#just because Annabeth knows what she wants to do doesn’t mean he does
Imagine Annabeth and Percy have a kid early, unplanned and it kinda fucks with their finances so Percy drops out of school to get a job so he can care for the kid and support Annabeth in school. At first he gets a job teaching kids sword fighting but then he hears about underwater welding which pays well because it’s dangerous but Percy is a child of the sea so it’s much less so for him. His boss is even willing to give him flexible hours which means Annabeth doesn’t have to take their kid to class anymore and they can actually afford daycare (why does is it the price of a mortgage nowadays???). A huge financial burden is lifted and Percy doesn’t mind the work so it’s good all the way around.
Fast forward to when Annabeth is done her masters in architecture and lands a job at a top firm. They’ve got savings and have Annabeth’s income to rely on. Percy heads back to school and finishes a degree in marine biology, going on to research some really niche topics like how underwater welding impacts the environment and shifting from there until he’s a well known expert in the field.
Just them finding their way. Supporting each other and landing on their feet no matter what
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bomber-grl · 2 months
Cuddle/Sleep Headcanons 💤🌙
Pairing(s): characters x Gn!reader
Character(s): Percy, Jason, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Piper, Calypso, Ethan, Nico, Octavian, Reyna
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Percy Jackson
He’s a horrible sleeper
I mean sure, you can sleep and cuddle like the couple you are
However, that doesn’t stop him from sleeping wildly
Limbs sprawled all over the freaking place and the only reason you know is because of the concerning amount of times you’ve woken up under some of them
To make it worse?
He’s a blanket hogger
He doesn’t rlly hog it in the sense that he steals it all
I mean he does, but he sorta just slides off the bed and takes the rest of the blanket with him
The urge to just 🔫
But yea 😞
Nice to cuddle with but not to sleep with sorry not sorry
Jason Grace
Kinda stiff ngl
Like damn bitch, you live like this?
Plus he sleeps on his back face up 😭😭😭
Like wtf Jason
Are u ok?
In terms of actually cuddling, he’s pretty good
His arms are firm and his hugs are tight yet comforting
Plus he smells pretty good
Like no joke
I’d kinda see you sleeping on his chest since bro sleeps on his back
It’s nice but the stiffness is not appreciated 🙅
Atleast he’s not a blanket hogger and he’s quite considerate with the blankets and stuff
Leo Valdez
He sleeps two different ways
The first way is pretty compacted
What I mean is, he sleeps he sleeps bundled up by the blanket in a blanket burrito
The other one is where he sleeps sprawled out, limbs all over the place, blanket discarded
Just like Percy
So when he’s in a blanket burrito best believe he’s taking you with him
He usually does this during winter because he naturally runs hot
Anyway, he pulls you in and kinda bundled the blanket around you two for you guys to cuddle and be as close as possible
But when he’s sprawled out with his limbs everywhere he likes to cuddle with you on top of him
That or you’re abused and crushed by him in your sleep
Plus yknow how he runs hot? Well it’s absolute hell
It’s so hot and honestly suffocating when he’s sleeping on you 💀
Throw him on the ground pls
Ima rate him a 7/10 cuz he ain’t bad and if anything I love him so 🤷
Frank Zhang
He’s the best
He’s obviously huge so
He fully embraces you and hugs you so it’s pretty comfortable
And he sleeps on his side or stomach so there’s plenty of room
Even if he’s a bit stiff he’s still pretty nice to cuddle with
He’s pretty considerate on how you like to sleep/cuddle
He likes holding you so he’s not that picky
Honestly nothing to complain about with him
Except for one thing…
You can’t tell me this guy doesn’t fart 😐
I’m sorry but he just gives me those vibes
And it’s so bad
And not even on purpose either
It just happens but it’s the most traumatic thing ever
He feels pretty bad too 😭
Also when y’all are sleeping you just end up on different sides of the bed
He’s just casually on top of the blanket and you can’t even pull it from under him
You’re left shivering in the cold
Hazel Levesque
I love her 🫶
I see her sleeping on her sides and stomach tbh
She’s so sweet too
She loves to cuddle with you and even tho she doesn’t rlly have a firm grip she still likes to hold you
She especially likes to sleep on you
Either on your chest or just cuddled up to you
And she smells pretty sweet
Like clean laundry too like lawd
But ofc there’s gotta be some downsides
There’s isn’t really none with her, but with you
You end up stealing the blankets and hazel wakes up mad and cranky
That’s all and she quickly forgives you
Annabeth Chase
Sleeps on her back or side
She doesn’t really like cuddling all that much
She prefers to have some space and stuff when she sleeps
But if you want, she’s open to cuddling
She loves to both be held and to hold you
Mostly it’s mutual holding
Plus she probably sleeps with the fan on
Idk how to explain it
If you’re the type to always talk during night time then she’d react differently
Like if you gotta sleep asap cuz of the mission and all you do is yap
Then she’s turning her back on you and ignoring
What a meanie
At least she apologizes the next day but still
I don’t rlly see her stealing the blanket or anything but she is pretty stiff
Like besides hugging and stuff she lowkey just lets you hug her when she doesn’t feel like moving
Also since she smells good ofc ur gon sniff and she’ll be weirded out and ignore u this way too 😞
Piper McLean
She sleeps anyway tbh
She pretty cuddly and likes to snuggle w you
She usually likes to be held, but either way is fine
Especially after a fight or exhausting time with monsters
She’ll hold you in her arms too
She smells pretty nice and if you say so?
Well she finds it endearing
Unlike a certain someone
*cough cough* annabeth
But yea she’s the best
But she won’t hesitate to kick you out if you refuse to share the blanket
She gets enough crap from Leo
Who is just constantly annoying her
The best
Like she fr loves to cuddle
With everything she’s been through best believe she’s the best cuddler
Honestly she sleeps whatever way
She’s another who loves to be held and to hold others
Especially if you’re hurt or anything
Then she’s try and tend to you
Even in sleep
Most times she’s a small spoon
She’s loved so many people who never loved her back
So perhaps she’s just a tad bit touch starved
And would obviously give in to any affection
As previously mentioned she loves to hold you too
Mostly just having you lean on her shoulder or lay on her lap but it also extends to cuddling on occasion
She’ll have you lay on her chest and in her arms and play with your hair
Ethan Nakamura
He’s so stiff it’s painful
(Not actually)
He’s definitely loyal, the books show that much
So despite his personal feelings with touch (he’s no doubt another touch starved person) he’d like to cuddle with you nonetheless
Not much in the beginning but he’d definitely warm up to you
And in the process, realize how much he wants it
He’ll let you love him however you want (cuddle him) and let you play with his hair
Which he loves
Eventually he gets enough courage to reciprocate
But he’s still stiff
Not the best when hugging or cuddling you because of how flustered he gets
Once you two go to bed and he falls asleep, he gets pretty subconsciously protective so he’ll hold you tight
Nico Di Angelo
Just yes
He loves to cuddle never made it obvious before tho
Another who was pretty stiff and touch starved
He gets over it quickly when he sees what you have to offer
I mean usually he just sleeps bundled up under the blankets, engulfed by their warmth
But with you there he just pulls you under the blankets with him so you can cuddle that way
Is mostly just mutual holding
He mostly just liked to intertwine your legs or hold onto you like a koala
I see him as a blanket stealer when you’re not glued together
He’s either super sleepy or not at all
When he’s tired he just drags you to bed, since that’s the only time nightmares don’t plague him
But when hes suffering from his insomnia he likes it when you stay up and talk with him
Idk to him it feels intimate but if you choose to go to bed, he won’t take it personally
If you play with his hair he won’t admit it but he loves it
Sorry I hate him but seeing that you’re here, you probs love him
So let’s get this over w
He’s rlly long and lanky and boney
Doesn’t stop yall from cuddling tho ig
And like a weirdo he sleeps on his back, arms to his side, head facing upward
Honestly probably obsessed with you
Only way he’d cuddle/ be in a relationship with you
He’s probably never been touched by another person
So he definitely likes to be held
Plus the bastard is selfish
And he doesn’t hold you
Yea so 1/10
I’m being generous
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
I love her 😭🫶🫶
Yea she probs love you so ofc she’s gonna cuddle w u
Often times she’s busy with the duties of praetor so she can’t cuddle 😞
But it’s ok cuz when she can it’s the best
Not only is she holding you and making you feel cared after
But she also plays with your hair
Also you have to hold her
I don’t make the rules, just look at her, she needs it
When you do she’s a bit put off
But eventually she lets you coddle her
So more often than not she’s little spoon and comfortable
Just like she deserves
Yes beautiful
Note: I just realized Reyna is a hunter now idk why I even wrote hers 😭 maybe pre-hunter Reyna or lesbian Reyna??? Idk man
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mediumgayitalian · 3 months
“Hm,” Piper says, fingers steepled. She looks very intently at the air in front of her. “Hm.”
Nico scowls impatiently. “Feel free to be helpful at any given time. Now, even, if you’re so inclined.”
“Have you considered that the reason you’re so infatuated with Will is because you may be blessed by Apollo?”
“I’m infatuated with Will because he is the physical manifestation of everything I value in a person,” Nico says automatically. Then he frowns, processing the rest of Piper’s sentence. “Wait, what?”
Nico understands his error as the grin on her face stretches into something truly grotesque. “I was going to make a joke about your drama levels, but thank you for that. I’m really looking forward to telling several dozen people and delighting in the knowledge that you’re going to curl up into a bundle of humiliation under your bunk tonight as you think about it.”
Instead of answering, Nico decides to walk away. Since there is so much blood concentrated in his skull, resting mostly around his face region, he takes two steps and begins to pass out, but luckily Piper has followed him and impedes a head injury by gripping his arm and merrily forcing him forward.
“So,” she says, steering them towards the amphitheatre, “what’s Plan B?”
“Bold of you to assume there was a Plan A.”
“You like Sunny Boy way too much to walk in there blind.”
She’s smug enough to be silent, slinging an arm over Nico’s shoulders as they walk. The closer they get, the harder Nico is forced to grapple with just how godsdamn much he’s softened. I want you to be happy, Father had said. Camp will be good for you, Chiron had agreed. You’re a little twit and need socializing, Mr. D had snipped.
Nico needs a better father figure. He wonders if Paul Blofis’ offer is still open.
The amphitheater is not, of course, empty when they arrive, because Nico knows the Fates personally and each of them despises him. The actual training part is empty — unsurprising — but the stands are moderately filled, with people gossiping, braiding hair, and if Nico is not mistaken, a small, pop-up nail painting salon. Mitchel lifts a purple-smeared hand in an absentminded wave as they step onto the packed dirt.
Nico ducks under Piper’s arm, turning to face her. “I need to fight you,” he informs her. “For my own personal pride.”
She nods thoughtfully. “It does indeed need restoring.” He curved, icy blade gleams in the early afternoon sun, mirroring her dangerous smile. “Square up.”
Since honour is for nerds, Nico doesn’t bother waiting. He simply attacks, lunging for the left side Piper always leaves open. Unfortunately for him, her recent meddling in his love life means her mother has blessed her with a little sprinkling of extra verve, and she dodges easily and cheerfully.
He sends a glum mental prayer down to his father.
Anytime you’re feeling generous, Pop, he grumbles, I would love a boost.
There’s an actual rumble to the ground, as his father laughs at him.
“Real kind,” he says out loud. “Dick.”
“I wonder if you would have more success in the wooing department if you had conversations outside of your own head,” Piper says sweetly. She spins her sword in a neat little circle by his face. “All bay brooding makes you look so…broody.”
Nico scoffs at her. “Will seems to like my broodiness. For some reason. So there.”
“And yet…” She trails off, shooting him a teasing look. Nico is unfortunately very easy to tease (thanks, Bianca) (and for that measure thanks, Hazel) (Reyna too, probably) (and honestly Annabeth) (gods, and Percy) (don’t even get him started on Leo) (really, it would be more prudent to name the people who do not take sick pleasure in driving him up the wall) and as such succumbs easily to her tormenting, taking a hard hit to the side when he’s too keyed up to avoid her spinning slash.
“Note to self, don’t let the monsters know about big embarrassing crushes,” she muses. “They make Nico sloppy and will get him killed in battle.”
She mimes writing something down. This, thankfully, leaves her distracted enough that Nico gets his sword levered against hers, twisting until she’s disarmed. She lifts both hands up in surrender when he points a sword at her throat, but remains entirely unaffected by his glare.
“Pride re-instated?” she asks.
Nico huffs. “No.”
“You’re such a grouch,” she says fondly. She tries to ruffle his hair and is forcibly stopped by his jab to her ribs. Unfortunately, Piper McLean takes no shit sitting down, and in a minute they’re on the floor, getting caked in dust, trying to see who can leave the most bruises on the other. Nico would wager that they’re just about tied.
“You have a list,” Piper grunts, muffled as she bites his bicep. He shouts, wrenching his arm away — she is pointy. “I have no idea what you’re all mopey about.”
He digs his knee into the small of her back. “I gave him flowers! He made a poultice out of them!”
“Technically, you made the poultice.”
He elbows her in the stomach. She shrieks and jabs her knuckles right under his eye.
“You’re so annoying!”
“You’re so annoying!”
Every part of Nico’s body aches. So badly. He’s not sure which one of them won their brawl, if either, but he knows for sure that he is actively turning purple. He feels like the first time his nonna gave him a hammer and a piece of cutlet — he was maybe five years old — and told him to flatten it. (He remembers, now, the look on her face as she wiped pulverized chicken flesh from her eye. Oops.)
“Go to Will and get healed up?”
Nico huffs a laugh, immediately wincing at the strain on his tender ribs.
“Yep. Let’s go.”
The walk is miserable and bruised. And slow, since both of them are limping. Several campers walk by snickering, since apparently Saving The Entire Damn World, For Real And Actually, You Ungrateful Brat, Should I Just Destroy It Again Then earns you no permanent respect.
It’s not too bad, though. Nico would rather chomp on concrete than admit it out loud, but Piper isn’t horrible company, and she hums when she walks. Bianca did the same thing. For once, it’s a pleasant reminder, although he does wonder if Nico will ever be able to look at the women in his life and not think of her.
(In all honesty, probably not. He sees her in the clouds, in the gnarled bark of the trees; feels her in the warmth of the sun; hears her in every snorting laugh. He likes to imagine how much she would love these women, though. If she were alive they would be her friends first. He knows she was happy with the Hunters, however briefly. He thinks he can maybe forgive himself if he thinks of her without weeping.)
“Least it doesn’t look too busy today,” Piper comments. She purses her lips at the Big House, which for once seems quiet. Perhaps Will made good on his threats and finally dosed the Hermes’ table breakfast spread with Benadryl. Nico would be proud. He deserves a day of peace.
“Great. That means we get the full force of Will’s bitching on us alone.”
Piper scoffs. “Please. You like it when he yells at you.”
Nico almost kills her for real. By the time she manages to kick him off of her, still snickering to herself, they both have a new layer of bruises on top of the old ones.
“Gods, di Angelo, you make it so easy —”
“Shut up,” he says hotly. “You are literally the most annoying person in this stupid camp.”
She sticks her tongue out at him. He scowls, kicking a rock to avoid kicking her and setting both of them off again. It rolls over the grass, pinging off the side of one of the many braziers and rolling finally to a stop back at his feet. In its new position, it perfectly catches the brightly shining sun, refracting the light in a dandelion-esque burst.
“Huh,” he murmurs.
Wincing at his stiff joints, he crouches, vaguely registering Piper pausing somewhere to the left of him. He scoops the little thing up, bringing it close to his face to inspect.
It’s roughly cut, so it’s not anyone’s jewel or anything. Some of the pieces are textured with tiny little divots, like a regular stone, but some are straight and flat and catch the light. Some kind of crystal, then. It’s dense, about the size of a walnut, and shaped kind of like a brain. It is a very familiar shade of blue.
“Holt Hades, you are sappy.”
Nico flushes, shoving the rock into his pocket. “Nobody asked you, Piper.”
“I asked me! I am always asking me.” She jogs to keep up with his suddenly speedy strides, gripping onto the elbow of his shirt when he tries to move faster. “Is this Plan B? Little gifts.”
“It’s a rock,” he says shortly.
“Diamonds are rocks.”
“I didn’t get him a diamond.” He pauses. “Should I get him a diamond?”
She shrugs. “I dunno. I’m not the one in love with him.”
“Who said anything about —”
“Nico! Piper! Hey!”
“Notice who he called first,” she whispers, right in his ear. She grins over at Will before he can say anything. Or curse her. “Hey, Will! How are you?”
It is unfair for a person to look good in mint scrubs. They don’t even suit him, not really, but he still looks — well, he’s beautiful. His hair is poofier than usual and sticks out like he stuck his finger in a socket, and his beam is so bright Nico has to genuinely squint to look at him, and how is it, honestly, that his freckles look like dappled sunlight? That’s not normal.
“I’m okay.” He waves them inside, not bother to close the door behind them — it’s nice out, and Nico knows he prefers the breeze and sun. “Bored.”
“Not enough ocular surgery to perform?”
Will’s grin turns wry. “Nope.” He reaches out to brush his thumb across Nico’s eye scar. He freezes, holding his breath, hyperaware of those callused fingers as they approach the ever-warming skin of his face, heart galloping in his chest. As soon as Will makes contact — because of course the touch was to get his vitals, c’mon, Nico, head in the game — he frowns.
“Why are so many of your capillaries burst?”
Piper smiles guiltily, holding up a hand.
“I beat him up.”
“Wha — you did not!” He turns to Will, indignant. “We beat each other up! She’s lying!”
Will sighs. He glares at them both for a full forty seconds, then turns his face up to the heavens, muttering something that sounds suspiciously like I do not deserve to be surrounded by this kind of dumbassery. Send lightning through the sky if I should let them suffer.
Nico waits. No lightning comes forth.
Will sighs. “Cot, let’s go, y’all know the drill.”
Piper mouths y’all as she sits down. Nico mouths eat dirt back at her.
“Now, I could hum sum’n and —”
“Sum’n,” Piper whispers delightedly. Nico ignores her.
“— get y’all fixed up good, but y’all’ve pissed me off good —”
Nico takes the initiative to pillow-smack Piper in the face while Will’s back is turned. Luckily, it muffles her shriek.
“— so I’m not gonna do all that.” He closes the cupboard with his hip, hands full of vials. “Ain’t even gonna waste ambrosia on y’all, honestly. Y’get some bruise ointment and a Tylenol ‘cause I know y’all were up to shenanigans.”
He puts a lot of emphasis on ‘nan’. Nico knows he is trying very hard to be stern, but he is in fact very cute, and Nico is putting a lot of his brainpower towards memorizing the specific wrinkle pattern that Will’s nose gets when he’s annoyed. If he says that Will looks like a bunny he might actually get shot, no matter how much Will allegedly seems to like him, so he manages to choke down the sentiment. But it is indeed there.
“— and take it easy, y’hear? Bruises don’t heal in a day.”
Gods, his eyes are really, really pretty. He’s almost tired of thinking it, but they match the sky exactly, all the time. Poets write about sparkling eyes and pretty faces all the time, but all of them can choke because all of them are liars. Will Solace has the prettiest eyes of anyone who has ever lived. They are indeed the windows to the soul, and his soul is just —
“This is for you,” Nico blurts. Essentially acting on its own, his hand slips in his pocket and draws out the blue stone, holding it out. “Um. I saw it and —” He glances at Piper, panicked, and she kicks him in encouragement. “Thought of you. So.”
Will stares at the stone for a moment. Nico sweats.
“Nico di Angelo,” he chides, hands on his hips. The panicked look he flits in Piper’s direction grows tenfold. He is not at all comforted by the grimace she sends back. “Do you think I’m so corrupt as to accept a bribe?”
“Um.” Nico hesitates. Piper smacks her face onto her hands, groaning. “That’s not what I —”
“Well, you would be correct.” Quick as a bird, Will darts out and snatches the stone, sliding it into one of his many (many) shorts pockets, nodding in approval. “I don’t have any aventurine. I’ve been looking for it. Good bribe.”
He sets down the ointment and Tylenol, gesturing for Nico to hold out his hands. Nico sighs, then complies.
“I mean, he didn’t destroy it, this time,” Piper whispers as he begins to sing, enveloping Nico’s body in a warm, golden glow. “So…progress?”
“Progress,” Nico agrees. He glances over at Will, eyes squeezed shut in focus, and rolls his eyes fondly. “Who knew it would be so hard to convince someone who already likes me to go out with me.”
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barbarianprncess · 4 months
annabeth chase and her many losing dogs: an (incomplete) anthology
read on ao3
chapter one: a (brief) introduction to the game and it's players
She gives Cerberus her red rubber ball.
Because he’s a monster, but she doesn’t think he means to be.
Because he’s a lonely dog and she is lonely the same way. The kind that doesn’t know how lonely it is until a person shows up and reminds them. The kind that wishes to just be left in loneliness long enough for companionship to be forgotten altogether.
The ball will make him happy. He will destroy it within minutes, it will disappear after he does nothing but be himself.
(She does that sometimes too.)
First Round: Frederick Chase
Bet Type: Blind Faith; awarded via mass tradition.
Made with no experience. 
Trust given without the knowledge that trust must be earned. 
Annabeth is four years old and hungry. 
She hasn’t eaten since dinner last night. 
Dad is playing with his planes again. The fancy small piece ones that Annabeth is not allowed to touch, ‘not now, not ever.’ She’s not supposed to bother Dad when he plays with his planes. 
Plane time is Dad’s very special ‘by himself’ time. He’d explained a while ago that he has lots of very hard work to do, and then he has to take care of her which is even more lots of hard work,  and sometimes he needs his special ‘by himself’ time, because Annabeth is a big girl now who can read her books and not touch the sockets. 
(She wonders why he doesn’t do his special ‘by himself’ time when she’s taking her naps. That way they could have their together time when she’s awake.)
This would be fine, but she just ate the last of her super secret dad-is-in-his-study snack stash that she hides under her bed last week. 
She wants to go in and ask, but the last time she’d interrupted him, even though he smiled at her, his eyebrows got all scrunched up together. He was not happy to see her.
(Sometimes, she wonders if he ever is.)
Annabeth is really very hungry.
There are bananas on top of the fridge.
Annabeth creates a plan. 
The plan goes south almost immediately and she ends up dangling from the top of the white mountain with glass and bananas all over the ground. 
“Christ! Annabeth!” She is being yanked from her very small cliff and carried into the living room and Dad’s voice is very loud and his face is more than scrunched eyebrows and Annabeth is ashamed.
“What were you doing?”
“I was climbing on top of the fridge. I knocked over a vase.” 
That was the wrong answer because somehow his face gets even angrier. “Yes, I can see that. What were you thinking?”
“I wanted a banana. They were on top of the fridge.” 
He pinches his nose. That wasn’t the right answer either. “You just had breakfast.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Yes, you did. You had the fruit circles.”
“That was yesterday.”
He hesitates. “Okay, well you did wake up late, you couldn’t have waited until it was time to eat lunch?”
The clock on the microwave says 4:13 pm. “It is lunch.” 
He looks at the clock. Closes his eyes. When he opens them, he still looks angry but not at her. His voice is much quieter. “Why didn’t you come get me?”
“Last time you got sad. You were in a groove, you said unless it was an emergency not to come in. I thought I could reach it.”
She watches his face change. His eyebrows are still scrunched up but his eyes get gentler and sadder all at once. He sits down on the couch and lifts her up into his lap. It’s been so long, she sits on his knees like he’s a chair. He turns her around in his arms. 
“You’re such a quiet kid, Annabeth. Sometimes I forget you're here.”
She doesn’t think he said it to make her sad, but it does anyway. Which is irritating because she didn’t do anything wrong and she feels bad anyway. 
“I was a quiet kid too.”
She doesn’t want to be quiet. She wants to scream. She wants to cry. She wants to hit him. She wants—
“I’m gonna clean up the glass and then we’ll have mac and cheese.”
She nods and lets herself be sat back on the couch.
Second Round: Ms. Helen (from Dad’s work)
Bet Type: Good Faith; awarded via proxy.
Made with no experience. 
Trust given without the knowledge that trust must be earned. 
The first time her father forgets to pick her up from daycare, she is too young to remember. She was also too young to remember the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th times. 
She remembers the sixth.
Ms. Helen, dad’s work friend that has come to dinner  every wednesday for four weeks, shows up at school wearing black yoga pants and a messy-on-purpose bun.
(The kind that always looks strange in the bathroom mirror when she tries it on her curls in the morning before they leave.)
She smiles at her teacher, tight and pinchy. She does that laugh/talk/sigh thing adults do when the words they're saying don’t really matter. And before Annabeth knows it, she's staring at the backseat of a minivan.
“What’s that?”
Ms. Helen raises an eyebrow. “The car seat?”
Annabeth nods but looks down. She said it like it was obvious. Annabeth knows obvious things.
“Don’t you sit in one of  these to come to daycare?” 
“You just sit in the seat?”
“You're too little. It’s not safe to sit by yourself.”
Annabeth doesn’t know what she's supposed to say. This happens a lot. Adults do this thing where they ask you a question that they want a specific answer to. Annabeth has developed a skill in which she can always tell when the truth is not what an adult wants to hear. It has, so far, been a pretty useless skill because she has yet to master the skill of knowing what it is that they actually want to hear. 
(Sometimes, she figures it out and tells the truth anyway. Those times she doesn’t really mind getting in trouble after.)
“Your father must’ve put you in one of these.”
Annabeth shrugs. Her talent has deduced that Helen does not want Annabeth to say that she has never been in one of those, and figures nonverbal is the safest option because she would like to go home.
Helen crouches down and gets way up close to Annabeth's face. Her grown-up face-paint is smudged around the corner of her left eye. She smells like dish soap. 
“I borrowed this from my friend when your father called, so we have to get you your own. From now on, you don’t get in a car without one of these. Understand?”  
Annabeth nods.
Helen is looking at her with something strange and sad in her smudged up eye. She takes a deep breath.
Annabeth crawls into the backseat and waits to be tied in.
Fourth Round: Thalia Grace, Grover Underwood & Luke Castellan
Bet Type: Calculated Risk; awarded to an individual after carefully evaluated outcomes
Made after a great loss, in which perceived benefits outweigh potential detriment. 
Trust earned after a win. 
Thalia is frowning at her. 
Annabeth hasn’t been with her and Luke for that long, but she knows that this is not cause for too much concern because she’s usually frowning. 
Luke is the one with the smiles, and the cuddles, and the soft spot for the helpless strays—dogs and girls alike.
Thalia is the one with the frowns. 
(Annabeth can tell she has a soft spot for Luke though.)
Before she can muster up the courage to ask, Luke beats her to it. “What’s up with you?”
“Her hair.” Thalia has a talent where she can frown and speak at the same time. Annabeth wants to learn how to do that.
Luke smiles at her before fixing his eyes on her puff. She gets that feeling in her stomach she used to get when her teachers asked her questions about her house, like she should be hiding behind her fathers legs. 
(The last time she tried, Helen had snatched her arm and told her she was being rude.)
“Her hair.” He repeats in a way that tells both Annabeth and Thalia he has no idea what the problem is.
Thalia ignores him, and scribbles something down on his arm. “I saw a beauty supply store down the road. I need you to figure out a way to get this stuff.”
Luke frowns over her shoulder. (Uh-oh.) “That’s gonna be a bit of a stretch.”
“So stretch.”
She looks up at him and her eyes are all intense like when she’s fighting a monster. “They weren’t combing her hair. I took the hair tie off and it’s staying put. She’s only been on the run for 3 days.” Thalia looks back down at her. “Right? That’s how long you were by yourself?”
“Yes.” Annabeth nods. One of her favorite parts about being with Luke and Thalia, is that the truth is always enough.
Thalia looks back at Luke with something in her eyes that’s even softer than when Luke sleeps. “They weren’t combing her hair.”
Luke nods, a new kind of frown. The one he had when they found her. “On it.”
He winks at Annabeth and tweaks her nose which makes her laugh. Then he’s gone and it’s just the two of them. 
Annabeth and Thalia have never been alone for that long before, except for bathroom trips and when Luke gets them snacks.
Annabeth knows it wasn’t Thalia’s idea for her to join the two of them. Annabeth doesn’t think she wanted to leave her there, but she knows Thalia liked it when it was just her and Luke.
She’s looking up at the sky muttering something angry in another language. “What’s Luke going to get?” 
Thalia considers her for a moment and then sits down leaning against the brick alleyway. “Some hair stuff. Basics.”
“I thought we only took risks for food.”
Thalia smiles a little and it makes Annabeth's chest feel fuzzy. 
“You’re a smart kid.” She pats the ground next to her and Annabeth goes to sit next to her. 
“My mother…had a bad time. Things that aren’t supposed to be hard for mortals were very hard for her. And sometimes that made her not very nice to me.” She pauses and Annabeth waits patiently, doesn’t dare speak a word.
“She couldn’t really take care of herself. So, she couldn’t really take care of me either. My hair is curly like yours. And hair like ours needs special attention. When you don’t give it the care it needs, it gets stuck like this.” She takes Annabeth's hand and brings it up to her head, lets her tug on one strand gently. 
“I like your hair a lot!”
“Thank you. I do too. But, it wasn’t my choice. My mother let my hair loc up so she didn’t have to comb it every day. You should get to decide whether you want your hair like this. Did you ask to have your hair up in a bun for that long?”
Annabeth could tell her how her Dad used to braid her hair on Sunday nights. How they would sit and listen to music and he would spray and comb and braid until she fell asleep on his leg. How when he and Helen got married, he suddenly had no time to do anything that Helen could do instead. How her slick, shiny, and smooth haired stepmother would wrinkle down at her curls, yank a brush through her head and tell her she was ‘impossible’. 
But, she doesn’t. She looks down at her shoes and doesn’t say anything at all.
Thalia, even smaller than before, says, “Your parents weren’t very nice to you either. Were they?”
She doesn’t answer. 
She doesn’t have to. 
‘You’re such a quiet kid, Annabeth.’ 
(When Luke gets back, he and Thalia spend three hours spraying and combing and braiding until Annabeths hair isn’t stuck anymore.)
(In a few months, a satyr named Grover will take them to camp. 
Thalia will not make it across the border.)
(Annabeth will refuse to let anyone touch her hair for a year.)
Final Round: Perseus Jackson
Bet Type: Wild Card; awarded to an individual that fails to qualify through conventional procedure.
Made with gut feelings, no logic, and excruciating human defiance. 
Trust is given without measure.
Annabeth's first thought when she sees him for the first time is, “He must be the one.”  
She’s sure of it. She says it out loud. Chiron tells her to hush, and she doesn’t even care. 
He's the one. 
She's not sure how she knows. She's waited for so long, seen so many campers. Many were far more promising than he is.
That's her second thought. He's skinnier than she thought ‘the one’ would be. Skinny and pale and more gangly limb than person.  
He’s blinking up towards them but his eyes are unfocused and hazy. That's her third thought. He's fading. They’ll have to carry him. 
‘Percy’ Chiron calls him. It’s a hero’s name. 
She wonders if whoever gave it to him knew he’d be the one too.
‘He’s the one.’, she thinks again. It feels strange and tingly in her head. 
Strange, but not false. 
Hello, Percy Jackson. It's nice to finally meet you.
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voltronisanobsession · 7 months
Ok I know I’ve been gone for over a month BUT HEAR ME OUT GUYS‼️
I’ve been going through this phrase where I’m reading a lot of yandere content rn (I gobble that shit UP), and idk the toxicity of it all is giving me a lot of inspo lowkey💀
Like imagine a manipulative reader. HEAR ME OUUUTT
No one knows it but reader is a secret spy at camp half blood (love this trope) and grows super close to Percy. Like they grow close really quickly, you show him your deepest secrets and whatnot to gain his trust and he doesn’t even know it.
Percy shares his own secrets and experiences with you because he feels so connected to you!! It’s on a whole different level and he can’t help but slowly fall for you. And you know this. As much as it hurts you (or doesn’t) to gain the trust of this boy who’s obviously fallen for you, you know you gotta do your job.
You begin to know him on such a deep level and you use it to your advantage. You sway and manipulate any choices he has to make.
Im still on the first few chapters of heroes of Olympus so I still don’t know the plot to it sorry💀 so let’s just say reader is manipulating Percy for their own personal gain, or like planning to sell any information they gain from him to monsters, who knows.
Percy has no clue what’s so ever, but Annabeth can sense something’s off with you. The way you cling to Percy, almost like a leech, as her suspicious.
And when she confronts you, tears. Tears EVERYWHERE. And Percy falls for them. He falls for your crocodile tears because it physically HURTS him to see you crying.
He would console you, quickly muttering sweet nothings as he rubs your arms in order to ‘calm’ you down, hugging you, not knowing the dark look in your eyes as you stare down Annabeth.
Lowkey you would start pitting him against everyone around camp. Lying to him by saying how there’s nasty rumors going around about you made by some of the campers. You’re basically the devil on his shoulder, whispering into his ears exaggerated lies and deception.
And Percy believes everything you say! Why? Because he’s too down bad. This dude practically worships the ground you walk on, so when you slowly start influencing the decisions he makes, he doesn’t question it.
He believes that youre only trying to help him😭 that you only want what’s best for him so he blindly trusts your judgement.
He trusts you sm that he tells you everything you ask about. And if it’s after he went into the Styx river, he’ll even tell you where his weakness. his WEAKNESS
Like bro. You even start to realize that you’ve dragged yourself too deep into what you thought was a game. People and monsters would kill to have this information, you could get killed if anyone found out you knew.
You start feeling guilty for taking advantage of Percy. I mean, he willingly told you the one thing that can kill him, it’s such a big weight on your shoulders now that you can’t help the shame from creeping on you.
Idk, this reader seems like the type to run from their problems, so they most likely do. Over the course of a night, you disappear, cutting all contact with Percy, the camp, everything. You would leave nothing but a short and curt note to him and maybe even Annabeth.
‘Percy, I’m so sorry for lying to you. You didn’t see it but Annabeth did. I’m sorry. -y/n’
And that’s it. Percy would be so hurt and confused, betrayed when he finds out everything. He wants to believe that it’s some sick joke but this is his reality.
He gave you all of him and you just threw it on the ground and crushed it beneath your feet. You quite literally ripped this poor dudes heart straight of his chest with zero remorse, how could you do that to him bro?💀💀💀
He definitely holds some kind of grudge against you. If y’all ever cross paths again, MAJOORR yikes.😬😬 after you leave, Percy grows way more guarded and defensive when meeting new people.
Homeboy does not wanna be taken advantage of again after you💀
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genz420 · 28 days
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What kind of Music do they Listen to 🎵 🎧
Masterlist | Rules
Content: Headcanons
Warning: None
Pairing(s): None
Character(s): Percy, Jason, Frank, Leo, Nico, Annabeth, Piper
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Percy Jackson
Let’s be realistic here 
Percy is a kid from New York
I know nothing about New York expect it was stolen from my ancestors and that it had some crazy shit happening in the 70s  
And whatever was in Hamilton 
I feel like Percy would listen to a mix of rap and mainstream music 
He would listen to Kendrick Lamar, Lil Mabu, Eminem, Kanye (I know he’s a weird and bad guy), and Tyler, the Cartor
He thinks he can rap
He can not 
But will try for anyone who lets him
Jason Grace
2000s white girl songs
Rihanna, Fergie, Kesha, you know the classics 
Who doesn’t love that genre of white girl music 
It happy and classic
But also a huge fan of the Fleet Foxes
And that of course means he loves father john misty and Lana Del rey
Frank Zhang 
I just know Frank listens to Canadian artists 
Like everything from Nickelback to The Tragically Hip
But also bands like Mother Mother
And the Weekend 
And Drake 
And Justin Bieber
But his music taste isn’t limited to Canadian classics 
He loves ambiance music/Brown noise 
Sometimes, he just wants to listen to nothing but something 
Leo Valdez
Not like “I hate my wife” Country 
Let’s not forget Leo is from Taxes
He obviously loves the classic like Marty Robbins
But I see him listening to Zach Bryne, Dolly Parton, and Carrie Underwood
You can’t convenience me that he doesn’t love the song “Before He Cheats” 
That shit was blasting when Argo II was being built
He gets into the music 
Like screams it while it plays
Doesn’t matter if he is with other people 
I also get the vibe he would listen to some Spanish artists 
Like oldies.  Stuff his grandfather and mother would have listened to 
Because the people you grow up with influence your music 
Artist like: Chavela Vargas, Jeanette, and Eydi Gormé
Nico Di Angelo
Old man Nico would listen to Italian music 
But as he gets older I see him listening to artists like Radiohead or The Smiths 
Because he is a bit of a sad boy 
Maybe even some more modern Italian musicians like Fiordaliso or 
Would also get into Ska Music 
Specially 2 tone Ska
I see him liking The Specials, Prince Buster, and Madness
He would also love Amy Winehouse 
Annabeth Chase
Movie/TV soundtracks 
Loves the song where it’s all instrumental 
I think she would be a huge fan of Bear McCreary, Ramin Djawadi, and Hans Zimmer
She wouldn’t even watch the show the songs are in 
She just enjoys the sound of music
When she does eventually watch movies, you know the Prince of Egypt soundtrack took her out 
Piper Mclean
I think she would be a HUGE Dido, Kate Bush, Cranberries fan
Would also be the type to have their music influenced by Tiktok 
Nothing wrong with that
It happens to me 
The top song is Grafton Street by Dido
Loves Fleetwood Mac
And Florance & the Mechian
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tillytimeblog · 2 months
if the sea of monsters was the book where i thought the ending was mostly good vibes, the battle of the labrynth is the opposite. i mean all of percy’s friends are going through something personally traumatic/devastating at some point. some of these things get resolved, and some…don’t.
tyson meets his hero, but briares is a shell of himself and even when tyson risks his life to save briares, briares still has given up all hope and just walks out on tyson and the rest of the group. plus tyson finds out the rest of the hundred handed ones have faded into nothingness. we don’t really get much insight into tyson but you can tell it’s constantly on his mind because a lot happens between meeting briares and meeting hephaestus yet tyson feels that is the one very important thing he has to talk about.
clarisse had found chris, driven to madness by minos in the labrynth, and can do nothing but watch him slowly deteriorate worse and worse. we only get a glimpse of chris’s condition but it’s obvious it’s bad, which makes seeing clarisse’s private care for him and her softest side for the first time hurt all the more. clarisse is another person we don’t get much insight to at all, but we know her own experiences in the labrynth plus what happened to chris was enough to make her storm out of the council and swear off the labrynth forever, plus make percy promise to kill daedalus on sight.
rachel only really shows up towards the end, but being thrown into the deep end in the world of monsters getting held captive by swordpoint in the arena plus witnessing pan’s death as the daughter of a huge land developing father is obviously a lot to handle for her. plus she is totally aware of the impact she is having on percy and annabeth’s relationship (way more than percy does) and she clearly doesn’t want to make things rough for them at all, yet she still leaves needing reassurance from percy and a agreement to stay in touch, almost like a lifeline. percy was her sole introduction to the whole truth about the world of monsters after all.
speaking of pan…poor grover, man. his whole life’s ambition was to find pan and save the wild, and he arrives just in time to see the very end of pan’s life. honestly, grover gets a lot of development we only see a glimpse of too. he gets a girlfriend (juniper rocks btw), he spends months out searching, he stands up to the council of cloven elders multiple times, and he takes up the burden of saving the wild upon himself and any satyrs or others willing to listen to him. annabeth says it best when she says grover is growing up, he really is the most mature of the group and he shows it by chanelling his grief into more productivity than anyone else
nico is dealing with his sister’s death very poorly, seeking solace in the worst places (minos) and placing blame where it shouldn’t go. he’s just so, so angry and distraught on the outside and the inside, for numerous reasons. there’s really isn’t a lot to say about him that isn’t already said in the book tbh, nico gets a lot of attention because nico is the number one thing on percy’s mind besides the quest since he feels responsible for nico running away. so we get a lot of explicit nico content as opposed to implicit content for tyson/clarisse/grover. i will say that nico being convinced by minos into going back into the maze specifically to save percy, only to be tricked and captured, hurts much more knowing what we learn about nico much later on
and then there’s annabeth. man, she just has it so, so rough and it hurts so much to read all the different ways life has it in for her. she’s chosen to lead her first quest, the thing she’s wanted to do since she was seven, and everything about it is just terrible. we don’t know this until the next book but luke has already recently visited her and offered for them to run away together, and she turned him down. then she meets janus and is offered to make a choice, which definitely reminds her of the choice she made to leave luke behind. she gets her prophecy and the last line is ‘lose a love to worse than death.’ she’s so shaken by this and doesn’t tell anyone about it, not before or during or after the quest until the very end of summer when she tells percy. she chooses to travel in a group of four knowing it’s unlucky because she really needs the comfort of all the people who care about her. and then she loses them all in the span of like, an hour. tyson and grover split from annabeth and percy even though annabeth is insistent splitting up is a bad idea, then percy blows himself and a volcano up right after annabeth kisses him for real for the first time. she has no one left, and she feels like she has failed. all she can do is go back to camp half blood and cry and wait. for two whole weeks!! for two weeks she probably thought that all three of the people she had left in the world had died because they came with her on the quest!!! or percy at the very least, since grover and tyson could just be stuck in the maze. but percy is absolutely presumed dead, since he ends up crashing his own funeral. annabeth gets to be happy the guy she kissed is back for all of maybe five minutes, because she first realizes he was stranded with calypso and then he tells her his plan to navigate the maze is to call up the cute mortal girl he barely knows so she can do the thing annabeth, daughter of athena, couldn’t. nice going percy. how do you not realize why annabeth is mad at you, dude? anyways, after all that…luke becomes host to kronos. which he warned annabeth about. which wouldn’t have happened had annabeth chose to run away with him and escape his destiny. and because of that choice to not run away again, the guy who was her family after she ran away originally is gone for good. and then what does she do after telling percy the final line of her prophecy, and making enemies with hera? she runs away. before percy has the chance to say something and try to bridge the distance between them. why? we don’t know for sure since it’s percy’s pov and not hers. maybe it’s because they haven’t been able to talk about luke all summer. maybe it’s because percy told rachel he’d like to keep in touch. maybe her heart couldn’t bear to hear him say anything about luke, or rachel, or the two of them. or maybe it’s because she had already read the great prophecy years ago, and knew no matter what he could say or promise, percy was fated to die a year from now anyway.
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artist-issues · 4 months
On the Percy Jackson series, now that the season has concluded, do you have any thoughts on it, whether standalone or as an adaptation, about what worked and didn't work in it? I ask partly because I want to analyse it as its own thing but I can't stop getting hung up on the changes and I'm not completely sure why.
Of all things, Gabe is the big one for me. They turned him from a repulsive abuser to a pathetic manchild who lacks the power dynamic of his book counterpart and was so consistently treated as comic relief that I actually pitied him. The fact that he shares the fate of his book counterpart actually kind of angers me and it's hard for me to look past that. It left a mean-spirited taste in my mouth.
I don’t think I’ve talked enough about what did work, and I do think there’s a place for talking about that, so I’m glad you asked!
I think Walker Scobell could play a really excellent Percy Jackson. And I think Leah Jeffries and Aryan Simhadri are both very endearing in their roles.
I’m not going to throw shade on 14 year-old actors and actresses. There’s no shade to throw. Acting is vulnerability combined with introspection and understanding. No teenager is going to have the same level of vulnerability, understanding, and introspection, expressed with the same skill, as we’re used to seeing in adults, period. And the show doesn’t do them any favors by giving them very adult lines and very adult-behaving characters to play.
Which segues nicely into—the character’s “arcs” are completely different in the show, but they feel more like…”alternate universe” characters than “out-of-character-rewrites.” For the most part.
I already touched on how Grover is a completely different Grover in the TV show. His fear is both too serious and not extreme enough. He’s not comedic. Instead, he is a voice of reason, and he does have a maturity the other two don’t have. He’s written to talk to the other adults differently than Percy and Annabeth are—more like equals, less like teen-vs-adults. You can easily believe that Grover is a 24 year-old in a kid’s body during those scenes, like the ones with Ares.
But there’s a reason he’s not like that in the Percy Jackson books; he’s comedic, and he’s Percy’s best friend. Percy’s only 12 when they meet; it’s weird for a 12 year-old to be best friends with a 24 year-old—who BEHAVES like a 35 year-old, with all the gravity, and maturity, etc. But if the 24 year-old is a magical creature who, for his species, is still pretty young, and has a comedically immature personality, then the chemistry works much better. Anyway. Not my point.
My point is, Grover might not be Grover, but you can still see trace elements of Grover in him. Like how you can see echoes of Spider-Man in Spider-Gwen’s story. It’s an alternate-universe, not a do-over.
Grover still wants to be a seeker.
Grover still feels guilty about not taking better care of Thalia.
Grover still gets the most outraged and cares the most deeply about nature and crimes against nature.
Grover is still a peace-lover at heart, so he’s the most gentle in relational interactions.
‘That kind of stuff is still there. It’s just re-contextualized and…made less fun. That’s all. More serious. More grit.
Same thing with Annabeth:
Annabeth still wants to prove she’s the best of the best.
Annabeth’s still given up on her normal family and is most comfortable in life-or-death strategizing.
Annabeth’s still smart, but specifically wise enough to notice Percy’s heart of gold while everyone else is busy being afraid of or disappointed in him.
Same thing with Percy:
Percy still has the stubborn rebelliousness we all know and love.
Percy’s still a guy who goes with his gut first and foremost.
Percy’s still willing to sacrifice the future for the present, if the present means saving the people he loves.
Percy still makes wise-cracks at wildly inappropriate times.
And I think some of the show is really well written. Some of it. Two parts in particular stand out. The first is when Annabeth and Percy have the post-killing Medusa conversation, and they have that, “she tried to get me to betray you. What did you say? I killed her sister. What did you say? I cut off her head.” exchange. That’s great. The point of that conversation is “you can trust me because no matter how I might be tempted, this is the line I won’t cross.” But they don’t come out and say that. They have the characters say it without saying it, if that makes sense.
The second bit of good writing that comes into my brain was Luke’s conversation with Percy about being small and scary. It was such a good way to introduce the important concept of why gods need demigods/why gods fear demigods, while also lore-dropping things like “Annabeth is afraid of spiders” and “this fantasy world does have rules.” And on top of those boxes getting checked, you can also see the conversation from Luke’s point of view—he’s bitter about being thought of as a small thing to the gods, but now he’s starting to embrace the scariness part.
So some moments are good, writing-wise. Especially if you tilt your head and say “this is an alternate universe.” I just think they’re not always the right moments for Percy Jackson.
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iwoulddieforienzo · 5 months
I do not like Frederick Chase in the slightest, don’t get me wrong, but I do sympathize with him and other Athena mortal parents. I mean, with the other gods, there’s usually some kind of relationship beforehand - even if it’s just a one-night stand, there’s still some kind of situation that could, feasibly, result in a kid. Dropping single parenthood on someone is an absolute dick move, obviously, with little to no support and a child who will likely die before they hit 25 making the whole deal extra rotten, but there is, if nothing else, the knowledge that what you are doing could result in a kid. Like if you had a one night stand with some lady and a kid shows up on your doorstep then you’re at least aware that this was a possible consequence, even if you don’t know about the god thing.
Athena doesn’t do that. Athena doesn’t date or have sex with anyone. She meets a mortal who she likes the brain of and just… makes them a kid?? With supposedly no prior knowledge or consent from the other party. They have no way of knowing that their 3-hour debate with Some Smart Lady will make them a single parent. What’s crazier is that Annabeth says Athena kids are claimed from BIRTH. Which means they’re attacked by monsters from birth.
So like, imagine you’re a college-aged kid and you meet some lady that you enjoy being around and debating with. You have a nice, solid relationship that sort of resembles a couple but is solidly platonic. She helps you get into University and pass your classes. You have never done anything romantic, and she was very clear on her status as ace/aro (not in those exact words). Then she reveals her status as a God, drops a kid on your front door, tells you that she is yours to deal with and she will NOT be taking her back because she has to be raised by her mortal parent, who is you, by the way, congratulations, (don’t ask how she has half of your genetic material despite never having sex with this woman) oh and also monsters will be attacking her (and by extension, you) literally from the moment she opens her eyes. (They are already open, by the way.) Then she dips, never to be seen again, no child support in sight, and now everyone thinks you knocked up some poor woman who couldn’t handle the pressure. You Did Not. Also the kid is smarter than you and you’re like 23. Like Frederick is an absolute DICK, don’t get me wrong, but I do sympathize with him.
Of course, it’s possible that she informs her chosen mortals about her status as a god, as well as the children they will be receiving. But considering Frederick is said to have begged her to take Annabeth back, this implies that she either didn’t tell him about Annabeth, OR she DID tell him about her, he said no, and then she made Annabeth anyway and forced him to take her even though he didn’t want her. She definitely told him about being a god eventually, but we have no way of knowing if she was upfront about it or waited for who knows how long. (Considering her rrverse personality, I’d assume she’d tell him - and by extent, the other mortals - early on, but there really isn’t any way to know)
….yes I know about Darren and Apollo. Who knows how that went down, honestly. I like to think Apollo at least told this guy about the kid beforehand. I’m curious why he did that in the first place, honestly?? What is it about this Specific Guy that made him be like “yeah I need to have a kid with this dude.” Does he do this to all his male lovers?? Was Darren Informed?? Mr Riordan I have Questions
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captain-is-king · 6 months
okay i didn’t want to annoy anyone with a stream of consciousness live-blogging of the episodes which CAME OUT TONIGHT!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!
so here are the notes i took while watching if anyone wants to scream with me please feel free to do so
EDIT: HOLY SHIT IM A FUCKING IDIOT CHRIS IS CHRIS RODRIGUEZ!!! I WASNT EXPECTING HIM THIS SOON IN THE SERIES AT ALL. oh god and percy being friends with him now makes the betrayal so much worse oh shit oh man.
episode one:
- blackjack was percy seeing through the mist oh my god
- oh my god they just trade sandwich toppings. that is so cute what the fuck
- grover psychanalyzing people. yes. good.
- mrs. dodds scene was underwhelming but that’s okay (edit: fight choreo is absolutely phenomenal the rest of the time)
- i am GASPING out loud at grover telling the headmaster
- obviously he’s doing it because it’s not safe for percy
- eddie! what a cameo lmao
- i like that sally appears to argue with gabe more but also i’m worried she isn’t going to fucking murder gabe. it’s important to me that she kills that guy.
- also upset that percy probably won’t say “i know gabe would like to offer everyone in this lovely city free appliances” at the end
- near the septic tanks interesting detail to include 👀
- percy judging so hard like “you’re telling me found jesus”
- oh interesting the mist is responsible for grover which honestly makes more sense than hiding it? like if the mist takes care of monsters why not satyrs
- boys? i’m actually 24 I LOVE HIM
- mythomagic as training is fun
- would’ve been cooler if he swore on the styx and there was thunder but that’s okay
- omg i didn’t even realize his rain jacket was actually red until now. SUCH a good detail
- good animation of the minotaur very good
- oh my god the fight was the same like i could SEE the words on the page as i was watching it
- i grinned like a FOOL through the whole credits they’re so beautiful oh my god
episode two reactions under the cut!!!! i loved episode one but i liked episode two EVEN MORE so i have a lot of things to say.
episode two:
- annabeth just watching percy sleep with her arms crossed. she would.
- YOU DROOL WHEN YOU SLEEP oh my god the way she says it is like. so calculating. i always pictured it like a flippant thing in the book but no she’s like. angry. like it’s a remark on his character and she will use this detail to take him down in battle and it’s perfect and funny
- oh my god he’s turning away so grover doesn’t see him crying. i feel like this is a detail in the book somewhere but now i can’t find it happening so maybe i’m just losing it
- ok so the big house is not what i ever pictured but it is gorgeous and i love this version of it
- the diet coke
- but did you?
- he’s starting with me
- excuse me your highness
- dad? yes peter. it’s percy. exactly
- the audacity of mr. d. i’m obsessed
- “why must you ruin everything”
- omg the owls
- oh the cabins are so cool
- like one thing i never was able to picture was how camp was laid out and i just am eating so well this is so fun to look at
- I KNOW WHAT YOURE GOING THROUGH he really does though doesn’t he FUCK now i’m emotionally
- holy shit juniper????
- LMAO okay definitely not juniper she looks much older
- council of cloven elders is so much spookier than i thought
- mmmmm grover figured it out interesting
- also apparently names don’t have power. i mean that is the stance in heroes of olympus they did not care about names. so i get it
- so like. this is kronos? looking like the grim reaper in percy’s dreams?
- ok honestly the lack of annabeth so far is very upsetting
- mmmm “glory” interesting, luke
- who is this spunky kid with the hair
- idk why but them just using lighters takes me out of it. but it made me laugh
- yesssss hephaestus kids my beloved
- spunky kid with the hair is chris. NOW WHO THE FUCK IS CHRIS
- holy shit this is so sad. percy alone in the woods burning his candy
- OH MY GOD FOR HIS MOM oh my god i’m not going to survive this episode
- “i think i’ve made some friends here”
- oh this is too much. it’s giving “good kid” energy from the musical
- YES angry percy. i always felt like the musical emphasized how like. angry and upset percy was at his dad. obviously it’s a huge plot point in the book but it feels like more apparent in the musical and i always LOVED that about the musical so of course i LOVE that it is being emphasized in the show as well
- if percy doesn’t cut off medusas head and mail it to olympus after this and trying so hard to get his dad’s attention it will be SUCH a letdown i have to say it i’m sorry
- good bathroom scene. GOOD bathroom scene.
- are you stalking me annabeth
- yes
- oh i’m so in love with her
- like we knew she’d be phneomenal. but we’d seen so little of her in promo stuff!!! and i HAVE BEEN WAITING SO LONG TO SEE MY GIRL!!!!! AND HERE SHE FUCKING IS!!!!!!
- also saying annabeth is the head of the athena cabin and seeing tiny little annabeth is SO. funny. like we all knew it was funny that a twelve year old was in charge but SEEING it makes it so painfully obvious
- “she’s my little sister”
- they call them forbidden kids that’s a little silly but that’s fine
- also i enjoy that they’re talking about thalia-luke-annabeth earlier
- BABY ANNABETH HIDING IN AN ALLEY. oh i hope we get to actually SEE this scene one day because i do love it so
- “can you ask her to knock it off.” obsessed.
- these waterfalls are SO. cool. the one thing the descriptions of camp were always missing. i love a waterfall
- the kid playing the war drums has me laughing out loud
- laughing OUT LOUD at percy. flossing and peeing and whistling
- oh my god a lizard. i would too.
- just laying down. picking at a leaf
- i just noticed he actually has vans. skater!percy lives
- GUESS ILL LOSE DESERT PRIVILEGES good book line so glad it’s in here
- the fight choreo is SO. GOOD
- you were here the whole time and you didn’t help me? yes. what is wrong with you!!
- oh i love her SO. much. i love them both so fucking much
- one of my FAVORITE lines is “poseidon, earthshaker stormbringer. hail perseus jackson son of the sea god” and i’m so glad we got it
- i like jason mantzoukas because, like that post about gene wilder, you can really believe he’d let those kids die
- also one of my favorite scenes is annabeth being invisible in the big house the whole time percy is being offered a quest and chiron is like “someone already offered to go with you” and annabeth takes her hat off to reveal she has been there the whole time. and it’s always been so funny to me but i don’t mind that the humor of it was still maintained in the scene after capture the flag being altered a little bit. and we still got “not bad hero”
- oh shit are we not getting the oracle. i guess it makes sense. it’s a lot of time when someone can just tell percy they think it’s hades but like. actually. BETRAYED BY ONE WHO CALLS YOU A FRIEND!! FAIL TO SAVE WHAT MATTERS MOST!! ITS KIND OF IMPORTANT and the oracle is like a very important plot point later
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bomber-grl · 4 months
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Leo Valdez x Child of Hecate ☾
Pairing(s): Leo Valdez x Gn!Reader
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Leo was most definitely intimidated by you at first sight 😭
I mean all attractive people are, not to mention how mysterious and cool you seemed
Leo knows a baddie when he sees one
Well anyway, the only way the two of you could have possibly crossed paths was by someone else or you orchestrating the whole thing
Ofc again, it’s my girl Annabeth
She’s been at camp the longest and has a reputation so ofc she’s the one who always introduces reader and love interest
Well, it was only after annabeth needed help from the Hecate cabin and Leo was involved because he was the problem
An invention of his went rogue (luckily not because he built it wrong) but yk
Well once you do annabeth thanks you in her own way and when Leo has the chance to speak he just..can’t?!!
I mean not only do you seem cool but gah damn u look like a goth baddie
Home boy is stunned and can only manage a stupid as joke/ pick up line which even he asks himself, why???
Well while hes internally committing he heard the least expected thing
Which was you of all people laughing
You’re usually quiet and kept to yourself so seeing you like this was like when the clouds move and lets the sun shine in-
Cringe ahh mf , really this generations Shakespeare
Well he’s so shocked then the two of you just stand there like 🕴️🕴️
And if he manages to have his inventions go rogue every other day and needs your help specifically, well let’s just say it’s a coincidence
The two of you inevitably get close and the more he hangs out with you the more he falls in love
On surface level you’re dark, mysterious and most of all, intimidating
But now? You’re so easy going, it’s like the two of you have known each other since fetus days
Eventually you two get together because of an adventure that ended with you two getting closer and more open.
Once Leo is your boyfriend- he’s insufferable
I mean he’s his usual goofy, flirty(?) self and he’s so cringe but you love it all the same
Best believe Leo is head over heels for you and when it comes to your magic and stuff he’s particularly keen
especially when you randomly give him a crystal necklace for whatever reason and suddenly you hear Leo going around camp casually mentioning that his witchy s/o got him something
Which, yk endearing but still a lil embarrassing
Leo is always there to help you when you’re making potions, spells, it doesn’t matter
I mean at times he’s a bit spooked at what you can do but he’s still by your side regardless
Now, when it comes to your family on your Greek side- he’s scared
I’m mean, you’re probably scared too depending on if you’re a guy considering how basically every daughter/ female family of Hecate hates men
(You’re probs exempt cuz ur mom Hecate but still)
Bro is spooked, he does NOT want to be a guinea pig
And speaking of your mom, Leos timbers and shivered at the thought of meeting her and her not liking him
I mean it’s not all that important but depending if you’re especially fond of your mom then he’s shivering and timbering
Anyway, Leo is so lucky to have you by his side especially since sometimes he can forget how strong you are
(Also ik hecate is a minor goddess in the books and her children are shown to be weak but i refuse to acknowledge that as child of Hecate)
If you ever try and read his palm or do his birth chart he’ll probably just nod along and not know what you’re talking about 💀
Gotta love Leo
And if any animals that are sacred to Hecate approach you two he’s scared shitless (looking at you snakes)
Not to mention how crows can literally speak, no thank you
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jankwritten · 1 year
I’ve been thinking a lot about what a Hazel and Jason friendship would look like.
Hazel tentatively reaching out after finally understanding that Jason isn’t everything she built him up to be in her head, influenced both by Nico and by what she actually observed of Jason herself
Jason assumes she just wants tips on leadership or maybe how to fight better, so he obliged by offering to train with her
Hazel expects Jason to go easy on her like Percy and Annabeth and Piper do, but instead she gets taken down within a few minutes and has Jason ruthlessly pointing out what things she could improve on.
(Cue: Hazel finally having an opponent who doesn’t underestimate her. Hazel who finally feels like she has somebody she can spar against who will help and not just let her win because she’s young and small. Hazel who finally gets why Nico spends so much time talking about how kind and helpful Jason is, even if what she’s seeing isn’t necessarily kind.)
Jason starts hanging out with Hazel outside of sparring but in other groups, like with Piper, or Nico. He learns that she loves dancing and horses and likes to test the hardness of a stone against her fingernails, likes to collect shiny non-precious things just like Nico does, likes to swear loudly whenever possible as if she’s doing it to purposely piss people off.
Hazel asks Jason if he wants to go hang out one day after the Argo quest is over, maybe go to some museum in NYC that she’s heard Percy talk about, or find metaphysical shops to walk through (I HC that Hazel really loves modern mortal interpretations of magic and that she’s fascinated by the ways mortals accidentally connect to the gods etc.) and Jason assumes she means with someone else and agrees, only to find out they’re going alone.
Jason panicking for a moment about potential misinterpretations, once he realizes, and stammering out some garbled thing about how he really likes her but not like that because ofc all he’s known so far is that being alone with a girl = someone will assume romantic intent. Hazel openly laughs in his face and rather boldly states that she KNOWS Jason is in love with her brother.
Hazel, eventually, being the first person Jason feels safe coming out to. Jason, in return, being the first person Hazel feels safe to talk about being asexual with. The two of them discussing their feelings more and more often while exploring new places together, like Hazel talking about how she did so much researching into queer history and labels when she first found out Nico is gay, Jason telling her that he still doesn’t feel like Thalia is his sister as if he might not be the same Jason Grace she remembers, the two of them coming to terms with being on the aromantic spectrum together.
Jason talking Hazel out of joining the Hunters when she’s having a very very bad day. Hazel stopping Jason from disappearing back out into the mortal world to finish school without first giving his other friends a chance to have input.
(Hazel and Jason inadvertently saving each other’s lives by tweaking fate, thus making their friendship literally woven into their lives forever indisputably. Hades/Pluto patting Jason on the back and telling him thank you with no context or clarification the next time they meet. Hera/Juno, tight lipped and silent, offering Hazel some kind of gift or blessing the next time she returns to New Rome. Hazel and Jason laughing it off when they tell each other because wow, their godly parents are weird as hell.)
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romanitas · 2 months
look at me go, it hasn't even been a month! we're back with (i think) the penultimate part of the spy au !! thanks to @perseannabeth who helped me figure out some plot points literally irl for the final stretch. there's always been a vague plan for the end, hopefully it lives up! also again available on ao3 if tumblr formatting screws up.
Annabeth hasn’t seen Percy for four and a half weeks. She’s been off the Jupiter Industries case for just as long, what with Luke Castellan’s involvement; they’re currently restructuring the plan forward. She’s not used to boredom, but she’s not sure she could consider it full boredom when her brain will not stop churning. She’s aware it’s usually a stomach churning, but no, in this case, her mind is on the go in a thousand different directions. She doesn’t feel nauseous or sick - just overwhelmed mentally, which as far as she’s concerned is one of the worst kinds. She’d rather be vomiting.
She’s back at her apartment - her real one. It’s nearly as empty as the fake one. She doesn’t keep a lot of things around, not wanting too many distractions on top of the fact that she feels like she spends very little time actually in it. The most personalization is an owl throw pillow with a matching blanket on the couch and a few architectural prints across her walls. It feels emptier than it ever has, and she cruelly imagines what it might be like if Percy came here. She really, really needs to stop thinking about him, but it feels impossible, because if she’s not thinking about him, she starts to think about Luke. And that’s worse.
She faceplants directly into the owl blanket with a groan and lays there, ignoring the wafting smell of her Korean BBQ takeout sitting on the countertop. This has been her life each day for the last week: different dishes but a very familiar static and face full of fluff, followed by dejectedly eating lukewarm food. And then she just gets mad at herself for being such a sad sack. She’s Annabeth fucking Chase. What the hell did Percy Jackson do to her?
Reyna checks in periodically. She sends minute updates, but not enough for Annabeth to start doing her own poking and prodding. Frank stops by a few times to make sure she’s eating, and she does welcome his company in an absent way. He brings some of the best takeout, but he knows all her favorites. He carries the conversation in directions that serve the best distractions.
“You should use this time to get out,” he says one day, dragging some naan through the rest of his curry. When Annabeth stares at him, he clarifies. “I mean, maybe think of it like a vacation? You never take a vacation. Do things you’ve always wanted to.”
She grumpily shoves her own naan into her mouth to avoid answering him. But maybe he has a point. Maybe she does need to leave the house more often, if only to refresh herself. To get back on her feet. It’s only a matter of time before they give her a new assignment, and she refuses to fall into distractions again next time.
She takes herself out. She ventures further than a ten block radius and tries a new Pho place she’s been wanting to check out. She looks up a current run of temporary exhibitions around the city, buys tickets for three of them. She makes a reservation for herself at one of the museum restaurants, uncaring that it’s definitely overpriced and she can get a burger down the block for half the cost. She is utterly determined to give herself a good, clean, solid break from her time with Percy, so she’s prepared for the next chapter. Whatever it brings.
Naturally, it’s at one of the exhibitions that she runs into Sally Jackson.
Annabeth isn’t sure she could have been caught more off guard by Luke. She turns the corner and nearly runs into the woman, but her instincts make her sidestep at the last second. She’s not fast enough to avoid eye contact, because Sally moves at the same time, an apology on her lips.
“I’m so sorry - Annabeth?”
Why is this her life? Annabeth freezes, and she can feel the guilt rain down on her like a tsunami. She’s very rarely caught off guard like this, but this warm, wonderful woman unnerves her in an unexpected way. She just assumed she would never see her again, another casualty of her break with Percy.
Despite it all, Sally offers her a small, tentative smile. “Hi,” she says, tone infused with that very same warmth Annabeth knows she doesn’t deserve.
She swallows. “Hi,” she replies, weakly.
Sally reaches out to give her arm a gentle squeeze, and Annabeth nearly combusts on the spot. But the older woman can sense her discomfort, because she pulls her hand away just as quickly and sighs. “Will you get a coffee with me?”
Every single part of her is telling her to say no; every rational, logical piece of her being knows this is a bad idea, but there’s a quiet desperation that wins out against her better judgment, and Annabeth nods mutely. Sally smiles again, then walks them both towards the museum cafe. She orders Annabeth’s coffee exactly the way she likes it and orders herself a chai latte. By the time they sit down at the table, Annabeth’s nerves are shot, so she just wraps her hands around the cup and takes a sip, burning her tongue immediately. She winces, and Sally offers her a napkin.
“Percy told me you broke up.”
Annabeth almost laughs, hollowly. There’s no way he would have told her anything - Percy might have been royally pissed at her, but he’s also not cruel, and she knows he wouldn’t jeopardize her by spilling all the beans to his mother. He also wouldn’t want to put his mom in danger. Instead, her shoulders sink, and all she can do is nod once.
“He didn’t really tell me why,” Sally continues, wringing her hands around her own cup. She gets a thoughtful wrinkle in her forehead that looks so much like her son Annabeth almost flinches. “He said it wasn’t his place to share your history, but he did tell me you lied about a lot.”
She doesn’t know if hearing that from Sally is worse than her whole exchange with Percy a month ago. She doesn’t say anything, but her lack of answer is its own confirmation.
“My son is everything to me,” she says, and Annabeth prepares to be reamed out. Why wouldn’t she be? She just broke this woman’s son’s heart, and they’re two of the kindest, best people she’s ever met. “And I have never seen him so miserable.”
It’s not yelling, but it might be worse for real this time. Which is why the next thing Sally says is the most surprising part of all.
“I think he misses you.”
Annabeth’s head whips up so fast, and she says the first thing since her awkward greeting, which isn’t much more articulate. “What?”
It’s Sally’s turn to be quiet, again looking thoughtful as she finally takes a sip of her own drink. “I’m only telling you this because I know he was happy with you. Happier than I’ve seen him in a long time. And I know what he’s like now. I’m not going to ask you what happened. I know you hurt him, deeply, and I know maybe it’s not my place to sit here with you and tell you all of this. I know maybe things have been damaged too greatly. I know it’s his life, not mine. But what I want to ask you anyway is if you want to fix it, and if you still love my son.”
Annabeth’s eyes well up. She can’t answer this one with a nod. It’s everything she’s been trying to push away, the impossibilities of Percy chasing her down more harshly than Luke in the alleyway. “I love him,” she admits, and saying it aloud to someone else nearly knocks the wind out of her. “But I don’t know if I can fix it. I really, really hurt him, and there are parts of it that feel too broken.”
She shouldn’t be sharing this with Percy Jackson’s mother, but there isn’t another person who’s spoken to her about Percy specifically like this. A person who prioritizes Percy the way he should be, no matter what her own stupid heart and head are doing. Frank worries about her, but she’s the one who needs to grovel, and Sally will always, always put her son first.
Sally takes another sip, watching her carefully over the brim. She’s never felt more scrutinized in her life, and she’s a goddamn spy. Annabeth’s been alone for a very long time, and those months with Percy and his friends and his family were the closest she felt like a real, normal person in a long time. But she isn’t normal. She can’t just slip into a real architect’s life and become a new Annabeth Chase.
“Are you willing to try?”
She’s taken aback by the question and the way it connects to her thoughts, and she’s sure the surprise is on her face. “I don’t think he wants me to. It should be his choice, not mine.”
Sally hums. “Will you give me your address?”
“He’s not going to come to my house.”
“It’s for me. Not him. I won’t give it to him.”
She hesitates. She’s unlisted for a reason, her residence deeply under wraps. She still gets mail, of course, and it’s not like she lives there most of the year. But then she stubbornly takes the receipt from the drinks, scribbles the P.O. box on the back before she can second guess herself, and slides it back over. “Can you memorize it and burn it?” she says teasingly, trying not to feel ashamed of joking about it.
Sally slides it into her pocket. “I’m giving you a chance now, because I love my son and I want his happiness more than anything else, but I can see you're in just as terrible a state as he is. I wanted to see for myself, after I realized it was you.” She lifts her drink again, and Annabeth’s not sure if the pause for dramatic effect is intentional or not. “This is not forgiveness. It’s not my place to give it. This is me having a conversation with you, because you’re a very smart, put together woman who has spent a significant amount of time with Percy.”
Annabeth doesn’t feel very put together at the moment, but she’s hardly going to interject.
“And above everything, Percy is my son.”
It’s not a threat, but it almost feels like one. In lieu of another response, Annabeth takes a cowardly sip of her coffee.
“Thank you, for having coffee with me,” Sally says, and it sounds like a goodbye. Like this might be the last thing they ever say to each other. They sit in silence for a few more minutes, finishing their drinks, and it’s Sally who leaves first. She climbs to her feet in a cool movement and adjusts her bag before giving Annabeth a nod, then walks away from the table.
Annabeth sits there for another thirty minutes, though what she spends it thinking about, she doesn’t really remember.
Three days later Annabeth receives a package in the mail, with Sally’s return address. She holds the box in her hands and doesn’t really know how to process it. She sets it on the kitchen island and stares at it, afraid of opening it for stupid reasons. Watching it out of the corner of her eye, she heats up a box of frozen mac and cheese, then reaches for a steak knife to slice open the packing tape as the microwave beeps.
Inside she finds a dozen chocolate chip cookies, wrapped up neatly in a transparent blue bag. Underneath them is an envelope, which she nervously lifts and carefully opens. There’s a note inside, and what looks like two tickets to - to an aquarium. Not just any aquarium, the one where she met Percy - or rather, where she orchestrated her meeting of Percy. Puzzled and sad all at once, she reads the note in Sally’s loopy writing.
I bought these for you both a month ago. I’m giving them to you alone now as a final gift from me to you, and I hope you use them. Use the time to think about everything. Don’t try to return them.
Perhaps one day we’ll see each other again. Take care.
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rianavi · 3 months
it’s daylight
luke castellan x artemis!daughter!reader
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part 1, part 2, part 3
summary; annabeth gets involved (need i say more)
series masterlist
authors note; this is written in second pov from annabeths perspective. also guys comment if you wanna be in my luke castellan taglist!!
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luke has been off lately, he doesn’t smile, he doesn’t laugh, he rarely ever shows up to meals, and he rarely left his cabin.
even after all this the only thing that caught annabeth’s attention was that he wasn’t with you. and that was not normal, at all.
so she decided to visit her brother, leaving percy after combat training, she heads to the hermes cabin, greatful that it was now lunch and no one would be there besides luke.
when she enters she is met with the iconic smell of the cabin, wood, parchment, and sweat. luke lays in his bed, covers pulled up over his head. he’s turned away from the front door so he doesn’t notice who it is approaching him. - secretly hoping it’s you -
annabeth being the child she is, shoves his back harshly and screams his name. this causes him to jolt up in bed and hit his head against the headboard.
“annabeth! ow!” he yells at her, she just smirks triumphantly and sits down on the edge of his bed, making him fully sit up and create room for her.
she doesn’t speak until she is sat down across from him and facing him while he mirrors her. “so,” she drags out the word until he looks up to her. “what do you want?” he snaps at her - something that’s only been happening recently -
she sighs softly before she talks, scared of hitting a nerve. “what’s going on with you?” she avoids saying your name, not wanting to put him on edge.
“what do you mean?”
“i mean, you’ve barely left the cabin, you’re barely eating, you’ve been avoiding everyone. including-“ before she can say your name he cuts her off, harshly.
“look annabeth, i’m fine, everything’s fine. it’s all just-” she can tell he’s trying not to yell at her from the way his eyes frantically look around the cabin, and how his hand clenches the edge of the mattress.
“luke.” she says his name sternly, causing his eyes to freeze on her and his rant to stop. “what happened?” she whispers the next part, placing her hand on top of his, hoping to soothe him.
he takes a moment to answer, closes his eyes softly and breathing in and out slowly. “i uh- i tried to kiss her.” she doesn’t have to ask who.
he opens his eyes to look at her, her eyebrows are pulled into a sympathetic expression, a sad smile on her face.
“and she- she pulled away from me, so much that she fell off the bed.” he ignores the way her eyebrows raise when he mentions the falling part. even if you hurt him, he would never laugh at you.
“luke i’m so sorry,”
“i don’t want sympathy annabeth. it’s just that- i mean- was it really that bad, me trying to kiss her i mean, that she fell off the bed. does she really not like me that much?”
“no, i’m sure she just panicked luke, trust me she likes you, i’ve seen the way she looks at you, the way she only ever smiles and laughs with you. i mean she has looked so like depressed these past few days it’s insane, she just stares at the ground all day long.”
“i don’t want you to lie to me annabeth,” he looks down.
“luke look at me. i swear to you i am not lying. have you even tried to talk to her about it?” he shakes his head no.
“then that’s what you do, you talk to her. no matter how scared you are, i bet you she’s sitting in a tree somewhere as sad as she could be, because you’re not talking to her anymore. so suck up your embarrassment and go talk to her. now.” the tone she uses scares him.
you’re currently sitting in a tree, staring across the camp while kids and teenagers bustle around, laughing and having fun. the sun is about to set and the weekly campfire is about to begin, you figure you have a couple more hours before you have to leave your newly formed solitude.
you’re scared to climb down and actually face the world, scared that everyone will be know that you’ve been crying for days on end.
i mean how couldn’t you, your best friend, the guy you love, is ignoring you, all because of you. you ruined everything - again - and this time you’re scared he won’t come back.
you can’t imagine a world where you and luke castellan don’t talk. that would be a world where you don’t talk at all considering he is the only person you actually enjoy speaking to.
you’re snapped out of your pity party when the sound of a small twig snapping is heard from to your right.
“ow!” some one shouts, still whispering thinking you wouldn’t hear them.
“annabeth?” she looks up to meet your eyes.
“uhh- hey! what are you doing up here? long time no see, eh?” she speaks in that high toned voice she only talks in when she is hiding something.
“what do you want?” you don’t mean to come off rude, it’s just that you can’t be bothered to watch your tone with anyone besides luke.
“i’m sorry, that sounded mean.” you correct yourself, not wanting to upset anyone else, especially not annabeth. she’s been nothing but sweet to you.
“no it’s okay, i’m just hear to tell you i think i saw someone in your cabin.”
“they weren’t one of your siblings.”
“i’m not the head counselor annabeth, maybe you should tell someone else.” her plan is backfiring.
“no! i mean i uh- i think they were going through your stuff.”
“annebeth, what’s this really about?” she’s not a very good liar
“nothing nothing, it’s just that i think you should go check it out.”
you decide to take her advice to get her off you back. “okay, i’ll go check it out.” you announce, beginning your journey down the tree.
when you’re about 6 feet away from the her you hear a soft “yes!” before you’re out of earshot from her. okay, now you’re really confused.
when you arrive at your cabin, you push open the door softly. not one of your siblings is in there, curtesy of the campfire.
the cabin is completely empty and quiet. you sigh as you enter in fully, making your way toward your bed.
just as you think annabeth has tricked you as one of hers and percy’s “elaborate” pranks. you hear a voice, someone saying your name.
you know that voice anywhere, you could recognize it in a crowd of people during a concert.
he’s standing just as the end of your bed, waiting for you it seems. you can make out his face by the small amount of sunlight through the window, he looks nervous, eyes blown wide and mouth slightly agape. he looks good like this, really good.
“hi,” he whispers meekly, and through the silence of the cabin it sounds like he’s shouting.
the small word has the corners of your lips straining upward and you fight the urge to run into his arms and swing your own around his neck.
“hi,” you whisper back, your stomach churns like butter at the sight of his warm smile.
he clears his throat after a minute of staring staring at you before awkwardly moving to sit on your bed.
a flash of deja vu hits you and you’re scared he might run out again. so in a solid 2 seconds your now sitting on your bed, a decent amount of space between you two, even if it makes your heart ache.
“how have you been?” he asks, you figure he’s nervous as well. you can tell by the way his fingers twitch against his thigh, and the way his face and neck are flushed bright pink.
“good, how uh- how about you.”
it’s awkward now, all you want to do is apologize profusely for blindly rejecting him, explain that you were just scared, ask for him to do it again, this time, you wouldn’t back away.
you decide to stop your torture to the both of you, finding the courage to speak up first.
“i’ve missed you.” he looks relieved.
“i’ve missed you too, a lot.”
you can’t take it anymore, “i’m so sorry luke. i was scared and i panicked, i didn’t mean to embarrass or reject you in any way. i wasn’t thinking straight, and i know it’s no excuse-” he cuts you off.
“you’re fine, i promise. it’s good to know you didn’t mean it though, i was so scared you didn’t like me in that way.” he smiles to diffuse the tension, and just before you can return the gesture his face contorts into one of panic.
“you do thought right? feel the same i mean. it’s fine if you don’t just tell me now please i won’t be mad i just-” he speaks fast, lips moving passionately as his hand reaches out to your shoulder. he looks good, really good.
and you can’t help it, the way he looks at you, the way his lips move, the last bit of daylight pouring through the shades of the window. it’s all too much.
you move quickly, pulling yourself forward and grabbing his jaw with both hands, something you’ve always wanted to do. you pull him close and finally you press your lips against his.
the collision is like a firework, his eyes widen in shock before he relaxes and they flutter close. his hands grip your waist and pull you close until your practically straddling him. you’re hands lower to the back of his neck and you thread your fingers through the short curls there.
just as your nails scrape his scalp he groans into you, causing his mouth to open. you take the opportunity and stick your tongue into his mouth.
he enjoys the feeling of you biting at his lower lip so much that he grips your hips tight, hoping that it will bruise so next time you shower you’re reminded of this.
you pull away for some breath and his lips chase after yours.
he looks at you and you look at him, both of you breaking out into a fit of giggles. you uses his arms to pull you both down onto the bed, in the same position you were in a couple of days ago.
“i love you.” he speaks suddenly,
“i love you too.” he grins as your burry your head into his neck.
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just as you all have been waiting for, dont worry there’s more coming just enjoy the peace while it lasts.
taglist: @jennapancake @ravenmedows
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tsukishimasbaby · 5 months
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Warnings: None!
Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, and Jason Grace.
A/N: This is supposed to be read as x reader, but you can picture it with other canon characters as well! If this does well, I’ll make more parts! I’ll also be including Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo characters, as I am a book reader AND a show watcher. :3
Percy Jackson:
Percy Jackson is a caregiver, surprisingly enough. He’s rather impulsive and a bit immature, yeah, but he’s shown time and time again that he can be responsible and take charge when the situation calls for it.
He does well with slightly older kiddos, like 6-8, but it doesn’t really matter. He’ll love you and take care of you no matter what!
He loves taking his little to the park, on walks around camp, or to the beach! The rest of the campers are pretty accepting towards age regression (they’re all traumatized + they definitely have better things to worry about lol), so you don’t have to hide it when he takes you outside to play.
He doesn’t mind what you call him. “Percy”, “Perce”, “Dad”, “Dada”, “Daddy”, etc. Whatever it is, he doesn’t mind! As long as you’re comfortable and happy.
He loves, loves, loves, loves, LOVES spoiling you. He isn’t very well off and he doesn’t have much money, but he’ll buy you toys and whatever else you need/want whenever he can! He prefers to spend money on you rather than himself.
He’s scary. Not towards you. But towards other people. The second anyone dares say anything to you about your age regression at all, he goes WILD. He does not take that stuff lightly. You’re coping with trauma. How dare someone try to ruin your coping mechanism for you?! How cruel can someone be?! It disgusts him. He’ll take care of it.
He’ll call you cute little ocean themed nicknames like “sharky”, “seashell”, “pearl”, or “fishy”.
He plays heroes with you a lot and he gets his friends in on it too. He’ll set up a little fake quest for you and he’ll take it SOOO seriously. And everyone knows you have to have three for a quest so he’ll get other littles he knows to play with you too! You usually play with Hazel and Will.
He doesn’t have very many rules. He doesn’t like restricting your freedom. You’re his baby, yes, but he does not like being harsh or strict on you in anyway possible. The only rules he really has are bedtimes and meal times, and those are to help you stay healthy.
All in all, he’s a really amazing, fun loving caregiver who’s willing to do anything and everything for you. He loves you so much and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Annabeth Chase:
Annabeth is a flip, with a caregiver lean. She is responsible, strict, intelligent, and calculated. But she is also incredibly traumatized and had an awful childhood with no reliable guardian. She wants to regain her childhood sometimes.
When she’s a caregiver, she does well with slightly older kiddos as well. She’s not very emotional at all, so she doesn’t really know how to handle temper tantrums, but she tries her best! She’s just really bad with emotions and comforting people because she doesn’t even know how to process her own. She does better if you’re a bit more independent. That doesn’t mean she won’t baby you, though.
When she’s regressed, her little ages are older as well. Usually around 6 or 7. She’s very quiet and independent, but she likes having someone take care of her. Usually she’ll just sit on your lap while she does a puzzle or draws little designs for different buildings.
If she draws you a picture of any architecture designs, you better put it on the fridge. Look at that little face. How could you possibly not? And tell her you’re so proud of her too. She loves it when you praise her.
Annabeth’s fatal flaw is pride, so she has a hard time admitting when she needs help, so you often have to pry it out of her whenever she’s regressed. Rarely will she ever come to you, letting you know and asking you for help.
When she’s a caregiver, she really enjoys cuddling and just being chill. She’ll do puzzles with you, do things like times tables and flash cards, etc. She likes teaching you. She wants her baby to be smart!
She loves watching documentaries and listening to you ramble about things you really like. She’ll sit there and listen patiently. It’s so cute to her.
She is strict. You have a bedtime of 9pm, you wake up at 8am, you eat breakfast at 8:30am, lunch at 12pm, and dinner at 6pm. You take a shower every other day, and you have to hold her hand whenever you go outside.
When she’s a caregiver, she likes being called “Annie”, “Mom”, or “Mama”. She thinks it’s so cute and she likes hearing those nicknames from your tiny little voice.
When she’s regressed, she still likes being called “Annie”, but also “Baby” or “Little owl”. Even “Princess”. Those pet names make her all happily and giggly and she loves it.
She’s very quick to defend you if anybody says anything about your age regression. She combats it with logic. If anybody makes a comment about it being weird, she’s seething on the inside, but on the outside, she looks at them with a calm yet cold look, and she’ll say something like, “How is it weird? They aren’t don’t anything inappropriate. How is a person coping with trauma and loss of childhood weird to you? Can you explain that to me?”
It’s her way of embarrassing the person. She purposely makes herself seem smarter and educated than the other person so that they look absolutely stupid lol.
She likes taking you to the library. She’ll read story books to you and tales about Greek heroes and heroines. It’s really cute, the way your eyes light up and you ask curious questions about whatever she’s reading.
Jason Grace:
He’s a caregiver, through and through. He loves taking care of you. He loves knowing that he can protect you and keep you safe. He loves making you happy more than anything. You’re his little baby. :( /pos (I really really like Jason if you guys couldn’t tell-)
He does well with kiddos of all ages! But he really likes baby or toddler regressors. He likes how dependent they are. It’s not in a weird way or anything, he just really, really likes being relied on. He likes being trusted. He likes completely taking care of someone. He loves babying you so much.
He likes going on little adventures with you! He’ll carry you and fly you around places. He likes making you happy. He’ll hold your hand and walk around Camp Jupiter with you.
He gives you paci kisses if you use pacifiers. Like he’ll kiss the front of your pacifier. It makes you giggle and he thinks it’s so cute.
He loves cuddles so much. He’ll just hold you for hours and hours, keeping his strong, protective arms tightly around you. His favorite position is where you’re laying on top of him, your head laying on his chest.
He calls you so many pet names. Mainly “Baby”, “Darling”, “Sweetheart”, and “Little one”. He babies you so, so much!
He likes being called “Dada” or “Daddy” because it makes him feel more protective and responsible for you, but he’ll be happy as long as you’re comfortable and happy!
He spoils you. So much. He’ll buy you whatever you ask. You want another pacifier? He just ordered five of them. You want more toys? Pick at least ten, little one, you’ve been so well behaved and you deserve it. He just loves you so much.
If anybody says anything to you about your regression, he gets so protective of you. He’ll be so quick to defend you. He’ll try to calmly explain to the person at first that it’s normal and completely okay, but if the person doesn’t listen or back off, he’ll give them some…unkind words while covering your little ears. He’s very defensive of his baby.
He likes playing outside with you and setting up little play dates with other littles. He’ll watch you play with your friends and it makes him so happy to see you interacting with and getting along with other people.
He has rules. He has a strict bedtime and strict mealtimes. And when you’re in public, you must hold his hand at all times so you don’t get lost.
He’s a very sweet yet strict caregiver. He loves you so much and he loves when you rely on him.
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bisexualpercyjacksons · 5 months
no wait wait wait hear me out about how the four beads is a truly devious and smart addition
so starting off with four beads from the dryad establishes a few things:
1. getting out of the underworld wasn’t something they really thought about yet (too many steps ahead, I also have ADHD I get it)
2. poseidon HAS thought of that problem and has made the beads in preparation to protect them
3. poseiden thought about rescuing sally when planning how to get everyone back safely, not just percy and his friends
2 & 3 plant the seeds (a long with the dryad’s words and hermes’ comments) that poseiden really does care about percy (and sally!). yes I know I know, bare minimum to care about your kid etc. but considering this is a show and we don’t get percy’s internal monologue it kinda makes sense to have a little more details that make poseiden seem better to the audience
[read more break to not clog up the tag. I promise I get into the angst shortly]
all these little bits that imply poseiden really does want to be there for him but can’t, that he’s been watching from afar because he didn’t want zeus to find out he broke the pact and take his anger out on his son and former love (yes, love! this is the man/god that wanted sally to be his queen with him in his underwater kingdom!!!). I actually really like the idea of those posts about how he has been helping out in little ways over the years because. let’s be real for a second. NO WAY does sally afford that apartment AND have the ability to send percy to specialized boarding schools with the salary of a CANDY SHOP EMPLOYEE. I get it I get it, the gods are deadbeats, but I’ll admit I kind of like the idea that he’s been doing what he feasibly could without getting caught by making extra money appear in sally’s bank account or sm
making him seem (and possibly be) more sympathetic is another reason that fuels percy to change the system rather than join luke to tear it all down. he knows the system is bad but he sees hope and truly believes it can be changed for the better. that is something that can be saved, not destroyed
4. this is kinda irrelevant but I like that it is the dryad that agrees to give percy the pearls after poseiden says for him and his friends to go back to camp because she wants him to have a chance to change things. gives her a little bit more agency. (also y’all she’s SO pretty in gay but moving in)
so. four beads.
if we want to keep the dilemma and character growth that comes with there only being three beads and someone having to make a sacrifice, something needs to happen: one of the beads breaks or someone loses it
is it percy? who has realized they need four beads for EVERYONE to come back and is horrified that they now only have three, meaning either he himself or one of the most important people to him has to be left behind in actual hell in order for the world to be saved? think about the dread and self-loathing that would come from that
or is it annabeth or grover? where the horrifying realization is the same but now there is a gut reaction from percy to be upset with the person who loses/breaks it. he loves his friends and can’t stay mad at them but now they are in this impossible dilemma to choose who stays behind and it’s killing all of them. the impossibly guilt of the person who breaks/loses it knowing that it’s their fault someone doesn’t get to go home, someone has to stay behind in the underworld
and when does this happen? early on, and we spend the episode watching them all try to figure out the dreadful problem of who gets left behind. looking at each other thinking, I can’t leave them behind, I can’t. they’re my family. but we can’t leave percy’s mom behind either.
or does it happen right before they have the chance to go, and they all think everyone is going to make it and sally is in percy’s grasp only for everything to fall apart and now everyone is looking at each other thinking, who is going to have to be left behind? who has to be the sacrifice?
anyways, I think there is something truly devious about them KNOWING there NEEDS to be four beads and HAVING THEM only to have something happen and the option of everyone going home safe being ripped from their grasps
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