, and that didn't even slow me down.)
tgcf crossover, tgcf, found family, fluff and angst, humor, hurt/comfort, disabled character, ableism, implied/referenced child abuse, non-yunmeng wei wuxian, hualian, child wei wuxian, homeless wei wuxian, domestic, hurt wei wuxian, pov wei wuxian, pov multiple, accidental baby acquisition, @ecccentrick
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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what's your favorite part of TGCF, and what about it do you like so much? ignore me if you've shared this before
omg it's been so long since you sent this ask, I am so sorry T_T I was really grateful to for you sending it, but stuff kept coming up and I simply did not have the emotional energy, and also did not want to give a half-hearted reply. that said I often struggle at articulating exactly why I like something, but I'll try!!
okay first thing that comes to mind when I think of why I like TGCF so much is that I really enjoy MXTX's writing style - of course, what I read was the English translation but I assume her style still comes across. I find the way the novel is written both very easy and very engaging to read. I was never bored and on the contrary had a really hard time putting down each volume so as not to read it all in one go. All the emotions came across really well, the novel succeeded both in making me laugh and making me cry. That's another thing I like about it, that with this story you get the whole range of comedy, action, romance, and horror. It's rare that a story manages to both incorporate and balance these at times contrasting aspects so well.
I also really liked how poetic the writing was at times, and how both philosophical and political concepts and ethics were woven into the plot and expressed through the characters.
Speaking of, I enjoyed all the characters so much. They're so well-rounded and feel so real, and there are so many interesting side characters. Jun Wu is a fantastic antagonist and Hualian are such an engaging pairing. I love both Xie Lian and Hua Cheng as individual characters as well as a couple - right from the start you can tell how much they simply enjoy each other's company, and their romance is just… it really moved my heart.
As for a favorite scene… there are so many!!! it's really hard to pick. I love Xie Lian meeting Hua Cheng “for the first time” at the beginning of the story and being so immediately intrigued with him, it's such a peak romantic encounter. I also love the reveal in the caves, even though (or because) parts of it are so heartbreaking, since it's rare to see Hua Cheng so vulnerable and emotional. I enjoy angsty moments like that a lot, I have to admit….
If I have to pick a single favorite moment, it'd be the battle between Hua Cheng and Jun Wu in Vol 8. First of all, super engaging fight scene, love that. Also epic as fuck!! like them fighting on top of The Heaven-Crossing Bridge that shakes every time their swords clash from how powerful the blows are while Hua Cheng's wraith butterflies face off against the vengeful spirits below? damn.
Then the delicious angst of Xie Lian being absolutely terrified for Hua Cheng, especially when Jun Wu starts to ruthlessly take advantage of Hua Cheng's disability*… and then it all culminating in Xie Lian still defying Jun Wu and sticking to what he's always known is right, and then ending in Hua Cheng's sacrifice, another peak romantic scene that had my heart race and made me cry so many tears. All of it exceeded my expectations for that final confrontation, I was just completely emotionally satisfied.
*Not gonna go into it here in detail since I've already posted it about several times and more in depth, but given the topic of this ask I can't not mention how intrigued I was by the way Hua Cheng navigates their world while disabled, the way he can compensate for it in some ways but not in others. It's a not insignificant part of why I love him as a character so much.
Last but not least the novel accompanied me all through last year and the beginning of this one and got me through some tough times. more than that, it made me take up meta and fanfic writing again after a long creative drought, and I will always look at it fondly and with gratitude for that.
hope this turned out a satisfying answer! what's your favorite part of the novel? :3c
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pinkandhobiqueen · 1 year
I need modern hualian adopting little Wei Ying abo au, but like. With main families as the most influential people in China, smth like chaebol in Korea (like, the Jins could be taking care of the jewelry business, because they're rich, so they can have a bunch of mines with gold and diamonds all around the world and the Nies could be producing things for the military, like guns and stuff)
And Hua Cheng is this new, young money guy, who's hella successful. He's taking care of the whole "underworld", like mafia and stuff, maybe he killed his ex boss or smth, and he opened new, big company, whose making cars and technology or he opened a bunch of clubs and casinos, smth like that. And Xie Lian is an ex model, a fashion designer, he inherited his company from his parents and it's really, really popular and successful
So to the main plot, Hualian can't have kids, they tried countless times and Xie Lian miscarried a lot of times, and he's in the hospital and Hua Cheng met little A-Ying in there, whose parents just died in a car accident. And they both instantly have a connection and so hualian adopts this little kid (background, before the last miscarriage, they made a deal with eo, that if it won't work out, they will adopt) so A-Ying is like they miracle baby and a few weeks later he's theirs and happy and a new heir to their companies
And it would end with Wangxian of course. Like. I can see that, maybe they're in the same school, falling in love and just being happy. And some angst there's too. Oh, and Wei Ying is a model for his dad's company! And a painter! And he likes to draw some of his own fashion designs! And his golden boy, whatever he tries he nails it and so he can play instruments and he loves sport. And he's totally a badass, so maybe boxing or smth. And he has a motorcycle! But he's bad at cooking obviously and some other "omega stuff", like cleaning, being always nice and respectful (excuse me, have you met his father?) and polite and silent etc.
And so like. I can see a few scenes. Like, all of the big families gave max. 5 years till Hua Cheng's company fall and boom, it was like 20 years and he became even more powerful (and rich) than all of them together so they want him in their little circle and he's like "nah, I don't need you for anything, I don't want your little noses in my business" and they met for that in like their usual, favorite gentleman's club to discuss it with him and then San Lang's like "nope, bye, but the drinks are on me tho", because he owns that club apparently (which they didn't know about) and so they talk with the bartender and they're like " yeah, the new boss is more scary, but he treats us right and if you want some business with him, I suggest going through his husband. What do you mean you don't know who that is, I believe your suits are of his project")
And another one! So they have dinner at Hualian's summer house with all of them (just to make them stop pestering him. And maybe because Hua Cheng kinda wants to show them they're places for approaching his husband with that silly idea of theirs to "work together") when also the wives and the kids go there and E-ming's a dog (Tibetan mastiff, this scary, fluffy, majestic giant), A-Ying's dog (because he loves them actually, some dog was there with him when he's biological parents died and he crawled out of the car while waiting for the help to arrive, who was called by the owner of said dog/stranger who called for help) and there was a dog who stayed with him the whole time, before the rescue team arrieved) and it was his first request when he moved in with Hualian, and Hua Cheng was like "you know what, that's a great idea. My little omega son's gotta have the best and most scary fucking guardian when we can't see him when he's in the other fucking room, I'm fucking on it". And Wei Ying and Xie Lian have pet snakes! White Ruoye and Black Chenching!
And about the world building, the main families are very traditional and closed off (like Lans for example) and so they're like "fuck Omega rights" and then there's Xie Lian, who owns his own fashion company and is doing charity and he's very loved and influential (and a badass) and they're like "woah, how can his alpha allow him to do that" and when they meet they're son who's like "so you think I'm as pretty as my dad? Woah, thank you for the complement, but I'm adopted actually". And of course Jin Guangyao wants to have some connection with them so he's like "I know that my wife promised her bestie that our children will marry, but hear me out-"
And of course as soon as they adopted little A-Ying they changed his surname and destroyed all of the records that he was in that accident, so no one would ask him questions in the future, so he won't have to relive the trauma again, so the Jiangs don't know that Wei Ying is Wei Ying, because he's Hua Ying now and yeah. And I hadn't decide yet if I want to do Jiang Fengmian dirty, but maybe he wanted the little omega son of his ex right hand man to marry his own son but yeah, I don't know. Maybe. But for sure, Jiang Fengmian and Lady Ziyuan married just because they slept with eo and she became pregnant young. And I don't know what to do about the Wens, but I want Wen Ning and Wen Qing to be Wei Ying's besties, like. Yeah
Like, you don't understand, I have this in my head and I can't stop thinking about it and I want to read it so bad, but there's no modern aus with hualian adopting Wei Wuxian and I'm so desperate that I would write it myself, but I don't have this much time and skils, please someone competent do it. I wish fics could just appear themselves when we think about them
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
Novel Rec: Cherry Blossoms Upon a Wintry Sword
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Lin Rufei was the youngest son of the head of the Kunlun Sect. The disciples of Kunlun had been the sharpest among those in Jianghu, and were revered as legends among men. But Lin Rufei had a problem. If he so much as tripped, he would need to lay in bed for three days.
As Lin Rufei thought about whether he could salvage something from his ill health or not, he realized that a mysterious … phenomenon had happened to his body.
Author : Xī Zǐxù | NU LINK | Novel English Translation | RAW
I’ll be honest. I picked this up because a lot of the comments were saying the dynamic reminded them of Dianxia and Hua Cheng. So as someone who is absolutely in love with the novel TGCF and the characters— I had to see what this is. Plus the fact that it wasn’t long gave me the push to start reading it. I was pleasantly surprised by all the things this story gave me. This is exactly the kind of story that made me fall in love with reading in the first place. Why I continue to do so because I know there is one out there that’s just waiting to be discovered, enjoyed and appreciated.
I can see why people compared the pairing in TGCF and this but I have to say that Lin Rufei and Gu Xuandu have their own unique story. It’s beautiful and tragic. I think this kind of theme is common to novels in this genre and that’s why we enjoy it.
I’ll try to keep spoilers to a minimum and just mention general themes and warnings. ❎
It starts off fairytale/storybook-esque and I was intrigued. The translator did a very good job in telling the story because it came off almost whimsical at some point. If you like that kind of tone then you will like this. It’s about a weak prince living up in the mountains with his brothers who love him very much and protect him. He looks out from his window, seeing the Cherry Blossom tree he’s very fond of and he hopes it blooms. One day, a mysterious ghost appears before him and the two set off on an adventure. It’s a solid premise and you can sense there is some mystery and secret identity going on between the two.
Not even halfway in, I already had questions:
1.) Why Gu Xuandu is a ghost and only makes himself appear before Lin Rufei. Will he get stronger and have a corporeal body at some point or is he really from another world.
2. ) What is LRF’s power. It looks like he wasn’t weak to begin with and how can he regain it.
3. ) Past relationship between LRF & GXD.
4. ) Who is the Heavenly Ruler.
Aside from that mystery and the relationship between the MC & ML, I’m so impressed with how well written the side characters are. I normally don’t get attached to side-plots and all but this one flowed well. Even if it lasts for like 4-5 chapters, it feels enough. There is one that just left me so heartbroken and I still think about it sometimes— that’s how good it is. I’ve said it’s like a fairytale but it’s not the type that’s for kids. If you usually read novels like this then I think you have a higher tolerance for dark themes. But if you are new to this then be careful. There are no warnings per chapter so yeah. Tho I have say the unpleasant parts of it are not just there for the shock factor.
There is one ‘plot’ here towards the end that I wish was long, even just 4 chapters maybe so I can see how they did a certain task. I would love to read more about LRF & GXD’s journey on that. This is because GXD is a “ghost” character here he doesn’t appear as much as a normal ML would so I wanted more of him.
The relationship between Lin Rufei x Gu Xuandu reminds me of pairings i love like Hualian, and maybe, this is why people compare them. It’s a love that waits. A love that knows sacrifice. It transcends. Towards the last few chapters I wanted to cry because I want them to be happy. They deserve it so much. Their dynamic is also lovely especially when GXD teases LRF.
So there, I hope this story gets more readers because it’s truly a special one. 🌸
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kae-karo · 1 year
diff anon here, but similar to the last question cause i'm curious lol, how do you feel about bakudeku? as a romantic pairing that is, but also in general tbh
ahh hi hello dear!! fantastic question!! for context (x - on bktd)
i adore bkdk!!!! they are like. i mean don't get me wrong as much as i love every other pairing i've written for and plenty that i haven't, i feel like bkdk is one of those ships that's so canon-coded that i almost don't feel like i want to write for them? which is like a Thing for me generally, the canon ships in actual queer media (ie wangxian, hualian, victor and yuuri, etc) are just sort of like. what else do i have to say abt them idk? like i enjoy and appreciate what canon had to say abt them so i feel like i don't have much to add myself
anyway!!! lskdfjlsdf that's a lot of how i feel abt bkdk? like, am i aware it's not actually a canon romantic relationship? sure yeah ofc lmao but also like? their stories revolve so heavily around each other that they are critical to each others' arcs and development as characters, and while i have written a few things abt them (mostly before some of the apology/reconciliation stuff was out), i really feel like canon is saying a lot of what i personally would say abt them with regards to any kind of relationship
fr like whether they kiss or not in canon they are undeniably critical to each other, canonically would die for each other (sorry bkg dw i'm sure u will wake up soon) and would lowkey kill for each other lmao like i love them deeply as characters and how intertwined they are it's really a very intriguing dynamic that makes their canon interactions feel as poignant as if they were like. in a romantic relationship? not out of any downplaying of a platonic relationship between them just like. they are the most important person in each others lives i think, y'know?
ANYWAY lmao all of that to say that i really do love bkdk, i think they are like fundamentally the idea of 'you make me want to be better, both as a person and in what we're both striving to become'. i think they have that particular appeal of like. there is so much history between them, have they ever even known a life without knowing each other? and that becomes like such a deep and consuming sort of vibe that really colors all their interactions. like, who knows them better than they know each other? it's a really fun flavor to dig into when i'm in the mood, and overall makes for a really fun dynamic to see in canon as well!!
tyty for the ask dear!! <3
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you know that I continue to be feral for news of hualian fake dating and also I'll tell it right this time I swear.... but if you'd prefer a different one, oldseph character study?
(ask game over here)
Rowan, you are very sweet, so, guess what, you get snippets of all three.
Hualian fake dating: I feel like pretty much every bit from this that's viewable is in fact something you have already seen, but here we go anyway. At least half of this fic is Hua Cheng Going Through It because he's in a fake dating fic while Xie Lian has the entire TV Tropes page for fake dating pulled up in his mind at all times. I love Xie Lian and I love writing him from an outside perspective even more. He's so frickin' weird.
“I’m sorry if I’m prying,” Xie Lian says, not breaking eye contact, “but...I know what it’s like to be lonely.  I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”  He smiles, a half-hearted, lopsided jerk of his mouth.  Xie Lian smiles so much, but so often his smiles are there to make him look harmless–a quiet, gentle, ever-smiling trash collector.  Someone easy to overlook.  Someone not worth the effort.   “I’m sorry that gege is lonely,” Hua Cheng says, because it’s easier than addressing the rest of it. Xie Lian’s gaze drops again.  “I’m not lonely anymore,” he says, and maybe there’s real happiness behind his small smile this time.  “I have you, don’t I?” Hua Cheng’s throat works, but no words come out. “And Shi Qingxuan,” Xie Lian continues, oblivious to Hua Cheng’s floundering.  “And Fu Yao and Nan Feng.  And Lang Ying and Ban Yue!  I have so many new friends.” “Good,” Hua Cheng says, far too fervently.  “Everyone should love gege.” Xie Lian looks up again, that strangely penetrating gaze.  “Mm,” he says, and then very quickly changes tacks.  “And you have your beloved.” Hua Cheng’s too aware of the proprietor furiously wiping the table behind them long after it should have been spotless.  “You are my beloved,” he says, and if his voice trembles, he can blame it on stage fright. There’s no blush this time, strangely–just Xie Lian watching him, just Xie Lian’s thoughts hidden behind his unreadable face.  Then, an apologetic smile–and Hua Cheng can see the performance now, the moment when Xie Lian chooses to make himself small and harmless.  “Right,” Xie Lian says.  “Ah, where is my head tonight?”
I'll tell it right this time I swear: the premise of this fic is simply "can I craft a fic that is custom-engineered in a lab to make Rowan lose it." (Slightly more serious explanation: it's a fic about grief and memory and iterative storytelling. there's a lot going on here, don't worry about it.)
You don't answer. You haven’t had to explain yourself to anyone yet. Lucy understood--or she understood enough not to ask. You were grateful, at the time, too scraped raw by Gyro’s loss to even be able to imagine retelling it. Maybe that’s why there are no words when you reach for them. Maybe you just haven’t had enough practice sketching the hole Gyro left behind. (Maybe it’s none of their fucking business.)
Oldseph fic: fun fact: I think I started this one before I started writing linear time is fake. when I say it takes forever for the words to coalesce I am really not kidding. the number of things in this one that are me going "I've connected the dots" about things that literally no one cares about is wild, but please have the opening of the fic (complete with my incomplete sentence because this is how my process works).
The morning after they’ve made it back to Japan, Joseph rolls out of bed (literally rolls, because the bed is on the floor, which is insane and he hates) with a crick in his neck.  It’s not surprising--as his grandson loves reminding him, he is old, and the bed is on the floor for some unfathomable reason and plane rides have always wreaked havoc on his body, even when he hasn’t literally wrecked them. If you kept up with your hamon practice, this wouldn’t happen, a voice inside his head nags, and he stubbornly ignores it, as he always does.  He could [whatever], but hard work and routine are near the top of the list of things Joseph can do without.  Still, sometimes hamon can be useful, especially when he needs to get a crick out of his neck. Joseph makes sure his posture is more or less correct.  He takes a deep breath.  For a moment, it feels like all his blood is running backward through his veins, and then a moment later the pain spreads from his chest to his torso all the way to his fingers and toes.  It’s indescribable--like liquid fire, like his skin is going to blister and slough off.  Joseph’s breathing stutters, his energy shuddering out of his grasp, and just as suddenly as it started, it’s over, and he just feels like he’s been sunburned from the inside out. The morning after they’ve made it back to Japan, Joseph discovers that being pumped full of vampire blood has some unintended consequences.
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Getting to Know Your BL Mutuals
rules: answer the questions and tag some people. include the tag ‘g2ky BL mutuals 2022’ on your post so we can find everyone’s answer.
thank u very much to @yanwushi for tagging meeee 💚💚💚
What have been BLs that took you by surprise this year?
thousand autumns, 千秋!! my buddy talked me into watching the donghua, and i LOVED it!! really can't recommend it enough!! i even live-blogged it, that's how much fun i was having 🤣 genuinely it was SO GREAT, i really hope there'll be another season somedayyy aaaa 🥺
What have been BLs that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
.......pls don't hate me. but. i don't really like mdzs or cql ;A; i WANTED to like it, u lot. I WANTED TO LOVE IT. i even bought the first volume of mdzs!!! I TRIED TO LOVE IT. but. alas. it just.....didn't suit 😔 cql and mdzs are both REALLY well done and there was so much LOVE put into them both!! i enjoyed reading and watching them, even if i didn't like the stories they told. in the end, i think it's just my own personal preferences that left me feeling cold afterward lol. so no hate to cql/mdzs fans!! ur fanart is gorgeous!! if i don't reblog it, it's just that i don't care for a lot of the characters or pairings lol 🤣
What has been your favorite BL this year?
heaven official's blessing, 天官赐福 !!!! i am OBSESSED. i am obsessed. word of honour, 山河令 is a close second!! but i really couldn't do without EITHER of them ;A;
Favorite BL/GL couples (not just of 2022)
fengqing!!!! fengqing are my fav but i love hualian too!!! ALSO RONGYE. rongye my beloved ;A; i love wenzhou and hanwenzhou (listennn i know that's THREE ppl but. i like them all ok. i just think they're neat 🥺) and i have recently been converted to yanshen!!! so we will probably be seeing more of that soonish-lyyyy...... >:3c
If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
definitely word of honour, 山河令. it's got to be my favourite bl drama of ALL TIME ;A; i've watched it twice thru to the end, and a few random episodes just on their own several times as well. literally CANNOT recommend it enough. it's brilliant. nothing has ever made me feel the things that woh made me feel ;A;
What’s your non-BL favorite this year?
i was really enjoying 'who rules the world?' a lot!! ....then i stopped watching bc i thought they would be taking my sweet feng chang away from me ;A; BUT i have since been informed that it's worth watching the series thru to the end!!! so i intend to do so!! SOMEDAY!!! 💪😤
i shall tag a few ppl!! but there's no obligation to play if u don't feel like it, so please don't worry 😊 !!
@sugarbabywenkexing @rainsfalling @minnarr @orchisailsa @stargrit and and and ANYONE ELSE who wants to!!!!! join us, friends!!!! one of us, ONE OF US >:3
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typicalopposite · 1 year
Well, hey there!
Welcome to my completely all over the place — that started out just as a Destiel but morphed into this multi fandom posting, self and others creations promoting, show/movie reacting, sometimes random personal life ranting — blog!
There’s a lot going on here.
Here you will find posts about my fandoms... which are as follows… going in order of how strong of a grip the hyper-fixation has on me at the moment.
The Untamed (WangXian of course, with a side of XiCheng)
Supernatural (Destiel… duh ☺️)
Heaven Official's Blessing/Tian Guan Ci Fu (Hualian... although I do enjoy FengQing and BeefLeaf as well)
Stranger Things (Steddie)
Shameless (Gallavich)
Our Flag Means Death (GentleBeard)
Good Omens (Ineffable Husbands)
The Musketeers (Portamis… or Flort if you’ve seen the reaction posts… and I’m also not opposed to Annamis or just platonic based fics of this show)
Starsky & Hutch (they don't have a fandom accepted ship name but I will call them Hutsky and (or) Starch anyway because they are canon names and I love them)]
The Witcher (Jeraskier. I have barely even watched this show and this ship has on my soul is unfair, unjust, and should really just be illegal)
Lucifer (Deckerstar... but I say this begrudgingly because Percifer -- as brief as it was in the show -- owns my heart)
Dark Angel (No ships really, but I'm also only a couple eps into the second season)
Other fandoms I'm less active in, or not active in at all but enjoy
Doctor Who (eventually I plan to kick this one back up into the actively active category)
Once Upon A Time
NCIS (McNozzo)
Psych (Shassie, but I like Shules...is it Shules... see not active)
Criminal Minds
etc etc etc... You see, like I said, there's a lot going on here!
Here you will also find links to my fics...
I'm on AO3 and FFNET
Here you will find a lot -- and I mean A LOT -- of posts about or in collaboration with @scripted-downfall aka Wench.
Here you will find reaction posts to shows, and if you are interested in that sort of thing we have a main blog for it right HERE
Here you will find selfish promo's for the discord I help run, and the one I created ( Raised for Perdition and the odd side of fandom) not saying you should totally join them but you should totally join them... cause they have been pretty dead lately...
Here you will find that sometimes life gets really annoying and I just need an outlet to vent about it and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with fandom at all.
Here you will find I am into many many manyyyy types of fics/art (almost all the things there is to be into) angst, fix its, mutul pining, abo, AU's, long chapter fics, short one shots, and mpreg are among the top.
One thing you wont find here is hate, or tolerance for hate. I can't promise there will never be fandom negativity, that feels almost impossible to try to avoid, and I am only human! I dislike plenty and want to talk about it. But just vile blatant unreasonable and unnecessary hate is not welcome here! Also Hurt/no comfort and MCD because... just why?!
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