#i want to be weighless
smallvoid · 7 months
Even though I royally fucked up re overeating at the weekend, my collarbones have finally come back 😭😭 I feel so attractive.
My ultimate goal is to be my own thinspi.
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livingisboring · 5 months
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Little body check of me. My collarbones are not as visible as they used to be. But I need a mark to remember.
The Christmas holiday meals are ruining me. If I don't fast intensively on break it'll mean I'll have to do it while at school but I need my brain to work when I'm studying. So the best is that I fast seriously on holiday, come back to school skinnier and keep fasting but not as intensively😘
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healthygalzero · 9 days
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Week 1 : -3.5lbs
I am exactly on track. My aim is 3.5lbs a week to hit my stone target each month. I've started off with a decent calorie intake of 1400 a day. So far I haven't gone over apart from Saturday when I had a takeaway. Oops.
If I reach my target this month then il drop it to 1300 for the next and so on until I hit this 100lb loss.
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neon-blue-flames · 5 months
Hi! I've finally decided to actually start posting here so a little introduction!
My name is Alex, I'm 18 and a university student(I'm studying graphic design)
I use any pronounce
I like reading, watching anime&cartoons, musicals and games (currently hyper fixating on twisted wonderland)
CW in bio
Feel free to DM me to chat/be ana buddies I don't bite!(if you're 16+, that is)
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lost-in-maars · 7 months
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Courtney Liadow
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wannab-urs · 1 year
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x f!reader
Summary/warnings: you get high and paint with Dieter. No canvas to be found though. Technically this is A Ghost of You Dieter/Reader, but it's a standalone (as they all are). Not at all explicit sex while very very high :)
A/N: I haven't written anything in over a month, and I had this tiny little spark of inspo today... emphasis on tiny, this is 343 words.
Series Masterlist | Dieter Bravo Masterlist | Main Masterlist | AO3 | Kofi
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A shiver crests over your shoulders and down your spine as Dieter drags the paint brush from the inside of your thigh down to the back of your knee, leaving a streak of purple in its wake. The brush leaves a spiral on your kneecap. Whispers over your hip bone. Strokes along the curve of your waist. Outlines your breasts. Comes to rest in the hollow of your throat. 
Dieter’s mouth follows the trail, painting its own blooms of purple beside the paint. It latches on to your pulse point. Ghosts a hot breath over your cheek. Settles on your own. 
You paint his unkempt curls a brilliant shade of blue with your fingertips. Trace stripes over his shoulders. Down his back. Leave your mark where you can reach. Pull him closer and beg for more. 
Paintbrush abandoned, his hands smear the lines etched so adoringly into your skin. Follow the path back to your thighs. He settles there on his knees, drinks in his masterpiece with dark eyes. Pupils blown wide with lust. And something more.
The tingling in your fingertips, your scalp, your toes, meets him there in the center. All paths lead here, you think. To you and Dieter. Always you and Dieter. His mouth finds yours again, invades it. You dig into his shoulders. Mix sparkling red with brilliant blue. Turn him purple too  as he fills you again and again. 
You’re weighless, floating. Maybe drowning. Dieter pulls you to the surface, teeth sinking into your shoulder as he drags your chest up to meet his. You roll with him, ride his wave until your own crashes over the shore. Collapse back into the pillows. He follows you. He’ll always follow you.
Plum colored fingertips caress your cheekbones, your jaw, your lips. His forehead drops to yours as his hips still. Featherlight kisses grace the highpoints of your face. He whispers into your mouth. Made for me. You sigh. Pull his weight down onto you. You’d let him consume you completely, if he wanted. You whisper. 
Made for you.
Series Masterlist
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glenrocklibraryteens · 4 months
Album Review: Unreal Unearth by Hozier
If you are looking for an album containing endless depth and hard-hitting lyrics, look no further than Unreal Unearth by Hozier. In this album, Andrew Hozier-Byrne takes inspiration from Dante’s Inferno. Inferno is the first part of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, and describes the journey of a poet, Virgil, through the Nine Circles of Hell. Each layer represents a sin, progressively worsening as you go through them until you reach the realm where Satan resides. Hozier bases his album on this idea of the Afterlife and the Christian religion itself. I think that Hozier’s relationship and perspective is the aspect of the album that drives it to be so enrapturing. In an interview with Brittany Broski at Austin City Limits (which I definitely recommend watching if you want to hear his own phrasings of the topic) , he recognizes that he has a spiritual identity within himself, but wants to recognize the religion without the secular idolization that he feels is promoted in some churches.
My personal favorites include Francesca, I, Carrion (Icarian), Abstract (Psychopomp), and Unknown/Nth. The entire album’s lyricism and chosen words mimic that of a storyteller, which wonderfully sells the point of some songs directly representing a layer in Hell. Francesca, the fourth track of the album, represents the sin of lust. The song describes a difficult relationship but also one that is worth going back to. Here’s an excerpt of the lyrics:
It was too soon
When that part of you was ripped away
A grip taking hold
Like a cancer that grows
Each piece of your body that it takes
Though I know my heart would break
I'll tell them put me back in it
The overwhelming urge to return to the described relationship is what really stands out to me. Just as he begins to describe the decadence of the connection, he returns to a chorus where he begs to be put back into the ruthless cycle. This circles back to the overarching idea of Inferno; he knows that he is lost in this cloud of lust, but he doesn’t let the pain torment him. Instead, he gives into the depth of his emotions. I, Carrion (Icarian) is almost like the eye of the storm, a calmer and gentle counterpart to Francesca. In this track, Hozier expresses the weightless feeling of being in love. The soft guitar and implementation of other string instruments, the song itself is light and dreamy. The title of the song references Icarus, the boy who flew too close to the sun. The song’s almost naivety is hidden in the lyrics:
If the wind turns, if I hit a squall
Allow the ground to find its brutal way to me
If I should fall, on that day
I only pray, don't fall away from me
The clever play of words in the title (I, Carrion = Icarian) describes the brutality of what Hozier describes. His weighlessness leads him to possible death, which connects to the word “carrion” (defined as decaying flesh of animals). As he readily accepts his fate, he only hopes to stay with his loved one.
The 14th track, Abstract (Psychopomp) is a phenomenal story of compassion and acceptance. Hozier revealed that the song was based on a personal experience when he saw someone run into the middle of the road to help an injured animal to safety. What really sticks out to me is that the experience itself is so common and he took time to expand the emotions behind it.
The speed that you moved
The screech of the cars
The creature still moving
That slowed in your arms
The fear in its eyes
Gone out in an instant
Your tear caught the light
The Earth from a distance
The situation is so imaginable that you can’t help but feel that same grief. The balance between love and fear that is emitted from the situation also reflects onto life itself. The animal in the road, quietly suffering until the release of death, is said to represent the complexity of human emotions. What I love about Hozier’s lyricism is the ability to interpret it in more than one way. That expression of emotion really adds to the song and creates that depth that drew me to this album.
As you reach the end of the album, you are faced with the 15th track: Unknown/Nth. I especially love this song because the change in dynamics towards the end of the song, creating this overwhelming burst of pent-up emotions. This song would represent the ninth circle of Hell, treachery. The track describes a misunderstood partner in a relationship. This partner feels a distance growing and a slow bitterness towards the idea of being “unknown”. Hozier describes the ignorance of the toxicity emitting from the relationship and the idolization of the other partner.
Do you know, I could break beneath the weight
Of the goodness, love, I still carry for you
That I'd walk so far just to take
The injury of finally knowing you
It ain't the being alone
(Sha la la)
It ain't the empty home, baby
(Sha la la)
You know I'm good on my own
(Sha la la)
Sha la la, baby
You know, it's more the being unknown
And there are some people, love, who are better unknown
I think that up until that change in dynamic and volume, the piece holds this begrudging civility that gives an edge to the tempo and vibe of the song. As soon as that politeness fades, there’s a real sense of resentment for what the person has been through. I also think that there’s a mocking tone in the “sha la la”s that sort of echo throughout the song because it seems misplaced and almost mocking to have in a song of this context. The “sha la la”s remind of old Doo-wop love songs, which greatly contrasts the mood of this track.
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smallvoid · 2 months
When your mental health worker makes extra accommodations to help you go to a mental health group that your team is encouraging you to partake in but you don’t wanna go because you’re not skinni™️ enough.
Like, I have agoraphobia anyway which is separate to my physical disability but being perceived is 👁️👄👁️
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livingisboring · 6 months
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Sometimes I don't even know if I'm binging for emotional reason or because I want to eat. I don't know when I'm full so I keep eating eating til I feel my stomach being tighter. But I genuinely don't know how to eat normally anymore.
I really don't feel the difference.
One thing I know about my eating is that I know when I'm hungry.
When I'm shaking and weak.
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snmysmmmm · 5 months
“Thanks to you too for everything..”
I’m sorry that I didn’t have the courage to say it back to you..
Now that this year is ending.. I want to say it all, at least maybe for the last time.
I will miss 2023, very much. The year of gratitude, the weighless laugh, the deepest tears, the joyful trips, the hardest decisions. I miss you..
I’m really sorry that I left.
اکو ݢاتاو کامو باکال باچا ايني اتاو ڠݢا، تاڤي اکو باکال تيڠݢالين سيموا ياڠ تيرجادي دي ساات تيراکهير ايتو ديسيني.
هاري ايتو، ڤاݢي تاڠݢال ٢٢ نوفيمبير، ڤيرسيس سيتيلاه کيتا ميراياکان اننيفيرساري کيتا فيا تيلفون… اکو بيرانتيم ديڠان ايستريکو. هال ياڠ کامي ريبوتکان ميڽاڠکوت هوبوڠان کيتا. ماراهکو تاک بيسا کوکونترول هيڠݢا ديتيتيک اکو هامڤير ميموکولڽا ديڠان تاڠان تيرکيڤال ياڠ ڤادا اکهيرڽا ميڠاراه کي دينديڠ… ديساات ايتولاه جاريکو ڤاتاه. يا بينار سا، بوکان کارنا کيجاتوهان موتور سيڤيرتي ياڠ موڠکين کامو ديڠار داري تيمان تيمان کيتا.
تهات مومينت مادي مي رياليزيد تهات تهيس ايس تهي ايند…. ا ويلل الوايس بي ا تهريات اين يوور ليفي سا ايف وي چونتينووي.. نوتهيڠ ا چان دو بوت ليافي. هاري ايتو اکو دان کيماراهانکو باݢايکان کيسيتانان، اکو باهکان تاکوت ديڠان ديريکو. کيتاکوتان سا، اکو تاکوت سيلاماڽا اکو هاڽا بيسا ميڠيچيواکان اوراڠ٢ ديسيکيتارکو.. اکو تاکوت کيهيدوڤان سيڤيرتي اڤا ياڠ اکو اکان لالوي سيلانجوتڽا.
ڤادا اکهيرڽا اکو ميمينتا مااف ڤادامو..
اکو ايکهلاس جيکا کامو ميلوڤاکانکو، کارنا اکولاه ياڠ ڤيرݢي.. تاڤي سيڤيرتي جانجي ياڠ ڤيرناه کواوچاڤ، اکو تاک اکان ڤيرناه ميلوڤاکانمو. ا ستيلل کييڤ تهي بوکس اند ا ستيلل لوفي يوو.. بيي سا، سيلامات تاهون بارو، سيموݢا تياڤ هاريمو، تياڤ لاڠکاهمو سيلالو ديبيرکاهي الله دان ياڠ تيربايک ڤادا اکهيرڽا اکان داتاڠ مينجيمڤوتمو، مينيمانيمو هيڠݢا اکهير هاياتمو
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alternateanonymous · 7 months
8:29 pm 11/3/2023
Do you see a difference between then and now? I see a difference in myself, i see discipline, respect, and effort. But i don't know if i see a difference in you. I see a difference in how you pick up the peices, a slight one. You are more senstitive torwards me. But i don't see a difference in how you act torwards me, I see no difference in the things you do, or the things you say. I don't honestly. I still feel like i am putting more effort into this than you are. You say your life is busy, but honestly i don't give a damn. if you are so tired than go to sleep and talk to me when you're not tired. If you can't do nice things for me because you have to much on your plate, then why am i waiting for you to do nice things for me when you told me yourself you don't have enough time. It's the princpal of the fact, not the clean up. and even so, I barely see a change. There is no crazy romance and no astounding ephiphoney has been made. It appears that you are the same person you were before, you are just comofortable. And i don't know what to do or how to approach you, I still need to sit and think and process how i want to take this. If i am offended or if my standards are to high, it's up to me. It's up to me. I want to feel loved and appreciated, but you sir don't really do anything to go out of your way to make me feel deliberately appreciated. I want to, and I want you to make me feel like I am appreciated.
These are the things I want from you.
I want to feel free
I want to feel unconfined, weighless like i am flying through the air. Running around the world. I want to feel like I am going so fast, and flying so beautifully that I transport myself to another world. A 4 dimensional world where no worries or cares persit except the happiness of being. This is what I want to feel, everyday all the time. When i go to sleep, when I wake up, when I eat. All the time. I am not confined by anything but my own self, my own emotions. And that is ok, I am only human, but remember the purpose of being human is purly to exist. So exist to the best of your ability. Do you want to fly?
Do you feel like there are people holding you back? Do what you want to do, and never do what you don't/ And even if you don't know what to do, do your're best. You may not know, and that's ok. But just breath. You do know what to do. It is inside of you. You want to fly. That is what you want to do, and the only one who can make you fly is yourself. I belive in you. You want to feel free and not tied down. So be free, and those that want to fly with you, let them fly with you. And if they don't want to fly with you and aredragging you down. let them go, it's not your decision. Don't pull and pry, let it happen if it's ment to happen. It's ok.
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When your aunt visit you and tell you that it's great that you became less fat because last time she saw you, you were "fatty" "but not in a bad way, it's just great that you take care of yourself".
But you lost all this weight because you starve yourself every fucking day. And she doesn't know so she tells you that you need to continue .
Your starvation is just a success story.
I need to eat even less.
I want to be weighless.
I want to be so thin that you can see through me.
I want to see my bones.
I want to fit in my middle school clothes.
I want to feel my bones on my clothes when I walk.
I want them to tell me to stop losing weight.
They are all like "oh you know, she's young, that's why she is losing weight", "she is walking more in her apartment". No. Well, yes, I walk more but that's not the reason why I lost all this fucking weight.
I want to be saved but I can't, not until I'm thin enough. I. Will. Continue.
When I'll faint every hour maybe that'll be enough. I don't know. I don't even know when I'll be thin enough to faint.
Anyway, I ate a lot this weekend (>1700kcals), I won't be eating Monday and Tuesday. I don't deserve it.
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kessielrg · 4 years
[Dragon Age + Kingdom Hearts]
Summary: A very quick (and kinda messy) thank you drabble to @chibi-mushroom for going above and beyond what I had expected when she asked if she could borrow Anora for her Dragon Age AU, Dragon Age of Hearts. Even though Anora’s only been in one chapter so far, ha! I have a short list of what I'd love to see Anora do in their AU now, but I'm going to keep them to myself (spare for one tiny detail that's hinted at in this fic) because I don't want to influence anything they have planned already. Suffice to say, my body is ready, but my heart is not. But, I think @chibi-mushroom is possibly the best person I've lent an OC to in a LONG time. Seriously.
This drabble is set a good week or so before the Fifth Blight, and Aqua and Anora are quietly studying in the library.
Rating: K+
Word Count: 854 words
“Have you ever wondered how strong the Templars are?”
Aqua, who had only been half listening, mumbled a small, “Huh?” she turned her attention to her friend. Anora's eyes were glossed over, as if she were thinking of something else far way. If Aqua didn't know any better, she'd assume that Anora had crossed into the Fade.
“What do you mean?” Aqua wondered as she closed the spell book she was reading. She didn't quite expect Anora to give a wistful sigh in response.
“I don't know.” the pink haired girl mused. “It's just… they're so much stronger than they look, you know? Nothing can really stop them from just picking you up and...”
Aqua raised an eyebrow as she watched Anora's face flush a dark pink. A bit of amusement was laced in her voice as she asked, “And…?”
“N-never mind.” Anora stuttered. “Forget I said anything.”
She wasn't an idiot, Aqua knew something had been eating at Anora, but she chose not to question it at the moment. In truth, she had been thinking of certain things as well.
“How much of your past do you remember, Anora?”
Aqua didn't notice it at first, but Anora flinched. “You mean what I did two days ago, or…?”
“I mean of your life before the Circle.” her friend clarified. “Do you remember anything about your family, or where you lived?”
“Oh. That.” came the small answer. “Not really. You know I came to the Circle not long after you. I think I was the same age you were, too. Maybe younger. But...”
Anora gave her friend a happy grin as she started to get up on the table.
“Anora!” Aqua teasingly hissed. “Get down from there!”
She was answered with a mischievous laughter.
“I remember snow, Aqua.” Anora told her friend, raising one hand in the air. To her left, loose papers started to rise. She raised her other hand and papers on her right started rise as well. “They danced and twirled with each other. No two the same, not falling in the exact place twice.” At this point, Anora started to move her hands through the air- the papers starting to dance as if they were snowflakes dancing in the breeze. A certain glimmer of wonder hitting her eyes as she remembered what little she could of her past. Aqua watched her in a wonder all her own. When Anora was truly spirited about something, it was truly a sight to see.
“Snow flying all around!” Anora gleefully declared as she started to dance on top of the table, purposely waving her arms here and there- the papers dancing in an imaginary wind as she commanded them. “Dancing, and flying, and laughing, and…!”
Anora cut herself off when she noticed someone was standing at the doorway. Shocked, she quickly brought her arms in close to her body, causing the papers to drop to the ground like stones. In a surprised squeak she cried out, “Ephemer!”
“Ephemer?” Aqua questioned before also turning her attention to the door. Sure enough, the young Templar was there with a faint blush on his cheeks and a hand sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.
Looking everywhere but at the girls, Ephemer told them, “I've come to escort Aqua to her lesson with First Enchanter Mickey.”
“I forgot all about that.” Aqua admitted as she put her things together. Anora quickly scrambled off the table to help her. When Aqua had gotten her things together, she made her way out the door without so much a second look at Ephemer. The thought of forgetting her lesson had caused her to feel very rushed all of a sudden. If she had lingered, she might have noticed how lovingly the young Templar looked at her friend. She probably would have guessed that something deeper was there; and she would find out, eventually, just not today.
Anora was quick to start picking up the papers she had strewn all over the ground. It took her a moment or two to realize that Ephemer was watching her. She looked back over and shot him a sly smile that made the Templar's heart soar.
“Don't you have a mage to escort to the First Enchanter?” she teased.
For a split second, Ephemer jumped and looked like he had been snapped out of a blissful dream. Stammering, he tried to tell her, “I-I am court- I mean, escorting a marry- mage to the First enchanting- Enchanter...!” But he quickly gave up trying to properly finish his sentence to let out an exasperated sigh. “Maker help me...” he grumbled under his breath.
Anora laughed at his expense. “Then you need to get going.” she mused as she returned to picking up the papers. “Knight-Commander Cid might be suspicious if Aqua is traversing around the upper levels alone.”
“R-right.” Ephemer continued to stutter as he clumsily tried to make his leave. Anora once more gave a small chuckle to herself.
As she continued to clean up, she half sang, half hummed to herself, “So this is love, la da da da; so this is love...”
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smallvoid · 7 months
Tips on fasting?? I haven’t done that consistently in forever. I’m not gonna do OMAD but I need to reprogram my body or something
Like, my “get out of plateau” plan has finally kicked off but what I wanted to lose and what I actually lost are two very different stories. I wanted to be my gw [1] by the weekend and that’s now looking (narrowly) unlikely.
So I think I need to play with my diet a little bit. Not lowering kcal but increasing times before I start eating.
Man this really is 5d chess, blindfolded.
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coridallasmultipass · 6 years
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Jack, I think you're an amazing individual. Some people think twice before picking on you because of your physique, I wish that was the same for me... *sighs* I'm tiny, short and weighless, and if anybody harasses me I can't defend myself. I wish I had someone like you by my side so I wouldn't be afraid of people all the time.
𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓗𝓸𝔀𝓵:
After examining your stature and nodded and agreed.
"You sure are scrawny…"
He didn't mean any harm or to insult you but he couldn't help but agree.
"If you want to protect yourself and prevent getting picked on you could maybe train more and build up some mass."
In his head he was already thinking about what kind of excercise you could do or what diet you could follow to become stronger and gain some muscle.
"Maybe you could also try to gain some confidence. The way you appear to others can also be a factor of people taking you seriously or considering you prey."
It wasn't Jack's duty to protect anyone, he couldn't just follow you around all the time and ward off others.
He didn't have that time or patience.
It was up to you and all he could do is give advice and maybe support you here and there but he did not plan to become anyone's bodyguard.
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