#p1harmony intak
m00nbap · 2 months
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U n j u s t & C r u e l . ♰ ˙܀˚⊹
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★ ! 03’ · intk
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muntitled · 5 months
° 𝟷𝟷 : 𝟷𝟷 - "She's Busy" ft. Maknae Line
Piwon x Fem!Reader
cw: fluff, established relationship, suggestive content, possessiveness, slight nsfw, mentioning of kms
Hyung Line>
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Intak - 인탁
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소울 - Soul
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종섭 - Jongseob
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nothanxxxxx · 14 days
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     ⭒    🎱   ⁺   ♩   
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     ⭒    🎱   ⁺   ♩   
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like or reblog if you use or save - don’t repost
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sminiac · 3 months
hi!! could you do showering with piwon? :] (either SFW or NSFW, whatever you prefer 🤍) love your work so much
💌 — Gotchu! Thank you sm my dear, you’re so kind <3
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⋆ Y. Keeho
Has a specific playlist he often plays, when you start joining him you automatically become the shared owner of it, this wouldn’t be intentional, he just has a good ear and somehow always manages to remember your favourite songs atm. He’d secure that moment of time spent singing, gossiping, kissing you in his memory, when he’s in the shower at his place or in another part of the world with a bitter lack of your presence he can at least feel a faint sense of it, you.
The type to make fun shapes out of soap bubbles on your head, then bends down enough for you to reach so you can do the same. When you’re taking turns to be fully under the stream of water he lets you have a few extra minutes even though he’s freezing and starting to shiver, washes the shampoo out of his hair with one hand so the other can keep you close in an effort to keep you warm.
Remainder of members under the cut!
⋆ C. Taeyang
Clingy in general, clingier tenfold once you get him under the water and there’s not even a layer of clothes to keep him separated from your skin. Would hold you the whole time if he could, sticks to you like a leech. It’s hair wash day? His heads on your chest, arms wrapped securely around your waist, letting you do your thing, he’s okay as long as he’s got a feel of you. He’d have on odd thing for helping you wash your face, thinks it’s therapeutic, foaming up the cleanser between his fingers so he can gently move at your skin, will giggle if the bubbles make you look silly, but he’d allow you to do the same so you can understand why he’s laughing.
Frequently does face masks with you, like a little self care date, picks out your pyjamas, prepares little snacks for you like cut up fruit, does his best to make it look pretty too. I feel like he’d also do this with baths? You’re a little more stressed than usual and don’t want to lift a finger? He’s got you! Talks to you if you want him to, sings, even just silence, as long as you’re happy and he’s helping you relax.
⋆ C. Jiung
He’d be very intent on just getting in and out so the two of you don’t waste any of the hot water due to how many others are in line behind you— usually he doesn’t pay any mind to the possibility that sometimes you just want to relax in his arms with hot water running down your back, his body heat keeping you shielded from the drafts of cold air that creeps its way to you. When you ask of him to just stay with you for a minute longer he’s immediately accepting, turning back to you with a soft smile and a wet kiss to your forehead as he envelops you back up against his chest, the smell of his shampoo mingling with his body wash heavy in your nose, distinct enough for you to tell which is which.
Jiung’s such a hands on type of bf, he’s always working out tiny tight spots in your body, whether it’s direct through the tips of his fingers, sometimes even his knuckles, or it’s just the soothing firmness of his palm pulling and running against your skin. Lets you rest into him, especially if you had a stressful day that’s starting to make you weary, sometimes he’ll even offer to help with your routine, your hair too if the day calls for it.
⋆ H. Intak
I can only think of the sound of both of your giggles breaking past the steady sound of water when it comes to Intak, just getting so lost in each others company that the outside world and who awaits rather impatiently on the other side of the door may as well not even exist. He has a habit of snapping pics that aren’t quite scandalous as they are intimate, bare shoulders, smiles and wet hair together, my heart is crushed by domestic Intak, the photos growing in abundance as the months pass, the comfortability with one another in such a vulnerable yet loving state becoming more and more evident.
He’s such a groper. Always needs a good squeeze of something, but I also think he wouldn’t mind helping you shave your legs, hear me out cause this might sound silly but there’s just something so ???? Attractive about it ???? Wouldn’t mind that there’s body hair to begin with, it’s only natural of course, but he’d be so focussed in not nicking you with the blade, that he has a good glide, that he didn’t miss any spots. Helps you put lotion/oil on after too. Such an expert with using his knuckles to massage your calf’s as he rubs it in, probably even presses a few kisses along your legs in the process.
⋆ H. Shota
Most prone to getting soap in his eyes, but from his own doing. As soon as the faint sting starts he’s panicked, so dramatic about it too, reaching out for you acting like as soon as the tiniest bit of soap slips in his vision is at risk of being permanently damaged. Once he pats his eyes dry he’s curling into you, holding himself there, letting the warm water run down his back until he can finally blink without it burning— I think with this unintentional yet reoccurring habit he’d ask of you on a whim to work the shampoo into his hair one day, even if you aren’t in the shower with him and just awkwardly leaning into the shower with sore arms he’ll always ask of you to help again after he experiences the magic of your fingers on his scalp.
Becomes the same with massages, we’ve seen how structured his arms are, so if he’s hitting higher weights or doing more sets, soreness is going to be a hell of an excuse to have your hands working more pressure into targeted spots along his upper body with a thin emulsified layer of body wash between your skin and his.
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ᰔ sminiac’s P1Harmony M.list
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slytherinshua · 4 months
genre. fluff. slight hurt/comfort. warnings. exams/exam stress mentioned. crying. brief mention of drinking/partying. light profanity. food (cake hehe). mentioned that reader wears makeup. intak cheers you up!! pairing. intak x fem!reader. wc. 1.4k. request. no. a/n. for my kyo @blue-jisungs <33 ilysm and i'm so proud of you, ik you've worked so so hard <33
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By the time your bus was almost to your stop to get off, the tears had dried on your cheeks. You felt absolutely exhausted, and there was nothing you wanted more than to get home and just sleep. Exam season was always stressful, but the past month had been a living hell.
You didn’t exactly do great on your midterms, despite studying almost every second you were awake. It frustrated you. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t seem to get the high marks that you strived so hard for. Your friends seemed to pass so easily, some of them not even bothering to study in advance. While they had all gone out drinking or partying now that it was the last exam day, you were prepared to study more tomorrow in order to retake exams next week.
You had cried all day— after one of your more stressful exams, after getting a bad mark back on an earlier exam, at lunch when your friends asked you how you had done. It was both embarrassing and exhausting. You were so, so tired.
You felt numb and mindless as you grabbed your bag and got off the bus. The air was cold and sharp, but the breeze was welcome. Even the shiver that ran up your spine as you stepped onto the pavement wasn’t a bother. It allowed you to breathe. The dark cloudy sky seemed to be mirroring your mood, and you found a small comfort in that. 
You didn’t bother to knock or announce your presence at all when you reached your apartment. You didn’t have the energy to talk; your entire body feeling sluggish and slow as you dropped your bag on the chair and shuffled out of your boots.
“Fuck- Did I not set the timer?! No, no, it’s okay, it’s okay.”
The voice of your boyfriend startled you at first before you registered the familiar tone and relaxed, a whisper of a smile even playing on your lips. He hadn’t said anything about stopping by today, but given his love for surprising you, you should have expected it. You weren’t quite ready to show yourself to him, though, so you made your way quietly to the bathroom, still able to hear him talking to himself in the kitchen.
“Chocolate, chocolate… melt for… 30 second intervals? She likes chocolate- so 2 packets? Yeah.” 
You wiped off any makeup that had survived your many crying sessions and washed your face of the tear stains and exhaustion of the day. Once you changed into pyjama pants and one of Intak’s stolen hoodies, you finally felt at ease. The weight of exams and the thought of retakes still looming over your head wasn’t something you could ignore, but just for tonight you willed your brain to not focus on it. Just for tonight, you deserved to rest.
You shuffled to the doorway of the kitchen, still trying to be as quiet as possible. Intak had his back turned to you, and didn’t notice your presence at all as he worked near the stovetop. The smell of chocolate cake and cherries reached your nose, and your chest felt warm. Intak always knew your favourite comfort foods and the best ways to cheer you up after a long day. 
You didn’t realize until now just how much you had missed him. As you watched him scurry around the kitchen, completely oblivious to your figure in the doorway, you couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face. You missed his hugs and his kisses. You missed your late night talks and when you would game together where he would let you win on purpose. You missed telling him how much you loved him and watching his eyes brighten. 
Given how busy you were studying and preparing for exams, you barely had time to see him in the past 2 weeks. He would send you encouraging text messages in the morning, and you would text him during your breaks, but most of the time you had to keep your phone far away from you and on Do Not Disturb to keep your focus. 
You missed him so much that it was almost hard for you to keep watching him silently when you knew that he would hug you as soon as he was aware you were there. But he soon turned around to transfer a bowl to the sink, and his eyes quickly met yours and froze. You watched as his mouth formed an ‘o’ shape before turning up into a big grin a second later.
“You’re back!” He chucked the dishes into the sink and practically ran over to you, capturing you in his arms and lifting you slightly off the floor. “I thought the exams would swallow you whole, I missed you so much.” He mumbled in your ear, prompting a smile to form on your face.
“Me too.” You sighed in content. The feeling of Intak’s arms around you was one of your favourites in the entire world. From how close you were, you could smell his woody cologne as well as his gentle natural scent peaking through. He hugged you tightly, swaying softly from side to side until you made moves to escape his embrace.
“One sec!” He rushed to the other room, coming back with a bouquet of pink and white flowers. “For my academic weapon of a girlfriend.” 
You were going to protest about the academic weapon part, but with his cheesy grin plastered on his face as he held out the flowers to you, you didn’t have the heart to. You knew he wouldn’t accept any objection from you anyway. In his eyes, you were nothing less than perfect.
You ranted about the past week to him while he finished decorating a chocolate cake, discouraged by the fact that you would have to retake some exams. But Intak would only say how proud he was of you for making it through the stressful month.
“You worked really really hard, and I’m so proud of you, baby. The scores don’t reflect your self worth, okay?” He reassured you, pressing a kiss to your forehead after you had told him everything.
You wouldn’t have believed the words coming from anyone else, but he was your boyfriend and you knew he wasn’t even capable of lying to you (after all, he had tried in the past, and you had caught him every time).
Seeing Intak’s smile and hearing his words of encouragement gave you back energy for almost an hour, but you felt a crash of tiredness again once you settled on the couch with him to eat cake and snuggle.
“Don’t fall asleep on me yet. I’ll have to carry you to bed.” Intak joked, watching you sleepily blink with love in his eyes. Despite being worried about how hard you had pushed yourself, he knew the best thing he could do was just cheer you on and let you recharge with hugs. He wouldn’t care even if you fell asleep on his arm and it was sore for hours the next day.
“You’re comfortable.” You argue in a mumble, only melting into his arms more. You were practically a puddle on top of him— letting your entire body relax and trusting that Intak would let you sleep.
“My girl is that tired, hm? Are you sure you don’t want to go to bed?” He spoke softly, brushing your hair out of your face and making sure the blanket covered your shoulders.
“You’re more comfortable than my bed.” You whispered, already teetering on the edge of consciousness. You heard Intak scoff, and though your eyes were closed, you could picture his adoring smile perfectly. You were half asleep by the time his response fell on your ears, and entirely too tired at that point to comprehend his words. You smiled when you felt him press a kiss to your temple, and finally allowed yourself to slip away to your dreams after the long day.
With Intak by your side, the stress of your life seemed to lessen, and your mind stopped racing as much. You let yourself relax and just enjoy being with him, as if nothing else in the world mattered.
↳ p1h taglist: @eternalgyu,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @amara-mars,, @nyukyujs
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blue-jisungs · 14 days
Hiii how are you? Did you eat?
I was wondering if you could write enhypen or p1h finding out their significance other still sleeps with plushies as you already did their with seventeen please
Have a good morning afternoon or evening
Lots of love A:)
you still sleep with plushies ♡
# author's note ... hehe hi anon! thank u, i’m good and i did eat (omw to eat some more actually :D)!! hbu!! i decided to choose p1h since i don’t have much written for them yet (this is a first reaction for them actually:0) i hope you like it and have a lovely day as well<3
# warnings ... mention of being drunk in theo's :P
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┆彡 KEEHO [ 기호 ]
girl why would he judge, he has a lot of plushies too
he thinks it’s actually really cute that u n him have a similar hobby:(
will deffo buy you matching ones 🥹
loves when you come around and bring your plushie…
… and then leave it (accidentally, you swear) so he can cuddle w it:(
is a proud father ™️ of them!!!
also loves falling asleep in ur bed because you have a huge collection and it’s just so warm and cozy 🥹
he lets his inner child heal completely when he’s with you
(and your plushies)
((deffo has a fav one of yours but swore not to tell you, 'so the others don’t get jealous' ❤️‍🩹 ))
┆彡 INTAK [ 인탁 ]
he’s very neutral about it 😭
won’t tease you but won’t get really excited either
however will gush over how cute you are when you fall asleep with a bunch of plushies in your arms:(
also will suport your little hobby no matter what
you’re broke but want a plushie? he’s already paying. there’s one that you’ve been eyeing and it’s back in stock? he’s hyping you up as you buy it. wanna dress the plushies? oh don’t you worry, he will help you
i believe he’d be also like an old dog like 😭 he’s sit unbothered while you place the plushies on him and then takes photos :(
┆彡 THEO [ 테오 ]
taeyang and you had some wine when he stayed over at your place and it’s not like you told him before that you have a bunch of plushies…
but that man was so drunk that he yelled out upon seeing them
"that’s a whole ass army, what the hell? can i hug all of them at once?!"
yeah he’s very much in love with them
even cuddles some to sleep
but then when he wakes up he pretends like nothing happened
stacks them on you while you still sleep…
and when you stir awake and ruin his tower, he smothers your face in kisses
"what? why? are you still drunk?" you ask sleepily and he just grins against your skin
"your plushies are cute… but not as cute as you" is all he says
(will definitely randomly pretend to get into a staring contest with one of the plushies)
(and then has the audacity to fuss that 'the soulless state of the plushie' made him lose)
(whatever you say, boss)
┆彡 JIUNG [ 지웅 ]
you’d invite him to sleep over one day and while you goofed around n had fun
you totally forgot about your plushies
so when you laid down in bed, you heard jiung shuffle a bit
"can i kick the little guy off? he’s getting in my way and i just wanna cuddle you" he asked quietly, a bit unsure and you let out the loudest gasp
"yeah, just put him away gently" you giggle at his cuteness and how he cared abt the plushie:(
jiung thought it’s really cute that you have a lil army of plushies hehe
and esp how your cheeks adorably dusted with pink when you spoke abt them
loves naming them ☹️☹️☹️
(even if they have names already but who would care?!)
┆彡 SHOTA [ 翔太 ]
i mean come on he’s an angel 🥹
he would get so excited if you told him you have plushies n still sleep with them:(
would love to know everything about them, names, where did u get them from, the material they’re made of, which character they represent…
and if you have pokémon plushies???
girl he’s ready to marry you on spot
h o w e v e r.
he steals them.
the first time it happens you’re like "well maybe it got lost in the laundry? or got kicked off the bed?" so you brush it off
but then more and more go missing…
and one day you see YOUR plushie on HIS bed as he is facetiming you
"i can’t sleep without them" >:(
and mf woukd either go "the ransom is a pokémon card pack" or "then come over and sleep with me"
┆彡 JONGSEOB [ 종섭 ]
you were a bit nervous when you invited him over for the first time, especially since you decided to tell him about your secret
seob could sense something was wrong but he assumed it’s just the fact that you’re gonna have him over
so he tried to ease the tension and pointed at the plushies on your bed
"you still sleep with those?" he asked, half amused, half… oh.
the second he saw your smile drop and eyes turning away in shame, it (kinda) clicked: you were stressed to tell him that
"sorry, i know it’s childish… i can throw them out if it makes you uncomfortable…" you murmured sadly and his whole world collapsed
pampers you and showers you in kisses, reassuring you that he doesn’t mind and he was just joking:(
it takes him a while but finally there’s a smile on your face
treats them extra gently and protects them from falling from the bed:(
but he’s just a boy man after all and he just gets this… impulsive thoughts to punch them when you’re not around 🧍‍♀️
masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @mon2sunjinsuver ,, @litepowee
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wontune · 5 months
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Intak ☆ lockscreens ( p1harmony )
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soobinskii · 15 days
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p1h ass vs titties.
warnings : spanking, boob sucking.
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keeho likes ass. he loves slapping your ass and seeing the jiggle of it. he watches you walk and will always stand behind you while holding you close to him. keeho also likes holding onto your hips and swaying side to side. you'd have to pry his hands off of your butt.
"your ass is so fuckin' hot, babe. i love the way it moves."
theo likes tits. he likes the simplicity of them. the perfect display of femininity, they're soft and squishy. he could just lay on your boobs for hours, if you'd let him. he'd be more than happy to stay there and rest on them as you play with his hair.
"i enjoy laying on your chest, it's like a perfect pillow.. all for me."
jiung likes thighs. he loves biting on them. he likes curvier girls, just so he has more room to lay his head. he's another one to watch you walk, just to see them move with every step you take. when he cums, he'll cum on your thighs (if accessible). but if he MUST choose between the two, ass. it's the closest thing to thighs.
"your thighs are so amazing. i could stare at them forever. would you let me stick my dick inbetween them?"
intak likes ass. he loves the roundness of a good, fat ass. he could get off to his s/o twerking, or giving him a lap dance. yes, he'll slap some ass, however he's more of a squeezer. he likes fondling the cheeks between his hands and moving it around, pulling them apart while his cock is deep within you just so he can see more.
"goddamn, your ass is so fat. your shit moves like water, can i lick and bite it?"
soul likes tits. he can get a bit subby, so he's one to suck on your nipples and bury his face between them. he'll honestly suck on any part of your boob that he can get to. he'll leave tiny marks; hickies, bites, trails of spit. he zones out while he's all over your titties, his mind going quiet.
"mmm..? sorry about the mess, i got a little carried away.."
jongseob likes both. he loves everything about you, he has his preferences based on the day. most of the time, he doesn't care what he's grabbing, he just grabs. he's always so horny and just wants to make the two of you cum that he's not really thinking of a preference, just anything to get you creaming on his cock the fastest.
"what can i do to make you cum harder? would you like me to slap your ass, play with your boobs?"
a/n : i'm writing for shota & jongseob because they're legal. if you don't like it, please don't read their parts. if you enjoyed please consider reblogging <3
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newestq · 2 months
nicknames they'd call you (p1harmony/피원하모니) — masterlist
author's note. i missed writing abt my piwon babies
₊ ⊹ ᶻz !! requested !! ␥
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𐙚 babe, baby, sexy, mamas, schnookums, pookie
babe and baby are def his go-tos — babe more so than baby. he calls you sexy and mamas when he's feeling goofy. if you ever are ignoring him or don't hear him, he calls you in that order: "babe! baby? sexy? mamas? y/n? schnookums? pookie? apple of my eye?". . . etc.
𐙚 baby, sweetheart
honestly, i don't see taeyang as really being one for pet names? if you see him as that guy that's totes fine! but to me, he just doesn't give off that vibe. he'd probably just find some sort of nickname with your name, and if your name's too short, then baby and sweetheart would be likely. taeyang strikes me as someone who would be embarrassed to call you a pet name in public or in front of others, but if he were to use one, it would be baby: sweetheart is for behind closed doors where absolutely no one can hear. and he will deny ever calling you that. ever.
𐙚 honey, my love, darling
jiung is the sweetheart. he's just the cutest and the loveliest man to ever walk this earth. his pet names for you are very soft and the way he says them are just so pure and sweet and sweet and sweet and he's so sweet and ahhhhh. no but imagine it! y'all know that soft voice he has when talking to his chocochips AGH! HIM SAYING THESE WITH THAT VOICE?! dead.
𐙚 baby, bubs, prince/princess
intak is also such a cutie, and i feel he's very romantic. bubs is probably his go-to, but baby is a close second. sometimes bubs is your name and baby is your nickname. similar to taeyang, i feel he would only call you prince/princess when it's just you two, almost like it's a secret nickname. ( it's his favorite but he's embarrassed. )
𐙚 love, bubs
this cutie pie right here would come up with so many different names to call you. obviously i don't have that smart, cutie, unique brain of his, so i can't supply you with any of them, but just know that you're in for it with him. ( like how he calls keeho snucky. ) but on the 'normal' side of things, love and bubs were the first two that came to mind when i thought about nicknames.
𐙚 darling, angel, babe
he's young, but he's so sweet with pet names. jongseob also strikes me as someone who would be embarrassed to call you pet names in front of people, so he'd probably call you babe in front of the guys and anyone else. but he absolutely LOVES calling you darling and angel. ( he was plotting that shit before y'all even got together. ) angel is def his go-to, and he says it so delicately. <\3
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if you want to be tagged in my posts, click here <3
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jongseonvs · 9 months
when you argue/how you make up
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warnings: none
not proofread.
- he’s petty, so he ignores you for however long he feels is necessary
- which is usually just for a day, and he literally doesn’t. talk. to you.
- not even a glance, basically you’re invisible
- but it hurts your feelings bc you usually talk to each other instead of doing whatever he’s doing
- when you start getting distant, he starts to feel guilty for being so immature
- apologizes by trapping you in a bear hug and saying his feelings before letting you spill yours too
- you actually argue a lot because you guys are so similar
- he’s stubborn, and so are you so neither apologize first
- he doesn’t ignore you, he actually acknowledges you but just doesn’t listen to you
- “can you pass me the towel right there?” you ask but he stares at you, glancing at the towel next to him before getting up and leaving the room.
- after arguing, tension is heavy.
- neither wants to talk first, even though you’re both dying to
- after a while, you just go up to him with a small smile on your face
- “wanna go get ice cream? if you want, I’ll pay.”
- a smile breaks out on his face and he reaches his arms out to hug you.
- “yes, but only if I’m paying.” he kisses your cheek and drags you into the room to get ready
- he’s more emotional than angry, bc he hates arguing
- also bc he def sees your side and understands why you feel that way and he feels bad for making you feel that way
- once his eyes start watering you can’t even be mad anymore
- you hug him tightly, assuring him you love him and that you’ll just talk about it later :(
- boy refuses to accept the fact that you’re even arguing
- “so what are you trying to say? are you fighting me rn??”
- tries to make it a joke because he doesn’t wanna argue w you
- and he hates seeing you mad especially at him
- “Okay, I’m sorry I’m sorry I won’t do it again.”
- doesn’t even understand why you’re mad, but he just wants to see you happy again!
- this boy doesn’t get mad in general
- the most he does its sulk, but it’s usually in a joking manner
- he always aims to make you smile and laugh, so arguing isn’t even in his vocabulary.
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sunniewr · 6 months
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𝆹𝅥⠀⠀܈⠀⠀𓆪⠀⠀𝙳𝖎⍺⠀⠀&⠀⠀⠀᪽۟ ⠀⠀❴꯭🪴𝅦⠀⠀𝅄𝗇𝗈𝖼𝇁𝗁ᧉ⠀࣪
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m00nbap · 5 months
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Intak? ⠀✢⠀ ˳ 𓏸 黄仁德 0831
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k-etak · 9 months
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in the right eyes you will always be art ⎯ 🤎
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nothanxxxxx · 3 months
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ㅤ ☆ 🍄 ★ ‎ (><)
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ㅤ ☆ 🍄 ★ ‎ (><)
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like or reblog if you use or save - don’t repost
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sminiac · 3 months
hey! It's 🪱
How vocal are p1h in bed??:)
Warnings — Smut focused, MDNI.
Hi honey! Since Keeho’s noisy in general (lol) he keeps a steady pour of expletives between his moans and sharp intakes of air that prevent any lack of oxygen getting to his brain that might happen if he didn’t make the conscious effort to do so. Defaults to a series of “Fuck you feel so good baby.” And “G’na fuck you full.” When his brain starts to fail him on assembling any significant or weighty thing to say.
He’s more of a moaner, has a pitchy voice so it’s only natural he falls under a more whinier category opposed to rough grunts and growls, if you like someone who unintentionally makes slutty whimper sounds he’s your guy! A lot of the time he does it because he eventually picks up on the affect it has on you, doesn’t necessarily realize what letting out a dramatic sultry sound when you’re barely ghosting at his cock really does though, until you’re making the sounds authentic.
⋆ C. Taeyang
Also one that’s loud outside of bed = loud in bed, but! He makes you really work for it. Theo doesn’t let himself meltdown under your touch so easily, surprisingly he has really good self discipline, so a good duration of time spent is with you coaxing him into finding his voice, reminding him that it’s okay while he’s rapidly shaking his head, teeth sunken tightly into his lip to withhold the ample collection of indirect praise and expressions of his pleasure from your ears.
Controversial opinion, but he’s a sobber. Sobbing, tears, it’s always a mix- like rain and snow, except it can never just be one or the other. Even if it’s not a punishment, in your most genuine of actions that you want to give him a handjob, sensitive thing, he just can’t handle it! Constantly begging, pawing at your sleeves with big glossy clumps of tears in his eyes and down his skin while your slick hand works his cock, what he’s asking you for? You have no idea, and you’re starting to think he never will either. He’s just always wanting something, even as simple as your eyes on his face, he just weeps and cries about how impossibly good you make him feel, and it’s a frequent problem because he’s a little too loud for his own good.
⋆ C. Jiung
He’s arguably the quietest amongst the 4 so it’s such a treat when he’s nuzzling himself close to your ear, allowing you to hear the faint whimpers and soft groans in the back of his throat, they aren’t over excessive, or exaggerated for the sake of your pleasure, he merely allows himself to relax significantly more and to get lost in the feeling of your cunt welcoming him in so warmly. He’s quite literally only for you to hear, won’t even allow himself to reach a volume where he’s at risk of being heard by anyone else, lets you know you’re the first and probably the last to ever hear him like this. He’s just so lovey, gate-keeps himself for you :b
Jiung’s more of a talker, but even then small in scale of noise level. He’s incredibly good with breathing control so a moan or two doesn’t really have time to mistakingly slip through, if he’s not making subconscious sounds then he’s telling you, and his explanations can get very descriptive sometimes, to a point where you think you’d rather hear him talk for the rest of your life about how good you feel, how pretty you are instead of a loud obnoxious cry and whatnot. Once you hear him huffing out a breathy “Fuck.” You know he’s close to sinking away from the physical hold of his skin and to a blissful level that he’s never even caught a glimpse of without you, the way his hips piston forward with a new profound energy that lacks direction speaks to you that he’s so hellbent on catching a lick of his orgasm. Stupid and so pretty, almost drooling out a weak chant of “Good, good! s’fucking good sweetheart.” He just babbles and babbles.
⋆ H. Intak
The hardest to place into a category and keep him there. A complete wildcard, one day you’re getting more deep chest produced sounds that are coupled with mean words and a rough hand, the next he’s moaning with a slight rasp to his tone, so gentle and keen on taking care of you- or a thorough mix of both. He’s very multifaceted when in bed, I think this pertains to more than just how loud he can be, always suggesting new things to try, which bleeds into his dialogue and arsenal of established noises. Unlike Jiung, he isn’t very deliberate about his delivery in letting you hear his voice, he just lets whatever it is go that he feels barreling its way through the back of his throat.
He’s a healthy mix of quiet and loud, always has a good few surprises for you whenever he’s fucking into you or allowing you to use him without any rules or restrictions. When you’re using him for your own needs he’s very softly spoken whilst praising you, telling you how good you’re doing, that he wants to watch you fuck yourself into cumming all over him. When he’s the one who has the ‘upper hand’ only very few words are said besides degrading and insulting you for letting him fuck you like this, letting him move you in whichever position he wants, obeying his every request, then he’s more of a groaner, even laughs at you.
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ᰔ sminiac’s P1Harmony M.list
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kyufessions · 10 months
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synopsis: your boyfriend picks you up after your class
pairings: non-idol, boyfriend! intak x g.n. reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.4k
a/n: intak 🥹 our favorite golden retriever. also, not proof read as of yet, too tired lmao. italics are text messages from intak. (requested here.)
general taglist: @jwnghyuns @eaudenana @soobin-chois
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the one time you decide to not check the weather it begins to downpour during your economics class. every day you stay on top of the weather, especially since nowadays it seems to become more and more unpredictable. but today, of course, you went with your gut. and oh how wrong it was. you didn’t even have to look outside a window to know it was raining- the aggressive patter of raindrops were telling enough against the college building.
as your professor finished up the lesson early due to the weather, you quickly searched your bag for an emergency umbrella but to no avail. sighing, and mentally cursing yourself, you pull out your phone to check when the rain would stop. luckily enough, you noticed a string of text messages from your boyfriend that you assume he sent during your class.
i hope class is going okay <3
oh shit it’s raining. did you bring an umbrella?
i’ll pick you up after class, text me when you get out!
♥️ see you soon
smiling at the messages, you quickly call him as you swing your bag over your shoulder. within a few seconds, he answers with an excited tone.
“your uber driver has arrived in parking lot B.” the smile was evident in his voice, the thought of it bringing butterflies to your stomach.
“thank you, baby.” you say before hanging up to
scurry towards the exit to get back home for the day. you felt bad that intak drove all the way back to campus after leaving only two hours ago from his own classes, but at the same time you felt extremely grateful. if it weren’t for him you’d either have to get soaked taking the bus or take a thirty five dollar uber- both options not necessarily being of interest for you.
just as you approached the glass double doors, you notice intak’s red car in the pick up and drop off center of the parking lot. smiling foolishly at the sight of your boyfriend tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, you quickly run to his car with your jacket over your head. as the door opens up, intak jumps at the sudden noise and puts his hand over his heart for dramatics.
“hey baby!” you spoke, turning your head in his direction and smiling innocently at his heightened state. a small fit of laughter leaves your lips as you bring your hand up to cup his cheek, pecking his lips quickly before putting on your seatbelt. “thanks for picking me up, you didn’t have to.”
“it’s pouring outside, i wasn’t going to let you get soaked getting home. besides,” he starts pulling off, starting down the road towards your place. “i’m your boyfriend. it’s my duty to take care of you.”
you give him a look, a smirk playing across your lips as you lay your wet jean jacket across your lap to start drying off a bit. “i can take care of myself.” you respond in a teasing tone, your eyes admiring the way he looks behind the wheel. he might’ve just gotten his license a month ago, but he definitely didn’t drive like it. you felt safe when he was behind the wheel, despite him being a new driver.
he puffs out his cheeks as hd turns a corner, being careful on the wet roads as the rain continues on. “i know, but i love taking care of my baby.” as he hits a stop sign he quickly moves his hand from the wheel to your face, squeezing your cheeks as he quickly pecks your lips over and over before a car beeps at him from behind. “i’ll take care of you as long as you allow me to.”
inside your apartment were you, intak, and a mini fort built from couch cushions and any and all blankets available. originally, he was going to come in for a late lunch and head home. but as the weather got worse and thunder started to roar in the distance, you both decided it was best if he stayed the night. so within the past few hours, you’ve both made dinner and cuddled underneath the fort with food, snacks, and in matching pajamas you kept in a separate drawer for whenever he stayed over.
a few weeks ago you both had started a new kdrama called It’s Okay Not to be Okay. it’s quite depressing, but the storyline is beautiful and definitely keeps you both interested. thanks to the growing storm outside, you’re nearly close to finishing the show and are almost done with your milkshakes and popcorn- the ramen long gone at this point.
intak’s head propped up on your thigh as you ran your fingers through his hair as your other hand held on the edge of the popcorn bowl to periodically grab some. gasps and mumbled comments could be heard from him every few minutes, along with little giggles when the main characters would get close to kissing or getting together.
“i’m glad we didn’t take this long to get together.” intak says, his tone playful as he leans his head fully back to look up at you.
“yeah, because you made it obvious from the start.” you replied, smiling down at the boy below you. the way his hair was fading into a dark golden blonde made your heart flutter more than ever before, the color suiting his skin tone perfectly and making him appear more luminous than ever before.
intak noticed the sparkle in your eye whenever you looked at him, the sight never failing to upturn the corner of his lips even just the tiniest bit. “i did not.” a pause. he starts thinking for a moment. “did i?” he looks at you with wide curious eyes- eyes he knows you love.
you nod, a smile breaking out. “i’m glad you did though, i would’ve been too scared to make the first move.”
you think for a moment before deciding to respond. in hindsight, you didn’t have anything to be scared of when it came to intak. he was so loving, so caring, so attentive. and he knew how to make someone feel comfortable around him. but truth be told, his beauty and demeanor can come across as intimidating at first. he’s so bubbly, so smiley. and everyone loved him. not that you yourself weren’t lovable but to an extent, you felt like you had to meet his standards to surpass them in order to even be considered as his partner. but you were wrong; he proved that.
playing with his waves, you lean down and plant a kiss on his lips. whenever your lips met his, as cliche as it sounded, sparks flew as if it were the fourth of july. everything felt right. the time, the place, the way your lips synced up together- perfection. nothing ever felt awkward between you two, even from the first meeting.
heart pounding, intak kisses back without hesitation and brings his hand up to your face and begins rubbing circles into the apple of your cheek. as you pull away, he swipes away an eyelash and admires your features for the hundredth time that day. no flaw could ever be detected from you- he truly thought of you as an angel. “i love you.” he admitted, the words spilling from his lips. your eyes widened for a second, taken aback by the sudden confession. “you don’t have to love me back, but just know i love y-“
“i love you too, intak.” you respond, cheeks heating up from this moment. suddenly the thunder sounded like birds chirping, and the grey skies were a clear sky blue with no clouds in sight as the sun became brightly visible. everything felt right- everything felt perfect.
melting into his touch, you place a soft kiss to the side of his palm before responding to his previous question. “you intimidated me at first.”
shooting up from his comfortable place on your lap, you watch his movements as he shuffled onto his knees to be eye level with you. “me? why?” the disbelief and curiosity was evident in his voice, making you chuckle at his cute reaction.
you shrug, unsure of why you even thought so in the first place. “i guess because of how outgoing you are? and pretty. you’re very pretty, baby.” you sit up on your knees and wrap your arms around his neck, placing a quick kiss to his forehead before laying your head on his shoulder. “not anymore though. now i just think of you as my annoying and dorky boyfriend.”
wrapping his arms around your waist as he laughs, he starts rocking you both back and forth as the rain continues to downpour outside. maybe, just maybe, the weather should become more unpredictable more often.
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