#if he was feeling a bit neglected and out of the loop. there's also the matter of misha's gf not being
found--family · 3 months
am i the only one who sensed some jilted lover vibes from jensen? 
#burcon#cockles#thoughts#at the start of the panel and through a few particular interactions he seemed very standoffish#he was giving a little bitter and hurt and perhaps even resentful - maybe he only learned of misha's gf#at this con too! maybe it was news to him. on top of not seeing misha for months i can understand#if he was feeling a bit neglected and out of the loop. there's also the matter of misha's gf not being#in a poly thing with jensen and dee like vicki was ie. what she has with misha is seperate so i'm sure#that's another difficult thing to deal with knowing their time together is strictly separate#i've no doubt he wants misha to have a partner and be happy but there's an adjustment period#letting new people into your life and whoever misha's partner is now or in the future is going to#affect jensen on a personal level and moreover his relationship with misha. it's all very intriguing#and while i like what little i've seen and heard about this woman for misha i just think no matter who#she is it's going to take a toll on jensen's relationship w misha. i thought it was plain to see on jensen's face#during their panel: numerous moments where he was giving a poker face that wasn't covering a laugh#but instead like he was trying to smooth out his bitterness. or so my eyes and brain and heart tell me.#just various moments where things looked uncomfortable and jensen making off-colour jokes that didn't land#and which furthermore were barbed and snarky - not in their usual banter way but like he was lashing out#and using the excuse of chaotic panel convo to explain away his comedic pitfalls. but again maybe i'm#looking to much into it? idk. there are some lovely moments! fun and caring moments - but they#mainly came from misha's direction ngl. it seemed like misha was trying hard to keep the peace#while jensen was just running his mouth on comments and jokes that kept not landing - for me#everyone on my dash is loving their dynamic this panel - and i want to feel that love! it is possible that#learning misha has a gf has skewed my perception a little like i'm putting context onto moments#i otherwise wouldn't. but i also think i would've laughed and generally felt better watching their panel#if that was the case. idk. whatever the reason i do think something was OFF between them on stage#and it was coming from jensen from the start. misha picked up on it partway though but things felt#a little strained throughout. like jensen wasn't looking at misha as much as usual or reaching out for him#misha tried to salvage and not react to things. but both their answers to the last Q were passive aggressive af#and when they left the stage together they weren't close or touching or chatting like they usually are...
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klemen-tine · 24 days
Blowing Raspberries Part 2
Batfam x Male!Reader Platonic
@jaythes1mp Finally the 2nd part is out! A bit short but I genuinely felt there wasn't much needed.
Part 1
TW: Child Neglect and just Yandere themes
Living full time with the Waynes was different. It shouldn’t be, because he’s lived here before. Even if it wasn’t permanent, he still knew the ins and outs of the manor and the daily lives of each member of this family. 
He watched the television numbly, feeling Dick’s fingers carding through his hair and twisting and twirling each lock. The difference was the Wayne family. Underneath the smiles and gentle gestures, Y/N could see the underlying desires and wants in each movement. A desire that Y/N has seen art collectors view paintings that are not in their collection. The want and need to have it with them at all times. 
Y/N could almost see it. In their eyes, he was no longer the brother that came and went, but now a piece of the collection that they had bought from the original collector. 
‘I’m being dramatic.’ Y/N thought, focusing back on the movie and trying to ease his fears about everything. Just because they bought the company,which he was still better about, does not mean they own him. They would never do that to him. 
He also believed that about them buying the company. 
“Y/N, is everything okay?” Dick asked, peering down at his older brother who was looking dazed. Y/N smiled, “Just thinking.” 
“About what? Maybe I can help.” Y/N smiled and Dick, and when Dick smiled back, there was absolutely no way that Dick could do that to him. 
“About this situation.” Dick looked confused momentarily, “What situation?” Y/N blinked in shock, digesting the words before slowly sitting up so he could face his brother, “This situation. Me being here indefinitely now, the family company is no longer mine…” 
Dick cocked his head to the side, “There’s nothing to think about though.” Y/N’s smile was tense as he processed what Dick said, “Yes. Yes, there is Dick.” Blue eyes continued to stare at him in confusion, “Like what?” 
“...Seriously?” Y/N sat up, and for a minute, he felt Dick’s hands tighten in his hair before they let go. Dick furrowed his brow before realization crashed into him, “Oh! You mean living here!” Before Y/N could say anything, Dick leaned against Y/N’s shoulder, “What’s there to think about? The only difference is that you are now living here 24/7.” 
Y/N chuckled, “Just because you guys bought the company doesn’t mean I live here.” Dick’s gaze turned cold before he began pouting, and Y/N had wondered if he momentarily hallucinated it. Dick let out a loud groan, “But you can’t leave! Y/N, what on earth are we going to do?” Y/N laughed, “The same you have always done, Dickie. Besides, for what it is worth, I’ll be here for a few more days.” Dick smiled up at him, “You better be. Dropping contact like that.” There was something dark in his voice that Y/N chalked up to him still being upset. 
Y/N continued to chuckle, his attention now returning back to the t.v. They watched it together for hours, browsing through different channels and watching different shows. It was just like when they were younger, Dick leaning against Y/N who flicked through the channels. Only now, there was an arm strategically looped with Y/N’s, and the man could feel the muscles underneath Dick’s skin that although weren’t flexed, they were a little tense. 
Almost like Dick was expecting Y/N to leave. It was kind of unsettling.
“Master Y/N, your father is on the phone.” Y/N looked up at Alfred with a confused look, “Okay, thank you Alfie.” Dick’s grip tightened momentarily before he released his hold and let Y/N get up from the couch. Alfred passed the phone to Y/N, and he had a moment of confusion as to why his father called the Wayne landline instead of Y/N’s phone 
‘Why the hell aren’t you picking up your phone?!’ Y/N pulled the phone away from the phone momentarily, letting his ears ring before placing the phone next to his other ear, “What are you talking about? You haven’t called.” 
‘Do not lie to me Y/N! I have been calling you for days, and I expect an answer!’ Y/N’s face morphed into confusion as he pulled out his phone and looked at his notifications, “Father, I am seeing no calls from you.” Y/N flicked through their messages, phone logs, even voicemail but there was nothing. 
He heard his father sigh irritably on the other side of the line, and Y/N fought back a shiver. Taking a deep breath, Y/N stilled his racing heart and continued the conversation, “Okay, since you have me on the phone, what is it that you wanted to talk about?” 
‘The bloody Waynes!’ There was no way Dick didn’t hear it, but a quick glance at the man and he was on his phone. Returning his attention to the call, Y/N’s father was still screeching and yelling about the family. 
‘-and you! You probably helped them out with that!’ 
‘Yes you! You don’t think I don’t know about you running to that manor whenever I am gone? Ridiculous! It is your fault the company was bought!’ Y/N felt heat rise to his cheeks and fire lit in his chest, “You were the one who signed the papers! How is it my fault?” 
‘You idiot! Do you think I had a choice?! If it weren’t for you, that company would still be mine!’ 
“What do you mean you didn’t have a choice?” Before he could answer, another person  joined in on the call, ‘Mr. L/N, to what do I owe the pleasure of you having called my manor phone?’
‘Mr.-Mr. Wayne.’
“Bruce?” He could hear the other hum, ‘Y/N, you can hop off. I need to talk to Mr. L/N.’ The heat in Y/N’s chest dimmed, and instead ice began to fill his veins, “Um, no it’s okay Bruce. I can talk to him–” 
‘Y/N.’ There’s a way he said it, one that left no room for arguments, that had Y/N blinking in shock. His body frozen and eyes wide, he pressed the button without really thinking about it. It wasn’t Bruce who said his name, but Batman. 
Y/N wanted to call back and tell Bruce off, but Alfred was quick to take the phone away and someone had grabbed his hand. He met the exhausted blue eyes of Tim,  and worry eclipsed his feeling of irritation at the sight of those bags under his eyes. 
“Oh my God, Tim! When was the last time you slept?” Y/N herded his younger brother to the couch where Dick was still sitting and gently plopped the teen between the two of them. Tim groaned, collapsing against Dick who wrapped his arms around his younger brother, “Wednesday.” 
“It's Sunday!” 
“What do you mean ‘oh.’” Y/N shook his head and did everything in his power to make Tim comfortable enough for him to get some sleep. Which wasn't hard. As soon as Y/N threw a blanket over his thin body, Tim had knocked out against Dick. Dick was content being a pillow for his younger brother, having his arm resting on Tim’s body as the other continued to sleep. 
Y/N hummed, smiling at his younger brothers and placing his phone call with his father on pause. 
The strangeness of his current living situation wouldn’t come to light again until a few days later, when the bruises have turned yellow and the feeling of being restricted started feeling like a collar around the neck rather than iron bars. Y/Ns had tried, multiple times, to leave the manor. While he does see the manor as home, it doesn’t replace the other manor he grew up in. 
“I’m not a captive, I can go and I am going home.” He stared into Damian’s blazing green eyes, the youngest Wayne being the one to stand in the way of Y/N and the door. Damian’s face in a scowl and his arms crossed, he glared at his oldest brother. 
“You cannot.” His voice clipped and short, and Y/N wanted to roll his eyes, “Dami, why can’t I leave?” 
“Because you belong here. Everything you need is here.” 
“I understand that Dami, however the L/N Manor is also my home and I need to go back to it.” Damian shook his head, “No you don’t. This is your home.” It was like Y/N was talking to a parrot who kept repeating the same sentence over and over again. No matter the amount of reasoning or explanations given. He fought to bury his face in his hands, and instead he opted to suck on his cheek in irritation. 
“You’re making it sound like if I leave, then I am not coming back.” Damian’s green eyes steeled and his nose scrunched in a way to fight off a pout. Y/N furrowed his brow, wondering where this tantrum was coming from. Damian was above tantrums, finding them childish and pathetic, however he wasn’t above pouting. Y/N had gotten used to Damian’s pouting faces, and even  knew how to combat them. 
However, this whole thing was new. Not once has Damian ever fought this hard for Y/N to stay. 
“Damian, what is going on?” Y/N stared down at the boy, who looked like he had swallowed a lemon. He swiveled his head around when he heard footsteps approaching the foyer and sighed in relief that it was Alfred. 
“Alfie, what on earth is going on?” The old butler raised an eyebrow, “Perhaps we should have this conversation over some tea.” It was said in a tone that Y/N knew not to argue with, and he gave Damian one last glance before following the older man into the dining room where a tea set was ready for them. 
Y/N buried his head in his hands and groaned, “Alfie, what is going on in this household?” The near silent clink of a porcelain cup being placed in front of him had him reaching for the delicate handle. The butler sat next to Y/N, reaching for his own cup and taking a small inhale of the steam that was carrying the scent of oranges and chocolate, “They are being a bit difficult.” 
“A bit?” Y/N let out a chuckle and stared at Alfred in shock, “Dick is acting like I don’t have a manor to go back to, Tim is being Tim, Jason pretends he can’t read on his own and wants me there when he does decides to pick a book from the library, and now Dami.” Y/N tapped the table with his fingernail, feeling the frustration digging into his skin, “Bruce is the worst of them. Asking a wall to change colors is easier than asking Bruce to be honest.” 
Some part of Y/N was still bitter over Bruce acquiring the L/N family business, and he was trying desperately to understand it from that man’s perspective. Key word was ‘trying’ because he couldn’t wrap his head around it. Bruce knows how much that company means to Y/N, and how hard Y/N had worked for it. 
Sure, Bruce says he can still manage it, but it means nothing if the company is not his. He’d have to answer to Bruce and Tim. Just thinking about it pisses him off so much. 
Alfred nodded, “Oh trust me, I know. It seems they all inherited his stubbornness.” The manor’s residential grandfather figure understood each inhabitant perfectly, watching them grow up into the people they are today. 
Y/N groaned, sipping the hot tea and sighing as the liquid warmed his throat and chest, “Like, is all of this a joke?” Alfred rested a hand on his shoulder, and Y/N could see the apology in his eyes. He sighed heavily and returned his attention forward, tracing a finger around the rim of the tea cup and staring into his own reflection. 
It was all a joke. It had to be, right? “Y/N.” He looked up and Bruce was standing in the doorway. His expression relaxed, but Y/N has been around the man long enough to know that those tense shoulders are those prepared to give less than savory news. Alfred removed himself from the table, and Bruce took the seat next to Y/N. 
“How have you been adjusting?” Y/N raised an eyebrow, “There’s no adjusting Bruce. Every one of you is making it seem like I am going to stay forever.” Bruce gave him a sad smile, and Y/N glared at the look, “What?” 
“Y/N, your father sold the manor. There is no L/N estate anymore.” The floor feels as though it is opening up and about to swallow him whole. Y/N could feel his heart stop and the air leave his lungs like it was a punch. The world going blank and his eyes could only focus on the painting behind Bruce’s head. 
The manor was sold? His home, and everything in there, gone? Just like that? 
Faint memories of giggles and smiles filled his mind, his memory unable to conjure up the face of his mother but he remembers her laugh. Back when times were good and his father wasn’t an asshole. When he didn’t have to seek comfort in the arms of his neighbor and try and fill the hole in his chest with lost boys and girls that he sees as his siblings. 
All of it was gone. 
“-uca, I need you to breathe.” There’s a hand on his arm, the chair is no longer under him. Y/N can see blue eyes staring into his own as he began to realize that they were on the ground, sitting. Or, more like Y/N was sitting and Bruce is kneeling. His face pulled to the center of his face with worry, and Y/N is only now aware of how fast he is breathing. 
His hand reached towards his chest and clutched the fabric of his shirt, trying desperately to find something to cling onto as the air continued to get pulled out of his lungs. He couldn’t feel his legs or his other arm to be exact, and the when he tried to voice that all that came out were gasps. 
“Y/N, can you hear me?” A nod. 
“Good, I need you to find five things you can see. When you do, nod for me.” Easy, it was such as easy task but Y/N still found difficulty focusing his vision enough to see even at least three things. However, he finally found it and he nodded. Relief flooded over Bruce’s face, and he gave an encouraging smile, “Good. That’s amazing Y/N, now find four things you can hear.” 
That is how they spent their next few minutes, Bruce counting down the five senses while Y/N slowly came to his. Once he could feel the floor beneath him and more movement in his limbs, he sagged forward and into Bruce’s arms. 
“I need to call him. I need to call-” Bruce’ phone was already in his hands, and Y/N didn’t even question why it was Bruce’s phone and no his. 
He dialed a number he had memorized by heart and held the device close to ear. The damn thing didn’t even ring, ‘I’m sorry. The number you have dialed has either been disconnected or no longer exists–’ 
A sob on his lips as the weight of it all began crashing on him. The family company gone, the manor, and now this. It was like the universe wanted to take everything that made him a L/N  gone. 
“Y/N, I am sorry. I don’t know why he did that…” Bruce consoled the son that was never his. Always within arms reach and always a mile away. Always a brush on the fingertips but never in their hands. Until now. 
Finally, after so many years of waiting patiently for Y/N to see, here he is in his arms. Here is their strong oldest sibling crying in his father-figures arms because his real father wants nothing to do with him. It took some encouragement, but finally he was theirs.’ 
Bruce held him tight, his strong arms wrapped around those soldiers that carried too much, and blue eyes met green. Damian stood in front of the door and he watched the interaction take place. A nod to his son and the youngest was gone, without a doubt moving to go and tell the others of the news. 
It took ten minutes to get Y/N off the floor and onto the sofa in the lounge room, where Jason and Dick were waiting for him. After passing him to their waiting arms and better worded promises, Bruce carefully peeled himself away from the Y/N and began making his way back to his study. 
One thne doors were shut, he pulled out a phonme and began to a dial the most recent number. They picked up on the first ring and Bruce couldn’t help but to smile, “Mr. L/N, thank you for all you have done. Y/N is now in good hands.” 
“...My son–” 
“Will be happier. You have done your role, Mr. L/N.” He listened as the other seethed on the other side of the line, “Mr. Wayne–” 
“Rememer your side of the contract Mr. L/N. No more contact with Y/N, and you get to keep all this money you earned from selling both the business and the manor. You can continue to live out your days in Cabo, with your other family.” 
The line went silent, and when he head the shaky exhale, Bruce smiled victoriously, “Take care, Mr. L/N. For your sake, I hope we never speak again.” He hung up, and Bruce couldn’t help but to smile. Finally, after years of watching and waiting, it has finally all come togethe. The final link in the chain forY/N to remain here. 
It was hard getting Mr.L/N addicted to Cabo, and evern harder to get him to find someone worth marrying and staring a family with. However, it all paid off. The business was his, and Y/N will still manage that, and the L/N Manor is now Bruce’s which he’s not too sure what he’ll do with. 
Maybe a surprise gift for Y/N, but then again, that would mean Y/N would be leaving again. 
“Hey Bruce, we’re gonna watch a movie soon to help Y/N feel better. Did you wanna join?” Tim’s voice was muffled through the doors, but Bruce heard them nonetheless. He smiled as whe opened the door, “Sure, its important we are there for him during these times.” 
He’s finally with his real family. The family he should have been with from the start. 
And Scene
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toxi-works-at-culvers · 5 months
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timeline of michael my good friend michael :3
thoughts under the cut
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michael had a pretty decent childhood - his parents both loved him, even if his dad was a bit distant, he always made at least a little bit of time to play or hang out with him. once his siblings came along, though, he was pushed aside, ignored in favor of his younger brother and sister. naturally he has an angsty teen phase, but a lot of it is born from how he feels neglected and distant from his own family. he starts acting out, getting into trouble at school, behaving poorly even at home because it's the only way to get william's attention. unfortunately this ends up making a feedback loop: michael feels neglected -> acts out as a result of that -> william neglects him More because michael isn't fitting his mold of perfection
naturally, things get a lot worse after the bite of 83. william would never hurt his children but he does just straight up start giving michael the cold shoulder. and he'll yell at him. michael, of course, feels horrible soul-crushing guilt about what happened and it certainly doesn't help. his parents divorce, his sister dies, his social life is probably ruined after the bite, and he feels like he has no one left in his life to turn to. so he bottles everything up. slowly, over time, the spark in him fades and he becomes more quietly resentful and unhappy.
when william calls him asking him to go find his sister, he's more than happy to oblige - its the only way he feels like he can make anything right, the one good thing that he could do to maybe win back his father's favour. as you know this doesn't go as planned and he gets his insides scooped out <3
thoughts on the design: i wanted to visually show his progression from a happy, normal kid, to a rebellious teen, to an adult with crippling depression, and then a shambling ourple corpse <3 so as he ages his colors get more desaturated. i think it helps with showing where he's at mentally in his life. he looks a lot like william and thats on purpose, fnaf 2 + SL and what not. 'they thought i was you'. notably though michael is Not a pasty white boy he's half mexican. in my mind. you might've noticed i didnt mention fnaf 2 in the image which is because uhhhmmmm. im still restructuring my timeline so im not sure what to do with it. also i like the idea of frightguard(is that what we're calling it?) henry so thats why 3 has a question mark after it
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 5 months
Do you know any fics similar to The Mating Privilege or I Don’t Like the Way She’s Looking at You? Just some stories where Derek isn’t the *best* mate/bf/husband etc or they have to pretend to not be together and ends up with stiles feeling neglected or ignored.
I’ve also read “how I long for yesterday” and “worth it” for those that want something similar but not quite what I’m looking for!
First of all. "How I Long for Yesterday" is my fic. So this made my day.
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How I Long For Yesterday by sweetbutterbliss
(1/1 I 6,017 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles blinks, his throat going dry, and he moves his thumb without thinking - liking the post. He feels a surge of petty satisfaction. At least the fucker will know he knows now. He stands up, his body feeling too heavy, and he blows out the already guttering candles. He lets out a sob of frustration when the last one won’t fucking blow out. But he sucks it back in and bites down on his tongue, using his thumb and forefinger instead. He throws himself into their empty bed without undressing. He lies there repeating the words ‘Derek blew me off for Isaac’ over and over. He tells himself to shut up while rearranging his pillow violently, but he goes to sleep with the refrain continuing its painful loop.
Worth It by dragneels
(1/1 I 1,670 I General I Sterek)
He hadn’t thought even for a second, instincts roaring, and jumped in front of Derek, taking the blow. And then he got lost in the darkness. also known as the "stiles telling derek that he's worth everything" fic no one asked for
As the seconds tick by by Halevetica
(1/1 I 3,972 I Not Rated)
When Derek picks up a new contract, he starts showing up late and missing important dates making Stiles feel unimportant. Derek is sure the contract is worth it, but Stiles doesn't understand why.
I'm Torn Do I Stay Do I Go by Adaline_Stilinski
(2/2 I 6,963 I General)
Derek had been focusing on making alliances with other packs around Beacon Hills to protect his pack but in doing so he started to neglect Stiles and there relationship. Stiles get's sick of it and decided to leave for some time apart is it going to help be like the stories Stiles reads and write about how distance makes love grow or will they both realise that there better apart. Will tragedy bring them together
Aberration by JackalPinesOfHouseEvergreen
(11/? I 29,415 I Teen)
Derek is a hot-shot lawyer who is very focused on his work. Stiles is his loving husband who does his best to fit into Derek's high-class family. He's hit some major roadblocks though. He feels neglected and unloved, and worse when Derek ditches him at his own family's parties which leave him humiliated as he tries to appear like their marriage isn't failing.
As an old member comes during some important werewolf ceremony to stir the pot, Derek's relationship with his family and Stiles is tested more than ever. Derek's world has been rocked and turned upside down.
And Stiles? Stiles is trying to find out who he is in the absence of the one he loves. As much as he believes in Derek and in their relationship, Stiles needs to find his self-worth that got lost along the way. Remember the fire he had inside of him as he got in the face of those that looked down at him, the fierceness of his intelligence that made others fear and respect him. Remember how fun life was...
Derek and Stiles drift a bit as Derek realizes he has to woo Stiles again, because he will not risk losing the love of his life. Not again.
The Mating Privilege by Kikileduc
(12/12 I 35,380 I Mature)
Stiles and Derek have been happily mated. The pack is doing well, but in hopes of creating alliances for it to do better, Derek accepts a neighboring pack's request to allow two wolves to join the Hale-McCall pack for a full moon cycle. They hope to form a blood-tie, or at least a long term friendship between the two packs. The issue is Kohona, the tribal leader's daughter, has her eyes set on an unavailable alpha wolf. This could have drastic consequences for their young emissary, however...
Til We Ain't Strangers Anymore by WriteByNight
(7/7 I 35,994 I Explicit)
Stiles should've expected Derek to suddenly disappear since the werewolf was in the habit of taking off without notice. However, Derek always showed up when they needed him.
As the weeks pass by, Stiles is no longer confused and a little hurt. What started as heartache begins to get worse the longer Stiles goes without seeing Derek. Eventually, his body begins to shut down and his only hope seems to be Derek...but nobody can find him.
There's no cure for a broken heart. Except, maybe, the cause for the broken heart himself.
- - -
Or the one where Derek takes off without warning and Stiles finds out he could be Derek's mate and the distance between Derek and Stiles, along with Derek's refusal to develop the bond, is slowly killing Stiles. Without Derek, Stiles will die, but no one knows where he is or how to contact him. And Stiles is barely keeping it together.
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tiniedemon · 1 year
— ♡
poly kenny mccormick & kyle broflovski
— ♡
being stan’s twin had its perks, very occasionally. as his younger sibling, you got the protection of him. as shelly’s, you were bullied relentlessly. it didn’t help that your father, randy, was a loose cannon. not to mention the neglectful nature of your mother, sharon, who cared more about your siblings than about you.
as the (minutes younger) baby of the family, you were spoiled with material items, but never love. a new laptop every year, every gaming console as soon as it came out, every new game preordered. it just wasn’t the same as the bond your mother shared with your siblings, her true babies.
stan was your closest family member, which was a bit sad considering you had three others. many a night you spent in his room, the two of you venting about your shared distaste for your father. it truly felt like having a true friend for the first time in your life. you’d always struggled with making those in south park, a town full of angry kids, and having a built in best friend made things a lot easier.
you’d grown up playing with and hanging out with stan’s friends, especially kyle and kenny. the four of you shared a disdain for the other member of your friend group, eric. he was a pompous prick with little to no regard for anyone else’s feelings. his self-centered asshole mentality had carried into his teenage years, and into adulthood. he’d been disowned by your brother’s friends once they’d hit junior year of high school, which was a major relief for you.
you mulled over all of these things within the confines of your room, eyes on the ceiling, repeated sighs leaving your lips. your thoughts lingered on kenny and kyle, your only two friends in this world and, sadly, your crushes.
it was hard being friends with them in a way. they were dating, a long brewing relationship that developed over the course of sixteen years before they’d finally decided to get together. you were incredibly saddened by it, but it wasn’t like you couldn’t see them ever again.
they frequently joined in on yours and stan’s outings, but it was absolute torture for you. kenny was consistent in his pda with his boyfriend, and despite how much kyle protested it, he always wore a smile and gave in. you longed every day to be on the receiving end of kenny’s incessant kissing and hand holding, and kyle’s charming smiles and poetic flirting.
you’d been in this loop of self destruction for months. it was taking a toll on your mental health. you were tired constantly from nights spent staring at your ceiling, overthinking the entire situation about your two best friends.
you sighed, dragging yourself from your bed, and padded off to stan’s room. he was also still awake, phone screen lighting his face as he laid on his side. he looked up at you, scooted to the side, and tapped the empty space next to him. you crawled into bed with your brother, pulling the blankets to your chin as you shivered.
“you always keep your room so fucking cold,” you grumbled, holding your hand over your nose to trap the heat in. he sighed and rolled his eyes, sitting up to grab an extra blanket from the end of his bed and tossing it to you.
“and you complain too much. shut the fuck up,” he sighed, then laid back down and faced you. you adjusted the blanket over your body, then finally looked back at him with a huff.
“i don’t know what to do about kenny and kyle,” you admitted, a blush on your cheeks and a frown on your lips. stan raised his eyebrow, a sign for you to continue speaking. “i want to be with them, both of them, which i know is sort of shitty of me. i just love them, y’know? and it’s hard because they’re both so focused on each other that they don’t pay me any mind at all. am i shitty for this?”
“not at all,” stan responded, readjusting your head to lay on his arm instead of his mattress. “you don’t choose who you love. you just so happened to get fucked with having feelings for two people instead of one. that’s not your fault.”
you sighed, using one of your hands to adjust the stray hairs defying the part of his hair. he smiled at you, patting your cheek.
“i’m just not sure what exactly i’m supposed to do. i can’t just go for people in a relationship, y’know? i’d be so shitty for that. i just don’t know what to do.”
stan was silent for a moment, his eyes untrained and staring at the space behind your head. you worried your lip between your teeth as you waited to a response, pulling the blankets further up your body.
“i say you start flirting back,” he spoke finally. “they were flirting with you for ages before they got into a relationship with each other. maybe you could try flirting with them for a change?”
you froze, eyes growing big. they’d been flirting with you? you hadn’t noticed. now you felt like a huge idiot. stan wouldn’t lie about something like that. you really were so oblivious that you hadn’t noticed they were flirting with you.
“we’re all hanging out tomorrow. you should join us, maybe throw some hints their way. if it doesn’t work out, that’s completely fine, too. just know you don’t need them to be happy, okay? you’ve always got me, for life.”
you took stan’s advice, and boy did you regret it. it was mid winter in the colorado mountains, and you were freezing your ass off. you were clad in a thick jacket and one of stan’s fleece hats, and even that wasn’t enough to block out the frigid winds as the two of you waited for the couple to show.
“i hate you for this,” you grumbled, both your hands in the pockets of your brother’s jacket. he rolled his eyes and flicked your forehead, then adjusted the hat on your head to better cover your ears.
“it’s not my fault you get cold easily. stop complaining,” he muttered. you could hear kenny and kyle’s voices approaching, your eyes darting around to spot them. they approached behind your brother, hand in hand, smiles on their faces as they bickered playfully. you looked at your brother with wide eyes, panicking internally.
“i don’t think i can do this,” you whispered, stan offering a half smile as he rubbed your arms for friction heat.
“you’ve got this, y/n,” he whispered in response. you nodded hesitantly, shooting the approaching couple a glance over stan’s shoulder.
“i’ve got this,” you murmured to yourself as reassurance. you took a deep breath, opened your mouth, and shouted, “nice face, broflovski!”
the couple halted in their steps, and your heart dropped into your feet. you could visualize it laying between your feet, along with the bricks you’d just shat on the pavement.
then kenny’s face pulled into a crooked grin, and kyle smirked a tad as he tugged kenny towards you, kenny dragging his feet as they crossed the distance between the two groups.
“nice ass, marsh," kenny spoke as the couple finally approached. your face turned red, only amplified as kyle grabbed a handful of your brother's ass. stan's face matched yours as he swatted kyle's hand away, a scowl on his face.
"i fully agree, ken. stan's got some cake on him," kyle chuckled out, shooting a wink towards you. kenny scoffed and tossed an arm over his boyfriend's shoulder, smirking at you.
"i was talking about y/n here, but now that i'm looking at it, i think you might be right, ky," kenny drawled, landing a smack on your brother's ass.
"i wish the two of you would stop grabbing my ass," stan grumbled. you chuckled as you linked arms with your brother, gesturing to the coffee shop the three of you were stood before.
"can we please go in?" you begged, bending your knees and forcing a shiver for emphasis. "i really need a hot mocha before my entire body turns into a lump of frostbite."
"y/n, i love you, but you are literally the single most dramatic bitch i know," stan grumbled, but complied with your request. you shot a grin over your shoulder to the couple behind you as the four of you entered tweak bros. coffee, the duo offering equally large smiles of their own.
the coffee date was relatively uneventful otherwise. kyle would occasionally wink at you, and kenny had grabbed your hand over the table a handful of times, but it was otherwise sort of boring. stan had, unfortunately, spilled an iced americano in his lap, and the hangout had been wrapped up two hours after it had started.
"alright, guys. i've gotta get butterfingers here home before i start bullying him for shitting his pants through his dick. i'll see you guys later," you sighed as the four of you once again stood outside the coffee shop. kyle cast a glance to kenny, who pulled you into a tight hug for a few moments.
"kenny and i aren't doing anything later. how about the two of you come over for movie night tonight?" kyle asked, a hopeful gleam in his eyes. you glanced at your brother, who was already shaking his head while he struggled to cover the brown stan on his crotch with his jacket. your heart sunk along with the corners of your lips, your hands finding their way into your jacket pockets.
"probably not tonight. stan's got a pretty big conference call later," you uttered in response, shifting your weight between your legs. stan look at you with confusion written all over his face, nudging you towards the couple in front of you with his elbow.
"so you go without me, dumbass. i have a call, not you. go have fun with tweedle bitch and tweedle cunt," he responded. you flushed, a frown on your face as you pulled your brother to the side. you could hear kyle and kenny grumbling about their nicknames from a few feet away.
"i'm not going to their apartment by myself, dumbfuck," you hissed in a whisper, eyes narrowed. "what if i have to, like, shit or something? that would be embarrassing as fuck."
"how is that embarrassing?" stan deadpanned, his face blank as he stared at your nervous, fidgeting form.
"i could clog their toilet and then have to fish out my own shit with my hands. or i could not make it to the toilet and accidentally spray shit on their walls. anything could fucking happen, stan" you whisper yelled. stan rolled his eyes and bent down, hoisting you up into his arms and turning around, your disgruntled form held bridal style in his arms. he passed you off to a surprised kenny, who struggled to hold you for a second before gaining his footing and his purchase on you.
"take this stupid bitch home with you or i'm going to beat her ass the second she steps foot in our apartment," your brother deadpanned, then turned on his heel and walked towards your shared home.
"you're just going to leave me, stanley!" you shouted, stan flipping you the bird over his shoulder.
"sure am, bitch! don't care where you go, just don't come home until my call is over!" he called back to you. you huffed, rolling your eyes. then you made eye contact with kenny, then kyle, and your face turned red as you sulked.
"you can set me down, kenny," you muttered, a squeak passing through your lips as he turned and began walking towards kyle's car. "seriously, kenny, you can set me down."
"i don't think he's going to," kyle mused as he unlocked his car with his key fob. you glanced at him with a shy smile, and then up at kenny with the same smile. the blonde grinned at you as he placed you in a sitting position on the hood of the suv, patting your thighs with both hands as you settled.
"thanks, ken. i can't believe stan just left me like that. what if you guys decided to traffic me or something? he wouldn't have his twin there to keep him awake at night. instead he'd get to sleep at a decent time and i just can't let that happen," you rambled as kyle and kenny worked together to tidy up the clutter in their back seat.
"y/n, honey, you've known us since diapers. i highly doubt we'd traffic you," kyle hummed as he came to stand between your legs. you flushed, crossing your arms over your chest as you avoided his gaze. you were shivering so violently your teeth were chattering, your jacket once again doing almost nothing to shield you from the cold winter air.
"i'm just saying the chances are never zero. my dad could and would traffic me if he could get free crack as payment and i came directly from his ballsack. if you wanted to, you would," you protested, rubbing your arms with your bare hands in an attempt to bring some warmth back to your body. kyle took notice, his calculating green eyes missing nothing, and slowly removed his gloves as you spoke. they dropped into your lap, his hands capturing yours and sliding them over your shaking fingers.
"sweetheart, i'm sure we could score the best crack for you, but it just won't happen," kenny mused, approaching on your side and leaning against the door of the suv as he looked at you with a humored smile. "i think kyle would be absolutely devastated if i traded you for crack instead of stephen king's full collection."
you guffawed, looking between kyle and kenny, mouth dropped open and eyes wide. kenny was obviously holding back laughter while kyle glared at him, annoyance clearly displayed on his sharp features.
"kenny, if you don't shut the fuck up, i will cut your mullet off in your sleep," kyle spat. you scoffed and held up your hands, feigning offence. you were holding back laughter as well, a small chuckle escaping your lips.
"i can't believe this. i'm calling the fucking tooth fairy. next time you lose a tooth in a bar fight, you can count on the tooth fairy leaving a pile of shit under your pillow instead of a dollar," you threatened kenny, sliding your way off the hood of the suv. kyle burst out into laughter alongside kenny, the blonde following behind you to open the car door for you. you relished in the remnants of the heat in the vehicle, clasping your hands in your lap to keep them warm. kenny stood between your legs, taking kyle's spot, and you rolled your eyes with a humored grin.
"i'm sorry, sugar," he chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. you were left a blushing, stuttering mess as he crept away and shut your door behind him. kyle shot you a smug look from the driver seat, taking in the flustered expression on your face.
"i think you broke her," the ginger uttered to the blonde as he slid into the passenger seat. kenny shrugged, winking a blue eye at you from the front seats.
you were incapacitated.
long story short, kyle was a great driver, and kenny was a horrible passenger princess. kyle was very calm for the entire forty-five-minute drive back to their house, his driving smooth and road rage minimal. meanwhile, kenny was going absolutely feral in the passenger seat. he played the absolute most random songs, some lame techno beats with little to no words, and hung his head out the window almost the entire drive.
you were incredibly thankful to see the couple's apartment building appear in the distance, entirely overwhelmed by kenny's chaotic passenger activities. by the time the three of you had made it to their home, kenny's hair was tousled and frizzy from the cool wind whipping through it. kyle simple smiled at his lover and pulled him into a soft kiss. your heart clenched at the sight, jealousy burning in your stomach.
"oh, sorry, y/n. you want one too?" kenny inquired with a cocky grin. your face burned as you pulled the best disgusted expression you could, eyes jumping between his and the back of his seat.
"fix your face first. you look like you got hit by the ugly train," you grumbled, watching his smile grow through your repetitive glances towards his face.
"you know you love my face, marsh," he cooed. kyle exited the vehicle amidst your banter with kenny and you were quick to follow, jogging to catch up. kenny caught you by the wrist, scooping you up in his grasp, and carried you the rest of the way to the door. you yelped, eyes big and face red, body jumping with each bound to the house's entrance.
"kenny, i do wish you'd stop frightening our guest," kyle called, amusement clear in his voice. over kenny's shoulder, you could see him bending to pick up the hat kenny had knocked off your head in his hasty actions.
"nice ass, broflovski!" you called over his shoulder, a mischievous smile on your face. he jumped and turned to look at you, face red and grinning.
"nice rack sweetheart," kenny whispered in your ear, once again reminding you of the position you were stuck in, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. you were rendered speechless for the second time that day, brain short-circuiting as kenny carried you into their home. kyle closed the door behind the three of you, tossing your hat on the back of the couch. you were quick to follow, kenny hovering you over the back and dropping you haphazardly on top of the cushions. his body fell over the side, his body toppling on top of yours, head burying itself in the cushions next to your head.
"kenny! you give me such a fucking migraine. please get off y/n! she's fucking fragile!" kyle scolded, swatting at the back of kenny's head with a scowl. you giggled, albeit a bit nervously, gazing up at kyle around kenny's mop of blonde hair. kyle was red in the face, averting his eyes from yours, circling the sofa to take his seat next to your feet. with both hands, he lifted both yours and kenny's legs, scooting over and laying them in his lap.
"hey pretty thing," kenny cooed as he finally lifted his head from the suffocation of the couch. his grin was dopey as he gazed at you, eyes droopy and hair messily covering half of his face. "come here often?"
"please stop seducing our guest," kyle deadpanned, swatting at kenny's foot. kenny hissed and threw his legs off the side of the couch, letting half his body slide onto the floor, his head buried in your torso. you sat up, gingerly pushing kenny's head off you, pulling your legs from kyle's lap in favor of pulling them to your chest. he looked away from the television long enough to pointedly glance at you, then turned his attention back to it and used the hand that wasn't controlling the remote to pull them back onto his lap. you blushed, only increased by kenny scooting his way between you and kyle, your legs now crossing both their laps. kyle used his free hand to pry your shoes from your feet, eyes still glued to the screen.
"y/n, what kind of movie do you wanna watch?" kyle inquired, turning his head to look at you over his lover. you shrugged, arms around your torso, blush on your face.
"i don't really know. i’m not really one for movies lately. i’m too busy watching shameless,” you admitted sheepishly. kenny’s head perked up and turned to you, a grin on his face.
“what season?” he asked eagerly. you made quick work of finding your phone, hands shaking as you opened netflix and checked your progress.
“season six, episode three,” you responded. kenny turned to kyle, who opened netflix and selected the correct season and episode of shameless. he paused it as soon as it loaded, making eye contact with kenny. you were squirming. they seemed to be making conversation telepathically, eyes locked on each other, silence piercing your ears.
"which one of us are you in love with?" kyle finally asked, voice soft as he leaned forward to stare into your soul. your squirming intensified, kenny rubbing your calve reassuringly as he gazed at you. you felt like a deer caught in headlights, heart pumping in your ears, hands shaking in your lap, face pale, eyes wide.
"we're not asking out of a place of spite, love," kenny reassured. you could hardly hear him over the sound of your own pulse, your mouth going dry as tears flooded your eyes. you'd never felt so anxious before in your life. this was everything you wanted, laid out in front of you, and you were terrified.
"i-" was all you managed to get out, unable to speak around the lump in your throat and the cotton in your mouth.
"sweetheart," kyle sighed, leaning far forward to reach his arm over kenny and grasp on of your hands. kenny did the rest of the work, tugging you into a side hug as you panicked. you weren't sure exactly what your issue was. you wanted them to be interested in you. you wanted their attention. you wanted this. why the hell were you having a panic attack over something you'd been praying for since puberty?
eventually, after a handful of minutes, you were able to calm down enough to hear the murmured reassurane of the couple holding you. you could pull your head back and you could look at them, an embarrassed smile on your face as you whispered your apology.
"why should you be sorry, love? we caught you off guard," kenny hushed. kyle nodded along in agreement, a soft smile on his face as his fingertips caressed your cheek.
"you don't have to apologize for anything, sweetheart. we genuinely didn't think you'd react like that. that's completely our fault," he whispered, ginger curls falling into his face. you ran your fingertips over his forehead to adjust them, then let them trail down the side of his face. he flushed under your touch, cheeks turning a rosy pink under a small smattering of sun exposure freckles.
"if we're being honest, we've had feelings for you for quite some time, probably a decade. we were trying to figure out if you were interested in one of both of us," kenny admitted. you blushed, eyes jumping between kenny's red face and kyle's. for a second, you wondered if you were in a dream. you discreetly pinched your leg, wincing as your heart raced. it definitely wasn't a dream.
"both," you whispered. you were still incredibly nervous to admit your feelings, but with the confession on kenny's part, you felt a bit more confident in your feelings. kenny was the first to embrace you, your face buried in his boney chest, kyle's lanky arms wrapping around the both of you.
"we don't have to immediately figure shit out," kyle murmured after a few moments of your silent embrace. you nodded slowly, unraveling your fingers from the back of kenny's shirt.
"i'd rather watch shameless right now, if i'm being honest," you murmured, a sheepish smile on your face. "my mind has been fucked way too much for one day." kyle chuckled along, pressing play on the tv. kenny started unzipping your outdoor coat with a small grin.
"i mean, we could always fuck you in other ways," he joked with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows. you guffawed, face turning red as kyle whacked his chest.
"kenny, please, shut the actual fuck up!" he exclaimed, face equally as red as yours. kenny burst into laughter as he continued helping you out of your coat, draping it on the back of the sofa.
"sorry, sorry," he chortled. you settled into the couch, a small smile on your face as you focused your attention on the dysfunctional screen family.
taglist @hand-writxen @quackyfae @n0tangeliccc @triphovia @vanillawh0re @scrawny-simp @oldcabinets @mags138 @zeroquiverx
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blackstarchanx3new · 2 months
FSR rambles 19 traumatic things Link experianced
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Pet him like a cat shadow.
At least Link's normal enough to get up now.
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Shadow's like "Damn this is weird"
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Link's selectively mute still but I'd struggle to talk with four dipshits screaming like cracked out squirrels in my head too so ya know, I don't even blame him for being shitty at communication with Shadow rn.
He's got his priorities in order: FOOD.
Okay but you know Link is mad his plan failed literally the day after he employed it.
I'd be pissed anyway XDDDD
The four of em fell asleep, wake back up and they're right back to square one, ground zero the shit storm he tried to escape from.
That's horrifying in a way I can't quite articulate. "Hopelessness" is the only word coming to mind. Like, everything he did, it didn't matter. It was all for nothing they're BACK to how they were.
His hopes that pulling the sword would fix it: Crushed.
The literal only difference is that Shadow's here.
Which, is BETTER but damn if the disappointment from Link isn't palpable. You can only imagine what's going through his head rn after all this shit, he's just defaulting to a LITTLE BIT of normalcy in making breakfast.
Shadow's back to defaulting to doing: well nothing.
He isn't helping Link and is just WATCHING. Smth literally just yesterday was ALL HE COULD DO.
They're both just defaulting to what they're used to because this shit is too weird.
Is nice of Link to make enough for Shadow though. XD
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Haha okay I can get into this:
Literally Shadow and Link simultaneously know each other and don't.
Yes Shadow had interaction with the colors but Link and Shadow: Nothing.
So of course he feels awkward around him.
They spent forever together and yet still feel so far away.
It's a tough situation.
Link pulling out the "you sure are quiet" is imo, him trying to be funny.
he continues with "thought you'd be more comfortable with me...at least considering how many times we've kissed"
Obviously this is in reference to Vio lmfao (...Also green but uh we'll get into that later). With Link's eyes matching Vio's.
Link is completely fucking with him and it's funny to me at least. Like he's so deadpan but he's being such a goof rn.
Though it is interesting to note how Link directly says Vio is him without any separation here. Since Vio also thought he was Link last night.
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Shadow clearly not knowing HOW Link works is kinda hilarious but also, nobody knows how this works.
Link casually referencing what Vio said in the fire temple, it's much more obvious now he's goofing with Shadow rn.
Shadow realizing the obvious, that Link IS the same person he's been hanging around just mashed together is a small but good reminder. Like link isn't a stranger fully. He's still the four of them.
Shadow just asking "Is this for me" would seem weird but uhh remember:
He didn't have a BED. He's been a SHADOW for YEARS. Like. Shadow being neglected isn't new. So it's a sad notion but he is shocked he'd be given food.
Link kinda having a "Wtf u mean? duh it's for you." moment.
Also the bomb drop that Link knows about Dark Link...Oops.
Exactly what relationship/how he KNOWS about Dark is kinda, left open since he doesn't elaborate what so ever...
It can be assumed he just knows what everyone else does. Buuut. There's always that "but"
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"Link what are you blabbing for they can hear you" - Shadow continuing to not understand how Link works. XD
I don't think it was mentioned anywhere before this but haha Blue was also in on the splitting Link plan. Vio and Red are the only ones left out of some of the loop it seems...But they were mainly worried about Vio catching on.
Link accuratly noting this nightmare isn't anything like the first time. Sorry buddy it's cause you're in an unrated comic by a weirdo fan vs any official Zelda comic. XDDD Which wouldn't allow 90% of what's in this comic I'm sure haha.
Also reasonable train of thought thought Shadow buddy about reverting back into a shadow. What a terrifying thought.
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Aw Link's being sweet and- TRIFORCE
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Yeah Shadow's sweating bullets considering uh the little fact Ganon said "Here catch, you're evil triforce of power man now"
Takes Link a second to remember back on that convo Shadow and Vio had about the triforce in the flashbacks. PG 179-182 ish if you're curious on brushing up on that.
Oh hi Vio.
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I don't think a lot of people caught that this was Vio's design from FS. Which is why Shadow was SO DISTURBED to see him like that. Link's very all over the place mentally and it's showing with his appearance. He's unstable as all hell right now.
Blue chiming in with "Wait a damn minute" remembering Zelda ALSO has the Triforce on her hand.
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Vio and Red are being obtuse/ignorant while Blue and Green know smth's up and are getting pissy about it.
Which just makes Link: All over the damn spectrum of emotion about this right now haha.
I'd get tonal whiplash too Shadow.
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Link going down the list of things he thought Shadow would want haha.
and Shadow's gay lil confession that all he really wants is Link is sweet.
I mean what else does he have to strive for? He gave up on a lot of his old dreams as pointless after becoming apart of the endless cycle of hatred.
It's noteworthy that Link's outfit glitches to black again.
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The line "Which you" was a very fun one to come up with. Because it just, hits ya.
Link isn't one entity. He's multiple. And he literally can't tell who Shadow's talking to in that moment. Because the underlying assumption (To Link and this will become obvious) is that Shadow really only cares about Vio.
All of last night is probably a complete blur/emotional whiplash around Shadow For Link.
Shadow threw a sword at Blue and was VERY hostile, was ALL OVER THE PLACE emotionally with Green mostly being bitter as hell, didn't really acknowledge red and Vio had a complete meltdown over his guilt surrounding Shadow and their friendship and relationship as a whole was all over the place.
Cram that all back together and what is Link supposed to take away from all that. Overall dude had a net negative experience with Shadow and now he's telling him he wants him?
I'd be confused as hell too.
Hi Zelda.
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Safe to say that was inevitable given how badly Link was bugging out this entire time.
He couldn't handle seeing Zelda haha.
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I don't think people caught Vio is just in his "headspace" outfit. Except it isn't pastel color palette.
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Panic attack, featuring Blue. He was the most vocally insistent they draw the sword, was activly trying to force his way out of Link's mish mash body during that whole ordeal. The main take away is that: He HATES being In Link and that was just about the worst nightmare come to life for him.
He doesn't even want Red to touch him, which considering the way it's all but stated Link's magical body is just their bodies pressed together into one form makes the angle that they're all LITERALLY touching each other that much more...ehhh disturbing.
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It's okay guys he just needs a minute alone-
Hah. Everyone's leaving you Vio. Doesn't press on the ol anxieties or anything.
Doesn't make it easy for a certain someone to come visit you.
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Vio's insecurities focusing around being ALONE and himself are smth that's been fun.
He mainly wants to be Link out of pure selfishness and self hatred. Link is an escape from his own accountability, a way for him to keep himself in check. While Blue finds it to be an outright prison.
Everything Dark is saying about here Vio could also be applied to himself and even Dark says that. He looks miserable while saying it too since Vio's problems are starting to hit a lot closer to home.
At least we got Shadow to yank Vio out of his funk. But Dark has no one to do that for him.
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Shadow petting Vio's face here while in a headlock is just, funny to me. Shadow can't affection properly at all lmfao.
But hey he knows when our lil buddy is active. Oops.
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Oh the fun they have together alright. 😏
It'll be a real wet and fun time-
What the hell Dark is talking about is left pretty open for now.
But he is getting sick of just sad reactions to what he says.
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He's nervous when faced with women. Same bro.
Green and Shadow begging for help on wtf to do with their new squid monster is pretty hilarious to me.
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Vio's being perceptive.
"IT IS!?" yeah red. And if you were an interesting character I'd write you doing things. :D
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Surely that won't bite us in the ass later or anything...
Vio's outfit is very covered up because he's emotionally closed off yada yads I've mentioned this before.
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This hasn't been brought up in the comic but Green is afraid of tentacles lmfao so his fear at Dark rn is warranted.
Shadow blatantly not caring what Dark is doing rn because he's busy
Zelda notices right away that Dark defied vaati which must have been weird for her in real time hah.
Shadow's instant response to what to do with Dark is "Murder"
Nice to see you've grown so much shadow lmfao.
Notice how Link being around isn't even the thinly vailed excuse dude just doesn't like Dark Link lmfao. Most of what he said to Dark last night imo was pure projection and again: Not because he cared about Dark. But now he feels like they have an easy to to get rid of him via Zelda. Doesn't have to confront weird feelings if the guy is gone ooomf.
Zelda isn't outright apposed to getting rid of Dark Link but is like "Uhh...But what about link tho-"
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Shadow noticed his hair change.
I'm sure he noticed earlier, it's right in his eye sight but background detail of him actually looking at it like "Wtf?"
Also fun pressure to put on Green when he's strung out to shit rn.
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Uhhhhhh. Okay then.
So Green's got murder trauma.
He's also just sick of the responsibilities piling on him like a crushing weight.
There's smth to be said about how Dark isn't a murderer so, doesn't have blood around his feet haha visual metaphores haha.
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So clarity: Link as a whole person murdered the people who killed his father. And Vio and Green were the ones who had main control in that moment.
Hope that clears some stuff up.
Dark finds this shit hilarious because he's sadistic but Green snaps out of the panic to realize THIS GUY IS DARK LINK.
The moment Green switches from his helpless attire into his current fit was very fun emotionally cause this was the first time someone had ANY amount of control when facing Dark Link. (Excluding Shadow I suppose, in terms of the colors anyway)
Green being a badass is just smth I enjoy and the "Oh shit moment" was very fun to watch people react to haha.
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Dark was so excited when seeing Green acknowledge him.
It really goes to show all of his "Nyeh you're such a shitty person" talk is literally not even his own opinion when it comes to the four colors. He's literally just repeating their insecurities and nothing else. Those words have NO BITE to them because Dark doesn't even believe it.
He's so excited to see Green because Green's the ONLY PERSON Who's truly acknowledged him in the head space.
Dark being so overwhelmed with joy he vomits.
Dark really doesn't have a lot of emotional regulation emotionally or physically. Like. The idea here is he's just, so excited he literally physically cannot handle that shit haha. I made a shitpost about it once but it's kinda just, accurate. XD
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Green's like "Wtf is wrong with you"
because this isn't ANYTHING he thought he'd be dealing with considering how Shadow was acting/talking about him lmfao.
He was expecting Shadow 2.0 and got...This guy.
Guy who apologizes when acting goofy as shit
Guy who is excited to see him overjoyed even...After utterly destroying him not 2 seconds ago.
Just. A silly. Goofy guy.
It is fun to have Dark switch IMEDIATELY to depressed as hell thinking about how he's been so alone.
I would really describe Dark's excitement here as pure mania. because at the root Dark is a depressed individual.
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Dark gives no shits when faced with death.
No begging or pleading for his life just "idk do what you want to I don't care"
Which, Dark Link's lack of care for his own personal safety has been shown off before and will only be a continued trend.
At the end of the day it shows a clear lack of self respect or care for himself.
Dark doesn't value himself.
Green's mercy here is rooted in his own selfishness.
He doesn't WANT to kill Dark Link because he doesn't want to hurt people. Which him and Vio did.
Green is ALSO very exhausted. And what you get is two individuals who would typically be at each other's throats, who aren't interested in fighting each other because they're just so worn out. The drive just isn't there.
Which leads them to being able to actually talk to each other in a meaningful way. And I just find that interesting.
Under different circumstances, these two very well could have fought here. XD
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svnflower-writes · 2 months
i'll stay in the pool and drown (so i don't have to watch you leave)
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description: in which Sirius runs away and Regulus is left to deal with his emotions alone.
relationship: james potter x regulus black
warnings: mentioned child abuse + neglect, angst, hurt/comfort, not much jegulus more focused on reg and sirius. not a warning but i love pandora sm
word count: 3,806
requested: no but it tied for first in the poll
note: inspired by me listening to tv by billie eilish on loop (title lyric is so regulus coded). some mutuals will know allll about my little spiral and how it included a lotttt of tv by billie. oops. this is very angsty and possibly a reflection of my mental state rn but uh… sorry??? also this is totally unedited as always oops. also there’s not really much jegulus but the stuff that's there is fluffy. It’s mainly regulus and sirius being siblings and regulus centred angst bc i love him. a bit of sirius focused angst snuck in at the end and i didn't plan that but i love him soooo. again. i'm sorry. this is almost 4k words of pure angst. so.
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54978655
marauders taglist: (lmk if you want to be added or removed) @lovefolder @gu1lty-as-sin @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies @a-beautiful-fool @optimizedchaos @qwerty-keysmash @lost-in-reveriie @tulips-best @nqds
Regulus supposed that deep down, he had always known how everything would turn out. Sirius was always going to leave him, it was an unavoidable fact. Some things were simply written in the stars, irreversible parts of life that could not be changed by mere mortals meddling around with them. But just because it was fixed in stone, just because it was fate, didn’t stop Regulus from being completely and utterly destroyed by the mere concept. 
Sirius had been the only true constant in his life. 
He had been there when Regulus was five and their mother had looked at him with true resentment in her eyes and slapped him across the face for the first time. He had held the younger boy in his arms and ran his fingers through his hair, both boys shaking with fear as tears rolled down their cheeks. 
He had been with Regulus when he was eight and Orion had verbally abused him for merely interacting with a muggleborn. Sirius had sat down with Regulus and ensured that he had known that nothing he had done was wrong. After Reggie had understood this, they snuck to the kitchen and stole a jar of cookies to eat while the two hid in Sirius’ room. 
He had been there when Regulus was nine, his parents locking him in his room with no food for two days because he had freed one of their house elves. Sirius had sat outside Regulus’ door for the whole time, whispering to him and slipping food through the gap under the bed. They had sat in silence, neither finding anything to say that could possibly improve the situation. But silence or not, being there together made them both feel immensely better. 
Sirius leaving for Hogwarts was one of the worst years of Regulus’ life—he knew Sirius would be back, though, and that’s what kept him counting the days. 
Once Regulus came to Hogwarts, him and Sirius had seemed to drift apart slightly. This didn’t hurt as much as Regulus had anticipated it would, because he now had friends. He had Pandora, Evan, Barty, and Dorcas. Sometimes he had Sirius too, but Sirius was popular; he didn’t need to cling to his brother like he once had. Regulus didn’t miss the lingering glances in hallways, but he never really took any specific notice of them. He assumed that if Sirius had wanted to speak to him, he would have. 
In the summer holiday after Regulus’ first year, the brothers had reconnected. They grew closer than ever, and although they still didn’t speak much at school when they finally returned, there was no doubting the love between them. 
Sirius had always been there. Whether he was actually present in the moment or just in Regulus’ head, he was always by his side in his heart. But then, during the Christmas holidays of the year when Sirius turned sixteen, something seemed to change. Sirius’ fights with their parents became more and more frequent, going from happening twice a week to twice a day. He stopped being around as often, crashing at James’ house a few times a week. Regulus was holding his breath, knowing that if he stepped out of line even the slightest bit, one of his parents would snap and everything would take a turn for the worse.
He was also spending an increasing amount of time at Pandora’s house, her sweet nature a much preferred option to the feeling of walking on eggshells in his own home. Evan was there most of the time, and where Evan was, so was Barty. Every once in a while they’d manage to drag Dorcas away from Marlene and get the whole group together, but that was rather rare. It was nice, though, spending time together without the pressure of school. It ensured that Regulus understood that they actually wanted to be around him, something he had struggled with for as long as he could remember. 
One thing Regulus knew was that if asked who his best friend was, he would say Pandora without hesitation. He never doubted her genuinity, which soothed a lot of his anxiety and helped him put things into perspective. Regulus needed to know that he was wanted, and Pandora never hesitated to reassure him. The two had just had the Rosier house to themselves, Barty and Evan on a date and Pandora and Evan’s parents out for a dinner party. Music softly playing off Pandora’s record player she had bought at a muggle thrift store, the two sat on her bed eating chocolate brownies and talking about what some would consider nothing but was everything to them. They had been doing this for about six hours when Regulus decided that he should probably head home to avoid his parent’s anger at him for being late. 
Regulus got home and knew before he even stepped in the door that something was terribly wrong. Slowly and cautiously opening the door, Regulus held his breath as he stepped inside. The house was eerily silent, no whispers of paintings or hurried footsteps of houselves, let alone not a single sign of human life. Exhaling softly, he quietly shut the door and attempted to walk down the hallway without making a sound–which turned out to be easier said than done. The eyes on the paintings followed his every move, not once losing focus on him. He raised his hand to his forehead and pushed some stray hairs out of his eyes before making his way up the stairs to his room. He went three steps at a time, eyes fixed on the floor as the nervous lump in his throat simply grew. After what felt like an eternity, he made it to his room. His hand closed around the cold metal doorknob and he exhaled shakily. Turning the door handle, he stepped into his room before pausing. He turned, eyes landing on the door to Sirius’ room. Sighing softly, he closed his door and made his way across the hall to the door of his brother’s room. 
He knocked softly.
No reply.
He knocked again, slightly louder this time.
Still, nothing. 
“Sirius, can I come in?” 
There was no response. Regulus sighed, slumping down on the floor, leaning back against the door and letting his head knock against the wood. He chucked. “Doesn’t this remind you of something?”
Once again, nothing. He didn’t really know what he had expected.
“Sirius, I don’t mind if you don’t want to talk to me. I won’t be offended. Can I just come in and make sure you’re okay? Please?” 
The silence that followed ached painfully in Regulus’ ears. 
“I’m going to take your silence as a confirmation that I can come in.”
The only sound that broke the silence was Regulus’ sigh. He stood up, opening the door of Sirius’ room and glancing around slowly. It was messier than usual. Sirius wasn’t a tidy person, but he wasn’t this messy. Clothes covered every inch of the ground and one drawer of his chest of drawers had almost fallen right out of the frame. His bed was a sorry excuse of being made, covers and sheets falling off to the point where they were more on the floor than the bed itself. There was no Sirius to be seen. 
“I guess he’s spending the night at James’ again.” 
He turned to leave before pausing. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started writing.
Hi, Siri. 
I assume you’re at James’, and I hope you’re okay.
I miss you, by the way. Maybe we could hang out when you get home back.
Regulus liked James—possibly a little too much —so he knew his brother was in good hands. He just wished he could see him. 
Two days later, Sirius wasn’t back. It was now pretty obvious to Regulus that he was not going to be back. Sirius had left . 
Left him. Sirius had left him. 
He couldn’t quite believe it. He had spent five hours last night simply sitting on Sirius’ bed, wishing he was still there. The emotions he was feeling were not quite describable, but if he was in a state where he could think of the words matching these emotions, he’d probably say he felt betrayed, lost, and hurt. Of course, he would never actually say that. Regulus wasn’t one to express his emotions. One thing that Regulus understood was that he felt no form of anger towards his brother. He recognised why Sirius had left, and he thought it was very understandable. What he hated was being left. He was alone in this horrendously big house and he didn’t even have it in him to talk to Pandora about it.
Regulus had never felt comfortable sharing his feelings. He assumed this was due to his parents pushing them away whenever he had tried to tell them anything at all. 
Regulus knew he’d be okay. He didn’t need other people to survive, he never had. 
Three weeks later, Pandora showed up at his bedroom door with a box of chocolates and a mission. She was determined to get him outside and out of the bedroom he was rotting in if it was the last thing she did. Regulus knew he was lucky to have a friend like her, but he wanted nothing more than to sit in his bedroom for the rest of his life. Part of him knew this was unhealthy, but part of him just didn’t want to show his face to the silent house he was residing in. 
Pandora would do anything to make Regulus feel okay, and she was well aware that to do this she would have to take him to Sirius, but they would cross that bridge when the time was right. First, she had to carefully shake him out of his shell of self destruction, reminding him that there were people who cared for him. 
Pandora sat on his bed, looking at him with soft eyes that he avoided at all costs. “Reg… Reg, look at me.” 
He didn’t, but that didn’t stop Pandora from softly cupping his head in her hands. “Regulus, I have been your best friend for five years. I know something’s wrong—and you don’t have to tell me. Just come to my house with me, Merlin knows you need to get out of this house, and Barty and Evan are out. You don’t have to talk to anyone you don’t want to talk to.” 
Now Regulus looked up Ever so slowly, he leaned in to rest his head on his best friend’s shoulders, not speaking but his eyes holding more meaning than his words at this moment possibly could. 
After ten minutes of simply being in each other's presence, Regulus spoke. “Can we get out of this house?” 
Pandora nodded, helping him up. “My house?” 
“I don’t mind.” 
“Would you rather be alone or do you mind seeing everyone else?” 
“Where are they?” 
“I think they’re at Marlene’s house.” 
Regulus was not close to Marlene. He didn’t know much about her, in all honesty, but because her and Dorcas were practically attached by the hip, he assumed that she was nice. And to tell the truth, Regulus needed to see his friends. He paused before muttering. 
“I want to see everyone.” 
Much to his relief, the mood of the hangout didn’t change vividly when he arrived. He noticed Barty and Evan shared a soft glance between them, and Dorcas gave him a quick hug that was noticeably more gentle than usual, but the conversation stayed as lively as it had been before he arrived. Regulus allowed himself to lean into Pandora’s side, twirling her long hair between his fingers. She continued talking to Dorcas as her right arm embraced Regulus into her side. Regulus didn’t speak much, but no one expected him to. 
As comforting and grounding as it was, it wasn’t what he needed. Regulus needed reassurance, he needed affirmations that he wasn’t the reason his brother had left. And the only person who could truly give him this confirmation was Sirius himself. He felt guilty about this; Pandora was doing more than she had to do and he couldn’t feel the amount of gratitude he knew he should be feeling. He must have stiffened, because his best friend looked down at him with an amount of gentleness that made him feel alarmingly close to tears. He felt impossibly small, looking down at his hands and fixing his gaze on the golden sun ring he always wore as he tried to regulate his breathing.
Marlene looked at him curiously from where she sat on the dark red couch across the room. She cautiously glanced at Dorcas before speaking. “I know where Sirius is if you want to see him.” That was possibly the most Marlene had ever said to him. Regulus stared at her blankly for a moment, before nodding slowly. 
“Yeah, uh. That sounds nice.” his voice was impossibly weak, and he might have been embarrassed had he had any awareness of himself at this moment. But he felt like a shell of himself, he wasn’t really there. 
“Okay. We probably shouldn’t all go, it might be overwhelming. So–” 
“I’ll come.” Pandora spoke, much to Regulus’ relief. Despite not feeling entirely complete with her affection and care, he appreciated it. It was a kind of foreign concept to him, the genuine adoration she had for him. He had never witnessed that in his family, let alone experienced it himself. He smiled shakily at her and she squeezed his hand reassuringly. 
The trip to find Sirius was quiet, but no one seemed to mind. When they were about halfway there, Regulus’ heart leapt as he had a sudden realisation. They were on their way to James’ house. On second thought, it made sense. James Potter was Sirius’ best friend, he wasn’t sure why he was so alarmed by this fact. When they arrived at the house, Regulus took a deep breath. He was overwhelmed by the emotions of this moment, the concept of seeing Sirius for the first time in two and a half weeks and being back at James’ house was causing his head to spin. He hadn’t seen James in almost a month and it was achingly evident from the heavy feeling in his heart. 
Walking through the door, the first thing he saw was Sirius’ black Doc Martens sitting next to a few pairs of dirty converse beside the doormat. James’ converse. He swallowed. The first thing he heard was Sirius’ voice from a few rooms away, which almost made him do a double take. Marlene walked further into the house after quickly kicking off her red converse, and Regulus followed soon after. Pandora kept her distance behind the two, not wanting to intrude on the moment—this consideration once again reminding Regulus how deeply he loved her. 
Marlene glanced back to make sure Regulus was behind her, smiling gently at him before walking into the Potter’s living room. James looked up instantly, eyes widening a fraction as he took in the boy standing in the doorway. He clearly didn’t think his words through before blurting, “Reg?” 
Sirius stopped talking, whirling around with wide, panicked eyes. “Regulus?” 
Regulus desperately searched in his brother’s eyes for a sign that he could go hug him, that he could say something, that he could walk further into the room. There was a certain element of distress in Regulus’ eyes as he seeked the affirmation he so desperately needed. Sirius seemed to be in shock, and it was clear to James that he would not be affirming his brother’s doubts any time soon. He wanted to, of course he did—James was well aware that Sirius loved Regulus more than anything in his entire world. So James spoke up, saying possibly the most awkward thing he could have said in this situation. 
“Do you want a cup of tea?” 
Regulus seemed to do a double take, but he nodded. He hadn’t considered that in order to make the cup of tea, James would have to leave the room. And James leaving the room meant Regulus and Sirius being the only ones in the room. He was unaware of this fact until James left the room, throwing a sweet, gentle smile over his shoulder. Regulus felt alarmingly alone without him there, his eyes darting from Sirius to the wall to the floor to Sirius again to his hands. He didn’t want to stare; if there was one thing that his parents had succeeded in, it was raising their youngest son with impeccable manners. No matter how good his manners were, his parents had failed to teach him how to deal with his anxiety. He fiddled with his hands, twirling the gold ring on his index finger around slowly for about a minute before finally looking up again. 
This time, Sirius was looking at him too. The older brother seemed to understand that Regulus was not going to be the one to start this conversation, so he sighed and sat down, patting the spot on the couch next to him. Regulus sat, decidedly further away from Sirius than Sirius had gestured for, but Sirius didn’t seem to mind—if he did, he had the decency to stay silent. It would be hypocritical for Sirius to get upset about Regulus not sitting next to him on the couch after leaving him alone with their parents for two and a half weeks. 
“I’m sorry,” Sirius eventually spoke. 
Regulus said nothing, so Sirius shakily continued. “I didn’t want to leave you. It’s just– it just– it was too much. They were too much, you know?”
“They always have been.” Regulus mumbled softly. 
“And they said something about Moony.” 
Of course they did. 
Sirius sighed, “he told me off for leaving you though. Said I should have bought you with me.”
“You should have.” 
“I know.” 
Just as the two brothers fell into an awkward silence, James walked in with a small grin on his face. “Okay, so, I think I remembered pretty well how you like your tea.” 
Sirius looked between the two as James passed Regulus the mug, watching how their fingertips brushed and a smile graced Regulus’ lips. Regulus didn’t like milk or sugar in his tea, something that Sirius had always wrinkled his nose at. James took his tea far sweeter than Reg did, but he was more than happy to make it exactly to Regulus’ tastes if that was what would make him happy. “It’s perfect. I can’t believe you remembered.” 
“How could I not?” 
It was then that Sirius’ eyes fell to their hands, noticing that Regulus’ gold ring was a sun symbol and James wore a silver star one. This was a contrast to both of their usual jewellery colours, the gold earrings in James’ ears suddenly a lot more obvious than they had been minutes ago. Sirius silently watched the interactions between the two and swallowed slowly. 
Sirius had this burning need to be loved, to be appreciated, to be the favourite. Regulus was his parents’ favourite son, and although he acted like this didn’t faze him, it stung. Sirius had introduced Reg to Barty and Evan, and now the three were inseparable. Sirius didn’t even talk to the two Slytherins anymore. Remus loved Regulus, the two had bonded over things that Sirius couldn’t even begin to understand—and he knew it was stupid. He knew that Remus looked at him like he had literally hung the stars, but there was this underlying jealousy of the fact that his brother got along with everyone without even trying. Regulus didn’t want to get along with people, he’d be quite happy spending his days whispering with Pandora and basking in his own company. 
Was Regulus more likeable? More manageable? That had to be it. Sirius was too much for people. Sirius was too much for everyone. 
And now, his best friend was snogging his brother behind his back. It wasn’t that he was bothered by their relationship, he didn’t care who Regulus dated as long as they didn’t hurt him—and James would never hurt him. 
James was, theoretically, perfect for Regulus. They balanced each other out, much like Sirius and Remus. James was the Yang to his Yin, the base to his acid, the light to his dark. And perhaps it was the fact that the two fit together so naturally that bothered him. Perhaps it was the inherent jealousy of Regulus always being better than him at everything. Regulus had Sirius’ best friend looking at him with pure, soft adoration in his eyes, and Sirius couldn’t even deny how much sense they made together. 
In his heart, Sirius knew how much love James had for him. James was one of those people who did not ration out the love and care he gave people, he was overflowing with genuine devotion and love, not hesitating to shower those around him with it. And Sirius knew that the two of them had the strongest friendship he had ever had and likely ever would. He knew it wasn’t going to change. Merlin, with how James gazed at Regulus, Sirius predicted that whatever they had had been going on for at least five months. And those five months had not changed how James had acted with Sirius, their friendship was as codependent as ever. 
Sirius knew that James had enough love for both of them. He knew that the love that James could give was exactly what Regulus needed. Sirius knew that these feelings had been drilled into his mind by how his parents had treated him, but his parents weren’t here now. Sirius knew that this trauma ran deep, however, and it would take a while for him to come to terms with this relationship. 
Regulus could tell from the look in his eyes that he had figured it out. It didn’t bother him, the only reason he and James hadn’t mentioned it to anyone was due to the complications with their families and how difficult it was to actually see each other regularly. Offering a soft smile to Sirius, Regulus leaned into his brother’s side. Sirius froze up for a moment, glancing at James as his eyes widened. James smiled tenderly at the two before getting up and leaving the room to wherever Marlene and Pandora were. 
Slowly, Sirius relaxed, and Regulus almost breathed a sigh of relief. “I missed this.” 
Sirius hummed, “I missed you more than you know, little star .” 
Sighing, Regulus closed his eyes. Sirius may never be the constant in his life he had once been, but as long as he was part of it, Regulus couldn’t complain.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Hiii can I request karma akabane with a shy s/o who’s scared all the time and is usually alone they may be smart but their sensitive if you want to I mean you did get 131 requests so
Sure! I probably should've done his general concept first but oh well 🤷‍♀️ General concept may repeat some things when it comes out. Aged up as usual. I hope he isn't too OOC, still new to this anime and tried to do my research.
Yandere! Karma Akabane with Shy! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Obsessive behavior, Sadism, A bit of swearing, Possessive behavior, Violence, Attempted murder, PDA briefly mentioned, Clingy behavior, Karma is neglected by his parents in canon I think, Forced relationship implied.
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Karma has been neglected by his parents, as a result he's a rebellious and violent kid.
Even when he tried to use his violence for the right thing... he was punished for it.
Now that's landed him in Class E with a looming threat that the world will end soon.
That's when he meets you, a shy but smart student who didn't seem to deserve being here.
You were clever and smart in your own way but it still landed you in Class E, for a punishment or for other means.
Karma's attention isn't on you until after he mellows out in Class E.
By now he's quieter but still really mischievous and smart.
Karma could be considered a trickster who often misbehaves but usually with good motives.
Karma notices you and your nature the more Class E bonds.
You intrigue him... an outcast in a sea of outcasts.
You're quiet and always focusing on your work... yet really skilled in planning for Class E.
When he first talks to you he comes off as intimidating.
After all, you've been observing him from afar like the rest of your classmates...
He's clever, skilled in taking down opponents, willing to bend the rules and easily one of the strongest students in the class.
Him talking to you throws you for a loop.
Something about you intrigues him and makes him drawn to you.
You being so quiet and scared all the time makes him wonder why you were placed here of all places.
To put it simply... Karma wants to know more about you despite your reluctance.
Leading into his persistent and dangerous yandere behavior towards you.
Karma is Manipulative/Cunning, Obsessive, Sadistic, Impulsive, Jealous, yet also Empathetic and Laid-back.
Karma likes to mess with people.
He'd do the same to a timid and shy darling, liking your reactions.
The look he gives you when teasing you is smug and mischievous.
Karma's crush on you is under the radar except to those who know him well.
Even when Karma is just being playful towards you it feels demeaning or unnerving.
The closest the class gets is rumors but Karma isn't too happy about the idea of you knowing how he feels towards you yet.
It'll take time for Karma to get you to open up.
You tend to avoid him and shiver in your spot when he comes near.
Karma is patient with you and aims to be your closest friend.
You've been alone and prefer to stay away from your classmates...
Karma is determined to be the first one who's close to you.
Soon you two become friends for the most part after an agonizing amount of time.
It's an unlikely pair in the class but that doesn't change Karma's mind.
Karma seems to have enough charisma to get you to trust him.
He's so good at playing with other people's minds that he plans to make you forget your fear of him.
Your fear wasn't misplaced, however, as Karma is bad news.
Karma will make his darling depend on him.
He can be jealous towards his other classmates but usually hides it.
Although he's ruthless when he does use violence against others.
Your shy behavior makes you a target to those outside of Class E.
You may get pushed around and called a freak... which leads to a very pissed Karma.
Being in an assassination class means Karma could care less if he has to use violence as a yandere.
Could be just to injure others... could be to fatally wound them.
Karma goes insane over his darling.
If you're shy it just makes him want to 'play' with you.
Only Karma can tease your reclusive behavior, smiling at your flushed face and futile attempts to ignore him.
The second someone else does it, Karma is staring at them from across the room.
Which soon leads to a fight started by Karma.
When he does ask you out and you comply (by force or not) Karma can be possessive.
Karma normally isn't one for PDA but will try it to make a point.
To be honest, Karma probably struggles with healthy love due to being neglected when he was young.
This means he tends to cling to his darling and refuses to give you up.
Your shy behavior even makes Karma want to protect you as he is the most skilled.
Karma is not one to show mercy to those who try to take you from him.
He's empathetic towards you and your problems but keeps others away by threats and violence...
Karma knows his shy darling likes to be reclusive, so isn't he helping by isolating them?
145 notes · View notes
suguwu · 2 years
Bee would u like to talk about playfully stealing Pantalone’s glasses from around his neck in his office bc he’s overworking himself and ur feeling neglected and probably running around the manor to get him to chase you would u like to discuss that and also maybe what he’d do when he catches u—
plu this has literally been attacking me every single time i open my inbox yes i would like to discuss this i would very much like to discuss this. in fact—
minors and ageless blogs dni
wc: 1.3k
fem reader, established relationship, darling as a pet name, "clever girl" used, playful predator/prey, semi-public, heavy petting, heavily implied oral (f receiving)
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you are tired of going to bed alone.
it comes with the territory, at times. pantalone is her majesty's ninth harbinger first and foremost.
(but only pantalone.
a different name lies on your tongue. you never forget the taste of it, all summer softness, honeyed and rich like a ripe zaytun peach.
a different name lies sweet on your tongue, and the man who carries it—
he is yours, and yours alone.)
the bed is warm, at least, but the arcing ribs of zapolyarny palace's architecture leaves your vast, lavish quarters an echo of a home. you glance at the clock and huff out an annoyed breath.
the nightgown you don is flimsy at best, a silken thing that ripples and flows with each movement. when you move just right, it catches on your chest, outlining your breasts and a shadow of your nipples, furled tight with the chilly air.
pantalone doesn't look up when you enter his study. his desk is unusually untidy, with a few loose documents half-covered with ledger after ledger.
you pad over to him.
"darling," he says, finally glancing up at you. his half-moon glasses are hanging loose around his neck, a testament to how long he's been shut into his study. "it's late."
you hum. "that was my line," you tell him, settling on the arm of his chair. you curl into his side as you loop his eyeglass chain around your fingers. it's a delicate thing, inlaid with tiny gems that catch the firelight and gleam like the stars. "come to bed."
"not yet," he says. to soften his denial, he leans into your warmth, the movement slight but sure.
you huff. out of the corner of your eye, you see his lips curl up into a hint of a smile. you wind the chain tighter around your fingers; the gems wink at you.
you lean forward to look at the nearest document. pantalone lets you read it, one big hand coming to rest on your thigh and steady you as you tip closer still.
"the qixing won't agree to that," you tell him, brow furrowing. "you know better."
"i do," he agrees.
you purse your lips. "their dock fees run off of a percentage of the declared value of the goods carried by a ship, yes?"
you hum, and scrawl out an adjustment to the proposal.
"that should work," you say. "now come to bed."
"clever girl," he says warmly, and then laughs low and rich when you swat at him with a scowl.
"come to bed," you repeat.
"i will soon," he says.
you pout, giving his glasses chain a little tug.
if he notices that you're playing with their hidden catch, he doesn't say anything.
"i'll make it up to you," he murmurs. "go back to bed."
you unlatch the chain with a flick of your wrist, and you're across the room as quick as a fleeing snow hare. you let his glasses dangle from your fingertips.
he sighs. "give them back, darling."
"make me," you say.
pantalone rises to his feet. you take a step back.
his smile is slow, the edges gilded with greed.
"as you wish."
he moves like a lightning strike, halfway across the room in a breath, and you dart out of his study with a little yelp.
you keep running once you're in the hall, the length of it gone unfamiliar in your haste. your heart is in your throat, fluttering wildly. pantalone paces behind you, his footsteps echoing in your ears, just close enough to remind you that he's there.
as if you could forget.
you round the corner, slipping a bit on the floor, and suddenly those footsteps are directly behind you. you throw yourself forward, and feel fingertips brush against the edge of your nightgown—trailing behind you like a falling star, an illuminated white—before his grasp falls short.
the chuckle that comes from behind you sounds more like a purr.
your chest is tight, heaving with each gulp of air as you push yourself further down the hall.
you turn into one of the smaller halls, a quick route meant for servants, but from the footsteps, it doesn't seem to deter your husband. with a deep breath, you speed up to clear another corner, ducking behind the second thing you see.
you tuck yourself deep into the inset, using the large planter as a shield, the delicate fronds rippling in your wake. you press a hand over your mouth to try and muffle your panting breath as heavier footsteps round the corner.
pantalone hums to himself. you hear him slow at the first inset—a marvel of a thing, a statue carved so carefully from marble that you would almost think it a sheet draped over a living human—before the rustle of his clothing picks up again.
you push back against the wall as he draws close to your inset, slowing down once again. your heartbeat is crashing in your ears, like the waves that promise an arriving storm.
there's the briefest flash of ebony hair between the fan of the fern's fronds as pantalone pauses. you hold your breath.
but then he's moving forward, slow and steady. you hear him pause at the next inset before his footsteps pick up once more.
you wait for a moment, until his footsteps have faded into the distance, and then you wait a moment more.
your hands are trembling with adrenaline when you slip out of the inset, and you giggle softly, high on your victory. you raise his glasses to the soft light of the hallway, watching the way it shines through the gems.
"hello, darling."
pantalone catches the glasses as you drop them with a little yelp, one lithe arm snaking around your waist and tugging you back against his broad chest.
you melt into him, accepting your fate. his laugh is low and next to your ear; it stirs the air and makes you shudder. he presses into you, the barest hint of his cock stirring to life against your ass, and nips at your earlobe. you suck in a sharp breath as he licks along the shell of your ear.
"have i been neglecting you, hm?"
"if you have to ask, you know the answer," you say pointedly.
"true," he says, and then your world is spinning as he flips you around so he can look at you properly. when you meet his gaze, his pupils are blown wide.
"what am i to do with you?" he asks, squeezing at your waist. he tilts his head to examine you.
"ah," he says after a moment, and you stare at him as he smiles, smug like a pleased cat lazing in the sun.
he drapes his glasses chain around your neck, fastening the latch with deft ease. you furrow your brow as he perches them on your nose.
"there we are."
before you can ask, he slips a hand up your nightgown, palming your cunt. you grind into his hand on instinct as he presses up. you sigh out a pleased breath, and one long finger brushes over your clit as he drags it through your dampening folds.
you let your head fall back as he dips a fingertip into your hole, the stretch just enough whirl the slow embers into a spark of sharp pleasure. the glasses start to slip.
pantalone tsks and pulls away to straighten them. he sets them carefully on your nose once more.
your face heats when you realize the smudge on one of the half-moon lenses is your own slick.
a coy smirk unfurls across his lips as he sinks to his knees in front of you, fisting the hem of your nightgown in one hand before tugging it up. you let out a sharp breath as he lays a biting kiss at the juncture of your thigh and hip. he keeps eye contact the whole time.
"don't let them fall," he tells you, his eyes glinting as he presses his mouth to the heat of your cunt. you stiffen as he rolls his tongue over your clit, trying to keep still.
"or else."
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luke-o-lophus · 2 years
Sleep is for the Weak
Summary : You're overworking yourself, Marc is less than happy about it
Warnings: None really. Fluffy and indulgent
Once you get there, Marc Spector is a romantic. Sure, getting there is an easy way to say it. It's months upon months of treading carefully, bated breaths, careful propositions. Tears, shouting, apologies. But once you get there it's like when an airplane has finally zoomed into the sky and the pressure of the take-off has left your chest. You are left floating in the clouds.
Your mind does feel like it's floating somewhere, when you're pulled back to reality by disapproving clicks from Marc's tongue. You blink, vision bleary. What happened? Marc is holding you up, his arm hooked under yours. You're standing near the doorway of your bedroom, and he's staring down at you, looking less than pleased. "When will you listen that you need to take it easy", he grunts, dragging the both of you towards the bed. Your feet shuffle unsteadily but you hold yourself up the best you can, already sensing the lecture coming your direction. "I was gonna get here", you whine when he finally releases his hold, leaving you to plop atop the bed. "Don't even", he huffs, pulling out a set of your night clothes from the wardrobe and dropping them on your lap. "Maaarc", you whine. "I just need to finish this one last bit of work, I swear, it won't take..."
"Baby", he halts your rambling. "It's three in the morning, you passed out at your desk." Your eyes snap to the clock, mouth open. A flush of embarrassment crawls up your neck. Your embarrassment refuses to let you look at him; you obstinately thumb the edge of the nightgown he'd given you. You weren't anything if not stubborn. But you were also burned out, severely so. "This isn't healthy, hun. And it's me saying that", Marc adds with a chuckle, dropping to his knees before you. He combs some loose locks from the side of your face, tracing sleep lines on your cheek from passing out on your documents. You are visibly pouting, clearly not happy with the conversation. "You're gonna do well. Trust me", he seals it in with a soft peck on your forehead.
"I have been neglecting you for ages", you mumble out suddenly. Marc falters, then cautiously tilts up your face. You look ashamed, remorseful. Not a look he likes on you. "You're busy, baby. I understand. God knows I have done worse", he answers honestly. "But this isn't what this is about, I swear. I want you to rest, I don't wanna see you fall sick." A small smile fights its way onto your lips then, and you tug him up to coax him into sitting beside you. Nestling comfortable into his side, you press a soft kiss to his neck. "Am sorry, still", you say. He opens his mouth to protest but you shake your head, looping your arms around his elbow and nuzzling into his side. "Say what", you hum. "We sleep now, and when we wake up tomorrow, first thing we deal with that bit" Marc cocks his brow at that suggestion, taking the rumpled clothing from your hands and watching you slip the nightdress on. Tossing them in the hamper, he settles in bed beside you, but not before pulling up the blanket to cover you fully, tucking the end below your feet just how you like it. He kisses the top of your head when he settles in, whispering,"I like the sound of that"
340 notes · View notes
0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
Young American - Part 6**
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Part 6!!!! Eeeeek! Just tension building and the first smut! Also, Harry continues to be a huge sap 🥰
WC: 6.6K
Series Masterlist
“I’ll be your good girl.” 
Y/N’s delicate whisper was playing in a loop in Harry’s brain and making him feel like he was internally combusting; he was frozen for a few seconds as he processed her words. He had a need to please. It was more than making up for the past, it was just his style of loving on someone. He wasn’t able to fully unleash this side of himself with every partner he had, but he was really interested in getting there with Y/N - if she’d let him of course. He wanted to get to know her inside and out, physically and mentally, he felt that he already knew her emotionally. She herself was a giver, a caretaker, an empath - people like that are often the most neglected ones and he wanted to make sure that she never felt neglected again in her life. His hands tightened around her hips as his body caught up with his mind and he smiled and as she planted a kiss on his jaw. Then another and another until she had reached his chin and then she smiled timidly and looked up at him through her lashes, not kissing his lips yet.
“You mean that?” He asked quietly and she nodded, “Alright, baby.” He smiled and then leaned down to peck her lips quickly before stepping back a bit to bend down to the little drawers under the station to grab a second skin patch for his tattoo.
Y/N was confused, she was preparing for him to do something about the sticky mess in her panties, or at least ask her to take care of his hard on, but he didn’t. Maybe she had read him wrong, she could’ve sworn that he was a dominant type and that given the chance he would take what was his, but it seemed that he was a gentle giant. Maybe she needed to take charge if she wanted more from him.
“Wanna help me?” He asked with a chuckle and her eyebrows shot up as she bit her bottom lip and nodded.
“Right, yeah of course!” She responded and got off of the counter and lathered on some hand sanitizer before opening up the patch and covering his fresh ink. She smiled up at him, “Good to go.” She said softly and he just looked at her for a moment. 
“You like taking care of people, huh?” He asked and she shrugged.
“I guess so.” She smiled as she straightened up.
“It makes you feel good about yourself?” He asked and she creased her eyebrows in a little bit.
“I mean yeah, but that’s not why I do it. I guess you just never know who gets that sort of treatment regularly and who doesn’t. So if they have to deal with me I’m sure as hell going to make sure they feel good around me, you know?” He nodded and smiled.
“Do you feel like people care about you the same way you care about them?” He asked and she smiled a little sadly.
“Most of the time they don’t. But it doesn’t bother me, that’s expected, most people are takers.” She said with a casual shrug and he hummed. He maybe appeared to be a taker but he was a giver, if she only knew how much he was willing to give. How much of himself he had given before and like she said, been taken advantage of because of what he was willing to give. He gave subtly and discretely in ways that weren’t all that noticeable to begin with but as they spent more time together she would soon realize that she was being well taken care of emotionally, mentally, physically and well, sexually too. That would be the most obvious way for her to know if she wanted that with him.
“That they are.” He agreed and smiled at her, “Thank you again for my tattoo. I’m quite literally obsessed with it.” He hummed and she was beaming with pride.
“Send me that picture so I can post it.” She insisted and he nodded.
“Right!” He chuckled and went and did just that before they started cleaning up while making some small talk. 
Finally they were heading out towards the back exit and as the heavy metal door shut behind them she gave it a tug to ensure it was locked properly and with she turned towards him. He could feel her expectation radiating off of her, it made him want to grin teasingly. He was keen on feeling her perfectly soft and plush lips melting against his own too, but he liked to wait; to rile himself up until he couldn’t handle it anymore. Him playing nice and going above and beyond to get her to give him another chance was wonderful for him, he wanted her approval and he felt over the moon knowing that he had successfully made her happy with him again. 
Y/N was shy though and he could sense her impatience, but he wanted to know if she’d be the type to ask for what she wanted or just suffer in silence until he decided to kiss her again, whether that be ten seconds or ten days from now. He needed to know what he was working with to be able to fully gain her trust in this respect, after all that’s what any good pleasure dom does - gains his submissive’s complete and unequivocal trust first and foremost. It was just a few seconds of silence as they looked at each other, he knew she wasn’t good with silence, she had said so at the halloween party. It couldn’t have been more than five seconds before her eyes blinked away from his with a timid smile and he sighed a small laugh.
“Sorry, eye contact is hard for me.” She confessed and that just wouldn’t do. 
“Why?” He asked gently and she bit her lip before looking up at him again.
“I feel…exposed, I guess? Like people can read my mind and my thoughts.” She explained.
“You know, before we were…cool,” he said and she nodded, “I would get one look at your eyes and know when I’d hurt your feelings or peeved you off or enraged you.” He said.
“And you didn’t care?” She asked with a little bit of hurt laced into her tone and he sighed.
“Of course I did. I’ve always felt bad about it, I just talked myself out of feeling bad.” He admitted, “But I tell you this because it was absolutely mind boggling to me how despite all of the storms quite noticeably brewing inside of you, you held yourself together. Yeah, your eyes showed everything, you were vulnerable and I’d often be prepared to react a certain way and you’d do the opposite of what I thought. So even if you feel exposed, the mental process you go through completely changes everything so you’re…actually quite safe and hard to read. But moreover, it’s admirable, I’ve never met anyone who has so much emotional self-regulation.” He chuckled and she giggled.
“Yeah, mastering that skill has taken a lifetime.” She sighed.
“You don’t have to do that with me, you know? I can handle whatever you throw at me. Believe me.” He said and she chuckled.
“Mmmm, I don’t know about that, H.” She said and he grinned at her, “What?”
“You called me, H.” He said with a smile.
“Oh! I’ve heard Auree calling you that and it just slipped out I guess.” She said bashfully, “Sorry.”
“No, it’s OK. Most of my family and friends call me that. You can too if you want.” He assured her and she smiled.
“OK.” She hummed happily, “Well we should probably go, but I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said as she started walking back towards her car.
“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He confirmed with a smile and with that she twirled on her heels and walked off to her car. 
Harry had every intent of kissing her again, so he was careful to be quiet as he trailed after her to the back end of the parking lot and right as she got to her door he reached for her waist and turned her around as she gasped.
“Jesus, Harry!” She reprimanded and he smirked as he pressed her against the car.
“Sorry, love, I just had one more question for you.” He informed and she nodded, urging him to go on, “Can I kiss you again? Just one more time before we go.” He said more quietly and she immediately bit her lip as she looked up at him and nodded, “Yeah?” He asked again, breathily, as he leaned down, the tip of his nose skimmed along the length of hers.
“Yes. Please.” She whimpered and he hummed.
“Please?” He asked with a smirk and she looked away bashfully, “No, don’t be embarrassed, love. You have such good manners, I really like that.” He assured as he angled her face back up towards his, “Did say you’re a good girl. My good girl. Right?” He asked and she sighed with a little pout.
“Don’t make fun.”
“I’m not making fun.” He assured her as he inched closer to her mouth, “I like that you wanna be good for me.” He mumbled into the minuscule space between them. She was so patient, much like him. Their lips brushed gently but she made no move to press her mouth further against his, “And you are, Y/N. You’re so good for me. Know you’re itching for me to kiss you, but you’re so patient and respectful, waiting for me do it.” He crooned and she was feeling like putty, the anticipation was killing her, “How long are you willing to wait?” He asked.
“As long as you tell me.” She responded quietly and he grinned. Fuck, she was perfect, the things he could do to her if she decided to delve into his games with him.
“That’s a good girl.” He praised and she bit down on her lip at the sound of it, “Kiss me.” He instructed, voice quiet, yet commanding. He felt her tip-toe to reach his mouth better and she started leaning in and right as their lips grazed he pulled back with a smirk and she looked at his eyes with disappointment, “Kiss me.” He insisted again and she sighed and went back in, her lips puckered out to meet his and he once again pulled out of her reach as she creased her eyebrows in frustration, this made him grin even more, “Come on, kiss me.” He said again and her desperate eyes met his own before she leaned in again and he smirked as he pulled back again.
“Harry.” She pouted though an exhale of exasperation.
“What is it, love?” He asked teasingly with a smile as he rubbed the tips of their noses together playfully.
“You’re teasing too much.” She huffed. Oh, she hadn’t seen the half of it, “Been listening to you and doing everything you say. Just want to taste your lips again.” She sighed and he bit his lip as his eyes met hers and without any further warning he grabbed a hold of her face and went in for another kiss- tongue first.
Y/N moaned as their eager mouths met desperately. She just held her lips open for him as his tongue rolled deliciously against her own. It made her insides feel like mush and for her chest to tighten at the distinguishable feeling. They both hummed and moaned into their kiss, it was one of those kisses that started making you think about how much more you wanted. He started to slow it down until they were leisurely smearing their lips together until he pulled away and sighed as his forehead rested against her own.
“What time is it?” He asked and she grabbed her phone from her pocket and giggled showing him that it was nearly 11 at night, “Jesus, been snogging you for nearly twenty minutes and it only felt like two.” He hummed and she grinned.
“It’s too easy to get carried away with it.” She agreed and he nodded with a hum.
“Alright, love, let’s get you in your car.” He said and she giggled and pulled her door open and settled in as he stood there, “See you in the morning, OK?” 
“See you.” She smiled before he shut her door and she started her car. He then hurried over to his and after a few moments they both went their separate ways.
On his way home Harry could not stop smiling. He was so fucking happy that he had finally got to feel Y/N’s lips against his own. He got home and it still felt like he was in a dream of sorts, he was just going through the motions of getting ready for bed and when he finally settled into his mattress (he still hadn’t built his bed frame) he just tucked his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling just thinking about her. About the sweet, young, American apprentice who finessed her way into his heart with her kind, caring, and compassionate way of being. He must admit that even in her irritated state he liked her. He liked how alive she could make him feel. Without even giving it a second thought he reached for his phone and dialed her number, it rang a couple of times before it stopped and his entire body just froze for a second, waiting impatiently to hear her voice. He hadn’t felt this way about anyone in…a long, long while. He started to remember her, a dark cloud started to cloud his mind and then Y/N’s sweet voice swept in at the last seconds, breaking all of the darkness with her light.
“Hello?” She nearly whispered into the receiver and he smiled again. It made him feel like they were beside each other and speaking quietly into the night. He adored the sweet timbre of her voice.
“I can’t stop thinking about us kissing.” He confessed quietly, though there was a suspenseful air of trepidation to his vulnerable confession. He felt his chest tighten with the feeling of anxiety for being so open about it as he awaited her response. For a second he even felt regretful of calling her at this hour and saying anything at all.
“I can’t either.” She whispered back and he could hear the smile in her voice. He felt a sense of relief wash over him as his muscles relaxed at her confirmation of feeling the same way about their kisses as him. 
“I can’t wait to do it again.” He flirted with a smirk. He could just picture her looking away bashfully with warm cheeks. And she certainly was blushing, but she was nuzzling into the pillow beside her and as she inhaled to get a whiff of his cologne. It was probably from the night he stayed over. She really needed to wash it but it was comforting for her, so she had just neglected that one a bit.
“My pillow still smells like your cologne.” She informed him, changing the subject a bit and he smiled upon hearing that. 
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” He inquired and she grinned.
“Not a bad thing at all. Your cologne smells really good.” She admitted and he hummed.
“I’m glad you like it.” He smiled, “Hey tomorrow, do you want to come over and help me build a few more things?” He asked and she smiled.
“Yeah, of course.”
“Cool. We can have dinner and watch a film or something?” He asked and she hummed, “Make out a little bit…” he added in and she giggled. He was a huge sap, which was not at all what she was expecting, but surprisingly she was enjoying it. All her life she was competing with others to get someone’s attention, even while together with them! Harry already gave her his undivided attention and she hadn’t really done anything except be nice to him. She liked knowing without a doubt that he was interested in her.
“Make out a lot?” She asked back with a smile and he chuckled.
“Yeah love, whatever you want.” He assured and that made her smile.
  “Ooh, what do you think we should get for dinner? Or are we cooking?” She asked and Harry chuckled.
“Are you hungry?” He asked and she giggled.
“Yeah, actually I kind of am.” She responded and he hummed.
“What are your aunt’s rules regarding late night deliveries?” He mused and she grinned.
“As long as they don’t disturb her sleep she doesn’t care.” She informed, “but don’t worry about it. There’s a Taco Bell around the corner, I can just go real quick.” She said and he tutted.
“Not at this hour, all alone. There are so many creeps out here.” He said and she giggled.
“Very gallant of you, but it’s OK, I promise.” She assured, “Do this at least twice a week.” She confessed and he chuckled and she giggled along with him.
“Of course you do.” He sighed with amusement and she bit her lip.
“But if you want to come over anyway…” she slipped in as their laughter died down and Harry’s mind fogged up without a rational thought within reach at her invitation. It was nearly 12:30… that’s not too late, right? He asked himself.
“Do you want me to?” He asked and she bit her lip as her tummy turned with excitement.
“Yeah.” She said back, “Impromptu sleep over!” She beamed and he hummed.
“OK, send me the address again and I’ll text you when I’m outside.”
“M’kay. Maybe bring your stuff for tomorrow so that you’re not rushing to get home early.” She said.
“Good thinking. And wait for me before going to bloody Taco Bell.” He said and she giggled quietly.
“Alright, see you in a bit.” He said before hanging up. Harry gathered up his things and drove out to her place like a bat out of hell.
Y/N on the other hand wasn’t even hungry anymore, just anxious to see him before her. She really didn’t want to wait until the shop to see him again. To feel his warmth radiating against her, to feel his lips puckering against her own, to hear his voice and his warm puffs of air against her skin. She got up and made her way to the kitchen and as she dug around quietly she opted for a few strawberries to satiate the hunger she felt. She then hurried to brush her teeth and laid in bed awaiting Harry’s text. It came about 10 minutes later and she hurried to the front door, opening it quietly and signaling him over. After a few moments he walked up with a large tote bag draped over his shoulder and a big smile.
“I found something to eat here.” She explained and he hummed as she let him inside and locked up quietly. When she turned around to guide him towards her bedroom he was just a few steps behind her and he leaned down to connect their lips in a quick kiss and she hummed with a smile.
“Sorry, couldn’t wait.” He whispered as he pulled back and she smiled.
“C’mon.” She said, blindly finding his hand and leading him back to her room. 
She closed the door behind them, gently pressing it back until it fully shut. Harry was setting his tote down at bench at the end of the bed. He slipped off the jacket he was in so that he was just in his t-shirt and shorts and sat on the edge of her bed and slipped his shoes off. He was just so effortlessly good looking, it was mind boggling. She then came up to him and he opened his legs to let her stand in between them and he hummed delightfully and his eyes closed for a moment as her fingers raked his curls back. When she reached the back of his head she let her fingers massage his scalp and he moaned, letting his head roll back and she smiled. Harry’s whole body was covered in goosebumps at the massage she was giving him. She slowly started coming to a stop and she titled his face up towards hers with a smile. He still felt tingly from the feelings of her fingers in his hair and he was smiling up at her dopily.
“I’ve always wanted to do that.” She confessed with a smile and he chuckled softly.
“I can’t even remember the last time someone did that to me.” He responded. His voice now sounded hoarse and deeper than before and it made her buzz, “When I was a kid my mum used to do that to help me fall asleep. I was the worst at going to bed.” He said and she smiled at his reminiscing, “She would always make me chamomile tea with honey before bed to try and get me drowsy, think she maybe put Benadryl in it sometimes.” He said and Y/N giggled, throwing her head back like she did when she laughed and he bit his lip as he watched her.
“What?” She asked with a smile as she looked at him again and he shook his head bashfully, swallowing the lump in his throat.
“I really like it when you laugh.” He said as he brought his hands to the backs of her thighs, rubbing tenderly, “I like it when you look so happy like tha’.” He said and she bit her lip, the thumping of her heart was surely palpable through her chest. God, she couldn’t even imagine where she’d be today if he had been this way from the start. She had to remind herself that she couldn’t just plop into his lap like she so desperately wanted to, “What’re you pouting about, love?” He asked her with concern. She hadn’t even realized she was pouting.
“Oh nothing, I was just thinking about how I couldn’t just sit on your lap.” 
“Oh, right.” He recalled, he was so fucking happy to be with her he had even forgotten the slight burn of his fresh tattoo, “Well lets get in the bed then, yeah?” She nodded and they soon settled in, facing each other. The light from the moon was casting enough of a dim light to allow their eyes to adjust a bit and be able to see each other. Harry reached for her hip and draped his hand over it and she swears he was smirking as he let his hand slide a bit lower so that his fingers were resting on her butt and she squirmed as he gently pinched at it before he laughed softly.
“Stop it, you lecher!” She giggled and he shook his head.
“Don’t think I will.” He said and she rolled her eyes, “Don’t roll your eyes at me.” He whispered and she did it again, “Such a brat.” He huffed and she smiled. He brought his hand up from her side let his fingers trace over her lips, “Even still, gonna kiss you good night.” He whispered and she smiled. 
She pressed a quick kiss to the fingers tracing her lips and he smiled at her sweet action. He was just about to pull them away and lean in, but then she slightly parted her lips and let her tongue tickle against his digits and he bit his lip as he felt a lump forming in his throat. He ran his fingers down a bit so that the tips pressed down her bottom lip and then he let it wobble back into place. Her needy eyes met his and he swallowed down the lump in his throat as he let his index and middle fingers trace along her bottom lip a few times, she lightly poked her warm and wet tongue against his finger tips and his heart started pounding and all of the blood in his body started rushing down to his groin. He barely pushed his fingers past her lips, he felt them skim over her bottom row of teeth and his darkened eyes met hers as he pushed them in further. They were both breathing so heavily and as she felt them rub against her tongue lightly she just couldn’t help it anymore and opened up wider and leaned in so that his fingers were fully in her mouth. She squeezed her lips together and sucked.
“Fuck.” Harry sighed breathily at the smooth texture of her hot tongue against the pads of his fingers. Her mouth was warm and wet and it made him think about other parts of her that were warmer and wetter for him. He started to pump his fingers in and out of her mouth slowly and she moaned around them, “You’re so good with your mouth, love.” She moaned at the compliment and he groaned as his cock started to throb and he pushed his fingers in deeper and he felt how she relaxed her jaw and throat to let him sink his fingers into the very back of her mouth, “Oh fuck, love.” He sighed desperately and he didn’t even process it as her hand lifted his shirt and bunched it up near his chest and her other hand then came between them and started to rub over his erection, “Baby-” he gasped and she moaned and sucked his fingers with more fervor.
Harry liked to edge himself. He thought of himself as a pleasure dom, his pleasure always came from bringing his partner as much pleasure as possible. Not that he never got to experience the pleasure, but typically he reserved coming for when he had sex. He would get himself off when he didn’t have a partner, but he would edge himself for days or until he just couldn’t handle it anymore and needed to bust a big load. It had been nearly a week since the last time he got himself off and just feeling her hot, little mouth on his fingers was doing enough to work him up. He needed her to stop before he came. 
“Shit!” He moaned as the pad of her thumb found the very leaky tip of his cock and she did nothing but rub over it and smear the mess of his precum over it until his breath was hitching, “Baby, baby, baby, stop! You’re gonna make me come!” He warned breathily and she moaned again and didn’t stop. He tried to pull his fingers out of her mouth to bring his hand down to stop her, but she bit down on them lightly and he moaned. He couldn’t help it as his hips bucked up towards her touch and his abs started to tense and his breath to hitch. His tip was so sensitive, he could feel his precum leaking and wetting the lower parts of his tummy, “Oh fuck…fuuuuck…” he moaned as his cum started to erupt from his red and throbbing tip. She moaned as she felt it oozing out and released his fingers from her mouth as he rolled onto his back, attempting to catch his breath. She leaned over and kissed his lips quickly before lowering herself, “W-wha’re you doing?” He whispered in shock..
“Cleaning your mess.” She mumbled as she planted a kiss over his butterfly tattoo and then rolled her tongue out to lick up the sperm that had spurted out onto his skin.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N…” he whispered almost as if in pain as she quickly licked over the tip of his cock and up his happy trail, leaving his body stiff as a board, awaiting her next move. But he felt her warmth pull away and then he felt her settled back into the pillows. He opened his heavy eyes and turned to her and she just gave him a small smile, “You’re…wild.” He said through a sigh and smile and she giggled quietly. 
“I get carried away easily.” She admitted with a soft tone and he smiled. She felt a little embarrassed now as he just smiled at her, they had only kissed for the first time a few hours ago and she had just made him come and licked the cum off of him. She was about to apologize when he bit his lip.
“Y/N, kiss me.” He commanded, “Lemme taste myself on your tongue.” He whispered hotly and she practically turned to mush as he said those words and she surged forward as they started to make out. She moaned as he gently sucked on her tongue, moaning at the slightly salty taste of his cum mixed with the taste of her own mouth. “Let me make you come.” He whispered after their lips parted with a gasp.
“Ummm, it’s OK…it’s ummm, kind of hard for me t-to come with a partner.” She admitted timidly and he furrowed his brows, “OK,  actually I’ve never come by someone else.” She rushed out and he looked offended. 
She just always felt like there were elements missing with partners. She felt that everything was so mechanical; the build up was hot and she would get aroused, but she never orgasmed. She’d had sore labia and a throbbing clit a lot from the lack of orgasms. When she’d get off though she’d let her mind wander to her fantasies, or sometimes she’d listen to something spicy and get off that way. But the point was that she had a hard time with partners. She didn’t know why but that’s the way it was, which was why she got so carried away when she’d made someone else come, it was the ultimate tease, giving someone something she’d never get back. She was snapped out of her rapid thoughts as Harry kissed her pouted lips.
“How about you let me give it a try?” He asked and she bit her lip, “It won’t be anything crazy, just gonna use my fingers.” He said. His fingers? She thought to herself. Just from hearing that she was mentally preparing for the disappointment and consolation speech she would give him when he didn’t make her come. She wouldn’t bother faking it with him, she felt that he was too smart for that.
“Yeah, OK.” She smiled nervously and he hummed and pushed her to lie on her back and he straddled her hips. He bent his arms to lower himself and to be able to kiss her and after a few seconds he parted from her mouth.
“If you don’t like something just let me know, OK? Or if you want me to stop just tell me to stop. OK?” He informed her and she nodded and he shook his head, “Mm-mmm,” he expressed his disapproval, “Want your words, love.” He said quietly and she swallowed thickly upon hearing that.
“OK.” She whispered, her chest already felt tight with nerves. No one had ever said that to her before. Now she wasn’t sure what to expect. His eyes met hers and despite the tender look he continued to give her there was something else hidden in his eyes. She wasn’t sure but when he spoke his next words she knew that something between them had shifted.
“That’s my good girl.” He said lowly. His eyes scanned over her face slowly and as he looked at her lips he wet his own with his tongue before sinking his top teeth into his fuller bottom lip and then it slipped from below it as his lips quirked up to the left in a boyish, teasing grin. His dimple carved deep into his cheek, it was adorable, but she knew that the cause of his grin was anything but adorable.
“What is it?” She asked timidly.
“I still can’t believe you licked up my cum.” He whispered and she felt herself blush and rolled her lips together to suppress her nervous laugh, “It was fucking hot.” His tone changed, but he was still smirking down at her, “Tastes alright, right?” He asked.
“Yeah. I liked it.” She confessed bashfully and he bit his lip again as he looked over her face once more before he knelt up to look down at the rest of her body. She watched as he ogled her; she was so turned on that her nipples were definitely straining against her old, thinned out baggy t-shirt. He reached his hand out towards her chest, but right before he kneaded his hand into it he pulled it back, barely skimming over the peak of her nipple and that sent her body into high alert mode. She wanted to ask him why he decided not to go for it but he answered that for her instead.
“I’d rather just go for the main event actually.” He said lowly and she hummed. His eyes trailed down to her pajama shorts, they were a bit loose and went down to about mid thigh,  “The eternal debate, panties or no panties?” He said with a smile, “What do you think I am?” He asked her and her mind flickered to what had happened not even 10 minutes before.
“No panties, obviously.” She said and he grinned.
“Yeah.” He shrugged with a snigger and she laughed softly.
“OK, so what am I?” She asked and he looked into her eyes. His gaze was so piercing that she didn’t see one of his hands lower to the front of her shorts, “Well?”she asked and he bit his lip to suppress his smirk as he pulled up the material right above the crotch of her shorts, imprinting the shape of her pussy right against the material. She yelped in surprise as the thicker middle seam of the shorts dug against her aching clit and her eyes widened as her hands flew up to cover her mouth. Harry’s face scrunched up as his silent laugh turned into a snigger and she closed her eyes and shook her head as she removed her hands from her mouth.
“I knew it was no panties.” He whispered cheekily. 
It was only then that Y/N felt a little tickle down her butt as she shifted a bit. She realized that it was from how wet she was and it took her by surprise, she had never been that wet before; she didn’t even know it was possible. Harry watched her and started to realize what she had just discovered. He could see from his peripherals how her thighs kept squeezing together or slightly shifting. 
“You’re so fucking wet for me, aren’t you?” He asked out of the blue with a cocky smile and she bit her lip and nodded. He quirked his eyebrow up expectantly and she widened her eyes in realization.
“Yes. I am.” She responded verbally.
“Yes you are- what?” He pushed further and she blushed as she realized what he wanted. She swallowed thickly before she spoke up.
“I’m s-so fucking wet for you, Harry.” She stammered in a soft and breathy voice and he hummed.
“Yeah, you are.” He hummed haughtily and she swallowed thickly again. He was so fucking sexy, Y/N was reeling. He could ask her to jump off a cliff and she’d do it, “Do you care if I see you bare or do you want me to keep your shorts on?” He asked her.
“You can take ‘em off if you want.” She responded and he smiled.
“OK.” He nodded and she lifted her hips to allow him to slip off her shorts. He folded them up and placed them off to the side before dipping down to kiss her. He shifted to one side of her and spoke into their kiss, “Bend your legs for me, yeah?” She just did it and he knelt in between her legs, careful to not move his thigh too much. Their lips met eagerly and he started to pull back, “Sit up.” He said and she sat up and he grabbed the two pillows on his side of the bed and stuffed them behind her so that she was propped up, “Want you to be able to see.” He hummed and she moaned. 
She couldn’t believe how wet she was for him, she could feel her inner walls fluttering and her clit was puffy and aching for attention. She didn’t remember the last time she had felt this on fire. But it was his words, his kisses, his energy. She suddenly gasped as his warm palm cupped over her center. He could already feel on the tips of his fingers how wet she was. He sighed with a smile.
“Shit…” he exhaled and she moaned as he added more pressure and his middle finger prodded right against her entrance. He wiggled his fingers up and down as she whined softly. The smacking, wet sounds of her arousal made him groan as his digits became coated in her arousal, “Fuck, love the sound of your wet pussy.” He growled lowly.
“Oh my god…” She sang in excitement as a wave of pleasure struck her core and expanded through her body.
“Gonna put my fingers in.” He warned her and she nodded, trying her best to relax. He slowly rubbed over her dripping, little hole, “Think I can start with two?” He mumbled into her mouth and she nodded.
“Yes, fuck. Please! I want to feel full.” She whispered desperately and he grinned as he started to push them into her gently. His fingers were obviously longer and thicker than hers, the fit made her body squirm as he sunk in, stretching out her long neglected pussy. She moaned aloud when he finally sunk in to the knuckle.
“Shhh, baby, shhh…” He shushed her with a grin, “Gotta be quiet.” He reminded her and she bit her lip and as he arched his fingers up and rubbed into her g-spot and her warm, velvety walls squeezed his fingers tight, “You’re so tight.” He grunted against her mouth as he thrust his fingers in and out, prodding into her g-spot over and over, her brain was melting as her entire body started to buzz and tingle from the center out. He started going faster and she let out a little squeak as her fists tightened up into the sheets.
“Oh Harry, right there!” She whined quietly, “Right there!” She mewled desperately. She was already starting to feel that familiar tightening in her stomach and her breathing started to become shallow. He then used his thumb to rub circles into her clit which made her gasp and for her mouth to open in a silent scream. Harry felt her muscles pulsate around his digits and he grinned.
“Thought it was hard for you to come with a partner.” He teased and she shivered, “Seems to me you’re already close, baby.” She moaned and he grinned, “Shhhh. Or I’m gonna have to gag you.” He warned and her eyes rolled back. Her body shook with the thrusts of his fingers and she felt her toes start to curl as she rolled her head back and Harry leaned down against her ear and nibbled at her ear lobe, “Still my good girl?” He asked and she nodded, “Good. Want you to come for me then, baby.” She shuddered at his command, “Can you do that for me?” He asked and she nodded.
“Oh my god!” She gasped. Her breathing started to shallow as the fire in the pit of her stomach started to spread through her entire body. Her hips started thrusting up into his fingers and he groaned, “Good baby, fuck yourself on my fingers until you come.” He muttered and suddenly she froze and her breath hitched.
“Fuck Har-” her moan was muffled as he pulled her face into the crook of his neck. He panted through a soft laugh as he felt her legs trembling as she moaned into his neck as she came undone. He started to slow his pace gradually to help her ride it out and he removed his hand from the back of her head as she started breathing hard, letting her head rest back into the pillows. She swallowed thickly as she tried to breathe deeper and he rubbed the tip of his nose playfully against her own as he slowly withdrew his fingers from her.
“You OK, love?” He asked and she nodded.
“Yeah, just… recovering.” She smiled in satisfaction and he grinned, “Thank you for that. I’ve been missing out.” She panted before puckering her lips and he kissed her quickly.
“Anytime, baby. M’gonna get a taste, OK?” He said and she nodded, watching as he knelt upright and brought his cum-coated fingers to his lips and slipped them in. He groaned and shut his eyes as he cleaned off his fingers, “Gonna rush to the bathroom.” She nodded and he hurried out of the bed and quietly snuck out to the bathroom in the hallway that was all her own. 
After a few moments he returned with a small towel in hand and he warned her that he was going to clean her up and she was shy about it, no one had ever done aftercare for her, but this was something else. He then helped her get her shorts back on before he settled into the bed. He backed into her and she spooned him and he hummed in comfort as her lips smooched a kiss on his shoulder.
“Still gonna hang out with me after work tomorrow right?” He asked her and she smiled.
“Yeah, of course.” She whispered and he smiled as he nuzzled further into her, “Night, H.”
“Night, baby.” He whispered.
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flightfoot · 11 months
I know a lot of the fandom are angry at Marinette for not telling Adrien about his father/the rings at the end of season 5 and I get it. She should tell him eventually. But people say it proves she hasn't learned anything from Season 4 and... I feel like what happened in Season 4 and what happened in Season 5 are two very different scenarios?
Like... in season 4, she's keeping technical secrets from Chat Noir- that Rena Furtive is active and several gameplans including her Ephemeral plan, Hack-san and the Sentibubbler one. She's holding her cards too close to her chest out of fear of losing control and not delegating enough. Once Alya is in the know, she has a new, closer partner in her and unintentionally neglects Chat, forgetting to include him in technical aspects that he should be savvy on. She needs to relinquish control and trust more, needs to keep her team in the loop on necessary knowledge. Chat Noir may have still been upset that it wasn't just the two of them anymore, but he'd feel better if he at least felt included as a partner.
The biggest indicator that she actually did learn something from this is her decision to no longer keep each miraculous at the end of Season 5. She relinquishes them to each holder. There are also small examples like her entrusting Chat with the rabbit miraculous early on, going along with his plan without a good explanation in the switcheroo episode and accepting Nino's lead without boggarting, being overbearing or trying to shut it down when he starts The Resistance. As in real life, character flaws will always pop up every now and again and while it's true that she is pretty much forced to work with Chat alone in Season 5, the evidence of her change is there. Chat is a bit of an afterthought in Season 5, but that's more a crappy narrative decision than Ladybug avoiding him.
Some have said she hasn't changed because Chat still doesn't know the other holders' identities, but that always confuses me because since when has that been a problem, for him or otherwise? There was a popular misconception of his line in Strikeback that he was demanding to know other identities when he was actually asking why she couldn't know HIS identity. Maybe that's where it comes from, but Chat has always been primarily concerned with the two of them sharing their identities.
My point is that Marinette learned a lesson about not holding her cards too close and trusting her partners. The climactic discussion was lacking but it's dishonest to say she learned nothing. She's changed her approach accordingly.
What's happening with Adrien at the end of Season 6 is different. This isn't some gameplan aspect that she needs to communicate to keep her trusted partner in the loop. This is a series of soul crushing truths that she has been saddled with communicating to her new boyfriend who just lost his mother and father within a year of each other. Like hey I know you're an orphan now and you're still dealing with that, but you should also know your dad was evil and victimized you and your friends continuously to bring back your coma mom. Not to mention, they were both controlling you from birth with their wedding rings. Because you're a sentimonster. You're not a real boy! Nathalie, your only trusted remaining guardian, was in on it before making a sharp heel faced turn at the tail end. Felix knew too and he told Kagami, but not you. Your dad asked me not to tell you right before he died so not sure if I should be betraying an evil dying man's wishes like this.
Not defending this choice. There's info in there that Adrien needs to know to protect himself. He needs to process his trauma- much of which she has no idea about. Just from a narrative standpoint, it's almost criminally disappointing and a failure to his character to keep it from him.
I also get why it's not at all easy. I get why the lessons learned in Season 4 finale do not help with this. Season 4 secrets were about controlling or withholding all the variables and information to avoid a technical failure and learning to trust others judgement. Season 5 secrets are about the moral dilemma of lying to spare someone emotionally. This is "I'm going to withhold this logical info for logical reasons without considering the emotional damage of keeping my partner out of the loop." VS "I'm going to withhold this emotionally charged info for emotional reasons without considering the logistical problems of not telling a sentimonster they're a sentimonster wearing their life on their ring finger." Sharing something that you know will crush someone inside out, that irrevocably changes all they know about their existence, that you cannot take back... is not the same as letting someone in on your gameplan.
It's a bad call and if this show has any wits, it will examine that. But it's easier said than done and not as "OMG DUH!" as people make it out to be. I can't even completely consider the urge to want to "protect" him insulting to Adrien because honestly, this would fuck anyone up. A secret like this is liable to land any kid in a facility for a bit for an existential meltdown. People have cracked over less. She doesn't even know how strong Adrien is. She doesn't know he's Chat Noir, who she's been through thick and thin with. The idea that what she's doing is a kindness, while flawed, is not unfounded.
Her lesson here should be 'Brutal truths are better than pretty lies' or 'Lies are not a kindness, they're a disrespect." Imo, very different from the motivations and the lessons learned in Season 4, even if the core of them both were withholding information. It's like...if you learn that a type of vodka makes you sick, you're probably not going to stop drinking it altogether. Lessons are complex. It's not going to be "I'll never keep a secret again." It's "I'll never keep a secret in this type of situation again."
Marinette hasn't learned the brutal truth lesson yet. Yeah, she did this small scale with the scarf in Season 1. That worked out for her, right? Even if you count Chat Blanc as a comparable secret (I've never really understood people who are mad about this. It's not like she knew what specific events led to it and it has no bearing on events in their current, future or past timeline. I mean I'd love if she mentioned it for drama. I just don't think she's obligated to?), sparing him the knowledge of it also has worked out in keeping him ignorantly content? Most of the more damning Season 4 secrets were oversights, technical planning and things that he was going to discover anyway that she just neglected to tell him. Emotionally inconsequential things that he wasn't made blissful by not knowing- quite the opposite- and were not lies told on his behalf.
So yeah. 2 different situations, 2 different motivations, 2 different lessons. One improved on, hopefully another to be considered and not swept under the rug.
The real question is: Will she tell Chat Noir? If she doesn't tell Chat Noir because she doesn't trust HIM with this information then I take back this entire ask. I admit defeat. Miraculous has made a clown of me once again. But I can't judge her on that considering she and Chat have not interacted since before it happened? We actually don't know how the writers are going to spin that yet.
So just some housekeeping to start off with, the situation in Ephemeral is very different from the ones in Sentibubbler and Hack-san. In Sentibubbler and Hack-san the plans were very last-minute, and Marinette was unable to communicate or even MAKE a plan in Sentibubbler, and for Hack-san, she didn't have an opportunity to talk to Chat before giving the earrings to Alya, and didn't seem to think of what his reaction would be to seeing a new Ladybug Holder out of nowhere.
Ephemeral, by contrast, had Ladybug deliberately lying to Chat Noir, saying that she wanted an identity reveal because it would make them stronger, in order to manipulate him into unknowingly revealing his identity to a third party, because she didn't want to risk him potentially not agreeing to reveal his identity to someone else. Very different situation.
I do agree that Marinette seems to have learned something from season 4 at least, in terms of relinquishing control and telling people need-to-know things about gameplans, with giving the Miraculous out to their wielders permanently helping to show that.
And the truths she's keeping from Adrien ARE more of the soul-crushing variety (or well, at least of the "likely to severely mess you up" variety). I do see why this would hit Marinette as a different sort of thing to keep from Adrien, since she's not telling him everything because she doesn't want him to get hurt, and he's dealing with a lot as it is.
The main issue is... why wouldn't she tell CHAT NOIR about this stuff? I mean, I could maybe see not telling him the Senti stuff under the premise that that's a private matter, but there's no reason not to tell him that Gabriel was Monarch.
I'd love if Season 6 ended up conveying to Marinette more of the "she needs to be open and honest" message, with brutal truths being better than pretty lies, though I'm kinda doubting it'll happen.
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deusexlachina · 6 months
Cheesage Exocolonist Age 11: Ruin Valentine's Day as soon as it is invented by blorboing so hard that it becomes existentially horrifying
In which Sol tells Tangent about her other lives for free candy and uses fashion to save people's lives before they are in danger.
Age 11 is kicked off by Marz inventing Valentine's day for free candy - you have to pick your Best Friend. Normally, I would do something sensible, like weigh all the different options to see how to maximize Friendship points and choose the Best Friend most optimal for my run. Unfortunately, Tangent is my blorbo and my shameless favouritism cannot be suppressed.
This is the first time I've picked Tangent after completing a run, so I only just now discovered this rather unsettling wormhole dialogue: when she asks for a reason you should be friends (Tangent being one of the harder characters to befriend, you do need a reason!), Sol can tell Tangent about the timeline where they were married.
Obviously this ruins your friendship completely, and...wait, she thinks it's cool? She gives friendship points?
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"Grow old together" is a bit of a stretch - in the timeline Sol is referring to, my first playthrough, the marriage dissolved quickly because Tangent can never keep a relationship going with anyone, and also because Tangent lost her brother, had a supervillain phase and burnt out in like her twenties. (God forbid trans women do anything). Canonically, future memories aren't 100% reliable, but this still feels like burying the lede.
Despite this being one of the weirdest dialogues in the game, which is a very high bar, this is one of very few options where you can be completely honest about your other lives without being diagnosed as Delusional. (The twins are both very open-minded).
I really like the wormhole dialogues, because they start out awesome but the more of them you pick, the more you realize just how horrifying this whole situation is. This poor kid just trying to deal with having numerous other lives and no idea what to do with them with PTSD from stuff that hasn't even happened yet. They just get more and more detached from the world around them the more they loop. And they keep looping forever.
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Marzipan gives me -2 Friendship for picking Tangent instead of her. But I like to think the penalty is really for ruining Valentine's Day by being 11 and reminiscing about married life/the only life Sol ever lived organically. I mean, she doesn't mention that. But would you? Really, this was a suboptimal choice, but I want to share some neat Easter eggs along the way.
Most of the year proceeds as normal, by which I mean neglecting my studies in favour of deckbuilding. I get Marz's friendship high enough for her to give me her jacket. Unfortunately, because she's my coworker, she knows how much money I have and, seeing I have more than 50 kudos in the bank, she will instead sell me the jacket. I take the L; it's fair for ruining Valentine's Day.
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Besides that, the jacket is crucial. Tonin is living on borrowed time - late this year, he will be killed in a manticore attack. I could go out and save him just in the nick of time. But that would be traumatic for him and poor Tammy. More importantly, it would give me more cards [bad]. Another route is persuading him to stay home, but, having neglected my education, my persuasion is at 0. Fortunately, I have Marz's jacket, which makes me cool enough to persuade him to babysit instead. Tonin joins his daughter in being saved without any idea of the danger they were in.
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A couple months later, I save Hal. This is the first time I've saved someone and gotten recognition for it. This is a sign that these mortals will eventually bow to me as their ruler.
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snarkylinda · 11 months
I’m very glad you’re talking about spencer being parentified because it feels like people sometimes gloss over it a bit? or maybe I’m just looking in the wrong places. if this isn’t something you do in you’re blog feel free to just. not respond but do you have any more thoughts or. idk headcanons on how that might have affected him as an adult?
Hi anon! To be honest I have no idea what is essentially discussed alot on the fandom other that a tiny fraction of it I expose myself to because 1#I am too tired and old to deal with fandom discourse about my blorbo, and based on my previous experience with fandoms I KNOW that the most popular the character, the bigger the discourse so haha no- 2# I joined in late lmao literally a couple of months ago, so I am super out of the loop just screaming to the void in desperate needs for someone to scream back 🤲🏼 do this kind of asks actually made me so happy agahagaha 🥰🥰 Buckle up bois this is LONG-
Ok now to those that might come across this and ask themselves what the hell does being parentified means, it's a broad term used for the phenomenon of (at best) a child sharing parental responsibilities due to x circumstance, or (at worst) downright having the parent/child dynamic completely swapped, with the child being the caretaker for the parent and household. You don't have to know deep CM lore knowledge to realize the latter is Spencer Reid to a T. Hell, they aren't even subtle about it lmao:
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Btw parentification is often mixed in with abandonment and while they share the "child being forced to grown up" too quickly, the former is often distinguished by the fact that, more often that not as is this case, the parent still cares for them but are unable to do so how it should be (tho there are several cases where parentefication is an part of willing neglect, sadly) and added to the fact that they have to look after themselves- they have to look after another.
This is a really complicated, broad topic and I just mentioned this to go full disclaimer and that I don't blame Diana at all for how messed her son ended up since she can't help it- and to make a joke about how Spencer was abandoned and parentified. Also harassed. Guys he wasn't even 18-
Anyways but back to your question, how do I think that affected Spencer growing up....well in everything basically lmao
But I will take on two instances that had stood up to me the most: emotional management and hiding secrets.
The second one is easier: you would catch this man dead before he vents to you over something other than his shitty dad (that I find very funny tbh) and when he does is because he is at his limit and about to fucking cry.
Now don't get me wrong: we all are entiltde to our privacy. These are grown ass adults and they have lives outside of their working circle....
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Haha we have an problem-
So yeah, Spencer kind of actually needs to rely on his co-workers because he has literally nobody else to rely on-
And yet
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Oh here is the thing- Spencer is one polite boi but he is also blunt, if he doesn't want someone on his business he says so (look back when Alex discovered him and Maeve) this is literally "I wanted to tell you but I feel like I shouldn't"- this is not season 1 mind you, this is season 11, and yet here he was one of his oldest friends literally grabbing him by the arm and having to tell him it's never a bother- I am the only one fucking crying at this?
Excuses seems to come to Spencer like it's second nature- "sorry a tube on my apparment broke" "Oh I....I tripped!" "There was a lot of traffic so..." "I was watching an movie" and I am not am expert on USA's history or some shit, but Child Protection Services had been a thing since at least the 60s, so I don't think that a 10yo living alone with his mentally ill mother would have flown well- you get the idea.
I think this scene summarizes the whole thing perfectly
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Get it? it's irony. (I love how Spencer is about to say something like dismissive "thank you" but because this shit hit too close to home to comfort he just gave a polite smile and walked away. That silence was LOUD) Because Spencer had always had done the former but the latter er.... :D
And it's not only when it concern Diane btw, any problem whatsoever Spencer would rather lock himself up (literally lmao) that sit down and talk about it- it's only when his bs is exposed and he can't refutage (like that little scene after Gideon's death when Rossi asks him if he had been there all night- he points out the fact he is wearing the same cardigan as the day before) that he opens up....or he runs away, which leads me to the second big point that I think shows how much Parentification fucked him up:
Spencer has the emotional maturity of a teenager.
I talk about this literally all the time so I'll be shorter lmao basically Spencer... has an issue- ok he has lot of issues- and that is the way he dislikes direct confrontation, so whenever he is hurt or angry he would rather be dismissive and passive-agressive that talk it out with the person- even going as far as turning away and storming out of the room.
(Here is the part where I put the screencaps but him storming off would be out of focus so lmao er.... Elephant Memory, Memoriam, Proof, a little part in 15x2 and The Gathering)
Now... I do think that a grown-ass man doing this shit is hilarious, like I love Spencer's bratty side so much lmao but it's an clear sign of someone that never learned how to deal with his emotions on a healthy way, someone that 6 out of 7 days of the week had to interiorize everything in and because of that holds on so much....resement, so much repressed anger but also without an stable force on his life to help him manage that- so we are left with an teenager trapped in an adult's body, loss at how to handle shit like he always did.
....And want to know the worst part about an Parentified boy onto adulthood?
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That they don't know better.
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diamondcitydarlin · 2 years
I know we're about to get into the discourse and discussion for a new ep so lemme get this out while it's on my mind, but I keep turning over that convo they have in the flooded basement while getting Colin and like, the structure of it, I guess, bc as always there's a lot they're saying without saying it all outloud. Like, I notice Nandor only insults Guillermo for the first time in these two eps after they start their argument and Guillermo's asking him (rhetorically, because of course he doesn't know) if he's aware he's had to miss his mother's birthday for the past 3 years on account of him, and Nandor rallies back, "No?? why would I know that? I'd have to know it was your mother's birthday and also the things you do", openly implying he doesn't care about that as if to directly counter Guillermo's mention of other people he may care about more than Nandor that he's been neglecting with something equally cutting. 'Oh you don't care about me?? Well see how little I care about you!!' sort of thing. And then sort of out of nowhere (tho the wives were mentioned earlier, but still) Guillermo reminds him he's very very cool and normal and 100% okay with Nandor getting married to someone else, under the pretense of setting up to remind him that despite this he's still neglecting his family, but before he can get to that, of course, Nandor cuts in with how sarcastically glad HE is that Guillermo is COOL with it, see we BOTH don't care about each other, hah, take that.
Like I said, it's just interesting to me for how much is being said in these little petty insults and catty comments thrown back and forth under the guise of trying to prove how little of a shit they give about each other because they're both actually so vulnerable and in love with each other they're too afraid for the other person to know and see the full extent of that, particularly when one perceives that they're being slighted/ignored/insulted by the other
They're really doing the exact same thing in just kind of an endless feedback loop. I feel like Nandor does this because of the way the centuries have rendered him insecure about a lot of things, and I feel like Guillermo does it for partially similar reasons, but I feel like this is also kind of his instinctive reaction to feeling hurt by someone he assumes is as oblivious as Nandor, certain he wouldn't understand or wouldn't care if he just told him how he felt outright, so he gets passive aggressive. (but I also kinda feel like Nandor learned from Guillermo a bit where this is concerned, bc I don't think he started doing the backhanded/passive-aggressive comments with the sly look at the camera until more recently in the narrative but i could be wrong)
I feel like there was a time Nandor insulted Guillermo inadvertently, but the nature of their dynamic and how they've both grown is such now that when he does it, he does it on purpose and usually because he perceives Guillermo's already done it to him.
so yeah passive aggressive fighting while dancing around deep seated romantic feelings is something that can be so personal actually
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eccentric-nucleus · 9 months
i think the thing with all these 'cozy' 'wholesome' games with a focus on afforestation/terraforming/gardening is that they end up being structured by anxieties about climate change. climate change is too something one person can solve! b/c this is a single-player game.
but more than that, b/c most games have a fairly shallow mechanical depth the gardening mechanics end up completely sapping nature of its nature. like, i have a bunch of houseplants. by and large the way you interact with a houseplant is you figure out what the plant wants (mostly by determining by trial-and-error with dying plants and/or looking things up online) and then try to figure out how to give that to them. and then you leave them alone b/c plants don't like changes. there is a certain humility and grace in accepting that a plant grows at its own pace, that you can take cuttings and fertilize and aerate the soil but ultimately you are at the mercy of another living thing. if i see one more cozy-ass gardening game where you can magically fertilize a plant by singing to it i am gonna fucking lose it. the arrogance!! keeping plants means understanding that some of your plants are gonna die. maybe you bought them from the store and they came with root rot, or infested with bugs, and it's through no fault of your own. sometimes it's b/c you killed it by overwatering or neglect. but there's gonna be some death.
i was talking about this w/ my boyfriend and he was like 'did you watch that cuck philosophy video about myazaki and heidegger' and i was like 'no' but now having watched it, yeah basically. i meani also feel like a lot of the anti-technology, loving rural living stuff is kind of facile &, you know, exactly why heidegger ended up a nazi. but yeah the parts where these games talk a big talk about 'living in harmony with nature' but then as you play them you realize that their idea of 'nature' is a nature that's obedient and infinitly pliable and endlessly full of extractable resources. non-demanding, non-stressful, where you never have to live with the consequences of killing a plant. a nature that exists to partake in a mechanical loop where you can extract useful items forever.
you know that one bit from the lord of the rings where the ring is trying to tempt sam to put it on, and sam is like, i'd just like a nice little garden, and the ring is like, you can turn the entire world into your garden!! and sam is like, what would you even do with a garden that big? no, that's silly. these games are about absolutely wanting the whole world to be your garden.
(in wildmender dead plants don't decay; there's no composting. and you can bring dead plants back to life. grow: song of the evertree makes and enormous point of specifying how catching bugs and fish don't hurt them. hell even stardew valley cut out the meat animals. people don't like thinking about death. but it's half of nature!!)
in playing grow song of the evertree i've been thinking a lot about legend of mana, b/c uhhh giant tree, source of all life. but the thing with legend of mana is that it really embraces the mess that is, you know, the source of all life? the mana tree represents decay and death as much as it represents birth and life. the game starts with a little text blurb about how the mana tree was burned to the ground centuries ago and that maybe was better for a lot of people. when you actually go to the mana tree at the end of the game, its insides are full of huge fungi growing through rotting deadwood. the first, and really only thing anybody says to you on reaching it is 'don't detest the darkness' (man pokiehl is like my favorite character. god all the characters in legend of mana are great. i'm assuming it was deeply influenced by MOON given its release date & the people who worked on it but i don't actually have any certainty of that, just, i saw somebody play the moon english release and was immediately like "oh wow this is so much like legend of mana" "wait legend of mana would have to be like this"). the mana goddess is the last boss!! b/c she represents, you know. death and life. the fundamental truth that the world is not there just to be pleasant to you.
meanwhile grow: song of the evertree is like, oh no the evil purple/black thornvines represent DISHARMONY and the nice green tree represents HARMONY and so true harmony is when you destroy all the gross thornvines. b/c they're inconvenient to you. like. sure, sure, it's a game for kids. but so is legend of mana!!
just, idk, every time i see something espouse some kind of ideal about "harmony" and then rapidly follow it up apparently genuinely by elaborating that harmony is when everything is laid out exactly the way you specifically want it with no other considerations it feels kind of grotesque
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