#it was only by accident that he saw dick someday where every thing changed for him
A Life So Changed: Chapter Fifty-Six
Author: Lopithecus Pairing: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1873 Alternate: AO3, fanfiction.net Author's Note: So, I finally have a full-time job. Which means I’m going to have less time to work on this. I’m going to try my utmost hardest to keep coming out with updates every week, but if I’m a bit slow or a bit late (like I am with this chapter, oops), that’s why. I hope you all can understand. ^_^ (Disclaimer: I didn’t proofread this chapter. I’m too tired to do it right now.) Enjoy!
Chapter Fifty-Six:
Bruce guides Kyle into the Manor, heading towards the kitchen to hopefully give Kyle’s food to Alfred to heat back up. Kyle looks nervous, looking around the rooms warily. Bruce rolls his eyes. “Stop looking like that. Dick is in his room and hasn’t emerged for a week. You won’t run into him.”
“Yeah,” Kyle scoffs. “Famous last words.”
Bruce rolls his eyes again, entering the kitchen only to stop short. There, being pushed against the island, is Jason. He and Roy are currently in a heated kiss, Jason’s leather jacket hanging off one shoulder and Roy’s pants zipper being undone. Bruce blinks, stunned, while Kyle whistles at them.
Startled, Roy pushes away from Jason, Jason chasing after the young alpha’s lips. Jason’s eyes flutter open and he peers over at Bruce and Kyle, smirking. “Hey, Old Man.”
“Jason,” Bruce greets, stepping into the room more, Kyle following along.
Kyle chuckles. “Look at you two.” Roy growls a warning and Kyle holds up placating hands. “Whoa, whoa, I don’t mean any harm by it.”
Jason places a hand on Roy’s shoulder. “Uh, we’ll just take this to my bedroom.”
“Actually,” Roy begins, reaching down to his pants to zip them up. “I was just leaving.”
“Or were you just coming?” Kyle asks with a wide, teasing smirk, earning himself a glare from Roy.
Jason frowns. “You don’t have to go.”
Roy turns to Jason. “I think it’s best if I do.” With that, Roy exits the room, pushing past Bruce and Kyle.
Jason sighs and hops onto the island. “You two have perfect timing.”
Kyle is chuckling as he walks up to the alpha, giving Jason’s shoulder a few comforting pets. “Sorry, Jason, but next time, I suggest you start in the bedroom instead of where everyone eats.”
Jason scowls at the beta, getting down off the counter, pushing Kyle aside. “Shut up, asshole.” Jason stomps out of the room, giving Bruce an annoyed look. “We’ll talk later,” he says as he passes. Jason then disappears.
Kyle turns to Bruce. “Please tell me you saw that coming.”
Bruce sits down at the table, his head feeling a bit light and painful still. “I wasn’t sure what to expect from those two.”
“But you knew something was going on, right?” Kyle asks curiously, jumping up to sit on the island, legs swinging. The beta sets the bag of food down beside him.
Bruce sighs tiredly. “I was aware of some of the things happening.” Kyle looks at him hopefully. “That’s all I am going to say about it.”
Kyle groans in disappointment. “Fine, be your secretive self.”
“It’s not being secretive. It’s protecting my son’s privacy,” Bruce explains and Kyle sighs.
“Alright, whatever,” the beta comments. Kyle places a hand on the bag. “So, what are we going to do with this?”
“I am assuming that within that bag is food that I need to heat up,” Alfred says as he walks into the room.
“Yes, Alfred, thank you,” Bruce answers.
Kyle is looking at the butler with wide eyes. “How’d you know? Are you really psychic like Wally believes you to be?”
With a straight face, Alfred responds after a second of thinking about it, “Why, yes I am.”
Kyle’s eyes widen even more and Bruce can see the beta’s lips pulling up. Bruce sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He can already feel his head starting to hurt worse again. “Kyle, he could smell the food.”
Kyle looks at Bruce as if disappointed. Alfred is smirking behind the beta as the butler grabs for the bag. “Then why…” Kyle crosses his arms. “You two think you are just so funny, don’t you?”
“What are you talking about?” Bruce’s hand falls to the table and his head whips to the doorway where Dick is standing. “Alfred is where Bruce learned his dry sense of humor from.”
The room goes completely silent beside Alfred digging through the bag, muttering something about how unhealthy the meal is and how now he has to replicate it in order to make enough for everyone. Kyle’s jaw clenches but to Bruce’s relief, the beta doesn’t say anything. Dick looks around the room nervously, taking a hesitant step in.
“Wow, tough crowd,” Dick mumble, going to a pantry to pull out a box of cereal. Kyle is staring at the floor with hard eyes.
“Sir, supper will be ready shortly,” Alfred tells Dick who has now gotten a bowl and some milk.
Dick starts making up his cereal. “I’ll still be hungry, you know that Alfred.” Kyle’s hands are balled up into tight fists. Dick smells the air and looks at the food Kyle brought. “That smells good. What is it?”
“It’s from a small diner in Keystone,” Kyle remarks, brows furrowing in irritation.
“Oh?” Dick dunks a spoon into the bowl. “Keystone, huh? Were… were you there to see Wally?”
Kyle purses his lips and then slides down off the counter, turning around to peer at Dick. “Yeah, I was.”
Dick leans against the counter, idly eating his cereal. “How was he?”
Kyle shrugs. “You know, he’s doing well, considering the circumstances.” Dick nods and Kyle licks his lips. “But you would know that if you checked in on him once in a while.”
Dick’s head snaps up, eyes meeting Kyle’s. The beta straightens away from the counter. “What the hell is that supposed to me?”
“It means exactly as I said it,” Kyle retorts, tone not quite showing how annoyed the beta is but on the verge of letting it all show.
This time, Dick shrugs, putting a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. “Wally doesn’t want to see me. Trust me, I tried.”
“Right.” Kyle’s hands are fists again and Bruce stands. If this gets too intense, he might have to step in. “Because you broke his heart.”
Dick’s lips thin and the beta’s hand that is holding the spoon lands on the counter with a loud thud. “Why does everyone keep blaming me? I can’t control my feelings, Kyle. I can’t just force myself to love someone back just because they love me.”
Kyle wipes a hand down his face. “Yeah, that’s why you slept with him right?” Dick’s eyes narrow. “That’s why you got him pregnant right?”
“That was an accident,” Dick says.
Kyle continues, visibly getting angrier and angrier. “An accident? You should have known, that even if you’re a beta, there was still a possibly of getting Wally pregnant if he wasn’t on birth control or there wasn’t any other protection used.” Dick’s face turns a bright red and he can’t meet Kyle’s eyes. “Yeah, that’s right. Wally told me about how you neglected to have enough birth control with you and that you opted to just not use any. Brilliant idea, Dick.” Kyle huffs a humorless laugh. “And then you decide to treat Wally like shit after, completely blowing him off after he confessed his feeling towards you. You know, you really fit your name, Dick.”
Dick’s head snaps to Kyle, face now red with anger instead of embarrassment. “What’s it to you anyway?” he shouts. “This whole thing has nothing to do with you? Why don’t you stay the hell out of mine and Wally’s business. This is between me and him. Back the fuck off, Kyle.”
“Why you-” Kyle starts but is interrupted.
“Both of you knock it off,” Alfred orders, slapping both the beta’s wrists with the wooden spoon he had been stirring with. “There will be no more fighting in this kitchen!”
“Fine, let’s move to another room,” Dick growls and Kyle growls back at him, showing teeth.
“No,” Bruce says, finally stepping in. “That’s enough, both of you. I’m tired of all the arguing.” No one says anything so Bruce continues. “Dick, after you’re done with that bowl, go on patrol. You haven’t been all week and you need to start getting out there again.”
Dick glares at Kyle for another second before he picks up his bowl of cereal. “Fine,” he mutters, walking away and out of the room.
Bruce sighs and plops back down into the chair, once again pinching the bridge of his nose. When he opens his eyes, he sees both Alfred and Kyle staring at him. “What?”
“Are you okay, Sir?” Alfred asks.
“You’re looking a little pale,” Kyle adds, running a hand through his hair.
“M’fine,” Bruce answers, hoping they will just believe him.
It seems to work, for now, because neither say any more about how Bruce is looking and instead, Kyle sits down across from him. “I’m sorry,” the beta starts. “I let my temper get to me. I shouldn’t have argued with Dick like that.”
“No, you shouldn’t have,” Bruce agrees. He eyes Kyle, who has his eyes downcast, looking at the table. “I’m not going to throw you out for it though. You’re still welcome to stay for supper.”
Kyle’s eyes hesitantly raise to Bruce’s. “Really?” Bruce nods once. “Thank you, Bruce.”
“It’s partially my fault you got into the argument with Dick anyway.” One of Kyle’s eyebrows rises in question at Bruce’s statement. “I shouldn’t have assumed Dick would stay in his room the whole time you were here.”
Kyle’s lips are partially parted in amazement. “Since when does Batman apologize?”
Bruce huffs a laugh and places a gentle hand on his protruding belly. Kyle’s eyes follow it. “Since he got pregnant.”
Kyle is smiling warmly at him, head rested in one hand and elbow perched on the table. “You’re so lucky.” Bruce looks at the beta in question and Kyle explains. “You get to have a baby with someone you love.”
“It’ll happen to you too, someday, Kyle, if that’s what you want,” Bruce says.
Kyle frowns, looking at the table top again. “I’m not so sure about that.”
“Kyle.” Bruce waits until the beta is looking at him again. “Give Wally time.”
“Even with time, Bruce, there’s no guarantee Wally would like me like that,” Kyle states. “After all, how long have Wally and I been friends and he hasn’t liked me yet. Instead, he fell in love with Dick, his other best friend.”
Bruce takes a deep breath. “I thought the same of Clark but here we are.” He places his hand on his stomach again.
Kyle gives him a sad smile. “You two are different. You’re Superman and Batman.”
“That makes us different?” Bruce asks.
Kyle shrugs. “Of course, it does.” Kyle doesn’t elaborate and Bruce doesn’t ask him to.
Instead, Bruce stands and rubs a hand down his face. His head is definitely hurting more again and he needs to try and get the pain to go away before dinner. “Kyle, make yourself at home. Alfred will let you know when supper is ready. I’m going to go lie down for a bit. Our little adventure has exhausted me.”
Kyle nods and stands as well, reaching out for Bruce’s arm but stopping short of touching him. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Bruce can see Alfred perk up from his peripheral. “I’m certain of it, Kyle. There’s no need to worry.”
Bruce turns and begins to make the trek to his room, hoping deep down that that statement is true.
A/N: Ugh, I’m sorry this chapter is so short and lackluster but I’ve caught a cold and I am sooooo tired right now.
But, I promise I will try really hard to get a flow going alongside this new job that I have now in order to not be so late next time.
Again, I’m really really sorry! I feel so bad about posting this so late!! 😫
Thank you for reading!!
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f0rgiven-l0ved · 7 years
fuck don't read this
It's so important to keep toxic people out of your life. And it is even more important to understand what being a toxic person entitles. Having to stay away is a whole different story, and a whole different kind of heart ache and pain. Toxic people are toxic because they are always coming back, and with them, comes problems, drama, pain and sadness. All these emotions and issues can be avoided by saying goodbye to these types of toxic people. This is to a certain guy that I met while I was waitressing at work. He was super cute and got super drunk, and when he left he competely over tipped me, as well as left his card with his number circled and on the back wrote, "Thanks for the pen. Text me". We talked for about a month and a half, and then one day I got the message, "I got back together with my ex". I was at the gym, and my heart dropped. Immediately I was overcome with sadness and anger, because again, I had let a toxic person into my life, without realizing how toxic he truly was. 2 months later I found out that it was only 48 hours after their relationship ended that ours started. Only 48 hours after their 3 year relationship, that I was completely unaware of. We didn't talk for about a year, it was a long time. No drunk texts, no communication what so ever. And then you added me "by accident" on snap chat, even though "by accident" was complete bullshit. And you messaged me a few times, drunk and bored. Only when you were drunk or bored and she wasn't around. And so I cut off our communication completely. A simple question I asked Sam, a simple question, "Are you still seeing her?" And I got nothing. You gave me no answer, then the next day I ask again, nothing. I got nothing. Finally I asked again, explaining that this is truly a yes or no question, nothing difficult. And then I got it, "yes". Immediately blocked, all means of communication cut off. Because I knew the negativity would get to me, I knew that our communicating could only lead to negative things. And then there's the other one. This goes out to you. I met him sophomore year of highschool, when I walked by his house as he was doing yard work outside. He was chubby, and definitely not completely done going through puberty, and neither was I. We weren't actual people, we are now though. We were young, teenage kids. About a week after we met, there was an argument and we stopped talking. When we somehow started talking again, I was told you had met someone and was already in a new relationship, but you told me we could still be friends. For two years I hardly saw you, and then you guys broke up, and I gave myself to you. And I knew by that point that I was in love. And it hurt every single fucking day that she had you and I didn't, because I loved you so much. But through the entire fucking thing Kyle you made me believe that someday we could be together, you kept that possibility in the back of my mind and it only made me fall harder for you and hate your girlfriend even more, which made me hate myself more than I ever have. I hated myself for loving you and I hated you for loving her and not me. And then you were single, and we were going to work on things. You told me we could be together, you told me you were going to change and things were going to be better and things were going to be different. You said it to my fucking face. And then a week later, you're going to a Red Sox game with a "friend". And then out of no where, another slap to the face and dagger in my heart, she was yours and you were hers. But that didn't stop you did it Kyle? That didn't stop you from coming to my school pretending to sleep at Christian's when you were sleeping in my bed next to me. You talked to me like we were together, and time and time again I tried to cut you out of my life. I tried to fucking hard and I would be so sad and I felt completely fucking heart broken. I tried for almost a year and a half to push the thought of her out of my mind. I thought out of sight out of mind right? Wrong, I was so fucking wrong. When I saw you, I thought about her more than I could enjoy my time being with you. And when I did see you, I was more nervous about what the falling out would be that I couldn't even enjoy having you around me. Kyle, I still love you. I will always love you, no matter who you're with. When youre married I will love you, and when I am married I will still love you. You were the first person I gave myself too and I will never forget that. You were the first person that made me feel love and I can never forget that, no matter how hard I try. You fucked me up though Kyle, you really fucked me up. I don't think I will ever be able to open up to someone without having this unbearable fear of being tossed to the side like I'm nothing after i'm told i'm everything. The lying and the cheating and the secrets and the broken promises and the heart break and the pain and the sadness it all lead to this huge depression that I slowly began to drown into. Fuck you. This last one goes out to the most recent ass hole. Someone who I never thought could be so toxic, someone I hardly knew but also someone I didn't think would ever hurt me. I should have known from the beginning, that nothing was going to come of it. But the way things worked out, the way he touched me, the way he looked at me and the things that he said, I fell for him, so hard. You told me you didn't want to lead me on, but you didn't tell me why, and thats because when you started too, I told you to stop. Because I thought I knew what you were going to say, and I just didn't want to have to hear it out loud. You fucking dick head. I thought you were going to say you couldn't lead me on because you were graduating and starting your life, not because there was another girl in the picture. I fell for you, and there's no way that you didn't know I was falling for you. Fuck Mike you seriously hurt me so bad I really thought you were falling for me and I thought things were actually going to come out of what we were but nothing but a giant fucking let down was what I got from it. I still miss you, I still think about you and talk about you. You were the perfect guy, handsome, generous, kind, funny and always smiling. Your beautiful blue eyes shined even brighter under your jet black hair. Damn, I really thought there was something there, I still feel like a fucking idiot and I will say to this day that I never would have touched you Mike if you told me there was another girl I wouldn't have fucking touched you. All these people, toxic to me. And these peope are all men. I don't understand how at this point in my life I have had so many heartbreaks and let downs. Im fucking done with it but the next time I even get the slightest bit of attention I need to make sure I run the fuck away in the oppisite direction as fast as possible. I just want to fall in love with someone who loves me too, I just want something that wont end in my feelings trashed. I never want to let these toxic people back into my life but it's only a fucking matter of time. Fuck
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