#ive been working on this forever and its all bc of the colors
applestruda · 2 months
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Chemical overreaction / compound fracture
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opens-up-4-nobody · 10 months
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#hello to anyone who happens to b interested in the saga of my life... also maybe the irl person i gave my url to... hopefully my blog#didnt freak her out too much lol. anyway so its been a busy week? 2 weeks? month? year? life? its been a lot. my parents helped me move#across the country from the desert to somewhere that's beautiful and green. my dad is so jealous of me lol its so so so pretty and theres s#so much to do. will i do any of it? that remains to be seen but im gonna try to be better about that sort of thing. try to get some help#with the thoughts in my head that keep me from doing and enjoying most things. its weird like im decorating my new room which i love. the#location and living situation seem ideal and i really hope i can stay here all 5 years of my program but i was picking a lot of bright#colors and now it feel uncomfortable. like if i wear things that r too bright or my room is too bright without dark contrast it feel weird#like if im wearing it it kinda makes me feel sick. idk what thats abt. anyway. ill try to heal my brain and im just so happy to b out of the#southwest. i was so so so excited when we were leaving thr city and even more so when we left the state. i cant believe im here. in December#it felt like a million years away and i really truely could not fathom how i was gonna survive that long. my thoughts were so distorted. but#i did and here i am. and in like a month i should b starting my phd program and my parents were telling me how excited ppl r for me and#jealous of where im living and im glad. im glad they're excited. i think i am too but its under a layer of: if i get excited it wont happen#im not allowed to b excited or it wont happen. which is irrational but ya kno. anyway so that's yeah. im so happy to have a fresh start and#the town seems super cool. a liberal blip in a sea of... not that so theyre very visibly pride forward haha and i think itll b way easier#for me to get around without driving. and im gonna try to make friends. i need someone to tell me where to get tattoos haha. so yea im happy#but exhausted and i dont wanna go back to work and so so greatful to my parents for being wonderful ppl idk how bc both of them had fucked#up childhoods. like my mum will say the saddest shit and im like bro this is y i don't wanna talk to my grandma fuck her and my dads parents#r so fucked. like my nana is the reason im so fucking control freaked out but i kno i have issues and she has no insight and thinks shes#better than everyone. anyway hopefully i can get back to drawing a posting more now. ive been drawing it its been in a sketch book#like an actual sketch book for sketching big ideas thst r gonna take fucking forever to draw 😭#so that's all. just uprooted my whole life. thats all. but in a good way :-]#unrelated
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pterodactyl-hater · 2 months
heya heya, you wright for the pretty boy homelander right? i saw that requests were opennn and yk ive got loads of little ideas so let me give you one thats been itching my brain for a looooong while
homelander x reader, (pref fem but whatever is fine w me) where r calls homelander 'bunny' out of no where. bc r thinks hes cute (he is) and the nick name sticks so homelander keeps getting called bunny at the most hilarious times.
just a thought, little bitty idea that itches my brain.
・❥・description: Much to Homelander’s dismay, a very interesting nickname stuck
・❥・word count: .4k
・❥・warnings: employee! Reader, pet names for Homes (obvs), second hand embarrassment
・❥・hi viccy I luv u. Sorry this took so long, I've been in such a slump even small works take forever but everyone's request is getting done, trust 🤞
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Homelander stands tall, bouncing on the balls of hid feet. He held his hands behind his back, his lips pressed in a firm line.
"What's got you so anxious?" You smile as you place a hand on his shoulder.
"Nothing." He huffs. "I'm not anxious. I'm the Homelander. I don't get anxious." He sounded more like he was assuring himself.
"Right, so it's not because we’re about to go public on live television?" You raise an eyebrow at your boyfriend. His cheeks are a pinkish color, he exhales loudly.
"I'm fine." He nodded, his hands still behind his back.
"Whatever you say, bunny." You tease him before walking off to make sure everything is set up correctly. You don't get to see how he reacts to the name before you're off.
"Would it kill you to take off that suit?" You frown as you cross your arms. "We're trying to create a chill, casual, look."
"No way in hell am I dressing down for some stream." He scoffs. "I'm the Homelander, not some slob."
"This is a calm Q&A stream, just for the average citizen to learn more about you. You're forgetting I'm on your PR team, I'm helping you. Citizens don't feel like they know you."
"They don't" He cuts you off.
"Make them feel like they do. Just let me rough you up a little bit." He rolls his eyes. "Please bunny." It was a dirty trick but you smiled in satisfaction as his cheeks flushed a dark red that spread to the tips of his ears.
"Whatever." He said, his voice softer than he intended. You stepped up to him to brush his hair out of its clean style. "Just don't call me that on stream." He huffed.
"I wasn't planning on it." You hummed in response and flicked on his camera.
To anyone else the room would feel tense. A row of straight backed employees looked everywhere but the eyes of the superheros in front of them. You slammed the door open two cups of coffee in hand. Technically you weren't late, bit it was common knowledge that all employees should arrive at least five minutes early to greet The Seven. Not like you'd be punished anyways.
"Hey bunny." You said as you placed a cup of coffee in front of Homelander along with a chaste kiss to his temple. You should feel bad for reaping the benefits of dating your boss, but you don't. You walk up to join the line of employees as well. It looked like everyone in the room was staring at you. You heard stifled laughter from Maeve.
"Bunny?" Someone from the table asked
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pharaohbean · 3 months
Hey, saw your Prsk Unit Shuffle AU and am very interested in seeing more.
In particular, I'm interested in hearing more about how the groups formed. It's always neat to see how these characters first meet and interact under different circumstances. And, as a little bonus, maybe what their "Untitled"/theme song is, because I feel like that's a very key part of a unit's identity that tends to be overlooked.
(Not sure if you're still interested in asks about this AU. If not, sorry for bugging you about it)
GASP HELLO I LOVE TALKING ABOUT MY UNIT SHUFFLE AU im so sorry this too forever to get u back on!! schoolwork is a pain and then i went SHOPPING (which takes forever :sob:)
okok so i haven't really thought about all the details of how they get together? so bear with me this is a rough draft lol
SSS: the idea at the core of this group is that its a family with different strengths coming together to make music. so tsukasa is the scriptwriter, saki is the lyricist, toya is the choreographer, and kanade is the composer! the group is headed by tsukasa, who's actually been putting on these shows for all of them since he was a kid. as he got older, he started taking stardom more seriously (leading into canon), but an incident in middle school ended up with the tenmas legally adopting toya, so that definitely shook things up for tsukasa (in a good way!). so i think that (+ l/n not reforming, which does happen in the SSS main story) allowed tsukasa and saki to consider banding their strengths together, since tsukasa loved putting on shows and saki loved seeing them, but she would also help put them on for toya (and later kanade, when she joins them not long after toya does). the two of them very quickly realize that they need more hands, and although recruiting kanade as composer is easy (bc 25ji never forms- dont ask why im still figuring that out lol) toya is a lot harder bc he's still active under BAD DOGS with akito. however, with akito picking up AWR around the same time (+ hatsune freaking miku appearing to toya), toya does join under their choreographer as for their untitled, their song is Wonderland and the Sheep's Song by Hachi, but I worked out their line distributions to this lovely KYO cover! you can see my color-coded lyrics for them here if you're interested :)
R/l: im gonna be 100% honest with you SSS and AWR are the only ones with any semblance of a plot rn LOL but here's the base idea around R/l: mizuki and rui both congregate on the kami school rooftop bc, yknow, loners (mizuki is never reached out to by kanamafu, so not 25ji on their part. tsukasa doesnt end up applying for phoenix so wxs doesn't have a chance of forming). at some point, i imagine they got talking about music, but never did anything concrete. but not long into the main story (probably the very start) an also joins them, her dream of surpassing rad weekend getting weaker as she struggles to find a partner (koha will be explained later) so she goes to hang with her friend on the rooftop. at some point, mizu and an both accidentally enter sekai, where they meet miku and len. those two tell them that there's still two others they need to find because they also made the sekai. mizu and an get.... maybe a little too excited over this. an takes this chance to invite her friend haruka over to kami (so she transfers) and join the group, but in their search for their fourth member they end up accidentally alienating rui (ironic). they fix that tho-- although HOW i dont know lol their untitled was one i went back and forth on (tbh only SSS and AWR i didnt lol), but i eventually decided on Untitled Hymn by shaito! their color-coded lyrics are here (i just realized you can barely tell where an is in lines but ehhh)
ATD: okay so. ATD is the group thats given the most gosh-darn trouble. ive revised their cast motivations like, TWICE now. but basically it goes like this: shizuku and mafuyu are both members of the archery club, with mafuyu trusting shizuku so much that her public mask slips a couple of times (against her will). shizuku's not dumb, but she doesn't say anything bc i think she understands that mafu has her secrets. after shizuku quits being an idol (on more of her own terms), she still wants to find a way to share the light she had before that seemed to reach mafu a few times. enter: accidental sekai trip! this trip both gives shizu the idea for an online group (which could sorta count as MMJ but i think the big distinction is they do more streamer/vtuber stuff and less purely idol stuff?? im still working on that) and lets her see mafu with her mask fully off. eventually, shizu drags nene into the business (nene never attends kami here, workin on that) bc shizu and mafu have no idea how streaming works and nene does, but nene likes hiding behind the camera but is still a part of the group bc who can say no to shizu? and hona joins at shizu's request bc they're both beautification members (and apparently hona+mafu are both honors students so i wonder if they have some overlap?? can you tell ive never attended public school lol) their untitled gave me SO MUCH TROUBLE. because ATD is supposed to be a weird mix of 25ji and mmj? but all of their songs get swiped by either R/l, AWR, or even SSS, so it was hard to find something that i thought could be specifically them. eventually, i finally decided on Common World Domination by PinocchioP! Their color-coded lyrics can be found here :)
MxC: oh boy this one's a doozy. so the idea here is like... there are underground music rings? which sounds wild but like if music is vaguely the lifeblood of this world i DONT CARE it can happen! i don't wanna make it life-threatening tho so its more like... you get blacklisted from everything. which for shiho--who got sucked into this world in an attempt to find bandmates--is VERY BAD. but shiho's given a little bit to find a band before their first performance, but with l/n definitely gone their separate ways (and she never wanted to involve them in the first place) she's kinda stuck. enter: airi and ena! both of them had been watching the music battles, unsatisfied with their current lives (airi having just quit idol/tv work, ena just frustrated over her art), but airi knows shiho thru miya, and when she heard about shiho's impending doom, she resolved herself to very quickly learn guitar and join her group, roping ena (who has a little bit of drum experience from akito and mom) into it as well. meanwhile, while all of this is going on, kohane (being the sweet soul she is) has been trailing shiho out of concern, but then is entirely horrified at the underground battles bc shes still pre-canon meek. but she really wants to help shiho, so she agrees to try and learn keyboard. after clearing the first battle, shiho and her group are safe--for now. they'll have to clear a lot more battles if they want to escape the underground their untitled is Hello Builder by UtsuP since i wanted them to have harsher rock songs than l/n (bordering on metal-ish)! color-coded lyrics here :)
AWR: funny story--all of the above units were made in the order listed! so i got to AWR and... i have ichika, minori, emu, and akito. and im like "NONE OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE ANYTHING IN COMMON". and then i went. "WAIT. THATS IT!" so here's how AWR goes: ichika still tries to reform l/n, but fails; minori is still trying to become an idol; and emu is still trying to revive the wonder stage. all three of them, all attending miya ofc, end up bonding over this and they start thinking. is there a way to satisfy all three of their dreams (band, idol, and show) at once? and at FIRST the answer is "no lol" so they go exploring. and somehow someway (workin on that) word finds out about this and some guy on vivid street dares akito to try and fix em into shape in a week. akito--being akito--accepts quite hotheadedly, then quickly realizes that maybe this wasnt a good idea?? because EVERYONE has a different music taste and its almost impossible to keep up with them all!!! but eventually they do figure it all out, and by the end none of them wanted to split apart or anything. AWR is i think the group that has the least amount of direction which might be on purpose. i think (again im rambling rn so) part of their story is figuring out what their direction is going to be! their untitled is Lip Sync by DECO*27, written as a part of holo*27 (hi no im not rlly into vtubers i just like their music) but i count it bc its written by a voca producer and this would not be the first time a non-vocaloid sung a unit song (cough cough mafumafu and tuyu). you CAN find my color-coded lyrics here.... but i did the translations. which means they're pretty much 98% google translated then bonked around to make sense. i dont know japanese please dont sue me
i hope you enjoy my indepth explanation!!! im always happy to talk about these guys :D
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franciskirkland · 6 months
Alright to start this ask off I'm just gonna say my interactions w/ you have genuenly been one of the funniest ive had in a long ass time. I've read ur recent post and I empathyse a lot. You seem incredibly funny and genuine. Idk your situation and your background and even your age, but I think you can and are pulling through. Things will get better even if you dont actively want them to. Im not saying this in a vague hope to make the situation you are in better. Im telling you, as a person who from the age of 14 went from therapist to therapist, somehow been on meds that dont fuckin exist yet in croatia, someone who feels trapped in the very /country/ she lives in with no means of escape, someone who is "waiting" for things to finally financially/academicaly/politicaly be better so that I can make something of my life. As it did for me, you will feel joy again in what you do, in what you have, and in what you can achieve. I think it's ok to be down, its ok to feel like "if a bus hit me tomorrow i wouldnt protest" but the thing about people is we adapt rather quickly. So putting yourself out there, going to places you are scared to and believe yourself to be an outcast from is exactly what gets you to meet people and see things that youll remember forever. And after a while the outcast will stop coming to these places, the person there will be someone who belongs. Apathy is a way of saying "fine whatever i dont even care anymore" but youll see how much you care.
I started getting ok after a full decade of *trying* and what I've always found is that for me the saying "don't take anything seriously" is no.1 rule. I get worked up, anxious and overwhelmed with so much so many times.
You may have problems with people at work with friends and whomever, but the main thing you gotta remember is *you cant change anyone but yourself*
And its not a change of personality, hair color, interests, its how much something will get to you, how willing are you to give something up thats not working out and how you will percieve something.
I have no doubt that you know all of this crap but i guess i wanted to say all of that just bc there is no greater pain for me than when i see someone feel like i did regardless of the reason or situation.
Keep on truckin and doing what u love even if its mpregfrance posting. I will always be here to send you to liking-france-jail, mwah <3
hello my sweaty angle <3 i'm sorry i'm just replying to this now. i had to sleep on it because your thoughtfulness deserves a sincere reply.
first of all - thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being so kind, sweet and insightful and offering your support.
the fact that you would take the precious time out of your day to write this out for me is, in a word, unbelievable. i really appreciate you checking in, it's an incredibly caring thing to do. to be honest i'm a little overwhelmed by the magnitude of this unexpected message and i wish i knew how better to express my appreciation.
i really do love to hear that i made you laugh. i live to shitpost. i've always prided myself on my sense of humor and sometimes i feel as if it's slipping away, so it's reliving to hear i've still got it.
unfortunately i still haven't had the strength to eat. i'm heading to work in a bit. things are pretty rough right now, but when have they not been? obviously my present circumstances aren't the root cause of all my problems. in fact my life has improved since moving here.
extensive bianca lore and vulnerability under the cut, apologies in advance.
basically, in so few words, my current situation is that i'm nearly 25 and have nothing to show for it. i've lived in different cities across the US, had great jobs, apartments, friends, roommates, relationships, etc. i have done a lot of living in a short amount of time. but then, in retrospect, it feels like it stopped.
about 3 years ago i was in a very bad place mentally due to the isolation of the pandemic, and i met my husband online. in early 2022 i gave up everything, saved over $10k for the visa and moving costs, and relocated from the US to australia to live with him. our relationship itself has improved from how it used to be, but since the beginning we've had seemingly endless bad luck and financial setbacks.
last year, not long after our (very disappointing) wedding, i suffered a devastating miscarriage. ruptured ectopic, massive internal bleeding, required emergency surgery etc. not only was that traumatic emotionally, but i wasn't eligible for healthcare at the time bc of my immigration status, so we're still paying off the medical bill.
we share a house with my mother in law who is a domineering, emotionally incestuous single mom and an emotionally abusive narcissist. i don't throw that term around lightly, as so many people do these days, but i honestly believe she's devoid of empathy. she's admitted that she dislikes me and thinks i'm stupid because i don't talk much, and goes out of her way to make me feel unwelcome.
so i'm stuck in an area that feels, to me, like the middle of nowhere. i'm not homesick, i love this country. it's just that i'm not used to suburbs. i feel most comfortable in a city where there's people and places and things, neon lights and background noise and stuff to do.
i'd would be happy to live anywhere as long as it's not with her. it honestly feels like a prison sometimes. that sounds dramatic but she's cultivating an unbelievably hostile environment that causes me to feel on edge whenever she's around.
needless to say we need to move, desperately. it's our #1 priority. more than anything else i want a place of our own and eventually a family. we've been actively househunting for the better part of a year, but the rental market is catastrophically bad right now. it's not even about the money, since we're both working we can afford a decent place. it's just that it's so competitive. every showing i've attended, there's been like 30 other prospective tenants. we've been turned down from every apartment we've applied for.
on top of our living situation i have complex health issues that are just getting worse. my energy is zapped. trying to balance work work and housework leaves me with almost no free time to write.
this barely scratches the surface of why I Am The Way That I Am™. i'm not saying any of this to evoke sympathy or brag about 'having it hard'. simply trying to explain. my upbringing was abusive and dysfunctional in a number of ways. i just barely graduated high school. i never had traditional opportunities, i was raised in a way where there's basically no assumption/expectation that you'll ever be successful or fulfilled. i'm diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD and bipolar 2 - haven't been able to get my proper meds in australia. i've been addicted to hard drugs and alcohol. i'm not pleasant to be around. i will probably always look like and act like the lower class, white trash girl that i am. i have spent my entire life in survival mode.
i'm always in the midst of some identity crisis or running away from something. so yeah, i've been hurt and downtrodden. i've also experienced the beautiful side of life from time to time. i've gained a breadth of knowledge and met incredible individuals who introduced me to new perspectives and i'm forever grateful for them. with the way i've lived, i'm very lucky to not be dead or incarcerated right now.
ok, pity party's over. for real this time.
you're pretty much describing exactly how i feel. you know the struggle. the part about waiting to live my life; that's precisely where i'm at. i don't necessarily have a desire to fit in, i just want to get away into somewhere that i can adjust better to.
my isolation is partially due to a lack of energy but also i don't seek out interaction because i'm afraid no one else can understand me. not because i believe i'm too 'complex' or 'damaged' to be understood. that's a load of self-pitying bullshit. it's just scary to be truly seen. or vulnerable. or genuine. bc the results of such openness are unpredictable and uncomfortable.
it's hard, but i know i have to find it within myself to take that push. what's holding me back right now is mainly my material conditions, circumstances out of my direct control. i have no doubt i'll feel at least 50% better when i stop living with this woman.
i certainly have no problem with starting over if something doesn't work for me. contrary to what i might've described, i believe i'm pretty well adjusted, self aware and rational. as is obvious i don't take many things that seriously lmao. i went from caring wayyy too much about everything, being overly emotional and sensitive, to going entirely with the flow and accepting what i can't control or predict.
also i am well aware that you can't change people, that's never been my goal lmao i've never needed someone to tell me that <3
tl;dr, thank you. so much. this really uplifted and inspired me meli, thank you so much for being so thoughtful and compassionate.
it sounds like you're also stuck between a rock and a hard place in your own environment, and i'm sorry to hear that. it's a wretched feeling but i believe you you will thrive no matter the setting, because in all seriousness, you're incredibly talented. i hope you know you should follow your dreams. hell, it looks like you already are and you're giving us the privilege of witnessing it. your art is stunning, the passion and care you put into your work is obvious. your matthew is absolutely beautiful - like his maman.
from a rabidly devoted france woobifier to the designated france hater, i'm only going to say this once but you are validated in your distaste. i understand. you gotta admit though, he is a MILF.
if one thing is certain i will never stop frussyposting. in fact right now i am thinking about france hetalia big fat juicy boobies mmmm milky squishy. i'm giving her a teensy tiny little slut waist and childbearing hips. i would give him a brazilian butt lift but he doesn't even need it!!!
if that is a crime then lock me up. please. strap on the handcuffs and throw me in the crate for naughty little freaks teeheehee >:3
be careful tho. if you keep sending me gay ass love letters like this they're gonna start shipping toxic yuri melianca even harder <3
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edith-is-a-cat · 1 month
OMG!! i love crystals so muchhhhh that's got such a good vibe you captured me perfectly :D
i also love minecraft foxes especially the Rotund Ones in that one mod. i'm so excited to see more arctic foxes in game because those are my favorite :) i would keep your netherite sword safe!!!
also dw i'm not worried :3 i don't mind anxiety, i have it myself. i'm not the most social person in the world but online i tend to be more outgoing. i'm kinda getting back into the tumblr scene after a year or two of neglecting it so i'm a little anxious here and there too lolol. patting your head! don't drink too much energy stuff~
in return, i am telling you to look up blue tiger's eye crystals, since you seem to like blue and you are also a cat. :) they have really cool banding and it's so reflective and pretty. one of my favorite crystals.
THE NOISE I MADE I LOVE READING LONG ASK THEY ARE SO SWEET 💕 (My older sibling made a noise back at me from downstairs 😭)
yes all the photos have flash on because im a "one of those creatures who've evolved to spend their entire existence in a pitch black cave that's closed off from the world" (direct quote from my friend) an i never have any lights on i just run into things
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WUGH WHAT MOD EXACTLY??? IM GOING TO WRITE IT DOWN AND HOPEFULLY USE IT ONE DAY!! (I haven't gotten minecraft on my pc yet, ive wanted to mod minecraft for a while but couldn't bc forever on an ipad, but i have modded stardew valley and it wasn't as scary as I thought it was! Now i can live happily with my 6 wives!! Plus ive been wanting to mod Deltarune for the Ribbit mod! but its more scary and complicated since there isn't as big of a modding community around it, ill figure it out though!!!)
also if u were like a little fox in minecraft i would give you a special nametag using my magic §!! (you can get that symbol by holding down &!! idk if your keyboard is the same but that how i get it!! It changes the text color depending on what letter you put by it!!!) Also i would construct you the best enclosure ever (or just plant a forest!!)
WUGH SO REAL if real life was like being online everything would be so cool (and maybe suck a bit more?? people get more voiced online for better and for worse ;~;)
+ I got back into tumblr like!!! October 2022, well i was never really into it but I did have my first blog that i never really did anything with (its now my reblog account)
also on the energy drink note my chem teacher said i had a problem 😭 (I dont!!! I exist like a month without any!! (I love her i showed her my can locker where i had filled my school locker with energy drink cans and shes just like "cool bud" SHE ALSO WAS ONE OF THE TWO TEACHERS TO ASK FOR OUT PREFERRED NAMES I LOVE HER))
On the blue tiger's eye note!!!! Yes. please. give. I need them i have so many things to decorate!!!! I need to put up shelves around my bed so i can look at my random stuff i adore!!!!! (the only thing i have up on my wall is something i drew for my art class and my Undertale heart locket aka one of my most prized possessions... sadly the the music box in it doesn't work anymore i played it so often, cries, it broke when i was trying to wind it for the little kids at my old school)
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natandacat · 5 months
tagged by @leatherbookmark!
last song: idk what was the last song but ive been listening to rang de basanti by bloodywood on repeat for a couple weeks now. also been listening to from gaza, with love by saint levant and the new myrath album
favourite color: mine used to red too, but over the years its shifted to orange, the warmer the better! azar probably didnt have an influence on this
currently watching: just finished watching scavengers reign and you need to drop everything and go watch it too. it's the most gorgeous and mesmerizing thing in scifi right now, it's aldebaran if it was good and filled you with awe and actually cared about biology and nature and also wasnt racist and homophobic. i can believe they gave us all that. please watch it.
last movie/show: i watch like 2 movies a year and im not even sure i watched one in 2023 lol. im gonna cheat and say last video game: ive been playing pathologic classic but yesterday i was like lets try the marble nest again (pathologic 2 dlc), it was so short anyway i can play it even if im tired. turns out the one time i tried to play it the game crashed and it's actually much longer than i thought!! really enjoying getting to play a WHOLE DAY of pathologic 2 from the bachelor's perspective. also sticky is here!!!!!!
sweet/savoury/spicy: easy. savoury first, then spicy, then sweet. i get very brief occasional sweet cravings (like rn), but most of the time i just want savoury stuff, spiciness is great and i love it but i can do without. fun fact i didnt eat breakfast for years bc french people are insane and eat only sweet things in the morning, which was super unappealing to me. then i went to the uk and realized most people eat salty stuff in the morning and it changed my life forever. i also want to thank my first roommate for introducing me to real spice with peppers and shit. r you were a brother to me
relationship status: its complicated
last thing you googled: what john darnielle's name was bc it was new year and we were playing this year by the mountaing goats and i was super high so i wanted to tell my friend that he had kind of a fucked up name but i couldnt remember it. thank you john darnielle you make every new year memorable.
current obsession/s: have you heard of stanislav stakh rubin my dear friend stakh rubin. i can also throw in a little artemy burakh. lara ravel. bad grief? theyre even going through a plague too did you hear that. otherwise its stuff for work. oh and birds are not going anywhere.
tagging, god im bad at that, uh @lastlabyrinth @vitariesocks @priestin @anarchistbitch @puzzle-queenredux @diabolicjoy and anyone else who wants to!
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dojunie · 5 months
idk i think im in love w u
definitely need to put this under a read more bc i have been SCREAMING!!!!!!! OVER THIS ASK FOR THE LAST FEW DAYS!!!!!!! when i tell you im going to print out this message and stick it to the wall in front of my desk so i can see it every time i sit down to write najkdajdjsklajd nckdsn i love this ask i love u i love this ask i love you!!!!!!!!! im so happy the lil stories i write about kpop boys grabbed u hard enough to make u stay up on a school night, dying phone and all 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 as i was writing ch4 and starting ch5 i was thinking of this message like 'i cant let colorful anon down i have to get this shit out BEFORE 2024!!!!!!!!" AND SO BE IT IT SHALL BE DONE
its crazy to think that its Literally been an entire year since the last update and people are still so invested........... like im cryin a little yall are seriously the realest
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i love u im not kidding this is my favorite ask of all time. i almost dont want to answer it so it can stay in my ask box forever but u clearly went all out in writing this so i simply cannot allow the world to not see your work of art
screenshotting to make it my wallpaper as we speak
i am dubbing you colorful anon, pls come back whenever you want even if its just to leave an emoji in my inbox when ch 4 drops
im going to staple this message to every wall of my house i am so honored to be ur first ask
going to OPEN the misdial google doc and write some more for YEW!!!!!!! CAUSE U DESERVE IT!!!! MUAH MUAH KISSES I AM TUCKING U INTO BED LOVINGLY!!!!!!!!!!
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xuune · 1 year
Hi! I've been following you for a while (don't really remember why or when) and I love your art! I just wanted to ask:
What's your favorite and least favorite part of animation?
oh cool! thanks for sticking around for so long :) honestly, if you've been following me for some time now it might've been either bc of my fanart, oc art, or both haha
thats a big question which prompts for a big answer so here's me rambling about it below B)
when asking fave/least fave things abt animation, its hard to answer without getting in depth on a variety of things LOL. animation, as a medium and field, is very nuanced with its own concentrations so its kind of a disservice to not recognize those areas esp when the skills u learn have a lot of overlap on how it improves other areas of study
i had practice in some 2D/3D ani, storyboarding, visdev, 3D modelling. here's my general experience with all of those:
fave: figuring out how movement is created, rough animation stage, analyzing and figuring out timing/spacing, esp love the fact that you are creating motion, not pretty illustrations to gawk at, seeing the entire ani come together at the end feels very rewarding
least: cleanup and colors lol, feels very time consuming. if im gonna spend time making lines clean, id rather do that with an illustration piece
3D (in maya)
fave: can rely on the program to do the heavy lifting while you do the keys and adjustments, doing 3d actually enhanced my understanding of how the body moves in motion and space and where drag, follow thru, overshoot could be applied in both 2d/3d
least: i dont get to draw :( majority of my experience in the adjustment process is looking at a mass nebula of graphs and figuring out where i fucked up or smoothing out areas and fixing it. prefer 2d since i can just redraw what looks wrong vs scavenging thru multiple graphs. also modelling the key poses can feel like it takes forever vs drawing it
fave: creating strong, key story beats, keeping drawings rough when possible, shorthanding drawings, researching reference for shot compositions + studying them
least: can be very hard figuring out how to fill in the gaps between certain beats, easy to become uninspired/uncertain abt a sequence drawn
fave: seeing the final piece come together, figuring out composition, blocking in values/shapes, character design, research phase/looking for references and creating moodboards
least: i hate doing backgrounds lol. complexity affects how much i'll end up dreading it. personally not a fan of working on pieces for very long. im also not a fan of constantly doing paintings/bgs as a job
3d modelling (in maya)
fave: painting the model and texturing it, uv mapping and arranging it
least: the modelling part. fuck up 1 part and you fuck up the rest, you'd have to restart from square 1 or be lucky enough that you had a previous save before the fuck up. a proper process matters a lot in saving yourself the pain and headache from fixing everything (i redid a model that i worked on for 3 wks 4 times bc of my fuck ups)
overall, as a field of study
fave: its fun getting surrounded by others who can talk the same language as you do. ive always wanted to be around people who can get as hyped up and excited over discussing and analyzing story and animation, since i didnt have that with some of my other friends or family members. i've also been able to build proficiency in variety of programs too, which is useful. working in a team project is fun if you've got the right kind of ppl and that makes the experience fun when you the project finished. i've worked on various short films for rough animation, and i always love seeing the final film/composited shot and going "i worked on that part!! look at how nice it turned out with the rest of it! whoever did the [cleans/colors/compositing] did so good!!" i think my biggest satisfaction in this field is understanding the why and how something works (i.e. why/how does this animation effectively sell its movement? what makes these boards convey strong story moments? what about this composition is so appealing? why does this story beat matter to the rest of it? why do i/what makes me care about these characters?) it can easily deter people, but this field's a huge time commitment and youre constantly evolving your own craft. it doesnt come easy to everyone, but when you start seeing your own mileage, it feels very rewarding and pays off
least: industry's hard to get into lol, its kinda like that no matter where you go and once youre graduated, the time you spend in limbo is primarily working on your portfolio and catering to studios you wanna get into. its also easy to get the impression that being a "somebody" and maintaining a reputation matters to just increase your chances and connections of getting a job. that shits hard to deal with when youre not the most extroverted person on the planet, and even if your classmates do know you, are you gonna be the one that they end up talking about constantly or regarded highly a lot? names spread within circles, and it can feel like a competition to just get yourself known. its very easy to beat yourself up over seeing other people's work too. we're desperate, we're starving, we want our work to be acknowledged and validated, we want a job that satisfies our creative needs.
this field is incredibly demanding and its more than just having fun and drawing pretty pictures when much of it is a collaborative effort for a project. the disciplines you learn will majority of the time, without a doubt, will be applied for a larger team. at the same time, what you learn has overlap into other areas too which is always fun when you have this moment of "holy shit, i get it now"
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
@tapir and @neopronoun ty pepper ty apricot :]]
Tag ten people you want to get to know better!
my beeeeautiful girlfriend @halomtano Who i am dating and also were an old married couple and also were newlyweds and also engaged.. and were in lesbians with eachother. this isnt the right tense to answer this question. my relationship status isnt hal but u get it.
green 4ever and ever :]] specifically ive been very into muted pastelish greens lately But i also fuck with dark green. i contain multitiudes.. ALSO ive been liking emerald green 8 im big on jewel tones rn. second favorite is pink Grins. it used 2 be purple but its a whole thing cant get into it.
omg literally today bc i didnt bring my headphones 2 work i kept flicking between songs In my head. rn idk if i have anything stuck in my head i am listening to a video rn so i cant hear my thoughts At the moment. but earlier i hsd there right there legally blnde the musical stuck in my head... so yes
umm technically it was somefing in hals car but idr what song it was SAD but i liked it.. but the most recent song on MY SPOTIFY is young hearts run free . and now thats stuck in my head lets goo
number one forever cheesy chicken and rice my baby girl my everything my bestfriend always there for me and so special. number 2 hrmmm this might be biased but country ham i say biased bc i caint have it rn (northern state skill issue). sigh. number THREE potroast probably.. honorable mentions to beef stew baked potato and kielbasa+potato Andnof course it goes without saying im hopelessly dependent on the tuney mac. yay
'how to add divider tumblr' i thought there was like a built in post dividerand i was TRYING 2 add it on this post to seperate the tagged by and rules from the Actual questions. butterlass there isnt a built in divider ig.. b4 that tho my most recent search was buproprion LOL. bc i ws checkjng what each of my meds Actually do bc i realized i didnt rly know.. sry 4 the med reveal youve got 1/5 of my daily ones now. its like infinity stones
HRMMM well ever since i was little and big on series of unforthnate events ive wanted 2 go to a rly foggy overcast rocky beach With tide pools. which now that im by the pacific is WAY more likely... since the pacific is like a cringefail coast the beaches r like foggy and rocky and stuff Which fits me bc i want to go to one. if i had t go to a specific place idk.. Immediate want is home but actual wish. ermmm... idk idk ive never rly thought abt travelling out of rhe country bc i assumed itd never happen LOL
million dollars . billion as well . so yes. also i want day off tmrw buttttt that wony happen. but its ok. also i want COUNTRY HAM im hungry rn... so yes.
anybody who wants 2 do it :] i get scared of tagging ppl u all understand..
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1eos · 2 years
1, 2, 18 and 21 for the art ask ^_^
1 .what is your favorite color to work with?
hot pink!
2 . who is your favorite character to draw?
already answered but its still kageyama nd dante (my oc)
18 . how long have you been drawing/ when did you officially “declare” yourself as an artist?
ummmm ive really been doing art all my life 😭😭😭 when i was a toddler i got a crayola easel for christmas and theres a picture of me painting on it. its been my thing for forever!
21 . draw one of your original characters.
i drew two bc theyre a combo set 💖
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hueningshaped · 2 years
DAY = made 🥹 LIFE = PERFECT 💓 IM = HAPPY when i see ur message every time without fail !!! sorry it’s taken me so terribly long to get back to you my vacation has come to an end but these final days have been so exhausting so they have also put me even further from responding to u so u can only imagine ive been feeling bc i haven’t been able to talk to u :((( BUT OMG we are so similar we think alike its a little too convenient huh *presents u a ring* hehe i will be jjirit-jjirit-jjirit-jjirit-ing and i wanna know-know-know-know-ing all the way to my grave haha omg also the nostalgia for those songs!!! the memories it evokes from when it came out they’re so tender thank u for reawakening that for me !! and ahhh so glad u enjoyed and appreciated the parts u talked about (i get heart eyes listening to u talk about the things u love) the feel my rhythm video as much as i did <333 the story and the orchestra i freaking love classical versions and classical music i ate that version uppp haha AND ahh i love finding more txt content and like that i allowed u to see more content nono i owe u mine for the joy you’ve given me !!!!!!!! and gosh those contacts make him so incredibly 👁👁 i luv it beomgyu’s a pretty boy <3 “tyun acting like blinking is a limited resource that needs to be used sparingly” that made me laugh so hard oh njnvjejnjknfjk ur so funny 🥺 but truly!!!!!! i think taehyun is as close to perfect as possible its insane oh gosh he makes me swoon~~~~~ OMG I LOVE MOA DIARY!!!! (moa moa, moa moa~~) omg i had to go back and watch that bc i didn’t even catch that :0000 i love that !!! aw what a sweet song to have that memory (if that made anyyy sense) i think my fav dance practice might be poppin star its so very short but its my favorite colors that they’re wearing and it’s my fav song and i didn’t know it existed so i was pleasantly surprised one day when i found it <333 sorry i talk so much >< ( wait i just noticed i apologized that previously and you reassured me in this message that made me tear up a bit, im very touched by this) but OMG YES I CRY TO THOSE TWO! + wishlist (and did i tell u i sob like a child to nap of a star) my friends call me weird for it but hey txt has such a powerful impact on my emotions what can we say!! i love how txt’s songs has so many levels and the sound can evoke a far different feeling from the lyrics and vice versa and the contradictions say more ugh theyre so brilliant and amazing !!! and omg no it makes sense that no one would think to put tea in their milk or the other way around haha my culture (?) doesn’t do that either but it dilutes the tea in a nice way for me ( ◜‿◝ ) it also depends on the tea for me but it really is up to your own tastes haha !! oo well sadly it triggers my anxiety pretty badly which is sad bc i love matcha lattes :”) and OH YM GOODNESSS! thats so crazy bc you’d think it would have the opposite reaction haha sorry that was an awful experience for u :( AHHHHHHH stop ur toooooooo kind to me what th heck thats soooo mjf?!?@>$!#$@>% i could cry (im really thankful for u saying this, if i ever take advantage or not let u know how thankful i am, i will feel like i have failed u) hehe anyway~~ why can’t it just snow automatically when its winter 😭😭😭 snow is associated with childhood now so the lack of snow feels so personal and hurtful (jk but still </333) YASS , my peace = talking to you <333 can’t wait beffie !!! but please take ur time, do things on ur time and pace ok <3~~~ HELLO??? ur not boring at all, ur the furthest from boring 🥺 hey at least u dont get scared from them haha or do jump scares affect u ?:0 like taehyun haha or are u more beomgyu about them ^^ OMG ATLA!!!!!!! that is such HIGH QUALITY, godtier work <3 i haven’t seen it since i was younger or in primary school but i remember being so emotionally invested in it and there was/is always something to talk about ugh its so amazing impeccable taste i could hear u talk about it for forever ~~~ (ur not stupid ok!! do not say that about my bff 😾🫶🏼) [1/2]
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catfish-and-the · 2 years
rnating. u can scroll past
i dont even kno where to begin everything is just bad and everything aches and everything is empty and each waking moment just feels Bad and its hard to sleep and the Bad feeling wakes me up in the middle of the night and its the first thing i feel when i wake up is just Bad and e mpty and its been over a month and when i say ive tried everything to feel better like i have lmao ive tried all thrhee types of antidepressants and ive tried nicotine and weed and positive reflection and gratefulness exercises and not self h*rming and doing physical exercise ive tried going out to socialize more often and scheduling time out for hobbies and ive tried surrounding myself with the color yellow and eatinng a better diet and keeping up with self care and getting therapy and staying hydrated all at once all at the same tiem and still still it feels like this and im really just. i really feel like it wont get better lmao this really feels like a brand new low and ive just been feeling like this for at least a decade if not longer and i hate living like this but nothing fucking helps in fact like i said ive felt worse than ever before it just doesnt feel like it will get better no matter what i do because i feel like ive done almost everything i could possibly do and it just hasnt worked. and i feel like its only going to get worse because the future is Ass like the news and the gov and the politics and the climate and working your whole life away for nothing and im so scared ill get a job that i dont like and make everything so much worse and im just so mad and sad because i switched out of my old phsics major bc it was too much for me and it destroyed my psyche bc me and my friends would like spend 6 hrs after class in the student tutor room trying to get help for one proble and the tutrs didnt even know how to solve it and i was like i cant throuw my youth away doing this because i already did that in high school and it got me fucking nowhere so i switched out to have time to live life but then covid happened and i was too late anyway bc by then everyone had their friend groups already and still now i dont have. like. friends lol. so i switched out of my dream major but there was no life for me to live so it really feels like it was all for nothing and also idk if this is for everyone but weed out classes made me feel brain damaged and like destined to be stupid even now im like im not smarte nougha dn im not tough anough and im not reilient enough and it has instilled in me this forever guilt and forever self doubt idk how to explain it i just feel so bad bc i really did like physics i just wasnt smart or strong enough i guess lmaoooo but the thing is if i knew thhat there would be no life to catch up on. i wouldve just stayed in that major bc i didnt need to do anything else. now im in english w all the time in the world and straight As and my friends dont invite me to their hangouts.
and then theres also the fact that idk i feel bad saying this but for some reason ppl of my own gender and race dont like me lmfao like i still cant believe ppl of my own race and gender would like. try to get me to not be on the elevator at the same time as me we r both waiting for the elevator and then she gets in and closes the door on me when we are BOTH WAITING THERE. and this has happened w several complete strangers several times and im like what do u have against me fr im trying so hard to be a better person im trying so hard but it feels so u nfair. and the beauty standards are so extreme and i never fit in and it makes me feel like shit and guys of my race will always call me ugly completely unprompted or something and im just like. im just trying so hard. and i have 0 social skills bc i spent all of my time as a kid studying bc i love avademia and it was the only thing anyone ever respected me for cos i was always the kid that was the butt of jokes and pranked on and left out so i was like i have to be smart if i want to be respected but then i have no social skills but i still dont have any lmao and i feel so lonely bc i dont know how to make deep and close connections and ive never been in a relationshipand “everyone will get their time” or whatever but the lack of experience is scary bc i feel like im goonna fuck something up inevitably bc ive never done this before and/or i will have trust issues and self confidence issues bc of how im always treated and its like yeah enjoy being alone but i have been alone my whole life and i feel like ive exhausted everything out of it i want connections now i want to share things now. going to restaurants and parks and shops by urself and having a good time is fine but i have been doing that for over ten years im old now i want. i want to share my life w someone but theres no one to share it with lol. and the longer i go without sharing it it just feels like the less hope there is for things changing. i tried googling how to socialize and make conversations and form closer bonds but it just doesnt work and i feel like i was never destined to be happy or have good things bc everything ve tried at never has worked out. i wanted to go to a nice college and failed. i wanted to be a physicist and failed. i wanted to make friends and failed. i wanted to be ina band and failed/ i wanted to make my own career and failed. its been over ten years. i want it all to stop i dontn want to try anymore i know how it always turns out.
#and i feel like i have to get a nice job bc like#in my culture the children care for their parents right and i have always felt like a parasite child#to my parents so ive always wanted to like take care of them annd just like be nice to them back so#i thot i could get a good job and send them money but this job might kill me bc i dont like it#but i also feel like i cant ruin their legacy bc they were immigrants and worked rlly hard to get#to where they are now and i dont wanna fuck that up but like oh my god#oh my god idk everything hurts so bad#and ive grown to be so bitter and so angry bc the way im always treated and ill be rlly curt#towards ppl that dont deserve it so the guilt just keeps piling up but ic abt control it either#bc my parents also just put this stress on me and also dont help w me socializing like every summer#i come back bc i have to but then my friends on the rare occassion they invite me i cant go#bc my parents dont let me#idk im just so sad and bitter and angry and full of guilt#when i was a kid i made a promise to myself that i would try to make the best life decisions so that this wouldnt happen#but i ended up becoming the very thing i swore i would never become and it is just so sad#its just the fact that ive done everythingin my power to help for as long as i could its been several years#and its only gotten worse but i know i even tried to d ie several times ad failed at that too#i dont know what my next option is everything hurts and i want it all to stop i just want everything to stop#and w grad school approaching im burdened w another decision of. leaving my band and starting over#or staying in a place i never wanted to be anyway and i donnt know what the move is#im so out of hope im contemplating op iates or xan or something bc i dont know what else to do ive tried#ive tried
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tonight i am currently experiencing one of the other adhd emotions, aka
Nothing I Do Will Stimulate My Brain Except Watching The Same Movie I Have Watched The Last Three Days And I Am About To Lose My God Damn Mind
#:[#cant focus. feel weird. brain not cooperating.#watched ~5 minutes of 5 different youtube videos before i went up to practice my accordion#barely managed half an hour's practice before i had to stop. brain just not in it.#if im not careful ill wind up in a bad mad mood in addition to this weird sad mood#just... frustrated with my brain?? lowkey crying about it because i hate this. i know this feeling too much its plagued me forever#just bummed that what started out as a good day is going south alluva sudden#i think im def hyperfixated on the movie and thats why i wanna watch it again and again and idk if giving in to that is helping or#or making the hyperfixation worse. but if i literally cant concentrate on anything else wtf am i supposed to do#and i was fine earlier??? i was working on story notes n shit. did i burn myself out on that and now my brain is just#shut down for the rest of the day?? maybe idk ive been obsessing over my story so i could probably have burned out on it#idk im just tired rn. and i partially dont wanna put on that movie bc i dont want anyone to make a comment about me watching it AGAIN#god whatever if they do ill just tell them to shut up and leave me alone i have adhd i cant control this shit rn#if you read all this its ok to rb my jokey post im just ranting in the tags bc theyre here and idk how to talk to ppl irl ✌🏻#jack jabbers#adhd#actually adhd#colored text#hyperfixation#understimulated#understimulation#stupid brain#adhd mood#adhd problems
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sanchoyo · 2 years
i think one of my fav fashion things is when ppl mix different aesthetics that clash severely together. like wearing a really cutesty dress with spiked punk collars and chains and stompy boots. or wearing an otherwise kinda normal outfit with the most insane clown colored makeup. a prim and proper look with pearls, but with dirty cowboy boots and a matching hat. dressing as if im some kind of hybrid of a bratz doll, a rococo era person, and a clown. a mermaid who lives in a sewer instead of the ocean. a vampire from the circus who is a little too into hiking. the 1980s and the 1780s are both alive at the same time in this single outfit. its about the gnc vibes it gives. i have over 40 scrunchies and 40 hats. im 5"7 but I need huge platforms so I can be my real true Soul Height of 6"5. my clip on earring collection is now self sustaining and growing larger and more powerful each day, send help.
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blueberryhope · 6 years
dangit, i put myself into a corner with that color palette challenge ._.
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