blueopinions49 · 7 months
Controversial Opinion
What’s the obsession with enneagram 4? I genuinely don’t get why there are so many people so obsessed with this type.
I get that there are some people that just romanticizes some of the mental illness aspects of them HOWEVER mental illness isnt an inherent E4 thing and neither is personal struggle I can see why they correlate that to 4s (maybe cuz of the pseudo depression naranjo described on his work however thats just a false image they portray so?) , which mostly stems from terrible understanding of the type. However the increase in mistypes? The obsession with the SX4 subtype? The obsession with the toxic aspects of E4? Idk I just don’t get it.
I’m asking from a place of genuine wonder cuz this has been going on for a long time. And I want some clarity as to why it happens.
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unexpected theory that i stumbled upon
I am in a JOJOLands discord server and a member of the server had this theory that I think should be shared. They plan on posting the full scope of it on Reddit (so I'll add the link to it here when it gets posted). In the meantime, I'm gonna summarize what I've found based on their discussions so far and add my own theories to it.
(This will be a long one :P)
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The theory in particular involves the star emblem Jodio poses in that has numbers at each arrow.
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On one hand, those numbers could simply be counting each point or is in reference to how there has been 9 parts for JoJo so far. But... what if the numbers are in refrence to this instead:
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This is the Enneagram of Personality, a personality assessment that consists of nine personality traits. It's a system that focuses on a person's emotions regarding motivations and fears. Each of the nine personality types is defined by a particular core belief about how the individual thinks the world works. It's believed no one really changes from their numbers but one can relate to more than one number and each number has levels ranging from "healthy" to "unhealthy" that a person can resonate with over time. What's interesting is that the Ennegram is made to resemble a star, with the number 3, 6, and 9 working as a triad that symbolizes wholeness.
There are other details regarding the arrows such as sub-types, wings, and arrows, but we're going to focus more on the surface stuff in this post (the Reddit post can dive deeper). But, how does this relate to The JOJOLands?
Well, what if you place the numbers with the arrows? Not just literally but let's also have it match more with the Ennegram as well. Let's also try to put the numbers aligned in two different ways (images created by the person on the server).
With the numbers aligned vs with the empty arrow pointing upwards:
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We can call the first one the original placement and the second one the "inverted" placement to differentiate the two.
But, there's more. Do you remember what the cover art for "Chapter 8: Let's Look at Luxury Watches" is? Remember how it shows the same emblem but with the 5 known characters at the moment?
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It looks like each character is associated with a particular point of that emblem. Let's put the Ennegram numbers on them and see what they look like with the original placement and the "inverted" placement. The original OP also made these images.
Original Numbers vs Inverted Numbers:
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Why does this all matter?
It obviously looks like the characters aren't just decorated around the star emblem but each one is associated with a number on the Ennegram. With the inverted, it also appears as if most of them change numbers.
Now, if you look at the numbers they're associated with in the "before" photo, you realize their personalities align with the numbers in the Ennegram.
Jodio has the ambitious goal of becoming obscenely rich. He prides himself for being reliable, getting the job done with no questions asked and mentioned how being this way gained him praise and money among other things. His recent diagnosis makes him speculate he could be a psychopath. 3s are are goal-oriented, viewing success as being praised for their achievements, and they act with efficiency. Their ambition can cause them to be relentless, even psychopathic.
Rohan is looked up to by Jodio among others and is considered a creative, inspiring individual due to his success as a mangaka and the perfection he strives to have in his works. Despite his actions towards the team, he continously warned them of danger during their interaction and even advises Jodio before they part ways. 1s are known to be perfectionists due to their creativity and their self-awareness, which inspires many. This belief makes them think they're different from others, which can translate to being critical of others and an air of self-righteousness due to their moral compass believing they are better than others.
Usagi is considered an oddball since the beginning yet proves his potential with how intelligent and inqusitive he is. Even if it got the team out of trouble in some cases, his approach is unconventional and he is still considered a troubled individual to his peers, even rejected from further connections. 5s are known to be inquisitive and would spend hours observing and experimenting every detail and concept to gain more knowledge if given the opportunity. However, going too far with their discoveries makes them very eccentric and their desire to seek knowledge can eventually drive them to insanity.
Paco is a kleptomaniac addicted to stealing due to the rush it gives him and, despite being academically weak, is a very capable fighter and planner of the group. He's rather rash with his decisions but can take control of any situation, especially in a fight. 7s are known for being quick on their feet, able to plan and act on instincts when the situation calls for it, and make up their lack of studiousness with their street smarts. But, this impulsiveness and desire to act on energy means their addictions can lead to self-destruction much faster due to how much energy they go through and they could be associated with BPD.
Dragona goes out of the way to avoid further fallout or conflict deemed unnecessary or cause further trouble. They engage in peaceful things like yoga and is the voice of calmness and trust that contrast Jodio's more violent nature. 9s are known as peacemakers, valuing harmony and simplicity above all, which makes others trust them due to how stable they seem. This stubborness to keep peace can put them in a state of disorientation and reclusiveness that can manifest into multiple personalities.
While some believe Ennegram numbers don't change over time, seeing the inverted numvers show different numbers seem to indicate that the characters we see will evolve into their new numbers as the story progresses. This may foreshadow what will happen to each character or what they will become in the end.
2s are known to be empathetic, putting others first as givers, and desire to be loved above everything, yet it can be seen as manipulative and lead to self-victimization.
4s are known to be authentic, finding creativity and deep connections with others, but can fall into despair when dreams and hope are lost.
See 5, 7, and 9 above.
Jodio as a 2 means he could become more loving to others and take on the typical Joestar personality of pursuing justice and determination due to empathy. It doesn't necessarily mean he's "cured" of his inability to feel guilt or have no affection to others beyond his family, but it may indicate him learning to find connections and going on some sort of self-discovery as a result. At the same time, the happiness he desired could be interpeted as love he yearns to feel for, and he could be changing his purpose of pursuing riches to fit more of a 2.
Rohan as a 4 is harder to speculate what will become of him besides a possible return. We know little of Rohan's full personality in The JOJOLands but we know Rohan as an arrogant, discourteous perfectionist from previous iterations. This does seem to imply Rohan will be a more present mentor who embraces more of his imperfections and increasing an appreciation towards those around him. He's sort of started doing that already with Jodio at the end of chapter 5.
Dragona as a 5 means they may start becoming less avoidant and more assertive and proactive in taking control of the situation. I speculate they have some sort of block that discourages them from doing this currently, maybe due to lack of confidence or having a not-so strong Stand compared to Jodio or Paco. Or, maybe being in Jodio's shadow has made them comfortable with doing minimal work. Regardless, they are finally able to show themselves as their own Joestar and fighter in their own right. As a possible 5, this also means Dragona may discover something ground-breaking and it could lead to some major sacrifice; possibly, Dragona's life may end as a result.
Paco remains a 7, which I find interesting but understandable if there needs to be a balance between characters that dramatically change and characters that remain constant; Paco in this case is the latter. Still, Paco could become either a better or a worser version of a 7 to show how much he's changed as the plot continues. I could be possible that Paco becomes more valued for his quick mind despite his lack of intelligence or his addiction to stealing and being impuslive causes issues with the team and ultimately his downfall instead.
Usagi becoming a 9 points two scenarios. On one hand, his transformation points him to be an ultimate traitor. Maybe the reactions to his eccentricities results in him feeling like he needs to hide more of himself and pushes him to villainy because of rejection. On the other hand, Usagi may come to realize he doesn't need to be complex and go beyond to try making friends, so he starts feeling more at ease. Either way, it seems like Usagi still has a wall of sorts hiding who he really is and becoming a 9 might reveal it soon.
We don't know too much about Knife Guy so far, but I'm guessing he's either going to be a 7 like Paco or a 2 who eventually becomes a 3. In the case of the latter, it could be due to Knife Guy pursuing the gang out of orders and following them to gain validation while lacking his own agency. Becoming a 3, especially under Paco's mentorship, may lead him to think about his own goals and ambitions instead of aiding the goals and ambitions of others.
The Enneagram also explains how the Stands work too. The Reddit post can go more into how these personalities relate to not just the characters but their Stand abilities and what the Stands might evolve into.
With that out of the way, I now want to talk about my two cents: the main villain.
What number would the main villain be? After all, there are 9 numbers total and only 5 (6 including Knife guy as I'm writing this) characters identified.
If we look at the chart and the inverted chart, there are only two numbers that remain untouched: 6 and 8. Coincidentally, they are the "inverses" of each other.
Between the 2 numbers, the main villain most likely will start as a 6 before turning into an 8. If you look at the Ennegram, the most obvious triad shown is the 369. I mentioned earlier how these three numbers hold significance in the Ennegram.
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If Jodio and Dragona already took the positions of 3 and 9 respectively and no other character is a 6 so far, the main villain would most likely be the one to hold the 6 position. As a 6, this also implies they start out very close to Dragona and Jodio prior to becoming the main villain going against them. In terms of how close, a mutual friend or a relative is most likely since the two Joestars are siblings and the closest to each other in their gang. The main villain can also be someone completely unrelated but due to their role in society they are a major, unknown influence in Jodio and Dragona's life. Regardless, whoever it is will still fit being a 6 who becomes an 8.
If we look at the 6 and 8 traits on the Ennegram, something interesting comes up:
6s are seen as reliable. They are dedicated and ride-or-die with what they believe in, find security in having these loyalties. However, they can be driven to hysteria and dependency on what they believe in, being in deep denial when the beliefs starts failing, and then being lost when it crosses a point of no return.
8s are seen as assertive. They are the epitome of the ideal hero, confident in what they do and they end up becoming the voice to those who are saved or supported by them. Their actions, if left unchecked, can be seen as delusional and domineering, and some 8s are known to have ASPD and be sociopaths.
It seems like the main villain starts off as someone very loyal to some sort of system they support and are a part of. Something then happens (such as corruption, betrayal, and/or realization) changes them from a 6 into an 8. As an 8, they start doing things as a means of addressing the issue they found with this system that caused their change. They could be trying to save, improve, reform, or destroy it, and their actions cause more harm than good despite believing they are doing otherwise. Whatever the case, it clashes with what Jodio wants and thus making them a main antagonist preventing Jodio from his goals and harming his loved ones in the process.
What is the system, then? We don't exactly know but we have some possibilities.
The system could be something tangible and visible. The American legal system could be an example; we end up with a main villain who is a police officer, judge, lawyer, or social worker. Another example is American capitalism; someone as low as a migrant worker or as high as a CEO could become a main villain. Both could be individuals who feel mistreated by the system or has an epiphany on how to optimize it and both ways lead to them wanting to heavily alter said system at the cost of many lives.
Alternatievly, the system could be a more philosophical and invisible. A great example of this is the mechanisms. We end up with a main villain who either failed to achieve their goals because of it or succeeded yet remained unsatisfied. We can even have someone who started out with a similar life and goals as Jodio. In that case, the main villain could be some sort of warning of what would have happened to Jodio if he didn't change his ways.
In both cases, the main villain becomes someone who is a "hero" or "a voice to the people" because their change leads them to find followers that feel like they are being heard as a result of the main villain taking action for it. There are many careers that can allow someone to become such a voice, such as cult or religious leaders, social media influencers, celebrities, politicians, and more. Especially with how social media has made parasocial relationships prevalent, this could bring a new concept of betrayal that is seen today; think of modern influencer stardom or Asian idol culture. Similar to how DIO would have loyal minions sent to deter and defeat the gang in part 3, the followers of the main villain may become minor villains trying to stop the gang in part 9.
It seems to make sense that a villain would be an 8 because the last three villains we had could be described as 8s. Pucci wanted everyone to understand their destined fate, Funny Valentine wanted America to be a great nation, and Tooru wanted to change society for the sake of Rock Humans. All three were people of influence like mentioned above relative to where they worked (GDSP's Chaplain, president of the United States, Head Doctor of T.G. University Hospital respectively) and all 3 thought they were doing something good for a group of people. So, I speculate the main villain is in a similar boat and his attempts of doing something good may end up clashing Jodio's plans.
Something you might notice is that all the numbers have an associated personalty or mental disorder/symptom associated with them. This happens if the individual falls into the "unhealthy" levels of the number they are associated with. Note: they don't mean you will end up with such symptoms but rather they can explain why you have developed them. Most of the things listed repeat itself in some way and are rather generic (acts of self-destruction, having some sort of dependency or addiction, and becoming reclusive) but there are some that have specific diagnosis like BPD and multiple personalities listed.
What's interesting is ASPD and sociopathy is associated with the 8 personality. As someone who was diagnosed with ASPD by his school psychotherapist, you would think Jodio should have been an 8 for this reason and maybe start out as an 8 before becoming a 6. Instead, he starts as a 3, which does mention psychopathy, but that's about it, and he's expected to become a 2. Could this hint that Jodio's diagnosis is wrong (since the test itself is sketchy and diagnosing somone with that tends to be difficult to quantify in practice)? Or, is this going to end up being a battle between two individuals with ASPD and this could be some weird story about nature vs nurture (Jodio as nature and the main villain as nurture)?
I do wonder what this would all mean for Jodio and the rest of his gang. Even though Rohan mentions someone from the 3 of the gang members being potential traitors, the main villain is set up to be the ultimate betrayer of sorts. This is especially because of the potential that the main villain is very close to Jodio and Dragona, and it makes me speculate the main villain being someone like their estranged father, Meryl Mei, or maybe even Barbara Ann. When someone once mentioned the possibility of Josuke/Gappy becoming a villain, this theory puts him on the table too.
What do you guys think?
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Hi! It's me!
I'm back! I was @crackheadgremlin and @fur-feathers-horns-teeth but I deleted and now I'm back! I also run (@banned-books-daily so if you like banned books or reading you should check it out!
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individual-prisoner · 11 months
☆~Does the universe create a Supernova, when somewhere lightyears away in a planet, its child fall apart and the sadness inside her, break and collide with each other? When the memories burst her heart inside and out, do the stars collide with each other there too,creating a black hole, resembling the void inside her? Or has it been eternally resilent? For I've felt the stardusts in my lungs everytime I cry.☆~
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j4r-of-flies · 4 months
kid named finger is such an istj 6w5 chol-mel ILE
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
Another perspective from an 8w7 on respect
My answer doesn’t deviate much from the one before this, but I respect people who own their shit. Take accountability. I don’t like it when people want to deflect or make excuses for when they fuck up.
I also respect people who are upfront and honest about their issues. I respect people who don’t hold petty grudges, talk behind my back, or make passive-aggressive jabs at an attempt to incite a response from me. That’s something I view as manipulative and cowardly, especially because it forces me into the position of the bad guy. 
Contrary to popular opinion, I don’t think most 8s want to be the bad guys. So I respect someone who is willing to confront me and doesn’t sulk around waiting for me to confront them first. 99% of the time, I don’t have an issue with you. I’m just existing. If someone has an issue with me, I see it as their responsibility to bring it to the table. I’m not perfect. I say shit and it comes out wrong. And since I’m aware I don’t know how I come off to people, I’d listen if someone brought that to my attention. I know most people find it difficult to be direct, which is something I understand even if I can’t relate. I’d respect someone having the guts to do it even if I don’t agree with them. 
You don’t have to push back and actively fight against an 8. Just stand on your own two feet. Don’t let yourself be bulldozed. Tell them to back off. If they don’t respect that, they’re too unhealthy to waste your time with. Because all 8s bulldoze and often without fucking realizing it. When someone tells me to back off, or say I’ve crossed a boundary, I’ll stop and check myself. I respect people for standing up for themselves.
One more thing: don’t be afraid to fight with 8s, even if it’s intimidating. 8s don’t see fighting or disagreeing as an inherently bad thing. This can potentially become a toxic trait for us, especially when we’re around people who dislike conflict. When someone doesn’t want to talk or shuts down, we’ll push harder until we get the response we want. It’s not pretty and not a trait to be proud of. There’s a “realness” in conflict that 8s try to get to, a way to force honest conversation even if the other person isn’t ready for it, and afterward we feel closer to that person. 
And again, I’m not saying this is a healthy trait, because it’s not.
just wanted to add that i'm sx/so, if that makes a difference too.
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enneaxplore · 11 months
Sexual Two: Spell
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Within the spectrum of sexual Type 2s, the "Spell" subtype stands out for its mysterious aura. This type of SX2 skillfully combines elements of seduction and intuition. Pride manifests here in an intuitive manner and is enveloped in an idealized self-image, whose hidden and irresistible qualities are subtly conveyed. This idealized self-image is cultivated as a precious secret, waiting to be discovered by others. SX2s with the "Spell" subtype convey the idea that they possess a core of attractiveness and charm that transcends the obvious, inviting those around them to venture into uncovering their depths. The choice of the name "Spell" for this SX2 subtype aims to communicate, in a simple and direct manner, the enchanting and intuitive nature of these individuals.
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The "intuitive" trait present in the SX2 - Spell subtype can be symbolically compared to the snake, a creature that moves in a sinuous and mysterious manner. Just like the snake, individuals with this subtype possess an innate ability to grasp the nuances of others' emotional world, anticipating their desires and needs in an almost instinctive way. This sharp and insightful intuition allows SX2s of the Spell subtype to have a deep and penetrating understanding of others' feelings, even when those feelings are not clearly expressed. They are capable of attuning themselves to the subtle emotional energies around them, perceiving the desires, insecurities, and even hidden secrets of the people who surround them. Just like the snake that is always ready to strike, SX2s of the Spell subtype can also use this intuition to gain a personal advantage. They can leverage the emotional information they pick up to engage people in a seductive game, subtly manipulating situations in their favor. Some variations of this subtype possess characteristics that can be advantageous in psychology-related professions. Their intuitive ability to grasp emotional nuances and tune in to people's feelings can be a relevant advantage when dealing with patients and clients in this field. This capacity to understand beyond words and pick up on nonverbal expressions can help establish an empathetic connection and create a welcoming therapeutic environment. The sharp intuition and emotional reading ability of this subtype can also be used assertively or even manipulatively. They can aggressively utilize their intuition to gain control over situations and exploit the vulnerabilities of the people around them. They can strategically use the emotional information they pick up to achieve their own objectives.
In childhood, some variations of this subtype may exhibit fanciful tendencies, engaging in fairy tales and seeking to occupy a privileged place and seduce their parents through an intuitive and enchanting performance, where they construct a vivid imaginary world where they see themselves as mysterious characters, yearning to capture their parents' attention and affection. Using their keen intuition, they strive to interpret and fulfill their parents' emotional expectations in an attempt to seduce them with their intuitive approach. Sigmund Freud stated, "The child is the father of the man." These childhood fantasies and seduction strategies can be seen as manifestations of children's emotional desires and needs, influenced by their developmental process. From a Freudian perspective, this SX2 subtype may resort to these fanciful strategies as a way to cope with their own search for love and attention.
It is common for individuals of this subtype to have a special appreciation for fantastical movies, especially those involving mystical elements and seductive archetypes. This attraction can be understood as a projection of themselves and their inner pride. They may find an intimate connection with characters and narratives that represent mystery, magic, and seduction, seeing in them a manifestation of their own characteristics and the inner pride they cultivate. There is a mystical and occult element to this subtype.
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For these SX2s, aesthetic lust goes beyond mere superficial appreciation. They allow themselves to immerse in aesthetic nuances and details, finding enchantment and seduction in artistic expressions, music, fashion, and other forms of visual expression. This intuitive appreciation is an invitation to transcend everyday reality and connect with something greater, something that sparks their imagination and their deepest essence. For these "Spell" subtype SX2s, lust manifests itself in a shroud of mystery and love, permeated by intense and intuitive perception. They find pleasure not only in physical experiences but also in the subtle and emotional aspects of relationships and romantic interactions. These individuals are drawn to the unknown, to the enigma surrounding love and human connections. They seek amorous challenges, attracted to the thrill of discovery and conquest that mystery brings with it. For them, pleasure lies in unraveling the secrets of the other person's heart, deciphering unspoken words and the subtleties of shared emotions. The lust they experience is fueled by intimate connection and the emotional intensity of relationships. They surrender themselves to love games, fiery passions, and subtle seductions. Through their keen intuition, they perceive the hidden desires and longings of others, diving into the depths of shared emotions.
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In this subtype, wildness is present, similar to the archetype of the vampire. They possess an energy capable of arousing deep passions and desires in those around them. Just like the vampire, they emit a magnetic aura and adopt a wild approach in their interactions. This characteristic symbolizes the emotional intensity and passion they bring to relationships, delving into human emotions in a deep and enigmatic way. These individuals wholeheartedly and strategically surrender themselves to others, using their emotional intensity and seduction to create passionate and captivating connections. They possess an intuitive understanding of the other person, being able to identify desires, needs, and longings, adapting themselves strategically to meet their partner's expectations. This total and strategic surrender is an expression of these individuals' ability to create deep emotional bonds, engaging in a subtle dance of seduction and connection. They understand the importance of captivating the other person and create a dynamic of interaction that allows mutual exploration of desires and pleasures.
Just like in any other SX2 subtype, possessiveness and invasion can be present characteristics in SX2s of this subtype. These individuals have a tendency to seek a form of invasion in relationships, driven by a primal pride. They may feel the need to protect and control the relationship, seeking to ensure their constant presence in the life of their loved one. This can manifest in behaviors such as jealousy or a constant need to be present in the other person's life. With their intuitive ability to understand the emotions and needs of others, they can become deeply involved in the lives of the people they relate to. They may try to anticipate the needs of others, offer unsolicited advice, or invade personal spaces as a way to feel closer and more involved. This search for invasion is linked to the pride present in these individuals. They value their ability to understand and meet the needs of others and see this skill as a way to feel special and important.
Although these individuals may have a tendency to invade others' lives, seeking deep and intense connections, they can also experience agony when they feel invaded. This apparent contradiction may be related to a hidden sense of avarice within this personality. Avarice, in this context, refers to a need to protect and preserve their own intimacy, emotions, and personal space. It is a kind of self-preservation that arises as a result of the intense pursuit of deep emotional connections. Feeling invaded in their intimacy can challenge this sense of pride, leading to agony and discomfort. This hidden avarice, therefore, emerges as a form of self-protection to maintain their pride. They may prefer to control access to the most intimate aspects of themselves, revealing them only when they feel safe.
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Individuals of this SX2 subtype possess an innate ability to become true emotional hunters, using their sharp intuition to strategically attract partners. They play the role of a femme fatale, seducing and enchanting those around them. They are masters in the art of perceiving the subtleties of the emotional world. They have a keen intuition that allows them to grasp the desires and needs of others, anticipating their emotions and creating a deep and captivating connection. Through their strategic seduction, these individuals explore the nuances of the emotional game, using their intuition to attract and conquer partners. They may adopt a calculated approach, analyzing the situation and adjusting their actions based on the responses they receive. This ability to read between the lines and act strategically makes them true hunters in the realm of emotional relationships.
However, the constant pursuit of new prey and the subtle manipulation of emotions can result in a turbulent dynamic. These emotional hunters may alternate between moments of intense seduction and periods of emotional distancing, creating an unstable atmosphere in relationships.
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The intellectual trait in this subtype is characterized by an innate desire to explore and understand the world beyond established conventions. These individuals possess a curious mind and a unique ability to perceive the subtleties and mysteries surrounding human existence. Their intuitive appreciation for mystical and unconventional subjects leads them to delve into areas such as astrology, spirituality, symbolism, and other disciplines that seek to understand the unknown. They are drawn to the extraordinary and the enigmatic, finding fascination in the exploration of these topics. They may even resemble a type 4 in their quest for the different, but unlike type 4, they do not possess a melancholic sense of lack or a poor self-image. On the contrary, they have an inflated and idealized self-image, cultivating a sense of attractiveness and charm that transcends the obvious. This self-image is fueled by a belief in their own hidden and irresistible qualities, conveying a sense of self-confidence and self-worth. The pursuit of unconventional subjects and the intense appreciation for mysticism nourish the intellectual expression of these individuals. They feel stimulated by knowledge that transcends the commonplace, finding inspiration and enchantment in ideas and perspectives that challenge established norms.
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Although SX2s with the "Spell" subtype may project an image of independence and mystery, it is important to understand that this façade often stems from a sense of pride and the deep-rooted need to feel unique and special. Behind their captivating exterior, these individuals may harbor a complex mix of emotions driven by a desire for recognition and admiration. False autonomy serves as a protective mechanism employed by SX2s to shield their vulnerability and safeguard their self-perception of being extraordinary. By creating an illusion of self-sufficiency and distinctiveness, they enhance their allure and allure others to seek emotional involvement. The quest for uniqueness and specialness fuels their efforts to attract attention and validation from those around them. However, beneath this carefully crafted persona lies a potential source of anxiety and insecurity. If the desired recognition and admiration they crave are not fulfilled, it can trigger a profound sense of disappointment and self-doubt. The fear of not being seen as exceptional or remarkable enough can intensify their emotional dependence on others, perpetuating a cycle of seeking validation through the deceptive guise of false autonomy.
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When an unhealthy SX2 of this subtype feels betrayed, their response can be meticulously strategized and vengeful. Drawing upon their profound understanding of others' emotions and keen intuition, they adeptly identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in those who have inflicted harm upon them. The pursuit of revenge manifests in a fervent manner, aiming to deliver a significant emotional impact upon the offending individual. These actions are fueled by a fervent desire to assert their own personal power. They can be likened to a "Maître de la Vengeance" (Master of Revenge), a term originating from the French language, which aptly describes an individual who exhibits mastery in the art of vengeance. This figure is characterized by their astuteness, calculative nature, and capacity to craft intricate plans aimed at retributing those who have betrayed them. Leveraging their intuitive emotional acumen, they skillfully manipulate circumstances to their advantage, channeling their intensity into seeking retribution.
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boysborntodie · 3 months
Anyone who made fun of Divergent for the entire ‘if you fit more than one personality type, that’s bad(tm)’ thing has clearly never been on the Personality Database App before
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tom-is-online · 7 months
Mbti and ennegram are fun until ur being called stupid and impulsive by a quiz (I am)
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weird-redbird · 2 years
Enneagram 4w5 cheatsheet
"The Free Spirit"
Traits: Self-absorbed, introspective, creative, curious, intellectual, emotional, quiet, perceptive
Basic desires: To be unique and knowledgeable
Basic fears: Not having their own self identity and expression
Extroverted or introverted (typically)
When under stress, enneagram 4w5s usually withdraw from others and look inwards at themselves to find the root of the problem. They also seem reserved and intellectual to others.
Enneagram 4w5s are different from other 4s because they tend to be less sensitive and temperamental. They are also more inquisitive and typically "thinking" over "feeling". Another difference is 4w5s are less concerned with public image than main 4s.
Possible careers: writer, artist, actor, graphic designer, librarian, philosopher, filmmaker
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salissad23 · 2 years
Yeah, sex is overrated. Put your clothes back on, we're gonna retake every personality test ever.
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blueopinions49 · 7 months
Horror Typology (Villains)
Michael Myers ISTP TiSe 8w9 sp/sx Libra (Oct,19)
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Freddy Krueger ENTP NeTi 7w8 sp/sx Taurus-Gemini (May 1942)
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Chucky ESTP SeTi 8w7 sp/sx Taurus (May,1)
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Norman Bates ISFJ SiFe 2w1 sx/sp Libra (Oct,14)
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Hannibal Lecter INFJ NiTi 5w4 sx/so Aquarius (Jan 20th)
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Annie Wilkes ESFJ FeSi 2w1 sx/so Aries (April,1)
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Patrick Bateman ESTJ TeSi 3w4 so/sx Capricorn
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Esther ENFJ FeNi 4w5 sx/sp Aries (April,20)
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Pennywise ENTP NeFe 7w8 sp/sx Saggitarius
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Carrie White INFP FiSi 6w5 sp/so Libra (Sept,21)
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Leatherface ESFJ FeSi 9w8 sx/so Cancer
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Jigsaw INFJ NiFe 1w2 so/sx Virgo
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Amanda Young ISFP FiSe 9w8 sx/so Scorpio
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Pyramid Head ESTJ TeSi 1w9 sp/sx Capricorn
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Dalia Gillespe ENFJ FeNi 9w1 so/sp Aquarius
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Dr.Bumbi INFJ NiFe 5w4 sx/sp Virgo
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Albert Wesker ENTJ TeNi 1w9 so/sp Capricorn
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Johnny Swayer ESTP SeFe 8w7 sx/sp Aries
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Diana ENTJ TeSe 3w2 so/sx Gemini
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James Sunderland ISFJ SiFe 9w1 sx/sp Scorpio
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Happy Halloween to everyone!!!
Honorary Mentions
Nancy Downs ESTP SeFe 8w7 sp/so Aquarius
Madeline Usher ENTJ TeNi 8w9 sp/so Capricorn
Rodrick Usher ESFP SeTe 6w7 so/sx Capricorn
Pearl ESFP SeFi 3w2 so/sx Pisces
Candyman INTJ NiFi 5w4 sx/sp Libra
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softboards · 1 year
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Enneagram type 2 stimboard for @whenitgrowsbright
x x x | x x x | x x x
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chanzene · 1 year
The Challenger Personality
2 Samuel 12:1-13 (Nathan)
- David’s heart was exposed because David’s sin was confronted. 
The Challenger Reflects God’s Power
God made you a challenger for a reason. You challenge rules, others thinking, ideas, education, and everything else. This is how God has wired you.
God made them powerful.
When Healthy 
Is strong and confident
In this world where people don’t know what they want to be or where they want to go. The Challenger knows and they also know what they need you to do.
They are very clear not wishy-washy. Nor are they moved by the every changing culture. They know who they are and what they are about.   
The Challenger is not led by the heart or the mind but by the instinct. They know whats right and whats wrong and they know what they have to do. 
Want to see the world be more just
We need people to stand up for people who don’t have a voice. Stand up for people who are not heard. 
Great Examples of 8′s
Rev Martin Luther King Jr.
Winston Churchill
“We will never ever ever surrender.”
Steve Jobs
It takes leaders like Jobs to speak directly and address the issues.
Communicates directly
Leads and influences others to get things done 
Can turn a business around that was once at the bottom and turn it into great great things.
Protective of those they see as vulnerable
Seen as an Egg. Hard on the outside and soft on the inside. Soft for those who are weaker and can’t do for theirselves. The 8 sticks up for the weaker community. They protect the underdogs who don’t really have a voice. 
Underdog - Alicia Keys ft. Chronixx & Protoje
They said I would never make it
The dreams I’m chasing 
I’m all Alone
I am destined for greatness 
Time to embrace it Breaking the mold
Is always in pursuit of tenderness and mercy
Be soft because you will have a hard time being too aggressive. 
When Unhealthy
Uses power to dominate others to get things done their way
Be careful not to use your power for your gain. Use your power for good things. Use it for mercy for people who don’t have a voice. 
Avoids being vulnerable 
They don’t want to share whats going on and act like they don’t have feelings. They act like they're getting things done. They are afraid to let anybody in. They have hearts and are human too. They have all these walls up that. doesn’t allow you to be real. 
Forceful, insensitive, and/or combative
 Walking in the room they quickly asses who is the most powerful in the room. When they find out who is who they challenge people to see who is stronger/more powerful. They thrive on who are they going to fight that day.
Relationally clueless
They don’t see how their personality , words, actions, and decisions effects other people.  Because no one else exists in their world its just what they want to do and how they want things to go. It’s all based on how they feel and what they know is right. They miss the subtle nuances. It’s nothing personal its a blindside to their personality. They are going to be blind to how people are receiving them and perceiving them. 
Doesn’t see the value, opinions and experiences of others
Core SIN: Lust
Clueless to his sexual desires and ultimately that was his demise. 
  Don’t want to be controlled. Need freedom. 
See’s the world as whose in control is it me or is it someone else. 
They trust and believe in the vision. So, if they believe in you and follow you it is all good.
When unhealthy they will be defensive and think someone is trying to tell them what to do. 
Look at yourself and be honest is this an issue in your life?
Often 8′s are unhealthy because when they were a kid their voice often wasn’t heard and their opinions didn’t matter. Everything that they did was controlled or micromanaged. 
Literally seeing adulthood as a way to escape from the bonds of parenting /control. 
Your strategies as a child worked as a child but as an adult they won’t work as an adult. What protected you as a kid will destroy you as an adult. (Mom)
One of the things that can wreck your future is your past. 
So you have to deal with it accept it and move forward. 
Get emotional and don’t want to get real. 
How does a Challenger become real:
We have to deal with feelings! 
Need to be real with ourselves.
James 2:13
There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you.
You get extra credit points for being tender and having mercy. Its genuine compassion for others.
Romans 8:4
You will be judged in Christ or not in Christ. You will be held accountable for your sins.
How does a Challenger become real with others:
Willing to yield to others. 
James 3:17
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
Submit to Jesus.
Unhealthy 8:
Healthy 8: 
Here is my opinion but I am willing to listen to others. But the best decisions wins by prayer.
How does a Challenger become real with God:
2 Corinthians 12:10 
That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
We are all stronger when we share our weaknesses. 
In sharing your weaknesses in those moments you become strong. The beauty of weakness makes us dependent on God. When I am leaning on God then I am strong. When I am leaning on my own strength then I can only do what I can do. When I lean on God, I can do what He does. 
An 8 has to constantly come before the Lord in humbleness, broken spirit, and  saying I need the Lord.
Be willing to share your mistakes and your weaknesses. Don’t be terrified of sharing your feelings. 
1 John 1: 9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Repentance is realigning to truth.
8′s tell us what we need to hear.
The beautiful role of the eight is to speak truth when no one else will.
If we are not challenged we won’t grow. 
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I love personality type quizzes/tests; almost as good as my favourite video game genre- character creation screen.
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
How can I be sure what my core fear is? I THINK my core fear is that I'm a bad person, but how can I know if that's covering up something else? I thought I was a 1, but people have been telling me that INFPs can't be 1s and I must be a 6 because I'm so fiery. My initial reaction was "that's horseshit," but now I'm starting to wonder. In a lot of ways I act more like a 6, but I feel like I'm driven more by anger than fear, though I couldn't have told you that for most of my life.
Do your defense and coping mechanisms line up with 1 or 6? Do you always trust your gut and know what you believe is right and intend to do, as a 1, or is there second-guessing and uncertainty like a 6? Core 1s are solid, immovable, 6s are flexible and less rigid. The 1 obeys the speed limit because not to obey it would be amoral. The 6 obeys the speed limit to avoid a ticket and an encounter with a cop.
1 and 6 are both from the super-ego triad, so there is some overlap, but 1s are much firmer in their convictions and 6s are less moralizing. 1s do have anger as their primary response -- and it leaks out often, especially when others point out anything they missed; the reaction for a 6 is less anger and more "thinking about it."
As a 6 who grew up with a 1, my 1 mother is always sure of herself and does not budge; I am rather unsure of myself and think things over way longer than I need to. She moves to 4 in stress and becomes reactive and woe is me; I move to 3 in stress and become more assertive and productive. She is always denying herself what she wants out of 1ish self-chastisement; I am always caught up in over-thinking.
Also, what's the evidence you have for your wing? 9/2 and 5/7 are nothing alike, either inward or in outer expression. 1w9 - lofty and principled, 1w2 - bossy and critical. 6w5 - paranoid and self-reliant, 6w7 - fun loving and visibly fearful.
It is possible for a Fi-dom to be a 1, so if that's your only hangup about embracing your type, ignore those arguments.
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