#jackson wang angst
mykoreanlove · 8 months
backseat love.
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You lay in the back of his red mustang.
His beloved car was parked in a secluded stop near the beach.
It was a warm summer night in late August.
The sky was clear, the air was crisp.
The moon illuminated your beautiful features effortlessly.
You closed your eyes.
Jackson’s musky scent clouded your mind completely.
You felt his plush lips exploring your neck.
His kisses were sweet, restrained even.
His body hovered above you, always leaving a bit of space as to not smother you.
Your hands trailed along his strong arms, rubbing circles on the spots in which his skin was tattooed.
Jackson stopped kissing you for a moment as he giggled under your touch.
“That tickled.”
You smirked diabolically.
“My bad”.
Not even a second later you had your hands on his sides tickling him on purpose.
Jackson got startled and tried to escape your nimble fingers while laughing hysterically.
You learned to love that high pitched laugh rather quickly.
He easily freed himself out of your touch and reversed the roles.
Now, he held your hands in place and laid directly on you.
Feeling him felt nice, being this close to him felt even nicer.
The mood changed as quickly as his eyes did.
You did not understand how but his dark eyes turned even darker somehow.
Jackson looked at you intensely.
“Y/N, don’t you ever do that again. Unless…”
He stopped talking and observed your face instead.
You felt his eyes linger on your lips.
Excitement rushed through your whole body.
You licked your lips in anticipation.
Jackson’s eyes lit up from arousal, swallowing hard.
“Unless you want to get punished, baby girl.”
He crushed his lips onto yours and kissed you with his all.
Desire, longing, yearning, passion – you couldn’t think of a word to describe him.
Describe this.
Your fingers found the back of his head, tugging on his Cruella hair.
“Need you closer.”
You mumbled in between kisses, not wanting to break contact with his lips.
Jackson complied, thrusting his hips onto you.
“Like this?”
You moaned.
Your eyes shot open from embarrassment.
Jackson’s lips turned to a smirk, watching you very closely.
“I wanna do that again.”
You looked confused.
“I wanna hear you moan again. No, I-”
He thrusted his hips again, making you understand how desperate he was for you.
“I want to make you moan again. And again. And again.”
Jackson’s lips found yours again, kissing you until you ran out of breath.
His almond shaped eyes looked down at you, requesting.
“If you let me?”
Fuck, he was good.
Your hands let go of his hair and travelled down to his crotch instead.
You were kneading him through his pants, smirking at him.
“Let’s go then.”
You had no idea how long the two of you had been at it.
The car was rocking.
The windows were fogged.
The air smelled like sex.
Both of you were sweaty and out of breath.
You still sat on his lap thanks to the last position he had you in.
You were covered in bite marks.
Neck, tits, inner thighs – Jackson marked you everywhere.
“I had no idea our date would go like this but I liked it.”
He laughed shyly.
You mirrored his laughter and pressed your forehead to his.
Jackson took your head into his hands, watching you with the biggest smile.
“You are so beautiful, y/n. Like really, fucking beautiful.”
He placed another kiss on your lips.
The kisses before were hungry and hurried.
Now they were sincere and sweet.
“How the hell are you still single?”
That one hurt.
“Because of guys like you, Jackson.”
You wanted to get away from him.
And his car.
You wanted to get up and cry.
“Because of guys like you. The ones that get to know me and tell me the sweetest things. Y/N, you are so beautiful. Y/N, you are so great. I wanna date you and do this and do that blablabla. Guys like you Jackson, they only want to fuck me and then they leave for someone else. You tell me why I’m still single.”
You practically spat out those last words.
Rage filled your whole body.
“Hello? Y/N? You okay?”
You snapped back to reality, leaving your blame game fantasies.
An awkward laugh left your lips.
“Sorry, got lost in thought.”
You smiled, hoping he would let it go.
Jackson was not sure what to do next.
Your vibe had changed completely.
You were cold and reserved now.
Your body tense.
Your smile fake.
“Did I.. Did I do something wrong?”
You turned your head away, laughing again.
“Of course not.”
His hand grabbed your face smoothly and turned it back so you could face him.
“Don’t do that y/n.”
You looked at him surprised.
“Do what?”
“Don’t hide from me, please. I know that I said something that triggered you and I’m sorry. But please, don’t shut me out.”
Jackson’s eyes were filled with sorrow – something you had never seen before in a male counterpart.
Slowly you regained your composure.
“You asked as a joke, I overreacted. It was really not that deep.”
“What if it was?”
He tugged back the strands of hair that fell into your face.
“What if it was deep? Why not talk about it? Don’t hold everything in, y/n.”
You were resistant.
This was not what you wanted.
This was supposed to be a careless date.
How did it turn into this?
“Do you trust me?”
Strangely enough, you did.
You nodded your head.
Jackson beamed you a smile.
“I trust you, too.”
His words touched you.
He touched you.
You felt yourself relax, as if weight had dropped off your shoulders.
You let out a deep breath.
Jackson took your hands into his and squeezed them.
“Wanna know how this normally goes?”
He nodded quietly.
“Well, I am still single because I meet the worst kind of people. You know the ones that don’t want to commit but behave as if they fell in love with you? It’s always the same – they tell me the nicest things, just like you did. Y/N, you are amazing. You are beautiful and smart and funny blabla, how are you still single?”
Tears were starting to fill your eyes.
Jackson didn’t say a word.
He knew it was hard for you.
He knew what it felt like to be in your shoes.
He knew how hard it was to open up about your struggles.
Tears were running down your cheeks.
“God, I feel so stupid telling you all this. I am still single because guys only think of fucking me. That’s all they do. They use me and then they throw me away. Like I meant nothing. Like I was trash. They delete my contact, they block me, they are out of my life without a single word. That is why I am still single, Jackson. I’m just not made for love.”
Your last words lingered in the air for a while.
You felt his thumb on your cheek, whiping away your salty tears.
“That was hard, wasn’t it?”
You nodded.
You felt small.
You felt vulnerable.
You made a giant fool of yourself on this date.
“I admire you, y/n.”
Your reddened eyes shot up, looking at him with confusion.
“You.. You what?”
Jackson laughed, adoring your cuteness so much.
“I know what it’s like to go through hard times. And how it feels to be rejected. And how it feels to bottle it all up. I am sorry that you had to go though all this. But you haven’t closed off your heart and I admire you for that.”
Now you wanted to cry more.
Not out of sadness, but out of gratitude.
“What? Did you expect me to kick you out of my car after you confessed all that?”
Jackson laughed and started kissing your tears away.
He looked at you sternly, whispering.
“I would never do that.”
All of you wanted to believe him.
All of you craved for someone that was good to you for once.
But all of you was suspicious because of your past.
„You said this happened normally, right?“
You nodded.
He pressed his forehead to yours, closing the space between the two of you.
“I’m sure you already know that I am not a normal guy, right?”
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spacequokka · 1 year
Prompt: “Have you lost your damn mind?!”
You woke up with a jolt. Banging. Loud banging at your front door. You looked at the clock.
“It’s three in the fucking morning.” You hissed, throwing the covers off as you got out of bed. “Who the fuck would even—”
You stormed down the hallway. You didn’t need another noise complaint because you couldn’t afford the damn fine. “I’m coming!” You only hoped the ass-hat on the other side heard you.
You yanked the door open and found Jackson, eyes glossy with his fist raised, standing there as if he hadn’t expected someone to open the door. “Have you lost your damn mind?!” you hissed at him.
“_____. Y-you’re home. I thought…” he turned away, “BamBam said he saw you with that other guy, what’s-his-face—”
You grabbed him by the collar and yanked him in. “No. I have work in the morning. Why aren’t you at home sleeping?” You shut the door behind him and turned on the kitchen light. A second glance at him revealed just how much he’d been drinking. “Damn, Jackson.”
He ducked his head. “I thought I didn’t care if you dated. You’d always be my _____. But I was wrong.”
He grabbed your hands and held them in his fists over his chest. “I don’t want to share you with anyone.”
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Stunt Man
Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 1927
Summary: Being friends with the Got7 boys means getting roped into dance parctices with them, it’s all fun and games at first everyone is laughing and joking until Jackson makes a wrong move and injures himself. You’re with him every step of the way.
Masterlist              Buy me a Coffee
Thank you to @got7paradisejust4u​ for helping me with this go give her some love :D
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It was a relatively chill day, the sun was shining, people were out enjoying the weather, and it was just generally a lovely day. It was lovely enough to spend the day outside but your friends Jackson, Yugyeom, Mark and Bambam have you stuck inside the studio, wanting to practice some dances ready for their upcoming shows. Why you were there, you never know, but it was nice to have them for company as they always know how to make you laugh and how to include you. Though you found yourself not the best at dancing in comparison to the boys, you still enjoyed it when they practiced their routines with you, and always cheering you on, calling you the 8th member of the group. This is something that became a regular occurance after becoming friends with Bambam, who introduced you to the rest of the boys. You couldn’t help but fall for one of them, Jackson, he intrigued you, he challenged you, he made you laugh and he just stood out to you in comparison with everyone else. But out of respect to your best friend, Bam, you never acted on your little crush, supressing it as much as you could so there was no way you feelings could get in the way of anything, so you weren’t biased when they bickered, or played games. You’ve only been in the studio for an hour before they start their usual antics, teasing each other about a move they had one, or even just the way the looked when they danced. There was never a dull moment and it made you grateful that arguements were very rare, only playful ones, where you knew how to stop them before they got out of hand and either Bam or Jackson get pissy and turn into little whiny babies. However, as it was a chill day, they were on their best behavior for a change.
“Hey, Y/N! How about you swap with Yugyeom for this dance routine? You know his parts right?” Mark teased, holding his younger in a light chokehold, ruffling up his hair as you get up to your feet, ready to step in as Jinyoung, Jaebum and Youngjae walk in, confused as to why Yugyeom was sitting down and you’re in his spot for ‘NaNaNa’. However, they shrug it off laughing as they put down their bags and continue to join the dance, teasing you that you weren’t tall enough so it threw them off. “Fine, let Yugyeom back in then!” you bite, knowing you shouldn’t with these lot as they start laughing at you, shaking their heads, “No, you have better footwork!” Jinyoung remarks, sending playful daggers to the youngest, who pouts in return, crossing his arms before poking his little tongue out. “Then stop complaining!” you retaliate. Within seconds of the song ending, and before you could even catch your breath from laughing and dancing at the same time, yugyeom comes from behind you, running up and sweeping you up onto his shoulders, “Hey, now she’s tall enough!” he excplaimed as you held on tight, scared he was going to drop you or even fall with you on his shoulders. “Put her down, we don’t need any accidents!” Jaebum shouts, in a half serious tone, but Yugyeom does as he’s told to ensure he doesn’t get a scolding later on if he did hurt you, or himself, better yet, both of you. “You’ve jinxed it now Jae,” you wink at him as he shakes his head with a grin, “Don’t now Y/N, touch wood!”.
The new choreography for one of their new songs included some stunts that were always left for either Mark and/or Jackson to do mainly. They had years of practice for this and we’re always happy to do so. You found yourself so suprised each time they did a stunt, though you knew they could do it, you always worried that something would go wrong, especially with Jackson. He could get very cocky if he was in one of his hyper moods, trying to do many stunts in a row and your heart would be in your throat each time, trying not to run to him to stop him from doing it again after he’s just done it a couple of times. Despite that, you always had faith in them, to be careful. Until this very moment. They had previously discussed about including a stunt in one of their songs, and though they were completely in agreement for it, you always wished that they’d change their mind as Jackson started to show off, as he does it once, jumping off Jaebum’s back, doing a flip then spinning to do a back flip. Your heart raced as they did it a first time, but he did a safe landing, putting you at slight ease but of course, they felt the need to go over it a few more times. You already noticed that Jackson had jumped wrongly, landing awkwardly to spin, but as he goes to do a back flip again, his ankle folds awkwardly on his landing, causing his leg to slip underneath him and the sound of a crack was loud enough to wake a sleeping baby, not long followed by him screaming in agony. “Jackson!” you cried as you ran to him, kneeling at his side as he clutched his leg, obvious broken bones on the leg he landed on. “Call 911!” you cried as you try to comfort him, running your fingers through his hair as you try to ensure that he wasn’t hurt anywhere else. Your heart broke at the sight of him in pain as the others panicked around him, running to find someone as Jaebum makes the call for an ambulence. “Y/N, please don’t leave me!” Jackson cries through the pain as you shake your head, holding onto him tight as you promise to stay by his side.
After what felt like a lifetime wait for the ambulence to turn up, you clutched onto Jackson’s hand as they move him onto a stretcher, manouvering him down the building into the ambulence. You insisted to stay with him for the journey as he cries for you, fighting with the nurses to let you on with him. “He needs me, please?!”. After hearing scream in pain for you, they felt as though they had better let you do so, holding onto his hand and careessing it with your thumb as you reassure him that everything was going to be okay. Within minutes, he’s getting rushed into the emergency room, the heavy doors closing behind as you’re forced to leave him and wait. You couldn’t help but pace around the waiting room as the boys tried to help reassure you that he was going to be okay, but the look of worry on their face showed they didn’t even believe their own words. “Why have you always got to include stupid stunts in your choreography?!” your voice breaks as the tears you tried holding back turned into floods. Your sudden outburst even broke the other’s composure as they try to hug you, but you weren’t having it. You knew something was going to go wrong. “Y/N, please calm down,” Jinyoung pleads, finally being able to get you to let him hug you as you sobbed into his chest, wishing things had gone a different way, “He’s going to be okay, I promise,” he reassures as you snake your arms around his waist, holding him there in a hug for emotional support, you needed something to keep you in line, to calm down. However you struggled to even forgive them for letting anything happen. You understood that it’s a part of being an idol, especially athletic ones like Mark and Jackson, who get given these jobs, but you wanted to turn back time, to make sure they had never agreed to do such things.
For what felt like hours, you sat in the waiting room, still clinging onto Jinyoung who kept you calm through humming songs for you, caressing your hair. That all came to a halt when you noticed the Doctor coming through the doors, not even giving him a chance to even open his mouth, you’re at his feet, begging him that Jackson’s okay. “Gentlemen, Miss Y/L/N, I have good news and bad news... Mr Wang is okay in himself, though he’s broken a couple of bones in his leg, and has had to have a cast put on his leg to make sure that his bones heal properly. I’ll write a formal letter to your company to keep him from extensive activities until he’s completely healed”. Your breathing stops from the news, but you found your so relieved that he was okay, tears fall from your eyes again, grabbing the doctor’s arm before he could walk away, “Let me see him, please?”, “Of course, follow me” the doctor says, directing you to the room as the members follow not far behind, letting you go in first to ease your mind after your meltdown. “Hey Jackson, how are you feeling?” you ask, trying to hold back tears, though he could tell you’ve been crying for him. He shrugs as he smiles, cracking a joke and teasing, as he usually would, “You’re crying like something extremely bad happened to me. It’s only a broken leg,” he teased as he swipes a tear from your cheek, you nuzzle into his hand on your face as he smiles even more, “Didn’t know you cared so much about me~”. You couldn’t believe the cheek on him as you tap his arm, cracking a laugh soon afterwards, making him exaggerate the pain there instead of his leg.
For about half hour, you just sat there talking to him, the boys coming in and out of the room, offering refreshements, and apologising to their brother, but they all knew it was an accident. “Hey guys, mind leaving me with Y/N a minute please?” Jackson asked, as they respect his wishes, walking out one by one, you were confused by his sudden request, furrowing your eyebrows at him as he waves goodbye to them before switching his attention to you. “Hey, come sit on this side of the bed with me” he requests, holding your hand as you walk around to the otherside of the bed, shuffling onto it next to him as he asked, still oblivious to what he was planning. “I can’t thank you enough for being there for me always, you’re amazing, Y/N. And I can’t help but admit how much I love you, not just as a best friend, but I LOVE you, more than you could ever imagine” your eyes fill up from his sweet talking, as you couldn’t believe what he was saying, out of all the times he could’ve confessed he had to chose now. You smile at him as he wraps an arm around you, pulling you into a cuddle as he kisses your forehead, “I can’t go another day without needing you to be mine, so will you do an injured, handsome, funny guy a favour, and be my girlfriend?” he teased again but in a genuine way as you nod, relieved that all of these years, you couldn’t believe he felt the same way for you. A kiss was shared as the members run into the room, quietly screaming and getting all excited at the sudden events. “Hyung finally confessed!!” Yugyeom cheered as the others congratulate the new relationship. Happy that the sunshines after a thunderstorm.
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star-suh · 8 months
So since you write for Jackson wang
I have a silly request
How about writing like one of those old wattpad fanfics where you get invited to his private VIP party and he ends up having sex with you and falling in love with you
I’d absolutely love to see your take on one of those fics
Not Your Typical Party 
jackson wang x male reader
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cw: top jackson, bttm m reader, friends to lovers trope, some fluff sprinkled, some angst sprinkled too (like crying, a bit and comforting), implied kinda drunk jackson during sex but he is conscious, passionate and rough sex at the same time, pet names, fingering, spit as lub, unprotected sex, mating press (kinda obsessed with it later teehee)
it was friday night and y/n was getting ready to go to THE jackson wang's party, it is well known that he loves to throw wild vip parties in the most luxurious places in the city, so for y/n it was like a goal accomplished being capable of assist to at least one of those. it happened during one of y/n's walks, he accidentally bumped into jackson, his old college friend/crush. "y/n?" says jackson "woah, i almost didn't recognize you without your glasses. how's your life going?" he asked. "hehe, nothing much" answered y/n "just working". "you should take a break, it will do good to you" recommended the man "i'm organizing a party this friday night, come enjoy all the night" he smiled at y/n making him a bit flustered "ah… ye-yeah" he stuttered. "here give me your number" says jackson passing to y/n his phone so he can type his number on it, "done" answered the flustered guy, "ok, see you later pal" he says while waving his hand "ah, put on those glasses you look cute with them" he yells while entering his car.
"well, let's go" said y/n nervously opening the doors, he thought that his feelings for jackson were gone but no… they're there. he was received by lots of colored neon lights, people drinking, dancing and swimming in the pool, there was a sexy shirtless dj accompanied by lots of girls and a boy sitting who was kinda sad, y/n felt bad for him and was gonna ask him what happened "oh there you are" yelled jackson y/n turned towards the voice meeting a jackson in a robe and long pants, he was shirtless showing his perfect abs "oh h-hey" stuttered y/n "like the view? you're stuttering" mocked and laughed jackson "come here take a drink" y/n did as he said "i'll come later" jackson waves a goodbye and left y/n in a table drinking.
minutes have passes and y/n was getting bored, this definitely wasn't a place for him, all people having fun but not him "i guess it was a bad idea coming here" he says circling the bottle's tip. y/n stands up and went to the bathroom, find jackson to say goodbye and leave. 
"oh hey" y/n says to get jackson's attention who was talking to some girls "talk to you later" he says to the girls and went straight to y/n "what happened?" he asks. "nothing" replied y/n touching the back of his neck embarrassed "just wanted to say goodbye i have to go now". "no, please don't go" says the drunk man, grabbing y/n by the hand and dragging him towards a room, jackson's bedroom. "please stay with me" begged jackson starting to kiss y/n who opened his eyes wide in surprise but just let himself go enjoying the delicious and wet kiss "you taste like many liquors" said y/n making jackson smile.
the clothes of both were being discarded one by one with jackson touching every inch of y/n's sexy body "so fucking sexy. and just for me" growled the man on y/n's ear. jackson started to grope y/n's ass and squeeze it very hard "hng" moaned y/n. "yes like that. moan for me pretty" whispered jackson kissing y/n's shoulders and the bottom doing the same with jackson's collarbones.
jackson lifted one of y/n's leg with a hand while fingering him with the other. "please, just put it in already" whimpered y/n wanting to feel jackson inside him "as you wish prince". both lay down in bed and jackson introduced his cock in y/n then leaving it in there without moving so y/n would get used to the sensation. "you don't how much i've craved this. i love you" y/n then realizes what he just said and look directly at jackson's eyes "oh i'm sorry" said y/n embarrassed. "what do you mean?" asked jackson, "it's nothing" y/n was scared, he didn't know how jackson was going to react, he was dumb for saying that in the middle of sex, many mixed emotions made y/n start to cry. 
"shush, don't cry pretty boy" whispered jackson "it's ok, don't cry" he says wiping y/n tears and hugged him "it's ok, let it all out" he rubs y/n's back. seeing how he calmed down a bit jackson says "it's ok, you know why?" looking at y/n with loving eyes "i love you too silly" he smiles and kisses y/n who was shocked, his all-life crush just said that he loves him? y/n can't believe it. "and as proof of my love for you i'm gonna make you mine tonight" jackson bit y/n's ear and started to thrust. y/n was happy for what he just heard "fill me with your love then" he says hugging jackson as hard as he can…
in a mating press position jackson was drilling y/n so hard that the bed started to shake "i'm not gonna stop until you're full of my love,  i don't care if the bed breaks" the party man assured y/n couldn't say anything just moans and whimpers, feeling jackson reaching his sweet spot with every thrust. he then slip all his cock out leaving just the tip inside y/n's puffy gaping hole and then slammed again, doing the same thing like 10 times again. y/n started to jerk off feeling that sensation in his stomach "i'm gonna cum jackson" drool spilling out of his mouth "cum for me baby" says the top, kissing y/n and playing with his nipples to make him cum fast. "i'm c-cumming" yelled y/n shooting his cum landing on his abdomen and jackson's chest and some on his chin, he then cleans it with his thumb and lick it "so tasty" says jackson. "get ready to get filled" says jackson speeding up his pace, the loud music outside covering the skin slapping sounds "receive all my love and don-don't waste it" he says feeling he is very close "love. love. love. receive. all. my. lovee~" every word accompanied by a hard thrust, cumming finally in the last one and filling y/n's insides with his sperm. "i love you so much prince" says jackson laying at the side of y/n caressing his face, "i love you too" y/n replies…
it was morning, both already cleaned up and jackson accompanied y/n to the front door passing by drunk people sleeping everywhere in the garden. "ok then, see you later i guess" says y/n shyly waving "wait, hold on" yells jackson making y/n turn around to face him "here let me put them on you" he puts the glasses on y/n and adjusts his hair "you look cute on them" he says once again making y/n flustered "don't say that" y/n pushes jackson's shoulder who just laughed "why don't you wait for me to get ready and i take you in my car?... and i can invite you to have breakfast in a cafeteria i know, food there is delicious. what do you think?" he asks, "sounds good for me. just don't be late" answered y/n.
jackson kissed y/n leaving him surprised "it's a date then" he goes quickly to change clothes and y/n just looks at him with his face red as a tomato "fuck… i blush too easily... damn!" he thinks.
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kpopimaginings · 1 year
Someone Like You - Jackson Wang
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A/N: This wasn’t requested, just a little idea that popped into my head! (And Jackson friends-to-lovers is my weakness)
You hated this. Jackson was your best friend, so you loved that he could come to you with anything, but when it was yet another person who wasn't right for him, you hated it.
Jackson had always had such a big heart, but he let people in too easily sometimes. He would fall so quickly that often whoever he was seeing didn't feel the same way. Or, unfortunately, in some cases they were interested for the wrong reasons.
Whatever it was that caused it, things would always end with a heartbroken Jackson crying to you about it.
"Do you want to talk about it?" you asked Jackson.
The minute he turned up at your door with red eyes you knew. You pulled him to your sofa where you were now sat with a crying Jackson leaning on your shoulder.
"I just don't get it," he sobbed. "What do I do wrong?"
"I don't know, Jacks," you said, trying to comfort him. "You're perfect as far as I'm concerned."
He let out a chuckle and a sniff as he sat up and tried to clean his face. "I'm sure I don't look perfect."
You fought the urge inside you to tell Jackson exactly how perfect he was to you. You'd had a crush on him for a while that you just couldn't shake, but right now he needed a friend.
"What did she say?" you asked, trying to get to the bottom of the heartbreak so you could comfort your friend.
He gave a little shrug and shook his head. "She didn't like me," he muttered.
"Then you didn't do anything wrong," you explained.
"No, it's not..."
You could tell he wanted to tell you what had happened but was struggling to get the words out. Sitting silently you let him take his time.
"She liked the idea of me, of my job, my money," he admitted softly.
"This is why I said before you get too attached they need to meet me and/or your mum. We'll be your screening process!"
Instead of answering he leant into you again, this time wrapping his arms around you. You happily returned the embrace, giving him a comforting squeeze.
"Why can't I just find someone who likes me for me? Who will be there for me like I want to be there for them?"
You sucked in a deep breath as you bit your tongue yet again. Honestly, without confessing you didn't know what to say.
"Someone who..." Jackson looked up at you then, his puppy eyes so watery you felt a twinge in your heart. "Someone like you."
Well that comment was doing nothing to quell your crush. The pair of you seemed to freeze in the moment, each second guessing what the other might be thinking.
Without warning, Jackson threw caution to the wind and leant up, pressing his lips to yours.
Your common sense kicked in quickly and you pulled back.
"Wait," you said.
Jackson swore under his breath and withdrew completely.
"No, wait," you encouraged.
"I always fuck up, see, it's just who I am."
"Jackson," you snapped.
He stopped what he was saying and looked at you.
"You have no idea how much I want to kiss you back-"
"But?" he interrupted with a sigh, knowing it was coming.
"But, are you sure this is the right time? You just got out of a relationship. I'm here for you completely, but I don't want to be a rebound."
"Wait, wait. Hold on, can we back up? You said you want to kiss me? You arent objecting because you dont like me back?"
You chuckled. "You know that wasn't the important bit of what I said."
"Ok, but..." he pried, trying to get more information out of you.
"Fine, I've had a crush on you for ages, but you've needed me there, well, we've needed each other, and I wasn't going to risk that by confessing. I know what you've been through the last couple of years and I wasn't about to let you struggle alone because of a dumb crush."
"You're literally everything I said I wanted," Jackson explained, now edging closer to you again. "You've been there for me through everything, and honestly, I feel a connection with you beyond what I've felt with any other friend. You should know I will always care about you more than a rebound." He gently took your hand. "Maybe I went about this the wrong way, but I want to be with you."
"I want to be with you too," you admitted. "Just, maybe, let's take it a bit slower?"
Jackson nodded enthusiastically.
With a smile you leant in a pecked a quick kiss to his cheek before pulling him back in to rest against you.
"Feeling happier now?" you asked him.
"Yes," he replied simply and snuggled his head against you.
You couldn't help the smile that grew on your face as you held Jackson close. Never again would have you have to worry about him turning up on your doorstep heartbroken. You were planning on taking good care of his heart now you knew he was willing to let you in.
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iamyoursinblog · 1 year
개새끼 (gaesaekki)
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader
Genre: smut
Word Count:  1,2 k
Jackson grabbed your hand as he pulled you into the bathroom. “Do you think I didn’t notice the way you look at me when you think no one sees” Jackson chuckled, making you freeze with your mouth open. “Especially your boyfriend”
"Are you crazy?" your face turn pale. “Yes, I am!” Jackson chuckled, nodding his head as he took a step towards you. “I'm going crazy every time when I see you fucking me with your eyes!” Jackson closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, "I'm going crazy because I want to fuck my best friend's girlfriend" Jackson bared his teeth at your shocked gaze, Jackson took off his shirt and threw it on the floor, his cock twitching in pants as your cheeks turned red. "One more step and I'll scream!" you said as you leaned back against the wall. “I promise that you will. My cock will make you scream with pleasure” Jackson chuckled. “I'm dating Jinyoung! Madman!!! Do you even know what you’re doing right now?!” you growled “I'm going to be a scumbag for my best friend?” he asked, and his smile widened. “But if Jinyoung doesn’t find out about this, then it won’t hurt him, right?” Jackson laughed as you pushed him hard. “Yeah, okay,” Jackson shook his head, laughing softly. “You can keep playing the shy girl who doesn’t want to fuck me.” Jackson pressed your hands against the wall above your head. “You can swear and tell me to stop…” Jackson moved closer to your "I know you want it as much as I do, my naughty little slut" Jackson pressed you against the wall with his body, pressing his hard cock into your lower abdomen. He almost laughed when you exhaled loudly, and your skin was covered with goosebumps. Jackson ran his tongue down your neck, and you trembled in his captivity. "You can keep pretending you don't dream about my cock sliding into your wet pussy, making moans escape your sweet lips," Jackson moaned biting your ear, rubbing his cock against your belly. You forcefully pushed him away when you couldn't hold the soft moan that escaped your lips. "Jerk!" you growled as you took a step towards the exit. Jackson growled as he grabbed your hand. He pressed you with your stomach onto the surface near the sink. "Liar!" he growled. "I'll let you go and never cross the line again if you're not horny right now" he unbuttoned your jeans, sliding his hand into your panties. "Jackson!" you almost suffocated as his fingers slid into your wet pussy. “Just look at that flowing pussy,” laughed Jackson. “It needs me so much!” Jackson pulled your jeans down your legs as he squatted down. He stretched your folds as he ran his tongue over your crotch. He pushed his tongue into your hole, making you moan. His tongue circled your clit, making your thighs tremble. “Shit…fuck me.” Jackson froze as a silent plea escaped your lips. He wasn't even entirely sure if it was in his head or for real. He stood up, meeting your gaze in the reflection of the mirror. “Repeat it,” he growled. He wanted to be sure it wasn't his fantasy. “Now!” You looked down, muttering under your breath. He wrapped your hair around his fist, pulling your head back, pressing your back against his chest. "I said… repeat!" he ordered while glaring at you in the mirror. “Fuck me!” you said. "Say it!" Jackson squeezed your neck, sinking his teeth into your skin. “Say you want my cock to fuck your wet pussy. Tell me that you dreamed about it every time you undressed me with your eyes, sitting in the arms of your boyfriend! Tell me that riding Jinyoung's cock, I was in your mind too!" He growled low as he got rid of his pants. “Jackson” you breathed out his name as he thrust his cock into your pussy. "Yes exactly." He fucked you hard, making his name fly from your lips with every thrust. He growled out of you as you turned your head away again as he tried to kiss you. "Do not play with me!" Jackson growled as he pushed you hard against the wall.
“Don't even think, Jackson!” you held out your hand to stop him. “I can fuck you but not kiss you. Is that what you want to say?" he raised an eyebrow at you. “It belongs only to him!” you said. Your words were spoken with such seriousness that it made him take a step back. Your words made his blood boil with anger. He grabbed your shirt and threw you to the floor before lunging at you. He put you on your knees in front of him, thrusting hard into your pussy. He fucked you ruthlessly, taking out his anger at you for your words that hit him like a slap, reminding him of what a bastard he became with every thrust into your pussy. “Just look how much you like my cock, my little slut!” he left a hard slap on your ass as your pussy squeezed his cock. He was on the verge of orgasm, just like you. You covered your mouth with your hand, muffling your moan when you finished. He fell on you, sinking his teeth into your shoulder, cumming inside you. “Remember it well how good you felt on my cock” Jackson chuckled. You pushed him away before getting off the floor. You quickly put on your jeans while he lay on the floor laughing at you. “First you ask me to fuck you, and now you pretend that you didn’t just moan while my cock was deep in you” You froze in front of the door at his words. He chuckled as he saw your jaw tighten. “Will you moan like that when Jinyoung will fuck you tonight?” he asked, getting up from the floor. “I hope my name doesn't accidentally slip off your lips while Jinyoung's cock slides into your tight pussy,” Jackson laughed. You walked out of the bathroom without looking at him.
. . . One week later. . . .
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He was surprised to see a drunken Jinyoung sitting on the kitchen floor next to an almost empty bottle of whiskey. “What the fuck…” Jinyoung groaned, running his hand over his face in complete desperation, throwing the phone on the floor. "What's happened?" asked Jackson, coming closer. “Hyung… I don't understand… I don't understand anything…” Jinyoung shook his head meeting Jackson's gaze. Jackson recoiled as he saw Jinyoung's eyes filled with tears. “Why is she..” Jinyoung covered his face with his hands sobbing. “Jinyoung…” Jackson's voice was no more than a whisper. He was completely shocked by Jinyoung's condition… Did you really tell Jinyoung everything. “She just left me, sending a message that she cheated on me. Hyung…” Jinyoung could barely speak while sobbing. Jackson practically fell to the floor at his words. “Jinyoung… I…” “Hyung, I love her more than life, I don't care even if it's true…” Jinyoung shook his head. “A week ago, she pulled away from me when I tried to hug her after a dorm party. Then I heard her crying in the bathroom for half the night… And in the morning, she just packed her things and left before I even woke up." Jinyoung looked at Jackson. "Hyung, but can this really be true? I love her so much.. .” The pain in Jinyoung's voice made Jackson's heart shatter into a million pieces…
What did he done?..
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proudahgase-exol · 7 months
Next projects on my drafts……
Okay so I have so many fics in my drafts that I’m halfway done and I don’t know if I should post them
Here are some of them if you interested
1. Friend and nothing else right?
Junmyeon x reader ( smut, fluff )
Summary: your friends with Junmyeon since you were kids now that you guys are adults you guys are inseparable but you don’t act like friends do…… friends don’t hold hands when you go out, friends don’t give forehead kisses, friends don’t go on dates every two weeks, friends don’t have sex on a Sunday after a night for a party with your other friends do they?
2. Family
Jackson wang x reader (fluff)
Summary: you've been dating for five years and married for one and now you’re both ready to start a family.
3. Take it back
taehyung x reader (angst , fluff)
Summary: Your Tae’s fake girlfriend you have been fake dating for two months and he only asked you to be in this because of his ex now you have fallen in love with him when you guys get in a fight you say things you didn’t mean to.
4. Sehun’s best friend
Junmyeon x reader (fluff)
Summary: Sehun cries over the fact that his leaving for the military service and will be leaving his baby sister behind he makes her stay at the house he and Junmyeon share and he soon finds out a little secret his sister and Junmyeon have.
5. I love you not her
Kai x reader (angst, fluff, smut )
Summary: Kai and you were co-workers working under Kim Enterprises owned by Kim Junmyeon you guys were good friends but one thing lead to another and ended up in bed now that became a regular thing but the problem was he was a married man and you new it but that didn’t stopped you from fucking each other.
6. My pretty girl
Hyunjin x plus size reader
Summary: your Stray Kids makeup artist you are close to the boys but mostly Felix and Changbin they both know you have a massive crush on Hyunjin and they try to help you but you think he doesn’t like you like that and you feel like he will never like a girl that looks like you.
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sweetestofchaos · 2 months
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𝖳𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗌𝖺𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗅𝖾𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆 𝗀𝗈. 𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝗎𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍...𝖨𝖿 𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎, 𝗇𝗈 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖼𝖺𝗇.
𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗑 𝖡𝗅𝖺𝖼𝗄!𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖱𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝟣𝟪+ 𝖶𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: 𝖸𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾!𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 - 𝖲𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝖫𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗎𝖺𝗀𝖾 - 𝖯𝗋𝖾𝗀𝗇𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝖡𝗅𝖺𝖼𝗄!𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 - 𝖠𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍 - 𝖬𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 - 𝖠𝗅𝖼𝗈𝗁𝗈𝗅 - 𝖣𝗎𝖻𝖢𝗈𝗇 (𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗅𝖾𝖾𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝖾𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗋) - 𝖯𝗁𝗒𝗌𝗂𝖼𝖺𝗅/𝖬𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖺𝗅 𝖠𝖻𝗎𝗌𝖾 -  𝖳𝗈𝗑𝗂𝖼 𝖱𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉 - 𝖥𝗈𝗋𝖼𝖾𝖽 𝖱𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉 - 𝖯𝖾𝗍 𝖭𝖺𝗆𝖾 (𝖽𝖺𝗂𝗌𝗒) - 𝖬𝖢𝖣 (𝗆𝖺𝗂𝗇 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁) 𝖶𝗈𝗋𝖽 𝖢𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍: 𝟣.𝟦𝖪
✘ Sequel to Twisted ✘
a/n: Prompt (bold font) from @writing-challenges-and-prompts. barbed wire/support divider made by @benkeibear​. I am late with this fic (honestly should have been posted last year) but HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON (a day late lol)!!!
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The house is quiet, the scent of food is nonexistent and Jackson raises an eyebrow. He has half a mind to call out for you but he chooses not to. Shutting the front door behind himself, Jackson locks the door and walks into the kitchen. You are standing in front of the stove, there is no music playing nor pots in the sink. Shaking his head, Jackson goes over to his liquor cabinet and pours himself half a glass of whiskey. He takes a long sip and lets the amber liquid settle on his tongue before he swallows. 
Holding the glass in his hand, Jackson makes his way to the living room and he hears your soft snores. Peeking over the couch, Jackson watches as you sleep peacefully and his grip on the glass tightens. He watches you for a moment longer, enjoying the sight of your beast as they rise and fall, the softness of your skin as it glitters in the low lighting and how sweet you look. He wonders what you are dreaming about as you sleep on your side with one hand cradling your stomach.
That makes Jackson’s jaw tick and he sighs before he walks around the couch and sets his drink down on the coffee table. Squatting down in front of you, Jackson reaches out and tucks one of your braids behind your ear before he traces the contours of your face. His fingertips glide across your skin, and linger at your plush lips. There is a clear shine to them, a lip gloss or maybe more like a balm makes Jackson want to have a taste.
Slowly, he leans in and presses his lips to yours. Vanilla. It makes Jackson’s mouth water and he kisses you again and again…and again until you start to emerge from your slumber. You moan softly against Jackson’s lips and he smiles into the kiss, nuzzling his nose against yours as your eyes flutter open.
The easy and carefree look is snuffed out the moment the reality of the situation breaks through the sleeping fog in your mind. You pull away with a sharp inhale and Jackson clicks his tongue but chooses not to speak on it.  
“Have you eaten, Daisy?” He asks as he helps you sit up. Your stomach is getting larger and it is harder to hide it. You look beautiful pregnant but it still rubs Jackson the wrong way that the baby isn’t his. Will you love the bastard child more than him?
“Daisy?” Jackson reaches out to touch your stomach and you quickly wrap your arms protectively around it, blocking his hands. He sighs and licks his lips, “You’re not being very nice,” he glances up at your face and smiles. “I just want to say hello to the little one.”
Jackson frowns at your request. Why are you so afraid of him? He loves you. Isn’t that enough? He cocks his head to the side and watches as you try to make yourself smaller, pushing yourself farther into the couch and he frowns. 
Your eyes jump from his hands to his face and he slowly cups the side of your cheek, his thumb rough as he strokes the skin.
“I think it’s time to end this little game,” Jackson’s voice is soft as he speaks and your breath hitches as his hand slowly trails down to your throat. “Let’s get rid of it, Daisy.”
“N-No!” You cry, eyes wide as he stares down at your protruding stomach. You tighten your hold around your stomach and Jackson’s frown deepens.
Jackson’s fingers squeeze around your neck and he licks his lips. His eyes are dark, almost black and as he leans in, your noses press together as he speaks lowly. 
“No?” He chuckles flatly and smashes his lips into yours. 
Tears burn your eyes as you remove your hands from your stomach and press them against his chest. You push and push, trying to get Jackson away from you but it only seems to upset him. The kiss became harsher, full of teeth and tongue.
“P-Please stop?” You beg and Jackson tears himself away with a growl.
“Stop?! Stop…all you say is stop!!” Jackson’s chest heaves as he glares down at your stomach. “Why should I!?”
“You’re scaring me!” You cry and Jackson laughs, his eyes are wild as he rakes a hand through his messy hair.
“You’re always scared.”
“And who’s fault is that?!” 
Your eyes widen as you scream at Jackson and before he can respond, you push past him and run up the steps. 
Jackson watches as you disappear up the steps to your room. Your ass looks amazing in the olive sundress you are wearing and it makes heat curl in his stomach. From his spot, knelt on the floor, Jackson licks his lips (the taste of you still on his tongue) and stands to his full height. He grabs his glass of whiskey from the table and sips it slowly. He rolls his tongue in his mouth as vanilla and whisky mix together before he sighs again. He didn’t mean to snap at you. It was a long day and Yugyeom pushed all his buttons. He expected to come home to a hot cooked meal with you waiting for him, but what he found was you sleeping on the couch.
That isn’t what upset him. If anything his heart clenched in his chest as he watched the rise and fall of your breasts. He woke you up by softly stroking your face and kissing  your lips over and over. He smiled as your eyes fluttered open and the fear that he saw come to life irked him. It has been four months since he got you back. Long enough for you to get over your petty feelings and go back to the sweet woman he loved. This fearful little doe before him was not who he fell in love with.
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"Ask me for anything, and it's yours.” Jackson cups your tear stained face in one of his hands and presses his forehead against yours. You can smell the alcohol on his breath and you want to push him away. The smell is too strong and makes you nauseous. “Anything, I swear it."
Through your tears, you shake your head, unable to believe his words. How many times has Jackson lied to you? Promised you such sweet dreams only to pull you into a never ending nightmare. 
"Yes. Name it." Jackson gives a slight nod of his head, staring right into your eyes, his breath mingling with yours from being so close.
Closing your eyes, you inhale and pray to whoever might answer you, "...Let me go."
Jackson’s body tenses, his fingers digging into your cheek as his mind processes your request. You whimper, feeling the inside of your cheeks pressing into your teeth as Jackson’s grip on your face gets tighter and tighter.
“Look at me!” Jackson growls and your eyes snap open. Tears silently spill from those once warm brown eyes and Jackson shakes his head slowly, your foreheads rubbing against each other. “You. Are. Mine.” Your noses smush together as Jackson tries to crawl into your very soul. 
“Mine. But if you want to go...” Jackson’s hand falls from your face and drops to your shoulder. He doesn’t take his eyes off you as he presses his lips to yours. The kiss is salty, filled with tears and trembling movements as Jackson brings his other hand to your shoulder.
His hands are warm, so very warm as his thumbs rub gentle circles against your bare skin. Up, up, up. His hands move slowly and he nibbles on your lower lip. 
“Then go.” 
His hands wrap around your neck and your eyes widen as your air supply starts to lessen. Your claw at Jackson’s hands, tears falling from your eyes as you struggle to breath. Jackson pushes you back on the bed and straddles your lap as he squeezes harder.
“S-Stop!” You beg, fearing for not only your life but the life that is growing inside of you.
“J-Jack-” You kick your legs and cry, unable to pull Jackson’s hands off you.
Jackson’s eyes are wild as tears stream down his face. His words are jumbled, coated thickly with his tears as he whispers his love over and over again.
Your hands reach for your stomach and you cry harder.
“O-Our ba-baby!”
Jackson laughs bitterly through his tears as he kisses the last of your breath away, “Goodbye babies.” 
His broken voice is the last thing you hear as you fade from the world…
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multiphandomunnies · 2 months
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girlfriend hugging them in their sleep
deserted island au
high school au
gf is a demon
s.o is shy with skinship
s.o is self conscious
thank you
bf! jackson
trying again
single dad au
it’s not too late
get over here
not now (*M*)
bf! jaebum
christmas special
i want to do these things with you
christmas special
bf! yugyeom
let’s go out
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jae-bummer · 11 months
My Idol 3: Part Seven
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My Idol From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My Idol is a South Korean competitive reality dating game show. It currently airs on Saturday nights on Jae-bummer’s blog. First broadcast in 2016, the show offers the opportunity for a lucky fan to go on seven blind dates with seven idols. The idol plans the date with the show throwing in a specific mission to complete during the day. At the end of the initial dates, the show opens up an audience vote to decide what four idols will move on to the second date.
My Idol 3: The Series
Looking up moodily at your night shift body guard, you waited in silence for him to open your room.
"No hello?" Insu teased, tilting his head. "How was your day? I've missed you terribly?"
"Hello, Insu," you grumbled, crossing your arms. "How was your day? I have missed you terribly."
"Well," he clucked. "It doesn't sound genuine when I have to prompt you."
"Can I please just go inside?" you whined, rubbing your forehead to ease the oncoming headache.
"Sure," he nodded. Letting the tension ease from your shoulders, you took a deep breath in an attempt to calm your nerves. "But it'll cost you."
"I have a sneaking suspicion that you're not talking about money," you groaned.
"Not at all," he smiled easily. "Money's worthless. You're time, however, is valuable."
"What do you want?"
"Grab your ice bucket," he said gently. "Let's go for a walk."
"I don't want to go for a walk," you pouted. "I've walked enough today. And ridden a bike. And fallen off that bike. And then thought my date died."
Insu nodded politely. "I think you need to decompress."
"I'm perfectly capable of decompressing in the comfort of my bed," you muttered.
"Where you can thought spiral through every hypothetical way you could have reacted on your date?" he smirked. "Perfect idea. Have a great night!"
"You're a little too perceptive for your own good," you grumbled. "Has anyone ever told you that before?"
"I read people for a living, Y/N," sighed. "You're just one of the lucky ones I like."
"I don't see why," you lamented, not proud of yourself, but searching for solace nonetheless. "I'm a walking disaster."
"Hardly," he said, tapping your room key against the door. Shouldering it open, he waited for you to pass him and go in. "Now come on. I'll even give you five minutes for a bathroom break before I expect to see you back out here."
Sliding into your room, you glanced at him over your shoulder. "How charitable."
After spending at least ten minutes sat on the sink, totally not thought spiraling, Insu's fourth round of knocking finally pushed you to hop off the counter. Snagging the ice bucket from beside you, you shuffled back toward the door and yanked it open. Chewing on your lip, you narrowed your eyes at the dastardly man.
"That was much longer than five minutes."
"Should've come in after me," you sighed, breezing past him. "What if I had passed out on the toilet? Some body guard you are."
"I'm here to protect you from other people," he chuckled. "Not from yourself."
"Comforting," you deadpanned. "I'll remember that the next time I feel faint."
The two of you walked down the hallway in companionable silence for a moment, giving you time to let your eyes wander from door to door. You were curious who was hidden where and if they were all comfortable with the current arrangements. Now you had three men, three celebrities, locked up for what could be weeks. They'd be missing crucial schedules, studio time, and dance practices...all because of you.
"You have no control over what fans do," Insu said quietly, seeming to have read your mind.
"Get out of my head," you huffed, glaring over your shoulder at him.
"I don't have to be in your head to know you're going through it," he hummed. "I can tell by your body language."
"Please, enlighten me," you sighed, coming to a halt and spinning toward him. "What is my body saying?"
You tried to ignore the up and down assessment he gave you.
"Your shoulders are tense," he noted. "You're either chewing on your lip or the inside of your cheek at any give time. Your arms are wrapped so tightly around the ice bucket, you-"
"Okay, okay," you accepted. "Apparently my body is talkative. I get it."
Turning back around, you started your trek again.
"I'm here to listen," Insu prompted from behind you. "If you want to talk about it."
"There's nothing to talk about," you alleged. "Plus I'm sure Hyuk gave you the full report."
"I did have to set three of his fingers," Insu confessed. "But he didn't get into specifics."
Whirling around again, your eyes were wide. "He didn't go to the hospital?"
"Not if he can avoid it," he smirked. "It's kind of the nature of the business."
"Great," you gasped, throwing your hands in the air, ice bucket included. "So I've been the cause for two people's physical injuries, my apartment being torn apart, AND everyone being held up in hotel rooms like some kind of fancy prison."
"Hey," Insu said quietly, taking slow steps to close the distance between the two of you. You hadn't noticed it previously, but you were breathing heavily and tears may or may not have started to escape your eyes.
Placing his hands lightly on your shoulders, he slid his fingers carefully down to your elbows and then back up again. "You're not responsible for any of that."
"I am," you whined. You were on the brink of becoming a blubbering mess. "I'm the unlikable one. Fans don't like me. That's why all of this is happening. I'm supposed to be better. I'm supposed to be more deserving."
"Come here," Insu said gruffly, pulling you against him. Wrapping his arms around your shoulders, he placed a hand gently on the back of your head. "With the fan-bases these guys have, no one will ever be good enough. It's not personal."
"They made it personal," you squeaked into his suit. While you weren't proud of your breakdown, you were enjoying the unexpected safety Insu provided. "They took away everything."
"They didn't," he insisted. "They can't take away how you react to the situation, and you've been doing well. Better than anyone can expect, really."
Pulling away from him, you caught Insu's eyes. "Why are you being so sweet?"
"I can't comfort a friend in need?" he smiled, patting your head absently before stepping back.
"We're friends?" you chirped, quietly pleased by this development.
"I guess we are," Insu hummed, seeming surprised by his own words.
You smiled softly at him, allowing this new, bubbly feeling to float through you. If not watched carefully, you knew it could be dangerous, and you already had enough boy-related problems on your hands.
"Y/N?" a familiar voice questioned from behind you.
Turning around, you couldn't help but feel the moment between you and Insu had been snuffed out. You were only mildly horrified with yourself as you felt a slight disappointment at another person joining the conversation until you realized who it was.
"Jungkook!" you grinned. It took everything in you not to greet him with a big hug.
He seemed to have no qualms though.
"Y/N!" he breathed, an easy smile filling his face. Crossing the hallway, he pulled you in for a hug. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he tucked you into his frame, enveloping you in warmth.
"It's so good to see you," he whispered into your hair.
"It's good to see you too," you sighed, leaning back to get a better look at him, but remaining in his arms. He looked as handsome as ever.
Clearing his throat behind you, Insu made his presence abundantly clear.
Stepping away from Jungkook, you felt heat creep up your neck. You glanced behind Jungkook, his won bodyguard giving an awkward wave.
"Sorry," Jungkook winced, nodding briefly to Insu. Focusing on you again, he grinned. "How are you?"
"I've been better," you admitted. "I'm hoping they filled you in when they moved you here?"
"A little bit," he grimaced. "Y/N, I am so sorry. I can't believe anyone would do that, let alone someone who would call themselves a fan of any of us."
"They killed my fish," you blurted, not realizing how much that thought burdened you.
"What?" he gasped, his eyes growing wide. He pulled you in for another hug. "You've been through so much."
"Y/N," Insu grunted behind you. "It's best we get going."
"Right," you nodded, stepping away from Jungkook. If the producers saw the two of you fraternizing in the hallway, it likely wouldn't go over well.
"I'm glad I saw you," Jungkook nodded, eyes bright. "Even if it was only for a minute."
You smirked before glancing to your feet. "I didn't get to ask, but you're doing okay?"
"I'm doing great," he chimed. "I've gotten more sleep than I have in years. And three meals a day! Can you even imagine?"
You let out an unexpected laugh. "That's a relief to hear. I'm glad you're resting well."
"So are the other guys," he nodded, somehow knowing that would comfort you. "Just to clarify. We're all taking this in stride."
"You've talked to them?" you asked, tilting your head.
"Hongseok and I get meals together downstairs sometimes," he said, an idea lighting up his expression. "You should meet with us!"
"Y/N," Insu cautioned. His quiet reminder that you've dallied too long.
"We should," you agreed before squeezing his bicep lightly. "I'll see you soon, okay?"
"Okay," Jungkook hummed, giving the cutest nose scrunch.
Taking a deep breath, you continued down the hallway past him, willing yourself not to look back. You hadn't realized how reassuring his presence would be. He was the only one who hadn't really been privy to the nightmare this experience had become, so it was such a relief to touch base. Plus he confirmed that he and Hongseok were doing just fine. You hoped he would begin including San in their shared meals as well.
Walking into the ice room in a bit of a daze, it took you a moment to realize how quiet Insu was being.
Turning to look at him as you filled your bucket, you were surprised when he didn't make eye contact. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," he said shortly.
"Apparently not," you chuckled nervously, feeling his mood change rolling off him in waves.
"We wasted too much time," he muttered. "We could've both gotten in trouble."
"It was just a quick conversation," you reasoned. "It wasn't really a big deal."
"Every minute you are outside of the safety of your room is a big deal," he said, glaring.
"Whoa," you winced, tucking your now full ice bucket back under your arm. "Down, tiger."
"I'm not going to endanger you just so some celebrity can get in his five minutes," he grumbled, looking anywhere but at you. "I'm sure that little stunt added quite the points in his favor."
"Insu," you whispered, recoiling from him as if you had been slapped. "Jungkook isn't like that."
"Right," he scoffed, turning around and leading you back into the hall.
Normally you walked in front of your body guard, but this time, he was stomping in front of you.
What was his issue?
Was he...jealous?
"Someone got really grumpy, rather quickly," you muttered, arriving at your door. Stepping in your way, Insu glared down at you.
"Just watch yourself, okay?" he said sternly. "These guys sell a fantasy every day. They're good at it."
"Heaven forbid someone genuinely likes me," you huffed.
"I didn't say they couldn't," he shot back. "All I'm saying is-"
"Yeah, yeah," you groaned. "Poor little Y/N, manipulated by the heart throb. I get it."
"Y/N," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "That's not what I'm saying at all."
"Then come out with it!" you gasped. This day had been far too long and complicated for your liking. You were ready to hide under your blankets and never come out.
"I care about your well being!" he burst, his hands curling into fists as he let them drop to his sides. "I don't want to see you hurt!"
You chewed on his comment for a moment, watching as he continued to stare at you, frustration painted across his handsome face. "Why, Insu?"
"I told you earlier, I like you, Y/N," he struggled. "You don't want to see people you favor falling into situations where they're not watching out for themselves."
"You said you couldn't protect me from myself," you said quietly. "Remember?"
Insu let out a small grunt. "Stubborn."
"Exhausted," you corrected. "Thoroughly done. Burned out. Let me into my room."
Smacking your room's key card against the keypad, Insu backed into door. Keeping it open wide as you walked past, you could feel his eyes boring into you from behind.
"Goodnight," you huffed.
Without saying a word, he stepped into the hallway, closing the door softly behind him.
Your next date wasn't until the following evening, giving you plenty of time to stew in your disaster of a date, the situation with Insu, and the small rendezvous with Jungkook. Saying you were confused and irritable was an understatement.
You were already in the thick of things with three different idols and had four more to go. You couldn't go throwing Insu into the situation when your heart and mind were completely disoriented. You had never navigated anything quite this intense in your life.
Jungkook had pure intentions, of that you were sure. That's why Insu's outburst had shaken you so much. He didn't know anything about these guys, and it was clear in the way he was acting. That being said, you couldn't help that it had sewed the smallest seed of doubt in your mind. He was right, idols were well-versed in giving the illusion of attainability. Surely they weren't putting on an act just to win the competition...were they? The cameras weren't even around when you had bumped into Jungkook. He had no reason to be so caring if that were the case.
"Damnit, Insu," you hissed, knowing this would dwell in the back of your head. How dare he open that door when you were already feeling like you were going crazy.
Lost in thought, you yanked open the door of your hotel room right after you heard a knock. Hyuk had dropped you off for makeup and hair not long ago with the promise of your date starting soon. It was going to be a formal evening, so you were dressed exceptionally well (at least to your own standards). Shimmying out your shoulders, you tried to focus on the task at hand. You would have fun tonight, even if it killed you.
Glancing up from your uncomfortable shoes, you were taking aback at seeing Insu again so quickly.
"What are you doing here?" you croaked, unintentionally sounding annoyed by his mere presence.
Insu's eyebrows shot up. "This is an evening date. Am I not your night shift bodyguard?"
Right. Somehow it had completely evaded you that he would be the one escorting you this evening.
"Perfect," you muttered, shaking your head. This was just great.
Barging your way around him, you started down the hall, trying to calm your anxiety. It was hard enough jumping into another blind date, let alone with your moody body guard in tow.
Stepping into the elevator, you scooted as far away from him as you could. Maybe it was a bit immature, but you were emotionally frazzled before you had even blown up at each other last night. It was to be expected that you were still a little bit raw.
Punching at the button for the lobby, Insu became a statue beside you. Remaining quiet, it wasn't until the end of the elevator ride that he finally spoke up. "You look beautiful."
"Thanks," you managed, not allowing for his kind words to melt the ice that had frozen around you.
"Y/N," he sighed, turning slightly toward you. "Surely you can understand where I was coming from-"
"Doubling down is not the optimal move here," you grumbled, holding up a hand in the air between you. "I'm trying to get into a good mental space to handle this date. I really don't want to talk about last night."
"Can we talk later?" he asked, tilting his head.
"I'll think about it," you groaned. "Okay? Just give me some space for tonight."
Giving a curt nod, Insu stepped back into his position beside you.
It wasn't long before the elevator doors slid open, exposing you to the commotion that was the hotel lobby. Taking a deep breath, you stepped from the small space. Furrowing your brows, you were surprised to see a handsome man, dressed in a full suit in front of you. The cameras were on and waiting for your arrival.
"Wow," his surprisingly gravely voice purred. Reaching out to take your hand, he smiled. "You must be Y/N."
"I am," you said cautiously.
"I'm Got7's Jackson," he smiled. "And you are absolutely gorgeous."
You tried to ignore the sharp intake of breath from behind you.
Tonight was going to be interesting.
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mykoreanlove · 4 months
Jackson on Kinjaz
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Your phone was blowing up constantly.
„Oh my god, did you see this?????“, your friend asked.
With shaking hands you clicked on the link.
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„I used to be critical on myself in my mind in a negative way. Not healthy. At all. I would call myself names and put myself down in my mind. I drank the most disgusting shakes for my body health but up here? I was rotting.“
„Yeah, yeah. I remember videos of that nasty shake. What did you put in there - chicken?“
„Gotta get my protein, man. But you know I would constantly feel guilty for what I have done or what I might do.“
„Like what?“
„Like. Okay, like did I practice enough? Is magic man good enough? What if I let everybody down? How will I cope? How will I live?
All these voices.. these fucking nagging voices were with me 24/7.“
„Damn that sounds tough. What did you do?“
„I thought it was impossible to fix because I tried so hard and nothing changed me. Or if it did, it would only last a couple of weeks and I’d be back to feeling like shit and talking down on myself.
Jackson, you moron, how could you do this? Did you really think you could make it? You don’t deserve this success. You don’t deserve to be happy.“
„Jackson, bro. I feel for you. Really.“
„Look, I’m just being honest. I would naturally think of punishments coming my way. I’d imagine injuring myself or loosing all my fans or money. I’d think of the most horrific shit late at night when I should be peacefully sleeping.
I would try to change my thoughts to change my feeling. I would rationalize my way out for hours to only find myself entering a new cave.“
„Like a merry go round.“
„Exactly, I was stuck. Same shit, different day. My gut always had this underlying feeling of tension.
I tried my best to give myself relief but like I said, I could not find Relief for longer than a week. Maybe a month at best.“
„Is that why you turned to alcohol? Because I remember you chugging down a bottle of Hennessy and thought to myself that’s not normal.“
„Oh, of course I started drinking more. I needed more. What used to make me pass out back then is like a cute little cocktail to me now.“
„Damn, that really is a lot to handle. Did you try other things, as well?“
„Look, I tried everything in the book. You name it, I tried it. Worked out. Meditated. Drank. Had sex. Nothing could give me what I craved so badly. Nothing. Until I found her.“
You swallowed hard.
You had no idea that he would share all this with the public. You were very well aware of his struggles but hearing him talk about them upset you. It broke your heart imagining him like that, all dim and broken.
Also, it made you nervous.
You had no idea that he would introduce you into the world like this.
You had no idea that he would reveal your relationship to his homies on a podcast.
Yet, you were intrigued.
„Her as in …?“
„You see, love is a funny thing, right? I didn’t plan to fall in love, nor did I want to but I kind of did. I found the one, man. I found the love of my life and I was lucky enough to have her love me back. Do you know how rare that is?“
„Yeah, it is for you. I remember our last interview and how we wanted to get you on tinder and shit.“
„Exactly! I used to be on my own for years. Years, man. I gave up on love completely, thinking this was meant for others but certainly not me. And then she came into my life. Like an angel that was coming down to help me. Save me even.“
„Your savior, huh?“
„I swear to god her love saved me. It saved me from drugs, it saved me from self destruction and first and foremost it saved me from myself. I gotta be honest man, if I hadn’t met y/n I wouldn’t even be here anymore.“
„Wow. That’s, that’s a pretty heavy revelation. I’m glad you’re doing better now.“
„Oh, I am. Management is probably going to kick my ass later but I don’t care. Let me loose fans, let me loose money. I don’t give a shit. If you support me now, you support the real Jackson Wang. And that’s me right now - happily coupled to the most beautiful soul on this planet. If you can’t handle that - my bad.“
„Okay guys, it’s over. China‘s most wanted bachelor is officially off the market. WHOOOO!!“
„Yeah, the king has finally found its queen.“
„So, what is she like?“
You paused the interview and took a deep breath. Jackson was very vocal of his feelings for you, but hearing it like that felt different. The biggest smile was plastered on his face as he was talking about you.
You as in his queen.
You as in future Miss Wang.
Hundreds of butterflies announced themselves in your stomach, making you giddy and joyful.
„Oh man, she is the best. Like, she is so breathtakingly beautiful. Inside and out. We have the best conversations. I feel like she is my best friend. Truly, no one gets me like she does. It’s just.. it’s effortlessly easy. We laugh a lot, we talk a lot, we share everything with each other. I’m just so grateful, man.“
„Yeah, I can see that. You’re grinning from ear to ear. Make sure to invite me to your wedding.“
„Like you invited me to your birthday?“
„Okayyyyy, let’s wrap it up. Guys, that’s it for today. Thank you Jackson, really appreciate you brother.“
You stopped the video, giggling at your petty boyfriend.
„Remind me to have a word with you once you’re back, yeah?“, you texted him.
It didn’t take him a second to instantly call you.
„Did you see it? Already? Damn babygirl, you’re quick“, he teased.
„You could have warned me, Wang!“
„I didn’t plan to say all that but I couldn’t help myself. It just.. it just came out of me. I really meant it though.“
He knew exactly what you were implying.
„Oh, I’m gonna make you Miss Wang for sure. Rule my kingdom with me? Please?“
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Disobeying royal orders.
Post Date: 6th October 2022 Content: Fluff/Angst - GOT7 Jackson x Reader  WC: 2K TW?: Royalty!Au/ Forbidden love/ Arranged marriage Request?: Yes
Masterlist                                    Prompt list
Prompts: 4 - “You love me, don’t you?” 39 - “I can’t live without you” 50 - “For them, I’ll do anything”
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“I refuse to marry a person I have no love for!” Jackson protests his parents, the king and queen. 
It had been on the cards for months that he’d marry someone of their choice, another princess of another kingdom but there was no way Jackson was going to fall into the expectations and the royal rules that you have to marry someone of royal descent. 
The royals look at each other with disgust at their son’s refusal to follow their orders, “Son, she’s a beautiful and young princess that’ll you share love with and have children with, who’ll take the throne after you,” the King sighs, keeping a stern tone of voice.
Jackson refuses to listen to them, attempting to march away from the dinner table, unable to look at their choice of bride for him that sat next to him and ignoring their attempts to call him back to the table.
Before completely leaving the room, Jackson grits his teeth together, looking back at the family who refuse to let him explore his happiness in someone else, “She is beautiful, but she will not be the mother of my children, she will not be my queen”. Then the huge doors slam hard behind him as he makes his way to his quarters. 
The king and queen apologise to their fellow royals, to the princess who almost fell sorry for Jackson, understanding it all too well herself to not want to marry someone purely for their status.
However, instead of going to his quarters, Jackson makes his way through the grounds, heading into the town that follows right outside their gold gates, which stand tall over the city, the castle towering over that even more. 
It didn’t take long for his mind and feet to get him right outside the shop that encased his real love, a commoner in the town who worked night and day for her parents. 
“My name’s Y/N,” you shyly announced, unable to comprehend how to act in front of the royal son standing right in front of you, leaning on the counter of your shop. 
The second he laid his eyes on you, he couldn’t picture anyone else in his life. And for what? He was a royal and you were a commoner, a nobody according to his parents who forbid him to fall in love with a village girl. 
“Y/N? Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman,” Jackson smiled, taking your hand into his to place a small kiss on the back of it and butterflies were set off in your stomach.
It was like love at first sight, though it felt wrong with your status differences. Neither of you could go about the day without thinking of the other.
“What brings a royal like you to come into a shop like this?” you asked with the utmost respectful tone on your face, though playfully with your facial expressions, your emotions of love for the royal taking over.
“I came in here to buy something, but now there’s something else I want instead,” he replied with a smirk, taking your hand once again but retracting at an extreme pace when his parents barge into the shop.
The royal’s faces turned into distaste at the sight of their son looking absolutely smitten by you, then turned to you with grimaces on their faces, “Prince Jackson, we have someone we’d like you to meet. Let’s leave this peasant to do her work like a good girl,” they scowled neat the end of their sentence, obviously being pathetic to emphasise his status compared to yours.
There you were, admiring the flower beds that cover the grounds outside the castle, and his heart stops for a brief moment. It was like you get prettier every time he sees you.
Kneeling down next to you, he picks a flower from a selection in the bed and places it in your hair which makes you jump at the initial contact, turning to see him smiling sweetly at you. 
At instinct, you get to your feet, bowing to the royal in front of you, rushed to stand up straight when he holds onto your shoulder, “There’s no need to do that, Y/N”.
Pink flushes your cheeks when your name rolls off his tongue too casually, apologising to him as you meet his gaze once more, unable to piece together words.
Jackson giggles at your reaction to his wanting of you to be casual towards him, absolutely despising the fact he’s a royal, to begin with.
Teasing slightly, he points to your cheeks and then to the flower in your hair, “Your cheeks match the colour of the flower, so pretty”.
You thought you were going to pass out on the spot, the prince was complimenting you? You?
“I’m sorry, Prince Jackson. But may I ask why you’re out here?” you politely ask as you resist the urge to sway like a schoolgirl whose crush is giving her the light of day.
“Please, just call me Jackson...” he insists, looking around whilst scratching the back of his head, the crown on his head glistening in the sunlight, “I don’t know why I came out here, but I’m glad I did”.
Urges overtake Jackson’s rational thoughts, his heart acts before his mind, taking your hand, pulling you close to him, as he looks down at you right at his feet, whispering, “I can’t help but think about you everyday”.
At his sudden confession to a silly little town girl like you, you feel your heart beating out of your chest at a rapid pace, knowing you felt the exact same way, though you shouldn’t.
In his grasp, Jackson could feel the slight shake in your hands, worried that he may be making you uncomfortable, “Are you okay, Y/N?”.
Unable to put a string of words together, you nod whilst fighting back a giggle, it was just your nerves playing you as he holds you close to his body.
Again, he was listening to his heart other than his mind, looking deeply into your eyes, seeing a future in them with you as he whispers, “You love me, don’t you?” he asks with curiosity, hoping you’d feel the same as he feels for you.
It feels like you were going to shoot yourself in the foot if you replied honestly, but getting so lost in his eyes, those glistening dark brown eyes of his, you replied with the honest answer without hesitation.
With happiness thriving through every bone in his body at your reply, he goes to place a kiss on our lips but gets cut off by one of the guards ripping you out of his grasp, hearing you shout in protest at the force they used. 
“I demand you let her go now!” Jackson growls, reaching out for you, worried that they’d hurt you, but gets interrupted by his parents coming into sight. 
Anger replaces his happiness seeing them march towards him, face going red with rage as he attempts to pull you out of the guard’s grasp. 
“Make sure she gets back to her shop, make sure that they knows not to leave the town grounds past the start of the flower beds,” the king announces to the guard, gesturing him off with you as Jackson attempts to race after you but gets stopped by another guard holding him back. 
“Now’s not the time or place to act like a commoner, you are a royal, act like it!” his mother scolds him lightly, nodding to the guard to guide him back onto the castle grounds.
“I don’t care about being a royal! All i care about is Y/N!” Jackson screams back the minute they get through the huge doors to the castle entrance, fighting the guard off of him as he takes a stance in front of his parents.
The royals’ expressions drop in disgust at their son’s outburst, the king raising his hand to slap him but the queen stops him, turning their noses up at his “betrayal” of the family.
“You cannot marry a peasant! You’ll bring shame to the entire royal family name!” the king argues back, going head to head with his son as Jackson stands his ground still.
“If that is what it takes for me to be happy, to marry the love of my life, so be it. For her, I’ll do anything,” Jackson replies with a calmer tone, refusing to back down and obey their orders.
This disobedience towards his parents brings them to feel nothing but the shame of him, disgusted by his outbursts and refusal to listen to them.
“You’d really risk everything for that pathetic girl?” the queen snarls in his direction, his sharp tone of voice returns but he manages to keep his expression stern, worrying her. 
A nod in the direction her direction is followed by his struts towards her, his voice low and in anger, “She is not pathetic and yes, I’d risk everything for her. Whether you like it or not, she will be my queen whether I keep the royal title or not”.
For a moment, his mother notices how he wasn’t ever going to give up on you, feeling guilty for speaking such ways about someone her son, whom her two eyes love so dearly. Momentarily wants to apologise for acting out of order, knowing she wouldn’t like it if she was in his situation, but the look she receives from the king makes her straighten up.
“Fine. Go be with her, ruin the family title. Just remember who you are son, who your family is,” she says whilst looking at her husband, who turns his back for a moment from his son, feeling nothing but disgrace for him.
The moment where the king’s back is turned, his mother takes his hand, whispering, “Be happy, son. I’ll talk to your father”.
A brief mouthed, “thank you” forms on Jackson’s lips as he follows up the act, “If you can’t be happy for me, then I want nothing with you all,” he growls before storming out of the castle grounds once again.
His feet tap against the stone floor, racing fast towards your shop with a greeting from the guard who took you away from him, “Let me in,” he hisses, but the guard doesn’t budge. 
“Go speak to the king and queen, you have no buisness here anymore, guard,” and with that, the guard walks away, letting the door be free to access.
Jackson rushes into the shop, walking onto the sight of you sobbing into your hands behind the counter.
Nothing was going to stop him now, nothing. Ignoring everything else, he rushes to your feet, crouching down in front of you as he notices the flower in your lap, ripped to shreds.
“Hey beautiful,” he softly speaks, as you look at him through your hands, eyes tear-stained as you throw your arms around him, then retract quickly, worrying for your lives.
“It’s okay,” he reassures, “There’s nothing to stop us being together now, I can’t live without you”.
In hesitance, you wipe away the tears, looking at the man in front of you as you carefully try to think of what to say to him, wanting to apologise mainly but knowing Jackson, he wouldn’t accept it. 
“What do you mean there’s nothing stopping us?” you ask, coming off a little sarcastic unintentionally but Jackson forgives it, knowing you wouldn’t trust anything at the moment. 
Jackson takes a deep breath as he takes your hands into his, the other hand cupping your face, “I’ll always do anything for you, Y/N. There’s consequences I’ll have to take from my parents but I promise, they won’t get in our way”.
Your face expressed what you were thinking. He was risking his title for you? He was risking facing some pretty serious consequences for you? Just a little commoner you? It seemed ridiculous, but you couldn’t help but feel the happiness you felt before you got ripped away from him.
“I promise to protect you, Y/N. Always,” he continues, smiling when a small one creeps onto your face, eyes creasing at the edges with it, the smile that made him fall in love with you in the first place, “I love you”.
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Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
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hobeemin · 2 years
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🔥 genre: smut, angst, e2l, supernatural
🔥 pairing: demon!jackson wang x demon!(f) poc reader
🔥 rating: 18+
🔥 warning(s): swearing, fire, exhibitionism, teasing, light choking, kissing, multiple positions, powers, demons
🔥 word count: 851
🔥 credits: a HUGE HUGE thank you to @playmetheclassics and @sugakookitty thank you both for looking this over for me cause I was freaking out.
resources for banner found here ~ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
🔥 a/n: @agustdef​ niah, aka my younger sibling, i’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays!!! i hope you enjoy this fic!! i’m not gonna get sappy cause we don’t do that over here lol.
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He sat among the bodies, toying with any that dared come close. His throne, a large obsidian shape, hypnotized anyone who stepped close. They didn’t realize what lurked in the shadows. His appetite was insatiable. Eyes the color of burning coals, skin almost leathery in nature as if soot covered his limbs. But his physique was breathtaking. No one could deny him that.
Jackson was proud, powerful, and gorgeous. Eons of power surged through his bones.
And yet he wanted more. 
He was bored of this world. Nothing challenged him anymore. He sighed heavily as smoke curled from his nostrils. It danced around his head slowly. 
And then she appeared. His eyes rounded for a moment before going back to his neutral expression. Across the rubble, it looked as if she was floating. Through the dust and smoke, she glowed. 
Her eyes set on him as a ghost of a smirk appeared on her face.
So this is who made nations tremble. 
He stood, closing the distance between them instantaneously.
No words needed to be spoken as both their lips sought the other out hungrily. The flame started small as each wrestled for dominance. His fingers dug into her hips, leaving bruises as her nails scratched along his skin, leaving dark, red, angry marks.
It was animalistic, feral, and oh so sensual.
Pulling back to tug on her lip with his teeth, he growled softly.
“Who are you?”
She chuckled, pressing her palm to his chest and shoved him to the ground. Hiking up her dress, she licked her lips as she straddled him.
“Do you desire me?”
He bobbed his head without any hesitation. Something in her voice seemed to lull him into a stupor. He felt heavy…heady. She was the only thing he wanted.
“Who are you?”
She bit down on her lower lip, dragging her nails down his chest and letting them dip to his Orion’s belt. “I think we’re beyond introductions, Jackson.”
The sound of his name on her tongue stirred something in him. She felt his cock twitch against her inner thigh.
“Seems something else is paying attention,” she teased. “I’ve barely touched you, and you’re already gone.”
Jackson gritted his teeth, glaring hard at her. “You think this is funny?”
She tilted her head to the left and then right before answering. “Yes. Yes, I do.”
His hands encompassed her ass cheeks, squeezing them. “I don’t like being considered a joke.”
“I didn’t say that; you did.”
With a hiss, he flipped their positions. Eyes glowing red, he leaned in, placing hot kisses along her neck and jawline.
“You’re insufferable.”
“Yet you put up with it every time.”
Pushing his pants down just enough for his cock to spring out. It slapped against her thigh as he guided it against her bare lips. He grunted, coating the tip in her arousal.
“Just how I remember.”
Her face formed into a scowl as she wrapped her ankles around his lower back, lifting her hips to push him further in.
“Say less. Fuck me. Now.”
Damn, he loved her bossiness. And fuck her, he did. Ignoring the watchful eyes and judgments, their sounds of pleasure filled the air. One hand on his back and the other grounding her in place, she was in a state of bliss.
He rolled over for her to be on top as she bounced harder. Jackson’s eyes rolled back as he matched her rhythm. It was almost too much for him. She squeezed her breasts, still moving on top, her tongue snaked out to coat her lips.
“What’s my name?”
His hips stuttered as he tried to concentrate. “You never-“
“Jackson,” she cooed. “Say it. I know you can.”
“I-I,” he stammered, trying to keep his mind clear.
She rolled her hips, making him groan out. “Fuck…it’s…it’s-“
She moaned as the feeling of the knots in the stomach began to unravel. “G-Go ahead, Jackson…say it.”
“Shit!!! You feel so good hugging my cock, baby. G-Gonna cum in that pretty pussy.”
She slowed her movements as she hissed. “Not unless you say my name!”
“FUCK!!! Y/N!!!!”
She gave one last roll as waves crashed over her body; she screamed into the vast wasteland as it shook the ground. Jackson watched her in awe as his orgasm came just as hard. He cried out as he spilled his seed, filling her to the brim, sitting up to hold onto her until he finished. 
He shuddered, kissing her lips before falling back down. Y/N skin felt ignited as she grabbed his shoulders, pulling him up towards her.
“I win.”
Jackson’s eyes widened in fear. “N-NO!”
Flames burst from his body, licking her skin as she absorbed it. She pushed him down, standing as the vortex opened, dragging him in. She blew a kiss as he yelled before disappearing.
Rolling her shoulders with a sigh, she glanced around the area.
A chill ran through her body as fingers crawled up her neck with a squeeze. Jackson reached in to nip her earlobe with a quiet laugh.
“Oh, we’ve only just begun.”
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dxf · 2 years
forever and always | scenario.
pairing: jackson wang x reader warnings: will tear at your heartstrings, angst words: 659
“come on buddy, it’s almost time to go!” jackson yells from the living room. 
“okay daddy, coming!” his son, adrian, yells back. time has flew by so fast. adrian’s 6th birthday is coming up soon and jackson is making sure to spend all the time he can with his precious son.
jackson picks adrian up and carries him to the car. “we’re visiting mommy, remember? we have to be respectful of the others around us too, okay?”
“yeah, i know daddy, we visit mommy all the time,” adrian remarks. jackson can only smile at the product of his love that he created with you.  “are we going to get flowers this time?”
“of course! we always get mommy flowers. you always get flowers for the people you love,” jackson smiles. 
“okay! we have to get her favorites! mommy will love them!” adrian says excitedly.
the car ride to the florist was the same as always, filled with adrian’s laughter in the back and whatever station jackson put on. he walks in holding adrian’s hand to be greeted with a familiar face.
“the usual mr. wang?” the florist asks.
“yes please,” he softly smiles at the woman. 
“your wife is a very special lady. not many men nowadays get their wives flowers this often,” she compliments.
he picks up adrian once more, just in case he knocks over anything. “well, i have to set a good example for my son.”
“what a wonderful father. here are your flowers,” she smiles. jackson hands over the amount needed to pay and leaves with his flowers and son. 
upon arriving to their destination, jackson takes a deep breath and turns to his son. “are you ready to see mommy?”
“mommy! mommy! can i give her the flowers this time?” adrian asks. jackson nods his head yes before giving his son the flowers. it’s been a week since they’ve last seen her. adrian notices that his dad is tearing up and tries to cheer him up. “you can give mommy the flowers this time daddy. i don’t like seeing you cry.”
“no, no it’s okay buddy. you can give her the flowers. make sure you tell her everything that you want to tell her,” jackson wipes his tears away. 
“okay daddy! let’s go!”
jackson notices that there’s no one around like usual. “hi honey. sorry i didn’t come earlier, life has been pretty busy lately. i’ve been missing you a ton. it’s hard raising adrian without you. he tells me he misses you everyday. i went to check on your parents the other day, they’re doing well. i think they were more excited to see adrian more than anything. he continues to grow up looking more like you everyday. i wish you were here to see it. if i could do anything to prevent that day from happening, i would do it in a heartbeat. it’s been tough. i love you so much, and i would tell you a thousand times when you were here. but enough about me, adrian has some exciting things to tell you.”
“hi mommy! daddy is teaching me so many things. i start 1st grade soon, i hope that you would be proud of me. we got you your favorite flowers again! and i turn 6! i wish you were here to see me turn 6. i think turning 6 is a big number! but 7 is even bigger! i miss you a lot mommy. daddy cries a lot because he misses you too. i don’t like seeing him cry, but you made him so happy. can you make him happy again mommy? please? i love you.” “is that all you want to say buddy?” jackson asks. adrian starts to tear up a bit. “awe baby, don’t cry! mommy will always make me happy, okay?”
adrian wipes his tears away. “okay daddy. i love you and mommy!” “i love you too baby, now let’s go get some ice cream.”
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Trading Secrets
Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Summary: After ending your year long engagement with Jaebum, your older brother Jackson made it his mission to be your personal hype man. However, while playing matchmaker, he unintentionally overlooks your own feelings.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Jackson's Younger Sis AU, rich kid au, themes of classism, mentions of bad exes, fluff, some angst, typos, etc.
A/N: I have been in a rut, so I've decided to literally speed run the requests I can do rn. I HAVENT CHECKED FOR TYPOS ILL COME BACK SOON ENOUGH maybe. this request has been here forever im so sorry it took so long T_T Also obviously this is fiction ok miss me with that BS TY
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Meeting Yugyeom marked the end of an era, the end of my year long heartbreak, the closing chapter of the mopey life I lived up until that point.
He was the beginning of my sunshine, the reason I could walk with a skip in my step, it was the beginning of me feeling like myself again.
I met him at a gala, but not how you would expect. He wasn't one of our family friend's guest, in fact, he had nothing to do with Choi Youngjae's family at all, except maybe the fact he was their employee for that night. Yugyeom was a server for the party the day I met him.
I was in an emotional fit when he saw me at the gardens and he immediately felt awkward since he went outside to take a break from the stuffy atmosphere inside.
For a moment, he kept his silence, up until he decided it would be downright rude to just stand there within a few feet from me and not say anything.
"Did one of the snobby kids in the party fight you, or something?" Yugyeom tries with a lighthearted voice, hoping it would be better than asking if I was okay, when I clearly was not.
I jolted at the sudden sound of his voice, and managed a look at him. Since I was pathetic and prone to self-deprecation during this time, I simply agreed and casually stated, "yeah, my ex-fiancé was there with his next bride-to-be. It felt like I was the butt of everyone's joke, so yeah, I'd say it was a fight."
Yugyeom was not expecting that. But he did know about the dude who was flaunting his fiancé. How could he not when he was so bigheaded about her dress for tonight and the assests her father had. So, Yugyeom placed his pockets in his hands and asked, "was it that moron in the Im family? What's his face, Jaehyun? Jaeyoon, Jae-"
"Jaebum," I say, sniffling, "how'd you know?"
Yugyeom scoffs, "how could I not. He's a prick, even he knows it. Honestly, you're better off. The dude can't tip for his life. How is someone so rich yet so stingy."
I chuckle, shaking my head at the thought, "he wasn't always like that."
"Oh, baby," Yugyeom says out of instinct, it meant nothing to either person in the conversation, "don't defend him. He's not worth it."
It was at this moment, Yugyeom and I finally look at each other. Even with bloodshot eyes and a semi-runny nose, he decided in his head the view was beautiful. He suddenly felt even more annoyed by the idea of Im Jaebum.
"Thanks," I say, wiping my nose, "you gave me enough confidence to walk back in all the way to my car."
Yugyeom knits his brows, "what? Where you planning on camping here for the night?"
I chuckle, "I'm friends with the Choi's. It wouldn't be the first time I slept in their garden, although this time, intentional."
We both share a laugh. Yugyeom felt compelled to make the atmosphere ever more relaxed than it already was, and so he said, "I'll trade you a couple secrets, since you told me some."
Both a brow and a corner of my lips quirked up upon hearing this, "which part of the conversation did I tell you any secret?"
"The part where you talked about your ex and the fact you got shitfaced enough to sleep on grass."
"Hold on," I raise a finger, "I never said I was shitfaced, nor did I sleep on the g-"
"Whatever," Yugyeom laughs, "I got you rich kids all figured out."
Instantly, I feel standoffish and borderline provoked by this, but I keep it cool and only cross my arms as I throw him a face, "do you now."
"Yep," he pops the P, "you're the really rich type that doesn't even notice the fact that I accidentally stole caviar from the last party the Choi's had."
"Wait, wait," I feel my jaw drop, "how do you accidentally steal-"
"I was fixing my hair in the kitchen," Yugyeom immediately explains, "I had a jar of wax and I placed it on the counter top. I fix my hair, throw the jar back in my bag, except when I got to my gig, it was a fucking jar of caviar and not my hair wax."
I break into a laugh. Yugyeom watches my expression and matches my giggles. I shake my head and wave a hand, "wait, I have so many questions."
Yugyeom's watch beeps. He turns to his wrist and stops it, "well, they're gonna have to wait cause my break just ended."
"Oh, right... it was nice-"
"Do you want to get drinks with me after this?"
I am so stunned by his confidence that I nearly forget that he asked me a question. It takes him smiling at me, urging a response by saying, "any second now," as he did a small hop in his place. I break into another chuckle, feeling the need to wipe my nose, suddenly realizing I had just been crying before talking to him. Contrary to the voice I had in my head saying it was a bad idea, I quickly nodded my head and smiled back, "sure. I... I don't have anything better to do anyway."
That small voice in my head was wrong, getting drinks with Yugyeom after that party was the best thing that ever happened to me in a long time.
He and I would hang out every weekend, and he would take me to underground art shows, rap battles, and even dances showcases where he would perform.
I would learn when he wasn't hustling for extra money, he was dancing, either professionally as a backup dancer, a teacher, or in competitions.
Slowly he was seeping deeper and deeper into my world. The causal greetings I would give him if he wound up being a waiter at another party I was invited to would turn into shy smiles from across the room. The casual hangouts we had on weekends blossomed into much awaited dates that ended with kisses and promises of meeting next week.
Still, as much as my heart thumped at the sight of him, we were taking it slow and labels were sort of up in the air. I mean, goodness, he was close enough to me that he became friends with my brother. He was close enough with me that my brother trusted Yugyeom enough to drive me home when he was too drunk to do so.
So during one party on my older brother's yacht, said older brother Jackson put me in quite a tough spot, especially considering he personally invited Yugyeom after hanging out with him enough.
It seems in all of this time Jackson has seen me with Yugyeom, he didn't notice that I was practically making googly eyes at him, cause what did he do? He sets me up with Bambam.
Bam. Bam.
"Hi, Bambam," I chuckle, awkwardly reciprocating the hug initiated. Bambam was dressed to the nines, like he always was, glasses, leather shoes, gold watch, and all.
Jackson was watching from afar, arm around Yugyeom as he squealed and shook his friend, "I have a good feeling about this."
Yugyeom could only watch with disdain.
"That bastard Jaebum really did a number on her, but I think, since she's been talking about going out on dates lately, she might be ready to date again."
Yugyeom grinds his teeth, "she's been talking about going dates?"
Jackson turns to Yugyeom, the hand that was not around his friend was holding a drink, "yeah. She told me she was thinking about dating again, and I said I knew exactly the person she'd be into."
Yugyeom scoffs, "and Bambam is that?"
Jackson takes a swig of his drink, "duhhh! He's around her age, and he went to the same school she did. He's also in charge of the same department she handles in our company, so yeah. Match made in heaven, don't you think, Gyeom?"
Yugyeom, who was annoyed by the fact Jackson totally looked over him initially, suddenly felt like he was put in his place. He was none of those things. He didn't even finish going to university. He watched as Bambam nodded his head causally, making the neatly pressed clothes on his body move just a bit at the action. Then he looked at his ripped jeans and worn out combat boots, then suddenly he was acutely aware of how out of place he really was in all this.
The Wang siblings were gracious enough to make him delude himself into thinking he had a shot at getting the girl he liked.
He didn't know if it was the yacht ride or the realization that make him feel like barfing.
Yugyeom weighs the chances he has to get to shore if he just jumps off here and now.
"I'm going to the bathroom," he tells Jackson. Jackson nods and pulls away, moving on to mingle with the rest of his guests.
Yugyeom makes his way to the tiny bathroom and looks at his reflection for a solid minute. He splashes water on his face and wipes it off with bottom of his old band t-shirt.
He is surprised by whom he meets once he exits the room.
"Hey," I chirp. The smile on my face deflates when Yugyeom returns a gloomy gaze.
I find myself frowning, "are you okay? Are you seasick?"
"No..." he shakes his head. He can't help but feel tingly at the concern, and so he involuntarily chuckles in endearment, "I'm fine."
"Well, you don't look fine," I counter, offering a wide-eyed look. Suddenly, as he shifts in his place to lean against the wall, I realize something, "is this because of Bambam?"
Yugyeom, in all his casual confidence, tenses, nonverbally answering me.
"Hey," I sigh, catching his hand in mine. Yugyeom feels his entire being burn at the slightest of contact. I knit my brows, "Jackson's just trying to help me."
Yugyeom can't meet my gaze, "I know..." he offers a half-hearted smile, "he's right... you should end up with someone like Bambam."
Yugyeom straightens himself up and tightens his hold on my hand. He looks down on me and sighs, "You're out of my atmosphere. Come on, we met at a party where I was a waiter. We're worlds apart."
I look at him with an incredulous expression, "the air pressure up there must have finally gotten to your head, huh," I mock, ripping my hand away from him to cross my arms.
He is unamused.
I sigh, "Gyeomie, do you honestly think if I cared about that, I would have my heart race when I'm around you like I always do."
"Well-" he cuts himself off once he realizes exactly what I said, "your heart races when I'm around."
I shudder out, "unfortunately yes, and you don't seem to want to take responsibility."
Yugyeom is at a loss for words. He opens his mouth and raises his hand, "I do. I do. I so do."
"Alright then," I hold back a smile, "I've told you a secret, now you tell me one."
Yugyeom perks up at that and immediately leans down as he places his hands on my shoulders. He peppers the side of my face, down to my neck with kisses, causing me to curl up at the sensation and giggle at the ticklish feeling. He pushes hair behind my ear then whispers, "I really, really, really want you to be my girlfriend."
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oneproudaghase · 2 years
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BamBam edit.
Man, it may not be that deep. But I know he struggles with angst sometimes. Also, edited the photo(s). Creative purposes. I don’t own them.
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