#if i missed someone's favorite rest assured i WILL be kicking myself
jackshiccup · 7 months
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
ack, sorry, I know it's been a bit! 😢 mental health has truly been kicking my butt this week/month. today was the first day I was finally able to get the words "I am depressed again" out of my mouth. that always seems like a hurdle when the words are true.
(btw the crazy thing about tumblr and posting on anon is like--I've been on tumblr plenty but unless I comment you can't tell! but rest assured that I have absolutely been swimming in all this DECIDE business. (On and On is my favorite song right now. I have the album on replay and I keep looking up like wait this song is great which one is this and then... it's the same one whoops.))
anyway :) Erin I adored Cravings, for obvious reasons, you know me. I've read it like four times already. 😳
How has the writer's block been lately? It seems like you're posting more than you were? (I saw someone post lately that their fics like a week or two ago did horribly and they felt like people weren't online then for whatever reason bc it was such a sudden decline in notes. Made me think of you--I wonder if people were protesting that terrible new app artwork lol.)
are you looking forward to the weekend? any fun plans? 💕☄️💕
I’m so sorry sweetie, I know how hard it is when mental health kicks you down again 😕 I’m so proud of you for finally being able to take the step to know that you’ve fallen back into depression. I know that can be such a hard step, but it’s definitely a big and important one. It takes a lot.
Oh man Decide is giving me LIFE. I usually don’t listen to music when I write for fear of mistakes, but I was jamming to it while writing the smut I posted today. I think it’s actually helped my writer’s block?? It’s doing better actually! I’m not writing a lot, but I am some. I’m trying to do better with putting so much pressure on myself to write everything at once. I have many great requests, but some make take more time and I realize now that’s not a bad thing because I do some of my best work when I take a little longer.
I’m glad you liked Cravings! I love Steve with pregnant reader so much for obvious reasons lol.
Nothing exciting really happening here this weekend. I’m just gonna be laying and listening to Decide obviously 😌 you’ll let me know if you have any more amazing smut requests, right? I feel like I need another request from you to really challenge myself 😂
But yes, you were missed. I and others have missed you dearly! Welcome back 🥰
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cryonme · 3 years
𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐕
PART FIVE- “Just Because They’re Not Here Doesn’t Mean They Stopped Being Wonderful.”
part one here
part two here
part three here
part four here
short series- jj maybank x kook!reader
word count- 4.3k
tw- guns, knives, mentions of weed, stabbing, swearing, mentions of death, fluff 😊, angst 👿, mentions of murder, fighting, drinking, mentions of stitches and hospitals. lmk if I missed anything
a/n- don’t u all love how I said this was gonna be a “short” series and now we’re at 19.2k words total and five parts? and not even done yet? lol. anyway, this chapter is a fucking rollercoaster of emotions and shit gets really real really fast so hold onto your hats, grab some popcorn, and happy reading!
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“Wait, what the fuck?”
Your friends all stared at you with wide eyes, mouths agape. JJ’s grip tightened on your thigh, you winced a little but he didn’t let up, which you were glad he didn’t.
“Wait, your mom is dead?” John B asked, earning a smack on the back of the head from Sarah.
“You had a sister?!” Pope explained, confusion plastered on his face. “I thought that was just a ru- OW!” A smack from Kiara.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “Yeah.”
“You think you know a person then all of the sudden she has a dead mom and sister who were killed by her step brother that you didn’t know about.” John B said, a hint of humor in his voice.
“This isn’t funny, John B.” Sarah scolded.
“It’s fine, Sarah.” You assured your friend. “Look, I know I’m a shit friend for not telling you guys things about my life. Tyler, the abortion, my mom and sister. And I’ll work on getting better at it but all of that isn’t important right now, okay?” You looked between John B and Pope, waiting expectedly before they both nodded and backed off.
“What makes you say that, (Y/n)?” Kie asked you, fully turning her attention to you.
“Well when- um, when Tyler showed up at my house that day,” You swallowed your fear, sitting up straight and taking a deep breath. “When Tyler showed up at my house that day, he said ‘I did everything I could to get my mom to marry your dad. My mom doesn’t know, but what she doesn’t know won’t kill her, and now you’re ruining everything with your fat fucking mouth.’”
The room was silent. Nobody really knew what to make out of all of this, all this time you had come off so unbothered, like your life was picture perfect and there was never a dark cloud in your sky. Everything that had happened the past couple of weeks came out of nowhere for the group of friends, especially JJ, John B and Pope, who didn’t even know you had a step brother. But when the three thought back on it, they never really asked.
After about a minute of everyone sitting in shock, Sarah spoke up, “Well, we need to tell your dad and Christine, right?’
You shook your head, “Not until I have enough proof. The entire island’s eyes are on me right now and if I’m wrong I make a fool of myself. I know this is gonna sound really stupid but, I need to find Tyler.”
“No.” JJ protested, his voice sharp.
“You’re right, (Y/n). That does sound stupid.” Pope agreed.
“Super stupid.” John B chimed in.
“I love you, but I have never heard more stupid words leave your mouth.” Kiara said.
“Guys, maybe hear her out.” Sarah said.
Kie whipped her head to the side, looking at the blonde girl in bewilderment. “Seriously? I’m not listening to you when all you seem to do is put (Y/n) in more danger.”
“I didn’t mean to! I didn’t know what the fuck to do!” “You tell someone, dumbass!”
“Jesus, you two! Shut the fuck up!” You interjected, standing up and stomping your foot, ignoring the shooting pain going up your leg.
“I came here because I need help, not to sit here and be judged and have you two fight with each other. Kie, lay off. I begged Sarah not to say anything until I was ready, and promised not to go home until I said something, okay? And you two.” You gestured to John B and Pope, “Telling me I’m stupid for something that I haven’t even explained yet is a little premature. Can we all fucking focus?” You had your time to cry and allow yourself to be broken, but now it was time to get shit done.
Kie shrunk in her seat, muttering a half assed “Sorry” under her breath and crossing her arms. John B and Pope nodded, both boys looking down at their shoes. You sat back down and JJ’s hand returned to its rightful spot on your thigh.
“Now, just, listen to me for a second. We,” You put the emphasis on that word so everyone would be a little bit more open to the idea, “Need to find Tyler so we can somehow record a confession from him. I’ll rile him up, and once I get the confession we get the fuck out. Got it?”
“How the fuck are you gonna find him? Even the Sheriff's department can’t find him.” Sarah said.
“Right,” You responded, “First thing to consider, the police are incompetent, especially here. They probably looked at my house and his job before giving up.”
JJ chuckled, shaking his head as he listened to you talk in awe.
“Second thing to consider, I have his number. I can ask him to meet up and talk it out.”
“The more you talk, the more I really don’t like this plan.” JJ muttered, raking his fingers through his hair.
“The more you talk, the more I wanna kick your teeth in.” You smiled sweetly, “This is the only way.” You tried pulling a joke, but JJ’s face remained concerned, so your face fell and you leaned into him. “I’ll be okay, JJ. I’ve been dealing with Tyler for years, okay?”
JJ nodded, taking a deep breath before pulling away from you.
“So what can we do?”
“Wherever I meet up with Tyler, I need you all to be on standby. Someone on lookout, someone hiding near me just in case things go south, and someone waiting in the vam.”
Everyone agreed in unison, nodding their heads. “Anything we can to get this asshole put away.” John B said, giving you an encouraging smile.
After going over a few details, and finally sending the text to Tyler that you wanted to meet up, the pogues dispersed around the chateau. Pope was talking Sarah’s ear off about the latest book he had just finished while she politely listened and even threw in a couple of her own thoughts, John B and Kie playfully jabbed long sticks at each other, and JJ stood on the porch, watching you swing by yourself on the hammock, lost in thought. He was trying to decide if he should approach you, or give you space. Just then you turned your head and made eye contact with the blond boy, a soft smile on your face, your signature red lipstick back where it belongs.
Fuck space.
He bounded down the stairs and made his way over to you on the hammock, plopping down next to you. Neither of you said anything for a couple minutes, there wasn’t much to say.
“I was 14.” You said, breaking the silence, causing JJ’s head to turn towards you. He stayed silent as you continued.
“Hit and run.” You laughed bitterly. “My little sister was 12. We were finally getting to the point where we didn’t fight everyday, we were becoming friends. She had just started asking me for advice about boys and was always asking to have sleepovers.” You smiled, remembering your little sister fondly. “It still hurts. It’ll always hurt, I think. But, I’ve learned I can’t change what happened, and I try to be thankful for the time I had with her. I would say she probably wouldn’t want me to be sad, but that’s not true, she loved attention.” JJ laughed with you this time.
“What’s her name?” JJ asked.
“Layla.” You responded, her name feeling weird on your tongue. You hadn’t said her name in years. “And my mom, gosh there was no one like my mom.” JJ wasn’t asking, but you were telling.
“She just always understood, you know? She’d let me stay home if my mind was taking over, she continued to buy the ice cream I told her was my favorite when I was 7, I didn’t have the heart to tell her I didn’t like it anymore.” You frowned, staring at your hands. “Christine is great, I love her with everything in me. But sometimes I wish she was in my life under different circumstances.”
JJ nodded in understanding, taking his hand in yours and pressing a lingering kiss to it. “They sound wonderful.”
“They are- were.”
JJ shook his head, “Just because they’re not here doesn’t mean they stopped being wonderful.”
You yanked JJ’s hand so his arm wrapped around your shoulder and you leaned into him, earning a sweet kiss on the top of your head.
“You’re sweet, princess.” You teased, using the nickname that you would use when the two of you fought.
“Tell anyone and you’re dead meat, baby.”
You laughed, resting your head on his chest. “What changed your mind about me?” You asked, biting your bottom lip.
JJ thought for a moment, mulling over his words to avoid saying the wrong thing.
“I never changed my mind.”
Your heart dropped as you began to pull away, feeling embarrassed.
“Uh uh uh, let me finish.” JJ pulled you back against him and you huffed. “I never changed my mind because I’ve felt this way about you all along. I’ve never had such strong feelings for a person before, so when you came along I mistook all of the signs as hatred. My mom left and my dad…” JJ trailed off for a moment, trying to put together his words in the least concerning way possible, “My dad takes his anger out on me. And I just never really learned how to receive love, or how to understand it.”
Your heart sank at JJ’s words. All those times he’d show up to the Chateau with bruises and scrapes, telling everyone to fuck off instead of boasting about how he “totally kicked that kooks ass”, it was his dad.
“Mmm, let’s not do that now, yeah? Just know I’ve adored you this whole time, I was just too stupid to see it.”
“When did you change your mind about me?” JJ asked.
You pondered for a moment, thinking back on when you first started thinking of JJ differently.
“That night at the Boneyard, when Tyler showed up. I was dancing with Pope and all I could think was, ‘I need JJ’, and then there you were. I didn’t want you to ever leave my side again. When you took me back to the Chateau and sat me down on the couch, I was confused because I felt so safe and loved, more than I ever have. It was so out of the blue. Hours before we had just been screaming at each other and then I never wanted you to let me go.”
“You’re making this really hard, Red.” JJ huffed, running a hand over his face.
“What?” You asked craning your neck to look up at him.
“Not kissing you.”
You sat up from your position on his chest, turning your body so you were facing each other, your legs hanging off one side of the hammock and his off the other.
“Then kiss me.”
“What, scared?”
JJ didn’t say anything, he just looked at you. You had that striking red grin, and your eyes held that glint of mischief and joy.
“You were just inconsolable like, an hour ago.”
“But I’m not now.”
“Please, JJ.” You pouted, your eyes big and your frown deep as you slowly reached for him.
And he couldn’t say no to that face.
He slowly brought his hand up to cradle the side of your neck, his thumb resting on your cheek as his face slowly leaned into yours, his hand softly pulling you closer by the neck. You brought one hand up to the back of his neck, burying your fingers in his hair as his other hand found its place on your waist. You stared at each other for a moment, noses barely touching. Your heart was beating so fast you felt like it was about to crawl out of your throat, the anticipation was driving you crazy but you were also cherishing every second of it, just being so close to him, knowing what’s about to happen.
His lips just barely brushed over yours and your entire body erupted in butterflies, goosebumps dancing all up and down your arms and legs.
“You fucker.” You teased and JJ giggled before fully planting his lips on yours. You felt like you had been on fire and had been dumped into an ice bath. The relief that covered your entire body and soul was something you had never felt before. You had kissed plenty of people in your lifetime, and nothing had ever compared to the feeling you had kissing JJ.
You pulled away for a moment to catch your breath, but JJ whined and pulled you back into him, bringing you to sit on his lap as he continued to kiss you. You both giggled and broke apart when you nearly toppled out of the hammock, JJ’s hands immediately steadying you. He looked up at you while stroking your cheekbone with his thumb before planting soft kisses to your arm, trailing his lips up to your shoulder, neck, cheek and finally one last sweet kiss on your lips.
“Well it’s about goddamn time!” John B yelled as the rest of the pogues whooped and hollered, jumping up and down. Both of you flipped off your friends and JJ kissed you once more, your middle fingers still in the air.
“You’re fucking incredible.” JJ muttered once you broke yet another kiss.
“I know.” You smirked.
Once JJ helped you off the hammock, with a lot of wincing and you telling him his kissing made your bruised lip hurt, you made your way back over to your friends, an unmistakable feeling of joy filling everyone’s hearts.
John B handed you and JJ a beer, which you had to decline because of your concussion, much to your dismay, but you gladly took the joint that Kie offered you, blowing out the smoke into JJ’s mouth before taking the hit for yourself. The sun started to set on the Chateau, so Pope and John B set up a fire and Kie brought out her ukulele, her and Sarah singing in harmony to Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole. Your heart swelled in your chest listening to JJ quietly singing along with his arm slung around your shoulders, his face was tinted the slightest shade of pink from being in the sun all day, making his eyes look impossibly more blue. You knew tomorrow brought troubles and anxiety, but you pushed them to the back of your mind, enjoying this beautiful moment with your friends. You rested your head on JJ’s shoulder, your hand coming up to hold his that was around your shoulder, placing a gentle kiss on his hand. JJ blushed and squeezed you just a little bit tighter.
“(Y/n), you staying the night?”
You smiled and nodded, your eyes a bit droopy from the weed. You had texted Christine already, telling her you were staying the night and assuring her that everyone was staying the night and you were safe.
“Yes!” Sarah exclaimed, getting up from her spot next to John B. “More beer?” Everyone apart from you nodded as Sarah made her way inside the house to grab more cold beer.
“Aw, well if it isn’t the goonies.”​​
That voice.
Tyler approached the Chateau, Topper, Kelce and Rafe hot on his heels.
Everyone stood up immediately, JJ pushed you behind him without a second thought.
“Heard my baby sister wanted to meet up tonight, thought I’d come to her, spare her the trouble.” Tyler said, shoving his hands in his pockets.
You were appreciative of JJ’s protectiveness over you, but this was your fight. “I know what you did, Tyler.” You said, trying your hardest to hide the shakiness in your voice as you pushed JJ out of your way, taking a couple steps forward.
“There she is!” Tyler exclaimed, gesturing his arms to you. “You don’t know shit, dumbass.”
“You killed my mom and sister.”
“Me?” Tyler raised a hand to his chest in shock and turned to his friends, who all shook their heads like you were crazy. “I would never do such a thing.” “You said-”
“Did you hit your head too hard the other day? Sounds to me like you’re making things up.”
He was trying to make you feel crazy, and you weren’t putting up with it.
“What was your plan, huh?” You asked, standing your ground. “Hit my mom and my little sister with your car, devastating my family so my dad could go running into your unknowing mother’s arms. Were you gonna kill all of us next so you could get the money? How exactly did you plan on doing that?”
Tyler’s chest was heaving up and down, sharp breaths coming in and out of his nose.
“Layla was 12 years old, you psychopath.”
“I never meant to kill your fucking sister!”
And there it was. Eerie silence fell over the Chateau like a heavy blanket.
“You motherfucker.” You shrieked, stomping forward and sending your hand flying across his cheek. Before you could even blink, Tyler had his hand around your throat and the barrel of a gun pressed to your jaw. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. You could see the pogues, Kiara with a hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes, hugging Sarah close to her, John B and Pope holding JJ back, his eyes wild with anger and fear. You could see Topper and Kelce with wide eyes, obviously unaware of the gun in your step brother's possession. You could see Rafe with a knowing grin on his face. Bastard.
You were terrified, panic surging through your body as you tried to stay still so you wouldn’t anger him with any sudden movements.
“Any of you even think about moving and I kill her!” He screamed.
“Tyler, put the gun down man, what the fuck?” Topper said, his voice calm, trying to talk him down.
“Fuck you!”
And suddenly Tyler was on the ground, the gun flying into the darkness. JJ wasted no time running to your step brother, grabbing him by his shirt collar and beating his face with his fists. You and Rafe made eye contact before both of you made a break for the gun, scrambling through the darkness. Rafe tackled you down and tried to reach for it, but you kneed him in the crotch, hoping to buy you a couple seconds. The Cameron boy groaned and held his area, toppling over and whining in a fetal position.
“Pussy boy.” You rolled your eyes and crawled toward the gun, smiling once it was in your grip before Rafe pulled you back by your ankle. You flipped over onto your back and pointed the gun at him.
“You don’t have the guts.”
“Self defense, bitch. Now get off of me.”
Rafe backed up with his hands in the air and you made your way back to the group, gun in hand, still pointed at Rafe. Tyler and JJ were going at it, both throwing punches and kicks, the rest of the group fighting off Topper and Kelce.
“Back off my friends or I'll shoot!” You yelled, and everyone stopped and turned to you with your gun pointed at Rafe. The three kooks backed off with their hands up in surrender.
“You won’t shoot me, Little Red.” Tyler said, walking closer to you.
“I will if you try anything.” You responded, taking the gun off of Rafe and shoving him forward so he was still in your eyesight, now pointing it at Tyler.  
“You stay away from her!” JJ yelled, charging towards Tyler but quickly being held back by Rafe and Topper.
Tyler got so close to you that the gun was touching his t-shirt.
Why was he testing you? He had to have something up his sleeve.
The motherfucker literally had something up his sleeve.
Tyler tore a switchblade out of his jacket sleeve and jabbed it into your collarbone, and in the same second you fired the gun.
Your brain felt fuzzy, you couldn’t even feel the knife in your collarbone, the only way you knew it was there was because you could see it sticking out of the corner of your eye.
You heard screams, multiple screams.
Footsteps running away.
Was someone crying?
Were you crying?
Everyone ran to you, JJ leading the group, so he got to you first. He immediately put his hands on your face, frantically searching your eyes before you dropped to your knees, JJ following suit.
“Baby, look at me.” He said firmly. Someone gently took the gun from your hands, why were you still holding it? You brought your hand up to touch the knife, crying out in pain from the smallest touch.
“No, don’t touch it, okay? Leave it alone, paramedics are on their way okay?”
You still didn’t look at him, your eyes were wide as you stared at everyone around you, their faces full of concern.
“She’s in shock.” Pope stated. He was crouched in front of you, next to JJ. “Try to bring her back to reality.”
“How the fuck do I do that?” JJ snapped.
“Chill, JJ! Talk to her, touch her, anything!”
JJ’s left hand continued to cradle your face and you leaned into his touch as his right hand threaded through your hair. “You’re okay, okay? Can you talk to me?” His voice broke, tears beginning to fill his blue eyes.
Your eyes wandered away from the group and landed on Tyler’s body, lifeless. You let out a gasp as if all of the wind had been knocked out of your body.
“I killed him.” You rasped.
JJ quickly moved in front of the body, blocking your view of him. Your breathing was shallow as you brought your hands up to your neck, trying to claw at the skin to make way for you to breathe. Pope’s hands gently grabbed yours, moving them away from your neck and holding them in your lap. JJ gave him a thankful nod and he situated himself in front of you.
“Christine-” Your body flooded with guilt and sadness for your stepmom, that was her son. He may have done unspeakable things to you and her family but that was her son. And you killed him.
“Hey, hey, hey. Shhh,” JJ was quick to stop the terrible thought. “You had to, okay? She’ll understand. Just focus on me, baby.”
You nodded and squeezed Pope’s hands, focusing your eyes on JJ’s.
“You’re doing so good, pretty girl. Just a couple more minutes, okay?”
You nodded again. The pain in your collarbone was beginning to worsen as your shock wore off and you whimpered.
Great, you thought, another fucking injury to make my life even better.
Really your whole body hurt, your concussion and bruises worsening and stitches ripping open from Rafe tackling you to the ground.
“It hurts.” You whine, a single tear escaping from your eye, JJ wiped it before it could run down your face. “I know.” He whispered. “I know, my love, I’m so sorry.” He rested his forehead on yours, trying his best to give you as much comfort as he could without pulling you against him and driving the blade further in.
“Fuck, you guys. We didn’t get a recording.” Kie said, slapping her palm against her forehead. You removed one hand from Pope’s and worked through your pain and brought your phone out of your back pocket, tossing it on the ground, not having enough strength to hand it to her.
John B picked it up and smiled, your phone had been recording the entire time, starting just a minute after Tyler made himself known at the Chateau.
“(Y/n), you magnificent kook.” John B said, giving your arm a squeeze. You had moved your forehead to rest on JJ’s shoulder, your body posed awkwardly to avoid the knife being touched, one hand still in Pope’s.
Everyone was relieved, but the dead body in their presence and the knife in your body made it hard to be completely relieved. Once the paramedics and police arrived, JJ had to release you from his hold, watching the paramedics put you on the gurney and load you in the back of the ambulance, by yourself, for the second time.
Kiara and Pope were talking to the police, showing them the proof on your phone and the gun and walking them through everything that happened while JJ watched the ambulance drive away, as soon as it was out of sight he broke down, John B quick to pull his friend into his arms, Sarah gently leaned her head on his back, her hand coming up to stroke his back
“She doesn’t deserve any of this.” JJ cried, holding onto his best friend. He knew you were gonna be okay, the paramedics said the knife would be easy to remove and they could stitch up the wound easily, but he was worried about you. You would never be the same.
“She doesn’t.” John B agreed.
“I just want her to be okay.”
“I know, bubba, me too.” John B replied, his own tears brimming in his eyes, “She will be.”
JJ could feel Sarah shaking against him, her tears wetting his shirt and he unravelved in arm from John B to bring her into the hug. “Get in here, kook princess.” JJ teased through his tears. Pope and Kiara soon joined the group hug, comforting their friends through touch.
“What did Shoupe say?” JJ asked once they all pulled away, wiping at his tears.
“They said (Y/n)’s okay, a very obvious case of self defense, but they’re still going to ask her a couple questions once she’s of sound mind.” Pope answered and Kiara nodded.
“Thank God.” Sarah breathed out and JJ’s shoulders relaxed in relief, one less thing to worry about.
“Well why are we all just standing here?” John B asked after a couple moments of silence. “Let’s go see our girl.”
“I am still meeeeee you are still youuuuu” I couldn’t get that damn song out of my head while I was writing this
my masterlist 
taglist: @avatarastra @rowanwashere @luniibin @imjustanothernerd @maddyasleson @vntgkenz @ponyboys-sunsets @imawhoreforu @maybvnks @tpwkcth @steves-cake-face @ellavalentine1844 @aleksanderwh0r3 @sunsetloveblvd @fallingfavourites @ajxlawley @sarahcameronswhore @24kkenn @perfectnouis @heartbeats-wildly @fandoms039 @gopromises @xxxlaura @6r4cie @mendesmaybank @moonysluvr @kiwi5335 @jjs-pope @aliyahsomerhalder @parkershoco @abm111815 @allaloneisokay @father-violet @yourbloodyqueen @sweetpeterparker @holachicos @llilacwine wine @wishpretty @welcome2-theshitshow @nope-thanks @sarahs-bitch @oopsiedoopsie23 @kexrtiz @chenlemure @sarahxcameron @yoongitoo @gloryekaterina @caseysalvatore @moniamaybank @futur3milf @matbarzalschain @americaarse @stilynskii @iamthatbitchhh @rmvb24
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blondiebarnes · 4 years
in the middle
summary: steve and bucky just got home from a tough mission, and you’re determined to make them feel good.
pairing: steve rogers x bucky barnes x reader
warnings: smut! threesome, male & female receiving oral, established relationship, cumplay, basically just porn
word count: 6.5k
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For the most part, you’ve gotten used to being by yourself when Steve and Bucky are on missions.
You don’t like it - not in the slightest - it goes without saying that you’d love nothing more than to go on missions with them when they’re called in the dead of night but it hardly, if ever, works out that way. They’re nearly always sent together (Fury says they balance each other out, and you’re not exactly sure you know why or how but you’ve learned to accept whatever your director says at face value) and you’re generally excluded from their missions. They get too protective, can ignore the objectives of a mission when you’re in danger, and it’s a sweet sentiment but you know it’s an issue, even if you appreciate it.
And you are used to it. Really, you are. It’s been a year of having them called off in the middle of the night, leaving you sleeping in bed with a lingering kiss to your forehead as you dip out the door - occasionally they’ll wake you up (usually Bucky, because he tends to be a bit more sentimental, though he’d never dare to admit it) and give you a proper kiss, but for the most part you simply wake up in a too-large bed that’s void of the two super soldiers sandwiching you between their warm bodies, and it never fails to feel any more jarring.
That’s what happened Friday. You simply woke up on a day like any other and they were gone, leaving nothing but ruffled covers and a small sticky note pressed to your cell phone in Steve’s scribbled handwriting, telling you that it shouldn’t last more than the weekend and we love you so much and a small smiley face that looks to be more of Bucky’s doing, but you can’t be sure.
It had been a long weekend.
Movies and books and making dinner, and work had been so slow recently with no new missions on the come-up that you need to be called away on, so you’ve been primarily holed up in your apartment watching the time tick by and waiting for your boys to come home. You’d even called Nick at one point, in your boredom, to inquire about how their mission was going, and he told you (paraphrased, of course) that they were doing just fuckin’ great and should be home by Monday, and Monday couldn’t have fucking come any slower.
You’ve been lying awake for nearly three hours since you settled into bed on Sunday night, covers pulled tight against your chin to protect yourself from the January cold that nips at your skin, even after you’ve set the thermostat to 71 degrees. Steve likes it cold - Bucky warm - you laugh at the irony of it, much to the latter’s chagrin - and you prefer it being right in the middle.
The TV plays on mute a rerun of some old movie you’ve never heard of, black and white film running rickety slow and glitching, though you’ve long since given up paying attention to it. You’d been on Pinterest for an hour before getting bored and plugging your phone in on your nightstand, and you’d begun flipping through one of Steve’s favorite books he loves to read to you sometimes, and now - you simply gaze at the ceiling in your boredom, fingers interlocked on top of your stomach, boredom settling in every crevice of your body.
You’re not sure what, exactly, you’re waiting awake for. Not even sure if you’re waiting or simply unable to sleep - it feels like a 50/50 situation, at least at the moment - but there’s still something inherently wrong with sleeping in bed without your boys. Curling into Bucky’s chest while Steve is pressed to his back, the latter’s hand wrapped around to rest on your lip while a metal hand slides up your shirt, cupping your breast just to hear the way you squeal at the chill - or, alternatively, sandwiching yourself between them as Steve practically throws his mass on top of you and Bucky squishes your face into his hard back.
Empty. You feel empty, in more ways than one, and that’s what’s keeping you awake, you decide after a long fifteen minutes of contemplating on it. Your boys complete you. It’s not right without them -
Just as the thought crosses your mind, you hear the front door knob jiggling from across the apartment, and you jerk upright as though someone had doused you with freezing cold water (not that it would be much of an adjustment from the temperature your apartment feels, but the implication still stands.)
If you were smarter - or perhaps less groggy - maybe you’d dig through your nightstand for the gun you keep in case of any intruders, buried beneath notebooks and stray pieces of paper decorated with small smudged sketches that Steve puts on any smooth surface he can find. It’s loaded and ready to go - all you’d need to do is dig through and grab it, creep outside the bedroom door and take down whomever may be invading your home -
Just as you roll onto your side to dig through your drawer and find the weapon, the front door fully opens with a jingle of keys and the scuffling sounds of footsteps, and you pause, listening to the voices that roll through the apartment, hushed and breathy.
“Fuckin’ - tripped over my foot,” comes a familiar voice, louder than the one who follows right after him, murmuring for him to shut the hell up - are you trying to wake up the entire city? -
You’re out of bed faster than you can even process, covers mercilessly kicked to the very bottom of the bed in your haste. The hardwood is cold against your bare feet and the air bites at your skin, wearing nothing but one of Steve’s old t-shirts that falls to your mid thighs and a pair of lace panties that peeks out of the shirt when you bend over or reach up or do anything, really - it’s a bit of a scandalous look - but you pay no mind to it, opening the door and tearing down the hallway into the foyer.
You’ve smacked into a hard, thick body before you could stop yourself, arms thrown around Steve’s torso as you bury your face into his chest, and you can practically feel his deep laugh before you hear it but you do hear it, clear as day, and it brings a grin to your face that’s only deepened when Bucky tugs at your waist, pulling you into his back, arms wrapped around your stomach as he buries his face in your shoulder.
“Fury said you guys wouldn’t be home until tomorrow,” you tell them, letting your body relax into Bucky’s embrace as Steve traces his fingers across your jawline, tilting your head up so he can press one light kiss to your puckered lips. His arms snake around your waist, sandwiched between your back and Bucky’s chest, fingertips clutching tight onto the loose fabric of the shirt you’re donning and he uses it as leverage to hold you closer to him.
“It was an easy one,” Steve replies, leaning forward just a bit until you’re fully pressed between the two soldiers, your head squished into his chest as he inhales the scent of your shampoo, nose buried into the top of your head. “Can’t believe you called Fury about it - missed us that much, hmm?”
A dry chuckle jostles the body behind you, feeling Bucky’s warm laughter against your neck, and you bite on your bottom lip as you nod. “‘Course I missed you - don’t get cocky -” for you’d just caught sight of Steve’s smug grin, toying his lips upward, and you use the top of your head to push him away from you in mock disgust, leaning further into Bucky’s grasp. He hums softly, breath ruffling your hair, messy from your failed attempts to sleep. “S’so lonely here.”
“Aww,” murmurs Bucky, lips pressing warm kisses into the exposed expanse of your neck, and you tilt your head to the side to give him easier access as Steve crosses his arms over his chest, watching the pair of you at work. “Poor baby.”
“Hey -” you reach behind you, running your hands through long, brunette locks just to feel the way Bucky smiles against your skin. “At least you two have each other on missions, getting each other off - I’m here all by myself. Nothin’ but the fingers.” “There’s a lot less time to get your rocks off in the middle of a mission than you’d think.”
“Is there?” you inquire playfully as Bucky’s lips trail further up your neck, landing on a spot just beneath your jawline and suckling the soft skin - the teasing lilt in your voice that you’d intended to sound confident and self-assured gets breathier and just a tad more pathetic as you continue, “Sam and I always seem to have enough time -”
Bucky grunts against your cheek, murmuring something you can’t quite make out about how he hates that fuckin’ bird boy, and a grin spreads across your face that mirrors Steve’s as he watches you. Bucky tilts your head to the side with two fingers pressed to your chin so he can ghost his lips over yours but you deepen it, pushing your face further into his as you wrap one of your arms around his neck, tugging at his hair to hear him groan into your mouth and you swallow the noise. You can practically sense Steve rolling his eyes both at your teasing and the way Bucky’s absolutely devouring you, the metal hand around your waist trailing up your torso and leaving goosebumps in its wake until he reaches your chest, cold fingers plucking at your nipple, and your chest arches into his hand with a broken gasp into his mouth.
“Better tell Sam not to touch what isn’t his,” Steve tells you, and you nod, watching the blonde take a few steps forward and for a moment you wonder if he’ll lean down, take your lips from Bucky’s and kiss you until you’re practically putty in his hands but instead he pushes past the both of you, disappearing down the hallway behind you, and you crane your neck backwards to watch his back as he vanishes around a corner.
For a moment you wonder if Bucky hadn’t seen him leave, continuing his ministrations on your nipples as his teeth bite at your bottom lip as though there’d been no interruption, his mouth turning up into a smug smirk at the way you whimper into his mouth. God, you’ve missed his touch, clever hands knowing exactly how to make you fall apart for him even without slipping into the lace of your panties, and your mouth opens in a silent gasp as his flesh palm presses to the skin of your stomach.
“Wanna go see Stevie?” the soldier questions into your mouth, voice low and sultry smooth, and you jerk your head up and down once. “Tough mission for him.”
You frown at that as Bucky pulls away from you, leaving one lingering kiss to the side of your throat as he pulls your shirt down over your lower half. “Thought he said it was easy.”
“It was,” and that makes your brows furrow as his metal hand wraps around your wrist, beginning to pull you down the hallway where your bedroom door is swung wide open. “But Fury ripped him a new one, ‘cause he disobeyed his orders - got the mission done fine - but you know how Stevie hates having his authority questioned.”
Your lips part in a silent o, and Bucky smirks ever so slightly before leading you into the bedroom where Steve sits at the edge of the bed, peeling off his suit and kicking it off of his ankles. Bucky shuts the door behind you, immediately working at tugging his vest over his head and you leave him to it, bare feet padding on the hardwood floor until you reach Steve, and you merely stand before him until he’s finished taking his clothes off, leaving him clad in only a pair of boxers.
“Do you need something?” Steve questions, glancing up at you with an amused glint in his eyes and you groan, lifting your leg up to straddle his lap, calves on either side of his, and his hands go to rest on the underside of your thigh like an instinct. For a moment you don’t say anything, grinding your hips down into his until his hands slide up your back, tugging your shirt up over your torso so he can press his cold palms to the globes of your ass, halting you in place. “Words, baby.”
“Want you to boss me around,” you tell him, dropping your lips to the side of his throat, and his dry exhale of a laugh blows at your hair as his fingers slip beneath the scrap of lace between your ass, fully digging into the plump skin, and you smile against his neck. “Missed you bein’ bossy.”
“Really?” You nod, feeling the bed dip beside you until there’s another set of hands on your body, tugging the hem of your shirt up until you’re forced to remove your lips from Steve’s neck so Bucky can pull your shirt off, littering it onto the ground beside you. Steve leans his head back as both you and Bucky lean forward, your lips to his throat and the other soldier taking his lips so that the next words he speaks are muffled into the kiss, “Sure Bucky didn’t put you up to this, baby?”
“Who’s Bucky?” 
That makes both of them laugh into each other and you smile, leaning back in his lap as you take in the sight of them - lips crashed together, metal hand burying itself in blonde locks that he hasn’t cut in a while, hair brushing the tips of his ears, and Steve’s hand that had been on your ass drops, seemingly forgotten about his job - you huff, wrap your hand around his wrist, and lift his palm up to rest against your left breast.
Instinctively he squeezes, and the two men pull apart from each other as Bucky leans forward to kiss the top of your head, flesh hand sliding down your stomach until he can push into the damp lace fabric of your panties, and you jolt against his hand as he brushes your clit. “Can’t possibly think we forgot about you,” he tells you, and you shrug, watching the way he smiles. “Come on, Stevie, you heard her - wants you to boss her around.”
And Steve is surely still doubtful of your intentions - it isn’t as though you’ve ever asked him to boss you around before - it typically just happens when he’s pissed or upset or happy -
It happens a lot. He’s a bossy guy, both in the field and out of it, and he’s more than happy to give demands and orders and he loves to see you follow them.
Bucky is - usually along for the ride. He’s the calming voice in your ear when Steve is edging you until you’re screaming, the gentle touch when you’ve been overstimulated for an hour, the smooth, sultry kiss when you’re being filled so deep from both ends you feel entirely numb - and he can be mean, too, metal hand tightening around your throat and smirking at the way you sob -
Well, it depends.
“Get on the bed,” Steve tells you, and regardless of whether he’s suspicious of you and Bucky his voice is already hardening and if the words weren’t implicitly sexual, perhaps you could fool yourself into thinking you’re on the field - you listen, though. You always do - swing your legs off of his lap and land on your back on the bed, watching as Steve stands and Bucky merely turns around, leaning back on his arms as he watches you, your leg hiked up to give a limited, tantalizing view to the lace covered pex of your thighs.
“Buck - wanna get behind our girl?”
The phrase our girl never fails to make your stomach flutter, and the feeling only intensifies as Bucky grunts in affirmation, crawling towards you, and with hands hooked under your armpits he lifts you to sit, your back pressed to his chest. Hands reach up to your chest, cupping your tits in flesh and metal palms that have a chill rolling through your spine, hips grinding back against the erection you can feel pressed into your back.
“Spread your legs,” Steve tells you, and you oblige, feet sliding across the bed to spread yourself as wide open as you can, and Bucky’s metal hand leaves your chest to grab onto one of your thighs, forcing it open wide enough that a burn spreads through your muscle. “Yeah - don’t fuckin’ move, baby - hold her down, Buck.”
Bucky doesn’t need to be told twice, moving his other hand so he’s holding both of your thighs, and you can feel wetness dripping down your cunt onto the sheets as Steve stands still, for a moment, just watching the pair of you - your chest heaves and you can feel Bucky’s fingers twitch against your thighs, surely desperate to caress your tits just the way he always likes to, but he wouldn’t dare disobey Steve when he’s like this. You know it, and he knows it, and you’re sure Steve knows it too - he looks so smug, even as he climbs onto the bed, resting on his stomach as he presses his cheek into your thigh, warm breath fanning over your cunt. His fingers hook into the soaked material of your panties, feeling the stickiness that coats your folds and the undergarment, and with not a second of hesitation he rips them in half, tugging them off your leg and tossing the ruined scrap of lace onto the ground.
Your instinct is to reach down and run your fingers through his hair as he lowers his mouth to your pussy, tongue flicking once over your clit, but the second your hands jerk in their spot resting overtop of Bucky’s, Steve is reaching up - one hand manages to wrap around both of your wrists, holding your hands in place on top of your stomach with a grip so tight it’ll surely leave bruises that will darken in the morning.
You groan softly as Steve lifts his head, gaze hard and unforgiving as he stares at you, and then his gaze moves behind you where you know he must be having some sort of silent conversation with Bucky - they’re so good at that - before he’s leaning back down, teeth gnashing at your clit with enough force to make you jolt.
“Think Stevie said not to fuckin’ move, sweetie,” Bucky murmurs, lips sucking a dark hickey just beneath your ear, and a low whine escapes your throat as Steve’s tongue laps up your sticky folds before centering on your clit. “Didn’t you, honey?” And Steve hums in affirmation, pulling back to spit harshly at your clit, and you exhale skaily as you feel the glob of coldness trickle down your folds. “Move again, and I’ll punish you,” he tells you, which is more generous than he typically is when he’s in this state but you suppose the excitement of arriving home after a shitty, weekend mission must not have worn out yet. “Be a good girl for us, baby.”
You nod furiously, Bucky’s forearms hooking beneath your knees until the ache in your thighs nearly tips the balance of pain and pleasure but it’s still leaning towards the latter - more so as Steve dips his head back down, lips wrapping around the sensitive nub at your core that tears a moan from your throat, and you bite at your lips to try and silence the noises.
“Never told you to be quiet,” Steve mumbles against your cunt, vibrations from his voice sending a shiver up your spine, and Bucky smiles against one of the many hickies he’s leaving on your neck - you’re sure you’ll look a damn sight tomorrow, made of practically entirely concealer to hide the marks he’s obsessed with, but you don’t have it in you to stop. “Let us hear your noises - how good we’re making you feel.”
You drop your head back into Bucky’s shoulder with a desperate cry as Steve’s flexed tongue circles your clit before running back down your slit, parting your folds until he can slip his tongue inside of your hole, thrusting it in and out a few times, lips turning upwards at your resulting whine. Bucky’s nails leave deep, crescent-shaped indentations in the smooth skin of your inner thigh, and you can feel his erection pressed thick and swollen against your back. Surely he’s just as wound up as you are - and as much as Steve is, his hips rutting against the edge of the bed as though of their own accord - but he doesn’t do much of anything at all to alleviate the pressure, breathy exhales in your ear as your hips rub against his bulge.
“Wanna hold her open for me, Buck?” Steve questions, pulling back just a mere inch from your swollen clit before dipping his head back down, tongue licking a fat stripe through your folds before lust-blown blue orbs lift up to meet the ones behind you - you can feel Bucky’s hair, brushing against your cheek as he nods once, and your brows furrow in confusion. Surely he’s already holding you open, hands forcing your thighs so far apart that you can feel the burn in every inch of your body - and then he drops one of your thighs against the bed, metal hand trailing down to your cunt, and his fingers dip through your folds, spreading them apart and exposing your swollen clit further to the blonde between your legs. Steve adjusts himself, moving towards the side so he can press his face into your pussy without hitting Bucky’s fingers, and his tongue circles your clit once more.
You moan at the sight, nearly going cross eyed as you stare down at Steve. It’s so erotic, watching everything in your most sacred of areas, Bucky’s fingers and Steve’s face buried so intensely into your cunt you’re sure he can’t possibly breathe - he moans against your folds every so often, as though the act of giving you pleasure makes him feel just as good, and you don’t doubt it for a moment.
“Steve -” you gasp, back arching up, and Steve uses his hand around your wrist to force you back down onto the bed wordlessly - you drop pathetically back onto the duvet, a tear sliding down your cheek, and you can hear Bucky tut behind you, cold fingers slipping on the moisture coating your folds. “Steve - fuck -”
“Gonna cum, baby?” “Yes,” you breathe, hips bucking backwards into Bucky’s erection and he lets out a choked gasp into your ear, head falling back against the headboard with a loud thud that rings through the room. “Yes, need to - please -”
Steve pulls away, then - you cry out at the loss of warmth between your legs - and his nose nudges Bucky’s fingers, prompting the soldier behind you to take the cue to dip his metal digits into your cunt, the cold thickness stretching you out until you’re preening at the sensation. “Think she’s been a good girl? Think she should cum, Buck?”
You want to scream at the pause between the question and Bucky’s answer - he hums for a moment, as though in deep thought, fingers buried down to the knuckle inside of you and body practically leaning over yours so his metal arm can reach, brushing the sweet spot inside of you that makes your vision go fuzzy. He takes too fucking long, Steve’s grasp on your wrist pressed to your tummy the only thing keeping your hips from bucking up to force pressure into your cunt, before he finally says, “You’ve been good for us, haven’t you?”
“Yes!” you practically squeal as his fingers pull out hardly an inch before pumping back in, curling upwards again to hit your G-spot. “Yes, please, been so good, Bucky -”
“Cum for us, sweetie -”
You hardly wait for him to finish his sentence when Steve lowers his lips to your clit, wrapping around the bud and sucking until his cheeks hollow out, and your hips jerk desperately into his face as the waves of euphoria rack through your body, tearing a desperate sob from your throat as Bucky thrusts his fingers in and out of you, nearly hitting the side of Steve’s face in his haste to get you off, and he’s doing a damn good job at it - your hips jut into his back as you cum into their mouth and fingers, stuttering groans leaving your mouth one after another.
Steve’s mouth never leaves your clit - not even when your hips thrash against his mouth and you tear your hands free of his grasp to dig into his hair, attempting to stop his ministrations on your clit but he refuses - your folds drip wetness into his waiting mouth and he laps it up like a man dying of thirst, Bucky’s fingers lazily thrusting in and out of you as his chest rises and falls against your back, dropping your other thigh to hook an arm around your torso and hold you close to him.
Hold her down, Steve had told him, and he seems more than content to oblige with the order, whispering loving nothings in your ear that you can’t bring yourself to understand, words coming through as nothing more than incoherent babble to your brain muddled with the pressure to cum already building in your core again -
“Oh,” you whimper, heels digging into the mattress as Steve’s tongue laps over your folds and Bucky’s finger before settling on your clit again, flicking the nub over and over until you feel yourself fucking burst - “oh, fuck!”
It’s entirely more intense than the first one, Steve’s teeth nibbling at your clit as you topple over the edge like a row of dominoes - fire shoots through every limb, every crevice of your body until you’re shaking, tears streaming out of the corners of your eyes and trickling down to your jawline. Your thighs tense, a high pitched cry piercing the air of the room as the aftershocks overtake your body, leaving you trembling into Bucky’s grasp as Steve pulls off your clit with a pop.
“That’s good,” Bucky whispers into your ear, pulling his metal fingers out of you once the shaking rolling through your body has come to a relative halt - through your blurred vision you can see Steve take the digits in his mouth, licking them clean eyes rolling up to meet Bucky’s, and he groans softly. “Good girl.”
Steve leaves one last kiss to your swollen clit before moving up your body, and you’re quick to lean forward, wrapping a quivering arm around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss - it’s rough and biting, teeth clashing together and his tongue swiping into your mouth without a moment for you to catch your breath, and when he pulls away his breathing is noticeably heavier than before. 
“Yeah, you’re good for us,” he tells you, bringing a hand up to stroke at the soft skin of your cheek before pulling it back and smacking it back down - it’s not hard, not by a long shot, but it’s enough to draw another whimper from your throat at the soft sting. “On your knees.”
Your legs feel shaky but you manage to push yourself to your knees, resting your arms around Steve’s shoulders to hold yourself up as Bucky shuffles behind you, slotting his hips against your ass so you can feel his bulge through his boxers - he grinds himself into your ass, sliding his arms around your waist just as Steve tugs his own boxers down, fist lazily pumping his cock as you watch him.
“You know what?” the blonde murmurs after a moment of you watching him, your cunt throbbing in need. “Think I’m gonna take your throat.”
You whine at that as Steve pulls away abruptly, leaving you nearly collapse onto your stomach but Bucky’s arm around your stomach mercifully holds you up, practically manhandling you as he turns you around, shoving you onto your back with your head nearly dangling off the bed as he crawls up your body, leaving lingering kisses on the smooth expanses of skin exposed to him. Large hands force your thighs open, pushing his hips in between your legs, and you whimper as his cock rubs against your overstimulated clit, even through the fabric of his boxers -
Steve stands beside the bed, smoothing his fingers through your matted hair as you come face to face with his cock, throbbing red and leaking precum down the sides, and your mouth practically waters at the sight - then Bucky’s pulling his own boxers down, swollen tip of his dick sliding through your sodden folds wettened from the aftermath of two orgasms. You push your thighs farther apart, opening your mouth wide and sticking your tongue out for Steve and he grins down at you, the expression looking less joyful and more downright smug and don’t you love seeing him like this? All dominant and intense, like he could control you if he pleased, and he does please -
His cock shoves forward into your throat at the same moment Bucky sheathes himself inside of your cunt fully, and a choked cry forces its way out of your mouth, reverberating through Steve’s body until he lets out a strangled grunt. Your nose brushes against the trimmed hair at his pelvis, hollowing your throat to take him in the best you can, and his grip on your hair tightens as leverage to hold you onto him.
“Oh - oh, shit,” Bucky gasps, the noise stuttered and breathy, and the hands on your thigh move up to squeeze your waist, grasp tough and bruising against your skin. “Fuck, fuck -”
You gag around Steve as he finally pulls out of your mouth, leaving just the tip on your tongue, and you swirl it around him - he drops his head back with a groan and when he speaks, his words are shallow, controlled - “Feels good, Buck?”
“So good, Stevie -” Bucky thrusts himself out of you before pushing back in, cunt stretching around his girth and your eyes roll back at the coil of pleasure already building in your lower stomach as his pace picks up, hips working faster and faster until the sound of skin slapping skin nearly overpowers your desperate mixture of moans and cries -
Nearly. Not completely.
Steve tugs at your hair and you remember your job to suck him off and you let him push your head forward, lips wrapping around his girth and tongue flattening to lap at the thick vein on the underside - his resulting groan is immediate, is desperate, and your urge to smile is only thwarted by Bucky’s metal hand pressing to your clit as his hips slam against yours.
Your hips jerk against his, pressure on the most sensitive point of your body making your eyes roll back once more as Steve’s cock slides in and out of your throat, both hands buried tight in your hair until there’s nothing else you can do than just take both of them - you bring your hands from their spot clutching the duvet to your tits, shaking fingertips kneading at your peaked nipples, and you’re not sure if the needy whine that emits from Bucky’s throat is due to his cock slamming into your pussy or from the sight of you toying with your boobs, but either one is reasonable, you decide.
It takes hardly a moment to work the three of you into a rhythm, but when you get it, it’s perfect - Bucky thrusts into you, filling you up so deep you swear you can feel him in every crevice of your body, and once he pulls out Steve pushes himself into your mouth, tip of his dick hitting the back of your throat just to hear you gag around him. Every once in a while, though, there’s a stutter in the pattern, and both men pull out to ram into your cunt and mouth at the same time, and the three of you cry out in unison.
Bucky’s flesh hand moves to your thigh, pushing it up so far that your knee nearly touches your chest and the burn only heightens the pleasure he’s giving you as he hits the sweet spot buried deep in your cunt over and over like he’s memorized exactly where it is - and surely he has - they know your body better than you do, sometimes - know just how to make you scream. Metal fingers tweak at your clit and your hips grind up into his, pushing him deeper and deeper into you, and you moan around Steve’s dick.
“I’m gonna cum,” Bucky groans, hips slowing deliberately in pace but it’s still fast enough to make your head spin - Steve moves one hand to your face, grabbing your chin and holding you in place with his cock still halfway down your throat. “Fuck - want me to fill you up, sweetie?”
You nod.
“Tell me,” he insists, and your eyes squeeze shut as you exhale through your nose. “Want me to fill you up?”
Steve pulls out until only the tip of his length rests in your mouth, and you swallow thickly before saying, words a desperate sob, “Please - please cum in me, Bucky, baby, please - fill me up -”
“Good girl,” the brunette between your thigh grunts, squeezing your clit harshly and your back arches, Steve slipping his cock all the way back in your mouth, hitting the back of your throat and you gag around him as he moans. “Good - fuckin’ - girl -”
With a few more harsh thrusts into your pussy Bucky’s hips halt, pressed taut to yours, filling you to the brim, and his head drops backwards, lips parting with a drawn out, silent scream before he fully cries out, and you feel his ribbons of cum in your cunt - the warmth filling you up is enough to snap the coil building in your abdomen and you sob around Steve as you cum onto Bucky, core clenching around him like a vise as he holds you to him. 
“Yes, yes -” Bucky’s voice sounds far away as your muscles go lax, collapsing like putty onto the bed with the grasps on your head and your hips the only thing grounding you to Earth - “yes, takin’ me so fuckin’ good -”
It’s then that Steve gives one last thrust, deep in your throat, and his grip on your chin forces you to look up at him, meeting his stern eyes and he’s so close you can see it reflected in his orbs - they’re dark, pupils wide, and you whimper. “Don’t swallow,” he whispers, tone sounding similar to that of a hiss, and you nod. “Don’t swallow a single drop.”
Your head bobs up and down as Steve’s hand pumps up and down the base of his cock, his cry strangled and needy when he finally releases into your mouth - he cums in spurts onto your tongue and you keep it stuck out for him, trying to resist the overwhelming desire to swallow everything he’s given you but he looks so proud of you when he’s finished and every drop still rests on your tongue and you prefer that look of admiration over the taste, really.
“Kiss her, Buck -”
And Bucky doesn’t have to be told twice, both hands moving to your neck and pulling you up so vigorously your head is spinning when he crashes his lips to yours. His tongue slips into your mouth and you part your lips for him, cum dribbling out of the sides of your mouth and he laps it up like a dying man, palms pressed to your tits. You can see the bob of his throat when he swallows everything you’ve forced into his mouth and you swallow the rest, parting your lips from him with a gasp, practically heaving for air in the bedroom that suddenly feels humid, smelling of sex and cum and desire and remarkably like your two boys themselves.
Steve collapses onto the bed first. He grabs for Bucky, tugging him into his chest and you sit on your knees for a moment, simply watching them - they fall into tandem with each other like they were made for it, and maybe they were, Steve’s face nuzzling into Bucky’s back and you’re never surprised by the sudden vulnerability of your captain immediately after sex. The first time you’d joined them you’d suspected he was embarrassed but you don’t think he is 
He’s in love.
It’s a sweet thought.
Bucky wraps his metal hand around your wrist and pulls you down to him, his chin resting on top of your head as you press your cheek to his sweaty chest, feeling his arm wrap around your back. He’s silent, using his foot to kick the comforter up from where it’s been shoved to the bottom of the bed, and when it’s far enough up Steve reaches down to pull it over the three of you, drowning you in its warmth even though you’re not feeling quite cold anymore.
“I don’t know,” you say, after a moment of silence, voice muffled against Bucky’s chest. “It feels like I’m the only one getting ganged up on, nowadays.”
They laugh at that, Bucky’s flesh palm smoothing up and down your back. “You asked for it,” Steve tells you, and you shrug.
“Still.” You move to rest your chin on Bucky’s chest, and he nearly goes cross eyed to meet your eyes as he looks down at you. “Maybe, one of these days, we could tie Stevie up. Have our way with him.”
“He’d love that,” Bucky muses, and you can practically hear Steve rolling his eyes.
“Yeah - right after a mission, when he’s all wound up -”
“Hey,” Steve warns, and you smile.
“I don’t think there are restraints strong enough for those muscles, anyway,” you murmur, and Bucky smiles, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head.
You fall into silence again, and after a couple of minutes you hear Steve’s soft snoring, followed by Bucky’s, until you’re the last awake between the three of you. They’re rightfully exhausted, surely getting little to no sleep over the weekend - you like hearing how peaceful they sound when they’re resting, even after fucking you so silly you were practically crying.
You smile as you bury your face into Bucky’s chest. Shit, maybe Fury was right - maybe they do balance each other out, a bit.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi!! I was wondering if you could do another fic involving jules and coops together? Just like sweet moments between the three? I loved the baby sitting series you did and could not stop thinking about it❤️❤️ Thank you!!
Yeah, of course! I love writing my boy at any opportunity. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, but the relatives are my ocs!
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Sirius asked under his breath as Remus finally—finally—appeared from the mass of people.
“It’s fine,” Remus said around a forced smile to a middle-aged man across the yard.
Sirius hid his mouth by pretending to look down at the nearest casserole dish. He didn’t even know what was in it; nobody had bothered with labels, and everyone’s dishes were the same basic florals in different colors. “I love you, Re, and I totally get the whole ‘meet the parents’ thing, but this is a bit much if I’m being honest.”
“Honey.” Remus’ shoulder pressed against his own. “I’m sorry you’re not having a good time, but my Aunt Jen would skin me alive if I didn’t bring the man I’m marrying to the family reunion. We can leave tomorrow if you really hate—oh, no.”
“Remus!” a shrill, excited voice called. Sirius felt his fiancé straighten up as a tall, redheaded woman in star-painted jeans hurried across the grass with three other women in tow. She reached up and gave Remus’ cheeks a squish, then leaned in a planted a lipstick-stamped kiss to his forehead. “How are you, my duckling? Was your flight alright? Make sure you stay away from the salt or else your feet will swell.”
“Hi, Aunt Jen,” Remus said, grimacing a little at her rib-crushing hug. “I’m doing well, and our flight was fine. How are you?”
“Peachy keen,” she assured him. Dark brown eyes lasered in on Sirius half a second later and he felt his fight or flight kick in. “And who are you?”
“Aunt Jen, this is—”
“It was rhetorical, honey,” Jen interrupted with a pat to Remus’ arm as she stepped closer to Sirius and immediately hauled him in for a hug. She was as tall as Remus, but broader in the shoulders and hips; he had never felt so engulfed by someone. It was a strangely enjoyable feeling.
“Aren’t you a handsome one?” the shortest of the group cooed, as if she was talking to a particularly small dog in a purse. “Our Remus always knew how to pick them.”
Remus furrowed his brows. “Aunt Lisa, this is the first boyfriend I’ve—”
“But he’s not just a boyfriend!” Jen trilled, giving Sirius’ cheek a pat. “He’s a fiancé, something I learned from your mother. Not from your father—oh, I gave him a talking-to about that—and not from you, duck.”
Sirius bit back a laugh at the nickname and spared a glance to his left, where Remus had gone pink all the way to his ears. “Sorry.”
“Introduce us!” the shortest insisted, taking the other two by the hands as pulling them forward with an eager smile.
“Everyone, this is Sirius Black, my fiancé.” Remus gestured between them, and the four women beamed at him. “Sirius, this is Aunt Jen, Aunt Lisa, Aunt Allison, and Aunt Mary, my dad’s sisters.”
“It’s lovely to meet you,” Sirius said, holding a hand out.
“No need to be so formal,” the brunette grumbled with a teasing grin. “We have heard so much about you from Lyall. After those damned pictures—”
“Allison,” Jen hissed.
“—after the damned pictures,” Allison repeated with a pointed look. “I was about ready to drive up to Gryffindor myself and give that lousy son of a bitch a piece of my mind—”
“—but Lyall talked me down and I have been waiting to meet you ever since.” She finished with a soft huff and gave his arm a quick squeeze. “Remus is a lucky boy to have you. It’s very exciting to see you in person at last.”
Sirius’ heart gave a happy little ka-thump and he smiled. “I’m glad to be here. Thank you for having me.”
“He is so polite,” Lisa said to Remus out of the corner of her mouth with a wink and a thumbs-up. “Good choice.”
“You know what I just realized? We haven’t said hello to Jules yet. We’ll see you in a few, yeah?” Without waiting for an official answer, Remus wrapped an arm around Sirius’ waist and practically carried him away from the table. Once they were out of earshot—and the aunts had busied themselves with one of the younger Lupins—Remus relaxed with a slow exhale. “I am…so sorry.”
“For what?”
“I had no idea they were going to corner you like that. I mean, I did, but I was hoping it wouldn’t be for another few hours. They tend to move in a pack at reunions, like sharks. Or wolves.”
“They’re really sweet.”
“They are,” Remus said grudgingly, though Sirius could read the affection dripping off him like his favorite book. “My dad’s the youngest of five, and I was the first nephew. You can imagine how that went.”
“Baby of the baby?”
“Can I ask one thing?” Remus nodded, visibly confused, and Sirius found he couldn’t keep his grin down any longer. “Duckling?”
“I hoped you didn’t hear that,” he groaned as they headed toward the kids’ play area beneath a large oak. “Long story short, it involved five-year-old me, a pond, and a sinus infection that made me sound like a duck when I sneezed.”
“Oh my god,” Sirius laughed, earning himself a light elbow to the ribs. “And the name stuck?”
“Considering she was the one that had to stay with me while my folks were working, she could call me whatever the hell she wanted. Please don’t ask her about it unless you want a thirty-minute TED talk about the ins and outs of my sinuses.”
“She’s a doctor?”
“No, she just overshares.”
Sirius looked up and saw a herd of small children racing toward them, led by his favorite person under the age of eighteen; Jules crashed into his legs and squeezed him tight around the waist. “Hey, I missed you!”
Jules propped his chin below Sirius’ sternum and stared up at him with the classic hazel-gold eyes that were far more common than Sirius believed before they arrived in the Lupins’ backyard. “I missed you, too! How’s the team? How’s Harry? Is he still super small or did he do that weird thing that babies do where their legs grow and the rest of them still looks normal? How was your flight? Did you have turbulence?”
Sirius thought for a moment. “Good, also good, growing normally, and yes.”
“Sweet! Come play cornhole with us!” Jules grabbed his hand and dragged him along the grass at the closest thing he could manage to a sprint with Sirius’ added weight—the pre-teen years had lent him gangly legs, though he didn’t seem quite sure how to use them yet. He looked more like a foal than a sixth-grader.
“What the hell is cornhole?” Sirius muttered as the flock of kids ran ahead to grab armfuls of beanbags.
Remus grinned. “Something I’m about to kick your ass at.”
By the time the sun set, Sirius was exhausted. He had been introduced to dozens of people who looked just enough like Remus to be eerie, as well as plenty who seemed to have been acquired by one Lupin or another over the course of their life. Jules fluctuated between laminating himself to Sirius’ side and disappearing for an hour at a time, only to return more grass-stained and rumpled than ever as he begged Remus to swing him around by the ankles again. His ass had been thoroughly kicked at cornhole and freeze tag; it was a true miracle he hadn’t already passed out into a food coma. For all of his earlier griping, Sirius couldn’t think of a time in recent months when he had been more content.
“You’re a brave soul,” Remus remarked as they sat in the grass together and watched the fireflies wake. Though it was a warm night, it seemed the citronella candles littering the tables were doing their job of chasing off mosquitoes.
Sirius leaned his head on Remus’ shoulder. He smelled like grass and summertime and sunbaked warmth. “Am I?”
“Mhmm. I’m sure most people would have run screaming by now.”
“I like your family.”
A beat of silence passed; Remus rested his temple against the top of Sirius’ head. “I’m really glad to hear that. They’re weird and loud, but I love them.”
“And I love you.”
“Are you saying I’m weird and loud?”
“On occasion.”
“Asshole,” Remus laughed, giving him a nudge that hardly qualified as more than a gentle sway.
“Language, there are eight million kids around.”
“They’re busy.”
Sirius watched as small group run by in a wave of giggles, all clutching mason jars of fireflies with their names written on masking tape. “Thank you again for asking me to come with you.”
“Like I said, Aunt Jen would—”
“Remus.” He fell quiet. Sirius didn’t remember the last time he said Remus’ full name aloud. “Your family loves you so much. They’re everything I ever wanted growing up, and it means the world that you wanted to share them with me. All they want is to see you happy. It was amazing to finally meet them.”
“They really, really love you,” Remus said softly, his voice a little thick. “I had about twenty people tell me how wonderful you are. They all thanked me for bringing you, and not a single one mentioned the celebrity thing. Even my Uncle Jay didn’t say a word about hockey.”
“He was the one in the jersey?”
“I’ve known him for my entire life and I’ve never seen him without one.”
“Huh.” Sirius tucked his face closer to Remus’ neck and let the sound of the bullfrogs in a distant marsh lull him. “What time is it?”
“Almost eleven. The adults will be up for a while, but the kids will start crashing soon.”
Footsteps on the cool grass rustled to their right and Sirius looked up. “Who wants pie?” Aunt Allison singsonged, breaking their quiet bubble with paper plates and utensils. “This one is blackberry, but we have peach, pumpkin, and a few others on the table if you’re still hungry.”
“Just a small piece, please,” Sirius said.
Allison paused and cocked her head, then burst out laughing. “Oh, you’re funny!”
“I am?”
“Don’t fight it,” Remus whispered.
“You are a growing boy,” Allison said as she cut a thick slice and plonked it onto his plate. “And there’s no such thing as too much pie.”
I’m 26, Sirius wanted to say, though he held it in. “Just a small one for me, as well,” Remus said.
“Ha!” Allison snorted. “You’re already too skinny. Eat your pie or you’ll end up a string bean like your father. The NHL might have given you muscle, but it’s useless if you don’t enjoy some of your favorite aunt’s—”
“—woah, hey now—”
“—pie once in a while.” Allison kissed the tops of their heads once both plates were secure and bowing in the middle. “I’m going to make sure the kids aren’t poking around in the river again. Sleep well, you two.”
Sirius stared down at his plate as she wandered away. “I’m honestly going to die if I eat this.”
“Yeah, please don’t make yourself sick on pie. You really don’t have to eat all of that. The aunts and uncles are convinced that none of us are eating properly once we turn eighteen.”
“I wish I was kidding. You’re going to sleep so well tonight, though.”
As if on cue, Sirius stifled a yawn with the back of his hand and cuddled under Remus’ arm again. A familiar shadow bounded over not two seconds later and he barely held down a groan. “Hey, can I join you?”
Remus shrugged. “ ‘course.”
“Sweet.” Jules settled himself across their laps, staring at the sky with his head pillowed on Sirius’ thigh. “Did you have fun? I’m really glad you could come.”
“I had a great time,” Sirius answered honestly. Now please move on so I can take a nap.
“Mom and dad and me got here yesterday, and Aunt Jen kept checking the door for you guys even though she knew you weren’t coming until today. She was worried you wouldn’t like us, I think.”
“That was never an option, Jules.”
“Yeah, I know.” A devilish grin flickered over his face. “Remus is the weirdest of all of us, and if you want to marry him—”
“Get off,” Remus grumbled, shoving Jules’ legs onto the picnic blanket. “You know, you were a lot nicer before you turned eleven. Can I return you and get a new one? I have the receipt somewhere.”
“That’s all a birth certificate is, right?” Sirius raised his eyebrows. “If you bring it back in good condition, I hear they give you a ten percent discount.”
Jules scowled. “That’s so not true.”
“How do you think I got Regulus?”
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?” Remus asked with a pointed look. “Run along, problem child.”
“Of the two of us, I’m the least problematic.” Despite his words, Jules clambered to his feet and dusted his hands off over Remus’ head. “I’m not the one that got a secret boyfriend and got engaged in a year. I’m so easy. Mom and dad want two of me.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Remus sighed as he stretched out on the blanket. “They had a second kid because they wanted two of me.”
“You’re adopted.”
Remus cracked one eye open in disbelief. “No, I’m not.”
“How do you know?”
“Because—y’know what, go to bed. Or go find the stampede, I think they’re by the river.”
Sirius whistled lowly as Jules scampered off again. “That was impressive. Isn’t your aunt over there?”
Realization clicked into place. “She’s going to make him go to bed.”
“You’re brilliant.”
Remus smiled without opening his eyes, and tugged Sirius down by the sleeve to lay next to him. “You’re just figuring that out now?”
The stars were brighter than anywhere Sirius had ever seen; for a moment, he was struck speechless by the endless rivers of sparkling white overhead. He stared until his eyes burned from dryness, then put his head on Remus’ chest and kept on looking. There was no way he could tear his gaze from it. A few shooting stars streaked across the clear sky and he felt his heart skip a beat in pure amazement when he realized there was nothing else he would wish for in that moment. He could listen to Remus’ heartbeat and the sound of his new family talking against a backdrop of the night, relishing in a full belly and cool wind, and simply stay there for as long as he liked.
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jobean12-blog · 3 years
Lumberjack in Love
Pairing: Bucky x reader (Lumberjack AU)
Word Count: 1,580
Summary: You’re new to town and you meet your very first neighbor. 
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club drunk drabbles and clean up the archive challenge. It took me a minute to grab his great prompt up buy my lovely friend @eurynome827 totally inspired me and boom here it is. Hope you enjoy. I really liked writing this! Thank you all so very much for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤ My beautiful divider is by my love @imerdwarf
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Warnings: sweet and soft fluff, shy Bucky being a sweet hunk of beefy goodness :)
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As you sit on the small porch of your new house and look around you still can’t believe the beauty of the mountains. It’s early Spring so the mornings are still chilly, and you pull your blanket scarf tighter around your shoulders.
A distant bark catches your attention, and you squint through the trees to see a white fluff bounding right toward you. Your first instinct is to run into the house but then you hear the deep voice of the man running after the animal and you pause.
As they get closer you can clearly see it’s a large dog and instantly relax.
“Winter! Come back here right now!” the man yells just as the dog happily trots up your steps.
He nudges his nose under your hand for a pet and you can’t help but oblige.
“Winter!” the man growls and you instantly look up.
And you keep looking up for what feels like miles until you reach the crystal blue eyes of the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. His long chestnut hair is pulled back into a low bun, but a few pieces have come loose and now frame his perfectly shaped jaw.
Your eyes wander over his plump lips and dark beard before you take in the rest of him. The soft flannel he wears is pulled tight over his broad shoulders and chest with the sleeves rolled up and barely containing his biceps.
The leather belt at his waist is worn and soft but seems pointless when the dark jeans he’s wearing are practically painted onto his thick thighs.  Heavy boots cover his feet as they seem to continuously shuffle back and forth while you shamelessly check him out.
You stand and hold out your hand, introducing yourself. At first he just stares at you then down at your hand before wiping his own on his pants. His large hand closes around yours, the warmth and strength sending a new wave of appreciation through you.
“Hi, I’m Bucky,” he says quietly, holding onto your hand a bit longer than necessary before quicky letting go and shuffling on his feet again.
“It’s nice to meet you Bucky,” you reply, pointing at the dog. “And who is this?” you ask.
“Oh! Right. That’s Winter. Sorry about that. He took off after a squirrel and then he must have caught your scent. There aren’t too many people around here so…” he trails off, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“He’s beautiful,” you gush, scratching Winter behind the ears but never taking your eyes from Bucky.
His tongue darts out to lick his lips and his mouth opens but nothing comes out. After a few more seconds of silence, he seems to find his voice.
“Thanks! He’s a good boy, just adventurous. I hope he uh, didn’t disturb you or anyone else,” he mumbles, gesturing toward your house.
“Not at all,” you assure him. “It’s just me and I’m happy he came to say hello and brought you along too. You’re the first neighbor I’ve met.”
“I think I’m your only neighbor,” he laughs. “I’m just about a quarter of a mile that way and I think the next house might be two and half miles passed me.”
“Well, I’m glad it’s you. And Winter is just a bonus,” you flirt.
The pink that creeps up his cheeks only makes you like him more and can’t stop your giggle.
“I’m about to make some blueberry muffins. Could I bring you some when they’re done?” you ask. “I can’t eat them all myself.”
“Yeah! I love muffins! Thank you,” he replies with a lopsided grin.  
“Ok great! I’ll see you soon,” you cheer, giving him a beaming smile. “Just that way right?” you ask him, pointing at the path in the trees.
“Huh?” he answers, staring and blinking a few times. “Oh, yea. My house. It’s uh, yep just down that path, can’t miss it.”
He shoves his hands in his jean pockets and kicks at some imaginary dirt.
“Ok then, I’ll see you soon Bucky and Winter,” you say and start to walk up your steps.
He waits for you to get to the door and open it before waving and jogging off, Winter hot on his heels.
When the blueberry muffins are baked and still warm you pack them up with some butter and start the short walk to Bucky’s house. The path is lined with stones and the tall evergreen trees create a beautiful aromatic frame along the dirt. The sound of cracking wood reaches your ears the closer you get.
At the end of the path the land opens up to large piece of green grass with the perfect log cabin sitting at the back. You smile when you see Winter sitting on the porch, his big and fluffy tail thumping loudly on the wood.
You look to the right and finally see the source of the sound. Bucky stands over a pile of wood and a large tree stump, wielding a large axe with ease. He brings it up above his head and swings it down, splitting the wood perfectly.
It’s hard to tear your eyes away from him and the way his muscles move under the tight clothing. It isn’t until Winter’s cold nose hits your leg that you look away and start walking again.
Winter’s happy barks pull Bucky’s attention from the wood and he turns to you. He sets down the axe and comes over to take the basket from your hands.
“Hi again,” he says sweetly, quickly looking at the muffins before his eyes meet yours again. “I’m glad you came back.”
You hook your arm through his. “Of course, I did,” you state obviously and pull him toward the porch. “Who else am I going to share these muffins with.”
He chuckles and dips his head, unable to hide the permanent flush on his cheeks whenever he’s around you.
“We could sit on the porch swing if you want. Or if it’s too cold you’re welcome to come in,” he tells you. “I could make tea. Do you drink tea? I also have coffee if you prefer. Or something cold? I should have lemonad…”
He’s about to go on but you reach up and place your hand on his cheek.
“Tea is just fine Bucky, thank you,” you say softly. “And we can sit out here. It’s so beautiful and the sun is warm.”
He nods a few times before rushing into the house to make the tea. You sit on the swing and prepare the muffins, gently pushing yourself back and forth with your foot. Winter lays just a few feet away in a warm patch of sunshine.
“Ok, hot tea coming right up,” Bucky says as he pushes the screen door open with his butt.
He sits opposite you on the bench, the basket of muffins between you and places the cups on the small table to the side.
“I brought honey, milk and sugar. I hope one of those will be ok,” he says.
“Perfect, thank you! I hope you like the muffins. I have butter for them too,” you say, holding one up on a napkin.
He takes it and has a bite, the crumbling dough breaking apart and getting stuck on his lips and in his beard.
“Wow. These are amazing,” he raves before taking another large bite.
You move the basket from between your bodies and shift closer to him. You bring your fingers up to his chin and lightly brush off the crumbs before swiping your thumb over his lips.
“They’re very crumbly and messy,” you explain, letting your gaze settle on his mouth before taking a bite of your own muffin.
“They’re perfect,” he stammers, clearly reacting to your touch.
His eyes watch as your tongue traces your lips to clean them of crumbs and he audibly swallows.
“These are amazing,” he mumbles, unmoving.
“You said that already,” you tease, squeezing his bicep before reaching for a cup of tea.
“Did I?” he says, more to himself than you. “I did. Didn’t I?”
You nod with a giggle and take a sip of tea. Winter trots over and rests his nose on the edge of the swing, clearly waiting for someone to share.
“Can I give him a piece?” you ask.
“Sure,” Bucky replies, laughing when Winter scarfs down the piece of muffin in one bite. “That’s one of the ways we’re the same. He loves to eat as much as I do.”
You throw your head back with a laugh.
“Well, that works out just great for me because I love to bake and cook!” you tell him. “As a matter of fact, I’m making pot pie for dinner. You should join me.”
Bucky doesn’t hesitate for a second when he answers.
“I’d love that. Pot pie is on of my favorites.”
You take one last sip of your tea before standing and covering the muffins.  
“The rest are for you,” you say, pushing the basket toward him. “And I have a feeling you’ll say that about a lot of the things I make,” you say playfully. “I’ll see you at 6 sharp then?”
“Yes, definitely,” he whispers, his eyes going wide when you lean in to place a soft kiss to his cheek.
“See you then, Bucky. And don’t forget to bring Winter and an appetite,” you yell as you head back down the path to your house.
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@addikted-2-dopamine @bugsbucky​ @book-dragon-13​ @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @fxckbuckyscoming​ @hiddles-rose​ @jhangelface0523​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @jewels2876​ @littleredstarfish​ @lookiamtrying​ @lorilane33​ @loricameback​ @la-cey @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @randomfandompenguin​ @cherryblossomskye​ @tuiccim​ @whatrambles​ @white-wolf1940​
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diofasolia · 3 years
{Shattered! Dream x Reader}
Shattered! Dream by @shattereddreamsau
Writings by me
Today (8/7) is Shattered! Dream's birthday and I decided to post a writing I did last year—which is also the reason why I eventually join in the tumblr
Because back when I wrote this story, I found Dark Cream comic, which made by amazing @zu-is-here
Her creations give me the inspiration for the writing
The story is long (it has like 2000 words in it) and may be a bit cheesy, but I'll be happy to know if you read the whole thing (◡ ω ◡)
Before the story start, I want to ask you a question.
   Do you believe that the worst person can change?
   Oh! How awkward, sorry, I ask the wrong question.
   What I meant to ask is—
   Do you believe that the best person, the kindest person in the world can change?
   Maybe…all it needs is a tiny push?
   The harsh whipping hits in my abdomen again. I kneel on the ground, thinking how deep the scar might be from that blow.
   "What're you doing!? Look at your king when I'm talking to you! Such a piece of useless trash!!"
   "I apologized, My Lord."
   Raising my bruised neck, I gaze at the former guardian of positivity. Those eyes that used to hold the tenderness, now only fill up with hatred.
   "Where're those fricking basters!? I told you to track down my brother and other Sanses!"
   "I'm sorry, My Lord. They escaped. I can't find where their location is–"
   Not even waiting for my sentence finished, another powerful punch land on my face. I watch as a tooth fall out of my mouth. Blood dripping down my chin.
   "Worthless! Can't even do a little task like that!"
   Multiple kicks and insults throw at me. The numb feeling slowly occurs in my torso as I curling up into a ball.
   Closing my eyes, the memories from the past arises in my mind, bringing me back to the day that I seal my fate.
   "Dream? Earth to Dream!"
   "(Y/N)? What's wrong, love?"
   "What's wrong? I've called your name for five times! But you didn't answer to me."
   Dream scratches the back of his skull, looking a bit embarrassed.
   "Is that so? I'm sorry, (Y/N)! It won't happen again, I swear!"
   I cuddle Dream close, letting out a giggle.
   "It's fine! I don't really mind it. But Dream, you tend to space out recently. Is there something on your mind? You can tell me everything, you know that, right?"
   Giving me a kiss on the cheek, Dream smiles gently. He assures me that there's nothing to worry about. It’s just the task of guardian makes him a little exhausted.
   "Well, if that's the case, go on and get some rest! I will inform you if something was up."
   "Okay! Thanks, (Y/N), I'm glad I have you by my side."
   "Me too, my dreams and hopes."
   It's been quiet in Dream's room. He must be very tired. I knock on his bedroom door, telling him to wake up.
   "Dream, I know you're tired. But you still need to eat."
   "Dream? Are you awake yet?"
   There's no answer.
   Guess I’ll have to get into his room.
   Yet no one is there, only an opening portal hanging in the air.
   A portal leads to Dream's corrupted universe.
   "I'll show you, brother. I know what you're feeling…I know what you're going through…"
   "No! Dream, stop!! You don't know what you're doing!!"
    Two vague voices shouting in the distance. I begin to run like my life is in danger.
    What the heck is going on here?
    What is this dreadful feeling?!
   I'm too slow.
    The half bitten black apple lay on the ground. I watch in horror as the small tendrils creeping out Dream's eye sockets. His painful screech rings in my ears.
    I reach out to him, hoping that I can comfort Dream in my arms. The positive energy…they gotta do something, right?
   "What…? Nightmare! Let go of me!! I need to…to get Dream!!"
   "No! You can't get near him now, (Y/N)! You'll…you'll get hurt!"
    I thrash in Nightmare's hold, screaming at the top of my lungs.
   "Dream!! No! Dream!!!"
   "What's wrong, love?"
   My teary eyes stare up, it's…Dream's voice.
   But it sends an unknown coldness down my spine.
   "Ahh, you're crying! Good, keep doing that."
   A sadistic grin spreads on Dream's face.
   "I love it."
   Nightmare is already sobbing, begging for his beloved brother to come back. I walk step by step to Dream, putting on the best smile I can muster.
   "My love…Dream…please, come back to me…! I love you. I know you're strong enough to resist those negative feelings…"
   Dream cackles loudly. The tentacles wrap tightly around my neck, pulling me closer to him.
   "Go back? To my weak self? (Y/N), when did you become stupid? Why would I do that?"
   "I've already past the point of no return."
   A bucket of freezing water splashes on me. I must have passed out during the abusing session.
   "Wake up."
   "Get clean up, we're leaving."
   I pick up my sore body, stumbling across the lonely hall that me and Dream live in. There's no one here except the two of us.
   "Make a choice, (Y/N). Will you join me? Or will you prefer to disobey me like my coward brother?"
   "I'll go with you."
   I want to weep, yet I can’t even shed a single tear. I shouldn't be upset. After all, it's me who decided to follow my corrupted lover.
   Filling up the bathtub, I submerge myself in the steamy water.
   "Why, (Y/N)!? Why are you side with him!? Open your eyes! Dream doesn't love you anymore. He's just using you!"
    "It doesn't matter, Nightmare."
   "Great job, (Y/N)! You make this AU full of despair and miseries! I always know you're my favorite soldier!"
   "It's my pleasure to serve you, my lord."
   I scrub my blood-stained skin, the wounds sting because of the soapy water. Some of the old gash reopened, making me yell in frustration.
   "We can save Dream! Don't lose any hope, (Y/N)!"
   "How? There are barely things we can do. It's over, Nightmare. Look at yourself! You transfer back because Dream shattered! How are you gonna turn him back? By let someone else eats a black apple again?!"
   The white dirty bandages wrap around my mess up torso. Why am I even bother treating my injures? They sure are going to reopen soon anyway.
   "No matter what you say to me, I won't change the path I've chosen, Nightmare."
   "I've already gone far enough."
   "I don't understand…he's hurting you, (Y/N). Are you still…in love with my brother?"
   I hate it so much.
   The smell won't disappear no matter how many times I wash it over and over.
   I hate it.
   My hair smells like those disgusting goop on Dream.
   Why can't I get rid of this sickening stink!?!
   Throwing the bottles at random direction, I tug my hair till I scream out.
   "What's with all that noises in there!? You better finish your business soon, I'm losing my patience!"
   I hate it.
   "I deeply apologize for making you wait for such a long time, my lord."
   I wish I can understand your pain sooner.
   "Whatever, time to leave."
   I'm sorry I couldn't save you.
   "My lord, where are we going, may I ask?"
   Dream's left eye glows in excitement.
   "I find out where those sneaky scums are hiding."
   With a wave of hand, Dream opens the portal leads to an unknown empty place.
   No one is left out.
   Nightmare, Ink, Blue, everyone's here.
   "And I'm going to give them a pleasant encounter."
   But today is a little different.
   Then all hell breaks out.
   Nightmare's starting to transform. The dark gooey substance covering up his body gradually.
   The same routine as usual. Nightmare pleads Dream to stop his actions while the former guardian of positivity just laugh it off, a bit talks here and there.
   "Miss me, dear brother?"
    The crazy laughter of Dream rings in the air.
   "Yes! Finally, things are getting interesting!"
   While Dream focusing on battling with Nightmare, I have to handle the two other skeletons.
   "I know deep down you don't want to fight us, (Y/N)! Let's just drop our weapons, okay?"
   Ink creates a bunch of arrows, ready to launch them at Dream. I block his charge immediately, slashing Ink's arm with my sword.
   My silence is always my only answer.
   "No one's going to get near Dream."
   I continue to attack Blue. We've already been through this conversation many times.
   "How…how's this possible?!"
   Dream can only defense himself from Nightmare as the latter one keeps on firing attacks. It looks like Nightmare gets more advantage of the battle.
   "Seems like you can't control your tentacles very well yet, little bro."
    Nightmare mocks, resulting Dream to lose his temper. He strikes at Nightmare blindly, only to receive a powerful blow in the guts.
   I rush to Dream, who’s looking more exhausted than usual. From the way how he’s panting heavily, I know he's already losing too much strength to fight.
   "Get away from me! I don't need your help!!"
   The attack is sloppy but I didn't dodge it. Dream can beat me all he wants after I get him to safety.
   Even if it means I can possibly die.
   "My lord, I apologize, but we have to move to another universe again."
   Dream growls at me.
   "It's you who are dragging me down!!"
   They're still following us.
   I'm whacking to the ground in a flash. A heavy boot stamps on my ribs harshly.
   The nasty cracking sound and my piercing shirek fills in the air.
   "You're no longer useful to me."
    I watch as Dream disappears in a portal. He doesn't even spare a glance at me. Leaving me bleeding and slowly dying on the ground.
   "I've told you."
    Nightmare's lurking shadow towers above me.
   "Oh no, Ink! We must save (Y/N)! She's…!"
     Ink put a hand on Blue's shoulder, shaking his head solemnly.
   "We can't, Blue. Remember, our priority is to capture Dream."
   "Please, Night…"
     I find myself pleading to Nightmare.
   "Don't…kill Dream…"
   "You and I both know that's an empty promise, (Y/N)."
   Three skeletons begins to move towards the portal that opens by Ink. Before they leave, Nightmare whispers in a quiet voice but loud enough for me to catch.
   "…he's in Dreamtale."
   How much will you sacrifice for protecting your fallen love?
   "You really are dumb. You know that?"
   "Or you're just enjoy me breaking you apart bit by bit?"
   "Don't you scare of your own nightmares?"
   "I deserve it."
   "I'm already living with it."
   "You will always be my fading dreams."
   "It's my own redemption."
   "Surrender now, Dream. Then we can put an end to this whole mess."
   My time is running out.
    "Heh, I thought you know me well, dear brother. You should get the answer by yourself now."
   "…goodbye, my poor little brother.
   I pray to you, God. Let me see him one last time.
   I can't save him the last time.
    It's always a miracle how accurate the portal can lead to.
   This time, I'm going to save Dream.
   There's no pain anymore.
   "…at least…you……say my…name……one…last……time…"
   Crimson blood drips down my penetrated torso. I think I see Dream's crying. But that might be just my own tears.
   Forgive me, Dream.
   My collapsing body falls forward, landing on the soft grass surface before me.
(3rd pov)
   "Nightmare, I need your assistance."
   "I thought we're enemies now."
    "There's a method I want to try. It might succeed to bring Dream back."
   "Well, I'm here to listen."
   "She's just a tool."
   "Nothing else."
    "Because I know him well. The extreme emotion is the only possible way to get things right again."
   Dream mutters to himself like a broken recorder. Staring the wrecking body of yours, his non-existent heart begins to hurt.
    "I refuse! That's too dangerous! You surely will be dead in this terrible plan! Besides, how can you so sure he'll behave like you predict!?"
    "It's worth it. I'm doing this for the whole alternate universes, and him."
    "Wake up! I demand you to wake up now! (Y/N)!!"
    "It's not…worth for your own life."
    "Don't pity me. Pity for the one who can't help himself in his own nightmare."
    "Wake up."
   "Don't leave me…alone, (Y/N)…please…my love…"
   Ahh, it must be the time when he transfers into this horrible creature.
   Nightmare, who’s now in his uncorrupted form, widening his eyes.
   "…congratulations, (Y/N). Your suicidal plan…works."
   Dream doesn't recall when’s the last time he breaks down.
    No one dare to speak a word, except Dream drowning in his own pitiful cries.
     "I don't understand…he's hurting you, (Y/N). Are you still…in love with my brother?"
   You look at Nightmare with a smile, replying to him like it's the only correct answer in your mind.
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quietmyfearswith · 4 years
their love language ; preferences
warnings — fluff (?) couple of swear words
characters — andy barber, steve rogers, jake jensen, bucky barnes, carter baizen, lance tucker, syverson, will shaw (cold light of day), august walker
a/n — just something i put together lmao asks are open for anything
with their little
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andy barber — physical touch and words of affirmation
It wasn’t unusual that Andy brought home work; but more often than not concerning. Not only was he overworking himself, but it also led him to doubt and question his own capabilities. And Y/N knew when these unwanted thoughts would start to plague Andy’s mind and she knew just how to prevent them from affecting him severely. Creeping up behind him, she placed her hands on his shoulders giving him a massage he didn’t know his body was begging for. “How you doing, handsome?” she asked sweetly as she placed a small kiss on the back of his ear. Turning his head slightly so he could reciprocate the kiss but on her hand, “Making slow but significant progress.” She hummed, moving her fingers from his shoulders and to his temples she tried to rub off the stress that seemed to have its epicenter at his forehead. “Well all that was possible because of you, angel, you and that big brain of yours.” Andy grabbed both her hands and turned to her; she knew what was gonna happen next — he was gonna argue with what she said and instead claim that he wasn’t that good and he could have done it quicker or done more. But before he even had a chance to do so, she slanted her lips on his to shut him up. “I’m gonna shut you up with a kiss every time you talk shit about yourself,” the man’s entire body vibrated with laughter as turned his chair around to face Y/N and grabbed her so she sat down on his lap, “In that case we might be kissing for a long time, love.”
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august walker — acts of service
August’s dedication wasn’t only limited to his work; but also to his beloved Y/N. He’d like to think that the reason that he exposed himself to the dangers of the world is so that he could guarantee her safety. But on the instances wherein he wasn’t on a mission and instead was back home with her, he never missed out on an opportunity to make her feel safe and loved. Since he was having downtime from a mission, he took it upon himself to bring you to work and pick you up. It didn’t matter if it was out of his way or he had a busy day, it was something he loved to do. He loved having one hand on the steering wheel and the other on her warm thigh; just like how they were right now following her departure from her work. “I noticed how your laundry was piling up, so I washed it already. Also found the missing sock you were whining about last week,” Y/N looked at August and decided to tease him as she jokingly accused him, “I knew it! You hid it somewhere in our home.” His hand that was comfortably resting on her thigh left its place and went for her sides, tickling her. Hearing her giggles, made him boyishly smile, “That’s not what happened, missy. I was cleaning the house — because you were whining about how cluttered and messy it was getting and you didn’t have the time to clean it up — and somehow found that fuzzy sock of yours in the kitchen.” Upon learning what her man was up to, she was shocked and teased him more by saying, “Are you sure you should be a CIA agent and not a house cleaner? Seems like it’s one thing you absolutely love to do.” placing his hand back on her thigh, August rubbed her thigh warmly as he spoke, “Only for you love, I’ll do anything for you.”
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bucky barnes — words of affirmation
For the majority of his life, he was used to hearing gruesome and morbid orders that were tasked for him to carry out. He was so used to hearing yells and harsh voices ringing in his ears; but now since he was free from their abusive hold, he didn’t have to hear the same sounds again. “Wakey wakey sleeping beauty,” was whispered into his ear, snapping him out of his sleeping state. Turning over, he looked at Y/N and smiled, “Are you sure I’m sleeping beauty and not you?” She just chuckled at his rebuttal as she laid her head on his chest and looked up at him, “I’m sure it’s you who’s the sleeping beauty I mean have you seen this face?” She took note  as she ran her finger through his sculpted face, “Jawline that can cut deep, lips that are soft and delectable, eyes that are extremely expressive.” She then let her hand go down to where his heart was and delicately traced over it as she further explained, “And of course, what’s inside of you takes the cake of what makes you the sleeping beauty; a caring nature, compassionate to others, wit that is incomparable, and has so much love to give.” The super soldier could feel his heart swell double its  current size with how comforting and heartfelt her compliment was. Grateful tears threatened to leave his eyes as she placed a chaste kiss on his chest and assured him, “Everything about you is beautiful, Bucky.”
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jake jensen — quality time
“Are you free this Saturday?” Jake asked as he directed his focus from the computer to his girlfriend as she placed a mug of coffee on his working table. Curious and hopeful eyes were behind the lensed frame, hoping she would say that she was available. Leaning against his desk she crossed her arms and gave him a mocking look, “Depends on who’s asking and why,” but the puppy of man just grabbed at her forearms and pouted. “Please baby? I was hoping you’d be down for laser tag? Or if you don’t want to do that maybe we can watch a movie?” Y/N could not help but coo at how adorable her boyfriend looked; for a man who was part of the army he was too much of a softie. He despised having to be away from home for missions since he was always aching to spend time with you — and it didn’t really matter to him what it was you two were doing you could be museum-hopping, hiking, having a movie marathon, or just cuddling in bed. Which explains as to why he was inquiring whether or not you were available to spend time with him; leaning down to kiss his forehead, Y/N decided to put him out of his misery, “Yes love, I’m free on Saturday, we can go out for laser tag.” Standing up from where he was sitting down he excitedly wrapped his arms around the woman who was now laughing at how she mimicked the elation of a child. “Thank you, baby, can’t wait to kick your ass then.”
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syverson — physical touch and quality time
Having been home from a deployment, it felt odd for Sy to not wake up when the sun was barely up or to not be squished with other men in a small space. Feeling movement in the bed where he lay, he quickly opened both his eyes and looked at the source of it. “Come back,” he groggily mumbled as he pulled Y/N closer and buried his face on her neck. “What if there’s somewhere I need to be, bear?” It was a surprise when she felt him whine, this alpha of a man whined at the thought of having to be away with his girlfriend. “I am gonna have to lock you inside the house, I just came back and there’s no way I’m gonna let you out until we’ve made up for lost time.” As she played with his short hair she pressed a kiss on the side of his forehead, “Good thing I have the week off then, huh?” his head shot up from her neck and looked at her excitedly, “No shit, baby? I get you all to myself for the whole week?” Nodding she busied her fingers again by running it through his buzz cut hair again. Feeling his thick arms wrap around her, she could feel the happiness and contentment resonate through his whole body. “I’m not letting you out of my hold, let alone my sight — I’m gonna need you all close to me and we’re gonna do everything together.”
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lance tucker — physical touch
Having been involved in gymnastics at a young age, Lance’s hands were calloused and rough due to vigorous training. This then led him to be quite insecure and apprehensive when it came to physical contact with others, especially with someone he loves; for he fears they might run off once they feel the rough texture of his hands. Coming home from a long day filled with coaching he slumped down on the couch and took a deep breath. His muscles ached and it was starting to reach the point where it bothered him. “Hey bub, you just got home?” Y/N appeared from the kitchen and sat down beside the gymnast. As if on instinct, Lance laid his head on her lap and started to move his face around — as if it was a cat begging to be pet. Chuckling she did play with his hair with one hand while the other held on to his one hand. Letting out a satisfied hum he then began to vaguely recount his day, “Long day of coaching, switching up styles, correcting postures.” At the brief recount Y/N could feel how Lance tensed up and wanted to help him out hence why she offered, “How ‘bout you lie here and let me get that lavender oil you love? Then I can give the god of gymnastics a massage.” his eyes lit up and immediately lifted his head off her comfortable lap and laid down on his stomach as he tiredly mumbled, “Thank you baby, you’re massages are the best and I love your gentle touch.”
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steve rogers — acts of service
Since retiring, Steve found himself comforted by having a routine. And much of his routine involves the things he does for Y/N — the love of his life. After finishing his morning run around the neighborhood, he immediately prepares coffee and sets out to cook breakfast. Upon padding down the stairs of their shared home, Y/N smiles at the sight of Steve placing the bacon, egg, and toast on two plates. “Good morning, honey,” she greeted him with a kiss on his lips. “Breakfast for my love,” he said as he placed a plate in front of her and slid to the seat opposite from where she was. “You have a busy day ahead of you, right?” She hummed in response to his question as she took a sip of the coffee he made, “Well I went to the gas station and made sure you had a full tank; I also prepared you your favorite lunch,” he pointed to the small lunch bag he bought her a few months back upon learning she would sometimes not have enough time to buy lunch if she had a busy day from work; so he took it upon himself to prepare lunch for her everyday. Placing her mug down, she held one of his hands in her own and looked at him fondly, “You spoil me too much; I think I’m getting too dependent on you.” Lifting her hand to his lips, he placed a few gentle kisses in the back of her palm and spoke sincerely, “I wouldn’t mind that at all, doll.”
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carter baizen — receiving gifts
Luxurious and designer brands were something that Carter always had. It didn’t matter what kind of item it was — clothes, shoes, car, appliance, or electronics — but it was guaranteed that Carter had that object through the most expensive brand they had. So it was a surprise not only to Y/N, but also to Carter himself about how excited and touched he was every time the former gave him a gift. “Carter, I’m home!” Her yell seemed to bounce off the walls of his penthouse; one that was merely a living space but was turned into a warm and comforting home once she stepped foot in it, and in his life as well. “Hey, how was Canada?” he asked as he was seated on the sectional couch and patted for the spot beside him. Taking up on his offer she sat beside him as she placed a paper bag in his lap, “It was great! And I got this for you.” smiling, he thanked her for the gift and opened the bag as he pulled out the stuffed moose that was inside it, “A moose?” She nodded her head excitedly, “Well I don’t know, it just reminded me of you. Like you both have this cold and hard exterior; but really you both are softies,” she ended her explanation with a nervous giggle, fear settling in that Carter didn’t really like the gift. But as if he could read her thoughts he eased her nervousness with a smile and booped her nose, “Well it’s the best gift anyone has ever given me; so thank you, princess.” she sighed dramatically and leaned her back against his chest, and he wraps his arms around you and laughs at her silly antics. “That’s what you always say every time I give you something.” Holding the moose with one hand he shook it around as he talked in a silly voice, as if mimicking a cartoon character, “Well that’s because I do love everything you give me.”
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will shaw — words of affirmation
In his pursuit of establishing himself as a businessman and entrepreneur, Will has heard a fair share of rejections and bad news. In fact he was so used to hearing these that it was quite rare and refreshing for him to hear reminders of positivity; and it wasn’t until Y/N came into his life and served to be the breath of fresh air for Will. Hanging up the phone call, Will let out an exasperated sigh and loosened the tie on his neck. Despite being successful in securing a meeting with potential business partners, he felt defeated as it took too much time and effort. The ringtone of his phone made him roll his eyes; though he did pick the phone up and answer the call without looking at the caller ID. “Yes, Mr. Scott?” Instead of the husky voice he was just talking to, it was instead the sweet voice of his girlfriend as she teased him, “Not a Mr. Scott, but should I be worried that you might like him more than me?” Upon hearing her voice he chuckled and shook his head, “No babe, there’s only you.” She laughed as well but despite that she was worried about him, “You alright, babe? Have you eaten?” Sitting up straight, he briefed her on what has happened so far, “Yeah I had a salad earlier. But guess what? I have a meeting with Mr. Scott, and if things go well they’re gonna be our business partners.” Her excited squeal made him excited as well, “That’s great babe! I told you that there was no need to doubt your presentation and skill!” Placing his hand on his chin, “I think you’re being too confident in me, babe” he sighed. “Well how could I not?” she said as she began listing off the qualities she admired about him, “You always get back up despite how many times you’ve fallen down, you’re determined to achieve what you want and will do all means to do so, and of course have you seen how good-looking you are? Mr. Scott would be an idiot to say no to that pretty face.” Her last remark had him roaring with laughter and shook his head at his silliness, “Oh babe, you do know how to boost someone’s confidence huh?”
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Me: Depressed
My Brian: Suga as your piano teacher but make it creepy 👀
Me: Depressed but thirsty.
(No NSFW lol)
Okay but seriously imagine it.
You start taking piano lessons from the man the next floor up from you in your apartment complex. You know he’s a pianist, know he’s the one playing the beautiful music that you can hear from your apartment because you’ve bumped into him before.
The collision had sent music sheets flying, luckily contained within the elevator you had rushed into. You had apologized profusely as you helped the poor man gather them up, cursing your clumsiness. He had laughed and said it was okay, he could be quite clumsy himself.
It was a while before you saw him again, catching him in the elevator once more. Luckily you managed to not charge through the doors and into the man like you had done at your first meeting.
You ask him if he’s a piano teacher - the man smiles, shakes his head. He’s a pianist for the city orchestra. Does his playing bother you? Hopefully not, but if it does he can close his windows or -
But you assure him that you actually quite enjoy listening to the music that floats down from the floor above you. You like it so much you had wanted to ask him about lessons, but since he wasn’t a teacher you wouldn’t bother him.
The man had stopped you then, a hand on your shoulder, a kind smile on his face.  He wouldn’t mind showing you a few basics, come up tomorrow?
And so that’s how you found yourself in Koshi Sugawara’s apartment three times a week, sitting at the baby grand that took up the majority of the spacious living room.
He was charming, and sweet, and patient - a good teacher. He had started out with the absolute basics, showing you where the notes were, teaching you about chords. Suga didn’t say anything when your hands shook with nervousness, when you hit a sour note or pressed a key too harshly.
Despite not technically being a teacher, Suga was good at teaching. He often sat beside you on the bench, his thigh pressed to yours, grey eyes focused on the keys and how you played them. Being so close allowed him to easily make corrections, moving your hands around gently, instructing you to put your hands over his own so he could show you how to play a certain chord that was giving you trouble.
You had never taken piano lessons before, so nothing seemed amiss. Plus, as handsome as Suga was, there was no way in hell he could be interested in little old you. Assuming any different would be narcissistic and vain. He was much too.... successful? Attractive? He was so far out of your league, it would be laughable for you to even think that you had a chance with him.
But that was okay. He was a good friend, insisted you pay him in visits and by maybe baking him cookies or pumpkin bread. Suga didn’t have much of a sweet tooth, preferring spicy foods, yet he always asked if you could bring a snack you enjoyed when you came to practice. 
Despite his cool, gentle demeanor, Suga was a fiercely proud man. He liked showing off for you, asking if you had any favorite songs, then immediately composing mock tunes of the songs on the piano. It was stunning, how quickly his mind worked, how practiced his fingers were.
But slowly, discomfort started to seep into the lessons.
It started out with Suga asking you to come up, no lesson this time, he just missed you. You had something else going on, a doctors appointment, so you had to tell him no over the phone. He seemed upset, and you didn’t hear from him for a few days, other than a quick text cancelling your upcoming lesson.
But the next week he was back to his kind, smiling self. You apologized for making him feel bad, but he brushed it off, giving you a quick, tight side hug from beside you on the piano bench. As far as he was concerned, there were no worries.
It started to unnerve you, how his gentle, encouraging touches seemed to wander more and more at each lesson.
When he corrected your posture, his hand would trail down your back, rest at the top of your tailbone - far too low for your personal comfort. But he was harmless, just an encouraging teacher. He was probably touchy like this with all of his friends.
He liked to rest his hand on your thigh while you played, rubbing gentle circles. Suga never voiced this, but he preferred when you wore shorts, when he got to touch your skin. Unfortunately for him, as his touches became more bold, you felt more comfortable wearing more... modest clothing.
Suga tried to invite you for dinner, lunch, would you like to go to the orchestra practice with him? Or maybe you’d want to come to a show?
He got so pushy, you didn’t know what to do, what to say, other than a cheery yes, making the older man smile so bright that it felt like you were looking at the sun.
At his orchestra practice, you got to see his coworkers, meet a few of them too. One of them came up to as everyone was packing their instruments away, introduced himself as Oikawa. Flirted with you a bit. It was quite flattering.
Well, before you got yanked backwards into a hard chest.
Suga was glaring at his coworker, his normally passive expression twisted and angry.
Oikawa got the hint, flashed you a parting flirty smile before turning on his heel.
Yet Suga still held you close, his grip so tight it was almost painful.
Apparently he didn’t like Oikawa because he was a “player”, and not just of musical instruments. Suga’s voice was laced with an unfamiliar venom as he asked for you not to talk to his coworkers, just keep your eyes on your pianist, only talk to your teacher, only let your friend touch you or be close to you.
It didn’t make you feel good.
After that, you didn’t exactly feel comfortable around your teacher. He was clingy, possessive, acting like a slighted, jealous boyfriend when he was barely a friend. It made you uneasy, the way his innocent brown eyes watched you so intensely. At first you had just thought he was watching for mistakes, ready to help correct them. But they didn’t feel quite so friendly anymore.
You began cancelling your lessons, citing that you had other errands to attend to, appointments you couldn't cancel, phone calls you couldn’t miss. Suga pouted, but had to leave you be, even though his incessant texting and phone calls “just to shoot the breeze! (Y/N), I’m lonely up here all by myself!” meant you never had a moment to yourself.
He got more intrusive, showing up at your door (when had you told him your apartment number? you were almost positive you hadn’t) and asking if he could come in for a bit.
He missed you, Suga insisted, sitting down on your couch, hands folded in his lap. Was something wrong? Was he not a good teacher? 
You didn’t know how to tell him that he was making you uncomfortable. I mean, how does one go about that? 
“Ah yes Suga-san, your touches go too far and you always sit too close. I don’t like how you feel entitled to invade my space. I like you as a friend, but you’re making me uncomfortable.”
You couldn’t see that going over well.
Plus, Suga was your friend, just as much as your teacher. You didn’t want to hurt him. Were you just reading too far into things? Were his touches normal, and you had just inflated your place in his life? Probably - there was no way Suga would go for someone like you.
So you endured, finally relenting and scheduling more lessons after Suga started coming to hang out at your apartment, hovering in your space, following you around like a kicked puppy as he tried to figure out what he did to make you hate him so suddenly.
But now everything seemed so much worse.
His touches creeped further, he practically sat you in his lap to show you a new technique for playing the keys, he was touchy and invasive and yet somehow innocent. As if everything he was doing was normal, no cause for concern.
And maybe it wasn’t.
Still, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.
Something was wrong with the piano, or maybe something was wrong with you? 
Something was wrong with your teacher.
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Already Yours~ Lee Minho
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WARNINGS:Fluff, Angst, Insecure!Reader, Self Doubt, (I am def forgetting things but I am at work and rushing to post this! I’ll edit this later)
A/N: This was requested by the lovely @btrombley13​! I really hope you enjoy this, and I’ll fight anyone who is mean to you bb <3
It seemed like the days got longer, I found myself dissociating more in my classes, laying in bed at night and overthinking everything. 
Does anybody else really care about me? 
Do they just pity me and that's why they still tolerate me? 
Why did my friends cut me off? 
Why won't they explain why we're no longer friends? 
All these questions run through my head, it's overwhelming and I'm exhausted. I tried so hard to study and not get into my thoughts, but here I am in the library, overthinking, again. 
Usually, I would go to Minho for comfort because I always look up to him, he gives the best talks and advice, but I feel like I'm bothering him, what if he leaves me too? I'm brought back to Earth when I hear my phone go off, I pick it up and see it's a text from Minho. 
Minho: Hey angel, are you free to hang out tonight? ^^
I smiled at how he used the nickname he gave me; I didn't understand a dirty joke he told me and he said I was ’Innocent like an Angel’ It's been weeks since I have seen him and I really miss him, I began typing a reply to him.
Me: Yes! What did you want to do? 
Minho: Movie night here at the dorms?
Me: Sounds fun, I'll message you when I'm on my way
I stood from my seat and placed my books in my bag, I realized I had one of the library's book and walked through the aisles to put it back. There were two girls on the other side of the bookcase, I couldn't really see them but when they spoke I recognized their voices; they were two of the friends that cut me off.
They were gossiping about someone, so I ignored them and kept looking for where the book went, then I heard my name and realized they were talking about me.
”She's so pathetic, doesn't she see that no one really cares about her?”
”I feel bad for that one friend of hers, Minho, can you even imagine the stress she puts on him?” 
”I know right! He's an idol, that alone is stressful. Now add her whining and clinginess.” 
I felt tears fall onto my cheeks, am I genuinely like that? My chest was tight and I was frozen in place, listening to how they were trashing me before talking about Minho and how gorgeous he was and how he should just ditch me already.
I finally had enough, after quickly finding the books rightful place and putting it there I rushed out of the library, I took my phone out and messaged Minho.
Me: Nevermind, I'm just gonna stay home tonight. I'd rather not stress you out even more than you already are, I'm sorry. 
I got into my car and sobbed against the steering wheel, I was too deep in my feelings, I felt so pathetic; just like they said. My phone vibrated once, meaning I just received a text, I didn't look at it and then it vibrated again and again. 
Minho: What do you mean?? You could never stress me out 
Minho: What happened?
Minho: Angel please talk to me 
Me: Nothing happened. Just hang out with the boys, I'm sure you'll have more fun.
I didn't receive a reply.
I don't know how I sat and cried in my car, but the sun was setting now so it must've been a while. I finally pull out of my parking space and start driving to my apartment, I feel so emotionally exhausted and the thought of curling up on the couch seems so wonderful. 
I unlocked my door and pushed it open, kicking my shoes off and walking towards my living room and kitchen. I noticed the light was on and just shrugged it off, I must have left it on by accident, I look over and see the sliding door to my porch is open and see a bag of takeout food next to the double seated chair I have out there. 
I look around confused and see Minho’s leather jacket laying across my couch, I don't hear anything, so I call out for him.
He immediately pops out of the kitchen with our favorites drinks ”Hey angel,” he says, he sets the drinks down and walks towards me. 
”I know you said you didn't want to hang out, but I also know when something is bothering you.” 
I look away in guilt, I feel even worse that he came over here because I let my feelings take over ”I’m sorry, you didn't have to come over here, I'll be fine,” I mumbled, I felt arms around me as he pulled me into a hug. 
”Stop. I wanted to come here, I wanted to show you that I care about you. I'm always gonna be here for you.” 
I tried to blink away the tears forming in my eyes before he could see them, but when he pulled away a tear fell ”Please don't cry angel,” he whispered and wiped it away. 
”We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but you know I'm a great listener and have a shoulder for you to cry on.” 
I nodded and let out a small ’Thank you’ which makes him smile, he kisses my forehead and grabs my hand and our bottled drinks ”Come on, I got your favorite food out here.” 
He leads me on to the porch and I see he turned on the fairy lights I had out here, we sit down together and he grabs the bag of food, we begin eating and talking about his upcoming comeback, what's happened in our lives the past few weeks, etc.
After we finish eating we sit back and gaze up at the stars, looking for constellations and shooting stars then pointing them out to each other. 
The air was slightly cold but tolerable for myself until a breeze came through, I shivered while hugging myself and Minho noticed. 
I nodded and he opened his arm ”Come here, I'll keep you warm,” he spoke softly, I scoot closer to him and he wraps his arm around me as I rest my head on his shoulder.
I blush at our closeness, it's not like we haven't done this before but I've always had a small crush on him, Minho can just make my heart skip a beat without even trying. 
”Thank you for this Minho, you're really amazing,” I say while I look up at him.
”You don't have to thank me, I would do this every night if it made you happy.” 
I raise my eyebrows at him in disbelief, he's just trying to make me feel better, there's no way he would do that. He notices the look on my face and gets a serious one on his. 
”I’m serious, your happiness is important to me. I would do anything to make you happy,” he assures me, keeping his eyes locked with mine, I can't help but ask him ”Why?”
I see him nervously gulp, his eyes unreadable ”Because you mean the world to me,” he confesses, my eyes soften and I'm at a loss for words.
He strokes my cheek and slowly leans in, I don't try to stop him as I wonder if this is a dream or not, our lips touch and mold together as if they were made for each other.
He pulls away and rests his forehead on mine ”Since the day I met you, you've always been the one for me, I've always wanted you to be my girl,” he whispers to me.
I pull him back into the kiss and  he deepens it, sparks flying and lips moving in sync with one another before I pull away to tell him ”I’m already yours.”
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rockthingsbymeg · 4 years
Birthday boy
Pairing: Slash / Saul Hudson x reader
Info: Smut [oral on male] and fluff; 1906 words;
Summary: Y/N gives Slash a little gift on the morning of his birthday, but it turns out that Slash had a much bigger gift hidden. One that they could both enjoy, for a really long time...
A/N: Hey loves <3 A little birthday piece for our boy Slash. I regret not writing these pieces for the other boys (and I blame my brain for only coming up with an idea to celebrate AFD’s birthday only at the end of the day when I could no longer write...) but, hopefully, Guns N’ Roses will be a fandom where I stay active for a long time, so I will be here to write the boys their well-deserved fics. 
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Y/N woke up bright and early with excitement bubbling inside her. Slash's birthday was today, and that meant he had managed a day away from the studio and was spending the whole day with her, and then at night, they'd leave to celebrate with their friends.
He was on top of her, with his head resting on the valley of her breasts and his hair tickling her skin. It was a usual sight, and it truly broke Y/N's heart to move him, but she wanted to bring him breakfast on bed and bake a small cake too, so she'd have to get up.
She moved him as carefully as she could, putting her pillow in her place and stroking his scalp for a few seconds to make sure he remained asleep before getting up and coming down to their kitchen.
She had closed every door on the way, not that there were many since their house was so open, so he would listen to as little noise as possible and began to get everything out.
Slash was not really a morning person, but breakfast always managed to cheer him up, so Y/N got him everything he liked. She cooked some bacon and eggs, cut some mangoes and oranges (though that was more for her since he always ended up feeding her) and put them neatly on a bowl and lastly a good cup of coffee.
That would be his actual breakfast, and now Y/N was getting his "birthday breakfast" ready. Which meant she was baking him a small, mug version of his favorite cake made by her.
Y/N was focused on her task and did not realize that nearly one hour had passed since she first got up, which meant Slash would not take that long to wake up.
She cursed lowly and rushed her actions a little, still putting in every once of care and love inside her body to prepare him everything.
Once the cake was finally done, she had put everything on a large tray and began to make her way up the stairs. She cursed herself for not remembering to open the doors first, considering she nearly dropped the tray multiple times while trying to do so, but eventually she made it to their room and set the tray down on her bedside table.
Slash slept soundly, now rolled on his back, and with the covers kicked low enough, so they only covered his legs and barely covered his waist. That's how he tended to sleep during summer, and the sight was quite adorable in Y/N's eyes.
The only thing not so "adorable" so to speak, was the morning wood marking the black sheets. It was a very pleasant sight, but adorable was not quite the word to describe it...
Y/N smirked, her brain coming up with a nice idea to wake Slash up, and she quickly put it into practice. With slow, careful movements, she climbed on the mattress and pulled the sheets low enough to reveal his cock. She rubbed her hands together to warm them up a little and then held the base of his cock, pressing soft, delicate kisses all across his length.
A soft whimper escaped his lips the second her mouth touched his skin, but Slash was a heavy sleeper, so he remained asleep even as Y/N's actions got bolder.
Her tongue had licked from the base up, slowly and steadily, with Y/N holding back a moan at the taste and letting her eyes roll back in her head.
She wrapped her lips around the tip and slowly began to bob her head, relaxing her throat as much as possible so she could take him as deep as he went.
Every time her throat closed around his tip, Slash would let out a sleepy hum that almost resembled a moan and shift his lips ever so slightly, thrusting them up and searching for the tightness.
Once Y/N started to run her nails softly over his thighs, he began to wake up with shivers going through his body and slow, deep moans leaving his lips.
When he became fully conscious of what was happening, he lifted himself up on his elbows and smirked down at Y/N, moving one hand to stroke her hair.
"Morning to you too, baby..." He moaned lowly.
Y/N pulled off briefly and used her hand to keep up the stimulation. "Good morning, baby." She grinned. "Happy birthday." She winked, and then lowered her mouth back on him again.
Slash laid back down and moaned more loudly. "Happy fucking birthday to me..."
Y/N used her hand to keep up the stimulation at the base and focused her mouth on the upper part, very lightly dragging her teeth over the tip.
"Oh fuck, baby... I'm not gonna last long if you keep doing that..." He moaned, forcing himself to keep his hips in place.
Y/N moaned around him, and he quickly got the message. She didn't want him to last long...
Slash let himself get lost in the pleasure he was feeling. The day was warm and sunny, the bed was comfortable, his hair was creating the perfect cocoon around him. Y/N's mouth was warm and felt like a velvety heaven around his dick, and Slash could honestly swear he was either dreaming or he had died and got to heaven. Either way, he was most definitely not complaining...
Y/N's eyes looked up at him and at his relaxed state, and she figured it was the perfect occasion to bring him even more pleasure.
The hand that so far had been resting on his leg came up and gently cupped his balls, tugging carefully and rolling them around in her palm, causing a long, drawn-out moan to echo in the room, coming from deep inside Slash's body.
"Y/N... I'm gonna cum... fuck..." He said, moving both his hands to her head and gently pushing her down to take more and more with each bob of her head.
Y/N sped up her pace and began moaning around him, her eyes glued to his face and memorizing, by the billionth time, every single detail, as he got closer and closer to his climax.
It soon hit him, after growing steadily and strongly, and Slash could state without room for doubts that it had been one of the best orgasms he ever had, if not the best.
Everything around him was blurry, the sounds muffled, his body calm, relaxed, and out of his control as he kept shooting rope after rope of cum inside her mouth. He felt enveloped by a cottony bubble, and he didn't remember ever feeling so at peace.
Y/N slowed down gradually and eventually let his cock slip out of her mouth and rest against his body, though it still remained hard. Slash was never, ever satisfied with one round...
Despite that, it would be enough to help him out for now, so Y/N pressed kisses up his body and eventually came in contact with his lips, smiling while looking down at him.
"How're you feeling, birthday boy?" She asked, laying down on top of him.
"Good... way too good to be real..." He moaned lowly, hugging her close to him and pressing a kiss to her temple. "Best way to wake me up, babe..."
Y/N chuckled and hugged in back for a few seconds. "I knew you'd say that... but, in compensation for waking you up, either way, I brought you breakfast." She smiled and pointed at the bedside table.
Slash tilted his head to the side and observed the tray with careful eyes and a smile on his face. "You didn't have to..." He kissed her again and sat up, pulling her along to sit sideways on his lap.
"But I wanted to..." She answered, picking up the tray and setting it by their side on the bed.
Slash went for a bit of coffee first and hummed at the bittersweet taste before picking up the bacon and starting to eat.
"I miss having these mornings with you..." He smiled, nuzzling her neck while he chewed. "Sorry everything has been so chaotic lately..."
Y/N shook her head and stroked his cheek. "Don't apologize, angel... I love you, and I love the band and the music you guys make. I get the sacrifices you need to make." She assured him, pushing his hair away from his face and especially out of his mouth.
"How did I get someone like you all for myself?" He asked sweetly, feeding her a slice of bacon.
Y/N chewed before answering. "You were yourself. That's all you need to do to be happy, love..."
They kept eating in silence, Slash feeding her almost the entire fruit had she not made him eat something too, just like she had predicted. Soon all the food but the cake was gone, and Y/N told him to wait while she got a candle and a lighter.
"Forgot these earlier..." She said, sitting back down on the bed and putting the candle on the cake, lighting it up.
Y/N sang him happy birthday while he kept grinning at her and looking all over her face, callused hands rubbing her thighs. When she was done, she held the cake higher and smiled.
"Make a wish..." She said, looking into his eyes.
Slash smiled and blew out the candle, then leaned forward and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. When they broke apart, Y/N was about to speak, but Slash put one finger over her lips and carefully reached over his nightstand and opened the first drawer, quickly picking something and hiding it behind his back.
"Y/N, you know I'm not good with words, so I'm gonna keep this short..." He began, taking a small breath. "I love you, more than I believed I could ever love someone. You are the smartest, most beautiful and amazing woman that I ever met. You make me laugh, you make me happy, with deal with all my shit... you're a great lay..." He said with a smirk that made her chuckle. "And most importantly, you love me back. I could have never imagined I'd meet someone like you... And I don't wanna lose you. Ever. So..." He trailed off, retrieving the item from behind his back and revealing a black velvet box with a simple yet beautiful diamond ring inside. "Will you marry me?"
Y/N already had tears looking in her eyes, but now it had all rolled down her face. She looked at the ring then up at him, then repeated that a few more times before speechless-ly nodding and letting him slip the ring on her finger.
She hugged him tightly, and he did the same to her, stroking her back and her scalp and mumbling soft words in her ear.
"I never had a birthday wish become true so fast..." He chuckled, nuzzling her neck.
Y/N pulled back and smiled down at him. "You wished for this?" She asked, cleaning the tears from her eyes.
Slash nodded. "Wished for you to say yes... I've been meaning to propose for a while, but I always got cold feet..." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Y/N gently stroked the sides of his face and pulled him for a passionate kiss. "I love you more than I can express, Saul..."
He smiled against her lips and hugged her. "Love you too, baby... so fucking much..."
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, reblogs, comments and any kind of way you show me you liked this are endlessly appreciated💛
Requests are closed.
Taglist: @curly-hudson​; @agroupiewhore
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ayanna-wild · 4 years
A Night To Remember
Word Count: 1888
Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, mostly fluff
A/N: Request from @timea134-blog , Requests and Tag Lists are open.
Summary: It'd started as the ramblings of a near drunken conversation. You hadn't expected anything to come of it, but he insisted, promising you a night of fun. You agreed not expecting anything but a simple dinner between friends, but when the night ended and he asked again, you couldn't help but agree, promising to say yes, everytime he asked.
You dropped your coat onto the ground with little regard as you stepped from the elevator. If you noticed the man standing in the living room, watching you curiously, you didn't say. Instead, you made your way straight to the bar, choosing your poison and pouring yourself a generous amount into one of the crystal glasses.
"Rough night darling?" 
His voice was laced with amusement, which only served to irritate you more, but it wasn't his fault.
"I thought you had a date tonight, don't tell me it ended already?" 
You looked over at the devil, giving him a tight smile.
"It never started."
You took a long drink, relishing in the burn it gave you. Lucifer furrowed his eyebrows when he heard that, walking over to you.
You laughed bitterly, setting the now empty cup down a little rougher then necessary.
"I got stood up, forgotten, played, need me to elaborate anymore?" 
Lucifer watched you grab the bottle to pour yourself another glass.
"No, I think that's clear enough." He frowned.
You took a smaller sip this time, humming a little as you swallowed.
"It's funny, that wasn't even my worse date! If anything, it was one of the better ones."
You grabbed the bottle making your way to the couch. Lucifer watched you as you sunk onto the couch with a dejected sigh.
"I've been stood up, bailed on, left to pay for everything, asked for a loan, used to make an ex jealous, and my favorite of them all, called me 'dude' and suggested we 'hang out' again, strictly as friends."
Lucifer walked over to you as you kicked your shoes off.
"Oh come now darling, surely you've had at least one successful date?"
You tucked you feet under yourself, laughing without any humor as you leaned back.
"There was this one guy, he was sweet, very gentlemanly, it was actually going pretty good."
He sat down beside you, smiling a little.
"See, it's not all bad."
"You're right, that date was wonderful... until his wife showed up. I guess he forgot to mention he was married on his profile." You gave him a rather cynical smile.
Lucifer's smile faded.
You shrugged a little, staring up at the ceiling. Lucifer watched with sympathy as you sat there, clutching the cup in your hand. You didn't say anything for a while, and he wasn't sure what to say to help.
"I guess that's it then."
"Come again?" He raised an eyebrow.
You didn't sit up, but did turn your head to look at him.
"I told myself if this one was a bust then I'd just take myself out of the dating game." 
"Now let's not be too hasty, you-"
"Hasty? Lucifer that was my tenth unsuccessful date, in a row."
He watched you down the rest of your glass before pouring yourself a third.
"You've just got to be positive love, there's someone out there who will truly appreciate you for the wonderful person you are."
You scoffed, rolling your eyes at his attempt to cheer you up.
"That's easy for you to say, all you have to do is smile at a girl, and her panties drop."
Lucifer sputtered at your unfiltered remark, seemingly choking on the air around him. He swiftly grabbed the cup from your hand when you raised it to your lips.
"I think you've had enough."
You pouted a little but didn't argue with him as you sank back into the couch. Lucifer stared at you a moment, as if thinking of how to word what he wanted to say next.
"Would you like to accompany me to dinner tomorrow evening?"
You glanced at him, shaking your head.
"I was just venting Luci, you don't need to go on a pity date with me."
You went to stand up, but he placed a hand on your knee, giving you that charming smile that always got him his way.
"It's not pity my dear, I'd very much like to take you out for an evening." He assured you.
"As friends?" 
Lucifer laughed a little, shaking his head.
"No, this isn't a friendly gathering darling, it's a date." 
You hesitated to answer, your eyes searching his for any sign of regret or uncertainty. You wanted to make sure he wasn't doing this just because he felt bad for you, because he was your friend, and he felt obligated to. His eyes held nothing but certainty, and he looked almost hopeful that would agree.
"Okay, what time?"
His smile grew, and you found yourself smiling back with equal glee.
You paced your living room, dressed in your best clothes and nervously holding your phone in a vice like grip. Lucifer's contact displayed on the screen, and you battled between going and sending him an excuse to miss. It wasn't that you weren't excited, quite the opposite. Yet, the anxiety of it all made you want to stay home. 
Would this change everything between the two of you?
Would this ruin your friendship, or even your entire relationship with him?
You didn't have time to talk yourself out of it anymore, the sound of a car honking outside your home spiking your anxiety. It was too late to back out now.
You took a deep breath before opening your front door. Lucifer stood by his Corvette, dressed in a more formal suit than what he normally wore. You suddenly felt very undressed and began to wish you'd at least wore a dress. Lucifer, however, was staring at you in almost a stunned silence.
"I can change, I think I'm under dressed for whatever it is you have planned." You spoke softly as you took a step back towards your door.
"Nonsense, you look... heavenly." 
Your shoulders dropped a little as you felt the tension leave your body, a smile pulled at the corners of your mouth. Lucifer cleared his throat, looking away from you with an almost bashful expression when he realized he had practically been drooling over you. He opened the car door for you.
"Shall we?"
You smirked as you stepped into the car, Lucifer closed the door once you were in, moving to the driver's side.
"Such a gentleman." You teased.
He smirked, taking your hand giving it a kiss. You laughed, lightly hitting his arm making him chuckle.
"Where are we going?" 
He pulled the car out of your driveway with a cryptic smile.
"Wouldn't be a surprise if I told you darling."
The entire ride had been a sort of guessing game, you'd ask for hints about what the crafty devil had planned, and he would deflect or give you vague answers. When the two of you had finally arrived you stared at the building in front of you with speechless fascination. 
While you were mesmerized by the almost magical looking restaurant in front of you, Lucifer had gotten out of the car. He held your door open for you, holding a hand out for you to take. You gave him a grateful smile, taking the offered hand as you slipped from the passenger seat. He placed a hand on your lower back as he led you towards the building.
"I've never even heard of this place." You spoke up.
Lucifer smiled as he held the door open for you.
"I'd imagine not, this restaurant doesn't officially open for another week, the owner owes me a favor or two." 
You opened your mouth to say something but a man you assumed to be the owner approached Lucifer. He shook the devil's hand, eagerly leading the two of you to a table on the balcony outside. You couldn't help but get caught up in the view, as Lucifer spoke with the owner.
"That sounds marvelous, doesn't it darling?"
You looked back over at them, a lost expression on your face, you hadn't been listening to their conversation.
"Uh... yes?" 
The owner seemed pleased with your answer and walked away. You watched him disappear from view and looked back at Lucifer, who was sipping his wine, smiling at you knowingly.
"Beautiful view isn't it?"
You nodded absent-mindedly, gazing off in the direction the man had gone.
"What did I agree to?" You asked.
Lucifer laughed, reaching over the table to grasp your hand.
"Don't fret my dear, you'll enjoy the show." Lucifer promised.
You noticed a violinist make her way over to the balcony and your face flushed.
"Lucifer this is too much." You muttered as she began to play.
"On the contrary, you deserve nothing less than the best."
You had no words after that, suppressed a smile as you glanced down at your lap. His words made the blood rush to your cheeks and ran his thumb over your knuckles as he held your hand.
The night was amazing, you'd spent the majority of it talking and laughing with the handsome man. The food was delicious, the music enchanting and by the end of it you'd all but forgotten about the dates you had before. It seemed that they were now a distant memory, one you could look back on and laugh.
Lucifer drove you home, the chatter and laughter counting even in the car. He walked you to your door, as you grasped his arm both of you giggling like school girls over a joke he'd made. When the laughter died down he move a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You stared at him and it took him a moment to realize what he'd done. When he did, he let his hand drop to his side, glancing off towards the street. It looked like he thought he'd made a mistake doing that and you grabbed his hand in both of yours.
"I had fun tonight Lucifer, it was amazing."
He looked back at you, a smile growing on his lips.
"It truly was."
There was brief conflict in his eyes before he bent down to kiss your cheek. He pulled back, but you grabbed his tie, pulling him back down for a real kiss. Despite his initial surprise, he reciprocated the kiss eagerly. You pulled back first smiling at the dazed devil, fixing his tie, before opening your door. 
"Goodnight Lucifer."
That seemed to pull him from his daze, and he grabbed your arm carefully.
"Would you go with me again?" He inquired.
You didn't even need to think about your answer.
He noticed your lack of hesitation and took a step closer to you.
"And if I asked you on a third date?" 
You opened your door further.
"I'd say yes." 
He was closer now, invading your personal space, not that you minded.
"If I asked you again and again? Would you say yes each time?"
"Every time." You promised.
He grinned at your answer, and you glanced over your shoulder into your house.
"The night isn't over yet, you know." 
He smiled widely at your invitation and despite stepping into your home he pretended to consider your offer.
"I suppose that would make this all very official, wouldn't it? You wouldn't be getting rid of me so easily if I were to accept your tempting offer my love." 
You grabbed his tie once more, pulling him fully into your home, kicking the door closed behind him.
"You talk too much."
Tag List: @sallyp-53 @mizzezm @adira-secrets @we-are-all-alittle-strange-here @gingernarwal @im-just-along-for-the-ride @lifeshortbro @star-trek-is-my-lifesource @measure-in-pain @emiwrites3reads @stubby-toe-589331
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Hello! I just found this blog and I absolutely adore your writings aaahh qwq Can I request a oneshot perhaps of Hana meeting an older Monaca (since she was technically raised by Nagito too), aaah I hope this is ok :'D
Mod Mikan: Two things. First: Thank you for your kind words! It really warms my heart that you adore my writings, despite my lack of confidence in them. Secondly, at first I was going to politely decline this request since I didn’t really know how to go about writing this and I’m not the fondest of Monaca’s character (I also don’t know how to write her since we don’t really see her that much aside from UDG), but I really wanted to take as shot at writing this, since this does seem like an interesting concept to me. So instead of a drabble, I decided to make headcanons! I really hope this is to your liking, darling! Enjoy! 
-It all started with you and Nagito wanting to go on a long, much needed date night! 
-You two haven’t gone out on a proper date night since the birth of Hana. While the Komeada’s cherish the time they spend doting over their lil’ ultimate ballerina, way too many bedwets and cries from their daughter signaled that the parents needed some time to themselves 
-”No problem, angel! I’ll call Hajime and see if he can babysit her tonight,” Nagito offered, already pulling out his phone from his back pocket. You were already applying some lipgloss to accompany the (F/C) dress you put on tonight, when you heard a sigh of discontent a few minutes later
-”Naggie, what happened?” You asked your husband, going up to him. He frowned, crossing his arms
-”Hajime can’t watch Hana. He and Chiaki are in Florida on vacation at the moment,” I let out a long exhale myself, about to reluctantly call off mine and Nagito’s longly yearned for date night. Before I could utter the depressing sentence, Nagito’s eyes shone again, as if he thought of a solution 
-”Oh! Maybe Monaca can babysit our flower!” He exclaimed, getting out his phone again. I widen my eyes, carefully placing my hands on his phone, supposedly trying to stop him from making the phone call
-”Nagito, hold on! Umm...maybe we can reschedule next week when Hajime and Chiaki come back!” I suggested, forcing a grin to ease him. However, my white haired husband was no fool. He sighed, bringing a cold hand to gently caress my cheek
-”Love...” He started, making me lock my (E/C) orbs into his ghostly green ones. He smiled softly at me, kissing my forehead in attempt to soothe me. With his thumb stroking my cheek, he continued with what he was going to say 
-”I know Monaca has the reputation as being....devious, but she changed. I promise,” He assured me. Instead of earning an equally tender smile from his spouse, I tilted my head challengingly at him
-”Oh really?” I asked him, conflicted with what to agree with. On one hand, the idea of me and Nagito having at least a couple of romantic hours alone, getting lost in a lover’s chat, gazing into each other’s eyes as we feast upon our favorite foods together--just the two of us.....it gave me the idea of what I was really craving for....a proper date between me and my husband
-On the other hand, I’ve heard stories that Nagito told me about Monaca. Albeit for a short time, Nagito technically raised the lil’ ultimate Homeroom. She claimed he “made her into an adult” in a way, getting her now known cynical, pessimistic personality from him. However, the reputation she has gotten before that matched the one of a sociopath--manipulative, guileful, sly, and downright disingenuous. There was no way I’d leave my daughter with someone like that 
-”Nagito.....you still have contact with her? How can you even be so sure?” I asked him a follow up question, making his gentle smile turn into a light smirk. He began to unlock his phone, as he answered my questions with a calm, yet soothing voice 
-”We never talked after she kinda...left. I guess overtime she turned kinda....indifferent, especially due to our different values and beliefs. But it’s safe to say that we grew closer as time went on,” He explained, pressing his phone to his ear. I let out another sigh, but this one carried a softer tone than my previous depressed one
-”Alright. I guess a few hours with Monaca won’t hurt. I’ll inform Hana,” I smiled, pressing a pappy peck onto Nagito’s cheek, as I made my way into Hana’s room. I could’ve sworn I saw a light pink hue dust over Nagito’s cheek before I left the room 
-”You’re his daughter? Geez, I’m sorry,” The green haired girl told the toddler, as she sat down on the couch. The little ballerina frowned, fumbling with a red playing block she was holding in her hands
-It’s been a few minutes since Monaca came to our house and greeted both me and Nagito. She simply just waved at the guy she called her ‘Big brother’ when she was younger. She had a bit more cheerful expression when she saw me, expressing a passionless “Hello (Y/N)” and neutral looking smile. To anyone, it would’ve looked like she couldn’t care less. But to anyone that actually knew Monaca, it was considered showing more emotion that usual
-After we had a brief introduction between Hana and Monaca, we said our goodbyes as me and Nagito made our way to our car. We drove off, the thought of finally having a night-out to ourselves kicking out any worry or concern I had in the back of my mind
-Everything was going to be perfect.........right? 
(Third person’s POV)
-”I like Papa’s hope rants. I think they’re interesting!” Hana exclaimed, flashing a toothy grin at her babysitter. Monaca cocked a brow, watching the three year old girl stack her building blocks onto the wooden living room floor. Someone....actually likes his rants about hope and despair? 
-”Oh you poor thing. What did that guy do to your innocent mind?” Monaca asked her, snatching the TV remote from the glass coffee table. She flipped through the channels, stopping at the comedy movie, Ballerina. The remote was lazily tossed beside Monaca, hitting the fuzzy material with a low “thud”. Hana’s (E/C) eyes shot up from her blocks, staring at the screen with intensity 
-”I guess it makes sense.....spend enough time with that guy...you’d become as cheery as him....creepy even....” The older woman commented under her breath, keeping her gaze on the toddler’s eyes glued to the TV 
-”Do you like this movie?” Monaca asked her, making the blond haired girl nod with excitement. She turned back to her with a wide smile on her face
-”Papa and I watch it ALL the time! It in-inspired me to be a ballerina!” She cheered, crawling towards her babysitter. She stopped at her feet, tilting her head up to lock her (E/C) orbs into Monaca’s pickle green ones. The older girl furrowed her brow, but before she could offer the toddler to sit on the couch with her, Hana stood up and tug on Monaca’s dress skirt 
-”Papa always tells me with enough hope and de-deter--determina--” The pale skinned girl huffed at trying to say the long word, rephrasing her words with easier ones that she understood better
-”Papa always tells me with enough hope and desire, I can make my dreams come true. He says after bad luck and despair, good things will come. Despair never wins, no matter how tough it may seem. Because if it seems very VERY bad at first, it will b-balance out with the good that will come! Now that is where hope comes in! Papa says that--” Before Hana could finish her own adorable hope ramble (another trait she got from her Papa, alongside his hair, love for bagels, admiration for (Y/N), and aloofness), Monaca plugged her ears shut with her hands pressing harshly against them 
-”Stop, Stop, STOP! Not another ‘hope this’ ‘despair that’ ramble! Monaca can’t take it!” She grunted in frustration, being reminded of the exact same thing that drove her away in the first place. This made Hana jerk back, biting her lip in regret and humiliation 
-”I....I’m sorry, Miss. Monaca. I....I didn’t know Papa annoyed you that much...” She sniffled, failing to stop the tears from breaking the barrier between her brain and eyes. Salty teardrops began to swell in her (E/C) hues, blurring her field of vision. As more tears began to prick, rolling down her pink colored cheeks, the green haired teenager’s mouth formed into a sorrow scorn 
-”Hey, I never said that. While.....that is true, there are some things I do like about him,” Monaca crouched down to Hana’s height, resting her arm down to her knee. In the first time in years Monaca’s lips curved into a bright....smile? Smile? Monaca rarely offered a cheerful smile since childhood 
-However this uncommon occurrence made Hana sniffle, wiping the flood of watery fluid that poured down from her eyes. She looked up at her babysitter, feeling a soft cloth being applied to her tear stained cheeks. She noticed Monaca was wiping her face with a handkerchief, making the toddler feel even more at ease
-”You....you really mean that? What do you like about Papa?” Hana asked her, a gentle smile forming onto her own small pink mouth. Monaca kept her warm smile, as she lifted Hana from the floor, peaceful putting her on her lap. She tucked her handkerchief back into her dress pocket, turning back to the little girl 
-”Well.....your Papa made me into an adult....in a way....I may not like his rambles the way you do, but...it shaped me into who I am today,” She started to elucidated her thought process, intriguing Hana into her explanation even more. This silently hinted the green-haired teenager to keep going, as she quickly thought of what else to say to back up her statement
-”Monaca became...mature and grown-up because of your Papa. He only raised me for a short time, but it was enough for me to know exactly my desires and dreams for the future. Like how that movie you and your Papa watch made you into a ballerina,” She compared her intentions with Hana’s, making the little girl nod understandingly. Before the teen could go on, the toddler interrupted her with a joyous toned question 
-”That’s so cool Papa in-inspired you too, Miss. Monaca! What happened after you grew up and left Papa’s care? What exactly did he make you want to do?” She asked. Monaca’s atypical smile was replaced with her usual seldom, bored expression as she truthfully told Hana
-”He made me give up despair and hope all together. It came to the point were one day....I just didn’t know what I wanted anymore. So I decided that I was done with everything and wanted to live in space for a while. It was where I was actually before your Papa called me to watch you,” She let out an exasperated sigh, turning to stare at the floor in disbelief “Remind me to change my phone number once I’m done here, okay kid?” She asked the toddler, making her furrow her brow. However, Hana just flashed her normal optimistic grin and nodded 
-”Okay, Miss. Monaca. Now come on! I want to watch the movie! And later let’s play with my blocks together! I’m making a castle!” She shouted with delight and amusement. This just made the regularly cynical girl curve her lips into another infrequent smile, but this time a lot less noticeable. She got on her knees with Hana, playing with her building blocks as the movie kept flashing on the TV screen 
(Y/N’s POV)
-”Thank you for watching her, Monaca! We really appreciate it,” I thanked the now 18 year old girl. Me and Nagito just came home from our dinner and found Hana sound asleep on the couch, one of the couch pillows tucked messily underneath her head, a navy blanket lazily place over her body as it rose up and down from her deep breaths
-”It was no problem at all, (Y/N). Hana is actually....really nice,” Monaca admitted, almost making me choke on my own saliva. Monaca.....expressing positive feelings? I guess she really had changed from her time in space. Monaca turned to Nagito, his arm still wrapped around my waist, stroking my left hip with comfort
-”You have a good one....don’t screw her up,” Was all she said before she made her way out the door. However, Nagito didn’t seem fazed by her subtle insult towards him, as he kept a merry smile on his face--the same one that was a dead ringer of his daughter’s
-”Thank you again!” My husband waved at the green-haired girl, making her stop in her tracks and turn back at us. I cocked my brow, thinking she forgot to tell us something. My thoughts were quickly put to ease, as she began to speak one last time 
-”Oh, one more thing. If you ever need a babysitter....please don’t call me. Okay, thanks! See you never!” She waved back at us, making her way out of the house. My skepticism was brushed off by the wave of relief when Monaca didn’t want to come back, in spite of confessing that Hana was a good kid
-My pale skinned husband shut the door softly, not wanting to wake our sleeping daughter from the couch she was passed out on. He lifted her into a princess carry in a mild manner, the blanket still providing her a light heat source. He turned to me, walking towards the bedrooms with me
-”I’ll put our little hope in bed. You go get comfy in our room. You seem a bit tired yourself, my angel,” He told me in a hushed tone. I nodded sleepily, backing up his observation with a fatigued yawn. I gave my sleeping daughter a soft kiss on her temple, as I made my way to mine and Nagito’s shared bedroom. I fumbled with the back off my dress, feeling the cool metal of my dress zipper, peeling it off from my body
-After throwing on one of Nagito’s oversized T shirts and brushing my teeth, my marshmallow haired husband came in our room, throwing his white blazer onto a nearby chair. As he began to strip from his tuxedo, he turned to me, his calm, positive expression never leaving his face 
-”See (Y/N)? Everything is fine. We had our date night and Hana was safe and happy,” He informed me, alleviating me even more than I already was when we got home. I nodded in agreement, crawling into our shared bed
-”I know, Naggie. I know. I guess.....I was worried about losing Hana....our Hana....” I disclosed, earning a confused look from Nagito
-”Hm? I’m not sure I follow, (Y/N),” He told me, nodding his head as an unspoken way for me to describe what I was feeling. I sighed, shifting my weight on the bed so I was sitting upright
-”Monaca became....gloomy....depressed....jaded. It’s stupid to worry about this but....I thought if she told Hana her perspective about growing up with you....Hana would become like her...” I turned to Nagito, a seed of worry was blooming onto my face, filling it with trouble “Hana really loves you, Nagito. Your desire to bring hope out....your enthusiasm and passion...I don’t want Hana to lose avidness she got from you,” I reached to stroke his arm. He stayed silent for a while, processing what I just told him. After a few moments of racking his brain, Nagito smiled once again, sitting down with me, stripped to his boxers 
-”(Y/N), I’ve only raised Monaca for such a short time. It was on her to leave and abandon the ideas that I raved about. I did nothing but be myself around her. Forget about Monaca, love. Hana is our daughter--our precious flower of hope. As her parents, we’ll support her no matter what she wants to do. But for now...it seems like she wants to bring out the hope that sleep inside of her...” He held me close, bringing me towards his body by my waist. He stroked my arm in a tender manner, resting his cheek on top of my head
-”You really mean that, Naggie?” I asked him, feeling a nod against the crown of my head. He tilted his head down at me, gently kissing my forehead
-”I really do, my sunshine. Besides...” He motioned for me to lay down with, patting the space next to him on the white bedsheets. I snuggled against him, signaling for him to turn off the lights in our room. Before our room was engulfed the the darkness of the night, I could’ve sworn that I saw Nagito’s smile turn into a collected smirk as he held me close 
-”You think I’d really help out someone that supported despair?” 
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prettyyoungandbored · 4 years
Becoming Mrs. Wayne [The Dark Knight]
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: Demetria Gallagher knew her cozy life would change the second she became engaged to Bruce Wayne. But what she doesn’t know is she’s getting more than what she agreed to. ( I am trash at summaries. )  
Author’s Note: If you want to be tagged in this, let me know. 
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“By now you already know Bruce Wayne is officially off the market. Wayne is engaged to his girlfriend, now identified as Demetria Gallagher. Ms. Gallagher was an employee with us here at GCN, however, we weren’t aware of the relationship between her and Mr. Wayne. Ms. Gallagher is no longer with GCN and has parted with the network on the most amicable of terms. On behalf of everyone here at GCN, we wish her and Mr. Wayne the best and she will be missed in the newsroom.”
Demetria shut off the television and leaned back in bed.
Amicable. What a lie. It was more of a dismissal, a “hey, congrats on the engagement but we have to fire you because it’s a conflict of interest.”
In truth, she’s expected it to happen. Bruce was a fixture of the media, considering his family company Wayne Enterprises practically ran the city. She knew the second she’d accepted his proposal, she’d have to quit. The plan was to give two weeks notice and then let it be known to the world they were engaged.
But the person who tipped off the Gotham Times had other plans.
The newspaper ran the day she went to resign, the engagement making front page news. A picture of her and Bruce holding hands, leaving the back of a restaurant from two nights prior.
She was mortified as all eyes fixated on her as she walked in and out of the newsroom. The whispers, the side eyes, simple actions weighed heavily on her and made her beyond vulnerable.
There was one that killed her.
“Why her though?”
Throughout the year they’d been together, she’d wondered why Bruce had chosen her when he had his pick of any woman he wanted. She wasn’t unattractive but she’d seen the women he had been seen with prior. Yet she never asked, afraid to step into such a territory.
Now here she was, in Bruce’s bed, jobless and unsure of what she was to do. Granted, it wasn’t the worst position in the world to be in. She still had money she’d saved from working and was about to get her security deposit back from her apartment in Gotham. So really, who was she to complain?
She eyed her notebook on the nightstand and figured if she couldn’t go back to her job, she could make a list of what needed to be done to clear out her apartment and move into Bruce’s place.
Unbeknownst to her, Bruce stepped into their bedroom a towel wrapped around his waist. His eyes fell to the sparkling pear-shaped diamond, with tiny diamonds around the band. He smiled to himself as he sat on the edge of her side of the bed.
Demetria could feel his hand on her legs and smiled to herself as she continued to write.
“What are you writing?” he asked.
“Just what I need to get done today,” she sighed. “Mainly breaking down the moving process for today.”
“I told you, I could hire people for that.”
“And I told you that while I appreciate it, I want to do it myself.”
Bruce sighed, catching the underlying tone in her response. In truth, he’d felt guilty for what happened. He knew how desperately she wanted control on how she left, and for someone to take that away from her angered him. He loved her need for independence, never once in their relationship asking for luxurious jewelry or fancy trips or expensive dinners, just asking for him and his time and his commitment. While it was difficult considering his Batman schedule, it would be worth it when she would look at him and tell him she loved him and appreciated him. 
She eyed Bruce and put her pen and notebook down. She scooted toward him and ran her hands through his hair. 
“I love that you want to help me, but you know how I am,” she told him.
He grabbed her hand, kissing it. “I know.”
“I will, however, need your help with this whole ‘being Mrs. Wayne’ thing so you’ll have that to look forward to,” she chuckled. 
He laughed. “I can assure you, it’s not that difficult.” 
“But you always told me how involved your mom was with the charities here and I want to do that.” 
She eyed his left forearm where a freshly stitched wound was. She leaned up. 
“Holy shit, what happened to you?” she asked reaching for his arm. 
He looked down on it and waved his hand. “Training accident. Alfred stitched me up in no time.” 
He’d kept his Batman secret from her by saying he was training to do extreme hiking and athletics for when he traveled to different countries. She bought it, thankfully, and her lack of interest in major athletics made it easy for her not to ask to tag along with him. 
“I’m fine,” he reassured, kissing her hand.
“Please be careful next time. If not for you, but for me?”
Bruce smiled. “For you, anything.”
She and Bruce entered the kitchen as Alfred read the paper on the kitchen island. 
“Master Wayne, Miss Gallagher,” Alfred greeted, giving them a nod. 
“Well I’m headed off to a meeting, but I’ll see you two later,” Bruce sighed. He gave Demetria a quick kiss goodbye before he walked out of the room.
Demetria smiled at Alfred, taking a seat beside him. “Have time for a break?” 
Alfred slid over an empty mug he had beside his own mug. “I was hoping you’d ask.”
Alfred and Demetria had become good friends. The old man had taken a liking to her, often times bonding with her over crossword puzzles and talking about old movies they both liked. Whenever she’d stay the night, which later into hers and Bruce’s relationship became frequent, she’d spend the morning bonding with the old man over a cup of coffee. 
He grabbed the pot and poured some coffee into her cup. “So I take it you’re going back to the apartment to finish the packing?” 
“Yep!” she exclaimed, popping the “p”. “Thankfully I only have one more day left of it and then some of my stuff goes here while the rest of it goes into storage at Wayne Manor.”
Alfred chuckled. “Have you hired helpers for that process?” 
She took a sip of coffee. “Some old college friends of Harvey and mine run a moving company in the city so they’re going to help me drop some of the stuff in the storage area. Initially, he told me I could move into the mansion but it’s just so far away .” She stopped and chuckled. “Mansion. Jesus Christ, who’ve I become?” 
“You’ll get used to it,” he laughed. 
“I don’t think I will, Alfred.” 
Alfred tilted his head to the side. “What do you mean by that?” 
Demetria pulled her lips back. “I’ve seen first-hand how the media treats people like Bruce. Everywhere he goes, there’s someone with a camera just waiting to capture something they can create a story out of. Soon, I won’t be able to go out for a walk, run errands, go out with friends, or do anything without a camera following me closely, watching my every move. Even if I can’t see it, I’ll know it’s there.” 
She paused and leaned forward. “Don’t tell Bruce this, but...the day I was fired from GCN, one of the reporters saw a photographer they knew who worked at the Gotham Times waiting out the door, waiting for me. Our boss had tipped off to their boss I was getting fired and they could catch me walking out with a box of my stuff in my hands in exchange for information for another story. The reporter told me about it and had gotten me out through the back door. She and the photographer snuck me into the news car and dropped me off at my apartment and I spent the next hour trying to ease myself off a panic attack.”
She swallowed hard. “Bruce grew up like this. He knows how to handle it. I don’t and I’m scared that one false move and I...I could embarrass him or the image of the Wayne family and become some kind of joke.” 
Alfred’s heart sank for the poor girl. Most of the women Bruce had been out with in the past reveled in having their picture taken with him, smiling at the flashing cameras. He knew Bruce knew and, quite frankly, didn’t care. But when it came to Demetria, Bruce went the extra mile to ensure total privacy was given to him and Demetria, even going as far as paying the restaurant manager extra and waiter for their discretion and for the private dining room. Alfred initially thought it was ridiculous until Bruce gave him an explanation. 
Demetria eyed Alfred, an embarrassed smile on her lips. “I guess it’s not like I don’t come with my own baggage though. I mean, no one said dating someone with severe anxiety and panic attacks was a breeze.” 
Alfred set down his cup. “When Master Wayne was a child, he would get nervous around photographers so Martha told him that as long as she held his hand, he had nothing to be afraid of. So whenever they went out, he would reach for her hand and she would take it and he wouldn’t feel so scared. When she died, he learned to manage on his own, but he never held another woman’s hand until you came along. You are the only other woman whose hand he’s held.” 
Demetria could feel her cheeks warm up. Whenever they were out or he noticed  her anxiety kicking in, he’d take her hand. His hand became her security blanket, her lifejacket to save her drowning. What seemed like a natural thing for a boyfriend to do, had completely different meaning for both her and him.  
“Do you think Martha would’ve liked me?” Demetria asked. 
A small smile crept on the old man’s smile. “Without a doubt.”
It was around 1:30 p.m. when she heard a knock on the door at her apartment. 
“Who is it?” she called out from across the room. 
“Your favorite lunch date is here.”
Her lips curved into a huge, childish smile. “What’s the password?”
“Can’t you let you in without it.”
“I have hot food.”
“You know the rules.”
A heavy sigh was heard from the other side of the door. “Demetria rules, Harvey drools.”
She opened the door. Harvey stood there, a brown bag in each hand. 
“You’re a lifesaver,” she said, taking the bags from him. 
“Interesting. I get a gun pulled on me during trial and put the guy in prison, yet I bring you Chinese food and then I’m called a ‘hero’.” 
She set the bags on the table, her eyes not leaving Harvey. “Someone pulled a gun on you?” 
He shrugged. “One of Maroni’s guys. It was cheap and wouldn’t even go off.” 
“Well, I almost pulled my back from lifting one of the boxes so it looks like we’re both having quite the day.” 
Harvey chuckled. “Always keeping me humble, Dem.” 
She pat his shoulder. “Someone’s got to.” 
They sat at her little table. Harvey reached into his briefcase and pulled out a section of the newspaper with the headline “10 Things to Know About Future Mrs. Wayne Demetria Gallagher”. 
Demetria rolled her eyes. “Jesus Christ, Harvey. Why’d you bring that bullshit into my apartment?” 
Harvey grabbed the paper and began reading. Demetria groaned. “Oh god, I’m gonna be sick.” 
“Number one, Demetria is from Pennsylvania.” 
“Because that’s an absolute must know.” 
“Number two, she attended Gotham University.” 
She scoffed. “I’ll be impressed if they know what my GPA was.” 
“Number three, she was a junior talent booker for GCN.” 
“Guarantee you they reached out to James for confirmation and he made sure they wrote ‘junior’.” 
“Number four, she’s reportedly close friends with District Attorney Harvey Dent.” 
“Close is a strong word.”
“Number five, she was-.”
She grabbed the paper from his hands, crumbled it into a ball, and tossed it across the room.
Harvey started at her, dumbfounded. “The crossword was in there.”
“Oh please, you probably finished it.”
“Almost finished it.”
She pointed her chopsticks at him. “Eat your lo mein, Dent.”
“So I saw GCN’s statement about you,” Harvey continued. “First of all, it’s all cliché bullshit and you should release a statement back, especially after they tried to sell you out for a story afterward.” 
She rolled her eyes. “It’s not worth it, Harvey. Look, I get where they’re coming from. It’s dangerous for a network employee to be seen hanging out with a public figure because it could promote bias and the network could lose credibility. Remember how I almost lost my job because you sent me flowers on my first day?”
“And then I had an hour long phone call with your news director...” He sighed heavily at the memory. He shook his head. “I still think you should take action for them selling you out to the Gotham Times after firing you.” 
He leaned over the table. “I know a great lawyer who could-.” 
“Harvey.” Her voice was sharp. “I told you, I’m not doing it.” 
She dipped the piece of steamed dumpling into the soy sauce. “What does piss me off is their little ‘she’ll be missed’ bullshit. Half the people there didn’t like me and the other half barely knew I existed.” 
“I’m sure that’s not true. You had friends.” 
“I had two friends.” 
“Better than nothing.” 
She rolled her eyes. “You get my point. Anyway, it’s over. It’s done with.” 
Harvey smiled as his eyes fell to her engagement ring. “Wayne really went all out on the ring.” 
Demetria looked down at it, grinning. “Hm, he did. I don’t mind it though. It’s like having a little piece of him everywhere I go.” She then sighed and sunk back into her chair. “What am I gonna do, Harvey?” 
He raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“Honestly, I have no single fucking clue what I’m gonna do and it scares me.”
“Do about what?” 
She leaned forward. “People are going to be expect to do what any rich wife does. You know, spend my life living going to galas or attending luncheons for charities none of the women give a single shit about. That’s not me, but it’s also not me to just be a housewife who sits at home doing nothing all day.”
“It doesn’t have to be like that.” He set down his food. “Look, Dem, you’re overthinking all of this. You can still work. I mean, doesn’t Wayne fund a bunch of charities?” 
“I was thinking about doing work for the orphanage,” Demetria said. “From what I’ve seen every time GCN has covered something there, the inside could use a massive makeover. I was thinking of re-doing it, maybe get my mom do the interior work.” 
“She would love that,” he agreed as he bit into his fried rice. 
“But I also want to help the kids,” she went on. “I just...I don’t know how yet.” 
“You’ll figure out.” 
She sighed. “What if the kids hate me?” 
He chuckled. “Then I guess you’re shit out of luck.”
“Now I see why that guy pulled a gun on you today.” 
He shook his head as he tossed a fortune cookie at her as she laughed. 
Just then, she heard her Blackberry ring. She smiled as she saw Bruce’s name come up on the caller ID. 
“Hey you,” she greeted, putting her phone to her ear. 
“Hey. Everything going ok with moving?” 
“Yep. Just taking break and having lunch with Harvey. How’s your day going?” 
“It will be even better if you let me take you out to a nice dinner tonight.” 
“Ooh, where?” 
“It’s a surprise.” 
“Hmm...well you’re lucky I haven’t packed my nice dresses yet.” 
“Is that a yes?” 
“It is.” 
“Then I’ll pick you up at 7 PM.” 
“You know where to find me.”
“I do. I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
She hung up and put her phone on the table. She noticed Harvey smirking at her. “What?” 
“ ‘Hmmm, I love you,’” he repeated in a high pitched voice. “ ‘I love you, Bruce.’” 
“Keep it up and I’ll tell Rachel the secret to your coin trick,” Demetria challenged. 
Harvey made a face. “Threatening the DA, not a good look, Mrs. Wayne.” 
Demetria rolled her eyes and tossed a crumbled up napkin at him. “Eat your food, dipshit.” 
“District Attorney.” 
“Ok, District Attorney Dipshit.” 
As the sun set and the night sky rolled in, Demetria finished the final touches of her makeup when she heard a knock at the door. 
She quickly glanced at herself in the mirror, smoothing out the bottom half of her form-fitting black cocktail dress. She adjusted the shoulder straps and the sweetheart neckline that gave her boobs a nice, but not overly obvious lift. 
She opened the door and was greeted by Bruce leaning on the door frame. 
“Well hello there,” he greeted, his eyes fixated on her. 
“Hello,” she said, pursing back her lips. 
She had those first date butterflies her stomach every time he looked at her. It was a miracle she’d gone this long without melting. She held out her arms. “Is this ok or...?”
He stepped closer to her and cupped her face gently as he pulled her in for a kiss. Her hands wrapped around his neck as he moved them into her apartment. 
She pulled back, her lips close to him. “As much as I want to continue this, I am really starving.” 
He chuckled as he moved his hands down to her waist. He rest his forehead on hers. “You kill me, Gallagher.” 
“My sincerest apologies.” 
He moved his head up, eying the one bedroom apartment. “I’m sorry I only spent one night here.”
“Are you though?” she asked, cocking her head back.
He motioned to the bed. “I remember that being very comfortable.”
“Not that comfortable considering you never spent another night here.”
“Because you said you loved my bed.”
“I’ll give you that.” She pat his chest. “Let’s get going.” 
She threw on her cream colored trench coat and grabbed her clutch as the two.
Bruce opened the passenger door of his Lamborghini Murciélago LP 640 and closed it as she settled in the passenger seat. He climbed into driver’s seat and sped off. 
Throughout the drive, he kept one hand on the wheel, the other on her leg. 
“So are you going to tell me where you’re taking me?” she asked. 
He turned to her. “And ruin the surprise?” 
“Can I at least get a hint?” 
“You’ll like it.” 
“That’s not a hint.” 
“Ok, it’s new.” 
She shook her head. “Is this how it’s always going to be?” 
He smirked at her. “I’ve gotta keep things interesting, don’t I?” 
As they were pulling up to the valet area, Demetria and Bruce couldn’t help but notice the flock of photographers outside, flashing the cameras at the car. 
“Fuck,” she mumbled under her breath. She could feel her chest tighten and stomach drop. 
Bruce turned her head to her. “It’s going to be ok.” He grabbed a hold of her hand. “I’ve got you.” 
She nodded her head. Bruce opened the car door quickly, handing the keys to the valet attendant before rushing over to Demetria’s side. He opened the door, the screams of the paparazzi causing Demetria to jump. She took Bruce’s hand and kept her eyes in the street ahead, avoiding the flashing lights. 
She tried to ignore the voices that were screaming around her.
“Bruce, Demetria, look over here!”
“Demetria, how does it feel to be engaged to Bruce?!” 
“Demetria, Demetria, look up here!” 
“Give us a smile, Demetria!
 Bruce looked at her and tightened his grip, his thumb stroking his hand. Demetria looked up at him and gave him a small smile, mouthing “thank you”. 
As long as he held her hand, she’d be ok. 
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starchildwannabe · 4 years
Landing in New York
Genre: fluff
Pairing: bang chan x reader; side minlix
Word count: 5.3k
Warnings: this fic is mostly just fluff but they also drink
Author’s notes: I wrote this based on a prompt generator to try to finish a full story. It’s unedited but I hope it’s not too bad! Also it’s short but I hope you like it :)
Summary: you meet Chan in New York on New Year’s Eve
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2:58pm. I rub my eyes as the fatigue of 3 o’clock starts to slip in. How ironic (or cruel really) that New Years Eve was on a Thursday this year and that the deadline for this month’s project was today instead of next week. I let a slightly exhausted sigh escape from my lips as I finally look up from the computer screen.
“3 o’clock already,” a familiar voice on my left says prompting me to swivel my chair in their direction. A smile slips onto my face.
“You know what that means,” I say, holding out my hand to my lovely desk mate and exceptional best friend, Felix, who takes it without even slight hesitation.
It’d been a while since the honeymoon phase of working in a new place passed and both Felix and I started crashing around 3pm on workdays. It hadn’t been long, though, since we decided that the 3 o’clock fatigue meant stretching our legs and walking across the street to our favorite (by default) coffee shop to get a little pick me up. Today, however, I was more looking forward to the after work festivities rather than the assured line out the door of the Tom N Toms just for 3pm coffee. On December 31st in New York, everywhere was crowded no matter what time of day, and especially in Times Square from about rush hour on. So today was not a day you wanted to be stuck in the office after 5, let alone at all, but sacrifices had to be made for the dream of working and living so close to where the ball would drop at midnight.
When I step outside, already pulling my scarf tighter around my neck to escape the brisk wind and soft snow flurries, I’m surprised to see that the line hasn’t made it out the door yet and take that as a queue to get across the street as fast as possible.
“I’ll race you,” I say, giving Felix a mischievous look and a wiggly eyebrow.
“What are we, five?” He says giggling.
“No, six.” I say and take off across the crosswalk before the blinking green man changes to red. I glance over my shoulder when I get to the door of the Tom N Toms to make sure Felix actually made it across the street, and when I see him behind me, open it to reveal the warm air trapped inside the shop.
After waiting in the incredibly slow line for 10 minutes, we make it to the counter and give our order.
“You think Mr. Kim will be mad if we take a little longer than the usual 15?” I ask Felix and check my watch again as we walk toward the pick up counter to wait. Names are being called in the background, surely for other customers to get their orders, but I don’t really pay close attention because it’s too soon to be ours. I look up when Felix starts to reply, but I miss what he says because my attention is fully on a guy less than a few inches away from me holding an iced coffee in the hand closest to me and brace for impact because it’s too late to sidestep him. In less than a second I can feel coffee running down my shirt and thank God that it’s just cold and not scalding my chest instead.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” a panicked voice is saying as I awkwardly hold my shirt away from my body, “I didn’t even see you I don’t even know how that happened I’m really really sorry,” he says in a somehow even more panicked tone. I give an extremely awkward smile to try to lighten the situation and that’s when I actually take a second to look at the person frantically apologizing and all I can think is holy shit, is he beautiful.
“Ah, um, it’s okay,” is all I can manage to say because he’s shoving napkins at me. Then one of the staff with a mop is at the area where the coffee spilled and Felix is pulling me towards him and the boy is being pushed by the crowd the other way and the conversation ends before I can even ask him his name.
“Are you okay?” I hear Felix ask behind me and then the boy is gone because I turn my head to look at Felix instead.
“Yeah, I’m just a little uncomfortable, and coffee stained is all,” I make a mental note that I would probably be more upset if the person behind why I was covered in coffee was less attractive and then mentally kick myself for being shallow. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom to try to get this off, can you handle getting the drinks?”
“Yeah, dude, of course,” Felix says, and gives me a little push towards the bathrooms.
Fortunately, the rest of the hour and a half in the office passes without much problem. Unfortunately, I have to spend the rest of the afternoon and commute home with a horribly stained white button down. Fortunately, I have a coat to cover it when I go outside. Unfortunately, Felix hasn’t stopped talking about the boy that caused said stain since we made it back to the office, and as we’re walking out again at 5.
“But do you think you’ll see him again?” He’s saying for the 2nd time since I made it back from the bathroom in the Tom N Toms, “I think he was interested in you, and he was hot,” he adds and I sigh.
“I know,” I say in a pouty voice, “but like I said last time, I probably won’t. I’ve never seen him before today anyway, he could be a tourist for all we know. I mean, he did have an accent that was clearly Australian.” I look at Felix when I say the last part.
“Well I’m Australian and I live here,” he says, and adds, “I’m just saying,” when I give him a side eye.
“Well all I’m saying, is that it’s not likely.”
The conversation dwindles and then moves onto plans for that night and after about 10 minutes of walking and brainstorming the best way to get even remotely in Times Square without having to stand outside for the rest of the night the conversation somehow goes back to the coffee shop boy.
“You know, if he’s a tourist, he’s probably here for the ball drop,” Felix states. “And if he’s here for the ball drop, that means he’ll be somewhere in Times Square at midnight.”
“Who?” I ask even though I already know who he’s talking about.
“The boy.” He glances over at me and slits his eyes. “From Tom N Toms.” He deadpans.
“Felix, there’s going to be literally a million people in Times Square, maybe even more than that, we’re never going to run into him.” I sigh at the realization that we’ve been talking about someone, that I’m probably never going to see again, for the better half of the afternoon. “If we see him again, I’ll be convinced that he’s my soulmate.”
“I think if we leave now we’ll be able to be in the very very back,” Felix says from behind me. “And I’m sure if we squint, we’ll actually be able to see the ball drop.” I stop searching through my closet for a second to glance at Felix who’s casually sitting on my bed.
“Look it’s not my fault someone spilled coffee on my shirt.” I say and turn back to my clothes. From the other side of the wall, I could hear a slight pulsing from music that’s turned up too loud. “You’d think the owner would tell them to be careful about getting noise complaints.”
“Well it’s not like it’s illegal to rent out your place as an Airbnb anymore.”
“I mean I guess,” I glance down at my watch, “why are they even here still? If they don’t leave soon, they won’t be able to get anywhere near Times Square.”
“You’re telling me.” Felix says. I quickly grab a shirt and pull my coffee stained one over my head. Once I have the fresh one on, Felix stands and walks to the door.
“Wait,” I say and he turns his head in my direction. “Does this look okay together?”
“Yes, but I don’t see why it matters so much, your coat’s gonna be over it the whole time.” I turn my head towards my closet one last time. “Let’s just go.” Felix adds with a slight urgency in his voice.
“Okay, you’re right it doesn’t really matter.”
As I’m turning my key into the handle, I have a sudden urge to knock on the door next to mine and tell them to turn the music down, but I let it go because we’re leaving anyway and it’s their fault if they have to watch the ball drop from the very back of Times Square. I turn away from the door and give my watch one more glance as I head toward the stairs. 5:24pm. When I get the the stairs, Felix is already at the bottom of the first flight.
“We should get to the entry on 6th in less than 5 minutes, we don’t have to rush that much.” I say to his clearly urgent body language. He pauses for a second before replying and I lift my eyebrow.
“I, uh,” Felix hesitates, “kind of told someone we’d meet them at 6th at 5:30, but I didn’t think I’d mention it until we got there because I didn’t think it’d take this long to leave.” He lets the end drift off.
“Oh.” I say, “that’s fine, but like I wish you would’ve told me before. I would’ve spent less time changing.” An awkward laugh escapes, but I feel a genuine smile on my lips.
“Sorry,” he says and his hand comes up to rub the back of his head.
“Do I know them?” I ask to try to ease the tension.
“Oh, uh, yeah actually I think you’ve met one time.” Felix says and then adds, “but I don’t think you know his name.”
“And his name is—“ I say drawing out the last word.
“Minho,” I nod confirmation as he says it. “You were there, when we met.” I look at him with a confused expression. “It was a couple weeks ago at the bar,” when my expression doesn’t change he adds, “come on, you know, kinda tall, brown hair, cute nose, great laugh. I gave him my number?”
“And I was there?”
“Yes, you were there! You were literally sitting right next to me when this happened.”
“Wow, how drunk was I, jeez.” I shake my head a little and then say, “Well as long as he’s nice and doesn’t make things awkward for me, I don’t really care if I know him or not.” I chuckle and then look at Felix with pouty eyes, “but who am I supposed to kiss at midnight now?”
“Well it wouldn’t’ve been me anyway, so I guess that’s a personal problem,” he says and then gives a nice genuine laugh.
“I guess I’ll just have to go another year without a New Years kiss.” I feign despair and over exaggerate my sigh.
At exactly 5:32pm we make it to the entrance at 6th. We look around for a bit and then Felix jogs off toward someone that he recognizes. I stand awkwardly by myself as I witness their encounter, and confirm that Felix was right, he does have a cute nose. After maybe a minute, Felix turns around and walks back to me with Minho close behind.
“So this is Minho,” he says to me and I give a smile and wave to the boy standing behind him, and then he turns to Minho and adds, “she couldn’t remember you from the bar, can you believe that?” His laugh is light and fluttery, and I make a mental note to ask him about this later.
“You stole my midnight kiss,” I comment and wink at Minho and both boys’ cheeks flush pink.
“I, uh,” Minho’s voice is frantic and his eyes search Felix’s face for help.
“I’m just kidding,” I say and then laugh and pat Minho on the shoulder. I check my watch again. “I’d say we have like 20 minutes before they stop letting people in, so let’s make a quick bathroom stop and meet back here.” I say and then point toward a nearby building that I’m sure will let us in.
By the time the last hour of the year comes and is almost gone, and the sun has been gone for over 6 hours, the only thing that’s keeping me alive and not freezing to death in the brisk wind, is the sheer amount of people that are in Times Square (and also the alcohol that’s in my system from the very kind and very sneaky people standing next to us). Of course, Felix and I had forgotten to hide any booze in our coats before we left since we were rushed and now that I’m a little bit more than slightly intoxicated, I’m glad that we didn’t. I’m overly grateful for the people next to us, because they made the time pass while Felix was busy flirting with Minho next to him. Around 10 minutes before midnight, I could hear some commotion going on somewhere in the crowd in front of me, and then saw a small group of people making their way to the back of the crowd. As they passed by us, the people next to me said something like, “you know you can’t get out now, when it’s so close to midnight.” But they didn’t stop walking, just pointed vaguely behind us which seemed to be good enough for everyone. After that, the crowd shifted enough that Felix, Minho, and I got pushed away from the people next to us and into a new area of the crowd. I frown at the thought of not being by people I know anymore and push my coat back so I can look at my watch. 3 minutes to go. I look up at the ball on top of One Times Square and excitement floods my body. It’s almost to the bottom already.
I lean closer to Felix and Minho and ask, “Any last words before our lives change forever?”
Felix slightly rolls his eyes and then leans into Minho’s ear.
“She does this every year,” and then looks back at me and smiles and adds, “All I’m going to say is that I hope there isn’t an alien spaceship waiting for the last 3 seconds before midnight to blast us all off the earth.” Minho scrunches his eyebrows.
“He says that every year,” I say leaning toward Minho. Felix shrugs.
“It’s true though.”
“Minho?” I ask.
“Um,” he glances at Felix, “I hope that next year is at least as good as this year was.”
“Aw, wait that’s really nice, and a million times better than Felix’s” I say and clasp my hands by my chest. “I think for me, I hope that in—“ I glance at my watch again, “45 seconds I can get a New Years kiss.”
“Those are you last words of the year? Really?” Felix deadpans next to me.
“I don’t see the problem,” Minho says and shrugs.
I can hear someone around me yell “30 seconds,” and then the noise level of the crowd goes up from excitement and everyone’s eyes are glued to the ball ahead.
20 seconds. 15 seconds. 12 seconds.
At 10 seconds everyone starts to count.
9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4... 3... 2... 1...
Everyone in the crowd is shouting happy new year to the people around them and before I can even blink I’m being pulled closer to someone in front of me and they’re whispering in my ear with an extremely familiar accent, “can I kiss you,” and I’m whispering back “yes” and before I can comprehend what I’m doing, a kiss is being pressed to my lips. All I can think in the moment is what chapstick do they use? because their lips are so pillowy and smooth. When I finally open my eyes and reorient myself with my surroundings I see none other than the boy from the coffee shop standing in front of me.
“It’s you!” I blurt out before I can catch myself.
He laughs a honey sweet laugh and then says, “Chan or Chris, either is okay.” And then he smiles so wide his eyes almost disappear entirely.
“Okay, Chan or Chris, why? How? What? I’m so confused.” I say.
“Clearly,” the honey sweet laugh comes again. “Just call me Chan,” he says and glances at Felix and Minho giving them a little nod. I look at Felix when he does this and notice that his mouth is hanging open and let out a chuckle at the sight.
He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him and then says loud enough for only me to hear, “so you meet again, it must be fate.” I roll my eyes and then he lets my arm go and holds his hand out in front of Chan and says, “I’m Felix, we met earlier but you were in a bit of a rush, I’m assuming.”
“Ah, yeah sorry about that,” Chan says, he grabs Felix’s hand and lets his sunny smile cross his expression once more. “I’m glad we met again,” he turns to me when he says this, “it was really getting under my skin that I didn’t get to apologize to you properly.” An awkward chuckle escapes his lips.
“Oh, no, no it’s no big deal at all,” I say more rushed than I intend, “I’m sure you were busy, with it being New Year’s Eve and all,” I give him a little wink and his smile grows even bigger. “Plus I can kind of tell that you’re not from here,” he looks at me with a confused expression, “I mean your accent is obviously not American.” I say with a laugh.
“Looks like you caught me,” he laughs and puts his hands up by his shoulders. Before he can say anything else, though, one of his friends is leaning into his ear and whispering something to him. I try to catch what they’re saying but it’s too loud around me to hear. At this point the crowd has dispersed into a much less dense one and there’s enough room around to move freely. I glance over at Felix and at the same time feel a slight brush at my hand before it’s grasped by someone else’s. I look up and Chan’s attention has fully returned to me.
“We’re gonna head back to our Airbnb now, but I’m wondering if you want to come?” He asks with a smile plastered to his face.
I look back at Felix to see his reaction and then say, “I want to, but I would feel better if my friends could come too?” Felix is nodding behind me and Chan slips a quick glance to them before turning back to me and smiling again.
“Yeah, of course, the more the merrier!” He says. The friend that whispered into his ear before taps his arm and gives a little jerk of his head when Chan looks over. He starts to lead us through the still thinning crowd to the entrance, and I notice that Chan hasn’t let go of my hand since he first grabbed it. When he looks back at me when we make it back to the entrance, I can feel my cheeks heating up and hope that it’s too dark to see them change color.
“So,” he starts to say, “if it’s so obvious that I’m not from around here, what’s your guess?”
“My guess?”
“Yeah,” he says, “where do you think I’m from?”
“Oh,” I pause for a moment, “well your accent is pretty similar to Felix’s, so I’m guessing Australia?”
“You’re pretty clever,” he says in return, “I don’t think I could ever get used to it being cold in December though.”
“Really? Then why come to New York during the coldest time of the year?”
“Well, it’s on everyone’s bucket list isn’t it?” He says and then adds, “to come to New York for New Year’s Eve.”
“Yeah I guess so, but I don’t really see the big deal. You can’t even go to the bathroom once you’re in the barricades.”
“Yeah I know,” Chan says with a sort of defeated tone in his voice, “I wish someone would’ve told me that before we got inside.” He trails the end with a laugh.
As we round the next corner, snow starts to lightly fall from the sky. Chan’s friends in front of us start to murmur to each other like kids seeing snow for the first time and I let out a small giggle at that. After about a minute or so the road goes back to the calmer atmosphere it had before, and I realize that we’re walking directly toward my apartment. I give Felix a quick glance to see if he’s noticed it too, and when our eyes meet he lifts his eyebrow at me.  I shrug as if to say what’re the odds and then turn back to Chan who’s telling me that if he were in Australia today, he’d be wearing shorts and flip flops with a zero percent chance of snow in the forecast. Then he’s telling me about how he would probably be swimming too and I can’t help but wish I was somewhere warm while we’re walking down a freshly snow covered street.
“You know, I live really close to here,” I say at a break in the conversation.
“What? Really?” Surprise crosses Chan’s face.
“Yeah, actually it’s only like a minute away.” I say and then hear someone ahead of me say  “We’re almost there!” in a bright tone. I lift my eyebrows when we head toward my apartment building instead of turning down the street. I point ahead and then add, “that’s my apartment building.”
“No way,” Chan says as we inch closer and closer to it. “I think that’s where we’re staying.”
“Very funny,” I say.
“No, I’m serious,” I search his face to see if he’s lying, but we reach the stairs and it’s enough to know that he’s telling the truth. “What floor are you on?” He asks as we climb the first flight.
“3.” He’s silent for a moment too long so I add, “you guys aren’t on 3 also, are you?”
“Actually,” he pauses, “I think it’s 304.”
Then tension sits in the air for a moment before I say, “you should really think about playing music will less bass.” Chan gives me a confused look, “I’m in 305,” I let a smile fill my lips when I say so.
“Wow, what a coincidence.” He thinks for a second, “wait, that’s actually pretty convenient.”
“Because you can go home whenever you want.” We reach the 3rd floor then and the door to apartment 304 is already being opened by one of Chan’s friends. When we get into the main room, it looks the same as mine except the furniture has a vintage 70s vibe and the couch in the center of the room is an ugly green color. There are two more rooms splitting off from the main one, and after counting the number of Chan’s friends I’m assuming they’re bedrooms with more than one bed in each of them. The only light other than the dimmed overhead light is coming from different colored hexagon tiles that are hanging on the wall. Before long, there’s music bumping through the speakers on the entertainment center. Chan has to lean into my ear before saying, “pretty cool isn’t it?” because the volume is up pretty loud. After he leans away, he holds up a beer in front of me and tilts his head. I grab it from him and give a soft smile.
“Thanks,” I say and then add, “it looks nothing like mine, apart from the layout.” Chan leads me over to the couch, we sit, and cheers glasses before both taking big swings from our bottles.
2 and a half beers and 3 shots of soju in he asks, “Do you like living in New York?”
I think for a while and then say, “Yeah, I didn’t grow up here, but I always liked the idea of moving to a big city so I applied to college here and when I moved for my freshman year I just kind of never left.” I shrug and take another drink from the bottle I’m holding.
“Aw wow, it’s cool that you got to reach your goal.” I give him a slightly skeptical look.
“I wouldn’t say it was really a goal, more like an idea that I liked.”
“Yeah but it’s still cool,” he pauses, “I’m thinking about moving from Australia, but I’m not sure where I would go,” he pauses again, “just an idea I like, I guess.” He shrugs this time and I clink my almost empty bottle to his. “You know what else would be cool,” he eyes me and leans a little closer than he probably would if he was completely sober, “if you showed me your apartment.”
I let out a genuine belly laugh, “that’s what cool is to you?”
“You bet,” he pops up from the couch and throws his hand out to me.
“Alright, if you want.” I take his hand, finish the last of my beer, and place the empty bottle on the coffee table in front of me before standing up. As we walk across the room, I catch Felix’s gaze and throw up a peace sign with my free hand. He pushes himself off of the wall he’s leaning on and walks over to me.
“Heading out?” He says into my ear.
“We’re just going next door,” I chuckle, “So, yes and no.” He glances back at Minho, who gives him a bright smile when their eyes meet.
“Well if you’re gonna ditch, I think we’re gonna head out too.” Minho nods from behind him and then inches close enough to rest his head on Felix’s shoulder. I lift an eyebrow at him and he raises both of his back at me two times in quick succession.
“Text me when you get home,” I say and smile.
“Wouldn’t think not to.”
When I turn back to Chan, he’s talking to one of his friends. After 10 seconds or so he looks at me with a grin on his face and says, “ready to go?” I nod and we head to the entrance.
It takes less than a minute for us to get fully inside and situated in the apartment next door.  I flip on the lights and watch as Chan starts to wander into the living room.
“You’re right,” he says after a couple of moments of silence.
“I’m right?” I question from across the room.
“Yeah,” he turns to me, “that apartments nothing like yours.” He turns towards the doors the opposite wall. “But it feels like home.” I let out a muffled giggle and I can see his ears turning red before he whips around and adds in a rushed tone, “A home, a home, not my home, not my home at all, just a home,” my giggles escalates into a full laugh at his rambling. “Not that I don’t want it to be my home, just, uh, I’m trying to not be weird.”
“Aw really?” I say when I’ve composed myself, “I was hoping you’d move in.” I fake an exaggerated sigh and then continue laughing with Chan joining in. “You’re really cute when you’re flustered,” I say.
“Oh yeah, well,” he pauses for a moment and then says, “well, you’re just really cute.” He turns away from me and faces the doors again. “I’m gonna guess that the left one is yours.”
“Hmm, well, you would guess wrong.” I say and walk over to the door on the right side of the room. Chan gives a pouty expression and lets out a little “hmph”
“Does anyone live there?” He says pointing to the left.
“Yeah, but she’s out for the week on vacation for New Year’s Eve.” I glance over at her door and let out a little sigh. “Must be nice to have a job that lets you have the whole week off.” I push my door open and then lean on the door frame. “I do want to say, though,” Chan looks at me with a look of concern, “I don’t usually bring guys home with me the first day we meet, so—“ I let the end drop off.
“Oh, I wasn’t expecting— I didn’t think we’d— uh,” Chan gives a cheeky grin, “yeah no worries.”
I walk into my bedroom and lay my keys on my dresser before sitting on the bed. Chan follows suit but spends quite a lot more time making his way to the bed because he’s preoccupied with looking around the room. When he’s finally satisfied he stops in front of my nightstand and bends halfway over to inspect the tiny cactus and succulent trio that’s in a small pot.
“These are cute,” he glances over at me and then back at the plants, “do they have names?” He asks in a genuinely curious tone.
“Oh, actually,” I pause for a moment to think, “no they don’t.”
My face falls slightly and I only notice because Chan is saying “oh no don’t worry it’s okay,” and turning his attention fully onto me and away from the succulents. We stare into each other’s eyes for a moment and then he peels his eyes away and I can see his cheeks dusting pink. “How about we name them together?” He asks.
“Okay,” I say and smile. Chan plops down on the bed and then let’s out a low hmmm.
“How about, Chan,” he says.
“Oh my gosh, no.” I say laughing.
“Okay, okay, how about we name this one,” a second slips by, “Tom.”
“What? Why Tom?” I ask.
“Because that’s where we first met each other.” He says with a contagiously sunny smile.
“Oh that’s right,” I say, “it feels like that was 2 weeks ago, but it was literally,” I check my watch, 3am, “12 hours ago.”
“Wow can you believe that?” He kicks his feet up, resting his legs on my thighs, and lays down on the pillows with his arms crossed behind his head. “What if we didn’t meet again?” He lifts his head slightly to look at me.
“I don’t know,” I say and then lift Chan’s legs up and move onto the bed to lay next to him. He turns his body to face me.
“Well I’m really glad we did,” he says, his tone soft and sweet.
“Me too.” He inches a little closer to me and rests his forehead on mine.
“Can I kiss you?” I nod in response and lean into his pillowy lips for the second time that night. The kiss is soft and innocent and it feels like something out of a dream.
“I don’t want to leave,” Chan lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Then don’t,” I say and connect our lips again but this time the kiss is much more rushed and wanting, full of unspoken desire. I can feel my cheeks heating up and at the same time Chan is rolling us over so he’s embracing me. Our kiss deepens into something even more raw and I have to pull away before I can’t help myself. He peppers tiny kisses all over my face and I can’t help but giggle.
“This might be a weird question, but can I sleep here?” He asks.
“I would love that,” I say and place one more quick kiss onto his lips before pulling out of his embrace. “But if you’re going to stay I’m going to change into some pajamas.”
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thatfanficstuff · 5 years
The Bet - Elijah Mikaelson
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This fic is based on the above gif that was submitted as a request on wattpad. Not my gif. (it was on giphy)
Pairing: Elijah x chubby! reader
Warnings: uh...I don’t think so. reader bitching about clothes not fitting. 
A/N: I actually kind of love this. It’s pretty fluffy. 
“Please, Y/N?” Rebekah practically begged as she bounced on her feet in your kitchen. She’d shown up early and you’d let her in before shuffling over to the coffee maker. The pot had just finished brewing and you poured yourself a generous portion. Once you were leaned against the counter with your mug in hand, the blonde had immediately started in.
She wanted you to go shopping with her. The Mikaelsons were having a party and, while she didn’t need a new dress, she insisted you did. You sighed and sat the mug on the counter behind you.
“There are two problems with this, Bekah. One, I had no intention of going to the party and two, I hate shopping.”
The vampire looked almost disgusted at your admission. You’d try to explain it to her, but she’d never understand. You were on the heavier side and shopping was such a chore. It wasn’t that you were embarrassed about your weight, but you were practical. They just didn’t make pretty things for girls like you. Designers seemed to think that anyone over a size 10 wanted to wear potato sacks with weird patterns on them. Rebekah didn’t have to worry with any of that. She was stunning. Her biggest problem was trying to decide between too many choices while you might spend hours and not find a single thing that you liked.
“You always go shopping with me. Why didn’t you tell me you hated it?” The blonde was almost pouting.
“I don’t mind shopping for you. Shopping for you is easy. Shopping for me is a pain.”
“What? Why?”
You literally face palmed before smiling at her. “Bekah. Honey. I’m just a bit bigger than you. It’s harder to find stuff for me. Especially dresses.”
“Ridiculous,” she snapped immediately and rolled her eyes. “And as for the other…” She pulled out her phone and sent a message to someone.
You just sipped at your coffee and watched her over your mug. Finally, she smirked in what could only be described as triumph. She kept her eyes glued to her phone as she walked to your front door.
“You should have just gone shopping with me, Y/N.” And with that, she was gone.
You blinked several times before shaking your head and setting your mug in the sink. “Strange girl,” you murmured to yourself just as another knock sounded at your door.
“Seriously, Bekah?” you grumbled though you wore a smile on your face. You opened the door only to gasp when you were greeted not with your best friend but her older, hot as sin brother. Holy Shit. “Elijah. I wasn’t expecting you.” Hopefully he would attribute your suddenly racing heart to surprise.
The corner of his mouth kicked up in a smile and his eyes ran over you from head to toe. “Hello, Y/N. Lovely to see you, as always.”
Suddenly realizing you were standing in front of him in nothing but a long sleep shirt and socks you gave a little scream and slammed the door. You could hear him chuckle through the door. “Just a minute.” You threw open the closet next to you and yanked out your long raincoat and wrapped it around you before tying it off.
A glance in the mirror had you gasping in horror. Your hair was a mess and mascara smudged your eyes. Could you possibly look any worse? A swipe of your fingers took care of the worst of the makeup and your feeble attempt at least made your hair look passable. After taking a deep breath, you opened the door again. “Sorry. I thought you were Bekah.” Heat flooded your face. Why did you always make a fool of yourself in front of this man? Why not Klaus?
“If that’s how you greet my sister, perhaps I should accompany her to your home more often.” The teasing lilt to his voice had a tremor moving through you. Was Elijah Mikaelson flirting? With you? Not possible.
You cleared your throat and stepped back from the door. “Would you like to come in?”
He nodded and came inside. You shut the door behind him and followed him into the kitchen. You always hung out in your kitchen. It was your favorite room in the house. When he simply studied you with pursed lips, you decided to speak up. “Is there something I can do for you, Elijah?”
He licked his lips. “Rebekah tells me you are not coming to the party this evening. May I ask why not?”
You shrugged. “You guys don’t need me there. You’ll have a house full. I’ll just be hanging around on the fringes anyway and one of you will feel the need to entertain me. It’s better if I just stay home. Netflix is calling my name, anyway.”
Elijah didn’t appear impressed with your answer. “You seem to be under the impression that you are an afterthought on the guest list. On the contrary, yours was the first name added that was not myself or one of my siblings. Many could fail to attend and not be missed. You, however, are not one of them.”
Any argument you could make against that would only sound petty. You sighed. “Fine, let’s say I buy that. I still don’t have anything to wear.”
“I’m personally fond of the shirt you’re wearing under that ridiculous coat.”
“Elijah Mikaelson,” you scolded.
He laughed again. He seemed to do that a lot more lately than he used to. It was probably because his mother was dead. She was a bitch. “Then we shall buy something for you to wear, Y/N.”
The ‘we’ didn’t escape your notice. You huffed a laugh. “Elijah, I find it impossible to believe that even you with your vast resources will find something that I am happy with in the time we have.”
He narrowed his eyes and leaned toward you, that smirk stretching his lips once more. “Are you challenging me?”
You found yourself returning the smile. “So, what if I am? You’ll lose.”
“Will I? Interesting. A wager then?”
“What sort of wager?” You’d been friends with the Mikaelsons for too long not to suspect he was up to something. You were being cautious.
“If you are correct and our shopping excursion is fruitless, I will pay for your Netflix subscription for the next year. In addition, I will personally make sure your snack cabinet is filled weekly.”
You bit your lip and his eyes flashed. It was tempting, but not enough. You shook your head. “All that, plus one movie night a week. I pick the film. You are of course excused for supernatural drama.”
He agreed entirely too quickly. You should have asked for more, but honestly you couldn’t think of anything better than cuddling with Elijah and watching movies even if it was purely platonic on his part. “And what do you want if you win?”
“When I win, you will of course come to the party tonight, but you will come as my date.”
Your brows snapped together as you frowned. That didn’t make any sense.
Elijah grinned and stepped closer to you. You swallowed. “And you will stay by my side all evening. You will not hide in the corner or in Niklaus’s study or my library. You will be sociable.”
Oh, god. You rolled your eyes. “Fine.”
He held up a finger. “That’s not all, dear Y/N. I, too, desire a weekly movie night. I will pick the film and you will come to my home to watch it.”
“What’s the catch?”
He shrugged. “No catch.” He ran one finger along the edge of the counter. “Have I mentioned my affinity for horror movies?”
“Damn it, ‘lijah.” You didn’t hate horror movies, but they made you jumpy. Watching them in a house full of vampires that loved to tease you was unlikely to help. Finally, you grumbled. “Fine.”
Elijah grinned in triumph.
“It’s not like you’re going to win anyway.”
There was one store that you loved. In fact, the vast majority of the clothes you owned were from there, but they weren’t dresses. They weren’t expensive by any stretch but they were a little pricier than you liked so you tended to hit their clearance when you could. But you weren’t paying today, Elijah was. You knew there was no point arguing with him. He’d just compel the clerk not to take your money.
You’d found a couple of skirts to try, but it was Elijah that found the dress. When he showed it to you, you gasped just a little. It was beautiful, but not something you’d ever considered wearing before. It looked like something straight out of the forties or fifties, from the cut to the pattern. Normally you wouldn’t even try it on, but you shrugged and took it from him. Why not try it?
You saved it for last, knowing it wouldn’t fit right. You wanted to postpone the disappointment. But it slid on smoothly and fell gracefully. After smoothing down the fabric you finally looked at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes wide, you spun and took in your appearance.
He won. Holy shit. He actually won.
Elijah tapped the glass in his hand and glanced up the stairs for the hundredth time. What could possibly be taking you and his sister so long? You hadn’t let him see you in the dress, but you assured him that he’d won. Surprisingly, you hadn’t argued with him at all about him not only buying the dress but getting your shoes and accessories as well. He was a bit disgruntled that you hadn’t let him see any of it.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were nervous, brother,” Niklaus said as he stepped up beside him.
“Thank you, Niklaus. Most helpful as always.” Elijah straightened the cuffs of his suit.
The hybrid hummed. “You do know that you could just tell her you love her? I am quite certain she feels the same.”
Elijah sighed. “Are you finished?”
His brother chuckled and held up his hands. “All right, I’ll go, brother.”
Elijah watched him walk off before shooting another glance up the stairs. Still nothing.
“Hello, Elijah,” Kol said from behind him.
“Is there something I can do for you?”
He shook his head. “No. Rebekah just assured me that you’ll be speechless when you see her. I didn’t want to miss it.”
Elijah closed his eyes and counted silently in his head. His irritation came from nerves, so he was attempting not to snap at Kol.
A hand rested on his shoulder and Elijah looked to find his youngest brother grinning like a fool while he looked up the stairs. “Klaus is right. You should tell her you love her before someone beats you to it.”
Elijah turned then, his eyes going wide as he caught sight of you. You were perfection. The dress he’d picked for you caressed your curves just as he hoped they would. You’d paired it with wide heels and your hair had been done in a style to match the dress. A flower the same color as your shoes was pinned in your hair. He couldn’t stop staring at you.
Kol nudged him. “You have a little drool—”
“Fuck off, Kol.” Elijah moved up the stairs to meet you.
You looked up then from where you’d been watching your footing to make sure you didn’t trip. The look of awe on Elijah’s face made you smile. That was all you’d wanted. To know that for just one moment you’d stunned him. What an amazing feeling.
He took your hand in his and turned it to place a gentle kiss on your wrist. When he met your gaze again, he offered you a soft smile. “You look stunning.”
“I don’t know that I’d go that far, but thank you, Elijah.” You shifted your hips just a bit so the dress flared out at the hem. This dress was awesome.
“There’s something I think I need to explain to you, Y/N.”
You tilted your head and waited for him to continue. He linked his fingers with yours and led you down the rest of the steps and into Klaus’s study. Releasing you, he shut the door and began to pace the floor. Finally, he stopped and looked at you. “I don’t care if you hide.”
“The bet. The only part I cared about was you being here as my date. I wanted you to stay beside me simply so I wouldn’t be without your company. It was a win-win situation anyway. If I lost, I was guaranteed one night a week with you in my arms.”
“That’s why you added that to your terms? The movie night here?”
He nodded once.
You took a breath for courage. “Just tell me plainly what you want to say, Elijah. If you don’t, I’ll just think I imagined whatever I infer from this conversation.”
He closed the distance between you and placed his hands on your upper arms. “Very well. I love you. I have for quite some time now. If you tell me I have a chance with you, this will be the happiest day I’ve had in a thousand years.”
You closed your eyes and chuckled. “I’ve been head over heels from the first time I met you, ‘Lijah. I don’t wear that raincoat for just anyone, you know?”
“I would hope not.” He moved closer as he spoke and searched your gaze. Whatever he found there must have been satisfactory because you were suddenly being kissed. And it was fantastic.
The two of you explored each other’s mouths for a bit before Elijah leaned back. “We could skip the party and hide in my room. Just you, me and Netflix.”
You took his hand and tugged him toward the door as you grinned at him. “And waste this dress? I think not.”
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