#i love giving these vague taglines and then in the tags being like yes this is about blorbo from my games
creacherkeeper · 7 months
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is this old religion, are we calling it love?
{sweet movie, alisha dietzman / @gaphic / tiktok / @iamalivenow / on earth we're briefly gorgeous, ocean vuong / @manywinged / these violent delights, micah nemerever / the reader, bernhard schlink (trans. carol brown janeway) / hestitations outside the door, margaret atwood / a self-portrait in letters, anne sexton}
[ID: ten images of text together in a litstack
1: Confession: I will think of you forever
2: a post by gaphic: It’s only tragedy if you convince yourself, for even just a moment, that everything could be ok, despite knowing it won’t be. Tragedy lies in ‘so close, yet so far.’ It’s avoidable because it would only take a tiny alteration to prevent disaster, but human nature is in the way- not maliciously, not knowingly, despite trying so hard.
3: a tiktok comment and answer: Are they lovers? / Worse
4: a post by iamalivenow: gay sex won't fix this. it'll probably make this worse. that being said don't you want to see how much worse it can get?
5: Sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined.
6: tags from manywinged: #technically they know and understand each other better than anyone else alive #but they communicate that in the most fucked up insane unnecessarily complicated way and think thats normal
7: I don't think you've ever felt anything that didn't hurt you. / We've found each other, out of everyone else in the world. Does that hurt, too?
8: "I'm not used to being loved. I wouldn't know what to do."
9: Should we go into it together / If I go into it with you I will never come out
10: of course the love is there. / still, / still, / still.
end ID]
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bereft-of-frogs · 5 years
I absolutely love MCU Hela and am looking forward to that WIP you mentioned where Hela wasn't beaten so easily. Do you have any headcanons for an AU where Hela wasn't originally banished?
Sadly (for me), that one is my big bang, so I won’t be posting it for a while, which makes the part of my brain that craves instant gratification real sad. Though that’s also giving me enough time to make some progress on the other two works in the series so there isn’t too much of a gap between posting. (And I guess it’s more...she doesn’t initially win so easily? It takes her a bit longer to actually conquer Asgard, so there’s time for some shenanigans ha.) (I have not been summarizing this fic well, even the summary I turned in was like...’come on, we all know I’m basing this off of a cool tagline and quotes from a poem about death, do I really have to explain the plot of this thing?’)
Anyways. Hela not originally being banished:
- Her and Frigga would make for the best magical rivals. I am not normally one for pitting women against each other, but in this case I will allow it because they could have just the most intense, personal, vicious rivalry and I think that would be really fun. Like, there’s court drama, each vying for power and alliances and setting various plots in motion, they once ‘accidentally’ destroyed a wing of the library, they each have at least three mysterious disappearances under their belts, casualties of their conflict.
- And the whole time Odin is completely ignoring it, just like ‘oh my wife and daughter are so powerful, how excellent, oh no, this is a perfectly healthy competition, they’re fine’. Frigga chills out a bit over time, but Hela Does Not. Frigga chills out, her resentment doesn’t burn quite as hot as Hela’s, and then gets super distracted by having kids. Cuz you know, when you have really little kids some things you used to enjoy doing just have to take a backseat for a while and that includes bitter, intense rivalries with your adult stepdaughter.
- Hela’s initial impression of Thor is ‘yes, somehow I can use this in our game.’ Her second impression is ‘why does it cry so much?’ Her first impression of Loki is...somewhat more violent and murder-y. Her second impression is ‘wait, what do you mean you’re taking it back to Asgard. just because it’s kind of small and does a cute little shapeshifting thing does not mean, hey old man why are you walking away from me, listen-”
- So Hela just kind of fucks off for their early childhoods because babies cry a lot, and she finds that kind of annoying. So Thor and Loki grow up with the vague understanding that they have an older sister who occasionally pops in to be like ‘are these things useful yet?’ but shows very little interest in them as actual people. Which Hela should have known would only lead to them being a thing apart from her and Frigga’s rivalry and not actually that useful to her. (Because, true to canon, they are deeply attached to Frigga, deeply emotionally codependent, and have their Own Thing Going On.)
- But Hela rolls back in (ushered by the frightened whisperings of servants and courtiers who had been around during the days of Hela and Frigga’s first rivalry) during their awkward/tumultuous teenage years and yeah, kind of looks like the Cool Older Sister who teaches Loki the dark magic Frigga has told him he’s too young for, and talks to Thor about power. (She keeps the Jotun thing in reserve, in case she ever needs it.)
- Her aim is to use them against Frigga but quickly realizes it would be more efficient to use them as proxies for her and Frigga. (Come on, they even look the parts.) And for a while it works - she feeds their rivalry and watches as they fight and plot against each other and is gleefully thrilled at how well this scheme is working, they are just like her and Frigga back in the day. But the problem is: Hela and Frigga never loved each other. Thor and Loki’s rivalry stems entirely from how much they love each other, how they feel forced to compete in spite of that, and where in canon that simmers for centuries into the bitter resentment we see at the start of the narrative, with Hela pushing them it boils over much, much sooner. And they can’t take it anymore. So, furious competition set aside, they take another leaf out of Hela’s book and just fuck off (because it’s not like either of them are heirs to the throne, they’re both just spares, they can leave), and Hela is like ‘...wait.’
- Thus, Frigga is like ‘see? see what you did?’ and Odin finally turns his attention to this intense magical rivalry that has been happening for literal centuries and is like ‘you did this, you can very well fix it’ so Hela finds herself setting off to find the two little brats to do some sibling bonding (shudder) and bring them home.
Thank you for asking! Sorry it took so long to get to this!
[If you are like ‘what is this’ before I went on vacation, I rebagled an ask meme that was like ‘ask me for an AU and I’ll give you 5+ headcanons’. It has been very fun! I have a couple more to answer in the askbox right now and if you’d like to read the others, I collected them under the tag ‘purveyor of AUs’. (Apologies for the font color of my theme, it’s...complicated. I can’t fix it. I know it’s kind of hard to read. Sorry!)]
My ask box is always open! : D
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