#i’m not doing anything i’m not seeing my friends i don’t feel productive ya know lol
kuiinncedes · 10 months
nervous thinking abt actually being director in august now alshfhdjebdfjdh 😳
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aestheticaltcow · 2 months
A platonic fluff piece about the fridge scene at the end of Season 2.
This is also a solid way to help ground yourself when having a panic attack.
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“What do you mean he’s locked in the fridge?” you laughed when Richie pulled you aside in the dining area. It was The Bear's friends and family's soft opening, and you were working the bar as a favor for your best friend, Carmy. “I mean, he’s locked in the fridge. Dumbass didn’t call the fridge guy to come fix the handle on the walk-in, and it broke off- so he’s locked in the fridge.” Richie explained further, growing more frustrated as he did.
“I shouldn’t find this amusing because he’s probably freaking out-” You cut yourself off when you noticed Claire, Carmy’s not-girlfriend girlfriend, come out of the kitchen crying; you groaned. Carmy had done something stupid. You looked at Richie. Steam would have come out of his ears if this had been a cartoon. He stormed back to the kitchen, somehow managing not to draw attention to himself. 
You nodded in the direction of the other bartender. He returned the sentiment, and you walked back to the kitchen to hear Richie and Carmy screaming at each other from opposite sides of the fridge. “I fucking love you!” Richie yelled, pointing at the fridge as his face twisted with anger and hurt. You had no idea what was going on as you approached the fridge, “Richie, tap out.” you solemnly said, putting a hand on his shoulder, “Go smoke or something. I got this.” you sympathetically smiled when you saw tears forming in his eyes. 
“You’re a fucking child, Carmen! Fuck you!” Richie yelled his final jab before walking toward the back of the kitchen to the alley before Carmy could yell anything back at him.
“Carmy?” you asked softly, trying to de-escalate the situation, “Y/N- fuck off! I need- I need-” you could hear the panic in his voice. “Carmy, can you please tell me three things you can see?” you heard Carmy groan. “Carmy? Three things you can see,” you repeated, putting a palm to the fridge door. 
“Just get me the fuck out of here!” he yelled, “Carmy. Three things you can see.” you held your breath when you felt a thud on the door, assuming Carmy had slammed a fist on the door or kicked it?
“Fine... carrots. Stock. And fennel,” Carmy said as he slid down the fridge door onto the smooth concrete floor. “Okay. Three things hear,” you responded.
He closed his eyes and focused on your words. “I ugh—the fridge compressor… pots and pans hitting the stove… your voice,” he answered, pushing a hand through his sweat-soaked hair. The styling product he’d put in was long gone.
 “Now, tell me three things you can feel.” you said, putting your forehead on the fridge, “Uh, the floor… the door, and uh… my hair?” he answered. Carmy leaned back against the door and stared at the light above him. 
“Scale of one to ten. How are you feeling?” you laughed, trying to lighten the mood. “Seven?” Carmy chuckled. 
“Is the fire department here yet?” he questioned only to hear you laugh again, “Carm, what do you think?”
“This would fuckin’ happen to me.” he scoffed. You grinned, “What happened with Claire? She ran out crying.” you heard Carmy sigh, “I thought I was talking to Tina… I was talkin’ about how I don’t deserve enjoyment.” you nodded. 
“I think she took your panic attack personally. Not very pro mental health of her.” you joked, hoping you hadn’t, pun unintended, poked the bear too much by asking. Carmy chuckled, “It’s okay… she told me she loved me, and I didn’t say it back. I think I loved her, but I’m not in love with her… ya know?” 
The two of you sat there for a while. You watched the kitchen bustle and hoped the other bartender wasn’t too slammed while you cared for Carmy through a couple of feet of metal. When the fire department came, they’d managed to open the door without breaking out the axe. Carmy was free, and Syd and Marcus sarcastically clapped and hooted, much to Carmy’s annoyance. 
Marcus laughed and exclaimed, “He returns!” before he threw an arm around Carmy’s shoulders. “Okay, back to work, chefs.” Carmy rolled his eyes before returning to his station. You laughed, “Well, at least you won’t forget to call the fridge guy again.” Carmy shot you a glare as you put your hands up defensively. “I’m not wrong, Berzatto.”
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maenchkin · 3 months
- “𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬”
in which darry’s childhood friend is the mom of the gang
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darry curtis x f!reader
#2 "Chicken Soup"
<3 Reader is referred to, or called ‘Ma’
Series Masterlist
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September 10th, 1953
“Darrel, right? I’m Y/n,” 
“Yeah, you ready for me to show you around?” Darrel asked, Y/n nodded curtly, showing him a shy smile. “I can show you the library firs-”
“Darry!!” a young voice calls from down the hall, the two turn to see a small boy running towards them, “Soda you know you’re supposed to be at recess right now,” Darry scolded him. “I came inside to go to the bathroom and I saw you. I wanted to give you a hug,” the boy whined, reaching his arms out to him.
Darry sighed before reluctantly opening his arms for him, Soda accepted the invite and jumped into his arms. The young boy squeezed the crap out of him, Darry having to peel him back off of him. 
“Okay okay, you need to head back to recess. I have to do something right now,” the older brother said, Soda looked over at Y/n. He looked her up and down before turning back to Darry.
“Oh I see what’s going on,” he said. Y/n and Darry shared a look. Soda turned around to walk back to recess, “Trynna avoid me so he can hang out with his girlfriend,” he said, rolling his eyes.
Darrel was floored, his jaw on the floor in shock. Y/n giggled.
“S-s’rry ‘bout that, I don’t know where he got that from,” Darry said, clearly embarrassed. “It’s ok Darell, I thought it was cute,”
Darry shoved what his brother said to the back of his head, and continued his tour. Y/n trailed next to him, taking in the conversation, and the details of the boy. Like how when the sun is in his eyes, there’s more green than blue. 
“That’s everything,” Darry said, breaking Y/n from her trance, “Do ya’ have any questions?”. 
“Nope, thanks Darrel,” Y/n smiled,
“Call me Darry, everyone else does,” The two smiled at eachother, before heading back to class.
“Y/n! Thank you for coming!”
“No problem Mrs. Phoebe! Thank you for hiring me for the job,” Y/n smiled as she walked into the lady’s house. “So which dress is it that you wanted me to alter?” Y/n asked, “This one right over here,” Mrs. Phoebe led her over to the long emerald green dress draped over her dining room table. 
“Oh my, its stunning!” Y/n gasped, the morning sun hitting the sleek fabric just right. “I got a few months back, but its too loose at the waist. I need it by thursday for an event,”.
Mrs. Phoebe lived on the west side of town, so there were many charity events she attended with her husband. Y/n admitted that she wished that she were like her, she would love to afford such a nice house, go to formal events every week, and not have to worry about whether the gang is getting jumped at all. But she did love her life, the boys added such a spice to her world, and she wouldn’t know what she would do without them.
“It’s no problem Mrs. Phoebe, I can get it back to you by tomorrow,” Y/n smiled,
“You are a lifesaver dear,” Mrs. Phoebe exclaimed, “Say, how have you and Darell been? I saw you two on a stroll together last week,”.
“We’re not together if that’s what you’re asking,” Y/n sighed. “Yet.” Mrs. Phoebe said, “My husband took years to finally admit his feelings towards me, and if I know anything, I know Darell looks at you the same way my husband did to me,” Mrs. Phoebe smiled gently towards her. Y/n’s face flushed. “I better get going Miss, I-I still have your measurements from last time,” Y/n gently picked up the dress and folded it into her bag. “Have a good rest of your day dear!” Mrs. Phoebe said, winking as Y/n left the house. 
Y/n walked her way to her house. She had finished her shift and her study session with Cherry. The session was extremely productive, Cherry had picked up on every tip to help her with her upcoming midterms. Y/n’s heels clicked against the sidewalk, her old blue house coming into view.
Shoes tapping against the fron steps, she could see through the screen door that there were two extra pairs of shoes in the entry. 
“I’m home!” she yelled out, slipping off her shoes as well. She could hear the soft sound of cartoon music, the noise getting louder as she walked to the living room. A head of brunette and a mop of jet black hair sat on her couch. “Dally, Johnny, how long have you guys been here?” she asked, leaning over the couch to see them. “Not long Ma, just ‘bout an hour or so,” Dally said, eyes still glued to the TV. Johnny however, looked up to greet Y/n. “How was yer day Ma?” he asked softly. 
“Good, thanks for asking. I have a quick fix-up for a dress I have to do, so I won’t be here for long,” she said, giving him a smile. Her hands pushed her up and she started walking to her bedroom. “I made cookies last night, feel free to eat as many as you want,” she yelled out, opening her bedroom door and closing it behind her.
As she predicted, the dress fixup was simple. The only task required was to take in the waist. A few minutes later, she was done. Y/n packed up her stuff, grabbed a sweater, and started to head out. Not before saying goodbye to Dally and Johnny beforehand. “I’ll be at the Curtis’s to make dinner, so stop by if you need anything,” She said, finally getting Dally to look over, along with Johnny. Y/n noticed the blue bruise on the side of Dally’s face. “Dally did you get into another fight?” she scolded, reaching out the touch his face.
Dally allowed her to do so. “Yeah, that damn soc got what he deserved,” he said, “Stupid socs think that they own us,”. Y/n accidentally hit the sore spot on the bruise, Dally flinched and pushed her hand off of his face. “I’m fine Ma, don’t worry about me,”. Y/n sighed, “Just try to be more careful, okay? You just got out from the cooler,”.  “Yeah yeah, I’ll be fine,” Dally said, moving his eyes back to the TV.
Darry brought his hand up to wipe the sweat dripping from his forehead. He sat on top of a roof he was reshingling, the sun had been beating down on him relentlessly for the last four hours he had been working. 
Hands calloused, sweat soaking his shirt to his torso and chest leaving little to the imagination. Darry was proud of his build he had accomplished from years of hard work. He knew the effect he had on women, he noticed the looks they sent him, no matter how subtle they try to be. Nothing compares to when Y/n’s eyes are on him though, sometimes he stretches a certain way while he knows she’s looking at him. Through all the work the two of them have, and looking after the gang, he hasn’t found the time to tell her how he feels.
“Almost done,” He said to himself, breaking out of his thoughts.
Y/n swung the Curtis’s door open and let herself in. She swung by the grocery store to grab some veggies since lord knows that there isn’t any in the fridge here. Checking the clock in the kitchen she noted she had a few hours till Soda got home. He was always the one home first, but with him would be Steve and most likely a few others. 
Scouring through the cupboards, she grabbed a cutting board, a pot, and a knife and got to work cutting. The chopped veggies were tossed into the pot where they gonna get cooked down. Y/n stepped out of the kitchen to toss on a record and tie up her hair. Flipping through their collection she decided on a Beatles album she’d been able to sneak in. Yeah yeah, the boys thought the Beatles weren’t tuff enough, Y/n adored them. Especially that George. 
Swaying to the music, she went back to her cooking. Y/n heard the door open and close. “I’m home,”, “Hi Darrel,” She responded, opening up the spice cabinet and searching for the bay leaves. Her eyes scanned the bottles until she found what she needed. Only thing is that it’s on the top shelf. ‘No problem’ Y/n thought as she reached as high as she would to try and reach it. 
“Here Ma, I got it,” Darry said, reaching over her. Y/n could feel the heat from his day radiating from him as his body leaned against her, his large chest pushing against her back. 
“Bay Leaves?” he asked. “Y-yeah Darry,” she said, face starting to flush. 
“Here you are,” Darry said, his body pulling away from hers, placing the bottle in her palm. “Thanks Darrel,” Y/n says smiling up at him, face still pink. Darry smiles back at her, admiring her lovely smile. “No problem, Y/n,” he says, turning back to change out of his work clothes. 
Y/n leans against the counter and inhales a deep breath, processing what just transpired. My, did Darry have a toned body. Y/n shook her head and stared into the pot, watching the veggies bubble as the butter sizzles beneath them. 
Realizing the the rest of the gang is coming back soon, she grabs a pan from under the stove and starts on the chicken, rubbing in the appropriate spices and laying them into the now heated pan. 
Darry walks down the hall and back to the kitchen after changing into more comfy clothes. He leans against the wall and crosses his arms, admiring the beauty in front of him. He watches her focused eyes as she flips the chicken breast over and stirs whatevers in the pot. “Whatcha cookin’ Ma?” Darry asks, moving to lean against the counter next to her. “Chicken soup,” she responds, briefly looking up at him, then back down to the food. “How was your day Dar?” Y/n asks. Darry looks up, thinking of how to respond. 
“Hot.” he says, staring at his burnt arms and are still hot from the sun. Y/n chuckles a bit, “I bet. I wasn’t even moving around that much and I was working up a sweat,” she jokes, leaning on the counter next to him. “How about you Ma?” Darry asks, “How was your day?”. 
“It was okay, I didn’t do anything special,” Y/n says, sighing. The two fell into a comfortable silence. The only sounds in the room being the sizzling of food and the chirps of birds outside. 
“Ma! Whatcha cooking? It smells amazing,” Soda yells, opening the door. “Chicken soup!” Y/n yells back, stirring the pot. She heard a few sets of feet following Soda’s. “Hey can one of ya’ll flip the record?” Y/n called out. 
Johnnie walked over to the record player and stared at the record. Steve looked over his shoulders to check the album. “Ah, Ma! What’s this trash?” Steve yelled out grabbing the record sleeve. “The Beatles?!” Soda groaned. 
Y/n chuckled as she turned around to face the gang, “Yeah I love them,” she shrugged, still smiling at them. “We gotta get this trash outta here,” Two-Bit said, grabbing the album.
“Alright boys lets calm down,” Darry calls out, swiping the record from Two-Bit. “If Ma likes the Beatles, she’s allowed to listen to ‘em,”.
The boys groaned, walking over to the sitting area and plopping down. “When’s dinner done?” Soda asked, lighting a weed. Y/n took a look at the pot, “Mmmm, almost done. But no eating till Pony gets home,” she said firmly. Another round of groans hit her ears.
“I’m home!” Pony yelled at he slipped his shoes off and set his bag down. “Finally!” he heard Steve yell, then a large hoard running to the kitchen. “Okay, okay. One at a time boys,” Y/n said, handing each boy a bowl. 
“Ma what’d you make? It smells great,” Pony comments walking over to the rest of the gang. “Chicken soup! You’re favorite,” Y/n winked, handing him a bowl. 
Various ‘thank you’s’ filled the room as the boys walked back to the living room. “How was your day Pony?” Y/n asked, filling up a bowl for Darry. “It was ok. Math’s gettin’ tougher, but it’s not too bad yet.” Pony said. Y/n nodded, “Well you’re a very smart boy, I know you’ll be able to get through it,” Y/n said, patting his shoulder. Pony shyly smiled at her, “The soup’s real good Ma,” he said. “Thank you Ponyboy,” Y/n smiled, handing the bowl to Darry. 
After all the boys finished up, Y/n flipped on another Beatles record, ignoring the groans of protest from the gang. ‘Twist and Shout’ came on and she excitedly turned around, eyeing Soda. “Soda, do you know how to dance?” she asked, smiling widely. “No, but you can definitely teach me,” he said, jumping up. Y/n laughed as she grabbed his hands. Soda twirled her around as the boys whooped and hollered. The two of them danced around hand in hand, unable to stop laughing. 
Y/n looked around and made eye contact with Ponyboy. “I think Ponyboy wants a turn,” Y/n said as she pulled away from Soda. Soda laughed and sat back down next to Steve. “C’mon Pony,” Y/n smiled, grabbing his hands. Pony groaned, but let out a shy smile. “We can square dance,” Y/n smiled. “C’mon Ma,” Pony sighed, reluctantly putting his hands on her waist. 
‘And I Love Her’ came on, and the two swayed back and forth. “Come on Pony, twirl the lady!” Two-Bit called out, the boys laughing at the two of them. Pony stiffly lifted his arm and twirled Y/n around. Y/n laughed loudly as Darry pulled her away.
“Alright alright, calm down everybody,” he said. Darry looked at Pony, “Don’t you have homework to do?” he asked sternly. Pony looked down, “Yeah,”. “Then get to it kid,” Darry said, watching him grab his bag then head to his and Soda’s room. 
Y/n slapped Darry’s chest lightly. “Let the boy have some fun Dar,” she said, “He’s a good boy, he deserves to take a break every once and awhile,”. Y/n shook her head and pulled away from him.
“Ooooooo,” the boys whooped, laughing at him. “Shut up,” Darry mumbled. Walking over to Y/n.
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Ok, I know. It's been a while. But I hope you enjoy the second chapter! I'm getting back into the Outsiders so I'll hopefully be writing more consistently :).
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First off, I wanna say that I mean no disrespect to the artists who worked on Hazbin Hotel. It’s just that I’ve been seeing people make redesigns of Hazbin characters, and though I don’t usually participate in stuff like this (it seems fun, and you are all incredibly talented. I just feel kinda bad tinkering with someone else’s work like this), the show made me frustrated, and frustrated induced brain-vomit started sloshing around in my skull so noisily that it’s been keeping me up. And, well, I had to get it out somehow.
So…here ya go, I guess. It’s nothing crazy or new. It’s just a few disgustingly rough ideas for this very specific version of Charlie that I kept seeing in my head. They’re far from polished or anything, and they’re definitely missing some key details because I’ve been hyper-fixating on trying to get the face right lol. I might make a full body illustration later, but I have commitment issues so who knows how far this’ll go. That is to say, don’t expect any more of this or the other characters unless 1) my brain decides to torment me with more literal demons or 2) I, by some miracle, become a more productive person. Plus, Tumblr’s a new thing for me, and I don’t know what I’m doing with this yet other than posting art and then disappearing for years. Seriously, you have no idea. It’s a wonder that I posted for a second time.
Anyway, the direction of this design is pretty obvious. I went with the lamb/goat motif because I liked the idea of inverted/parallel symbolism. I was toying with a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” concept where they appear to be a lamb in this form but actually shift into a more wolf-like dragon sorta thing when prompted. Their wardrobe is supposed to be an extension of the innocent lamb deception as the ruffles and looseness are meant to be kinda reminiscent of fluff while communicating a sense of privilege (a white untainted by the grit of Hell… something that probably wouldn’t last long). I was also inspired by white goth and catholic goth aesthetics (I blame Ethel Cain) as well as those insanely beautiful ball-jointed dolls. I don’t know if I captured that well (to be honest, the more I look at those digital renditions, the more I hate them). I considered adding a pair of spectacles coz I thought it was cute lol, and because I thought it could be a way for them to try and seem more human.
If I were doing a rewrite (which I have ideas for, but I should probably focus on my actual original characters instead) then:
1. They would be agender and androgynous (I’d go the Good Omens route and make most angels/non-human entities largely genderless as gender is a human construction, one that most angels wouldn’t really concern themselves with)
2. They would be kinda elitist and naive but still sweet
3. Their intentions would not be entirely insincere, but they would not be acting without selfish goals
4. They would be an eldritch abomination
5. There would be possible exploration of their role as an antichrist as well as basically being a tool of war for their papa’s self-gratification
6. Their pops would suck
7. More horror
8. Like, it wouldn’t not be funny…but horror’s my genre so….
9. They would not suck at fighting, but death is traumatizing and so is being the cause of it (squeamish)
10. That being said, could make friends with Death??
And that’s all I feel like writing. Hopefully I update this lol
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Hey can u try to be more inclusive within your fics not all of us are blonde white and blue eyed (at least for the pics u use)
so…i got this ask a few days and i took some time to think about it and talked to some friends of mine as to best approach this situation. i want to answer this is poise and the delicacy that this requires.
bc inclusivity is EXTREMELY important, especially within fandoms. (a wonderful example is the pjo show and all the ‘controversy’ with the casting (which was just disguised racism but whatever))
but i don’t think i’m the girl for the job. and ill explain why.
first and foremost, i do not feel comfortable just deciding one day to write from the perspective of race xyz and then doing another race another day. (unless explicitly stated in the request and even then i tread lightly bc it feels a little wrong to me to be writing from a perspective i haven’t personally lived. bc stereotypes ARE harmful even in a space as silly as fanfic writing)
secondly, i feel the need to point out that this felt a tad…passive aggressive. the tone of this message, as perceived by me, felt jabbing and left me shaking for the rest of the night as i felt i had done something completely disrespectful and completely morally wrong. i never want someone to feel excluded and that was never my intention when selecting pictures off of pinterest.
(while i’m white passing, i grew up in a hispanic household and i do not have blonde hair, or blue eyes either. and the thought of, even accidentally, excluding my little cousins, my beautiful nieces and nephews has me sick to my stomach. EVERYONE deserves to be seen, ya know??)
as far as the pics go, that is something i’d be willing to give a shot in trying to adjust, but it also goes back to my first point. it’ll feel even more, dare i say racist, to just switch around races constantly when it comes to different fics. but idk idk. maybe im reading too much into the situation??
(the ap gov kid in me is screaming for yall to look into the case of shaw v reno bc the whole problem with that case was OVERCORRECTING. due to previous racist precedent, those who redistricted the state made an overly conscious effort to enforce a few largely africans american districts which would later be deemed unconstitutional. it was seen as overcorrecting of past issues which would just cause more issues) (my ap teacher would be proud lmao)
anyways, if anyone has anything they’d like to say, please don’t be shy in the comments, but do be kind. this is a serious conversation i want to have and if we start throwing anger around, we’re gonna get nowhere fast.
if yall really want this, i could make it happen with some research and your help, but i dont want to just start doing this unprompted, ya know???
i guess i hope you have a good day and that this was a productive conversation and that you are able to see my side of the story?? if not, i’m sorry.
actually, either way, i’m sorry.
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 month
Ya boy cried a lot today FUCKIN time to watch silly things
So I stayed for the entire stream. I’ve cried. So Much in the last few hours. And I am. Drained. I don’t have big words to say in a good way but. Rooster Teeth and its related productions have been in my life since a friend intruded them to me in 1013. I started with the Minecraft let’s plays and fell in love during extra life 2013. I turned to them during my lowest. I could open any video and feel better after a good laugh or just an hour of a podcast to distract me from whatever was happening in my life. I’m 26 now and am trying for independence that I have not had for many reasons. And I just. Am so grateful to every person who’s been there, the people who stayed until the final hour to the people who left. To the people who hated it after they left. Each and every person who has touched any production there. I can’t put into words. How happy. I’ve been because of the people who worked there. And I’m so fucking sad right now. But that’s okay. Because if they can last 21 years with a hope and a pipedram and bad equipment then I can do anything too. I just have to try. And I think that’s what I’ll take away from today. The things that I watched and loved and turned to for 11 years of my life all existed because people Tried. And I’ve cried for many hours and would like to watch something fun and silly. But I’m never going to forget anything about RT or the people who worked there and the things we as a community and audience learned. The happy and the sad the good and the bad the fails and the success. My life would be a million percent different had I never taken a chance on those videos and those big dummies who became individuals who inspired me and gave me comfort just by being themselves. To see change. To know that I can change too. To know that I can start at any time. To know I won’t be stuck.
I will miss them. Forever I think. And that’s okay too.
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StayTeez Trope’Pril - Trope Prompt 9: Brother/Sister’s best friend
Post Date: 26th April 2023 Content: Angst/ Smut/ Fluff - Brother/Sister’s best friend: I.N x GN!Reader Word Count: 1.5K TW?: Brothers best friend/ mutual pining
Summary: With your parents and brother, Chan going away for a while. They didn't feel comfortable with letting you stay in the house to yourself so Jeongin ends up staying to make sure you're okay.
Scenario Mobile Masterlist                                     Prompt List StayTeez Trope’Pril Masterlist
If you like my stuff and wanna tip, just buy me a coffee!
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"I don't need to be baby sat, I can look after myself!" You whine to your parents, your brother laughs as he pats you on the head.
"There there, it's not like Jeongin is going to be around 24/7, just to keep an eye on you." Chan laughs even more at your distaste to his action.
You go to slap his hand away but he's much quicker than you, quite embarrassing in all honesty.
"He's going to be staying in my room whilst I go abroad to help out with a production company. And whilst mam and dad are away, you need someone to watch you. God knows who's out there." He softens up.
Chan being your older brother meant he was super protective of you. He knows you don't need supervision, but he'd rather know you're safe in the house with one of his best friends than be alone. Even convincing your parents to make this happen.
"Fine. But I'm a grown up and I don't need eyes on me 24/7..." You reply sarcastically, rolling your eyes when your parents go to open their mouth, "And yes I will make sure to let you guys know what I'm doing, when I'm doing it. Or at least let Jeongin know."
With everyone happy with how things is settling in place, there's a knock on the door, Jeongin letting himself in as he's been given permission to.
You've known Jeongin for 6 years, and the rest of Chan's friendship group and you get on with them in passing. But never being left alone.
You were sure that you grew up with a massive crush on Jeongin but you always dismissed it, knowing Chan would give no chance in letting that ship sail.
"Hey brother, everything's sorted and there's clean sheets on the bed. Money on the dinner table for takeout. Please look after Y/N." Chan lightly greets him, tone getting a little worried as they look back at you on the couch.
"Nothing will happen to her, I promise." Jeongin smiles at him.
Everyone knows why they chose Jeongin, it's because he's closer in age to you and found that you'd have more in common. Plus also, he also likes personal space so it wasn't like he was going to invade on your privacy anyway.
"Well, have fun and stay safe. Love you!" Your parents chime, pulling Chan out of the door with them as you reply back.
It's so awkward from the get-go. Jeongin stands there rocking back and forth on his heels, first time being around you alone and he doesn't even know if he could hide how he feels with his cheeks going bright red.
"I'm going to put my stuff in the room. See ya." He quickly says, rushing towards Chan's room.
You felt as though you couldn't breathe, being left alone with your crush that you've liked for 6 years, in your house. You weren't sure how you were going to cope.
- Time skip -
With a few days gone by, you find yourself sitting at the table, munching on a bowl of fruit when Jeongin comes into the kitchen and goes straight for the fridge.
"What ya doin'?" He shyly turns around as you dramatically show him your laptop, assignments upon assignments filling your laptop screen.
Walking over to you, he pinches a piece of fruit from your bowl, shrugging and laughing before taking a seat next to you on the table.
"Anything I could help with?" He furrows his brows, sliding the laptop to face him as you burry your face into your hands.
"Yeah, oh. It's mentally draining." You sigh, leaning back on the chair, almost slipping out of it but Jeongin manages to catch you.
"Careful. I don't need a earful off Chan because you hurt yourself." He scolds playfully, rubbing your back.
Both of your emotions are flying extremely high, with eyes connected and you thank him for catching you.
But you didn't know what had your heart racing more.
Him or the fact you almost fell onto the floor.
"You're so cute when you're flustered." Jeongin whispers, watching your cheeks flush and your eyes flicker between him and the laptop.
Trying to ground yourself from making rash decisions.
"Huh?" You reply, completely confused as to what he's just said, only hearing the word 'cute', "What's cute?".
"Ah nothing." Jeongin instantly tries to hide his emotions as you can't help but get even more flustered.
Did he just call you cute?
The last few days have been the both of you shyly flirting with each other and not doing anything about it.
"I'm going to go to bed. I'm tired." Trying to be quick on your feet, you try to find a way to hide yourself away, grabbing your laptop and head towards your room.
Accidently leaving the door wedged open a little as you slump down onto the bed, laptop placed on the floor as you just lay there.
Staring at the ceiling.
Wondering how much longer you're going to have to act like you don't have a crush on your brother's best friend.
This continues as you try and sleep, finding yourself irritated as you can't get comfort, mind racing with thoughts and butterflies in your stomach.
Now it's 2 a.m, and you're bored line ready to burst into tears from the lack of ability to get to sleep, frustratingly going to the bathroom to wash your face, and do something to distract yourself.
"You can't sleep either?" A small voice comes from behind you.
"I'm sorry, was I being too loud?" You apologise, patting your face dry with a towel as he shakes his head.
"Just can't sleep. Thoughts in my brain doing laps, distracting me from being able to sleep." He shrugs, smiling sweetly.
"You too? I guess it is a bit weird having to look after your best friend's sibling." You joke as he does the same in return.
"Not really. Quite the opposite."
Where was this boldness coming from? You've always known Jeongin to keep to himself but it gets you intrigued into what he means by this.
"Mind if I come into your room with you? I don't think I'll be able to sleep anytime soon. And I think it'll be nice to have someone to talk to."
Surprised to his request, you stutter for a moment, slowly putting the towel down as you shyly walk past him to your room, him following not that far behind.
"Feel free to make yourself comfortable." You signal to the bed as he sits on the end, waiting for you to sit down too.
You sit at the top of your bed, legs crossed with a pillow in your laptop.
"So what did you wanna do?" You stutter.
"Have you watched Demon Slayer? It's a great watch." He replies, and you shake your head, turning on the TV to put that on.
No matter how much you try to distract yourself with the anime, you're more fixated on Jeongin who's managed to shuffle up the bed, with his hand on your knee.
"What's wrong?" Jeongin asks with worry in his face, "Am I making you uncomfortable?".
He quickly retracts his hand, putting it in his own lap as he watches your face contort.
Shaking your head, you couldn't help but let out a small nervous giggle.
"No, no. It's not that." You brush it off, barely being able to look at him.
"Hey, look at me. You can tell me anything, I promise I won't tell Chan." He replies, voice soft and soothing.
Struggling to look at him without getting extremely nervous, he gently pinches your chin between his thumb and finger to lightly tip your head up.
"Tell me."
With that, you let your emotions of liking him get in the way, pulling him in for a kiss which he instantly indulges in, gently laying you back on the bed as he hovers over you slightly.
His lips were soft, faint scent of toothpaste on his breath, he was addicting to kiss already. You didn't want to stop.
"You don't understand how much I've wanted to do that in the last couple of years." He lightly speaks, caressing your cheek with him thumb.
Smitten and surprised, your eyes widen up, shocked wouldn't even be the word to cover how you felt in this moment.
Jeongin? Wanted to kiss you too? For how long?!
"Huh?" Was the only reaction you could give in reply.
Jeongin chuckles sweetly, admiring every detail on your face, hair and specially the smile that creeps onto your face when he smiles.
"I've liked you for so long, Y/N. I never thought you could feel the same way." He peppers a kiss on your cheek, making you giggle.
Stars glow in your eyes.
He nods lightly in reply, placing another sweet kiss to the tip of your nose.
"Why do you think I offered to "babysit" you?" He throws air quotation marks, making you speechless.
"I understand if you don't feel the same way."
All you could do was kiss him in reply, giving him your answer as he smiles into the kiss.
Shuffling next to you on the bed, he pulls you into his arms, letting you give yourself a moment to think as you instantly fall comfortable in his grasp.
"I like you too." You finally say, putting the biggest smile on his face.
Taglist: @hipster-shiz, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @whatudowhennooneseesyou, @bellscamander
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nerdieforpedro · 8 months
Wash Day
Joel Miller x Layla (plus size OFC)
Fanfiction (all ages)
Masterlist / A03 link / Joel Miller Masterlist / Drops of Sugar Series
Summary: Layla has decided to wash her hair at home today since everyone is out, but she does end up receiving some excellent help.
Warnings: Just fluff and possible badly written southern accent
Notes: I do not look forward to washing my hair but I also don’t feel like paying salon prices. I was very self-indulgent with this. I want Joel Miller to do my hair while he talks to me. 🥰 Like that’s all. Not much. 🤣 I am also convinced that he knows how to care for hair. I saw Sarah's hair. That's all I'mma say. 😏
This is in the same vein as my two part Sugar stories with the same OFC. @legendary-pink-dot gave me a good idea for hair related stories 😝
Sugar part one (I’m your fool Sugar)
Sugar part two (Let me at them Nylons)
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Today was a good day for it, Layla decided. It was a Saturday; Joel was working with Tommy on a contracting job that was running into overtime based on their client’s changing tastes. Sarah was out for a good portion for the day due to soccer and then she planned to study at a friend’s house afterward.
The woman stood in front of her mirror and combed out her hair. It wasn’t particularly long, past her shoulders when blown out, but it was extremely thick and sucked up moisture like a sponge, leaving it constantly dry. She removed her night gown and strode into the bathroom and looked to gather her hair products from the little caddy Joel had set up for her. Layla used to keep them under the sink but Joel said he they should be more accessible for her and bought the caddy while he had been out and attempted to organize her hair supplies. She chuckled, reminded of how he always rubs the back of his neck when he isn’t sure about something and she pulled him in for a kiss, reminded yet again at how observant he is.
The water from the shower felt good as she wet her hair and massaged her scalp, repeating the process while shampooing her hair and washing it out after. She let the water flow over her shoulders after applying the conditioner and washing her body. This was the main issue with doing her own hair sometimes, the strain on her shoulders from trying to care for all it, especially the back which she has difficulty reaching. After rising everything off, she stepped out of the shower and towel dried her hair, then wrapped it so the bathroom floor wouldn’t be completely drenched.
The front door closed downstairs; someone had just come home. Maybe Sarah had come early, was the soccer game canceled? She slipped on a simple sleeveless sundress; she didn’t have time for underwear. Heavy steps made their way up the stairs.
No not Sarah.
“Joel, what are you doing home honey?” Layla asked, sitting on the bed, going through her after wash hair supplies box she kept in the closet. Joel stood in the doorway, happy to see her in just a towel on her head. Layla chuckled, “Keep starting Joel. I’m not starting anything while this hair is wet though. I’ll be fit to be tied if it dries and knots up.” The contractor smiled and stood before her and kissed her forehead.
“Wouldn’t dream of it darlin’ looks like I’m rubbing off on ya. Me and my sayin’s.” He grinned. Really, they complemented each other well, Layla had become relaxed her speech some and even picked up a few of Joel’s phrases. Joel had in turn and relaxed slightly, not taking everything so seriously. He looked through her hair box. “Which order you use these in sugar? I can help. Did Sarah’s hair for a bit before Tommy married Maria and Sarah turned her back on her dad.” Layla giggled, Joel would view it that way, she nodded and handed him the detangling spray and a comb.
“I take it you know how to section it out. I have a lot of hair Miller as you well know. I’d like to keep most of it if you don’t mind.” She looked up at him smiling. This was a lot of faith she had in him, she trusted a select few with her hair outside of herself, her hairdresser and her mother, Joel was going to be the fourth if did well. Joel nodded and spayed her hair; he looked in her hair box and found some clips to help divide her hair as he separated it into eight sections. He pointed to the leather chair, and she moved as it was closer to the outlet. Plugging in the hair dryer, he then sprayed the heat protectant on it. Layla sat still she had been anxious but she hadn’t needed to tell him anything, Joel started drying, section by section. The heat and Joel’s large hands running her hair made her sigh. Her feet patted the floor, she was feeling chilled below her shoulders, but it was fine she could deal with a little cold as an exchange for someone else doing her hair.
The Texan smirked as he looked down, more than halfway done with drying, he was also spraying some leave in conditioner after he finished drying. Just on the ends, he knew he would need the grease for her scalp in a bit. After he finished the eight sections, he went over all her hair with the dryer one final time. “Well shit girl, I still got it.” Joel exclaimed, nodding to himself, admiring his work. Layla tipped her chin up to peer at Joel, she laughed.
“I guess you do Joel, but it’s not like you to leave a job unfinished love.” She reached up to grab his hand and pulled it to her lips, kissing the back of it. It smelled like the guava spray he had just used on her hair. “You’re almost done Miller.” Joel leaned down and kissed her cheek.
“S’alright sugar. I got ya.” Joel put down the dryer and reluctantly pulled his hand back. Lalya brought her chin back down and faced forward. The older Miller brother spooned out a handful of a green hair food, commonly called grease. It didn’t feel too dissimilar grease that Joel used on his tools, he rubbed it between his palms and start kneading her scalp, beginning at the back of her head, and working his way up. The sensation made Layla’s toes curl a bit, his strong fingers massaging the warm flesh beneath her hair, his thumbs worked toward the middle of her head while his other fingers spread outward to the fringes near her ears.
“God bless those hands of yours Joel Miller.” The woman moaned, taking hold of the arm rests of the hair and dug her fingers into the chair, her feet arched as she pressed the balls of her feet into the wooden floor. Joel watched as she was relishing the massage. A soft smile came upon his face. Of course, he loved watching as his love appeared to be getting aroused, but more than that, she was sharing more of herself with him. He knew that they came from very different backgrounds, it was moments like this where they bridged their gaps with their shared experiences. His hands worked his way to the top of her head, and he tied her hair in her usual updo as she preferred it off her neck. Joel wiped the excess spray and grease from her shoulders and neck and touched his lips to her neck. He then used the same town to get the grease off his hands.
“Yer all set Layla honey. Ya gonna recommend me?” He asked coyly, she stood and walked over to the mirror, appraising his work though her head felt ten times better than it usually did. Sugar whipped around, making her dress spin with her, and pointed at Joel, curling her finger to tell him to come hither. He put the supplies back in the box and did as she ruffled his curly brown locks, she leaned up to his nose, then his cheek and then his lips, lingering for a minute, Joel wrapped and arm around her wide waist, squeezing her as he did whenever she was near.
“No. Unless it’s Sarah, I don’t want you doing anyone else’s hair. I’m greedy when it comes to you Joel.” Her hand landed on the pocket of shirt, feeling his heartbeat as she laid her cheek on his chest. “Thank you, I’ve never had a man do my hair before. You have any openings in about two, three weeks tops?” She asked playfully looking up at him, her wide smile, made Joel’s frown at her initial no disappear. He tried not to smile as well, but he knew how infectious it was, the crinkles around his eyes gave him away already.
“I reckon I can make it work in two weeks. I’mma need a deposit from ya though Sugar.” His booming laugh filled the empty house with its echo, another ritual began at the Miller home.
Tag List: @fhatbhabie @morallyinept @pedritapascal @pascalsanctuary @nissaimmortal @grogusmum @theywhowriteandknowthings @beefrobeefcal @goodwithcheese @iamasaddie @psychedelic-ink @modernperplexity @pamasaur @pedrodascal @marcus-is-my-muse @clawdee @mintypossum @trulybetty @perotovar @joelslegalwhre @josephquinnswhore @mandoisapunk @awilderi @deviinci @secretelephanttattoo @for-a-longlongtime @tessa-quayle @legendary-pink-dot @sin-djarin @maggiemayhemnj @rhoorl @magpiepillsjunior @intoanotherworld23
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL - Decent Line Up, Actually
Sept 2022 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Eclipse (Fri YT) Ep 4 of 15 - It’s a good thing the two leads are excellent at loooooooooooong ... pauses.... and.... the.... longing.... look..., since GMMTV seems to be bent on using them for that 90% of the time. Akk is learning teachers are bullies too, which Aye already knew of course. The single tear was s nice touch. Multiple “crash into mes” this episode. Who does Thailand think they are, Taiwan?
My Only 12% (Fri iQIYI) Ep 4 of 15 - these two put the codependent back in codependent and I don’t see how this can possibly end well. Ho boy are we in for a rough ride. I do get Love Sick vibes off this show on occasion, New discovering his roots. PAIN iS COMING! Also, second lead syndrome strikes again! Also baby noona romance side dish action. Yay!!! Also what a pleasure to see Earth stretch his acting chops again, it’s seems like forever since UWMA. Also what an identity crisis to see ones self on screen. But also THIS IS WHY WE NEED WIDELY distributed queer entertainment. So kids can see themselves on screen. Did his sister know, of course she did.  
The movie Eiw and his sister watch is The Love of Siam from 2007, widely regarded as Thailand’s first BL (it’s not BL, it’s a queer coming of age movie but it is a precursor to BL). It’s about childhood friends who grow up together and fall in love, but do not end up together. It’s sad. For anyone confused during that section. This does not bode well for out heroes. 
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Vice Versa (Sat on YT) Ep 8 of 12 - I’m actually getting pretty bored with this one now, the movie within the movie plot line doesn’t jive with me. And I’m just frustrated by Tun intentionally keeping his real identity secret from Talay. I’m starting to watch it on speed and a half, which honestly I rarely do with GMMTVs products. Hi Perth! The time has come, Thailand, for us to have a conversation about 90s fashion. Here’s the thing, if you put an already small person in oversized clothing they just look smaller and even more childlike. Perth looks 12 in this ep. It’s an okay kiss. Presumably, now that Tun got what he wanted in terms of “somebody liking him for who he really is inside and not for his actor cred or appearance” he should tell Talay who he really is now. RIGHT? 
21 Days Theory (Sun YT ) Ep 4fin - The coming out to friends thing was cute and well handled. The reason for the split was also good and the resolution was logical with Frank being the one seeking an explanation. Why it didn’t end with a dash to the airport and a kiss, I will never know. This would have jumped high in my rating if they had bothered to finish it like the YA romance it clearly was. But this ending was ultimately disappointing. 6/10 I’m not mad, but I’m not happy either.
Coffee Melody (Mon Viki) Ep 7 of 10 - Jean is full of snark and I love him. But I feel like Yi has had no character growth whatsoever. He just gets what he wants or reacts badly to not getting what he wants. That’s it, that’s his whole personality. He hasn’t matured at all and he hasn’t learned anything from his prior experiences, it just makes him frustrating and childish. Not innocent but immature. He is another one of those characters that I don’t understand why anybody likes him. He only thinks and talks about himself and his own feelings, and he’s never depicted being kind or generous as a friend or sibling or anything. I really am only watching this one for Jean and his bf: Mr. magical pink hair. 
Love in the Air (Thurs iQIYI) Ep 3 of 13 - Continues it’s odd liguistic Dom gaslighting MAME agenda apace. DUMPSTER FIRE TRASH WATCH ALONG HERE.
Unforgotten Night (Weds on GaGa) Ep 11 of 12 - i moved it to double bill with Love in the Air for drinking purposes and this is a good idea. Just really boring this week but I was so tipsy I barely noticed. TRASH WATCH HERE!
Check Out (Sat IQIYI) Ep 12fin - Well Tee & Ice were cute. I liked the other guy better though. And that’s all I got. 4/10 FATALLY FLAWED NOT RECOMMENDED 
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What If (Mon WeTV) Is on WeTV but for VIP only (pay wall). Neighbors who grew up together and have special feelings for each other but keep it to themselves. And then... university. Still on my TBW. 
Work from Heart (Thurs WeTV? YouTube?) from DV8 an office BL featuring lots of other couples. Stars Love With Benefits pairing Gameplay & Folk. It isn’t even listed on WeTV streaming in my territory, but it is airing to WeTV Thailand. No word on distribution. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Minato’s Laundromat (Japan Weds GaGa) Ep 10 of 12 - I just love how gentle this series is with its characters and with us. Japan can be so harsh about both. SQUEE WATCH ALONG 
About Youth (Taiwan Mon GaGa) Ep 1-2 of 10 - It’s truly great. Taiwan's Love Sick featuring a modern queer take on AePete: popular but painfully lonely rich kid, Guang (complete with evil pressure-cooker tiger parents) meets and is basically adopted by poor nerdy (secret rockstar) Qizhang. HE EVEN HAS AE’S TOTE!!! Secondary couple is Guang’s adorable bestie Ray and a cafe boy (we think). Lots of BL trope drops but also this is seriously queer and very Taiwan with an earnestness I haven’t seen since My Ride. it’s got the charm of Takura but with more depth to it, less surface cute and more real world authenticity. Not that I normally like that in my BL, but I’ll forgive Taiwan (and the Philippines) for their sticky almost dirty style if it is this endearing and engaging (see Gameboys). I didn’t even mind the singing, and that’s saying a lot.  Did you see our boy Wilson Liu (H3:MODC & H4) showed up? 
Takara-kun and Amagi-kun (Japan Thurs GaGa & Viki) 3 of 8 - also really flipping good. It’s just so great with both of them liking each other, and already in a relationship, and both so nervous about what to do. It’s just completely and totally high school first love. I have no good reason for loving it as much as I do. The twist of Amagi admitting to everything and his confusion over sex was absolutely brilliant, especially as we can all understand Takara’s reaction (leave the room) except poor Amagi. Also Takara’s dead pan “this boy is fucking killing me” expression is brilliant. Can’t wait until we get his POV next week.
Papa & Daddy 2 (Mon GaGa) Ep 5 of 8 - This was mostly the dads being dads and dealing with dad problems. And since that’s the name of the show, I’m not too upset about it. Honestly, I would’ve ended the series on this episode. 
Want to See You (Vietnam YT) Ep 14fin - And now it’s suddenly slapstick and comedic? Tonally, this show was all over the place, hugely inconsistent in characterization and motivation. No clean narrative through line. Nothing anyone did actually ever made sense. As a VBL it probubly should get a 6, but it gets 5/10 out of pure frustration. WATCH ONLY IF YOU HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO 
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In Case You Missed It
Kiss X Kiss X Kiss - Perfect Scandal can be found on Billibi, these are SHORT 5-8 minutes sample pack micro-romances: 2 feature BL-ish setups. The one with the idols I got excited about last week (Idol Kiss) and another featuring a reluctant boss and flirty subordinate (A Sweet Kiss). Both are cute but mostly just, ya know, kissing. (Reminds me a bit of Korea’s early Triple Do You Want). The interesting thing about the idol one, is one of the leads is ALSO in a het installment. He gives great chemistry with both his partners. And I think he’s a good example of an actor being just, ya know, an actor about the physical part of a romance. Which I take about in terms of never assuming queerness based on performance, here. 
BL Express posted a review of Fudanshi Bartender no Tashinami (AKA Accomplishment of Fudanshi Bartender). It sounds A LOT like another kind of Absolute BL thing from Japan, but focused on the fudanshi side of the equation and I could not be less intersted so I will not be watching. 
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New Pinoy BL from OXIN Films (Rainbow Prince) announced, called Tie The Not.
Semantic Error the movie (with a re-edit + added footage) aired for Korean, Taiwanese, and Vietnamese audiences. No idea on further distribution. 
EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Strongberry's upcoming romantic-comedy Choco Milk Shake will be 8 episodes with total run-time around 80 mins! A full length KBL from Strongberry!!! Yay! 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Ending: Unforgotten Night thank effing heck. 
I posted a full September line up here! 
This week’s best moments?
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Ironic much? (Check Out reviews itself) 
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Supportive friends are the best (21 Days Theory). 
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The brave little tote bag that could LIVES!!!! It is reborn. It has crossed oceans! (From Love By Chance to About Youth.) 
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More guest cameos for Taiwan! 
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The Viki translations won, this week on Takara & Amagi’s weekly sub-off (no D/s pun intended) 
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Noona romance side in My Only 12%!
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Perceptive boy. (The Eclipse) 
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Way better if it’s just: I’d eat it right from your face. (Vice Versa) 
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Just such a classic series of yaoi shots (visuals) to end this week’s ep of Minato’s Laundromat. 
(last week)
current earworm? Jang Woo Hyuk’s Echo
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xbunny-k · 2 years
The Actor & I: PART TWENTY-ONE – We Need To Talk, Now, Anastasia
This is part TWENTY ONE of a very long, SLOW BURN series on Austin Butler and a Production Assistant on set of Elvis (2022).
Masterlist here!
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Anything italicized is main character’s thoughts!
Warnings: Drinking, Possessiveness, Smut, Fluff, eventual Spoilers for Elvis (2022), language (If i missed anything, please comment so i can add!)
Tags: @manddor @pumkiinpasties​ @its-funny-til-its-not​ @karamelcoveredolicity @butlerstyles @feral4austinbutler @mirandastuckinthe80s @emilykolchivans @atombombbibunny @francescababy @starry-night-20 @yeetfack-blog @milaa24 @londonalozzy @xo-aurora @chaoticbilly @mamaspresley @sageskywalker @cryingabtab (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
Please, if you like this, share it, comment, like it and enjoy! xx
After Austin leaves, I decide against laying down on the couch and crying. I jump in the shower and slowly get ready for bed. It’s almost 8:30 PM by the time I’m done with my skincare and decide I’m tired enough for bed. I wake up to no texts from Austin the next day and I’m a little disappointed. I don’t want to be the first one to say anything, so I decide to just get ready for the day.
The next few days fly by at work and by the time it’s Friday, I still haven’t heard from Austin… I know tonight is the big premiere for “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.”
The premiere is a big deal for Austin; not only is it a huge accomplishment, I mean it’s a Quentin Tarantino movie with Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio, but it’s his first big even with the press since his casting as Elvis was announced. You decide to bite the bullet and send him a text. Have fun at the premiere tonight…miss you. No, don’t say that… Don’t be so desperate, Ana.
“Have fun at the premiere tonight, Mr. Presley! xx”
I type up the message and hit send. I don’t want to overthink it and put my phone away. Hours go by and Austin never texts back.
I wish he had his read receipts on… Did I do something to make him not want to talk to me? It’s been five full days… Not a peep since he left my place on Sunday…
Disappointment washes over me, but I look at the time on my computer and see it’s a little after 6 PM. I decide it’s a good time to leave work and begin to grab my things. As I’m putting away my laptop into my bag, my boss, Alison, walks by on her way out and stops by my desk, “Austin looks great at the premiere, which is great for us,” she says. “Oh, I haven’t seen any pictures yet. I wanna see!,” I giggle and pull out my phone.
What the… My heart sinks… Austin looks incredible, but he’s with Vanessa…
I thought he said they broke up… I knew they could get back together, but so quickly?
While I’m panicking in my head, I hear Alison cough. Yeah, Ana, your boss… This is WORK. “He looks great! I can’t wait to check out clips of him talking about his casting in Elvis. I should splice it together or something for Baz’s social media,” I say and smile up at her. Her eyes light up, “That would be incredible because ya know… the social team is already gone for the weekend. Speaking of, go home! It’s Friday night! Do you have plans?” I giggle and say, “No plans, but I feel like I should go out or something. I didn’t really do much last weekend since I had car trouble.”
We head out and when I get to my car, I text my friends asking to go out. I’m usually a homebody, so my friends are not used to me asking to go out. I could use a drink…or four. And a good time with my friends, just letting loose. Immediately, my best friend Kelsey answers, “YOU WANNA GO OUT??? YES LET’S GOOO ALLLLL OUT BBY!” I laugh and head home.
As I’m walking into my apartment, I see over 20 texts from my group chat with my friends. I giggle as I text back the only requirement is there’s alcohol, I don’t drive and it’s somewhere we can sit. I wanna dress up and wear heels, but I’m not about standing in them…
I head to the kitchen, grab some wine and head to my bathroom to shower and get ready for the night. Around 9:30, my friend Nicole texted me she was on her way in an Uber to pick me up. Shit, better get dressed. I head to my closet without a plan and grab a black leather mini skirt, black corset top and some black heels. When in doubt, we just wear all black.
I get dressed, put on some more lotion and perfume, and then go to head downstairs. As I’m finishing my drink, I hear my phone going off with a phone call, not a text. Okkkk Nicole, I’m coming!
I grab my phone, chug my wine and then grab my purse to head downstairs. I answer the phone as I’m headed down to my apartment’s entrance, “Nicole, I’m coming down. I’ll be there in a sec-“ I’m cut off midsentence and my heart falls into my stomach… “It’s uhh not Nicole. It’s Austin…,” says the deep voice on the other end of the phone.
Fuck Ana, why didn’t you check to see who it was? Why is he calling now? Shouldn’t he be with Vanessa? Damn, Ana, cool it. He’s a coworker, that’s it!
“Oh, sorry! Hi Austin! I’m headed out, can I text you tomorrow,” I ask dryly. Yeah, keep it professional… He sighs, “Oh, I guess it is Friday night. I just wanted to talk to you about some stuff…. I guess I can call you tomorrow.”
Don’t do it, Ana. Don’t give in. “Ok, talk to you tomorrow Aus…tin,” I say making sure I don’t call him a nickname and stick to formalities. As I’m saying bye to him and before I hang up, I hear my friend yelling from the Uber, “Dammmmn, Ana! I can’t go out with you dressed like THAT,” Nicole yells.
Before I manage to hang up, Austin groans and says, “Ana, where are you going?” I giggle and say, “I’m not sure, but I really have to go! I’ll text you later.” I hang up and am happy I had some wine before so I had the courage to stick to my guns with him.
I get in the Uber and head off to wherever my friends decided to go. We get to a nice bar and meet up with our other friends. As we’re walking to where they’re seated, my best friend Kelsey gets up and runs over to me, “Anaaaa, you’re here!” I laugh and realize my two glasses of wine have me behind everyone else. I grab my best friend and we head to the bar to get me caught up drink wise. As we’re headed back, my friend takes a video of me dancing with my martini and says, “Everyone on Instagram is about to reply to this shocked you’re out drinking, Ana!” I’m not a big social media user, but I see the video with our location tagged, decide I look good and repost it on my story. I put my phone back down on the table and just catch up with my friends as I unwind and try not to think about Austin with Vanessa. After a few more drinks, I realize my phone was going off. I have a missed call and now a text from… Mr. Presley.
I sigh and check my phone. As I’m reading the text, I gulp and I can feel my cheeks burning. Kelsey must gauge my reaction and she grabs my phone from my hands. I don’t even try to hide it from her and she reads the last message on my phone, grabs my hand and pulls me up dragging me away from our group.
“Ana, this text…. “Anastasia, I saw your post… I’m coming to see you” this is not a friendly text! He has a girlfriend! You work together,” Kelsey scolds me firmly, but quietly so strangers around us can’t overhear. I sigh and lean into whisper, “Can we get another drink? I need to catch you up….”
We head to the bar and as soon as I get a drink, I take a sip and then tell Kelsey everything. The flirting, Austin saying him and Vanessa broke up, him sleeping at my apartment, the way I straddled him, him saying nothing could happen and end with him ignoring my text about the premiere only for me to see photos of him with Vanessa on the red carpet…
Kelsey’s mouth is dropped and she orders us another round of drinks. Uhh, I feel a little drunk… I order a water and feel a bit better right away. Buzzed, but not too drunk.
As Kelsey is going on about how I need to forget about Austin and treat it like work, she stops midsentence. “Uhh, Ana, he’s really here,” she whispers. She plays it off cool, but I don’t. I turn around and see Austin right away. Tall, his dyed dark hair, in jeans and an opened buttondown and his icy blue eyes, which lock on me right away. He looks sad at first and then his eyes darken and he bites his bottom lip. He is definitely checking me out as he looks me up and down slowly. He looks like he’s drinking me in.
Fuck, what am I supposed to do now? I look at Kelsey and groan. I chug my drink and before I’m done, another espresso martini appears in front of me. I grab the drink and go to walk away from the bar back to our friends, but Austin steps right in front of me. Fuck, he’s so hot. I look up at him and he bites his lip while he caresses my cheek with his thumb, he leans down and whispers, “You look so fucking good, Anastasia.”
I have goosebumps everywhere. Why does he have this effect on me? I just wanna jump on him here, in front of everyone. I keep it together and say loudly, “Oh, nice to see you! I didn’t know I invited you. Where’s Vanessa?” He looks a bit taken aback by my words and I regret them right away. What are you doing, Ana?
I don’t know what to say next, but he grabs my chin and whispers into my ear, “We need to talk, now, Anastasia.”
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beautifulhigh · 1 year
The small roar of a mind trying to clear itself, 1/6
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Credits list Graphic: @chaotictarlos Cheerleading squad: @queen-saltyfries (HBD!) Alpha Reader: @noxsoulmate Adult Fun Times Consultant: @cowlos-reyes Fuel: Diet Coke & Dairy Milk chocolate bars My muse, my sounding board, mydarling: @bubblesandroses8
Six parts to the fic, and I will post a new part on Mondays with the exception of part six which will be on the Sunday ‘cause ya girl will be on a flight out to LA the following day!
I know I have a rep in the fandom for not reading a WiP, and so I will fully appreciate if anyone wants to get their own back. This is a 34k opus, and my love letter to the mess that is Carlos’ headspace, so you do you.
the small roar of a mind trying to clear itself: 1/6 (AO3)
There's an accident. The driver dies on the scene, but the passenger - Carlos - is rescued by his husband who doesn't take no for an answer and doesn't give up until they're safe. Aside from a few broken ribs and a busted ankle, Carlos is fine. He really is fine. He wasn't driving, he didn't die, and he was saved by probably the one emergency team he knows and trusts completely and implicitly. He will heal up, he will be able to get back to work, and his life will carry on as before.
He is fine.
He is absolutely fine.
(He really isn't.)
The Carlos-Whump-Therapy fic we've all been waiting for.
"I don't even know why I'm here," Carlos said. "Well, no. I know why I'm here. I just don't know what I'm supposed to talk about."
 "There are no rules here, Carlos," Rebecca said, "people usually come to me just to talk about what's going on in their lives and how they feel about it."
 "I know that's what my husband wants. I just don't know if I can do it."
 "Why not?"
 "Not exactly something you do a lot of in my family. Talking about your feelings that is. We're not like, closed off or anything, and we do talk. My parents are great, so are my sisters. They're loving and supportive and—"
 "OK," Rebecca said calmly, cutting into his rambling speech. "And your husband?"
 "Oh he's a talker. Kinda has to be. He's an addict," Carlos explained off her look. "Does the meetings, all of it. He's sober, has been for years. But he's done this. Therapy, talking things out. Says it helps."
 "Do you think it will help?"
 "I think I need to try."
 "That's a strong word: need."
 "It's how I feel, and that's the point, right?"
 "It is. So why do you feel you need to talk?"
 "Because I'm scared."
 "What of?"
 Carlos paused and took a deep breath. He looked down at the carpet of her office just beyond the rug, an off-grey colour with little flecks of red and white through it. At first he'd thought it was dirty but now that he was looking at it closely he could see how clean it was. It smelled fresh too, like they used some kind of scented product on it.
 Rebecca's voice pulled him from his thoughts and he made himself look up at her. He gave a small shrug.
 "I'm scared of losing my husband. Of wrecking our marriage."
 "And why would that happen?"
 "Because of what happened. With Spence."
 "The accident."
 "Not just that," Carlos said. "I… He was my friend and because of me—" He stopped, choking on the next part of the sentence. "It shouldn't have been him."
 "Let's talk about why you feel that way, shall we?" Rebecca asked.
Keep reading part one
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waterstar2016 · 1 year
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I posted 760 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 57 characters
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My Top Posts in 2022:
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Hell yes.
69 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
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Raphael and Immogene
Gift from my friend @forerunnertracer
Way to make me get teary eyed on a Saturday morning! ❤️
Art by the wonderful @neatteatmnt
77 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
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Oh my word. YES.
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81 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Raphael A-Z and Three X’s Are Needed For The Descriptions
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex): He wants to look at your face. Tenderly brushing your hair away from your skin. The sheets may be cooling but the touching will go on for a while yet. Raph has no qualms about what needs to be done after being intimate. He might also head to the bathroom with you after. You want a shower? He’ll extend the intimacy by joining you. If there are any products you need, he will make sure he has them.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): He loves is arms. Your ass. Squeezing it. Playing with it. Hotdogging. He enjoys giving it the occasional slap (only if you’re receptive and never harder than you like)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person): Going to be frank here. Most of us feel that Raphael is the largest of the brothers when it comes to what he’s packing. I am of the group that thinks he has balls to match that cock of his. They’re large, they’re heavy and you can guarantee you can feel them slapping against you. Those balls carry a big load. He doesn’t expect you whatsoever to swallow it all. He is all for what you want to do with his cum, whether it is trying to swallow or liking it when he blows over your ass. He might even have a penchant for smirking when you make that face as it drips out of you. He has no issues with his own cum or yours. He will ask you to sit on his face. If he can get you visibly dripping…oh yeah. Happy boy.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): I can see Raph being one not to really have any dirty secrets with his partner. He’s an open book when it comes to sex with you. He’ll crack up with you when he tells you about that one time he had to clean the Garbage Truck windshield. He even used a black light to check.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?): I think this depends on what AU you’re thinking of. If we’re talking mutants, he’s got lots of experience. Humans, on the other hand, has been limited. He’s read everything he can read and understands that paying attention to your partner and talking to them is the best way to learn.
F = Favourite Position: Hands down, Raphael loves taking you from behind. Whether it’s pounding into your depths or licking your nether lips he’s all in. Imagine him coming over or coming home and finding you ass up and shoulders down. “Have ya been thinkin’ of me, sweetheart?” Do a wiggle, see what happens.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc): Raphael’s aware that sometimes funny things happen during sex and he takes it all in stride.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.): The boys don’t have any hair so I’m going to use this for what he likes to see on his partner. Honestly, whatever you’re happy with, he’s happy too. So, if you want to dye it, go right ahead. Into being waxed and smooth? He’s all over it. Au naturel? Go for it. Be sure if you have one of those shaped tufts, he will give it a tug (how hard depends on what you like).
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…): He is so into you. It doesn’t matter if it’s a rougher session or he’s going slow, he’s all there.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): Let’s be honest, he has a high sex drive and sometimes you just can’t keep up. His need for you is strong but he is understanding of your limits. He will take things into his own hands though and sometimes will ask if you’d like to watch.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks): 1. The KING of dirty talk. He knows what his voice and accent do to you and he knows how to use them. He’ll occasionally surprise you with a call on your break. Make sure you have something cold on hand to drink, you’re going to need it. 2. Praise him. Period.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do): If it’s private, he’s good to go. This is something that he shares with you and you alone.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): Lace lingerie. Especially the kind he can see your naughty bits through. Even better if he can help pick it out with you. Perusing the options together would be an enjoyable activity for him.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): He is not into degrading you. Not interested in fecal or urine play.
See the full post
122 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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@thelaundrybitch I saw this on your blog and I rolled. I borrowed it for this post. I’m not sure if it’s Raphael or Michelangelo. In my mind…it’s the Brute. Lol.
My question is…
What was the purpose of this toy to begin with?
134 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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forestwater87 · 2 years
A Wall of Text About My OCs
Hi, guys! Uhhhh . . . long time, no see, huh? 
Yeah, I got no excuse. I mean, I’ve got tons of excuses -- new job, new partner, moving out of my parents’ basement finally -- but still. Sorry for being gone.
*blows dust off the mic* Anyone still out here?
OKAY, so why am I doing this of all things? Because I was reunited with a handful of the Camp Camp people still around and they got to sharing their gorgeous OC art and I . . . do not draw. But I do write! And it turns out, writing about your fanfiction is a whole lot easier than actually writing that fanfiction. 
So I can pretend I’m being productive and writing up a reference for future fic writing, while actually just rambling about my OCs like a total dork. Unedited, because this is a bajillion words and took me forever.
Anyway, have ya missed me?
Max’s family
Gotcha with that opener, huh? Yeah, I know how to manipulate the fandom after all these years. ;) 
Anyway, I think I’ve been fairly vocal about how little patience I have for the whole “Max’s family is abusive and neglectful and totes evil you guys, David should adopt him” thing, which means I went in a different direction. I don’t have a ton on his parents -- I know their names are Reyansh and Anika Sahni, and in terms of personality his dad is more bombastic and his mom is a bit quieter and gentler, but that’s about it -- but I’ve determined that they immigrated from India (where in India? Fuck, idk, I’m an idiot someone suggest a place) and have been working to the bone to get Max a foothold. Their English is decent but spotty because learning languages is really hard as an adult, better spoken than written, which is why they allowed Max to choose his own camp activity (which he didn’t do, because he didn’t want to go in the first place and yes this contradicts things I’ve written in the past shhh we’d only had 1 season at that point), and that combined with their 12-hour-a-day work schedules leaves him thinking they don’t care about him. They do, obviously, but it’s hard to express that when exhausted and struggling.
So Max is kind of a latchkey kid, sent to camp in the summer because it’s better than being left alone in an apartment and Camp Campbell is the best they could afford. Max resents them a lot, partly because he doesn’t really understand everything they’re sacrificing for him and partly because he doesn’t think they’re focusing on the right things; does it matter if he can go to a shitty summer camp if he never eats dinner with both his parents at the same time? Sometimes he lies and says they’re super wealthy and that’s why they’re such workaholics, but it’s mostly to get past the embarrassment of feeling neglected and not having anything special to show for it. But they love him and are doing their best, even if it’s far from perfect, and when Max gets older he’ll understand and appreciate them a bit more.
[Spoilers for my own fic, I guess?] His parents die in a car accident when he’s a teenager -- I haven’t decided when or where, but have in previous one-shots written it as on their way to get him from camp -- and he moves in with his sister. And oh boy, let me introduce you to . . . 
Kayla Sahni: A beautiful firebrand with a lot of ideas and virtually no follow-through. She’s around 10 years older than Max, and when he was little they were absolutely best friends. She has a rebellious and revolutionary streak, and would take him to various protests or to graffiti police stations or whatever -- wildly irresponsible, yes, but that’s something she never grows out of. In some ways she’s similar to David, with a streak of optimism a mile wide and a bright, peppy personality of someone that never lets anything get her down, but she’s also incredibly flaky, promising Max all sorts of things as a kid and never following through on them. Her parents often need to rescue her from her bad decisions, with the little money and time they have, leaving Max to feel even more ignored in comparison to his sister. Still, he idolizes Kayla and never blames her for anything that disappoints him, choosing David and his parents as repositories for the resentment and disappointment he gets from her. After their parents die and she has to take him in, Kayla doesn’t change her lifestyle much, still disappearing on random adventures without any warning and leaving Max to fend for himself, and it grates on him just as much as he wishes he could be like and go along with her. She loves her brother -- but really, she loves the idea of him, or the little-kid version of him that lives in her head, who never asked her for anything and hung on every word. Once she has to grapple with spending actual time with the real Max, the conflict between who they are and who they want their sibling to be makes things . . . incredibly messy.
Gwen's family 
For the Santos clan, I went with a very Long-Island-elites vibe, extremely wealthy and self-conscious about appearances, which means that Gwen is kind of a mega disappointment (and David even more so, when they meet him). New-money, with the dad definitely a first- or second-gen immigrant, and despite the fact that they made it real big they're still extremely aware of being out of place and in a precarious position. Everyone in this family is terrible at hugging and/or doesn’t understand the point of doing it. All in either law or business . . . and then there's Gwen. Oops. 
She spent her childhood being perfectly molded into a little debutante doll (I haven't mentioned it in any fics, but she's a virtuoso pianist from years of being forced to take lessons, and might be good at ballet too?), and as soon as she went to college she fell hard into the boho-hippie-artiste lifestyle as a way of rebelling -- dated a lot of starving artists covered in tattoos, picked majors her parents would never have allowed (which is why she had to pay for her own education and is the only one of the family mired in student debt), the whole shtick.
Cliché, maybe, but I think it's fun and developed all of this back when Season 1 had just finished and all we had to go on was her DESPERATELY not wanting to move back in with her parents.
So, from oldest to youngest:
Harrison: the patriarch. Written well before the episode where she had a canon dad so do not judge me too hard. My description of him makes me laugh so have it word-for-word: ``Harrison Santos was a broad-shouldered Hispanic man almost as large as Mr. Campbell, with tiny glasses perched daintily on his nose and a head as smooth and shiny as an apple. He peered down at David through his glasses, which made his dark purple (almost black) eyes seem much larger and more intimidating.`` Big guy, little glasses; it's always funny. He's a man of few words and lots of judgement. Silent but deadly, you know? I went kinda HAM with the "big scary dad" stereotype, but I needed David to feel entirely inadequate and that helped. He and Gwen don't really have a relationship, partly because he spends so much time working and mostly because they don't understand each other even a little bit and have nothing to talk about. Doesn't much like David, but not for any real reason; maybe because he's not masculine enough, maybe because he's white, definitely because he might be the reason Gwen's still working at that shithole of a camp. (At least David isn't covered in tats and piercings, though. Small mercy.)
Valerie: Extremely beautiful dark-skinned black woman with maroon hair and silver eyes. Some sort of business executive, never thought too hard about what kind. Agonizingly proper, gives off vibes of being the decision-maker in the family, and while she loves Gwen and wants what's best for her, they strongly disagree on what that actually is. Valerie would love nothing more than for her youngest daughter to get a job in a respectable law or accounting firm, marry someone from a good background, and secure the family's legacy, and she's terrified of Gwen ruining her life and/or their reputation. She thinks Gwen is overemotional and irrational and it permeates every conversation they try to have; she's pretty concerned David is a gold-digger, as well, and even if he isn't, playing in the dirt for pennies is a pretty humiliating occupation.
Samson (Sam/Sammy): Gwen's oldest brother. Ngl I have very little about him except that he's a nice guy, which is kinda rare in Gwen's family so that's kinda noteworthy. Dark-skinned like their mother, curly green-black hair that he keeps out of his face with a barette, very deep voice. I know Gwen was really close with him and his wife/kids before they moved across the country, and she's had trouble losing one of her only allies in the family.
Leon (Lee): Sam's fraternal twin. Kinda a shithead -- actually, no, definitely a shithead. Disaster bisexual; his major interactions with Gwen so far have been stealing one of her boyfriends, humiliating David at a family gathering, and flying out to Camp Campbell to try and get them back together after they broke up because he thought it was his fault and felt bad about it. A really successful accountant, but in his personal life he's a total playboy and never seems to take anything all that seriously. He loves Gwen, in his own way, but he's honestly too selfish to really be a good brother to her at all. Thinks every life decision she's ever made is absolutely hilarious, and has no problem telling her and the rest of the family that; every misfortune she has is another episode in the Gwennie's Fuckups Show, which is his favorite. Has a perpetual smirk. Dark green curly hair, lavender eyes, and more of a family resemblance to Gwen than probably any of her other siblings in terms of facial structure and mannerisms. In some AUs, where Gwen’s family lives in Sleepy Peak instead of NYC, Lee is Dirty Kevin’s high school boyfriend; their breakup wasn’t pretty.
Audree (Dree): An angel. My wife. I would die for her. Okay, no, let’s try to be serious here . . . Audree’s the only other daughter in the family, and Gwen’s big sister. She’s a successful lawyer with a killer fashion sense and generally stays out of trouble, which means she attracts a lot less negative attention than Gwen ever could and is considered something of the golden daughter. She’s a lesbian and definitely a bit of a flirt, but also the type who ends up perpetually bouncing back between “extremely serious relationship” and “single forever.” Extremely charismatic, but she’s also kind of harsh and terrible at being gentle or warm, and a bit of a snob -- not in a cruel way, but in a blind-to-her-own-privilege way that gets her in trouble sometimes with the eventual woman she falls in love with (more on her in a moment). Teal eyes, relatively dark, and I just realized I never assigned her a hair color. Since the rest of the family’s are either reddish or green (Christmas colors!), I’ll go with a fun, fiery red, kind of like Gwen’s lighter shade of hair.
Christopher: Literally a non-entity. Sometimes I forget he’s there, oops. His only contribution to the story is that he went off to California to run a surf shop and Sam eventually went along with him. Maybe I’ll give him a personality someday, but right now he mostly exists as “the other fuckup beside Gwen” in their family’s eyes.
Eric: Another virtual nonentity, but one I’ve put a weird amount of thought in. He’s basically a carbon copy of his mother -- very put-together, prim, fastidiously perfect -- despite looking more like his dad (in terms of skin tone and eye color, anyway; he’s very willowy, not buff). He’s very feminine, bordering on foppish, but definitely not gay; I haven’t decided if he’s bi (like every other character I get my hands on) or just a fairly girly straight guy, but either way he’s really self-conscious about it. Probably would resent David for reminding him of that, because let’s be real, David isn’t exactly the most masc person in the world either. His only sense of humor is a cruel one, and he’s always been and probably always will be a hell of a bully -- not the beating-people-up Nurf kind, but in a subtler, mean-girl way. If you cross him, he’ll probably get you fired, is what I’m saying. He’d have made an excellent Woodscout if his family hadn’t signed him up for something more prestigious. Staunch Republican, snooty, and while he worships and idolizes his parents, I’m not sure he actually loves anyone. Of all of Gwen’s siblings, Eric is probably the one with the fewest redeeming qualities, but sometimes it’s fun to have a villain waiting in the wings in case I need him.
And then there’s poor little Gwennie. Doing her best.
David’s family
I’ve talked about the Pine/Greenwoods in the past, but I can’t find the post so let’s do it again!
David’s family is a lot smaller than Gwen’s -- at the moment it’s just him and his mom, though his dad has intermittently been in and out of the picture. His parents got divorced when he was 14 (right after Jasper died, which was pretty rough on poor Davey), and since then he’s maybe seen his father once or twice? His mom basically raised him, and they’re absurdly close.
Harvey Greenwood: Another villain! He has aggressive Cameron Campbell vibes, but happens to be an even bigger monster. He got Cynthia pregnant when he was 30 and she was 17 -- ew, gross, very bad -- and married her as soon as she graduated high school. They managed to keep things together until David was a teenager, at which point all illusions of a stable relationship shattered and he took off. David knows he’s married and has a family, and periodically receives birthday cards (never on his birthday, never the correct age, and always addressed to Cynthia’s house because he can’t be bothered to remember where David lives), but otherwise his dad is AWOL. He’s the American to David’s half-American nationality, and while David inherited his bright red hair and green eyes, that’s about all they have in common. I just like big, masculine dads, I guess, because he’s also built like a Campbell -- I think it’s fun to mess with David’s sense of inferiority on that regard, because I’m cruel -- and has a big ol’ mustache. I did realize too late that this does sound like a jacked-up version of Harvey from Stardew Valley, and I feel terrible about it. SDV Harvey deserves better.
Cynthia Pine: A sweet Canadian cinnamon roll who’s never done anything wrong in her life, and never will. She’s a librarian in a middle school, so she’s very used to handling difficult people and is generally tough as nails, but with a sunshiny bubbliness that she passed on to David; she taught him how to smile in the face of everything going wrong, and is his biggest inspiration and hero. Like I mentioned, she was just a kid when she got married and had David, and her marriage was far from a happy one -- with all the affairs, neglect, and gaslighting Harvey did, it was probably in some ways a relief when he finally left, even if it meant she had to go from a stay-at-home mom to a breadwinner. She worked a lot after the divorce, meaning that David had to take on a lot of the household responsibilities and she didn’t get to spend as much time with him as either of them would’ve liked, but they’re still extremely close despite it, in an “us against the world” kind of way. She’s fiercely protective of her son, and while she likes Gwen and would never say a word against her, she’s definitely not comfortable trusting anyone the way David is. Which she considers a success, because she wants nothing more than for David to go through life having the joy and innocence she didn’t get to. Anyway, she’s real little, very young, with childlike features, lots of freckles, and thin blonde hair like duck fluff. She’ll kill you, don’t get me wrong, but she’d never get convicted because she’s so sweet and gentle-looking.
In addition to the actual family, we have David’s “family”:
Father Ray: Listen, I was going through an existential crisis during 2018 or so, and I needed to work out my religious angst with a non-homophobic religious figure. Therefore, we have a priest of one of those rainbow-flag churches, who took David in when he was young (his mom is very religious) and basically kept him from self-destructing without a father figure. I don’t have much to say about him, except that he was kinda there when I needed a non-shitty Christian in my own life. He probably won’t be in the story again, but I have a soft spot towards him anyway.
Julia Winters: Ohhhh boy, it’s our best girl. Julia’s technically not an OC in the classic sense -- there was a picture in Season 1 that showed David and Jasper as little campers:
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And there’s a purple-haired girl that @hopefullypessimistic84​ adopted and made her own -- but it doesn’t matter because I want to talk about her, she’s perfect. (I feel like I’ve mentioned her in the past, but I seriously can’t find any of my old posts because Tumblr is the worst, so here we are.)
Julia, Jasper, and David all met during their first year of camp; I think Julia and Jasper were closer in the beginning because Jasper was Camper Extraordinaire and Julia was actually kind of excited about camp at first . . . Eventually she realized that camping sucked and befriended David, and at some point David and Jasper were thrown together and they became their own little problem trio. They’re all only children, so they considered each other siblings, and though Jasper and Davey’s relationship would obviously change (whether he dies or not), they’d always consider Julia their little sister. Her primary nicknames for David are Sunshine and Red.
She’s an ace lesbian and very uncomfortable around pretty girls. As she gets older she picks up somewhat more of a punk aesthetic, with a motorcycle and a bomber jacket, and gets a career in corporate photography that takes her all over the world. Despite this extremely cool veneer, she cannot stay even remotely chill if a woman flirts with her, and it’s quite cute. She’s somewhere between fat and buff, and could probably easily pick David up and put him over her shoulder. Eventually she’ll meet and fall in love with Gwen’s sister, Audree (probably at gwenvid’s wedding), and it’ll be . . . a little bit awkward, partly because she has no patience for the Santos family and partly because she grew up poor, and she and Dree have some friction over general culture clash. But at the end of the day they’re still an incredibly powerful couple that belong on the cover of the world’s gayest magazine and love each other very much and make me cry.
Anyway, I hope I didn’t forget any major OCs . . . though obviously if I did they can’t have been that important.
I know there are a couple exes of Gwen’s who are especially fun -- like Greg the creepy stalker and Damien, the ex who slept with Lee and then gave her a mannequin head as an apology -- and her roommate Claire gets like two sentences but is an adorable stoner with the personality of a teddy bear, but I think these are the important ones.
Sure wish I could draw literally any of them, though. Sigh.
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desultory-novice · 2 years
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Note: This is about the RtDL novel, “The Starcutter and the Lying Wizard.” It also contains some vague spoilers of said novel. (It also has me being salty about Magolor.)
...Oh gosh, I totally missed this message! So sorry about that and thanks for reminding me. Hmm. “Official fanfiction” is an interesting term. I did some double-checking and couldn’t find a generally agreed upon definition, so I’ll just state that I've always taken in to be mildly insulting toward a work. 
Of course, fanfiction doesn't have to be bad (and there are many, many great fanfic out there!) but I feel like, sometimes, it's a way to label an official work that feels like it goes OOC or does whatever it wants to the story without sticking to established guidelines. Stuff that makes it "fanfic-y."
So, under that definition, is the novel official fanfic?
...Hrm. Well, anyone who's read this post knows my feelings on the novel lean toward mixed. That said, I don't think the novel's flaws (yeah, it has them) are the same as the kind of flaws "official fanfiction" has.
Outside of one clear “this isn’t what happened in game, no matter how you look at it"(1) moment that sticks with me, the rest of what they do with the story is just a matter of interpretation. It doesn’t stray from the story of the game (maybe to its detriment...?) and no one is out of character. 
Now, I do think Mie-sensei chose one of the least interesting interpretations of RtDL's story, but it is still RtDL’s story, no question. (I've said this before, I’ll probably say it again, but she focuses too much on the friendship of the core group while giving Magolor barely any presence in the story, thus robbing us of the other relationship we're supposed to compare the group's friendship to. And just to make this clear, his absence as a character alone does NOT do a good job saying "This is why he fails at being a true friend!" Because a character can be missing for most of a story and still be a good friend. As long as they're characterized that way. But it’s tricky to characterize someone when they’re barely present and have nothing but expository dialogue..)
Of course, if the question isn't about the quality of the novel but where it stands as an official Kirby production, well, in that sense...
I would also say the novel is NOT official fanfiction. While the game series definitely make up the core Kirby universe/story, Kirby has expanded to a multi-media franchise now, and those often tend to have multiple interpretations of the same stories as they get translated into different media.
So this is, rather than official fanfic, an official adaptation of Return to Dream Land. That is, it’s just plain old fiction.
In the end, the game “Kirby’s Return to Dream Land” is its own thing and (to me) the best and most complete way to experience that story. Outside of the prologue chapter, I wouldn't say there's anything you can get here (that is significant) that you can't get out of playing the game. (And you also get, ya know, MAGOLOR AS A COMPLETE CHARACTER if you play the game.)
Oh, he may not engage in narrative conversation with the four main characters in game as he does here in the book, just him talking to the player/Kirby. But I'd argue those dialogue boxes characterize him better than the....maybe four conversations he has total in this book? 
...Argh! GDI, I'm still salty! 
The funny thing is, I’m really glad we don’t get a big expository Magolor chapter that spills all his secrets and reveals he’s, like, Hyness’s great grandson, or an unrelated salvager looking to make it rich boosting artifacts, or the lost child of Halcandran royalty just trying to reclaim his birthright, or a test cat experimented on by the Ancients seeking revenge by taking their stuff, because I like seeing all the various interpretations of Magolor and want them to continue existing freely. But that doesn’t excuse the fact that they took him out of the parts he SHOULD have been in!
The thing is, I've been replaying RtDL and there's some things I want to bring up there that I really don't understand why they’re not in this novel...
There's a reason Magolor is so beloved after all these years, and it's not just because of the "Hahaha, I was manipulating you the whole time!" Generally speaking, every few stages in RtDL, Magolor will pop up on screen to tell you excitedly about a new room he's built for you on the Lor, and that you ought to come back and check it out. And after every boss battle, you have a cutscene that takes you back to the ship where he'll converse with you, update you on your goals, tell you what's next, and generally wish you good luck. Then you can stay and bother him some more if you want, and he’s got TONS of dialogue! He's always there on your journey, even if he never leaves the ship.
I know I haven't finished with the novel’s translation yet (please, no one take my ranting about it as evidence I'm not going to finish it or that I'll give it a bad translation out of spite. I will finish it and I’m even trying to take the most generous and enjoyable interpretation of the text in my translation of it, so that everyone doesn’t have to live with the version I see in my head when I read it. But I feel it's also okay to level appropriate criticism at things, even things you're working on/are a big fan of!) but anyway, you've probably all read enough of the novel to see Kirby and the gang fight several bosses and every time they beat one it's "...and they took the part back to Magolor. Chapter over."
Why would you cut the Magolor bits out? I mean, are we REALLY reading this book for Mr. Dooter lore? To find out Fatty Puffer desperately needs his worldview broadened? Or to hear EVERY SINGLE BOSS give the exact same "Nuh-uhhhh! I found this shiny thing and it's mine now and you won't take it from meeeeee!" speech? (Also, when I say “the most generous read of the text” up above, I want you know, their speeches really are almost IDENTICAL to each others, and I’m trying hard to make them NOT read that way in English so you all won’t get bored.) And of course, they ALL keep their stolen parts in identical treasure rooms hidden behind walls?? ...Sigh...
That said, I'd be perfectly fine with all those things if they didn't seem to come at the expense of cutting the deuteragonist-villain out of the story! He's in the title! He's the one you should be developing before the end! Else his betrayal comes off as meaningless. What exactly is Magolor BETRAYING if he's never established to be anything other than a pitiful stranger to Kirby and the others? Give us an emotional connection so that we have an emotional investment in him when he grabs the Master Crown and gives The Speech. 
Mie-sensei does this very thing with the Lor! Gets us involved. Quite subtly and brilliantly, even! It only takes a few lines to make us feel the ship’s sadness by the concerned way Bandanna Waddle Dee speaks of it. But we get (spoilers for unfinished chapters) that at least two more times to hammer it in! 
Opposite to that, “Let’s hurry! Magolor is waiting for us!” has no emotional cues to let us know the group is warming up to this funny wizard and are beginning to think of him as a friend. (Which you’d hope they would. The novel actually makes the journey to repair the Lor take a LOT longer than is implied in game. They really SHOULD be friends. Or fake friends.)
I don’t know why the small page count is the way it is. It’s supposedly not even that short a book, as it’s got more text in it just because of the size they printed the book at, but the narrative balance on things is just..off.
...Okay. I've done enough ranting about novel Magolor...
TLDR, the novel is not bad; it's definitely lacking in a key area, but it IS official; it's just an official adaptation. 
(Technically, Pupupu Hero is ALSO an official adaptation of Return to Dream Land. You know, the manga where Magolor wants to bed Chilly?)
Maybe we'll get yet another adaptation of RtDL down the line in a different form? Maybe we'll get a new Kirby anime that treats the different games as 4-5 episode arcs? Right now, this is the only novel adaptation of RtDL, but it doesn't necessarily supersede the game's version of events - even if it's got some additional details that ARE likely canon to the Kirbyverse going forward.
Magolor started out with magic (at least, the ability to project light through his hands); the Ancient’s city resembled a clean, modern day metropolis and they worshipped the Lor before they were destroyed overnight; Super Abilities exhaust Kirby and could be dangerous; legends of Halcandra have spread all over multiple-universes; the Lor can speak - not with words, but into people’s minds/hearts; Meta Knight can recognize Halcandran text and is a huge nerd for history; Bandanna Waddle Dee is pure of heart... (2)
Oh, and for a better explanation on what I mean by “details that are probably canon...” on a broad scale even though these are only adaptations, I point to the Planet Robobot novelization that had stuff like The Pocketwatch in it, and spelled out Susie and President Haltmann's real backstory....yet also had Haltmann survive, something that definitely did NOT happen in game.
Anyway, as is typical for one of my posts, this was very rambly and derailed quickly, but I hope that cleared some stuff up!
Actual Spoilers: 
...Whether or not you interpret Magolor Soul’s death scream in game as him shouting “Kirby!!” - and you don’t have to - it has an unmistakeable “...aieeee!!” sound in there. The novel writes Magolor Soul as shouting “Guoo...” - trail off included. Literally the only vowels not in his in-game scream.
...that the Master Crown responds to the wearer’s soul and Magolor became that way because he had evil in his soul. Also, that the eye that appeared where his mouth should be was NOT his eye.
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organizing thoughts + setting microgoals (ya know productive people things)
Hello friends!
Happy 2024!!
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It seems like my winter break has just flown by and tomorrow my university’s spring semester starts. I haven’t had as much time to work on my story as I would have liked, but I do feel rested after this break, which is always a good thing! ᕱ__ᕱ Despite not a lot of visible progress in my original story, there have been a few things I have been thinking about and attempting to iron out in my brain which I can update you on this week.
Before I get anywhere else and make real progress in the plot of my story, I have come to the conclusion that I need to spend some time on worldbuilding. I knew the funky little magic world and my funky little fantasy story is taking place in needed some serious work before I started writing anything, but it’s come to my attention that it needs that work now, before I continue to develop anything else. Which… sucks.
Not that I am not going to enjoy creating my own fictional world but it's going to take A LOT of work before I see real progress and I am going to have to complete that work in very small increments because I have other Important Things™ I need to be doing. Like school. Ugh!
I am very notoriously bad with time management (which is something I’m working on in therapy actually - shout out once again to my therapist who is literally a God-send), so I think my goal for next week will be to create an outline/schedule/list for what I need to get done in the realm of world-building so that I can organize my thoughts a little better and have something tangible to work on. I’ll share it here next week if I have managed to make progress on it. One of the big things I know will absolutely be making it on that list first thing, however, is developing my magic system.
Magic System
As I have mentioned briefly in a previous post, janky magic systems with little-no rules are a huge pet peeve of mine when it comes to fantasy fiction (unless it makes sense within the story, which is rare). So, I know that crafting my own magic system will take me some time because I want it to make sense, be clear, and have outline rules and limitations. 
Another thing that's important to me is that any magic system I create/include in my story, is in accordance with my own personal religious beliefs. NOW HEAR ME OUT IN THE ENTIRETY BEFORE Y’ALL GO JUDGING ME, OKAY?! I am a Christian, so nothing aligning with demons, Satan, or the occult will be happening in my story (on the side of “Good” that is). It may seem like a small or silly thing to some but it’s 100% a priority to me. However, I want to write a fantasy novel that is accessible to ALL, not just my fellow Christians, and one that doesn’t feel preachy or anything of that nature. I’m not trying to push my beliefs onto my readers. I just don’t want to compromise them in my writing. 
This is an interesting article on writing magic systems into Christian fantasy that I have been looking over the past few days if any of y'all are interested in what my magic system may look like. 
I also don’t want to accidentally write any story of -isms or -phobias into my novel and I know a surprising amount of magical beings and tropes fall into the “developed from a racial stereotype” category (just look up J.K. Rowling, goblins, and Jewish stereotypes if you don’t believe me). So, I wanted to create my own magical beings without the baggage. If, in the following posts, y’all see anything that could be rude or prejudice developing as I continue to grow my story please just let me know. It’s never my intention to cause harm. As I said, I want my story to be accessible for ALL. ᕱ__ᕱ 
That’s pretty much it! That’s what I’ve been turning over in my head and working on in the past few weeks while in the midst of family and friends and the chaos of the holiday season. I hope to get something more substantial to give to y’all next week, but for now I’ll let you go. For my fellow students returning to school, good luck in this new semester! ᕱ__ᕱ 
And always remember, dot your j’s and cross your t’s!
 ~Clementine J. Quincey 🪷
PS. I also finally taught myself how to crochet something and spent 3 days working on a flower garland for the canopy above my bed. It is quite cute and I feel very accomplished!!
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you called ? (。・∀・)ノ゙
hi sweetie, how are you doinggggggg, how was vacay, how is life going on!!!
I came online bc mr. conan fucking gray released a new song and i wanted to see how is it going with other ppl who like him bc i loved the vibe and its different from what he usually sings and everything.
speaking of songs, i liked the one you linked in my last ask a lot.
my exams are almost over, the last one is on 26th and the next ones are in like july end so yayyyyy
i am looking forward to some holidays if we will get any because its not confirmed yet and i do not trust my institute as they didnt give us any winter holidays either. but i do wanna learn something like dancing or driving or even swimming, if we get like a month of holiday bc i really wanna learn something useful i have started to feel like a useless person tbh bc i dont do anything productive with my time. i dont read i dont write i dont have a single fucking hobby. i am just on this damn phone watching web series and movies.
although my laptop is fixed now so ig i can start reading again.
i have a rack full of course book but i just dont feel like reading them. i go through a 300 page book in two hours, just skimming through and skipping half of the syllabus. and yesterday i didnt even study that much i just gave the exam according to prev knowledge which is so so so limited idek if i will pass. like i am sure out of 10 subject i am for sure going to fail in atleast 3 including the last one and barely pass by a mark or two in the other subs.
and if i wont get any holidays then i think we will join the institute before or by 15th of june and then we will have to settle in and maybe start preparing for orientation for the next batch of freshers and maybe get to participate in some inter-institute competions. bc there are like 9 branches and i am hoping i will make some friends from the other institutes so its going to be a lot of activities and chaos and i wish i will get to participate in something and they wont reject me for being completely useless everywhere. bc that, would be hella depressing. specially as i m already feeling useless and then other ppl will make me feel more useless, like gimme a break here.
i am going to try to stay positive about it though. as long as i can that is.
sorry for the long rant lol. have a good day, or night. <3
buh bye
love ya sm
Omg 😭😭😭 you’re actually here??? 😭😭😭
Vacay was great, life is okay ig and I didn’t cry in like 3 weeks :D
Yeah I listened to it and I really like it!! I honestly don’t know what song that was I’m glad you like it ❤️🐬
Good luck for your exams!! You’re gonna do great!!
So wait when was the last time you had holidays?? That sounds super stressful I hope you get a few free days soon <33
You aren’t useless!! But that’s great, you learn the things you wanna learn! Speaking of learning I’ll probably start taking guitar classes soon 😁
I Hope you make new friends <3 if anyone says something mean or makes you feel useless I’ll kick their asses!!
Always feel free to rant my love <3
I was at a swim competition today again! I wasn’t really good because I was sick last weeks but it was fun and I’ll go dancing tonight so I’m excited for that already 💃🏽🕺
Love you so so so much 🐬🐬🐬
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