#jaiden rants
makeyouminemp3 · 2 years
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this is actually canon to me cause i said so
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skyesdaisys · 9 months
i need him in a way that sets feminism back a few centuries
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anon-unofficial · 6 months
ok so before I go to sleep tonight I'm just gonna say:
I am SICK and TIRED OF AROMANTICISM BEING IGNORED. today I saw a thread here on tumblr about openly-queer youtubers to check out and I was like oh! okay! I'll just read through the list! :D
and then I saw JaidenAnimations
yk what I saw?
"openly ace"
she is openly AROace
I can't believe I even have to search this up but HERE. YOU. GO.
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I am NOT going to @ the person in the thread who said that because for all I know they could've just been misinformed/uninformed OR it could've just been a mistake, but GOD it pisses me off so badly to have aromanticism not be considered as something important enough to be mentioned, as if it's a synonym to asexuality, which it is NOT.
being aromantic is valid and is as EQUALLY IMPORTANT and AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL as BEING ASEXUAL. OKAY??????
thank you.
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pusangkambing · 8 months
Sorry for interrupting how everyone is talking about the current lore and launching back to some time ago but since ive read some twts about qroier and his condoning if cellbit is maybe doing the killings and how he hates the fed and all that and ive always wanted to highlight the difference of how both him and qjaiden saw the trip and few minutes they were given with bobby before he fully died
Qjaiden saw those few moments as mercy. They gave her more time with their son, to make last few happy memories with him to keep forever. And she drowned herself in these memories, it is literally how she coped afterwards. By building herself a home of those memories and isolating herself from everyone else. This affected how she saw cucurucho because cucurucho was the one to give her these final moments.
Qroier saw those few moments as cruelty. They dangled the possibility of him getting his son back right in his face, made him go through so much shit and for what? A few measly minutes? How cruel of them to mock him by giving him these last moments with his son knowing he could never have this ever again afterwards. It was vicious mockery is what he believes they gave him. It affected how he grieved too, barely ever touching his memories because it only serves as a cruel reminder of who's bot there anymore, barely going to the 3rd floor of his house, to bobby's castle, keeping himself away from what both he and bobny built, busy with building the city bobby wanted because that city will be a memory he builds alone and not with bobby. And thats why he hates the federation more than ever now.
Its just interesting...
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dadoodler25 · 8 months
You know what, I am AMAZED at how popular Minecraft SMPs are. They get fanfics and fanart, AUs, and I'm just like, what the fuck even is an SMP?
Like, is it the Minecraft equivalent to D&D? How do people get so invested in it? WHERE DO YOU BEGIN?
Like, one my favourite YouTubers, Jaiden Animations, she didn't have much fanart here on Tumblr, but then comes QSMP, and suddenly her tag is flooded with fanart of QSMP, WHERE DO I BEGIN WATCHING THIS STUFF?!
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prismartist · 10 months
damn i can't believe q!jaiden got recruited/pseudo-kidnapped into the federation and has to stay there for a while with almost no outside contact. on a completely unrelated note you guys will never guess which country cc!jaiden will be visiting for two weeks
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cinnuorca · 11 months
I think the one thing I dislike about the Qsmp community is the amount of qJaiden erasure there is, ESPECIALLY in her own family. Every time I see a post with qGuapoduo with Richas + Bobby but not with qJaiden it's just so baffling to me because that's her son too?? If you're gonna include Bobby but not her then you might as well not have him in there at all. I swear it's like people forget that qJaiden was his mom or something. qRoier and qJaiden still have a family bond too! Or maybe I'm just overacting idk... It's just crazy to me how qCellbit and qRoier get married and all of a sudden Bobby is no longer qJaidens child
(Honestly, it made me angry at first but now I'm just sad)
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gooberdrawz · 6 months
lil rant but I dont like how people in the fandom just completely forget or discard jaiden like- she's apart of qsmp too!! no hate to anyone im just upset with the lack of jaiden content and mischaracterization of her I know I sound dumb I just dont like her being forgotten
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rosefires20 · 11 months
I love the QSMP so damn much.
All of the individual storylines, main plot points, and small interactions give me so much life.
It's just this close-knit community of characters that have come to love each other and become fast friends and family.
There's angst and drama and horror and mystery and just about everything else but there is always this core feeling of community and care that has been created.
It's not even exclusive to the server itself either. Seeing all of these different communities come together and get to know each other and become more comfortable with themselves has been so incredible. The streamers themselves have become such good friends they are all planning when they can next meet everyone or travel to someone's home country. It's just incredible.
The world feels so damn negative these days, but here is this Minecraft server actively standing a bright beacon of light. Yes. It's not perfect, but it's incredibly human and very enjoyable to be able to see and interact with.
Every admin and player who has even remotely had a hand in the QSMP has made something truly incredible, and we are shown that every day.
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makeyouminemp3 · 1 month
sometimes, there are ships where both people are different from one another but still can manage to understand one another and somehow fit together perfectly, and that's what makes it enjoyable and fun to watch
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skyesdaisys · 10 months
when the full length version of "pretty please" by joshua bassett is out, there are gonna be SO many smut fics with that song in some way (if it hasn't been used already for the released sample of it recently) i can feel it in my bones and i'm fully prepared for it all and i encourage it <3
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emzii-hi · 9 months
My little theory rant
Okay so today I got caught up in some of Tubbo's streams in specific the one on him questioning the one and only "Enjoy the island" Curcurcho. First, I want to say that boy was that highly entertaining to watch like omg Tubbo was killing it.
But from that whole thing we got really useful information on some bits of the lore and shit that goes on in the island. So here are the points that i found the most interesting
like firstly we know that Forever won the election and is given tasks to do in his presidential reign. I personally full on thought he worked with the Federation but he's more like a sub section in the way a towns major or representative might be in a province or state. And Cucurcho basically was like yeah, he's the pres of the island basically but so far, he doesn't have any actual big pres power. Oher than a bit that was given to him by the feds.
Tubbo then beings to ask about the buildings such as the wall, which until know all we know it was to separate the first people who arrived at the island and that they pushed a red button which left to the destruction of a bit of said wall and the later introduction of the eggs. And the recent random build was built were all build by the qsmp feds. Who in the feds built and for what reason was classified information. (kinda saw that coming as a secret)
Now the honestly the most intresting part of the convo was the subject of the eggs. Our dear tubbo asked so many of the right questions. Like if the eggs hatch which honestly in the long game i hope they do because of the headcannon/cannon lore on the eggs looking like the parents being more accurate after hatching. And he touch on the fact of there being more eggs which if you haven't seen Quackity's and Celbits pov we can definitely say there are more eggs.
Though on Quackity's pov it shows more of either the eggs being recreated in a lab and are trying to be replicated. (The egg we see in quackity's pov was A1 who was doing some sort of test and failed.) Or maybe each time a egg fully dies they are revived and have their memory wiped and gets tested again for other reasons. Which is possible cause ElQuackity came back with no recollection of the eggs and most events of the island. With that being said we know for sure that the qsmp febs have something weird to do with the eggs in general and that Quackity also had some to do with the qsmp feds as he was the one who invited everyone to said island.
We also know that just like the first few eggs that appeared to the first few players that arrived in the island were found in a adoption centre just like the one that cellbit found with the hidden room and the book. Could that be why after richas and pomme kinda just appeared to the other parents after awhile? was it that they learned from their mistake? Who knows all we know is that there are definitely more eggs that was first thought and possibly a more secret adoption centres. (This could also maybe tie in the fact that the codes are trying to kill eggs and now trying to be them.)
Juanaflippa is the only egg to be revied throughout the whole smp. Now when tubbo asked about this whole ordeal on getting eggs lives back, Cucurcho first was like that's classified but the was saying no which could be their way of confusing and avoiding the whole question as a whole. This obviously could just be them confused on the question but its still iffy.
Again the whole thing was super interesting.
The Federation
The Federation it self was a crazy clue in its self. Tubbo compared the whole this to the stranger thing for those who don't know Stranger things there is this lab where they experimented on children such. And Cucurcho being all the island is perfect and Tubbo was like agreeing for the most part. Leading to this.
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We know that the qsmp Feds what them to enjoy the island but we aren't entirely sure why. This was super interesting to me in the sense of double meaning like yes the island is "perfect" for players and for the most part they are content but there is a whole theory that the reason that they gave them eggs was to distract them but from what? I think its like a whole simulation backroom idea. That the true enjoyers of the island is actually qsmp feds as they have ways to test and recreate certain things and certain people. Again possibly tying the blue bird theory of Jaiden being a escaped backroom project that was later brought back by Quackity's request.
Tubbo again asked a great question that i never really have thought of and I don't see most people wonder this. Do these Cucurcho's have free will. This was question bit was weird back and forth momment of yes they kinda of do have free will to a weird I am a employee of the Federation moment. I would say that for the most part they do have free will in the sense they can walk around and talk with people but have maybe a signal que of other Fed workers looking at them closely to make sure they don't step out of line and do their required tasked kinda of like it you ere told to do something at gun point. I honestly don't know.
They the whole might there be other island.
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Its in the name itself. The Federation Census Bureau. The word Bureau itself means a office or department of for transacting a particular action or a government office. Obviously in the context of the book it was used in singularity and not plurality to identify more but it still slightly concerning cause a Bureau it self is a of agreed divided specialties. So it would make sense is that Quisadilla Island to not be the only one in a large network. Again Tubbo be asking the right questions. Also the fact that Cucurcho's answer to Tuboo being like on the idea of more then one island was saying classified was amazing cause it makes it even more believable that there is more island as one island in singularities existence does not need to classified
IN CONCLUSION!! Tubbo was crazy in getting the most general answers and vague questions that allowed us to get at least and idean of wtf is going on with feds and the island. And im sorry for going on this whole rant but i had to get this off my chest so yeah. That whole bit was wild and really had me being like wtf moments
(1) Tubbo Asks Cucurucho All The Lore Questions He Could Think OF! QSMP - YouTube
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pusangkambing · 9 months
Saw a tweet annoyed the hell out of me but for the love of god qjaiden isnt leaving or "closing the book" on bobby fields. Girl says she's going to start lying but apparently now is the time to take her words at face value
She's been lying to herself for a much longer time than she has been lying to other people. No she's not over bobby fields, no shes not over bobby's death, she lied to qBaghs about it because Baghera is one of the only people that knows about it. She is lying to qbaghera because she's afraid she might become suspicious too. She has no plans on leaving. Literally a day before she said Bobby fields would be her main base but she would need a different house because she cant keep saying she doesnt have one when people ask.
She has not moved on, she has never ever allowed herself to fully processed her grief. Think back to when she first showed bobby fields to qroier, constantly telling him that they can be like how they used to, that, there, they can never be sad. That they can keep living that memory of bobby forever. Go back when she first showed it to qfoolish. Leo was so concerned about it because she too clocked in how qjaiden never ever lets herselft get sad ever. She asks her tia if she's okay with a sign, qjaiden reads and quietly tells her "yes. im fine" then breaks the sign herself. She, as far as i know, has never broken a sign from the eggs ever until then, but the fact that she broke the sign herself speaks volumes of how much she's repressing her emotions. She is bottling up all her grief over bobby, never truly letting them out so she can forever cling to only happy memories of her dead son. Think back to when she first showed qcellbit, when cellbit asked her where she got the flowers (the cyan ones, bobby's flowers), she immediately changed the subject, never fully answering his question. She does not let herself think of the day when Bobby died, she refuses to touch it, she understands that he's dead but she can never confront the memory of when he actually died, and with the way shes going, it doesnt look like she ever will.
So no she has not moved on, she is not closing the book, the thorns of the roses of bobby fields cling to her very being, the vines wrapping themselves around her heart. When she speaks to others about moving on,
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eternallovers65 · 10 months
Roier not knowing about the 4halo drama and trying to make willy and forever a thing, while both his husband and son are the biggest 4halo supporters in this island is top tier comedy
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tomfrogisblue · 4 months
A bit ago Richas asked Philza to help him go on a mission to Egg Island to find Cellbit.
Richas and Pomme are the only eggs missing.
Cellbit and Baghera are the only islanders officially missing (as seen on posters in spawn just before the prison event).
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casuallyafraid · 8 months
:3< if the pendejo group gets kidnapped, servers
Jaiden and Cellbit will wage war on the server to find Roier. It's self explanatory
Pac and Fit set the world aflame to find Tubbo. Tubbo's like their son from my pov.
Slimes also going to have jaiden on his side. Their friendship seems to be forgotten, but they lived beside eachother for so long, and jaiden was (one) of his lawyers.
But none the less, the pendejo's get kidnapped..
Goodbye QSMP.
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