#isfp characters
blueopinions49 · 1 year
Mistyping on MBTI
The purpose of this post is to understand what are mistyping and how they happen. I’ll explain some of the patterns ive noticed when it comes to some of the mistypings as well as some of examples ive I personally disagree with. Please dont take any of this as a personal insult if any of these examples I give are things you've done in the past or the typings I disagree with are your own. 
Case #1Misunderstanding Functions 
-What I refer to by the misunderstanding of functions I mean it's the general purpose of the function and how does this function work and perceive reality. I understand that functions can be complicated and Carl Jung’s definition of Ni can be convoluted and confusing (sometimes just plain vague) however I do think that typing people/characters  needs at least allot of backing up with your knowledge of functions. Usually the misunderstanding I see with each functions comes out in these ways.
Si- Memories/Any form of previously obtained knowledge 
Se-Impulsiveness and Aggression
Fi-Sensitivy and Emotionality 
Ti- Thinking in any capacity 
Ne- Quirks and Quips 
Ni- just knowing stuff
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Ex-Sasuke Uchiha (ISFP)- Sasuke is often typed as an INTJ due to his preference for Ni-Fi HOWEVER when it comes to how he perceives reality and his way to deal with conflict its pretty clear he is an Fi dom. There is this misconception of Fi=Sensitivity and Emotionality. However this couldn't  be farther from the truth. Fi is simply preferring your Core Values and desire over the other. His goal was always Fi related NOT Ni related.   
Case#3 Simplification of Functions
Following the last case this is usually the more common one I see when it comes to mistyping usually people will flatten functions or just straight up default to god awful stereotypes of each type when it comes to typing them. You'll often see people “Trope Type” certain charcaters. Most of their arguments revolve around the aesthetic of the character and then their functions. Which is why those peoples typing will usually look like this.
ESXJ-Mean Girl and stuck up
ISXJ-Boring ones
ESXP-Immature,Dumb or straight up substance abuse 
XNTP-Quips and Quirks but always the smartest 
XNFJ-Kind Humanitarian
XNFP-Sentimental mess
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Ex-Naruto Uzumaki (EXFP)I know I previously typed him as an ENFP however I've been thinking of the relation of his Se-Ni throughout the show and I might change my typing. However thus far every single Se dom argument I read for Naruto reads like this “ Well he is immature” “he is impulsive and reckless” “ can't be an Ne dom because Intuitive=smart and Sensor=Dumb” sometimes they don't say this word for word but their arguments boil down to this. And I find it quite frustrating cuz those same people look at you straight in the eye and say that you're intuitive bias, even tho they are the ones defaulting to stereotypes. 
Case #4 Positioning of Functions 
Character development in MBTI is more complex than character development in Enneagram. Depending on the movie/tv show the character might either develop their inferior function or their tert function. Which is why understanding the position and model you are using for MBTI and be consistent using it. The position of function is important because they are what defined the person and how they approach data management. Also certain characters might have preference for their tert function rather than their aux functions. Some Characters just use their stack in a very balanced way. 
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Ex- Sokka (ESTJ)- He is often typed as an ENTP due to his exaggerated use of Ne in the later seasons. To me at least he is an ESTJ with a preference for TeNe. Sokka never really uses NeTi in the first book. His priority came in form of TeSi (Organizing the environment with a solid metric and detailed positioning of others). His development came in the form of his Ne not Fi. To the point he ends of sticking to it in Book 2 and Book 3. 
Case #4 Character Traits=/=Cognitive Preferences/Perception
Often people conflate how a character/person acts instead of how they think and proceed with conflict. MBTI isnt really a personality theory but rather and understanding of your cognitive process and preference. It's based on how you perceive reality and how you make decisions based on your dominant function. If anything enneagram would be closer to an actual personality test. 
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Ex- Amy March (ESFP)- I took such a long time to come to this typing because similarly to Naruto people only talked about how she was an annoying immature child. However her monologue points to her stresses and how she must stick to her SeTe rather than SeFi due to how the environment is working and suppressing women in that era. 
Case #5 Just making things up 
This is the most common one I see when people type characters, they usually just make things up. Sometimes there isn't any contextual evidence on what they are talking about and will mostly differ to broad and vague statements that hold no wait or aren't represented in the narrative. Sometimes they'll just take things out of context and will just go with them and end up convincing people even if their argument is 95% fabricated stuff and the 5% is misunderstanding on their part. 
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Ex-Ada Wong (IXTJ)  Ada Wong’s Ti is non existent and no one online has ever written an argument where I there is enough evidence on what they are saying. Ada isnt a person who is interested in analytical process and internal understanding. Even character development comes from XiFi not Fe. Sorry but liking Leon but not really isnt a good argument for low Fe. Her development isnt about understanding the emotional state of the other or in relation to the other but rather the self. Even OG Resident Evil its stated that she struggles with her own values and emotional state . It's almost as if their argument hinges on ISTP=Spy characters. 
Case #6 Misogyny (yeah...we are going there). 
Often in typology you'll notice a dichotomy between Female characters vs Male characters. You'll notice that female characters are twice as likely to get typed as Feelers even when they dont show much usage of any feeling function. Often the arguments I see its in reference to either showing the character struggling emotionally or reacting in some way to something bad happening in their life. But when male characters such as Homelander and Patrick Bateman who have multiple emotional outburst in their runs but most people type them as Te doms. While Female characters that have emotional outburst such as Asuka and Jennifer Harding (Both Te doms) both get typed as ESFP because=SeFi=angry and emotional. It often happens in cases such as Bakugo who gets typed as an ESTP but if a female character does the same thing she gets typed as an ESFP. Im not calling you a misygonist  if you typed any of this characters like this I just think that you should reconsider your typology process. 
Ex-There are allot of these so I just gonna point to a few 
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Alice Liddle (INTP) - Being typed as an INFP but very clear her struggle is between Ti-Si and understanding her Fe.
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Nancy Wheeler (ESTJ)- Being nice=/=Fe she has always preferred TeSi (organizing and structuring things in step by step processes) Over using Fe. 
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Madison Montgomery (ESTP)- Her character is pure SeTi and her struggle with her Fe is shown in both S3 and S8. 
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Yenneffer (INTJ)- NiFi reaching the ideal self is her goal also her Te is very on your face. 
Part 2 will focus on the enneagram 
Please dont take any of this as an attack its an analysis on things ive seen and read if you are gonna disagree please be civil. 
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esli-art · 1 year
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This is to all the ISFPs and the ISFP lovers!! 💛
Consistency isn't really my strength, but Im just glad I went through this long work! 🥰
C l i c k f o r b e t t e r q u a l i t y
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valak4lifeuwu · 1 year
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I am an ISFP what abt you.
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personabelle-mbti · 1 year
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lyza99 · 2 years
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thyartsofher · 2 years
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I drew my personality type in my style
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meeoup · 4 months
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saku-chann · 4 months
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All the MBTI characters together :D Men and women versions !It's so satisfying to see them all on the same pic ! 🥺💚Also sorry for being incative aah I missed this acc so much ! What's your MBTI ? who's your favorite ?  I'm INFP ! my favs are INFJ & ENFJ ! ^^
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ddorokking · 8 months
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blueopinions49 · 1 year
Understanding type 4 PT 1
An intro to enneagram 4
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Lady Bird ENFP 4w3 sx/so
Core desire- Having an AUTHENTIC identity which suits their inner world. Looking for depth. Focusing in being unique and special 
Vice (Envy)-What I lack that others might have 
Fixation (Melancholy)- The look for authenticity and potential
4w3 (The Enthusiast)-They wanna market their inner sandness to others. Often looked at as beautiful and Sad in their uniqueness. Might create an image of sadness (even if it isnt there). Doesnt have as much exetentialism as a 4w5. Might have goals and find ways to accomplish them. Will try to modulate themselves like a type 2 or 3 but won't enjoy it as much do to the feeling on inauthenticity. Will care about likability. 
4w5 (The Free Spirit)-Unlike the 4w3 they dont care about marketing their sadness and such but rather hide it away. Will be more nihilistic than the 4w3 and will go into pits of despair. Will be more authentic and less socially outgoing. Not as interested in outer perception compared to other image types. Will often focus on concepts more than emotional pickiness. 
Triad-Image triad (2-3-4)
As an image type the enneagram 4 will concern itself with MARKETING itself. The 3 markets themselves as ANY form of success. The enneagram 2 through likability and lovability. The enneagram 4 on the other hand will play up sadness and difference. They crave UNIQUE AUTHENTICITY. 
Harmonic Triad- Reactive Triad (4-6-8)
Will react emotionally to things in a self absorbed and subjective manner. To them expressing emotions like: Disdain, hate and behaviors they disagree with is authentic to them.  
Hornevian triad-Withdrawn Triad (4-5-9)
Looking to separate themselves from others due to their uniqueness.
Object Relations-Frustration (1-4-7)
Every external factor is shallow and unimportant on their eyes. 
Social (so)- Willl Market their Sadness to gain support will play the victim and indulge in their inner sadness. Constantly comparing the mselves to others. Will share their sadness and melancholy with others and will see themselves as inferior no matter what. Focuses on not trying to feel guilty for having wishes and desires. Helplessness is their addiction. 
Ex- Annie Shirley (Annie with an E) ENFP 4w3 so/sx, Diane Nguyen (Bo Jack) INFJ 4w5 so/sx and Dan Humphrey (Gossip Girl) INFJ 4w5 so/sp 
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Sexual (sx)-While the social type market their sadness this subtype markets their rage and anger. Since the sx subtype is focused on INTERPERSONAL relationships they will “punish” those who disappoint them. They will be more open about their anger and will often look like 8s. They often crave emotional attachment due to their inner envy and seek to “punish” those due to projection. 
Zuko ISFP 4w3 sx/sp,  Kylo Ren INFP 4w3 sx/sp and Gaara (Naruto) INFP 4w5 sx/sp
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Self preservation (sp)-Unlike the others 4s who over indulge I their sadness and rage this 4s hide it and may look happy. The sp type of 4 doesnt concern themselves with overindulging in that sentimentality unlike the previous types. They'll correct their behavior If necessary. Can be curious and interested in finding new ways of doing things. 
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Belle (Beauty and the beast) INFP 4w5 sp/so, Ellio Perlman (Call me By your Name) INFP 4w5 sp/sx and Estella (Cruella) ENFP 4w3 sp/so
Movements (Postive and Negatives)
Movements to 1
Postive- Turns into discipline instead of emotional outbursts and not letting them control their life. They learn that getting things done and being practical comes from a place of level headedness. Starts leading life through morals instead of emotional impulse. 
Negative-Turns into an overly picky and critical of everything. No one can do any right in their eyes. Condescending preaching to others what to do. Dissapointed constantly for no one being on the level they want. 
Movements to 2
Positive-Starts focusing on the outer world more and starts looking doing the best for others. 
Negative-Turns into a clingy persona and might become manipulative to gain others company. 
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playsthetics · 1 year
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MBTI: My Favourite Characters
ISFP (8/16)
Bella Swan (Twilight)
Isak Valtersen (SKAM)
Fezco (Euphoria)
Dani Ardor (Midsommar)
Eva Mohn (SKAM)
Jade West (Victorious)
Coraline Jones (Coraline)
Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls)
Ian Gallagher (Shameless)
Tate Langdon (American Horror Story)
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elaho · 4 months
_________Stardew Valley MBTI_________ -----Elliott as an ISFP-----
[+Elliott Immersive Wedding Mod v 3.0 Sneak Peak!]
INFPs and ISFPs are deeply passionate, caring, creative people with a profound capacity for emotional depth and understanding (thanks to their dominant cognitive function - "Introverted Feeling" or "Fi"). However, they are largely misunderstood (even within the MBTI community) and are often unfairly perceived as or presumed to be 'weak', 'fragile', 'crybabies' or 'unmasculine' by others.
Both INFP/ISFP men and women tend to experience a lot of trauma because of their personality type; however, men with dominant Fi seem to experience a lot more direct abuse for trying to express themselves authentically -- and their tenderness, sensitivity, interests, and/or passions get perceived as weakness, brokenness, or an inherent indication of their sexual identity (whether straight or LGBTQ+).
As an INFP myself, it's beyond heartbreaking to see my INFP and ISFP brothers struggle so much with their self-expression and self-actualization just because they were born boys in a world with messed-up ideals; I often wonder how much more everyone would benefit if men were allowed to fully express themselves and their emotions without fear of judgment or ostracization from others, regardless of type.
And thinking about Elliott in Stardew Valley and his personality as an ISFP, I wanted to explore more of his past experiences and unique struggles as an ISFP man in my next mod update:
Mod Update Preview! [Mild Spoilers!]
In version 3.0 (coming soon!) Elliott will open up even more to the farmer about his life, not only about his painful childhood memories but also about how his Fi resilience helped him find the support he needed growing up; having even just one person who truly understood who he was helped him build the confidence to express himself freely without fear of shame or judgment.
We'll also see Elliott admit that his relationship with the farmer has convinced him that the unconditional love and acceptance he once received in the past can continue to flourish with his new family and friends in the present if he allows it to.
Mod Download Page [Free]: Elliott Immersive Wedding
A song I always think of when I get lost in the Fi feels: "How a Man Dies" by FRENSHIP
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buberb · 19 days
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PAN || She/Her || ISFP-T || B-day: 05.08.
Hey, hello, I'm Buber!!! I'm just an artist who draws all sorts of things :3
BATIM/BATDR, South Park, ROTTMNT, Welcome Home, Spooky Month, Saw, DHMIS, AAF, Slime Rancher, TADC, Eddsworld etc.
Barnaby B. Beagle, Kenny McCormick, Raphael Hamato(ROTTMNT), Bob Velseb(just a joke.)
Base, eroguro artists, comshippers.
VK (ru)
Telegram (ru) There is N/SFW.
Twitter There is N/SFW.
Thank you for your attention! :)
Кстати иногда на русском пишу так что не пугайтесь
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darkpoetryshop · 1 year
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My melody moodboard
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funniest thing to me is that i can never remember my own mbti type but i remember a very specific version of a character that shares the same type so whenever anyone asks me what my personality type is i have to look him up on personality database and be like oh yeahhh, that's what it is. [has already forgotten it five minutes later]
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jessfandrawer · 1 year
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I was overcome with the desire to make 16 personalities characters. Picrew was fastest, so now I can move on to other projects, haha. Plus I was in a mindset to really appreciate the limitations of it. Which are your favorites? Did this capture the characters and their types well?
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