#i just think the dichotomy is the funniest possible way for that to go
amaranthsynthesis · 8 months
gortash: giggling and kicking his feet twirling his hair and writing ‘mr. lord enver durge’ in his diary with little hearts and flowers
the dark urge: down SO horrendous that he’s having a religious crisis of guilt that’s about to get him disinherited and lobotomized
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loreweaver-universe · 5 years
That was interesting.
A pair of cliffhangers, each terminating in a trip beyond Earth C.  Two converging stories.  Two converging states of narrative.
Seems we aren’t done after all.
I’ve seen a lot of people upset by the epilogues.  Truth be told, reading them was a deeply uncomfortable experience for me as well--though that was likely on purpose.  Most specifically, people are upset by characters acting out of character, their unpleasant fates, and the way the story has upended a bittersweet but mostly positive ending.
So let’s talk about the concept of the Ultimate Self.
This seems another game construct, to be honest, especially since not only is it always referred to with Capital Letters, it’s not actually about being your ultimate self.  It involves absorbing the memories and personalities and decisions of every alternate version of yourself to have ever existed, whereas lowercase “ultimate self” is a matter of self-actualization, of becoming the person you want to be.  In this manner, Dirk has become his Ultimate Self, a relentless, sinister puppetmaster concerned with altering the narrative to suit how he thinks it needs to go, and not his ultimate self, which would have been a supportive man who let his friends exist independent of his whims, as he expressed a desire to be in Homestuck proper.
What this means is that Dirk isn’t just high on omnipotence--he’s drugged out of his skull as a result of absorbing AR, Doc Scratch, and Lord English into his mind.
Dirk’s characterization feels derailed, definitely.  Jane’s as well, though that actually seems to have been at least in part the result of Dirk’s influence, unless I miss my guess.
But it doesn’t seem like it’s his ultimate fate.
Okay, maybe it’s this Dirk’s ultimate fate, but not every Dirk’s ultimate fate--and bear with me on this one, because if I’m wrong about this I’m gonna look real fuckin’ stupid.
You remember a few years back, when the Sherlock fandom was in denial about how bad the show had gotten?  How they were in such fervent denial that they concocted a whole conspiracy about how the terrible episodes in Season Four were just setup for a Not Terrible episode that would retroactively make everything make sense and be good again?  It was kind of sad, really.  But you know what the difference is between Sherlock and Homestuck?
Sherlock isn’t a story about stories, and Homestuck’s epilogues haven’t closed out their own story.
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Hussie’s gone on record as using the meat-or-candy dichotomy as an analogy for indulging too much in one side or the other of a story’s contents.  Things go wrong if you oversaturate--too much candy leaves you empty and unfulfilled, too much meat leaves you sick and depressed.  You have to find a balance between the extremes, and in both of these epilogues, that balance is disturbed.
Meat!John dies a terrible, dramatic death at the behest of his omnipotent , controlling narrator.  Candy!John lives an empty, unfulfilling, unreal life, where the people around him are content in their irrelevance--and his omnipotent narrator prides themselves on detachment, on not interfering.  In fact, Muse!Calliope only directly takes action against non-Dirk entities a couple of times, most notably when somebody directly offends her:
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But...you know who else was an omnipotent narrator?  Who took action, who involved himself, who interfered, but in ways almost entirely silly and harmless so as not to derail his characters’ agency?  Who was present, and cared (even though he was fuckin’ weird about it), as opposed to the ultimate detached narrator, but never took direct control of anyone, as opposed to the ultimate controlling narrator?
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This weirdo.
There aren’t two omnipotent narrators in this story.  There are three.  (Four, actually, but since we last saw Caliborn being messily devoured by Muse!Calliope, I’m gonna leave him out of this for now.)  And you know what else is interesting?
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There aren’t only two possibilities when you flip a coin.  It’s exceedingly rare, but sometimes a coin comes up neither heads nor tails.
Sometimes a coin lands on its edge.
Balanced between two possibilities, balanced between one extreme and the other.
People are getting all upset about Meat and Candy, trying to decide which is the “true” epilogue, but I think we might be missing the point.  I think neither is the true epilogue.  I think we’re going to enter a third continuity to some degree, and I think that’s going to be the key to stopping Dirk’s madness, to breaking down Muse!Calliope’s apathy.  At the very least, we’re about to enter a more balanced epilogue, even if it’s still just these two continuities--but I think Hussie’s point is that neither of these is a healthy state for fiction to be in, and that everything’s going to come together in the end.
Meat or Candy, huh...
That coin’s still in the air, people.  I’m putting my money on the impossible option three.
also dave remains the funniest fucker in existence and it is so cool to have explicitly canon bisexual representation fuck yeah I love him
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loserdudes · 3 years
can i just say, i love how ur main blog is so peaceful and aesthetic and then this one is just chaotic (in the best way possible) it is exactly the dichotomy that i think we all need
this is one of the funniest asks ive ever gotten cause i truly had no idea where it was going to go thank you sometimes you just need to look at pretty pictures and sometimes you need to post about the least aesthetic sport in the world
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tetrakys · 5 years
Okay. What type of sex and what positions do you think Nath, Castiel and Rayan like best? 🔥(Sorry for my english)
Never apologise for your english anon (which looks perfectly fine to me anyway), most of us here are communicating in a language that is not our own and we should be applauded for that, whatever the result.
About your question 👀 we kinda got an answer in episode 16, however it’s true that only Rayan actually picked the position. Castiel was about to, but then Candy took charge, and Nath was ambushed in the shower, so there wasn’t much of a choice there either. I do have some thoughts:
Rayan: Ryan is quite passionate, but he has also this very careful and protective side, so I really liked and found very much in character that Candy sometimes kinda has to jump on him because he’s being attentive and instead she just wants to have her way with him 😂 but once he lets go, the prof is diiiiiiiirty 👀 I mean, look at the position he picked, he really didn’t go for the soft look in each others eyes love making. And he also had to be a little rusty since it had been more than 7 years, instead he went at it like a pro! 👏👏 I really like this dichotomy in his personality. I was a little disappointed at first by Rayan’s route because in my mind I was hoping for something dark and dangerous, instead the guy is a charming dork and I think it’s the funniest route, there are definitely some of the funniest moments of the whole game. But back to the smut, I’ve only ever had ONE desire from him: f*ck Candy on his desk. I doubt it’s going to happen at this point, but you never know… a farwell to Anteros in style, going out with a bang, literally. Come on Rayan, apparently you like giving it from the side/back, just bend Candy over the desk already!
Nath: I know many people hated the shower scene, but I liked it, a lot 🔥 I found it so meaningful, all the angst, and the worry, and wanting to feel as close as possible because it might’ve been the last time… I’m such a sucker for these things. I also liked the spontaneity and the way it played out. And while he was somehow (happily) ambushed and didn’t have much of a choice about positions, he could’ve taken Candy from behind, it would’ve been much easier for him. Instead he went for the most difficult possible position, especially so because he was injured. I think it says a lot, they wanted to feel close and together as much as possible, he was literally eating her alive, mouth on mouth, gazes locked. Nath was shyer in HS, but he’s not now. He likes taking charge and I would totally see him in domineering positions. He’s literally the f*ck against the wall type.
Castiel: Babe wanted to be the one to f*ck, but he gladly let Candy run the show, another demonstration of his maturity and seriousness. I see him much like Nath but, while Nath has a vain of wilderness and desperation in his banging, due to all his past and current situation, Castiel is much more level-headed. You can tell it from the way he approached the ons. He also has knowledge and practice, I bet he’s the one with the best technique 👀 when I imagine Castiel’s smut scenes I usually think about a very good missionary with him completely in charge, or them both sitting down on the couch with Candy straddling him and him helping her guiding her movements.
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russellthornton · 6 years
60 Funny Icebreaker Questions to Spark a Conversation with Anyone
Meeting new people can be stressful. I’ll make it a little bit easier for you with these funny icebreaker questions sure to help.
Today I am going to share some fun questions with you, because I think we can all make use of funny icebreaker questions, since we are ALWAYS meeting new people. And meeting new people can be hard, can’t it?
Personally, I adore getting to know new people. I sort of have a problem with boundaries, honestly. I just want to know everything and anything about everybody. When new people start at work, I bombard them with a ton of questions because I just want to know everything about them as soon as possible. I know, I know, I’m the absolute worst.
But seriously, I’ve always been this way. In high school, I would meet new people, and I had an arm’s length worth of questions I wanted to ask them, and some of them were really quite fun! [Read: Are you a shy extrovert? All the signs pointing to your dichotomy]
60 funny icebreaker questions
I hope you’re ready to get to know somebody, because otherwise these questions are sort of useless to you, aren’t they? The following is a list of 60 funny icebreaker questions sure to spark a fun and interesting conversation. Enjoy.
#1 Would you rather trade lives with your cat or your dog for a day? [Read: The 40 hardest would you rather questions you could ask]
#2 If you could build a house made out of untraditional materials, what would you make it from *ie: cotton candy, pillows, computers, etc.*?
#3 If you could sleep on a bed of anything, what would it be?
#4 What is your favorite song from your high school days?
#5 Do you have any crazy roommate stories? [Read: How to be charming and liked by everyone]
#6 Who was your childhood actor crush?
#7 What is the strangest family tradition you have?
#8 What is the strangest thing you’ve ever had for breakfast?
#9 What TV show/movie character were you afraid of as a child?
#10 What was your favorite item of clothing as a child?
#11 What’s the funniest pick-up line you know?
#12 Which celebrity personality do you follow the most closely online?
#13 What is your funniest talent?
#14 Have you ever had a recurring nightmare? If so, what is it?
#15 Tell me about your first kiss.
#16 What about your first time? [Read: People share their first orgasm stories]
#17 What is your favorite smell?
#18 What commercial song always gets stuck in your head?
#19 Would you rather be a fly on the wall of the White House for one day, or be a gardener at the White House for a week?
#20 Do you prefer popsicles or ice cream?
#21 What was your nickname(s) as a child?
#22 If you had a boat, what would you name it?
#23 Would you rather only wear blue clothing for the rest of your life, or wear a hat every day for the rest of your life? [Read: 40 really gross would you rather questions that’ll make anyone squirm]
#24 If you could switch places with anybody in your family for a day, who would it be and why?
#25 If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
#26 If money wasn’t an issue, what career would you choose?
#27 What game show would you like to be a contestant on?
#28 What is the most important product of every grocery shop for you?
#29 If you have an itch in your nose, in your butt, and on your eye, which one do you scratch first?
#30 Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
#31 If you were a section of Cosmopolitan, which section would you be? [Read: The art of making the best first impression]
#32 What is your guilty pleasure?
#33 Would you rather live in a tree or underground?
#34 Do you separate your laundry into colors or just throw it all in together?
#35 What is your favorite kind of birthday cake?
#36 Would you rather be taller or shorter than you are right now?
#37 What would you do if money really did grow on trees? [Read: 43 intellectual questions to talk smart with anyone]
#38 If somebody were to take a candid photo of you, what would you most likely be doing?
#39 If the police suddenly broke into your house in the middle of the day, what would they find you doing?
#40 Where would you live if you could live completely off the grid?
#41 What type of coffee would you describe yourself as?
#42 If you could travel anywhere OUTSIDE of this planet, where would it be and why?
#43 If you could have an unlimited supply of something for the rest of your life, what would it be?
#44 If you could own only a smartphone or a computer, what would it be?
#45 If you could be immortal, which age would you like to stay forever?
#46 If you were a wrestler, what would your entrance song be?
#47 If you had your own talk show, what would it be called?
#48 If you could write a book, what would it be about?
#49 What are the top three things on your bucket list? [Read: How to create the ultimate BFF adventure bucket list]
#50 What is your favorite sandwich and why?
#51 What would the title of your autobiography be?
#52 What is your most used emoji?
#53 Who do you text the most?
#54 Do you prefer chocolate or candy?
#55 What was your favorite Halloween costume as a child?
#56 As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
#57 If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would it be?
#58 If money wasn’t an issue, would you be heavily tattooed?
#59 If you had to delete all but four apps on your smartphone, which apps would you keep? [Read: The best relationship apps you need to download already]
#60 If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you?
Before you try these out of on your new friendship/relationship, ask them to yourself! They are really quite fun!
[Read: These get to know you questions will help you bond with someone instantly]
There you have it folks! 60 funny icebreaker questions that are sure to spark a conversation with your new friend or potential partner. 
The post 60 Funny Icebreaker Questions to Spark a Conversation with Anyone is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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