#it's like if I get a compliment. I'll act humble about it. because that gets you more praise right
foolishnpd · 6 months
I wonder why I straight up suppress and hide my more arrogant/better than thou/grandiose side of myself? I guess I get the feeling that it comes off as a very assholish way to act, nobody likes a self centered person right? but I also wonder if being more open with that side would just make me look more confident, which does attract people... my old friend was like that, toxic as hell but had that sort of confidence that drew people in
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tulipsaisle · 6 months
London in the Rain
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𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: ʟɪᴀᴍ x ᴍᴄ
𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐲: ᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛ + ғʟᴜғғ
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Liam pants heavily, but smiles as soon as loud cheers and clapping erupted on stage. He looks up to see the crew members all gathered together, laughing and huddling with each other after their tiring practice for the day. Everyone's gazes turn to him and somehow their faces seem to light up even more.
They gave pats on the shoulder and ruffled his hair in adoration, complimenting how he once again managed to bring the main character in their play out to life with that stunning acting.
Liam rubbed his neck and laughed, feeling shy but also loving the attention that he'd been getting from his fellow actors who had done nothing but be nice and inclusive of his appearance in their group. They exchanged pleasantries and humble gratitude until a loud clap from behind the curtains was heard.
It was Tom, their director and he had a huge grin on his face. He gave each of the members a meaningful stare until his gaze settled on Liam and he just smiled even bigger.
"Liam! I knew I could count on you in this new act!" He walks up to Liam and places his hand on his shoulder, giving a gentle and firm squeeze. "Thank you to everyone as well. I know this new play will be a hell lot of with the stunts and other stage effects, but I want to let you all know that you guys have done a marvelous job in making all this possible. Everyone worked very hard and gave their all in this and so I want to give this thanks to you all by..."
He paused, face looking down which caused the others to peer closer at him and wait in anticipation of what he would say next.
"I'll be treating you all to the resort next week on Saturday after the play premiere ends!" Tom pulled out the many tickets from his jacket pocket to show the crew and soon, loud cheers and clapping could be heard throughout The Scala. Liam laughed along with the others, loving the warm atmosphere he was in.
However, the reality was bitter, and that moment only lasted for a short while until he went back to being lost in the darkness again.
Bang! Bang! Crack!
Thunders from afar came out of nowhere with heavy rains following shortly after. The sky had darkened, and huge droplets of water hit the glass window with sheer force. The actors and director paused to look out at the sudden storm but then continued to rave about the resort tickets like there was nothing to worry about in the first place.
Their voices soon drowned out as Liam stood staring out the window. All of a sudden, he felt smaller and further away from everyone. Each drop of rain that splattered outside tugged his heart, its weight had made him feel so heavy and restless.
He quickly slipped away from the conversation between the rest of the crew members and head straight to the entrance.
He wanted to be alone with his thoughts for a moment, and although he knew it was a bad idea to do so, it was for the best. He didn't want to be a nuisance to anyone. Walking with dragged feet and hands in his pockets, he casts his eyes down to the red carpet at his feet. Soon, the light from the main door greeted him until he now stood outside The Scala staring up at the rain.
Of course, he had forgotten his umbrella.
London was painted with pale white clouds of water and fog while a few people hurried their loads back inside, and some ran to seek shelter. Whereas Liam's face darkens in sadness even more. His anxiousness is building up by little at every single sounds that reached his ears.
He couldn't understand why some people would think the sound of the rain was so relaxing, or how they find it fun to dance around the puddle, under the falling water. He couldn't even think close enough to find the romance of walking in the rain with someone.
Maybe people like to imagine things or maybe it's because of the cliché scenes he'd read in books. Nevertheless, he finds it all troublesome. Imagination and fiction are nothing close to the harsh and bitter reality. He would never enjoy those things when he can't even enjoy the feeling inside his chest. Perhaps a pathetic walk under the rain back to the castle will soak his restless hot body, leaving him cold and trembling when he finally finds something else to worry about other than anxiousness.
Sighing softly, he was about to step out until he heard it...
All I know is (ooh ooh ooh)
...a familiar voice called out to him from afar, followed by a pair of shoes clicking against the asphalt of the road.
Of course. How could he forget?
About his lover.
And it seemed at that moment, the pouring rain slowly subsided as he watched Kate's figure walking closer.
She had finally caught up to Liam panting, holding a big magenta umbrella that was his. It was as if she was looking for him all this time.
Liam's breath caught up in his throat as he stared at her with his mouth hung open. "K-Kate...?" It was all he could manage to say when he looked at her wide-eyed. Why is she-
"I couldn't find you at the castle so I thought maybe you might be here." She said with a nonchalant smile as if reading through his thoughts. That's the reason why she always surprised him. Sure his best bud Harrison - despite the said guy denying so - could read him like an open book even without using his ability, or William whom he looked up to, Kate was another person who could tell what's been racing through his mind.
Was he always this honest with his expressions? It was now that he realized he and Kate were both emotional alike.
"I was thinking maybe we could walk around? If that's okay with you."
There it was again. Her sentence came out like a question, more like she was trying to read what his face was trying to convey.
We could go anywhere, we could do
Now Liam was sure that he wanted to be alone with just him and her for a moment before returning to the Crown castle. He smiled softly at Kate, knowing full well a tint of blush will dust on her cheeks, and it did.
"Sure, I'd love too."
Anything, girl, whatever the mood we're in
With that, he extended his arm and she happily hooked hers in. Liam chuckled, taking the umbrella from her other hand so he could hold it up for them this time. He noticed now that the rain had become a small drizzle, however, his heart still beat rapidly. Not from anxiety, not from the tension, but from...
Yeah all I know is (ooh ooh ooh)
...he stole a quick glance down at her for a moment to find those bright eyes peering up at him as if he was the most interesting thing in the world. Her eyes were like a thousand shining galaxies whenever she looked at him; that was the closest he could describe. Now he hoped that he could show her the same thing, to let her know that he was just as infatuated with her as much as she did with him.
Getting lost late at night, under stars
Their eyes met, and Kate smiled at him. It took his breath away for the many times that he lost count and he could easily tell she was smug about on the inside from the glints in her eyes.
Finding love standing right where we are,
Suddenly, Liam felt this strong urge to put his arm around her shoulders and turned her to face him as they both stopped walking. Kate hummed at him in question. They both found themselves staring at each other; the shadow of their umbrella, the soft patter of the rain, and the way Liam's eyes moved downwards...
Your lips
Then he leaned down to kiss her softly while his free arm still rested around her shoulders protectively and adoringly.
They pull me in the moment
Kate's eyes widened, but as she placed her hands on his chest, his heartbeat was pounding wildly and soon hers followed suit. She couldn't realise how she could feel any warmer during the rainy weather, but somehow Liam made it happen and knowing the way he leaned closer for a deeper kiss, he did feel the same way.
You and I alone and
It felt like it was just the two of them in this world whenever they kissed. It felt just right. Even the gasps and murmurs from folks nearby wouldn't even matter.
People may be watching, I don't mind
"What a lovely couple." The redhead woman whispered to her fellow lady friends and they nodded in agreement.
"Young love..." The old woman cooed as she nudged her husband, "They do remind me of us back in the days." She looked at him while he smiled back and chuckled.
Liam slowly pulled away from Kate and stared at her fluttering eyelids as those eyes looked at him in a daze. He smiled softly, tucking back her loose hair strands and planted a soft kiss on her forehead as if to send a small loving message.
'Cause anywhere with you feels right
Kate grinned and giggled happily. They both shared a hug under their big umbrella while the passerby was awed while they parted for the young couple's privacy.
Liam combed his fingers gently through her hair, smelling the sweet shampoo that he bought for her. They both stood there, embracing each other for as long as they wanted and it felt right.
Anywhere with you feels like
Gone were those empty taunting voices that he heard and was now replaced with this serene like feeling in his heart where he sure would cherish and bask himself in anytime.
For once, he felt like he deserved this happiness. She made him greedy for her attention and love, with them holding each other like this under their shared umbrella, under the soft rain, in the middle of a street in town with people walking by, he'd come to love this kind of atmosphere.
We don't need a fancy town,
Or bottles that we can't pronounce
Liam kissed her once again.
'Cause anywhere, babe
He'd come to love London in the rain.
"I love you." He whispered to her in a loving voice that was only for her and him to hear as it echoed out to mix with the sound of the rain around them.
Kate didn't say it back, but he could feel her smile against his chest and her small sigh of content. Those were enough to know that the woman in his arms was happy being in love with him as he is with her.
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Special Mentions: @lemeowade @judejazza @nightghoul381 @archiveikemen @gayuu-the-necromancer @flimflam707
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sery-chan-13 · 1 year
Couple Tropes That Describe You
Black cat BF × Doberman GF
Hates everyone × also hates everyone, but knows how to hide it
Easily attached due to parental issues × Mommy issues, so I'm willing to let you get attached because no one has ever felt love like that for me
Smart and is a bitch × Smart and lords it over people
Top of the class × Top of the class
"Yo, your parents give you irreversible trauma too?" × "Hell yeah!"
Doberman BF × Doberman GF
Gamer boy × Goth GF
I hate everyone except for you × me too
Listens to The Wrecks × Listens to Melanie Martinez
Childhood trauma that fucked them up × childhood trauma that made them realize they need to be a better person to everyone, so they care for everyone
Only wears silver jewelry  × Only wears gold jewelry.
Unhinged BF × Very pleasant GF
"I'd kill anyone you'd ask me to, say the word and their heart will stop beating this second." × "Aww, that's so sweet~!"
Gomez × Morticia
Fuck you're so hot when you threaten people × And you're hot when your mouth is shut and on mine
Reads Edgar Allen Poe × Reads Emily Dickenson
For my ethnic girls specifically:
Ethnic GF who minds her own damn buisness × BF who will kill anyone who looks at her the wrong way let alone make a racist/discriminatory remark.
Listens to Ethan Bortnick × listens to Melanie Martinez
Reads poetry to you × writes their own poetry
Introvert × Introvert
Has a record player × makes him dance with them to the songs he plays
Takes 20 minutes to get ready × has to start getting ready 3 hours before they have to leave
Rainy days are the best × I agree.
Likes horror movies for the cheap thrill × likes horror movies to laugh at how dumb they are
Religious trauma and mommy issues × religous trauma and daddy issues
Likes reading fantasy books × likes reading poetry
Life is fine, just a bit hard somedays × Lets run away and live in a little cottage in the forest
Rabbit BF × Golden Retriever GF
Hates social situations unless it is with people he knows × Social butterfly, hey imma go talk to this random ass stranger
"Hey that's dangerous!" × "I am God, nothing could hurt me!"
Always prepared for every situation × never prepared, lives in the moment
*talking about cars* × I haven't the slightest clue what's going on here, but I'll act like I do!
Everything gets blamed on him × "If you talk shit about my man one more time I will shove a knife so far down your throat-"
Passive BF × Protective GF
"I'm pretty sure he loves that car more than me." × "I would commit a murder for that women she is the love of my life, nothing means more to me than her I would give my life for her-"
Early bird × night owl
LITERALLY has everything you could ever need in his car × Passenger Princess
Musician who writes and sings love songs for you × Musician who can play an instrument and helps
Sleeps in nothing × Sleeps in a onesie
Super humble, even though they are really amazing × Raises their ego
Needs to give compliments every second of the day × Words of affirmation is their love language
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egoistars · 1 year
what ur first kiss was like with the future world star
writing + hc :crack, mentions of blood, tsukasa tenma is a DUMBASS (affectionate)
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you hid your mouth with your palm as you let out a long yawn after walking through phoenix wonderland to go home with your bff forever tsukasa. the sun was beginning to set, red and orange hues washing through the stray clouds like strokes of vibrant watercolor as they bled into the purple of night.
it seemed that the blond had just finished a musical solo on stage as his fellow crew members were clapping for him, sitting in the front row of the wonder stage. tsukasa heavily panted, a proud smile on his face while his hand was placed on his chest.
"[name]! you just missed the best part!"
"best part as in you running off tempo like four times?" nene muttered, getting a laugh from you and an faux offended face from tsukasa.
"whoops. i guess i'll have to visit another time and see for myself."
"OH! RIGHT! i haven't even explained to you the plot to this months show!" tsukasa excitedly dragged took your hand and dragged you with a disgusting amount of force ( how the hell did some lame ass like him have this much strength? you don't know ). "so basically, i, prince pegasus the eighteenth of the rainbow kingdom comes face to face with a rebellion from my people because the fairy dust st industry has been failing and very out of character for me, i've done nothing to help. can you believe that?!"
"that must be so humbling for you," you teased. "about time."
"what the hell?! anyway, turns out the head fairy, played by nene, does not have enough musical power to produce fairy dust from her singing because music has been lacking amongst the fairies! and emu, who's part of the rebellion, demands that my royal orchestra play for the fairies and in the end, the kingdoms fairy dust is restored and BAM! happily ever after!"
"goddamn how many plots does rui pull out of his ass?"
"...is that a compliment?" tsukasa blinked.
"don't worry about it," you quickly divert, causing tsukasa's mouth to momentarily open in protest, but quickly close. "you should sing something from the play for me. i want to hear what you guys wrote."
"HAHA! anything for my loyal fan."
"on second thought, i'm leaving."
"wait! stay! i'll sing!" he yelled after you. clearing his through twice before quickly running through a scale to warm up.
the song was a soft ballad, the lyrics written witj poetic artistry, portraying the feelings of a prince with regret. this song seemed to take place during the emotional climax of the play where tsukasa's character snaps out of his arrogant and selfish state of mind, realizing how much his people are suffering and begins to break. you've always admired how well tsukasa portrayed extreme emotions in his acting and if you were any meaner, you'd say he reminds you of those shitty tiktok povs where you have a limited amount of farts or something but being the best friend you are, you kept your mouth shut.
the song came to an end and this time, it was you who had their mouth dropped open.
"holy shit i could make out with your voice right now."
smth up there fried and died right in the moment
my boys eyes went blank and stared at you for a good minute before he literally FLUNG his tall ass body at you and crashed his head into yours
man was in autopilot
you thought you broke your nose
your lips hurt but hey!!! shut up!!! stop complaining!!! future world star is literally kissing(?) you be grateful
but bro he was passionate
eyes squeezed close, sucking the hell out of your lips
he doesn't know how to kiss
tsukasa is not a star, he is a black hole trying to swallow you whole starting from your lips
you were planning to contact true crime podcasts for a new case
he only pulled back after he felt smth warm dripping into the kiss and turns out his nose was bleeding 🧍‍♀️
you laughed in his face
bro was too embarrassed to care and ran away like the pussy he is to shove a tissue up his nostril
dw u kissed him later but properly
tsukasa now has a note in his phone titled "days since i kissed [name] and how idk where our relationship lies: 1"
"i'm impressed you were able to kiss them but not ask them out. that's kinda funny tbh. loser behavior" - rui in the wxs groupchat later
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ravenbloodshot · 4 months
Someone who gives me the same asshole vibe as Cha Eun Woo and Song Kang is Eunwoo's friend Kim Young Kwang (the actor) I really liked his drama and he is quite handsome but he looks like a sadist and super manipulative to me I'm not gonna lie? No matter how much I try I can't seem to get into him? He was also caught before whilst he was a model (when he was much much younger) talking about what he finds distasteful in women and he said really weird/sexist shit but it was childish af too, like he really didn't think before speaking but I like to give benefit of the doubt to the "youth" LMFAO (not really) but you know he's also Korean so I wasn't shocked, I said oh another one bites the dust 👏🏾☺️😋 Anyway there's something sweet about him (I'm probably reaching and trying to give him a compliment) but he really totally makes the hairs on back stand idk he gives me torturous type vibes? Maybe it's past life between me and him vibes LMFAO but I see evil, I know I'm not tripping, like the dark triad evil? Am I wrong? What energy do you feel from him, please let me know!! Like he looks like if he wasn't told right he'd hold people captivate or be that weird kid that's cruel to bugs? I wouldn't be surprised if he was a bully or humiliated people, especially women. Like you know the energy of a closeted man that hates on women? He looks like the type to say mean things in a joking manner and not even consider people "beneath" him? I feel he can be sweet but it is selective, like he may want something? Idk he feels fucking cold, like his eyes and his smile, no emotion etc I wouldn't be surprised if he has a disorder or something that makes him unemotional etc He's a major homebody too and he always acts uncomfortable in social situations etc, he probably is but maybe he really does has some disorder or something because he expresses that he wants to go home etc. Like I could see him being condescending like Song Kang and Cha Eun Woo too?
CEW always gives me the energy of misguided energy? Like if he were to be surrounded by good people who humbled him he could be okay? I always see some sentiment in him? He looks like people don't check him and out of all 3 he looks to me the most reflective, like if something happened it could give him a spiritual awakening etc and change his life. Like the type of guy that heals if he was loved right. CEW gives me I am a "twin" vibes, like he has a counterpart in this lifetime who's gonna have a profound effect on his life? He always looked like a redeemable soul to me? I don't know but the more he gets deeper into the industry and this cold, cruel, money driven environment he just gonna end up being unredeemable as well, in the deep end? Like he'll end up the worst out of the bunch? I hope he don't start doing drugs but he looks smart to me lol, I'll give him that much. The more I see actors/celebs the more coldness I see lol, some of them have really scary eyes.
It's hilarious to me that people found Song Kang cute, the mf gave me I'm bland and incompetent but have the audacity to be disgusted by you vibes. He generally looks like the type to sanitise his hands if he accidentally brushed past somebody he don't respect, he looks hella coddled too and a mamas boy. He literally admitted himself that he wore the same socks for months straight. He's probably the type that doesn't do the dishes or wash his clothes etc, like he young forever? I was shocked he was feeling Han So Hee LOL but she grown woman vibes and I think it's opposites attract. Her rough girl image, idgaf demeanour probably intrigued him. A part of him also looked like he was pretending, so people could talk about them, like he used her for a come up? He shot a show with that young pretty actress and the interviews (my demon) were a pain to watch. I could tell he found her stupid and you were RIGHT, he cannot hide his dissatisfaction well!! Like it was second hand embarrassment. He was also on another show with BP Jennie and he literally iced her lmfao, he didn't even look at her, he also pushed past another woman and was heavily disgusted by another older woman complimenting him, like how dare you compliment me when you not on my level? Like the type that wants people to ask for permission before they greet him? He called another woman by another name and said "that woman" and she was like "I am that woman, it's my name", as in he didn't even bother learning their names and she said to him don't you think it's too soon to speak casually (banmal/drop honorifics) and refer to me as "that" and that you should learn people's names etc. It baffles me how people give a pass to "handsome/pretty" people in the world and especially Korea? But more so handsome men because of sexism right? Like he was not careful of his behaviour at all but people thought he was "clueless" and cute. It's obvious when he thinks people aren't on his level etc and I think he's at a point where he generally believes he's made it, so he dgaf like yasss I don't need to kiss ass anymore, when he was simply just expected to be polite LOL 😂 I think it's a chore for him to treat people well, like he might think about the beneficial reason why he should give charity and help people? Like they broke, they can get up, I'm not, I work hard. Like simple minded? He's cut the nice act now and he said so himself, that he hates being perceived as cute and a little adorable boy but he masked himself as such and then complains? Probably because he finds his fans disgusting. I'm ngl he feels like that. I don't know lol! Don't mind me, I be popping out here and there and giving the lip and the tea LMFAO 🤣 I'll stop here! 💀
— Lip Service Girl 💄
Me and you must just be on the same wavelength. I think it's too much to say Kim Young Kwang has a disorder, but everything else, I agree.
Cha Eunwoo has the best energy out of the three. But he has his own bs that comes with him. He's not a bad guy, though, the other two .....🤷‍♀️
What sticks in my mind the most is Kim Young Kwangs' weird comments about women as well. Like it's okay to have preferences, but like damn....
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stephaniebrownslover · 6 months
Just my ramblings about how I view Clockwork, nothing important.
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"My thoughts are twisted, wrong and wicked"
Alright, I think Clockwork knows how wicked and wrong her thoughts are and she hates it. But still, she knows she can't change her mind and can't undo the past even though she wants it more than anything she has ever wanted. She knows normal people won't think the way she does and she hates herself because of this. She also feels so alone since she thinks she's the only one on this way.
It's one of the canon facts that the thing she most wants is a good family like other kids. Although she won't admit it, she regrets her actions and wants to change them.
"I've found you, let's have some fun"
This part can be referred to as Toby to my humble opinion. When she found Toby, she felt like she finally found someone like her. And obviously, she would prefer having fun time with him rather than crying over their past.
"Calling me strange gives me confidence/ 'Cause I take it as a compliment"
Clockwork is used to calling as bad names so she wouldn't have any problem with hearing more bad words. She had a real hard school and home life, she heard words such as weirdo and creep daily if we consider the fact that she was a little bit of a strange minded kid.
"Maybe I'll change my evil ways"
As I mentioned, Natalie wants to change herself. She wants to be a better person, at least a better person than Clockwork. She would prefer changing her wicked ways if she was really given a chance about it.
"Stop taking shots one of these days"
To be honest, I have no idea what taking shots means so I searched it in slang and found this definition.
Taking shots: to make a critical or hurtful remark about someone
Well, Clockwork is a mean person and if she wants to get along with other people, she also needs to change the way she speaks. Idk.
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"I'll settle down, I'll rearrange"
As I said, she wants to change herself and the first step that goes this way is settling down and reconsidering her actions. This is why she would add them to her to do list.
"Maybe I'll learn from my mistakes"
We all know that she's a really reckless person. So I'm just assuming but Clockwork tends to repeat some of her mistakes. Since she's really careless and uninterested in many things, she would do the same thing until it hurts her really bad. And she hates it but she doesn't do anything to change it.
"Stop breaking hearts, forgetting names"
She's a true heartbreaker lol
To be more serious, she broke lots of hearts on purpose or accidentally. And I also can see how she can forget names easily because of the fact that Clockwork is really hateful and neglectful towards the people. And doing both these things should be on her list to change her major personality traits.
"I'll settle down and act my age"
She doesn't usually act like her age because of not living her teenage years like how it supposed be.
"One of those days, but not today"
Yeah, she really wants to change herself. But she's not sure if changing herself would make her more likeable or not and she doesn't really have any motivation to do this. She already crossed the line and there is no way turning back from this road. So this is more like a dream to her, the kind of dream where you desire it more than anything but also know you can't do anything to achieve it so you keep delay and delay until it's too late.
She knows all too well that her dream is meaningless but if she gave up on that, she would have no reason to keep going. Her life would be meaningless without a purpose, just like how she lived in her childhood.
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I'm really tired so please act like I explained everything precisely.
I talked nonsense probably but I'm too exhausted to understand that.
Anyways, thanks for coming my Ted Talk
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solivagant-muse · 2 years
I need more reverse au in my life. Bastard Vinny has to be the greatest thing in my life atm.
I love a soft Vince, don't get me wrong but the boy has so much unresolved, inner rage that manifests in the worst ways possible and makes him commit atrocious acts of cruelty <3
I don't have shareable art atm but I can provide you with how I see Vincent being if his face wasn't attached to Bo, and instead was "the pretty face" of the two.
I'll also be sharing stuff that I spoke with @hersweetrevenge about it, because her brain is super wrinkly and big.👀
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Anna, please feel free to add stuff if you like!
In this AU, I see Vincent being more confident, snobby and arrogant, he acts "humble" but you know the man is fishing for compliments like a lifeline at every opportunity. Self-entitled as well, being told he was special and talented all the time can make a kid's ego burst to the mountains.
I also see him not being able to handle criticism whatsoever, it's his art and he decides the value. He worked hard to get there, so no one is allowed to dislike his work and put a value on it.
The two songs I would connect with Reverse AU Vincent would be "Love Me Love Me Love Me" by Kikuo and "Being low as dirt, taking what's important to me" by Tuyu. I recommend just reading the lyrics just to have an idea.
Much like OG Bo, Vincent becomes the "face" of Ambrose, he is the one interacting with the victims most of the time. He is still a loner and more on the reserved side, finding more solace being in the basement than anywhere else but much like OG Bo, he has to do the facade of being nice and welcoming to lure future projects.
I also think Vincent can get away with being "weird" because he is an artist after all, and artists are sometimes eccentric.
He has too many knives? Weird but they're really detailed and might be for decoration or material/wax cutting!
He stares too long at someone and is being kind of a creep? Oh, he is just admiring the symmetry of their face! Artists like to people-watch.
His face twists in a bitter scowl if an artstyle he likes gets dunked on? Artists are passionate but sensitive souls.
However, I am of the opinion that the pressure from his mother was much more intense compared to the OG one. He was everything that she wanted; brains, looks, and talent but she still demanded more of him. Vincent had to keep up with what his brothers couldn't do or be. The pressure of being the "perfect son" and "the Sinclair pride" made him snap in a way, but it was more lowkey, less explosive than Bo's but horrible regardless. He was treated better, but their parents' love wasn't unconditional, it never was. Higher praise also meant harsher punishment. Vincent didn't have to experience much to know, Bo was the perfect example of the consequences of misbehaving.
He loves his mother, but he holds a deep resentment towards her. Maybe him making the House of Wax was a direct or indirect way of desecrating the art of his mother. His mother wanted a super talented kid that did everything she asked of him, but she is gone now. Now he is that, and much better.
Vincent feels pity for Bo and treats both him and Lester "nicer" compared to canon Bo but he still has a hold on both of them. He is one of the few who truly loves and cares for them after all. He doesn't mistreat them or yells at them but he can be a little condescending at times in a "I'm so kind to you all and I'm doing what's best for you. Sorry you don't appreciate my worry! 🙄" kind of vibe.
He is the head of the house in this au and has the family ring, he became what Victor and Trudy wanted, it's natural he would be the one to inherit take the ring for himself 👀
Oml, Trudy and Victor having an argument because one wants Vincent to be an artist and the other one wants him to be a doctor!!! Bo and Lester watching from the sidelines, no expectations for the two of them whatsoever.
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Hey sweetheart- could I ask for a ship from both Band of Brothers? 🖤 So glad you reached out 🖤
About Me:
– your gender/pronouns: Female/ She/Her
– your sexuality/gender preference: Honestly? Indifferent. If I fell in love with someone, I fall in love with them. But for this case, gender preference, male.
– your main flaws and most defining traits: I asked my best friend this because I'm terrible at defining myself. She said my main flaw was my stubbornness (Fair- I'll be stubborn/immediately cut someone loose on principle if they're being an asshole- or just hold them at an arm's length and side eye them for the rest of their lives). I think it's just a discerning sense of not rewarding asshole people for their behaviour, but you be the judge. 💀
My most defining traits she said were my hard working behaviour, my hyper-independence, and my "audaciousness." The first two I feel are self-explanatory- she feels my audaciousness comes from doing things most people would without a second thought- like moving all over the place for opportunities (England, Australia, back to Canada, where I'm originally from), and living in other cities with no connections or no background in them if it'll help develop me and my opportunities as a person. So she means it in a way that means less like an "imprudent lack of respect," and more like, " a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks." I'm not jumping out of planes or anything (sorry boys), but I am doing modern equivalents of things that would get me ahead and help me grow as a person.
– your hobbies and pastimes: I love history- I also love exercise of any sort (although I don't really keep a schedule)- I used to play scholarship level volleyball. Now, I just love long walks in nature on my own, and weight training. Besides that, I love drinking overpriced lattes and taking in coffee shops, listening to music, and listening to podcasts/audiobooks. •Optional: – your appearance: I'm tall for a girl (6'0/1.83m)- Dark blonde/ash brown hair, green eyes, pale. I'm athletic, played high-level volleyball and swimming, and now mostly keep to doing weights and running. I'd say my eyes are the prettiest part of me.
– your personality type (example: ENFP; Enneagram 7 or 7w6): I'm an INTJ, Enneagram 5. Basically the analyst, always.
– any pet peeves: People who mistaken kindness for weakness, bullies, people who don't recognize their own privilege, rudeness, cruelty.
– your love language: I literally just took this quiz. 🖤 My love language is acts of service, which tracks. When people do things for me, because I'm so used to shouldering everything myself, it really feels appreciated. My second love language was words of affirmation. I'm always humble/sheepish when taking compliments, but especially if it's from a significant other, it makes me feel special.
•Examples of bonus info:
– your zodiac sign (or big three): Virgo Sun, Leo Moon, Leo Rising (I know- it's a lot of hidden Leo). I'm honestly a stereotypical Virgo in that I'm a perfectionist, plan ahead for everything, like things in order and neat, slightly cynical (but it doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you), and modest. I'm also highly independent.
As for Leo Moon and Leo Rising, people often think I'm an extrovert because I put on a positive face and am described as a positive person who lightens any workplace I'm in and lights to be self-depricating (I'm also obnoxious about my hair, which apparently is a Leo Moon trait). I can be the leader if I have to be, but I usually don't offer unless nobody else is taking charge- and then I take charge just to get things moving.
I'm an introvert at heart, however. Most nights unless it's something really fantastic I'll spend on my own or doing activities I like to do on my own, or talking to one really good friend. I'm a fan of long walks in nature, hot beverages, and quietness/ acoustic music.
– your Hogwarts house: I used to think Slytherinclaw and used to get Slytherin a lot- however, I lean more towards Ravenclaw these days. I'm not just running after something in order to define my self-confidence or self-esteem anymore- I'm confident enough to do that myself, and I don't need awards or kudos to do that for me. I like knowledge for knowledge's sake (I also never needed to step over anyone in my ambition- I just did my own thing).
– your insecurities: It's hard- because I feel as though my insecurities have shifted too as I've gotten older.
I'm going to say my biggest insecurities (which sound sad, which is why you'd never hear me say them outloud lol), would be finding someone who sees me and loves me outside of just being "a nice person." I think people see me as someone inherently likeable, but nothing more. Or smart/ capable, but nothing more. Sometimes I feel as though nobody ever sees me as someone who would be datable, instead of someone they like in their friend group. And to be fair, I've made myself hyper-independent in order to survive- but as I've gone into adulthood, I think I've realized, sometimes it's nice to have someone to depend on, and I want to work on being seen outside of being hyper-capable as someone not "intimidating" or "aloof" (when I literally just have a resting bitch face and am just vibing 💀). I held hands with a boy the other day who helped me across an ice patch, and I just realized how nice it was to have someone's hand in yours, sometimes, as cheesy as it sounds.
My other insecurity I guess is related to being sure I'm on the right path. I'm in training for a prestigious law position and becoming a lawyer after graduating from law school, and although law is interesting, I'm not sure if the practice of law itself is right for me. I'd much rather teach other people it as a professor, or analyze things as a policy analyst to help people more organically, than be a lawyer who charges people per hour. I know it's less "prestigious," but I'd rather be a force for good with my law knowledge than a force for ambivalence/ black letter law stuff. My insecurity would be whether or not if I choose a slightly different path that pays less/makes me more happy, if I'd be disappointing people/not living up to my potential/ shooting myself in the foot after being called as a lawyer. Sad, I know, but there you go. 💀
ANYHOW, do your worst, babe, and I appreciate whomever actually takes the time to read this. 🖤
Hi babes!! wowowow your blog is the prettiest✨💕 so glad I found you!
I ship you with:
Dick Winters from Band of Brothers!
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ok but dick was the only logical choice here!
hear me out
this man is in love with you
and it’s like the classic slow burn that everyone pines for in life
but you’re lucky because you actually get to experience that together!
you probably meet each other as officers in Toccoa or Fort Benning
as officers
Dick shyly admits it now, but he was a little intimidated by you at first
You had an independence that he wasn’t really used to in ladies back home
Girls back home married young and depended on their boyfriends and husbands to make the right decisions or bring home a paycheck
But dick didn’t get that sense from you at all
He’s an observant guy
So the more he sees you at work
Being an absolute badass
The more he starts to fall in love with you
This man thinks you can do anything you set your mind to
And God help anyone who stands in your way
your jobs might take you to different places around the world
And it could mean that you spend long periods of time apart
But in the end, Dick will always wait for you
And is so beyond proud of you💗
I can see the two of you taking some classes at Rutgers together after the war while Dick works his first job at Nixon Nitration Works
As lifelong learners, I think you would both enjoy classes together
Adding it to your list of shared hobbies :)
Dick felt so privileged when you started inviting him on hikes with you
Since he knows that’s your sacred alone time
You both used to play sports in school
So you both understand how important physical activity is for your health and well-being
If you both decide to start a family together
I can see y’all teaching your kids how to play volleyball and football together 💕
You show him all your favorite podcasts and audiobooks
He instantly loves them!
I can see him working at his desk late at night
Listening to some obscure history podcast that you showed him
You can bet your ass that he plans your honeymoon to some historical European town that you’ve wanted to visit for ages
see what I did there? ;)
I’m pretty sure that it’s canon that Dick is an acts of service kinda guy
So it works perfectly that you both show each other that same kind of love
Anything you need done
Whether it’s mowing the lawn or a grocery store run
Dick is very eager to please
He’s also the king of sweet compliments 💕
Sharing a foxhole in Bastogne together
His kind compliments and encouragements keep you going during the harsh winter
I wonder what your enneagram wing is?
Bc if you’re a 5w6, I’m pretty sure that Dick is a 6w5.
So that means that you would be mirroring each other :)
6w5s and 5w6s enjoy being capable and independent and secure
So you’d have that in common
Based on mbti, seems like you both are more introverted and like to lead a more planned out life
And Dick is very content with that
Also canon that Dick loves tall girls 😤
He thinks you’re lovely 🥰
Neither of you can abide bullies
Long talks about how frustrating Sobel is to deal with
You can show him that taking bolder, calculated risks can pay off :)
You’re both pretty stubborn
But I can see you also teaching him that just saying no to toxic people, no matter how much they may need your help, is best in the long run
In return, Dick can show you that doing what you love is the key to ultimate happiness
And that you’re loved first of all just for being your amazing badass self
Not just because you’re “nice”
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venusinsilk · 5 months
Things I wanna do in 2024 or just in any time frame it doesn't matter
Sell my stuff online and ship countrywide
Have my website up and running and looking very legit and not sketchy or crappy, with shopify and a blog and videos and recipes and cute art and a contact page. Good enough for customers to buy from and want to engage with
Film a fucking recipe video
Get the things I need for filming like tripods and lights
Learn video editing and get fast
Post more, consume less
Sell locally to vendors like coffee shops.
Get my cottage license so I don't get fined
Play another show and play bass well
Hire a good photographer to take portraits and food pics
Maybe get a nice camera to take my own food pics? I want to learn about lenses and exposure and framing and stuff
Read more recipes and try executing them. Blog about it
Read more in general
Write more in general
Talk more in general but also listen and don't interrupt so much
Paint more. I have 2 commissions as of Jan 2024 and I haven't started either of then yet!!! Neither of them are paid though lmao
Follow up with others and reach out, start conversations and ask people what they're up to. Especially the creatives I love
Draw more. I need cute meme inspired cat pics for Bakery Burnout and I want to print my own stickers at home.
Stop spending money. Redirect the shopping compulsion with creativity.
Go to Ireland
Go to Lightning in a Bottle
Not run out of money lol
Really good sex
Eat at more restaurants and expand my pallette
Reconnect with old colleagues from the industry without acting like a goofy drunk
Throw more good parties. Had an excellent one right at the top of the new year on the second weekend of January. Met new people in my home who gave us compliments and said "it's rare to find good house parties like this these days" and the genuine connection I felt was intense. Could have been the molly. However people legitimately had so much fun and hosting is something i discovered I love to do in my late 20s and I want to refine it. I want to practice the art of creating a beautiful environment for people to connect and have fun within, especially with regard to food, art and music.
Generate more income outside of my full time job. Invest more of my income and get better at making my accounts grow. So tired of being poor dude I'm over it. I'll play the evil capitalist game because I'm stuck inside it
Admire and honor my body. Give my body the time and effort it takes to keep me healthy and feeling good about myself. Take photos of myself. Paint myself and give myself permission to feel beautiful. Humility will only get me so far and I've been humble long enough I think.
Follow through with projects I start. Complete some things.
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velvetgenshin · 3 years
mondstadt girls as dere types! pt. 1
a/n: so i wanted to try something because i got bored! i wanted to include all liyue girls as well, but tumblr apparently has a picture limit so i will post it in a seperate part. i'll probably also do the boys if people actually like this haha
genre: mainly fluff i suppose?
warnings: none-
note: reader is genderneutral!
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most likely to be a deredere or a bakadere 
amber is very sweet and her s/o will probably be able to tell that she likes them, simply because she is so honest and kind
deredere tend to be very sweet and energetic, which imo definitely fits amber
amber definitely is the type of person who blushes a lot and doesn't know how to respond to certain things when it's her love interest asking something of her
in fact, it embarrasses her so much, that she ends up blurting random stuff out about how much she likes them, something amber still can't really control
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a great tendency to be a nemuidere
nemuidere's tend to be lazy and kind of sluggish by nature, but are also very intelligent and artistic and can be diligent to do their work 
it as also said that lisa likes to take naps, which fits a nemuidere as well, since they tend to all asleep once there is nothing to do or when they get bored
i'd also believe she has tendencies to be a darudere, but nemuidere's are generally kinder, while a darudere often only does whatever the person they like tell them to, all whilst complaining about it
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probably an ojoudere. which is not to be confused with a himedere
ojoudere's act very lady-like and mature and are, by nature, a lot more kinder than the himedere
they appear very strict and but are very sweet on the inside, which actually reminds me a lot of jean
jean is a person to act very strict as the acting grand master, but also has a very sweet side to her in private, but with her position she feels obligated to constantly appear flawless and mature, which eventually makes her work overtime to get everything done
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a dandere, try to change my mind
sucrose is shy and introverted, but the moment she talks about alchemy she becomes talkactive, which is something she is passionate about
now, combine that with her love interest also being interested in alchemy or in her work and you will see the happiest sucrose ever
although i think sucrose has a habit of rambling when it comes to alchemy, i couldn't think of something cuter than watching her speak about something she is so passionate about and realizing she has opened up to you
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probably a deredere
if barbara likes a person, the person will most likely know about that before barbara really does
like i said above in amber's part, deredere aren't shy about their affection and are very sweet and optimistic
barbara being an idol and working very hard, will probably the type of person to talk to their love interest every time they meet them or just wants to introduce a new song she made
it makes her happy enough to have them listen to her sing
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i am kidding, i think she might be a dandere and an ojoudere!
noelle is very sweet and cares about her love interest very much to the point where it might become obvious that her usual behaviour slowly evolved into a crush towards her love interest
i can imagine her making her special pancakes for them and blushing furiously when they compliment them
while being very sweet and encouraging, noelle has also something very mature about her
noelle is loyal to her duties and the knights which probably translates to her love life as well
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most likely to be a mix between a tsundere and a himedere
while she is the prinzessin der veruteilung, i believe fischl tends to get embarrassed a lot, which causes oz to often speak up for her when she is afraid of falling out of character
and with her wanting to be treated as if she if royal, himedere came into my mind the moment i saw her
if she ever happens to fall out of character in front of her love interest, oz will take care of all the talking until she is able to face them again with newfound confidence
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a tsundere, nothing to change about that
mona is someone who tries to act tough when receiving compliments, but ends up completely embarrassed and tries to talk herself out of it
as a tsundere, mona will often try to sppesr great in front of her love interest but gets embarrassed the moment they compliment her on her astrology and tells them that her pride only allows her to be humble
i can also see mona getting her last bits of mora to invite her love interest to dinner, as an attempt to appear not as broke generous to make them rely and believe in her
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luvlyrv · 3 years
Our Songs | pt. 6 | Wendy x F!Reader SM!AU
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Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: I hope the word count marginally makes up for the fact this series has been on a three month hiatus lol, don't worry though it'll finish soon!
Date: 6/10/21
Series Masterlist
Ever since you and Wendy exchanged numbers you find your hand unconsciously reaching out to your phone throughout the day. You hope to find a notification from her when you turn it on. Thankfully she always seemed to respond back, but even when she didn't you'd put your phone down to repeat the loop. You tried your best to make sure it didn't interfere with your work, but still, your day was marked by Wendy. Although she wasn't there physically your conversations always carried through day and night.
You've known her to be a warm person, always friendly and comforting. You hope you're not reading into things too much, but sometimes you read her messages and your heart skips a beat. The way she would talk about you would make you flustered. It would force you to put your phone down for a second, unable to comprehend the positivity. Then the thought that maybe she was flirting would creep into your head.
The idea that you're just imagining things always comes back to fight it though.
Shaking your head you decide not to contemplate the idea further. After all she was going to come over soon and you needed to focus on finishing your songs. Thinking about any possible romantic feelings was the last thing you wanted to do. Especially with her in front of you.
Luckily the thoughts dissipate as you zone into the work in front of you, scrutinizing every detail you possibly could. You let yourself sink into the feeling of the songs, letting it help guide your decisions in mixing. As quickly as you get focused though, you're broken out of your zone when you hear knocking on the door. Before answering you run to the mirror and take a quick look while trying to make sure you look presentable. When you rush up to the door to open it you act like nothing happened.
"H-hello! Welcome again to my humble abode!" You say it with a smile, trying to suppress the sudden fluttering feeling in your stomach.
"Hey!" She says while looking up and down at you. "Looks like we're accidentally matching today, huh?" Wendy walks past the door and you close it behind her. You take a moment to look at her outfit and then at yours. The both of you had a very blue color palette.
"Well, way to steal the spotlight. You look way cuter than me." You don't sound as confident as you'd like, your voice bordering on the softer and quieter side. You realize you haven't felt this nervous in a while.
"As if that could ever be possible!" Wendy turns her head back at you as she walks towards your room. She rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue at you, only to quickly smile at your remark. "Now stop being silly and let's work."
You follow her into your bedroom and sit down in front of your computer. She sits on a familiar stool and the two of you immediately start working. You share what you have so far, all you do is record some more vocals, including harmonies and adlibs. You polish things with Wendy by your side to help make some stylistic choices. It took a few hours that only felt like mere minutes.
The sun is still out, unlike the first time the two of you had worked together. This leads you to ask Wendy something before she would leave.
"While we're here we should just record the collab video, yeah?" Wendy's eyes light up in recollection of your previous conversation.
"That sounds good, how about we do the Q&A type video today? I can just message Yeri for some questions."
"Sure, I'll ask Seulgi to make up some interesting things for us to answer too."
The two of you didn't have to wait long as both of your friends replied fast, excited to help out and excited to have some questions answered. You situate yourself next to Wendy in a comfortable position and get the camera ready. After getting the camera in position you take the time to fix the lighting in your room, making sure to have a soft and natural feeling with the lights.
Finally, the red light begins to blink on your camera and you wave. Wendy follows along and flashes the camera a friendly look. You give a quick introduction for the video.
"Hey everybody! I'm here with Wendy today to do a little Q&A type video for you guys! We've both gotten some questions from our friends and it's just to share a little about us, how we feel about our collaboration, behind the scenes type of stuff, you know?" Wendy tilts her head and looks at you as you talk, nodding to your words.
"I really can't wait to answer these questions with you." She says with a smile. She looks back at the camera as she pulls her phone out and looks at her messages with Yeri. "Neither of us have prepared any script or anything. We've barely even looked at the questions they've sent us!" You nudge Wendy with your elbow and laugh at a thought.
"What if they sent us something inappropriate?"
"Oh god, Yeri totally would." You both giggle before Wendy prompts you to start reading questions first.
"Alright we'll stop wasting our audience's precious time now. My dear Seulgi's first question is… "what were your first impressions?" Wendy doesn't hesitate to answer the question as soon as it was asked.
"Oh! Whenever Y/N entered the café we were meeting in I was kind of surprised! She doesn't post a lot of pics of herself so to see someone as talented as her in real life was an honor. She's really cute, right?" She reaches out to pinch the cheek of your so-called cute face. You strain a smile of embarrassment at her antics.
"Yeah yeah, I don't record myself a lot." When she stops her assault on your face you follow-up with your opinion. "For Wendy… I was also really surprised… I think I'm really lucky. You guys should know that a camera really doesn't do her justice! When I first met her she certainly gave off a very approachable demeanor too."
"Why do you think that?"
"I don't know? I was really nervous meeting you, yet when I saw you and when we got to talk the atmosphere turned into something really comfortable fast. Let's just move on to the next question." You take a look at your phone again to see Seulgi's question. "What's your favorite thing about the other? Well, Wendy has always been so sweet, it's been wonderful working with her. I appreciate the care and dedication to her work that she has shown me. Her musicality really helped pull everything together, and when I was stuck she was always there to give me a fresh perspective."
"Aww, that's so sweet of you." Wendy says with a blush on her face, her hand covering her face as she laughs a bit. "It's strange to be talking to you like this, I feel like. I think you're a really straightforward person but we haven't really talked about our opinions to this extent! Especially to a camera. Ah… well I think I could really say everything the same for Y/N." Wendy nods a bit in thought before continuing on. "To add to it though, I think Y/N has just always been so considerate to me. Like, beyond being a great musician she has been a good person to me. I think if you've seen some of our interactions on Twitter you'll know that she ended up cooking a wonderful meal for me on our first meeting. I think that if she wasn't as nice as she is, we wouldn't have had this much fun together… wait, this has been fun for you too, right?"
"Oh my god, yes it has. How could you doubt that?" You punch her arm with a fake upset face. You turn back to the camera. "Guys, we've hung out and have talked soooo much outside of our collab. I literally don't understand how she can have a single doubt in her mind about us having fun."
"It doesn't hurt to clarify! Anyways, next question now! And stop punching so hard!"
"Oh hush, it wasn't that hard. Oh hmm, to go along with that Seulgi wonders what our least favorite thing about each other is."
"That's an easy one!" Wendy says all too excitedly. You make a shocked expression, worry flooding your system as Wendy points at you with a smile. "I hate how you're absolutely brimming with talent! Your work is impeccable! Musical genius!"
You groan as your body crumples. "You nearly gave me a heart attack…" Your voice is muffled between your knees.
"It's true though!" Wendy says in a sing-song voice, her face smug in satisfaction to see your scared reaction. "Otherwise there's nothing I can really say."
You gather the strength to get back up and face the camera, then Wendy. Your face is still filled with disappointment but you take your time to stare at Wendy. As you stare at her she seems to come undone as she nervously looks away.
"What are you doing?" A red color subtly creeps up her neck.
"I'm just thinking. I'm thinking that… You also have nothing wrong with you." Wendy can't help but to roll her eyes at your comment. "Except for being awfully cheesy. It makes me wanna go bury myself in a ditch so I won't have to hear your stupid cheesiness again."
"Whatever, whatever. It's my turn to read the questions. Now… this is a good one, "what has the work process been like?"
"Well that's obvious, I do all the work and Wendy leeches off of me like a parasite."
"Hey! Just because it's true doesn't mean you have to say it to the world!" Her response throws you into a fit of laughter, turning you into a mess.
"Oh my, no no! It's really not like that. I would say we have an equal workload, or a workload that makes sense between our respective positions." Wendy shakes her head in disagreement.
"I don't feel so. I feel like Y/N always does so much work, and she does it so quickly too. It makes me feel kind of bad when I sit beside her and see her work her magic. When she's focused and working so hard it's quite amazing."
"Ah geez." You shyly scratch the back of your neck. "Wendy's always like this, complimenting me. Like I said earlier though, she really helps bring me new perspective when I'm stuck and her musicality is like nothing else. She always takes the time to sit next to me and monitor things too. It's not like she's a third party to the process. Not only that," You take the time to send Wendy a smile in an attempt to reassure her that you're not burdened with work. You want her to know that you appreciate her part of the creative process, "but nothing really feels like hard work when I'm with you."
Wendy has a hard time processing your words, so instead of addressing it she decides to just further elaborate her answer to the question.
"Well, I'll just lay down the process for everyone. Obviously, Y/N produces and I sing. Although after enough convincing from me you'll hear her singing on the tracks as well, so say thank you! It all started when Y/N took the time to reach out to me, which I was really excited about by the way, and then we both agreed to meet up at a local place. We just talked about concepts and our availability. We both ended up writing songs and worked together on what we wanted to keep or change. Everything productive happens here," Wendy opens her arms to gesture to the area around her, "at Y/N's place. Even though I have audio equipment at my place too we just record things here."
"Yeah, everything she said is true. I have a little set-up here in my room. I don't think I've ever really shown you guys it? I mean, I've shown my guitar collection before but not all my other equipment yet. I'll film that another time though. Next question?"
"Oh this is kind of interesting to think about, "what do you think the reception of your mini-album will be?" The both of you take a moment to think about it. Recalling many of the things you've read on social media you decided to speak first.
"Well, I think it'll be extremely beneficial to the both of us in multiple ways. I mean first off, I guess by our genre of music we have a lot of overlap between fans. There's been an overwhelming amount of support from fans who are excited to see the both of us collaborate and interact. I have no doubt that it'll do well since it's so highly anticipated by our fans. It'll be even better if you guys manage to stream and share it!" Throughout your explanation you begin to give Wendy shy glances. "I think that even if we drop our music and it doesn't meet much success, I would've gained a lot. I think working together with Wendy has helped me grow as a musician and anything that I learn here I will utilize in the future."
At your last comment Wendy seemed to get excited and she quickly added on.
"Exactly! If anything the most important part about all of this is the fact that I have gained skills as a musician and gained a friend. That greatly outweighs any potential of success." Wendy has a bright smile on her face, happy to be able to call you a friend.
"That doesn't mean we don't want you guys to go ahead and share our music by the way." You joke light-heartedly. "It would mean a lot if you did."
"Now final question for this video! We've been talking too much." Wendy looks at her phone, unlike before she takes a couple seconds before reading the question aloud. "Uh, I think this should be fun to answer. "What do you want to do in the future together?" I think that obvious answer is to make more music!"
You chuckle at her answer before responding as well. "Going to each other's places to have a jam session doesn't sound bad, but hanging out in general is good. We'll definitely continue being friends, and if the reception for our collab is really good we might do another one? That is, of course, if Wendy is okay with that."
"I would be more than happy to do that. I was also thinking of forcing you to binge watch more shows and movies with me."
"Only if you stop hogging the popcorn. Anyways, I think this should be the end of our video. I highly encourage all of you to check-out Wendy's channel in a couple days. The day right before release we're going to be dropping one more video together! Bye-bye!" You wave a goodbye to the camera with a smile. Wendy joins you in your outro.
"See you guys soon!"
You go to turn your camera off as Wendy goes to gather her things. After turning off your lights you go to sit back down on your seat, importing the recently filmed footage to your computer. Wendy takes this moment to sit down next to you again.
"Again, thank you for your hard work!" She says it with a smile as she brings her hand on your arm. "I'm always amazed with the quality of your work and how quickly you can do it."
"No problem, I'll send the songs to you later for your feedback. We'll be able to post everything soon." You smile back at her and give her hand a comforting squeeze. A part of you wishes you could keep your hand there forever.
"Alright, well see you at my place soon!"
When you finally hear the click of your door closing you let out a sigh. You don't want to think about it. You don't want to face it.
You don't want to face the possibility that you've fallen.
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¤~°Ghost Marriage: Lovely Bride To Be?!°~¤ Finale!
Before the door closed, (Y/N) asks them something. "Can I please have something to eat? I haven't ate in a few hours."
Present Time.
It was now close to night after all the arguing of students had disbursed. Finally all agreed with Crowley and his raffle idea on who the grooms should be.
Once all of the participants names were in the Headmasters hat. He shakes his hat around a few times and stops. Carefully pulling out a name a few names. Crowley coughs and clears his throat. The crow announced the lucky four grooms for operation "Lovely Bride To Never Be".
"Rook Hunt, Epel Felmier, Riddle Rosehearts and Ace Trappola!" Headmaster Crowley yells over the quiet teens. Gasps and groans filled Sam's shop. Yet no know decided to go against their headmasters choice. Grim doesn't even bother to question why the crow had choose them.
The four grooms step in front of their peers as Crowley starts talk with Sam. Not seeing the jealous eyes directed at his winners. To which they gave calm or smug expression. (*Cough* Epel and Ace, *Cough*.)
So the headmaster buys the items they needed for the operation. Not knowing that nightfall was closing in. "Considering that the time we have left until the wedding, this is our last chance. If this plan fails.. (Y/N) will lose her life!"
The four chosen teens gulp at the thought. The kind hearted prefect will die they do not succeed. They will not let that happen! "Since the ghost groom is in a suite. You shall also wear formal attire, or act like a prince, if you don't you will be not seen as a challenger."
Crowley gives the four grooms the things they needed. All the while Ortho had hacked into the security cameras to show to his peers. Standing outside, the students that weren't excepted all crowed around to see the footage. Once the boys are done changing. Stuck in formal wear, handsome as ever.
Their peers, friends, gave compliments and snide remarks. Cater takes a couple of photos and posts it on his Magicam. Tagging it, #Ghost groom, #Saving (Y/N) from Ghost groom and #Tuxedos! "The wedding ceremony is approaching now, the servant ghosts must be on high alert. Please be ready when the time comes!"
The four grooms nod. "No problem. I'll prove I'm the most suitable person to become the groom!" Riddle said with determination in his eyes and voice. "Oui, me as well."
"I'll reach out to her with words of love if my sincerity gets to her, then she will understand my feelings." Rook remarks with spark in his green eyes too. Epel joins in too with his seniors. "I'll save and catch her heart!" Ace agrees along with them, "yeah! Let's succeed in this plan in a instant!"
It was now night time and the three grooms had arrived to the gates of NRC. "Epel is late, it's already time to go..." Riddle said with uncertainty in his tone. "Did he get cold feet or something?" Ace asked to the two seniors.
"Non, non. Monsieur Crabapple would never wimp out, especially if it's for Madamonsieur (Y/N) of all people." Rook smiles without a care. "He'll be here soon..." "GUYS!!" It seems the fourth groom has arrived. "What took you so long.. Long."
Ace snark words die in his mouth before they could even come out. Grim, (who had decided to come with the grooms,) eyes widen at how fast Epel was coming towards them. The loud gallops of a horse draw near and nearer. "Sorry about the wait!" Epel says as he looks down at Ace and his seniors.
"It took me longer than I thought to get ready." His steed neighs after his words. Ace looks at Epel with astonishment and confusion. "Why are you on a horse exactly!!?!" Epel returns Ace confusion, "eh, why, because... Isn't prince charming supposed to make his entrance riding a horse. Right?"
"Do prince's even still do that!?" Ace turns to his seniors, "dorm head, Rook, you agree right!?" Rook was strangely quiet as he addressed his dormmate. "Epel... Your initiative, critical thinking, determination and preparation are astounding and very très bein!!" Rook applauded at Epel's effort.
Riddle could agree with his fellow senior. "You're even riding the most ornery horse in the equestrian club." The redhead pointed out with pride. "They're listening to you very well, you'be got a Mack for handling horses." Epel bashfully smiles at their praise, thmaking the two.
Ace interrupts the three by asking how they were gonna get inside. The Heartslabyul dorm leader tells him to quit his whining as Rook tells them that the wedding was starting in three hours. "How did I end up in the wrong?!" Ace asked, mostly to himself. "Ok.. Let's go! OPEN UP!" Epel yells.
One of the guard ghosts had heard the racket and sees the four, plus the horse and Grim. "Good evening, we've come here to win the beautiful brides hand in marriage." Rook said to the ghost. "Suitors and challengers, huh.. His highness will not be pleased to know of this, and so close to the wedding as well... I shall not let you through! Take your leave!"
Epel smirks, "are you sure? You're going to regret turning us away." The lavender haired boy chides. "What? You seem very confident." The gaurd sighs at the persistent suitors. "... Fine, I'll be the judge."
"Pretend I'm his highness bride and show me how you plan to propose! I will let you through the gate if you prove your feelings are ture." The ghosts remarks, waiting for one of the suitors to propose. "Guess we gotta do what he says if we wanna get through the door." Ace said with clear unpleasantness.
"... *Ahem!* Please allow me to go first!" Epel said with a hint of timidness in him. "Go ahead, show me your heartfelt proposal!" The ghost replys back. Epel starts to speak. "I will... Make her the happiest bride ever."
"Because whenever the person I love is in trouble. I'll come to their rescue, like a knight in shinging armor! Whatever happens along the way, I'll get (Y/N) through it all- er! I mean YOU through it all. Just like you had done for me! I will be the one to protect you from all harm."
"So, I am asking for your hand! I implore you. Please marry me!" Epel said with such emotion. Not knowing of the cameras that had captured all of it. Nor would any of the others know when it came to their time to propose.
The guard ghosts eyes widen, "your expression is totally serious... And you're even on a white horse! Like a true prince!!" Ace sighs, "the horse.. So I really was wrong?" The ghosts asked if Ace was a servant to Epel, Ace said no.
"Oh, so you're a suitor? Very well. Let's see how you'd propose." Ace gave a cheeky grin as he starts. "If you marry me, there's no doubt in everyday will be filled with fun."
Ace words grow softer as he continues, his eyes turn a bit nostalgic. "There might be times we argue or fight but... I'll always be the one to apologize. I'll be by your side through thick and thin and always work to make you smile."
"That makes me the best for the princess. So... Don't lay your eyes on anyone else, please marry me!" The ghost nods after Ace had finished. "Your desire to make your partner happy is bright as day! You're the real deal." The ghost then apologized to Ace for mistaken him as a servant.
"That was a decent proposal." Riddle said with a coy smile with amusement. "Hey, could you knock it off with that reaction? I'm just saying my lines!" Riddle's face doesn't change in the slightest.
"You say that but I'm sure that you put real thought into it." Grim goes along with Riddles teasing. "Nyahaha, Ace is trying to act all cool, y'know." The furrbal laughs at Ace, "shut up!" Riddle's teasing look turns into a confident one, "it was just like you Ace, but unfortunately, the princess is going to choose me!"
The soldier ghost points at Riddle. "Alright, you're up next. Show me your moves!" Riddle complied as he began his proposal. "I vow to be honest and sincere!"
"I promise to never hurt the person I love. If it's for my princess, I'll put everything on the line. I humbly request... Won't you choose me as your groom?" The ghost was speechless, uttering a "oh's" and "oh my".
"You seem so reliable and gallant... Even my heart is all a flutter." The ghost said in awe at the red headed groom. "Yeah it was so cool, Senior Roseheart..!" Ace agrees with his tuxedo buddy, "dorm leader got game too, huh?"
Riddle goes very quiet after his turn. "... Th-*ahem* that is enough out of all you all." The Roseheart male turns his head away so none of the group could see his pink cheeks. "The three of you were marvelous. It's my turn next." Rook spoke up as ghost gave him a look.
"The bar's been raised pretty high. A half-hearted proposal isn't going to cut it all!" The ghost declared to Rook, who just smiled and nodded. "You are truly beautiful, please allow me serve you for evermore. May I present a poem of all my feelings for you who has been watched under my eyes for months..."
"I wish to bring warmth to your cheeks, my dear. Long have your eyes only shed lonely tears. Oh, can they even see the happiness you bring to me and others around you. Vibrant is the live blooming in our rendezvous. Ever so gently, let me take your face to rest upon my hands. Under my care, may your lovely (e/c) eyes gaze ever sparkle with hope and romance."
"Woah.." The two first years said in sync, with awe and disgust. Riddle reviewed Rooks oddly embarrassing poem in his head. "Hold on! Read his poem vertically!"
Riddle explained that Rooks poem spelled. I LOVE U.
Rook congratulates Riddle on figuring it out. The ghost was surprised at the last suitor. Telling them they were very interesting challengers for his prince. The a pair of unfamiliar eyes watched them up above. Elias called his guards to go outside to the gates.
"The bride must have her friends here as well!"
(Y/N) tries her best to keep calm as she stuffed her face with cake. Taking off one of her gloves, she used it to smear off some of the crumbs off her cheek as a napkin. She puts her glove back on and stabs her fork in a glop of frosting. "*Ahem*!" A cough rings out in her "changing room.
The (h/c)-nette looks up from her food to see the ghost nanny. "My dear lady, it's time to go the wedding hall." Nanny ghost said happily. (Y/N) nods, bringing her herself to stand. Patting down her outfit to make sure crumbs weren't stuck to it.
The nanny ghost fixes her tiara and takes her arm into his. He smiles at her gently, like a grandfather giving his daughter her first pat on the head. The two walk out of the room in arm and arm. Heading to the cafeteria or the "alter". He then lets go of her before she walked down the aisle, flying off to one of the seats.
The "bride" walks over to the alter, but her "groom" was nowhere in sight. (Y/N) shifts in her place awkwardly as the ghosts chatter. She shifts around her bouquet and looks at the flowers. Stephanotis, Peony, Rose, and Lilly's. Her mind tires to remember the meanings, but her thoughts were interrupted when the ghost prince floats in.
The guest grow silent as music starts to play in the background. Elias smiled widely as his little ghost pals fly around him. "I'm so sorry my dear princess, I hadn't noticed the time." Elias said sadly as little tears well up in his eyes. (Y/N), feeling bad for him even though in her odd circumstances, told him it was all good.
"Oh! I forgot to mention, your friends are on their way here. You didn't tell me you were bringing your guests as well?" Elias tells her with innocent confusion. (Y/N) felt sweat drip off her back as guilt and happiness wash over her.
"They're comin-!" Her sentences wasn't even finished yet before her friends arrived. Riddle, Ace, Rook and Epel all wore nice suits while Grim was being held by a ghost soldier! Her friends were bound in ropes as they tried to get out of them. "Release us!"
Riddle demand with anger, "watch your tongue!" A soldier shouted at the hot-temperted red head. "Guys!" The "bride" yells in fear. The group looks at (Y/N) and are all stunned by her appearance.
She wore beautiful wedding attire, but the look on her face did not gleam like her outfit. "Why are they-!" "They were causing a ruckus, saying they were here to challenge me for your hand. But I decided not to hurt them, they are your friends after all. Think of it as a wedding present!"
The room goes quiet after the prince spoke. (Y/N) stares at her friends faces and her eyes slightly light up. She gives a sad smile and bows at them. Mouthing a few silent words to them. They stare at her with fear, but keep quiet.
"Now let's start!" The ghost groom announced as the priest ghosts starts to talk. "Do you, Prince Elias. Take this young woman as your wife and be with her for all eternity." "I do!"
The preist smiled at the boys eagerness. "And you my dear lady, do you take him as your husband for all eternity?" (Y/N) takes a glance at her bouquet of flowers and smiled softly. "I don't.." Gasps of shocks fill the air.
"Wha- but why?!" Elias cried out, as (Y/N) friend's cheered. The (h/c)-nette takes in a breath before releasing a sigh. "Prince Elias... You are a good soul, a sweet one. You put on a brave face for your subjects and friends so they could be happy."
"But you aren't, your just putting your ideals on me so you could finally find your happily ever after. Elias, you need to understand. I'm not your true love. You don't even know me, I don't even think you know why I am even here in Twisted Wonderland." (Y/N) says sadly, taking the princes hand in her's.
"I'm sorry about what you've been through. Though you need to see that you have to stop searching for someone who is your "ideal" cause I'm not a princess!" (Y/N) chuckles bitterly. "There is more to somebody than how they seem to be."
"I... I never meant... I just.." Elias tried to form words, though he couldn't. "I was never able to get a "happily ever after" when I was alive.. I wanted to find my princess and have a future with her. Yet that was stolen away from me, now I'm stealing you away from yours." Elias cried,  his blue eyes closing.
"I'm sorry... I deeply am." The ghost groom cries, wiping his tears away. "Even after five hundred years, nanny was right. I still act like a child." This time, the prince laughs with bitterness. "I think it's time to finally leave.."
(Y/N) nods as Grim got out of his captors restrains and throws a wedding ring to her. "Place it on his finger! He'll disappear for good!" Grim yells at her. (Y/N) catches it and gives Elias one last smile as she puts on the ring.
"Thank you..." The ghost groom whispers as he started to disappear along with the other ghosts. When he was finally gone, the only thing left was a wedding ring. (Y/N) crouched down and picks it up from the ground. Throwing it in a trash been soon after.
She goes over to her friends and undid their restraints. When she finished, the group of grooms give her a hug. (Y/N) hugs them back, placing a small kiss on each their cheeks in gratitude. "Thanks..!" She blushed and looks away from them and focused her attention on cleaning up, not seeing her suitors rivaling looks in their eyes.
The ghost groom had lost his chance for her heart. But who said her suitors will?
The End.
(Yay! This series has been one wild ride for me. But I did it! Thank you guys for the support! I told myself that I would finish this before the Twst halloween event. And I did, Thank you guys! Happy Spooky Month! 👻)
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catxsnow · 4 years
REQUEST: could i pls request some gar logan x reader fluff where gar has a huge crush on the reader who's very self assured and confident and he keeps his feelings to himself because he doesn't think he's enough for her. then one day she corners him and asks why he's been so distant and he confesses his feelings and it all becomes a big fluffy mess. bonus if the reader was subtly flirting the whole time and gar was oblivious.
Warning: fluff, Gar being sad a little
A/N: First Gar fic! I hope you all enjoy! 💕
Part two
Word Count: 2.7k
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Being a part of the Titans was everything you could dream of and more. For once in your life you finally felt like you belonged somewhere. Your teammates, your friends - they were more than that - they were your family. No matter how much they fought, you knew that you would always be there for each other.
Much like Dick and Jason, you were only human. On a team filled with people of extraordinary powers and abilities, you should have been the kind of person that felt intimidated. However, being without powers and still deserving a place on this team made you maybe a little too confident.
You were cocky when it came to showing off why you deserved to be there just like everyone else. That attitude rubbed off on you when you weren't training or in the field too. Even just lounging around the tower you oozed confidence. A lot of times in your life, you found that girls would be envious of you and boys would be intimidated by you.
You became a challenge.
Even within the safe walls of the tower you were still within danger of being the prey. Jason Todd relentlessly tried to win you over. He adored your skills, your beauty, the incredible intelligence you maintained all while keeping a humorous mentality. You were the definition of perfect to many.
And you knew it too. It was rare to ever see you put yourself above others, but you were well aware the affect you had on people. After years of being put on an unwanted pedestal of perfection, you knew that people desired you. It was what made you so confident in yourself. Thankfully, you knew well enough to keep yourself humble. Mostly.
Jason continuously tried to flirt his way into your life. Though you enjoyed the playful banter between the two of you, he wasn't the person that you were interested in.
You and Gar were best friends. The second that you two met it was an instant connection - he brought out a side of you that had been tucked away for so long. Around him you could be your playful, care-free self. You didn’t have to worry about maintaining the facade that people expected from you. He was like a breath of fresh air every time you were with him. It was nice to finally have someone befriend you for more than just your beauty and skills.
"Come on, Gar! You can do better than that."
Training day was always your favourite day. It was the only time that you felt like you could truly let off some steam. Kicking ass against some bad guys always did you good too, but you always had to restrain yourself to some degree. Training allowed you to go all out and gave you the time to improve your skills.
At the moment, it was you and Gar sparring in the ring. Once the dummy you were using had been beaten down multiple times, you needed a live, moving opponent. Gar was the nearest person you could find who wasn't busy. Most of the time, it was Jason you sparred with - he had a similar set of skills to you.
"You know my hand to hand skills are no where near as good as yours," Gar complained. He laid flat on the mat with a bruised ego as you stood above him. As much as he had been learning from you and Dick, he didn't even compare. He had powers, he didn't need to be as reliant as you with pure skill alone.
"Then don't use them," you stuck your hand out to help him up. "Let out the beast, I can handle it." Gar immediately shook his head, he didn't want to hurt you - being the tiger could do some serious damage against you. Being human meant you healed like a human, he wouldn't forgive himself if something happened.
"(Y/N), we talked about this," Gar argued. He ducked, narrowly missing your left hook. The two of you circled each other on the mat. You were in your usual training attire - shorts and a sports bra. It also happened to be Gar's favourite outfit on you, and the most distracting. "I'm not going to fight you like that."
"Yes, you are," you confidently told him. Gar tried to make the first attack this time. He lunged towards you and jabbed his fist towards your face but you had seen it coming. You grabbed onto his arm and twisted it behind his back. His knees buckled as you kicked the back of them and your arm wrapped around his neck. "I'll even say please."
Gar shivered as your breath fanned against his neck. Over the time that the two of you spent in the tower, he realized that his feelings for you were a little more than friendly. Just like any other man you came to encounter, he had fallen for you alluring spell. It broke his heart to know that he never stood a chance to win you over. Not when there were people like Jason out there.
"I don't want to hurt you!" He broke out of your hold and turned to face you. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you. Every time you came back from some sort of mission with cuts and bruises, he wanted nothing more than to take that pain away from you. You were far too precious to have to go through any pain.
"You won't. I can handle myself," you assured him. "Besides, I always enjoy the view when you switch back to yourself," You winked at him. Gar's face flared up red with embarrassment - He hated not having his clothes after he used his powers. You on the other hand, always liked getting glimpses of him.
"I'm definitely not doing it now," Gar muttered, still blushing. Your grinned at him being so flustered by your compliment. You reached up to pat his cheek, but it had only made his redness worse. 
"Fine, I guess I'll go find Jason or Dick to spar with," you dragged out your words, hoping that he would get the hint that you wanted to train with him, not either of them. He didn't, of course. As always, unless you were being direct he never picked up on your desire to hang out with him. At the mention of Jason's name, he had already given up.
Gar hid the hurt look on his face as you offered to train with someone else. It seemed to be good timing too, Jason had just been walking by when he saw the two of you and decided to pop in to see how things were going. "Look at that, once again just impeccable timing," Gar had a noticeable tone of frustration in his voice.
He left the training room without another word, unable to see the sad look on your face as he left. Jason on the other hand, looked thrilled to get to train with you again. It was Gar that you wanted to spend time with, not him. It was always Gar that you wanted to see, he was the most important person in your life.
"Gar!" You called after him. He either didn't hear you or decided to ignore you. Either way, you frowned at his departure.
His smile would light up any bad day you were having. No matter how bad his jokes were, they always seemed to put a smile on your face. You even suffered through him playing his video games just to see him excited over a win. And when he asked you to play against him, of course you couldn't deny it.
"You ready, princess?"
"Call me that again and you won't get back off the ground."
Gar had been avoiding you.
At first, it was subtle. He would be late enough to dinner that his usual spot beside you was taken. He then started to choose someone else to spar with during training. That you weren't surprised about, after the last time you figured that he would go with Dick instead of you for the next few times.
If you were in the living room, he would stay in his room. If you ever went to go visit him there, he would claim he was just about to jump in the shower and he would catch you later. By that point, you were far past suspicious of his behavior.
Gar was your best friend, and without him your days were lonely. It had only been a few weeks since he started ignoring you, but you missed him. The short time apart realized how much you truly cared for him. You knew that these feelings you had for him had been there for quite a while, but you never realized how strong they were.
You wished that Gar was more than a friend towards you. With him ignoring you, it was easy to assume that he didn't feel the same way. You whole life was spent with boys chasing you, and when the one you cared about most wasn't, well it was a shock to you. Gar was the only person you wanted to looking at you with admiration and now he couldn't even look you in the eye.
After giving him his space for a few weeks, you decided enough was enough. Gar was your best friend and he sure as hell wasn't acting like it. Whatever was going on with him, you needed to know. The only way that you could help him get through whatever he was going through was to know everything.
So, when you saw him sneaking into the kitchen for a late night snack, you cornered him. Gar was peaking in the fridge as you stood behind the door. There was no way that he was going to avoid you this time. The second that he closed the door and saw your figure standing there, he got so frightened his eyes turned bright green.
"(Y/N)!" Gar shouted, nearly dropping the jug of milk he had grabbed. His hand was over his chest after the surprise and his eyes wide. "What, uh, what're you doing here?"
"You've been avoiding me, Garfield," you got right to the point. A nervous smile covered his cheeks "And don't try lying to me that you haven't, I know you better than that. You're my best friend, Gar. I'm worried about you, what's going on?"
"I don't want to talk about it," Gar stated. He turned away from you to continue making his midnight snack of what you assumed was going to be cereal. It was always his go to - you knew that. However, his hesitance to tell you how he was feeling was what made you nervous. He was never like this, not towards you.
As soon as he tried to pass you, you snatched the bowl of cereal out of his hand and stood before him. There was no way he was getting out of it this time. Not with the way that he was acting.
"(Y/N)," Gar whined. You gave him a look that insinuated that you weren't about to give up. He tried to grab the bowl from your hands but you were too quick for him to even get near it. That didn't stop him from trying. Gar tried to out-wit you, but had only failed. "Give it back, I'm hungry."
"No," you affirmed. "The only way that you're getting this bowl is if you fight me, or if you tell me what the fuck is going on with you." Gar tilted his head down, he didn't like either of those options. However, he knew he'd rather get his ass kicked by you, then to ruin the friendship that he had.
When Garfield tilted his head back up, his eyes were green and his skin was tinged the same color too. He was willing to beast out if that meant that he didn't have to confess his feelings to you. His action hurt you more than you ever thought they could. Gar wasn't a violent person, and for him to do this, it really meant he didn't trust you.
Gar went back to his normal self when you didn't budge from your spot. He was even more surprised when he noticed how glassy your eyes looked and the tremble in your hands while holding his bowl. Gar didn't hesitate to throw his arms around you in hopes to comfort you from his actions.
"I'm sorry," He whispered. The grip he had on you caused your shirt to scrunch up in his hand. You set the bowl on the counter beside you and wrapped your arms around him as well.
"No," you shook your head at his apology. He had done nothing wrong, this was your fault. "If you don't want to talk about your feelings then I shouldn't force you to do so. Just... if I'm doing something wrong, or you're upset with me for something just tell me. I can't sleep at night thinking your avoiding me because you hate me now."
You gave Gar one more squeeze before walking away from him. It wasn't fair of you to try and force him to talk about something that he wasn't comfortable with. You should have known better. It was just always so easy to talk to him, you always thought that he felt the same ease with you.
Your breathing trembled as you walked down the empty hall to your room. Maybe the friendship you had with Gar wasn't what you thought it was.
A hand latching onto yours nearly made you jump. Gar had stopped you. He tugged you back towards him, and if it wasn't for his hold you would have fallen flat on the ground. Gar held you up against him with his hands resting on your waist. Your hands were delicately rested in his chest.
"(Y/N), I..." Gar stuttered over his words. He was hesitant to tell you his feelings, but he needed you to know that he didn't hate you, not at all. The closeness of you made him nervous, he could see every little detail of your face, each one of them perfect in their own ways. "I..." he tried once more.
You couldn't take this anymore. You couldn't take teetering around him and your feelings towards him. Endless flirting that he never seemed to pick up on or the fact that you got flustered every time you messed up and he was around. This battle you were having with yourself about whether or not Gar's feelings for you were more than friendly needed to end.
Your hands slid up his chest until they rested on the side of his face. The warmth of his skin drew you in more, like you craved his touch. Gar let out a gasp as you pressed your lips against his. He stood still, surprised by your actions. There was no way that the girl of his dreams was kissing him.
Gar snapped out of his shock. His grip lowered to your hips and he finally started to kiss you back. Everything about this was perfect. The taste of your lips, the softness of your skin. He was completely blinded by you and your perfection.
You pulled away, completely out of breath but a smile on your lips. The linger of his touch resided on you and you wished for it never to go away. "I'm sorry," You whispered. "I shouldn't have... I couldn't go any longer without doing that," you changed your sentence.
"I'm glad you did," Gar grinned. You loved his smile, you always had. It seemed to be the only thing that would make you happy when you were feeling down. "Truth be told, I was avoiding you because I didn't know how much longer I could go without doing that too."
Gar kissed you again. The softness of his lips made you want to have them constantly on you. You wanted his kiss, his hold, you wanted him to love you. The happiness that filled your heart something that you hadn't felt in so long. He was your happiness, he had been since the day  you met.
"Guess we better make up for lost time then."
Part two
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dreaminpeaches · 3 years
Humble Pie Concept: Hereau Timeline
Okay so its 4am when I came up with this concept it was too hot for me to sleep so forgive me, if it's sound too weird.
Okay, so what if Beau never met Beau (walk with me to this pier before you throw me off), but instead Beau met Hera...
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Hera is character from my other blog , but she exists in Humble Pie, as a famous all star athlete. She's not only know for being a talented athlete but also a beautiful athlete as well. Beau knows of Hera and is a semi fan of hers, her poster was one of the only ones he didn't take down when he was redoing his room. Anyways, Hera is also known be to a very cool and spicy athlete often called the Mona Lisa of sports because she never smiles in pictures and she has a very cool girl, competitive and cocky persona in public. But in actuality, Hera is a nervous wreck whose real dream is to break from her cool girl persona and become a cutesy idol girl.
Where as Bonnie and Beau are interesting as couple for how different they are, Hera and Beau are interesting for how similar they are, both trying to break from personas, that they made for themselves out of protect and want to be a more honest verison of themselves, and I could see them help each other through it.
Beau and Hera's relationship is more mellow than Beau's and Bonnie's chaotic relationship, like for example, Bonnie won't really have the patience to go fishing with Beau--like just watching him fish, but Hera wouldn't be really mind it, she would actually find it really calming, and would enjoy watching Beau along with playing with the cats near by.
Beau is less snarky with Hera and more gentle because Hera can be really hard on herself when she makes the slightest mistakes, and tends to fall into stress loops.
While in Beau and Bonnie's relationship, Bonnie is the one usually to make Beau laugh and cheer him up, in Hera and Beau's relationship, Beau is the one to make Hera laugh and is more goofy with her. Mostly because Hera doesn't rub it in like Bonnie does, like when Beau acts goofy around Beau too much for too long , Bonnie is basically like "You like Krabby Patties don't you, Squidward?" If you know what mean, but Hera is more is more like "Thanks, I need that" and doesn't mention again in mocking or teasing way.
Beau and Hera also have a few more things in common, they both like sports (duh) and they both grew up with fathers who weren't the best dads outside of sports. Hera's father wasn't nearly as physically abusive as Beau's dad, he was more neglectful and ignored Hera anytime she wasn't talking about or practicing some type of sport, Hera's dad secretly wanted a son and kind of was depressed when he found out Hera was a girl, and ever since she could walk he always pushed her to more masculine interest than feminine, he would completely ignore her if she wanted to show her dad and new song and dance she made up in her favorite Ariel dress but she would have his undivided attention if she finally prefected her volleyball serve. Bonnie never knew her father because everytime she would ask her mom what he was like she would say "He was a useless p@#$ who couldn't handle my energy, so I got rid of him", Bonnie's mom would as end the conversation there never really elaborating any further.
How Beau and Hera meet is basically the same how Bonnie and Beau met, but with Hera the meeting has a more 90/80s sitcom feel like "All Star Athlete, Hera Grace? What are you doing here?" But less sitcom y because Hera as a nervous breakdown at the same time her car broke down. So, not only is Beau trying to help fix her car, but is also trying to comfort Hera, while at the same time trying figure out what is All Star Athlete, Hera Grace doing in his small town driving a beat up car.
At first, Hera tells Beau that's she just in town for vacation...
Beau: "So, out of all the places you could go as All Star Athlete, Hera Grace, you chose a small southern town?"
Hera: "I guess I just like the humble aesthetic... heh heh.."
Beau:" Okay.."
Beau (internally): Grandma was right, famous people are weird..
Beau and Hera continue to meet to work on Hera's car, and people don't recognize Hera because (a. Small town folk wouldn't really believe some one THAT famous would just plop into town (b. Using superman logic, Hera wears sunglasses so nobody can recognize her. So yes, Beau and Hera are sunglasses stunting couple 😎😎
Anyways, Beau and Hera start spending more time together and get closer, there is that scene where Hera walks in on Beau playing and being goofy with his siblings, but since Hera isnt as teasing as Bonnie, Beau doesn't feel as embarrassed about it.
There is a moment where Beau walks in on Hera doing a Disney number in one of her cute idol dress, she has another breakdown when she realizes Beau is watching, Beau comforts her again, and that's when Hera reveals that she actually made a deal with her father that if she can at least start her idol career in a year, then she could quit her athlete career and become an idol full time. The reason why she came to Beau's town because all the big city entertainment and music companies literally shut the door in Hera's face, Hera suspect that her dad was behind it and was purposely making harder for her since he wasn't going to help out at all with her idol career, which is why he gave her the best up car, there's a small but ambitious entertainment company in Beau's town looking to start an idol group and since it's not connected to a big company Hera felt like she actually had a chance. Hera begs Beau to keep this a secret and she isn't ready to go public with it.
Hera: "Please, keep this a secret, if-if anyone finds out, I'll--ill--"
Beau: "Hey! hey! It's okay, I know what it's like to keep a secret, but at least yours is actually really cute.."
Hera:" (Blush) heh...heh.. thank you, that really means alot to me, Beau"
While Bonnie's hyperfixation is mascots, Hera are idols, idol culture, Idol anime shows/games, and Disney. She often info dumps about Idol stuff while helping Beau work on the car.
Hera: "Oh! Oh, there's this another idol group I like called Arashi, they're were the first idol group I ever seen, and they have this one song that oozes sparkle energy, and they're still really cute and fun despite being kind of old for idols, and --oh, I'm sorry, rambling again.."
Beau: "No, no, it's fine, you smile for real when you talk about that stuff, I like it.."
Hera: "(blushes) UMMMM!..okay, so where was I-- oh, yeah.."
For money, Hera works at a cat cafe, she was gonna work at the same maid cafe Bonnie did but Hera was still shy about preforming in front others on the spot like that, so she picked the cat cafe that was two stores down, she also coaches softball at the local rec center.
Hera is no where near as flirtatious as Bonnie, since Hera spent most of her life practicing sports, and trying to literally win her dad's affection, she didn't really think about boys in a romantic sense, although she is comfortable around guys platonically, Beau was the first guy to treat Hera like a normal girl, not one of the guys or a sports goddess, just a normal girl, Hera is used to being call Beautiful or Sexy, but when Beau calls her Cute, she considers that flirting.
Since Hera is so used to holding masculine energy and qualities and being praised and recognized for it, it's nice to allow herself to be more feminine and being recognized and complimented for it.
While Beau is more sparing but loving with his kisses with Bonnie . With, Hera he uses his kisses to comfort her and/or to stop her from falling into stress/aniexty loop, usually holding her or hugging her or at least holding her hand and say "It's Okay", "I'm here", "Don't worry about it"
Okay, that's about all I have to say for this timeline/AU, I still love both Beaunnie and Hereau equally, I like Beaunnie for it's chaotic energy, I like Hereau for it's neutral good energy, I like both Bonnie and Hera, we can stan multiple queens in this household thank you very much...
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portiaphan · 4 years
DV Characters as Things Hannibal Buress Has Said
Alex: "I'm a gangsta, and gangstas don't ask questions." Yes they do ask questions! I thought that was a main point of being a gangster. "Hey, mothafucka, where's my money?" That's a question. "Do you want to die tonight?" That's a question too. "What? What?" That's two questions.
Alva: Gibberish rap is - I freestyle all the time, just hangin' out with friends. And sometimes when I'm freestyling, I'll lose my flow, you know, but I'll still wanna - I don't wanna just stop rapping because I lose my flow. So I'll just put in nonsense words till I can bring in regular words again.
Brielle: I couldn't imagine only being an actor or a writer. Because what the hell do I do when I'm not working? Mope?
Battista: I’m a dumb guy. My point of view is limited.
Bellamy: Why are you booing me? I'm right!
Beau: SIX PACK ABS! TEN PACK ABS! TWELVE PACK! What if I want an odd number of abs? What if I want a five pack to show people I'm still humble?
Bernadette: My other airport nemesis is airport security. I don't like them at all. They seem so dedicated to keeping bottled water out of the sky.
Calina: I acknowledge that I jaywalked, I apologize not for the act of jaywalking but how my jaywalking made you feel. I'll try not to jaywalk in the future while you're watching but trust that I'll do it for the rest of my life - it's the best way to go about being a pedestrian.
Castora: There's a lot of dudes in my neighborhood that have handlebar mustaches. Which is cool if you want to have a handlebar mustache but don't try to have a conversation with me like you don't have a handlebar mustache.
Catherine: He said, "Man, we are right by the Adige River. These buildings are 200-300 years old, they have rats everywhere. Even the five-star restaurants have rats!" Somehow he made me feel like the asshole for bringing up rats! I don't know what kind of jedi mind trick that was - it confused the hell out of me because I still ended up ordering food then.
Cyrus: So we talk for a little bit. She says stuff, I say stuff, she says stuff, I say stuff. You know how a conversation works.
Celeste: I get upset easily by people. I saw this guy- he was on the phone. He had the phone between the ear and shoulder like that, but he didn't have anything in his hands. Which is really upsetting! Who the hell do you think you are? This action for people that are multitasking. Where's your other task? You're not doing anything else.
Daphne: He'd be the worst real estate agent ever. "Right here we have a 34 bedroom house. Let me show you around the property. Great features to this place, some of the rooms have extra, smaller rooms in them."
Delilah: I was in Scotland for all of August and it was the darkest time of my life. Mostly 'cause they call cookies biscuits. I don't like that at all. It was an incredible culture shock for me, tough to adjust but I tried for a few weeks. Pass me the chocolate chip BISCUITS. Let's have biscuits and milk, everybody. I love Oreo biscuits. But, in the fourth week, I couldn't handle it no more. THOSE ARE COOKIES THOSE AREN'T BISCUITS. Those are cookies. Cookies are cookies and biscuits are biscuits. If you call cookies biscuits, what do you call biscuits 'cause I'm not saying scones.
Everett: I did not move to Verona with a plan. The first time I moved to Verona, I just popped up. My sister was living here in Verona. I just popped up. She had her baby and a husband, and I just popped up. "Hey, what's up? I got $200 and dreams. Let's do this."
Genevieve: I can't just look at a status and move along. I see a status got 36 'likes' — can't accept it got 36 'likes' and move along. I got to click on it and start reading the names of the people that liked it. "Oh, yeah. Jim would 'like' some shit like that."
Grace: Yo ma, money over everything.
Halcyon: Awe man, I gotta get a team. I don't have a team, I just have friends. I call up my friend, "Hey man, I know you're my friend but I need you on my team right now."
Hazel: You have a regular-sized tub and a miniature tub, the sink.
Henry: You never know what could happen when you go into a store - somebody might pull a Tonya Harding on you and break your knee cap. And now you got your knees all fucked up just ‘cause you wanted to get that vinyl.
Hugo: It sounds like God owed someone some money and they couldn’t get to him, so they murked his son. That’s what I really think happened. Jesus got stabbed up in an alley… but it’s easier to sell crucifixes. You can’t sell a pendant of someone getting shanked up in the alley. It’s a marketing scheme.
Ivan: Come to your place at 5:00 in the morning, eat your food, drink your drinks, leave at 6:30 without fucking like it’s cool. That’s a passive burglary.
Isabelle: Two separate charges $400 at Barnes and Noble. Who balls out of control at Barnes and Noble?
Juliana: Believe in yourself like one of those weird-ass clothing stores that only have six shirts in them. So many questions. How much do these shirts cost? How long have y'all been here? Why is there a DJ?
Katarina: Kill people, burn shit, fuck school, I hate spam emails! That's annoying! You think you have an email from a friend but it's spam.
Lucien: I believe in my ability to not spill food in my pants 'cause I'm a goddamn adult. And I've mastered the art of getting food from my plate to my mouth without messing up my jeans. You need to believe in yourself, too and get your life together, that's for babies. Have some confidence in your eating abilities and hand/eye coordination.
Lillian: I'm not a club person, I'm more of a bar/lounge type of person. But, I'll go anywhere if you give me a free bottle of alcohol.
Mikael: I have weird aspirations. Like, I really want to kick a pigeon.
Matthias: It's a weird emotion when you're flattered and cynical at the same time. "Oh, that's nice that you would say that, but what the fuck are you up to?"
Marcelo: I just wear black and gray all the time. If you Google Image me, you'll just see a bunch of black and gray. It's simple. If I like a shirt, I'll buy six or eight of them, wear them back-to-back, and just wait for somebody to say something. "That's the same shirt you wore yesterday." "Yeah, but this one is fresh."
Maeve: When people go through something rough in life, they say, "I'm taking it one day at a time." Yes, so is everybody. Because that's how time works.
Nikolai: But this time, it was me and this old lady we were jaywalking together. We weren't together like that. But if we were, so what? Mind your business.
Odessa: It was a phone interview and sometimes when I do phone interviews and the journalist is boring, I just start saying crazy stuff to make it fun for me.
Olivio: There have been times I’ve been out, and my phone battery is at nine percent, and I was like, "Time to go home."
Orion: Don’t thank the lord. I gave you that compliment, thank me.
Priam: I lost my debit card recently, had five charges on it before I caught it. First charge, $30 Chuckee Cheese. Who goes to Chuckee Cheese as soon as they find a debit card? Are you serious?
Paola: I applied for a job at Starbucks. One of the questions was, 'Why do you want to work at Starbucks?' Uh, because my life is in shambles.
Pandora: I don't even know how to use a semicolon to this day, I use a comma every time. And you know what? If I email somebody and they get upset about me using a comma instead of a semicolon, that's not a person I want to work with anyway. And that's how you weed people out of your life.
Ramona: I went into this restaurant in Verona called The Two Gentlemen. Went into the bathroom at The Two Gentlemen, huuuuge rat in the bathroom at The Two Gentlemen and the rat looked at me like "the fuck you doing here?" That was his vibe, very negative vibe.
Rafaella: Sometimes I get drunk and I get into arguments with taxi drivers. And I get out the cab and I slam the door. That's not the way to win an argument with a taxi driver. The way to win is you get out of the cab and you leave the door open.
Regina: And that was the first time in my life, without any sarcasm, I could say, "What? You want a cookie or something?" Because any other time you say that, you being mean, but I meant it from my heart. "How many cookies you want, man? You want seven cookies? That's way too many cookies. You're being ridiculous right now. You can take, like, three or four cookies and get out of my face. Otherwise, you're taking advantage of my generosity."
Ronan: Wack.
Roman: In my hometown of Verona, I'm kind of a medium deal.
Theodora: We got interns at the job. You can just tell them to do stuff. You gotta be nice, though. I had this cat fax something. I handed him a couple of pages, and I handed him another page. I said, "Hey, man, fax something for yourself, too."
Tomas: Rap videos confuse me cause they have to be continued at the end but the never make a sequel. Where’s the second video? There’s so much suspense!
Trinity: I was at the airport and there was this kid, four or five years old walking with his mommy, fixed his fingers in a fake gun, and then took a shot at me. And I'm looking at the wall to see if there's something on the wall he could've been shooting at 'cause I'm in denial. I look back at him, he looks me in the eyes and takes too more shots. Now I'm hit three times, that's an act of aggression. I need to defend myself.
Valentina: Morpheus, Dorpheus, Orpheus, go eat some walruses. Orifices, porridges. Morpheus, Morpheus. Going to the Buffet and Walruses. Confidence, corpseses. Worcestershire sauce. Go into your orifices. Red pill, blue pill. Morpheus, walruses. Seashells by the seashorpheus. MORPHEUS DRINKING A FORTY IN THE DEATH BASKET.
Vivianne: "We'll keep you in our thoughts" With the other bullshit in your heads? No, keep me out of your thoughts, because I hear some of the stuff you talk about and if that's close to what you're thinking about, I don't want to be around that, so keep me and my family out of your thoughts, unless you're thinking of making me a sandwich.
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heoneyology · 5 years
i'll let you pop off. what's your favourite thing about one of the best rappers in the kpop scene, our dear carrot man, your second husband and the aegyo king lee jooheon?
oh my god aklfjdksfj okay this is going under a cut I apologize in advance for how long this might be and if anyone reads this well props to you because I’m about to ramble and it’s 3am and I’ll probably forget a lot of things? but if you’re giving me permission to go off… then…
I am going to only ever say this once and @hongjoong-kim don’t come at me alkjdfljk okAY AFTER THIS I’M NEVER SAYING IT AGAIN: yes I am whipped for lee jooheon.
okay anyway read under the cut for why I love jooheon and my favorite things because there’s not just one!!! :’))
okay first and foremost: obviously I love his smile, his overall eye smile, and his dimples. like his dimples are my favorite thing? but honestly the entirety of his smile, which brings out the dimples. the way his facial expression melts and softens and his eyes squint closed… and the way that sometimes when he smiles he slightly parts his mouth?? he’s the cutest and it really just… I can be in the absolute worst mood and if I see jooheon’s smile my day is just a little bit better. he really has the sweetest demeanor and and the softest, happiest, bubbliest smile.
I love those doe eyes that captured my heart and literally continue to capture my heart every day and make me super soft for him. I love his natural eyes but the lens he’s been wearing lately that are a lighter brown are so good on him!! I love how… his eyes sparkle… they literally hold the stars of the sky in them?? they’re always so sparkly and glimmering and they are just so pretty ughgugh staring into them makes my heart beat really fast but also I could stare into them forever although I’d probably get super nervous aksdsjlfdjk and break eye contact with him!!? he has such a soft but intense gaze. also I really love??? that thing he does with his eyes? where he suddenly WIDENS THEM OUTTA NOWHERE like sometimes it’s not even out of surprise, he just… blinks and widens his eyes and it’s adorable and literally gives me a heart attack every time and catches me off guard like don’t do that stop it hurts my heart but also makes me love him more. I think in an interview minhyuk said it’s a nervous habit of his which makes it more… adorable…
HE CAN SING!! oh my god his voice when he sings I just… I don’t know I lose all train of thought and am completely enamored? like he’s serenading me tbh… although half the time I first will have a heart attack!!! like when I first heard play it cool I literally gasped and paused the song and almost started crying. pun not intended, but his singing voice is like honey, it’s so silky and smooth and soft and sweet and feels like home…
also his rapping? this one is obvious because he’s half of the rapline!! but he’s so talented. I love his how rapidly he can freaking dkaljfsdjf like hOW my tongue can barely even coherently work over one word without stuttering or getting tongue tied? but also omg his flow in all their songs… and his mixtape… he just has a flow that’s… I don’t know how to describe it. it’s smooth and powerful despite his voice being higher pitched for a rapper? he has a commanding presence when he raps and he’s really one of the best idol rappers out there. he’s so passionate and emotional and it’s what adds to the powerful presence he has when he’s rapping.
aegyo king… and how adorable he is… I just love him okay he’s super cute his personality is super cute and his aegyo is sometimes cringey but honestly it makes me squeal and it makes me embarrassed at the same time, but it always makes me happy. another moment of, I can be in the absolute worst mood, and if I see his aegyo? I feel so much more better. it’s funny, cringey, kind of cute. and his overall adorable personality and demeanor… he doesn’t even try and he’s just cute!! he said he gave up aegyo and graduated from it but he’s… literally a walking aegyo bomb. his little pout he does? cute. his heart shaped lips? cuteeeee. when he’s eating and he literally just goes monch monch monch? cute! his pouty, clingy personality and the way he acts with fans and interacts with them? CUTE.
his talent and passion and god he just loves what he does so much. he’s 9th most copyrighted IDOL in korea???? he has 97 songs copyrighted to his name! he’s co-written 77 songs, written 17 songs, co-composed 18 songs, and co-arranged 8 songs and some of these songs aren’t even for monsta x they’re for other idols and some groups. he’s so talented and dedicated to what he does and just akljdfsdf he’s really out here being an idol, a rapper, and a producer?? and he’s killing it and I love him for it and I feel so much pride for him. he works so hard and I worry about him getting rest but I know he’s loving what he’s doing :((
idk if anything above pointed it out but like… he’s attractive. his duality? fucks me up every time. he can go from cute to rude in such a short amount of time. it’s part of his stage presence and his powerful charisma and it all falls under my love for his eyes and his dimples and his pouty lips and just alkjdfsdjf he’s. really. attractive. when I first got into monsta x I immediately, despite thinking two other members were going to be my bias, thought he was really pleasing to the eyes and attractive? he has a nice figure, the way he walks akdsljflsjdkf (there’s a video on twitter circulating right now and just,w ow, come punch me in the face jooheon??), his thighs are also wOW, he has nice hands, the veins on his arms are a big giant oof, and he’s been working out recently in the last year so he like is losing some of his cute chubbiness although it’s still there and his biceps are aHHHH now those never used to be… a thing… and just wow I’m physically very attracted to him? like I immediately look at him and I just think, wow, he’s stunning… but he’s got so much charm too? he smiles and my heart melts and I’m weak for dimples too alkjdfksjf just looking at him honestly fills me with such warmth.
but I’m also mentally?? attracted to him???? I love his work ethic and how talented and dedicated he is. but I love his overall personality. he’s lee jooheon and he’s hilarious and relatable and like I said just… looking at him? thinking of him??? fills me with such warmth. I joke about it a lot like “it’s a libra thing” but jooheon is literally so relatable and I see so many of my own personality traits in him at times. he loves food and he’s so in love with dumplings. he’s loud, excitable, extra af, clingy, pouty, a scaredy cat, cute, charismatic, a workaholic, the way he laughs with his entire body and sometimes it comes out silent like he’s not laughing at all aksjdlfjsd, how sweet and thoughtful he is, his love for animals (he has two cats and a dog), that libra face he makes when he gets angry and looks like he’s about to kill someone, the way he loves and supports and hypes up all his members!!! he loves receiving attention but he’s also so good at giving compliments and is so humble and sweet and just adkljfsdfj I feel like I’m missing so much more?
okay I really feel like I’m missing more but I’m going to shut up now because this is all I can think of at the moment… it’s now 4am…
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