starriseri 4 months
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Valentine's day with JianKong 馃惖馃惗馃挄
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dijaja 16 days
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Sending my love to the jiankong shippers
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paperplane-eye 3 months
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i need to draw them interacting more
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relmint-draws 1 year
LISTEN--I just find the concept of Erlang getting an unspoken crush on Wukong after their death battle SO FUNNY
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relmint 2 years
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I redrew the ask req thing
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lavaflowe 1 year
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A little comic from my very specific Jiankong AU: SEM arc edition
Shoutout to @relmint for helping me create about 50% of this AU
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i love yuri
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sketching-shark 3 months
you know the king has bad taste in men when somehow bajie is the best option out of the lot of them (didnt leave huaguo for dead. didnt kill like 70% of huaguo. bar is in the ground.)
I couldn't help but be reminded of this post @antidotefortheawkward made some time ago regarding the zhuhou vs. jiankong debate in the "you vs. the guy he tells you not to worry about" format which you can view here:
And while I do find Zhu Bajie's plight in this pretty funny, it does pay to remember that he has the very real comfort of knowing that no matter what at least he has the major advantage of "didn't try to murder Sun Wukong while he was begging me to find a different solution to our differences" and "didn't firebomb Mt. Huagoushan."
That said, as always mad respect to the jiankongers for from what I understand having the common understanding that Sun Wukong and Erlang Shen couldn't really be anything but bitter exes at best after the burning of the Monkey King's beloved home. We love it when both sides of a ship get to hate each other for legitimate reasons <3.
Also & along those lines, and while I don't know if this is true for sure, I also find it pretty neat and really funny that Lotus Lantern retellings may have been the first spark to inspire what is now at least a couple of stories of Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong taking care of children together. Jokes about Erlang Shen and the Monkey King getting into a custody battle over Liu Chenxiang are evergreen, but throw Zhu Bajie into the mix and it really becomes this incredible drama of "my ex bestie and his new bestie gang up against me & win guardianship over my nephew who hates me for unrelated reasons (don't worry about it)."
You do have to feel a bit bad for Erlang Shen though...with Xiyouji, Lotus Lantern and that story about him marrying and soon after separating from a dragon princess who was apparently pretty abusive, he really is among his other titles like the most divorced god ever lol.
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incorrectjttw 6 months
S奴n W霉k艒ng:聽We鈥檙e getting married, bitches! 脠rl谩ng Sh茅n:聽And we're about to make it everybody else's problem.
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mythologyfolklore 22 days
Jiankong is so funny because it's just these two insanely powerful guys who could face off heaven if they wanted to but neither of them are going to go through the ordeal of just asking the other out. And they think they're slick about it but everyone and their mother can see that one of them has a ridiculous schoolkid crush on the other and the other is just straight up yearning.
See? You get it, Anon!
They're idiots, your honour. XD
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the-monkey-ruler 11 months
There鈥檚 a borderline jiankong movie?
2021 Journey to the West - A Duel on the Faith was very CLOSE relations if I had to throw my hat into the ring.
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They are both trapped in a prison and Wukong was trying to get it open, was pushed back and fell on Erlang. Wukong being a cheeky bastard and like "So how are you?" and Erlang losing every inch of his patience because he is trapped in a room with a monkey.
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wu-kongs 2 years
Ohhh, do you think that Erlang would use Macaque to get to Wukong? I feel like Erlang has unresolved emotions regarding Monkey King?
yes. erlang fancies himself the strong arm of the celestial law (altho he is designated the judicial god (TV, 2009), and has a warped perspective (this is me talking HC wise building off his persona) on how criminals should be treated鈥攚hen it comes to criminals, playing dirty is not off the table, and he knows wukong adores macaque, regardless of if he shows it or not. he'd undoubtedly blackmail wukong with macaque in some kinda hostage situation to manipulate wukong into bending to his will.
...the problem with that is that wukong is stronger than him鈥攅rlang was unable to subdue him alone in JTTW without the help of others (and it was the enlightened one lao zi who ultimately captured sun)鈥攕o... it's not like he could hold him off for long if wukong was fully ready to mow him over to rescue macaque. which he would be. though he would pretend it was simply a good deed rather than retrieving his beloved.
on the second point, and i'm continuing down an HC-paved road. barring obvious others鈥攂uddha, the jade emperor, the four heavenly kings (including his father)鈥攏ot another soul is able to hold their own against erlang except for wukong, and to erlang, that's... hot very sexy wow. he vastly prefers someone who can keep up with him, hold their own against him, versus a meek and submissive partner who'd never be able to hold his interest.
during wukong's time in the heavenly realm, they had consummated... something. something fierce and heated and whirlwind, the likes of which erlang knows will haunt him forever. and then wukong left without warning, having wreaked havoc in the heavenly realm and erlang's heart in his wake. maddening.
and then erlang is later summoned to subdue him? perfect. he can exact his revenge and be done with it. but no. wukong insults him quite freely during their battle, transforming at one point into a bustard of all things, the most lewd bird that would join itself with any other鈥攊s that a reflection of wukong? because here he is, choosing someone else clearly below him in status and power over the prodigious erlang. it's a grave personal insult.
he isn't even satisfied when they capture wukong, nor when they execute him in the brazier. though that doesn't work. and he secretly thrills when wukong survives the boiling, birthed again like a phoenix even more powerful and destructive than before. and erlang cannot remember a more exciting time of his life than fighting off a sun wukong unleashed, no longer having fun but purely out for blood. it's glorious. it's breathtaking. and he's only a little pissed off when the buddha arrives to put a definitive end to it all.
then, wukong is packaged up nice and neat and kept tidy under the burgeoning five phases mountain, and of course erlang visits. tells wukong he can fix this, free him from his prison鈥攂e with me again. to which wukong finds repulsive, hilarious, and pathetic. and of course that response pisses erlang the fuck off, so... taking his wrath out on flower fruit mountain it is鈥攁nd finding that wretch wukong treasured so much.
the rest is questionable history, huh?
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paperplane-eye 7 months
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Did an aggi with my partner, here's my side
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lagt-duck 6 months
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maidenofthecloud 4 months
(this post is a joke)
Ok, I think we should all agree that Lego Sun Wukong has certain preferences
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and those preferences are. . .
forked eyebrows
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relmint 2 years
zhuhou or jiankong food for the jttw requests please?
My laptop died though and I couldn't find my charger so I had to draw them in trad 馃ぉ I might redraw some of these and make them better lawl 馃槶
Zhuhou doodles (the first one is like...very old lawl)
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And jiankong <33
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