#i just watch his scenes over and over again pausing to look at him btw
cringefailvox · 25 days
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obsessed with this vox frame. he looks like a hunted animal. those are the eyes of a man who just realized he isn't as over his ex as he convinced himself he was
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xxsabitoxx · 10 months
Two is Better Than One [Teaser]
Geto Suguru x AFAB Reader x Gojo Satoru
Warning: the full version of this story will contain multiple smut scenes, naturally the completed story and official post will have a proper set of warnings!
A/N: full fic to come! This does not count for my 15k special btw so you’ll see a plethora of Sato/Sugu content soon :)
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Your fingers curled around the ends of his hair, black and silky. “So, are we going to finally discuss the obvious?” You teased your boyfriend softly, watching as he turned his head against the pillow to look at you. “Now?” he hummed, his face was just starting to return to its normal color, his chest had returned to an even pace of breathing. “Yes, now. No better time than now actually, Suguru.” You rolled onto your stomach, smirking as his eyes trailed to where your breasts squished into the mattress before his gaze returned to yours. “You’re never satisfied, my love.” he laughs softly, hand reaching out to smooth your hair, his eyes lingering on the bruises he left on your neck for a moment. “I suppose we can discuss the situation.” You smiled, happy that he had so easily given in because you had been itching to discuss a particular someone. 
“He’s getting more reckless with his advances.” You hummed softly, fingers reaching out to toy with a lock of his hair again. “I saw. He’s getting antsy, doesn’t know what to do with himself quite yet.” Suguru mimics you, humming softly as he finishes his sentence. “I can’t say I particularly blame him, I wouldn’t know what to do in his situation either.” The situation was the fact that Gojo Satoru very clearly harbored feelings for the both of you. It was honestly the opposite of the reaction that you had prepared for, you expected him to hold some sort of grudge over the fact that you had “stolen” his best friend. Even though you, Suguru, Satoru and Shoko had been close friends since your first year at Jujutsu Tech. 
“He’s used to getting his way, but this time he doesn’t know how to advance because he cares about both of us too much.” Suguru’s eyes closed, mulling over the possibilities.
“You don’t think he’s confused, right?” You chuckled, Satoru had always had a plethora of women essentially at his disposal, men too. Though as long as you have known him, you’ve always known him to turn men down. “No, he’s definitely not confused, more so he’s conflicted. I assume it is because he tends to come to me for advice on these things but… the issue at hand is me… us.” He finishes with a chuckle, one eye peeking open when he feels you shift closer. “And he can’t go to Shoko because she’d just call me up while he’s telling her these things and repeat them back.” You laughed at your friend’s habit of not being much help in the secrecy department, she figured the best solution was to face these things head on. 
“Precisely, he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place… you and me.” 
“So what are we going to do then? To ease the torment of our beloved friend.” You spoke dramatically, legs tangling with him under the sheets. You only felt comfortable sleeping naked if he was close to you, a smile tugging at your lips as his arm instinctively wrapped around you and pulled you close. “Well there are a couple things we could do but none of them really ease his torment.” Suguru chuckled, as much as he loved Satoru, he couldn’t pass up an opportunity to mess with him. Call him cruel but it lived for it, same with you. He always came off so sweet and polite but the moment he knew you were his, the sadistic side he tried to hide always came out. “Oh so you want to fuck with him for a bit before…” you paused “... We still need to figure out what the end goal of this is, Suguru.” You lifted your head from its spot on his chest. 
“Here’s the deal, my love. I give you permission to flirt with him, toy with him, see how far he’ll let you go before his guilty conscience creeps up on him and he questions your loyalty to me.” Suguru started, hand resting on the top of your head so you would place it against his chest again. “From there, it really depends on what Satoru does… I don’t feel all that comfortable welcoming him into our relationship if he lets you do these things with no hesitation. It shows me that he’s only lusting after you and the idea of ‘us’... nothing more.” You hum, seeing where Suguru is taking this. “If he stops you, shows discomfort in your advances and all that stuff… he passes. It shows that there is more respect and love in his advances than just lust.” 
“So you want me to play the part of an unfaithful whore?” you deadpan, head shaking with the way Suguru’s chest bounced with laughter. “No, we won’t let his potential uncertainty hang in the air for too long, my love. You can be upfront with him, tell him I gave you the green light to do these things.” You thought over everything he said, finding it to be easy and complicated all at once. Flirting wasn’t exactly your forte but you understood why Suguru wanted you to be the one to do it rather than him. Flirting only came easily to you when it was with Suguru, when it came to Satoru you liked to tease him rather than flirt. Though some people tend to view those as the same thing… Satoru being one of them. “So, if we get lucky and things advance further…” 
“Then you bring him back to our home, I’ll be waiting for you both, and we can carry on from there.” You swallow dryly at Suguru’s implications, head lifting to look back up at him. There was a brief moment of understanding, one that pulled a humorless huff of laughter from his lips as he recognized the look in your eyes. “You truly are never satisfied.” He commented softly, cock already twitching to life as you devoured him with one single stare. “It’s impossible to remain satisfied when I’m with you, you could give me everything and I would still crave more.” You’re pushing yourself upwards, pushing the sheets back until he’s fully exposed to your hungry gaze. “You could go for a third round, right?” You’re shameless as you straddle his waist. 
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emoreemadden · 1 month
can u make a gojo fanfic where he like abuseive when he comes home to their apartment bc hes stressed out about a meeting and stuff so like he abiuses the reader while she tries to welcome him home but she starts crying infront of him but tries to hide it and goes back to making dinner then gojo go takes a shower and thinks abt it then feels bad and gets out of the shower and realises the reader made him his favorite meal and feels emevn more bad and goes to apologize also make version with no smut and one with smut pleaseee thankz
😃 oh…
anyways yeah here you go pookie <3
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Outline: Gojo isn’t trying to hurt you. It was an accident, swear.
Content Warnings: abuse, fem!reader, gojo hits reader, domestic violence, slight degradation (reader doesn’t enjoy it 😭), gojo yells at reader, use of “baby,” and “my love,” as petnames
Featuring: Gojo Satoru, fem!reader
A/N: this is the non smut one. word count: 743. btw, i don’t condone actual violence or domestic abuse yall 😭 if any of this feels familiar to you, help is available. national domestic violence hotline: 800-799-7233.
You jump up from your seat on the couch as soon as you hear the doorknob jiggle. “You’re home!” you exclaim as your boyfriend opens the door.
You quickly run over to him, an inviting smile on your face, but he just stands at the door with an irritated expression on his face.
“Yep.” He says, tone clipped. You pause a few feet in front of him. “Is something wrong? Do you need a hug?” You ask, carefully stepping toward him.
Satoru stares at you for a good second, his eyes narrowing. “I’m fine.” He mumbles.
“Are you sure?” you pry, about to touch his bicep when he grabs your wrist. “Jesus, could you just give me a moment of peace for once?” He snaps, his grasp on your wrist tightening.
You flinch. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-” suddenly, a sharp sting spreads on your cheek. You look at Satoru, feeling your face smarting.
“Shut up, goddamnit!” He yells, roughly letting go of your hand as your eyes begin to tear up. “I swear, you’re trying to get on my nerves. What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
You blink in shock, your cheek reddening from the impact of the slap. Tears begin to fall from your eyes and you hold back a sob. The entire house falls into silence as the two of you stand there.
He watches you try to wipe the tears from your eyes, suddenly feeling the guilt swell in his chest. Why did he do that?
You sniffle, looking away from his gaze and pausing. “I’m sorry.” You whisper. “I’ll go finish making dinner.”
Satoru sighs, calming himself. He reaches to put his hand on your shoulder and calm you down, but you’re turning around and walking to the kitchen before he can apologize.
He can almost feel tears in his eyes, realizing what he’d done to you. Nevertheless, he watches you walk away in complete silence.
The whole scene replays in his head as he walks into the bedroom, hands in his hair and tugging from frustration. You were just trying to help him, and he hurt you like that. Another pang of guilt fills his body.
He’d had a bad day at work, everything was stressing him out. He hadn’t meant to hit you like that. He didn’t think.
Gojo rubs his temples as he strips his clothes and hops in the shower, hoping he could cool off and come back to talk to you later.
About thirty minutes later, Gojo dries himself off and walks into the living room. “Baby?” he calls out. You peek out from the kitchen.
“Toru?” you say softly, blinking at Gojo with a nervous expression. He gives you an apologetic smile.
“You okay?” He asks, walking toward you and stopping just a few feet in front of you. You simply nod a little.
“I made dinner.” You say, looking at the table covered with food. Gojo follows suit, looking over at the meal you made and immediately feeling even more guilt and regret then before.
“You made my favourite?” he asks, looking at you tenderly. You nod meekly again. He sighs.
“I’m sorry, baby.” he spoke quietly, as if afraid he’s scare you at a louder volume. You stayed silent as he stepped closer and placed a hand on your cheek.
Gently, he speaks. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just stressed. Work sucked, and I just didn’t think. I’m so so sorry.”
Your eyes tear up just a little bit, but you nod. “I just wanted to help you.” you tell him. He nods understandingly. “I know, baby.”
He presses a kiss to your forehead and pulls you close to his chest. “I love you so much.” he whispers against your hair, holding you close.
You don’t move for a second, but ease into it eventually. You bury yourself into his warm embrace as his arms wrap around you protectively.
“I swear, it was an accident. I’ll never do it again.” he promises. He interlaces his fingers with yours and brings your hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of it.
“Okay, I believe you. Do you want to eat now?” You ask, looking up at him with a hopeful glint in your eye.
He grins back. “Of course, my love.” He says, guiding you to the table and sitting you down on his lap.
“And if you’d like, I can have you for desert.”
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buckysgrace · 9 months
hello teasing and degradation queen🫠.i just want something so tense and u will totally nail it.
sat on billys lap cosily watching a movie in a blanket and suddenly a sex scene comes on. He’s just so horny for you. And he’s just touching you everywhere breathing heavily in your ear. But Steve’s sat on the other sofa also watching the movie. It’s just becoming so tense with his mouth on your neck saying he wants to ruin you.
After the endless teasing, Billy’s had enough. He makes an excuse for you both to go to the kitchen and fucks the shit out of you warning you to be quiet putting you against the wall, whispering in your ear degrading you.It’s so fast and he’s so hungry. Idk if u don’t like this tell me.
( finally changed my name btw I’ve been blocked twice cus ppl think I’m a bot 😀)
Oh bestie I love this, so very delicious ummm I hope you enjoy <3
CW: Spitting, degradation, Billy being a big tease and Steve is blissfully unaware
Billy had you pulled flush against his chest, his arm resting against your midriff and his fingers brushing soft circles into your skin. You hummed in response, trying to stay focused on the movie that was playing.
"It makes no sense," Steve pointed out from the opposite couch, his legs kicked up high on the cushions as he munched on some popcorn, "It's so outrageous, there's no way this could happen." Steve explained, looking in complete disbelief. You stifled a laugh, used to the way he seemed to overanalyze movies.
Billy glanced towards him; his eyebrow raised in disbelief before he nestled himself back against your cheek. You grinned at the feeling, slowly reaching your hand up to touch the stubble on his face. You grinned at the feeling as he shuffled you closer to his chest.
"I think it makes sense," You whispered towards Billy, tilting your head a bit so you could meet his startling blue eyes. You liked the way they looked in the night, how they seemed to shine, "I like it so far." Billy chuckled.
"It's not bad," He turned his head to press a kiss against the corner of your mouth, earning a grin from you, "I like holding you better." You giggled as his fingertips found your ticklish ribs.
"Billy," You laughed, thrashing against him as he continued to tickle you. You kicked your legs a bit, still laughing until he finally released his grip from you, "Stop it." You told him seriously between spurts of laughter.
"You two are disgusting," Steve spit out a second later, shaking his head as he looked towards you two, "Seriously, can we not do that here?" He asked, sounding like he was begging a little bit. You felt your body warming, feeling a little embarrassed as you nodded your head in agreement.
Billy decided otherwise as he tilted your head towards him, making sure Steve was still watching before he placed a sloppy kiss against your lips. You squealed as his tongue licked at your lips and dipped into your mouth. You found yourself giggling again as Steve aimed a handful of popcorn at the two of you.
"Watch it," Billy warned him as he pulled away, a trail of spit connecting between the two of you, "Your housekeeper will have to clean that up." He said dryly, watching the way Steve pushed his thick hair back and rolled his eyes.
You snuggled up into Billy's arms again, hiding your smile underneath the blanket as you turned your attention back towards the movie. Billy settled behind you, rubbing your sides gently as the room fell silent again.
You felt your eyes widening, a sense of awkwardness filling you as the actress on the movie began to undress. You flickered your eyes away, feeling a bit embarrassed as she became topless. When you looked back towards the screen, she was beginning to undress her love interest.
Your eyes flickered over towards Steve, watching the way he had paused with a hand of popcorn near his lips. You rolled your eyes a bit, feeling a grin forming at how easily your friend could grow distracted. Billy hummed softly behind you, his fingertips tracing up the length of your nightgown.
"What are you doing?" You whispered quietly, turning your head a bit so you could face him. He hushed you quickly, his fingers playing with the hem of your panties. You exhaled softly, your own sound of pleasure covered by the actress's moan as his fingers brushed against your clit. You stared at him, wide eyed as he looked down at you with darkening blue eyes.
"Your cunt is so wet," Billy breathed against your neck, his voice raw as his fingers dipped between your folds, "Have you been wet this whole time?" He teased you, his lips dragging across your skin as he spoke. You gulped hard, pretending to watch the movie so Steve wouldn't become aware of what was happening underneath the blankets.
"Steve's right there," You warned your boyfriend, unsure of the mischievous look that spread across his lips. You bit down on your own hard, feeling another moan forming in the base of your stomach as two of his thick fingers pushed inside of your fluttering cunt, "We'll get caught." You breathed out slowly, feeling the need to cover your mouth as he rocked his fingers inside of you.
"Well then don't be loud," Billy smirked as he pressed his lips against the corner of your mouth. He slowly flicked his tongue up, licking the curve of your lips, "Surely you can handle my fingers without turning into a little whore?" You nodded your head quickly, your body already feeling warm as he curled his fingers inside of you.
You did your best to keep quiet as he fingered you, slowly stretching out your fluttering cunt as his other hand searched higher underneath your nightgown. You bit your lip hard as his large, rough hand found your tits. He slowly moved them in circles, his fingertips just barely grazing over them as they hardened against the material of your nightgown.
You gulped hard, finding it hard to stay quiet as he continued to tease you. His lips were leaving rough kisses against the side of your neck as you began to grind your hips down against his thick fingers. A soft groan left your lips as you pressed against his hardening cock.
He was grinding himself up behind you, rubbing his hard bulge against your ass as he groped your tits and fingered your wet cunt roughly. You were having a hard time keeping your moans to yourself as you imagined Billy easily sliding his cock inside of your drenched heat. You wanted him so badly. You weren't sure you could take any more of his teasing.
"Shit," Steve drew you away from your thoughts as your eyes widened in worry, fearing that you had been caught, "I'm out of popcorn." He whined like a small child. You found your own whine forming as Billy withdrew his fingers from your cunt.
"We'll get you some," He sat up quickly, "I need another beer anyways." He came up with an alibi, as he nudged you up towards the kitchen. You followed him, your cunt feeling unbearably wet as you nearly ran into the kitchen.
You were all too eager as you gripped the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to you until your lips met in a messy fury of tongue and teeth. You sighed, lifting your leg up towards his hip as he began to grind his bulging cock against your sensitive clothed cunt.
You whimpered at the sensation, shutting your eyes for a moment as your clit throbbed against the material of your underwear. When you looked at him he was grinning as his lips traveled down the curve of your neck.
“Shh,” His lips were dragging across your skin painfully slow, a line of saliva tickling you as he moved, “Don’t want Stevie to know, do you?” His finger was pressing down against your clit, rubbing it in slow deep circles as your hips slowly moved forward to meet his movements.
"No," You breathed out truthfully, rocking your hips forward to grind against his fingers. Your cunt was soaked, leaking against your panties as Billy continued to tease you, "Please fuck me." You moaned softly, feeling desperate to have his cock pressed deep inside of you.
"Such a naughty little slut," Billy smirked as he lifted your nightgown above your hips and began to pull your panties down the curve of your thighs. He sighed, leaning you over the counter a bit so he could fully admire your puffy pussy. He groaned, dipping his fingers between your folds again as if he was the first time he had looked at you, "All mine." He groaned as he shuffled forward, placing the head of his cock between your glistening walls.
You whimpered, gripping the counter as you glanced back towards the living room. Your mouth parted in awe and you did your best to keep quiet as his thick cock stretched your needy walls. You felt your eyes rolling back as the pleasure took a hold of you.
"Billy," You whispered into the night air, careful not to disturb Steve's movie, "Move." You begged him, wanting to feel him pressing deep inside of your fluttering cunt. You were done with the teasing. You were sure you'd explode if he continued his little game.
Billy chuckled as he delivered a swift smack against your backside before he gripped your flesh roughly in his hand. He sighed, rubbing his hand up the curve of your hip as he slowly bottomed himself inside of your wet cunt. You whimpered, your knuckles turning white from how tightly you were gripping the counter. You pressed yourself back, desperate to feel more of him inside you.
"Look at you," Billy grinned as his hands caressed up the length of your body. He sighed deeply, licking his lips in bliss as his balls pressed up against your skin. He squeezed your hips hard before he was pulling you back against his chest, grinding you down along his thick cock, "So fucking desperate for me." He mumbled as he kissed the curve of your neck, sucking against your sensitive skin.
"Need you all the time," You cried out in bliss, pressing your hips backwards in an urge to push him deeper inside of you. You whimpered again, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as his cock repeatedly hit against your bundle of nerves. You weren't sure how long you'd be able to last with him acting like this, "Feels so good." You whimpered, your toes curling against the tiled floor as his tip pressed against your bundle of nerves.
Billy groaned softly, his voice rumbling in your ear as he built up a steady rhythm. His fingertips dug into your hips, holding you in place as he dragged you along the length of his cock. Your jaw fell slack, your mind going fuzzy with how good he felt stretching your walls.
You knitted your eyebrows together, trying to hold back a whine as he pressed you forward, knocking you against the counter so your toes were dragging along the tiles. You gasped, holding onto the other side of the counter as you glanced back at him.
His blue eyes were dark as one hand snaked up your sides, moving up further until he was cupping one your tits in his hand. He groaned softly, moving his fingers against your nipple roughly as he continued to drag his cock inside of your fluttering walls.
"Billy," You whispered, whimpering lamely as he continued to hit that spot that made you see stars. You knew you were taking to long, but you couldn't help it. He felt so good, you wanted to savor every sweet second with him, "Fuck, don't stop." You pleaded with him, begging as his lips curled up into a smirk.
He leaned forward, his hand moving up until he was gripping the base of your neck. You gaped, your eyes widening as he gave you a light squeeze. He pressed his fingertips up against your chin until he reached your lips, parting them.
You opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out wide as you slowly met his hazy eyes. He groaned as he leaned forward, spitting a glob of saliva directly on your tongue. You swirled his warm spit in your mouth before you swallowed it, feeling twice as needy.
"Whore," He teased as he lightly smacked the side of your cheek. You whimpered, bearing your weight on your tippy toes so you could grind yourself back onto his thick cock, "Such a pretty little thing." He whispered, sending shivers up your back.
It was getting harder to control your sounds as you felt yourself clenching around him. You could feel every curve, every vein as your pussy clamped down on him. He sighed in bliss, dragging you backwards from the counter. You felt yourself beginning to protest, feeling the need to cry as he roughly changed your position.
He lifted you harshly, gripping your backside as you wrapped your ankles around his waist. You were a whimpering mess, your cunt squeezing his thick cock as he pressed you roughly against the wall. Your head hung back in pure bliss as you savored the way his cock stretched your walls.
"Oh god," You whined as you rocked your hips forward and dug your heels into his backside. You needed more of him, completely desperate to feel him pulsing inside of you. He grunted, pressing his forehead against yours as he moved roughly inside you, "You feel so good." You whined in bliss, looking up to meet his darkening blue eyes.
He moaned near your lips, his warm breath coating over your face as he clawed at your hips. He sighed, pulling you closer as he continued to press the tip of his cock against your bundle of nerves. You whimpered, rolling your hips roughly as you begged for more of him.
"That's it baby," He grunted harshly, one of his hands squeezing the back of your thighs, "You look so pretty all dumb on my cock." He groaned, licking your neck softly. You whimpered, gripping a hold of his blonde curls as your back rubbed against the wall from his strong thrusts.
"Want it so bad," You breathed out, moving your face close to his, "Make me cum, please baby." You begged, beginning to feel the muscles in your stomach coming undone. You whined, rolling your hips forward as you listened to the way your cunt was engulfing his cock. You tugged on his hair, whining as you felt your high coming down around you.
"Such a dirty whore," He chastised you, turning your face so that you were looking at him. Billy grunted as he rolled his hips forward, pushing his cock deeper inside of your fluttering walls. You exhaled deeply, your nipples rubbing against your nightgown, "Letting me fuck you while Steve is so close by. Greedy little slut." You whimpered at his words, only feeling fueled on as you began to grind your hips against him.
"Your dirty little whore," You nodded your head in confirmation as you felt your walls fluttering around his pulsing cock. You licked at your lips, keeping your saliva at bay, "Oh my god." You cried out, feeling the pleasure snapping inside of you as you came down around his cock. You moaned loudly, your cunt squeezing his cock harshly as you rocked against him.
"Fuck," He breathed out harshly, his lips brushing against yours as his movements became rougher. He gripped behind your hips, lifting you up higher as he fucked into you harder. Your head hit the back of the wall again as he searched for his high, "Fuck, so fucking good." He grunted in bliss as his hips began to stall. He pressed his body completely against yours as he came with a loud grunt. He filled you, his spunk coating your walls as he throbbed inside of you.
He panted loudly, his chest moving in unison as his warm breath coated your lips. You closed your eyes, enjoying the way you felt as he kept you in position against the wall. You giggled softly, rubbing your fingertips along his muscular skin.
You opened your eyes to meet his grinning face. You swirled your finger around his blonde, sweaty curls before you pressed your lips against his softly. You sighed in awe, feeling at peace when the sound of footsteps pulled the two of you apart.
"Jesus," Steve looked between the two of you in disgust, "If you wanted private time, all you had to do was ask."
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adudelolwriting · 1 month
"instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating" but with either brim or jam maybe? 👀👀 (last prompt absolutely gutted me btw it was SO good)
holy fuck i could have SWORN this was meant to be like 500 words. nope. another 1k oneshot . hopefully you'll enjoy :D this ones a lot sweeter than the other one (ask game here)
Alex knew Brian and Tim were close. Brian is one of Alex's closest friends, and he knew about Tim a long while before he met the man. Alex first met him when Brian was 'auditioning' for the part of Brian, the main character in his film he was making. (Brian already had the part, in Alex's mind. Alex heavily based the character of his friend, and named the role after him.)
Don't get Alex wrong, Tim was an attractive man. He just… he wasn't Alex's type. He seemed very… nervous, talking to most people, his back stiff and arms crossed. Alex really only saw the man's guard get let down when he was off to the side, having a short, private chat with Brian. And Alex didn't think anything of it — why would he?
No, Alex was far more interested in his long term friend. He had talked to Jay, one time, when it was late into the night. They probably should have been asleep, but instead, Alex was talking about Brian. 
"It's just, he gives me the butterflies, like Amy used to," Alex said, laying on his back and staring at the popcorn ceiling of his room. 
"So you have a crush on him?" Jay asked, his head tilting to the side, like it always does when he was curious or interested in something. Alex shook his head, "no, I can't have one. I know he swings both ways, but he's my friend. I've known him almost as long as I've known you."
Jay chuckled, leaning back on his elbows, looking to Alex. "That doesn't mean much, dude. If he makes you feel like you felt for Amy, I think that's a pretty big sign," he smiles.
But Alex can't have a crush on Brian, right?
Yeah, the man makes his stomach flip, and pretty, and he makes Alex laugh, and…
Alex had a crush on Brian.
Alex had a crush on Brian, and Jay was the one who helped him realize.
He let out a groan, blush blooming from his face as Alex tried to hide himself. Jay laughed at him, patting him on his shoulder. "Maybe you should ask him out. It looks like he feels the same for you too, dude."
"I just found out I liked him, I can't just — ask him out like that!" Alex huffed, voice muffled by his hands.
"Why not? Someone else might ask him out first! Imagine if like, he and Sarah got together," Jay laughed quietly, to which Alex groaned again, muttering a 'shut up' and throwing a pillow on him.
Some days have passed now, and Alex could only focus on the fact that he liked Brian. After shooting, Alex had made a plan to ask Brian — er, well, at least tell him. Maybe explain and hope production of Marble Hornets wouldn't be awkward if Alex explained why he couldn't look at Brian without getting flustered.
Once filming for the day was done, Brian and Tim were talking quietly as Seth put the camera away, and Sarah and Jay talked. It was a pretty full day, with all of the crew around. (Sarah even decided to stay and watch after her scenes were done!)
Alex walked over to Brian and Tim, and their conversation pauses as he got closer. "Hey man! What's up?" Brian asks. 
"Could I talk to you for a moment? Uh, privately?" Alex asked, and he felt his blush already starting to rise. Brian looks back to Tim, who simply shrugged. 
"Yeah, of course. Lead the way!" Brian smiled, and god, was the man pretty. Alex shook his head. The two walked a bit further from the set — out of earshot of everyone else. "Uh, I'm not in trouble or anything, right? Not firing me or anything?" Brian laughs, putting an easy smile on Alex's face.
"No, no. Nothing of the sort. It's, uh…" Alex paused, as if thinking of the words of his scrambled brain. "It's more… personal, I guess."
Brian's eyebrows tilt in concern. "Is everything okay?" 
"Yeah — It's, yeah." Alex took a deep breath. "Brian, I — I like you." 
His face must be so red. He can't make eye contact, instead staring down into the grass. The silence washes over them, and god, Alex ruined everything, didn't he?
"Oh my god," Brian giggles after a second, which felt like an eternity, "God, Alex, I like you too. Did you really not pick up any of the signs?"
"You… what?" Alex feels like his brain broke. Brian liked him too? Brian had been leaving signs?
"Yeah man!" Brian grinned. "I've liked you, for like, forever now. You never did anything so I didn't think you liked me back."
Alex laughs at himself. Of course. "Ah, in that case… are you free this weekend..?"
"Alex Kralie, are you asking me out on a date?" 
"If you could be inclined to join me, then… yes?" 
"I would love to. I'll have to ask Tim, to see if he's okay with it." Huh? "We've talked briefly about it, but I'll have to double check if we can get serious, too."
"What?" Alex asked. "Why — Why do you have to ask Tim?" 
Brian's eyebrows now curl in confusion. "Because… me and Tim are dating?"
Brian giggles, breath whistling quietly from the gap in his teeth. "Me and Tim have been together for like, two or three years!"
"And you — you didn't tell anyone?" Embarrassment and shame flushes through Alex. He asked out a taken man. 
"We… we did, didn't we?" Brian says, seemingly to himself. "I thought we did. Was it not obvious? I've literally gushed about him for hours."
"I just— I thought you guys were friends — Sorry, I should go—" Alex was about to turn around and leave, but Brian took his hand into his own.
"Hey, dude, it's fine. I'm poly, y'know? I have two hands. I like you too, did you just forget that?" Brian giggles lightly. "Please don't run away from me 'cause of this, Alex. I'm like, ninety-nine percent sure Tim's okay with this."
They talked it out, talked to Tim, and everything was okay. 
And, well, besides.
Brian does have two hands for a reason.
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pavitrsgirl · 1 year
Ello! :D I'd like some angst to fluff drabble of Pavitr and a fem!reader who's not really a fan of physical affection or affection in general. (Based on the recent hcs of Pav having physical touch as his love language)
A scene where he doubts that the reader likes him at all because she keeps withdrawing or avoiding hugs or hand holding. Then reader confronts his sad reaction that she's not a big fan or uncomfy with the usual PDA... BUT-
That doesn't mean she hates it, she would suggest to tone it down. So, from his attempts of a very eye catching affection it turns into sweet subtle romance of interlocking pinkies, hand on her lower back, or just leaning on each other as much as possible-
That's all, thank you btw ^^ hope u have a good day!
me?? writing more than a drabble??? because i got carried away??? crazy... sooo... crazy... he might be ooc my baddd my heart did break writing this i love him too much
do you not like me anymore? pavitr prabhakar
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"another easy school day for pavitr prabhakar and (name) (last name)!"
the boy cheered as the two of you walked out from your school, dodging smoothly the many other students as they departed along, an arm being thrown over your shoulder lovingly and pulling you close to the boy.
pavitr didn't notice the way your body tensed up.
the way your eyes nervously searching all around the surrounding students, your nose scrunching up in discomfort as you then glanced at the beaming boy.
"where should we go, now? ooh, maya auntie was telling about a new cafe that opened up around—"
his voice was just background noise in your mind as you tried to come up with anything to get him off of you without being mean, without hurting his feelings.
but with each guided step you each took and each word he spoke, the more the discomfort and the desperate need to get his arm off grew.
"yup, okay, let's go."
shrugging off his arm, you sped up ahead of him, not sparing a look back at him as the boy paused with a confused look at the.. odd aggressiveness in which his arm was thrown off.
not intended of course, and he took it as that, jogging quickly up behind you.
"wait up!"
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pavitr held a huge grin on his face as he ran your way, his hand waving high in the air at you, drawing weird looks and the attention from passerbys, not that he even noticed.
his attention was all on you as you looked in his direction at the call of your name, grinning softly at the boy as you walked his way, meeting him half way.
his arms stretched out to hug you in greeting, but you quickly avoided it, taking a step back and dodging it as he went to embrace you and in an comically-animated move, his arms wrapped around himself.
you grimaced, squinting your eyes as you looked around wildy, catching a nearby food stand.
"oh, look! food, we should go."
once again you turned your back and sped up, heading to the spot.
and once again, he paused... and stared.
did you avoid his hug on purpose?
nah, no. you just wanted food, i mean to be fair, it did smell really good just from where he stood.
"right behind you, my love!"
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pavitr had insisted on walking you home.
like always.
so there you two were, walking alongside each other, a blissful silence between you two and the almost comforting loud sounds from the city of mumbattan.
cars honking, squealing, shouts, dogs barking.
not hand in hand.
he was trying to be smooth, truly, his eyes watching ahead of him but also your hand that would ever so gently graze his everytime you stepped, his fingers just inching to be interlocked with yours.
and he tried to do just that, hold your hand in his, but like the now 4 times he tried, you pulled it away, this time for good as you brought it up to hold your other hand's elbow instead.
he sighed, kept his smile, but it dropped ever so slightly.
pavitr wasn't dumb.
he could take a hint.
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watching a movie at his place, he kept a small distance between the two of you.
it was like there was some sort of invisible barrier because usually pav would be all over you, arm thrown over your shoulder, his head leaning on yours, head on your lap.
but no, nothing.
he leaned back on the couch, his usually cheery face just... looking almost sad, arms in his lap as he pretended to watch the movie, as if his mind wasn't in a completely different place.
"do you not like me anymore?"
pavitr suddenly shifted his body to face yours, eyes urgently searching your own as you nervously met his gaze, brows furrowed in both confusion and worry over the sudden question.
"did i do something to upset you?"
"pav, baby, what are you talking about?"
his body slumped and whirled back to the movie, a small murmur of "nothing" leaving his frowning lips.
"you've been avoiding being close to me or, dodging my hugs or whenever i try to kiss you, you move the other way, your hand..."
he kept his face towards the tv, sparing the smallest glance your way as he watched your reactions for a split second, sighing. he was being stupid.
"nothing, sorry. i'm thinking too much. look! this is my favorite part."
he forced a smile on his face, leaning forward on his hands to look interested in the movie, not taking that silence as a good thing, worried.
"you haven't done anything, it's just.. something with me. i'm not the biggest fan of physical affection, or like, in public? i don't know, it's not with you, just with anyone, i—"
you take a deep breath.
"but i'm not mad at you, i promise. you've done nothing, my love, i swear."
"why didn't you tell me? i would understand, i do understand."
"it's stupid—"
"it's not."
he places his hand close to yours, not touching it, but close enough, and he gives you a look, one where you know he's being serious, that he really fucking means it.
"i can tone it down, i will, and if i ever make you uncomfortable, you tell me, yeah?"
with your own small sigh and smile, you nod, your pinkie reaching and locking with his tightly.
a promise.
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moonsorchid · 3 months
Rewatching ep.28 of Love Between Fairy and Devil and having some *cough* strong emotions
Part 1 (because I have a lot to talk about)
(spoilers ahead)
Um, what does that butterfly do to Shangque?
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Shangque, baby, no, no, no, no, don't do this to yourself
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I can never get tired of Canglan sea visuals
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So Jieli has to keep taking an antidote every three days? I had totally forgotten about that. I try to find reasons to justify Ronghao’s actions – apart from him being a total snack – and I am sorry but I fail
Oh, my baby is at the bridge. She is so happy! I was so happy too when I first watched this scene. If only I knew
Look how happy he is too! He is finally smiling naturally. So excited that he will meet Xiao Lanhua at the bridge
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But hey, will his brother let him be happy? Noooooooo. Little brat
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Btw, if I was Dongfang Qingcang and people were outside my palace messing with my personal life, I wouldn’t have kept my cool
This whole scene of people asking him to kill Xiao Lanhua, is causing me nausea, and I wish I was kidding
But I have to pause and admire DFQC’s costume and the light. He looks majestic and there has never been a scene where he looks more a King than this one – I think
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For a moment there I thought he was going to burn them all and I got excited. But he just used like one of the last three remaining blasts of hellfire to half destroy a pillar
Xunfeng, seriously, please get a hobby, do something else with your life other than trying to ruin your brother’s life – yes, I am angry, very angry
DFQC is way calmer than I could ever be. He explains eloquently why Xiao Lanhua is the best and how he has helped him. He has come such a long way
I hate though that the kingdom learns first that he loves her and wants to marry her before she does
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Awwwweeee, he wanted to prepare the greatest wedding for her. Now I am sad. We never got to see that wedding. Petition for a season 2 to see the wedding
Question: DFQC realized in Lucheng that Xiao Lanhua is the goddess of Xishan. Why doesn’t he reveal this information now to stop them from b*tching about her being a fairy?
Xiao Lanhua is waiting at the bridge
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Oh now, you are all “Please think twice” and you act like you care for your brother. You exhaust me, Xunfeng
Xiao Lanhua is still waiting and it’s night now
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Oh no, not the scene with the spikes. Not my baby. I am not emotionally ready. Nooooooooo
I had not prepared any tissues – I am keeping them for ep. 31 – but I feel like I will need them. Damn, it's so much harder to watch this scene for the second time. I don’t want anyone hurting them, I can’t!
And they keep on hitting the spike over and over and over again. *trying not to cry*
Xiao Lanhua is still waiting. I mean they could have done that with the spikes the next day. Let them have a romantic night for crying out loud
Aaaawe, he arrived. My heart.
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This should have been the most romantic scene of the show, not one of the most heartbreaking scenes *pouting*
Their first kiss as a couple *melting*
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Love how she pulls away and he still wants to kiss. Not sure if that was in the script *wink wink*
Why did her bracelet do that sparkle thingy? What did that mean? Why now?
Poor DFQC and poor Xiao Lanhua
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I hadn’t realized on my first watch that he created thunder. So, Xiao Lanhua knew exactly how he felt
He went through all this excruciating pain and he still thinks of keeping her warm
Awe the marriage proposal. Finally something cheerful. I love that he had planned to have the proposal the day after they would hang the locks at the bridge. Who knew he would be so romantic *heart shaped eyes*
Xiao Lanhua is all like I don’t care about the treasures and stuff, but look, I made you this grass bracelet, will you marry me? She always has a way to subvert his expectations, right?
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Oh come on, Xunfeng, let them kiss! I wanted to end this part on a good note, but you just had to show up like a fart during a date
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Stopping here and pretending Xunfeng never happened. They just got engaged, grass bracelet and all, they are happy and ready to kiss.
Part 2 coming soonish (depending on my blood pressure I guess)
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kyber-crystal · 10 months
all i needed || benji dunn
summary: you’ve always cared for benji, but it takes him teetering on the edge of death for you to realize how much you truly loved him
words: ~2.7k
warnings: some angst, mentions of violence, two oblivious pining idiots
a/n: HI HELLO! finished writing this while sick bc i wanted to get it out of the way before i got my wisdom tooth out. to anon that requested this, please note that i haven’t seen rogue nation in FOREVER so forgive me if some details seem off! i had to go back and look at the script to make sure i got the general timeline right. ALSO if the time skips seem weird…ignore that LOL. i tried to modify some scenes (btw any and all movie quotes included are not MINE, creds go to MI:5). the first part of this is pretty benji pov heavy—i’ve never tried this before 😅
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Benji’s not hopelessly in love with you. Definitely not.
“You know I’d spend the rest of my life with you if I could,” you had drunkenly admitted to him one night in a bar somewhere in Eastern Europe. “Just you and me, forever…sounds like a dream.”
If only it wasn’t.
He doesn’t get attached. He knows better than to get attached. But it’s entirely his own doing; he tells himself—you’ve been glued at the hip since the day you first met. Ever since you swore to him that you’d never let him go, he knew he would be in deep.
Now, he was sinking…fast. And he hated quicksand.
(He definitely hasn’t almost gotten caught in some before. The only reason why he didn’t drown in sediment was because you were there to save the day.)
Casablanca was far too hot for his liking, but he’s standing in the scorching heat anyway because you’re here. You effortlessly glide through the glittering water like a mermaid and he can’t help but stare a bit.
Somehow, you sense his presence and emerge from the pool, dripping wet. “What are you doing out here? It’s 100 degrees and you look like you’ve been deep-fried.”
“I needed some sun,” he responded quickly. (Great excuse, he internally smacks himself.) “Need a towel?”
“Oh, yeah.” You flash him a gleaming smile and take the fluffy towel from his hands, quickly drying yourself off. “Thanks a bunch.”
“The sun is treating you pretty nicely,” he tries to compliment. “You look great.”
Your face lights up at this. “Really?”
“You always do.”
Doing a little spin, you smile again, “Thank you!”
“Man,” Ethan chuckles as you push the sliding glass doors open and walk back inside the house, “it’s almost painful to watch.”
“Quit it,” Benji mutters. “I don’t want to hear any of your nonsense.”
“You are aware that what you’re doing won’t get you anywhere.
“My personal life is none of your business.”
“Except it is,” the agent grins, “since most of the time that you’re not busy working is spent talking about her.”
Benji opens and closes his mouth, but no words come out. He knows he’s right.
“But it’s funny,” Ethan continues, “because she can’t see it. You’d think that a woman that smart would be able to tell, but she can’t.”
“Then let’s keep it that way. This conversation is over,” he feels his face burning a bright red that he knows has nothing to do with being sunburnt. “Agent Dunn, out.”
“She’s going to be the death of you one day,” he hears Ethan call out as he turns around and walks inside. “Watch your step.”
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Benji isn’t the jealous type. Definitely not.
But all that registers with him when he glances in the rearview mirror at you and Brandt is fifty shades of green. You’d just finished laughing at something he had said, and envy spills over him like boiling hot oil. You were supposed to be laughing with him and him only. He told the better jokes (right? Right?) and you spent far more time together. So who was winning, really?
But nothing he tells himself seems to make him feel better.
Noticing Benji’s clenched jaw and tight grip on the wheel, Luther decides to break the tension. “That was a damn good stunt you pulled back there.”
“Wait, Benji…” you pause mid conversation. His grip immediately loosens the moment you open your mouth to speak. “Please tell me you still have a copy of that disk.”
He holds up the drive. “Yup, still got it.”
“Where to now?” Brandt asks as he hands the handcuff key through the glass to Ethan.
It’s daybreak when you board the plane to Heathrow. Nobody on the team is even trying to hide the tiredness on their faces.
Even with heavy dark circles under your eyes, you still managed to look so beautiful, Benji thought to himself. He didn’t understand how you did it—you could run on twenty minutes of sleep and still walk straight.
“Let me help you with that,” Brandt offered and you gave him a grateful look as he put your duffel bag into the overhead bins.
Benji held his tongue (miraculously enough).
You sat down in your seat and stretched your arms in the air, letting out a loud yawn. “I can’t do this today. I want to just…give up and do nothing.”
“Can’t we all,” he replied.
You made eye contact with him and motioned to the empty seat on your left.
“Do you want me to—” he began, and you nodded. “Yeah. Sure. Of course.”
Almost immediately, your head lolled against his shoulder. You looked up and offered him a sleepy smile, and he swore he’d self-destruct at that exact moment.
“Very,” you yawned again. “I haven’t slept in thirty-six hours.”
“Then get some rest,” he squeezed your shoulder. “I’ll let you know when we land.”
You hummed in reply and allowed your eyes to flutter shut. “You’re my favorite, Benji Dunn. I hope you know that.”
“I do,” he murmurs after you’ve fallen asleep.
He watched you in a trance-like silence, your chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. You were still wearing the tan woven bracelet on your left wrist—it had become battered and stained from prolonged wear, but you refused to take it off because he made it for you. One ATV ride, two hours, and three shots later, that was what he’d come up with as your latest “souvenir”.
His heart aches in more ways than one. Here he was following you around like a hopeless romantic and yet, you were completely oblivious to all his signals. And he doesn’t have a single clue as to why you stick around at all—with your beauty that he believed could rival Venus herself, you could have anyone you wanted. Hell, you could have Brandt in an instant if you tried.
But you insisted on sticking by him—the exact reason, he probably won’t ever figure out—and he’s grateful for it. Even though he feels as if you deserve better…a lot better.
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“As promised, I have a job for you,” you heard Lane’s distant voice over the phone as he spoke to Ethan. “And for the sake of your friend, you’ll do it.”
“I’m listening.”
“Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to bring me the unlocked disc by midnight tonight. Now say the words.”
Ethan paused.
“Say the words,” Lane repeated.
“...I accept.”
“I knew you would.”
The call ended and you went back to fiddling with the bracelet on your wrist, trying to fight against the growing lump in your throat.
“Ethan, if you’re going to tell me to stop moping around, then I don’t want to hear it.”
“No, that’s not it. You need to listen to what I’m about to tell you.” He sounded more serious this time. “We need to get him back. And to do that…”
“...We need to unlock the disc,” you finished. “And to do that…”
“We have to take the Prime Minister…”
“Wait, think about this for just a minute—”
“It’s the only way to get Benji back.”
“Just think. It’s exactly what Lane wants us to do.”
“Which is why it HAS TO HAPPEN!” he raised his voice. You swallowed hard, and, noticing your sullen expression, he softened his tone. “This is how we beat Lane. This is how we make everything right.”
You could still see the image of Benji’s unconscious body being dragged away—it was fresh in your mind as if it happened only a minute ago. “Yeah. I know.”
If he noticed the longing look in your eyes, he didn’t say anything about it, but he could tell you cared about Benji much more than you were letting on.
“I’m going to find him, and he’ll be alright,” Ethan added after several minutes of silence had passed. “I’m not letting anything happen to him for your sake.”
“And why am I not coming with you?” Your blood began to boil.
“Because it’s not safe, Y/N. I care about your safety, and if both you and Benji want to live, I have to go alone.”
“That’s such bullshit.”
“You need to trust me on this one.”
You grumbled something under your breath. “This is the last time I’m letting you throw your ass on the line with barely any backup.”
He grinned. “Ma’am yes ma’am.”
Meanwhile, Benji had just stirred awake to see a dark figure walking over to him, something heavy in hand.
Maybe Ethan was right, he realized. You would be the death of him someday. And that seemed particularly likely now.
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“Where is the disk?” Lane questioned.
“You’re looking at it. I am the disk,” Ethan replied, voice cold, “I memorized it. All two point four billion in numbered accounts. If that vest goes off, you get nothing. And without this money you’re nothing. Without me you’re nothing.”
He stared at Lane through the screen, watching him grow more irritated. The timer continued to count down
“Right now you’re thinking it’s a bluff. I’d never let my friends die. I couldn’t possibly memorize the entire disk. There’s only one way to be sure. Let Benji go.”
Lane stood and paced around the room before finally pressing the button, stopping the timer at just :03. Benji and Ilsa let out loud. long sighs of relief.
Vinter and his goons stepped closer.
“If they come any closer, shoot me.”
Ilsa smiled and slid her seat next to him, planting the barrel of her gun against his ribs.
“Stop. STOP,” Lane demanded, and Vinter and the others stopped what they were doing,
“Remember when I said some day you were going to take things too far...and that’s me speaking—not him,” Benji reminded Ethan.
“The only way this ends is you and me, Lane. Face-to-face. Only this time I won’t be locked in a glass box or half-dead on some highway.” Ethan leaned closer to the camera lens. “You want your money…the bone doctor’s gonna have to beat it out of me... Now let Benji go!”
Finally… “One three nine…”
Benji looks down at the keypad on his chest and nervously punches in a series of numbers. The light on the timer dies and the five-point harness springs open. He sheds the vest as discreetly as he can, wrapping it in his overcoat.
He slid a phone across the table to him, “Y/N’s waiting with Luther and Brandt. Go.”
It was far too cold in the office building. Add on the fact that you’d been in there for what felt like hours, and you felt like you were being tortured. You knew Ethan always kept his promises, but were still unsure if Benji would be coming back alive at all.
You had bitten and picked at your nails until you drew blood. The stinging sensation had stopped bothering you a while ago. So did the crimson stains on your skin.
But then you heard a lock click and a loud ringing noise, and suddenly, he’s standing there. Panting and sweating and looking burnt out, but very much alive.
You froze in place for a second, unsure of what to do.
“You’re real, right?” you asked, hesitation in your voice as you gingerly cupped his face in your hands. “Please tell me this is real. I don’t want to wake up and not see you in front of me.”
“It’s real. I'm real,” Benji reassured you as he gripped your forearms. That was all the confirmation you needed before you threw your arms around his neck, hugging him as tight as you possibly could. You were trembling, holding on so strongly because you were so afraid that he’d slip away if you let go.
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” you repeated over and over. You pressed your lips to his, hard, before pulling back to stare at him again. His cheeks turn pink as he barely has time to react and kiss you back. “I’m so glad you’re alive, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you—“
“Did you—“ he stammered, suddenly at a loss for words. “Did you just—“
“You know I loved you all along,” you explained breathlessly. “It just took me a while to realize the fact.”
“Well, I love you too.”
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One of his hands steers the wheel, while the other holds yours and absentmindedly rubs circles into your palm. You’re sipping your ultra-specific go-to coffee order that nobody—unless they were Benji—would bother to remember. It feels so normal—like something that has been routine for a long time.
The team tries their hardest to pretend not to notice the newfound closeness. (“But these idiots have been like this for ages, they only just realized it. Let them be,” Luther had said. He shared the team’s singular brain cell 50% of the time, which meant that he was always the first one to catch on to things. Ilsa shared the other 50%, she was very cunning.) But it’s hard when they almost crash because Benji keeps glancing at you out of the corner of his eye.
It’s hard to get a moment alone when 90% of your job consists of you jumping as a group from place to place. So you’re grateful for the few in between that you’re lucky enough to steal.
This time, you found yourselves in a quiet townhouse somewhere in Strasbourg. Ethan wasn’t snoring tonight—maybe it was because Ilsa was next to him this time. Luther was upstairs, probably filing and cleaning out mission reports with a croissant you’d bought him. He never slept, and he never made a sound.
The place was quiet, the only thing you could hear being the chirping crickets outside and the quiet crackling of the fireplace in front of you. You hadn’t felt this kind of peace in months.
“It’s cold at this hour, isn’t it? Meanwhile I thought France would be a bit nicer this time of year.”
Benji comes out from the kitchen holding two mugs of tea, as well as a blanket around himself. The amber flames illuminate his face in a way that makes him look almost angelic, and your heart skips a beat.
He sits down on the plush rug right next to you and offers you one of the mugs, and you accept it gratefully. After taking several long sips, you set it down on the small coffee table in front of you and lean back against the couch.
“You’re staring,” you say suddenly.
“Sorry…can’t help it,” he replies with a sheepish grin, then holds part of the blanket out—an invitation. You shift closer, allowing him to pull you in and wrap the rest of the soft fleece around you. “You’re very…breathtaking.”
This elicits a small laugh from you, but you can feel your cheeks heat up. There’s something different in the air—maybe it’s because those feelings are finally out in the open, or maybe because this moment feels so domestic and it’s both unfamiliar but comforting at the same time.
“Hmm?” You’re starting to drift off at this point, getting comfortable in his presence.
“I always wondered, you know…”
“Wondered what?”
“How we’re always ending up together—why you decided to choose me,” Benji admits.
The words come out of your mouth so easily. “What do you mean? You’re my person, Benji. I looked at you and I just knew you were right. You had to be.”
“I don’t get it. I thought you and Brandt—“
You shook your head and smiled, tracing patterns on his leg. “Don’t be silly. He was actually—he was the one who made me realize I was in love with you.”
“Wait, what?”
“Oh, Benji,” you laughed, “don’t tell me you were jealous.”
“O-of course not!” he spluttered, face turning bright red, “All I want is for you to be happy!”
“Well…you know how I told you you’re my favorite, right?”
“Uh huh…”
“That hasn’t changed, you know. I love the Benji that knows how I like my coffee, and the Benji that carries me to bed when I’m too drunk, sick, or injured. And the Benji that always has my back. Especially the Benji that sits in front of the fireplace with me at 3am because he knows I enjoy his company more than the 387 crickets outside.”
He presses a kiss to your temple in response, unable to stop the corners of his lips from turning up in a grin.
“You know I’ve always got your back.”
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tags: @kenobismullet @ilsastrenchcoat @voguesir @fl0ating @lady-elena-adeline @the-multiverse-of-fandoms @joyfullyswimmingface 
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i-smoke-chapstick · 3 months
I was grazing through the jervis x reader tag when I stumbled across your account. I read over your rules and what fandoms(characters) you write for and was wondering if I could either get headcanons or just a story, whichever is easier, if Jervis tetch (Benedict Samuel’s version) spotting fem or gn reader who has dwarfism( and if you’re not sure with writing this, it can just be a really short reader), hanging about with Jim (Either can be Jim’s sibling or close friend up to you) and is instantly just “😍🫣”. This can be during the breakout episode with the j squad. He starts trying to get close to them without getting arrested by Jim, leaving rhyme like letters for them, flowers, etc. Reader takes the letters to Jim who instantly knows who it is cause who else rhymes like that? Reader is then unsure about Jervis’s actions, thinking they aren’t real feelings since he is technically mad and messed up in the head and they are hella shy and insecure for obvious reasons.
I just realized I’m reflecting a little here. Sorry 💀. Basically I have dwarfism and it’s lovely to read others interpretations on people who have it. Not just readers who are short but actually have the disability.
You can either continue from here or cut it to an ending btw. Sfw or NSFW is both fine with me. Thank ya tons! And I’ll understand if ya can’t or just don’t want too!
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Jervis is intrigued, obsessed, and very deeply in love.
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!jervis x dwarf!female reader. Anon who sent this- thank you for entrusting me!! I absolutely love obsessed Jervis teehee. warning for pretty obsessive behavior. (jer has no sense of boundaries)
♫ “Tonight, you're mine completely. / Can I believe the magic of your sighs?” Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? by Amy Winehouse
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You've heard the whispers from Jim. He's been freaking the fuck out, for lack of better words. Not just one mad man on the loose- but three. You tell him there's a mad men on the loose every other day...it's Gotham. He just sighs.
Three of the big bads escaped Arkham last night- only one of which who you'd met personally a few months back. Though, you remember it like it was yesterday.
You were in the GCPD with Gordan and Harvey when it happened. You typically avoided the place- the guys there were assholes. You heard all the same comments before, about how you looked. Thank god for Harvey and Jim- especially Harvey, who had chewed a cadet out for laughing.
Jim had holed himself up with a girl named Alice Tetch. He had advised you came to the GCPD that day, horrible idea, you had to admit. "It's for your own protection." He said, but had left you out of the interrogation room by yourself.
You facepalmed as you watched the officers do there work awkwardly. Every now and again you'd catch one staring and you'd grimace.
It came to a head when you heard a strange circus-like music playing. And then your jaw dropped when two wrestlers stood up on the desks, followed by the loud intercom of a voice overhead.
"Ladies and gentlemen! It is with great excitement that we welcome you to our show..."
And then a cop fell from the top floor and splat on Harvey's desk. Yep. Great idea Jim.
You felt yourself shaking- watching the scene unfold before you in chaos and horror. You backed up into the door- unable to move or run.
Suddenly- turning to your left, a man came into your vision. You had to look up to see him; tall and dark with a top hat.
He cocked his head as he looked down on you, eyebrows pulled together. You swallowed, and after a beat of silence, a strange smile broke out on his face.
He seemed to be studying you, paused in his movements.
"Hello." He greeted, curtly. It was as though he was making a mental note of you. Before you knew it, you were being pushed to the side- and made his way right into the interrogation room.
You feared for Jim, but he always had it handled. So...you ran towards a back exit and booked it.
Your luck would have it that now, in the present, Jervis Tetch (that's what you eventually learned his name was) was fiending for a new obsession. That just happened to be you.
The Arkham breakout happened just earlier last night, and you've found numerous letters, flowers, even an antique pocket watch, and light blue dress tailored to your size. Every where you went in your day-to-day a gift was tastefully and subtly placed.
"With every beat, my soul's unrest,
In dreams of you, I am obsessed,
In Gotham's night, you're my desire,
My precious door-mouse, in this world of fire."
Okay- well, a bit cheesy. The letters read...interesting poems. You found it strangely flattering.
You hadn't figured who it was until you begrudgingly went back to the GCPD to tell Jim- who gaped at you. At first, he was hellbent that this was Jervis trying to lure you in, kill you as punishment for the whole Alice situation.
You too found the whole situation confusing. But as the days continued to go by with more and more and more unique gifts and oddly heartfelt poems, it was getting a tad too real.
No, Jervis was most definitely infatuated with you.
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Now, you're in your apartment. And you hear a gentle knock at the door.
You open a single latch, allowing you to peak out the creak before letting the visitor in.
You have to look up once again to see him, and you're blood runs both cold and hot and the man. He must stand at least two feet taller than you- looking deep into your eyes with the smile of a gentleman.
"May I come in?" He chirps, gleefully. Against your better judgement, you step away from the door, standing on your toes to unlock it.
He makes his way in, hands clasped together. He scans your apartment, noting his gifts strewn about. Even the flowers he bought you in a vase. His smile widens.
"Hello, my dear." He turns to you, happily. "I see you've gotten my gifts."
"Um, yeah." You manage to speak, sucking your teeth and fidgeting. Before you know it, one of your small hands is being engulfed by his own. He kneels down before you, so you're on the same level.
"Well?" He prompts, squeezing your hand gently. "What do you think, my dear door-mouse?"
"They were....really nice, actually." You speak- and flinch out of his hold. His brows furrow when you do this.
The first thing to run through his mind is that you don't reciprocate the feelings of infatuation. That's how Alice was. He wouldn't have any qualms hypnotizing you, that's for sure. But it would be nice to be appreciated.
You can tell by the offended look on his face what he's thinking, and rush to explain.
"No, no! I...I loved them. I guess, I'm just not sure why you're interested in me?" You nod to yourself. Not just referencing your disability- but your lack of any real conversation with the man.
His face lights up again in understanding.
"Ah! Trivial, my dear. On the contrary, I find you maddeningly lovely." He speaks- and forces his hand onto yours again.
All you can do is nod- a million thoughts racing in your head. You're sure he's crazy, but you find it...kind of nice.
He's incredibly handsy, sitting on his knees in front of you, manhandling you a bit. Before you know it, he's pulling you into him, spouting words of affirmation and nuzzling into you like a cat.
Briefly, you think of what Jim might have to say if he finds out about this and tense.
You realize this is just the beginning.
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violivs · 2 months
NMTDaily: Football Antics Part One
- I’m just cracking up at how nervous Beatrice is! The nervous babbling! And it is definitely because, since she hasn’t started school yet, this football game is the first time she’s seen Benedick since moving to Auckland- since they were 14, really. (I don’t think she was there when Ursula filmed his part of Vox Pops, or at least she was better able to avoid him then. No avoiding being seen here though!)
- Bea may be in denial, but her “holy shit my crush-that-got-away is Right Over There In Person” energy is radiating! Which is perfect adaptation work for Miss Starts The Play By Oh-So-Casually Asking About Benedick And Playing It Off With Insults.
- “We’re here to support Leo, we’re here to Support The Boys, we’re here to see Pedro, and Definitely No One Else, At All, Promise” 👀 I see you Beatrice
- “I’m sure he’ll be wonderful, and so will-“ *Extremely Long, Pointed Pause* “-everyone, really.” Hero knows what’s up!!! And Bea just assumes she’s talking about Claudio, which, yeah, but the way Hero looks really intently at Bea on this line and says it with such intention- she is teasing Bea about Ben here for sure.
- Bea and Hero are having a sass-off complete with impressions of each other and Ursula is all “just keep taking pictures, they’ll get tired eventually”. Ursula is a treasure.
- The sass-off is also great! I love that Hero, as nice as she is, can still hold her own against Beatrice here. It’s a good thing, because making fun of people is kind of a love language for Beatrice.
- Starting in on Meg again (poor Meg), as a way to seed some backstory that will matter later! (Robbie got kicked off the team, hmmmm.)
- And Bea immediately pivots to bring up Claudio. The fast forward through Hero’s gushing is so funny and cute. She was definitely trying to say Robert Pattinson reminds her of Claudio, which, I can see it. 2014 is calling again though, right at the end of the Twilight era. If this series were set much earlier we would definitely have heard Bea hating on Twilight, lol.
- “He’s nice!” being the only thing she can say, says a lot. And Ursula being the one who gets Hero to admit she thinks he’s cute, awww. The hiding behind the hair! The oohing over Hero’s crush is majorly bringing me back to what it was like to be a teenager, it’s adorable. Poor Hero lol
- Ah yes, “Leo says we can’t film the match” AKA the in-world explanation for not being able to make an actual football scene realistic. I say that with zero judgement. The workaround of Leo saying no is cleverly done, and makes sense since the only plot-relevant stuff goes on on the sidelines anyway.
- The little moment of Hero narrating the game! I love that. She’s so into it that she forgets she’s not supposed to mention Ben in front of Bea, and then she starts worrying about Claudio which is also very cute.
- (My brain instinctively: Ooh! Ben mention! First Ben mention by name in a Hero and Bea vlog!!!! Milestone!)
- Enter Meg! (and Robbie). “I’m going to be the real star, you just don’t know it yet!” An icon.
- Robbie throwing out a Game of Thrones reference, it’s like a signal that he’s sort of part of the group for now, but his energy is Off. Dark colors, never really looking at anyone but Meg. Bad vibes.
- And Meg and Robbie as a visual sign of Bea’s discomfort with relationships, her idea that they’re all PDA and no boundaries. That in Bea’s and to some degree Hero’s eyes, Meg chooses Robbie over their friendships, over homework, almost over her own self, and Bea does not want that imbalance for herself at all. But she doesn’t know how to express her discomfort and concern in any other way but scorn for Meg. So much character work for so many different characters in one episode at once, I love it.
- I love Ursula sticking up for Meg, even if it’s never particularly fun watching other people make out. This is an Ursula Appreciation Liveblog, and I’m also still loving her tumblr, btw.
- Part Two next and it’s time for the I Know You Of Old scene! Ahhh!
- BUT FIRST: another video I didn’t know was posted so early, and get ready, because I’m about to be insufferable in this next one. I will not be able to help myself. My boy is about to enter the scene! My beautiful cringe-y boy! How I’ve missed him!!! Next liveblog post coming soon, I hope. 😊
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
Jeongin x reader
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[Fanfic is not inspired by the song btw lolol]
Warnings: Suggestive
Genere:fluff to smut, romantic
Word count: 1,449
Songs to listen to while reading:
A/N: I FINALLY WROTE A FANFIC FOR MY VERY FIRST BIAS!!!!! Idk why I didn't do this sooner because yall don't understand how fucking down bad I am for this man...like even my therapists hear about him every session...
This fanfiction is not proofread
You and Jeongin laid on a hill looking up at the stars. Your hand held Jeongin's slender hand despite the fact your hand felt like it was on fire due to his warm hands. It was around 10 pm…ish. That was just a guess. Earlier you and your boyfriend went out for just a short walk, without your phones, but ended up stopping on this little hill. So on and so forth and now you're looking up at the stars together.
"Do you think we should go home now?" You said turning to him. You watched the stars twinkle in his gorgeous eyes and felt yourself fall in love with him all over again.
"No…this is nice," he said, smiling lightly, still staring at the night sky. Then he suddenly sat up, startling you "Unless you want to go home, it's totally fine if you do I just-"
You stopped his rambling by putting your finger up to his soft lips and sitting up next to him.
"It's fine. I like this too," you said smiling fondly at him. His cheeks lit up a soft pink as he looked at your other hand which was on the ground keeping you up. You laid back down and took a deep breath. Jeongin soon followed you back down to the grass. "The moon looks beautiful tonight," you said as you stared at the white orb hanging in the sky.
"It does…but not as beautiful as you," Jeongin giggled.
"That was so cheesy," you laughed and rolled over so you were now facing him. Jeongin cracked up too.
"I know," he laughed. When he paused, his big,dark brown eyes watching the way your shoulders bounced as you laughed, how the tips of your smile nearly reached your squinted eyes. You opened your eyes and stopped laughing to see why he stopped. You soon did the same as he did. Looking at how all his gorgeous features lit up in the moonlight. You then leaned in for a kiss which he returned instantly. It was a tad bit of an uncomfortable position but that didn't matter because the way his warm lips felt on yours and the way his hands instantly grabbed your hair just the way you love made you melt. You stopped for a quick breather, your lips reluctantly separating from his.
"This kinda reminds me of when we first started dating," Jeongin said resting his head on top of his hand which was on the grass.
"Oh God please don't remind me of that," you said, barring your face in the grass.
"But you were just so cute. The way you accidentally confessed and after I had called you out you went to kiss me and…" he teased crawling closer to you.
"Please stop," you whined.
"You closed your eyes, and do you remember what happened?" He smirked.
"I kissed your nose…" you mumbled. Jeongin just laughed as he played the memory in his head. He rolled back on his back as you kept your red face in the grass. You sat up a bit and slapped him on the shoulder. "It's not that funny, okay!"
Suddenly you felt a droplet on your head. You looked up and to your surprise there were dark clouds covering the beautiful moon and stars. When did those get there? In looked up at you in confusion.
"What happened?" He questioned.
"I just felt a drop of rain," you said, extending your hand out to see if you could catch another drop and to your surprise there was another drop.
"Oh, I felt one on my head earlier but I was a little busy picking on you to care," he chuckled.
"Man, I was having fun…I don't want to go home," you started to get upset. You were hoping to hang outside for a little longer.
"No one says we have to go home yet," Jeongin smiled as he sat up next to you. He hopped up to his feet and you followed. "It's already raining a lot," Jeongin spoke while looking up at the sky. Then a raindrop landed right on his nose making him jump lightly before giggling. You smiled at him with pure love in your eyes. Out of nowhere you decided to run up the hill in the rain and of course Jeongin followed. When you reached the top you just basked in the rain waiting for In to catch up. You spun as the rain fell on your face.
"Why did you come up here?" Jeongin said as he tried to catch his breath.
"Why did you follow me?" You said jokingly, "just kidding! I wanna roll down the hill," you smiled at him and his face lit up. You lied down and the ground and In quickly followed. "Ready?"
And with that the two of you rolled down the hill, getting absolutely soaked and covered in dirt but the empty air was filled with laughter. You two both stayed on the ground laughing before agreeing to do it again, but this time once you got to the top Jeongin came up with another idea. He grabbed both of your hands and started dancing. There was no rhythm or logic behind any of this dancing but it was so fun and romantic. The rain started coming down more frequently as you twirled around each other in laughter. After a while you slipped and landed on your ass.
"Oh are you okay?" Jeongin said kneeling down to you but you just looked up at him in laughter.
"Yeah," You said, laying down again. "Wanna roll?"
"Of course," he said laying down next to you, "first one that gets down there is the winner!" He called out before rolling down the hill alongside you. When you were almost at the bottom of the hill you and Jeongin collided, causing chaos. Once you stopped rolling you were half on top of him, laughing.
You went to go get up again but when you looked down you saw the look and Jeongin's eyes and you couldn't move. His hair was wet and dangling in his face as streams of rain trickled down his face, his black shirt soaked and stuck to his soft skin, his lips were parted and taking deep breaths as his chest heaved. Your gut was telling you to put your lips on his asap and you couldn't help it. You grabbed both sides of his wet face and smashed your lips into his. Jeongin's hands roamed all over your soaked body. It was quite the pleasurable feeling. The mix of the wet rain and his beautiful hands was like the gate to heaven. You moved your fingers up to his hair and started messing with it. You took a breathing break and Jeongin took this opportunity to surprise you.
He slowly started kissing all the way up your jawline to your ear. He stopped and breathed softly in your ear, his lips just barely grazing it as his breath heated your ear up. This simple action of his just turned you on so much more. You then let your weight fall on top of him and started grinding up against his soaked thighs. The way his wet jeans stuck to his thick thighs felt incredible against your throbbing core. Jeongin picked up on this easily. He knew how delulu you are for his thighs. So In grabbed your hip and started guiding you up and down his thigh. You gripped your lip harshly in an attempt to keep quiet. You buried your face in his wet shoulder, hiding your blush and muffling your sounds.
He then pushed your hips down harder and made you go slower. You couldn't help but let out a quiet mewl at his behavior. He knew exactly what you loved.
"Don't hide your moans," he whispered in your ear, making you shutter.
"I-I can't help it," you said between whimpers. In just smirked at you.
"No, I've heard you before," He said as he continued to rub you harshly against his wet jeans. You didn't say anything more but you decided to let Jeongin hear how he made you feel. Finally you had, had enough and needed more attention. Now.
"Jeongin," you muttered out.
"Yes," he said in that deep voice he likes to use against you.
"I need you. But I'm afraid someone will hear us,"
"Oh I see what you mean," he said, flipping you so you were on the ground and his knee was in between your legs. "Don't worry, hopefully they'll just think it's a weird kid howling at the moon and not a man."
Discamler: this is a complete work of fiction and is not intended to offend anyone. This is purely for Stays imagination and creativity.
Thank you so much for reading!!! Love you stay <333
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knwatchesmonkiekid · 1 month
S1E1 Bad Weather review
by urs truely <333
Okay... okayyy i see why so many ppl love this show!! It's soo funny XDDD
Alrighttt time for review time babyyyyy
sspoliers down below for S1E1 btw
first of... whoever thought of 10 min eps... THANK YOUUU SO MUCHHH!!! I honestly am so glad that this show has short eps bc its a lot more easier to watch short vids thank longer ones (especially bc i should be doing hw rn loll)
second... MK being invincible and Mei just being so peppy is HILAROUS!!! XDD their relationship is soo funny I cant with those two XDDD
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Alsoo the pig dude (Pigsy?? Piggy?) is slowly becoming my fav character loll!! He's such a dad!!! And him fretting over his two kids is hilarious XDDD
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i feel so sorry for him XXD
and ummm can we just take some time to appreciate the fact that.... WHATT!?!?!? THEY CAN CONTROL THE WEATHER!?!?!??! DUDE THATS EPIC!??!!!!!!!
also... bull demon dude is seriously stupid imo
his son failed him like 2 times already... and he's willing to give that fire-haired dude another chance?? well ig 3rd time is the charm... but still... if it was me being the villain i would most def ask the wind lady to get rid of MK
once again i'll let this one slide and put it under #kidshowsdonthavelogic category
also from my prev post i was wondering how old red son is... looks like i was right... he is a couple hundred years old
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anywyaas back2the show
also this dude-- mr. tang right?-- is giving me some S1Wu vibes from ninjago, lol this dude is like always eating while in S1 of ninjago Sensei Wu was always drinking tea XD
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aalso also alsoooo MK is absolutely hilarious lol like every scene u pause you get a funny pic of him XDDD
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He's such a ridiculous character and I'm loving him XDDD
last but not leastttt MONKEY KINGGG
this dude is soo laidback and he's absolutely hilarious I love him so far!!!
Just LOOK at this monkey!!
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anywwyas i most prob wont be making huge posts like this from now on... takes wayyy to much time loll
but ill try to make posts as i go lol
anywyas for those of yall who havent watched lmk GO WATCH IT RNNN!! ITS A-MEOW-ZING!!!!
anywyas byyeeeeeeeee
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kiasnocturnality · 2 years
I'm so sorry but I was reading about Nasana and got to the part of enhanced senses and just thought of a stupid scene where Reader is stuck on a tree after running away from something and she sees Nasana go by and starts chanting "Don't move, don't move, don't move" in her mind, but Nasana knows there's someone there and starts climbing because that's his territory and he won't allow any intruders
It's just so funny to me imagining the poor reader panicking but not being able to do anything because one wrong move and they fall, so it's just like "Heeeeyyy there bud, please don't kill me" when Nasana reaches her lmao
Congrats on the blog btw!
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characters: Nasana
notes: thank you! I've been wanting to broaden my writing beyond fandom since I've started reading oc x readers and now I've finally got it done! Also I wrote a little more than intended lol
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Your heart dropped to the floor all the way below you from where you had been stuck in the tree. You had taken your little brother up to the cliffs where he wanted to fly a kite but the string had snapped and the toy flew off towards the rainforest below the cliffs. Your brother had never been denied a thing in his life, spoiled as he was by your parents, and so he had decided to make it your problem that he had lost his kite.
After an hour of his non-stop tantrum with seemingly no loss of energy on his behalf whatsoever, you realised that he would not let you rest and so you had spotted where the kite landed and sent him on the short walk home while you took the hike down the cliff to retrieve his toy.
Climbing up the tree to grab the kite had been much easier than climbing down, it would seem, when one of the branches that you had used on your ascent snapped under your foot and you had to clamber back upwards to stop yourself from falling. You could only hope that your parents would come home and then come looking for you when your brother would no doubt have to explain where you had gone.
It was while you were waiting for your family to come up on that branch that you spotted him - boredom had caused your senses to sharpen, to look around for anything that could be a source of entertainment. You noticed the tail first: thick and black, shimmering like a rainbow along the rainforest floor. Panic had gripped your insides right away at seeing a snake so huge, knowing well that they were skilled climbers more often than not. You had gone from panicked to terrified when you caught a glimpse of the human torso at the top end of the serpent tail, long dark hair and grey skin, built with a godly amount of muscle. Nagas were stronger, larger and more intelligent than any mere snake and many of them were notoriously antisocial and territorial.
You could only sit in silence, remaining still as a statue, and hope that he would pass by without seeing you. Your heart hammered in your chest and you held your breath as your fingers gripped the tree branch and your brother's kite. You looked down at the toy and thought of what a stupid thing it was to die for as you recalled how happy the two of you had been earlier that afternoon, how there was now a big chance that you may never see him again.
Your eyes followed the naga with bated breath as he slithered between the trees, moving beneath the one that you were currently stuck in. You could only repeat 'don't move' over and over in your head, hoping that somehow you could manifest it into happening if only you could repeat it so many times so quickly. He passed by underneath you without throwing a single glance in your direction and a small wave of relief washed over you until he paused. His head turned upwards and you were sure that your soul left your body. His head turned from left to right, looking up into the trees and you wondered whether he could actually see you.
You weren't sure which was making you feel dizzier: the fear of looking into a naga's eyes or looking down and having to truly acknowledge how high up you were. You watched a split tongue flicker from his mouth before his head turned back in your direction. He might not be able to see you at this distance but it seemed that he could certainly smell you.
The naga sped off in your direction in a blur of black and a flash of colour, coiling his body around the tree and pushing himself upwards until he was backing you further towards the edge of the branch you were stuck on, leaning towards you with a threatening hiss.
"You're trespassing." There was a lilt to his voice, an accent you had never heard of before and his pronunciation of the letter s may not be elongated but it was strong and no less a hiss in itself.
"I-I..." You stammered out, legs squeezing around the branch you were sitting on while you leaned on your hands, your entire body trembling both in fear and with the effort of stopping yourself from falling to your death, "I'm from the cliffs, I j-just wanted to ret-trieve something and then leave b-but the branch snapped and I got stuck. I would have left right aw-way otherwise, I promise, I'm so sorry to have bothered you."
He squinted his brown slitted eyes at you distrustfully and, with a trembling hand, you showed him your brother's lost kite. "I promise." You repeated, putting as much sincerity into your voice as you possibly could. You fought the urge to shuffle back when he reached towards you, knowing that you were running out of space on the branch. You gasped when his hands landed on your waist, running up your sides and over your legs.
"What are you doing?" Your voice came out weakly and he gave you a look that showed he thought the answer should be obvious.
"Checking you for weapons." He replied and your eyes fell past grey skin stretched over the taut muscle of his gold-decorated torso to glance at the black sash around his waist, held there by belts and holstering a large, curved dagger. When he found that you were unarmed, you held your breath as his tail coiled around your middle twice and you found yourself being pulled through the trees. Holding the kite in one hand, you held on to the naga for life with your other arm until he lowered you to the floor some distance away from where you had been stuck.
He laid himself over a branch above you, seemingly lounging, as he looked down at you.
"You're on the edge of my territory now." He announced and pointed in the direction behind you, "Go that way and you will find the trail up the cliffs. Don't come back."
"Thank you." You replied, somewhat in disbelief that this creature, so notorious for aggression, had been kind enough to lead you back in the direction of home. You took a moment to take in his face: he was beautiful, that much you had to admit, with a strong nose, high cheekbones, full, white lips that drew lines up towards the centre of his cheeks. His hair hung heavily past his shoulders and seemed so dark with the exception of that multi-coloured sheen that also graced his scales. "I'm y/n, by the way." He pursed his lips as he thought of how to reply to you.
"Get home safe, y/n, do not come chasing trinkets into my territory again. I may not be so kind next time."
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𓋼𓍊⋆゚ Buy me a coffee?
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draconicsparkle · 1 year
The SCP au first meeting! Some of you have been asking for it. And I am happy to provide!
I really enjoyed writing this one. It was very entertaining the whole time. It also ended up much longer than I expected. But I suspect no one will be upset about that.
It’s so fun switching between the Lighthouse au and the SCP au. The Nagizurus are so alike, yet so different. It’s awesome to explore the differences.
Btw, if you are squeamish, there is going to be a scene depicting something unpleasant. So I just wanted to caution people just in case.
Hajime sorted the papers and envelopes on the table in front of him into a near stack. He tied them up tightly with a bit of twine before handing it off to one of the facility staff. “Here. This is all I want sent. They’ve been looked over already and are clear to go. Nothing confidential is in them.”
The doctor standing nearby nodded in approval. “Excellent. I’m sure you know the routine by now. We can proceed with the interview immediately. Though… I have to ask. Is he going to be accompanying you during it?”
Hajime rolled his eyes as he felt Nagizuru hum in amusement. He was currently being hugged from behind with the entity nestling his head on Hajime’s shoulder. “Correct. Any attempts to remove me by force shall have consequences,” the SCP warned.
“Believe me, I tried to convince him to stay in the room. But he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He swore that he wouldn’t interfere, though,” Hajime told the doctor, who still looked a bit on edge.
“If he will not leave, then there’s little we can do to prevent him from attending. Very well, he may be present for this,” they relented. They pulled over a recording device, adjusting some settings and preparing it. “Have a seat. We shall begin momentarily.”
Nodding, Hajime moved to do just that. Or, he tried to. The arms around him held tight, not allowing him to move forward. Then Nagizuru whispered in his ear, sending thousands of shivers down his spine. “No need to force yourself upon such a stiff seat. I have a better idea.”
Hajime felt some kind of energy run through his body, making him feel strange and light. And soon, both he and Nagizuru were floating in the air a foot off the ground. He yelped and clung tight to the arms around him, as this was very new to him.
“Calm yourself. It is alright, my dear Hajime. Just relax and lean back into me. You’ll get used to it very quickly,” Nagizuru assured, soothing and gentle. It made his body instinctively lose tension, even while his mind raced.
“Warn me next time!” the human scolded, releasing his death grip on the arms holding him. He got a laugh in response, but nothing else. That was all he would be getting this time. He tried to regain his composure while in his new position, seeing the doctor watch them while furiously taking notes. “Hope you don’t mind me being in the air for this,” he commented to them. He didn’t want to admit it aloud, but it was strangely comfortable like this. He understood why Nagizuru wanted to do it.
“Of course. The recorder will be able to pick up your voice even from your current position. Are you ready to begin?” they asked, flipping to a new page on their clipboard to take more notes.
Upon seeing Hajime nod, they pushed the recording button. “Today is May 29th. We are sitting down to interview Mr. Hajime Hinata. SCP-49878 is also currently present in the room.” They paused, then spoke again. “Today, we want you to describe your first encounter with SCP-49878 in greater detail. Can you remember enough to accomplish this?”
Hajime nodded again, seeing Nagizuru’s smile widen out of the corner of his eye. He made a point to lean back firmly into the other, hearing a tiny giggle in response. “Oh yeah. I remember it all. Would be hard to forget that whole week.”
Hajime sighed in aggravation as he felt the first drops of rain begin falling. Perfect. This was just what he needed. He had already been stressed from a hard day at college, and now the weather was turning against him. The only saving grace was that he had an umbrella with him, which he quickly grabbed and unfolded. He heard drops hitting the material above him, grateful that he managed to escape most of the moisture.
Then he set off for his dorm room shortly after, wanting nothing more than to collapse on his bed and sleep. It was the beginning of the school year, yet he was already drained. What did that mean for the rest of the year? He found himself sending out a silent prayer to the universe that it would help him find a way through this. That he wouldn’t have to struggle and stress through college. That he would be able to find a life that would be exciting.
He huffed as he walked forward, about to pass the bus stop. “Yeah, like that will happen,” he muttered to himself as he avoided a large puddle.
“What do you want to happen?”
A calm, neutral voice ripped him out of his thoughts. He turned to the source of the noise, seeing someone his age sitting on the bus stop bench getting drenched. His clothes looked tattered and filthy, sticking close to the pale body they were on. Long, white hair also covered the man’s shoulders and back, stringy and unbrushed. But despite his obvious poor state, the man looked at him with a smile.
Hajime still couldn’t help the words that spewed forth. “Are… are you okay? Do you… have a place to go to? Are you a student?”
A humorless laugh arose. “I am not a student. As for shelter, I can make do with any location. However, I must admit that I’m surprised. You are the first to exchange words with me. All others simply ignored me and carried on.”
The brunette felt pity for the poor man. Was he homeless? Did he have nowhere stable to sleep? It must be rough. He wanted to try to do something to help. So he reached into his bag, pulling out the granola bar he had been saving for later. He extended both it and the umbrella over to the white haired man. “Here. Take these. I know it’s not much, but it’s all I have to offer. I… hope it’s enough for tonight.”
The red eyes widened, staring at the offered objects. Pale arms reached out and took a hold of them, bringing them closer to himself. “You… are gifting me your rain protection and sustenance? Are you quite sure?”
Hajime nodded, feeling the drops of rain hit his head. “You need them more than I do. Now, can you tell me your name? I’m Hajime.”
“Hajime? A nice name. I shall remember it for all eternity.” The stranger fell silent for a few seconds, then resumed talking. “I was once called Nagito. Recently I have been referred to as Izuru. And there are several other titles I have been given that I don’t care much to recall at the moment. You may use whatever name you desire.”
Hajime groaned loudly. He hated needing to choose between options. Especially after a long day of studying and stress. “If you are going to be so difficult about your name, I’ll just make it easier for myself. I’ll merge the first two together. You’re Nagizuru now,” he stated, earning an interested look from the other.
“Nagizuru, hmmm? Interesting. So very interesting. But I shall accept that as my identity now. You alone may call me this.” He stood up from the bench, keeping the umbrella over his head. “Many thanks for your kindness, Hajime. I am sure your desire for excitement shall come true in due time. Be patient until the moment comes. I shall see you later.” Then he turned, walking across the street to the other side of the road. He faced Hajime again once he reached the other side, waving to him with the hand still holding the granola bar. The view of the man was then suddenly blocked by a large truck. And once it passed, Nagizuru was gone. As if he just vanished.
Hajime stared at the spot he had been standing at, full of questions. Where had he gone? What did he mean by saying that he would see him later? And how did he know what Hajime had been thinking? He hadn’t revealed his earlier thoughts to the man. So how?
A large, cold drop landed on his neck, reminding him that he was still in the rain. He immediately started sprinting towards his residence. He could think about this later. He needed to get home now.
It was the day after, and the weather had improved greatly. Not a single cloud in the sky and no wind. A nice day, and it helped improve his mood. So much, that he decided to go grab takeout at a place near campus.
He was excited. The food smelled so good and was warm. He hummed as he walked down the street, oblivious to his surroundings through a combination of exhaustion and tunnel vision.
Which is why it startled him so bad when something grabbed his arm and tugged hard from the alleyway.
He yelped as he was pulled, ready to fight for his life with his meager abilities. But he soon came face to face with the man from the previous night, still with that smile. He lifted a finger to his lips, instructing Hajime to be quiet. The man then turned to face the alley’s exit, staring at it while blocking Hajime from sight. It was silent for a few seconds, then a group of four men stood there, peering in as if looking for something. They spotted Nagizuru, expressions morphing into ones of unease and discomfort. Then they left much quicker than they had arrived.
Once they were gone, Nagizuru turned back to look at Hajime. “They had been tailing you since you left the restaurant. I suspect they intended to mug you. How fortunate that I happened to be nearby to witness it.”
The explanation helped calm the brunette down. “Th-thank you. I… I appreciate it.” He watched Nagizuru step back to give him room, breathing deeply to calm himself. “I… I didn’t expect to see you again. Do you live around here?”
The man grinned. “Temporarily. But that is not important. Come, I shall escort you to your home. It’s not safe to be alone at this time.”
Hajime had to bite back another yelp as his wrist was again grabbed and pulled, forcing him to follow. Nagizuru was strangely strong, despite how frail and skinny he appeared. Distracted by this fact, it took him a bit to notice that they were now on the opposite side of campus, close to the student dorms. “Wait, how are we here? That was so fast!”
Nagizuru released his arm, smirking. “I have my ways.” He gestured down the street. “You are headed that way, yes? It will be much safer now. Nothing will bother you the rest of your journey. And before I forget, allow me to return this to you.”
The pale man revealed what his other arm had been holding. The folded up umbrella, dry and in perfect condition. Hajime took it back in amazement. “Thank you again. Are you sure you don’t want to hold onto it? I can always get a new one.”
Nagizuru shook his head, his crazy hair way more fluffy looking now that it wasn’t soaked. “I don’t require it any longer. I had my fill of the sensation of rain. I shall take measures to protect myself from it should another storm arrive.”
“If you say so.” Hajime felt grateful to the person in front of him. He not only returned the umbrella, but he had saved him from a mugging. Was there anything he could do to show his appreciation? It was around then he recalled the bag in his hands. He held it up, attracting the attention of the red eyes. “Hey, want to split this with me? It’s the least I can do since you saved my bacon back there.”
Nagizuru nodded with a look of great interest. “I shall accept your gracious offer. Many thanks.”
Hajime portioned the food in half, wrapping half of the sandwich in napkins and giving the container of fries to Nagizuru. After a nod of gratitude, the strange man walked around a corner, disappearing again. Hajime stared after him, wondering if he would ever see this person again. But something in his gut told him he would.
“How do you do it?”
Nagizuru looked up from the textbook he had been reading, snatched from Hajime’s bag. “Whatever do you mean?”
Hajime repeated his question with more details. “How is it that you always find me? Are you just super lucky? Or…”
Nagizuru laughed and shook his head. “I am not stalking you with intentions of harm. You can rest assured of that.”
Hajime raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t answer my question.”
The white haired man smirked. “I won’t deny that I’m fascinated by you. However, it is mostly luck and the will of the cosmos that allowed our meetings.”
The student rolled his eyes, taking a drink from his cup. “I’ll never get a straight answer from you, will I?”
The smirk got wider. “Keep trying and see if the result will be different next time.”
The student decided to just let the question go, as he often found himself doing. His new companion was mysterious and had no problems in continuing to be so. Even after a week, Hajime knew very little about him. All he could confidently say is that he was… unusual. Both in speech and in behavior, including all his crazy vanishing and appearing acts. He always seemed to find Hajime when he was on his own, worming his way into his schedule with ease.
But, Hajime was strangely fine with this. It was nice having someone to talk to. He had no friends at college and his family was far away. It had been lonely up until Nagizuru. And now, he felt happy.
“I’m glad we met,” he blurted out, surprising both Nagizuru and himself.
The other person recovered pretty fast though. “I feel the same. Existence had largely been immensely boring. But now, I have something to look forward to. Someone to look forward to. The eons before our meeting were worth the wait for the treasure I have found.”
Hajime grabbed his churro and held it up close to his mouth. “Geez, you always make it sound like you’ve been alive for millions of years. What are you? A cosmic horror?”
Nagizuru chuckled, closing the textbook. “You will soon find out.”
That was… not the answer he expected. “What do you mean by that?” he asked before biting into the churro.
His companion stood up, walking around the park table they had been sitting at, standing close by him. “They located me. They will arrive shortly. I suggest you pack your things in your bag. You have 23 seconds, starting now.”
Thoroughly confused, Hajime stood up from his chair. “Who are ‘they’? What is going on?” he inquired as he shoved his possessions into his bag. He managed to get everything in as several armed cars screeched down the park roads, heading right for them. Hajime felt himself freeze in terror as they circled around them like sharks. They parked, and a horde of armed soldiers piled out, surrounding them in a matter of seconds.
“SCP-49878! Halt where you are! Don’t resist recapture!”
The commands came from one of the people, though he couldn’t tell who exactly had spoken. In addition, the actual words made no sense. SCP-49878? What was that? Recapture? What was going on?
He jolted as one of the soldiers approached. “You! What are your connections to SCP-49878? Have you been working with it? Explain yourself!”
“I… I… I don’t…” he tried to speak, but fear overrode his mind.
“Explain yourself!” the man repeated, stepping aggressively towards them. But his progress was halted unexpectedly, in a way Hajime had never seen.
In the blink of an eye, the man in front of him was changed. His armor, clothing, and weapon disappeared, but that wasn’t all. It looked like something straight out of a horror movie. All skin was red and raw, pulsing as the man’s heartbeat increased from pain and fear. This was very evident due to the fact that his heart was in full view of everyone, as well as the rest of his internal organs. He had been… inverted. The shock of what he was witnessing muffled the pained screams from the man, which continued until he fell over and laid still.
Hajime stepped back in fear, but was only able to accomplish that single step. His feet felt heavy, as if made of lead. How… how was this happening? It shouldn’t be possible! He wasn’t really witnessing this, right?
The body in front of him continued to prove his desperate thoughts wrong.
“SCP-49878! Refrain from inverting anyone else! What is the reason for your continued stay in this town? Why haven’t you caused mass destruction yet? Does that human beside you have anything to do with this calmness?” another soldier shouted out towards them.
The single word answer came from behind him. In a voice he had grown to know. Eyes widening, he realized who they were talking to.
Nagizuru. They were here for him.
But before Hajime could ask any questions of his own, he felt the man approach and wrap his arms around his waist. With his crazy strength, he pulled the student close, sighing contently into the hug. He looked satisfied, as if being near the brunette was soothing.
Evidentially, Hajime was not the only one to notice. The next round of orders were directed at him. “Civilian. We need your assistance. Guide SCP-49878 over to the truck and get in. You will need to accompany us back to the facility. This is of the utmost importance. The world is at stake.”
“The… the world? Someone please tell me what’s happening!” he practically screamed, desperate for answers.
The soldier looked at him with understanding. “I know this is a lot to take in. But please, sir. Get into the car and we will do our best to explain things.”
“I don’t have much of a choice, do I?” Hajime asked rhetorically. He took a shaky breath, and nodded. “Okay. I’ll… I’ll get in.” He looked over to the person, or rather creature, resting on his shoulder. “Will… you follow me in?”
The red eyes met his, which made the always present smile widen. That was enough of an answer for him. “Okay. Let’s go.”
“After that, we were brought here. I learned about the SCP Foundation, everything they knew about Nagizuru, and what he was capable of. And since I’m the only human he has been amicable with, they have required me to remain here to help keep him contained. And I’ve been here ever since,” Hajime finished, taking a sip of water from a glass Nagizuru had willed into existence for him.
“This concludes the interview. Thank you for your insightful recounting,” the doctor stated, stopping the recording and setting their clipboard down. “That is all that is needed as of this moment. You are free to leave.”
The entity seemed to have been waiting for those words, as not even a second later, they had teleported back to their apartment. “Finally. I have you all to myself again.”
Hajime patted the creature’s cheek firmly, but not painfully. “You know as well as everyone else here that you have me almost all the time. Relax for once in your eternal life.”
“In OUR eternal life. And yes, I plan to do much of that activity. With you and you only,” the SCP told him as he nuzzled into the crook of the human’s neck.
Hajime relocated his hand from Nagizuru’s cheek to his hair, petting the soft strands and earning a happy noise. It made him smile, knowing he had such an effect on the creature. Despite all the horrors he had witnessed, all the terrifying sights and sounds, he still looked forward to being in Nagizuru’s company. And he was sure he would forever and always.
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
3/3‘I pray for the day that i no longer hear violin music. Brian don’t give him your money, he isn’t worth it. Oh I don’t think he’s bullshiting him here about wanting him to be successful. We *points to brian and himself* arent trying to win anyone back! YES YOU DO WANT HIM! *ethan says that nazi line* OH FUCK YOU ETHAN..you know Brian actually makes sense here. Every person has survival instincts and we all in that moment when we have to decide, pick whatever keeps us alive. SO SHUSH! Oh Brian is right right! IF he was smart he would find a way, unfortunately he isn’t. If that was Brian he would do it only if it affected him alone, that’s where him and Ethan differ. Now Brian? He would find some loophole for sure. But he also wouldn’t hide for long, i mean he didn’t waste a second with that baldy. Or he would make one of his performances have gay orgy in the back…yeah. So i get what he’s saying, do your shit, get rich and make it to a point where nobody can pretend that you being gay is the reason why your career shouldn’t exist. That way YOU make the rules and you have the upper hand. I mean we had Ricky and George Michael and Lance and Elton and Rosie O’donnell and that guy from Prison Break and WE CANT FORGET ABOUT MY BOY ELLIOT! poor guy had to do it twice! (ELLIOT PAGE!!! I had no clue that that was his boy) BUT! The difference is! Ethan has *almost gags* Justin. If he was single go for it, do whatever. But forcing someone else into a closet for you? Fuck you. Thats not what Bri Bri meant, so him saying this noble line to the kazoo fucker is a little different in ways. Ya know? I mean my blondie almost died cause he was out. So that line makes sense for Brian and his life but Ethan? Nah, fuck him. But please do go on a tour somewhere far away and play music for people who want to hear it which btw *points to a paused brian and then himself* not us. NOW THAT is how you walk away from a dramatic park scene not whatever ethan was doing before’ He is now fully jamming out to Barbie Girl. ‘Second OD? Oh Ben is ODing for sure! AND HERES BEN! Foreshadowing!!’ ‘WE DONT WANT THAT FUCKER ELECTED! BRIAN WAKE UP! OH NO he’s going after Babylon. BRIAN THATS YOUR HOME’ He just groaned on top of his lungs at the sight of Ethan ‘Oh how the mighty have fallen. Justin i know someone who can afford expensive shit that you love without a problem. HE SIGNED THE DEAL DIDNT HE?! No matter what happens? OH HE IS A SLIMY LIL SHIT! (justin says why would anything happen?) Because I’ve been praying on your guys’ downfall since like 8 episodes ago. *pauses tv* see, justin. When brian had dumb shit to tell you, he would just tell you. He wouldnt give you some romantic shit to trick you and then drop the bomb. Just saying! HE SAID THE LINE! OH JUSTIN WE BOTH KNOW WHERE HE HEARD IT (he is smiling like a kid in a candy store) ARE THEY GONNA BREAK UP?! Adventure? Secret? No dude youre not asking him, youre literally shoving him into a closet.. Justin no, youre smarter than this! THIS IS NOT WHAT I WAS PLANNING! And im sure neither was Bri Bri’ ‘oh no this wannabe mayor fucker is going after Babylon. Oh Bri Bri won’t like that! (Mike sees Ben) OH MY GOD! dude. You are taking this a little to easy. So boring’ and now we are ending it on Britin again ‘JUSTIN IS BACK IN THE CLUB! Why is he wearing turtleneck sweater all of the sudden? Oh he is looking for his man Bri Bri! I CANT STAND VIOLIN MUSIC EITHER BRIAN! FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT!(brian says the sacrifice career line)oh…oh this is a callback to Vermont isn’t it? Justin wanted him to basically forget about his job when he was almost fired over a trip. Brian is right tho. That’s not love. You can’t be with someone and make them sacrifice their life or dreams or whatever because sooner or later they will hate you for it. But damn it, i was hoping they would slowly become besties and then fuck…did you see how Brian watched him when he left but he was getting head? JUST ADMIT THAT YOU LOVE HIM!’ And now he is pissed off that he can’t watch more because he is fully convinced that they break up in 3x06
He no longer wants to hear violin music? OH MY GOD DOES HE HAVE A TREAT WAITING FOR HIM because Bri Bri feels exactly the same way.
His blondie almost died because he was out. Our guy and Daphne are on exactly the same page.
I never made the connection between the VT trip and Ethan’s contract. Interesting! I don’t disagree.
If Ethan had turned down the contract because HE didn’t want to be in the closet, that would have worked. But he was going to sacrifice his career for Justin and resent him and Justin would have felt guilty and let Ethan resent him.
I am so excited for your brother’s reaction to the break up… I’m almost giddy.
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koqabear · 10 months
as a fiend for all things terrestrial and lover of monster fucking i just lost my mind over how mind numbingly good that was
and i mean all of it, like the world building is on top and how i love the power dynamics when mc got into the kingdom, and am i deranged for thinking the scene w mc tied down to a chair was so hot?
oh imma get into soobin like HSJKDODJSJWI ur descriptions on his alien physique and powers was so so good like the image i have of him in my mind is killing me, if i have the skill to draw i'd fill up a whole book w him
AND THE SMUT GODDAMN!!!!!! how mc didn't moan when soobin choked her is beyond me but omfg that got me all fucked up i was starting to feel like im in heat too 😭
like im banging my head on the wall how u manage to build up all the tension from mc being level headed and leader-like to her throwing herself on tyun and hyuka and then still trying to brat out soobin to ultimately get her mind broke.
ALSO THE FACT THEY WATCHED AAAA im making myself ctfu cuz i kept imagining them in their minds w mini spongebobs panicking and burning files while trying to not make eye contact 💀
love how soobin also slowly got softer like he's this tall almighty couldn't-look-into-his-eyes intimidating being back at the palace and now he's a cuddly smug lil shit w mc just cuz they mated 🥹
which btw im also curious as to how he's able to form a bond by injecting his blood (?) into her, which is completely fine by me if u wanna leave that up for Interpretation! im just so interested in this universe, like bullets don't affect soobin? his species instilling fear after mc figured out what he is? could soobin just kill the mc and sever the bond or could he not? like how good of a pussy do u need to have to tame this beast?
u don't have to answer all that im getting obsessed w this fic and the world and i need to stop this is getting so long im sorry 🥲
anw i love ur writing and ur one of my fav writers, that was such a good good read and it's definitely my top favorites now, honestly every fic u put out has impeccable background and again i adore how u write relationships and dynamics so naturally and deep and the whole experience is just so immersive
k ending this here before i add another 10 paragraphs... 🚶‍♀️
hahaha thank you!!! this sudden resurgence of interest for what the body wants was completely unexpected but wholeheartedly welcomed! this fic was the first lengthy, detailed one that i published on here, so it’s such a compliment to hear that you enjoyed it ! <3 and omg, you’re making him wanna draw him now… pause… i think i will after this. 
i honestly was a little worried that both the mc’s and soobin’s change was too sudden 😭 i still feel like i could’ve executed it better, maybe? or maybe i’m just overthinking things, idk. but seriously, that smut was genuinely one of the most insane one i’ve ever written?? i didn’t realize that i’d forever be cementing soobin to a life of nonhuman!aus after that— sorry soobin i simply do not make the rules. 
i answer your questions under the cut!! i also go overboard with it aksbsksn
-[blood bonds? how tf does that work?]
ok. so! in the universe that WTBW is set in, Soobin’s species (that i am too lazy to go check the name of) are seen as absolute indestructible units by both other aliens/monsters and humans. Why is that? Because of their blood! it’s used as a weapon against other nonhumans because it’s toxic and deadly— thus, the reputation of the lilac blood gave the creatures the image of being insanely dangerous. 
as a matter of fact, there are operation sites that breed and harness blood from Soobin’s species because it’s such a sought after (and illegal. insanely illegal.) weapon! and that’s the reason why humans— more specifically, the mc and her crew— are so terrified of the Hexen species, (yes i did look up the name just now.) and more importantly, their blood— because it’s known to be used as a lethal weapon. 
Now, onto the main question; blood bonds, what the hell is up with that? lilac blood is lethal to every species but the one it came from— in other words, it doesn’t harm the hexen species. so, when they give each other / inject their blood into each other (i know, it sounds a little gross) it’s basically their way of bonding/mating— it represents them uniting and becoming one, and is a promise to remain together as long as they’re alive; yeah, they bond for life! 
-[do bullets affect soobin? how strong is he?]
long story short, yes— however, they don’t affect him as much as they would a normal human, or another nonhuman that isn’t as strong as his species. would they penetrate his skin? yes, but it would be a surface wound at most; his species has evolved to be extremely strong because they carry lilac blood and are able to receive it, so their body should be strong enough to handle it, and also, they have like six other limbs to attend to— it takes quite a bit of mental and physical strength to be able to develop and strengthen everything properly, if that makes sense.
could the mc’s crew have taken him down? yeah, a headshot is a headshot and soobin would’ve been a goner askdlh,, but his threats were enough to bring them to their senses bc yk.. he has tentacles that can move at the blink of an eye and he would’ve most likely taken one of them down before getting killed. he’s not invincible, but you do have to put a little extra effort in harming/killing him.
-[could soobin just kill the mc to break the bond?]
here’s the fun part hehe— so lilac blood, when used on humans, doesn’t kill them. Instead, it acts as an aphrodisiac. originally, lilac blood was only used as a weapon against non-humans; in other words, before space exploration evolved into what it is in that universe. Because of that, the hexen species didn’t evolve to combat against humans— which means the deadly aspect is taken away from the whole injection of it all. on soobin’s planet, everyone is already strictly against interacting with humans— the hatred doesn’t run as intense as other planets however, which is why soobin is so indifferent when he encounters the mc without her pin— so really, none of them knew what would happen if you injected your blood into them. 
soobin simply thought it would work as usual; what he didn’t account for, however, was the fact that humans don’t die from it— which means that they’re able to sustain it, and now… soobin’s body and mind thinks he’s just bonded with another of his kind!
as previously mentioned, the hexen species bonds for life— meaning that, if soobin tried to kill the mc, his body would go haywire and immediately think that his mate— his other half— is dead. a life without your mate can be seriously detrimental to both one’s physical and mental health, so soobin wouldn’t have lasted long without the mc; he would’ve been immediately weakened, and the crew would’ve taken that chance to take him down— if they somehow chose to keep him alive, he quickly would’ve died after anyway. (that’s dark sorry.)
ahhhh im so mad i never really included any of this in the original fic, but thank you so much for leaving me such a kind review and allowing me to ramble about this story!! i hope this answered your questions hehe, thank you again!  
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