#idk i havent rewatched season 7 in a while and i just. generally dont enjoy this plot so i think i just get kinda irritated by everything
bvtchcas · 1 year
see the thing about 7x03 is that like. you can empathise with amy in the sense that like. having to choose between murdering random people and letting your kid die is a difficult situation to be in.
HOWEVER that doesnt change the fact that she DOES murder a bunch of people and there is absolutely zero reason to believe that she wouldnt do that again? like that is the choice she would make in that situation and they do not find any way to prevent that same situation from arising again.
and like yeah sure from a doyalist perspective you can talk about the way non human-murder food options affect monsters- e.g. vampires can feed off animal blood but it means they are constantly suffering, kitsune can feed off humans who have been dead for a bit, but it sucks and it makes them sick. They are punished for attempting to make the choices that the show frames as the moral ones.
but in terms of the decisions the characters make, being like 'wow that situation sucks its not fair that these are your only options' doesnt actually usually prevent them from killing those they deem monsters. there isnt actually any reason for this to be different other than that sam personally likes amy cuz he had a crush on her when they were kids.
idk idk idk i just always find it frustrating when they will have one of the brothers do something that they both do routinely and then frame it as wildly shocking and depraved. like they do this all the time? this is not worse than the other times just because sams feelings are hurt this time
(I do think the interaction between dean and the kid at the end was like. bad and also kinda ooc tho i can definitely buy that as being a symptom of dean just being utterly dead inside or whatever, but that part is basically just skimmed over and its the killing amy part that gets returned to)
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bisummers · 7 years
Buffyverse tagging meme: got tagged by @lesbian-killers and @bufffysummers  | ty for tagging me and sorry about the delay! 
*I'll do this for btvs only. I haven't seen ats or read the comics in full so i’m gonna skip everything involving those. Please see under the cut!
*top fifteen characters? 
In order: 
Then in no particular order: Cordelia, Anya, Dawn, Willow, Glory, The Mayor, Jenny, Angelus, Oz, Harmony, Andrew
*favorite minor characters?
Kendra, Holden, Clem, Cassie, D’Hoffryn, Olivia, Jonathan, the Gentlemen, Mr. Trick, Ethan Rayne... (probably forgetting a lot)
*ranking of favorite seasons of both shows?
I think there's a difference between what's arguably the best produced and scripted seasons vs the seasons i enjoyed the most... so I'll do both.
My faves are 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 but critically, i think the seasons go more like 5, 3, 2, 6, 7, 4, 1.
*top ten episodes of both shows?
In no particular order: 
once more wt feeling
becoming part. 2
conversations wt dead people
bad girls
band candy
who are you
(this is probably not 100% accurate cause i haven't rewatched enough times to have them all fresh in my mind, but that's the general idea. Also, want to note the body is a magnificently done episode but i don’t love to suffer That Much so i can't add it to the list. That goes for normal again, too.)
*ats or btvs?
I don't think any show will ever surpass my love for Btvs tbh.
*least favorite main character?
Xander can be Too Much sometimes... Angelus is a great villain, but Angel was so uncomfortable to watch most times... and Riley is just boring and pointless
*top ten ships?
Ok this will be both romantic and platonic cause i don't ship enough people together.
Romantic cannon: tillow, calendiles
Romantic non cannon: fuffy, mehane, tara/buffy
Platonic: dawn/tara, buffy/giles, faith/mayor, anya/money, giles/joyce(a lil romantic too ngl band candy ruined me)
*do you write fanfic?
Nope, my only adventures in writing where rpgs long before i watched Btvs.
*what fanfic do you read?
For btvs i've only ever read one-shots done in ask games. I should probably get on that, i've seen so many interesting recommendations, but honestly recently i've found it very hard to keep the attention required for reading stuff that is not in comic form.
*when did you start watching? 
Hmm... i think early 2013.
*show recommendations for Buffyverse fans?
Besides watching other Whedon shows - at your own risk - I have a hard time comparing other shows to Btvs. Sorry!
*do you own/collect anything related to the shows?
Lol yeah... I have a several btvs posters on my walls (ex.), I got the library hardcover edition of season 8, Demons from the Hellmouth, the btvs coloring book, the full dvd set, t-shirts... and i guess technically it doesn't count, but i have bought an embarrassing amount of clothing in attempts to mimic Buffy's style.
*how often will you watch an episode?
I have seen many a random episodes a lot of times while working on graphics so i really dont have a count. On average I dont go more that 3 weeks without watching btvs one way or another.
*how many times have you watched either show all the way through?
I have rewatched btvs in full 3 times, i think. But I’ve done partial rewatches a lot.
*five unpopular opinions?
I don’t ship Buffy with any of her cannon relationships on the show at all.
I don't think Tillow should have been endgame if Tara hadn't died.
I may harbor more resentment than most people for the way the scoobies treat Buffy and their friendship. I'm pretty hard on Xander and Willow.
I love season 1 and all it's camp and outdated corniness.
I think season 4 has some merit. Granted Riley, Adam as the big bad, and the initiative plot line was pretty bad and there is some other episodes that really bomb, but i lot of amazing stuff comes out of this season. TARA, Hush, Who Are You, Family, Restless... 
*least favorite thing about the fandom?
I could say the usual (willow is gay! Dawn is a great character!), but Ive picked my crowd wisely and i dont follow anyone who has sexist or homophobic opinions about the show. So i guess what im saying is i havent truly experienced grievances in the way other people have.
I do think more people should know and follow Passion of the Nerd because it really adds a lot to your buffy experience to watch the episode reviews.
I tag whichever mutuals hasn’t done this yet! I have been offline so idk who that may be but maybe @catty-words or @drelliotreidmd @onceuponaslayer? Really, everyone should do it!
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