zeytounn · 2 months
Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort.
{Qur'an 13 : 28}
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mashriqiyyah · 8 days
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Think of it this way, each time you sin, you push away your rizq.
~ mashriqiyyah
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sabrgirl · 9 months
what to do when you've committed a sin
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oftentimes when committing a sin, it can be very easy to fall into a state of hopelessness, extreme guilt, shame and anxiety. The Prophet ﷺ said that "regretting (a sin) is repentance" (Sunan Ibn Majah 4252), and this shows that guilt is a good thing - a feeling that comes along with regret that drives you forward to ensure you don't commit the same sin again.
however, letting guilt and shame consume you entirely to the point where you've lost hope in Allah's Mercy and in yourself and end up sitting in a place of despair is not productive. as long as you're alive, you can still make amends and do good deeds in the hope of attaining the Pleasure of Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ .
here is a response I've already made to someone asking me how to let go of shame for past sins, but these are things you can do (in general, of course) but after making a mistake/sinning:
salat al-tawbah (the prayer of repentance) immediately this is the nawafil prayer for when one falls into sin and it is usually two raka'ats. pray this immediately after committing a sin with sincere repentance, putting that guilt into this prayer and weep and ask for forgiveness. regarding this prayer, the Prophet ﷺ has said “There is no slave of Allah who commits a sin then purifies himself well and stands and prays two rakahs, then asks Allah for forgiveness, but Allah will forgive him". (Hisn al-Muslim 140). subhanallah.
sadaqah ◦ give money to charity, create a sadaqah box if you do not already have one and put money inside to increase your good deeds over your bad ones. "Know they not that Allah is He who accepts repentance from His servants and takes their charity, and that Allah is He Who is Oft-Returning with compassion, and is Merciful?" (9:104) - Surah Taubah itself. ◦ if it is a repetitive sin, then say to yourself that every time you commit the sin, you have to put a certain fixed amount in. for example, £10 every time you do xyz and you must put it in every time. keep it at a high amount and it will help you in the future to stop, Insha'Allah.
constant dhikr ◦ i cannot even truly express in words the benefits of doing istighfar in a way that will truly sum it up. it washes away the sins of man to the point where his heart will be purified. it is so important to immerse yourself in doing istighfar day and night as it can protect you and Allah is always prepared to hear the cries of taubah from His people. not a single soul can claim that they can absolve themselves of sin on their own, as only Allah's Mercy can release a man of his sins. Prophets were well aware of this fact, so they also continually sought forgiveness of Allah. make it a plan to recite أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ (astagfirullah waatubu alaiyhi, I seek Allah's forgiveness and I turn to Him in repentance) 100 times daily ◦ i also love the app Azkar - it has morning, evening, sleep and waking up dhikr's that you can just recite while reading them on your phone that has the arabic, transliteration and translation. it is so easy for anyone to follow and so helpful in remembering Allah daily - i highly recommend everyone to download this app
make an action plan after committing the particular sin, make an action plan moving forwards of something you're going to do to seek the Pleasure of Allah and His forgiveness. for example, you tell yourself/Him that you will now wake up for tahajjud every morning for the next 2 weeks (and actually do it) and ask Allah to accept this as an apology and to have Mercy on you. that way, you can even build it as a habit and continue after.
nawafil (voluntary) prayers along with the fard prayers start praying voluntary prayers, like: - 4 raka'at's before asr prayer (The Prophet ﷺ said: "May Allah have mercy upon a man who prays four before Al-Asr." (at-Tirmidhi 430) - tahajjud - 2 raka'at's after the 2 raka'ats of sunnah after zuhr - duha prayer (after sunrise and before zuhr time) etc. doing these extra prayers on top of the obligatory 5 daily prayers will give you more blessings and help you weigh more on the righteous side of the scale
reading Qur'an daily with lengthy recitation this has so many blessings. it's a form of dhikr, the remembrance of Allah, and it helps you to gain His pleasure by doing so. make sure to also read it with translation if arabic is not your first language / a language you understand so that you can listen to what Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ is saying and reflect and act on it too.
may Allah, Al-Ghafoor Ar-Raheem, forgive us all for our sins, accept our good deeds and have Mercy on us all, Allahumma Ameen.
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mvslimpearls · 18 days
If you keep asking Allah to forgive you for your sins, He will make for you a way out, He will take you out of your problems and grant you Rizq from where you’ve never imagined. Istighfar opens beautiful doors.
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badrrr · 4 months
Don’t lose hope in the mercy of Allah ﷻ. Don’t leave the path, feeling unworthy because you keep returning to sins after Tawbah. Don’t leave off the aspirations of dying as a ش because of the sins that have overwhelmed your soul. You have a Lord that rejoices at the repentance of His slave. If we repent sincerely, it is as if we have no sin. We have been comforted by the fact that the righteous even have sins. We have been given relief knowing that if we didn’t sin, Allah would replace us with those who sin so He May forgive them. Your regret, remorse and sadness over sin, O slave of the Most Merciful, is a blessing in itself. Cleanse yourself with consistent istighfaar and daily Tawbah. Present yourself to Al-Ghaffar who wants and will accept your repentance.
‘Allah wishes to accept your repentance…’ {Surah Al-Nisa : 27}
‘He is the One Who accepts the repentance of His slaves and pardons their sins. And He knows whatever you do’
{Surah Al-Shura : 25}
May Allah restrain our nafs from evil and forgive us of our major and minor sins آمين
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backup1318 · 9 days
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 Astaghfirullah al-‘Adheem (I seek the forgiveness of Allah the Mighty)
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beautifuldhikr · 7 days
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My Lord, forgive me
rabbi igh'fir lī 
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mudabercerita · 4 months
“Jangan bosan bertaubat walaupun dosamu terus kau ulangi. Bukankah pakaianmu selalu kau cuci ketika ia kotor?”
"الإنسان محل الخطإ والنسيان"
“Manusia itu adalah tempatnya kesalahan dan lupa.”
“Kesalahan dan dosa itu sifatnya manusiawi. Tidak ada manusia yang luput dari dosa. Karena itu, istiqomahlah dalam beristighfar dan bertaubat.”
-Adzkia N
Banjarmasin, 9 Februari 2024 pukul 21.50 WITA.
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jaquesmes · 3 months
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dunyatraveler · 4 months
Let's try to istighfar at least once per day 🌻
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mindofserenity · 2 years
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يجب أن نتذكر دائمًا أننا خلقنا عرضة للخطيئة
We must always remember that we are created vulnerable to sin.
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لكن ما يهم الله ليس عدد المرات التي سقطنا فيها ولكن عدد المرات التي عدنا فيها إليه
But what matters to Allah, is not how many times we have fallen but the moments we have returned to Him.
~ mindofserenity
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zeytounn · 2 months
“And do good as Allah has done good to you.”
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mashriqiyyah · 1 month
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Never go back to what Allah has taken you out from.
~ mashriqiyyah
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naderdawah · 2 years
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The best of deeds is that you leave this life while your tongue is wet with the remembrance of Allah
أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ
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mvslimpearls · 20 days
Don't miss your salah and say istighfar consistently.
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deeniyaat · 3 months
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