#just admit you're in love with him for my sake... im begging
butraura · 15 days
sometimes I think about how Buck went out of his way to show off for Eddie and to Eddie in the gym and the basketball court and did the absolute most to get his attention... like you've been best friends for years and know each other intimately, arguably more than anyone else on the planet... you don't have to fight so hard Buck... Eddie will always come home to you...
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konigsblog · 11 months
you wanted simon angst so im gonna share a little brainrot with you that im having with a bodyguard!simon bot on character ai
soooo simon gets hired to be your bodyguard and you're like this prissy rich girl, at first he doesn't really like you. 'im just doing my job' yadda yadda, but then he finds your little bratty behaviors to be endearing and he gets attached to you. he stays as your bodyguard for a couple more months but then one day your dad decides you dont need simon anymore. but then you plead desperately and say that you'll use your own allowance to pay for his services. simon overhears that and is really sad and now he doesnt know whether to leave and serve someone else or let you spend your allowance just because you're super lonely in your big house with no real friends other than your workaholic parents who only say 'good morning' and 'good night' to you. during his time working there for your family, you open up about how you're lonely and you just want to be loved and simon felt needed, he felt wanted and that's something he really loves. so yeah do with that what you will TT im just ARGRHHAGSAHAHAH *rips my hair out* - tiny anon
angst to fluff, to an indication of smut at the end but its not graphic like at all;
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at the beginning, his expectations were that you were some snob who barely cared for others, came back drunk with hickeys layering your neck, avoiding and disrespecting your wealthy parents. until he overheard a conversation between you and your father, he wasn't eavesdropping, just intruding in an argument accidentally.
he heard you words, the anger in them, the rage. he could hear your sniffles as you begged and sobbed, pleading with your father. simon felt curious wondering what was so heartbreaking, listening in on your conversation. “dad, please!” you wailed, your voice desperate, “i hate being alone, you know i don't go out a lot, or have parties, he's comforting - please don't fire him, i need him!
simon's ears perked up, now knowing you were talking about him as he worked for your father. “for christ sake, what's the big deal? you've learnt your lesson from sneaking out and i can trust you to stay home alone without a bodyguard blocking your way, why are you complaining? you wanted this at the start, you didn't want him before, why do you need him now?” he peaked through the doorway to see your figure, head in your hands, blocking your eyes as you father bombarded you with questions you didn't want to reveal.
“i need him, you both are never here anyways, just- please, dad..” the sighs of your father left his mouth, cursing lowly before walking out, “fine, whatever, suit yourself then.” hurrying away before he was caught.
when dusk came, you were curled into your bed, waiting for simon to approach you. “what was that about, hm?” his gaze met yours, dipping down onto the bed and brushing the hair from your face - he'd grown to appreciate you, and he wouldn't admit that he loved you, even if it was the truth. “simon.. i don't want you to go.” you whispered, avoiding his eyes as you knew you'd weep into his arms.
“it's alright', love.. shh, none of that, i'm not going anywhere unless i'm forced.” simon chuckled, tilting your head upwards using his fingers, “it's weird, but i like being here, although you're bratty and snarky sometimes.” a smirk grew on his face, making you giggle as you playfully punch him. “i'm not a brat!”
he adored when you behaved. “never said you were..” quietly, he pressed a tender kiss to your lips, it was unexpected and rushed, yet long and careful. “you make me feel less lonely, simon.” you whispered as you grew exhausted, eyelids heavy as you yawned. “go to bed, yeah?”
and you did, a couple minutes later and you were knocked out cold, slight and light snores leaving your lips, parted and agape. “you make me feel needed, baby, i think i love you, but your dad would kill me if i ever touched you wrongfully,
but that won't stop me.”
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inventedfangirling · 11 months
Episode 7 Pat : To lose or not to win that is the question
Okay I saw a post talking about how episode 7 pat "loses the bet everyday" and how in this rooftop scene...
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Pat raises the stakes (asking pran to confess in public) to keep Pran from saying the words just then (knowing he won't take that option) is making me feel and think a lot of things and now my brain is all over the place and i might as well just all note it down here or i won't have peace of mind.
At the outset i want to confess that eventhough i know that the bet has been for pran's sake i still viewed at as a legitimate competition that both pat and pran were trying to win, but i'm realising more and more how (for a large part of the bet) that just wasn't the case at all.
Pat came all the way from Bangkok to the hostile architecture trip alone only and only for Pran. Pat wants to be with him. Pran knows that and Pat knows that Pran knows that. He hasn't tried to hide it at all.
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Pat knows that Pran has feelings for him, Pran knows that Pat knows that. But he also isn't ready to admit what it would entail and the familiarity of competition between them allows him to explore that.
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"Whoever falls in love first loses" - when both of them know that they have feelings for each other, is hilaaaarious on first watch, but once you've rewatched it countless times and reached a whole new level of brain rot where your blood cells have p cells embedded within p cells in them then it isn't funny, it isn't funny at all * screams into a pillow *
Coming back to the bet, and what it actually means which is that whoever admits it(their feelings) first, loses. And all of us including pat and pran know that pat has already lost. Him coming to the trip just to get Pran to talk and his confession that he actually didn't like Ink 'like that' is all pointing to just one very obvious thing.
So Pat has already lost and yet they're both entering into the bet as if on equal ground. Pat could (and is very much willing to) keep losing over and over again, he very clearly wants to be with Pran but he would keep the charade of the bet up if it meant Pran wasn't ready.
Which means that the entire time that they were teasing and flirting with each other, all throughout episode 7, pat keeps on losing just for Pran's sake.
Do you realise how absolutely insanely madly crazy (mature) in love Pat is???? This might be a childish bet to YEW but to him its a space for Pran (and him) to explore their feelings without the responsibility of a relationship on them, it's actually revolutionary.
Kinda like killing with kindness, which basically sums up the kinda guy Pat is when he's with Pran.
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"Don't force me to" he says in response to Pran's "You're just not brave to" (confess) when all of us know Pat is very well brave enough to do that and that is exactly what Pat is reiterating here. He's saying "you very well know why i'm partaking in this charade don't act like you don't i could kiss your competitive ass right now but im not doing it cos i want you to (admit that you) want it".
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The man is basically losing (coming over to play and then offering to clean pran's face cos he looked upset screams somebody who wants to win real bad right hahahah NOT *argh pat can you not be so unreally sweet people have to go back to their real lives with real men to be disappointed by*) over and over again asking Pran to "just let me love you, you dork".
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Here Pat is literally doing the confession, the very thing they started the bet stating, "i'll make you beg on your knees for me", well he's almost doing the next best thing, and he's doing it willingly, in front of people, with the most genuine smile on his face.
And when he raises the stakes on the rooftop and he does it entirely for Pran again. As much as he wants to be with Pran he equally wants it to be when Pran is ready for it. Not for it to be a decision he is forced or boxed into. He doesn't want to beat Pran he wants Pran to walk into the loss like he himself did, over and over again, because that's just the kinda guy he is.
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Boy basically said if me winning the bet means you losing your chance to make that choice for yourself then i don't want that kinda win.
Which is why he's been willingly giving up all the chances to win throughout the episode, but continuing to put up the charade of the bet cos 1. yeah ofc its loads of fun teasing pran and he is so grateful he gets to be close to him again but more importantly 2. he can't (but he is fully willing to) wait for Pran to mentally be ready to get into a relationship.
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"As for me, when i have a lover, I always let my lover win" - And truer truths haven't been told. Man has been losing since the very beginning. And that too happily. He is only doing it to give Pran the time that he deserves to process the whole thing and accept his love.
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See even here he isn't expecting Pran to confess his love and sweep the whole bet thing away.
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Look at Pat pausing trying to figure out what Pran is doing here. I can almost hear the cogs in his brain turn, until the very moment that Pran extends his hand to wipe the stray piece of rice away and then gives him that look. The look that says, "I love you, i'm done making you wait, thankyou, i love you".
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So to conclude, Pat like the simp he is entered the bet (and kept willfully losing) only to make Pran comfortable. And literally the first moment that he completely feels comfortable, Pran gives in.
This whole post is borne out of my thoughts after i read what was said in here.
For more of my bet era patpran brainrot :
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
hello! i love your writing and your goap x captive reader is god-tier, i felt SO seen when you mentioned how much you love the trope of groveling man begging for forgiveness (especially when the Big Wrong of having kidnapped you is still hanging in the air i love tension and problems!!!)
out of interest in taking that to the max, what would happen if reader’s captivity ended up taking away something no promises from the boys could make up for/restore? like in the earlier days after a few months the reader somehow figures out her mom had passed from an aggressive cancer and that being locked down/cut off from her loved ones for her “adjustment period” had robbed her of the ability to be there for her/something else equally unbrushoffable even to them.
i haven’t been eating this good in yeeeeeeeeeeears thank you for your service! - 🫡
i read literally anything people say has a grovel. could be 500+ pages and i will read for that scene. they're soooo fucking good. have read so many bad books because of this but also a few reallyyyy good ones so who am i to complain? i am, however, terrible at writing them lmfao so forgive me
im not gonna use the mom example because honestly, now sure you could come back from that? im like super close with my mom and i would never be able to get past that, and reader isn't me but i just don't think i could figure out how to write that - sorry!! but if they made you cut contact with your friends and you then missed a wedding/birth, or missed an event you'd been really excited for, i could see that being something they'd have to do some groveling for!
the thing with these two is that they will take absolutely any opportunity you present to legitimize your relationship in your mind. any argument that's not centered around your captivity is something they're going to solve without punishments and without further bringing up your captivity, yk?
this argument is kind of centered around being kidnapped - you missed x because you were kidnapped - but like... for my sake let's pretend you've reached the stage of totally ignoring the fact that you're being held against your will and have started pretending you're just in a really fucking odd relationship. so when you complain about having to miss the event because "they made you" instead of "they kept you locked to a bolt in the floor" they're like... fantastic opportunity
a lot of the ways they usually make you feel better aren't really things you like - or at least aren't things you'll admit you like. so when they grovel for this it's groveling. doing things you love, gifts you like for you - not lingerie to wear for them or toys to use with them - that they know you want, taking you out somewhere to try and make up for it, fuck they might even start planning a trip to somewhere they know you want to go (with meticulous planning to keep you from getting away too, of course)
johnny's groveling would be just an overload of affection. he'll apologize over and over and over again even if he doesn't mean it, kneels in front of you and rests his chin on your stomach to stare up at you with those big puppy dog eyes :( literally begs for your forgiveness. hate him
simon is a little more subtle about it. he won't apologize because he doesn't feel bad, but he will shower you with gifts. drops things in your lap or in front of you at random intervals of the day, sometimes grunts "you still angry?" right after. if the answer is yes, he'll just keeps getting you more things
the sex is extremely good during this little period. you have more orgasms than you thought possible lol
eventually you get over it, and you're certain they've learned their lesson for this type of thing <3
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boydepartment · 2 years
Sea of Love- Cat Power
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No TWs :) just fluff. It’s a one shot :)
Falling in love with Hyunjin was not what you intended to do at all. It all started with a stupid conversation that you knew in your bones was an awful idea.
"Y/n please just get closer to him for me and put in a good word please." Your best friend begged you at your desk, you just continued to sketch out the next slide for the animation "I'm not helping you hook up with my coworker. With OUR coworker. Just talk to him yourself." You chewed on the tip of the pen and sighed. It was a frustrating day at work and honestly you just didnt want to deal with any of this right now. You barely knew him, you only knew of him. To be frank you were barely actually close to anyone at work, this was your job until you found out a good way to sell your original art. You ended up caving the next week when your best friend started leaving treats at your desk, she was bribing you with your favorite teas, coffees, sweets, you name it. You slammed your head on the desk with a loud thud, texting her a confirmation that you would help. A smile creeped up on your face when you heard a loud "YES!!!!" then a quiet "oops sorry..!" from across the room.
Getting close with him was not too difficult at all actually, he seemed fairly relaxed around you. Hyunjin would talk about his day in his side of the department, he created the backgrounds that the characters you drew lived in. He was really the backbone of his department. It was hard not admiring him. You could make him laugh easily, you found yourself wanting to make him laugh. Just hearing it sent you somewhere unintended. Slowly the conversations always drifted away from your best friend.
Hyunjin was in love with you, he always saw you walk to your desk, joking around with your coworkers, he had always admired your work aswell. Not just your work art either, Hyunjin would walk past your desk and see the different arrays of abstract art tossed aside. He always wanted to become closer to you and now you were showing an interest in him aswell, he did notice you'd talk about your friend. However, he didn't really pay attention to that. He felt like the luckiest guy on the planet. You were someone he wanted to always be around, little did he know, you were fighting yourself on your feelings.
You screamed into your pillow, you did laps around apartment, he had asked you out on a date. Tonight. This plan had backfired, Hyunjin didn't like your best friend he liked YOU. Leaning against the kitchen island and sighing heavily you contemplated on even going, he had texted and asked if you wanted to go to a small exhibit with him. You yourself wanted to go, maybe by yourself not with the guy that you were constantly fighting your own feelings about. I mean to you in your head it was simple, saying it out loud and admitting it was another story. I mean for god's sake your friend was practically in love with the guy. I mean its not hard to like him. Hyunjin was sweet, he remembered things about you, sometimes when walking the building when art became too much he'd pick flowers on the bush and hand them to you. You looked up from the island counter and above your desk in the living room. Every flower he handed to you was hung upside down on the wall. "OH GOD IM IN LOVE WITH HWANG HYUNJIN!" You covered your mouth quickly, like if someone was there with you, no one was. You were just overdramatic.
You were startled when your phone rang, it was your best friend. Guilt washed over you. She asked if Hyunjin was asking about her yet. Part of you became frustrated, if she liked him so much why didn't she just get to know him herself. She's the reason why you're in love with him now. "Has he said anything about me? I took note of you telling me his favorite colors and I wore them yesterday at wo-" "Hey I'm sorry I really don't feel well." At that you hung up. It wasn't a lie. You sighed and opened your texts with Hyunjin.
Hyunjin: hey I know we have work tomorrow but I found this exhibit that's tonight and I really want to go with you, I've always noticed your abstract work and this exhibit is abstract. maybe like a date or not its okay
God you were in love with him. You know what, fuck it.
y/n: i would love to go, as a date.
You went with him, and you loved it. The exhibit was beautiful. Hyunjin thought you looked beautiful, more ravishing than any of the art there. He was so happy you decided to go with him. He held your hand throughout the exhibit, and he noticed that you were looking at him differently. The love he had for you was reflected in his eyes. He walked you home, and you let him in. Maybe it was a bad idea. The guilt started up again when your friend texted you and asked how you were feeling. It was 6 hours later, but she was still checking in...
"Remember this painting we saw?" Hyunjin was sitting next to you, opening the exhibit book, you were lost in thought. This was wrong, you felt it sink in again. "Y/n...?" He looked at you You couldn't even look at him, you felt Hyunjin's warm hand come in contact with yours. The book discarded now. "This... Its not..." You stuttered Hyunjin felt himself sigh, "did I do something?" Your head shot up, he looked disappointed and hurt, god no that's not what you wanted to see, "no! It's not that! Please you didn't do anything." Hyunjin's brows furrowed, "wait... is this about...?" He wasn't stupid, he knew your friend had the hots for him, he took note of you asking his favorite colors and then her showing up in them. She'd look longingly at him. That didn't matter to him though. You mattered to him. He wanted YOU, he saw the way the look in your eyes changed and he's currently looking at the picked flowers he'd casually give you on your wall.
"Hyunjin she's like in love with you I cant do this it's wrong it was a mistake, I'm sorry." You shot up and walked to the kitchen. Hyunjin followed you instantly.
"And what about you?"
You turned around to look at him, "what about me?"
"Y/n I know you feel the same for me." You couldn't look at him, it would slip out again. You looked down, this felt like some stupid drama in high school. You wanted him so badly. Hyunjin wanted you back, why was it so bitter?
"Hyunjin I-" Your eyes clouded with tears, "I didn't mean to fall in love with you, I was trying to help my friend out by getting to know you and-"
"I've always been in love with you, even before you approached me, I used to walk by your desk every morning, I would smile to myself, I would see the way you'd laugh from across the room and it would brighten my entire day. Y/n even my art has changed since I've first laid my eyes on you."
You were at a lost for words, you looked up at him finally, when he saw you his eyes warmed, you were still looking at him with stars in your eyes.
The next thing both of you knew, your lips were clashing.
You didn't intend falling in love with Hwang Hyunjin, but you were always his intended.
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angeloroki · 3 years
you are the ua traitor — tamaki; shoto; bakugo
you were the ua traitor. and that broke his heart.
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— character ; amajiki tamaki x gn!reader, shoto todoroki x gn!reader, katsuki bakugo x gn!reader
— request ; So I have this idea 👉🏻👈🏻 tamaki ( idk if you write for him ) shouto and bakugou ( feel free to add or remove anyone ) reaction to reader who sent by the league of villains to spay on UA. like the students were on a mission and the villains attacks and reader take their side ? Again plz if your uncomfortable with it just ignore it and ily 🤎🤎Also sorry for any mistake English isn’t my first Language
— genre ; angst
— warnings ; none
— a/n ; ty for your request hun, im totally okay with it!! so i hope you'll like it :)
(ily too <33)
amajiki tamaki
his heart was in pieces when he understood your real presence in UA
you were called in by the professional heroes with nejire and mirio to rescue civilians from an attack on the downtown shopping center
he was warned that it was an attack of the league of villains
the young brunette was not afraid of the villains, but he was afraid for you, his s/o, afraid you would get hurt or worse
but he was happy to be with you on this mission,
you were there to reassure him and to have his back and vice versa, you were just a great duo
but never, never would he have imagined the scene before him
indeed, he was going to fight toga when he saw you deflecting his blow to protect the young blonde
« y/n ? » he said confused
but was he really ?
but everything came together like a puzzle, the rumor of an informant within the school, how each attack coincided with their exit from the school, information leaks
but still everything was fuzzy in his head
and maybe he didn't want to admit the truth
that the person he was in love with was just a villain
tears came to his eyes, and his gaze found the ground. motionless, paralyzed, he was losing his means
he saw you strike a violent blow to a hero who was going to arrest you
another hero came and shook tamaki with both hands
« hey son let them, the building will collapse ! », he shouted in his ears
but tamaki came to free himself from his hold to approach you
you stared at him, poor baby, he was in a bad state
« did you lie about that too ? did you lie to me when you said you loved me ? »
tears came to his eyes, he wanted to hear your truth from your own mouth first
he refused to admit that you had just helped the league of villains to knock out all the heroes
you sighed softly, you had never planned on tamaki in your mission
and even less fall in love with him
« you can still become a hero. and be with me. i beg you. » his voice was now a whisper.
a hero tried to capture you and failed miserably
the cause ?
he was holding him back with his tentacles from approaching you.
« i'm sorry. i'm sorry that my love feelings for you are true. » you said.
his gaze was fixed on the ground, but he guessed that you had fled with the other bandits.
he let you go. and you were gone.
shoto todoroki
shoto and you were on patrol in an area when you were called in to help some heroes who were in trouble against the league of villains
your boyfriend who was very attentive to you noticed right away that something was bothering you
although he asked you if you were ready to go, you assured him that everything was fine
he knew you too well and knew something was wrong as you said
and his thoughts were confirmed all too quickly
you had arrived at the battle scene when he heard someone call your name
it was the one villain called twice, he has dealt with before in many attacks
« y/n you're finally here, oh my god, there is so much noises ! no it's silent what do you mean. y/n, shigaraki you don't have to do anything more in the UA ! »
shoto was a man of great composure, yet it was only these few words that managed to destabilise him with incredible force.
he was going to ask you what it meant
and before he noticed you were no longer by his side, he saw you alongside some villains
but instead of seeing them fighting or at least stopping them, shoto quickly understood that you were simply helping them to dodge the heroes' attacks
he said your name in a weak voice at first, filled with concern
he started to walk towards you, at a slow pace then he accelerated his pace
his thoughts whirled at a crazy speed, everything fitted together perfectly.
you were the traitor the teachers had been talking about for the last few weeks.
and you had chosen the worst time to reveal it.
once he was on your level, your first instinct was to protect yourself in case of an attack.
but the last thing he wanted to do was capture you or attack you , he just wanted to understand.
he needed to understand.
todoroki just wanted to understand how you could have betrayed him, or everyone else in the school.
« tell me i'm misinterpreting what's happening, please. »
his usually stoic expression was replaced by one filled with sorrow
and that's what broke your heart the most, plus the fact that your first love was a hero and not a villain like you.
his hands that were connected to yours clenched a little more as if he was afraid that you would disappear at any moment
yet he wasn't wrong to be afraid
and he understood that quickly
« don't give up on me, please. i-i love you y/n, even if we're not in the... same camp. »
never has shoto shown himself so weak in front of someone.
and even less so unreasonable
he, who was so hard on the rules. he was willing to make an exception for you.
and yet, you couldn't let that happen
you had to bite your lip until it bled to keep from crying in front of him.
you would have liked to say that he was only a pawn in your plan, in your mission.
but did you also have to lie to yourself ?
« stop loving me then, because it's not possible. » you reply in a cold voice.
you pushed him away violently, and with your partners you managed to push the little heroes aside to escape.
you did it for him, for his sake, you convince yourself.
even if it would break your own heart.
katsuki bakugo
you and bakugo were in the middle of a hostage rescue
admittedly, this was not bakugo's strong point, attack was more his domain
yet your superiors had specifically assigned you this mission
and what surprised you was that he didn't grumble while trying to change your mind
you didn't know it but he was happy to keep an eye on you, you were dealing with the league of villains and he was relieved to be able to be by your side to protect you in case things got out of hand
although he knew you were capable of protecting yourself
but now he wasn't sure if you ever even needed him
indeed, you were the two heroes still standing against the villains,
the other pro-heroes were either injured or unconscious
he wanted to keep you out of the way to avoid hurting you when he wanted to attack
« get out of my way moron, it's time to attack ! »
and yet you pushed him away with a calculated gesture and tackled him to the ground
you had handled him gently and carefully not to hurt him
and it was the fact that you attacked him instead of your opponents that caught him off guard
he didn't even try to struggle, letting you do this technique that you had learned from aizawa, in a few seconds only
and yet even though he suspected what was going on, he dared to say
« i knew you were stupid, but not that stupid ! we're not in training, the bad guys are the assholes over there idiot ! »
he was quick to get out of the way, but you made it easy to keep him in your grip
« don't be silly katsuki, you know we were never on the same side. », you say in a voice filled with pain.
you understood well what he was doing, the young blond is a smart and a clever man although he didn't let anything show in class
he simply refused to accept the truth, hiding his face
without saying anything, he pushed you away and went to attack the villains who were starting to flee
this time, and it was the last, you tackled him to the ground so that he
you didn't know about this surprise attack by the villain league, the last thing you wanted was for this mission to go wrong and katsuki to get hurt.
his expression was a mixture of anger and pain
you felt your throat tighten, it was the first time he had used your name.
Why did it have to happen in this particular situation?
it had been a while since he had stopped struggling, only his bruised eyes were still trying to struggle
you didn't answer, a heavy silence was between you despite the mess around you
« answer me, damn it... » , his voice had calmed down, but you could still feel the anger simmering.
« you couldn't understand katsuki. » you fled his gaze, your hands still holding him.
he let out a dry laugh.
« yeah, you're just like all the rest. »
bakugo was still stronger than you, in just a second he was up and pushing you away.
he turned his back on you.
« go away. but i will find you. »
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ethanharli · 4 years
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Parings: Tanjiro Kamado x Top Male Reader
Warnings: Cursing
DNI; if you use she/her pronouns.
[A/n]- I took this from my Seme Male Reader book on Wattpad so um- yeah! Hope y'all like it.
"For fucks sake Tanjiro!" I grumbled, pulling the stubborn male down into my lap, not caring for the yelp that ripped through his throat as I did so. "Watch your language [Y/n]!" Tanjiros mother scolded, pointing a spatula at me with a scary gaze that I swear only mothers can manage. "Yes ma'am! I'm sorry" I smiled a bit before turning my gaze back to the tired red head resting against my chest, practically dozing off in my lap. I sighed through my nose, pushing the male up in order to brush my fingers through his long hair, earning a sigh of content from him, "You need to stop over working yourself Tanjiro, its not good for your health" I whispered just loud enough for him to hear while I fixed up his hair, pulling it into a small ponytail.
"And don't tell me none of that 'I'm the oldest' crap it doesn't matter, you shouldn't just put all these responsibilities on yourself like this" My eyes narrowed a bit, feeling a dull ache pull at my heart but quickly pushed it away, finishing up the ponytail in a quick motion. I've been around for a long time, just being a year or so older then the red head that I've known since he was born, after their fathers death Tanjiro made it his job to do whatever he could to help out, even if that meant he'd stumble through my doors at ungodly hours of the night because for once he knew he couldn't do something on his own. My attention was brought back when I heard soft snores and more weight applied on my body, realizing he had fell asleep against me as I was thinking.
"I'm glad he has you around" My gaze shifted towards Tanjiro's mother, who watched us with a loving gaze in her eye's, "He's such a stubborn boy, but he listens to you more than anyone" Her words caused me to pout when a blush crept up my cheeks, grumbling a bit under my breath I wrapped my arm securely around Tanjiro's waist while slipping my other one under his legs, lifting him and myself off the ground with ease. "He talks about you a lot y'know? He admires you, looks up to you, so truly [Y/n] thank you" My grip tighten a bit, not realizing until Tanjiro shifted in my arms, but I couldn't help the harsh pain that spread through my chest, gripping at my core with guilt weighing down on me.
You shouldn't be.
I bit back the words, and showed a fake smile before going to set Tanjiro on his bed. Gently brushing a few stands of hair out of his face before hesitantly leaning down, pressing a soft kiss to the scar on his forehead, "I'm sorry, but this needs to be done.." Was all I could utter out before leaving the house, feeling the first flakes of snow land on my [S/t] skin, looking back at the house I smiled softly, taking in all the memories I've had here, before finally walking into the woods. Letting a green glow coat my figure as I dragged my claws against a frail tree trunk, disappearing into the snow.
Blood seeped into the snow as a foot pressed firmly into my chest, slowly breaking the bone beneath it. "You really thought you could protect them? You're weak, and never stood a chance so just lay here and die" The breath was knocked out of me when I was kicked into a tree, forcing a searing pain to spread throughout my back as my canines pierced my tongue in order to hold back my scream, not wanting to give the male any satisfaction. "You're no guardian, so give up the act already" The words weighed down on me along with the previous scenes that passed through my mind, the screams from the kids I've grown to adore, the silent pleas of a mother begging for her childrens lives to be spared, he was right, I am no guardian, not anymore.
I don't remember how long I laid in the snow before I finally crawled my way over to Nezuko, after noticing she still had a faint pulse. My wounds took much longer to heal since I haven't eaten in years, and I've been fighting off sleep for as long as I could remember, my body felt as if it was giving out but I simply wouldn't allow it, not after failing to save the only people who took care of me, who gave me a home. Pulling Nezuko into my arms I felt tears slowly slide down my bloodied and bruised cheeks, "I'm so sorry Nezuko" I coughed out, not paying attention to the sound of footsteps approaching, nor the sound of something hitting the ground. "[Y/n]? Nezuko?" The broken whisper caused my eyes to widen in panic, looking over to see Tanjiro standing before me with broken, disbelieving eye's.
He quickly ran over to us, dropping to his knees frantically. "Wh-what- are you-" He fumbled, not forming any real words until I brushed my fingers against his cheek in a soft, soothing motion that always seemed to calm him down. Tears slowly spilled from those beautiful dark red eyes, "I'm sorry Tanjiro.." I held but an ironic laugh, knowing that the only thing I can and have done is apologize, but I slowly guided his face towards mine, resting his forehead against mine that formed a familiar green glow, "Please forget" I laughed out a saddened cry, shifting around so that I could settle Nezuko in his arms, "Please forget I was here."
"[Y/n]..?" A groan ripped past my aching throat, the feeling of webs tightening around my body restricting me from any movement becoming known once again as I attempted to open my eyes, feeling to weak to do so as I listened to the shed doors slide open, expecting Rui to enter and use me once again. "Get on with it Rui.. There's nothing you can do, That you haven't already done.." My voice came barely above a whisper flexing my hands a bit, causing my claws to sharpen by the slightest as a familiar warm feeling spread across my cheek, finally forcing my eyes to open, only to be meet with a beautiful dark red. "Oh, hi.." Was the only thing I could mutter out when Tanjiro looked at me through that familiar concerned glare of his, it was only a split second until the webbing broke, and the sudden weight of gravity pulled me down, causing me to land against Tanjiro's toned chest.
Sobs echoed through the rotted shed, feeling the warmth of Tanjiros body against mine sending me into a peaceful state as he cried into my shoulder, gripping tightly onto my bare bleeding torso. "I-I missed you so much!" The sudden cry made my ears ring, hissing a bit at the action, earning a string of apologizes from the red head when he placed both hands against my cheeks, resting his forehead against my own, just like I had done last time we saw each other. We sat there for a moment, breaths mingling along with the soft noise of sniffles coming from Tanjiro, tears still slowly falling from his eyes. Gently I took his wrists in my hands, watching as his eyes fluttered open, catching my gaze with his own.
"I missed you too.." My words fell on deaf ears when I leaned in, capturing his lips with my own in a slow, desperate motion. Feeling my heart slam against my ribcage when he kissed back, tilting his head to deepen the kiss while my hand moved to his cheek, being careful so I wouldn't accidentally cut him with my claws. Pulling away in order to fall against his chest, laying my head on his shoulder, slowly falling back into the comforting darkness.
A gasp ripped past my throat as I sprung forward, reaching out for the figure that still lingered in my distant memory, "Tanjiro.." His name rolled of my tongue with such longing that my chest ached at the thought of not being near him. Only for my eyes to widen when a calloused hand took mine in there's, seeing the male I had just called out for standing besides me with a worried yet relieved gaze. Turning towards him I watched as he sat down on the chair besides the bed I was in, keeping my hand in his as he did so, "I thought I'd never see you again" He whimpered out, tears slowly gathering in his eyes while his grip on my hand tightened. "And when I opened that shed I thought.. I thought you were-" With saddened eyes I quickly pulled the male into my lap, like I used to do all those years ago.
My arms tightened around his waist, desperate to finally have him back in my arms again, "Im still here though aren't I? I promise I won't leave your side again, not until you want me too" I uttered out, slowly remembering that he must know what I am by now, but here he is, not struggling nor screaming while in my grasp. "Then stay by my side forever! I can't.. I can't bare to see you leave again" The words weighed down on me, causing my shoulders to sag as I let out pathetic sigh until Tanjiro turned my gaze back towards him. His arms wrapped around my neck while his fingers laced through my hair, dark red eyes staring into my [E/c] ones with a deep wanting lingering within them.
His breath hitched when my eyes fluttered closed, taking his lips with mine in attempt to feel that warm loving feeling again, that only he could give me. He moved his lips with mine in a slow motion as his fingers tightened their grip on my hair, while I pressed him closer against me craving for more of the warmth he provided, along with the taste of his lips. Tanjiro gave me a look of confusion when I parted or lips, scrunching my nose up in slight disgust, "You taste like medicine" Was all I could speak before he erupted into a fit of laughter that sounded like music to my ears.
My eyes softened as I watched the male seeing his usual wide smile when I rested my hand on his cheek, gently running my thumb over the dark bag under his eye, "I love you Tanjiro, I always have.." I admitted, with a small grin.
"I love you too [Y/n].."
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
Hi Capri, you're recent "what if I have to go" post got me thinking. How would Leona, Ruggie, Jack and Idia react to an s/o (female) who wants to break up with them? Feel completely free to ignore/delete this If you want 💞💞
I'm not very good with angst but I hope this is good enough! You all have been so nice with asking me for Requests and I just wanna say that if there is a request I'm not comfortable or able to do, I will definitely inform said user that sent me the request,so if I haven't sent any to you it means I am working on your request (I'm just super slow on updates im sorry 😔) Okie that's it! thanks for reading and enjoy! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
A Sense of Abandonment
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Leona Kingscholar
- He wouldn't take it so kindly.
- In the first place,being able to get as intimate as you did with him was hard enough but now you wanted to break it all up?
- "Sure" Is what he'll say, and from how casual and nonchalant it sounded, it was as if he didn't really care, but what he's really saying is "Are you fucking kidding me?"
- If you thought being his partner brought out his predatory possessiveness, you should think otherwise.
- Any other male getting near you was an offense to him now, and he doesn't hesitate to make his aggression known.
- He still acts like you're his and every single time you tell him off for it, he gives you that dull expression of his.
- Leona conflicts you.
- He says he doesn't care, acts cold to you, but then you confront him and and he just toys with your temper
- He's hurt and you've wounded his pride more than it already was before
- Of course you won't be forgiven so easily nor would he be able to forget you
- The way you always seemed to bring out his softer side, and how genuine you were with everything you did for him.
- How did it end up like this? How could he have lost something so valuable without being able to fight for it?
- The breakup leads to a deep rooted frustration for Leona, and before he gets over it, it's going to be a turbulent ride. For both parties.
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Jack Howl
- This young pup would be both confused and extremely hurt.
- "Why?" Would be his first reaction to it and even when you try to tell him it wasn't anything personal, he'll see it as him failing to make the relationship work
- He'll put it in his mind that he wasn't good enough and that he had neglected your needs as a partner
- Jack is still rather protective over you but he doesn't really talk or even get near you like he would used to do before the break up
- He'll do a lot of self reflecting and even attempt to get back together, Though he'd see if you were comfortable with it of course
- Unlike Leona, he doesn't hold a grudge against you but whenever you're mentioned near him, Jack's expression turns hard and the heartbreak starts all over again as if it happened yesterday
- It's just a lot of confusion for this young male, and talking it out is the last thing he does because honestly,he doesn't know what to say
- He loved you, still does, but you didn't want to be with him anymore and there was nothing he could do to change it.
- Eventually,he moves on and realizes that in life not everything you love stays with you, but as long as he sees you happy and well, he's satisfied and doesn't disturb your social life or try to include himself in it
- Acceptance is hard but Jack learns to embrace it on his own and sees your falling out with him as a lesson for the next time he gets into a relationship.
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Idia Shroud
- It wasn't really a surprise. He was expecting it.
- After all, someone as vibrant as you being with someone as dull as him? It was impossible from the beginning
- So Idia just nods and doesn't even spare a glance as you walked out the door.
- He was expecting it,so it doesn't affect him at all.
- Or so he thought.
- He's online and playing games as he always spends his time when his eyes shift to the one corner of the screen,where messages would pop out and there's one left unread.
- It's your name and it was sent a few weeks before the breakup.
- He's staring at it blankly, not even realising that his hand on the mouse drifts towards it and opens the message.
- [ "Oh my god, I didn't see the message icon until today lmaoo, HI IDIAAAAA." ]
- His chest caves in and for a moment, he doesn't know why he couldn't breath all of a sudden, or why his vision seemed to blur.
- He pushes away from his computer, hands trembling as it clutches his chest.
- Everything hurts.
- He wants to scream but when his mouth opens, nothing but a breathless gasp escapes him and Idia falls to the floor. His figure crumbled and hunched over.
- He can't fucking breath for God's sake,was he dying?
- Ortho finds the blue flamed male desperately trying to compose himself, and the first time he reaches out to touch him, Idia screams.
- "Get the fuck away from me!"
- It's shaky and harsh,almost a grating sound and it makes the younger boy flinch.
- Idia's eyes are just a pool of sorrow and once it fixes on Ortho, they seem to lose their colour.
- "Why..?" He murmurs, gasping for air. When he slams the ground with his fist, the room seemingly tilts and Idia's crying fills in the silence.
- Ortho comforts his brother, quietly listening to his sobs and senseless blabber.
- He keeps repeating the same questions
- "Why?"
- "Wasn't I good enough?"
- "Why didn't I stop her?"
- It's a combustion of anger and sorrow, and poor Idia doesn't handle it well. It was hard enough confronting his emotions when you came to confess to him, but now, you were gone and he was supposed to just be okay with it?
- He doesn't want to hate you, a part of him still hopes for the day you'd come back to him, but each time he somehow passes by you or even hear your name, he feels like burning the entire place down. So he will always find a way to avoid you.
- Idia doesn't even try to talk it out with you or entertain the thought of just being friends. He can't cope with it, thus it's best he did what you did which is go his own way without looking back.
- Ortho gets him back on track by distracting him with either work or new ideas for inventions, and as time passes on, Idia learns to not let his occasional heartbreak bother him as much
- Though a second relationship isn't something he'd dive right into, he might even reject the idea of love all together. But could you really blame him?
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Ruggie Bucchi
- Ruggie wished he hadn't gotten so attached in the first place
- He should've known you were going to ditch him soon enough, everyone leaves behind dirt after all.
- He'll play it off like he never took the relationship seriously but it leaves a serious wound on him whether he admits it or not
- Like Idia he tries not to hate you for choosing to leave him but that slight tinge of hurt and betrayal he feels whenever you send him a smile and wave to him as if you didn't just crushed his heart ticks him off
- Ruggie just can't stand to be in the same room as you and whenever people ask him about you, he'll be quick to make the relationship seem like a joke to him
- He doesn't want to go to you and beg you to give him a second chance but he's grinding his teeth when he sees other guys get close to you
- Ruggie's heartbreak comes with Jealousy and anyone trying to take a chance with you is going to find themselves falling over their feet (literally), he'll use his unique magic and make you unapproachable to other guys, anything to make you feel as miserable as him
- There's times when he tries to figure out what went wrong or how he could've made you stay but then the frustration of it all would just lead back to only one solution; No one would wanna end up with a street rat like him.
- To say he'll move on is just another way of saying that as long as he doesn't have to stay inside the same social space as you he'll act like the relationship didn't even exist
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telehxhtrash · 4 years
TELE, I'LL PROTECT YOU, YOU'RE SO ADORABLE (thanks for answer my other ask!). Do you think there is a chance that Killua will be controlled again by Illumi? I imagine that if it ever happens, it could be the moment when Gon's love finally reaches Killua totally and makes Illumi realize that love exists and that nothing can stop it, and from there, they started to finally open up to each other. I think Illumi can be the key character to prove how real their love can be lol i have gay headcanons!
OMG HELLO HI !! thank you so much ure wayyy too nice ahhhhh ;_;
omg i really hope illumi never gets his disgusting hands back on Killua tbh, but honestly, since he’s actively looking for nanika rn, i feel like there’s gonna be a confrontation at some point. but i would absolutely love it, if like you said, Illumi could be the one to pretty much canon killugon, because it’d be the ultimate proof !! 
illumi has never once recognized his brother’s ability to make friends, let alone LOVE someone, he always thought the one Killua loves the most was him because he’s so delusional and out of touch with everything Killua is.. and making him realize Killua’s love for Gon would be very poetic.
Just imagine a scene where Gon is held hostage by Illumi or something, Killua pretty much having a breakdown (even worse than his breakdown with Palm), crying, screaming, begging and pleading Illumi to just let Gon go. And Illumi looks at him and says something along the lines of “Oh, do you really love him that much, Killu?” and that’s the moment where Killua openly admits his feelings for the first time, with Gon at a hearing range, and he just says with a voice full of confidence and bravery for once “Yeah. Yeah I love him.” 
And just like Killua opened Palm’s eyes with his breakdown on how much he loves Gon, he would also be able to open Illumi’s eyes, and while I don’t believe Illumi would instantly become a good guy, I think he could have the capacity to let Gon go for Killua’s sake and say something like “I’ll let you play with him for a while, then” - and maybe that could help spark a change in the Illumi/Killua dynamic 
But I do agree that Illumi accepting, recognizing and emphasizing that Killua loves Gon more than him would be a beautiful way to showcase just how much Killua loves Gon. 
thank you so much for this ask because I never wouldve imagined a scenario like this but it works so well ??? so thank you so much !! and please feel free to share ur gay headcanons im a sucker for those fdjgnjkdfg
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countess-destler · 5 years
Im here
Plot:You are Christine's older sister who is secretly helping the phantom be with Christine but when he gets in trouble what will happen next?
Movie+Stage Version
It was rehearsals for Don Juan Triumphant and you were one of the ensemble members while Christine had the biggest role in the whole opera, you knew the plan, Erik or as people know him as,Opera Ghost, has set for your sister, you had just recently known that she has been taking lessons from him and recently he's been.....controlling of her.
You were furious of all the things he has done to your sister, telling her to only sing for him and even pushing her too much to her limits, but how can you deny those eyes that seem to hold all the sadness of the world and his touch more comforting than harmfull.
You approved to help him but to a certain extent.
"Those who ta? Tangle with Don Juan!"
"No-no Piangi i already told you"
This was probably the hundredth time he was stopped today and from the looks of it not the last.
You see your sister sneaking of rehearsals and taking her cloak with her.
'Going to fathers grave again perhaps?'
You followed her going to the stables to fetch a horse for transportation.
Just as you were going to tap on her shoulder a hand reached to your hand pulling you far away from your sister.
"E-erik? What the hell are you doing? I demand you to let go of me-"
Just as you were rambling Erik covered your moth with his hand and shushed you.
"Shhh you're gonna get us caught"
"Your sister,Christine, is she going to your fathers grave?"
"Yes she is now would you please remove your hand"
You look at his eyes which was now twinkling with mischief looking at your sister leaving the stables as  his smirk grows larger.
"Look whatever plan you have, go for it as long as my sister is safe and unharmed Ill let you do what you want to do"
You lay your hand on top of his hand that was formerly on your mouth but was now at your shoulder.
"I know how much you love her Erik, but i must warn you the vicomte will probably suspect her gone any minute now and will follow her"
He looks at you and moves his other hand that you werent holding to your cheek, as you struggled not to lean more to his touch he looks at your eyes with a glimmer of hope.
"Thank you (Y/N)"
"You know you are the only one I trust with my life"
Those words made your heart skip a beat and possibly make you smile a bit, you look away from him knowing he needed to leave to go to where your sister is.
"Be careful out there Erik"
A while later
You had knowledge of Eriks underground lair and had already known every passage and every path it takes to get to it, but right now you were sitting at his boat which had one of his cloak (he probably has a dozen) on it as you sit and wait you find yourself drifting off to sleep as you wrapped the cloak around your body (It probably is cold in the catacombs)
Dark, that was all you can see but for some reason you could still hear the music Erik composes when you were at the catacombs, little  melodies floating inside your head as if its lulling you asleep that is until you heard loud thuds of footsteps coming from one of the many passages in the catacombs.
You open your eyes to see Erik who was now trying to keep his anger down, a failed attempt, not the first it happened.
You approach but as he sees you all the anger in his eyes begins to fade away and without knowing you pulled him to a hug.
"A-are you ok? D-did the vicomte hurt you? Hows my sister, fine I suppose? A-and what happened to your hand?"
You had already released him from the hug and was now inspecting his arm for whatever was causing the redness and rash
"Ah.., Im fine so is your sister, its just that insolent boy and I got into a heated swordfight I suppose when he pinned me to the ground I scraped my hand to hard against the ice"
"You got what! He didnt harm you did he? I know his love for my sister is strong and his anger towards you stronger but please Erik you must take ca-"
He put a hand against your mouth to make you stop rambling again, he slowly and hesistantly enveloped you in a hug, it surprised you ofcourse Erik wasnt one to give affection.
"W-why are you so concerned about me?"
This is it the do or die moment, you had to admit you were starting to hold feelings for The infamous opera ghost, he isnt all bad he's just misunderstood, cast away from society.
"I uhmm n-need to go I leave some bandages here often now since you get in a lot of trouble"
You let go of his hand as you turn to leave the catacombs while Erik stands there still confused on what just happened
The day of the performance
This is it, this is the day Erik was gonna try to make Christine his, you being nervous was an understatement not only did you fear for the danger your sister might face but also the dangers Erik might face.
The Opera Populaire was surrounded by policemen at some point even though you saw the teasing Erik did earlier (which made the police that was on the pit shoot box 5) you were still a tad bit worried that this plan might not indeed work.
"Hey Chrissy?"
You reached out to your sister and enveloped her in a hug immediately.
"Good luck out there ok?"
"And umm I promise"
You caress her hand and look her in the eye with a sincere look
"He will never hurt you"
This seem to confuse your sister, she held your hand with a grip and looked at you with a confused face.
"Wait, you know him? B-but  Ive never even seen you even meet hi-"
Christine looks back at you she starts to add things up with you disappearing  without a trace and not seeing you at the crack of dawn.
"Y-you were with him this whole time?"
"So what you just became bestfriend with the opera ghost without even telling me?!"
"Its not like you told me you were taking lessons from him either!"
You breathed in and out in attempt to ease the tension of the situation that was unfolding and by the look of it your sister still felt betrayed.
"He isnt a bad man Christine I know deep in your heart you know that"
Your sister looks away from you possibly from betrayal but still holding both of your hands(meaning she probably wasnt that mad)
'Look with your heart
And not with your eyes
A heart understands
A heart never lies'
You sing to her that was the only was you can think of on how to diffuse this entire  arguement.
"Miss Christine Daaé, you are due on stage in 5 minutes"
Christine looks at you with mixed emotion in her eyes and gives you a hug that was too quick to notice.
"I-i must go to my position dear sister"
She lets go of your hand and started to walk away and to her postion to the song where Erik was gonna be on the stage
'The Point Of No Return'
After a while
"Past the point of no return"
The song went by so fast in your head, you can see the police at the sides of the stage ready to aim and shoot at him but you assumed the vicomte didnt let them shoot yet.
Just then you heard screaming when you pushed past the crowds of people to get a close look on the stage it seemed that Christine tore off Eriks mask, your heartstrings tugged a bit the mask was the only think Erik kept close and without it he must have felt some weakness.
You turn to see the chandelier falling but all you could concentrate on right now was where the danm mask was as you finally found it the chandlier was so close to crashing on you but you were pulled aside by Madame Giry.
"(Y/N) for gods sake please be carefull we cant have another Daaé getting hurt tonight!"
"Vicomte! I know where they are you must follow me but remember to keep your hand at the level of your eyes"
You heard Madame Giry exclaim you turn to see Meg teaching the Vicomte how it is done and begged her mother to come with him.
Ofcourse you knew where they were being held but at the corner of your eye you see the policemen giving the Vicomte a gun.
No this cant be good, men with such anger as the Vicomte holds right now may do horrible things.
You rush down another path that leads to the catacombs being carefull not to get spotted by anyone, as you start to approach the catacombs you hide behind a pillar being carefull not to be spotted.
'Have you gorged yourself, at last, in your lust for blood?
Am I now to be prey to your lust for flesh?'
It goes on like as Erik placed the veil to Christines head and as he tries to explain the horrors of having a face like his
'Wait! i think my dear we have a guest!'
I suddenly spot the Vicomte behind the gates of the lair, he starts to beg Erik to release Christine and to show some compassion
'The world showed no compassion to me!'
You felt just how hurt Erik was at the moment but to your suprise (and to Raouls and Christines) Erik opened the gate and turned to walk away to possibly retrieve something.
Thats when you saw it the punjab lasso.
'Why would I make her pay, for the sins which are yours!'
He wrapped the rope around his neck and tightens it but not enough to kill him just yet, thats when Erik made Christine pick between him and Raoul, either he dies or she stay with him.
'Pitiful creature of darkness, what kind of like have you known? God give me courage to show you, you are not alone'
As Christine kissed the phantom you had to admit that it hurt you but who were you to judge, in the eyes of the phantom you were nothing but a friend, at least that was what you thought.
After Christine kissed Erik he seemed to have a change of heart he released the Vicomte and Christine then begged them to just leave him.
But the Vicomte,he was still angered furious really,as he and Christine was sharing a hug he started to reach behind his back, when you looked back at Erik he had his back facing them as he was still wallowing with the pain.
It was from instinct you broke into a run then hugged Erik.
"(Y/n)? W-what are you doing here I thought you had also left me-"
Just as he was talking a gunshot could be heard echoing across the catacombs.
Christine was the first to react but when you heard her scream you released Erik from your hug then dropped to the ground.
It took a second for Erik to realize but when he did he kneeled down quickly and craddled you on his arm as he tries to stop the bleeding from your stomach.
"N-no no please GOD PLEASE!"
"Please take anything! Anyone! Please anyone besides her!"
Christine rushed to your side as she grabbed both of your hands and squeezed them tightly.
"N-no! D-dear sister d-ont worry it will be alright, it has to be alright!"
You were already feeling weak probably due to the loss of blood on your body but you still managed to caress her cheek with little strength you had.
"O-ofcourse everything will be alright Chrissy"
You smiled at her but you ended up coughing blood.
"Shh (Y/n) save your energy for now love please"
Erik pleaded as he craddled you closer to him.
"Huh,love, thats a new nickname for me isnt it Erik?"
You tried to make the situation a little better but it seems Erik wasnt listening to you as he was now crying  on your shoulder.
'Love never dies
Love never falters
Once it has spoken
Love is yours'
This seemed to get Eriks attention as he looks at you with sadness in his eyes
'Love never fades
Love never alters
Hearts may get broken
Love endures
H-hearts may get broken
L-love e-endures'
With what little strength you had you pulled his head towards you as he kissed you not caring about the blood that might get on his lips.
As he felt your hand which was at his cheek fall his heart broke as well.
"No no no! NO!"
He was now looking at your closed eyes with a smile still obvious on your face he pulls your body into an embrace as his cries gets louder and more tears fall from his eyes.
'Love never dies
Love will continue
Love keeps on beating
When you're gone'
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