tinygryphon-58570 · 11 months
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Same crest? Same crest!
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pridewishes · 2 months
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250x250 || omnisexual || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by @bottlehip !!
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maverick-montana · 1 month
If he was going to make sure that either he or the people he cared about survived this thing, Maverick knew that he had to get to know the other tributes. What were their weak points, where could they be pushed? He was thinking like a Career, but not just in service of himself -- no, he wanted to keep Alder and Abel safe as well. So he took the elevator to the fifth floor, stepped out onto it, and spoke the name of Five's escort -- who he'd just seen in the lobby and knew full well was not on her floor. The hope was to catch one of Five's tributes instead, be able to chat with them a bit.
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siphoklansan · 1 year
All three of your reactions to Joules?
If this is against the rules, please strike me down-
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“Oh?” Charin hums, a soft chuckle escaping his lips at the sight. Joules jumping up and down on his tail, before finally trying to sit on it! “Such a sweet little thing…my tail is pretty strong, I’m sure you’ll have a fun ride~”
A loud bark was heard, making Anan tilt his head down. He lets out a soft gasp as he sees a small puppy, right at his feet, panting while having its tongue stuck out. “Hello, little one.” Anan says, he could barely keep his excitement at bay. A small animal not scared of him?! Is lady luck finally on his side?!? He kneels down, reaching his hand out. And before he knew it, Joules placed a paw on his hands.
Anan almost passed out from cuteness.
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I HAD SO MUCH FUN OMFG FINALLY A SMALL ANIMAL NOT BEING SCARED OF ANAN WOOOOOOOOOO also CHARIN’S TAIL REVEAL?? NOT CLICKBAIT?!? He has a pretty big fish tail, don’t you think? I had a sketch of Joules sitting on the end of Charin’s tail, but it was kinda difficult to execute so I left it unfinished. I’ll send it to you on discord<33
Anan was soooo so happy and he loves Joules so much! NRC students are now confused why he carries a bag of treats around…
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thepmmmwitchproject · 11 months
The unsung witches of the assorted meguca spinoff Manga!
With collaboration with @honestlyboringperson, we've complied every unnamed witch that had shown up in every manga related to Madoka Magica, and gave them names, natures, and even descriptions!! This first post will focus on the unnamed witches that appear in Different Story!
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First up is Joules, the earwig witch with a stingy nature. A dangerous witch that eats electricity, it can enchant its pincers with consumed electricity, but is stingy when comes to her power levels. This witch travels through electricity finding high-voltage areas such as generators or power plants to cause wide blackouts, spreading grief everywhere. It's so demanding of power that she'll use her energy-attracted familiars to hunt down electrical and technological witches.
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Labrys, the ax witch with a cutthroat nature, this witch, once a proud fighter who kept fighting more and more dire foes, despite their growing strength she always won… but the battles took more from her, tearing her body limb from limb, until all that left was her weapon. The minotaur-like body is what the witch believed was her original body, and it will reform no matter what, this confuses most Puella Magi, giving the witch another easy win. It will actually flee from Puella Magi that it deems to be "too weak" for it to fight.
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Rosaline, the mailwoman witch. Its nature is avoiding romance. This witch is constantly trying to find the letter that she lost long ago, trying to prevent it from being delivered and destroying her life. It's recommended to not fight this witch if you are in love, For if she senses a human's romance. She will take their heart and send it to the romantic interest, ergo killing them. (This specific was done by @bearwithbandages rather than me or honestlyboringperson)
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Circe, the silk moth witch with a sleepy nature. Due to the bright lights that exist within her barrier, the witch is unable to sleep. It goes around searching for a dim area to sleep in, but her familiars always illuminate every single corner, making her pursuit of a peaceful sleep impossible. She dismisses humans and simply ignores them, unless they defeat one of her familiars. She will force them to extinguish every light until the barrier only shows the stars above. When the witch dies, the sun rises above the barrier.
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Finally is Aeeta, the queen bee witch with a protective nature. Aeeta rules over a well furnished beehive labyrinth, having fell into despair after losing her best friend, her bee familiars have the same sleepy look as her friend. Aeeta promises itself to protect her familiars, who tend to wander off, from the horrible wasp-filled sky that surrounds her barrier. When the going gets tough, Aeeta summons guillotine-like blades to incapcitate her enemies with. Expect the next post very soon! The second post's focus will be Oriko witches!
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anemonequeen · 1 year
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new ref for joules in preparation for art fight
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shadowfreak98 · 1 year
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I finally got around to doing older Joules and Maple.
These babies turned out SO GOOD. I am planning to do more art of them too, but I wanna get their bios in order first.
My plate has been really full as of late tho, so I just haven’t been able to do much writing. Only drawing qwq
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anemonequeen-moved · 1 year
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"mamita, you can't rush a good thing" "well take your time then, by all means!"
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Look at the sparks!
Joules showing off his power
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maytheoddshq · 1 month
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Joules Hoover (he/him). District 5 Tribute. 25. George Rexstrew.
What was their childhood like?:
The Hoover Family is very well off, Joules’ father is the Mayor of District Five, and it is because of that privileged position that Joules has grown up sheltered, and secure from the world. His was a difficult birth, and while he was a healthy baby and a healthy child, his parents were overprotective because they realized that Mrs. Hoover could not have another and that Joules would be their only child. Mayor Hoover was often busy with work, and so he grew up in the almost constant care of his mother, and a nanny. The two women coddled the boy and treated him as if he were a porcelain doll. Joules had made it two weeks going to school with the other kids, when he fell and scrapped his knee, after that arrangements were made for a private tutor to come to the house for him. In addition to overprotecting him, they spoiled him in that they gave him whatever he wanted, meaning he did not know want in the way so many who live in Panem do. They also shielded Joules in every way they could from the dangers of Panem, and being outside the house. Their over-protectiveness turned him into a nervous individual, he suffers from anxiety, has very few friends, and is incredibly germaphobic. Because of how he was raised, sheltered, and protected from the world, Joules has very little to no survival instincts, He loves his parents deeply though, and he trusts that they’ve always made the right choices for him, choices that ultimately in life will keep him safe from anything. 
How do they feel about the Games?:
One way of protecting Joules and sheltering him from the harsh reality of the world was limiting just how much of the games he watched. He attended the Reaping as legally required, watched the scores, and the interviews, and then with his parents while they left the games to run on their living room television, never actually watched anything except for the memorium for which tributes had died that night to see if Five would be getting a victor or not, and then finally the announcement of the victor, their crowning, and final interview. It is because of this very limited viewing that while on reaping day Joules is worried, he never actually thinks about the games beyond that day. It does not affect him personally, so he doesn’t perceive the threats, and danger that exist within the games and the fact that they have touched so many people in such a horrible way. So ultimately because of his privilege and shielded nature, Joules does not feel anything for the games beyond, a slight uptick in anxiety on reaping day.
What is their personality like?:
Joules Hoover is timid, shy, nervous, and incredibly easy to startle. He is a massive mother’s boy, and he enjoys being doted on. He has no innate survival skills, and he is very fragile because of how he was raised. There are very few people he can call a friend, because of how little he was allowed to play outside, and the only person who he can probably call a best friend is his pet cat, Energia. However, because he had such few friends, Joules found a great joy for reading, and would constantly have his nose in a book. He read every book in his father’s office and any book he could get his hands on. Stemming from the germaphobia caused by his parents, he constantly has wipes, hand sanitizer, and sunscreen with him. Joules never leaves the house without dressing in a suit complete with a bowtie and making sure his hair is perfectly styled. He does after all wish to hold up to the standards of etiquette expected of the mayor’s only son. When outside, he is squeamish, and quickly wants to get back to a sterile environment. Additionally, when in situations where he cannot control them or where he feels out of his depth or exposed, Joules quickly begins to give into neuroticism. He starts to become panicked and anxious. He often needs to stop and go through breathing exercises to remain grounded and remember any type of plan derived. He is the worst possible candidate to be thrown into the arena. 
What is their district token?:
Joules’ token is one of his father’s mayoral insignia pins, so that way he has a bit of his parents with him, and he remembers who the Hoovers are, and how they hold themselves when they have any kind of attention on them. His parents know that Joules will make them proud in that regard. The pin itself is a small circle and has the eagle of Panem, holding its arrows with barley around it, however, the variation between the two pieces of barley is the number 5, signifying he was the Mayor of District Five.
Three strengths and three weaknesses:
+ Detail Oriented + Neat + Well Read 
- Anxious - Delicate - Neurotic 
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tinygryphon-58570 · 11 months
I used to hate Ridgebacks because their faces looked very awkward to me, but something about the way you draw them instantly unlocked some part of my brain and now I Understand and Love them <3
Hooray for Ridgeback appreciation! I'm glad I could help! ^^
I'm definitely a strong believer in the idea that all dragons can be friend-shaped! Even ones that are a bit... prickly xD
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They're practicing nose-combat for Warrior's Way next month, it's a very important skill *nodnod* -u-
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eeveelution-world · 1 year
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Jouleon (JEW-lee-awn)
Plutonium Pokemon
Evolves from TBD
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toztoparlar · 1 year
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adammonter · 1 year
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:( I love them so much but I keep making them sad
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anemonequeen · 1 year
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i have no excuse for this
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shoresdevelopment · 2 years
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Power, Work and Energy (Physics) https://shores.dev/power-work-and-energy-physics/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost
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