gingerswagfreckles · 7 months
"Criticizing Israel isn't antisemitism" yeah but accusing Jews of making up hate crimes to derail the conversation around Gaza is. Claiming that the media is controlled by a secret group of all powerful Zionists is. Acting like the Holocaust is something Jews use to get out of trouble instead of an actual genocide that happened within living memory is. Telling us to go back to where we came from is.
"Criticizing Israel isn't antisemitism" yeah well a lot of you aren't being accused of antisemitism because you are criticizing Israel. You're being accused of antisemitism because you are being antisemitic and do nothing but evade and double down when it gets called out.
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the-itzy-bitzy-spider · 2 months
Not sure how I feel about this but my redneck hick boss just warned me to be careful because people are having violent anti-jew protests and I am visibly Jewish. And I mean, yeah, I know it's rough out there. But my boss is ALWAYS either high or drunk (or both) and he immediately clocked that it's not about Israel or Palestine, but about hating Jews. And I'm grateful that someone cares enough to say something, but it also means the bar is so fucking low that it'son the ground. If this guy can see it, the rest of y'all are being willfully ignorant or just flat out lying about your intentions.
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the-library-alcove · 5 months
Jews: The rising tide of antisemitism worldwide is scaring us. We're regularly being dehumanized, demonized, and attacked. We're having to increase security around our schools, homes, and synagogues. Nazis are actively recruiting on platforms of Jew-hatred and it's growing increasingly hard to tell the difference between them and Leftists when it comes to their verbal and social attacks on Jews. There have been attempted pogroms, and it feels like just a matter of time before there's another mass murder of Jews. Please, please, listen to us and stop hating us.
Tumblr media
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sopranoentravesti · 2 months
Gonna make a controversial statement—people on this webbed site had more compassion for the poor white rural Trump supporters than they do for Jews
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maidservant-hecubus · 5 months
I think the thing that baffles and disturbs me the most is the people here reposting the most heinous shit about (((Zionists))) like Holocaust inversion, blood libel, the rapes and murders of oct7 being deserved (yes even the children! If they even really happened!), Israelis should "go home", BDS, making and sharing lists of known (((Zionists))), etc. All while desperately CLINGING to their belief that they are absolutely not antisemetic (and they truly mean Jews there, not semetic people!) and their blogs are "safe spaces for their Jewish friends." Absolutely balls to the wall fucking wild.
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lem0nademouth · 5 months
something so insidious abt left wing antisemitism is that its all psychological mind games and manipulation and denial and gaslighting and making you question your own perception of reality. like its not enough to hate jews, no, you have to resolve your own cognitive dissonance about being a leftist who hates jews by victim blaming and outright lying. you cannot sit in your own discomfort and acknowledge that you have work to do, so you make it our problem. you slit our throats and force us to apologize for bleeding on you.
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athingofvikings · 6 months
As we have now reached the stage of discourse that I and other Jews have been jokingly predicting for a while...
I think at this point the claim that "antizionism is not antisemitic" can now be safely buried and have a slab of fresh-poured reinforced concrete put on top of it.
Because there is literally nothing more Jew-hating than the claim that the foundational prayers and texts of Judaism are politically unacceptable to "antizionists".
Mind you, it's been "fun" watching Leftists bend over backwards to do everything they can to rewrite Jewish history and redefine Judaism in increasingly offensive ways, but we've literally reached the point of self-parody now.
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tsuyoshikentsu · 4 months
very tired of planning my career around whether america will be safe for jews in five years actually
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vaspider · 21 days
I saw your post about using Judenhass/anti Jewish hate over the term antisemitism, is there a reason for the change?
So, "antisemitism" in its current popular usage was pioneered by Prussian nationalist historian Heinrich von Treitschke and German journalist William Marr as a means of distinguishing between old-school Judenhass & their new form of hating Jews. It was literally a way of dressing up their hatred of Jews in a way that was more "scientific" and "legitimate." It first appeared in print in Der Weg zum Siege des Germanenthums über das Judenthum (The Way to Victory of the Germanic Spirit over the Jewish Spirit, 1880). As a means of discussing prejudice, discrimination, and hatred, it has never been aimed towards anybody but Jews, full stop.
But, you know, lots of people on Tumblr (and elsewhere) have decided that this isn't actually what the word means, and are whipping out the old "Jews aren't the only Semitic people!" bit of bullshit. It's not a good-faith thing; it's meant as a "shut up while we're openly antisemitic, you don't get to define your own oppression, dirty lying Jews" refutation of really basic and really obvious shit.
So... let's just go back to the original word. "Antisemitism" can't be used bc Jews aren't the only Semitic people? Okay. From now on when I mean Judenhass, I'll just fucking say Judenhass.
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fromchaostocosmos · 21 days
Jewish elementary school children in the Woodstock area of the city were told that their parents were “complicit in genocide” and “baby killers” by protestors who also blocked the road last week, according to a New York Post report.
Bryce Gruber, a mother of children at the Woodstock Elementary School, told The Post, “They were screaming at the kids and anyone who tried to get across or got near them.”
Gruber, a mother of five, shared on Instagram that she struggled to explain to her children why the protestors were shouting such things at them. She also revealed that, as a result of the protests, the children were unable to go outside for recess.
While Gruber expressed disbelief that a protest occurred in her small town of 6000 people, she was most concerned that her neighbors came out in support of it.
“They were cheering them on, shouting, ‘We love you,'” Gruber told The Post. “That was the worst part.”
Gruber confronted the protesters, including a man who had been recording her and her 7-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter. She alleges that he threatened to upload their images onto a “Zionist Jew watchlist.
The mother also claimed that no one reached out to the town’s Jewish community to check in in the aftermath of the protest.
The demonstrators called “Hudson Valley Neighbors,” had formed a human chain and blocked Route 375 to the Ametek  Rotron building - a manufacturing plant - believing the company to be involved in producing parts of weapons for Israel.
The protesters held a banner saying, “Ametek Rotron Manufactures Genocide.”
The Town Supervisor, Bill McKenna, told reporters that demonstrators had a right to protest but not to block access to private property. Several protesters were subsequently arrested, according to The Post, and taken to New York State police headquarters.
The Jerusalem Post reported yesterday that schools in New York City have experienced an uptick in antisemitism, with documented incidents of Jewish students and staff being targeted with swastikas and other antisemitic slogans and images.
In one Brooklyn high school, a Jewish teacher was threatened with swastikas and "Heil Hitler" hand gestures from students.
Such incidents are allegedly in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Code.
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faggotry-enjoyer · 4 months
yknow what i think it's pretty fucked up that my instinctual reaction to hearing any mention of the holocaust is to brace myself for antisemitic talking points. in discussion about a jewish genocide.
holocaust inversion, universalization, minimalization, and denial are inexcusable in any context, and the fact that they've become this common is appalling on every level.
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jewish-vents · 21 days
i'm so tired of antizionists saying that zionists have made the word antisemitism meaningless as a way to brush off accusations of jewhate when they're doing their level best to rob zionism of any coherent meaning. in 140 years of jewish zionism (or 2000+ if one thinks of pesach as a form of zionism - ie jews returning to their indigenous homeland after years in exile), there have been nearly 100 years of nazis and communists using zionism as a dogwistle slur to politicize their jewhate and christians appropriating the word zionism to larp out the end days on top of the many different zionist parties that have grown in israel itself, and modern antizionists acknowledge NONE of that
i've never considered myself a zionist except in that most ancient sense, but 7 months ago when i saw former friends start really complaining about "zionists", the hair on the back of my neck stood up. i talked myself down, sure that they were just ignorant and blurring the lines between the likud party and all self-described zionists, but that ignorance has become so much worse, because sure enough it's come right back around to be used as a cudgel against any jew who poses a threat to The Party Line
if antisemitism has become meaningless, then i'm going back to good old fashioned jewhate, and i think anyone who can't give a reason to be antizionist that doesn't acknowledge the many uses is full of it. opposing zionism "in all its forms" is jewhate, plain and simple
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the-library-alcove · 4 months
"Get on the right side of history!" screams a group of people saying that Hitler did nothing wrong and that people engaged in slavery and human trafficking are in fact plucky underdogs.
*sigh* Yeah. Yeah. It's like that.
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sopranoentravesti · 2 months
I’m very tired of goyim speaking over us and giving their takes on Judaism, Jewish identity, and antisemitism.
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maidservant-hecubus · 3 months
Is this what our great grandparents felt like? When things got bad enough to see what was coming but before it was too late to run?
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lem0nademouth · 5 months
*gripping the edge of the sink with white knuckles* all jews are my kin and any impulse to distance myself from them will only serve those who seek to eradicate us you are my community you are my blood you are my people and i want to superglue your mouth shut but you are still my kin
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