#jikook is real
mrs-monaghan · 3 months
This shaz
Who tf wears a sweater, a man wore whole day which was sweaty and beer smelled, to sleep ? We read it in fanfics lol
Jiminie wearing his mafia boyfriend's huge sweatshirt which reached his mid thighs Yada Yada
But that's exactly they are doing irl lmao
I was literally about to say this ;
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They all share. Not just Jikook. But this, this is exclusive to just them. And it means something
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ikmlovsblog · 11 months
jungkook usernames.    ⧣
      kootiny          bunbunko          97jkooo
      bambiko        loverkoo             spiderjko
     koostar         skykookie           kooobun
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͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ⌕ jimin users
͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏͏͏⪩ ⪨ ﹕ jminacho minielovz pjmarvel
͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏͏͏⪩ ⪨ ﹕ pjiminie pjmsluv pjaranha
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minkookiejjk · 29 days
How I miss the boyfriends!!🥺❤️🫶🏻
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ggukkieisintominnie · 10 months
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jkjmbtsarmy · 3 months
Can we talk about this very SUS Jikook moment from Bon Voyage Season 2 ep 2 please?
So the boys are playing Hide in Seek in the dark (aka with blindfolds and all that inside their first accommodation) to win money for spending on their first full day in Hawaii.
They have been split into three teams. A) Namjin B)Sope C)VMinKook
While trying to find our glorious leader, Namjoon, who keeps slipping by all of them, THIS ⤵️ (the SUS Jikook moment in question)
Happens (Ignore the crap quality from my cell phone)
🐥 -Touches Jungkook on his butt- “feels like Jungkook’s butt”
Feels like Jungkook’s butt!? Park Jimin please explain to me how you KNOW that’s Jungkook’s butt just by feeling/touching it?
Especially when this ⤵️
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Happened less than two minutes prior.
Jin was trying to maneuver and climb from where he was in the window to the bed and both Jungkook and Taehyung find him. Jungkook ends up putting his hands on Jin’s backside and goes “whose butt is this? Who are you?”
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btstulip · 4 months
New ARMY and completely obsessed
The loss of sleep so I can just read one more thing is only outweighed by my regret that I didn't pay attention to BTS sooner. Thank you social media algorithms for introducing me! I love them so much and I am way too old to say that without feeling a little awkward. I am grateful that my hyperfixation has settled enough for me to return to a normal sleeping pattern. I am continuing to spend all my free time exploring the incredible amount of content out there and am grateful for all the information I have found here on Tumblr. (yes, I joined Tumbler to feed my BTS obsession) So thank you to everyone I have liked and reblogged!
I am OT7 ARMY first. I love them all (even if I am a little extra obsessed with Jimin and Jungkook) and think they are a really special group of people. It's obvious to me that they are very close and truly care about each other like family. That being said, I definitely think Jimin and Jungkook are together and consider myself a supporter. You're welcome to call me delulu and that is okay. Obviously I can't know anything for sure and I'm okay if I am wrong about them, but I'm convinced they have a special bond and there are too many things that I couldn't reason away, even though I tried. But since I am convinced now that they are together, I'm okay with having my likely delulu moments where I enjoy reading into cute, possibly innocent interactions between those two. Maybe I'll share some with you. :)
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daintyzumin · 3 months
Jungkook: I love Jimin.
Jungkook: ..all three feet of him
Jimin: there it goes
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lajikookbolala · 8 months
There are never coincidences when it comes to them
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floradinterlunium · 11 months
Times Tae Debunked Tkkrs and Affirmed Jikook
I know a lot of Jikookers aren’t happy with Tae right now. They hold him responsible for stoking the fire that fuels Tkkrs. And Like I’ve previously stated I’m not one to police peoples feelings or opinions. Your anger is your own, same going for your opinions.However, in the spirit of peace and reconciliation I want to remind everyone of all the times Tae has intentionally and unintentionally debunked Tkk and affirmed Jikook…because he has done so more than any other member.
Tae has a personality that you either choose to hate or you choose to love because he’s an enigma. It’s often times difficult to know if he’s as oblivious as he seems, a genius mastermind that plays the airhead card, a free spirit or all of the above…my vote goes to all of the above! 
There are moments where it’s clear Tae is up to no good and is trying to serve JM and JK their just desert for abandoning him by exposing their location. Other times it seems like he has put zero thought into the implications of his words. However, regardless of his motives (or lack thereof) Tae is pretty good at playing games in the category of “softly exposing Jikook.”
So for funsies lets kick this off with one of Tae’s favorite games called…..
“Whose Room is It Anyway?”
When on tour it appears as though Tae never knows where other members rooms are. He’s either always messaging the group chat to find out where everyone is OR he’s just plain ole confused about whose room he’s in. 
Exhibit A. Osaka V live
I don’t think there’s a jikooker alive that hasn’t heard of this Vlive. However, When most here the words “Osaka” and “V-live” what typically comes to mind is JK clearly muttering the name “Jimin” whilst being butt naked in a dark room listening to sexy time music. 
However, what’s often overlooked is the how and the why we know this sensitive information. You see this gem of a jikook moment came to us for one reason and one reason only and that reason is Kim Taehyung and his childlike innocence (then). 
Tae has never been good at operating solo on his Vlives. He tends to run out of things to say and in this live that’s what happened. He ran out of things to talk about so he called on his fans to give him suggestions. They suggested he go to another members room. But Tae being Tae...didn’t know ANY of their room numbers! Don’t believe me...I have the receipts!
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See he didn’t know any of the members room numbers. He texts the group chat to get members room numbers and I guess it was Jin that replied with the members room numbers. Not JK. Jin. Tae decided to go to JK’s room (my guess is because he can pull the hyung card on him and sort of voluntell him to go along) and he messaged JK to let him know he was coming but JK never responded. We know this because when he arrived JK asked him multiple ties what he was doing there. 
Now I won’t analyze this Jikook moment because it’s been analyzed enough. What I want to point out is how in this moment  Tae unintentionally debunked every Taekook claim because HE. DIDN’T. KNOW.JK’s. ROOM. NUMBER!!! 
I don’t know about you but I’m 100% certain that I wouldn’t need a third party to tell me where my boyfriends room was!
Now some may cry...this was just one time...he probably just forgot! And I would respond...haven’t you heard the news????? Tae is the grand champion of the game Who’s Room Is It Anyway!
Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look at a few more examples
Exhibit B. New Jersey Vlive
This moment is another famous Jikook Vlive most known for Jikooks tension. However, when watching this I also noticed that while Tkkers for some reason also like to claim this live as their own, Tae debunks them. I mean he again broadcast his lack of knowledge of where JK’s room is. Take a look for yourself down below .. .
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Tae didn’t know whose room he was in. My guess is he thought it was either JM’s or JK’s room.
Now to be fare... a “valid” question does arise...and that question is if he didn’t know JK’s room number, how did he get there??
And to answer that question I’d say he could have done many things including but not limited to texting the group chat...but in reality its neither here nor there because this one simple fact remains...TAE WASN’T CERTAIN OF THE ROOM HE WAS IN! If he were dating JK he wouldn’t need to ask him...he’d know!
How’s the old saying go???
First time can be a mistake.
Second time is a choice.
Third time.. third time is the vminkook live
Exhibit C. Vminkook Live
Again another famous vlive with popular Jikook moments...the most popular moment being Jimin’s TMI where he exposed how frequently JK comes to his room. It was a funny moment...a funny moment that yet again Tae used to debunk Taekook by broadcasting how unfamiliar he is with JK’s room situation.
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What boyfriend would so frequently be confused as to where his partner is sleeping? Moreover, why would that same boyfriend confuse his partners room for his best friends?? Hmmm??? Either JK is cheating on Tae with JM and has been for years or JK has never been Tae’s boyfriend!! I’d bet on the latter considering Tae’s jovial expression when admitting to the fact he never knows where JK’s room is!
First time is a mistake
Second time’s a choice
Third time is a habit...a habit that spells out the phrase “GET.OUT.OF.YOUR.IMAGINATION”
Now this next round of Tae Games is pretty spicy. The game is called-->
“Karma’s a B**H ”
When it comes to Jimin, Tae can sometimes act like a jilted bride. He doesn’t like it when Jimin “ditches” him for JK. When this happens Tae sometimes makes a point to call him out …
Exhibit A: The Salty Smirk
I’m not certain if this is Tae punishing JK for keeping his JM from him or punishment for JM for ditching him or BOTH? Either way Tae was not shy about exposing JM’s and JK’s whereabouts (at god awful hours). And he didn’t just expose where they were...he exposed why Jimin wouldn’t join him...
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JM wouldn’t be joining Tae because JK wouldn’t let him. UM? What? Jungkook...the maknae, the member with the least amount of seniority is keeping JM, his hyung from hanging out with him on vlive? I don’t think people understand enough how much Tae exposed them here! And that smirk...he knew what he was doing!
It’s not just oh Jimin can’t come because he’s hanging out with JK...it’s no JM can’t come because JK won’t allow him! Let that sit with you for a second! “JK is stopping Jimin from coming!” Tae is strongly insinuating that Jikook’s power structure is outside the normal hyung dongsaeng dynamic.  Tae straight up destroyed any theory that he’s dating JK by exposing Jikook’s relational dynamics. The boy is chaotic!
Exhibit B & C
Again with exhibit B we have Tae exposing Jimin’s whereabouts and why he’s not with him. It seems like Tae is quite salty about getting left at the alter and JM always running off to be with JK?!/!?! Don’t believe me....look below!
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Still don’t believe me? Here’s one more moment in which Tae is in the mood for chaos. 
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Now, in this moment Tae doesn’t mention why Jimin decides not to join him at the gym but look at his face...look at that smirk!! Doesn’t it remind you of something else??? Maybe it reminds you of Exhibit A. It seems like he is itching to tell us why Jimin didn’t join him but this time chose not to say it aloud but definitely hints at...that smirk can only mean it’s something spicy.
And don’t we later learn that Jikook had many drinks that same night...because they were sending Hobi off??!!?! 
I mean this boy is chaos itself! and We may be like...what the hell happened to this Tae? The Tae that loved debunking his own ship and exposing Jikook!.! 
My response to that is I don’t doubt that Tae still exist seeing that the above photo is recent...he may be  chaotic and irking peoples nerves right now but he really has done a lot to show the world that him and JK are nothing but friends! He has directly debunked tkkers and indirectly debunked them SOOO MANY TIMES! The only way they’d believe him is if photos were leaked of him with someone else....wait! That already happened and they still don’t believe him... I guess now the only thing he can do is come out with it and say he’s dating Jennie...and hell he might! AFTER his album comes out there might be an announcement!? 
I’m actually crossing my fingers that they do make the official announcement after his album drops! But let’s wait and see. In the meantime I am holding my judgement because for years the above Tae is what we got and what we loved! 
There are so many more instances of him debunking his own ship and affirming Jikook but here are just the standouts!
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roo-bastmoon · 9 months
Remember that one time?
Hey, guys. Hey, hey--you guys!
Remember that one time, when Jimin got moon tattoos down his spine, but then he spent more than a year being all coy and not really showing us more than a few peeks... and then he went on Insta and Twitter and posted a half-naked picture with a full view of it with his arm around Jungkook for his birthday?
Remember that?
Man, it feels like it was just yesterday or something.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 month
it’s a shame that if the jikook show gets released during ms there won’t be any possibility of lives/posts etc about how it was like to film it or any behind the scenes details:’(
If this had be come out in earlier in the year when JK was on his Jimin content streak, would’ve loved to have seen him watch and react to a whole episode (or whatever the travel show will be) on his live!
esp to prove to the antis that he was not forced to do any of it and he enjoyed it ! even the short blurred clip on suchwita shows jk giggling and kicking his feet lmao, sure he’s loved every minute of it🤭
He gave away quite alot body language wise when he reacted to Jimin content.
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So I'm with you anon, I'd give anything to have him react to their vlog 🤭🤭 see, some things are kinda hard to fake.
(Thanks @chicknbunny13 )
Idk if he even noticed his own reaction.
Its kinda intense trying to hide a rlship....😏
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Part 2- 10 Jikook Moments That Make Me Say "There is no way Jikook is not real"
Part 2. Because let me tell you all something...from the looks of it, Jikook is real.
And going through my own brain archives and content, we have enough moments to give us Part 3, 4, 5... and we have moments to make a Top10 of basically everything.
And just an fyi, for a moment to persuade me, it can be sexual tension, taking care of each other, physical contact, even awkwardness, etc, but it has to have that added intimacy. You know, the unspoken words between couples. And Jikook is full of that not so secret but always present intimacy.
So let's begin this one...
(In no particular order)
10. Bam <3 Jimin
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Ok, let's be honest here... Uncle Jimin? Lol more like Dad(dy) Jimin! But no joke, that dog knows Jimin really well and loves Jimin. Trust me...I grew up having more than 10 dogs at all times so I know a thing or two lol
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It's the eye contact and the little ears that give it away.
Bam's behavior shows how comfortable he is with Jimin. He is even licking Jimin's toes in some scenes. Sooo cuteeeee!!!
The poor dog was even confused when he had to decide who to follow, Jk or Jimin. Is that because Jimin is his owner too? 👀 Even the other members asked Jimin questions on Bam.
Like when Jin asks Jimin if Bam will run after him. And Jimin is like say what? Totally caught off guard lol
I'm not going to lie. I love Bam and Jimin and Jungkook and the interactions are beautiful to watch. So if Bam tells us that Jikook is real, then Jikook is real. Dogs don't lie!
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Ah but for reals, I love him so much! You know what? He needs his own post! Bam appreciation post coming soon.
9. "I was with Jungkook"
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I was with Jungkook. In their defense, they are always together. But this one hit differently, at least to me.
It was Jungkook's birthday and it was them two. Thats when they got the Billboard announcement that they had placed no.1 and they fell asleep caressing their phones and crying. So like they were in the same bed and all. Cool, nothing suspicious yet.
But it was Jk's birthday. And if Jk is dating someone, shouldn't he had been with them celebrating? Shouldn't be had been in someone's else's bed caressing the phone because Jk's group got no.1 on billboard (cough, Jimin's live when he got no.1 on billboard cough)? If Jimin was dating someone else shouldn't he had been with that person instead?
Also, Jk's smile when Jimin was finally able to tell everyone he was with Jk was huge. And Jimin had tried a few days before in that other live but the story got all jumbled and Jungkook was not so happy about it.
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So Jimin confessed. He was with Jungkook. And all was well once again in the Park-Jeon household.
8. If eyes were in the shape of 💕...
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This moment is so freakin real to me. First of all, I love Jikook during Dynamite era and this live was fun.
It's really like Jikook was in their honeymoon phase again...how many honeymoon phases do these guys have? Lol
And then we get this tiny 1 second moment of Jk blinking with heart eyes at Jimin. Just because Jimin said something slightly amusing. Omg.
Cancel everything because this is love💘!!!!
And there is also that suspicious Jimin moment. You know those annoying comments we hate "Finger hearts if Jikook is real..."
Well, Jimin at around 11:20ish, reads a comment that says "Stay healthy" then looks around nervously and does this...
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Then takes a quick glance around again. Just to make sure. They didn't see. But we did.
Go watch it!
7. Remember our first kiss? Would you like to fall in love?
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Ahhhhhhh. Does this even need explanation? They look happy. And Jimin's little smug face in the first clip is everything. It is cute!
This is romantic. It is intimate. And somehow its captured on camera.
6. Jk lifting Jimin
No, this lift is not like the others. Its not just goofing around and being silly.
First of all because k-army says that Jk says "Let me lift you once." (Does anyone have a source for this?? I couldn't find it anymore 😐)
And then Jk looks at the mirrors behind them to see how they look when he is lifting Jimin. That's insanely hot. I don't think I'm imagining this... I mean...
Please answer the following question:
Do bros want to see what they look like in a suggestive position? No!
Then why did Jungkook have to look?
5. Jk 🤟 Jimin
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Jk does this in front of a loooooot of people. And you can see his gorgeous eyes expecting a reaction from Jimin. It isn't until Jimin smiles that he smiles too. It's romantic and very him. A grand gesture that leaves Jimin speechless.
I don't know about you all but normal friends don't go around declaring their love just for the fun of it. ROMANTIC love, everyone. You don't stand there thinking how to surprise your non-boyfriend with a romantic gesture. But you do do that for a real boyfriend/girlfriend. In front of hundreds of people...sometimes thousands, and sometimes millions.
4. On Screen Thirsting
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Blink and you miss it. Not only in this live but in plenty other material. They want each other and get lost in their own world letting the other know they want them.
What else is there to explain?
3. Their body language...speaks to them lol ah and us.
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Welp. This one is a huge one for me. These are things that your body does automatically like breathing and your heart beating. Your subconscious tells your body what is the safest, most comfortable and loving space and your body tunes into that. And yes, all the members are close and all have a high degree of skinship but with Jikook there is that extra bit. They don't call Jk satellite Jeon for nothing.
The crazy thing is that this has been happening since they were fetus Jikook! And here we are 10 years later and Jk is still satellite-ing around in Run episodes.
2. Jk spilling the tea on how he is the best boyfriend.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh. This.
It was just sooo sweet. Insanely sweet.
As you all know, Jk tends to live in his own world and marches to the beat of his drum. He doesn't often post things for others or congratulate his members on social media (except for one...). So on this day, which should have its own post because virtual White Day date while Jimin is overseas...I mean....
Anyway, so on this day, Jk comes back for a little p.s. to his 3 part live and he tells us to look forward to 12 o' clock (a few minutes later) because something amazing is coming. He never does that for anyone else. He never posts spoilers for anyone else. So it was just sweet and very boyfriend of him.
And people can hate and say that Jikook is not even close...but then why would Jk do that? And why would he give us spoilers if Jk is not the type to care about that?
I'll tell you why...because he loves his Jimin and he was feeling proud and supportive.
And the Letter spoiler....ahhhhhhhh. You all see his little smile during it?
🕯Let's manifest a Letter live performance🕯
I wish they could talk about Letter. Well, no. I wish they could sing Letter...
Don’t worry
By your side just stay yeah
Because we don’t know what days await us,
Though it’s scary, though we’re afraid
Never forget that we’re always together
This sounds an awful lot like ms stuff to me 😔
1. Boys With Luv
Oh god.
When this concert aired, it was like 4 am my time. And I had only 1 eye open because I really wanted to sleep. Then Boy With Luv started and my eyes were like not today, fam. Because wild things happen with Jikook during this song so my brain knew better. So my eyes opened up real fast.
And then Jk is stared looking suspicious. Side eyeing Jimin.
Jk sings the last line and you think we made it without any Jikookery. FALSE!
Jk looks around and you can tell he is thinking something...Jimin gets closer and Jk does this thing were it looks like he is expecting something? I dont know.
A kiss?
A declaration of love?
A marriage proposal?!!?
This is what it looks like to me, ok??? Let me be.
And Jimin looks at him and they just are. And for a second it seems like something will happen. Because Jk is unpredictable. And the moment passes. And Jimin looks nervous as hell.
I screamed during this. And my partner was like what happened?!? And I was like NOTHING, HAPPENED! Lol and nothing happened so why is this moment so engraved in my brain?
I guess its because of the unspoken words during it. The thoughts that were thunk! The secret info exchanged while they were looking at each other.
The intimacy, everyone. Even though they were surrounded by the members and millions of eyes were watching.
Ahhh but isn't this Jikook always???
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minkookiejjk · 7 months
Y'all stoooooopppppp Baby got shy 🥺❤😫
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ggukkieisintominnie · 6 months
JIKOOK 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹❗️❗️❗️
They look so soft, so in love, so boyfriendy, so everything beautiful 😩😩😩😩😩 ugh you get the point "THEY ARE REAL LOVE"
The eye-contact and the shy way they break the eye-contact 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I'm so soft.
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Jimin closely hugs Jungkook 🥹🤧
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Jungkook holds onto Jimin's hand 😭🤧
Like how are we feeling... Blonde Jimin and Black Hair Jungkook are in Japan right now... Amazing deja vu ❤️
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Cute 🥹
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swiftybsblog · 8 months
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“because eyes don't lie”
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btstulip · 5 months
Had to hunt this down so I could see the full moment uncut. It’s so precious how Jimin comforts Jungkook ❤️ Love them.
And props to the owner of this video. It’s great quality!
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