#intak imagines
catboyieejeno · 2 months
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bf! intak who falls asleep on your shoulder during car rides and plane rides instead of the other way around. probably drools a little too, but you don’t have it in you to wake him up because his eyes are half opened and his cheek is completely smooshed. so endearing, it would be a crime to disturb him :(
bf! intak who blushes furiously when you kiss his cheek. kisses on the lips are phenomenal, and they are his absolute favorite—but there’s something so sweet about you giving him a kiss on the cheek, especially when you have to stand on your tippy toes and rest your hands on his chest.
proceeds to hold your hands where they rest, looking down to hide the flustered, dorky smile that takes over his features.
“one more” he’ll ask, giving you the softest, pleading eyes. “please?”
bf! intak who blows raspberries on your tummy, and kisses it after. who also has a habit of playing with your fingers, or your rings if you’re wearing any. who has to be touching you at all times, whether it’s a hand on your hip, or your knee, or the small of your back. has to be touching you, and if he isn’t because you’re not nearby, he’ll perk his head up, and look around until he spots you. jogs over and fits his hand into yours with a kiss to your knuckles, mumbling “i was wondering where you went :(“ “but it’s okay!” he beams “cause i found you!”
bf! intak who wakes you up by accident every morning when his lips press into your shoulder or your neck or your jaw. the funny thing is: he’s still asleep. he’s kissing you and nuzzling into you in his sleep with his warm cheek pressing against yours and his hair tickling your face. his arm pulls you tighter to him when you stir, and finally, he wakes up when you stretch, in fear that you actually meant to get up.
“don’t get up yet… please, you’re s’warm..”
“intak, baby, i was just stretching.”
“come closer >:(“
scowls but with his eyes closed until you’re completely wrapped around him and under the mountain of blankets again.
bf! intak who always insists on showering with you. 9/10 times, he’s in there with you, and 6/10 times, it isn’t even sexual. he’s making a mohawk out of your hair with shampoo, and molding his own hair to match with a silly grin on his face. he’s scrubbing your face wash lovingly onto your cheeks and kissing your nose as you smile up at him (then proceeds to wash his face like a MAN all rough and crazy, which earns him a bit of a scolding from you). he holds you under the water and steals little pecks as the water bill gets higher and higher (at this point, you would’ve saved more water taking separate showers).
if you guys are playing music he’s singing loudly between giggles and designating parts so that you guys can put on a little concert. If there’s no music then he’s bickering with you about how you’re hogging the hot water, so he pushes you out of the way. only stays there for a few seconds though, cause the thought of you being cold makes his heart break a little. switches sides with you again with a little feigned annoyance, but even when you insist you aren’t cold he convinces you to stay under the hot stream.
bf! intak who tries his best to cook for you, following recipes of foods you’ve liked to the very last detail. refuses to let you help, but will allow you to sit on the counter as his personal cheerleader so he can steal a kiss or two or ten as he works.
is so careful to measure everything right, letting you try it along the way (only after he’s approved of the taste himself). watches for your reaction so so eagerly and smiles SO big if you say it’s good.
bf! intak who loves being praised by you. sometimes even fishes for compliments because any kind of approval from makes his heart so full and makes him feel so loved! “don’t i look handsome today?” or “did i do a good job?”
whether you compliment his outfit or his looks, or you simply tell him thank you for something, he’s over the moon
bf! intak who is has such a huge heart and gives it over to you completely. it’s yours! so don’t break it. falls first and falls harder, from the very first moment he sees you is so whipped. willing to give you absolutely everything and anything you want.
is so gentle, so considerate, so caring, so intak.
truly your best friend & lover all in one.
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riki-dazed · 3 months
sfw + nsfw under cut. puppy intak > everything else · requested
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puppy!tak whose love language is physical touch. he needs to be in physical contact with you at all times, whether that'd be cuddling up against you or resting his head in your lap
puppy!tak whose radiant, loving energy rubs off onto everyone he meets and talks to. hanging out with him gives anyone an instant boost of serotonin
puppy!tak who cries with you when you're upset. he's an amazing listener who will always offer a sympathetic ear when you need someone to talk to
puppy!tak who loves having your hands in his hair. play with the strands, pet him, ruffle his hair. just keep your hands in there at all times and he'll be a happy boy
puppy!tak who drags you around shopping with him all day. he gets so incredibly excited when he finds pieces he thinks would suit you well, he'd rush you into fitting rooms, and shower you in compliments non-stop
puppy!tak who loves showering your face in kisses, he loves leaving you a giggling mess
puppy!tak who loves playing with your fingers and always compares the size of your hands, giggling at how adorable yours look next to his
puppy!tak who ruts against your thigh to get off when you're too sleepy for sex
puppy!tak who loves nothing more than when you shower him in praises as he fucks into you. always remind him of how much of a good boy he is, he can never get enough
puppy!tak who gets hard every time the two of you spoon
puppy!tak who will have you anywhere, anytime. whenever you start feeling like you need him, rest assured that he's ready to go too. from fucking on your bed, on the floor, a public restroom or change rooms.. anywhere is perfect for him
puppy!tak whose stamina is through the roof. sex can last all night if the two of you were feeling up to it.. short breaks between multiple rounds, hours on end
puppy!tak who would fail miserably when you brought up wanting to try cockwarming. how could you ever expect his needy little self to stay still..
puppy!tak who loves exploring and trying new things in the bedroom. whether that'd be new positions or kinks, "you don't know if you don't like it if you haven't tried it", a saying he lives by
Copyright © 2024 riki-dazed. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | Do NOT edit, copy, translate or repost any of my work without permission.
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kyufessions · 10 months
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synopsis: your boyfriend picks you up after your class
pairings: non-idol, boyfriend! intak x g.n. reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.4k
a/n: intak 🥹 our favorite golden retriever. also, not proof read as of yet, too tired lmao. italics are text messages from intak. (requested here.)
general taglist: @jwnghyuns @eaudenana @soobin-chois
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the one time you decide to not check the weather it begins to downpour during your economics class. every day you stay on top of the weather, especially since nowadays it seems to become more and more unpredictable. but today, of course, you went with your gut. and oh how wrong it was. you didn’t even have to look outside a window to know it was raining- the aggressive patter of raindrops were telling enough against the college building.
as your professor finished up the lesson early due to the weather, you quickly searched your bag for an emergency umbrella but to no avail. sighing, and mentally cursing yourself, you pull out your phone to check when the rain would stop. luckily enough, you noticed a string of text messages from your boyfriend that you assume he sent during your class.
i hope class is going okay <3
oh shit it’s raining. did you bring an umbrella?
i’ll pick you up after class, text me when you get out!
♥️ see you soon
smiling at the messages, you quickly call him as you swing your bag over your shoulder. within a few seconds, he answers with an excited tone.
“your uber driver has arrived in parking lot B.” the smile was evident in his voice, the thought of it bringing butterflies to your stomach.
“thank you, baby.” you say before hanging up to
scurry towards the exit to get back home for the day. you felt bad that intak drove all the way back to campus after leaving only two hours ago from his own classes, but at the same time you felt extremely grateful. if it weren’t for him you’d either have to get soaked taking the bus or take a thirty five dollar uber- both options not necessarily being of interest for you.
just as you approached the glass double doors, you notice intak’s red car in the pick up and drop off center of the parking lot. smiling foolishly at the sight of your boyfriend tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, you quickly run to his car with your jacket over your head. as the door opens up, intak jumps at the sudden noise and puts his hand over his heart for dramatics.
“hey baby!” you spoke, turning your head in his direction and smiling innocently at his heightened state. a small fit of laughter leaves your lips as you bring your hand up to cup his cheek, pecking his lips quickly before putting on your seatbelt. “thanks for picking me up, you didn’t have to.”
“it’s pouring outside, i wasn’t going to let you get soaked getting home. besides,” he starts pulling off, starting down the road towards your place. “i’m your boyfriend. it’s my duty to take care of you.”
you give him a look, a smirk playing across your lips as you lay your wet jean jacket across your lap to start drying off a bit. “i can take care of myself.” you respond in a teasing tone, your eyes admiring the way he looks behind the wheel. he might’ve just gotten his license a month ago, but he definitely didn’t drive like it. you felt safe when he was behind the wheel, despite him being a new driver.
he puffs out his cheeks as hd turns a corner, being careful on the wet roads as the rain continues on. “i know, but i love taking care of my baby.” as he hits a stop sign he quickly moves his hand from the wheel to your face, squeezing your cheeks as he quickly pecks your lips over and over before a car beeps at him from behind. “i’ll take care of you as long as you allow me to.”
inside your apartment were you, intak, and a mini fort built from couch cushions and any and all blankets available. originally, he was going to come in for a late lunch and head home. but as the weather got worse and thunder started to roar in the distance, you both decided it was best if he stayed the night. so within the past few hours, you’ve both made dinner and cuddled underneath the fort with food, snacks, and in matching pajamas you kept in a separate drawer for whenever he stayed over.
a few weeks ago you both had started a new kdrama called It’s Okay Not to be Okay. it’s quite depressing, but the storyline is beautiful and definitely keeps you both interested. thanks to the growing storm outside, you’re nearly close to finishing the show and are almost done with your milkshakes and popcorn- the ramen long gone at this point.
intak’s head propped up on your thigh as you ran your fingers through his hair as your other hand held on the edge of the popcorn bowl to periodically grab some. gasps and mumbled comments could be heard from him every few minutes, along with little giggles when the main characters would get close to kissing or getting together.
“i’m glad we didn’t take this long to get together.” intak says, his tone playful as he leans his head fully back to look up at you.
“yeah, because you made it obvious from the start.” you replied, smiling down at the boy below you. the way his hair was fading into a dark golden blonde made your heart flutter more than ever before, the color suiting his skin tone perfectly and making him appear more luminous than ever before.
intak noticed the sparkle in your eye whenever you looked at him, the sight never failing to upturn the corner of his lips even just the tiniest bit. “i did not.” a pause. he starts thinking for a moment. “did i?” he looks at you with wide curious eyes- eyes he knows you love.
you nod, a smile breaking out. “i’m glad you did though, i would’ve been too scared to make the first move.”
you think for a moment before deciding to respond. in hindsight, you didn’t have anything to be scared of when it came to intak. he was so loving, so caring, so attentive. and he knew how to make someone feel comfortable around him. but truth be told, his beauty and demeanor can come across as intimidating at first. he’s so bubbly, so smiley. and everyone loved him. not that you yourself weren’t lovable but to an extent, you felt like you had to meet his standards to surpass them in order to even be considered as his partner. but you were wrong; he proved that.
playing with his waves, you lean down and plant a kiss on his lips. whenever your lips met his, as cliche as it sounded, sparks flew as if it were the fourth of july. everything felt right. the time, the place, the way your lips synced up together- perfection. nothing ever felt awkward between you two, even from the first meeting.
heart pounding, intak kisses back without hesitation and brings his hand up to your face and begins rubbing circles into the apple of your cheek. as you pull away, he swipes away an eyelash and admires your features for the hundredth time that day. no flaw could ever be detected from you- he truly thought of you as an angel. “i love you.” he admitted, the words spilling from his lips. your eyes widened for a second, taken aback by the sudden confession. “you don’t have to love me back, but just know i love y-“
“i love you too, intak.” you respond, cheeks heating up from this moment. suddenly the thunder sounded like birds chirping, and the grey skies were a clear sky blue with no clouds in sight as the sun became brightly visible. everything felt right- everything felt perfect.
melting into his touch, you place a soft kiss to the side of his palm before responding to his previous question. “you intimidated me at first.”
shooting up from his comfortable place on your lap, you watch his movements as he shuffled onto his knees to be eye level with you. “me? why?” the disbelief and curiosity was evident in his voice, making you chuckle at his cute reaction.
you shrug, unsure of why you even thought so in the first place. “i guess because of how outgoing you are? and pretty. you’re very pretty, baby.” you sit up on your knees and wrap your arms around his neck, placing a quick kiss to his forehead before laying your head on his shoulder. “not anymore though. now i just think of you as my annoying and dorky boyfriend.”
wrapping his arms around your waist as he laughs, he starts rocking you both back and forth as the rain continues to downpour outside. maybe, just maybe, the weather should become more unpredictable more often.
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lattenha · 3 months
y(ours) — P1HARMONY!maknae line
a continuation of what it’s like dating the younger one’s and their familiarity with your personal belongings. ft. non-idol!p1h maknae line x gn!reader
a/n: this is my attempt at easing back into writing, apologize if it’s super rough :(
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your vinyl record.
it was gifted to you on christmas about two years ago. you’ve always dwelled on wanting one of your own, but never had the balls to go out of your way to purchase one because they could get pretty pricey. a lot of your extensive research and effort you spent scouring the internet to find the perfect vinyl record you’d like pointed to signs of something completely out of your budget. well, not completely, but unrealistically obtainable with the numbers you’ve been receiving paycheck-to-paycheck from your job.
so, each time that the holidays were around the corner, and whenever your mother would ask for your christmas wishlist, you’d throw in several other items you’d like but never included the idea of wanting a vinyl record. that secret desire of yours was something you kept to yourself, something you never brought up in conversation, nor was it something you’d expect to receive unless it was coming out of your pockets.
lo and behold, on the morning of a wintery cold december 25, when you were gathered around the christmas tree with your siblings and parents to open your presents, there sat a box with a fragile sticker stuck to the wrapping.
to: y/n :)
from: mom and dad
since then your prized possession has followed you to college and your off-campus apartment whom you share with your three other close friends.
intak, especially, took a liking to your music player and never misses an opportunity to use it. whenever he visits your place (which is almost every day) he makes it his unrelenting mission to flip through your vinyls and place his pick of the day on to the turntable. his personal favorite is cigarettes after sex, a band you actually introduced him to.
while you don’t mind sharing things, especially with your partner, you’re pretty sure intak has used your vinyl record more often than you have. ultimately, you don’t mind. it’s rather endearing knowing that what’s yours also belongs to him.
your nintendo switch.
“y/n can i play super smash bros?”
shota doesn’t even need to ask for your approval. in fact, he already knows your answer will always allude to a ‘yes,’ but he does it anyway despite the electronic device already in his possession.
“of course,” you would say.
naturally you grew up owning multiple generations of nintendo ds’s. when nintendo came out with a new updated version you’d go to the game store to trade it in for store credit just to get the latest release. this routine continued up until middle school when your gaming hobby no longer prevailed itself in your interests.
as months passed and 2017 eventually rolled by, the internet buzzed with life after nintendo’s announcement about the upcoming hybrid console came to light. rest assured that you were one of millions who preordered the device and waited impatiently for it’s hard launch date to release in store.
but again, school started to pick up and extra curricula’s were time consuming, that playing video games became less and lesser of an option for you to indulge in.
leave it to shota to pick up your slack. because if it’s not super smash bros that he’s try-harding at, it’s either the suika game, animal crossing (if he really feels like it), or pokemon. an odd rotation but who were you to judge.
“wHat!” he yelps from the couch. “how did he dodge that!”
you giggle at his typical gamer-behavior, closely reminded of yourself.
your digicam.
the sony cyber-shot camera has been by your side since you were in the 5th grade.
it was a hand-me-down from your father’s box of electronic gadgets he owned back in the day; a lot of which were collecting dust in the garage for not being used in so long.
while tossing things away to relieve the clutter and deciding what to keep, you remember discovering the digicam at the bottom of the pile after laborious digging. your father briefly taught you how to turn it on and off, what button to press to take a picture, how to record a video, and the different settings you could play around with.
your digicam has followed you around the world to different countries for family trips, witnessed you graduate from high school, contained a lot of embarrassing photos of you and your friends, watched you grow since elementary to your first day of college, and captured numerous flicks featuring new faces.
when you started dating jongseob, your photo gallery has been nothing but candid pictures of you and him (mainly of you).
your boyfriend is constantly bringing it along with him to events or outings, because, in his defense, he just wants to create some memories for you both to look back on someday. sometimes he goes out of his way to point and direct you on how to pose.
once, over dinner, you asked jongseob if he’d rather upgrade to something better and not outdated, like a canon or even a proper film camera. however, he is not one to budge and refuses to give up the obsolete digicam he unintentionally took ownership of.
“it’s special,” he pouted. “and sentimental, too.”
you smiled, “i guess. i just can’t help but wonder if you prefer a greater upgrade.”
“trust me, this has everything i need. now show me that pretty smile of yours.”
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sungbeam · 8 months
𝐧𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
hwang intak x gn!reader
1k words, hurt/comfort, soft things, mentions of anxiety/being overwhelmed, mentions of discomfort around family members, head kiss, intimacy
a/n: requests now closed! *sighs* i love him 🙁 thank you to the anon who requested this! hope this brings u comfort <3
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He found you perched on the curbside outside the restaurant, the sounds of merriment muffled as the front door closed behind him. You glanced up from your phone to watch him take a seat beside you, his head tucked into a black beanie and hands coming out of his jacket pockets to rest behind him.
"I saw you leave a few minutes ago, but I wasn't sure if you wanted to be alone or not," Hwang Intak murmured and tilted his head in your direction, eyes glued to the establishment across the street to watch people pass by the window. "I'm okay, here, right? I can leave if you don't want me here."
You notched your phone off and set it under your thigh. "No, it's okay," you said, drawing circles on the street. "I just… couldn't stand being around them for too long."
He looked at you now, dark, round eyes really looking at you. Your posture was off, your hair covered your face. Everything about tonight was so off, and he was hitting himself in the head for not seeing it sooner. "I didn't know you were so uncomfortable around your relatives."
You had invited Intak to come to a holiday gathering with your family this evening. They had booked out the mom and pop shop on Main Street that served a taste of home. You'd originally been nervous about inviting him, since the two of you only recently became an item, but you should have never doubted him. Your family seemed to love him anyways, but then again, they always did seem to adore everyone but you. There was always something to complain about.
"Yeah, I mean…" you swallowed. You suddenly found it hard to look him in the eyes. Maybe you were embarrassed. Didn't he say he had a good relationship with his family and relatives? "They're just a little much for me sometimes and I get a little overwhelmed. I'm sure they mean well and stuff but I can't—sometimes I can only handle being around them in small doses."
Intak was quiet for a moment as he considered this, a frown flitting over his pretty features.
You covered your knees with your palms. "I'm sorry I pretty much ditched you, by the way," you added with a grimace. "That wasn't very cool of me."
"It's okay; you needed some air, and I get that."
He had said it so simply that you were almost stunned. He was being so understanding about this, and yet, you still felt awful. Here he was, someone you envisioned to be near perfect, and here you were… You cleared your throat, eyes pinned to the ground. "Thanks for being here tonight. I know it must have been intimidating to meet my entire extended family in one night."
He gave a warm chuckle that enveloped your body in an audible hug. "No worries, honey. I was actually really excited to just, I dunno, hang out with you for a holiday that was important to you."
Your heart soared, and you turned your head to look at him.
Intak pressed his lips into a smile. "And it doesn't matter if we're in there or out here—I get the overwhelming part, I really do. We can take it at your pace."
The two of you shared a smile. The cliché was always that actions spoke louder than words, and he had just wielded both of them in emphasizing his respect and consideration for you. It was Intak who was making your jitters decrease and your worries lessen. You suddenly focused less on trying to drown out the sounds of people in the building behind you, and instead, on the boy next to you.
When you sat in a moment of silence, you saw his hand inch towards yours on the pavement out of the corner of your eye. Your lips curled upwards in a small smile as you angled your fingers to touch his.
Your eyes met again. "It's okay to hold my hand, you know. I won't break."
His smile was bashful as he laced your fingers together with his and tested your interwoven hands on the sidewalk. He scooted over to you and you met him in the middle, until you could set your hands on your knees, legs and arms pressed together. "You know that I won't judge you for your hardships, whatever they are," he said to you, setting his free palm over your hands to warm them.
"I know," you whispered. You knocked your head against his shoulder affectionately, and he patted your hands in acknowledgment. "I just never know what to do with all of this anxiety and I've never really met anyone who I could trust with them."
Intak took his bottom lip between his teeth. "I'm sorry you've ever felt that way."
"You don't need to apologize. It's not your fault."
"I hope I never make you feel this way, if I can help it," he said to you with a slight pout. "We can learn how to take on your anxieties together, maybe?"
A smile wormed itself onto your face and you leaned your head on his shoulder now. "Stop being so cool."
He laughed, the sound soft, yet brighter than the lights from the surrounding restaurants. "I just care about you." His words warmed you again, and you felt his lips press against the crown of your head.
"I know," you said quietly. "I care about you, too. Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me," he hummed. "Know any good dessert places around here? We can get ice cream and then come back in time to say goodbye?"
It was like he was a mind-reader. You made a comment about a favorite gelato place just down the block, and the two of you wasted no time in dusting your pants and setting off down the street. He never let go of your hand—only letting the pair swing between your bodies as he made you smile again and again and again.
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p1h m.list
permanent taglist: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @kaaimins @shakalakaboomboo @bless-311 @leaz-kpop-life @pxppxrminty @fluorescentloves @mosviqu @haechansbbg @kflixnet @http-gyu @mvvnsseul @outrologist
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soobinologisttt · 16 days
eternal hearts - hwang intak
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pairing ☆ intak x f. reader
warnings ☆ !zombie apocalypse au, !death of parents, !borderline depression, !weapons, !zombie encounter, !sick member, !many mentions of death, !nightmares, !smut, !dry humping, !unprotected sex, !dirty talk, !semi praise,
word count ☆ 5k
a/n: i think this is all! lmk if i missed something. im super proud of this!!
these are daily feelings. the dread of knowing that you'll go to sleep alone and wake up alone.
that you'll probably never feel safe again, no matter how long you might live.
it has been two months since the outbreak.
you were at home while your parents were out grocery shopping.
you were so sucked into your text show, you didn't even notice your phone ringing at first.
but you were pulled back into reality when you picked it up.
it was your mom calling. you answered quickly, assuming that she wants to know if you have something in the kitchen or if she should buy it.
you remember the chills you got as you heard the screams of people around your mother. they still give you nightly nightmares, often waking up in a panic and a pile of sweat.
"what is happening mom? are you okay?" you panic and stand up quickly, getting ready to put your shoes on.
"y/n, do not leave the house. lock the doors, cover them with something, mattress, dressers, anything heavy." you hear her get out in one breathe, a warning that would stick with you.
"mom? what is happening?" you sobbed, fearing the worst.
"just know, your dad and i love you. i love you so so much and you're one of the greatest things that happened to me. which is why you have to keep fighting. for me" her voice cracked as she started to sob with you.
"mommy, please, tell me what is happeni-" you could barely get the words out as you cry.
before she could answer, the phone went slient.
your worst fear had came true at this moment. you were alone.
this was the first time you felt utterly alone but it wasn't the last.
this is the feeling that is currently washing over you as survey the empty cabinets of the house that you are currently living in.
you had to get out of your childhood home. too many memories haunt that place. it only made you feel more alone than you already do.
so after everything calmed down, you packed up your stuff, tooth brush, first aid, water, clothes, towels, anything you might need to live, and stuffed it into the car parked in your garage. driving a few towns over, you found a house primarily close to a supermarket.
a two story house with an abundance of food.
although you tried your best to ration, it wasn't enough.
after about two month, you needed more food.
you dreaded the day you had to exit a house again but it was unavoidable.
and today was the day.
it's a sunny day with a cool breeze. like a nice summer day, one where one might go to the beach or maybe a park.
as much as you wish you could do that, you can't.
the zombies on the street would turn into into a bloodbath with you. having a picnic with you.
you can only imagine the way they would eat you. would they start with your heart or brains?
these thoughts help to clear all thoughts and hopes of sunshine and picnics out of your head.
you remind yourself that you need food, unless you want to go out a lame way and starve to death.
you finally stop staring into the empty cabinets like something will appear and make your way to the living room.
your weapons are on display on the coffee table facing the boarded up window.
you look over the assortment of weapons. a machete, a hand gun, bat with nails, and a crowbar.
never in a million years did you think you'd have to own a gun. swearing that you wouldn't dare touch a gun.
but things have changed and now you own.
you pick up the hand gun and holster it on your waist, making sure it's secure but easy to grab if needed.
you grab the black backpack that is only carrying a bottle of water and swing it onto your back.
you double check to make sure you didn't miss anything that you might need, then you swifty pick up the machete.
you open the door quietly to peek your head out. and when you see it's all clear, you make your way to your car. hoping to load it up.
you absolutly love your car. it was so silent, due to additions onto a car that make it quieter. you made sure to search it up before everything went offline. securing these parts in missions, working on your car in the garage at your old house.
it wasn't long until your car as silent as a mouse, starting up without a sound, stopping, and turning off without a sound. it was something that you were grateful to do.
you stop your car at the door of the supermarket. stick your head out the window to peek. once you saw it was all clear you exit the car, grabbing your machete from off the passenger seat
you silently enter the slight ajar sliding door. making sure to check your blind spots every second or so.
once you're in the store, you raise you cleaver up to keep your distance from anything that might pop up.
you quickly walk to the canned good isle and slide the bag off your back. you put your weapon down for one second to start packing away the food when you hear it.
it was too late, it was already so close to you. you slowly put down the bag before reaching over to the shelf to find the weapon you so desperately need right now. your eyes were kept on the undead body moving towards you.
you could only scold yourself for not looking around first. a rookie mistake that might cost you your life. in your head, you're beating yourself up. but outside, you are calm and confident. you won't let this take you out.
you observe the moving monster in front of you. it's clothes are all dirty and ripped. you can barely make out the color the shirt once was due to all the dirt and their jeans are shredded. to top that, it looks like it's decaying from he outside in. seeing their intestines draging along, makes you neary throw up.
you are still feeling around when you hit a can on the shelf. listening to it fall and roll, the zombie lunges at you.
the air in your lungs dissipates as you go into survival mood.
you turn your body to look for the weapon but instead you freeze. squeezing you eyes to brace for the bite that is coming. but it doesn't come. you grab the machete and turn around in one motion.
holding it to the stranger.
standing there is a boy and the zombie is on the ground. head a few feet away from its body.
approximately 5'11, with slighly bronze skin, brown eyes bright with life, chestnut brown hair, and a serious face.
his hands are both up in the air, as if he was surrending to police. sword still in one hand.
then in a low, husky voice, he speaks, "are you okay?"
he is quite literally ignoring the fact that you have a machete pointed at him.
"yes. who are you? is there more?" you rapidly spit out questions.
"yes, they're two here and three back at the house we sleeping in tonight.
"you aren't going to hurt me. i have weapons and i am not afraid to use them." you stand tall in an attempt to intimate him.
he smiles at you, "i wouldn't dream of it."
you were on the verge of responding when two boys walk into the isle.
they are laughing, "intak," one of the boys laughs out, nearly falling to the ground. meanwhile, the other one is holding back his laugh.
"they are idiots. we aren't gonna hurt you. we are just looking for a little food and medicine." intak tells you.
"yeah," the laughing one stops, "one of our youngest is sick. we can't lose him."
suddenly you remember the phone call. remembering and knowing the pain of losing someone.
you slowly put down your weapon.
"okay, well. let's make a deal. help me load this food into my car and i will help you find a drug store."
without hestation the boy that was holding back his laugh talks, "deal."
you and the three boys climb into your car around the time the sun began to set. it was still light outside but you know it's gonna get dark fast.
"you said you were living around here?" you ask intak, who is sitting in the passenger seat.
"yeah, just ahead." he points at the house you've been staying in.
"no, that's where i've been staying," you look at him.
"well that makes sense. we saw weapons on the table and got confused. we assumed it was empty sine there was no sign of human life." one of the boys in the back seat explain.
"did you not go upstairs? my stuff is everywhere." you ask back in a what the fuck attitude.
"no, we just laid our little brother down and left to get food." intak shyly smiles.
"well, it's almost night now. so you guys can stay. but you have to help me move the groceries into the house." you try to give a smile back, remembering that they were only there to help their little brother.
"we will get them all," a boy from the back seat tells you, "intak, you should walk in with her so the boys don't get scared." he continues.
as you pull into the driveway, intak nods and you turn off the car.
you both exit the car. you give your keys to one of the guys, making sure to tell them to lock up. adding the fact that it won't make a noise and not to be worried about drawing attention.
you both slowly shut the car doors, trying not to make a sound that would awake the few zombies that are lingering around.
you both walk in long strides quickly and make it inside, leaving the other two boys to get the food.
when you enter your eyes quickly make their way to three boys in your living room.
one is laying flat on his back on the couch. barely moving, one is sitting next to him on the floor, and the other is sleeping on the floor near them.
intak leans in, "the sick one is jongseob, the one watching him is theo, and the one sleeping is soul. we have been taking turns watching him. in fear that he might stop breathing when sleeping."
you can feel the pain in his voice.
"and the boys in the car?" you question as you never got their name.
"the giggly one is keeho and the semi-quiet one is jiung." he whispers to me.
it's like on que when keeho and jiung come crashing into the door with food hung in bag on thier arms.
"did you lock my car?" you ask as keeho hands you the keys.
"i did. where do you want these?" he pants.
"kitchen table." you nod towards the dining room.
they both nod at you before heading there.
you go to check the locks on the door, making sure to move the large dresser infront of it.
intak follows and help you.
"i do this every night. just makes me feel safe." you shrug.
"i get it. it's like us watching jongseob. it makes us feel better."
"yeah, what happened with him?" you ask as you both walk to the living room.
"we think he might of contracted some type of bug but since it was left untreated, he just got worse. we are looking for antibiotics or something."
"hmm, i can check the medicine cabinet and my first aid kit. i haven't been sick or hurt so i have no idea what is there."
he just gives you a little nod. obviously, trying not to get his hopes up.
"come on." you pull him upstairs, feeling just a little more safe with hm than the other boys.
maybe that's because he saved you or because how vulnerable he is being. you couldn't tell. but there is something there.
you lead him to the bathroom where the both of you start look for anything that might help.
you are on the ground looking in the first aid kits you've acquired over the months while intak is rummaging through the medicine cabinet above the sink.
"how long have you been alone?" intak asks not taking his eye off of the medicine he found.
"if i tell you, do you promise not to murder me or let them murder me?" you chuckle.
"we didn't plan on it, um by the way, i still don't know your name."
"y/n. and i've been alone since the start. my parents were out grocerying shopping when everything happened. my mom called to warn me and now i'm here. how about you, how long have you guys been together?"
"well as you can tell, we aren't biolgical brothers. we all grew up together and were at keeho's playing video games when it went down."
he gives a small smile, but you could see right through it.
"what about your parents?"
"we have no idea. no one contacted us. we just stayed together. that is one reason we can't lose jongseob. we are all we have." intak explans, while looking at label after label of medicine bottles.
you nod your head even though you know he can't see it.
you wanted to know what it felt like. to have someone during this time. people to lean on and cry with.
feeling the tears, you put your head down. still looking through the first aid kit even through you know the only thing in there that might help is tylenol.
"i found some!" intak opens the bottle to find five pills.
you look up quickly and then back down.
"well now we have five days to find a pharmacy or drug store." your voice came out wobbly.
intak quickly put the pills in the bottle and drops to his knees in front of you.
"y/n? did i say something?" he pulls you head up to look worriedly into your eyes.
"no, no, it's just been so long since i've been around people. and hearing your story made me wish I had people around me." you wipe your tears.
"i can't imagine what you've been through, y/n. you are so strong and do no need anyone. but i'm sure we would stay if you wanted us to." he gives you a small smile.
"thank you intak. let's go eat and give jongseob these meds." you push to get up at the same time as him. bumping him back against the counter behind you two.
you push back in a hurry, a shock of warmth spreading through you, "i am so sorry."
"don't worry about it y/n." the way your name rolls off his tongue turns you into a blushing mess as you turn and exit the bathroom.
when you got downstairs, the smell of spaghetti filled your nostrils.
you immediately question intak, forgetting all about what just happened.
"you guys can cook food? like warm food?" you ask with wide eyes.
"yes, keeho invested in this portable stove thing. i don't know how it works but it's truly a blessing."
as soon as he stops talking you decide to run down the stairs and to the smell.
you couldn't even remember the last time you had a hot meal.
you run around the corner into the kitchen to see keeho and soul.
"soul, please stop making minecraft noises,"
"psh," you try not to laugh but let out a small chuckle.
"oh hi, umm, what's your name?" keeho smiles.
before you could respond intak does, "y/n. also we found antibiotics for five days. we need jongseob to eat and soon."
"i can speak for myself," you roll your eyes, "also is it almost done?" you look at the spaghetti like you haven't eaten in years.
it might be canned spaghetti but it is warm and that's all that matters.
"almost. are you super hunger? we made sure to get a couple of easy snacks." keeho goes full mom mode on you, pointing to the cabinet next to you.
"no, i just haven't had a warm meal in months." you smile.
"well you're in for a treat then."
that night you ate toasted bread and spaghetti. you ate so fast that you nearly threw up. they all watched you in amazement. after you were done you sat there on the living room floor with the rest of the guys. they all learned your name and keeho feed jongseob. they gave him his first antibiotic and planning to taking turns to keep him hydrated.
it was late when you all decided to call it a night. they all had designated shifts to watch jongseob each night. tonight it was keeho's and jiung's. so the rest of us went upstairs.
soul, theo, and intak all walked to your room, seeing it to be the biggest. you didn't mind.
"uh, guys, that is my room but i don't mind sleeping in a different room so you can sleep with each other." you tell them.
"are you sure?" theo asks.
"yeah, i don't mind." you smile at him.
you all enter your room and you show them around. there wasn't much to show but you also decided to show them your stash of water and things.
you took a couple things and headed to the bedroom next door.
"mom." you cry out.
"mom?" you shout louder.
it's a black void that you are standing in. nothing for miles, and all you can do is call out. you want to see your mom again.
you spin and spin. still not seeing anything for miles. you run in a straight line for what feels like forever.
"mom! please mom! please come back." you fall to your knees, shaking and crying.
then you feel a slight shake.
you jump up in fear of your life.
"y/n?" intak says in the darkness of the room.
after realizing it's just him, you bawl. tears pouring out creating wet spots on your shirt.
that's when he pulls you into his arms. his strong arms holding you like you might slip away. like you might drown in your own tears.
"it's okay. i'm here. we are here." he whispers into your hair.
you latch onto him, wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer.
intak strokes your hair until the tears stop. you feel your eyes ge heavy and slump against him. falling into a peaceful, nonfearful, sleep.
you don't notice that intak is still holding you until he tries to move.
laying you down softly, intak moves to get up. but instead, you grab his arm and do the unthinkable.
"will you please sleep in here with me?" you mumble, half asleep.
"are you sure? i dont want t-"
"please intak." you beg.
he complies and slips in besides you. rubbing your hair as you cuddle into him.
it was the early morning when you woke up. the sun was barely up. you felt more refreshed than ever.
you turn to see intak sneaking out of bed.
"oh i'm sorry. i didn't want the boys to wake up and see me gone." he smiles sweetly.
"it's okay." you smile back, "um this might sound weird but you smell really good. can i perhaps have your t-shirt. it helped me sleep. i am hoping to get a few more hours." you blush and look down at the white blankets around you.
"all you have to do is ask, y/n." intak smirks before pulling his shirt off with one hand.
you felt something you haven't in a long time, butterflies. not pure horniness, but actual butterflies.
sure you were horny at times but nothing would compare to the feel intak just gave you.
he hands you the shirt and you quickly change out of your shirt into his.
not caring if he saw your body. pure emotions (and horniness) are coursing through your body.
"i would say goodnight," he chuckles, "but it's morning now."
you sit there in his shirt, waiting for his next words.
"so i will say, sweet dreams y/n." he comes over and kisses your forehead.
you lay down as he exits. he turns to look at you as you repeat his words back to him.
"sweet dreams intak." you yawn.
he shuts the door and pick up the pillow he was laying on, cudding it as you fall asleep.
it's been two weeks since you met the boys. and you can say that you already trust them with your whole heart.
you even let jiung and keeho take the car to find more medicine for jongseob. and after about a week and a half, jongseob began to look better. finally being able to sit up on his own and eat by himself.
they all still take turns looking after him despite his plee's that he is okay.
you have even started taking shifts. you take them with intak because being near him is the only way you can sleep.
he often sneaks into your room to help you sleep. cuddling you during the late hours of the night and sneaking back in the early morning.
besides that, you and intak have been getting super close. talking at all hours of the night and stealing sneaky glances (and touches) during the day.
he was a secret that you kept close to you. it was nice to finally have someone there for you. but also something that terrifies you.
because you knew, if you lost him, you would never be the same.
but all of those thoughts left your brain during one of the late night talks. where things strayed off into new territory.
"when was the last time you came y/n?" intak says, laying on his side, looking at you.
you stutter as you try to get out an answer.
in your brain you have two options.
you could lie to him and tell him that it has been awhile or you could tell the truth.
that you came all over your hand one morning after he left. smelling the pilliow he is currently laying on.
"come on y/n." he smirks, "i won't judge."
"umm, the other morning." you blush.
filling with embarrassment you turn to move.
you don't want him to see the red surfacing on your face.
beore you could move, he grabs ahold of you. with one arm, he pulls you close to him. you're face to face. and just as you thought he was going to kiss you, he pull you on top of him.
he is now laying on his back, looking up at you.
"woah, intak what are you doing?" you freak, it's been so long since you have had any action with a guy.
you don't know how to feel, but you do know that you don't want him to stop.
"you think i didn't hear those little moans? my name? you weren't exactly quiet."
you blush even harder and look up at the wall. wanting to look anywhere but the handsome boy under you.
"eyes down here y/n." he demands.
you comply and look down at him.
his eyes are hazy with lust and his dick throbbing under you.
you slowly grind over his hardening lenth. needing to get the release you all so need.
this causes intak to gasp in surprise.
you watch as his eyes roll to the back of his head when you start to speed up.
"fuck y/n. you're gonna drive me crazy." he looks up at you with dark eyes, causing you to shiver.
you use those words as fuel to keep going. rubbing your clothed cunt against hard shaft.
you feel the room become heavy as he reaches for the bottom of your shirt and helps you to pull it over your head.
he throws it off to the side, out of sight.
"holy shit, you're so pretty." he stares up at you, taking your left breast into his hand. rolling his index and thumb over your hardening bud.
you throw your head back at his touch. feeling the heat rush to your aching womanhood.
when he comes up and places his mouth on your nipple, you lose it.
pulling his face up, you kiss him feverishly.
teeth clashing as you forceful push your tongue into his mouth.
intak takes this time to move his hands to your hair, pulling lightly at the end.
the sounds of your mouth clashing and your tiny moans have you both wanting more.
but you're the one to break first, still grinding down onto him.
"fuck intak. can we please?" you beg.
"are you sure? i don't want you to regret this." intak looks at you with his big brown eyes. you know in that moment.
"i'm sure. I really like you intak. fuck i might even love you."
he flips you two. him staring down into your eyes.
"i think i might love you too y/n." he places sweet kisses onto your neck.
"please. please. fuck me." you whine.
"as you wish baby." he pulls down your pajama shorts and throws them across the room, next folllowing your panties.
you help him untie his pajama pants in a flash and pull off his boxers.
"well someone is needy." he chuckles before running his hand down to your wet heat, "damn y/n, you're so wet for me babe."
"intak, please." you can't take it anymore, reaching down to guide his dick into you.
"fuck," he slides in slowly as you wince at the feeling.
"you're so tight." he groans out as he slides deeper and deeper.
you claw at his back and wrap your legs around him, allowing him a different angle to go deeper.
"intak, intak, intak." you chant his name.
"shhh, we don't want to wake up the other guys." intak shushes you.
just then do you remember that through the thin wall are two guys you trust with your life. you don't want to wake them.
you give him slient nod as you bite your lip to keep the noises from falling out.
"i'm gonna speed up baby. can you be quiet?" intak leans down to whisper into your ear.
his husky voice causing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
you nod as you bite down harder on your lip, drawing blood.
intak speeds up slowly before placing his hand on your mouth.
pounding into you at a speed that has your eyes rolling to the back of your head and toes curling.
"you like that baby?" he spits.
you nod harshly.
"hmm, take it like the good girl you are." intak orders.
all you can do is moan into his hand as your body shakes with the pleasure he is giving you.
you never want it to stop.
when you feel the twitch of his cock, it sends you tumble over the edge.
sensing your orgasm, he removes his hand from your mouth to reach between you two, finding you clit in a hurry.
"intak, i'm coming. fuck. fuck." you mumble, coming out incoherent between the sounds of him fucking you into oblivion.
"come for me baby."
you come hard for the first in so long. nails dragging across his back, most likely leaving marks.
"mhm, you feel so good y/n," he takes a sharp breath in, "i'm getting so close."
he slows down a little bit. helping you to rideout your high. not wanting to overstimulate you.
you snap back into reality when intak questions you, "shit y/n," he growls, "i'm getting close. where do you want me to cum?"
you take a slight pause, formualting your thoughts while still being filled to the hilt.
"inside me please." you decide.
you didn't care if you get pregnant. you know he would be here throughout everything. you have your people and know they would help through everything.
"fuck y/n. you truly are perfect." he groans a he comes.
filling you to the brim as he spills his seed into you.
his cum overflows out of you and onto his cock.
he lets out a sexy moan before lightly collapsing on you.
"you're amazing y/n." he whispers.
"i'm so glad to have met you." you whisper back, eyes feeling heavy.
he notices your breath start to become shallow and pulls his softened lenth out of you.
the last thing you remember is the feeling of the soft cloth cleaning you off as you fall asleep.
when you wake up, intak is still with you.
your eyes widen as you hear jiung through the door, "has anyone seen intak?"
you shot up and turn to the sleeping boy next to you.
you shake intak lightly and as he wakes up you lift a finger to your lips, signaling him to be quiet.
then, if things couldn't get worse, you hear a knock on your door.
"hey y/n, have you seen intak?" you hear keeho on the other side of the door.
you and intak look at each other with smiles on your faces. trying not to laugh you confess. it was a spilt decision but you know you want to be with intak. there is not point in hiding it.
"he's in here with me."
intak sits up with wide eyes as you tell keeho what you've been hiding.
he gives you a 'why would you say that' look before you hear keeho chuckle.
"i knew it!"
intak finally lets out the breath he has been holding since you told keeho the truth.
you let out a soft chuckle.
"well i made pancakes. they are downstairs when y'all are ready."
"okay thank you." intak calls back, presumably to let them know he is alive.
as keeho walks away you hear him tell someone, "i told you."
you let out a laugh which causes intak to laugh.
you lean in to him and give him a quick peck, before pulling back.
"let's get dressed and eat. i'm starving." you smile widely at him.
"let's go y/n."
and for the first time in a long time, you weren't alone.
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tyun4airy · 3 months
hwang intak (p1h) x gn!reader
genre: fluff
summary: how intak comforts you on a rough day
warnings/tags: language, established relationship, non idol!intak
this is super short but im having a hard day so here's this while i work on a req!
p1harmony masterlist | main masterlist
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as soon as you texted your boyfriend, intak, that you weren't feeling well, he was sprinting to the convenience store to get snacks, drinks, and medicine for you. all within half an hour. he showed up at your front door panting from running as he rang the doorbell, immediately grinning wide when you opened the door.
"hi, baby!" he said with glee.
"hi," you mumbled in response. you opened the door wider for him to come inside and he did so, shutting and locking the door behind him.
"how are you feeling? have you been throwing up? do you have a fever? are you coughing? i got all sorts of medicine," intak shot questions at you like he was playing a rapid fire game, holding up the bag.
"i think it's just a cold," you told him, sitting down on your couch and curling up.
"good thing i got cold medicine then!" he says, placing the bag on the coffee table and pulling out the snacks, drinks, and medicine. "here!" he handed you your favorite type of drink and some medicine.
"thank you," you said quietly, taking the medicine and swallowing it down with the drink.
"did you wanna watch something?" intak asked you, situating the snacks and drinks for you both, now realizing he probably got too much. oh well. "or whatever you wanna do. i don't mind whatever!"
"i just wanna watch tv and cuddle," you murmured quietly.
"we can do that!" intak nodded quickly.
he reached for the remote and turned on the television, putting it on a show he knew you liked when you were feeling down. he grabbed a few snacks and leaned back against the couch, handing you some and letting you curl up into his side. his arm rested against the back of the couch around your shoulders as he ate his chips with you beside him. it was a comfortable silence that filled the room, and it was nice for you both. intak made sure the volume wasn't too loud in case you would get a headache, and he grabbed a blanket to toss over the two of you as you watched.
"thank you," you said out of nowhere.
"for what?" intak asked, mouth full of chips as he looked at you.
"for helping me," you answered. "i really appreciate it. i've never had a boyfriend who did these kind of things for me. so...thank you."
intak smiled down at you and pressed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "of course, baby! you know i would do anything for you. even if that means possibly getting sick. it means we'll be sick together."
"you act like a baby when you're sick," you chuckled.
"i do not!" intak retorted in defense.
"whatever you say," you patted his chest with a laugh.
"be thankful i got you stuff," he pouted.
"i know, i know."
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snwusberry · 11 months
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pairing: intak x reader
genre: fluff, crack, fake texts
warning(s): none
this is based off of a couple of these that i've seen on the internet.
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126 notes · View notes
restlessmaknae · 10 months
read your mind [intak]
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Intak might not have been able to die, but you could read his mind. Quite literally. No wonder it led to many annoying, awkward and even sweet realisations.
➳ Characters: Intak x female!mind-reader reader/you
➳ Genre: action, dystopian au (loosely based on 'P1H: The beginning of the new world' movie), superpowers au
➳ Words: 7.2k
➳ Warning: mentions of blood, death, knives, breaking bones, wound treating, losing parents
➳ A/N: This is my contribution to my own P1Harmony writing collab called '(dis)harmony' featuring stories revolving around the theme 'disrupted harmony'. Check out the other stories here!
➳ P1Harmony taglist: @dat-town, @tranquilpetrichor, @laaylaazyy, @americanokisses, @kuleo26, @hyu-won, @wccycc, @sunooslover, @littlestartonightsposts, @koishua
➳ Check out: my P1Harmony masterlist
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You took your headphones off and let it rest around your neck as you turned a corner. There was no one around as expected, and this way, the noises in your head could finally shut up. Embracing the serenity of this moment, you listened to your footsteps echo off the ground as you took confident steps towards the abandoned, graffiti-tinted walls - aka your temporary home.
The metal stairs under your feet screeched as you made your way to the entrance and you halted when you noticed that the door was slightly ajar. Even though it had been a frequent sight to see it open before you had decided to live (or rather hide) here, you had always kept it closed ever since. Which meant that someone had to be in there.
Alert, you reached for the knife tucked into your boots, and pressed the door just on the right spot, so that it wouldn’t make noise as you pushed it open. As soon as you stepped inside (thus closer to the intruder), you could hear the thoughts racing in his head, mostly marvelling at the mapped out possibilities in your notebook based on the clues you had been gathering in the past few days.
You moved swiftly and quietly and after considering his build and his current posture - he was leaning towards your computer which meant that he was significantly shorter with his arched back, thus easier for you to corner him. He was also pretty oblivious, still wondering who could have left these things behind, so he had no chance to hear your approaching footsteps, he was so focused on piercing together what he saw in front of him.
As you stepped up to him, your arms closed around him, and you pointed your knife to his chin - a warning, not yet an attack. It was enough for him to stiffen, yet he didn’t risk straightening his back.
“Wow, easy, dude, I’m-” He exclaimed surprisingly casually, and you felt the need to scoff.
“What are you doing here? Why are you here?” You cut him off as soon as you could, straight to the point as always.
Oh shit, she’s not even a dude, he thought, and you rolled your eyes. So predictable to underestimate a girl like you.
“Yesterday, I saw you torn a Harmony sticker off the walls before following you back here, and thought that you might have a special ability, too, and you’re searching for them, but I thought that you are a guy,” he reasoned, still too calm for your liking. Disregarding the fact that he thought you could be a guy in your black hoodie, black sweatpants and your black unisex boots that you usually went out in, especially at night, you kept your tone stern and warning as you spoke up.
“Or I could be searching for people with special abilities, and I could kill you right here and right now.”
“Haha, nice one, girl.”
He had the nerve to laugh which annoyed you even more, so you held the knife closer to his skin, so close that it could be piercing his skin if you let it kiss his skin even closer.
“The problem is, I can’t die.”
I’ve got her, it seems. Now, who’s laughing?
“What?” Your eyes widened, the word rolling off your tongue in disbelief. What on earth…
I know that surprise. Huh, why can’t people believe that I can’t die? Am I too handsome for that?
His thoughts proved to you that he was telling the truth because if people lied to your face, they were hoping that you would buy it in their thoughts, they didn’t continue having thoughts that could prove their innocence because they had no idea that you could read their mind. 
“That’s my special ability,” he broke it down to you nevertheless, and you had no reason not to believe him, and yet. Was he immortal then?
And I wonder what is yours, you heard his thoughts, but you decided not to tell him what you could do because it was your advantage, your strength against him. Sometimes it was difficult to distinguish when someone spoke up and when you heard their thoughts, but when you could read people’s mind, it was like a grumble, a ghostly voice in your head that echoed through your brain - or so it seemed even though there weren’t good enough words to describe what it felt like reading people’s mind.
Putting aside his curiosity, you pondered out loud, testing the waters as your grip around the knife didn’t loosen.
“So I can’t even cut you, I assume.”
“I guess you can, but even if I break a bone or two, I’m back to my healthy, unwounded self within a minute,” he responded just as casually as he did so far, but now you could put a finger on his laid-back self. You guessed that since getting hurt wasn’t an option for him, he feared nothing. Huh, guess some people had it better than others when it came to their special ability.
There was no point in holding the knife to his chin anymore, so you took a step back and retreated, letting the guy straighten up and turn towards you. He was definitely taller like this, messy, slightly curly locks sitting on top of his head, fringe in his eyes, a cheeky smile pulling his lips upwards, his whole posture radiating casualty.
Oh wow, she’s pretty, the boy thought, and you rolled your eyes.
“I guess you aren’t after people with special abilities if you let me go now. So, what do you think about teaming up?” The boy suggested as he lowered to sit on the desk. Despite the fact that it wasn’t your desk as per se since you had assembled this room from all the furniture that had been left here, it still bugged you that he was sitting so casually as if he owned the place.
You let out a huff, bewilderment an understatement to say how you felt.
“Why would I do that?”
“You can use me as a shield. I can’t die as I’ve mentioned.”
“What would you gain from teaming up with me? What’s your motif?” You turned the question around because it was all good that he couldn’t die, so you could push him out to quite literally bite the bullets for you, but why was he really here?
“I’ve told you. I’m also searching for the Harmony bungalow or base or whatever we want to call it, and I think two is better than one. You seem pretty fierce for one, so whether you have super strength or something, I feel like I could also gain something from this partnership,” he reasoned, ruffling his hair at the end as if he wanted to charm you.
She can’t say no to this. I’m even using my puppy eyes, it’s always working.
Bingo. A few minutes with this guy, and you could already tell just what kind of a guy he was. Despite the tempting offer to use him as a human shield, you didn’t have time to strike deals with guys like him.
“As you can see, I’ve been doing just fine up until now, so I don’t need your help,” you told him in a condescending tone, and pushed his shoulder to prompt him to stand up from the desk. The boy didn’t budge, instead, when you reached for his shoulder for the third time, he grabbed your wrist - gently yet firmly -, and turned your body towards his.
“I don’t have anywhere else to go,” he voiced out, serious for the first time since the beginning of the conversation. There was a few seconds of silence that hung over the two of you while he was thinking: should I tell her about my family? About how they died because of me? Or would she not believe me? How can I make her believe me then? I thought I would be able to convince her with just the fact that I can’t die.
Your heart churned at the thought of him losing his family - probably because of who he was and what he was. A monster, a freak or a god. It depended on what stories you listened to, what kind of people you talked to. There had been a huge meteor shower two months ago that had killed many, but it had also left many with special abilities. There were rumours about people being able to fly or run super fast or create illusions, and then it seemed that he couldn’t die, and you could read people’s minds.
However, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for those affected no matter how many kids called special abilities cool. The government was searching for those with special abilities because they deemed them dangerous (and probably because they wanted to control them), and they did whatever it took to hunt them down. That’s why you had run away from home as well. You had known what your parents had been thinking about the whole situation, and even though you hadn’t told them that you could read minds, you had left, saying that it was better for everyone.
Ever since then, you had been on the run, but the frightened thoughts of your parents from the hospital were still hunting you.
What if she is lying, and she is also one of them? What if they come for her? Your mother had thought, and it had broken your heart not to tell her the truth, but you had put the pieces together quickly. You had been in a coma for three weeks as one of the meteors had hit the supermarket you had been at, and whilst unconscious, you had merely thought that you could hear others talk around you in the hospital ward. Yet, as soon as you had woken up, you had realised that you had heard their thoughts in your head, not only the words spoken out loud.
Considering your own experience and the way he was pondering about his own family’s tragedy in his thoughts, tormented whether he should tell you about that to convince you, you broke the silence:
“Really,” you told him, looking away for a moment to avoid seeing that wide grin spread across his lips like honey before looking back at him. “Now, let me go,” you demanded as you turned your gaze towards his fingers around your wrist. He formed an O with his mouth, clearly bewildered that he was still holding your hand, and after he let go, you set some rules.
You told him to follow your words and not go out doing god knows what all on his own without discussing it with you beforehand, you told him that he should help you out as much as he could and share his own clues about the Harmony base, and you also told him to stop babbling if you asked him to. Plus, you told him not to do stupid stuff because you believed him, you believed the fact that he couldn’t die.
“Noted,” he bobbed his head fervently like an excited puppy. In the next moment, he opened his mouth, then closed it a few seconds later without muttering a single word. Your reply came in a package with a questioning quirk of your eyebrows and a weary question:
“What is it?”
“The thing is…” God, I’m so stupid, I think she would say no if I told her about it… “I think the government is after me.”
“No shit, Sherlock. They are after all of us,” you rolled your eyes instantly since it was a known fact that they were after all of you who had special abilities. You felt the urge to laugh into his face, but his facial expression was rather guilty - to follow up the puppy metaphor, he seemed like a puppy that had gotten caught breaking a vase and now he looked at you with a tremendous amount of pleading in his eyes.
“Maybe I did try to see if I can’t die a bit too many times, and they have caught onto that, so I’m actually on the run, not just looking for a partner in crime.”
Maybe I shouldn’t have tried jumping off high buildings too many times in the areas where there are CCTVs. In retrospect, it wasn’t the best way to test my powers.
You let out a long sigh, the added thoughts going through his head proving that he was telling the truth. You shook your head a few times before taking a seat beside the desk, looking ahead of yourself for a few seconds that he interrupted only with his thoughts.
What is going on? Will she tell me to go to hell? Will she slap me?
“It’s not like I’m not on the run,” you announced before grabbing the notebook on the desk and opening your laptop, showing him the clues you had been gathering about where this base could be, and how you could get there.
Whether only you were wanted by the authorities or he was too, it didn’t really matter. Though you definitely didn’t think that he was that serious about his warning, and that he was that sought after, the government-sent men showed up a few hours later, and it didn’t turn out to be a peaceful encounter…
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Your fingers were itching, you really felt like you were going somewhere with the clues the Harmony base had left behind. Usually, they left behind stickers with numbers or words at random places, so the clues could be taken off before someone from the authorities found them. On the other hand, for it to be safe, they probably had to change bases periodically because once you had thought you had found them, but all you had found was an empty warehouse and traces of paper, smoke and crumbs. Afterwards, the numbers and words of the clues had also changed, but the rumours stayed the same: that there was a base where people with special abilities could train together and be united. Something that you all probably longed for.
You were just about to put your clues together with a possible map of a district in Southern Seoul when you heard footsteps echoing off the metal stairs outside. You exchanged a glance with Intak - who didn’t fail to mention his family name when he introduced himself, Hwang as in king, and he said it so proudly as if you couldn’t understand what Hwang meant - before you closed your laptop, threw it into your bag alongside your notebook with the stickers and notes. Then, you reached for the knife in your boots and whispered to Intak that he should get something, too.
“But I don’t have anything,” he mouthed back, and you sighed, quickly reaching into your bag to get out another knife. The boy gave you an almost intimidated glance before he took it, but he didn’t have time to be horrified because the door flew open, and two broad-shouldered men stepped inside in what looked like soldier uniforms.
In the dim light of the lamp on the desk, you could only take out the outline of their features, nothing else, but their outfit was enough to believe that they were coming for you, and they weren’t just random dudes scaring off youngsters at an abandoned house.
“Now, if you cooperate with us, no one gets hurt,” one of the men spoke in an almost mellifluous way. It gave you the creeps, let alone the way his lips curled upwards as if he was looking at his prey with a victorious smile.
You knew that the quickest way to escape was to go outside through the doors, but the men were still standing there as if they actually believed you would change your mind, and other than that, you could only go upstairs to the rooftop or jump out of the window. The window option didn’t seem that appealing, so when the men walked towards you two, you spun the knife in your hand before aiming at the mellifluously speaking man’s arm.
He was taken aback by your quick reflexes and blood trickled down his arm immediately, but the sight infuriated him, and he became like a destroyer machine, breaking stuff around him and launching himself at you as if he wanted to squash you. You turned, rolled on the floor, kicked and cut him with your knife wherever you could, but he was too strong, so at one point, you had to use a bit of planning, and smash his head against the edge of the desk to slow him down, so you could save some time to run towards the door.
Just as you were about to run towards the door, you saw Intak running up the stairs, and you cursed under your breath. You couldn’t leave him alone, but fighting on the rooftop was the worst possible option even though you knew he couldn’t get seriously hurt. On the other hand, he didn’t even seem skilled enough to fight someone, and you heard his frantic thoughts in your head as you ran up the stairs after him and the man chasing him: Oh my god, no, I can’t do this. I was a lazybum during PE too, why is this Terminator guy so quick? Damn it…
The man obviously had thoughts about not letting this kid (as he called Intak) have his way, and he also thought that the boy would fit in well with the other monsters at the prison. To which, you couldn’t help but wonder if they really kept people like you in prisons? The thought itself made you so angry that when you reached the two of them on the rooftop, you kicked into the man’s back with more strength than you thought you possessed.
“Nice kick, girl!” Intak hollered, almost excited, and you could afford a semi-smile before the ground slipped from beneath your feet. You landed on your back with a loud thud, your bag sliding down to your arms. The worrying thoughts that went through Intak’s head with the man’s victorious thoughts going through his head at the same time was more painful. The more people’s thoughts you could hear around yourself, the more it felt like your head was aching, so it was harder to concentrate and now it was harder to think about your next move.
Your vision shifted and spun like a carousel for a few seconds before it came back to normal. You felt Intak’s hands reaching for yours, and you grabbed them, pushing yourself off the ground with your free hand.
“You shouldn’t have come up to the rooftop. This was the stupidest option,” you reprimanded him in between shallow breaths before turning around to face the man who had made you fall.
“I panicked. I didn’t know what to do,” Intak justified, rather hurt, before you could hear his thoughts as clearly as ever: Besides, I have an idea, but I’m not sure she would consider it a good one.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as you swang your knife at the man who dodged your move. He was much better than the other man, and he was even stronger, so when he managed to knock the knife out of your hand with a well-aimed kick, you cursed under your breath. You fought a lot better with a knife than with your bare body, and it didn’t help that you heard Intak’s frantic thoughts at the same time as the man’s - the two had totally opposite thoughts, and with the adrenaline working hard in your system, it was difficult to shut them off. When you were calm and composed, you could tame the voices or at least the volume of them, but not when you were in the middle of a fight…
“Whatever idea you have, Intak, do it now!” You grumbled frantically as you started taking steps backwards, trying to get out of the man’s way, especially after he managed to snatch the knife out of Intak’s hand, too.
“Little kids like you should know when to give up,” the man sneered through gritted teeth, his voice resembling a psychopath’s. Maybe you two were the odd ones out with Intak, but he was definitely the more dangerous one here.
Okay, here we go, Intak thought before you could feel him touch you from behind. Before you could realise what he was about to do, he practically gave you a back hug before taking a few quick steps towards the edge and taking you with him. Then, it felt like flying - you could see the cloudy sky above with darkening patches on the horizon, the edge of the building you had just jumped from and the man’s bewildered expression. You were both super fast and super slow as you were carried by gravity, Intak’s body reaching the ground first, then yours.
Even though Intak took the fall instead of you (you landed as if he was a pillow beneath you), your teeth clinked together and the landing’s effect reverberated through your spine, making you dizzy and a bit light-headed. Your vision yet again lost sight of colours for a few seconds before you managed to come back to your senses. You had just jumped off that building. To be precise, Intak had jumped off and pulled you with him which was the stupidest and the smartest idea at the same time.
Yet, despite knowing that he couldn’t get seriously hurt, when you heard him grumble beneath you, you immediately rolled off him, and crouched beside him. There was blood oozing out from his head, and the sight of it scared you, so much that you found yourself reaching for his chest, to feel his heartbeat.
“Are you okay?” You found yourself asking despite the fact that it was the most unreasonable question to ask him given the circumstances. He was blinking rapidly, looking around himself, and when his eyes closed in on you, he blinked a few more times. Then, he caught sight of your hands on his chest, and there it was, that cheeky smile of his…
“You should have asked me if you wanted to touch me so bad,” he mentioned, his voice uncharacteristically low, and you felt the need to punch him. That annoying jerk.
She is cute when she’s worried, he thought, and you were about to open your mouth to say that you weren’t cute, but then you realised that it wasn’t coming from his mouth, it was merely what he was thinking. So you shut your mouth, and instead, pulled the boy towards you, helping him to get up. However, he lost his balance for a moment, and you nearly fell upon him, but he held you up, strong and steady.
“Are you okay?” He asked and you could only blink at him. The closeness, the physical touches and the worried thoughts going through his head whether you hurt yourself and whether that fall on the rooftop had been excruciating pained you and mended your heart all at the same time. There were no remains of the cheeky smile from before, there was no mischief glinting in his deep mahogany-brown eyes, there was nothing but worry invading his thoughts, and if anything, that just scared you even more. He shouldn’t have cared about anyone he had just met a few hours ago to that extent, yet… you were the same…
As if woken from a stupor, the noise of the outside world reached you, and you immediately stumbled to your feet, the boy doing the same. Then, you two just ran, and you didn’t even realise he was still holding your hand until you reached a corner and he turned sooner than you could have done so. He still didn’t let go of you, merely pulled you with him, and you followed him even though you had no idea where you were going. Just away from the danger, away from yet another temporary home…
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After the meteor shower that had led to people developing special abilities, a lot of buildings were left mildly or gravely damaged. Some were taken care of, some were in the middle of construction, and a lot of them were still abandoned, left in their spooky and semi-equipped state. You didn't know whether it was because the ones who had been living there were not so lucky and passed away in the meteor shower (or they were still in a coma), or it was because nobody cared to rebuild them instead of finding a new home, but you were lucky in the sense that you could go from one abandoned building to another, finding shelter. There were a few that homeless people occupied, but there were always some that were left uninhibited.
When you reached one after running for so long, you walked around the building to make sure that nobody else was there, then you plopped down on the dusty couch, finding solace in stillness. Intak followed your example, and wiped the sweat off his forehead with the hem of his jacket.
You hadn’t known him for long, but you could already tell that silence was scarce around him. He was usually determined to break it and fill it, but now, neither of you seemed to find the right words to say. So you merely sat there for a few minutes, catching your breath and thinking of ways to move forward.
Surprisingly, you were the first to speak up.
“You know, going to the rooftop was the stupidest idea. You should have just left through the front door while I was taking care of the other man,” you pointed out in case you two will ever have a fight like that again. Hearing your words, the boy puckered his lips like an offended child and his voice was slightly higher when he spoke up.
“Well, sorry, I panicked, that was the only thing that came to my mind. I’m not as smart as you are, and I’m not as good of a fighter as you are, you could see that.”
Still, I’m glad that we are both safe. Even with my stupidest idea, he thought to himself, and you could hear the sulkiness in his voice - both when he said the words out loud and when you heard his voice in your thoughts. With his big doe eyes, boyish features, messy locks and puckered lips, he really did resemble a child. Or a puppy that was left alone for too long.
“Don’t be sulky. I was saying it, so that we wouldn’t run into something like this in the future.”
“I’m not sulky.”
“Yes, you are,” you insisted, a smile already making its way onto your lips as you watched his facial expression change from apparently sulky to defensive and then to resigned. He was such an open book, you could tell how he was feeling just by a glance at him.
God, are we really going to pick a fight over this when we managed to escape the men? I know I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but still… I saved her.
You had to give it to him that he was right. He did save you, and you would say that he had sacrificed himself for you if you hadn’t known that he couldn’t die. Still, it was sort of like sacrificing himself for you. You hadn’t been around anyone else, let alone someone like an ally for the past month ever since you had left home, so having him around felt like a burden and a relief. A burden because now you couldn’t help but worry about his safety (despite knowing that he couldn’t die), and a relief because it was more bearable going through something like this together. You weren’t even sure that you could have escaped the men from before if he hadn’t been there. You had managed to fight a man before, but he had been alone then, and he had been rather inadequate to fight, thus you had managed to escape him almost easily.
Knowing what Intak was thinking and seeing how he was still like a pouty kid, you cleared your throat.
“Well, thanks anyways,” you broke the silence, and given his wide-eyed stare, you added. “For saving me back there.”
What? Did she change her mind? What’s with the mood suddenly?
“You’re welcome, I guess?” Intak replied cautiously, and his answer was more like a question. Even his thoughts mirrored his uncertainty: What am I supposed to say to that? I didn’t prepare for a thanks from her.
There was a kind of a solemn mood blanketing you two after your little banter, and you could hear based on his thoughts how he wanted to break the silence, but he didn’t know what he could possibly bring up. On the other hand, you had a question that had been floating in your head ever since you had gotten to know about his special ability, so you decided to ask about it.
“How are you so sure that you will survive each and every time you’re supposed to die? Is there really no way for you to die?”
“I don’t really know. I fell from pretty high the first time I died, and I should have probably broken a few bones and thrown out my shoulder and stuff, but I still managed to put myself together afterwards. I don’t know how and why, I’m just as clueless as you are,” came the answer almost immediately, and you could see sincerity reflected in his warm brown orbs.
When you had met him that morning, he had seemed like your typical popular boy at school. The fact that he was wearing sweatpants, a loose tee and a bomber jacket as if he had just come from the gym didn’t help either. He had that cheeky smile plastered onto his face, and he had seemed rather carefree and careless. Now, you could tell that he didn’t think of his special ability as something cool, no matter how much he had made it seem like in the beginning. Uncertainty was scary, and even though you weren’t fully aware of the characteristics of your mind-reading ability, his case must have been even more difficult.
“Isn’t it scary? Dying over and over again?” You couldn’t help but ask. His demeanour didn’t waver, but you could see a hint of surprise flash across his orbs.
Huh, is she worried about me? Has she warmed up to me to care about whether it is scary for me to die again and again?
You could have easily rolled your eyes upon hearing his thoughts, but since he didn’t appear cocky, you didn’t feel like doing so. Instead, he remained cool on the surface and shrugged his shoulders.
“The first two times, it was scary. Ever since then, it’s not that bad.”
Besides, this time, I had to save us. I had to save you. I didn’t think about anything else.
You froze for a moment there. Sure, you had been worried about him during the fight, you had thought about his safety as well, but you wouldn’t have expected such thoughts from him. He was apparently more mature and responsible than you would have thought so, not that you would let him know that you felt this way.
Brushing off his words echoing in your head and the flashbacks of his hands on your hands, you suggested talking about what you were supposed to do next, and that you should probably grab some food afterwards. You ended up eating first, then plotting some plans because Intak was also really hungry. He went to grab some food from the nearby supermarket (taking your safety tips into consideration about how to appear less on CCTVs and such), and then, you were hunched over your notes and maps while having a pretty dry yet edible sandwich. Definitely not the way you would have thought this day would end, but you didn’t mind.
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Actually, Intak was pretty useful when it came to the clues. He might not have been able to read maps, but he had that outside-of-the-box thinking that made you realise that the seemingly random letters you had found on one sticker could indicate that they were coded, and you had to translate them to their corresponding number in the English alphabet. You assumed that they were the acronyms for a street or a district name, but once you had the encryption done, they turned out to be GPS coordinates. It fit well with the map you had been working on and the text that was only visible in the dark that said: follow the fences. According to the map you had found, it was supposed to be a huge empty place, the remains of a firm built a few decades ago, probably behind high fences.
Needless to say, it didn’t take you only a day to put your clues together, so you had to spend some time together with the boy which made you feel uneasy in the beginning. However, apart from a few jokes about sleeping together (as in under the same roof before anyone could misunderstand) and his usual (now trademark) cheeky smiles, he wasn’t that unbearable. Besides, you could read his mind, so he didn’t have a lot of secrets in front of you, let it be his opinion on the bibimbap you got him from the store or how much he hated riddles and felt stupid when he couldn’t help with the clues. You felt the need to reassure him time and time again that he wasn’t stupid, and that he helped immensely, and you expected him to be all smug about it, but he was rather touched to hear your soothing words.
However, being the target of the government due to your special abilities meant that you had to be on the run whether they found out about your hideout place or not. You had to fight a few more officials and flee from another place before you could put together the clues, and this fight resulted in a few injuries on your part. You insisted that you could take care of them, but you had a big cut from a glass window that scratched your back, so you had to let Intak disinfect it. It didn’t help that you could hear his concerned (and panicky) thoughts running through his head, and his self-blame resurfaced with the thoughts.
“Don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault,” you told him between two hisses, and you thought that he would catch onto you reading his mind, but he didn’t. Despite the fact that he seemed innocent and he was definitely harmless, there was no right time or right place to tell him about your ability, especially when you were on the run, so you didn’t. One day, you would do so.
“But it bugs me that I can’t die and can’t get hurt, but you can. I wish I could have a power that lets me heal others, not just myself,” he responded firmly, and his sincere confession took you aback. You felt your heart beat against your rib cage in a rather panicked rhythm, the rhythm of your confusion and gratitude and… was that affection? You cared about him, he genuinely cared about you just as this confession proved you, but could it be something else?
You didn’t have time to ponder over it because the boy put the antiseptic on an untreated part of your cut, and the pain erased all questions from your head. You winced, letting the agony wash over you in waves before you finally finished, but that one question stayed in the back of your mind even after it was over, even days after when you put the clues together and you were about to leave for Harmony base (hopefully) with all the (little amount of) belongings you had on you.
You were careful about how you were going there, changing clothes from the last time the officials had ambushed your hideout place, but you couldn’t appear panicked because that would draw more suspicion than anything else. So you casually hopped on the bus, then the metro, and walked towards the abandoned factory. Indeed, there were an awful lot of fences that led to the firm’s front door, and as you looked around, you caught sight of a few cameras. Could they be government-related cameras? Or could the ones at Harmony base monitor who were circling around the base? It even crossed your mind that it could be a trap after all, but you hoped that it wasn’t a trap after everything you had gone through to get here.
You knew that Intak had the same thoughts, though he was eerily quiet beside you. He was scared and hopeful at the same time according to his thoughts, but when you reached the front door of the firm, he reached for your arm and pulled you behind him. Bewildered was an understatement to describe how you felt even though it was true that he couldn’t get hurt, so if things went south, he could still let you have enough time to run away if he was, for instance, stabbed. Not that you would leave him there on his own. After all, who knew what they would do to him?
“Should I just knock? Or should we wait for them to come outside?” Intak inquired rather conflicted, and you didn’t know what would be better, so you suggested knocking.
He knocked a few times, but only silence remained.
“Do you think we came to the wrong place? I was so sure about the encryption though,” the boy mentioned sulkily, and turned towards you with a pout. He was pretty cute when he was pouting.
“Even though this is not the Harmony base, we’ve tried to find and put the clues together. That’s what matters,” you pointed out with a half-smile. “Maybe they’ve already left,” you reasoned, hoping not to crush whatever hope he had left in him. You still had the chance to open the door yourself, but before you could do so, the door flew open, and a grey-haired boy stepped outside.
“We’ve heard your conversation, and you’ve come to the right place,” he announced in a theatrical manner, even going as far as bowing towards you two. Then, he reached for Intak’s wrist, closed his eyes, and did… nothing for a few seconds. “You pass,” he announced after opening his eyes, but Intak didn’t budge, still sheltering you from the front.
You were utterly confused as to what was going on because even the thoughts of the grey-haired boy seemed genuine. He was thinking how lucky they were that two more people with special abilities could join them, and that their clues didn’t seem that difficult this time. So he wasn’t just acting nice, he was a part of Harmony base, but still… What was with the wrist touching?
“Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Keeho, and I can sense who has a special ability and who doesn’t, but in order for me to do that, I need to touch them. Just a bit though,” he introduced himself cheerily, a wide smile plastered onto his face. He looked at you peeking out from behind Intak with an expectant smile, and you exchanged a glance with your partner in crime before reaching out your wrist and letting the so-called Keeho touch it.
He was gentle though, and his hand was off your wrist in no time, letting you pass as well. He beckoned you two inside, and despite the first few minutes that you spent looking around and trying to make sure that you weren’t dreaming, you finally managed to believe that you had found Harmony base. You did it. Especially when you met more people with special abilities, some were in the midst of training their telekinesis or what seemed like super strength, others had special labs in which they put together or grow stuff, and it was so cool and so reassuring. They were all just like you. You belonged here.
Intak felt the same joy because he swept you off your feet (quite literally) and spun you around while hugging you.
“We did it,” he hollered cheerfully before putting you down and letting you escape his grip. You didn’t do so. You just stared at him, smiley and wide-eyed, your heart jumping up and down in exhilaration. Intak did the same, and this moment seemed so fragile, something that you would like to embrace and keep close to your heart for the future. You really did it.
I want to kiss her so bad, but I’m afraid she will slap me in the face if I do so. You heard Intak’s words in your head, and you couldn’t help but let out a light-hearted laughter.
“I won’t”, you said as you pulled on his shirt and pulled him closer, your lips crushing against his. It was swift and sweet, and Intak definitely didn’t see it coming despite his own thoughts of kissing you because he gaped like a fish after you let go of him.
“What? What did you mean by you won’t?” He blinked at you, totally confused, and you shrugged your shoulders in response. Seeing his utter confusion though, you decided to let him in on the secret.
“That I won’t slap you.”
“But I didn’t… I didn’t say it out loud, did I?” He looked so perplexed as if he actually believed that he did say it out loud without him knowing. It was so him, your smile only grew wider before the confession.
“You didn’t, but I can read your mind. That’s my special ability.”
If he was gaping before, now his jaw was hanging open. He couldn’t close his mouth for a few more moments, but when he did so, he started blabbering about it - if you could read his mind all the time (yes), if you had heard all of his thoughts when he thought that you were pretty and cool and badass (yes, you did), and that if you knew he liked you, why didn’t you act (because you weren’t sure about your own feelings towards him).
“But now you are?” Intak blinked at you, a hint of hope flashing across his warm, mahogany-brown orbs. No words were needed to confirm it, you merely nodded and pulled him in for another kiss, and he wasn’t that taken aback this time. He rather enjoyed it which you knew because his thoughts were full of you.
You were sure though that if he could read your mind, he would say the same.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this story of mine! Let me know what you think!
If you want to read more stories of mine, let it be for P1Harmony or for other artists, consider signing up for my taglist here.
Hope you have a lovely day/night! Take care! ❤️
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starry-nights-garden · 10 months
✧ P1Harmony Intak x gn!reader ✧ words: ~800 ✧ genre: fluff, angst ✧ warnings: none ✧ prompts: “Nothing has ever felt so right.” + “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
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There is regret lying deep in his gaze and he can barely look at you when you finally meet him that day.
“I’m sorry…” he mutters, and you immediately feel the urge to tell him to shut up. You’d be lying if you said you’re not angry at him blaming himself all over again, but on the other hand you could never show him those feelings when he’s standing in front of you looking like a puppy that was abandoned in the rain. You take in a deep breath to collect yourself and then you reach out to grab his hand, pulling him towards you and over the doorstep.
“Just come in first of all.”
You and your boyfriend Intak had a date planned today, with movies and ice cream and cuddles on the couch, but just before he was scheduled to arrive at your place, you got a rushed text from him saying he can’t make it. Because of work - you figured.
“We had to stay behind at practice and redo a part of the dance…” he explains to you now, his voice cracking from the guilt weighing heavy on his shoulders. “I’m so sorry,” he repeats again and you furrow your eyebrows, trying to figure out what you could say to him in this very moment in order to relieve some of the bad feelings. However, you know your boyfriend, and you’re used to his stress-rambles that not even he himself can stop sometimes. And so it happens today as well, when he stands at the entrance of your home past midnight. 
“I tried to make everyone hurry, but we can’t slack off or we’ll get scolded by the company and have to stay behind even longer… I’m really sorry, Y/N… you deserve better than this…” That’s the moment you feel the urge to act. You frown, but in the same breath you step forth, grab the collar of his shirt and bring him in to crash your lips against his somewhat ungently. You pour all your thoughts that course through your head into the way you kiss him, carefully but deeply. The way you wish he would just shut up about things that can’t be helped and not think so much. The way you wish you could finally get through to him whenever you tell him that you understand. And the last thought you say out loud, whispering clearly with your lips still lingering near his, breaths mingling.
“I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love you, and I chose to be with you despite all that, so stop worrying so much already, okay?” You breathe out and let some of the tension escape your body, lifting the strain off your voice as well as you realize your words may have come across a bit harsh. “Of course I’m sad that our date didn’t happen, but I’m not mad at you,” you add. Then you loosen the grip you have on his shirt and instead you bring your palms up to his cheeks. “I’m not mad at you,” you say once again, and it’s like you can feel the pressure inside his chest collapse and crumble into a million little pieces all at once. Wordlessly, he throws his arms around you, having you support his weight as you return the tight hug, and you think you could catch a glimpse of his eyes getting watery. You pat his back to reassure him, and with time he relaxes in your embrace.
“Listen,” you eventually start talking again, “I knew it would be like this, okay? And I’m fine with that. Nothing has ever felt so right as being with you does. So I can bear it if we can’t see each other as often in exchange." 
You bring some distance between the two of you when you take a step back to get a proper look at his face. He nods strongly, but a trace of regret is still left in his expression. You smile at him when you press your index finger onto the creases between his eyebrows and he lets go of the frown on his face.
"That’s better,” you mumble. “Now let’s make ourselves comfortable and get some rest?” you suggest. He lets you pull him to your room by his hand without protest, but once you arrive there, he calls out your name.
“Y/N…” You turn around to look at him, and after hesitating for a second he leans in to kiss you. “Thank you,” you hear him sigh against your lips, and you wrap your arms around his shoulders to deepen the kiss.
“It’s nothing,” you retort when you part, and you let your eyes wander your boyfriend’s face, taking in his features and eventually breaking into a bright smile. “I’m just glad you’re here now.”
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0830s · 11 months
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ [ 02:24 ]
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running away from a family party in the middle of the night, with your childhood best friend, was something you were used to doing now. his hand clinging to yours, wandering the cold night streets, taking a random subway direction to anywhere but here — it was your dose of freedom. and under the faint moonlight, which
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illuminated his tired but overexcited face, you began to think that wherever he went, you'd follow. standing on tiptoe, tugging at the tie of his suit, you place a butterfly kiss on his cheek, making the tips of his cold ears redden. then suddenly his eyes locked with yours, the beauty of his hazel pupils made your heart miss a beat.
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acaiasahi · 1 year
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✶ colors and clouds ; hwang intak.
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synopsis. under a full sky of clouds, you and intak express which color the other would be.
info. fluff. hwang intak x gn!reader. 694 words.
warnings. mentions of kissing, cuddling, physical touch. proofread-ish, lmk if there's anything else!
[ ★ . . . dm by fromis_9.
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the soft music playing from the car's speaker further immerse you as the soft breeze whips your clothes around.
"if i were a color, which one would i be?" intak randomly asks. the question catches you off guard but you happily respond nonetheless. your eyes never leave the puffy white balls of fluff as they sway within the sapphire sky.
you hum to indicate that you're in thought before replying, "probably yellow, but not like a goofy, crayola yellow. more like a sunflower yellow?" the way your voice goes up an octave towards the end tells intak that you have more beans to spill.
he laughs lightheartedly, "okay... and why that specific color?" he asks, voice warmer than a cup of chamomile tea. you shrug with a giggle, small smile gracing your face as your eyes trail over to him.
there he lays comfortably, hand resting behind his head whilst the other lays flat on his chest. his zip-up hoodie and beanie combo making him look cozy, so much so that you can't help but lay down next to him in search for his warmth. he happily takes you in his arms, smiling at the way your head snuggles into his chest.
"you're so bright, takie. so mellow and homey, you just radiate so much love and warmth. kinda like the sun," you say with a chuckle. you feel his chest rumble as he chuckles in acknowledgment to your heart-fluttering explanation.
you wrap your arms around his torso, pulling him in closer as he rubs your forearm lovingly. "y'know how sunflowers always face the sun?" you ask, this time you catch him off guard with your own question.
deciding to not wait for his answer, you beat him to speaking. "i guess you could say i'm the sunflower, while you're the sun. i can't help but be drawn to you."
your words hit him right in the chest, that warm, fuzzy feeling you just described him as beginning to spread throughout his body as he smiles shamelessly up at the clouds.
"what about me, what color would i be?" your tone light and full of fun. you raise your head off his chest, detangling yourself and keeping your body up by your elbow, wide grin on display as you excitedly await his answer.
intak taps his index finger on his chin, eyes looking everywhere but you as he pretends to think. "kind of specific but a rosey pink, like a blush pink..." he trails off. his eyes are drawn back to, "y-you're just so... pr-pretty," he stutters over his own words just by making eye contact with you.
you smirk at his sudden confession, "why thank you, intak!" tone practically dripping with mischief. "for the record, i think you're pretty too."
the same pink he described you as dusts itself onto the apples of your cheeks as you lay your head on his chest once more. you feel intak's hand reach for yours before interweaving your fingers. he brings up your interlocked hands to his lips before leaving a soft kiss on the back of it. he brings your conjoined hands back down to rest them on his chest comfortably.
without the need of any other words, you lift your head off his chest, turning it and coming face to face with the constant soft rise and fall of his sternum. you place a loving kiss right where his heart should be before laying back down on the exact spot your lips once lay. he's like your own personal pillow, and a very cuddly one at that
you hear how his heartbeat quickens upon the sickeningly sweet action, bubbles of laughter seeping past his lips as he gives the top of your head a soft peck.
"don't be nervous," you whisper out. the wind carries your sweet tone into his ears, "you have no clue what you do to me," he says breathlessly. "your heart's such a dead giveaway."
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★ piwon taglist. @kflixnet ... @k-labels ... @enhacolor ... @seung-scrittore ... @existnesia ... @i-luvsang ... @chelle ... @luvyoonbot ... @17milktea ... @imhuh
[ 🎧 ] jaydi's notes. being completely silly goosey goose, i don't like this but what i do like is intak so u can't blame me. i literally wrote this while waiting for my game to download on my ps n i still have 40 mins left to go 😭
© acaiasahi 2023 all rights reserved. copying, translating, and reposting is prohibited.
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de0nu · 2 years
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The atmosphere is lively. People are dancing, socializing, laughing. While Y/n is behind the stage sweating her balls off.
I feel like i’m gonna throw up.
Her costume is on and her pointe shoes feel just right for her, her CD is already turned in so nothing could possibly go wrong from here.
Well unless my CD skips or I fuck up one of my turns or I forget some of the routine or-
“Hi!” he says… and that’s all he says.
“Hi?“ The ballerina responded, did he need something? He’s kinda just standing there, fidgeting with his rings.
“Hi?“ The ballerina responded, did he need something? He’s kinda just standing there, fidgeting with his rings.
“Um.. I just uh… wanted to come with you luck! I know preparing for the recital has really taken a toll on you and all and i’ve realized that sometimes you can kind of get stuck in your own head so i just wanted to let you know that everything will go just fine! And even if something does happen, i know that you’re professional and mature enough to overcome it and at the end of the day, your performance will be amazing!”
It’s silent as the pair just stands there, the girl is staring in shock while the boy is staring in anticipation.
“I’m sorry… was that too much? Now that i think about what i said it was kind of pressuring. I’m sorry! That wasn’t my intention at all it’s just-“
She smiles, “Thank you.”
All tension leaves Intaks body at those two words, and he also starts to feel a smile creep it’s way on his face.
“No, yea, of course, it’s nothing” He laughs it off, the ballerina laughing with him.
She opens her mouth in a wish to keep the conversation going but instead is cut short as she hears her name being called, she is next to go on stage.
“Oh um, well thank you! For your oh-so encouraging words.” She grins.
Intak let’s a giggle slip past his lips at the sight of her, “Yes, of course! I can’t wait to see you out there.”
Y/n turns to walk off, and throws the smiling boy one last look before throwing up her hand in a wave and gracefully walking towards the wing of the stage.
Intak, in pure bliss, jumps and squeals before being shushed in respect of his crush’s performance.
It’s after the recital and all performers are buzzing with electricity, there were no mistakes, no bumps in the road, the event went perfectly and Y/n couldn’t ask for more.
Currently, she is with her friend group, joy is bouncing off the girls as they all talk about each other’s performances.
“-No shut up cause Chaeyeon looked so good i literally had to refrain from jumping the stage-“
“Um now hold on cause Chaer and Yeji had me pissing my fucking tutu. Y’all had no right looking that good.”
The group bust out in laughter but Yeji then speaks up to say, “In my opinion, Winter and Hiyyih had the best vocal performances of the night. Winter highnote literally made-“
“Oh your talking about when she screeched into the microphone?” Yeji is interrupted by Keeho, the rest of his friend group following after him.
Winter scowls, “I should smack you.” is all she says before turning her back to him.
Chaeryeong, being the sweetheart she is decided to make an offer, “Oh! Since you guys are here, and Keeho and Winter are obviously besties-“ A smack from Winter interrupts her, “Why don’t we go out for dinner together? It will be so much fun!”
Surprisingly, after a little bit of coaxing, the two friend groups agreed. And soon enough, they’re making their way to the closest sushi buffet.
While walking, Y/n decides to slow down enough to walk at the same pace as Bahiyyih. She holds her hand wordlessly and gives her a soft smile.
Bahiyyih, all while looking relieved and content, asks her, “We’re ok?”
Y/n, im turn, softly says, “We’re ok.” And the two girls nuzzle against each other, feeling safe with one another.
The peace however, is interrupted when Intak taps on Y/n’s shoulder, “Do you mind if i borrow her for a moment?”
Bahiyyih practically glows, and tears her hand away from yours, “Of course!” She beams before running to catch up with the rest of the group.
There’s silence before Intak speaks up with a timid, “So..”
You grin at him, “So..?
Intak, resumes the habit of fiddling with his fingers as he asks you, “Have you thought about it?”
“Have I?”
“Well, I don’t know that why i’m asking-“
You laugh abruptly, bumping your shoulder with his as you lose your footing. He laughs along with you.
After a moment of thinking, you decide to simply ask him, “Should we get to know each other better?
𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵: @luv4dream @hoonyworld @enhypencil @kvreanpjm @jeonginshq @theprettestboytheo @tw-hyuck @kurodach @cupid-yuno @stephsfav @ren-dreamie @imtierdbeinghomealone @tranquilpetrichor @esther-kpopstan @yeonjunisbetterthanyou @deezarenotmynutz
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lattenha · 2 years
when he’s jealous — P1HARMONY!maknae line
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what are the maknae’s like when they’re jealous? ft. maknae line!p1harmony x gn!reader genre! jealousy, fluff w/c! 1302
a/n: sorry this took sooo long! way overdue :( in the midst of a burnout from summer courses i’ve also been stressing about going back to college for my second year. i kind of rushed jongseob’s and idk if you would consider soul’s as a ‘jealousy’ thing. this is the best i could do for now >_<
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both you and intak started off as individualists on social media filming choreography videos of yourselves. from kpop covers to tiktok challenges to freestyles, you name it. now, the two of you were dancing together after being scouted and auditioning for a local dance crew in your area. joining a team was the least of your expectations. for a while you were convinced that you’d have to continue your hobby as a soloist, but becoming a part of a second family was beyond your thinking.
it was another long day of filming. you sat on the edge of the sidewalk downing a bottle of water and wiping at the sweat gathering on your forehead.
“here, use this instead. it’s clean,” you looked up to see intak with his arm outstretched offering you a fresh towel. you thanked him with a shy smile and dabbed at your skin, sighing softly. intak sat next to you, mirroring your expression and taking a swig of water from his own bottle.
“you did good today. well, i mean like, you always dance… good.” he rubbed the nape of his neck awkwardly, mentally cursing himself for probably looking stupid just trying to spark a casual convo.
you giggled, “thank you, you did really good today as well.”
a beat of silence passes. intak purses his lips in a thin line while racking through his brain to think of something to say. just as he’s about to open his mouth someone has already beaten him to it.
“hey,” neither you nor intak recognizes this person and to say you’re caught off guard would be an understatement. “i saw you dancing and just wanted to say you’re like really cute.” the stranger has you blushing at the compliment. it doesn’t sit well with intak. he grits his teeth, subconsciously clenching his jaw to bite back from intervening.
“i hope this isn’t weird and i’ll totally respect your privacy but i was wondering if…” they look off to the side. intak’s eyes narrow at their nervous demeanor. “could i get your num—“
the brunette pushes himself off the curb of the sidewalk and without thinking— as if his mind completely went on autopilot— intak grabs your wrist. pulling you to your feet while almost stumbling into his arms. “sorry we gotta go record one more take for the video.” before you could even think to retort or apologize to the person, you’re being dragged behind intak with his back faced to you.
your cheeks are burning once again, this time for a completely different reason— and it’s not because of the stranger from before.
joining school clubs were never your forte, but when your best friend forced you to sign up for one so she “wouldn’t be alone,” you had no other choice but to comply and simply go along with her pleas. knowing her, she’d never let you hear the end of it unless she successfully got her way; spoiled as always.
what you didn’t expect was the mandatory participation for every club meeting or event that was organized. along with the after school hour meetings that everyone had to attend.
it was thirty minutes past five. you’ve been on campus since eight in the morning and now you’re currently stuck having to help the club prepare signs for the festival tomorrow. your friend left an hour ago for a family dinner. since then you’ve been painting letters on poster boards with riki and shota as the faint sound of music playing from the speaker fills the quiet void of the classroom.
“ah shoot,” you curse out a string of profanities under your breath. riki looks up from the corner of his poorly done paint strokes in an attempt to ‘design’ the poster. a splash of blue from who knows where and who knows how it got there creates a stain on your skirt. in the most obvious spot, may i add.
you audibly groan and this time shota’s eyes are focused on you too. he immediately recognizes the new dash of color on your school uniform, confirming that the stain is indeed evident. “i literally just bought this skirt recently and now there’s paint on it.”
“here,” riki grabs a nearby paper towel and in an attempt tries to help you wipe away most of the paint. to both his and your dismay, it only worsens the stain, seeping further into the material of your skirt. “ah— i’m so sorry y/n!”
“it’s o-okay,” you chuckle nervously.
shota rummages through his bag to find his handkerchief and leaves quietly as the two of you hastily tend to the paint on your skirt. he runs the cloth under water, ringing it out to a damp level, and returns to the corner of the classroom. he kneels next to you, dabbing at the stain. a dark, wet spot accumulates on your skirt and shota uses a dry paper towel to blot the water the best that he can.
it works, just a tiny bit, better than what riki could come up with and erased most of the disaster. “oh my god, thanks sho-chan.” you sigh in relief. hopefully the washing machine back home can take care of the rest.
shota nods and smiles softly to himself knowing that he was of help… unlike some people.
it’s lunchtime when jongseob visits your class. you’re sitting next to the window at your desk eating the food your mom packed while listening to seventeen’s discography. jongseob taps your shoulder, startling you in the process of doing so and you flinch ever so slightly. the red head smiles with a mischievous grin at your reaction.
you roll your eyes and pull out the right side of your earbuds. “what’s up? did you eat already?”
jongseob tugs the chair nearest to him in arm’s length and drags it next to your side, making himself comfortable on the stiff wooden seat. “yup, already ate lunch for the day.” you nod, signaling that you were listening and continue to eat.
the all-too-familiar intro to rock with you begins playing. tempted by the catchy melody of the song you subconsciously hum to yourself while bobbing your head along to the beat.
“whacha listening to?” jongseob reaches for your phone and you almost scream at him not to when his hand comes into view. he looks at you confused when you snatch it away from him. “why can’t i see?” he pouts.
you shake your head furiously, cheeks filled with rice as you furrow your eyebrows. you swallow the food stored in your mouth and reply to jongseob’s question with a dry answer. “because,”
“because what? you got something embarrassing on there?”
you try to mask the guilt on your face to his question. it’s not that it’s embarrassing per se, but you rather not have someone other than you to look at your phone. specifically your lockscreen. a picture of your bias to be precise. a picture that may or not have been edited that you photoshopped yourself into to make it look like you were in the photo with said bias.
“i bet it’s not that bad—“ jongseob extends his arm to grab your phone. when you attempt to hold him back your pair of chopsticks go flying onto the ground, clattering due to the metal material, and you’re practically scrambling to pick up your utensils. by the time you slide back into your seat with fuming cheeks you look to jongseob for a reaction.
his expression is unreadable that it spikes your anxiety. what could he be possibly thinking?
the red head snickers and you turn to him with a quirked eyebrow. “what? what is it?”
“nothing,” jongseob sets your phone back in its previous spot and lets out a bitter laugh. “i just think we could recreate that picture much better than your silly little edit.”
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shower-phantom-ideas · 9 months
Danny as Fenton takes a hit that no human boy should survive while in a different city (im going crossover here) and just transforms into phantom and pretends to be all sad that he died. Just for a moment. He then proceeds to kick the baddies ass. Claims he got ghost powers and fucks off. Imagine if Captain America or Batman saw this while failing ti protect him, hell or any hero type. Danny doesn’t think much on it and just goes on with his week. Continues being Fenton of course but what if he runs into whatever hero, but out if costume, saw him do that.
“How are you here? And alive?”
Danny holding a smoothie:”uhhhh I made a miraculous recovery”
He just shrugs it off and goes about his day. It isn’t until he finally gets some sleep later that night that he wakes up in a cold sweat realising he now knows their secret identity. “Oh well it’s neat I guess” starts to go back to sleep only to bolt back up “oh god now they know my secret identity”
Meanwhile said hero is too busy trying to figure out how to help this random kid to even be worried about the fact that they outed themselves. Someone else probably points it out to them and has to explain it twice before it gets thru.
#danny phantom#crossovers#dp x mcu#dpxdc#dp x dc#I like to use batman a lot cause his need to protect these kids probably makes him a little stupid#like imagine him in the batcave looking into fenton now and nightwing comes in starts asking about it#only to have to find out that bruce basically told the kid hes batman#except bruce is tired and worried so he isnt getting it#no B I mean like how does bruce wayne know the kid died. only batman saw it#if you are trying to make some sort of joke it’s not working. now please excuse me I have to figure this out#a sigh and facepalm#B imagine what the kid is gonna think when bruce wayne asks him how he is alive but batman watched him die.#slowly bruce stops typing and leans back from the computer#he freezes#eyes widening#a soft but sharp intake#oh#yea oh B geeze you must be tired if it took this long for you to get ut#bruce with his head in his hands realising he just messed up big time#maybe he should get more sleep after all#as for the mcu I would like to think it was hawkeye or hulk#I like hulk cause it’s also a bruce but I like hawkeye more. guy is very comfort character#clint just kid I saw you die now why don’t you explain that#danny giving him nothing till clints like come on it’s kinda messed up letting me think I let a kid die isnt it.#oh poor me loosing so much sleep watching a young boy become a ghost. I could hardly go on#danny rolls his eyes laying it on a little thick arent we old man#gasp! I will have you know I am only (insert haskeyes age here)#geeze you are waaayyy okder than I thought
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sxcret-garden · 4 months
P1Harmony Reaction ღ Their s/o wearing lingerie [M]
ღ P1Harmony Keeho, Theo, Jiung, Intak x gn!reader ღ genre: reaction, smut ღ warnings: none
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you're making out with him and clothes are flying off one by one as both of you already know where this night will lead you
can't suppress a grin once he discovers that you're wearing lingerie underneath your other clothes
"Came prepared, huh?" - teases you and makes sure to press his lips back against yours before you can reply
he likes seeing you like this, and he likes knowing you're wearing it for him even more, and he will make sure to tell you that
in between teases and praises he lets his lips explore your body, and it doesn't take long until he has you trapped underneath him on the bed
"Fuck you're gorgeous... can't wait to tear all of this off of you..."
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very flustered the first time he sees you in lingerie
he has no idea how to react - it's not that he doesn't think it looks good on you, it's just that he's not so patient as to take the time to appreciate the cloth that is very much in his way chdbdnnxxn
will start leaving kisses down your body eventually, and tug at the underwear with his teeth in hopes you understand what he's trying to tell you
but when you stay oblivious he'll become a bit more pushy
his hands roaming your body and brushing the fabric aside, he touches your most sensitive spots directly, and as he buries his head in your neck you can hear him mutter, almost growling,
"Let's take these off... they're in my way."
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a small "oh" escapes him as he watches you walk into the room, dressed in nothing but lingerie
the way you look takes his breath away to say the least, and he welcomes you into his lap, still unable to stop staring as you're straddling him
his hands find purchase on your hips, and when his eyes meet yours, he leans in for a kiss
"You're beautiful... and also very sexy..." - he whispers those words into the kiss
eventually lets his fingertips explore your body unhurriedly, as if it was the first time, mapping out where the lace wraps around your skin like he’s trying to memorize its exact position
is gonna take his time with you today, in order to worship you and to make sure you feel his appreciation with every bit of fabric he eventually removes from your body
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he definitely likes the sight of you in some lingerie, and so time and time again you surprise him by wearing it
he's also the type to notice right away when you've bought a new set, even if it looks similar to one you've had for a while, and will make sure to comment on that
can't take his eyes off of you as you're putting on a little show for him, and drinks up every single second of it
when you finally get on top of him he can only mutter a curse, muffled by your lips pressed against his
"I don't think we need this anymore..." - tugs at the underwear eventually as he flips your positions around
and suddenly he's not so patient anymore as he peels it off your body in a hurry, eager to have full access to wherever he wants
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