#if you saw this post like two times I'm so sorry my phone didn't wanna post so i did it on my pc and now my phone is like. i uploaded! WHAT
theoldkyokodied · 3 months
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And here it is, my macdennis brainworms compressed into a playlist, for anyone who wants to ingest them <3
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bitchinbarzal · 1 month
Happy Never After | T Meier
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summary: not everything has a happy ending
this is a re-write
"I don't understand you sometimes!"
"What's not to understand Timo?! I drop everything for you all the time and you just don't care-"
"I care!"
"No you don't! I dropped everything for you when you were traded to Jersey, I left my job and sold my apartment to follow you and I put up you you being absolutely miserable every single day because of it! I moved around the country now we’re in Jersey without my home and job!"
A weight lifted off your shoulders, finally speaking your heart. Timo shifted awkwardly infront of you.
"Glad you got that off your chest" he grumbled, angrily
"you're not the only one who sacrificed stuff you know?"
You laughed humourlessly "what could you have possibly had to give up?"
It was like he was searching for something to say "| missed out on like everything it was to be a rookie because I was tied down to, to you!"
Your eyes went wide and Timo bit his lip, regretting how he'd said it.
"You 'missed out'?" You put air quotes around your words and quirked your eyebrow
He gulped
"On what exactly? The drinking and partying? The hooking up every other night? Every Sunday I came over Kevin had a new girl in his bed! Is that what you want?"
"What? No-"
"That's what you said! You just said that!" You wave your hands around with no reason, just feeling frustrated.
"You know that's not what I meant!"
"That's what you said!" You screamed, as if raising your volume would get the point across better.
He ran a hand over his face and sighed "God would you stop being such a bitch-"
The sound of your palm meeting the side of his face sounded through his apartment. He grabbed his cheek which was turning red now while you stumbled back, tears in your eyes and gasped.
"Don't you dare, don't you dare call me names!" He reached out for you, to console you but you pulled away "No, No don't! Don't touch me! God, I can't even look at you"
"Babe, please just listen I didn't - woah what are you doing?" He rushed, watching as you picked up your coat and bag.
"I'm leaving, I'm going home"
"Please don't leave! C'mon I'm about to leave on a two week long road trip let's not do this"
You looked at him, breaking his heart as he took in your red nose and tear stained cheeks while you sniffled
"I can't Timo"
When the door shut he stood in the silence wondering
what the fuck just happened?
When he woke up the next morning he had hoped you were there, you weren't. You hadn't answered any of his calls and texts.
The devils were about to leave for a two week road trip and he didn't want to leave this on a bad note but he had no time before the flight was due to leave.
Before take off you received a text
Timo 🤍
i love you and I'm so sorry. please just call me, I wanna hear your voice.
You read the text, like all the others but never replied.
Instead simply throwing your phone away to sit and sulk.
Day four of the trip and he still hadn't heard from you.
The first sign of life was when Jack's girlfriend posted a photo on her instagram stories of a bunch of denim jackets with the boys names and numbers on the back for the wags annual brunch.
He spotted his own name on a jacket, heart content to know you were there. However a couple of hours later he saw another story post of the same brunch and could see that same table with one jacket lay on it, the number twenty eight standing out to him clearly.
It had started taking a toll on his play around Vegas.
Nico spoke to him but was shut down quickly as Timo insisted there was nothing wrong and that he was sorry. Nico didn't care about his play, he was worried about his friend.
A week into the trip you visited Timo's apartment with a cardboard box in hand. Packing up everything you wanted to take with you. At some point you'd gotten so emotional you sat down on the couch to breath and turned the tv on.
It flickered to the last channel it was on, hockey. You watched the screen as it panned across the devils and the canucks. You watched as the screen showed Timo, holding his chain in hand and kissing the pendant that hung on it - your pendant.
"Oh T..." you sighed, biting your lip and turning the TV off.
When the road trip ended Timo couldn't wait to get home and see you, try to resolve this clear issue.
Opening the door, he immediately felt off. His eyes darted around the room trying to figure out what was different.
Your favourite blanket that hung over the couch was gone.
Your shoes weren't littering the floor next to the front door.
You weren't there.
Timo scrambled for his phone, calling you and texting you to be hit with the voicemail.
37 voicemails.
146 text messages.
27 instagram DM's.
6 twitter DM's.
1 email.
You never replied.
It wasn't until a few days later you called him when you knew he'd be at practice unable to see his phone so you could leave a message.
When he returned to the locker room and saw his missed call he cursed, rushing to listen to the voicemail.
"hey timo, I know it was shitty to ghost you like that but I feel like if I didn't do it this way I would make it worse for everyone. I feel like we need time apart, you made it clear that being in this relationship made you miss out on things so I want to give you the chance to explore that lifestyle! I'll always be your biggest fan, from San Jose to Jersey I've got you but I think I just gotta have you from afar for a little while"
Timo looked at his phone for a moment before he threw the phone onto the floor and stood on it repeatedly.
Completely unaware everyone was watching the scene he was causing.
It was Jonas’ hands on his shoulders that snapped him out of his bubble "C'mon man, let's go some-"
"She left me"
"Okay, come on buddy not here"
He looked up at his friend and let out a soft, shaky breath before he shoved his head on his shoulder and began to sob.
"You're alright, it's alright"
The pounding on your front door that night startled you, leaving your desk to answer the clearly urgent guest
The door wasn't even open enough to see you before you heard "What the fuck is going on?!"
"Hi Lauren, come in, lovely to see you" you joked, rolling your eyes as she barged into your apartment.
"Timo is on my couch right now crying, what is going on? More importantly are you ok?" She asked, eyes fluttering over you to check.
You smiled softly "I'm okay Laur, I'm sorry I didn't talk to you l just - my head has been fried"
Her eyes softened "hey listen, I'm here for you okay? I just don't understand what's going on? Jonas brought him home and we are both as clueless as each other"
"I broke up with him"
"You What? This is a joke right?"
"Laur, i feel bad enough please don't make me feel worse" you groaned.
She stood there looking at you "I don't get it, you're Timo and Y/N. You don't break up"
"Yeah well.." You trialled off.
You went into all the details. Explaining the cause of the fight and all the things he said to you amidst it all.
By the end you were both in tears and when Lauren hugged you, you felt relaxed for the first time in a long time
"We love You, so much! and we support you always-"
"But Jonas-"
"But Jonas nothing, you are our friend too and it'll take some getting used to but we support our friends"
When Lauren returned home that night she didn't speak to either of the boys. Clearly seeing how much Timo was hurting right now that being angry at him wasn't an option.
He returned home, to an empty house on day three.
He felt like he was becoming a burden in their home.
So he moved the pity party back to his place.
Life carried on as normal as it could, he played hockey, he practiced and he slept. He did everything he would usually without you. He tried not to think about you too much but it was hard living in the place he had never been without you.
The days and month kind of moulded into one.
Halloween passed, Christmas passed, New Years all without you.
Timo downloaded tinder and bumble. He let his friends set him up. Nothing was working. He hated this.
The next time he saw you was New Year's Day.
Lauren had asked for you to come along to the game with her as the Devils were playing the Flyers in the stadium series and her future in-laws would be present.
You'd been friends with Jonas since high school and his parents always enjoyed seeing you.
Jonas obviously hadn't passed on your news to his parents.
"We're super excited for the wedding! And you must be too sweetheart, oh you and Timo will be next huh?"
Your face went red and you stuttered until Lauren replied "actually, Nutchara. Timo and Y/N broke up in September"
She looked shocked "Oh no, sweetheart I'm so sorry ! didn't know!" Pulling you into a hug to console you.
The hug was showcased on the jumbotron, Timo watched from the bench, his heart in his throat.
After the game the Siegenthaler’s were gathered together with you chatting away and Timo overheard Nutchara speaking as he passed.
"Oh now you're single maybe we can finally set you up with Nico, he's a bit hopeless with romance"
You laughed, making a comment about "Poor Neeks" Timo about-turned bumping into his teammate behind him and poking a finger into his chest before grumbling "If Nico puts his hands near my girl, tell him he's a fucking dead man"
You did not go out with Nico. Jonas made sure his parents didn’t meddle.
January passed and the rest of the months ran quick.
You were helping Lauren out with wedding stuff, constantly flying back to Canada to visit the venue, speak to catering, order flowers. You name it.
The devils never made it to play offs.
You watched them the night they failed to qualify.
You wrote out a text to Timo
i'm sorry. you deserved that one.
You didn't send it.
The wedding planning soon started coming into play.
Bachelorette parties and Bachelor weekends commenced before the big day.
You spent the week before trying to fix everything to be perfect for their big day.
The Friday night was everyone flying into town. You couldn't be there to pick people up as your own flight out of Newark had been delayed but the team pulled through with Nico and Jack taking point as welcome committee.
Your new flight landed hours later, while everyone was supposed to be at dinner. You texted Jack to ensure someone could pick you up and he told you he had it it sorted.
You wanted to kill him when you exited the airport and you saw Timo waiting for you in the loading zone.
He was leaned up against his car, rushing forward for your bags when he saw you
"I thought Jack was picking me up"
"He ran out of fuel and I had a full tank so he sent me"
Your sighed "Well alright then"
The ride back to the hotel was quiet and awkward.
Nobody tried to make small talk.
When you arrived at dinner you swiftly knocked Jack's head and said "Never do that again"
Saturday was the rehearsal dinner and you weren't feeling so great.
You had put on the dress and headed across to the venue. You did your due diligence and welcomed in both Lauren and Jonas’ families.
Jonas was mingling with people but didn't miss how Timo’s stare hardened when Nico walked up to you and hugged you hello.
"Please don't murder him, this is my wedding after all"
Timo took a drink and grumbled "I make no promises but I'll at least hold off until after his speech" continuing to watch your interaction.
Jonas laughed and walked off with a "Thanks bud"
Timo kept an eye on you all night long, feeling something was off.
You didn't look right.
After everyone was sat for the meal and speeches had been done you wandered off to the bathroom and hadn't returned for quite a while.
A break in the meal service gave him the opportunity to slip away to find you.
He found the ladies bathroom, he knocked and said
"Y/N, you in there?"
"Yeah, I'm here. What's up?" You croaked. Timo frowned before saying "I'm coming in"
"Timo, no-" it was too late, he'd already made his way into the bathroom to find you on the floor hunched over the toilet.
He walked over, pulling his suit jacket off and draped it over your shoulder and then pulling your hair back into a makeshift ponytail to the best of his ability.
"You don't have to-" "Just hush, I'm here"
You were silent but grateful, continuing to spew for the next twenty minutes.
"I think I just ate bad chicken on the plane" you mumbled, defeated and laying against the tile wall.
"Let's get you to bed" he decided, pulling you up from the wall. Your body, weakened, fell into him and you groaned
"But the dinner " "can be done without you come on"
He slipped the two of you out the back door and called a cab back to the hotel. For a moment you forgot your situation, opting to think this was all normal.
When Timo took you up to your room and helped you get ready for bed, all normal.
You knew you shouldn't have but when Timo tried to leave you cried out "Please stay, I can't be alone like this"
It didn't take an awful lot of convincing, Timo knew you and he knew you were right. You never really got sick but when you did you always needed help.
He stayed.
He stayed all night while you slept, his fingers tangled in your hair scratching lightly at your scalp to soothe you.
At five that next morning he left you in order to return to his room and get ready for the wedding.
When you woke up, slightly confused you found a note on the pillow next to you.
morning, I had to go get the boys up. hope you're feeling better, I'm sure you'll look beautiful today. advil and water on the nightstand < 3
You smiled lightly, looking over to see a plastic water bottle and the aforementioned pills waiting for you.
You picked up your phone from the other side, a few texts from people checking you were ok was all along with a message in the bridesmaid group chat about getting ready together.
"She's alive!" Was yelled when you entered the room.
You smiled "Yes, yes I'm here I had food poisoning"
"Timo took care of you though, that was sweet" one of the other bridesmaids said, curling her hair and looking at you in the mirror.
You nodded, picking up a champagne glass from the table "Yeah, he left to go get Jonas up this morning-"
"Wait, wait, wait!" Lauren yelled "He stayed over?!" Yeah nodded sheepishly "Uh yeah, I guess I asked him too when I was tired I think I was just used to him helping me out when I'm sick"
Lauren gave you a look but you didn't press it further, after all it was her wedding day.
The ceremony didn't last long, Lauren had always said she didn't want people being bored and just wanted to party.
You'd found your space at the head table, right next to Nico and you couldn't help but think Jonas’ mom had something to do with the table plans.
You were talking after dinner with Nico about everything going on in his life when you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders.
You turned to see Timo smiling down at you "Hey Neeks, mind if I steal her for a bit?"
Nico smiled "Nah man, she's all yours. I'll see you in a bit y/n"
You smiled back before pushing the chair out and grabbing Timo’s hand to be directed onto the dance floor.
You didn't speak for the first few minutes, just basking in each other's company until you said "Hey thanks for last night you didn't have to do that"
"I couldn't leave you to fend for yourself"
"I'm not your problem anymore T"
"Not by my choice" he noted and you huffed "Timo-
"No, please just hear me out because l've been waiting for the right time to speak to you and I mean what are weddings for if not love, eh? Whatever that stupid fight we had was about was not worth loosing you over. I hate myself for that and the things I said because I love you so freaking much and I was so stupid for allowing myself to loose you. When you left me I was broken"
You sighed, looking up at him for any sign of a lie.
There was none "Timo... I miss you too but you know it's not that easy to just get back together"
"I know, I just needed you to know how I felt" he nodded.
"Well Thank you, i appreciate it. Maybe we can talk again whenever we're back home in jersey?"
"I like the sound of that"
You nodded, Timo twirling you out in the dance and when he pulled you back in he said "You do look beautiful tonight I guess I predicted that right"
Back in Jersey come the fall it had been a while since that night at the Siegenthaler wedding.
The devils home opener was packed with fans.
You were sat with a beer in hand, looking out on the ice at the red jersey's looking at all the new names around.
Your thoughts were broken when you felt something drape over your shoulders, turning you saw Lauren alongside other girlfriends and wives all smiling at you.
"Hey sweetheart we didn't think we'd see you here, we saw you from the box" Lauren points up to the 'wags' box.
You blush "Yeah, i uh haven't been up there in a while"
"Well we thought you might want this back, a little birdy told me you might need it" you pulled the jacket draped over your shoulders off and looked at it.
The black denim jacket displayed the number twenty eight alongside Meier so nicely.
You smiled "That little birdy would be correct" you answered and the girls all cheered.
"Ugh, finally they're back together! We're so happy for you"
"Thank you guys honestly, it's been a massive journey but we're here now!"
Come the end of the night the boys were on a winning high and Timo didn't think it could get better than this.
That was until he came out of the locker room to find you with your back turned to him he saw the name and number on your jacket.
He groaned "Oh god I forgot what a beautiful sight this was" slipping behind you, arms travelling around your front to land on your abdomen and kissing the side of your head.
You leaned into him "You like it?"
"Like it? I love It" he announced, leaning in closer to your ear to whisper "I'd like it better on our floor”
You straightened up "Oh we've gotta go guys! We've got stuff to do. See you all next week!"
You were halfway out the door when someone shouted
"they really never changed!"
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stars-and-the-min · 1 month
☆ the wrong way to hard launch (9) | OP81
summary : oscar's girlfriend is a walking pr problem for literally everyone (including herself) social media au
pairing : oscar piastri x zhou!fem!singer!oc
a/n reunions galore!
masterlist | last part | part 9 | next part
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liked by eb_jonno and 482,492 others
chrisyamada was on stage w/ the aussies again 🎸 tagged: emptybottles_official
lukaszhang don't come for my job man ↳ chrisyamada @lukaszhang i can't handle lina for extended periods of time dw about your job security
piastri_lina now if i didn't know any better, i'd think this was a soft-launch... ↳ piastri_lina @piastri_lina know ur place christopher yamada
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liked by selinabui and 213,284 others
oscarpiastri Race week recharge 🔋
pi4str1 convinced that if oscar was to open an oscar.jpg account it would just be all lina
selinabui ur so hot do u have a gf ↳ oscarpiastri @ selinabui yeah sorry 🫤
piastri_lina boyfie looking boyfie, wifey looking wifey, what is a girl to do 😭😭😭
logansargeant ask her if we can talk again ↳ selinabui @ logansargeant U TOOK ME SERIOUSLY??? IS THIS WHY I HAVEN'T HEARD FROM U???
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↳ pookie piastri @op81ln4 · 2h wait i asked a lina question OH MY GOD PLS PLS PLS CHOOSE THE LINA QUESTION ↳ Williams Racing @ WilliamsRacing · 2h Find out when the episode drops 😉 ↳ jess @OPIXSTRI · 1h OH MY GOD I'M GONNA DIE ↳ Williams Racing @ WilliamsRacing · 1h Don't die just yet
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selinabui Shenzhen, China
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liked by oscarpiastri and 264,938 others
selinabui my own kinda home race? tagged: eb_jonno
eb_jonno *OUR* home town performance ↳ selinabui @eb_jonno my bad bro why did u think i tagged u
oscarpiastri How do you still suck at bowling? ↳ selinabui @ oscarpiastri wdym i won ↳ cameliazzz @ selinabui no you didn't???
pi4str1 same top as the one in oscar's post? ↳ marie_h.sb @pi4str1 pls they think they're so subtle 😭
linasgirl4 SINCE WHEN SELINA. SINCE WHENNNNN ↳ linasgirl4 @linasgirl4 i'm going fucking feral i need to know how long they've been together for my mental health ↳ emptybottlos @linasgirl4 calm the fuck down it's not that serious
from the phone of selina bui
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↳ lina !!! @EB_selina · 1d dude are u kidding me? ↳ kay ♡ @ blackcatluna · 4h she still got that :] energy 🥹
camilina gfs fr @ drummergf · 21h I CAN'T BREATHE I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST SAW JONATHAN SU AND SELINA BUI LIVE IN THE FLESH AT THE SHENZHEN FENDI POP-UP ↳ camilina gfs fr @ drummergf · 21h i'm not alive i have ascended to a higher plane
president linami @ linaminami · 16h try not to say mother challenge failed. she looks so good wtf
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liked by cameliazzz and 332,974 others
emptybottlesbar Jonny and Lina at the Shenzhen FENDI pop-up store. Did you manage to catch them? tagged: emptybottles_official, selinabui and eb_jonno
selinabui wtf are we pokemon or smth??
eb_jonno was i not photogenic enough, i'll work on it ↳ emptybottlesbar @eb_jonno You were very handsome 💚 ↳ eb_jonno @emptybottlesbar well that's a very nice way of saying i look bad in photos
lina bui x2 grammy winner @urdaisea · 1h oh ttpd, oh how 2021 lina coded it you are ↳ lina bui x2 grammy winner @urdaisea · 1h i need a lina x i can do it with a broken heart edit STAT
emme @flowersforcami · 42m oomf said i can fix him (no really i can) is super lina in her tommy era coded and i can't unhear it now
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↳ kay ♡ @ blackcatluna · 1h @urdaisea baby girl this is for you 😭 ↳ lina bui x2 grammy winner @urdaisea · 44m HOW ARE THEY SO QUICK OH MY GOD IT'S HEARTBREAKING
oscalina real ?! @emptyginbottles · 33m it's only been like a day since it dropped but i've already been blessed with a so high school oscalina edit the lord is good 🙏 ↳ jackpot ☆ @slayridgo · 30m i wanna be on ur fyp bc i've gotten two 'you look like taylor swift' edits of olivia and lina and it's been depressing
piaa⁸¹ @ papayaeightyone · 2h lina's stories perfectly encapsulates my april 19 experience, she's the chairman of the swiftie f1 girlie department ↳ piaa⁸¹ @ papayaeightyone · 2h side note she used one of those oscar gifs from f2 and it's so endearing
selinabui just posted to their story
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trans: brother yu (she uses the fish 'yu' and not zhou guanyu's actual 'yu', again, it's a pun) is awesome!
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
taglist @ririyulife @ashy-kit @fionaschicken @namgification @cherry-piee @urfavsgf
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aviixol · 10 months
E42 Miles Relationship hc's ☆
-Fem reader is implied.
-there's some cursing?
a/n: HELP I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. Okay, but a lot of this is a lot of rambling and random ideas about my fave <3
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͟͟͞͞➳❥ Miles acts completely different when he's with you rather than when he is with his friends or around others. He is totally like I wouldn't say soft but he is definitely more of a lover boy when it's just you two.
"Ma. I'm sorry, you just know how it is when I'm around the guys, they would be on my top if they saw how I act with you" Miles mumbled into your shoulder as he held you close to him after a long day out with friends.
͟͟͞͞➳❥ Miles LOVES to Facetime on the days y'all don't spend together. It's not a short call either, he'll call you early in the morning, just have a whole day and talk to you, definitely sleeping on the phone too.
It was early in the morning when you heard your phone right, you whined with annoyance as you rolled over to grab it and saw you were getting a call from 'mi corazoncito', you answered and rubbed your eyes "I'm sorry for waking you baby, my phone died but I missed that beautiful face of yours"
͟͟͞͞➳❥ COMPLIMENTS GALORE. Literally alllllll the time he just talks about how pretty you are how good you look, how good you smell, complimenting your jewelry, everything.
͟͟͞͞➳❥ Miles hates arguing, he would much rather just try and have a conversation than argue about something. He doesn't want to say anything wrong when he argues so he avoids it at all cost. On occasion, he does argue with you, after he def babys you and makes sure you're okay, and make sure he didn't hurt your feelings.
"Mami, eschúchame" Miles said as he sat next to you on your bed, he had one hand on your knee. This was his first time over after the argument "I'm sorry that happened, but I'm not mad anymore I just wanna make my baby feel better okay?"
͟͟͞͞➳❥ He convinces you to play video games with him. I can see Miles being on the game a lot, but of course, he wants you to feel included so he gets you to play as well.
"Hey, can you download this game, I'll cash app you the money to buy it now," Miles said through the phone screen, which was set up on his desk and he had his ps5 controller in hand.
͟͟͞͞➳❥ Miles spoils you, whether it's something small like if you needed a new lipgloss, or a drawing to something big like a new pair of sneakers, a Pandora bracelet, Shein cart, anything really if you want it, it's yours.
͟͟͞͞➳❥ Miles loves to listen to music with you, y'all make playlists together. Y'all do listening parties when your guys' favorite artist drops. He has also probably serenaded you on multiple occasions.
"Ma, Uzi just dropped pink tape, let's see what this shit 'bout," Miles said as he looked up from his phone while he was at your house on a late night, he handed you an Airpod and played the album.
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this was my first time writing like a hc's post?! if you liked it and want more my reqs are open so leave me something!! <3
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
rockstar!dad!bucky x f!momreader
summary: last show of Buckys tour where he gets a special surprise
part of the same universe as Love from afar but can be read as standalone
a/n: so I'm kinda soft for rockstar dad bucky you might see more of him in the future I already have 2 more fic ideas sushdbbd
main masterlist
bucky masterlist
-more rockstardad!bucky
hope you enjoy! if you have any questions or feedback my asks are open!
Tonight was the last stop of tour, and Bucky was feeling all kinds of things. Nervous, sad that the tour was done, but also incredibly happy to finally get home to his pregnant wife and two boys.
"Good evening everybody!" Bucky yells into the mic and does a riff on his guitar.
"Tonight is the last show-" before he finishes he's cut off by screams of "noo" of their fans.
"I know, I know. This tour has been a real dream come true. I wanna thank everyone who's here tonight and everyone who saw our show in the last six months. And of course, to those who support us from afar."
Bucky stops talking and looks at the huge stadium screaming his name and almost tears up.
"Let's have fun tonight!"
Bucky starts singing the first song, and the crowd goes wild. He loves this so much the adrenaline the energy it makes him feel high.
It's getting close to the end of the show. Only the last song is left, and it's a surprise song for the last show. This song Bucky wrote for you when he was leaving for tour the first time after having a kid. Its not a song they usually play as it is a slow farewell song, but why not.
"Thank you for such an amazing show. You are such an incredible crowd. But can I ask for a little more of your time and energy?!"
The crowd yells out a yes. Bucky and other members of his band smile, him and Steve share a look that says "we made it".
They start singing, and the crowd starts singing the lyrics with them, some people start crying and the stadium is lit up with phone flashlights
When they finish the last song the crowd chants their name.
"Thank you!" Bucky bows lowly.
and then the crowd screams louder and Bucky turns around.
"I know the show is over. But I thought I could ask for one last song?"
Bucky is speechless when he hears your voice, and when he sees his 7 month pregnant wife on stage, he almost collapses. The crowds screaming dies out, and the only thing Bucky sees is you in a pretty purple dress standing a few feet away microphone in your hands.
"So? Just my favourite I'm sure no one would mind? Right Steve?"
Steve smiles at you softly, he knew you were coming and helped you pull this thing off without Bucky knowing.
"What's one more song?" Steve says and starts singing.
Bucky takes the microphone and starts singing to you. He slowly walks over, scared that you'll disappear any second. You wouldn't call this song particularly sweet and romantic since Bucky wrote it about your wild hookups in unconventional places when you were like 18. But still, it remains your favourite song.
By the end of the song, Bucky is close to sobbing he started crying at some point.
"My beautiful wife, everybody!" He says through tears. The crowd has been screaming since you came out on stage.
"Thank you! Sorry to keep you a bit longer I'm sure everybody is very tired. Get home safe." you say and leave the stage waving, but not before kissing Bucky softly and telling him you'll see him in a bit.
While you wait for the show to finish, you log into Buckys Instagram since you don't have your own. Already, there are thousands and thousands of posts about you coming on stage.
Bucky didn't publicly announce the pregnancy, and neither have you. This time, you somehow managed to hide it for so long since the attention was mostly pointed at the tour.
You're sure that by tomorrow, every tabloid will have your picture splattered everywhere but you couldn't care less. What Bucky doesn't know yet is that the boys are here with you and you can't wait to see his face.
"DADDY!" Theo screams and jumps into his fathers arms, and Bucky catches him.
Bucky holds onto his son like he's going to disappear any second.
"What are you doing here? How? When?" Bucky asks in between kisses that he's giving your son.
Leo crawls and hugs Bucky's legs, with Theo still in his arms, Bucky picks up his other son and starts kissing each of their cheeks in turns.
"We wanted to surprise you. I guess it worked, no?" you tease him a little and snap a picture of the sweet scene in front of you.
Somehow, Theo ends up clinging onto his dad's back, which gives Bucky enough space to pull you into a group hug.
"Ew you're sweaty and smell. Theo get down you'll get stinky too."
Bucky doesn't let either of you leave his embrace, and the menace he is, he snuggles Leo even closer to him. You smile into his neck, you missed him so much.
"Alright, I'll go shower, then we can go. Don't go anywhere."
"Daddy wait I'm still here!" Theo screams into Buckys ear trying to get down but Bucky is still holding him.
"Oh right, I guess you're not showering with me." Theo giggles happily and walks over to you.
"The other one too Buck." He rolls his eyes and let's his 3 year old down from his arms.
He doesn't take long, and the four of you are on your way to the hotel.
In the car, boys talk to their father, and Bucky listens very carefully, not to miss a single word.
When you get to the hotel suite, Bucky gets the boys ready for bed and reads them a bedtime story. They fall sleep almost instantly, Theo on his right shoulder and Leo on his left.
Bucky manages to wiggle out without waking them up and makes his way over to you.
"God I love you. You're incredible. How did you even do this we talked this morning and I-" you cut him off with a kiss.
"I love you too. And I can't belive that we've been married for so long and I still get to surprise you." Bucky smiles and put his hand on you belly, feeling the little movement.
"My pretty baby, I'm sorry daddy hasn't talked you I promise I'll make it up to you, I'm gonna be the only thing you hear for forever!" Bucky talks to the baby in your belly.
"I love you more than anything, Bucky I love our family and I missed you so fucking much." you start to tear up, holding onto Buckys hands. It hit you all at once that you're having another baby and that he wasn't there and that you can't believe you found a soulmate.
"Doll, you're my forever. I love you more than there are stars in the universe. I can not thank you enough for being there and supporting me and being the mother of my children. The last 6 months have both been the best and worst of my life. I want you to know that you and the boys were all I could think about. I can not wait to get home, our messy, lively home. Soon, I know we'll be getting zero sleep, and we'll be exhausted, but I will be doing it with you. That makes me extremely happy. You were my dream then, my dream now and my dream forever."
You sob into his chest, holding him tightly, as if he's going to disappear into thin air. The hug is a bit weird as your bump is in the way but it's the thing that you needed the most right now.
"If I could I would fuck you right now you look incredibly sexy." you say through tears and Buckys chest vibrate from the laugh.
"I'll make it up to you my love. I will have you in bed for a week straight, you'll be all mine. My pretty doll." He plants a sweet kiss on top of your head.
"Let's get you in bed. I'm sure you're tired." you only nod and let Bucky take care of you.
When you fall asleep, Bucky is wide awake looking at his beautiful family. He can't wait to get home and take care of you.
<breaking news famous singer and guitarist Bucky Barnes is expecting a third child with his wife.>
<we can't get help but feel single when we see this couple! Bucky Barnes and his wife on stage last night! Buckys wife surprised him and requested her favorite song!!>
<after almost a year we see Bucky Barnes' wife and she is very much pregnant! we wish them the best!>
omg such goals!
want someone to look at me the way bucky and his wife look at each other!
how does one looks so gorgeous while that pregnant she's literally glowing! Bucky is so lucky!
family goals
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graneymar · 1 year
#1. NEYMAR: Bitter taste
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SUMMARY: You and Neymar have been dating for only a few months when there were rumours about you being on vacation with your ex.
PAIRING: Neymar x female reader
Neymars POV:
Impossible. This can't be real. She would never do that. She loves me. I kept looking at the pictures and videos Y/N's ex posted on instagram a few days ago. She told me she'd be on vacation with her mother, but seemingly my fans knew better. They found recent pictures of her and her ex in Malta. I couldn't take my eyes off those pictures and stories. Pictures and videos of them at the beach together, clubbing, hugging, even kissing. Of course these images went viral instantly. Everyone was talking about how the "former playboy" Neymar Jr. got cheated on himself this time. Some people called it my karma, saying I deserved it. Others wished Y/N death in the comment section. But me? I felt nothing, pure emptiness. No emotions, no feelings. No sadness, no anger, nothing. Looking at her in these photos, I couldn't even recognize her as the woman I loved so much. She seemed so different. Her facial expressions, her gestures, her whole behavior. Who is she? Have I been really giving my all to someone I didn't actually know at the end of the day?
"Sinto muito irmão", Cris, one of my closest friends, texted me [I'm very sorry, bro]. Obviously he heard about the news already. I didn't even have the power or nerve to respond.
I was sitting outside on the terrace. It was about 8pm and Y/N was supposed to get here in about two hours. In those eight months we were together we have never been apart from each other for so long. We always managed to at least see each other at the weekends. Now she has been gone for three weeks and to be honest, I didn't even want her to come back. Thinking about how jealous she always used to be, how scared she was of losing me, and now it was her I saw in the arms of someone else.
I walked around the apartment, trying to find something to distract myself. The bottle of red wine I planned to drink with Y/N tonight caught my eye finally. Sinking into the couch I opened the bottle and couldn't stop myself from taking one sip after another. My family and friends called and texted me non-stop, reaching out to make sure I was alright, but I didn't want to talk to anyone. I switched my phone off and continued gazing at the TV that wasn't even on. All I saw was my reflection, sitting on the couch with a bottle of wine in my hands. Like a damn fool.
Soon enough, the second bottle was opened and I started feeling a little tipsy. No, I can't be here when she arrives. I can not stand looking or talking to her now. "Hey Kylian, what's up? Wanna go out tonight?", I called him after switching on my phone again, ignoring all the messages and missed calls. "Do you really think it’s a good idea to go out clubbing? Y/N will be there soon, you should probably talk it out", he replied.
"This is exactly what I don’t want and need. I've been sitting here overthinking it all for hours now. I need some distraction." It was clear to me that Kylian wasn't thrilled, but in the end, he agreed to get some drinks with me.
I could barely hold back a squeal of happiness the moment I opened the door to Neymars house. Three weeks without him felt like a year to me. I never thought I would miss someone so much.
Why are all the lights turned off? Weird. I expected him to wait for me, but didn't think of anything bad as I assumed he probably fell asleep on the couch, but no, he didn't. The only thing I saw were two empty bottles of red wine and a third one open. I laughed to myself "He really couldn’t wait and got drunk before I even arrived, hm?" Being sure that he already dozed off in the bedroom, I entered quietly, only to find the room empty. I slowly started worrying. Where the hell was he? What was going on? Is this another one of his stupid pranks? I tried to switch on my phone to see if he texted me anything, but the battery was dead. As I was looking for a charger, I noticed a little note at the side of my bed and picked it up.
I hope you had a great vacation with (your ex's name). Pack your stuff and be gone by tomorrow morning.
What the fuck? Where did this come from? My heart was racing, I started panicking. "Come on, come on, come on", I said as I tried to turn on my phone once more. A sigh of relief escaped my lips when I finally was able to type in my code. I tried calling Neymar, but as expected, he didn't pick up. After the probably 7th call I decided to check if he posted something on his instagram story, revealing where he would be or what he was doing. He didn’t post anything, but Kylian did. He was out with Neymar, in some kind of club. Suddenly I got a text from my best friend. "Uhm, why is (your ex's name) posting pictures of you two together? Aren’t these old?" What did he do? I knew he never liked seeing Neymar and me together, but making up rumours?! For what? Did he really think I'd go back to him after he tried to destroy my relationship?
I searched (your ex's name) up on instagram and was in shock. He indeed posted pictures and videos of us together in Malta from a year ago. I scrolled through the comments. Some people were making of Neymar, saying he deserved to get played after everything he has allegedly done to women. But most of them wished me death, stating they expected me to cheat, I am so fake, I never loved Neymar but his money and fame only.
The tears started rolling down my cheeks as I sat down on the bed. How could he ever think I would actually cheat on him? Didn’t I show how much I loved him? Wasn’t I doing enough for him and our relationship? Glancing at the note he wrote once more, I shook my head. I wouldn’t just leave him like this. Not for some stupid cheating rumours.
Neymars POV:
I decided to spend the night at Kylians house, giving Y/N the opportunity to leave before I'd get home. Normally, going out with friends and drinking always distracted me for at least a few hours, but it didn’t help me at all last night. Quite the opposite even. My eyes were still red and puffy from all the crying. My throat was burning due to the amount of alcohol I drank.
Entering the house I could still smell her fragrance. I took a deep breath, knowing this was the last time I would be "that" close to her. Looking around I realised there really wasn’t any of her belongings, meaning she most probably read the note and left like I told her to. "Oh shit", I whispered to myself as I entered the living room, seeing the bottles of wine that left a disgusting smell. As a consequence of the heavy drinking from last night, I couldn’t stand to smell any form of alcohol, so I decided to spend some minutes on the terrace. To my surprise, the door stood open. I stepped out and saw Y/N sitting on the bench, drinking coffee. "What are you doing here?", I harshly asked, "I told you to leave by the morning."
"And you really think I would just leave you like that?" Her eyes were as red and puffy as mine. She looked like she hasn’t slept the whole night. My heart would actually break seeing her cry, especially knowing I was the reason, but this time I didn't even care. "Well, you really should since I fucking told you to." The tears in her eyes were forming again as she looked away from me. "Have you at least packed your bags?", I asked her. She shook her head from left to right. "Then I'm going to do it for you", I said going inside.
"Neymar", Y/N shouted following me. I opened the door to her closet and started taking her stuff out. "Can you at least hear me out? I just want to explain it all to you." I looked at her in disbelief and laughed sarcastically. "I don't need an explanation. Everything I need to know, I saw."
"But it isn’t true Neymar, I didn’t cheat on you." I let out an annoyed moan. "You want to tell me these pictures are photoshopped? You met him by accident and then decided to spend your vacation with him so you wouldn’t get bored with your mom? Honestly, just drop it. I don’t wanna hear shit from you." Watching her breaking down in tears made me swallow very hard, but I couldn’t give in, not after her cheating on me with her ex. "The pictures and videos he posted are old. It was on his birthday, last year."
"Mhm, and it’s just a coincidence you've been there on his birthday again right?"
"Actually, yes. You know he lives there. The year I've been with him I was there all the time. I even thought of moving there. Trust me, I don't give a damn about him anymore. I just fell in love with the island." We remained silent for a moment, while I continued to throw her belongings into a random suitcase I found. "I don't know how to prove it to you, Ney. I deleted all those pictures as soon as we got together. I can’t even show you they’re old." No response from me. "He always wanted to tear us apart because he knew you were the real reason I left him."
"Congratulations to him. He succeeded", I coldly replied. She took out her phone and started scrolling, "Here." From the corner of my eye, I saw her holding her phone up. "Y/N, I don't want to see anything. I don't even care anymore. We're done."
"But this is undeniable proof that he is lying", her voice got louder, which made me raise an eyebrow at her. "Undenibale proof you say, huh?" I took the phone out of her hand and saw her instagram story archive. The same pictures and videos he posted a few days ago. My heart stopped for a second when I saw the date. Over a year ago. Not even able to look at her, I handed her her phone back. I couldn’t say a word, I felt so stupid. "But if you wish for me to leave, I will", she broke the silence, ripping her stuff out of my hand, "I just wanted to let you know that I would never cheat on you and if you still decide to go separate ways, it’s okay. Just please know that I really do love you and could never do anything to hurt you." I watched her filling the suitcase with her clothes. "And for your future relationships, you should really consider talking to your girlfriend first before leaving her without even giving her a chance to explain herself", she somehow managed to say inbetween her sobs. "Y/N, baby…" I softly hugged her from behind and turned her around. She buried her face in my chest and started crying even harder. "I'm so sorry. I can’t believe I even thought you would do that to me. He just made everything seem so legit and real." We just stood there, no one saying a word until she calmed down a little. "I love you Neymar, I love you so much. How could you even believe it for a second?" she spoke up.
"I didn’t at first, but… what would you think? I knew you were actually there and all of a sudden these photos appear on his instagram. And it’s not even a year ago that you broke up with him. I was scared you could possibly go back." Y/N finally looked up, staring right into my eyes. "I love you, you idiot", she said before pecking my lips quickly. "I love you too." I wiped away her tears with my thumb. "How about we'll take a nap, order food later and watch some movies? I think none of us really slept this night." She yawned as she nodded. "Sounds good to me."
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philly-interlude · 2 months
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[11:51 AM]
"have you ever thought of leaving her?"
"...why do you ask?"
"i'm asking you a question"
you heard two men chatting behind the slightly opened door of the rooftop, surely it was your boyfriend jisung and his bestfriend.
your hands grip the handles, hesitating whether you'll go there or nah, well you don't wanna interrupt their chattering.
you didn't hear the next words coming from his mouth as you left downstairs with the lunch tight on your arms, you didn't know why you left though your mind tells you to listen more of it.
he thought of leaving me sometimes? am i too much for him...or am i not enough...?
you have now overthink
on your way down, you bumped with ara—jisung's ex-crush which is also your... bestfriend? maybe.
"oh? y/n, be careful you have lunch with you, is that for jisung?" she smirked teasingly as she lifted her brow teasing you more, but honestly, it doesn't give you butterflies on your stomach.
without a word, you smiled and just nodded respectfully knowing she's the president of your class lol, "well i have to go somewhere sorry" she was about to say something but you ran from her not wanting to speak more.
oh god how you despised listening to her speaking his name in front of you, you despised how she acts in front of your boyfriend when she borrows his bike, how you despise her in every way whenever she interacts with jisung.
you were never jealous, but when it comes to both of them, jealousy flares anywhere. you just wanna cry and curl up like a baby thinking that they both have feelings for each other but you trust jisung, you love him.
unknown to you, you were crying already from the thought of them having conversations behind your back, but you know she won't betray you because she already has her man, so why cry over jisung cheating with ara? that's just stupid.
or maybe it was just the stereotype that jisung would cheat with her since he liked her before and that he also has a photo with her that we willingly took and posted it on social media with 70 reactions with the caption "true love is with the president" and just- but he hasn't done that with you.
in addition to that, his mother has seen it and more people did, too, especially his and her relatives and close friends and that hurt you more now.
you don't like overreacting when it comes to this but you fished your phone from your skirt pocket and went to your social deleting the highlight you had with both of you and jisung.
"that's radioactive jealousy you have there my friend" a familiar voice interrupted your thoughts and hid the screen of your phone hastily, it was too late as you looked up and saw jisung's bestfriend raising his eyebrows with a small smile towards you.
you stood up and rolled your eyes on him, "shut up, where's jisung?" you plainly asked. he crossed his arms in front of you with a stoic gaze, "you were just sobbing about him and then you're finding him now? the fuck is that mood"
"just answer me"
"nuh-uh let's go somewhere else for you to clear your mind, crying about him and finding him after your rage won't help for the sake of your peace-"
you interrupted him with your index finger touching his lips shutting him up as you inhaled gritting your teeth, "fine let's go" you went past through him and he followed like a dog behind you.
a voice oh-so-familiar caught your ears and halted both you and jisung's friend's steps, him almost bumping into you letting out a small 'ow'
"y/n!" it's jisung, obviously, but he isn't the one that caught your attention- "see i told you we shouldn't walk this path y/n you're so hard-headed-" jisung's bestfriend whispered annoyingly beside you.
you wanna furrow your eyebrows but you don't want to give a negative impression towards your boyfriend especially since it's the only free time you can be with him.
"hi sungie" you hugged each other as you trained your eyes to ara, of course she went with her 'cutie patootie' persuasion just to borrow your boyfriend's bike again.
might as well smell the seat of your bike after she sits on it. your evil side spoke but you shook your head not wanting to be mad and jealous again, you have the worst personality when you get jealous, you know that so you limit your craziness to prevent...homicide.
"have you eaten yet?" jisung asked, "no" you briefly but straightforwardly answered. "attitude, miss" he deadpanned, "what's with you again?" questioned him.
"nothing lol" you giggled and pinched his cheeks and was about to go away from his arms and tell some invalid reasons yet he gripped your arms tightly but softly forcing you to stay with him, that man's dead serious and he ain't ballin'.
jisung pulled you somewhere hidden (a/n: it's not what you think it is-) and cornered you on the wall, he looked at you dead in the eye, "go on what's with the attitude? i know you y/n don't trip me" he lowly said.
but you're a bit prideful, "you know me? then you gotta know when to avoid people i despise too, i'm not being possessive, i honestly don't care sung but when it comes to her it's a different story.
it's a fucking different feeling because i feel like you still have those sparks on your eyes whenever you look at her whenever she speaks to you like- whenever...i don't know i can't trust you with her, i am jealous, of course i admit that i hate everything you did to her that you didn't do to me...i-
i hate to think that you liked her more before than you do to me as your...girlfriend", your knees went weak and eventually gave up from being overwhelmed, you hate crying in front of him over a small thing.
he went down you slowly, his glittery eyes looking at you sadly, but the words that came out from his mouth surprised you.
"you're overreacting again" he pulled you close to him and brought you back to the classroom.
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kairiscorner · 11 months
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
mfw the rest couldn't fit in one post, so imagine:
atsv babes with an insomniac partner (part 2!)
(part 1)
pav would have received a miss call from you, which you regretted later because you knew how worried he gets when he misses a call or a message from you. the minute he heard his ringtone and watched as the light faded from his phone, he panicked when he saw your caller id and immediately called you back, even if it was 1:15 am when you called. you answered, because of course, what could you do? you didn't wanna worry him anymore, you wanted to explain you called randomly because you couldn't sleep, but boy was asking you questions a mile a minute. "babeareyouokayimsosrryicouldntpickupiwassleepingohareyouokaypleasebeokayimissyouandiloveyouandifyoustillneedmeimhereaaaaahpleasetalktomeee" he said that all in one damn breath, and the only thing you could pick up was the "are you okay" and "please talk to me". "i'm sorry, pav, it's just... i called you because i had trouble sleeping." you admitted, a little ashamed of yourself that you called and worried him for such a minor detail, or at least, a minor detail to you. to pav, it was okay to have done that, not a lot of people are in their right state of mind when they're running on a body that's barely slept and can't sleep. if anything, he's happy he was the first one you thought of telling and confiding in about it, it goes to show you trust him and want him to know. "love... it's okay. i'll be here for anything and everything you're going through, even if i can only help at a distance right now, i'll never fail to meet you halfway. i'm spider man, after all, i can do everything for you a thousand times over, just ask me to do something for you, and i'd do it." he told you over the phone, which relieved you so damn much. "would you... be willing to listen to me ramble all night until i sleep...?" you asked seriously, but you wouldn't blame him if he didn't want to. but, surprisingly and unsurprisingly, he said yes. "and hear your voice and have a peek of your mind? yes!" he beamed as he settled in his bed, hoping to hear your voice all night, until the instant you both finally doze off.
hobie would have probably caught you leaving your house in the middle of the night while out on the streets as spider man. "hey, what are you doin' out here? last time i checked, you were on a curfew you so religiously follow. not that i'm upholding authoritarian rule over adolescents by shirty 'rents... but i'm a li'il worried, y'know? you good?" he asked in a concerned tone as you avoided his gaze. "not... exactly." you croak out as you look up at him. "well, lemme hear it. wait, before that..." he muttered as he gently grabbed hold of you by the waist and swiftly swung the two of you up to the roof of a tall apartment complex. you screamed as hobie smirked. "still not used to it? that's ar'ight. sorry for startlin' you, love." he said as you breathed in and out heavily as he still held you in his arms. he sat down by the edge of the building's roof and took off his mask, patting down a spot on his side for you to sit down. "so... what's wrong?" he asked again as he caressed your cheek with his palm. "i can't fall asleep." you said briefly in an exhausted manner. he nodded as he looked at your sullen face. "well, tomorrow's a weekend, innit? how about you and i make the night ours?" he suggested with a comforting smirk on his face. you raised an eyebrow at the suggestion. "we can go anywhere you want tonight, do anything you want--my treat." he said as he stood up and extended you a hand. "let me help you live a little more, so what's one night of not sleeping? a whole world of possibilities, is what." he said with a small chuckle as you smiled up at him. "take me away then, spider man." you say as he mutters a, 'wicked' underneath his breath. he holds you close as you cling on to him, and he swings you all around the city; taking deep plunges and high jumps--the wind behind your hair as you two scream into the night in excitement and adventure; he may not be very consistent, but if you ever wanted, he'd stop everything he was doing and take you out for an adventure, just for the two of you in your own world in the night.
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ferahntics · 6 months
Hey guys, it's me my new account,
Today I will would like to apologize for mistake and hateful anything okay, here some story about Why send of Death Threat for not drawing dragon fire Kirby sleeping and not taking request,
Here some story
On June 2, 2023. I sent the Request dragon fire Kirby sleeping at inbox as anon to ferahntics.
Moment Hours later, Ferahntics didn't draw dragon fire Kirby sleeping and not taking request. Ferahntics said "I'm sorry anon, I will not taking request, if I do I will post on future"
Five Months Later On Nov 30, 2023. He was so angry for not drawing dragon fire Kirby and not taking request since five months ago, I used on phone and sent to death threat as anon,
Moments Later. Ferahntics is saw the death threat and hateful message for not drawing dragon fire Kirby sleeping and not taking request, and then ferahntics is posted said "What is Happening"
2 hours later. Ferahntics is Blocked me for sending death threat and Hateful Message.
And Later, I used on another account on Computer, I using Website and Pixlr E, then I Edit on profile picture, these are Photos like Michael de Santa from GTA V, and Unknown Hanging image, and I send to inbox and hateful message as anon,
And moment later Ferahntics is posted and said "To anons sending me death threats, and gore images and wishing I get killed or s'xually assaulted"
7 Hours Later Ferahntics are Posted and repost two times and then Hundreds of User are Blocking Me,
8 Hours Later on Dec 1, 2023.
I Tried to Apologize like a childish or Logan Paul like saint, or something? And I posted and tried to apologize three times,
5 hours later, Ferahntics has reposted said "I'd love to leave this post alone, but they had the guts to make another account and send me the most insincere, most childish, most ridiculous '''apologies''' that make Logan Paul look like a saint. New account is sleepinglovers293return so block that for ya'll safety too."
And then Hundred of User are Blocking me Again,
That's all of story.
Ferahntics must be proud and support
Thanks to all of support and I'm appreciated for Blocked by Hundred of User.
And I'm sorry for sending hateful message and death threat and g*re image.
I Promise I will not sending death threat, g*re image, and Hateful Message,
Hope you like some story
So I was gonna ignore this but this just pisses me off an unbelievable amount, so a lot of swearing incoming.
You sent me endless messages wishing I die, how you'll kill me, how you'll SA me, how you'll torture me all because I didn't want to draw your request because my requests were closed.
And you know what? If my requests would've been open, I PROBABLY would've done it! Cause I didn't think anything of it, I didn't know it was a fetish thing, I learned that later. And after all of this, absolutely won't do it.
And now you have the fucking audacity to spam me once again with the worst apologies with fucking gifs of Homer from Simpsons begging, still use the false identities as to apologize - as if that somehow undoes anything??
Do you think I'm just gonna ignore this and pretend like nothing happened and let bygones be bygones? After all of these disgusting messages about actual things that can impact people VERY badly and cause them spiral? Or go through a traumatic episode just because you got a little bit mad cause I didn't indulge in your fetish which I didn't even know about?
You wanna know what would be the best thing for you to do right now? Stop making new accounts, quit spamming me and anyone else, and take a long-ass pause and reevaluate yourself and how you go about it, because none of this should be thrown around so freely. I don't care 'its the internet, who cares' - because no matter how many times you say that, there will always be people who will get scarred very badly just because you can't handle your hissy fits.
And if there is anything I can do about it, I WILL make this shit known, because I'm lucky enough to not be mentally affected by your nonsense. Someone else, however, might take it extremely badly. That being said, I WILL mention all of your account names, because I REFUSE to let someone else have this shit spammed.
Until you can prove you've changed and matured, I will not accept any apologies - I don't owe it to you - and I WILL keep updating with your account names.
Sincerely, get the fuck off of my page.
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This oneshot was originally posted on my second wattpad account and I wanna post them here instead because I know ppl will see them
Gamer Boy Friend
Genshin Impact one-shot
{streamer!venti x fem!reader}
"Venti Bro! I'm here!" Y/n exclaimed kicking open the door to the male's bedroom with plastic bags full of snacks that both of you enjoyed with huge grin on your face.
Said male turned in his chair to look at her and gave her a signal to wait a moment. "Sorry chat, my friend came over with food. Gotta talk to her real quick." Venti said to his stream chat taking off his face cam and muting his mic then his cat ear headphones.
"Sorry, Venti. Didn't know you were streaming." Y/n said a bit panicked.
Venti chuckled. "It's fine. Calm down, you got what I ask for?" He asked.
"Oh! Yeah, yeah I did! Here, it's all in this bag." Y/n said handing him the bag in her left hand.
"Awesome. You're so sweet, thank you." Venti said with a smile walking back over to his desk.
"So, I'll leave you to it then." Y/n said making her way towards his bedroom door.
"Wait, hold on. Stay for a bit." Venti said.
"Okay, if I'm not going to be a bother." Y/n said.
"Of course not. You never are." Venti said blushing a bit at the last thing he said.
"Kay. I wanted to spend time with you anyways." Y/n said plopping onto Venti's bed.
Venti watched her get comfy on his bed with her snacks be her side. Venti turned his chair away from the girl on his bed with a slight blush on his face, he sighed. He put his headphones back on, he didn't unmute or turned his cam back on since he knew that his chat was going to say something.
He's liked Y/n for years now and it's getting bad to the point where he doesn't even want her around. But, she doesn't know that. After calming down his heart and his red face, Venti unmuted and turn on his cam.
"Sorry that took so long chat, now where were we." Venti picked up where he left off for 20 minutes until chat saw Y/n in background and they went off.
sadboi24: barbatos? who's that?
fancycat34: girl 😳
shadowdestiny: is she your friend or something?
edgylord69: girlfriend? 👀
inkymaster: x to doubt 😑
monkelord: she look good tho 🫦
kaylovesbarbatos: oh nah, she better not be his girlfriend
samtheman: bro 👆🏼 that's toxic
Venti looked over at chat since he noticed how fast it was going, his bluish green eyes widened at the chat asking who Y/n was he looked over his shoulder at the woman, who was chilling on his bed scrolling through her phone, munching on snacks.
'Damnit! She's in face cam range. Okay, Venti play it cool.' Venti thought. He took a deep breath and thought about what to say.
"That's my friend, Y/n, Chat. Don't worry about her, we're just hanging out." Venti said.
"Eh? Not really but sure you can say that!" Y/n chuckled.
Venti's mic picked it up and chat went wild. Saying how much they like her voice and saying she's funny with that sarcastic comment. Venti huffed, rolling his eyes.
"Chat, you're here for me not her. Stop simpin'," Venti turned his chair over to Y/n, who was smirking at him. "And you stop trying stealing my viewers!" He shouted.
"Wow, dude chill," Y/n said getting up from her spot on Venti's bed and walked over to him. She took a seat in his lap, taking his headphones of his head and putting them on her. "I am stealing your viewers." She smirked.
Venti blushed not just from her bold actions but the fact that she's just hijacked his stream. "Hello, chat! Venti.exe is not working at the moment so I, Y/n will be taking over." Y/n laughed as chat went crazy
Venti groaned, snatching his headphones from Y/n's head. "Hey!" She exclaimed.
"Stop it, Y/n." Venti mumbled softly, he was still a bit flustered since she was still in his lap.
"You're no funny, Venti." Y/n said.
Chat was going off on how cute the two were together and started to ship them.
"Don't call me Venti when I'm live. I'm Barbatos." Venti said.
"But that's your real name, Dummy. Venti is your nickname." Y/n said raising an eyebrow.
"Shut it, don't tell them that!" Venti exclaimed.
Y/n scoffed. "Whatever you say, Barbatos." Y/n said.
Venti sighed. Y/n frown then perked up again as an idea popped into her head.
"You know since we're live right now. That means I can finally do this." Y/n said turning to face Venti grabbing both sides of his face and pulling him into a kiss.
Venti's heart rate increased as his face flushed red when the girl he's been in love with for years is kiss him, live on his stream in front of thousands of people. He melted into the kiss wrapping his arms around his waist, pulling her closer. It was sweet and passionate kiss so there was no doubt in Venti's mind that Y/n felt the same about him as he did her.
Once Y/n pulled away, mostly for air, Venti and Y/n's foreheads touched as they looked into each other's eyes paying chat no mind as it moved at light speed.
"You sneak..." Venti trailed off then chuckled. "That's why I fall for you in the first place."
"Good! 'Cause you're never going to get rid of me." Y/n said to Venti, wrapping her arms around his neck to hug him.
"Would never dream of it." Venti said with smile.
~End Stream~
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migosis · 9 months
One story, six prompts (erik killmonger x reader short)
i came out of retirement and challenged myself using prompts from @eye-raq's post here.
Synopsis: Erik is getting serious with a girl who is scared to love him b/c of past trauma. What happens when he breaks her trust?
You were in the kitchen preparing a snack before you sat down to watch television. The distraction of being entertained by drama that wasn’t yours was exactly what you needed this evening. Even though this was your second time watching Insecure, you still couldn’t decide if you were Team Issa or Team Molly. Your phone chimed, notifying you there was motion detected on your front door step and moments later you heard a few knocks. You scoffed once you saw the footage of Erik waiting impatiently, checking to see if there was a key under a planter nearby. You barely cracked the door open before walking back in the house towards the kitchen. You heard him smack his lips, but you were genuinely unconcerned in the moment about his frustration. He was hot on your tail following you into the kitchen where you faced away from him and continued cutting your pineapple.
“I don’t like being hung up on, that’s some grimy shit.” He declared.
“Unfortunately for you Erik, I dont really give a fuck about what you like right now. I told you I wanted space so I’m not sure why you’re here.”
“Y/n, that was 4 days ago. I'm tired of this, all you do is shut down. It would be one thing if you actually moved on, but you're still mad about the same shit four days later. Like where does that leave me?"
"I don't know." You said nonchalantly. 
"See this what the fuck I be talking about. Is this a relationship or not?"
"Erik, I don't know what you want from me.”
"I want you to stop fucking running and talk to me so we can get past this. I want more than this, I’m tired of playing games."
"I don't want to get past it. I just want to be heard. And clearly you couldn't do that so I hung up."
"Babe, I heard you. I told you I was sorry and I even understood where you was coming from. I told you how I could’ve handled it better, but why am I the only one that has to be accountable? You went thru my phone and found something you shouldn't have been looking for in the first place. Why you can't admit that? Why you can't admit that you didn't trust me in the first place?"
"Erik, stop. I really don't wanna do this." Here you were trying to stave off the immense emotion you felt in that moment. You could place it, but your chest was tight, palms hot, and you used the back of your hand to stave off tears that threatened to fall. 
Erik's chest ached when he heard your voice crack. He hated to see you cry, and even more for him to be at the source of it. He was truly apprehensive in trying to soothe you. He knew you were asking for space, but who else was going to do the work of soothing you and earning your trust back. In a group chat, his friends commented on y/n’s “standoff-ish” demeanor and implying that she was insecure in her looks and suggested that he could do better. Y/n’s heart sank when Erik did not defend her, but only replied insisting they mind their business and making several jokes about their failed relationships. 
He stepped closer from behind. He placed his hand over yours gently, prying the knife out of her and sitting it down.
"Listen y/n, this love shit is scary as hell but I'm willing to accept it. Are you?"
Love? You questioned internally, had he meant to say that. It felt unreal, but not unreal enough for you to deny it. When you thought about how Erik treated you, you could tell he loved you. And even though you had labeled the relationship you and him had kindled everything else under the sun it was only in this moment you realized what you two had cultivated was love. 
Even despite this realization, some wounded part in you needed to push back. "Erik, I don't think you know what you're saying." You shook your head. You could feel his hands around your waist now, making you tense up. But when he rested his head on your shoulder, you began to breathe again. If you could so casually let him in, it also meant that letting him go wouldn’t be so easy. You needed to make a fight, construct walls, not allow yourself to get used to his love because the love you were used to was unstable, unreliable, and unsafe. In reality Erik had been the opposite of all of those things to you, so this was the moment you understood the problem all along was not that you needed to let him in like he’d been pleading for. You needed to let you out. This solitary confinement was making your love for Erik complicated. It was making his love for you hard, while it could be so easy. His love truly swept you up and held you tight. It was hard to breathe his air, but with all of these realizations flooding your mind, you know you could not keep suffocating yourself with burdens of the past or concerns of the future.
His lips found your neck and he promptly turned you around to face him. Gently, he brushed away the tears that spilled down your cheeks.
"You know how I feel about you, it's already apparent. Please don’t cry baby."
He kissed you again and your hand grabbed onto the front of his shirt holding him there. You pulled him deeper into your mouth. Tasting him again felt amazing and the way his hands grazed your hips made you want him in other ways. You hummed into his mouth out of pure impulse. When you pulled away, you turned leaning over the counter and pressed your backside into him. You grinded against him, tempting him to palm your ass. His hand continued up your back, grabbing you up against his chest by your ponytail. She quickly went to untie the elastic on her pajama shorts and pull them down but Erik's hand stopped her. 
"What?" She questioned as he stepped back from her painstakingly slow.
"Erik c’mooon." She whined at him. Once she actually looked back at him, she could see the pensive look he had on his face which made her fill with concern.
"Sex isn't going to make this go away.”
"I know that, Erik." She nearly rolled her eyes, but she was trying her best to be earnest.
"I want you to talk to someone baby.”
Off rip, you were immediately embarrassed at the thought of him telling you that you needed some type of help. 
“I’m not ready for that yet.”
“Well you’re not talking to me and I’m trying to stay together, so am I worthy enough to change your mind?”
“Can you be flexible? How about we talk to someone?”
“Couples therapy? I never thought I’d need that corny ass shit.” He muttered the last part quietly. “But I love you and I know you do too, so you’re really gonna have to convince me otherwise.”
It was hard to bring yourself to say those words so you simply stated. "I do." He smirked and lifted you on the counter. He looked you over and told you how much he missed you. He kissed you, his tongue delving into your mouth. You held his scruffy jaw, beckoning him closer to you. You barely flinched when his hand crept around your neck, and finally found home grasping your chest.
"I thought you said no sex." You said breathlessly.
"That was before, now I'm about to make love to you."
taglist: @hearteyes-for-killmonger @loveeeeandaffection @iamrheaspeaks @adasosweet @goddessofthundathighs @thiccdaddy-mbaku @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @eye-raq @madamslayyy @sweeter-thejuice @wawakanda-btch @theunsweetenedtruth @wokeblock @smutty-smut-smuty @wakandamaybe @stainontheground  @killmongerkink @soufcakmistress
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year
Kyle Broflovski x reader part 2
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Warning: Swearing, all characters are over 18
Background: You and Kyle talk during your morning coffee and talk for a bit. Suddenly Kyle asks you out on a date.
Previous part
Next part
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So it's a date?
It'd been a while since you saw Kyle. You appreciated what he did for you but knew it was probably best you two didn't interact with each other anymore. You sat down drinking your coffee for the day.
You quietly read 'Hamlet' which was much more interesting than you had anticipated so you were completely enthralled with the book. So it wasn't a shock that when Kyle sat down in front of you causing you to spill some coffee on yourself from the surprise of the sound.
"Oh fuck." You mutter trying to wipe off the coffee. You look up about to shout at who startled you.
You saw Kyle sitting there franticly trying to pass you napkins. "Shit I'm so sorry."
You smile a bit when you realize it was him. You put your book down and sigh.
"Don't worry about it didn't like this shirt anyway." You joke. "It's nice to see you again."
"Yeah, it's definitely been a while. Sorry about that phycology has been kicking my ass." He says with a chuckle.
"Tell me about it." You mutter sipping what was left of your coffee.
"But how have you been? Beat up anyone else since we last saw each other?" He jokes.
"Hmm not that I can remember but I have been tempted." You say with a laugh
Kyle smiles softly seeing how comfortable and open you are. He looks over your shoulder seeing Stan give him a thumbs up from a nearby table.
"People just got a lot going on and take it out on the wrong people," You start about to say more before an alarm on your phone goes off. "Sorry story for another time I guess. Gotta head to class."
You get up and gather your things. Kyle looks back at Stan and panics a bit not knowing what to do. Stan mouths 'Ask her out' and Kyle nods. He grabs your wrist gently making you look at him.
"W-wait. Um, do you wanna hang out sometime?" He asks blushing softly.
"Oh my god yes of course. I really have not gotten out at all since I started school here." You say handing him your unlocked phone.
He quickly puts in his number and you smile as he hands it back to you. You send him a text containing a green heart and smile brightly at him.
"Now you have my number. I don't have classes on Tuesdays and Sundays so let me know when you're free." You say
"Tuesdays work perfectly actually." He says with a smile.
"Great then it's a date." You say brushing his arm before walking out.
Kyle smiles watching you until you're out of view. He lets out a sigh. Stan walks over and sits in the seat you were once in.
"Can I go now?" Stan asked
"Dude she said it was a date!" Kyle said excitingly.
"Yeah, good for you dude. Make sure you don't do anything wrong or you'll end up like that dude." Stan laughed as he points at your ex-boyfriend who had a black eye.
"I think I got this," Kyle says confidently but as he thought about it more he couldn't help but have a bad feeling.
I mean he met you pulling you away from beating up your ex if this date didn't go well he feared he would actually end up the same. His hands got sweaty thinking about it but he still couldn't help but feel excited.
"I got this."
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A/N: Hey guys hope you liked it and just want to thank you all so much, barely started posting 3 days ago after literally not knowing a thing about Tumblr and I already have almost 200 likes and some reposts. May not be a whole lot to some but it means the world to me. Check out some of my other stories if you need some more in-between posts! Thank you sm for reading love you all 🩷
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ravennaortiz · 4 months
I feel like I'm always in your inbox for requests. But we can't have the inbox get empty again right? This time I'm thinking we do Opie. The first time I watched the series my boyfriend said not to get attached and I got attached. I cried like a baby when he was killed. Okay so I'm thinking we go with the prompts 3, 12, 17, 20, and 30. They can go in whichever order makes the best storyline. This gives me an after Donna vibe.
You are welcome to pop in to the inbox with as many request as you wish!!!!!! Also, no we cannot let the inbox get empty again. I agree his death was devastating in the show.
I love the idea of Opie post Donna for these prompts. Lets se what magic we can cook up!
3. Why did you save me?
12. Do you wanna come in?
17. I love you
20. Why?
30. I need you
Hold Space
Opie stood in the feminine product aisle rubbing his face roughly. He found himself thinking once again today he should have asked Donna how this shit worked. It never occurred to him that one day he would be standing here on his own trying to figure out what his daughter needed. That he would be handing the birds and bees talk with both kids. He wasn't built to be a single parent to a teenage daughter he thought to himself. This so far had been one of the worst days of his adult life.
Opie was almost in tears from stress as he pulled his phone out hoping you would answer. Hearing your voice as you said hello on the other end had him sighing in relieve. "I'm sorry. I know its late but I need you" stated Opie as he scanned the shelves. "Why? Are the kids okay?" you replied. Opie smiled at your concern. "There fine. Well Ellie not as much. She umm has become a lady and made it very clear how inadequate I am as not only a mother but a father" replied Opie as he recalled the venom with which Ellie had yelled at him that she wished it had been him that died and not Donna. "You at the little corner store down the street?" you asked as you slipped your shoes and jacket on. "Yeah" replied Opie. "I'm on my way, hang tight" you stated before ending the call.
Opie watched as you talked and walked Ellie through all the items that the two of you had picked up. Your compassion and empathy for everyone never ceased to amaze him. He found himself wishing a lot lately that he had met you before Donna. That you had moved to town sooner then two months after she had died. He loved her of course but the way you had showed up not just for him and the kids but also the club when you didn't need to spoke volumes.
After tucking the kids in for the night Opie found you in the hall dusting off the photos of Donna he had hung. "She always was the better one about cleaning" joked Opie as he rubbed the back of his neck. You laughed quietly. "You know your a good father right? Teen girls are ruthless. We say shit we don't mean to.... Well at least not aloud" you offered as you turned to him. Opie nodded as he looked down at the floor.
You had just finished making coffee when you heard a knock at the door. Looking through the peep hole you saw Opie. "Hey Opie" you greeted as he stared down at the floor. "Do you wanna come in? I just made coffee." you asked as you opened your door for him to pass through. "Coffee would be great." replied Opie with a smile as he walked in.
The two of you sat on your couch in silence for a moment before Opie set his cup down and turned to you. "Why did you save me? Not just at the store but in general." he inquired. "You deserved to be" you replied after a moment of thought as you sipped your coffee. "I love you. That scares me to say. Like its erasing her ya know?" confessed Opie as he looked down at the couch. Setting your coffee down you moved over and took his hands in yours making him look up at you. "I will always hold space for Donna. I never want to erase her from your life or the kids. She earned that space and I will always fight for her to have it because I love you too Opie." you replied.
Want more Opie? Click here
Want to see how to make your own request? Click here
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iheartchv · 1 year
🌷April tmnt all 4 1 challenge🌹
As always, this was hosted by the lovelies: @thelaundrybitch @post-apocalyptic-daydream @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83
Prompt: “What are you doing in my bed?”
2007 turtle of choice x reader
reader is implied as female
Sorry this took so long, been busy with work and other stuff. If theres any mistakes dont mind them please. Hope you all enjoy this~
Listened to this for inspiration 🌸
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He'd be lying if he said he wasn't jealous of what April and Casey had. A relationship, one that bloomed from friendship into something more. He wanted that, too. Because of him being a mutant turtle, he figured he was destined to be alone forever and live in the shadows like the ninja he was. Besides, Y/N didn't feel the same towards him at his advances; that was evident enough. Anytime he tried to get close to her, she looked like she was uncomfortable. He quit trying after that. But that didn't stop his feelings for her, and each longing was like a knife in his chest.
You didn't mean to fall for him. You were crushing real hard on the hero in the half shell. His eyes always made your heart skip a beat whether it him looking at you or the other way around. There was just something about him that made you always think about him since you two became friends. (He hid in the shadows outside your window, not wanting to scare you with his appearance until you wanted to see him after some time.)
You wanted to tell him how you actually felt. You noticed how he was staring at you and wanting to spend more time with you. There was a time when he tried to kiss you but you got so flustered he thought you didn't want him to do that. You did want to kiss him, but .... Love was just confusing. You entered the lair to see everyone but the turtle you wanted to see.
"Hey, where's (Leo/Raph/Donnie/Mikey)?"
"He went out. He probably wont be back until really late."
You decided to wait in his room. Surely, his brothers or Splinter will tell him that you were looking for him. Opening his door you stepped into his room. You've been inside a time or two, but you still felt like you were invading his space.
You sat on his bed and wondered what you should do. It was going to be a while yet before he came back. You pulled out your phone and started browsing through your messages. You thought of texting him but then figured that probably would not be the best idea. If he was spying on the Foot, Karai, or any of the other dangerous criminals in New York, he had to be vigilant.
You instead pulled out your mp3 player and turned on some music. You were lost in your thoughts until your eyes felt heavy. It was way past midnight. You fought sleep as long as you could until your eyes closed and you drifted to sleep.
It was still dark out when he came back in. Everyone was already in bed. He yawned and stretched his stiff muscles, ready to hit the sack. He opened the door to his room... and saw Y/N laying on his bed. He was so surprised he asked without thinking,"What are you doing in my bed?"
You woke up to his voice (your mp3 player battery died and needed to be charged). You quickly sat up straight, your heart pounding in your chest. "I, I uhm..." you tried to speak. "I wanted to see you..." Maybe this could've waited till tomorrow....?
He sighed then apologized. "Sorry for waking you, its just... i wasnt expecting you... to be here..." If turtles could blush, he would be right now.
"Look... I'm sorry if it seems like I'm.. avoiding you....I'm not. I just needed to sort things out."
"No, it's my fault, I shouldn't have pushed you into it. I know now..." He had asked Casey about some relationship advice, even told him about his crush on you. He hoped everything would go right, but... maybe you just wanted to be friends, he had figured. "If you wanna stay just friends, I'm okay with that..."
You saw the look on his face, like he was trying to hide behind a smile. You then stood up and approached him. It was now or never; you was going to tell him how you really felt about him while you had the nerve. "You didn't do anything wrong. It was me. It was just so... sudden, you know? We'll always be friends, never doubt that."
You gave a pause. "But I've been having these warm, fuzzy feelings whenever you come around. And... I've been wanting to tell you that... I like you... a lot. I want to go out with you, even if we just stay here in the sewers or whatever." You gingerly took his hand, gripping it with tenderness. "I wasn't ready then, but I'm ready to give us a chance. We won't know if it'll work out if we don't try."
Was this really happening? Did you just agree to go out with him? He wasn't dreaming this, right? His mind had questions bouncing around. But they stopped as soon as he gripped your hand, holding it in his.
"Do you really mean it?" His eyes sparkled with hope.
You smiled back at him, blushing and softly giggled. "Yes, I mean it."
He smiled and gave a sweet kiss on your blushed cheek. He touched your forehead with his. You've made him the happiest turtle in the world. "If it's alright with you, we can get comfy in my bed. I can hold you till you can go back to sleep."
"Sure thing."
He held you in his arms and watched with tired eyes as you quickly drifted to sleep. Sleep soon took hold of him, too, and he joined you in slumber with a small smile on his face.
Tag list:
@turtle-babe83 @tmntspidergirl-deactivated20230 @leosgirl82 @angelcatlowyn @annaliaandtheturtles @pheradream15 @cowabunga-doll @bluesakurablossom @darksaphire2002 @foreignbrunette @greenprincess @half-shell-bo @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @moonlightflower21 @narwals14 @nikitaboeve @nittleboo @raphaelsrightarm @southernblossoms @thelostandforgottenangel @white-masked-beauty @roxosupreme @kawaiibunga @captain-kinda-trash @yumefuusen @sivy-chan-blog @artsolarsash @crazedtmnt @raisin-shell @sacredwarrior88 @leosgirl82 @egg-on-the-run @ashleighclark98 @dilucsflame33 @tkappi @happymoonangel @allybutton @android-cap-007 @androidships007 @turtallyawesome @doctorelleth @crazysarah-98 @phd-in-fuckery @angelicdavinci
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Sins & Amends Chapter 7
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(Gif by @ banditthewriter)
Billy Russo x Female Reader (60 part story)
This follows pre- the punisher into the storyline of daredevil, punisher season 1 and beyond
This is NOT Canon Billy. This is decent human being Billy left with bad options over worse decisions
This was also posted to A03 under: WaywardGaPeach. That account and this one is the only place you'll see me post this. If you see it on any other platform/account know it's not me.
Chapter Summary: Billy spends one of his last nights stateside helping you through the aftermath of a rough call. When he calls you Alice decides she's tired of you and Billy tip toeing around your feelings
You didn't know how long you'd been sitting on the bench in the locker room. You'd gotten out the shower and changed out your uniform but your hair still hung down around your shoulders and your socks and shoes were untouched in front of you. 
It wasn't the first time you'd lost someone on a call. Hell it was just a fact that not everyone would make it to the hospital. You'd never had to pronounce someone while their wife was being loaded into another rig begging you to save her husband. 
"Y/N?" Alice calling your name softly made you jump. She sat down gently next to you and put her arm around your shoulders  "We couldn't do anything for him. It's hard I know" you leaned over on her and nodded "He was twenty two Alice. God he was a kid" you tried not to take calls home with you but some were simply worse than others and that wife's screams were still ringing in your ears. "Wanna come home with me and Kenzie? I won't be sleeping too well tonight either and we can keep each other company"
You appreciated the offer but didn't want to intrude considering they hadn't moved in together but a month before. "No but I will take a ride home when she comes to pick you up" you replied and she nodded "I'm gonna head out front. Just come out when you're finished up"
You finally slipped your shoes on and heard your phone ringing when you were finishing throwing your stuff in your bag. You picked it up and actually managed a smile when you saw it was Maria then you remembered what day it was "Shit your mom and dad are leaving tomorrow" was what you ending up saying in place of hello.
"And I'm guessing you didn't remember?" She asked and you knew the moment you let out a breath she knew something was wrong and big sister mode kicked in "What happened?" You picked up your bag and headed out the locker room before answering "We had a hard call. You hear about that car going under the semi?"
She was silent for a moment before saying "Oh honey. I'm sorry. Do you want me to come over?" You shook your head then remembered she couldn't see you "No cause when you tell Vivian and Jon I had a bad day they'll want to come too and while I love them for that I'd rather all of you have a nice dinner and I'll come over tomorrow to see them off"
Instead of arguing like you half expected her to she sighed and said "promise to call if you need us before then?" "Yes ma'am" you replied then spotted Kenzie pulling into the parking lot and Alice looking around for you. "Gotta go Ria. Alice and Kenz are giving me a ride home. Give everyone my love and I'll be over for coffee come morning" "Bye sweetie"
You waved as Kenzie and Alice pulled out onto the road before heading into your building. You smiled at Ms Johnson the eldery lady that lived with six poodles on the second floor. "Have a good day?" She asked so you nodded "Yes ma'am" and continued on to the elevator.
You leaned against the wall watching the numbers until it stopped on the third floor then pushed yourself off the wall to step off. The moment you were out the elevator you froze. Billy was leaning against the doorframe of your apartment obviously waiting for you. How the hell did he manage to look like that doing something so mundane? God he looked like he'd just stepped off the cover of one of the magazines plastered around the many stands you passed in a day's time.
"Ria call you?" You asked once you talked your feet into approaching him. He glanced up and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips when he saw you "She may have mentioned you had a bad day but in my defense I was already halfway here when she called me" your eyes narrowed in confusion at his words. You'd originally had plans to go over to the Castles for dinner with Vivian and Jon. How the hell had he known you'd be home? 
Apparently he knew along the lines of what you were thinking because he explained "Curt passed the scene you were working earlier. Figured you'd not be in the mood for a dinner party so I came by to check on you"
"Thanks Billy but you don't have to waste one of your last nights home on me. You and Frank ship out again in ten days now"  he stepped out the way to let you unlock your apartment then walked in behind you. "Waste one of my last nights? Spending time with you? How the hell is that a waste?"  He asked stepping around you taking your bag off your shoulder in the process.
You watched with a half smile as he walked into your bedroom and laid your bag down next to your dresser then came back out with a grin. "Now how about you sit right there on that couch, we'll order some form of food and see what decent movies we can find to laugh at?" "Billy I'm fine really..you don't have to stay" you tried but he grabbed his chest in mock hurt "Oh come on sweetheart. You're hurting my feelings! Am I unwanted here?" 
For the first time that day a full grin slipped onto your face "You're always wanted here Russo. If you insist on staying you choose the food, I'll choose the movie" he gave you a wink then flopped down on the couch and patted the cushion next to him "That's my girl" 
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When the day came for Frank and Billy to leave you were once again standing with Maria and the kids at the airport while your group said your goodbyes to the men. It had become so routine to you that you barely registered that Billy was standing with an arm around you while Frank and Maria had their final moments in each other's arms for the next ten or more months. 
You stepped away from Billy to hug Frank and whispered in his ear "I got Ria and the kids so don't worry about them" "Thank you Y/N" he said softly back before giving you a light squeeze then moving onto the kids for their hugs and goodbyes.
You smiled at Billy who pulled you into a tight hug "I'm gonna miss you. Remember to write me. I'll call and Skype when I can" he spoke into your hair and you nodded enjoying the feel of being tucked against his chest. You could feel the beat of his heart under your cheek and closed your eyes for a moment before saying "Make it back in one piece Russo and bring Frank home safe" he kissed your forehead then stepped back and gave you that smile that always made your heart do a flip "Of course sweetheart. You and Maria aren't getting rid of us that easily"
You stood with an arm around Maria while you both had an arm around one of the kids and watched until the final person stepped onto the plane and it started pulling away from the gate to turn to leave. You always stayed with them the first night after Frank left and this would be no different "so where are we thinking for dinner?" You asked and saw Maria crack a small smile when the kids started listing off several different places at once.
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Deployments were something you were by far used to. As an extension of Maria you'd been connected to the Marines as long as she had. From the very first time Frank had to ship out you were right next to her supporting her when he walked onto the plane.
Deployments after getting so close with Billy started feeling different. When he was home there were few days you went without seeing him. You found yourself missing his presence even in small moments. 
You now kept your laptop next to the bed so if he got a chance to Skype and had also downloaded a video chatting app on your phone. There was a shoebox full of letters under your bed that was overflowing from ones you'd kept over the time you'd known him yet you couldn't bring yourself to throw even the simplest letter away.
You were on a twenty four hour shift so you'd just settled into your bunk when you heard the chiming on your phone that was a video call. You picked it up and saw the photo of you,Billy and the kids that always popped up when he called and slid to answer. 
You pushed yourself into a sitting position before his face appeared on the screen. "Hey sweetheart!" He greeted with a smile. You fought back a yawn as you said "Hey Billy" he squinted a bit at the screen then muttered "Shit you're on your bunk meaning I either woke you up or I'm keeping you from catching some sleep on shift"
"Billy it's fine. I just got back from a call so it's not like i was going to be able to go straight to sleep. How are you and Frank?" He still seemed skeptical but said "We're good. Frank is actually on with Maria but the kids are already in bed so I figured I'd see how you were and get out from over his shoulder" "oh so I'm just a second option to the munchkins I see how it is Russo" you teased and got that signature smirk in return "Well the munchkins aren't as distracting as you are. Even in your uniform you're still one of the most beautiful women in New York" 
"One of? She's the most beautiful woman in New York well besides Kenzie" Alice interrupted draping herself across your shoulders from her bunk behind you. 
He rolled his eyes playfully "Alice you have a girlfriend remember?" She shrugged "Your point being? Kenzie agrees with me that it is insane that Y/N here is still single. Like what the hell is wrong with men in New York well women too for that matter. If I hadn't been her partner for this many years and with Kenzie I'd be trying to date her. Anyone that had a chance with her and didn't take it is a damn fool" 
You shook your head at her and gave a gentle shove "Back to your own bunk Hendrixs. You need sleep" she grinned at you "Yes ma'am" then waved at Billy "Bye Russo. Get back in one piece ok?"  "Bye Alice keep an eye on her for me"
Once Alice was tucked back into her bunk you turned your attention back to the screen and smiled "She gets weirder the later it gets sorry about that" "no problem. I've been friends with Frankie this many years I'm used to weird" Billy laughed then you heard Frank's voice  "I heard that asshole" right before his face appeared next to Billy's "Hey Y/N" 
"Hey Frank. You talk to Maria?" You asked and he nodded "Told me you and Jr blew up a science project in the backyard and you're helping Curt start a soup kitchen for vets on his days off" you smiled then said "Well the science project was a volcano so that explosion was a success and yea it's a slow go but I'm trying to help him with whatever I can" 
"You're a damn super woman Y/N" Frank replied and your smile grew "Anything for my family Frank. You know that" before either of them could say anything you heard a voice call out "Castle! Russo!" And Billy cursed under his breath. "We gotta go sweetheart. Give the kids a hug from me" Frank said and you nodded "Always. Stay safe both of you"
Billy smiled and said "You stay safe too. I'll try to call you in a few days" you managed to say "I'll be waiting" before the screen went black.
You turned around and popped Alice on the forehead "Ow! What the hell?" She groaned even though a grin was playing at her lips. "What was that rant about?" You questioned and she shrugged "I'm sick of seeing you two dance around each other. You're both grown. Russo needs to either make a move or you need to find someone else to be heart eyed over. Figure I could remind him how amazing you are" 
"Me and Billy…" you tried but she quickly interrupted "Are just friends. Yea I've heard that bullshit before. Look you two spend more time together when he's home then most couples i know. He looks at you like a puppy and you're not much better. Way I see it confess feelings now. If he chickens out you have many months to get rebound sex and be over the sting by the time he gets stateside. I love you and I want you happy. Take a chance mami!" You rolled your eyes and laid the phone down on your charging pad next to the bed "You're insane and I'm tired so on that lovely note"
You started to lay down but time your head hit the pillow an alarm rang out about a woman in labor and Alice all but giggled "On that note we're gonna go possibly deliver a baby at two am"
@weallhaveadestiny @intothesoul
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butterfluffy · 2 years
Can I request, Marco the phoenix getting jealous on his s/o's childhood friend.
Thanks girl 💕
“jealous little boy”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· having a reunion with your childhood friend, a pineapple falls into jealousy, unhappy on how you're ignoring him for your friend..
⠀⠀➧ fluff | marco × gn!reader | oneshot
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none, other than swearing...! mistakes may be present though.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: here's ur jealous husband @kazenomegaminowanpisu 😘
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Having a gasp immediately left your lips upon seeing a familiar face in the crowd as you shopped with your lover, Marco who tilt his head. Confused of your reaction.
“Love, what's wrong? You look really shocked... And who's that someone you're lookin' at, yoi?” The tall blond man asks, eyes travelling to a certain figure in the middle of the crowd, squinting his eyes that went back and forth to you and the someone you're looking at.
“Marco, they're..!” Silently squeeling, you then left no explanation for your lover. Just dashing away, squeezing yourself on the crowd, desperate to approach the person you saw.
“F/n!” You exclaim, calling your friends' name upon nearing them, catching their attention. “F/n, it's been so long..!”
Launching yourself onto their figure, you gave them a tight embrace, catching Marco who just caught up with you off guard.
“..Wait, who—oh! Y/n, it's nice to meet you again!” Hugging you back, they smiled, letting go after a solid minute, chatting with you who totally forgot about your lover who stood beside you two like a post.
“...Man, we gotta catch up with each other, so, uh. Wanna get lunch?” Asking you this, you then beamed a smile, nodding your head as Marco furrowed his brows, finally interfering.
“Wait, love. Who is this?” He asks with a raise of a brow, taking your hand and pulling you close to him, jealousy finally stirring up in him...
“Ah, Marco! My heavens, I almost forgot about you—ah, scratch that, this is F/n, love. My childhood friend. And F/n, this is Marco, my lover.” Introducing them to each other, the two observed each other, sparks of annoyance lighting up between them.
“Oh, didn't know that you're into pineapples, Y/n..” Your friend jokes, causing you to slightly snicker, while Marco was ticked off.
“Well, my love, why didn't you tell me you have such friend, yoi?” Slinging his arm over your shoulder, Marco returned a salty comment to your friend who irked.
“A..Ah, you two, calm it, okay? Why don't we chat on a restaurant?” You suggested as your friend sighed.
“Sorry, Y/n. I don't think I'll want to have a chat and be a third wheel on you two. I'll just head home now, gotta make myself lunch, so I guess we'll just see each other around, or here—phone me up if you wanna talk.” They said with a huff, shrugging their shoulders as they handled you their number before leaving.
“Aw, too bad... I wanted to have a chat with them after a long time!” You whined, only to be pinched by your lover who had a frown on his face. “Ouch! What was that for!?”
“That friend of yours is making me jealous, yoi! You gave them all your attention, and almost none to me, plus, they're hogging you all to themselves, when you're supposed to be mine..” The blond man grumbles, giving you a back hug as he complained.
“...Ah? Sorry, Marco. I didn't know that I made you into my jealous little boy..” Planting a kiss on his hand, you comforted your lover who smiled, kissing your cheek.
“I'm no little boy, but I guess it's fine if you call me that, because I'm yours anyway.” He cooed, holding your hand as you two now walk back to your home to shower each other love.
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© butterfluffy 2022
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