enbysiriusblack · 13 hours
marauders ship battle
submitted propaganda:
“people created Jegulus because they are cowards. they wanna have wolfstar so bad they don't realise the true soulmates in the series”
"The best of friends.  “Harry had the distinct impression that Sirius was the only one for whom James would have stopped showing off.” Sirius ran away to James. “Never saw one without the other, did you?””Quite the double act, Sirius Black and James Potter!”  They created the two way mirrors so they could speak to each other in separate detentions(and stare into each other’s eyes). Harry named his firstborn child after both of them, so that even in death they’d be together. Sirius’ extreme love for James arguably defines him and many of his actions. + they look hot together"
“in all honesty i love it because it takes two characters that were very flat in canon and it just gives them so much depth and potiential. Also yeah maybe because they'd look hot as shit together, sue me”
“Forbidden love of sorts, cute af”
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jaylienpotter · 3 months
Marauders: (being loud)
Regulus: would you be quiet??
James: come on Reggie!
Regulus: it's Regulus for you.
James: you know you love me!
Regulus: you put the "u" in stupid.
James: yeah?! You know there's also "i" in stupid.
James: wait-
Regulus: I state my case.
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the difference between jegulus and jily is that Lily would be comfortable crying in front of others so long as James isn't present because she doesn't want to take away his smile, but Regulus would only cry in front of James because he was the only one that Regulus could afford to see him at his most vulnerable
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anonymousqualities · 19 days
Cat animagus Reg 1000% sleeps in the face plant position and gives james everyone the occasional heart attack.
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delirium1217 · 26 days
“Why didn’t you- when Sirius left,” James takes a deep breath, readying himself. “Why didn’t you leave, too?” James finds himself whispering, the words coming out in soft breaths, almost as if he was afraid of scaring Regulus off into the harrowing night. 
The orange lights from overhead illuminated his face. His hair had gotten long, reaching the tops of his shoulders. James’ hands ached to brush them off his face, just to make sense of his expression. He looked out into the distance, eyes refusing to reach his. James wondered if he would ever respond.
But eventually he does.
“You already know, James.” He sounds exhausted in a way that makes his skin prickle with anxiety.
Maybe James did, maybe he just wanted to absolve his guilt. This was selfish. 
The silence stretches between them until it’s something that cloaks over both their shoulders. Until it suffocates and presses upon James’ throat.
When Regulus speaks, it is in a flat voice. 
“I had to stay behind for my family,” Monotone. Rehearsed. Reserved.
He hated that, he hated that Regulus ever thought James would be stupid enough to believe it. Maybe once it would’ve worked. Maybe once he really was that naïve. Once, when the arrogance of youth hadn’t left his bones broken and bruised. 
Now he knew better. The tug of guilt in his heart wasn’t enough to stop the words from toppling out.
“Were you afraid?” James looks up at him. Grey eyes sparkle under the warm glow, still turned away.
For once, Regulus doesn’t hesitate. He replies immediately, not skipping a beat. 
“Well then what were you?” James bites back, a flair of unjustified anger overtaking him.
“I was logical. I was pragmatic.” Back to the detached tone. The lies he told himself. 
“That’s bullshit and you know it.” 
Regulus finally breaks his stare-off with the sea. He looks at James, and at once he realizes just how different Regulus and Sirius were. Had it been Sirius he was speaking to, the hurl of petty, teetering on hurtful, replies would have been never ending. And they had. The way Sirius accused James of charity work, of messing with him, of giving offers he couldn’t uphold. A hero complex. 
He expected all these accusations to tumble out of Regulus’ mouth just as easily as they had out of Sirius’. They didn’t.
Was it the only child in him? Did he expect all siblings to act in identical ways?
Regulus saw through James. It scared him in ways he couldn’t possibly fathom. 
The silence makes itself known again. 
“Happiness like that is fickle. I couldn’t trust myself around it. I would’ve smashed it up till my fingers bled.” he said, eyes piercing through the distance between them. 
Simple, like they were discussing the weather or which Quidditch teams they liked. Like it wasn’t something that fractured assumptions and mindsets James has spent years believing. 
He didn’t know what to say to that. It wasn’t fear, but now he wished it was.
“That’s not- it’s not how it would’ve went.” His words sounded weak, flimsy. They were. Was he certain that Regulus, the quiet boy he’d once been - who seemed so dead-set to bring about his own misery - did he trust him not to take apart up whatever careful placement he and Sirius had built?
It was an egregious thought. A shameful one that made James almost rue Regulus for ever suggesting it. 
James busies his hand with holding on to the rails, to avoid Regulus’ eyes. 
They don’t say anything beyond that. This wasn’t something James could fix. He looks out into the sea.
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moonypdfootprongsimp · 5 months
New jegulus fic rec
Hi hi!! Thanks to the amazing @fire-but-ashes-too who recommended it!! It’s a jegulus 10 thing I hate about you Au fic, with Sirius asking James to date Regulus so that he can date Remus!
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turtlediva · 3 months
I started a Jegulus story last year because I love these guys so much. It also has Wolfstar. My OTP heart. Since writing, I realized I love them even more. 🥹 That’s all. That’s the story.
I’m now 18 chapters in. Once done I’ll finally get to fall in love with my other story again. I miss the Sarawattine fandom.
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cryingevanafton · 4 months
Regulus Black
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maybebabyplease · 1 year
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this hell (is better with you) 
james/regulus, E, 1/9 chapters
Dead. James is dead. Huh. He’d sort of thought it would never happen. It makes sense, in a way, that it would be an accident. Something ridiculous. He had never been very careful, after all.
“Oh,” he says. He doesn’t really know what else to say. Dead.
“Yes, well,” says the woman behind the table. “Sorry for your loss, and all. Now we need to figure out what to do with you.”
She looks down at the form in her hand, reading over it with care. James waits, patient, while she turns page after page. Occasionally, she makes a little huffing noise and underlines something with her pen. It goes on like this for an eternity, until James can’t take it anymore.
“Sorry, just…what to do with me?” James says. “What do you mean, figure out what to do with me?”
“Up or Down, Mr. Potter,” she says, voice thin.
note: ok here is the very first chapter (sort of, it’s a prologue) of the fic i’ve been working on this year! this one has been such a labor of love and i am so grateful to everyone who has listened to me whine talk about it. so excited to post it all!!!
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You know, Jegulus is always about James being the hopeful "it's all going to be okay" and Regulus being the hopeless "none of it is okay, everything is broken" but consider for a moment:
James being desperate and panicked and frantically trying to fix everything "it's going to be okay, we're going to make it work, we'll find a way to make it work" and Regulus who's given up on trying to change his fate and chose to embrace it so he's completely calm and he's the one who takes James' face in his hands and tells him "it's okay, this is how it was always meant to end. you've done everything you could. you can let it go now. it's okay, i promise"
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jaylienpotter · 2 months
New Shedded Snake chapter out!
It has actually been out for a day but Ao3 has been down so you're only getting this post now 😅
If you don't know this fic, trigger warning for non-con/r*pe recovery
Chapter summary:
A cat, an Invisibility Cloak, and a storage room. Yet another night escapade... However, this one didn't go as smoothly. TW: panic attack, flashbacks, unlocked memories from r*pe.
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still not over the fact that the sun and the star sounds like a jegulus fic
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anonymousqualities · 1 year
James definitely had a porn 'stache phase that everyone gave him hell over...
(James walking up to regulus who's holding baby harry)
Regulus, evading a kiss "absolutely not"
James pouting, arms crossed " how come no one is giving Sirius trouble over his!?"
Regulus: "because surprisingly, the idiot can pull it off. You're just making everyone uncomfortable"
James, reaching out to hold harry: aww, thats not true. You still love me right Hazza?
Harry bursts out crying.
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residentrookie · 1 year
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so uh?
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jamesregulusmarauders · 7 months
fic: the serpent and the stag - james/regulus, sirius/remus
Regulus lunged again, but Remus had a firm grip on his waist and he couldn’t disentangle himself.
‘One more word out of you, Rosier, and I’ll curse you myself,’ said Peter loudly, moving between them all. ‘You’re a right arsehole, you know that? Honestly, was it worth it? Being a prick?’
‘What happened?’ A new voice had joined the fray and Regulus’ head snapped up to see James, Sirius and half a dozen others making their way over at a run, brooms discarded on the pitch behind them.
Peter said, ‘Crouch, Rosier and Snape were being charming as ever. Regulus was standing up for Moony.’
‘He’s right,’ said Marlene McKinnon, who’d come down from the other side of the stands. ‘Those three started it.’
‘What did they say?’ Sirius looked from Remus to the Slytherins and back again. ‘Moony, what’d they say? I need to know how hard to swing.’
fic link
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moonypdfootprongsimp · 5 months
A little jegulus fic rec for today!!
It’s a high school AU, football player James and painter Regulus
There’s platonic MoonWater and a bit of wolfstar!
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