#iz rambles
goodluckdetective · 7 months
Look, this is what moral OCD is like for me:
I walk past a piece of paper. I don’t pick it up because I had a long day at work and it’s very cold outside. This then becomes my internal monologue:
I didn’t pick up that piece of paper, I should have. Don’t I care about the environment? It’s not my trash, I shouldn’t have to pick it up. But also that’s how these things happen right? We place the blame on others as our environment degrades. It was just a piece of paper, it’s not like it can do that much damage. But also how do I know: I’m not an environmental expert. Maybe stray paper scraps are killing the frogs. You’re literally killing the frogs. You should look up how many frogs die a year so you know how shitty you are-No stop it.
I care about the environment, and I recycle and I joined green activism movements but is that enough? I could be doing more. I should be doing more. I should donate my entire check to charity. But isn’t it self serving to think that my one check could help that much? Do I really think I’m that important, how self entitled and-no stop it, reset! You are obsessing and if you fall for it, you will not eat dinner. Let it go.
Okay it’s just a piece of paper. It’s okay you skipped it this once: it could have had something dangerous on it. Yeah that makes sense. But also, that means I’m putting my own safety over trying to help the environment, which is very selfish of me. I’m just one shitty person: god how could I be so self absorbed. I should have picked up the piece of paper. I’m so selfish, and shitty and-no, no, stop it! This is not helpful. It’s fine.
It’s been a long day and I’m cold, that’s not a crime- no that’s being selfish again, you’re making excuses. You’re just a lazy piece of shit who doesn’t care about others, and selfish and God the fact you’re thinking this much about one piece of paper shows how selfish you are, you care more about if you’re a good person than anything else, you’re a piece of shit, you’re a piece of shit, YOU’RE A PIECE OF SHIT.
I get home and open up Tumblr. The first post I see says “if you don’t reblog this post about the environment you’re as complicit as an oil billionaire.” I close my computer and resign myself to looking up the state frog populations until I go to bed.
I don’t eat dinner.
The amount of frogs that die a year is somewhere from 200 million to over 1 billion.
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fkitwebhaal · 24 days
Anyway, here are my thoughts about what each of the companions would present on if they had to give the rest of the party a PowerPoint presentation:
Gale: A completely accurate and detailed lecture regarding the theories of teleportation magic, how it works, and the differences between it and plane shift. There are multiple charts and graphs.
Wyll: “Choosing your hero name: an adventurer’s guide” He does have suggestions for the entire party.
Karlach: “Ranking bars in the gate based on how much they remind me of Avernus.” She has provided illustrations that she made herself. Anything in the Upper City is ranked “like Avernus” because “occupied entirely by pricks.”
Shadowheart: “So I was wrong about Shar: a reluctant apology.” It’s mostly a debunk of Shar’s lies but the entire time it does look like she is pulling teeth. However, she cheers up considerably when she presents on some of the church’s secrets, including the weird ass code names for things that she always thought were a little silly.
Lae’zel: a very educational and complete history of her people’s war against the mind flayers. It’s all rather academic until the last slide which says “AND THIS IS WHY WE DON’T EAT THE WORMS” in all caps.
Astarion: “Ranking you by whose blood I’d want to drink most.” In order, it is as follows Gale (rancid), Karlach (spicy), Minthara (probably is poisonous after all the poison she’s been exposed to), Jaheria (that story about what she did to one of the spawn was memorable), Shadowheart (does cleric blood taste radiant?), Lae’zel (curious how Gith taste, doesn’t want to die), Minsc (large and has extra blood to spare), Halsin (can turn into a bear, think of all that real estate), Wyll (canon verified snack)
Halsin: “Foraging: what’s edible and what isn’t” Gale takes very dutiful notes given someone gave him a mushroom two ten days ago that gave the entire camp food poisoning. Astarion, the only one who did not get food poisoning, who has completely forgotten what he foraged was the culprit, takes 0 notes.
Minthara: Battle orders and tactics. All of these fools need to get whipped into shape.
Jaheria: “Get it Fucking Together: Stop Doing this Shit.” What follows is a callout of everyone’s worst habits and decisions. One slide just says “stop snitching.”
Minsc: it’s just pictures of Boo.
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afrogsmoraldilemma · 8 months
Humanity really fell off once we stopped using stained glass in our windows huh
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stedebonnetshankie → izzyhandsrightglove
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ms-scarletwings · 1 month
Growing up is noticing the infinitely hilarious possibility that Professor Membrane doesn’t challenge specifically Dib’s accusations of Zim because what he perceives is that his son is casually throwing a slur at his immigrant friend, and for some reason is just, letting that happen I guess cause the two seem cool with each other
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neolxzr · 7 months
OK so heres some of my favorite things that were talked about during the enter the florpus commentary thing yesterday:
one of jhonen's favorite things in the whole movie is the writing in zim's kitchen that says "do anything is real?"
they clarified specifically that gir was not lying and he did in fact eat a baby at the crazy taco
gir smells REALLY bad. theres like rotting organic matter in his body at all times. he stinks
zim's human suit is made out of actual human skin
zim is acting drunk on nacho cheese during that scene in his house because richard horvitz recorded it while drunk
they planned to have this whole thing with tak's ship only agreeing to go to moo-ping 10 because it knows tak is there. they wouldve shown her in silhouette during that brief explosion and she wouldve stowed away on the ship without anyone knowing and then wouldve shown up towards the end of the movie, but they decided to cut it out
zim did not need to frame membrane for a crime in order to get him into space prison and likely just tossed the guards like 5 bucks for it. its a shady place. they did specify though that if he did frame him for something, it would have been jaywalking
they pointed out during that scene where zim is celebrating peace day on dib's lawn that zim's reaction to seeing dib was very much genuine and that's just how his brain works. he is genuinely surprised to see him pop out of his own house. (they also described his reaction as like "being surprised to see your best friend")
the ham joke was ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL to the film and at some point jhonen remembered it and was like GUYS. WE ALMOST FORGOT THE HAM
there was supposed to be this joke where it cuts to and from gaz and dib in tak's ship and they would've had to stop at like a warp station or something and theyd be waiting in a long queue of spaceships and the radio is broken in the ship so theyre stuck listening to that one song. then itd cut to them like totally braindead drooling from listening to it for so long. and then a little later itd cut back a FINAL time and theyd know all of the words and both be singing along to it. but this was also cut out so only the last bit remained
when asked "who would win: minimoose or mrs. bitters?" the answer was along the lines of "neither, i think all of us lose in that scenario"
the tallest are just two dudes who happen to be the same height and therefore have to share the same job. they are not brothers and they are also not gay lovers ("as much as you want them to be, they are not. there is no love in this universe")
skooge is in fact alive and lives in zim's basement. they wanted to keep the number of "hey remember this thing from the tv show!" moments to a minimum so he was not mentioned in the movie. but he is there
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invaderonie · 1 month
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zim thinks dib's heart is defective...
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defectiveferalfreak · 2 years
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i rediscovered @nicktoonsunite and @choraa ‘s art like wowie did they inspire me to dip my toes into NUverse??
also i cant believe Dib and Zim basically waltzed into NU:GoD, like WHATS UP B*TCHS WE  GONNA HELP WHETHER U WANT IT OR NOT like can u believe that lol
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ghostorbz · 25 days
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Drew this last night
Here's the original if you want it
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solomiracle · 4 months
i've seen luke be called british i've seen luke be called french THAT LITTLE BOY IS GERMAN DONT TELL ME YOU CANT SEE IT
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fkitwebhaal · 3 months
The first time Gortash meets the Chosen one of Bhaal, he asks for their name.
No one calls them by their name in their temple, instead sticking to “Chosen” or “Herald.” The Chosen of Bhaal looks at him like he said something funny and responds.
“Pick one.”
So Gortash does. And thus begins a pattern.
Are they going on a stealth mission and need an alter ego? Gortash pick a name.
What should Gortash’s guards call them when they visit through the front entrance? “Pick a name , Enver, it’s not like I go through the front door anyway.”
What name should he give to a comrade who could use an assassin on hire? “Think of something clever, you always do.”
It’s not that the Chosen of Bhaal doesn’t have a name, he learns. They did once. But then their father called them to his service and “a surgeon doesn’t name their knife” and well, a steady name seemed kind of pointless. Titles worked just fine and well, an assassin benefits from having quite a few alter egos. Until Gortash, they really didn’t talk to anyone enough outside the Temple for a name to even be needed.
It’s a fucked up dynamic, really. Gortash can have the illusion of control over this Bhalspawn with the names , but its control that’s given freely. They are something he wants to control but never truly can. He is something they should destroy but don’t desire to.
Much later, the Former Chosen of Bhaal walks into Gortash’s coronation. He grins, and asks them “what name should I call you this time friend?”
When they respond with an actual name, he almost can’t hide his surprise.
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s1lly-gh02tz · 5 months
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Twink death
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moffymoth · 5 months
I love that zim is really brilliant when it comes to inventing shit and is in general very knowledgeable but at the same time really pathetic in that he’s so intelligent but has zero wisdom. I know it’s been stated before but it’s really hilarious to me that he chooses to infiltrate a middle school as a cover when he’s an ancient full grown man alien who has beef with a rich neurodivergent kid. There is never gonna be a dull day at that school for better or for worse.
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ms-scarletwings · 2 months
“Haha ha remember how Zim actually killed Dib on screen for a moment in that one episode? So dark right?”
Yeah Haha ha ha remember when Zim also screwed up in that same episode by turning their beef so personal and traumatic that after Dib survived, he stopped even thinking of capturing him, and he just rushed into dude’s base with the open intention to fucking end Zim and GIR both on the spot in broad daylight?
“Thinking all day about Zim remorselessly killed/crippled a child-“
And? We knew he was capable of that from episode one I’m thinking all night about the terrifyingly canon threshold that exists between current Dib and a scenario like this
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neolxzr · 6 months
audio for the enter the florpus live commentary is currently premiering on the zim lost and found channel!! go check it out here it was absolutely hysterical
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kounezi13 · 1 year
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irken membranes au au rambling below cut
DIB is an invader here; sneaking around, collecting information, and exploring the unknown, sometimes combat is involved but not often. He was a scientist though, but researching mechas, fauna, and others just isn't enough for him, he needs... more hands-on experiments.
GAZ, on the other hand, is a navigator; basically treating the panel like it's a video game, destroying dangers ahead, scanning for unknown territory, and flying the armada to a predetermined destination. Her headpiece also doubled as a video game console so she can just grab it whenever she wants when she was off-duty. GAZ may like beating people up, but games are her top priority. Let's just say that she was training to be an Irken soldier until she saw the navigator panel.
The Almighty Tallest MEMBRANE here is constantly on calls and researching, currently working on how to get to the fourth dimension without getting sensory overload. Very straight posture but he still looks really scrawny and weak so I gave him an optional cape for a much more imposing silhouette.
The story here is that since MEMBRANE is always on call all the time, GAZ got tired of being brushed off by him and went to DIB to complain about it. Why DIB? He's the only one here she ever talks to, all the other Irkens are either just snobby, frightened, or dumb, her words. When GAZ headed to DIB's room to rant to him about it, he looks at her, perfectly conveying the phrase "are you kidding me?" They [yadda yadda yadda] and now they're both planning to leave Irk/Armada to see how long it would be before he notices both of his smeets are gone.
To prevent their father from noticing the voot pathway on the holographic map, they flew into uncharted territory. So yea, they basically float around in the space for a few months because them, occasionally trade with space merchants for materials, taking shifts because Irkens do need sleep for top performance. Then one day, DIB spots a backwater planet, one with living organisms on it, seemingly disconnected from the cosmos network. The perfect hideout for a stupid plan.
It's Urth, they landed on Urth.
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