#i've seen these beautiful images many many times but i only now noticed the kid win t shirt
blackopals-world · 8 months
The Missing Card
Introducing: Jester!Yuu
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(You have no idea that I've had this image saved for over a year and a half and I'm so excited to finally use it. Call me a clown fucker if you want I'm in love.)
It's about time we finish the Heartslabyul card deck.
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A "standard" deck of playing cards consists of 52 Cards in each of the 4 suits of Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs. Each suit contains 13 cards: Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King.
But something is missing.
A card that despite what you think isn't in the traditional deck at least not originally. A blank card printed by mistake that became something more.
The Jocker had made its way to the deck and now the trump card that either makes or breaks the game lives on.
There is a special rule at Heartslabyul. One that Riddle loaths to acknowledge. The contradiction to everything he knows.
It is the Jester's privilege to be exempt from the rules of the courts.
It's a rule that many don't read and it's for the best that no one knows how to be a Jester.
What is a court without its fool?
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They met at exactly 12 pm during afternoon tea.
They sat sideways in the queen's chair happily eating tarts.
"You! How dare you sit in my chair and show such flagrant disrespect for the rules of this dorm!" Riddle shouted pointing at the colorfully dressed student.
Said student looked over the table at the group of assembling crowd of students who were arriving for the tea party.
Smiling wildly they did a somersault across the table and landed in front of the drom leader.
"I have arrived my queen! Your new and approved jester of your court!" They said spinning before falling into a low bow. The bells and ribbons braided into the hair fluttering around them.
Riddle got a good look at this "jester" and they certainly looked the part. The star painted over their eye and the black and red costume fit Heartslabyul like a glove. Their upper lip was painted black and their lower a bright scarlet. It was garish but beautiful.
"Approved? Who approved a clown like you to be a jester!" Riddle ordered.
Ace and Deuce looked in opposite directions as he said this.
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It wasn't intentional but Ace and Deuce had run into a street performer in the town near the school.
"Come one, come all and see the show!" They said balancing on a giant ball juggling pins.
They sang, did tricks, played music, did magic tricks, and all around entertained the crowd.
Ace and Deuce were mystified by the show so much they ended up watching the whole thing.
When it ended the performer tanked everyone as they began to pack up.
"Hey, where did you learn those tricks?"Ace didn't want to miss the chance to learn a few new card tricks.
"You must be an amazing wizard! I didn't even see you wave a wand!" Deuce innocently.
"Dude, they obviously just used tricks and not magic." Ace sighed.
The performer laughed. They told them they did shows to earn money while at school.
"It's easy to put on a show but real magic isn't something I can do. Sucks when you go to a magic college but I think it's fun." They smiled.
"Wait you go to NRC? I've never seen you before." Ace asked trying to remember their face.
"Ace? What are you talking about? We sit next to each other in Trein's class." They covered their mouth giggling.
Suddenly it clicked.
"Yuu?! You're Yuu?!" Ace yelled incredulously.
Yuu was just some quiet kid that didn't say much. The only thing that stood out about them was just how dull they were. Not that Ace said that to them. Yuu kind of just blended into the background.
"In the flesh!~♡ I was wondering when you'd notice." They said cheerfully.
"Well you are always with Grimm it's hard to put it together," Ace said rubbing his neck
"Yeah, you don't stand out at all otherwise-" Deuce began before Ace slapped his hand over his mouth.
"It's okay, I know how people see me. But I can hardly walk around in costume around campus no matter how fun it sounds." Yuu pouted absent-mindedly shuffling a deck of cards that appeared out of nowhere. "If I could go all out and do shows whenever school would be more fun."
"You're telling me. Having a personal clown would make Riddle's scolding bearable. Man that would be funny if you'd pie him in the face." Ace cackled at the thought. "You'd make a good...what's it called...oh, a fool."
"A fool? You mean like a royal jester?" Yuu asked pursing their lips in thought.
"Yeah, you could really take Riddle down a peg if you were. Honestly, morale gets so low when he's in a bad mood. He needs to have more fun." Ace ranted unknowingly giving Yuu an idea.
Deuce nodded in agreement as he examined Yuu props. The top hat looked pretty cool on him.
"Actually that sounds fun. I think I'll make a great jester!" Yuu laughed heartily.
They had no idea what chaos they had welcomed to Heartslabyul.
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duckielover151 · 3 months
The One Piece Diaries
Episode Count: 450
Holy shit, guys... I'm back. I took another several months-long hiatus from One Piece... Mostly unintentionally... (I've been bouncing between a lot of other fandoms these past few months but have been brought back by the live action.) Where to start...
We've been in Impel Down for most of the last 40 or so episodes since my last update post. And not to go off on a tangent, but you know... I've noticed One Piece lumped in as one of the shows that's swamped with filler. And that really hasn't been my experience so far.
What I have noticed is that, around this point, the pacing gets pretty atrocious. There's a lot that happens in the journey to try and break Ace out of Impel Down... But is there 40 episodes worth of stuff? I have to argue no. It gets to the point where the first third of the episode is all recap, and barely anything is actually getting accomplished each episode. So that is a little off-putting.
But! There is a lot of good to be found in this arc too!
Okay, admittedly... Buggy was never my favorite... (outside of some brilliantly written fanfiction by stereden on AO3) And I would have been content to never see Mr. 3 again... But it is really cool to meet back up with so many of the old villains who only met their downfall and ended up here because of Luffy and to have them be on our side now. Really puts into perspective the morality of it all. Luffy's always fighting for the right things... but in the eyes of the government and greater world, he's a villain as well.
I've finally met Jimbei... (Jinbe? Jinbei? I've seen all 3, but Crunchyroll's subtitles use the 'm' spelling, so that's what I'm going with.) I haven't seen a lot of him yet, but I like him so far. He's tough, clearly, but also almost goofily polite, in a way that really complements Luffy's general blunt insensitiveness. I think it's still a while before he joins up as the last member of the crew, but I'm looking forward to getting to know him better.
This arc makes it really clear how Bon Clay came to be as beloved in the fandom as he is. And there's a lot that could be said about Ivankov... A lot that would very quickly derail this update and which I'm not totally, personally qualified to weigh in on...
Listen, One Piece's portrayal of queerness isn't perfect. But it's a hell of a lot better than the way so many other shows handle it, especially given the time this aired. (The Impel Down arc was originally adapted throughout late 2009-early 2010. Frankly, the 90s often included more and better handled LGBT+ characters than the 2000s era anime did, up until pretty recently.) Just the fact alone that this group is so out and proud about it and undeniably allied with and wholeheartedly accepted by the main protagonist is a fucking statement all on its own. It's beautiful. I can't underplay that by nitpicking the places the representation fell short by today's standards in a storyline that's 15 years old now. (I know there's a lot of shit in the future that goes down with Sanji in particular... So I may have less generous things to say later, but that's where we stand right now.)
And as for the arc's villains... Magellan's okay. This last episode particularly, the venom demon attack was pretty badass. (That image of the mushrooming skulls as it formed it was so good.)
And Hannyabal... Okay, there were some early moments that made me laugh. The gag about how he's clearly lusting for the warden's job and not great about hiding it could be pretty funny. But by the time he's defeated... and the anime starts in on a dramatic backstory for this asshole, trying to make him sympathetic... All I could say was, 'You've gotta be fucking kidding me...' I know it's kind of One Piece's thing to try and redeem everyone, but I was so bogged down by the pacing at that point... I did not have the patience for it. Good riddance to that dude in particular.
Episode 450 ends with our ragtag group officially making it out... And man, it's cool to see some of these older characters again, but I already miss our crew so much... Especially knowing what's coming...
I'm sure I've already mentioned that I know the bigger Marineford spoilers... But I'm still not sure I'm ready to see it firsthand.
Wish me luck.
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red-xherry · 2 years
Yowww i've been thinking about this for a while now😩😩😩 imagine
Fem reader and jay are childhood bffs and after so many years both of you meet at a meeting for like collab of your companies as ceo and then both of you are the only one left at the meeting area and start talking for a while, until you can't control it anymore so you just kiss him, so he brings you to his office and starts fucking you rough at his desk😩🤤🤤, and after that he's going to be so gentle to you like he wasn't fucking you so rough mins ago😫 both of you talks about the collab thingy at the bath tub😍😚👌👌✨
CEO JAY??!!! I JUST I CANT 🥵🥵 like just imaging him calling you his little cum slut ª *dies. Gurl you just inspired me to write a whole story ily <3. Hope you like it. (I made it very special couse you are my first ask omg I really hope you like it)
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Our Little Secret
CEOJay x CEOreader
Jay was your childhood friend and also your first love. But as always, first love's never end up right. Now you seem in a very difficult situation between the CEO of Park Tech. Corp. and you, CEO of T.T.Corporation, who is trying to do a collab between companies. You might ask what is the problem here? Well the problem name is Park Jay. "u know? I didn’t like the way he was looking at you, princess...”
Warnings/genre: CEOJay, CEOreader, SecretaryHeeseung, childhood bffs, fluff, suggestive, angst, smut, fingering, unprotected sex(stay safety), use of curse words, pet names(slut-princess-baby), breeding kink, kind of public sex. (Also a lot of typos sorry)
Words: 6k (it's kind of long.)
You have been friends with Jay since childhood, charing and doing everything together. From him assisting to your littles tea parties, playing pirates and rescue the princess to even bathing together, obviously  the bathing thing stopped when you guys grew older, but sleeping together still was a thing. For Jay you were his princess, the most beautiful he ever seen and for you, Jay was your brave knight in shiny armor. You loved to play with him because he became your best friend and your confident in crime, but for him, you were more special than a friend. He didn't have any friends because he was very (a mean a lot) shy so when you appeared and told him that he will stick with you because you are a princess and he must protect you...he just did. And after that you have been the only friend and the only one who he wanted to be with. His parents were so happy to see how a shy boy like Jay, everytime he arrives home shout out loud, that when he grow up he is gonna make you his wife, like in the movies where the knight who rescue the princess get married. Even though your parents didn't understand why such a fancy boy and a future CEO saw in their little daughter who still eat buggers and can't use skirts couse she doesn't now how to sit properly, "well anyways its just kids love" they said. But for Jay as the time passed and he grew, so did his love for you. "She is my best friend!" "What am I thinking? I'm getting too greedy" thoughts like this rounded in his head hoping they'll disappear one day.
It was beggining to bother him a little, also because you were so dumb that you didnt think your actions make to him, you never notice his small nervousness when you both sleep together or when you hold his hand everytime you want to guide him to somewhere, he really tried to control himself whenyou sited on his lap or when you ask him to shower with you like the times we're you were little. You always told him everything from your first kiss with the weird guy of your class (story wich he couldn't stop making fun of you, of how desperate you were to kiss someone, that you didn't even care if you knew him) to when you got your period. You were his precious special person, and so was he for you.
"Mum! I'm leaving bye"
"Are you going to y/n place? Remember to give her the sweater she left here, God she left everything her panties, her shorts and even her bra. Everything is in the bag hahahaha this kid..." she smiled remembering when y/n heard that Jays aunt was having a birthday party without cake couse they forgot to buy one. Which was something you'll never let it be. "Every birthday party need a cake" that's what you said. You didn't knew the mess that baking a cake took, so after making the cake you were so dirty that you had to borrow some of Jay's clothes (something very normal between them) "she got all dirty helping me to bake the cake for your aunts birthday"
"Got it! Bye!"
"Jay com here please!! I don't want to keep screaming!"
With a little sigh he went to the kitchen were his mom was, he knew what she was going to say, but he didn't want to hear it, it just wasn't fair.
"Jay, you know you have to tell her right? This is your last week and-"
"I know I know" he takes a deep breath and kisses his mom head.
Jay was the only son of Mr. Park, CEO of Park Tech Corp and eventually, he will became the  CEO of PTC in the future.  Because of this, his father made the decision to send him to study abroad so that he could prepare himself in a better way. It wasn't as if he couldn't prepare here, but his father was sure that this would benefit his son so no one would have the opportunity to remove Jay from his position with the cheap excuse that he was not prepared. Jay tried to intervene in his father's decision by never getting into trouble and having perfect grades, but all his attempts were useless. And for the worst, Jay's last year in school, his dad decided to send him to Canada where he could be an exchange student.
He really was upset because he didn't even have the time to confess you how much he loved you.
When he arrive to your house, he found your mom making salad, but with green olives. Jay knew your hate to green olives, so he made a mental note to let you know what your mom made for dinner.
"Hi Jay! How are you?" Your mom asked
"Hi Mrs. L/n, I'm fine. Is y/n upstairs?"
"Yes! Go tell her that dinner is ready"
"Okay!" Jay said while going upstairs to your room.
"Jay!" You exclaimed, excited to see him
"You haven't eaten yet?" He throw the bag with your clothes on your face
"Yes I diiiiid, but at kfc, after school, you didn't come with me remember? You said your father arrived from his business trip, and you wanted to talk to him about some "none of your bussienes loser""you muck at Jay trying to imitate his voice, you were angry, couse he didn't tell you about what he would be talking to his dad. He just mess with your hair while he ignores your face full of curiosity about what he have talked with his dad.
"My mom washed your clothes. ¿ y/n you know? You need to stop forgetting your clothes on my house, this will scared hot chicks from coming since they will think that I have a girfriend"
"Firstly thank your mom for me, and second, Jay you are so lonly that the only comfort you have for your "needs" is your hand"
Jay scoffs "that's what you think"
You just roll your eyes at him while making space at your bed for him to take a seat besides you.
"Sooo playboy, what's new?"
His smile drops when he hears this, just remembering what his mom told him, and that he only got 1 week with you. He didn't want to seem obvious but it just went like this.
"Jay? What's wrong? Are you Ok?"
"It's nothing I'm just sad that my best friend still a virgin"
he really didn't want you to get sad the whole week so he said he will wait a little more to tell you the truth.
He laughs while you was beating his ass. He really wish things were different, and those cute little moments, like this ones, with you, stay like this forever.
"¡Hey hey ok ok! stop punching me, it actually hurts ¡auch!"
"Yeah? I think I'm still stronger than you"
"Oh really?" He stands on his knees and he grabs both of your wrists with strength hovering over you. He was really strong, and you knew that, it was useless to even try to slip away. Gosh Jay was going to be the death of you someday. You don't know when or where did the little shy and crybaby go. You were even not just stronger but taller than him. He was now a man, he is way more stronger and taller than you now. You would be lying if you said you didn't loved to have such a hot best friend like Jay, every girl at you school was envious couse the guy was just too perfect. He was handsome, always with perfect grades and also perfect body; a body like his got every girl drooling over him, he was a little tan and his abs were tonned just in the perfect size (everyone knew it couse he always he always took off his sweater in practice) but you never wanted to admit it. You didn't want his flirting ass over you bothering you until you die. But you where always thankfull that you have the opportunity to watch him in your everyday. The way his arms flex when he carried the groceries, the way his jaw line accentuate while eating or how his eyes twinkled just when he was with you, you loved all of him and also you loved how goofy he was only to you, always taking care of you. But you didn't want to cross the line, you thought that he only saw you as a friend, and he knew so much about you and your not girly side, that you were sure he didn't even look at you as a woman. Nevertheless, you were so gratefull that you at least you got to see him be happy.
"Ok you win you are stronger" You shove your head looking at other side, not wanting him to see your flustered face with your now reddened cheeks.
He chuckles at your attempts to try to throw him off of you and he throw himself beside you in your bed. The little action giving you butterflies.
"I'm gonna stay tonight, and I'm not asking you"
"Again?" You sounded annoyed but in the inside you were so happy. " come on, you know how lucky you are having Park Jay at your bedroom?!" "Oooooh im so sorry your highness, what an honor" you said sarcastically.
"Thats what I thought loyal peasant, Oh and your mom made salad with green olives so I don't recommend you to go downstairs" you went to take a bath after that and so did Jay,in the guests bathroom.
You fell asleep first and he made space beside you, but unlike other nights that he sleeped with you, he was way much closer to your face, just admiring you, trying to take a mental photo of you for him, to never forget this moment. He take a strand of hair behind your ear and then put his hand on your cheek, caressing it with his thumb. "Gosh you are so beutifull" All of this was happening WHILE YOU WERE TRULY AWAKE. You were waiting for Jay when he was washing, but you don't know why, when he got into your room, you act like you were sleeping.
You didn't know what to say, you would be ruining the moment if you said you were awake. You try to calm yourself saying that maybe it was just a compliment as a friend right? Then he hugged you, your heart beating like crazy. He put his head on the top of yours and with that, both bodies being this close, both of you went to dreamland.
All the week you notice Jay being a little weird after that night, he was being way to nice to you. He was always nice, but in all that week he didn't even make fun of you with anything he didn't even make those flirtatious lame joke on you. He always did make fun of you when he had a chance so you knew something was happening. You ignore it couse you like the extra care he was giving you, it was like he was your boyfriend, just the mention of the idea made you happy until Saturday came. That day, he invited you to the park to watch the stars with him while eating ice cream just for fun he said.
"I don't get it" the handsome boy say "so you like to eat toothpaste??"
"Jay it's just choco-mint ice cream bear with it, anyways I know you wanted to tell me something. You don't like parks because of mosquitos, so tell me what's wrong?" You stare deep in his eyes wanting to know what got the picky guy to have a date in the park for fun, with you.
"Y/n" your breath hitch In your throat to the proximity of the boy to your face. He put your ice cream away (they were on cups) cupping your face with his big hands.
"I-i don't know how to tell you this, it's just so difficult for me-"
You didn't even let the boy finish the sentence when you close the gap between each other and you kiss him with so much desesparation that you fell over him in the blanket that he placed on the grass. You chuckle at the surprised face Jay did.
"Gosh you are so slow, Park, that's why you are alone" you stand in your hands with him still caged under you. "I also like you Jay"
And with that Jay hugs you by the waist making you sit on his lap while crying. You were happy that you both felt the same, and the thought that he was crying because he is such a crybaby , make your heart skip a beat but what you didn't know was that the real reason was that he knew that when he finally got you he now will loss you.
He didn't say anything, scared to hurt you, he just let the night pass like those dreams that you know that you are dreaming but you don't care because it's just so perfect that you want to sink on them until it's over and  then you wake up facing reality. Both of you slept together just kissing and laughing because now your unrequited love was finally yours. Or that's what you thought when you were heading to the airport on Monday to say goodbye to Jay. You had so many questions ¿why he didn't say anything, ¿why now?  What was the reason of him leaving?
"I hate you" it's the first thing that slips out of your mouth without hesitation while he wiped your tears that were flowing like waterfalls "I hate you Park Jay...I-i hate you with all my soul" you said this while he caresses your cheek with his thumb and with both hands as you leaned your face to his touch.
"I promise I will call you." You start to cough while crying and sniffing all your nasty fluids trying to maintain them inside your nose.
"Hey hey" Jay chuckle softly at your cuteness. "if you cry, i’ll cry....and that won’t be fun for anyone.”
You try to stop crying just sniffing couse it was really hard to calm yourself down
"Pro-promise me tha-that you will call me everyday"
He laughs kissing your forhead "I promise baby dw"
And with that your first love die that they. He didn't call you even once. He just called you when he arrived but after that he totally disappeared. The first day you were really sad but then you just got to hate him for what he did. You went to his parents house to ask why he left. Mr. Park only told you that he needed to prepare himself to be a CEO and that he is actually very busy so that's was the reason he was avoiding any distraction.  ¿DISTRACTION IM I A DISTRACTION? you thought. "You should study abroad too y/n, one day you will be also a CEO at you family business, and you are a girl so the competition will be not that easy." Mr. Park said.
Jay's mom didn't even want to see you couse she felt guilty about why was Jay really avoiding you. His dad didn't like the show you made in the airport because made Jay to pick a fight before heading the airplane, he almost dropped his bags and stayed but his dad told him that  he will make your live miserable if he stayed. His dad just wanted the best for him scared of people saying that his son is not capable when he know he is.
Way home you cry a little more thinking in that one night you both were so happy because you both felt the same. But now those are just memories that you hope soon forget.
"FUCK U PARK JAY" And with that your summer vacation and first love was over.
And yes here you were too stunned to speak watching the famous Park Jay in his glass office at the PTC offices building. He was all dressed up in a black suit, he got much bigger in muscle and height "wtf is wrong with the boy? Is he a Pokemon that just evolve into a better him?"You said to yourself.
"Miss L/n, Mr. Park is waiting for you to talk about the collab between both companies" You are really to stunned to speak, you knew Jay was CEO but, Oh come on there are a lot of Parks how would you know it was THAT Park company, and when you were little those were just adults conversations so you didn't know nothing about their company name.
"Ok thank you i-i am going to the bathroom first" the lady who might be Jay's secretary return you a smile and went back to her sit in the reception. And you went run-walking to the bathroom.
"Ok Jay Park, you will regret this" you said to yourself in front of the mirror and you began to doll up and open a little more your shirt by opening two buttons. You were really happy to see him again but all your sour memories of him also came to your mind. So you give yourself two gentle face slaps and you arrived to Jay's office. He was facing the Windows looking at his beautiful view in the tall building. He is so handsome, from the back he looked like the shy boy you once met and fell in love.
The secretary opened the door "Mr. Park, the CEO of TTC has arrived" when she left, you entered to his office "Good afternoon Mr. Park, my name is y/n L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you."
At first he didn't believe that he was actually watching you in front of him. You got more beutifull, he finally met again with his princess. He already knew he was going to meet you but he preferred to play it dumb. He even cut his hair so maybe he looked more handsome.
"Y/n!" He said it a little to excited "drop formalities you look so good y/n" he run to embrace you in a warm hug. "I mean I didn't know we would meet like this, ¿how are you?" You back off from the hug feeling a little mad that he got to give you butterflies even though it has been a while since you have seen him.
"Oh sorry, what's wrong?"
"Jay, people outside can still see us..."
"Oh fuck your right" he run to his desk to press a button  that make curtains to lowered when there are meetings.
"So where were we? Oh how ar-"
You push him back to his seat and lean over him, giving him a view of your breast and your face to close to his face, while your hands rest in the head of the chair. "Mr. Park do you want to know how I've been?" The poor man didn't have words to get out of his mouth at your question, too drunk in your sweet scent. "To be honest with you i've been lonly, really really lonly...and neddy" you said while you remove his glasses from his face, tracing your finger from his lips to his, now hard, throbbing friend. He groan at the feeling of your knee getting pressed against his hard cock. "I kinda need help, but idk if you can do that for me" you coo and by inertia Jay puts his hands around your waist which make your breath hitch and feel dazed at his touch. "Yes y/n don't worry I will take so much care of you I promise" he guide you over his lap, you felt controlled by him, you didn't want him to take control but he was so intoxicating. When you were on his lap he first began to tell you nothings in your ear while kissing and bitting your earlobe.
"God you don't know how much I missed you...you are so perfect so hot....i-i just want to fuck you so hard baby...I missed you" he said this while groaning in your ear caressing your sides up and down. You whimper at his words and began to bounce and move a little over his big hardened dick.
"Wa-wait don't do that a-ah"
"You don't want me?" You ask pouting your lips out
"Yes I do baby b-but mmmh not a-ahg not here"
His hands stop you because he was so strong, you were needy indeed but you really want him to suffer so you stopped as he said and get up from his lap. You have almost everything planned in the bathroom, you send a message to your hot secretary and also your right hand Heeseung, that you need him to fake-date with you, which he agrees knowing the story about you and Jay. He knew you didnt hate Jay, he knew you were so in love with him that he always felt bad for you.
"Y/n I know this will seem off but would you like to take a coffee or something with m-"
"Sorry that I'm late y/n, also good evening Mr.Park, nice to meet you. I'm Lee Heeseung, secretary of Ms. Y/n."
"And also my boyfriend" you said smiling at Jay and grab Heesungs hand,putting it around your waist"
"Baby why are these buttons of your shirt opened? Let me help you" you let Hee help you and in front of him, ignoring completely the poor man existence, he was stunned like a real statue.
"I'm sorry, I came here running from your apartment Hee, I didn't wanted to wake you up,  to help me, please do."
Jay cough for the attention from both of you. "Hi I'm Jay, I'm y/n's childhood best friend."
"Oh really? She never told me about you"
You must have won the lottery because you looked to happy to try to act surprised 😮.  The three of you sit down and began to talk about business, Jay was falling more for you, he was amazed of how you were talking and how good your company was being carried by you, he was so proud that his girl...well not his but anyways, his y/n became such a great woman. He kind of miss the dummy y/n that always misheard things and always forgets that the math tests were on Fridays. He was looking at you as a little child is watching his favorite superheroe movie. But what bothers him is the way you keep touching your boyfriend who's name was heeseung.
Gosh he hated so much the nickname you put him "hee am I right?" You ask him while touching his chest, sometimes slipping your fingers between his bottom to touch his skin. He also didn't like the way Heeseung laid way to long his eyes on your big and heavenly butt. That just was not it, how can your boyfriend be this disrespectful. Jay said to himself, he said that he wouldn't do that things to you. He began to think about the way Heeseung touch you. Does he makes you cum undone all wet just by talking to you? Does his hands makes you feel sexy? Is he even that good that you are playing to touchy with him in a so important meeting? Jay began to let his mind fly as he imagine how he is way better than heeseung for you, he would first tell you how pretty and unique you are, how beutifull and perfect it's your body, then he would trace forms with his hands while caressing your body, making you feel loved and then he will eat you up making you feel wanted, making you want his dick inside you, Fuck, balls deep inside you " I can make you feel better"
"Excusme?" You asked knowing that maybe he was thinking about you.
"L-like I can make the company feel better, we can make our employees feel better. That's what I meant." Damn Park Jay stop thinking with your dick, he thought to himself.
"Well thats everything, what do you think"
"It's perfect, please send this to my secretary, she would take you to the Boardroom to talk about this with the others Partnerships, and y/n I need you to sign some things before you go" Hee left both of you alone giving you a quick peck on your cheecks, that took you by surprise too, how Hee was being so bold, but he was helping you to get your revenge. (He needed a raise ) you thought to give him a raise for being such a good friend.
" Y/n why didn't you tell me you have a boyfriend?"
"Why would I tell you?"
"You said you felt l-lonly a-and" he saw you bent to sign the papers he gave you. Your skirt wasn't helping him, neither his throbbing dick. He was angry hard and leaking pre-cum. "You have a boyfriend and you were playing with me a few hours earlier". "I mean I can do whatever I want since you don't own me"
"Yeah I know! but do you even know him that well? ¡ I saw how he looks at you, he just want your body! And maybe your company." He was just giving excuses from how jealous he was.
"I don't really care u know?" You step closer to Jay, he was so tall that he need to look down to look at you. "As long as he fucks me hard and good it's perfect for me" you look at him with a smirk and seductive eyes.This just make Jay more angry at the thought you having hard sex with your secretary. He was angry but also sad.
"I thought you miss me" His voice being lower while your hands slips around his neck. Getting way to close to his face.
"Yeah but...do t think you can fuck me as good as he does?" and with that you take your folders heading to the door but before you go you say: "fuck, he just fucks me as good as the boy who slept with me while you were gone" with this said you let him in his office thinking about that night were you confessed to him. It was all a lie? Did you just wanted to be fucked and that's why you confessed? But you both cuddle just loving each other without lust in your mind. Did he was the only one in love? Of course he had other girlfriends while being abroad, but you were always in his mind. Now he was mad, he wanted to see you cry as he cried for you, he wanted to hear you scream his name, see you all tearfully, messy and full of him, he wanted to see you fucked dumb by him, he didn't care if you still love him, he just wanted you to pleading him to fuck you hard.
It was all I lie what you told him, your ex's never fill that space that Jay left in your heart, you just wanted him to suffer, but at the same time you wanted him to grab your wrist and hug you, but nothing of that happened.
You and Hee waited in the boardroom patiently. Hee was sitting beside you, while Jay was sitting in front, the others were dispersed in the other chairs. Jay's secretary was going to put a video that your company made about your collab with PTC after you presented yourself.
While the video was running you slide your foot out of your shoe and began to touch Jay's dick with it, he was startled at first, but he looked at you with different eye from earlier, his gaze was no more soft and sweet but very dark and somehow lustfull eyes, he seems kind of mad, but you didn't care. He grab your foot and squeeze it a little bit for you to stop but you continued, and now you were not just caressing his dick, but also his thighs. He didn't resist to long, so when he slipped his view down to see you working him up, he saw your hand on Heeseung's thigh, being also caressed and squeeze. If he was mad, now he was REALLY mad (lmao). He shove your foot with anger, away from is throbbing dick. He was now waiting the time your stupid video ends just to teach you a lesson. He was going to demonstrate that he was not the same boy you made fun of.
When the video finished every one clapped at the amazing an well explained proposal at the company collab product. But Mr. Park was not happy, he didn't seem happy. Everyone wait to Mr.Park give his opinion, so the room got silent.
"I don't think this will be the best for my company, I need to think about it and talk to Ms. Y/n about this collab."
"But why? It's really good and the statistics say that this will benefit our company in every way." One of your common partnership stated really annoyed at Mr.Park absurd request .
"I said I'll think about it" he raise his voice with a demanding tone. "Ms. Y/n let's talk, everyone else, get out" as he said everyone did, so there were just him and your confused self, trying to understand why did he rejected your idea, when he was so approval about it.
"Mr. Park I don't underst-"
You were cut by him roughly kissing your lips as he pin you against the wall, keeping you trapped between him. You began to moan when he start bitting you on your sweet spot right between the end of your jaw and your neck. But you try to shove him away. That's right, you tried but he was so strong that he grab your writs with one hand and pinned it to the wall, while the other was placed in your pussy, teasing your little clothed cunt.
"You're soaking wet, baby. Have you been like this since your little jumps  on my dick earlier?" You moan when you felt Jay's fingers slide your panties for better access, pressing one finger against your slit, making you whimper at the felling of his fingers so close to be inside you.
"I hate you" you try to mutter, feeling to good to speak properly, you really missed him and remembering how hard was his dick earlier just make it worst. "So do I...we finally feel the same way eh princess?" He said near your ear " there's is to much clothe up hear, let me help you " he said the line from Hee earlier, just mad at how close he was to your boobs.
He starts to unbutton your shirt just to found himself in front of you boobs covered with a cute  black lace bra that covered absolutely nothing of your breasts. He almost came at the site of your nipples all hardened pocking against the small holes of the lace bra. He began to lick them and bite them with so much desesperation, just like a starved man. You were a moaning mess under him, it was too much, you just came from him only teasing you.
“It’s hard to hate you when you’re under me like this, submissive and breathless. Gorgeous sight really”
"Fuck u Jay your never be as good as he-"
You moan immediately as his two fingers enter you and began to fuck you fast with them, not letting you finished your sentence.
“Dont say his name...u know? I didn’t like the way he was looking at you princess. ” now he enter three fingers inside you, while talking low in your ear "I really mean it when I said I can make you feel better but you were being a bratty princess" you pussy clenching at the pet name. You always were his princess and you knew it, and after he left you still were, you just didn't want to admit it.
You were almost at your limit, you were going to cum but suddenly he slowed down, now slowly stroking his fingers in and out , feeling you desperately clench against his fingers "It's a shame, I don't like bratty princesses " you were so desesparate to find your high that you began to fuck yourself faster with his fingers. He chuckles at this action and took out his fingers. You whine in desasparation.
"I said I didn't like bratty princesses, so if you behave, maybe I can make you feel better" he had his leg intertwined between your legs trying to get some sort of friction for his clothed dick so you started panting and whimpering and bucking your hips in search of your climax and somehow to have a sort of control over him.
"Y/n" he groan breathlessly "If you do that one more time I'll-" "You'll what? Punish me?" You said also breathlessly "Don't test me, you do not want me to fuck you when I'm angry" "oh, I'm sure I do" with that said he bend you over the meeting table and taking your skirt with your panties with a pull and his pants, without any warning he pump his dick two times and began to tease your folds with his dick. He like it messy so he covered your pussy with his pre-cum while teasing your folds.
"J-Jay" you scream in desesparation wanting him inside you ASAP.
"You will stop being a a fucking bratty princess?"
"Ye-yes I promise! Fuck-I promise"
"Say it properly, princess or else you will not be having my dick inside you"
"Yes Jay omg- I'm gonna be a good princess just for you mmmh j-just fill me up please!" He groan at your pleads and start fucking the shit out of you, he was so angry that you were going to head home with your boyfriend that he just wanted to hear you scream his name.
"you like it when i fuck you like this? yeah you do."
"Mhhhh a-ah feel-so-good" he was fucking so hard that the only sounds heard in the room were your moans, his low growls and the sound of the table moving.
“ i want to hear you ¿who is making you feel so good, babe." He began to trust you slow but hard until he heard his name
Jay o-onmm only you jay
"I know my little princess can say my name louder than that” he grab your hair for support to fuck you harder.
"Just you Jay can make me feel so full...mmmh please I'm so close... go faster". You whimper while small drops of tears began to form and you didn't even notice that you were crying of pleasure. Your whimpers and moan just turn him even more, he was also so close ar this rate.
He knew you were close too because how hard you began to squeeze his dick, making his hard start to twitch inside your walls.
"good girl—that's a good fucking girl."
"Baby I'm so close p-please cum inside please"
"Mmm, i know baby, you are getting so tight mmm I want you to look at me when I cum inside you" your belly was on fire, tightening as you get closer and closer to cumming, he grab your chin with his hand and began to kiss you in messy way while he reapeted "your mine, only mine" in your mouth. You cum when he began to squeeze both of your boobs, moaning mess under him making him cum from your angelic sounds.
Both trying to get back on earth he start to kiss your face,neck and shoulder to wait for you to calm down from how hard you came.
"Y/n...I'm sorry, please breakup with him...I never stopped loving you, give me a chance to demonstrate you how much I care about you." Jay said while his head rest on the back of your shoulder.
"Hee is not my boyfriend" you breath out Finally confessing your little facade.
"Mr.Park did Ms. L/n finished signing?" Jay's secretary asked behind the door.
"SHE WILL BE RIGHT BACK IN A MOMMENT JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE!" He shout desperately running towards the door to lock it up.
"We will talk about this at my apartment ok?"
You chuckle and you nodded. He gave you a kiss on your fronthead as he immediately search for your skirt and help you put it on back again. Jay grab your panties and save it in his pants pocket. When both were out of the boardroom Hee saw your messy hair and smirked at you knowing what just may had happened in those long 30min of paperwork.
So everyone had headed back home as so did Jay, taking you in his car to his apartment. You both were silent in the car but it wasn't awkward, you felt again, someway,in home.
His apartment was very big, it was a penthouse, so you expected to big very big. It was very luxurious and all the room screamed Jay Park, black marble floor and white walls, everything was so pretty, it was like a dream house.
"Do you like pasta? Let's eat it with red whine.¿what do you think baby?"
"So Mr.Park knows how to cook?"
"When you live alone you need to learn how to cook in order to survive"
"I just saw the restaurant bags with the food Jay"
"But I'm the one who bought them so I made it"
You giggle while he grabs you close to him by your waist and start kissing your neck
"Y/n let's take a shower"
"Like when we were kids, ¿remember? I really missed you..."
You nodd so now you both are heading to the bath top, he helps you to take your clothes off and you help him too. He motion his hands p and down to tell you to sit on his lap. He began to scrub your back and while he plant wet kisses over your body, just loving the way you squirm at his touch.
He told you why he was avoiding you and you told him the truth that you always loved him and that you didn't actually fuck with someone until you were 23 and it was your worst experience ever. You both laugh at lame jokes and little stories you didn't know between each other from the time that both of you were separated. He hugged you again when you both didn't have anything more to say "Lets stay like this, forever, y/n...please"
"Of course Jay, I have waited for you all my life" "me too" he began to kiss you so gently and soft, but the action became more lustfull since both of your naked bodies were touching. "Jay let me ride you" you said breathlessly as Jay grab your waist and turn you to face him. You immediately begin to kiss his jaw, sinking his cock inside you, both moaning at the stretch. You kept kissing his face,his neck and then down his chest, leaving little red spots for him to remember that everything that happened this day was not a dream " Y/n I might cum very fast if you keep doing that" "I'm ok with it, just want you to cum inside me" "s-shit why are you so dirty...mmmh not complaining though...I like my princess being so dirty and lustfull for me" he smirks kissing your boobs, you moan his name at the sudden lick in your nipple while one of his hand care for the other bood. He began to touch your clitoris for you to cum fast because your moans were driving him very close to the edge. "Jay f-fuck fill your little princess with your seeds mmmh" "y/n, princess I'll make you feel so full of me, I'm gonna make you only mine, I'll breed you everyday baby, I'll make sure that you're always will be stuffed with my cock " you clenched his cock making him cum all inside you "y/n I love you" and with that you also cum. Now both of you needed a second wash but it was worth it because now you finally have your knight with shiny armor with you by your side.
"Jay, what about our collab, and now that we are together what will we do?"
"Don't worry princess this can be our little secrete."
He was right, it would be to sudden that Mr. Park had a girlfriend who was the CEO who offered him the collab, so both of you will wait a little more of time to tell everyone about the union about the two companies. But he wasn't going to let you go to your apartment ever again, he promised himself to never ever let you you go.
The end
Notes: I really hope you like it. Im also very new here so hope you give this a lot of love and support.
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c-nstantine · 3 years
Hello! Could you write a Jason Todd x reader where the reader is really shy and sensitive? And Jason treats them like a princess and is really gentle and understanding and soft with them. I see a lot of fics where the reader is really sexy and confident and badass, but I’d love to see what Jason would be like. Thank you ☺️
Jason Todd x Shy!Reader
Warnings: none, it's all fluffy.
Word Count: 739
(Hi, so I did my best but let me know if you don't like it.)
"Honey, I'm home," Jason spoke as he walked into his small apartment. He once dreaded coming home to an empty apartment after a long mission but now things were different. The once cold and lonely apartment became cozy and warm. Shelves full of dusty, empty picture frames soon were filled with books and fall scented candles.
"Jason!"Y/N ran into his arms, he fulfilled the warmth that they had been craving.
After Jason had showered, the couple quickly cuddled on the couch with some terrible slasher movie from the 80's playing in the background. Y/N was recounting a story that happened earlier in the week from their job. Jason, however, was too enamored by how beautiful they looked to hear a word that they said.
Y/N felt Jason's eyes on them and slowly began to talk quieter and quieter until nothing could be heard. Their eyes became fixated on the floor. Their face was hot with both embarrassment and nervousness.
"What's wrong?" Jason asked finally noticing that Y/N had stopped talking and looked away from his blue eyes. His voice wasn't rough like normal but more soft and concerned.
"You were staring," Y/n dove their head into the nearby throw pillows.
"I can't help how beautiful you are. There is something that I need to talk to you about, though. " Jason said gaining about of seriousness end his uncharacteristically soft voice. Y/N's head rushed straight up like an Ostrich whose head left the ground.
"My family would like to meet you. You can say no. I want you to say no. " Jason stated while he watched Y/N burst into a fit of giggles.
"I've been wanting to meet your family"
To say that Y/N was unprepared to meet the Wayne family would be an understatement. Their palms were sweaty before Alfred opened the front door to the large manor. Jason quickly guided Y/N to the large family room where each of his family members sat.
"Are you being paid?" A young boy who was a spitting image of Bruce Wayne said.
"Damian," called out by who Y/N assumed was the oldest," Are you being paid, though?" Y/N chuckled slightly at that notion.
"No. Jason and I have been dating for a while now." While Y/N appeared to be confident, on the inside, they were panicking. They were looking anywhere but the many sets of eyes that were trained on them. Everyone looked so critical. The only one who seemed to be somewhat relaxed was a young Asian girl with a black bob haircut.
"Blink twice if you need help." A lean boy with shaggy hair spoke. Y/N recognized him from Jason's stories.
"Blink three times if you need help and he won't let you tell us."
"Jason, there's no need to hold a person hostage because you can't get a date."
"Boys!" A woman said as she walked downstairs. She was older and had a few grey hairs. She came cascading down the staircase. She was beautiful and graceful. Y/N had only seen this woman on the news before but her smile could light up a room.
"Hey, ma."
"It's always nice when you visit Jason. I have your photo album around here somewhere. I'm sure Y/N would love to see it."
"Welp. You would look at that time to show Y/N the library. No, none of you can come with us." Jason ushered Y/N towards the Wayne library.
"How'd your mom know my name?" Y/N was under the impression that no one knew that Jason was dating them.
"We talk about you a lot," Jason watched Y/N's eyes open wide, "All good things, of course."
"This was my favorite place when I was a kid." Jason walked to a wall of books before picking out a singular one. It looked more worn than the others on the shelf. There wasn't as much dust caked on it, either.
"Can you read it to me?"Y/N asked knowing Jason didn't talk about his childhood often.
Y/N laid their head in Jason's lap as he read to them. They were quickly taken by slumber. Jason eventually stopped reading allowed and snapped a picture on his phone to make his new wallpaper. He silently chuckled knowing that Y/N would be upset by this, but at this moment he didn't care. Dick Grayson went looking for the happy couple. He was shocked to see what he found. His brother, who is known to be the tough leather jacket sibling, peacefully smiling at his significant other.
"You two are adorable."
"If you wake them, I will shoot you with rubber bullets."
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stray-kids-react · 3 years
Shy s/o doesn't think they deserve them
Bang Chan
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° He loved your shy personality, he just wanted to cuddle and praise you all day long. Even though you are a naturally soft person, that also comes with a lot of insecurities.
° Your boyfriend is a hot aussie leader with a heart of gold who fans call daddy, you can't but feel that you don't deserve such a God like boyfriend. And he can see it bothers you.
° Chan is a sweet heart who will check in on you as often as he can even with his busy schedule, he knows having an idol boyfriend can be stressful and he wants to comfort you.
° Felix was baking brownies, which you usually helped him out with even if it is just to cheer him on as he does his thing. But both of the aussies noticed your missing presence.
° Chan waltzed up to his studio, where you often hung around when you were at the dorms. Once he walked inside he noticed your figure curled up in a chair.
° You were scrolling through some messages that were sent to you via Instagram. None of the messages were pleasant, and Chan's heart broke as he read the truly gruesome ones.
"Maybe they are right. Maybe I don't deserve you." you sighed, slumping back.
"Don't say that, you are a beautiful person inside and out who I couldn't survive without." He reassured, taking your phone away as he cuddled into you.
Lee Know
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° Minho always liked you since you first met during the shoot of hellevator. He was pretty obvious with his fondness of you, but you never believed that he could like you.
° Later on once you began dating, he soon realized how low your self confidence truly was. So he made a promise to himself to try and increase it as much as he can.
° Many fans would threaten you for 'taking Minho away', but Minho would shred the letters before you could see how many there truly were. He knew it would hurt you.
° Minho is very affectionate towards you and likes to show you his love through touch. Whenever you seem down, he will cover your face in small pecks until you begin to smile.
° Has seen how come fans and staff treat you, pushing you around and telling you that you aren't worth his time. Minho took it into his own hands and protected you from them.
° He doesn't like seeing you upset or feel like a burden to him, especially since you are so special to him. Minho asked Chan and JYP if he could take at least a week off, they said yes.
"You didn't have to take a week off just for me, I am okay with your schedule." You explained, ruffling his hair.
"I know you're okay with it, but I needed to get away just for a while. And I miss you everytime you're not with me." He replied, gently placing a kiss to your head.
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° Will do anything to make you see for at least a second how important you truly are to him, he usually sends you hearts and does an adorable aegyo voice when talking to you.
° When you first began to hang out, you were very distant and almost never said a word. Changbin wanted to get to know you, so he constantly made efforts to befriend you.
° Once you opened up you Changbin, he noticed how self conscious and self critical you were of yourself. His confusion as to why you hate yourself only grew stronger.
° Every morning when you both get out of the shower, he will stand you in front of the mirror and poke every feature on your body saying that it is gorgeous and perfect.
° Likes knowing that you feel comfortable around him and that you have him to go to when you are feeling down. He wants to always be there for you and support you.
° Won't admit it to you, but he once teared up while you were asleep because he picked up a hate letter that was directed at you and he was worried that you read it.
"Your eyes, stunning. Your tummy, adorable. Your ears, cute. Your lips, kiss able. Your butt, squishy. Your shoulders, gorgeous..."
"Binnie you have five minutes before dance practice, you should really get going now."
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° Hyunjin is known to be a visual God in all of kpop, even though he is also VERY talented. Many people have a crush on Hyunjin, and you happened to be one of the many.
° His personality was addictive to be around, his looks were God like, and his talent was insane. Thus making it harder and harder for you to see how much he truly adored you.
° You saw yourself on totally different levels, you alwere at a ten while he was in the thousands. Your thoughts always doubting a scenario where you two would date.
° Assuming Hyunjin was just being nice to you, it became very hard for Hyunjin to clue you into that fact that he liked you. Everyone knew this except for you it seemed.
° Jisung, being a close friend to both Hyunjin and yourself. Took it upon himself to try and arrange a way for you to not be so self critical and completely oblivious.
° The next afternoon, you walked into the dance practice room which was now turned into a full on romantic dining area. Shocked as you saw Hyunjin with a rose in his hand.
"Is this for me? It can't be... There must be some sort of mistake or-"
"No mistakes, I've liked you for a while and thought I was being obvious enough. But Jisung told me that I should simply confess."
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° You and Jisung have been dating for a while, and you watched proudly as Stray Kids gained more and more popularity as they deserved, since they are talented kings.
° The hate comments sent towards you, and the jealous fans or occasionally staff members and idols. Those never used to bother you, but they became more frequent.
° This slowly picked away at your already small amount of confidence, over thinking everything you do or ever did. And Jisung began to notice your distressed state.
° After a performance he went up to you back stage and leaned in for a kiss, when you barely responded to it and looked around the room nervously, his heart twisted sadly.
° Jisung took you to an unoccupied dressing room, and locked the door behind you. He cupped your cheeks gently as he rested his head against yours. A small sigh escaping him.
° You felt all of the built up sadness and anger rise out of you, as tears slowly sprinkled down your cheeks. Your hands clinging onto his back as he embraced you.
"Shh shh shh, it's okay. Just let it all out, it'll be okay. I'm here for you, you know that."
"I'm sorry, I just felt like I don't deserve you and I shouldn't have been so distant, their words just really hurt."
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° Felix knew it was going to be a bumpy ride seeing as he is under a huge company and his band is very popular, but he was willing to go through all of that with you.
° You and Felix were best friends before you started dating, he knew you were shy and quite distant when it came to people. He started to find it cute after a couple years.
° JYP himself has criticised you for interfering with his idols's lives. Even though you didn't interfere and honestly helped Felix calm down throughout the schedules.
° Felix was disappointed by some fo the fan's toxic behavior towards you, knowing that those types of comments will stick with you for quite sometime. You made him happy and he wished others would see that.
° The other members and artists under JYP saw you as part of the big jyp family, but even their support couldn't stop the sadness that brewed as more hate letters were sent.
° You didn't want to stress your already overworked boyfriend, so you tried to find a quiet spot to cry in. But Felix knew you too well, and knew where you would hide.
"I'm okay Lix, I don't want to stress you out since your already on a hectic schedule today. I'll be fine I swear."
"I won't leave until I know for a fact that you are okay, the practice can wait. You need me right now and I'm going to be here for you."
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(He looks so cute! I couldn't help myself lol)
° You were also a beloved idol, and many eoopel actually found your relationship with Seungmin quite adorable. You felt lucky that there wasn't so much hate directed at you.
° Even though you both seemed to have it easy compared to other idol couples, you couldn't help but feel insecure when Seungmin treated you like a queen/king.
° Many fans of yours knew that off stage you are an adorable shy bean, but no one except for Seungmin knew why you would become so shy and distant towards others.
° Your shyness came from extreme anxiety and self image issues. You never had much confidence, and Seungmin made many goals to try and bring your confidence up.
° One day after a hard performance, you sat in front of your dressing room mirror and let your tears slide down your cheeks silently. Letting your anxiety take over everything.
° Seungmin walked in with a box of celebration cupcakes, only to have hsi smile fade once he saw the tears rushing down your features. He felt his heart sink.
"I'm sorry Seungmin. It's stupid really, but I just don't feel like I deserve you."
"Y/n, we are perfect for each other. I spoil you with love and affection because you always make me feel special and loved."
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° You knew how beloved Jeongin was, by fans, members, idols, netizens, family... Everyone. This sent a large amount of pressure towards you once you began dating.
°Jeongin loved your quiet and calm personality, it was a nice break from the loud JYP building and Stray Kids dorms. Your shyness is what attracted him to you.
° He liked cuddling with you in your apartment, talking about nothing and everything as a random movie played in the background. It was his favorite place to be.
° You both were open with anything that was bothering you and never let something stir inside of you for too long. He wanted to be your safe haven for when you need one.
° One weekend when he was staying at your place, he noticed you seemed more quiet than usual and asked you what was bothering you. Since something clearly was.
° You snuggled into his chest as you clung onto him tighter, sighing in defeat knowing you will have to admit your feelings even though you think they seem silly.
" I feel like I don't deserve you. I mean, you are Yang Jeongin a literal angel."
"You deserve the universe and everything in it, I love you and only you. Don't put yourself down, remember how much I care about you."
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Le parfum de l'amour
This is the @maribat-secret-santa-2020 piece for @saltandfluff I am so sorry for being late!
Anyway, I will be using the quantic kids, but you don't necessary have to know them to understand this fic.
The only have to know that "Melodie" is Allegra's nickname.
It was always a bad idea to try to mess with fate. Everyone knew this. Allegra knew this, but she didn't care. Not when it was taking a toll on her sanity.
There were only so many times a person could see two literal soulmates walk past each other before they decided to take matters into their own hands.
So that's what she did.
Or well, was going to do once she could convince her friends to help her out.
"I don't know, Mel." Allan rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "These things take time you know? You cannot rush it." He glanced at the corkboard that was behind Allegra and winced, it was going to be impossible to talk her out of the crazy plan.
On the corkboard, there were two pictures. One was a selfie of Marinette Dupain-cheng. A twenty-year-old who was a regular at the café where Allegra and Claude worked at. After chatting with her in the mornings, Allegra decided to adopt the girl, and she introduced her to the rest of the group. She quickly became friends with Allan and surprisingly enough, with Felix as well.
The second picture was a rather blurry photo that was clearly taken from afar. You could sort of make out the image of Timothy Drake. The sleep-deprived twenty-one-year-old who had started going to the café for about a month. All the employees loved him because he never failed to amuse everyone with his half-asleep antics.
The one thing that both pictures had in common was a coffee cup.
On Marinette's collarbone, there was a small tattoo-like mark that looked like a coffee cup. The same one that was on Tim's wrist. Soul marks . Granted, they looked a bit plain compared to most people's soul marks, but in Allegra's eyes, they were the excuse she needed to get them together.
Allegra had shipped her two favorite customers long before she noticed their soul marks. But now that she knew they were soulmates . Well, she was not going to rest until they finally met.
"I'm not trying to rush things!" Allegra insisted. "I just want to push them in the right direction."
Allan looked at her, doubtful. "That's basically the same thing. Plus do actually think that," he squinted to read the list of plans that was tacked on the corkboard. "'Locking them inside a room with no escape' is merely pushing them in the right direction? 'Cause I think that sounds more like a hostage situation."
Allegra glared at him. "You know what? I don't need your help. Claude will help me. Right, Claude?"
Claude looked at her with wide eyes. "Oh no no no. Sorry Melodie but I can't."
"Uh, I'm sorry what?" Allegra blinked. It was very out of character for Claude to turn down the opportunity to help her with one of her elaborate plans. Not to mention that in this case, they were doing it to help Marinette.
"Allegra," he said solemnly, "this is a destiny thing. We just can't interfere."
Allegra facepalmed. "You can't be serious."
Claude looked at her dead in the eye. "If we interfere we might end up," he leaned towards  her and whispered " cursed"
"Oh give me a break." Allegra pushed Claude away. "Are you guys kidding me? This is Marinette we're talking about. You all can't possibly think that Marinette wouldn't want to meet her soulmate, and as her friends, we have to help her."
"I agree with Allegra."
Everyone spun around in surprise.
Felix rolled his eyes at his friends' incredulous expressions. "What? Marinette is my friend as well. Is it really that shocking that I want to see her happy?" The three of them nodded. He ignored them. "Besides, I've heard Marinette ramble about soulmates nonstop, so it's clear that meeting hers is what she would want."
Allegra was the first to react "See guys? Even Felix agrees with me!"
Felix huffed. "Yes, but I also think that your plans are ridiculous and ineffective."
"I think the best thing we can do to help is to get them to interact and we-"
"That's literally what my plans are for!" Allegra interrupted.
Claude crossed his arms. "And what do you mean by 'we'? I haven't agreed to do anything."
Shooting both of them a glare, Felix continued. "- can do that without needing to kidnap them. We simply have to make it so that they have no other choice but to sit at the same table at the café. You all know how friendly Marinette is, it will only be a matter of time before they start talking."
There was a beat of silence.
"That… that might actually work," Allan admitted. "Soulmates are naturally drawn to each other so once they actually have a conversation we won't have to do anything else. They can figure out that they're soulmates by themselves." He paused and then chuckled. "We'll just have to push them in the right direction."
"But how are we going to get them in the café at the same time?" Allegra asked. "Tim always comes in right after Mari has left."
"Pft that's easy!" Claude exclaimed. "Just tell her that you need help with something and that you'll need for her to stay a while longer at the café. Since Mari doesn't have early classes on Wednesday she'll agree and- oh!" Claude suddenly slapped his hand over his mouth as his eyes widened with horror. "This does not mean that I'm helping." He mumbled from underneath his hand.
Allan laughed. "I think you just did."
"Looks like someone's going to end up cursed." Allegra singed songed. "Not even ladybug is going to be able to help you with that bad luck that's to come." She teased.
Claude pouted. "Haha, laugh all you want." He then looked up at the corkboard and grimaced. "But you're right, there's no turning back now. What do you need me to do?"
Allegra clapped her hands in glee.
"Okay so here's the plan."
Just like Claude had predicted, it was incredibly easy to convince Marinette to stay at the café. All that was left to do was orchestrate everything just so that the two soulmates had to sit at the same table.
It was easier said than done but after enlisting more people to help out, they were able to make sure that the café was full for that morning.
Everything was going according to plan…
Claude looked around. "He hasn't arrived yet?"
"No!" Allegra cried. She glanced down at her watch and winced. They were running out of time.
Claude frowned. "And you know, it would have been nice if Marinette hadn't chosen today to wear a turtleneck."
Allegra couldn't help but agree. Sure, Marinette looked amazing with the turtleneck and skirt outfit but did she really have to wear it today? When they needed for her to show off her soul mark?
It was like the universe was against them.
But finally, Allegra heard a tinkling sound at the door. She spun around praying that it was Tim.
And it was!
He looked more tired than usual as he stumbled around trying to find a seat.
Allegra watched as Tim danced around the tables that were being occupied just as he was about to take a seat.
One after the other until finally, a good push later, he ended up at Marinette's table.
Tim was too tired to deal with this.
All he wanted was to sit down, have a couple of cups of coffee at his favorite coffee shop and finally be awake enough to continue investigating the moth guy.
But apparently, that was too much to ask because almost all the tables were full.
"Sorry man," Claude whispered as he guided a couple and motioned them to sit at the table that Tim had beelined for.
"Oh, actually I'm waiting for Adam." Felix had said when Tim asked if he could sit with him. Which was strange since Adam had said that he was waiting for Felix when he asked him.
But he could barely comprehend what they were saying, so he was not conscious enough to complain.
Tim continued on his journey when he felt someone push him from behind. In his half-asleep haze, Tim lunged at the chair that was in front of him hoping that it would break his fall.
It took him a few seconds to recover. He wanted nothing more than to pass out right then and there, splayed out on a coffee shop chair as everyone stared at him wondering if he was drunk.
He too wondered if he was drunk, but he couldn't remember the last time he'd slept so if he was drunk, he was not going to figure it out on his own.
When he finally looked up, his eyes met with a pair of beautiful bluebell eyes.
Marinette watched as a guy stumbled around the café until finally flopping onto the other chair at her table.
It was clear that he was sleep-deprived. She had seen enough videos that her evil friends had taken when she was in a similar state to know the poor guy probably hadn't slept at all for the last week or so.
Marinette wanted nothing more than to drag the guy to the nearest bed or couch and wrap him up in a bunch of blankets. Just because she didn't comprehend the term "self-care" for herself  didn't make Marinette any less of a "mom friend"
But she had to remind herself that she didn't know the guy, so it might be considered kidnapping to drag someone somewhere against their will.
Too bad.
The best she could do was offer him her own coffee.
"Hey, I think you need this more than I do at the moment." She said, pushing the drink his way as he stood up.
He mumbled something that could be interpreted as a "thank you" and eagerly took the drink. His eyes lit up when the heavenly liquid touched his tongue.
It was almost miraculous how quickly the caffeine took effect.
Actually, it was Marinette may or may not have mixed a little concoction she made with Tikki that helped her when she stayed up late with her regular coffee.
The guy blinked. "This. Is. Incredible."
Marinette laughed "Yeah, it's what I always get. Though you still look like you need to sleep."
"Yeah, yeah whatever." He waved her off. "But seriously, what is this called? I need a gallon of this."
"Sorry," Marinette said sheepishly "but I'm afraid that's a secret, you know, I'm kind of everyone's favorite, so I get the miracle coffee." Okay so that was a lie but what else could she say?
The guy pouted. Marinette had to admit that he looked adorable.
"Well, then I'm sure you can get me some then... um"
"Ah, nice to meet you, coffee goddess, I'm Tim."
Marinette's cheeks heated up. "Uh, coffee goddess? Shouldn't they be the coffee gods and goddesses?" She pointed at Allegra, Claude, and the others.
"Nah, you have blessed me with this amazing coffee. Claude didn't even help me in my time of need."
"You know Claude?" Marinette asked, surprised.
"Yep, I've been coming here since I arrived in Paris, so I've gotten to know Allegra and Claude a bit."
"That's funny, I've never seen you. And I come here every day." Marinette said.
"Huh, that's weird. I've never seen you either. "
And from there they kept talking. Like they were old friends and not just acquaintances. Marinette found out that Tim had come from Gotham city. That he was in Paris because of business. Meanwhile, Tim learned that Marinette was an aspiring fashion designer and a college student who was close friends with almost everyone from the café.
Hours passed and the two were still deep in conversation completely oblivious to the crowd that had gathered behind the cafe's counter to watch the soulmates.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me about this before." Adrien, who had arrived after Tim, whispered to his cousin.
"I was under the impression that your father needed your assistance for the upcoming fashion show. I was not about to ask my dear uncle Gabe if I could steal you so that we could set up our friend and his future competitor, Marinette Dupain-cheng, with her soulmate."
Adrien hated to admit that he had a point. "Fine, but can you at least catch me up to date? Who is he?"
"He's a rich guy from Gotham city. He's pretty cool though he's basically Marinette when it comes to coffee which is honestly kinda scary now that I'm seeing them interact." Allegra whispered.
Adrien looked down to look at her. "Alright, I guess I'm going to have to do my own research since you guys are useless. What's his job? Why is he rich? If his from Gotham then who knows, maybe this guy is actually dangerous and wants to take Marinette as ransom for-"
"Oh please Adrien, stop with your theatrics. Do you honestly think that I would allow this if he was dangerous?" Felix interrupted.
"I mean-"
Felix glared at him.
Felix sighed. "Timothy Drake is Marinette's soulmate, and I can assure you that he's clean. So don't worry about Marinette."
Allegra shushed the cousins. "Guys, I'm trying to listen here you know?"
"Um, you could probably hear better from up here" Felix nodded in agreement.
"Thanks, Adrien, but I don't want to risk Marinette seeing me and then remembering about time and stuff."
"Speaking of time, it's been years since I last ate, I'm hungry." Claude cut in.
"Claude! You're supposed to be with the customers!" Allegra whisper-shouted.
Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. Marinette eventually remembered the reason she had stayed in the cafe. Not only that but when she looked at her watch she realized that she was running late for class.
After Marinette's rushed exit, Tim went back to investigating Hawkmoth. But while they were trying to concentrate on their own thing. Marinette with her class and Tim with his research they found themselves zoning out and thinking about each other.
It was strange, they had quite literally just met.
Why had they made such an impact on each other?
It wasn't until Marinette was getting ready to go to bed that she found the answer.
"Tikki is… is that what I think it is." Marinette's voice trembled as she stared at her reflection on the mirror.
Tikki gasped. "Oh Marinette, I think it is!"
Staring back at her was her soul mark, which no longer was a regular coffee cup but rather a gorgeous cup with beautiful red flowers that surrounded a somewhat familiar symbol.
"But, how? I mean they're not supposed to change… right? And why?" Marinette's eyes widened. "Does this mean that I met my soulmate? Who is it?"
Tikki giggled, "You seriously don't know?"
"Umm no? Should I?" Tikki continued to giggle as her holder looked at her confused. "Who is it Tikki?"
"Oh Marinette, how many new people did you meet today?"
"Uh, I don't know? I mean surely I must've passed by lots of strangers in the street." Marinette panicked. "Oh no Tikki! What if one of them is my soulmate? I'll never find out who they are!"
"So you don't remember meeting anyone else?"
"I don't think so, well other than ohhh- "
Tim could not believe what he was seeing. Gone was the plain coffee cup he was used to seeing, the daily reminder of the fact that he was still painfully single, it now had an intricate flower pattern that surrounded a symbol.
He recognized that symbol.
After weeks of researching and tailing the red Parisian heroine, he knew that it was the Ladybug symbol.
But why was it on his soul mark?
No, the heroine couldn't be his soulmate, Tim hasn't even officially met her. Nor had he even seen her today.
The only blue-eyed girl he had met was Marinette.
No, it was impossible. Except it wasn't. Tim had only known the girl for a couple of hours, but he knew that  Marinette would make a great heroine or vigilante.
But, he… he was probably hallucinating, right? Tim hadn't slept for weeks, so surely he was just seeing things and his soul mark was still a plain coffee cup and the Marinette conclusion was just wishful thinking.
Because otherwise, his first meeting with his soulmate was him acting like a sleep-deprived zombie and Tim could not allow that.
Well, one thing was for sure, he really needed to get some sleep.
Three days.
It took three days for Marinette to find Tim.
She looked everywhere. The coffee shop, Le Grand Paris Hotel, the tourist areas, and when she was ladybug she looked down from all the rooftops trying to find him.
But he had vanished, leaving Marinette worried sick that he had either A. Gone back to Gotham  B. Died or C. Been so horrified that she was his soulmate that he decided to move to a remote island and changed his name in hopes of never seeing her again.
Gosh, she was starting to sound like her fourteen-year-old self.
But finally, she saw him, sitting on a bench, not far from her own home, looking down at his wrist.
He looked at his wrist like it was some puzzle he needed to solve. Marinette also noticed that he looked a lot more refreshed, so he must've finally gotten some sleep.
Marinette cleared her throat. "Well, you've been a very hard person to find Mr. Drake."
Tim looked up. "Ma- Marinette!"
"We need to talk."
Tim nodded his mouth hanging wide open as he stared at her soul mark.  
"How do you feel about coffee? There's a coffee shop that's not very far from here, I hear their coffee is divine.
(this was going to be a scene on the fic but I didn't know how to add it but it has important info sooo)
*They are at the coffee shop*
Marinette: So you're red robin.
Tim: And you're Ladybug
Marinette: Should I be worried? Like doesn't this compromise our secret identities?
*Claude and Allegra appear with some pastries*
Claude: Yooo Marinette! So you found your soulmate! Crazy right? We totally didn't have anything to do with it!
*Allegra elbows him*
Claude: So uh, congratulations! I um feel happy for you.
*looks nervously at Allegra who is glaring at him*
Claude: Bummer about the soul mark though…
*Allegra keeps glaring*
~♡~♡~♡~ Permanent tag list  ~♡~♡~♡~
Claude: What? It's just a plain white cup!
Bonus bonus:
(here's a bad doodle and my crappy handwriting)
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(If you want to be added or removed please let me know!)
@charme-de-malchan, @theatreandcomicfreak, @m3owww, @elliebelliegirl, @genevieve-the-demonologist, @vixen-uchiha, @t1dwarrior-of-earth, @waffleyunsure, @technicallyburninggarden, @azuremayscarlet, @vroomtaka, @emimar7, @ichigorose, @maskedpainter, @art-is-hard-to-do-sorry
133 notes · View notes
morimakesfanart · 3 years
Sindria's Prophet #11
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
*edited so the images are better
"... At least until we can get you to your room. You need to wake up before they ring the bell."
'What's goin' on..?' Why was my shoulder shaking?
"Is Mori okay?”
The sound of my nickname snapped me into consciousness. I pushed myself up and hummed in question. When I opened my eyes it took me a moment to adjust to the bright light. Everyone was standing in front of a gate.
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"Did you sleep well?"
Why did this world have three suns? Wait. Two were Sinbad's eyes. That checks out.
I nodded with another hum. I wasn't able to form words yet, and even if I could I would have lost access from waking up to such a beautiful sight.
I missed his response since I was still half asleep, but I did hear Ja'far repeating his words from earlier.
"Please, try to stay awake for a little while. When we step through, they will ring the bell to announce Sin's arrival home. We didn't want you waking up from the shock."
I had to repeat his words in my mind to hold onto them.
"Oh. Thank you for waking me."
Even with their best efforts I didn't have enough time to get clear headed before the bell was rang to announce the return of the King. I ended up jolting anyway.
I was glad to still be on Aladdin's flying turban. I couldn't focus if my life depended on it. I had some energy since I had just been resting and I was still mostly numb from sleep so my aches and pains weren't affecting me yet. After being sick for so long, I was in serious need of serotonin, so I couldn't shake the waves of excitement building in me as I realized I really was in Sinbad's Palace. It's one thing to read about something and another to actually experience it. I knew I had said I would see a doctor as soon as I arrived, but I couldn't stop myself from going into full geek mode and just wanting to look around.
In other words, I was a weak, energetic, space cadet without a filter -prime condition to make an idiot and/or nuisance of myself- if I couldn't find something to force me to "sober" up and start masking.
~POV Sin~
Horns announced the King's return to his Palace as the group walked through its gate. Many of the guards and civil servants present gave their welcome. The looks of awe on his guests' faces as they walked through the entrance to the court yard boosted Sinbad's already large ego.
Alibaba's and Aladdin's excitement had started to wane after walking so long, but Mori had the same look she wore when she first got on the ship. Now that Sinbad had seen her like that before, he knew better than to try to engage her in something she wasn't already thinking about. It was a lot like dealing with Yamuraiha after the magicians made a breakthrough. But that didn't mean he wouldn't still try to tease her if he had the opportunity; he'd just have to try a different method.
It was a bit of a relief to see Mori so energetic after the previous night. He would still have the doctors sent to her asap though.
Given how important his guests were, Sinbad decided to escort them, himself, to the Green Sagittarius Tower. Placing the 3 kids in the guest tower was a given since they hadn't agreed to any partnerships yet. The Purple Leo Tower was where Sinbad and his most trusted lived; as much as he wanted to move Mori in there with them immediately, Sinbad knew it would be better to wait until the others learned to trust her, so his Prophet was going to have to stay in the Green Sagittarius Tower for now. This would also give them more time to prepare her permanent room.
Ja'far raised his voice slightly to get all of the guests' attention as he explained a little about the Tower. Masrur took his cue to leave. The Fanalis raised his hand in a half hearted wave as he turned away from the group and started to walk away. The King watched one General leave as he heard the other lead his guests into the Tower.
It was his time to head off too. The rest of his Generals that had been left at home would be showing up to greet him -there was a lot to catch up on. As Sinbad had started to leave, the waves encouraged him to look back at the guest tower. Mori was standing watching him instead of following Ja'far. She had her bag in her arms instead of on her back.
"Is something wrong?"
"I know I should go rest and wait for a doctor, but," she looked at him with an odd expression -like she was seeing through him, "the waves keep pointing me that way." She pointed at the direction he was going.
She was right. The waves would have her follow him
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instead of Ja'far.
"It's Drakon!" Mori gasped and her eyes grew. She gave a small laugh to herself. "The first Household Member is the first to show up."
Sure enough, the only member of Sinbad's Household that had fully assimilated with his Djinn's power had entered the court yard.
If she had this much energy and the waves wanted her out here then it should be fine. "Would you like to meet him now?"
Mori looked up at him shocked and expectant. "Is that okay???” It was like he was the center of her world in that moment.
"As long as you feel up to it." This was a good feeling.
She squeezed her bag in her arms. Mori seemed to become like a clingy child when she was unwell. If he had told her to go rest would she have begged him to stay and clung to him like she had before?
Her eyes grew determined. "I will have energy for about an hour. I'll go rest when I start to wear out, and I will ask for help if I need it -you don't have to remind me." Was she this direct because she was sick?
Drakon's deep voice came from behind Sinbad. "Welcome home, my friend."
The King turned to face his General. "It's good to be back."
"How did things end in Balbadd? When we heard about you loosing your metal vessels we got a little worried but it looks like you got them back." He laughed at the end. Drakon knew better than most that his King always manages to come out on top no matter what happens to him. He stiffened slightly. "Hmm? Who's this?” The General noticed Mori before Sinbad had a chance to answer his other questions.
Time for introductions then. "Drakon, this is Mori. She's the prophet I told Yam about." The King gestured towards her.
Mori put her bag down and when she stood up she had full composure. She offered a hand to the General. "It's an honor to meet you, Drakon. I read all about you when I read Fate." If Sinbad didn't know any better he would have no idea Mori had nearly died of fever only a few hours ago -she only looked tired. She was much better at acting than he expected. How long could she hide it though?
Drakon looked more dragon than man now making most uneasy around him, yet Mori didn't seem scared of him at all. Was it because she was hiding it or because she had read Fate? Actually, there was a strange glint in her eyes he couldn't place.
"Oh?” Drakon took her up on the handshake she offered. It was rare for someone not to flinch upon seeing him for the first time; Mori was definitely making a good first impression. "I must admit that I'm curious about this ability of yours."
The glint in Mori's eye grew into a full sparkle.
Their handshake didn't sit right with King Sinbad.
When their hands released, Mori put her hands in her pockets like she often did.
"Would you like an example?" Her smile didn't give anything away. "Before you were shipped out to Baal's Dungeon you tried to be noble and charming to Serendine but she responded by talking about how you followed her around 'like a baby duck' when you were little. Then she made you promise not to die." The waves were building around Mori again.
Serendine must have really said that. Drakon might not look human anymore, but Sinbad could still read his friend's expressions plain as day. Drakon was shocked by the first thing she said, and she was only just starting. Mori really was amazing.
"I know! Let me show you what I've got copied down so far" Mori squat down to her bag. She pulled out and opened a scroll, "Yeah. This one." She stood up with the scroll in hand and swayed a bit on the way up -she couldn't hide her condition fully.
Mori stepped between the King and his General, and turned so they were all facing the same direction. She raised the scroll so it would be easier to see. "Honestly, I had some other things to write down before I could start copying down Fate. I didn't start this until getting onto the ship, so please excuse the sloppiness."
Mori's handwriting looked rushed, like she couldn't get all of this out fast enough. Sinbad had barely gotten to start reading before she continued unrolling to reveal a detailed illustration of a family of three.
"That's-!" It was Sinbad and his parents when he was little.
Drakon glanced at his King, "Sin, are those people your parents?"
"Yup." Mori responded without looking up. "He looks a lot like Badrr, doesn't he?"
Back in Balbadd, Mori had said that she had read his life from his birth to his death, but it was different seeing undeniable proof.
She scrolled past more text and past another illustration and didn't stop until she got to a drawing of child Drakon following Serendine just like she had described. Mori continued scrolling through her work, and each image brought on more comments. There was an illustration of Sinbad meeting Yunan which she gratefully skipped past, a few of inside Baal and one from when Sinbad killed the Abare Narwhal in place of-
"Is this one of me? I look so young!!" The Imuchakk towered over all of them.
Mori whipped her head up. "Hinahoho?!" She wobbled from her quick movement. Sinbad placed a hand at her back to steady her; Mori didn't even react to his hand, instead she put all of her weight on it so she could stare up at the man behind them for a moment. That excited smile spread across her face. "Hello! It's nice to meet you. Please call me Mori."
Sinbad had purposefully gestured for Hina to stay quiet when he came up behind them so as not to distract Mori, but this was fine too.
"So this is where you went!" Ja'far came back from getting the three kids settled into their room.
Mori's smile was unwavering as she stood back on her own, unrolled the scroll to the next image and flipped it around for Ja'far to see. "We just got to your entrance. Care to join us?"
"Lady Prophet, I know you slept on your way here, but you were barely able to get off the ship before you had to lay down. Did you forget you're sick??"
Both Generals that had been looking at the scroll murmured questions about Mori's condition while the Prophet said nothing. At least Ja'far's words would have explained who Mori was for Hinahoho.
Ja'far's eyes wandered to the scroll in Mori's hands; his shoulders jolted when he realized what he was looking at. "Is that me??” He stepped closer to get a better look. After studying the image he looked up at the person holding it. "Did you make this?"
"Yes and yes."
The Prophet and the youngest General present watched each other for an opening.
Mori broke their silence. "I will go rest when I finish showing this scroll. We are almost done anyway."
Ja'far sighed. "Fine." He walked up next to Sinbad to join the group. Even if he tried to deny it, he couldn't fully hide his interest. "What is this scroll you've made?"
Mori turned
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the scroll back around so the rest were able to see an image of when Ja'far attacked Sinbad in his sleep back when he was still an assassin. "Since I'm Sindria's Prophet now, I am copying down Fate so it will be easier to keep in order than thinking about it. This is just a draft though. After I have everything written down I'll go back and make it better."
That explanation was perfectly timed as two more Generals had join the group from behind -not that Mori seemed to notice.
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Next was an image of Hina in a cave being surrounded by insects.
"Hold on. I never told anyone about that."
Mori stopped scrolling at Hinahoho's comment.
"What is this?" Sinbad asked his General.
But it was Mori who answered. "When Hinahoho first entered Valefor's Dungeon he was swarmed by Blooderflies."
"'Blooderflies?'" All six repeated back at her.
"Butterflies that drink blood," she explained confidently. When none of them responded she tensed. Sinbad could see her turn a little pink as she said to herself, "I thought it was a clever name."
"I think it's hilarious!" Pisiti said before breaking into giggles.
Mori jolted, "It's Pisti this time!" and started to look around for the source of the voice. She spotted the Artemyran that was shorter than herself and the man standing behind her. "And Sharkkan!”
Sinbad could see Yamuraiha and Spartos in the distance. As soon as they were all introduced he'd have Mori head to bed -end of the scroll or not; the waves from earlier would be reaching their peak soon and she had almost fell over twice already. Of course, he wouldn't mind catching her again, but he didn't want her pushing herself in her current condition.
The cocky prince had his hands on his hips. "Are you really a Prophet or our biggest fan?"
"Maybe I'm both," Mori answered with a smile. Her face was a little red.
Was she flirting with Sharkkan??
"That so?" Sharkkan smirked and leaned between Drakon and Hinahoho to get a closer look at her. "When they said there was a real prophet I was expecting some old hag, not a cutie like you."
Mori's eyes dilated and she gave a small gasp. Seeing Mori get embarrassed from compliments was something that Sinbad normally enjoyed, but this time it put a bad taste in his mouth. And did Sharkkan have to get so close to her?
Mori clearly agreed since she attempted to step away from the flirtiest of the Eight Generals. She must have forgotten about her own bag though, as she tripped over it and fell backwards right into Sinbad's arms.
Mori didn't try to stand back up at all. She looked up at the King and after a moment she hid her face behind the scroll she was holding. ”I-I am not a klutz!”
"Oh?" Sinbad smiled down at her. This was much better. "Then did you intentionally fall-”
Mori clapped a hand over his mouth. "No! Shut up! I blame you for this!” She pulled the scroll into her chest, but it unrolled anyway. She was doing a poor job of hiding her enjoyment of his teasing.
He laughed into her hand and she went quiet. Her blush started traveling down her neck since her face couldn't contain it all. This was a much stronger reaction than he normally got from her. He was clearly the only one that could pull such cute expressions out of Mori. Sinbad kissed the palm hiding his lips, and when she pulled it back to herself with an "Ah!" he knew he had to tease her more.
"Are you saying you're really swooning for me then, my Beautiful Prophet?"
"I-!" Mori couldn't bring herself to deny it and pulled the scroll back up to her face. She still wasn't trying to stand on her own or leave his arms.
"That's a good atmosphere."
"You don't think ...?"
"OH MY-!"
See? No one could seduce a woman better than he could.
Mori finally found her rebuttal. "Do you have any idea what it feels like to be surrounded by your waves near constantly??"
He hadn't thought about that. Mori's waves were constantly opening new paths for Fate to flow. They have felt advantageous and that they would help him reach his goals. He wanted to keep her close to see what other changes she would make. And of course he had felt that she was going to live out the rest of her life in Sindria. But what did his waves feel like to her?
She looked up at him as angry as she was embarrassed. "I only slipped on the ramp and just now, and-and fell off of the bowsprit last night, because your waves crashed into me!”
That caught him off guard. "You knew it was me last night?"
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"YES!" Mori's voice cracked at the end; she was still recovering so all this talking must have been wearing her out. "You're the only one who's waves feel like this." She broke eye as she got to the end.
Mori could identify him from his waves? There were certain people who's waves stood out to him as well -like hers-, but Sinbad was still not used to anyone else being able to feel the waves. This meant that he had kept quiet for nothing. It also meant that Mori had clung to him knowing who he was -maybe she wouldn't have accepted comfort from just anyone.
Her voice was almost inaudible. "When I realized it was you I was relieved. I've gotten hurt in the past when I was sick because I was alone so, ... thank you for taking care of me."
Just like when he had first learned that Mori could feels the waves, he was happy he was already holding her. He wanted to pull her closer like he had last time as well.
Yam let out a gasp while landing.
"WAIT!" Ja'far had been about to cut in to stop their antics anyway, but this was a completely different issue. "Mori, can you feel the waves of Fate like Sin??"
The King and the Prophet both stared at Ja'far for a few moments before answering in unison, "Yes."
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((Hey everybody. Pretty sure you can guess why this chapter took so long. I just really wanted to draw so much of this chapter in comic form UwU Also, a bunch of life things got in the way. Now that everything is opening back up I can't work from home anymore. I'm very sensitive to the heat so I have to rest and cool down after each drive which really cuts into the time I have each day. -_-
Ja'far stared in disbelief at his King. "Sin, you knew?? Are you sure?"
With the mood completely ruined Sinbad helped Mori stand up properly. She grabbed his sleeve to keep herself steady and he left his arm around her waist just in case.
All of Sinbad's Generals -sans Masrur who had already left- were watching him. Mori had many abilities that made her extremely valuable, but they also made her a prime target to any of their enemies. The more her value is known the bigger the target on her will be, and Mori wasn't a fighter. Sinbad had already told all of them that Mori was a Prophet since she had already made that skill known to others, and it was something he wanted to use -there was no way he could hide it. His Generals had kept the fact that he could feel the waves a secret this whole time, so they would be able to keep her secret as well.
"Mori can definitely feel the waves of Fate. But you should know it is different from her ability as a prophet." He figured he should clear that up before they asked. Sinbad didn't know how they were different, but he had enough information to know they were.
Mori's voice was a little horse and on the weak side. "Since King Sinbad and Ja'far eavesdropped on my conversation with Aladdin there's no reason to hide it."
The King and his partner in crime froze. SHE KNEW HE HAD SPIED ON HER. Did his waves give him away?
Mori continued, "I can only read the Fates of realities that I am not currently in. It's not the same as different planets; It's a different universe with different rules." She rolled up the scroll while explaining. "The one I came from doesn't have Rukh, magoi, magic, or Djinn, but we did have 1500 to 2000 more years of scientific development compared to this world-" She was cut off by a short coughing fit.
Sinbad looked down at Mori. She was getting worse by the second. It was most likely fever and not embarrassment making her cheeks red in this moment. "It seems I've pushed you too hard while you are still recovering. My apologies." It was time to send the prophet to bed. He pulled at her waist lightly. "Let's get you to your room so you can rest."
Mori shook her head. "I have one more thing I want to say first."
"Fine." If it wasn't for the look in her eyes he would have refused her.
Mori's voice was getting worse so she had to take breaks in her speech. "I don't know what caused me to slip from my reality into this one, but I'm here now ... I fully intend to use my knowledge to help this world... But since I can't read this world's Fates anymore, I don't know how my changes will affect things..." She gripped the scroll like a life line. "As much as I'd like to answer the questions you all must have now... my voice is really starting to hurt, so I'd like to go rest."
Sinbad sighed. "Of course." It was a tough note to leave on, but her health came first. They'd have plenty of time to talk once she was better.
On a side note, I will be drawing Storpas (lol) in the next chapter. Don't worry, I didn't forget him.
It will probably be another 2 weeks or so before I finish the next chapter since I have less time to work on it now.))
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tessiete · 3 years
"I wish you would write a —" continuation or AU of that scene from away the vapour flew (because I've seen you mention that even your AU's have AU's lol and I'm selfishly hoping you'd consider revisiting that fic and coz I can't let this opportunity pass when this fic literally lives in my mind rent free lol)
Alright! At long last I have figured out what happens next. This is for you, dear thing ❤️❤️❤️ ( @lightasthesun on - or very near thereabouts - your birthday)
It starts with a very little thing: a seed.
 It is slipped from the glove of a Republic aid trooper who smiles as he passes it over.
 “From the General of the 212th,” he says. “Don’t know what it is, but I damn near lost the thing on the way over.” 
 “For me?” he asks, and the man nods, his grin growing wider.
 Then he leans in as though commiserating with a friend. “Jetiise sha’bise, lek?”
 “Elek,” agrees Korkie, dubiously, turning the little living pebble between his fingers.
 The trooper grins, and gives him a friendly shove before trotting off back to his ship. Korkie has come down on his aunt’s behalf to oversee the relief efforts, but he is distracted by the seed in his hand. It is flat, and furry, and pleasingly plump. If he squeezes it, he can feel the skin relent and rebound, and if he digs in his nail ever so gently, he can feel the taste of water upon his thumb, and see the pale blush of springtime in the depths of the cut. It is a seed of something, he knows, but of what?
 He places it in the breast pocket of his Academy jacket, and turns his attention back to the work. It is an impressive, and important sight, but his thoughts linger on the seed, and he feels it sit bright and eager against his heart.
 Later, when the supplies have been unloaded, and the aid troopers seen off, when the ceremony of thanks and assurances of neutrality have all been displayed, when he is back in his room at Sundari only hours away from the magtrain ride back to school, he plants the seed in a little pot of black earth, and dampens the soil. It will not grow tonight, but he cannot help but stare at it anyway, waiting in the dark, beneath the stars, so patient.
A week passes, and he is back at the Academy when the mail officer - an upperclassman he’s never met - stops at his place during first meal.
 “Su-su, Kryze!” he calls. “A package for you from the Core.”
 A small bundle wrapped in layer upon layer of bonding tape, and stamped with the ink of a hundred spaceports too numerous and cramped to decipher lands upon his lap. He uses the thin knife from his plate to slice through the plastifibe envelope. 
 When his fingers graze the object within he gasps, and pulls back the wrap to reveal a real, proper book. It’s not even printed on flimsi, he notes, cracking the aged spine and letting the pages fall open, but on actual paper. They don’t make these in the Core, and hardly ever in the Mid Rim, it’s just not economical, and most planets don’t have the resources to spare. But this one is old, it’s pages creased, and worn smooth at the corners with the turning of many fingers. It is about horticulture, though the illustrations of green and growing things have faded to browns and burnished golds. It is beautiful. 
 A piece of dried grass has been tucked between two pages, and when Korkie folds them back to look he sees an image of the seed he’d sown in the pot by his bed. Beside it, a riotous bouquet of blossoms burst in an array of different colours. It is a daesyn flower.
He tucks the book in his kebisebag, and carries it around for the rest of the day. At nightfall, he takes it out with careful reverence, turning the pages back to the daesyn slowly lest they tear or turn to dust. Then, by the light of a little glowrod, he props the book against his window and reads along as he tends to the small green sprout only just peeking through the soil.
 He buys a sun lamp, and a watermeter, and adjusts the temperature of his quarters much to Amis’ chagrin, determined to provide the most optimal growing conditions he can for the little plant.
  After a month, the seedling has become a sturdy sprout, with prickly leaves of a green so deep it might be blue. He is attempting to commit those variegated lines to flimsi when Amis returns to their quarters, a small pouch swinging from his hand.
 “I’m supposed to give this to you,” he says, tossing the pouch. Korkie reacts without thinking, snatching the bag out of the air before it can hit the ground.
 “Who’s it from?”
 “Front desk. Said some high up Republic alor sent it.”
 “Which one?”
 “Don’t know. Didn’t ask, did I? Too busy polishing the silver.”
 Korkie grimaces in sympathy, having spent many an afternoon of his first year cleaning the trophy case in the main hall. He thinks that Amis’ plight could be easily avoided if only he behaved himself, but refrains from saying so to his friend.
 Instead, he pulls the drawstring at the top of the purse, and turns it over his hand. A dozen discs of coloured glass tumble into his palm. They are thick, and smooth, though not polished by anything but time. Each is a different colour, though some are struck through with shimmers of gold and silver. 
 “What’s that?” asks Amis over his shoulder.
 “Don’t know,” he echoes. The glass feels comfortable in his grip. Made to be held, and carried, and passed from hand to hand.
 “Should ask Lagos,” says Amis. “That seems like her kind of thing.”
 He makes no reply to Amis, but of course, he does as he suggests. Lagos is, after all, a walking encyclopaedia, and of all their friends the most likely to at least have an idea of where to start looking.
 The excitement on her face when Korkie shows her his hoard tells him she has more than an idea - she knows.
 “Oh, oh, oh!” she gasps. “Where’d you find Abafar trading beads?”
 “They were a gift,” he replies. “What are they for?”
 She picks them up one at a time and holds them to the light. By some trick of their design, they cast no shadow, but seem to capture the rays inside like banked embers, or twisting prisms. The ones marked with ribbons of ore grow warm in her hand, and she presses them to his cheek so he can feel their heat.
 “They’re the traditional currency of Abafar,” she explains. “It’s a desert planet in the Outer Rim, and craftsmen in the Void used to make these beads as a means of facilitating trade over great distances. Metal was scarce, and the beads could also be used to retain heat for longer - that one in your hand could keep the warmth of the sun all night, if you wanted it to.”
 He considers the disc of deep indigo, and holds it up to the sun until it turns red. The glass seems to have become molten, but its warmth is not painful in the hand. He leaves the bead out for the rest of the afternoon to test Lagos’ theory, and brings it into bed with him at night. Tucked beneath his pillow, it radiates a soothing heat, and he feels his muscles relax and his worries melt as he drifts away into an easy slumber.
   The next gift he receives is shattered into bits.
 “Sorry, kid,” says the attendant at the delivery depot when he arrives to claim his parcel. “Happens sometimes with these packages from the front. The war is not a safe place for fragile things. Bic cuyir meg bic cuyir.”
 He takes the present anyway, carrying it delicately back to the Academy, fearful of breaking it further. When he finally tears through the tape and plastifibe, clay and ceramplast pieces give up any pretense at form and clatter over the surface of his desk.
 It was beautiful once, he can tell. Perhaps a bowl or a cup turned by hand - he can see the telltale print of a foreign finger pressed into a section of naked clay - but now it is only fragments and dust.
 Still, he hovers over the pile, turning the pieces this way and that, trying to see how they fit together. He doesn’t notice when sixth bell rings, or when Soniee pings his comm, or when Amis sneaks in past curfew and turns out his light. He stays up late into the night, until the form takes shape, and through the cracks and crevasses of painted clay dawn creeps in.
 It is an amphoriskos. A small vessel for storing precious oils, like the kind used in the rituals of so many traditional peoples. There is none in it now, and Korkie retrieves the sachet to see if perhaps it was spilled into the weave of the plastifibe wrap. But it is dry. And the clay, when he looks at it more closely, is dry and unstained by use. The gift was always empty.
 The shards sit upon his desk in their loose arrangement until, one afternoon, Amis moves to sweep them off into the dustbin.
 “No, no!” protests Korkie, before Amis can complete the task. “I want to keep it.”
 “What for?” his friend asks. “It’s broken.”
 “I don’t know yet.”
 He collects the bits of amphoriskos into his hands, and arranges them about the base of his daesyn pot. The paint glints in the light, and so too do the Abafar beads nestled amidst the debris. The plant grows green and bushy, its leaves reaching out to skim the rim of its bed as though a swimmer poised on the edge of emersion.
He receives Theelin singing strings wound tight around a holodrive meant for the Duchess, paired basalt spindles from Hapes, seashells from the deep oceans of Mon Cala, and a set of Lateron hoops carried on the wrist of the visiting senator from Naboo.
 “From Master Kenobi,” she says, and she smiles at him with a warmth that feels like family. He wonders if they’ve met before, if he should know her, but she moves along with the entourage of press and government officials before he can ask.
 He is home for Holyrod month, and has brought his prizes with him carried along specially in his kebisebag, his daesyn in his hands. He sets them out along the windowsill in his rooms at Sundari. The watchet blues and greens of crystalline filtered light play over his collection, illuminating one after the other in joyous turn. He does not know what they mean, or why his father has sent these particular things to him, but they are all precious, and he longs for a way to display his gratitude for the thought he has been spared.
 The daesyn itself revels in its new surroundings, and leans close to the glass to get as close a view of the sun as it can, budding with imminent delight.
The Senator from Naboo is called Padme, he discovers when he is introduced to her again at mealtime. And she has not come alone. She is part of a delegation of foreign ambassadors, all from the Republic, but not all, Korkie suspects, as enthusiastic about the Chancellor as they had once been. There are murmurings and whispers amongst them, hurried out between thin lips and caught only in the corner of his eye, or the turn of his head, but whether satisfied or not, they are accompanied by the ceremonial force of the Senate, and the might of Palpatine himself - Two Jedi travel with them.
 Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
 He sees him through the crush of bodies, and later down the line at suppertime. In the midst of deep blues, and mauves, and furs, and silks, his earthen tunics stand out, but he is always distant, always just out of reach. All he needs is a moment, he thinks, to make sure he’s seen, so he can acknowledge his father - even in the polite, and suitably respectful language of perfect strangers if he must, but it never comes. 
The plates are cleared, the halls are emptied, and Korkie finds himself bidding his aunt (she is always his aunt here) goodnight, and wandering back to his rooms alone.
 It is dark when he arrives, though by the window the Abafar beads glow like the distant lights of the city. He slips off his stiff shoes, and his raiments of clan, but is interrupted by a knock at the door. He waits, uncertain, until the knock comes again.
 Perhaps his mother come to assure herself of his health and presence, as she has done so often in the past, but he opens the door to find Obi-Wan Kenobi waiting, with his hand out. In the euphoric rush of astonishment, he hastens to place his own hand upon his father’s as is customary on Stewjon, though he holds fast in a manner peculiar between children and their parents.
 “Master Kenobi,” he stammers. “I did not expect you. I thought you’d left. Forgive me.”
 “There is nothing to forgive,” Obi-Wan replies. “I’d rather hoped to catch you alone, but I’m afraid our schedule was somewhat packed.”
“Of course.”
He is staring, he knows it, but he can’t seem to think of anything else to say, caught up in looking at his father and searching for all the commonalities between them. Does he tilt his head like that? Does he stroke his chin? Does he frown and smile by equal measure?
But the weight of his scrutiny is too much to bear, and Obi-Wan cracks.
“I thought to ask: did you get my gifts?”
“Yes,” says Korkie. “Thank you. They were very thoughtful.”
“Ah...And did you - did you like them?”
At this, Korkie cannot help but smile, and he shakes his father’s hand, tugging him forward with zeal.
“Yes, of course,” he says. “Would you like to see?”
If he is confused by his son’s desire to reintroduce him to items he has already laboured over and seen, then he does not show it. Nor does he resist when the hand in his pulls him further into the room, and doesn’t let go even as a curtain is flung open, and a light flicked on low.
He is pulled over to the broad casements and left to bask in starlight as Korkie steps aside to reveal a colorful mobile hanging from the frame of his window.
“The amphoriskos broke,” he explains, and sees a shadow flicker in his father's eyes. “No, no,” he insists. “It wasn’t your fault. It just happened. But I couldn’t bear to throw it away. It was so beautiful.”
He gestures at a silver thread from which hang a variety of irregularly shaped clay shards. The shiny amber and black paint catches the light thrown by the glowing Abafar beads strung further up, and on another and another thread. When he blows on them the threads hum, and sway together, the seashells and pottery and glass clattering together like wind chimes.
“The singing strings,” notes Obi-Wan, and Korkie grins.
“And the Lateron hoops,” he says, pointing to the frame from which the strings are suspended. “And the spindles, for balance. It’s meant to hang with my window open, like it is at school. And then, at night, when the dreamwinds come, the whole thing sings, and shines, and glows like the stars.”
“It’s beautiful,” says Obi-Wan with awe. He reaches out with one hesitant finger, the beads flickering beneath his touch, and the strings murmuring the low notes of an opening phrase.
“You gave it to me,” says Korkie with a shrug, and Obi-Wan turns his awe upon his boy.
“No,” he says. “I gave you fragments, but you have made them into art. You gave them meaning. You gave them a soul.”
Korkie shifts on his feet, fretting at the cuff of his sleeve, and diving in.
“Would it be okay, do you think -” he starts, then stops. Then he starts again. “Do you think it’d be alright if I wrote you? Every once in a while.”
“Wrote me?”
“Or com’d,” he says, quickly. “Only I know you’re busy, and I can’t expect to lay claim to any of your time, not really, but I -”
“Com me,” says Obi-Wan. “Write me. Send me anything you like, but only say you will and I will have all the time for you I can spare.”
“I promise that I only want a very little.”
“If it’s mine to give it’s yours to have, Kiorkicek,” his father swears. His grip upon his hand is firm, willing him to believe him, and Korkie nods his head because he does.
They stand there, hand in hand, reading themselves in each other, and learning the other in turn, and in the glow of the stars, and the city, and the Abafar beads, the daesyn flower bursts from its roots into a riot of colour and life.
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Anime, is anime. Nothing is gonna be or look as it should. Whether it's a specific anime or anything else, but also this is facts 😂 I wonder what I'd look like if I was a anime character 🤔?
One of The awesome,funny and honestly interesting thing about it.
Things are not always as they seem, they could look one way but be absolutely the opposite and visaversa, not only is this kinda realistic in a wayis, let me exonerate, people are all different whether it be skin color sizes,hair color, personalities and whatnot, there are also those in real life that look older than they actually are, and the same can be said for the opposite, there are people that look younger than they actually are, and as of recently I've noticed the Loli controversy is starting up again, I personally don't really care for loli's that much like I have a crush on one like honey senpai is shouta(male older than he looks because he has child like features opposite of Loli ) I'll just turn myself into a Loli to be with him no big deal, don't get me wrong the Loli and shouta are adorable and really cool at times, but for me when I simp over a character I'm kinda into those like ban 7deadly sins(got them abs😆) but if you show me a image of them "aged up" or more defined and with more mature looking features (abs) that's what I'm into you show me an adorable anime guy like mitsukuni Haninozuka imma be pinching cheeks and snuggles, and eating cake, and stealing a kiss or 2 that's, now I've seen mitsukuni with more mature features/having puberty/growth spurt hitting him hard and I simp, and this is me with preference I guess you can say, I like anime abs, I don't mind a guy that's cute and chubby tho because I can just imagine them with abs and I simp, and without abs I'm also a person who admires a great personality not just the body, like Viktor from Yuri on ice I haven't seen it yet but I at least know his name but he's adorable chubby and smoking when he loses the weight 🤤🔥❤️.
And no matter what age they originally are, I'm not going to be thinking about that, I'll be thinking of me and that character I like regardless, if the character is younger ,then I'm younger and we will hold hands, and get ice cream, puppy love, if we are older still holding hands, and getting ice cream and throw in the romantic aspect, such as dates marriage, having intercourse, having kids,a future, growing old together,then dying and going to heaven together yeah I can imagine that as well, I can change them older or younger or myself older or younger because it is fiction and a fantasy and there is no reality, it can be whatever I want in the fantasy if I imagine a age difference since imma girl and their the boy if I'm older I automatically think of omgoodness he's in love with his senpai, or his best friends mom, or his babysitter, or with the older single lady who helped him once when he was little who he spent time with over time having fun, like going to the park talking about videogames,or other normal everyday stuff, who he grew a crush on over time and feels it turned into something more when he got older, her thinking of him as a child until he matured/legal age out of school already and he made moves on her showing he wanted to be anything but a child with her,her not accepting his feelings,yet over time he grows on her and her feelings change and decides to give him a chance, then they get married and live happily ever after, same thing if it's the opposite way. How a character looks despite age depends on the creator as in most cases age isn't important for the moral or for the telling of the story. Now for definitions, Loli has 2 definitions and both go for this word. Loli is a female child, that's one definition now here's the 2nd definition as well Loli also means a adult or person of legal age who has the attributes, features, or characteristics of a child while being anything but that.
Shouta is the opposite of Loli its a male child/ a adult who has the attributes/features/characteristics of a child but is anything but that.
In real life I have been mistaken as a child/minor I've been told I looked 12 or 16 very rarely ever got an answer above those ages highest I got was 20 something. When I got called 12 I was a 17 (turning 18 after graduation) senior in highschool, even the freshman thought I was one of them. Now I'm 19 gonna be 20 soon and am out of school and was called a 16 yr old by a 17 year old girl still in highschool.
I guess I could be defined as a Loli when I'm anything but a child.
Yet I'm also well endowed on my upper half of my body and have back pain because of it, in other words I got a pair of tits, and was called a hentai girl, by other people who liked manga and anime as well, even though I was called a child by others. So I have in body mature features (defined by a person or two as a hentai body),by my face I'm a Loli and look like a child(also defined by a person or two as younger than I am) when I'm a adult. So I'mma Loli hentai girl in the real world? No idea, but wait I can't define myself by fictional standards? correct. so imma human being who looks younger than they are.
Imma tag everyone I can.
This can actually go for all aspects of animation not just anime, Princess's are from 14+ snow white was 14 fun fact there, wouldn't really be able to tell. Age difference is in everything, and I still enjoy snow white it's actually one of my favorite Disney films before and after I even knew this information, and I honestly have no problem with it, mostly because for that time it's considered normal, and I was a kid and just saw a princess movie, I didn't think that their ages were relevant to the story/stories. Besides sleeping beauties 16 got spindle pricked on a spinning wheel and fell into a deep sleep, Wich was going to be death but was changed. In the original sleeping beauty, she was put to sleep for 100years as was her kingdom, the kingdom was covered in brambles/thorns (rose thorns to be specific but they didn't bloom because they were enchanted and used for defense to make sure the spell couldn't be broken), and each time someone thought to go near, or try to save the kingdom to free it's people the ground would break open underneath them swallowing them up, right where the brambles/thorns started at the end of the kingdom, so even if they managed to get past the area where the earth broke the enchanted thorns (rose thorns) would rip them to shreds, with their blood and bodies fertilizing the ground and the thorns would grow. This happened for many years until everyone forgot about it, then finally 100 years had passed and the roses finally bloomed, a prince was coming through and had heard of the kingdom and of the many who lost their lives trying to enter and was going to explore and see if he can find a way in, to see the beauty that was rumoured to live there. When he arrives the Thorn's were in bloom and the ground didn't break but allowed him to pass, the thorns actually even made way for him to go through. When he got into the kingdom he saw everything and everyone fast asleep noone had aged a day, then he explored and discovered the princess and this is where it gets kinda dark compared to Disney's version. So rape trigger warning don't read unless you want and can handle it.
The prince saw the beauty and instead of doing true loves kiss to break the spell, he raped her multiple times and then he left and never returned. Beauty then became pregnant while still asleep, she had twins, and as they wriggled around searching to breastfeed one of them caught onto her finger with the spindle splinter in her finger, it sucked on her finger and managed to get the splinter out, Wich then awoke the princess and the rest of the kingdom, who was a very confused princess, and now a new mother with no idea who "prince charming" was. And that's actually the original telling of sleeping beauty, there are other versions that are less dark,but this is the original as far as I know and the oldest I could find that was in English.
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shiberpostshere · 4 years
The Kiss Thief - Park Seonghwa Social Media AU
7. Chapter Three: Dark History Reunion✨ (Text below images)
Previous Part✨ Next Part✨
Masterlist of the AU✨
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The Next Day (05.09.19)✨
The moment Jongho entered Cafe Utopia, he could feel the intimidating energy coming from the table where the much praised music technology senior, Kim Hongjoong and his friend are seated. The person who he texted yesterday, Seonghwa, is missing.
Thanks to San and Wooyoung, he now has an opportunity to befriend them.
He approaches them with heavy steps without realising how aggressive-nervous he's appearing on the outside, the expression that Yeri always mimics to mock him.
They greet him with inviting smiles. The other guy, in burgundy red sweater and black beanie, Yeosang, scriptwriter, offers him the script to read. However, the only thing he can focus on is Kim Hongjoong's mullet.
How can he even pull off a mullet like that? Is it real?
"Your voice sounds bold and clean." Hongjoong leans towards his clasped fingers, a gentle smile on his lips, "You seem a little nervous at the moment but we have enough time to practice."
Yeosang nods, "He has a great control over his voice. I feel like we've finally found someone who'll do my script justice."
Jongho's shoulders rise up with confidence.
"Wait, thank you but does it mean I get to be the announcer?" He looks expectantly at the duo.
Hongjoong settles back, adjusting his glasses. "Of course! I'm honestly surprised at how quickly I could decide."
Yeosang pushes the script further towards Jongho. "Take it with you and practice as much as you can, we'll have discussions and rehearsals before our first show."
"Thank you so much for this opportunity!" He bows gratefully, eyes glinting with happiness.
Hongjoong and Yeosang exchange glances and giggle making Jongho squeeze his brows in confusion.
"You look adorable for someone so well built but you're so tense, relax." Hongjoong winks.
"He IS cute." Yeosang adds.
Jongho is taken aback by their sudden compliments. "I just feel excited to work with you all, I've heard so many good things about you." He confesses.
Hongjoong waves his hand in the air. "The professor only tells you the good things, he doesn't reveal that I don't get enough sleep, it's a trap." He points at his now visible eyebags.
"Don't scare him away before Seonghwa comes." Yeosang says with a side eye directed at his mullet friend.
Jongho is reminded of the missing person, Seonghwa, who he messaged yesterday.
"You were going to bring along someone who's interested in audio engineering? Did they decide otherwise last minute?" Hongjoong asks with a subtly evident worry.
"Oh! Yes, (Y/N) had a class till 5 pm, she'll be here anytime now." As Jongho finishes, the cafe door opens, the bell chiming and indicating your arrival.
The class ended a little later than expected and like a mess, you had collected your things and rushed towards the cafe.
After hitting it off with San and Wooyoung so quickly you feel like you can seize anything at this point except the will to attend classes after only two weeks of college.
Dazzling Night appears like a safe getaway from the continuous routine of being stuck with studies.
"Jongho!" You call out rather loudly, grabbing everyone's attention including the two boys sitting with Jongho, wait does that guy have a mullet?
Your friend gestures you to come, you smile sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I had a class." A little panting can be heard as you speak.
"It's alright, Jongho informed us. I'm Kim Hongjoong, music technology, final year." He offers you his hand and you stare at it for a minute before realising what you're supposed to do.
"Oh right!" You shake his hand. "I am (Y/N), I'm studying law."
The other boy offers you a small smile. "I'm Yeosang, English major, second year."
You return him the same expression as his. "Nice to meet you."
Wow, this is awkward.
"You're interested in assisting our audio engineer, are you aware of any basics?" Hongjoong crosses his arms and you can detect the anime gleam on his glasses while he looks at you, awaiting an answer.
You glance at Jongho then at the two boys. Their gaze is fixated on you intently, emitting strong energy.
You gulp.
Okay, they're strangers anyway (Y/N), keep calm.
"No, I don't know much but I'm interested in learning." You answer honestly, fingers fideling on your lap.
"Can you manage your studies and radio commitments? We don't want anyone leaving halfway through." Yeosang continues his friend's query and suspicions.
Ha-ha, perhaps this was a bad decision.
Jongho squeezes your hand beneath the table.
"Yes, I think I can manage well once I begin, you don't need to worry about me dropping out halfway through." No matter how certain you wish to sound, the way they have their eyes fixed on you causes you to speak in an uncertain tone.
"Okay Hongjoong, we can tone it down now, she looks like she's gonna run away." Yeosang states before sipping his drink. "We just want fixed commitment, Hongjoong is critical when it comes to decisions regarding the show, so is Seonghwa."
Seonghwa? That's a name you know.
Hongjoong clears his throat. "Wait, I haven't used my intimidating voice for a while now, I am sorry if I sound like I'll kill you but I'm just sleep deprived." He vigorously rubs his eyes.
"They called me adorable after intimidating me." Jongho rolls his eyes.
"Now now, young man, watch your attitude." Yeosang comments playfully.
"Could've told me sooner!" You gently shove Jongho, "Also, yes, please tone it down, my left leg is ready to sprint out any moment now." You eye the door and then the mullet guy.
All the boys laugh at your remark.
"Don't worry, if something important comes up, you can leave, studies shouldn't be compromised with but otherwise we want your full attention when working with us." Yeosang smiles warmly at you.
You return to a comfortable state before studying their now relaxed postures. "So? Can I join?"
Hongjoong pushes back his hair. "Of course, if you're up for it but you need to meet the rest of the team. I'm the composer, Yeosang is the scriptwriter. Our team leader and audio engineer are still missing." He checks his ridiculously beautiful vintage watch.
"Okay" You breath out with a chuckle, eyes trailing back to his mullet. Unable to hold back your curiousity about the unusual hairstyle, you ask. "Are you wearing clip ons or is that really a naturally grown mullet?"
The owner of the mullet is taken aback by your question for a moment before breaking into laughter.
"God! I've been dying to ask that." Jongho mutters beside you, doubling Hongjoong's laughter.
You and Jongho blink expectantly.
Yeosang shakes his head, "These kids."
Hongjoong tugs his hair at the nape of his neck, huffing a sigh. "It's a real mullet. You two have been eyeing my hair since ever you came here, I was just waiting for you to ask."
Jongho scratches the back of his neck. "To be fair no one has a mullet these days but you pull it off well."
You nod at your friend's statement.
"What are we laughing about?" A heavy voice grabs the table's attention and you turn around along with Jongho.
An extremely familiar tall boy appears in your vision with another one following behind and your eyes go wide.
No way, no way, no way!
"Hey! You made it! Meet Jongho and (Y/N), our newest members that is, of course if Seonghwa approves." Hongjoong greets them both and the moment he says the name, it clicks in your head.
Park Seonghwa, Horizon High School.
"Hey, we were-" Seonghwa abruptly halts in his tracks.
(Your Full Name), Horizon High School.
You unknowingly shoot up from your seat.
"Um, (Y/N) is everything okay?" Jongho glaces from behind at the newest arrivals.
"Wait!" Mingi takes a good look at you and turns to Seonghwa before he starts giggling to himself, confusing the other three boys seated at the table.
Song Mingi, Horizon High School.
Warmth is taking over your face like a pressure cooker ready to burst merely at the sight of the boy standing in front of you, he too blinks at you as if confirming that you're actually standing in front of him.
"What's the matter? Why do you two look like you've seen ghosts." Yeosang asks whilst Mingi continues his snickering.
The giggling boy takes a seat between his friends, looking at your frozen figures amusingly.
"This is a dark history reunion." He nudges Hongjoong and Yeosang.
"Mingi!" Seonghwa glares and steals another glance at you before taking the remaining seat, the one beside you.
Jongho looks around, lost. "Dark history reunion?"
You turn around and almost slam yourself down on the seat.
Hongjoong and Yeosang are wearing mirrored puzzled expressions.
You clap your hands with over enthusiasm, "I just remembered that I have a meeting with a project partner at the library, I gotta go."
No, you don't.
"No wait, What's going on here?" Hongjoong's gaze continues shifting between you and Seonghwa while you two are busy avoiding eye contact with each other.
"Dark history reunion." The amusement still hasn't faded off Mingi's face and now he earns a death glare from you.
Seonghwa taps the table, grabbing attention. "It's nothing, she's free to leave if she's done."
You get up the moment he speaks.
Oh, this has just become way worse, way worse.
Mingi raises his brow, "What if she's here for the announcer's position?"
"No, Jongho's here for that, Hongjoong already talked with (Y/N), she's free to leave." Yeosang intervenes noticing your sudden urgent movements.
You internally thank him for that.
"I uh, well I think, I think I'll talk to you guys later." You grab your belongings in a big swoop.
"Aw no, you're leaving so soon? We just came here!" Mingi wears a wicked wide smile as he speaks.
"We can talk later, Mingi. It's not like I'm dropping out of college tomorrow! (I just might!)" You answer with a loud, fake laugh, trying hard not to grit your teeth.
Mingi hasn't changed at all. He is as you remember.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Jongho looks at you, his expression demanding an explanation.
"She knows Seonghwa too, very well!" The mischievous one strikes again.
"Oh, Seonghwa and (Y/N) are acquainted?" Hongjoong chimes in.
"Yes we are, we went to the same school." Seonghwa leaves his seat to give you way. "See you later (Y/N)."
You feel strangely assured looking at his stark red ears.
"Oh yes, yes, Seonghwa--" You take him in briefly before looking at the rest, "--and others I'll see you guys later, gotta run!"
Keeping your eyes straight ahead, you walk out of the cafe like you never even went there, half walking and half running towards your dorm room.
Song Mingi, I'm going to get you.
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Pairing: College Student! Seonghwa x College Student! Female Reader
Genre: Fluff, A teeny tiny bit of smut with a pinch of angst
Synopsis: High school crushes are often silly and forgotten. However, you cannot forget the one senior, you "borrowed" once a kiss from. Years have passed and it's a memory you laugh at but what will happen if you're to encounter the same senior in a much different setting and situation? Especially during your first year of college.
A/N: THEY'VE FINALLY MET! What are your thoughts on this chapter? It's been a while since I've written so please excuse any mistakes, I will edit it for sure. Btw I am Mingi, Mingi is me.
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@mingiibabieee @enigmaticsal @missiopk @stardusthyuck
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For You: 4 O’Clock
Taglist: @jineunwootrash​
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All This Time
"Honestly, Yesung," I smile as we wrap up at the studio, "I'm gonna miss this. I can't believe this is our first time singing together!" 
"It does seem long overdue, huh?" Yesung grins, sitting back in his chair. "We can always do this again, Lei. I'm happy to see you back in the studio after all this time!"
"You know," I sigh, "I think I am too." 
I hadn't planned to return to S.M. as an artist, but I never quite ruled out the possibility. I guess I find comfort in open endings. When I first went on leave, I started working toward degrees in a variety of foreign languages— the ones I learned as an idol— intending to return to the agency as a translator. 
Then, Yesung sent me a demo of the perfect duet and asked me to sing it with him. Being the perfect husband, Taemin encouraged me to do it. "One song doesn't commit you to a career," he said, so now I am here: reimagining my dream of being an artist. 
The days of nonstop touring and practicing from sunrise to sunset have passed; my priorities are different now. Here in the shade with Yesung, where the light is gentle, I am comfortable. I am not ready to take the next big step. 
"You're glowing, Lei; you were meant to share your voice." Yesung beams at me. 
I want to tell him that I am only reflecting the light he and so many others have shone on me, but I don't get the chance. In his next breath, he asks, "How's our little miracle doing, by the way? Do you think he's expecting tomorrow's surprise party?" 
As fond wrinkles form around Yesung's eyes, my heart swells and overfills with adoration. I shake my head. "No. Obviously, Mom can keep a secret. With time, Taemin has gotten better at holding his tongue. With Lucas, Donghae, and Heechul running around the house, though, it's amazing that the cat is still in the bag. I try not to question miracles." 
"That seems wise," Yesung hums. "Best to enjoy secrecy while it lasts; they still have a full—" he glances down at his watch— "almost a full 24-hours to spoil the surprise!" 
We laugh. Then, a joyful sort of pout— yes, I realize that is some kind of an oxymoron— pulls at my lips. I run a hand through my hair after releasing it from its ponytail. "Can you believe that Tue is turning five?" 
"No!" Yesung's hair falls into his eyes when he shakes his head. "Just like I can't believe that you actually came around calling your son Tue after all those times you scolded Kim and Lucas for using that name!"
"Having two Lucases around gets confusing." I justify my change of heart, shrugging. "Plus, my boy is unique enough to justify that kind of name!" 
Yesung repeats, "Unique," agreeing with a subtle nod. "He reminds me a lot of you, especially now that he's reaching that age you were when we first met." 
It's strange— thinking about how much time has passed— thinking about how some things never change— realizing that some images repeat and replay. 
Tilting my head, I study my lock screen picture. Lucas took it just last night; he immortalized the moment that Tue sat between me and Taemin at the piano in the den, and I don't know if I have thanked him enough. I squint at the photo as if that will help me see similarities between myself and my son; it doesn't help. 
"I think Tue is a carbon copy of Taemin in appearance and personality," I admit through laughter. "These days, he loves to watch music videos. He can replicate any choreography— and I mean any choreography— after seeing it just once. I've never seen anything like it!" 
Should the agency find out, I sometimes think and spark worry in my gut, they will set their sights on him. 
There it is— the reason why I am so reluctant to return to the stage as an idol: fear of drawing attention to Tue. It was difficult enough when he was born and everybody felt entitled to see him when he was too little to decide whether he wanted to exist under strangers' stares. 
What worries me most, I think, is the fact that I don't know when he will be old enough to make that decision. Five is definitely too young— Taemin and I agree about that, so we take great precautions to protect his privacy. Nobody who knows Tue posts pictures of him on social media; whenever he leaves the house, he wears a mask like we do; as Mom considers early retirement (and therefore takes on fewer group clients), her job has become primarily threatening paparazzi who consider releasing rare photographs of him. 
I have never cared whether people think I'm overprotective. I know too well of the pressures that come with living in the public eye, and I will defend my son from them for as long as I can. Tue is a star, and I know it's just a matter of time until he tries to follow in the footsteps of everybody he loves. I only comfort myself with the thought that it's not happening yet; it's not happening today; it probably won't happen tomorrow. 
"I've seen something like that!" Yesung's boast drags me out of my train of thought. "I don't know if you can still do this— I don't understand child prodigies all that well— but when you were a kid, you could play any song on the piano right after hearing it for the first time. Donghae said teaching you to read sheet music was like pulling teeth because you played everything by ear." 
Knowing that reading sheet music is still not my strong suit, I redden at Yesung's recollection. "Tue can do that too!" I want to brag. "He's the most talented person I've ever known, and he is barely five years old. He's the most gifted person I know, and that's saying something, given how many gifted people I've loved." 
Yesung nudges my ribs. "Why else do you think Henry was so obsessed with you? You both spoke the same piano language!"
"You know," I say, "Henry asked about interviewing Tue for his program about child prodigies."
"Oh yeah?" Although he knows me well enough to predict the answer, Yesung asks, "What did you say?"
"I said that he's welcome to see Tue and play music with him any time," I answer Yesung just as carefully as I answered Henry. "You know that there's nobody I could trust more than you guys— Super Junior— to lead Tue into the entertainment industry, but—" 
I squirm, and my stomach knots. "You know how I am. You know that the thought of sharing Tue— no— not the thought of sharing his talent and his sparkling smile and his sweet voice and his kindness— that's not the problem. I know that the world needs more people like my son. I just—" 
After all this time, my voice still trembles when I think about how cruel strangers are to good people. "I just wonder how well the world treats people like him. I wonder how much the world deserves people like him." 
Yesung rises from his seat to embrace me. His chin rests on the top of my chair. "I don't think anybody understands that anxiety better than your Mom." 
And it happens again: my love for Mom grows. My beautiful Mom. My kind Mom. My Mom who stood in the wings, my Mom who stood comfortably in my shadow. I always thought she was naturally aware of when to hold on and when to let go, but maybe balance was challenging to her too. 
Hearing Yesung describe our shared fear makes me imagine that I have grown to resemble Mom. Tears fill my eyes. I am always sensitive; especially about Mom, and especially around Tue's birthday. 
Before the first tear can fall, he is running to me, crawling into my lap, and holding my face in his hands that are so small, so soft— uncalloused and young. "What's wrong, Mommy?" 
Because the tears evaporate so quickly, I almost believe that they never existed. For a moment, when I cup Tue's rosy cheeks and give him my truest smile, I believe that I have never cried in my entire life. "I was just thinking about how much I missed my beautiful boy! It's all better now that you're here!"
Tue giggles when I push his dark curly hair out of his face and kiss his forehead. He's especially cute these days because he likes his hair long; he likes for the ends to tickle his dimpled chin. 
"I missed you too! I asked Daddy to bring me to see you and Uncle Lucas and—" his eyes— the feature that most closely resembles Taemin's because they contain all of the universe's stars— widen in time with the growth of his smile. "Great Uncle Yesung!" 
Tue transforms into a reincarnation of my childhood self when he abandons all thought in admiration of Yesung. He leaps out of my lap and runs into Yesung's laughing embrace. 
It's beautiful— thinking about how much time has passed— thinking about how some things never change— realizing that some images repeat and replay.
I consider that on my walk to the doorway, where Taemin stands, watching the scene with a smile. His fingers trace absentmindedly at the ribbon on his wrist that hasn't faded with the passage of time. The color hasn't faded since he restored it on that night by the lake. 
"I'm sorry if we interrupted your work," Taemin says softly when he catches me staring. "I told Tue not to just run into the studio, but you know how he gets when he's excited: just a teeny tiny bit disobedient. Or a teeny tiny bit forgetful." 
After teasing, "I wonder who he gets that from," and earning a chuckle in response, I assure Taemin, "You didn't interrupt anything. Yesung and I are done with the song. We just got to talking." 
Maybe Taemin noticed the tears before Tue carried them away, or maybe he hears that longtime blend of anxiety and craving for peace that almost always reveals itself in my voice through our conversations. His brow furrows as he wraps an arm around my waist. "Do you want to talk about it?" 
"Yeah," I answer immediately because I always want to talk about everything with Taemin. I told him once that I would grow to trust him with everything, and I have; for better or for worse, I hold nothing back. Watching Tue throw his head back laughing as Yesung tickles his ribs just below his armpits, right where he knows he's most ticklish, I condition, "Later though. Smiles and laughter for now, please." 
Taemin doesn't press the issue. In the beginning, he was always in such a rush, determined to force intimate conversation, no matter my discomfort. Now, he must realize that there is nothing I will keep from him forever. Now, he must understand that everything will come to light when we lie together under the moon. He no longer races to the rising of the moon or the rising of the sun; he lives in every moment. I admire him for that. 
Taemin smiles and winks at me before fixing his sight on Tue. "Hey little dude," Taemin says during the brief break in Tue's laughter, "Mommy is done for the day, and she wants to hang out with us! What do you wanna do?" 
Tue runs to us from Yesung's side. He reaches for Taemin, knowing well that his father will waste no time in lifting him onto his shoulders. 
"Alright." Taemin squats so Tue can climb on easily and so he doesn't hit his head on the doorframe. It's funny to watch Taemin, who was once spoiled rotten, who is still a bit rotten at the core, literally bending to the will of a small child. "What's the plan, kiddo?" 
Tue wastes no time pretending to think about his dream activity. Although he sees his namesake almost every day, he declares, "I wanna see Uncle Lucas!" 
Trusting that I still memorize my best friend's schedules, Taemin glances at me. Luckily enough, I still know where Lucas is at all times. Some people jokingly call it twin-telepathy, but it's only through my nagging reminders that Lucas ever gets where he needs to be. 
"He's downstairs teaching a dance class with Mark." I look down at my phone again; I couldn't hide my smile at the picture even if I tried. "It should be wrapping up soon, so—" 
Taemin cheers, "Off we go!" and runs toward the elevator. Tue squeals all the way down the hall, and I wish more than anything that I had been ready to record this moment. 
Before following my boys, I linger in the studio to tell Yesung, "Bye! Thank you for everything!" 
"See you tomorrow!" Yesung waves both hands. "You're welcome for everything! Never forget that I'm proud of you!" 
I smile because it is impossible to forget what Yesung has told me since we met.
. . . 
Although Taemin, Tue, and I stand quietly at the back of the room, Lucas notices us immediately. 
"Hey!" His booming clap disrupts the class, and all eyes fall on us. "There's my mini-me!"
It doesn't matter that Tue is identical to Taemin (apart from the wavy hair he inherited from me); Lucas has called him "mini-me" since the day he was born. That's just a consequence of naming my baby after my best friend. It's a consequence I can live with. 
It doesn't matter that Tue sees Lucas almost every day; they always greet each other with wide smiles and open arms as if they have been separated for lifetimes. That's just a result of the bond they share. 
Sometimes, I think that Tue was born not just to fill my every void and fade every scar. He was born to be the best friend Lucas always deserved. He was born to teach Taemin that he is much more than an idol. He makes us better just by existing. I have never loved anyone so much— with my entire heart, my entire soul, with every part of me that has ever existed and will ever exist. 
I run a hand through Tue's hair before Taemin passes him to Lucas. This transition of our most beloved person into the arms of another dear friend occurs without the arguments that gave me headaches at the start. We have accepted it by now: Lucas is Tue's favorite person on the planet. 
I don't care much to challenge that title since it means so much to Lucas and since I know from experience that the role of the mother is special on its own. I don't know much from experience about the role of the father except that its absence painful in more ways than words can describe; I don't know much except its absence leaves a void that most will try to fill with anything; I don't know much except Taemin is doing a good job, and I tell him so every day. 
Now, I tell him by reaching for his hand and lacing our fingers together. This— holding his hand— has always been my favorite act of affection. It's crazy to think that, once upon a time, I would have hesitated— I would have refused— I would have denied the desire to reach for him outside of our hotel room and our home. 
Sometimes, like now, Taemin looks stunned when I touch him. He flinches as if my touch is frozen or scalding or electric, but then he smiles and melts into me a little more. Every time I think we're done melting into each other, when I think that we already blended to create the perfect human being, we take another step together. 
"Hey!" Tue leans over Lucas's shoulder to look him in the eyes. "It's big-me!"
"Sh," I instruct quietly, bringing a finger to my puckered lips. "They're practicing, baby. We're guests, so we have to be quiet." 
Generally, Tue is a well-mannered boy. He just forgets proper etiquette when excited, and nobody excites him quite like Lucas. Turning slightly pink in the face, Tue nods and brings a finger to his puckered lips too. 
Moments of correction are always short-lived because Tue takes instruction well. I wink at him, and he winks back. The thing is— Tue has inherited Mom's lack of facial coordination, so he blinks both eyes. 
The sight makes Taemin laugh. When I was a kid, I would have wanted to cry if someone (especially someone as beautiful as Taemin) laughed at me. Tue's lips don't tremble in preparation for tears, though; his lips curl into a gap-toothed smile. Oh, there's another thing my baby gets from me: a gappy smile! It looks much cuter on him; I almost hope he never corrects it with braces.  
Because Taemin laughed, Tue laughs. He always copies his father. 
Raising my eyebrows, I give Lucas a look that clearly means, "Aren't you supposed to help Mark with this class?" 
Lucas understands. Maybe his understanding is the result of (fake) twin-telepathy or— more likely— it is the result of having known each other for eternities. Securing his hold around Tue, Lucas softly sings, "Priorities change, Lei." 
Because I completely restructured my life for Tue— and that's much more significant than ditching the last five minutes of a dance practice— I can't argue with Lucas. I can only nod. 
At the front of the room, Mark announces, "Alright guys, we're done for the day! Great work!" 
I hope that he hasn't ended practice early because we have caused an interruption, but it's hard to stay worried when Mark's trainees break into excited chatter. The atmosphere in this room is unlike anything I experienced as a trainee. People like Mark, people like Lucas— they have changed this place. They have brought light into the rooms, and I— I think I want to help them. 
Then, I look at Tue, and I know that I don't want him to spend his days sitting alone by the vending machine. I don't want him to spend his days sitting in the corner while I teach trainees. In no way do I resent my childhood; I just want to protect Tue from the loneliness that darkened too many days. 
Life is about finding balance, I think. Balance between Lei the idol and Lei the human. Balance between Lei the fearful and Lei the brave. Balance between Lei the skeptic and Lei the romantic. Balance between Lei the individual and Lei the wife. Balance between Lei the idol and Lei the mother. Balance between Lei of the past and Lei of now. Some of these, I have mastered. Some of these were easier to achieve than others. Some of these are a daily struggle. Some of these remain a mystery. 
I'm trying, though; that's enough for me now. I am proud of who I am now. I am proud of who I will be tomorrow. 
I wave to Mark, thinking that he has always had the best influence on others. Smiling, Mark waves back, calling "Happy Early Birthday, Lucas Tue!" (and receiving a chipper, "Thank you, Mr. Mark Lee!" in response) before I follow my family into the hall, led by Taemin's hand, with the sea of trainees. 
We sit at the table by the vending machine. It's much smaller now than it is in my memories. Maybe that's because I've grown so much; maybe that's because my family fills it with energy so bright that I don't notice the empty seats. 
Sitting in Lucas's lap, Tue asks, "Did you know tomorrow is my birthday?" 
Lucas gasps, "Tomorrow is your birthday?" 
Taemin laughs at how Tue's face contorts in utter bewilderment. His lips part, his brow furrows, and his skin is painted a flustered pink as he whines, "I don't know! Is it?" 
Because everyone has been so quiet in discussing birthday preparations around Tue, he must not realize the date. "Tomorrow is May 29," I tell him, "so you're gonna turn five years old!" I wiggle five fingers toward his face; he laughs when I tap his nose with one of my fingertips, throwing his head back against Lucas's chest. 
"What?!" Lucas cries; Tue laughs harder at the overreaction before Lucas even prods at his ticklish ribs. "Five?! That's crazy, man! That's older than me!" 
Tue sputters, "No— no it's not! You're way— way— way older than five!" 
"I am not!" Lucas argues, dropping his jaw to feign offense. "You know who is way older than five, though?"
As if sharing the same brain cell, Lucas and Tue settle their sights on Taemin, who, tightening his grip on my hand, drops his jaw, taking genuine offense. “I am not! I’m the biggest baby at this table!”
When Taemin crosses his arms over his chest and pouts his pretty lips, nobody thinks to argue. Lucas and Tue snort, failing to contain their laughter at Taemin’s expense. I so badly want to laugh with them, but I want more to kiss Taemin, so I peck at his lips. 
At the kiss, Lucas and Tue do not squeal in disgust like most little boys would; they squeal in utter delight. 
. . . 
It’s hard to find an alone moment with Mom in our full house, but I find one after Taemin and I tuck Tue into bed. Mom is setting up Finding Nemo decorations around the pool. We chose that theme for Tue's party since it's his favorite movie. 
Even wearing her pajamas with her hair tied up in a messy bun, Mom looks beautiful among the moon and stars. "What's going on, Lei?" She drapes a cloth over a fold-out table. "You're wearing your pensive face." 
I try to laugh at myself by saying, "I'm always wearing my pensive face." 
Because I have yet to tell Taemin about my conversation with Yesung, my worries are a tangled knot at the forefront of my mind. It's a messy business, untangling the knot, and it's always easier with Taemin's help. 
Tracing my finger along Nemo's little lucky fin on the table cloth, I prod at the knot on my own. "I'm just wondering how you knew when to hold me close and when to let me stand in the spotlight." 
Mom stills to meet my eyes. "I know I wasn't perfect," she prefaces. When I try to disagree, she interrupts. "I'm human, Lei. I did the best I could, but I know I could have been better. Anyone can see through hindsight, in any situation, that they could have been better. They should have been better." 
Mom has this way of speaking that nobody can replicate. She acknowledges faults and shortcomings through a lens that is never degrading, never belittling. She looks at the past in such a light that does not inspire regret but instead inspires a better tomorrow. 
I admire Mom for that. I want to be like her. After all this time, I have not grown out of aspiring to be like Mom. 
"When I think about how you used to sit alone at that table by the vending machine before Lucas walked into your world; when I think about how you used to cling to the wall in the corner of every room; when I think about how I used to hear you crying in your room at night when you thought I was asleep— when you thought your radio was loud enough to drown out your tears with SHINee's voices—"
Mom's voice wavers, and her gaze crashes onto the table. Now that I see her so affected by past pains even in the happiest stage of life to date, I understand: it was never easy for Mom. She just carried the burden where I couldn't see it. 
"I always wondered if I was doing the right thing. I wondered if the spotlight found you because you walked into it or because I nudged you toward it. When you became a trainee and Donghae told me that Sehun said people were being cruel to you—" Mom bristles— "you don't know how much I wanted to pull you out of the agency. You don't know how badly I wanted to take you and hide you someplace where nobody could hurt you. But—"
Mom laughs— genuinely laughs— when I wrap my arms around her, thinking, knowing that a place without pain does not exist (at least not on earth). It's enough that she wanted to take me there, I think. It's enough that she wanted that place to exist for me. 
She asks, "Do you know that part in Finding Nemo where Dory tells Marlin, 'Well, you can't never let anything happen to him. Then nothing would ever happen to him'?"
I nod. Even though Tue often falls asleep in my lap by that part of the movie, I know it well.
"Quickly— maybe instantly— I realized that you are too special not to share with the world." Mom cups my face with both hands. She kind of pinches my cheeks because they are still full; they still make me look very much like a child. "This world would be a sadder, duller place without your light shining in it. I decided that if anyone out there tries to dampen your light— well—" 
Mom smiles, so I smile too. 
"I would work a million times harder to keep it burning."
. . .
When I tell Taemin about my conversation with Yesung in the studio and my conversation with Mom under the moon, he says, "That's all very beautiful, baby. It almost makes me want to cry. But I still think Tue is way too young to be an idol." 
I have almost drifted to sleep with my head on Taemin's chest because the steady beat of his heart has always been one of my greatest comforters. I lift my head to narrow my eyes at him. "How did you gather from any of that that I want our son to be an idol?" 
Taemin squints, trying to make out my features in the dark. "I don't know! It just seemed like you were coming to terms with letting him wander into the spotlight, and I thought maybe it was my turn to be the voice of reason!" 
Even without the slightest aid offered by the pale moonlight, I would see the smirk curling his lips. "The last time I was the voice of reason was during our first New Year when you dropped your dress—"
"Let it go, Taemin!" I chastise, wondering how and why I let his sentence get that far before rolling my eyes. "That happened how many years ago?" 
"I don't know. Time is all relative anyway." Taemin probably feels like some kind of genius or the mysterious picture of a soulmate he was at the beginning. "It happened how ever many years ago, and it's still one of my favorite memories! It never fails to make me smile." 
I shake my head and lay on my back beside him. "We're way off track. Anyway, I completely agree: Tue is too young to be an idol. The agency wouldn't even let him audition until he turns ten. Even then, I'm not going to suggest that he audition. I'm not going to actively nudge him anywhere near that path." 
Moments pass in silence. Taemin rolls onto this side to trace patterns on my stomach. In addition to calming me, this gentle affection helps him organize his thoughts.
"I think we should cross that bridge when we come to it," he says, as usual. "Obviously, I want to support him in anything he wants to do. I won't really know how to help him if he wants to be a doctor or a lawyer, but— well— think of how much we can guide him if he wants to follow in our footsteps." 
Taemin makes a good point. Having two idol parents might make Tue a target for bullies— I know that having a manager for a mother made me one— but cruel people will justify their actions with any excuse. What makes Tue stand out could double as a strength; I know having my particular mother made me stronger. Similarly, Tue could turn to me and Taemin and Mom and Lucas and his entire network of well-wishing idols for advice, and we would all be equipped by our experiences to help him in some way. 
"I'm so glad I have you." I roll onto my side so that my face is level with Taemin's and I can clearly see the night sky reflected in his eyes. "You embody that perfect balance between listening and advising. You always have. I love you so much for that. I always have." 
He smiles, and my heart flutters. "I'm glad I have you too. Thank you for trusting me and listening to my advice. I love you so much for that. I always will." 
Taemin creates the perfect atmosphere for honesty. With a glance, he encourages me to carry my darkest thoughts into the light. It feels like he is carrying them with me; they are less heavy this way. That's why I admit, suddenly on the verge of tears, "I'm afraid that I haven't made my love for Tue clear enough."
I have rarely cried since taking a break from being Lei the idol. My outburst must send Taemin back in time to the very start when I first cried to him under the moon's watch— to the night when the moon became ours. Back then, he was so careful. He resisted the destined desire to touch me, to embrace me, because he didn't want to frighten me. Now, he moves instantly, instinctively, to hold me. 
His lips meet mine for a second. After just a second, he tries to part, but I need him. I need him, and that hasn't scared me in so many moons. I need him, and I bring him back down to me and hold him here until we have kissed most of my worries away. 
We always keep a few worries because Taemin says they keep us safe. He thinks my talent for spotting danger is, in moderation, one of our greatest strengths. I'm good at seeing a storm cloud from a million miles away; Taemin is good at making a hurricane feel like an overdue summer drizzle. That's why we are the greatest team to ever exist. 
"Tue knows you love him," Taemin assures me in a whisper against my lips. "Anyone who knows you— anyone who knows us knows that we weren't really breathing until Tue took his first breath."
That's not to say that life wasn't worth living before Tue existed. Just like my life was as happy as it could have been before Lucas, and it was happier once he laughed and painted the world anew; just like my life was as happy as it could have been before Taemin, and it was happier once he handed me the moon; my life was as happy as it could have been before Tue, and it was happier once he breathed. 
Tue's breath gave me every beautiful wonder I never knew existed— the heavenly traces on earth that nobody can see with the naked eye until they have seen and felt and loved their child. 
"Does the world know?" My mouth hurts from frowning. "These past five years— have we done the right thing by keeping Tue off of social media? The agency issued the briefest statement about him, like, a week after he was born, and I don't even know if they mentioned his name. Mom deletes all leaked traces of him from the internet. Any time interviewers are bold enough to ask you about him, the agency pressures the network to cut the clip." 
They do all of these things at our request. 
Taemin wipes the tears spilling from my eyes as I wonder, "When Tue gets older, what will he think about the fact that his parents said nothing about him where the world could hear?" 
"Hopefully he'll understand that his parents loved him enough to protect him until he was old enough to protect himself," Taemin answers in a tone that does not belittle my fears in his effort to quell them. "It's not like you've been active on social media at all these past five years, Lei. If Tue ever asks, and I doubt he will, we can explain that you spent all of your time with him while I—"
Taemin's voice falters. 
One of his biggest insecurities— maybe you could call it a regret— is that while I walked away from my career the moment I felt Tue's life, he hadn't deviated much from the course he had been on most of his life. I never pressured Taemin to make a career shift in any direction; at every opportunity, I expressed my belief that there is no right or wrong move when finding the balance between family life and work. Needs vary, and I believe that people can adapt to almost any situation. 
Taemin's pace has changed somewhat over time. Early morning practices with Jongin became scarce after Tue was born; now, they are almost obsolete. He says that he likes to be home for breakfast and early morning cartoons. 
He isn't as excited about promoting abroad when Tue and I can't tag along. As you can probably imagine, some trips cannot function as family vacations. He swears that video calls before bed are not enough to fill the void in his day when we aren't there. 
He doesn't look forward to awards ceremonies like he once did. We agreed that Tue shouldn't attend events where strangers' cameras abound. He says that even if we did attend, he would be expected to sit with his group, not with us. 
The studio isn't his second home anymore. Whenever he has to stay later than expected, he comes home with a million apologies, a bouquet of roses for me, and a new toy for Tue. At this point, Tue has an entire colony of plush Nemos on his bed; he sleeps cuddling every single one. It doesn't matter how often I tell him that he has nothing to apologize for; he apologizes and apologizes and I know he will apologize again. 
I know that he feels torn between his roles as Taemin the idol, Taemin the husband, and Taemin the father. I just don't know how to help him. He made so little time for Taemin the human being that, sometime during the first week of May, he had some kind of emotional breakdown at the studio that compelled SHINee to delay the release of their new album. 
Deciding that he didn't want anybody to blame Taemin for the postponement, Jinki offered to take the heat. He told Mom, "Issue a statement claiming that I'm suffering from a gluteal strain after an impromptu breakdancing battle!"
Jinki's Rationale for the Gluteal Strain Story:
"The key is to tell a lie so outrageous that nobody can doubt it! Nobody will question a story about a literal pain in the butt!"
Anyway, that's why Taemin and I have swapped roles lately. He is taking his first break from being an idol to spend time with Tue. While they watch movies and play the piano and work through those online pre-school activities, I am dipping my toes back into the world of recording. I don't know yet what I will do in terms of a career, but I know that Taemin will return to the stage revitalized. He is remarkably resilient, born to shine. 
Knowing I can't alter Taemin's self-perception, I card my fingers through his hair and praise him anyway. "Taemin, Tue learns so much about hard work, passion, and dedication from you. He truly admires you in the purest way. He doesn't see the distinction between his father and his idol because you fulfill those responsibilities so well—so much better than I ever could— so much better than I was willing to try." 
I kiss the crown of Taemin's head as he buries his face in the crook of my neck. "We're so proud of you. Don't forget that." 
"Thank you," Taemin mumbles against my skin. "I haven't forgotten. I just— I'm so proud of you for being Tue's mom, but I'm sorry if I pressured you to walk away from your dreams to carry my weight here—"
"Taemin." I nudge him until he looks down at me with wide apologetic eyes. "You didn't pressure me into anything. You didn't pressure me into anything at all." 
He looks unconvinced, judging by his pout, so I explain, "I have so many dreams! To be a genuine artist, to be a loving daughter, to be a reliable friend, to be a comforting wife, to be an inspiring Mom." 
I wrap my arms around Taemin's waist and hug him closer. "I heard once that growing up is a process of letting your dreams die one by one, but I disagree. Every day that I'm with you, I discover a new dream I don't think I have to choose one over all the others. I just have to find balance. And we'll find it together; that's what we always do." 
Finally, Taemin smiles. I smile. We can breathe again. 
He lays against me, and our chests rise and fall together. We melt a little more, and I— I can't tell where he ends and I begin. I can't remember a time when we were separate beings. I don't ever want to remember. 
"Do you want me to go on Instagram live to say that my wife and son are everything to me? Or should I air footage of one of Tue's baby albums? Or should I post videos and pictures from life with you these past five years? Or should I read our story where anyone can hear?"
Between each question, Taemin has kissed me. His lips hover over mine as he begs, "Tell me what to do, Lei. Tell me how to make your dreams come true, and I'll do it. I'll do anything." 
He doesn't understand that I am already living my dream. I don't know how to make him understand. 
"Just kiss me again," I instruct softly. Sweetly, Taemin complies. "And let's think about something special we can do to love our son on his birthday."
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When Taemin and I tiptoe into his room early the next morning, we expect to find Tue fast asleep, snoring into his pillow while clutching a Nemo plushie. Instead, we find him lying with his belly against the floor, kicking his bare feet int he air while doodling on a piece of paper. 
While Taemin sits before Tue, I sit beside him and ask, "Can I see your drawing, baby?" 
Tue has never denied me access to his art before. I love seeing the smile that curls his lips whenever I express interest in his creativity. "Yep!" His enthusiastic nod sends his unruly morning curls flopping. "But I'm not just drawing something, Mommy." 
Taemin's brow furrows as he tries to decipher Tue's handwriting. He is at a disadvantage because a.) from where he sits, Tue's letters are upside down, b.) the note is written entirely in English, which still isn't Taemin's strong suit, and c.) Tue has chosen to write with the palest yellow crayon in his arsenal. 
Sweetly, Taemin asks, "What is it?" Leaning forward, he sets his elbows on the hardwood floor and props his chin in his hands. 
Tue delights in the opportunity to explain anything from why he thinks the sky is blue to why he thinks roses are the prettiest flowers to why Finding Nemo is the best movie ever. His face lights up at Taemin's question.
"It's a letter to Mr. Mark Lee!" Tracing his little fingers along his letters, Tue reads, "Thanks for saying 'Happy Birthday' yesterday. I forgot my birthday. You didn't. You make me very happy!" 
Tue turns the paper so Taemin can read it. "And look! I drew me here and Mr. Mark Lee here, and we have big smiles and party hats!"
When Tue gives Taemin his gappy smile, I can't contain myself. While Taemin takes the paper from Tue's hand, my heart explodes as I pull Tue onto my lap. Holding him around the waist, I pepper his forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin with kisses; he giggles all the while. 
"You're the sweetest boy in the whole world, Tue!" I boast, and he beams at the praise. "Who taught you how to write 'Thank You' notes?" 
"I dunno!" He shrugs his shoulders. "Probably you or Daddy. You and Daddy teach me everything!" 
I raise my eyebrows, giving Taemin this look that means, "I told you so. He knows that you're a great father. I told you so!"
Taemin probably doesn't notice. He smiles at Tue as he returns the paper to his baby soft hand. "You're going to give this to Mr. Mark Lee the next time you see him, right? I bet getting a letter like this would make him very happy." 
At that suggestion, Tue's face burns crimson. In many ways, he is one of the most confident, outgoing people I have ever known; in others, he is even more bashful than I have ever been. In five years of knowing him, I have yet to figure out how he manages that degree of duality. Considering that Tue is forever charming — whether bold or shy — I am inclined to believe duality is another quality he inherited from Taemin. 
As he leans into me and hides his face in my shirt, Tue entrusts his paper to my hand. "Can you give that to Mr. Mark Lee, Mommy? I want to make him very happy, but I can't give it to him! I just can't!
Maybe I should gently nudge Tue out of his comfort zone, especially since there is nothing to fear about approaching Mark. Maybe I should take this chance to teach him that self-expression is nothing to be embarrassed about. I can't do it, though. As precious as he looks with rose-colored cheeks, I can't darken my baby's blush. 
"I'll give it to him," I promise, urging him to lift his head to meet my bright smile. "He'll love it! Now go to Daddy, alright? He's gonna help you get dressed." 
Looking down at his pajamas donning Nemo's face, of course, Tue pouts. He crosses his arms. He really looks and sounds like Taemin when he whines, "I don't wanna get dressed!"
"Well, you have to," Taemin says as he scoops Tue into his arms. Carrying him to the closet, Taemin responds to Tue's whines, "If you don't get dressed, I can't take you to your surprise!"
As I walk to the door, I hear Tue squeal, "Surprise?" Taemin laughs at his reaction. Tue's squeal and Taemin's laugh are the reasons why I smile when I walk downstairs to tell everybody that the birthday boy is on his way. 
. . . 
I push the curtains aside and from my side of the kitchen window, I watch Donghae carrying Tue on his shoulders in the pool. Following Mom's instruction to "Behave! At least around the baby!" Heechul stands beside them, donning a smile for Lucas's camera. 
The sight is especially comforting considering how annoying Donghae and Heechul were at the beginning. Apparently, when nobody was listening, Heechul told Tue, "Call me Grandpa, and call him—" he pointed a finger at Donghae— "Grandpa 2." 
Tue was too young and too sweet to understand that Heechul was up to his old shenanigans of competing with Donghae, so he followed the instruction faithfully, much to Donghae's dismay. 
"Don't worry," Tue said to Donghae's frown, flashing him a big toothy smile. "I'm a 2 too!"
I wish I or Mom or Lucas— since he has appointed himself the family photographer— had recorded the smile Tue sculped onto Donghae's face. I would love to carry a picture of it with me so I could show it to you and everybody I meet, saying, "This is my son's mark on the world, and it's the most beautiful mark anybody has ever made. He is five years old, and he has never hurt a living creature. He is five years old, and he makes smiles wherever he goes." 
My mental images of Tue's gappy smile and those he leaves in his wake are among my most prized possessions. I am admiring them when Mark walks in through the back door, carrying an empty bowl. 
His eyes widen as if he has interrupted something. He beelines to the refrigerator, muttering, "Your mom said there's more watermelon in the fridge." 
Glancing down at the platter of snacks I have assembled, I frown at the utter lack of watermelon. "I should have known that we would need more watermelon with you and Tue eating at the same place at the same time." 
Mark laughs, dropping the empty bowl into the sink. "Well, what can I say?" He grabs the bowl of sliced watermelon Mom prepared last night and tosses a slice into his mouth. "Little man and I have good taste!"
"Speaking of little man—" I smile at Mark's nickname for Tue as I close the refrigerator door and point to a pinned paper— "he wrote this for you." 
After setting the bowl onto the counter, Mark takes the page into his hand. He doesn't have to squint to make out the letters. "He's writing 'Thank You' letters? To me? At five years old?"
I can't help but smile at Mark's awestruck expression. "You made his day, and I guess he wanted you to know."
Mark's slack-jawed expression transforms into a radiant smile. "Can I keep this?" 
"It's for you," I repeat, nodding, "so I think you're supposed to keep it. See the little faces at the bottom?" Mark nods, so I explain, "The artist says the big one is you and the little one is his latest self-portrait." 
Mark smiles at the paper once more before folding it into his pocket. As we grab our snacks, we walk together to the back door. We stop once Mark asks, "Before we go back outside, can I ask you something?" 
"Yeah." There's something petrifying about Mark's quiet voice, so I hope my smile will encourage him to speak up. "What's up?" 
"You know how I'm working with the trainees?" When I nod, Mark continues, "As far as I'm concerned they're all set talent-wise. I only really work with them on dancing and rapping— Taeil is the vocal instructor." 
Based on what I saw in the final five minutes of dance practice yesterday, I agree. It seems that the trainees get better with each generation. "They seem like they will make excellent artists one day." 
"They will!" Mark beams, seeming as proud of his trainee's progress as he is of his own achievements. "I've been thinking about how else I can help them grow, and I think maybe we should spend time talking about, like, emotional wellbeing."
"That sounds like a good idea." I, for one, could have benefited from learning about that as a trainee. 
"I'm glad you think so," Mark says slowly, "because I kind of want you to help me with those conversations." 
My jaw drops. "Me?" By no means have I ever considered myself an expert on emotional wellbeing. "Why?"
Mark's head goes aslant; he looks at me as if challenging me to look at myself. "When I think of strength, I think about how you carried yourself in training when those girls were mean to you. I think about how you stayed best friends even when people watched you and whispered. I think about how you didn't fall apart when the media used to speculate about the idol who never debuted. I think about how you held your head high when people criticized you for dating, then marrying, then having a baby with Taemin. But mostly— " Mark smiles — "I think about how you changed your whole life for Lucas Tue. I can't think of anyone better to teach the trainees that as much as we love music, as much as we love being idols, there is a lot more to life than the spotlight." 
I blink, wondering how, when, and why Mark became so well-spoken. My gaze falls onto the snack platter in my hands. "I— I don't know how to teach anybody that." 
Mark sighs, dejected, and I compulsively admit, "But I want to learn. I would love to learn, Mark."
Before Mark can reply, Tue runs in through the open back door, asking, "Mommy, where—" 
His voice falls flat as his eyes widen at the sight of Mark. "Mr. Mark Lee," Tue stutters, "I— I—" 
Before Mark can reply, Tue runs back outside. 
Mark looks at me, raising his eyebrows. "What did I do?"
Making my way out the door and into the summer sun, I explain, "He's being bashful because of that letter. He gets into shy moods from time to time." 
"Oh, okay." As we set our snacks onto the table, Mark asks, "Wait, did I hear you right? Did you mean that you would help me with the trainees?" 
From their sunchairs nearest to the snack table, Lucas and Taemin look up. Tue has concealed his flustered face against Taemin's chest, and he doesn't perk up at the sound of Mark's voice; he retreats further into Taemin's embrace. 
Taemin meets my eyes. Although he is reluctant to pressure me with vocal encouragement, he offers a gentle smile that seems to whisper, "Go for it. You can do anything." 
Lucas, true to who he has always been and always will be, is much louder about his support. He lowers his sunglasses. "Wait, you're gonna help me and Mark with the trainees? As in, we're having a mini ot8 SuperM reunion?" 
Mark glances at me with apologetic eyes as he pops another slice of watermelon into his mouth. Once upon a time, I think I would have glared at anyone for putting me on the spot like that. Depending on who it was, I might have even scolded them. I can't bring myself to scold Mark, though; I can't bring myself to glare at him, and I don't want to try. 
"I'll help," I decide easily, "in any way I can." 
I guess I don't want to disappoint Mark's perception of me; I want to live up to it. I guess I want to believe Yesung— that I am meant to share my voice. I guess I want to believe Mom—  that I can make the world a happier, brighter place with my light shining in it. I guess I want to be to the trainees who Mark is to them, who Mom has always been to me: someone who works a million times harder than the light dampeners to keep their light burning. 
Tue lifts his head from Taemin's chest to cheer, "You can do it, Mommy! You're the best helper!"
As I sit by his side, Taemin raises his eyebrows, giving me a look that means, "I told you so. He knows you perfectly. I told you so." 
"Thank you, baby," I wink at Tue. I whisper in his ear, "Mr. Mark Lee loves your letter, by the way." 
Tue smiles and lays his head back on Taemin's chest. When he closes his eyes, he looks exhausted. I think he falls asleep in an instant.
Lucas follows Mark to the pool, I think, for fear of waking Tue with his booming voice. Thus, Taemin and I are alone with our son again, even at the bustling party hosted in his honor.
Taemin asks, "Are you happy today?" in a voice so quiet that I think he's whispering sweet nothing to our sleeping boy until his eyes rise to meet mine. "I remember you said, once upon a time, 'Life doesn't always go as planned, and I think that's okay as long as you like where you end up.' And I'm wondering again if you like where you ended up— if you like where you're going next." 
My heart always flips when Taemin quotes our story. "I recall saying, 'Anywhere with you is where I want to end up.'" I reach for Taemin's hand— the one closest to me, the one that isn't secured around Tue. "I still feel that way, Anywhere with you is where I want to go next." 
Taemin flashes a sparkling smile before puckering his lips, wordlessly daring me to kiss him. Because I am no coward, I accept the dare before he can even blink. And just when I think that this moment is too beautiful to pass, I hear it. 
The snapping of Lucas's camera capturing us in a photograph.
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lareinenoir · 5 years
∆Apple of my Eye∆
Loki x Female! Reader
Request: Hi, I love your work so much!! I was wondering if you could do a Loki x female reader where the reader isn’t heavy but she isn’t fit either. Where reader has been through a lot (depression, heartbreak, etc.) and when she sees another girl flirting with Loki she doesn’t have enough self-confidence to do anything about it but Loki notices and a lot of fluff happens.
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Summary: Body image is what you have struggled with for quite a while. Meeting Loki distracted you from it and his constant compliments always made you blush like crazy! When you are invited to one of Tony Stark's party and see your ex-best friend, the memories of your years in college come back. The memories weren't as fun as they are supposed to be.
A/N: I just wanna say, you are all beautiful and self-love is what I've struggled with for so long! For the past two years, I have learned that loving myself is the best thing for me. If you ever need a reminder on how "beautifully and wonderfully made" you are, hmu. ☺
Tag list: @tell-me-a-poem @thatweirdwalangpake @schizonephilim @hisparadox @empressoftheundergroundsun
"Morning precious." Says Loki kissing your head as you stretch your arms and look to the clock.
"Morning? It's noon." You yawn watching Loki toss an apple in his hand "Why didn't you wake me?"
"Well," he says walking over and kissing your head. "you look rather peaceful asleep and I couldn't bring myself to wake you."
"How charming." You replied and he passed you the apple.
"Eat, an apple a day gives the doctor away."
Bursting out you laughing you wipe the apple on the blanket and roll your eyes. "It's an apple a day keeps the doctor away' silly."
"Bah." He says waving his hand "Your Midgardian sayings are all so...let's just say they mean so many things."
"Haha." You shrug taking a bite. "Don't worry, I don't plan on visiting the doctor anytime soon. At least not because I'm sick."
"Good," he nods as he stands you up and pulled you to his body. "I don't want my precious queen getting the chills."
"You Asgardians never get sick." You say while chewing the apple. "Like...for the past two years I've known you and Thor not once have you gotten sick."
"Our immune systems aren't as weak as you mortals." He laughs and you snort
"Hey! Offensive to my people." You giggle slapping him on the shoulder as Loki lays his head in your lap. "We aren't as weak as you think, Loki. Especially women."
"Darling, men-" you give him a warning look and he gets your hint. "What I meant to say was...mortal men will never be stronger than Asgardian men."
"Whatever." You roll your eyes finishing the apple. "Speaking of men," you say, placing the apple core on the dresser "Tony invited us to his house for a little surprise party for Pepper. Do you wanna be my date?" You Giggle
"well..." He said pretending to think. "I'd have to ask the woman I'm currently with if she'd be OK with me going on a date with a very good looking woman, such as yourself."
You smirked and folded your arms as he twists a strand of your hair around his finger. "I'm sure the woman you're seeing wouldn't mind." You joke kneeling down your head to kiss his nose. "If you don't tell her I mean. It can be our little secret."
"Our little secret."
Sharing a small kiss you brush back his jet black hair just to study his face. You felt so lucky to have him.
Tony's parties. Always full of people. Men in expensive suits and Rolex watches. Woman in fitted dresses that matched there handbag. Not to mention some very hot eye candy on the arms of a woman or man.
"You've been staring at your reflection for two hours and have changed outfits seventeen times, not counting this one." Loki groaned getting frustrated and you shook your head
"You men have it easy. All you do is show up in a tux and add gel to your hair." You say heading back to the closet. "I don't...I just want to look the part."
Loki sits up in his elbows off the bed and squinted at you. "The part?" He questions
You instantly close your lips and bring out three more dresses. "So, which one. Blush? Copper red or Zesty-"
He appears in front of you with his index finger against your lips. His eyes in you he slowly takes the hangers and tosses them on the bed. "Y/N, I told you that you look ravishing in all of them. Asking me over and over again will not change my mind." You smile and he kisses the corner of your mouth. "You look good in everything."
"Aw." You say grinning like a ninny trying to avoid his eyes. You wanted to say, 'no I'm not' but you knew how much it annoyed him. "Thanks." You whisper biting your lip.
"Excellent, now can we please go? I'm afraid we are going to be rather late." Said Loki taking your hand in his.
"The party will just be getting started when we arrive." You shrug and you two share a laugh. "He'll have the drinks out by then I hope."
"You mortals and your alcoholic beverages." He said rolling his eyes. "They are a bit on the weak side."
You roll your eyes at him and pinch his butt cheek. "Shut up."
He winks at you and gives you a slap on the ass as you continue walking
When you arrive at Tony's place you are greeted by a whole lot of people bumping into you and Loki and are quickly offered a drink.
"Weren't sure you were going to show up." Said Rhodey handing you and Loki a glass of vodka. "Thor is over there with Steve and Bucky. He said our beverages aren't strong enough for a god."
"And he is indeed right." Said Loki handing it back. "I'm going to go over there, Y/N?" He sort of asks. "Will you be alright for a bit?"
"I will." You nod and he kisses your cheek. "Go on, have fun."
Watching Loki disappear in the crowd of people, you turn and see Rhodey is gone off and is dancing on some tables with Tony.
"Y/N!" Shouts Pepper and you take a sip of the drink as she wraps her arms around your neck. "Glad you could come. Having fun?"
"Yeah. You should be the one having fun! Happy birthday." You said kissing her cheek. "Sorry I couldn't be there to say 'Surprise' I think I spent more time figuring out what to wear than anything."
"No worries. You look great." She motions with her hands. "It wasn't much of a surprise anyway. Vision accidentally spilled the beans. He's still learning." Pepper shrugged "To surprises?" She raised her martini and you clinked it with hers
"Surprises." You say as you both take a large sip.
Walking around and partying with the others you catch a glimpse of Loki doing shots with Steve and Thor.
"What the heck?" You ask seeing they drew a big crowd. The countertop full of shot glasses, Tony filling them while Clint counted. "You've got to be kidding me." You laugh hearing everyone cheer.
In college, this is what the guys did at frat parties. Why the heck were they doing it. Grown men!
"Rogers wins!" Said Clint and everyone began to holler loudly. "Thirty-two shots in one minute." He announces
"I still think you won." You hear someone say as they approach Loki hands grazing his shoulder.
You stared at those perfectly manicured pink acrylic nails and held your breath when you recognized the black stilettoes.
"Thank you." Loki nods chuckling nervously
"I'm Missy Donaven" She introduces herself holding out her free hand. "You must be Loki."
"I am indeed. Its a pleasure to meet you, Missy Donovan." Said Loki being very polite.
You watched them carefully but couldn't help but stare from a distance at her perfectly shaped lips that curved into a smile. How her giggle made your skin crawl because of how lovely it was. Your heart beats with fear a bit as Missy and Loki talked. She would laugh then touch his chest.
Touching Loki! Touching Loki!
"You have a sense of humor. Pretty good looking too." She winks touching his hair.
Touching his hair! Touching his hair!
That's when she looked up and caught your eye. Quickly turning the other way you feel your feet begin to speed walk through the crowd.
"Where you going in a hurry?" Asks Natasha stopping you
Brushing past her you ignore and keep walking until you were in a bathroom. One perfect bathroom with a sink and mirror. And staring in it made you look away. Seeing Missy and how beautiful her red hair was made your body ache. You weren't as pretty as she was. You knew that. She had curves...you weren't sure if you had any. Missy had big boobs...bigger than yours.
Looking away from the mirror, you take a seat on the edge of the tub and bite your lip. Just as you took in a breath the door opens and a smiling Missy Donovan walks in.
"I knew it was you." She says closing the door. "The smell of loneliness was a dead give away."
You didn't want to fight. You weren't in the mood to exchange insults with her. It bothered you more because you should have known to lock the door.
"Where ya going? Don't you wanna talk to me? I haven't seen you in ages Y/N." She says face now in the mirror touching up her makeup.
"You look like a Teletubbie. I'm actually surprised you came out of the house in a dress. I thought you were more of pants and oversized hoodie kinda girl. But I can't complain too much." Missy shrugs fixing her hair and making kissing faces in the mirror. "Its a step up. A lot of people thought you were a dike Y/N, because of the way you dressed. Hell, I thought you were. It's an improvement." She spins on her heels, red hair slapping you a bit in your face as she grazes her finger across your cheek. "A+ for trying I guess."
Sucking in your cheeks, you stay silent and hold in your tears. It was very hard to look at her small pale feet and know, in your mind, Loki would pick her.
"Lay off the twinkies? I think I'm seeing a quadruple chin. You definitely need to hit the gym." Missy giggle perking up her breasts. "Hopefully I get this sexy hunk of a man in bed with me. I'll be sure to text you what it's like to sleep with a god."
Back against the wall, you feel helpless and hold in your tears. You even stopped breathing. Missy never allowed you to look at her directly. She always said, "only pretty people can look at me." In college, you waited on Missy. You were at her every beck and call she made sure you knew your place.
She'd always remind you how fat you looked in clothes. The first day you met her, you wore a dress to a party. "Oh honey, you look like a bloated Turkey."
At the time it was a joke? Right? Missy didn't mean anything by it...
When Missy had planned parties, you were in charge but never invited. "I don't want you eating up all the snacks."
One time you did have the nerve to buck up when you found out she was making out with a guy you liked.
"I'm saving you, Y/N. Pedro wouldn't date someone like you. He doesn't go for the girls who look like street trash."
Pedro Hernandez, you had an Instagram spam page and Pedro followed it. He commented on one of your memes and then started DM you. You kept it from Missy for obvious reasons. You and Pedro never met, or even sent pictures to each other. Unfortunately, Missy found out that you guys were planning on meeting and pretended to be you.
"I can't believe I ever thought we were friends." You said but you were more upset with Pedro then anything. He ended up picking Missy Donaven over you.
You and Missy stopped being 'friends' You told yourself, "College all by myself is way better than having someone like Missy."
And here you are. In the bathroom tub crying your eyes out because it was happening all over again. You knew how it would end. Loki would pick Missy. And you wouldn't blame him.
There was a knock at the door and you said,
"Go away!"
"Y/N? Is that you? Are you alright?"
You said nothing. Loki was probably coming to tell you that you were breaking up. He was gonna go for Missy...
"Y/N...I'm coming in. Ok? I'm coming in."
Not looking up, you felt his body heat over you. Loki knew why you were upset. Missy let it slip that you were in the bathroom crying.
"Y/N... I do hate seeing you cry." He tells you, climbing in the tub with you.
Looking up and at the sink, you shake your head. "I saw you with her. At first, I was mad but...I understand. She's pretty. Way prettier than me. Nice big boobs. Tinier waist with a nice ass...curves that I don't have. She isn't fat like me. It's ok. I'm not mad."
"Y/N, I'm afraid-"
"Loki you deserve better. A better-looking girl than me. She's perfect for you. Missy is...she's the perfect girl in every way."
You weren't sure if he was listening or not but he lifts your chin and wipes the pad of his thumb across your cheek. "Y/N. I picked a woman." Loki was looking at you. Eyes so intently looking only at you "I picked a woman, not a girl looking for attention. You are the apple of my eye. You are perfect for me.”
He meant every word. You knew it. Now, you felt stupid for just thinking Otherwise. Loki had already picked you.
"Do you-"
You pressed your lips on his smoothly and inhaled his scent as he kissed you back. Loki held you to his body with a firm grip on the small of your back as your lips moved in sync together. You pull away and he gives you a questionable look,
“What is it, Y/N?”
“Kissing in a bathtub? That will be one hell of a memory.”
both sharing a quick laugh kisses your top lip lightly. “Then let's not ruin it then, yeah?”
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jesusis1inmylife · 5 years
I went to the pharmacy the other day to get a prescription filled. While I was standing outside waiting for them to fill it a young man come walking by. He looked up at me nodded his head and said hi. I nodded back and said “Hey, how's it going”. He said “I would be lying to you if I told you good, I have to go in here and get my Suboxone and the minute you say that everybody looks at you like you're scum of the Earth”. Now he didn't look scary or strung out like the addicts they show on TV but he did look defeated. A few minutes later I went back in and sat down in a chair and was waiting when I heard him talking to the pharmacist. He said “I'm trying to get my life straightened out. I've made a few bad decisions but I'm trying”. The pharmacist is being very professional he never took his eyes off the computer while he was asking questions not once did he change facial expressions or tone of voice but I noticed other people looking at him as if he was a leper. He said again “I'm really not a bad person I just made some mistakes”. Then to my surprise he looked down at his feet and in a half mumble said “My Momma loves me”. At that moment I didn't see a struggling addict I saw a child that was hurt and scared and felt all alone. A child reaching his arms out for someone to pick him up and make it all better. That image was so clear In my mind that it broke my heart. The pharmacist told him what the cost was and another disappointed look came over the young man's face. Again I saw a child that just found out he had been left behind. He said “I'm sorry I thought it would only be five or six dollars I don't have that much”. I stepped up behind him and said “I’ll cover the rest of it”. He turned around with a shocked look on his face and I repeated “I'll cover the rest” he said “No man you don't have to do that”. I looked at the pharmacist and said I'll cover the rest of it. The young man looked at me but had no words I said “You don't have to say anything just take care of yourself”. I placed the money in his hand and walked back over and sat down. It didn't take long for somebody to make their way over to me and say "You shouldn't give them money you better go get it back." I replied “That's between me and him and what he does with it is between him and God” I didn't tell you this because I done something special the money wasn't that much. I'm telling you this because for the first time I realized how judgmental we all are. All of us live in a neighborhood full of drug addicts. But for the first time I realized that they're a victim of a bad decision. How many of us have made bad decisions. How many of us thought that we could make that big car payment, we could afford that big beautiful house, that we could gamble just this once. How many people thought they could watch a little porn. These too are all bad decisions and they can have devastating effects on our lives and the lives of those close to you. Do I look at all these people the same way I do an addict. Here lately I've seen a lot of that little kid in all the faces I see. What a wake up call. If someone is trying to do better, if they're doing the right things we need to build them up not tear them down. NONE of us have clean hands when it comes to making bad choices, some choices are just more complex than others....Copied from a friend
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punderfulowl · 5 years
Top 12 Anime (That I've Seen) in 2018
Happy New Year, one and all! You read the title right, starting off 2019 with a change of format with not ten, but TWELVE entries in this year-end list! Not only that, I’ve actually watched more current stuff than last year! 
Allow me to explain...
Just in case you haven’t seen my list from last year, this list will consist of anime I’ve seen this year and not necessarily anime that came out this year. Why? One, because I watch whatever I want to watch. And two, because not a lot of people do end of the year retrospectives this way and it’s a fun time sharing older series that many might not have seen, yet (not exactly original though considering that I stole this idea from videogamedunkey). Now that you understand the rules, let’s begin!
12. Fastest Finger First (2017)
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Starting off the list is a little anime series that may have gone under most people’s radar when it first came out. I, myself, forgot about it until a random clip showed up on my FB feed via Crunchyroll’s page and decided to seek it out. It was a fun enough time with learning about the ins and outs of the Quiz Bowl world while getting behind our young heroes that aim to be the best. Admittedly, this shows rolls with plenty of anime cliches which almost drowns out the few surprises it has. One of those surprises is that these high school characters actually look like high schoolers! There’s no, “lolz, that’s a freshman in high school, but she has double D boobs! And that one over there is over six feet tall high muscle tone! Cuh-razy!”
Okay, that was more of a personal note, but it’s still appreciated. Anyway, it’s a cute show and definitely worth the look.
11. Ray:The Animation (2006)
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Starting out is a show that I did a review on earlier this year so I’ll keep this, as well as other shows I reviewed already, relatively short. Ray is about a young woman, whom is an amazing doctor in her own right, tackling medical mysteries as well as her own foggy past. Medical dramas may be present in live-action shows, but it’s quite the rarity in anime especially having a woman in the leading role. Unfortunately, the lackluster animation and art keep it from going higher on this list, but all the good it has is REALLY good (albeit with some silliness here and there).
10. Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation (2015)
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I’ve already had my say in regards to this series, but, just to clarify for this list, my feelings have not changed. Holds itself well for a mystery, has an interesting protagonist, and is visually beautiful. I would like to know more about this story, but that would mean reading the light novels. It may be low on the list because of it being a glorified commercial, but I would recommend this anime regardless.
9. Devilman Crybaby (2018)
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Once you have seen this list as a whole, you’ll notice that most of the stuff I’ve seen last year was on the lighter side. You can blame Devilman for that because I needed some fluff for a morale boost after watching that! However, I didn’t place it at the bottom of the list for a reason and that’s because I recognize this anime as the game changer it is. Devilman is both visually and narratively different from what we’re used to in anime and we, as a community, need more of that. We need more shows that start up conversations on not just meaning, morals or symbolism, but rather on what we want to see and how trends should change. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve yet to recover from this show, so I’m going to look at some pictures of adorable puppers.
8. Pop Team Epic (2018)
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Apparently, a LOT of people didn’t like Pop Team Epic and the attention that it was getting. I...don’t quite get it? I guess you can be allergic to fun? Sure, it was weird and off the wall, but that OP was a banger, though! Okay, so the humor didn’t jive with everyone, but it sure jived with me!
7. Aggretsuko (2018)
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A fun look into the life of a young individual stuck in an average desk job (except, you know, with animals), Aggretsuko was an honest to goodness surprise for me last year and I’m glad it’s getting a second season. 
6. Violet Evergarden (2018)
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I’m sure that there are going to be a lot of people that will be mad at me for not putting this higher, especially since I think it’s this high to begin with on its merits of being a beautifully animated show alone. Yes, it had some really good character moments and one episode that got me very emotionally invested, but for some reason I find this spot to be just right. Hey, it beat out six other shows, right?
5. Interviews with Monster Girls (2017)
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If ya’ll aren’t angry now hahaha!
Seriously, be thankful that my bias only had this anime this far. What bias is that? As sad as it sounds, this show opened up my eyes to the wonder that is Sakie Satou aka my new, overall, waifu. 
Sakie aside, this show has a lot going for it. I can just imagine if this kind of story was handled by anyone else our main protagonist, Tetsuo Takahashi, would have been some bland self-insert with no personality, but instead, he’s one of the show’s strong points. For one, Tetsuo is a freakin’ adult and freakin’ acts like one. Second, instead of a generic, lean body type, he’s pretty jacked which I like to think provides some manservice for those looking for it.
IwMG is a delight and you should check it out if you haven’t already.
4. Hinamatsuri (2018)  
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Hinamatsuri was considered to be not only the best comedy anime of 2018, but the best anime, period, of 2018. Those claims are easily understood because the show has many things going for it: comedic timing, slapstick, and a variety of interesting characters. I’ve already said my piece when I reviewed it earlier, so all I have to say is to check out Hinamatsuri for a good laugh or seven.
3. Teasing Master Takagi-san (2018)
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This show has charmed me so much. It was such a surprise. However, I’m going to keep this short because any longer will leave me gushing over and over again about how freakin’ precious these two kids are.
2. Nichijou (2011)
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Nichijou is such a delight! The pacing, rhythm, and slapstick are ALL on point! I remember seeing some images back in the day and wasn’t all that impressed, but it wasn’t until one or two years ago that I came across some actual footage and was left impressed. A truly hilarious show with its own style. Go and watch this if you need a laugh.
1. My Hero Academia [S1] (2016)
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So, yeah, I was about two years late to this party, eh? But after two years of seeing a lot of my friend fall head over heels for MHA, I thought, “Enough is enough, time to see if all this hype is merited.”
It was, it so freakin’ was.
I paced myself as best as I could thinking that I could space out the (current) three seasons because I’m not huge into binge watching, but I practically watched the first two seasons back to back. I enjoyed it that much! Heck, it got my brother to start watching it and he’s not that big into the anime scene! However, between the first two seasons, I felt that the first season was the stronger of the two and thus its place on this list. 
Sorry for this being WAY late, but I’m glad to have finally finished this. Here’s to another year of being a huge nerd! Hooray!
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redditnosleep · 7 years
My Student Submitted The Most Disturbing "Living History" Project I've Ever Seen
by gretelcat
One of my least favorite parts about being a middle school history teacher is the bullshit “Living History” assignments we give at the end of every school year. Kids are supposed to sit with their grandparents and video tape, voice record, or transcribe their oldest memories for posterity (and for an easy way to bring up their GPA).
I have been doing this for seventeen years, and when I collected the projects this time around, I assumed they would be as dull, if not duller than usual. This had not been a particularly bright class.
So I went home, poured myself a glass of wine, and prepared for a long night of “I only owned two pairs of pants when I was your age” and “My brother got beat with a newspaper for hitting a baseball into a neighbor’s yard.” And of course, these projects were peppered with innocent, old-person comments that were so horribly sexist and racist you just had to laugh.
Now, I had a girl in my class whom I will call Olivia. She was pudgy, quiet, and proved herself a consistent B student. I expected her project to be as unremarkable as her, and perhaps that’s why I was so profoundly disturbed by what I witnessed that night.
Olivia had submitted two discs for some reason, so I began with the one marked “interview.” My screen hiccupped twice before a grainy image of a living room came into view. The place was a hoarder’s hell. Olivia was curled up in an armchair clutching a notebook and looking like a scared animal. Across from her sat a man with a somber countenance, smoking a cigarette and staring at her expectantly.
“Go ahead,” a woman’s voice whispered from behind the camera. Olivia’s owlish eyes flashed towards the screen, then back to the man.
“I am here with my Great Uncle Stephen,” she began almost inaudibly. “He is going to tell us about his oldest memories from being in the army.”
Great Uncle Stephen looked like he’d rather be in a goddamn trench at the moment, but he waited patiently for the questions to begin.
Not surprisingly, Olivia read verbatim from the suggested questions sheet I had handed out to the students. He answered her curtly. Once or twice I heard her mother whisper “speak up, Olivia” from behind the camera. Typical, boring shit.
So I was intrigued when Olivia set down the notebook and asked, “Did you like being in the army?”
That was totally off-script. Great Uncle Stephen emitted a chain smoker’s wheeze. “Nope. Glad to get out of my town though.”
“Where did you go?”
“Uh-huh,” she said. I doubted she knew what the Balkans were, and my suspicion was confirmed when she asked, “Was Baukiss very different from here?”
Mom cleared her throat from behind the camera, perhaps encouraging Great Uncle Stephen to be a little more forthcoming.
But Olivia seemed genuinely interested. “Uncle Stephen,” she asked, “what is your very worst memory from the army?”
The old man crushed his cigarette in the ashtray and then slowly lifted himself out of his chair. “I’ll be back,” he mumbled. The camera cut off.
When the screen flashed back on, everything was the same except Great Uncle Stephen had several pieces of paper in plastic sleeves laid atop all the crap sitting on his coffee table. One, he held in his hand.
“I was a kid when I enlisted,” he said, looking at Olivia. “Your brother’s age,” he told her. Olivia nodded. “I never saw combat. Both of my deployments were to cities in Eastern Europe that had been destroyed by civil wars. Everything was a mess. I felt like a janitor for fuck’s sa-”
“Ahem!” Mom coughed.
Great Uncle Stephen sighed and looked at his paper. “My unit was assigned to a school that had been obliterated by all the violence. Broken windows, caved in rooms – and for some reason, the part that got to me the most was that the school had been like this for years before we got there. No one had lifted a finger to fix it. I saw kids walk by it on their way to go beg for money or whatever shit they did-”
The camera dipped towards the floor as I heard Mom whisper harshly at Great Uncle Stephen. I couldn’t make out what she was saying, but it wasn’t hard to imagine.
“Do you want to hear this goddamn story or not?” I heard him bark in response. “Then you better let me tell it how I want.”
“Mom,” Olivia chimed. “Please stop interrupting.”
“Are you presenting this in front of the class?”
“No, Mom, we’re just handing it in to the teacher.”
“I’m sure he’s heard the word shit before,” Great Uncle Stephen contributed helpfully. I wasn’t a “he” as a matter of fact, but other than that the statement was accurate.
The camera was lifted and after a couple of blurry focus adjustments, the shot was the same as before.
“Ahh I’m talking too much anyway,” he grumbled. He lifted the piece of paper in his hand close to his face. “In the basement, I found this letter. I didn’t know what it said but I had a buddy of mine translate it. So I’m gonna read it now. And then I’ll tell you what I saw in that basement.”
A chill ran down my spine. Mom zoomed in to Great Uncle Stephen and his letter. His palsied hands trembled as he held up the paper. This is what he read:
Dear Sir,
I never loved my country. So many of these skirmishes are born from patriotism, a power struggle for the shards of a once-great empire, but I do not care what name my home has on a map. This fighting is senseless and I stay as far away from it as I can.
It was not these attacks and disorganized violence that took the lives of my wife and child. It was illness. Mercifully, it happened quickly for the baby. Nadja suffered for longer. I watched in horror knowing I could do nothing for them. My only solace is that I was there for them every step of the way. I stopped going to work one day, and no one came after me. I doubt they noticed I was gone. Since the school was simply across a field, visible from my window, it would have been easy to go for a few hours each day and come home quickly to care for them. But what was the point? All I did was clean floors. I was as useless to the world as I was to my family.
I tried to take Nadja to the hospital, but the journey was too long and taxing. I brought her home and she died that night.
After Nadja and the baby were gone… well, I don’t remember much. I didn’t leave my hovel, barely ate and slept, thought many times of taking my own life. Tempting though it was, I felt paralyzed by my own helplessness.
The one thing that kept me sane was my radio. I never turned it off once. Even though I didn’t listen to the words being said – in fact, the channel I got the clearest was in English (I think) which I don’t speak a lick of. But the voices, the music, and the true knowledge that life existed beyond this violent city sustained me.
I have no idea how long passed before I saw the light of day again. I was dizzy from hunger, so finding food was my priority. My radio came with me, of course. Since I first holed myself up, it has gone everywhere with me. It talks to me as I sleep and as I wake. I don’t know what it’s saying, but I know I would die without it.
Once I had some water and food, it occurred to me that the only thing left to do was go back to work. So I did. The following morning, I simply returned to the school where I was a janitor and got back to work.
Nobody made a big deal out of it. Like I said, Nadja had been sick for a long time, and those who worked at the school knew it. I appreciate that no one had pestered me to come back to work during the hardest days of my life. The teachers never said much to me, but we smiled at each other in the halls and that mutual respect was perhaps the reason I decided to come back at all.
The place had gone to the dogs without me, so I simply grabbed my broom and rags from my closet and set to cleaning. Everyone is grateful to have me back, I know. And the best part is that nobody minds my radio. I bring it with me everywhere and keep the volume low enough not to disrupt the students. No one has ever complained. In fact, I suspect they like it.
The schoolhouse is not very big, but does require a lot of maintenance. The floors are always sticky and stained, so I spend most of my time mopping. Kids make messes – I guess that’s why I’m still in business. Sometimes I have to move things around to make sure I get every spot on the floor beautiful and clean, but I take pride in that.
And the repairs! The school always needs tune-ups here and there, and I am happy to help. Some days I’m reconstructing a desk that broke as I whistle along with the radio, other times I handle more serious, structural issues. Days when I have work like this, I feel truly instrumental, like a cog in a larger machine. How could this school survive without me? It took me a long time, but I once again feel that I have purpose.
There is a larder behind the school that is full of preserved food. In lieu of payment, I am allowed to take as much food as I need. That arrangement is fine – what would I do with money anyway? I used to bring the food back to my home, just one field away from the school, but when I started sleeping in the basement no one seemed to notice. This school is special to me and I cannot leave it unguarded.
When I am besieged with memories of my wife and baby, I turn up the volume on the radio to drown out such thoughts. It works for me every time.
Except this morning.
Because this morning, I woke up to dead silence.
I frantically examined the radio to see what had happened. I honestly cannot tell you how many days in a row I have been using it. Did it simply live out its life and die naturally? I have spent the entire day trying to fix it. Most of this time, I have been crying. I am losing my mind without it.
I have given myself until sundown. If I cannot fix it by then, I am going to take my life. I am writing this because the sunlight is starting to die and I know what my fate shall be.
I have thought about taking one last walk through the halls of my school, saying goodbye to the students and teachers. I know I will be missed. But I cannot bring myself to leave this room. I cannot go anywhere knowing that my radio is dead in here.
There are no more tears in me. It feels now like I can’t catch my breath. I vomited what little food I had in my stomach and I am growing dizzy again, like I did after Nadja died. I am not long for this world.
But before I take my life, I have closed the door to this room and stuck a chair beneath the handle. It is the only room in the basement and has a small casement that lets in just enough light for me to see what I am doing. If anyone is kind enough to come looking for me, they should not be met with this gruesome sight. Perhaps they will see the door is blocked, smell my rotting body, and simply forget I ever existed.
But I have placed both my radio and this note outside the door. Kind sir, if you are reading this, I have one humble request: please fix it. Save my radio. It did not deserve to die in its sleep and I am ashamed that I cannot revive it.
Now I am ready to join Nadja and little Ludmilla in heaven. I hope this school can find another janitor who loves and cares for it the way I do.
The hour is now. Do not forget my radio.
When Mom zoomed back out, Olivia had tears in her eyes. “Thank you for sharing, Uncle Stephen,” Mom said, her voice choked. “I think we have enough.”
“Wait!” Olivia chirped. “He said there’s more. What did you find?”
Before Great Uncle Stephen could open his mouth, the image disappeared. My jaw dropped. Was that it? What did Great Uncle Stephen see?
I promptly remembered that there was a second disc. This one was unmarked, but I hoped it contained the rest of the interview.
There was no video, only audio. The voice that started up was Olivia’s.
“Hi Miss Gerrity. I’m sorry about my mom, but she refused to record the rest of what my uncle was saying. But I asked him to continue and secretly recorded the story as a voice memo on my phone. I remember you said earlier this year that history is written by the people who win wars.” She sucked in a breath and commenced crying. “But everyone’s history is important, even if they are sad, pathetic people and even if they never won a single thing in their life. I haven’t slept through the night since I finished this project, but you have to hear what my uncle has to say.”
There were tears in my eyes, too. The sincerity of her words was beautiful. I was also flattered that she had remembered some trite phrase I threw around because it was what my history teachers said to me.
Before I got too sappy over it, the audio began again.
“Fine,” came Mom’s frustrated voice. “If you want to hear the rest of the story, fine, but this is not appropriate for a school project.”
“Let me finish,” Great Uncle Stephen snapped. “If it’s too much for you, help yourself to a snack in the kitchen. But Olivia wants to know what happened.”
I heard her mother mumble something and walk away. Olivia and her uncle were alone. I imagined her looking at him expectantly.
“So did you find the radio? Or did it get ruined when the school got blown up?”
He rasped and I heard the distinct click of a lighter. “That letter,” he began slowly, “had a date on it.”
“What date?” she inquired hungrily.
“It was dated two weeks before we started rebuilding the school.”
“Didn’t you say the school had been destroyed like two years ago?”
“Yes,” replied Great Uncle Stephen. “It had been.”
There was silence as I felt goosebumps on my arms. The images that came to my mind were almost too overwhelming to express, but Great Uncle Stephen put them into words effortlessly. Clearly he had spent his whole life thinking about it.
“This man, this Stanislav, went to a vandalized, falling apart schoolhouse and cleaned up blood and rubble like it was spilled drinks and dust. He smiled at dead bodies in the hallway and believed they were smiling back at him because they liked his radio. He moved around corpses so he could sweep the ground under them. The roof was half collapsed, so when it rained, he must’ve gotten soaking wet but was so oblivious that he didn’t even feel a thing.” I could hear Olivia crying steadily. “I found the larder he was talking about. It was all pickled, preserved food that probably tasted like shit. Most of the stuff was moldy.”
“Did – did you see the dead body?”
“Yes. Hanging from the ceiling, but still amazingly… lifelike. He wasn’t rotting away. This hadn’t happened years ago.”
“Did he look peaceful?” she asked, a chord of desperation in her voice.
“Couldn’t tell you. The smell was rank, and his face was blue and his eyes were bulging. Like this.” I imagined him demonstrating.
“And the radio?” Olivia wept.
I heard Great Uncle Stephen take a long drag of his cigarette. “It was there, alright. And it was still on.”
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