kandavers · 2 days
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kandavers · 3 days
I've been curious but why does the watermelon represent Palestine?
Similar colours to their flag! 🇵🇸 🍉
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kandavers · 1 day
Yes!!! Love being something in between :)
You may look at me as an inspiration but please keep in mind I’m literally just a college student who happens to be able to draw ☝️🤓 Just another regular guy who also regularly makes mistakes ^^ If someday I accidentally say something wrong (often already do) or do something wrong, I hope you won’t be so surprised!!!
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kandavers · 1 day
Agghhhh lwk rlly sad but my cat passed yesterday and your radioapple comic made me go “YIPPEE!!” and dragged me forcefully out of depression
Awh, I’m so sorry for your loss,, 😭 Your cat is in a better place now i know it !!!
Glad to have you back soldier, stay strong!
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kandavers · 1 day
HIIII! Ur art has made a flick in my brain that has triggered an intense radio apple hyperfixarion. I've been following you for a month or so and I love ur art!! U're finally back :DD
Yessir! I hope my hyperfixation for them sticks for a while too, I tend to get creative with it and cook up bangers heh
I’m glad you’re enjoying the stuff i make :)
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kandavers · 2 months
I regret to inform you that someone has stolen my art AND erased my watermark before posting it on Tiktok dot com
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You can see how apparent it is with the writing “kan” of “kandavers” still plastered on Alastor’s collar.
So from now on, I’m going to watermark my art like so:
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It might be slightly obstructive to your immersion for my comics, but I personally think it’s hilarious so I’m going to follow through with it!
If you find anyone who reuploads my art without credit, please @ me so I can bark at them ! Thanks !
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kandavers · 10 months
wally comforting y/n after they've had a nightmare
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For this I have a few things to say 😳
1) They sleep together (obviously) (even Before marriage?!? 😱😱)
2) I looked up ‘girly pyjamas’ to put Y/N in because I think they would look Very Nice in them and they are Comfy! Also I think I’ve been portraying Y/N leaning a bit on the masc side a lot so I wanted to give them a more femme side at times ^^
3) Yes, Wally’s pyjamas were inspired by @/elviraaxen ‘s pyjama post teehee!
4) I just think its a very Wally Thing to only have his Sleep Mask off when Y/N takes it off for him! It’s not because he can’t do it himself (like getting up after falling), but he’s a bit Pampered! <3
That is all. I hope you have a good night’s sleep! ^^
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kandavers · 1 month
Thoughts on lucifer/lilith/alastor or lucifer/lilith/eve in poly relationships? :D
Heh. (smug face) Do I have the ramble for you
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It's too long so I'll add a "keep reading" LOL
note: These are all IN MY HEAD, so welcome to my headspace! Feel free to have differing opinions! While I do stand on my opinions, I'd change them sometimes if I find other, more banger ones LOL
Lilith (demiromantic bisexual, lean female)
Lilith is in a romantic relationship with Lucifer. Due to the demiromantic part, she doesn't have romantic attraction towards Rosie (yet), and I also think she had harboured romantic feelings towards Eve (however, I'm not very ready to unpack their relationships with Adam and Eve yet LOL, we'll save that for another time). I also read BIBLE LORE for this (help me), and it said that Lilith, in the past, had refused to be under Adam during intercourse, because she believed that she was his equal. Instead of being under him, she wanted to be on top for once, and this counted as 'disobeying Adam' which caused her to get exiled from Eden (?). There's more to this story that I'd rather not get into because it unfortunately paints Lilith in a horrible light (which is probably untrue, you know how the bible is with female figures who want rights-) but yeah! Relating to that, it would explain Lilith's preferrance for women, and also why she would definitely really dislike Alastor. However, Alastor makes Lucifer very happy, so she tolerates him for the sake of her husband.
And if you're wondering "if she dislikes men, why is she married to Lucifer?", think of it like this:
Adam would say, "Go make me a sandwich."
Lucifer would say, "Would you like me to make you a sandwich, my darling?"
Lucifer views her as his equal, if not someone of a higher position than himself. The king moves the pawn, but it's the Queen who rules the board, as they say.
Lucifer (panromantic demisexual)
He's deeply, utterly in love with Lilith, no matter what. In my head, I also thought of "loving styles" for these characters, but I have a more elaborate idea for Lucifer due to the fact that I'm biased LMAOOO- and I strongly believe that his loving style is Worship. It means once he's in love with someone, he devotes his entrie being to them. The 'them' in question is Lilith. Anything she wants, she'll have, anything she says, goes. He'd let the whole world burn for her.
Also he's kind of autistic and Lilith is his special interest but that's besides the point. Service husband.
Anyways, he's also in a queerplatonic relationship with Alastor. How this is possible is a little bit beyond me (I'm too lazy to think about it) but again, explaining what a QPR is, they're close friends who do things that are outside of society's norms for friendships. Like kiss on the lips or sleep with one another. They don't have romantic nor sexual attraction to one another, but they're free to do anything romantic or sexual to each other (with consent!!!) as they please. In my head, the main reason they're connected to each other is how they're almost on the same level, intelligence and power-wise, so they keep one another on their toes with the competition. It's about their thoughts, their conversations, their RIVALRY !!! Playful jabs, snarky remarks, barks and bites, you name it. But at they end of the day, they deeply care for one another. (Whether or not Alastor is with Lucifer for ulterior reasons depends on whether or not I'm having a good day that day /j)
And I think Lucifer and Rosie would be best friends. No kissing or sex involved since Rosie clearly likes his WIFE !!! BAHAHA- And Lucifer is totally cool with it, since he would want Lilith to be happy. He was cool with it when Eve was in the equation too (but this will be unpacked another day). They sometimes hang out on their own time, and exchange gossip about Alastor mainly. Rosie is very friendshaped I think Lucifer would be very comfortable around her.
Alastor (Aromantic Asexual)
First of all I think he would be intimidated by Lilith. In general, he respects women very much, but I also agree on the theory that the person who has Alastor on a leash is Lilith herself LMAO- She's a bit like him, tall, intimidating, charming, has a way with words, but BETTER. The only difference is probably the fact that she doesn't have to use violence to get her way (she probably makes Lucifer do it LOL), which makes her far more classy and elegant compared to every other Demon in Hell, and there is no way Alastor could compete with that.
Does he feel inferior to Lilith? Maybe.
And does he feel guilt when he's seeing Lucifer because of her? Also maybe. I'd like to think all of them are genuine in their relationship though, but if you're into the angst stuff, feel free to interpret it otherwise (I'm too lazy to come up with conflict ideas).
His relationship with Lucifer is pretty much Explained in the Lucifer section, but I'd like to add the fact that Alastor is a sex-positive asexual, which means whenever Lucifer is in the mood, he'd be down to indulge him sometimes. Also I'm well aware of his manipulative nature, and in the canon series, this whole relationship might as well be a plot to take over Hell in some way, but... out of all the smiles he's shown other people, the ones with Lucifer are most genuine :)
Rosie. Oh, don't even get me started on her. He loves her to the moon and back. She's his best friend in the world, whether it was when he was alive or in Hell. They kiss each other, yes, and they're comfortable enough to do other intimate things, but as for the question of whether or not they're sleep /sx with one another? No, and never. One is a lesbian, and both are asexual. Outside of Alastor's life as an overlord and Lucifer's partner, he's Rosie's partner, and they do things such as hunt people for sport and eat them.
Rosie (Lesbian Asexual)
Fell in love with Lilith the moment she laid eyes on her. This relationship isn't reciprocated (yet). I think Rosie's also a disaster lesbian and chokes up whenever she gets the chance to talk to Lilith. Would happily spend a lot of time with her, though. Lilith does most of the talking, understandably. I think Rosie is also a service ace. I just learnt about this term lately, feel free to look it up hehe
She has a very good relationship with Lucifer. Nothing much to say that I haven't said already. I need to explore their relationship more.
Alastor's her other half. He means as much to her as she does to him. She trusts and respects him, and would defend him with her life if it comes down to it. She also sees him as 'one of the girls', so they'd often find themselves at parties where he's the only dude there LMAO-
I'd have more to say about her if I haven't elaborated for paragraphs about her for Lilith, Lucifer and Alastor already, so yeah !
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kandavers · 10 months
I usually don’t like watermarking my artwork (especially the comics) because I think it ruins the immersion a little… Imagine immersing yourself in domestic Welcome Home content and theres a massive “KANDAVERS, DO NOT REPOST” in the middle of it all ;( /lh
But due to the recent turn of events, I will embroider my Username onto each character I draw’s clothes so that I won’t have to worry about Art Theft anymore!!! I might actually TATTOO my Username onto Them even!!! /hj (Actually tho, because it lowkey looks banging asf Hehe) (I drew this out of Spite and Malice but it turned out Great and I’m proud of it so… 0u0)
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kandavers · 10 months
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Yup! They shop together at Kandavers brand Clothing!
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kandavers · 10 months
No bc, masc-enby y/n is so ascended and ur one of the few people that does it. I wish more people would its so gooood!!
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*Cutely puts them in feminine pyjamas* /lh
I’m So glad You like my Iteration of Y/N ^^ My favourite thing to do Nowadays is draw characters that are Masc-Enby by Day, and Wears Girly Pyjamas and kicks their feet in the air by night HAHA! TBH when I thought up their design I put all my Personal Feelings of Gender Envy ™️ in one so I can definitely see where you’re coming From ^^
I am so sorry if this post doesn’t make sense 💀 My head is fizzing right now /lh
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kandavers · 10 months
I honestly love how you make Wally and his darling all lovey dovey. It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside🥰
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“Wally and his Darling”… I like the sound of that :>
PS. Trying out a new Colour Pallette again! Muted and Soft Colours! Let me know if you Like it ^^
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kandavers · 10 months
I’m curious, who confessed first? Wally or us?
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I succumbed into peer pressure from Kandavers Nation discord server and drew all this For You For You!!!
They agreed that the Two would confess at the same tome (goofballs)
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kandavers · 11 months
Y/N and Wally on a painting/coloring date 🤭
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They’re doodling each other!
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kandavers · 11 months
show me Wally's expression after seeing Y/N's drawing
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It’s an Artist thing, it Really is!
I feel like he’s an Actions > Words kind of person (His catchphrase is ‘that’s the Most’ after All!) and he gets very Very affectionate :]
He Loves You! Very Much! And he is very proud of you for drawing Him so Well!
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kandavers · 2 months
I cleared up my inbox and say some cute old welcome home asks! Might answer one or two because some of them genuinely sound interesting ^^ Reignited something in me fr...
I have midterms next week! So I'll be studying very hard the rest of the week and will be quite busy until next weekend probably! Posts will come to a halt until then ^^ (Unless I go insane from art abstinence /lh)
I politely asked a tiktok reposter to take down the art theyve stolen from me, but they have refused to! I'm not sure what to ask of you... Perhaps you can help me report them?
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Link: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFtcwLdA/
It' not like they don't know I'm the artist either... This is just plain rude :(
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Here's a DM i shot them that got no reply
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The shamelessness they had to be following me and then stealing my art and posting it too 💀
I have them blocked now, but I hope their account gets taken down because they stole so many others art as well
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