#josh mankey
witchpuppies · 27 days
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(via GIPHY) Kim Possible 1x01 “Crush”.
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flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
headcanon: in the KP universe "It's just you" (by LMNT) was written by Josh Mankey. He and his friends performed it for Kim as a surpise when she visited him for his garage band repetition in the early stages of dating during season 1.
Also just saying, I'm so grateful that Kim and Josh broke up in a healthy way. They grew apart, no big deal. They talked it out and separated on good terms. No drama and no fights. Wish that there was an episode that showed the break up, because it could maybe help teens out there going through break ups themselves.
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reina-royale · 8 months
Thoughts on Josh Mankey
So, in some fanfiction, I've seen Josh portrayed as, well...I wouldn't say mean, but not as nice as canon. This is usually to highlight how Ron is better for Kim. Obviously, I'm going to have issues with this.
Firstly, Josh is kind and patient. When Kim is acting weird on their date, he doesn't seem bothered by it. Maybe concerned, but he never once loses his cool.
Secondly, he's accepting. Though Kim's interest in putting marshmallows on hotdogs is weird, he doesn't give her a hard time about it. And he doesn't seem judgmental towards Ron for still trick-or-treating in "October 31st". (Actually, he seemed to enjoy that.)
Lastly, he's charitable. Near the end of "Blush" we learn that Josh worked with some kids to clean up a bunch of graffiti and paint a mural in place.
Josh is a kind, caring, patient, and tolerant guy who volunteers to work with kids and paints murals after cleaning up graffiti. He's also a musician and likes hanging out with Ron too. ("October 31st")
So, if people want to get Josh out of the way to have Kim and Ron end up together earlier, portraying Josh as a horrible person doesn't have to be an option.
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Josh Mankey
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un-fairway2003 · 1 year
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Happy Valentines Day 2023
This canon Kim Possible EU comic is called, “Josh's Birthday” and it was originally released by Disney in Italy way back around September 2005 in a Italian Disney magazine called “Rivista Disney Channel #5″.
It was later republished in Germany on September 27, 2007 and finally re-re-published in Poland with this magazine "Magazyn Kim Kolwiek #2008-07" on June 21, 2008 that I have translated from Polish into English.
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bcbdrums · 1 year
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knight-a3 · 2 years
Nobody told me Hunter was in Kim Possible. Possibly a beta design? Or a human disguise??
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yoshimickster · 1 year
Eric is an interesting spy character,as he has on screen chemistry with pretty much EVERY character he interacts with. To Ron he's a fellow dude who likes riding,to Kim he's the perfect guy, to Dr JT Possible he's a respectful gentleman.
It's also funny that in one episode he had WAY more romantic chemistry with Kim than Josh Mankey did in ALL his appearances. That's not me dissing Josh, just he and Kim just objectively had "Doomed to fail" vibes.
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sharperthewriter · 2 years
Chapter 5 of Roneo and Kimliet
Chapter 5
Ron was curled in a fetal position.
"Flying monkeys are just sick and wrong!" he exclaimed.
Tara and Monique groaned at his behavior.
"Ron, can you please stand up?" Kim asked of her best friend.
Ron stood up.
"I had to hide behind the dumpster at Bueno Nacho for an hour just to get away from them!" he exclaimed.
"After that, he swore off all starting roles in any plays." Kim said, "So he had to...reluctantly...play the tree in the next play."
"But for this play, Romeo and Juliet, I'd rather be behind the assistant director's table rather than be on the stage..." she added, gritting her teeth at the word assistant due to Barkin's announcement of the Glee Three as directors.
"Okay, so we understand Ron's reluctance on the stage comes from his monkey fears." Monique clarified before looking at Kim. "But what about you, girl? What's the buzz about your feud with the stage?"
Kim began, "It all began that October in Freshman year. I was about to go on stage for another Shakespeare play of his...the Scottish Play that begins with the letter M"
Ron gasped, recalling the name of the play.
"You mean MacBeth?"
And then he heard his pants rip from behind, showing off a part of his Flippies boxers.
"Oh man...not again with the pants!" Ron complained.
"Ron..." Kim groaned, "...you're not supposed to say the name of the play or else you would suffer years of bad luck!"
"Oh, come on, Kim! It's not like I say the name of MacBeth every time and something bad happens!" Ron said while leaning on a nearby tree. All of a sudden, a bird pooped in his hair, a stray dog urinated on his right shoe and something stung him in his behind.
"YYEEEEOOWWWW!" he exclaimed. A wasp had stung Ron in his posterior.
"Like I said, Ron...years of bad luck!"
"Okay, KP! I'll officially stop saying MacBeth from here on out!" Ron exclaimed while trying to rub his behind. A thunderstorm hovered above Middleton, including the high school. A flash of lightning followed by a loud boom of thunder was heard.
Rufus squeaked in fear and ducked in Ron's pants pocket, for he did not like thunderstorms.
It them began to pour buckets of rain onto the four teenagers.
Tara's jumpsuit and Kim and Monique's overalls were starting to get soaked from the rain.
"We're gonna head under the awning of the gym, since most of the students had gone for the day, excluding those in detention.
The group headed under the awning to protect themselves from the wet elements.
"So yeah...as I was saying..." Kim said while her red hair was sopping wet. "...flash back to freshman year...October...that Scottish Play."
A flash of lightning followed by a rumble of thunder as she flashed back.
(October 18, 2003, 7pm)
Kim was dressed in the costume of Lady MacBeth in the area to the back of the stage. She kinda felt nervous going on stage for the first time since the whole 'Silent-Night' high-note incident from last year in eighth grade.
"I'm getting butterflies in my stomach." she complained to the drama teacher, Miss Tudor.
Miss Tudor replied, "Don't worry. You'll do great out there!"
"You really think so, Miss Tudor?" Kim wondered.
"Trust me on it!" the drama teacher said with a wink of he eye.
Kim gulped as she walked out on stage, not prepared to face a crowd of people. She prayed that they didn't come with an extra set of earplugs.
She was unaware that Amanda, one of Bonnie's hench-girls, came up to Miss Tudor's side.
"In case if Miss Possible falters on stage, you'll take her place." the teacher said with a whisper.
"I know all my lines and studied them." Amanda replied.
"Very thoroughly?" Miss Tudor asked, "This play counts for 20% of your final grade, you know that."
"Inside and out!" came the reply from the vile cheerleader, rubbing her hands in glee, anticipating even the slightest of mistakes from Kim.
Kim was now in act 1, scene 5 of MacBeth. This was the scene in which she is reading the letter from MacBeth, played by fellow freshman, Alan Platt.
"The witches met me on the day of my victory in battle, and I have since learned that they have supernatural knowledge. When I tried desperately to question them further, they vanished into thin air. While I stood spellbound, messengers from the king arrived and greeted me and the thane of Cawdor..."
Sheer determination filled her lungs as she performed those lines without a script. Kim felt like that she was born for this part.
"So what happened then?" Tara asked.
Kim sighed, "Then...came Act 1, Scene 6..."
(the flashback continues)
Russ Niedelmeyer, as Duncan, and Kim, as Lady MacBeth were saying their lines.
"Look, here comes our honored hostess! Sometime the love my subjects bring me is inconvenient, but I still accept it as love. In doing so, I'm teaching you to thank me for the inconvenience I'm causing you by being here, because it comes from my love to you." Russ said while in-character.
And now came Kim's infamous turn.
"Everything we're doing for you, even if it were doubled and then...and...then..."
Kim then saw the guy who was playing Banquo, and stuttered on her line. It was none other than Josh Mankey, whom was talking on the role of Banquo because the student who was going to play him got sick on the day of that frosted tip spiked hair was present, attracting Kim like a moth to an electric zapper.
She never saw such a cute hottie guy in her life before and struggled to memorize the next line with a shaky voice.
"We...we...we...gladly welcome you...you as...um...ermmm...our guests..."
The full effects of stage fright came at her at possibly the worst time because of only the mere appearance of Josh. She was trembling and blushing at his cute hair, his cute spikey frost-tipped hair.
"Ooooooh! Ahhhhh!
Kim was so smitten by his looks...that she completely forgot her lines! And the audience was staring at her, seeing if she was going to say anything.
Not even a peep uttered from her mouth. The audience started to boo and hiss at her.
Miss Tudor, panicking that her job was on the line, ran onto the stage and made an announcement.
"Um...we are going to hold a brief 15-minute intermission! Yeah...yeah! Snacks and refreshments are located in the cafeteria to your right!"
While the audience filed out for the intermission period, the teacher went backstage to talk with Kim.
"What happened out there? Why didn't you recite your Lady MacBeth Lines?" Miss Tudor asked.
Kim told her the truth while eyeing Josh, smitten by him.
"I'm crushing...like a sheep!"
Miss Tudor looked at her and said, "I knew this would happen. Amanda, take the role of Lady Macbeth for the rest of the play!"
Kim was stunned out of her Mankey-like trance.
Amanda grinned evilly at Kim, "Yes, Miss Tudor! It would be such an honor!"
Miss Tudor then looed at Kim and said, "Miss Possible...for your lack of attentiveness and your...teenager-like 'crushes' on boys...if you call it that...I am giving you a F on MacBeth!"
Kim was beyond mortified to receive such a low grade. She had no choice but to accept it.
The redheaded cheerleader sighed and said, "Fine...Miss Tudor...I'll accept the grade as is.."
Amanda cackled and added salt to the wound.
"As Shakespeare would say so himself to you...to better to not thine be seen rather than choke during thine play of the Immortal Bard."
Kim hung her head low in defeat.
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siennaditbot · 11 months
Kim Possible x Ron Stoppable ship analysis!
I'll go through the episodes I know have something shipping related and analyse the moments and try to think what the characters are thinking!
Edited the final movie stuff btw! It's better now! Also now with pictures and GIFs!
S1 EP1: Crush
Ron doesn't really like Mankey (says his name mockingly) or the idea that Kim likes him. He later mentions this in So the Drama ("I was never in favor of that but I was there for Kim.")
I like how they're comfortable enough to talk about their crushes. In the past, sure, but now as well!
"We always go together." (To dances? What other "school functions" are there?) I kinda really wish we could've seen one of those. Like it was obvious to Ron that they would still go together! Idk how American schools work and how many dances they'd have been to at this point, but they really must be comfortable with each other to go to dances together like that. Just two pals having fun!
Neither is jealous of the other planning to take a date to the dance. A bit awkward and taken aback, sure, but both seem to be fine with it. I'd say neither is crushing at this point, but as mentioned earlier, Ron isn't fully on board with the Mankey thing even if he helps Kim with it.
Ron might ask all the other girls to the dance cuz he feels a bit left out? Not jealous left out, but a bit lost cuz it's a new situation?
"Contrary to popular belief, I am not dating Kim Possible." Proof that at this point they are aware of the idea of them being together, even if they aren't for or into it. Not a new concept, but not one they'd consider. Ron also tries to help Kim with Josh with this, clearly caring more about their friendship than whatever he thinks of Mankey.
Ron really encourages her to ask Mankey to the dance. "You can handle this!" Sweet guy.
S1 EP8: Mind Games
Small thing but Ron says that Kim is pretty <3 ("smart, athletic, pretty and popular")
Ron (as Kim) has a soff face when they practice cheerleading and are back to back <3 Looks at her, smiles and closes his eyes and leans against her <33 No idea why though. Kim has a similar expression but she just enjoys doing the routine, she smiles the whole time. Could be platonic "I like to be close to her", could be him subconsciously appreciating the closeness in a different way? No major "crushage" though.
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S2 EP2: Grudge Match
Kim's had a crush on someone and now Ron has a crush. I don't think they have feelings for each other at this point since both are pursuing other people.
More open talking about feelings. Both are so supportive.
Ron's very aware that people might think they're a couple doing couple things (doesn't want Zita to see them coming out of the movie theater)
Kim's all "yeah, so?" and "you.. and me.. on a.. date?" which imo means that she doesn't think of them dating as a thing that's likely to happen.
Ron, on the other hand, goes "it could happen!" which tells me that he's more open to the idea and has maybe considered it before. Not enough to act on it but is aware and not as much against it as Kim. Still very much thinks of Kim as a friend more than anything else since he's into Zita rn.
Kim goes "I'm gonna say something that I've never said to you before", and Ron seems unnecessarily shocked or interested? To me it seems like he might have expected her to confess or smth like that based on the convo topic, idk.
S2 EP11: Exchange
Ron is clearly interested in Yori. Stares and swoons and stuff. Wiggles his eyebrows like an idiot lol. Super happy about her kissing his cheek. ("Yeah I love this place!!") Pointing this out since he seems different when they meet later in S3.
S2 EP13: A Very Possible Christmas
First of all I love how much time Ron spends with the Possible family! He joins their Christmas party <3 Seems like it's not his first time joining, either.
Also Kim, really, a cyber scrapbook of their memories together?? That's adorable. I'd cry too. Platonic but super cute.
Two hugs in this ep. Platonic but super cute.
They're really sweet to each other. Ron wanting to give the best gift to Kim and Kim looking all over the world for Ron.
Lol, does Drakken ship it? He puts them under the mistletoe. Ron found it though... Who put it up? Drakken does put the ribbon thingy on it so maybe he did.
They aren't that awkward about it, but Ron does laugh it off and Kim does give him a quick peck on the cheek. He says a positively surprised "oh" and touches his cheek with an awkward smile. He's a bit taken aback but doesn't seem to think about it too much, and neither does Kim. It's platonic to her it seems?
Ron's more confused than when Yori kissed him, since the girls are different to him? He doesn't celebrate like he did with Yori. Intriguing... "Yeah!!" vs "Oh!"... I think his reaction to Kim's peck is more genuine? Less "mr popular ladies man"?
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"Season's greetings from the Possibles"? I see you there Ron lol. He's part of the fam.
S2 EP19: Blush
Again, Ron's not super into the Mankey business. ("Mankey-monkey conspiracy")
Ron says he "Finds the whole 'dating thing' overrated. Who would subject themselves to that?" Is that jealous talk or has he not had great experiences with it before? The Zita thing did crash and burn pretty fast at least. Maybe he also thinks of how Kim turns into a mess around guys? Degrading? Embarrassing?
"So he takes you to dinner, you two see a movie, big tap-dancing whoop! We do that stuff together all the time!" I see you there Ron. He compares their time together to dating...... More to mock the concept of dating than saying that they're like a couple? Does sound a bit jealous though..
He's much more negative towards him than in S1 EP1. Intriguing... The romantic-platonic levels might be changing there..
Kim's call log is mostly Ron. That's sweet. Probably platonic but sweet.
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He gives her an awkward thumbs up when he saves her and lets her enjoy the rest of her date. That is an uncomfortable face though, Ron... I'm definitely moving him into the romantic category at this point. He likes her, but doesn't know it?
Kim's still platonic and very into Josh. Maybe.
Sitch In Time:
Could be (and really should I think) read as best friends being separated, but since I already put Ron in the romantic category, it hurts just a little bit more. Still tough to lose a best friend though, so no major "crushage" yet imo.
Ron wants younger teen him to grow to be a "babe magnet" but that's just his typical "mr wanna be popular" speaking. He does dumb stuff like that later as well. Also none of that happened? Time travel stuff?
Oh yeah now we're getting to the good stuff
S3 EP1: Steal Wheels
"Official Ron night". Cute.
Platonic but Kim's jealous of Ron spending more time with Felix.
I understand the whole "he's my best friend!" stuff but also shows how possessive she is of him?
S3 EP2: Emotion Sickness
Ron wants to protect Kim from seeing Mankey with Tara. Sweet dude.
Kim's over Mankey. "Grew apart. Time to move on."
Ron's bummed out about not realizing that Tara used to like him. Doesn't wallow in it though, which seems to me like he never had that much interest in her.
Ron's super awkward when Kim goes all flirty, and I'd say it's because she's not acting like herself. Been odd all day. Says that she's freaking him out. Weird enough for him to run away from her.
Monique asks if Kim liking him is not good and Ron goes "I don't know, it's not that I haven't thought about this.. I mean who hasn't..." Which really tells us that he has considered it before. It's not a new thought to him.
The 'who hasn't' part though? Who hasn't shipped them or who hasn't thought of Kim liking them? I'd say it's the first. People do often think they're a couple so it's once again understandable that he's considered it as well.
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Ok, the kiss. He's surprised, but definitely into it. Fully kissing back and embracing her, even though she's "just a friend" to him and obviously acting weird. It's not gross since he doesn't pull back. He's not against it, even if it's a "in the heat of the moment" kinda thing.
If it was Yori or Zita? Would probably somewhat kiss back too. I think he'd have a different expression though. Less content, more confused and awkward idiot playboy? Would let them do "most of the work" and not fully embrace like that? He just wasn't as comfortable with them.
If he didn't already like the kisser? If it was a pretty girl he might have just stood there all confused but let himself be kissed (see Bonnie in S4).
Idiotic grin afterwards? "Whatever you say"? Would probably have a similar reaction to Zita or Yori kissing him, but I still say there would be more awkwardness and celebrating aka babe magnet stuff. Also important to note, he liked those two. Kim is getting a similar - if not better - reaction.
He seriously considers dating Kim.
"What's not to like about Kim? I mean she's smart, cute... Dating could be good, you know, the date thing."
Still, he's super worried about what it could do to their friendship. I read this as him not being ready for it or feeling like it isn't natural - which, of course, it isn't. Being friends is more important than this unnatural thing that's going on, even if he does get kisses out of it.
"We're a great team, but dating could complicate things." Understandable to be afraid of change (he is bad with that), but I think it's mostly how unnatural and sudden it is.
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Would probably swoon over any pretty girl talking to him like that, but there is a hint of "I knew Kim was pretty but wow." in there imo. Definitely not a platonic reaction there my guy. Uncomfortable but into it.
"So I guess the crush and everything was all moodulator, huh?" he says while looking sad and disappointed. Guess he did want it to be real after all?
Kim's "Not everything. There's still fireworks." though? Confusing. Is that her straight out admitting that she thinks there's something there? She does say a few eps later when Ron's bummed out about not getting that Yori liked her that "you got me", so maybe she just likes to stay stuff like this?
Also Ron is so happy about her words with his "You think so?" and is a bit disappointed/confused? again when Kim points at the sky.
My headcanon is that Kim's really starting to get feelings and realize there might be something there after this episode.
S3 EP4: Bad Boy
First things first, cozy movie night. Friends do that too, but I've been there. More special if there's feelings there. Which both have at this point.
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Ron hasn't managed to get a date with him before (to a wedding) and goes "Unless.." and looks at Kim. Immediately awkward, tugs at shirt, looks away. He considered her a date-date for a bit there.
"Not that I'm asking you." That wouldn't be as awkward if there were no feelings there. Friend date. Both are thinking of a date-date. Which is awkward to think about cuz they're still just friends.
First time Kim seems to actually react like Ron does. Awkward and in denial. Both label it as awk-weird. See above.
Ron is intrigued about Kim liking bad boys. Both that and girls liking bad boys in general cause more babe magnet shenanigans. Definitely tryna attract other girls though.
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"Thanks for being my date- uh, friend", he says. They do go together, and everything's fine. A bit funny of Kim to make sure he doesn't think of it as a date-date though. Maybe she just hasn't accepted her feelings yet? Ron's happy to call it a date though.
S3 EP9: Overdue
Shego asks Ron where Kim is, and he goes "She's not my girlfriend!" very suspiciously. Leaves me a bit confused though. At least shows that he's been thinking about the possibility? Linking the gf term to her as well. Such denial can only mean he'd prefer the opposite.
"Ooooh... Awkward...." with a laugh too. That's very suspicious my guy.
S3 EP12: Gorilla Fist
Happy to see Yori ofc, but clearly lacks the "OH YEAH YORI HI" factor. A lot chiller. Over her, into Kim.
Kim's very jealous. If it wasn't obvious before, it is now. She's interested.
I feel like Ron's trying not to make Kim get the wrong idea about Yori when they first meet. "She's not my secret girlfriend!!" type of talk imo.
"I knew he crushed on someone when he was there!" Very platonic of you Kim. Makes one think.. Has she had some feelings for him all this time? There's the "It took 12 stinking years for you to kiss me!" in S4 so it's not impossible. Small, 'not wanting to accept them' kinda feelings she's tryna cover up with other guys? Who knows.
More great denial. Aka the opposite of what she's saying. Very jeal.
Ron's super smug about Kim "freaking over about his friend Yori". Happy about Kim being jealous huh? Dude's so in love already. Cute.
Ron's not super phased about being caught by Yori. Business like usual, nothing special there. No swooning.
Kim asks about their relationship, obviously curious and jealous. More ok with her now though. Shocked about the kiss though.
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Ron has a calmer reaction to Yori's cheek kiss than before. Eyes widen and he smiles, laughs in a flattered way? Still different from S2. Immediately tries to explain to Kim what just happened lol.
He's only a bit disappointed when Kim tells him Yori actually liked him.
"Why can't girls be more obvious? - - How am I supposed to know what's going on?" "Well, you got me." Very sus of you Kim. Even says it a bit shyly I think? Indirect confession? Not that indirect though. Ron still misses it.
And finally, some notes from So the Drama:
Cute how Ron grabs onto Kim when they're falling. He know she protecc.
"Captain of the chess team. Or worse." She makes a scared face? An 'oh no' type expression? It's really emphasising how, at least in the context, Ron is anything but boyfriend material to her. I know Bonnie's talk is affecting her, but she really shows no trace about having feelings for him in S3, which she absolutely did have btw!
"Is there anything sadder than going to the prom with your 'just a friend'?" A bit confusing, Kim. Does she want someone else, or does she want to actually go with Ron? As more than friends? Or does she think she's unlovable and a failure n stuff if she doesn't bring a romantic partner? That's more likely, but one can dream.
"I mean, a "date" date would be nice, but a stinking 'bf'..." Another confusing Kim line. She was looking at Ron before speaking. I'm reading it as 'a real date with someone (else? Not actually sure if she's excluding him with that) would be nice, but I wish there was at least a guy', which is pretty much how the Finnish dub put it. It clears this up a little. The tone of the conversation is that she'd like a "proper" boyfriend who's not like Ron and fits better into the food chain etc so this makes sense I think. Kim's so difficult.
"I'm gonna end up with Ron!" "Mom, he's not a guy, he's Ron!" He's "obviously" not boyfriend material! I love denial and whatever but she really doesn't seem to want to accept the idea. Bonnie is affecting her yadda yadda but still! Stuff like this is why I think everything after the confession happens a bit too quickly. She acts like he's the worst case scenario which is a bit odd for someone who kisses him not that much later, right? Is she covering up her existing feelings out of fear she'll be mocked? Has she just not come to terms with her feelings yet? I can't accept her coming to like him only after and because of his confession, that would be too shallow of her, and odd since she was this against it earlier. She's not that desperate for attention. There was definitely something there before, but she's just not willing to see it until he confesses?
Hooked up? "Eww. Kim and me? No, no, no. Best friend since forever but not like that." The denial sounds genuine, I guess he just hasn't realized or accepted his feelings at this point. But then he's immediately uncomfortable by Eric's "extreme steam" comment. "Let's not talk about her that way ever again." To me that sounds protective. He does not appreciate others talking that way about her. Hint of jealousy? Doesn't wanna think about her like that himself? Confusing.
Immediately jealous and uncomfortable with Eric's advances and Kim's obviously positive reaction to him - he knows how Kim acts when she gets a crush. Cue sad montage. It's kinda funny how he still hangs out with them on their dates btw. Doesn't wanna give her up? Friends don't join their friends on dates though. Did Kim's parents make him be their chaperone? Could see James doing that.
More and more jealous as time passes. He angy. Dramatic "cooties in the area"! Understandable. They're barely noticing him anymore.
I always thought he took the pepperoni off the pizza cuz Kim and Eric had a silly moment related to it. He seems like the kind of guy who would like pepperoni otherwise.
Probably feels betrayed as well. Kim was so quick to say bye to him. Barely even looked at him. He could see it as 'Bye bye, this person is more important to me now.'
Still a good friend though and immediately goes to help her find her dad when asked. Manages to act normal as well. (I'm kinda mad about how useless he's in the action scenes btw.)
Ron's monologue about his feelings is the best scene in this movie. I love that stuff. He goes pretty far back as well with the locked braces thing, which is part of the 'she's been with other guys before which I wasn't in favor of but I was there for her' talk. I wonder what he thought of it all back then. He was a really supportive friend at least, helped even if the situation was uncomfortable or odd.
"Something's different now. There's something between us... Who am I kidding? That's not different. Something's been there a long time. I think there's something there. Does she?" Peak. (I've quoted that so many times here, it's so good.) Also now I kinda have proof of this, having gone through a lot of the series just for this post. For how long though...?
He's finally willing to look at his feelings properly and puts everything into perspective. Comparing this to the 'Emotion Sickness' monologues? He's less afraid of change. He's feeling different enough to want to actually go for it this time. The situation is more dire, but more real.
"There's something there". Does he figure out that Kim's been showing signs of feeling the same? The "Does she?" is probably him wondering if she's realized it too. The "something" could be anything from S3's awkwardness to smaller changes in their dynamic from S1 and before. Suddenly not going to dances together and having to think about this stuff more.
He's actually saying that he wants to date her. "Kim's worth [telling her about my feelings even if it's humiliating]!" "What if I start yapping about my feelings and she chooses Eric and not me?" Just the 'realizing his feelings' talk is great, but he actually wishes she would choose him as her boyfriend. Proper acceptance of feels right there. No denial whatsoever. He will hide it for Kim's sake, but he wants to date her. (I love this soff dude!!)
Dude's skilled for being able to act like he didn't just realize and accept a lot of scary and life changing feelings. Chooses friendship over any jealous and possessive behavior, even if it is a bit tough at times. Gets a bit smug when they do decide to go save the world though.
Tiny cute detail: when on the scooter together and Ron drives, Kim holds his shoulders, but when Kim drives, Ron has his arms around her/hands on her hips.
Confession scene. (Peak Ron for getting Kim out of her "pity fiesta" btw.) He's simply saying that a guy, a real guy that's good for her, exists, and that he's here, about to say 'someone like me'. A bit of a roundabout way to say it but it gets the point across. Mostly saying it to make her understand that she's not unlovable? There's a hint of 'guess this is a good opportunity to shoot my shot', too, but in a selfless way, not asking her to like him back. Just wants her to know so she can get her groove back. He thinks they could work. (Includes himself in "guys that are better for you than Eric")
Kim's reaction confuses me a bit once again. "Oh. Really?" She's happy about it, sounding hopeful too? 'Didn't think he actually liked me' surprised? 'I'm not unlovable' surprised? Both? 'It wasn't unrequited after all and I shouldn't have been afraid'? Why she so difficulttt
Kim's oddly flirty when hurrying to the prom, but the prom scene itself is adorable. Them being awkward about the change. Some distance inbetween that Rufus gets rid of lol. Stuff's different but they're still themselves.
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Soff kiss with the soffest gazes I've ever seen. A bit quick to get there, but adorable. The point of a proper kiss is that both are in on it, and here they are. Better than the 'Emotion Sickness' kiss, but Ron's even more comfortable and less lovestruck with it. He knows it's real this time and that he's ready for it now. Kim's also finally getting over the food chain talk and really accepts her feelings for him. Feeling like 'This is still a bit odd, but it's him, and it's alright. I trust him more than anyone else. He's safe, and this feels right." or smth?
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Is it finally done? This took... Almost 7 hours. It's 3am right now, so it might've started to get messy halfway lol. I hope someone out there gets something out of all this hard work.
Extra few hours (like 5, one edit didn't go through...) from editing after waking up. The movie stuff makes more sense now!
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iced-american0 · 2 months
Kim Possible
poll for the villains coming soon
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flowery-laser-blasts · 9 months
So the Drama - Eric's character design
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Looking at Eric is so neat because, to me, he's literally the combination of Shego and Drakken's character design and a fair warning to the audience that he's no good.
Aside from his wardrobe colors (blue and green), It's also in his facial features: - Headshape is Drakken but with the cheekbones and chin of Shego. - Nose is a combination of the two. - Drakken's Mullet and if you look at his hairline, you can see that the fringe is a tad long so if he were to wax it up, you'd have a similar hairstyle to Drakken's. - He has Shego's eyebrows (LOL) - Eye shape is again a combination of the two, leaning more towards Shego. It's not as sharp as her's but it's more dominant than Drakken's round eyes. Character-wise I also think that he's got a bit of Josh Mankey's personality in him. Drakken and Shego know about Josh so it would make sense, that Drakken would use Josh as an example of what Kim would like in a guy. The rest is all up to the 'teen magazine sleepover' research as finishing touches.
I gotta clarify that I look at this from a visual storytelling perspective and not an in-universe 'Drakken wants to make a robot that looks like him and Shego' kind of thing.
Maybe I look too deep into this but I love to dissect these kinds of things. :)
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reina-royale · 8 months
It’s weird that they simply dropped Josh Mankey as a character. All they have done with him was say he and Kim drifted apart and we don’t even get an explanation of where he went last season. Wish they actually shown us the progress of the relationship and how it broke apart.
Yeah, that is weird.
My personal headcanon: the reason he's not seen later in the series is because he graduated. I mean, there's nothing that states he's the same age as Kim and Ron, so he could be older.
As for his relationship with Kim, I would have liked to see more of it, and gotten a better explanation for why they broke up.
I mean, and this isn't an attempt to diss Kim, saying they drifted apart and it was time to move on sounds like the explanation you give when you don't want to talk about the real reason you broke up.
Obviously, Josh hadn't done anything bad, otherwise Kim wouldn't have had a problem talking about it, but I doubt it was truly as simple as growing apart.
There could be a lot of reasons for their breakup, and I'm very interested in hearing what other people think might have been the actual reason.
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disneytva · 10 months
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The Paley Museum to Host Disney Channel’s End of Summer Celebration For August 26, 2023 In Honor Of Disney Channel's 40th Anniversary
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Disney Channel, The Paley Museum will host Disney Channel’s End of Summer Celebration for PaleyFamily Day on Saturday, August 26
For one amazing afternoon, Disney Channel comes to life at The Paley Museum with fun-filled activities to celebrate 40th years of Disney Channel. The interactive experience highlights popular current series from Disney Channel, Disney Junior, and Disney+ including Big City Greens,The Proud Family Louder and Prouder,SuperKitties and Kiff.
Disney Channel’s End of Summer Celebration will take place on Saturday, August 26 from 1:00-4:00 PM.
Doors for the event open at 12:00 pm
Tickets are available now for all Paley members and will be available to the general public Tuesday, August 8 at noon ET.
Disney Channel’s End of Summer Celebration Saturday, August 26, 2023 1:00 to 4:00 pm Doors for the event open at 12:00 pm The Paley Museum, 25 W 52 Street, NYC Don't miss this afternoon of Disney magic! Bring your family to an interactive celebration of Disney Channel’s 40th anniversary. For one amazing afternoon, Disney Channel comes to life at The Paley Museum with fun-filled activities including a chance to meet Bluey and Bingo, your favorite programs on the big IMAX screen, a photo booth, and giveaways.* The interactive experience highlights popular current series from Disney Channel, Disney Junior, and Disney+ including Bluey, High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, Big City Greens, and Bunk’d. Mark your calendars so you don’t miss this one-of-a-kind opportunity for families to experience Disney Channel up close and personal. 
Additionaly The Paley Center will host theatrical IMAX screenings of beloved Disney Channel shows and Disney Channel Original Movies to celebrate 40 years, in terms of animation, the screening will include Phineas and Ferb with Rollercoaster/Candace Loses Her Head and Kim Possible's "Crush" at the Goodson Theater from Wednesday, August 9 to Sunday, August 27, 2023
A 40th Anniversary Celebration of Disney Channel Wednesday, August 9 to Sunday, August 27, 2023 Goodson Theater To celebrate Disney Channel’s 40th anniversary, the Paley Center is pleased to present many of Disney Channel’s most popular series and movies over the years. On our large screen, you will be able to experience many of Disney Channel’s most unforgettable characters, including Hannah Montana, Alex Russo, Lizzie McGuire, as well as the energetic casts of The Cheetah Girls and High School Musical. You will also see two beloved animated comedy series, Kim Possible and Phineas and Ferb, which bring delight for the entire family. Enjoy!
12:30 PM
Phineas and Ferb: “Roller-coaster/Candace Loses Her Head" (Episode 1)
Phineas and Ferb invent, scheme, and stay one step ahead of their sister Candace who just wants to catch them up to no good! Their pet platypus Perry lives a double life as a secret agent whose sole mission is to foil Dr. Doofenshmirtz's plans. (2007)
1:45 pm
Kim Possible: “Crush” (Episode 1)
Kim has developed a crush on Josh Mankey, a creative artist-type student at her school. She wants to invite him to a school dance, but keeps balking when she's alone with him. Meanwhile, Dr. Drakken and his new sidekick, Shego, have stolen robotic technology from Japanese toy mogul Nakasumi to build a doomsday robot. With Wade's help, Kim and Ron find Drakken and destroy his new robot. Kim finally builds up the nerve to asks Josh to the dance. (2002)
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k1mpossibl3 · 1 year
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she     laughs     nervously,     a     hand     rubbing     against     her     own     arm     as     she     stands     near     the     wall.     school     dances     were     interesting.     she'd     wanted     to     ask     josh     mankey,     and     then     ron     had     bailed     on     her,     too,     and     she'd     ended     up     alone.     bonnie     had     already     made     a     quip     about     it.     it's     not     possible     to     get     a     date     for     you,     is     it,     kim?     she'd     had     to     refrain     from     rolling     her     eyes     at     that.     ❝     yeah,     well,     school     dances,     right?     ❞     she     asks,     shrugging     her     shoulders.     ❝     did     you     get     ditched,     too?     ❞
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bcbdrums · 2 years
Do you think Kim would've chosen Ron if he confessed his feelings even if Eric didn't turn out to be a villain? And do you think Kim treated Ron poorly while she was with Eric?
Yes. Aside from her later stating how she had waited twelve years for Ron to kiss her, implying she's had feelings for a long time, I also submit the evidence of the Moodulator. Theoretically, if the device just creates emotions at random, she could have cycled through crushing on anyone, directing her anger at anyone... But no, it was Ron and only Ron. (Just like with Shego it was Drakken and only Drakken.) I think fandom generally agrees, all the Moodulator did was amplify existing emotions, not create feelings that don't exist. Thus further evidence that Kim was already fallen for Ron.
Eric and Kim didn't have a "relationship" anyway. Eric was a prettyboy and Kim has been seen to go for those, and she was stressing about the prom. But all the pair had was attraction, and Eric was a synthodrone designed specifically to make her giddy. Had his identity not been revealed, and had he and Kim just...stayed together...it couldn't have lasted. Eventually, lust and kiddy crushes run their course.
And Kim didn't treat Ron like...anything, really? She just did what any person does when they are infatuated with a new significant other. They spend all their time with them and have less time for their friends. And when the critical moment came, Kim believed Ron and was ready to ditch the prom and the prettyboy to save the world with her trusted bestie. The fact is, Kim liked Ron too much to risk making a move, to possibly endanger their friendship. I think it always would have had to be Ron to cross that line.
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