#its literally. they made them klance.
cpatchii · 11 months
still cant believe they klanced kavetham
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autisticlancemcclain · 7 months
fic rec friday 47
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Damnit, Pidge by spirkylurkey
Pidge has some top-secret-classified-don't-tell-Keith-info that she accidentally lets slip to, you guessed it, Keith. Lance is an embarrassed mess. Keith isn't faring much better, to be honest.
this one made me LAUGH the way that this all pidge's fault and she's literally like. well. you shouldn't be so gay then. and she's right!! they're so dumb i love them
2. Operation: Faking It by @writeonclara
“What the hell, guys?” Pidge squawked, wrestling away from Matt. “Why are you pretending to be a couple?” Or: Matt and Lance pretend to be a couple because Shiro and Keith are clueless as hell.
do you guys remember shatt?? i remember shatt. adashi will always have my heart but shatt will literally always be funny bc ofc thats ur fic name. anyways. this fic is mostly klance but the entire concept is just so ridiculously goofy that u have to laugh. do you like lance and matt? do you like fake relationship to real relationship? do you like inverted tropes? do you like pining? do you like comedic jealousy? then this fic is well and truly for you because it has all that and more
3. all's well that ends well to end up with you by @coruscatingcatastrophe
Keith's jacket gets ruined, so Lance decides to be a good Samaritan and give him his. This is the beginning of the end.
megan's fic literally make me want to eat cement i'm so serious. i've read and been obsessed with TONS of her stuff but this one???? this fucking one???? oh god the slowburn kills me. the blossoming realisation that oh god we've been dating this whole time huh. the CHIVALRY...............a romance novel in the truest of senses and i am going to fry
4. as long as it won't separate you from me (i'll be fine) by @coruscatingcatastrophe
A little intrigued—not that she’d ever admit it—Pidge begins to climb the stairs. But before she even reaches halfway, the door—slams shut. All on its own, or so it seems. Pidge pauses, brows creasing in confusion, as she turns to look down at her dog. “Did you see that?” she asks. Peculiarly, she notes that Bae Bae’s fur is bristled, and he growls at the door before barking twice. That’s weird. Bae Bae never growls. Turning back to the door, Pidge feels unsettled, but she tells herself not to jump to ridiculous conclusions. There’s a logical explanation for everything. Maybe there was a gust of wind from the air conditioner, or the doorframe isn’t level. Whatever it is, she’s going to figure it out. - Or, a Beetlejuice au (kind of). Pidge isn't a fan of her new house, Lance and Keith are the ghosts haunting her attic, and together they hatch a plot to convince Shiro and Adam to skedaddle out of the house. There may be demon summoning involved. But seriously, Adam. Getting your hair set on fire really isn't that bad.
HAPPY (late) HALLOWEEN!!! ive been thinking about this fic all october and finally let myself reread it. ive never loved beetlejuice more than when i read this. it's so fun!! so interesting!! pidge gets a chance to shine!! klance are so!!! the way it had the story of beetlejuice but adapted well!! im!!
5. never thought i'd see the day in my life by @coruscatingcatastrophe
But Keith has somehow gone even paler in the short amount of time he’s been at the table, and he shakes his head. “No, something is . . .” His gaze flickers back to Lance, and he’s startled to find that Keith’s eyes are purple. They’ve got to be contacts. Ridiculous. As if the mullet and gloves and personality weren’t enough. Keith pushes away from the table abruptly, looking incredibly put-off now. “I, uh—gotta go,” he mutters, before angrily gathering up the backpack he’d dropped into the chair next to him and storming out of the cafeteria. “Huh,” Hunk says. “Well, that introduction could have gone a bit better. Don’t take it personally though; sometimes Keith’s just like that.” - Or, a Twilight au starring Lance as Bella, Keith as Edward, and the rest of the Voltron gang as themselves. Lance is insufferable, Keith is awkwardly trying to figure out why Lance is the way he is, and along the way they fall in love, or something. It's probably, definitely the best love story since Twilight itself.
now ive never read twilight and i refuse to on principle. but i didn't find this one creepy and instead it was super fun and dweeby and lance is indeed a ray of sunshine, thank you megan for noticing, and it turns out when the story isn't a hetero mormon wet dream it's actually a good time!!
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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victimsofyaoipoll · 9 months
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
Lots of people (myself included tbh) ship klance (Keith and Lance). In s8 the creators made Allura/Lance canon (but then they killed her off and left the ending ambiguous it was weird). Anyway the fandom treats her like she's the most terrible bitchy woman ever but all she wants to do is end the war and avenge her destroyed home planet. Yeah she wasn't always the nicest or always the best, but you could argue some other characters in the show aren't either and they aren't treated near as bad as allura. people really just hate her bc Lance liked her. I don't think allura/lance are good together, but I still liked her as a character and thought she was interesting and had a lot of growth during the show. she DEF is not evil like some people portray her as in fic or talk about her in captions on posts. I've seen people say that they HATE her and that she's the worst and I'm like ??? let her live (well sort of ig she is dead now). lots of fic writers use her as the villain which is so interesting to me bc the show literally has villains like use them. anyway allura so perfectly fits the bracket description she deserves better.
I hate to acknowledge my time in this fandom but I hate the way the fandom treated her more. Allura was treated like shit no matter what side of the Great Ship War you were on because she was always a threat to the biggest ships (klance and sheith). At best she got put into Background Lesbian or Consolation Prize Shallura (Space Mom-zoned) (She was not a motherly figure btw. She was just Black). At worst she was violently demonized for being ~racist~ (kinda not cool with the alien race that blew up her planet for a few episodes), complete with misogynistic language hurled at her (she got called a bitch sooo much). Allura was a good and cool character and the show did her dirty but the fandom was somehow worse.
i apologise for speaking the dark magicks, but amidst the voltron fandoms many, many transgressions, there were a particular subset of people who just hated this girl. the infamous klance wars of the 2010s kept this perfectly fine childrens cartoon character in the sights of shippers everywhere, and she (and her voice actress im sure) were subjected to years of petty squabble blown up to global perportions. ive seen hate, ive seen rants, ive seen fanfics that made her homophobic. girls been through the ringer, and even though voltron was never the show its fandom wanted it to be, i believe allura deserved better
Every Supernatural Woman
Supernatural is so mean to women and committed to queerbaiting but it still gives Sam and Dean lovers to kill. The writers kill and villainize them and the fans get the few that remain
wincest and destiel shippers cannot handle the idea of their blorbos having a Woman THREATENING their SHIPS god FORBID
It literally used to be a running joke that if a female character got introduced you knew she was going to die soon because fans would react so negatively to her "stealing" one of the boys away from the big ship, whether it be destiel or wincest
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doomsdaydicecascader · 3 months
my problem with postcanon jade was that it said she was a cis girl before fusing with bec. i took it as the same "true in a transmisogynist way" troll as transmasc roxy
like, truly, i miss transfeminine roxy every day, and my house is fairly glass when it comes to things here considering i'm writing The Butch Lesbian Jane Comic, but like. the way homestuck fans exert ownership over the text of homestuck is fundamentally what the homestuck epilogues and post-canon are about. act 7 is about the dead calliope saying "fuck canon" and making her own, and she does not know how to care for the characters in question. i genuinely believe reconciling these facts, that what homestuck wants to be and what fans want homestuck to be are tangibly, ideologically opposed, is what post-canon is about
"fans read this character as X identity" is fine and good but that's paratext at best, and making demands of a text that has no obligation to respect them at worst. the epilogues are cashing in that desire to not respect them. homestuck has always been shaking off its readers who exert too much ownership, feel too comfortable with it. this goes way back as far as act 5 act 2 - the author commentary describes switching between walkaround sprites and hussnasty mode in such close proximity as a means of saying "if you always get what you expect, you will become complacent and that's no way for a reader to be", the "come in, go away" routine of homestuck is so repetitive now that i'm surprised basically nobody's caught on - homestuck is always doing insane flips to try and shake people off of it.
and now homestuck is doing that with your headcanons. like, this is a thing i see genuinely, all the fucking time in fandom over the past 15 years or so, people hype themselves up on paratexts and pretend the paratext is the source. the worst i ever saw of it was people having full blown self-harm threatening panic attacks because klance was not endgame in voltron legendary defenders. genuinely, i remember this so well - i think there were still two more seasons of the show after that event too, but i didn't watch it.
i only looked on from afar because what i saw of season 1 wasn't especially novel. castiel was never gay, no matter how many times he was caught leaking omegamusk in walmart or whatever, i'm stealing valor with this joke i was never a superwholock omegaverse girlie. there's so many fandoms i'm not a part of, it's unreal.
anyway, my point is people get really invested in their reads on characters and pretend it's real for the same reason a normie's sports team is gonna go the distance this season. and when they don't, they riot. this is literally just sports fandom 101. we may as well be talking about fucking inflategate here. i also don't go to sports. it's basically just homestuck for me these days.
i imagine this is what it's like to run my little pony before bronies came along: the show was negligible in relevance beyond its capacity to show off the new toys to play with. but the difference is that my little pony is about the toys, it's about encouraging that kind of play, it's fundamentally a set of toys they made a show about, as opposed to homestuck, which was always niche art for webcomics weirdos that caught on, quite literally, with the brony audience. i remember the first time i ever saw dave strider was on fucking ponychan, chronologically it would have been mid-act 5 act 2. it was an image of dave ransacking the lohac stock exchange, which is an a5a2 thing, it was before season 2 started, etc etc.
this is one hell of a tangent to say as far as the text of mspaintadventures is concerned, problem sleuth characters have gender signifiers that are more similar in nature to drag and performance of gender roles than any actual sexual dimorphism. homestuck characters are built atop the gender expression of problem sleuth. jade was a 13/16-year old girl, and that's the only information there was. over time, this changed.
this was an explicit change, too - it's in the change to act 6, passing through the fourth wall, that these characters, who fundamentally are game pieces, that homestuck starts to contend with the fact that people are emotionally invested in them as people. people don't like dave or vriska in the same way that people care about problem sleuth or nervous broad, and this comes out in the text. we get a lot of the best stuff in homestuck out of that change, too, like. the retcon only works because of that emotional investment, and i go so hard for the retcon. the retcon is the coolest thing ever.
and with that change, now, in 2024, she is explicitly a 39 (? i think she's 39.) year old woman with a penis. she didn't go from "cis woman" to "trans woman", she went from game piece to human person. there is no "cis jade" to be overwritten. you're assuming a "cis is default" worldview of a team of transgender and/or nonbinary people and thats just like. its not ideal, really
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
Can I ask, if you have top favorite romantic couples (can be canon or non canon) of all time from any media? Why love them? Thx :D
... now this, took a minute to answer in some ways. There a lot of ships I like, so this was really easy and hard to answer at the same time. Some ships it was an immediate yep yep and others I had to go '... but is it a fav of all time, though?" But I think I got it narrowed down.
So here we go, fav ships of all time from any media, no particular order. I didn't get any specific no. to do so I'll just list a handful until I can't think of any others. (Anyone who comes across this that sees a ship on here you don't like and feels the need to say something about it, stay in your lane this ain't about your opinions it's about mine.)
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The main FMA ships
Arakawa Hiromu, nigga, you cooked. Imma just put the FMA ships as one and leave it there because if I do it separately, we'll be here all day. But if you wanna see me diving into why I like these ships in a manic ramble, here's a post I made on that here. The romance in FMA is literally a category and a discussion all on its own that I can go about on for hours. FMA has the best romances in shounen so anyone who has consumed FMA will know what I'm talking about. Like, whenever anyone tries to use a manga being 'shounen' to justify shitty romantic writing, I point at FMA's brilliant riding. An animanga's demographic is not an excuse for terrible executions in romance. EdWin, RoyAi, LingFan, AlMei and all the side ships drank and left no molecules.
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Toxic shippers, again, stay in your lane, I don't feel like dealing with y'all any day. I have been shipping this shit for years, always have, always will. Ignore the fact I ship Sakura with literally everyone from the Akatsuki to Hinata to Sai to Shikamaru. (Y'all I used to look up Kisame/Sakura fics, unironically TAT). (Same for Naruto honestly, I've shipped him with Sasuke, Ino, Temari, Tenten, the list goes on and on.) The way Sakura goes from finding Naruto annoying to almost dying multiple times to keep him safe, I will never EVER be over that. Naruto's love going from puppy to something as passionately red as the thread of fate itself. The MinaKushi parallels. I have a lot (and I mean a lot) of ships in Naruto pertaining to these two, but NaruSaku is my absolute favorite. Like it was literally confirmed that Sakura got over Sasuke and then it got retconned for some bullshit. Saying it with my whole chest, argue with a wall, it should have been them. I won't dog any other ships, but yeah, it should have been them. 699 chapters of Naruto being in love with one woman, I sing the praises everyday.
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Hinata's prince charming is literally Sakura. I have a whole ass fic I am slowly, painstakingly writing about what Naruto would have been like if Hinata had a crush on Sakura the whole time. I just think they're really cute together, have amazing chemistry and balance each other out. I didn't expect to like SakuHina as much as I did but here we are.
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I mentioned it before in another answered ask but Fruits Basket was my first manga (if you're curious what my first anime was, it was Yu Yu Hakusho) and Kyoru was probably my first OTP. There are two characters I think upon so many rewatches and rereads that were prime game for who Kyo and Tohru could have ended up with had things been different (which, I do really ship as well. Multishipper here guys) but I'm not mad about the endgames that we got. From start to finish, Kyo and Tohru's relationship is beautiful and you can feel how strongly they feel for one another. It's like, wow, Takaya really gave us one of the best ships in shoujo and didn't even apologize for it.
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Red + Blue = True. They had chemistry, supplemented for what the other lacked and we really don't need to have me diving into the bs that was VLD. That show wasn't even out long, my god, it was a mess.
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Should I explain to you the romanticism of Hydro x Hydro? Oof how I love them. A Genshin ship after my own heart, truly. But if anyone is trying to against MiHoyoverse (I was here from the Mihoyo days, leave me alone) in terms of seeing who ships NeuviFuri more, we all lose. They literally paid people to do an ice dancing program in NeuviFuri cosplay, paid a guy to make a companion piece to Furina's song from Neuvillette's perspective and several other animations concerning their relationship in some way. But the Mihoyoverse shenanigans aside, it's the build up of 400+ years of working together, the care they still have for one another and yes the complementary abilities and color palettes. Not enough time in the day to talk about them, I don't think.
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Almost thought I wouldn't have a gif for them, then I remembered THEY GOT A MOVIE. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe is one of my favorite books in the world. I have reread it once a year religiously since 2017 when I first discovered it. This is such a beautiful novel and relationship and if you haven't had the pleasure of reading it or the sequel, please do yourself a favor and buy it or rent it from your local library. It's just, the way Ari has been in love with Dante for so long and didn't even realize it but it's so, so clear to the reader because of just how he talks and describes him? I don't even want to go to deep into this one just in case there's someone here that hasn't read this book because it deserves to be read and experienced blind. Just, just please y'all read it.
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jajanvm-imbi · 1 year
I'm in a Shippy mood so I'm gonna make list of my top ships atm. (In no particular oder)
Feel free to follow if you ship these too! I'm literally just doing this for fun tho, lol <3
1) KLANCE - V*ltron
No I will never get over them. They were my EVERYTHING and I miss them every day
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2) Lumity - The Owl House
holy FUCK are these two absolutely ADORABLE
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3) Raphmona - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)
they are the BEST pairing in the entire effing FRANCHISE I love them so much
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4) Drakepad - Ducktales (2017)
these two idiots stole my heart I mean look at these stupid duck husbands
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5) Rubpphire AKA Garnet - Steven Universe
I mean like...duh. They THE couple ever
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6) Lotura - V*ltron
THEY DESERVED EVERYTHING ITS NOT FAIR. They were both done so dirty, but they live happily ever after in my mind so it's okay
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7) Leosagi/Leoichi (whatever we're calling it) - Rise of the TMNT and Samurai Rabbit
okay so there's like at LEAST 5 different versions of the same pairing. There's "Katanashipping" which is the 2003 TMNT version of both Leo and Miyamoto Usagi. There's "Leoichi" which is Leo from ROTTMNT and Yuichi Usagi from Samurai Rabbit on Netflix *specifically*. People have made their own versions of both Yuichi and Miyamoto for Rise. People have combined both to make original versions of Usagi. Whatever the case may be, I think Leo should have a cool Samurai rabbit boyfriend to hold hands with and maybe smooch sometimes. That being said, i honestly prefer any version of Leosagi with Rise!Leo in it cause I haven't really watched 2003 TMNT yet but I do plan to in the near future. Anyway, they stole my heart <3
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VIDEO CREDIT TO @ star-jams on Tiktok/Instagram (in their bio on Instagram it said reposts are OKAY as long as credit is given. I promise I'm not stealing work! I put links to both the video on their tiktok and their Instagram)
I guess that's it for now!!! Just wanted to talk about my ships for a little bit jaja
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klanced · 9 months
katie your lawyer au tags have me on my knees I never thought guys in suits doing stuff would seem interesting but wow…wow. your mind
Thank u Anon this AU is incredibly indulgent for me.......... ok time 4 more world-building.
I think @heynhay's original idea of Keith & Lance working together at the same firm is best. For both plot reasons but also for my own morale LOL
So everyone works at a fairly large private firm that splits its practice and has some of its associates doing profit-driven law (i.e. corporate or finance) which subsidizes the public interest/service work that the other associates do.
The firm is like "Altea & Daibazaal LLP" or something. Yes I am implying that the firm was started by Alfor and Zarkon. Yes I am implying that Allura and Lotor are nepo babies.
I know I originally said that Keith and Lance were law school rivals but I've changed my mind... (RIP to the law school rivalry dynamics
Instead I'm making it so that Keith and Lance are the same age but Lance has been practicing longer because he went straight into law school after college. Whereas Keith started working after college and got like a Master's degree in Social Work or something before deciding on law school at 26. (I just think Keith is the kind of person who goes to law school later in life.)
Okay onto the specific Klance dynamics... Keith and Lance are both pushing 30 and are also literally lawyers so they are professional and serious about their work... But there is wiggle room for them to still be rivals :p
Lance and Keith are both junior associates at the firm. Lance has seniority because he's been at the firm longer but he's still a year or so away from formally becoming a senior associate.
Lance really, REALLY wants to make partner and he sees Keith as his biggest threat/rival because Keith is Shiro's little brother, and Shiro recently made partner at the firm, so Lance thinks Keith might be a nepo hire. Also some of the senior associates recently left the firm so now Lance is stuck showing Keith the ropes and he's lowkey super bitter about it.
Basically TLDR Lance starts off Not Liking Keith at all for various real or imagined reasons and begins a work rivalry with him. Keith doesn't actually GAF about making partner because he's only planning on working at the firm for a few years to help pay off his student loans, but Lance doesn't know that. However, Keith is a naturally very competitive person, and he also likes having Lance's attention, so Keith immediately goes all in on the rivalry.
Lance, internally: "This Fucking Guy."
Keith, internally: "I am so good at flirting."
The first few months are rough between them. However both are also incredibly productive in their work.
The romcom part of the AU kicks in once the two of them have to start working together on a huge high stakes civil case and they're both like wow.... *twirls hair* he's so competent.............. <3
Anyway misc. things:
TBH I have no idea what kind of law Keith and Lance might private practice... I'm also really torn on what Shiro, Allura, and Hunk would practice hdjsksdhedf
Pidge is hired on a fellowship for either environmental law or data security/privacy law.
Coran does employment law.
Keith went into law school planning on going into public interest/not-for-profit legal aid and swore he would never, ever do corporate law but then he saw his student loans and was like. Hm. Okay maybe some Biglaw is okay. And that's how he ended up at the firm.
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sixteen-sugars · 5 months
klance - a review
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Credit: @clink0maniac
This couple was my Wattpad phase, If there was a moderately popular fic of these two around 2020-2021, odds are I had probably read it.  But, embarrassing middle school years aside. This ship had the tea. 
My interpretation of the creators decision (and said tea) is that they wanted to make Klance endgame, or at least have Keith or Lance be canonically queer. Since Voltron is a absolute clusterfuck that didn't end up happening. So, that left them with a very flirty very bi-coded Cuban on their hands. To combat this, they made him flirt with more women, and made him look even more bi. And Keith noped off to space with his mom, and stifling any romantic or platonic chemistry they had in the first place. There is something to say, as someone who joined the fandom late and just sat in the wreckage. I got to enjoy with almost none of the cons associated with shipping. 
Now, back to the ship itself. I enjoy it immensely, they are both endearing little guys. They have contrasting color palettes, red and blue y'all I can't even. So, besides the drama I genuinely enjoy this ship and the plethora of popular AU's  spawned by it. To name a few my personal fav's were; Mermaid, GalraTransformation!Keith, Roommates/College. But, one thing that always felt a little off was the Langst. I know that the widest smiles hold the most pain, but to some point, its important to also stay in character and pull inspiration/character traits out the canon and not out of your ass. All in all, it had its fair share of bumps but both of our boys had great chemistry (in season 1-3) and some people saw it and shared something super personal and gifted us with many great fanworks. :D 
Tropes/AU's Commonly Associated: 8/10 
Most of the AU's are super cute, like mermaid or dad!Lance. But it does get points down for Langst, because it seemed OOC and little like you were dragging him through hell for no reason. And the tropes, enemies/rivals to lovers along with mutual pining. That's the tea!
Dynamic: 9.5/10
If you get a good dialogue writer, this ship can really shine with them, because of the bickering being their love language. Along with them being opposites attract, so there are many little nooks and crannies to explore regarding their differences. 
Looks: 7.5/10
tbh, they look a little boring. They are 2 guys???? Yes, the art done of them is absolutely beautiful, and they do get points for contrasting color palettes. But, they are literally just a mullet with legs and a bi man lol. 
All in all; 25/30
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
tell me more about voltron please
i considered putting this behind a readmore but i dont think i will actually. i think im going to subject you all to this. okay to begin with when i say voltron i am not talking about the 1984 anime voltron. i am talking about the american 2016 reboot of that anime, voltron legendary defender. it had eight seasons within 2 years and i was obsessed with it for the majority of my time in middle school. it did irreparable damage to my brain.
voltron was run by two people named lauren montgomery and joaquim dos santos. voltron voice actors and writers also had a kind of unprecedented amount of interaction with their fans, both in-person and online. the majority of those fans were adolescent lgbt people, as are fans of most netlfix cartoons. this did not end well. i'll get into it later.
the first two seasons of voltron came out to relative praise. it appeared, at the time, to be an interesting character-driven children's show, similarly to steven universe and other cartoons of its time. As I mentioned, a lot of fans were adolescent and/or young adult lgbt people. this obviously led to fandom, and, as a consequence, shipping culture. the problem was that the shipping culture in voltron was insane. there were two MAIN ships that people were into at the time. keith/lance (klance) and keith/shiro (sheith). for context, keith and lance were 17 & 18-year old classmates and established rivals who had several heart-to-heart/romantically-coded scenes in the first two seasons, causing fans to latch on HARD. shiro was keith's 26-year-old adopted brother.
the mid-stage voltron fandom literally coined the terms "anti" and "proship." "anti" originally meant "anti-sheith" that is the kind of fandom culture were talking about here. before voltron, these debates had obviously still been present in fandom, but voltron dialed everything up several notches. it was insane. I was put on blocklists for being anti-sheith, as a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD.
I mentioned earlier that the showrunners and voice actors had a kind of unprecedented amount of interaction with their fans, and i actually think this is what lead to the show's downfall. What happened was, basically, at the very beginning of the show's run, one of the showrunners teased that they would have lgbt rep in their show. everyone assumed that this rep would be either klance or sheith, and went insane about it. the staff of the show could not have a single event without some fan asking if shieth or klance was going to be canon. they would always dance around it, which i don't REALLY blame them for. the biggest problem was that they actively REFUSED to condemn sheith, an incestuous ship between a 26 year old and a 17 year old. some fans at the time suggested that they even encouraged the shipping culture within the fandom because they knew it brought them more engagement. however, encouraging this kind of thing and refusing to condemn sheith led to several unsavory situations with voice actors and fans, most notably pidge's voice actor bullying a 13-year-old off this site after they pointed out it was weird that the voice actor openly shipped sheith. there were also several incidents where FANS were in the wrong, most notably when a klance shipper took photos of unaired material during a tour of the studio where voltron was being made and then threatened to leak it if the showrunners didn't make klance canon. it was an insane couple of years to be in fandom spaces on the internet.
this is bad, obviously. all of this is really bad. but it also all came alongside the steady, obvious decline in quality of the show itself. what had once seemed like an interesting, well-paced, character-driven narrative was clearly devolving into a badly-paced serialized mess. subtle racism began to creep into the writing. the racism became less subtle as the show went on, obviously favoring white characters. Characters would have development teased and then never followed through on. filler episodes would be full of weirdly malicious digs at fan-favorite characters for seemingly no reason. the story became disjointed, the tone shifted to be much darker with little warning, and the plot became nearly impossible to follow. what came out later on, after the show had concluded, was that sometime after season 3 or so, the showrunners had THROWN OUT THE SHOW'S BIBLE. meaning past a certain point, there was ZERO PLANNING, zero written plot, zero ANYTHING. it was obvious in hindsight why the show started to go downhill so quickly. It was speculated that the bible was thrown out specifically to spite klance shippers, who the showrunners later openly admitted to hating and wanting to screw over.
six seasons came and went with no lgbt rep like they'd promised. the fans were getting incredibly impatient. the longer they went without the satisfaction of a klance or sheith payoff, the harder it became for them to overlook the writing problems in the show. something had to be done.
at sdcc 2018, the voltron team showed a clip of their new season.
this was an EVENT in the fandom. like. i remember exactly where i was at the time. i remember refreshing the blog of a mutual i had who was at the panel, liveblogging it, and praying that they would finally fix everything they'd fucked up over the last year. they showed a clip of shiro and another man, who was named adam. the clip itself was ambiguous, but when asked about it afterward the showrunners confirmed that adam was shiro's fiancee.
this literally sent voltron fans into a rabid state. we were going fucking INSANE for those 2 weeks between the panel and the season's release. as far as we knew, at the time, we had been given the lgbt rep we'd been promised, and they'd somehow managed to do it WITHOUT PISSING OFF EITHER SIDE OF THE SHIP WAR. it was a miracle.
two weeks later, the season aired. adam was in about 2 minutes of the episodes, total. EPISODES, PLURAL. there were 13 in the season. his presence on screen amounted to the ambiguous scene which was played at the con, where it's unclear what his relationship with shiro actually was, and a scene of him DYING IN A FIGHTER CRASH.
the fandom fucking imploded at this point, and i left it basically immediately afterwards because the lgbt rep was basically the only thing i'd been holding out for. i can't tell you exactly what happened after that but the rotten tomatoes score for voltron went from like 79% to 10% overnight, if that gives you any idea. voltron legendary defender is also currently cited as an example on the wikipedia page for queerbaiting. they lost about 90% of their fanbase that day, and the rest was lost a few months later when they killed their only black character and redeemed their genocidal villains in the final season.
voltron sucked ass and i have no idea what possessed me to sit through ONE season of it, let alone seven, when it was just so obviously never going to be what i wanted it to be. that being said, the fandom was a literal cultural reset for every lgbt person between the ages of 14 and 25 at the time. make of that what you will but for the love of god do not watch it for yourself. stay as far away from this fucking show as humanly possible
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atlas-accidental · 1 year
New Light
a klance one-shot for @autisticlancemcclain! she asked for fic recs the other day and I offered to write one for her so here it is!
its a refurbishment of sorts of the first fic I ever put on ao3. I'll probably be putting this up there as well later today, with a bit more formatting.
(edit: finally edited and posted the fic to ao3. you can find it here)
2.2k words, soulmate au, no warnings. i hope you enjoy!
All humans are born colorblind, and with a soulmate. This pairing is meant to compliment each individual in the best possible way, romantically or otherwise. When someone meets their soulmate for the first time, they are granted the ability to see color. This experience is meant to signal to the soulmates that they have met their destined match. 
When Lance's life finally did change, it wasn't what he'd expected. The first major change in Lance's life wasn't a soulmate, but an opportunity. Lance had been accepted into the Galaxy Garrison Flight Academy. He'd only been accepted as a cargo pilot, but you had to start somewhere, right? 
Now, technically, he'd never officially met Keith. Or even talked to him, really. Only watched from afar as, because of him, Lance had only ever held silver at everything. He never quite could catch up to the flight prodigy. Keith’s scores were second only to the famous pilot Takashi Shirogane’s at the same age. Lance actually had tried to meet Keith on multiple occasions. Keith managed to slip away each and every time, without fail. Eventually, Lance stopped trying and accepted that Keith was unattainable. His last attempt was the closest he'd gotten to an actual introduction and Keith had waved him off with a "Yeah, whatever. Don't you have cargo to deliver or something?" Lance's smile had fallen immediately. He decided that he hated Keith.
"Lance, don't you think you might be overreacting? Just a bit?" Lance frowned. 
"Of course not, Hunk! He literally said, and I quote, 'don't you have cargo to deliver or something?'" Hunk sighed at the mocking imitation of Keith, having heard the same thing from Lance dozens of times since it happened last week. 
"Yeah, Lance. I know. 'Who says that,' right?" Lance rolled his eyes at Hunk, who chuckled under his breath. 
"I'm serious, Hunk! He's a jerk!" Hunk assured him that he was aware, and insisted they go get lunch.
"I'd recognize that mullet anywhere!" Lance yelled, an aggravated tone to his voice as he let himself slide down the side of the hill three of them had perched themselves upon. 
Lance heard Pidge wonder aloud who he was talking about and ignored him. By the time Lance had made his way into the facility, far ahead of Hunk and Pidge, Keith was already there slipping the man's arm around his shoulders. 
"Nope! No, no-no-no, I'm saving Shiro," Lance announced. Keith frowned. 
"Who are you?" he asked and Lance scowled at how bored he sounded.
"Uh, the name's Lance?" He blinked at Keith expectantly and received a blank look in return. "We were in the same class back at the Garrison! You know, Lance and Keith, neck and neck!" Keith frowned even harder.
"Oh, I remember you,” Keith finally said. Lance perked up a bit. “You were a cargo pilot. " Hunk and Pidge appeared at the door. Lance opened his mouth, ready to come back with a biting response of his own when he paused. 
"Mira, wait, do... do you see that?" Keith frowned. Did he ever stop frowning? Was it all just one continuous frown? Lance feared he may never know. 
"See what?" Keith asked in that same bored tone. Lance's wandering eyes snapped back to Keith, his mouth slack. 
"Everything." How could Keith not be seeing this? Keith, obviously not understanding, huffed a sigh. 
"We don't have time for this. Let's go." 
And so they went.
There was a bit of struggle involved in getting everyone on the two-seater hoverbike Keith had rode in on. Hunk ended up on the back holding onto the bike itself, Pidge sat in front of him holding Shiro on his lap. Lance swung up right behind Keith, hesitating only a moment until Keith jerked the bike in warning and Lance grabbed his hips tightly. As they sped up, Lance slowly shifted until his arms were wrapped in a tight grip around Keith’s waist. It would’ve been romantic if everyone but the driver weren’t screaming their heads off.
By the time they had gotten to Keith's desert hideout, Lance still wasn't over everything he was seeing. The world had once again shifted while Lance had been clinging to Keith with his eyes screwed tightly shut. At first, everything surrounding him had been different, but now it was just Keith. Of course, Lance had realized that Keith was attractive but that was before he'd made up his mind to hate him. Now, though… Now, Keith had something new, something different. It didn't just make him stand out– though God knows he already did– it made him beautiful. Lance didn't know what it was, just that it made him want to laugh and cry all at once. This, Lance decided, is what his mamá had told him about. It had to be.
But that meant Keith was his soulmate.
"I'm screwed."
They were in a lion. A giant, blue lion, though none of them knew it’s color but Lance. It was strange; as soon as he’d touched the surrounding forcefield, he saw images, in full color, of this lion and four others. He had a connection with the lion, not quite the same as with Keith but just as intimate, maybe more so. It had proven as much by being the only other thing in color in Lance’s world. The lion was spiraling through outer space faster than any human technology has ever been able to do. They passed Kerberos in minutes. The feat would’ve been amazing if everyone would just shut up. Instead, four pairs of hands grappled on any surface they could to keep their balance. Lance himself was apparently the only available surface for grappling. He glowered, staring straight forward and concentrating on… 
“What is that?” The yelling stopped, all attention focused on the oncoming object. Gracia a Dios. The iron grips were incessant, though. Lance would have to take what he could get.
Lance would not take what he could get, mostly because what he was getting was an alien warship. The lion’s voice– was voice the right word? Lance wasn’t sure–  rumbled in his mind, sending instructions to Lance. He smirked, the lion’s confidence burned like ice through his blood, and they knew exactly what to do. Lance dove at the battlecruiser hovering dangerously close to their home. Turning at the last second, he smashed the lion into the ship, dragging its claws along the length of it. The gashes along the sides of the ship lit up, minor explosions happening along each abrasion. The ship took little damage, but it also took the bait. Lance shot away with the enemy ship in tow. The lion growled in his mind again and a massive, intricate disk appeared before of them. A wormhole. 
“I think the lion wants us to go through there.”
Lance frowned. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was afraid. Not enough to stop, but it was there. Maybe he was less afraid and more nervous. Anxious? He wasn’t sure. English had too many words. Whatever he felt, it was bad. He couldn’t help but focus on Keith in his peripheral. It was hard not to when he stood out so obviously. Not like a sore thumb, it wasn’t a bad thing, it was more like he stood out like an intricate painting in the center of a large, blank wall. Like he was there specifically to grab Lance’s attention, as though there was something Lance was supposed to do. 
“What am I supposed to do?” He mumbled. 
“Whatever this is, we all have to face it together,” said Shiro. Lance was sure he wasn’t alone in his relief at not having to decide. “Wherever we end up, we’ll face together, too. That being said, we’re a team now. We should all agree.”
Together, they went through the wormhole.
Between mind-numbing training and life-threatening battle, color bled into Lance's world over the next few weeks. Through an oddly-translated book, he learned the names of colors. It seemed like the book on soulmates had escaped Earth somehow and been translated into an alien language only to be translated back by the Castleship, leaving the words broken. The colors were spelled oddly and the sentences often made little sense. They were all words Lance knew, so that made parsing their meaning easier, he'd just never seen the concepts they described before. He learned that Alteans didn't have soulmates like humans. He learned that the Galra do.
Another new discovery was that the longer he spent around Keith, the more color he saw. It always began in his eyes, that first spark of violet. It quickly spread to the rest of him; his ivory skin, cropped red jacket, the way light played on his hair. He could've sworn it was tinted a shimmery purple, but he was new to the rainbow; it could be nothing. Best of all, Lance watched and the satisfying flush that crawled over Keith’s face and neck when he realized Lance would be performing his daily stare-down for longer than strictly necessary.
After he'd absorbed every shift in hue Keith had to display, the rest of the world faded in around them. Colors became more saturated (a word Lance only just learned the meaning of in reference to color) the longer Keith was around him. Lance wasn't sure what had to happen for the color to be permanent, but he'd heard it was supposed to eventually. 
He still hadn't told Keith. If Lance had changed, Keith must have, right? But he never said anything, or even seem to see it. Could soulmates be one-sided? Lance's book didn't say anything about unrequited soul bonds, but Lance had never read any books about the crazy things he was living through, either, so he figured anything was possible. Maybe Keith was Lance's soulmate but Lance just… wasn't his. He'd heard about a theory once, that everyone had multiple potential soulmates, that the match was a biological skill humanity had for survival. Maybe Keith had a soulmate already and didn't need Lance.
The thought was a painful one and it made Lance scramble for Keith's attention in any way he could. Lance didn't know how to appeal to the things Keith liked. He could easily do the opposite, though. Keith wasn't hard to antagonize and when it happened, all of his attention was on Lance as if the universe faded away and he was all Keith could see. The feeling of being noticed, looked at, seen by Keith was intoxicating despite the sting of their arguments, so Lance kept doing it. 
Maybe Keith wasn't Lance's soulmate in return, but he still noticed him. Even if it was a waste of time, it was time Keith wasted on him. That would have to be enough, especially as Lance battled the dichotomy of envy and adoration he felt for his soulmate. Keith was amazing, Keith was better than him, Keith was showing off, Keith was impressive, Keith was out of his league. Lance's thoughts were a mess, and the pressure exploded in the exact way to make it messier.
It became a cycle that Lance was trapped in.
Keith was trapped in a cycle. For his whole life, he'd been baffled by a mysterious birthmark; two patches of skin a few shades darker than the rest and both in the shape of perfect handprints, one on either hip. His father had said they were a sign, proof that he would be loved. The longer he spent being passed between homes and dismissed for "behavioral issues", the harder that story was to believe. 
Now, though, these marks had begun that cycle he was stuck in. Every morning, Keith woke up, lifted his shirt to stare at them, rolled out of bed to prepare for the day, spent another few minutes staring at the marks, and left the room completely unprepared for his regular morning "encounter" with Lance. 
The thing is, ever since the night they found Shiro, his marks have been different. Lance had swung up onto the bike with Keith and the rest, had grabbed him when he jerked the bike in a sharp warning, and the skin under Lance's hands had burned instantly. It ached where Lance touched him, a warm sting that faded into an strange tingle by the time Lance had shifted forward enough to press his chest to Keith's back and wrap his arms around his waist instead. 
Later, Keith had pulled up his shirt to examine the marks. He found them irritated, or so he had assumed. They had bloomed into an odd swirl of colors; colors he had always been able to see. Blues and violets swirled and bled together like a watercolor painting within the crisp outline of hands on his body. It was alarming, but stunningly beautiful. They looked like outer space, the deep hues melding in a way that reminded him of unbroken skies, of nebulae and galaxies. As if these hands held the universe within them. 
For the next few days, Keith's handprint markings itched nearly constantly. They would burn feverishly at odd times, especially during his spats with Lance. He chalked it up to an emotional response, his blood pumping in his irritation causing a warm sensation. The feeling gradually faded and stopped happening at all over the next few weeks, but Keith still hadn't stopped lifting his shirt to stare at the celestial-looking marks on his hips a few times a day. 
That night, just like many before, Keith lay in his bed staring at his ceiling and traced the too-perfect hands branded onto him with gentle fingers and wondered what they truly meant.
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erithel · 1 year
This is no way meant to be a hate ask and look i want to like the idea of canon klance and i want to like canon Keith but lbr if the writers had made klance or any keith ship canon they would have done it in worst way possible with the ship being only meant to benefit Keith while simultaneously being detrimental to the love interest. Cause fact is that Keith was writers pet, the top priority, the self insert, they destroyed all the characterization and agency and roles of other characters for the plot and story and then destroyed said plot and story to make Keith super cool hero character.
I keep seeing posts like how canon wouldnt suck if (insert Keith ship) had been canon and i am like, canon sucked because they priortized a lbr white coded able bodied character over canonical characters of colour who were reduced to torture porn, hate sinks, and comic relief. Canon sucked because the characters who were established as important parts of the story were reduced to side characters and plot devices so that Keith could shine brighter. And a canon Keith ship would not have helped any character other than Keith, and if anything would have reduced the other character as an eye candy comforter.
Again this is not meant to be a hate ask. It is just been frustrating to be in this fandom especially as a darker skinned woc to watch this show and fandom still treat characters of colour as woke points while using them to prop up Keith
I have debated over responding to this message, mainly because there are some things in here that could potentially cause drama on my page if I even respond to them in any way.
However, there are some points in here worth addressing, so...
First and foremost, I am going to say that I can see your intention is not to make this a hate ask. However, it does come across that way to some degree. The main reason being that you are making valid points about the other characters, but you are doing it by pushing Keith's character down - and that is the stuff I don't really like to see, here.
I'm not trying to invalidate your view on things, because I realize your point was literally this, just the other way around. I'm just saying for the sake of my own page, I've had a lot of asks in a similar vein and it's not really something I'm interested in discussing in asks.
Of course everyone can like and dislike whichever characters they choose, but I do like to keep things as fair and equal as possible across the board. So, I am always open to discussions and opinions on why a character or another deserved more and better, but only if they do not come at the expense of another character.
And with this, specifically - I just don't see this version of Keith you are referring to, so there's not even much I can add to that part of your ask.
To the other parts, however, this very much illustrates the need to having diversity in the creation process of shows and movies.
Unfortunately, a lot of studios and execs and whoever greenlights these things still rely on the "token" aspect when it comes to diversity.
As your ask proves, it doesn't do any good just to simply have characters of color, for example, if they are reduced to stereotypes or insignificant parts.
This is where the actual diversity should come in - because it needs to happen behind the scenes for there to be a change that will actually mean something.
In my opinion, experience is so much more important than any title or rank or connection. It is important to actually include and receive input from creators who understand a situation on its basest level.
I consider myself to be a very empathetic person who tries my best to understand human nature and emotions. But I, as a white person, will never have the same experience as you, a person of color. It's literally and physically impossible.
But that's the whole point.
Because if a book were to be written about the actual experiences of growing up as a poc, there are insights and stories you, anon, could offer than I could only take a wild guess at. And vice versa.
I'm not saying that creators should only create based on their own personal life and experiences. But it is important for larger projects such as shows that want to include a diverse cast to actually employ people who understand what it is like.
Because it's not enough to just throw a darker skinned character in a show and say "Hey look at us we did it. Diversity! Woohoo!"
And it is just bad storytelling all around if any character in any given situation is only there for the purpose of the "main character" (or any other character).
Because what really makes a story interesting is the diversity that can come from the different experiences and opinions of the various characters - how they can clash and converge and change and grow.
The final thing I will add is that in my mind, Keith is Asian and Galran, so...mixed. I understand a lot of trouble could have been avoided if the showrunners had just confirmed this was the case while the show was airing, but, well...we can't change the past.
It was, in the most technical sense, confirmed here, but I do understand that most people will view that as too little too late, and that's understandable.
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I understand you don't like Zukka, but as someone who's been a mild of it since 2014, I can guarantee its not just Klance shippers? Sure, some people in the renaissance were, but fun fact Sokka and Zuko are DIFFERENT characters to the voltron ones, and people can appreciate the bond, platonic and romantic without just projecting it to another show, something which people use to call us all fetishisers which being mlm, is really damn weird. You can dislike a ship without making up bullshit from 2020 and early 2021, because honestly I'd much rather be around zukka shippers than zvtaras who have flooded askboxes with racism and homophobia just for shipping a ship they don't like because apparently "Zukkas are the evil". And anyone who has made a live action comment, its honestly probably just a joke made by some kid
Buddy, I get that kind of "old" Zukka harrassment on my asks, in both my blogs, to this day. It died down from the unbearable level it used to be, thank God, but it has NOT disappeared completely. Not even close. And like I repeatedly mentioned, Zukka fans have ALSO said plenty of racist, sexist, and, ironically enough, homophobic things to others, and people are well within their rights of complaining about that.
I never said "ALL zukka fans are just Klance fans that jumped to a different show and keep forcing it down everyone's throats", just like I never said "ALL zutara fans harrass peopel and send them death threats." There's not a single "mini-group" of this fandom that doesn't have it's bad apples, and if I point out that some have more than others, that doesn't mean I'm poiting the finger at you specifically and calling you a bad person for stuff someone you merely share a ship with did.
Yeah, I know people joke about "our crack-ship is totally gonna have it's glory day now" when there's new content coming up or when there's some ship-bait moments because the creators decided to throw shippers a bone. That's not what me and others are talking about when we mention Zukkas claiming the ship absolutely WILL be canon in some way soon. Once again, we are talking about people that literally harrass others about it and snap at us when we say either "I don't think Netflix will make Zukka happen" or "I, personally, wouldn't want Zukka to happen."
Just because you and your friends don't do that kind of stuff, doesn't mean nobody does. Don't take and others complaining about THEM as an attack against YOU.
No, I don't like Zukka. I USED to read some of the fics some of friends wrote for the pairings though, even if I never really shipped them, because Sokka and Zuko was a dynamic we barely saw in the show and that I always felt could have led to more comical moments AND I always liked both characters - and back then there wasn't all the blatantly out of character shit. But I don't do that anymore because a bunch of dickheads just had to completely ruin everyone's fun.
Basically what I'm saying is:
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fic rec friday 22
welcome to the twenty-second fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. you’re the one that never lets me roam by @littendeservesbetter
If any of his teammates were insulted—if Allura’s leadership was doubted, if Hunk was called too soft, if Pidge was underestimated, if Keith was attacked for his Galran heritage—Lance would defend them in a heartbeat. He knows his team and he loves his second family. He’d defend them to the universe and back.
So why wouldn’t they do the same for him?
season 7 episode 4: Lance's thoughts after the game show.
this fic is genuinely one of my favourite handlings of that piece of shit episode ever fr. its klance BUT also not a half-assed apology!! im not articulating this right but my point is that this is handled so well and god bless my fellow lance stans
2. xo by @thespacenico
keith confesses to lance hoping that the expected rejection will help him move on ASAP. it doesn't quite go according to plan.
darcy does not miss!! seriously her fics always make me smile. my two favourite parts of this fic were  that a) when lance didn’t know who keith liked he assumed immediately and wholeheartedly it was hunk. that’s golden right there and b) shiro is a DRAMA LOVING BITCH
3. for you only by @paprbee
"Be mine," Keith mumbles, pleas, against Lance's lips, unwilling to pull away. "Yes," Lance whispers, smiling as Keith brushes their lips together again, pressing up and forward to kiss Keith properly. "You too... be mine, too." "I am," Keith tells him when they break apart reluctantly, their foreheads pressed together, tip of their noses touching, Keith's arms squeezing Lance gently in their hold around his waist and lower back. "I'm yours."
okay i cannot describe how much this fic makes me lose my mind in my own words i literally have to give you guys a snippet of the fic that made me actually cry real tears and struggle to breathe:
"Baby," Keith says softly and it sends a thrill through Lance, hearing pet names from Keith is so rare he always melts when he does hear them, specially when they're whispered against his lips this way. He presses a soft chaste kiss into Lance again before he continues to mutter softly. "My baby, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you."
its just. the devotion. the repetition. it always fucking gets me. from keith especially, bc hes such a devoted guy!! he is loyal to a goddamn fault and beyond like!!! thats how he loves!! with his whole heart his whole body his whole soul his own being!! he loves and loves and loves!!!
4. i’ll be your romeo by @jilliancares
In a world where Soul Marks show up only after your soulmate has fallen in love with you, it's rare for them to appear when you're not already in a relationship. It's even rarer for them to show up when you're standing on a chair in your favorite coffee shop, screeching at the sight of a spider. Lance becomes well-acquainted with this brand of "rare", and he gets the cute barista, Keith, to help him with the search for his soulmate.
first of all soulmate aus my beloved. second of all jillian fics my beloved. third of all this fic is SO dorky and i love it!! i was hooked by the first scene bc it was just so funny. the way keith falls for lance...hes such a goober i love him
5. finally, you’re mine by @nezueye
“I need you to do me a favor.”
“Okay. Anything,” Keith says easily.
“Okay so, I just need-“ Lance sighs. He pushes his hands through his hair and braces himself. “I need you to break my heart. Once and for all.”
Keith chokes on his next words. “Excuse me?”
“Break my heart.”
- or -
Does Lance finally get the guy?
this is another devotion fic bc i am fully and completely obsessed with them. i made a seperate rec for this fic a couple months ago bc it truly made my breath stop like i could not process. there were three scenes in particular that made me gasp out loud and make my heart pound. just the easy way they love each other...sobbing
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Lots of people (myself included tbh) ship klance (Keith and Lance). In s8 the creators made Allura/Lance canon (but then they killed her off and left the ending ambiguous it was weird). Anyway the fandom treats her like she's the most terrible bitchy woman ever but all she wants to do is end the war and avenge her destroyed home planet. Yeah she wasn't always the nicest or always the best, but you could argue some other characters in the show aren't either and they aren't treated near as bad as allura. people really just hate her bc Lance liked her. I don't think allura/lance are good together, but I still liked her as a character and thought she was interesting and had a lot of growth during the show. she DEF is not evil like some people portray her as in fic or talk about her in captions on posts. I've seen people say that they HATE her and that she's the worst and I'm like ??? let her live (well sort of ig she is dead now). lots of fic writers use her as the villain which is so interesting to me bc the show literally has villains like use them. anyway allura so perfectly fits the bracket description she deserves better.
I hate to acknowledge my time in this fandom but I hate the way the fandom treated her more. Allura was treated like shit no matter what side of the Great Ship War you were on because she was always a threat to the biggest ships (klance and sheith). At best she got put into Background Lesbian or Consolation Prize Shallura (Space Mom-zoned) (She was not a motherly figure btw. She was just Black). At worst she was violently demonized for being ~racist~ (kinda not cool with the alien race that blew up her planet for a few episodes), complete with misogynistic language hurled at her (she got called a bitch sooo much). Allura was a good and cool character and the show did her dirty but the fandom was somehow worse.
i apologise for speaking the dark magicks, but amidst the voltron fandoms many, many transgressions, there were a particular subset of people who just hated this girl. the infamous klance wars of the 2010s kept this perfectly fine childrens cartoon character in the sights of shippers everywhere, and she (and her voice actress im sure) were subjected to years of petty squabble blown up to global perportions. ive seen hate, ive seen rants, ive seen fanfics that made her homophobic. girls been through the ringer, and even though voltron was never the show its fandom wanted it to be, i believe allura deserved better
Kayano Kaede
shes genuinely a really tragic character who had potential for a really compelling, effective arc concerning grief, identity, healing, and finding trust again all while going through the inherent ordeal of being 15 years old….if she werent a female character in a shonen anime 😭😭 instead she gets sidelined during the show up until her big plot twist reveal after which shes immediately sidelined again. whatever i still love her and know her to be a character of all time who has suffered more than jesus. in my experience shes perhaps the female character who like. ive seen most *obsessively* hated due to her “getting in the way” of the ship b/w the male protagonist + deuteragonist (bc of her proximity to the both of them) u woild think shes the devil incarnate and not just. 15 and traumatised 
She had a crush on Nagisa and they kissed and a lot of fans ship him with Karma so theyre mad that Kaede is there. She is super silly and nice but the fandom hates her for standing in the way of karmagisa.
she's a sweet person that was an actor and loves her sister. she is the main love interest of the main character but doesn't interact with him more than most of the other characters for a majority of the story. Often I have seen them removed from the story only to become some homophobic jerk that's desperate for the main characters love instead of letting her keep the good friendship that her and the main character had before the romance.
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edenaffinity · 1 year
Klance as Taylor Swift Songs 👸🏼
Okay, so I already did Lance and Keith as Taylor Swift Songs 👸🏼, so here's ✨Klance✨ as Taylor Swift songs.
First, what I feel like is the most apparent:
You're so gorgeous I can't say anything to your face 'Cause look at your face
"Gorgeous" is probably the most Klance-coded song I've ever heard in my entire life. It's all about being incredibly annoyed with someone because you find them attractive. Of course, Keith and Lance are rivals first and lovers second, so it would make sense for them to feel a resentment towards the other for being so gosh darn attractive.
You should take it as a compliment That I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk You should think about the consequence Of your magnetic field being a little too strong
Keith and Lance definitely bully each other as a form of flirtation, which the song alludes to. Their frustration with each other comes through, but it's interrupted by the underlying romantic interest they have in each other.
But I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret
This really should have gone in my last VLD + TS post but THIS SONG AND KLANCE IS JUST SKFJDSFK
"peace" expresses insecurities and doubts about whether or not everything you have to offer is enough for the person you love. Its all about they know being together won't be easy. Both Keith and Lance are damaged and come with personal baggage. There will most definitely be hardships and obstacles they'll need to overcome together if they want to stay together.
Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other Family that I chose, now that I see your brother as my brother Is it enough?
So is it enough that they simply have this understanding of each other? Is it enough that their team has become more of a family? Is it enough to know that they both are looking out for the other's loved ones?
Neither Keith nor Lance thinks they're enough for the other. But they don't love anyone else, they love each other. So, would it be enough if they could never give the other peace?
I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
Kinda of the same vibe as "Gorgeous". pov: you're really upset with someone for being attractive and how dare they make you find them attractive >:(
"gold rush" is about being in love with someone that, supposedly, everyone else is also in love with. And you can’t tell me that both Lance AND Keith wouldn’t believe that everyone else isn’t in love with the other???
What must it be like To grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominos
We already know that Lance is super jealous of Keith. He knows Keith is a better pilot, fighter, and leader than he is. And of course he assumes everyone thinks the same. But Keith also thinks that everyone else believes Lance is as cool as Keith thinks he is.
So yeah, they both just assume that everyone else finds the other just as attractive as they do. They're wrong, but that doesn't stop them from angsting about it.
And that's about it for Klance-specific songs...
However, there are a few general Taylor Swift love songs that make me think of Klance.
Of course, "The Great War" and "Red". TGW is about sticking with your ~person~ throughout all the battles (metaphorical and maybe literal) that life has to throw at you. And Keith and Lance fight a lot of battles (metaphorical and literal). And "Red" is about how loving someone can feel so passionate that it's "Red". And they're both red paladins, so I just thought it was appropriate.
"Lover" and "invisible string" are just your cute, wholesome love songs. "Lover" is just the most love song to ever love song, if you know what I mean. It's basically just declaring your love for each other and saying you want to spend the rest fo your life together. And "invisible string" is cute for Klance specifically because they've known each other for so long and been through so much together. Like, the whole gist of the song is "holy shit, can you believe that there was a ~metaphorical~ string tying us together this whole thing?!" Like it's inevitable that they'll eventually be together? It's cute!
And finally, "Everything Has Changed" is just a very Klance song to me. Just that moment where you thought you'd figured someone out and then BAM! You're in love with them and that suddenly changes everything. Idk I just like the idea of Keith and Lance finally moving passed their rivalry and becoming friends JUST TO FALL IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER!
Anyways, that's all! thank you for your time <3
Keith and Lance as Taylor Swift Songs 👸🏼
Lance's playlist 💙
Keith's playlist ❤️
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planetsockss · 2 years
♡ Klance tiktok/ social media au ♡
- lance made an account back when it was musically and grew a huge following and blew up around the quarantine re brand to tiktok
-the other paladins make accounts around the rebrand time as well
-pidge shows off their new tech and gives advice to young people interested in tech but also decided to start doing conspiracy videos
-hunk does cooking and partners with pidge on their tech as well shows mini day vlogs
-adam and shiro share an account and are a well known couple who act as everyones dads and shows off their days interior design and their attempts to figure out social media
-allura does makeup and fashion videos and is a literal goddess with her daily mini vlogs
-lance does dancing, skin care, and make up tutorials, mini vlogs and really anything its why his account does so well.
- he finally convinces keith to make an account and teaches him how to do all the transitions, save sounds and the bassics
-keith gets the hang of it, given he has "the best teacher" aka lance
-keith get huge on alternative tiktok partially for lance telling all his followers about keith but also for his makeup and fashion and some unintentional thirst traps (he's just hot).
-pidge and keith often feature on eachothers tiktoks to talk about conspiracies and cryptid hunting
-Keith also appears as lances model in alot of videos and lance appears in a lot of Keiths videos about his day (he spends a lot of time with lance)
-unintentionally lance ends up catching lots of cute moments of them falling in love, although keith has loved him for a while.
-lance doesnt relize it at first but after rewatching all his videos with keith he starts to realize he likes this boy so much
-the entire group watches this unravel
-eventually their audiences catch on quickly to what's happening and ships them
-keith gets caught staring at lance with obvious heart eyes in the background of one of lances videos
-lance calls keith beautiful in a video on allura's page
-after a video of lance and keith sharing drinks on a roof top at night gets posted all of the fans go crazy because keith is not being subtle
-lance is always the first to comment on keiths videos and everyone alwayscomments the " 😏" under his comments
-keith finally posts a video of him and lance in keiths apartment cooking dinner when keith finally kisses him with a confirmation that they are together.
-they continue to post as they normally would but now there are sweet moments they share with everyone and sappy post
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