#kirishima headcanons
officialabortive · 2 months
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Kirishima treats your cat the way someone would treat their S/O's parents
Eijiro is aware of how he, himself is the newcomer in the scenario. and refuses to pretend otherwise.
At their first encounter, kirishima was fully serious when he asked for your cats acceptance as your partner. Even slowly extending a hand to sniff. To say he was elated when your cat nudged his furry head against his palm would be an understatement.
Eijiro addresses the precious feline as "sir" and treats him with the upmost respect. Always spoken to with an attached "please" and/or "thank you"
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mypimpademia · 10 months
how Bakugou, Izuku, Kiri and shigaraki (I don't know if you write for him, if you don't then Tamaki) when their crush (Best Friend)/girlfriend run away the next morning after "do it" last night, Like they wake up and she's gone and they think maybe she regrets it but she's actually buying something to eat.
— Breakfast Runaway
Bakugo x gn! best friend! Reader, Izuku x gn! best friend! Reader, Kirishima x gn! best friend! Reader, Tamaki x gn! best friend! Reader
TW: Suggestive content, implications of sex, swearing, mentions of virginity loss (Izuku & Tamaki), slight angst(? Izuku & Tamaki), mentions of anxiety + failed relationships (Tamaki), implied friends to lovers trope
Note: The request implies a fem reader, but with the way I wrote it, this is gender neutral! :)
⇶ Katsuki is a heavy sleeper, so you thought he wouldn’t notice you slipping out of his bed and out his door
⇶ He didn’t so much as stir as you eased the covers off yourself, getting out of bed and scrounging around his room for clothes that weren’t just what you had on last night
⇶ But truthfully, Katsuki was paralyzed with fear and sadness knowing that you were leaving before he even woke up
⇶ Did he do something wrong? Did you regret last night? Was your friendship ruined after all this?
⇶ Katsuki has had a crush on you for a long while, but he never acted on it until last night when you were helping him learn to flirt… as friends, of course
“Holy fuck, you suck at this Katsu.”
Katsuki kissed his teeth, rolling his eyes as you laughed at him.
“Go fuck yourself…” He muttered into his can of Arizona.
You lightly pushed him by the shoulder, making him sway to the side and then back into place.
“See! This is what I’m talking about! You can’t try and flirt with someone, and then tell them to go fuck themselves when you suck! That’s an asshole move!” You lectured.
“Yeah, well, maybe I’m an asshole,” he retorted.
At least he’s self aware.
“Yeah, you are,” you chuckled. “Are you at least a good kisser?”
Even though you’d been close friends for so long, Katsuki was never one to talk about his romantic life. Conversations like this were a rarity, and you never missed the opportunity to ask him all kinds of questions.
“I dunno, wanna find out?”
It came out in a not-so-joking tone, and you played on the thought for a moment before brushing it off. You couldn’t kiss him, you were best friends! But if you did, it’d just be as friends, right?
“See! That was good!” You exclaimed, making him roll his eyes once again.
“But seriously, are you?”
⇶ And that was how you found yourself straddling Katsukis lap, him guiding you through a sultry kiss while you whined before pulling away for air, as he moved down to your neck
⇶ He is a good kisser, by the way
⇶ Really good.
⇶ So good that you found kisses to be far too little, and ended up waking up in his bed, getting all sorts of flashbacks from the night before the moment you opened your eyes
⇶ You’ve liked him for a long time, maybe even longer than he liked you
⇶ Katsuki didn’t know it yet, but you felt just as anxious about it all as he did
⇶ Did you do something wrong? Did he regret last night? Was your friendship ruined after all this?
⇶ It wasn’t much, but you felt like going to get breakfast was the very least you could do after unintentionally (but consensually of course) sleeping with your best friend
⇶ Normally, he sleeps like a log, and sleeps in when you come over, so it didn’t even occur to you that he may wake up while you were gone
⇶ Unfortunately for him, he did, and he felt nothing dread throughout his whole body, even as he slinked out of bed and into his bathroom to try and wash away the heavy feeling in his chest
⇶ As he was getting dressed afterwards, he heard keys jingle at his door
⇶ By the time Katsuki left his room, you were already inside and placing styrofoam take out boxes onto the counter, the scent of breakfast flooding the room
⇶ You flashed him a smile and gave him a gleeful good morning, running over to kiss him on the cheek
⇶ Katsuki has never been more happy about breakfast in his life.
⇶ Izuku has never felt more heavy chested in his life than in that moment
⇶ Sleepily reaching over to feel a cold, empty bed, broke his heart into pieces
⇶ He’d had the anxious feeling weighing on him since it all started last night, when he told you he was… inexperienced.
⇶ He’s always been a hopeless romantic, and you both talked about crushes and romantic encounters you had often
⇶ But of course, he never once even remotely mentioned that he may or may not crush on you
⇶ Not until last night
“Are you serious?”
You were gaping at Izuku, and it made him feel slightly embarrassed at the confession.
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “Just haven’t found the right person.”
You nodded in understanding.
“Yeah I get it, you want someone you trust,” you sympathized.
“Mhm, but at this point, ‘m tired of waiting for someone in like, a romantic way I guess?” Izuku sighed. “‘Cause everytime I get close with someone something happens and I just-”
He ended his sentence with a groan. You chuckled, his previous situationships and relationships playing over in your head.
“I’d do it with a friend honestly,” he admitted. “Not even in a ‘with benefits way’ just as friends.”
“With a friend?” Your eyes widened, and Izuku started blushing and sputtering. “Even me?”
⇶ The tension between the two of you was almost too thick to breath through
⇶ Izuku was clearly nervous, as usual
⇶ But you were still gentle with him and asked if he was sure
⇶ You asked for confirmation multiple times as you guided him through everything, and he gave it to you. But once he got more comfortable, he was very clearly more than enthusiastic
⇶ One thing led to another, and you woke up in his bed, and he woke up to you gone
⇶ He’d never admit it now, but his first reaction was to start crying
⇶ Izuku felt beyond hurt at the thought that you’d leave him without a word after that, especially after he told you how much trust he’d have to put into someone for that
⇶ Not to mention just how much he liked you
⇶ Last night felt like a dream that he never wanted to wake up from, but you just seemed to toss it away so easily.
⇶ After awhile, he stopped crying and could do nothing more than lay in his own defeat
⇶ Right as he was getting out of bed, pulling sweatpants on, he heard his front door opening
⇶ Carefully treading into the kitchen, he found you placing take out boxes and drinks onto the counter
⇶ When you saw him, you smiled and said good morning, asking how he felt
“You doing okay, Zuku?”
He gave you an almost dumbfounded expression, like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“I hope you haven’t been up for a long time,” You told him, kissing his freckled cheek. “I didn’t wanna wake you up, but I went and got us breakfast.”
“Yeah… breakfast. Breakfast…”
⇶ When Eijiro wakes up and can’t feel your body heat under his heavy arm, his heart drops
⇶ He calls out to you and gets no answer
⇶ But, he tries to be optimistic. He doesn’t want to think that you left without notice
⇶ Eijrio has liked you for a long time, and it was hard to hide as is, but as time went in the tension between you was strong. And last night, the cord snapped
“If anyone I know is going to die alone, it is not you, Eiji.”
You couldn’t even believe the thought of that crossed the mind of someone like him.
Eijiro Kirishima. The gentle giant, the sweetest man you’ve ever met, so loving, so caring, so handsome, so manly— how could he ever end up alone?
“You’ve always got people all over you too! I didn’t forget all of those times we went through your DM requests,” you reminded him, nudging his shoulder.
“Well yeah, but I don’t even want any of those people, not like that at least,” Eijrio huffed, running a large hand through his hair.
“I don’t believe that,” you shook your head, making him cock his to the side. “You’re too much of a lover boy, there’s at least one person. Who is it?”
Eijiro gave an unsure hum, biting his lower lip as a deep blush crawled up his face.
“Who, who, who!” You chanted, lightly slapping at his chest with every word, crawling on top of him as he leaned back. “We tell each other everything, no fucking way this is the one thing you don’t tell me!”
He overpowered you like it was nothing, stopping the movement of your hands with just one of his, and steadying you on top of him by your hip with the other. You were dangerously close, the tips of your noses grazing each other.
Eijiro, being a clueless little thing, had no idea that you liked him back, more than he could ever imagine. The tension between the two of you in that moment was unbearable, you were hoping he’d ignore the way you were shaking.
“If I tell you,” he paused, face twisting into a nervous and sad frown as he brought your faces even closer together, to just barely whisper. “Will we still be friends?”
“We can be whatever you want, Eiji.”
⇶ Playing it back in his head made him a nervous wreck, he couldn’t believe it actually happened
⇶ Did it actually happen? Was it a dream? If it wasn’t then where are you? If you come back what is he supposed to say to you? Does he make it official? Would you think it’s a dick move for him to try and advance with you after having sex?
⇶ Eijiro’s mind was turning to mush from all the thoughts running through his head, he doesn’t even know how he handled himself accordingly last night
⇶ Hearing the creak of his door opening and closing snaps him out of his thoughts
⇶ Throwing on a pair of sweatpants to make himself decent, he’s already perking up, holding absolute faith that it’s you coming through his door
⇶ Thankfully, he was not let down, and he gave you a sharp toothed grin when you met eyes as soon as he stepped into the kitchen
⇶ You quietly said good morning, planting a gentle kiss on his lips before telling him you got the two of you breakfast
⇶ You sat down together and ate, making casual conversation like you would any other time
⇶ You could talk about last night and what your relationship was another time. For now, you had a silent agreement to just enjoy the moment
⇶ Besides, Eijiro was liking wherever the two of you were headed so far
⇶ Amajiki can do nothing but try to fight back the tears that well up in his eyes as anxiety consumes him whole
⇶ He tries to keep himself calm, taking deep, shaking breaths, while he puts on a pair of shorts and goes to search around his home for you
⇶ He checks every room, under furniture, high and low hoping that you’re somewhere
⇶ The more he checks, the more tears stream down his rosy cheeks, and the faster his heart beatings
⇶ By the time he’s searched all over, he considers checking outside as well
⇶ But the room is spinning and he can only hear the rapid beat of his heart and labored breathing, and decides it’d be much better to go back to bed
⇶ Amajiki has always been an anxious person, and even he’ll admit that he can be a bit dramatic at times because of it
⇶ But he can wholeheartedly say that he’s never felt more pain in his life.
⇶ He’s had his fair share of failed relationships, but you were his best friend. He confided in you on something that he hasn’t breathed a word about to another soul, and you just left him?
⇶ And he’s so maddeningly in love with you, he thought this was it. You were his end game. Now, he might be going a bit crazy.
“‘M so tired, I don’t think I’ll date anyone again unless they wanna be serious.”
Amajiki was stressing over yet another situationship gone horribly wrong. The poor, sweet thing. He was too nice for his own good, and too smart to top it all off.
He always found that anytime he got romantically involved with someone, it never ended well. Whether it was cheating, lying, or not being true about their feelings, it was always something. He was beginning to think he was the problem.
“You always say that Ama,” you sigh, voice laced with sympathy for your friend. “But I get what you mean, and you’re right. You deserve someone that loves you.”
What he deserves is you.
“And it’s not like you’ll die alone or anything,” you said playfully, trying to lighten his mood. “If we’re both single at 30, we’re getting married, remember?”
Amajiki loved you with every fiber of his being, more than you’d ever know. But was that supposed to make him feel better? Having never found love by the age of 30 is what it takes for you to want something that even vaguely resembles a romance with him?
He didn’t know it, but that was far from the case. Amajiki could propose to you right here, right now, with the broken tab of a soda can, and it’d feel like a dream come true. You couldn’t even fathom how those people treated him the way they did. You felt like you were losing 10 years off your life everytime he sought love from anyone other than you.
“Yeah, but I’ll die a virgin.” He huffed.
He didn’t think you heard him, but your silence and shocked expression said otherwise.
Amajiki didn’t even have anything to say for himself, the tips of his ears turning as red as his face. He began to try and stutter something out, but it came out so incoherent he opted to not speak at all.
“I mean, you don’t have to,” you said, treading lightly around the subject. “Listen Amajiki, I love you.”
You told each other ‘I love you’ all the time, but this time felt different. You were walking on eggshells and he could tell. He wanted to interrupt ask what you meant, but you were saying more than he could comprehend at once.
“I really love you,” god, he hopes you meant that in the way he thinks you do. “Y’know I’ll always help you out.”
“I’d do anything for you, honestly.”
⇶ Amajiki knew what you meant, but he needed through clarification before he did anything
⇶ Asked you to explain everything you said down to the way you said it
⇶ It was embarrassing for both of you, but he was much more embarrassed for you
⇶ The whole night felt like puppy love
⇶ Soft, playful, caring, excited, and pure
⇶ After Amajiki went back to his bed, in attempts to calm himself down, he fell back asleep
⇶ He’d only woken up a few minutes ago, but tired himself out from all the crying and panicking
⇶ 10 minutes later, you finally came back with breakfast, and went to go get Amajiki
⇶ You lightly shook him away, quietly calling out to him as you did so
⇶ He groaned as he blinked sleep from his eyes
⇶ Amajiki called out to you, sounding surprised that you were there
“Ama, I went and got us breakfast. You wanna eat?”
You had a gentle hand on his face, and he leaned a tear stained cheek into your touch.
“You went and got.. breakfast?” Amajiki muttered, opening one of his puffy and bloodshot eyes.
“Mhm,” you confirmed.
“Ama… have you been crying?”
Taglist: @megurulvr @miirene @planetlunaa @pnkweb @szaplsdropthealbum @dreampurpledreams @goldenglow149 @gender-queery @roaringlion @chocolateochaco @tatiquichi @kxtsxkii
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angelshimaa · 7 months
thinkin bout countryboy!kirishima
i have had him on my mind for DAYS and @maeby-cursed has motivated me to write him. gn!reader
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countryboy!kirishima who is well-loved in his small town, known by all. he's always around to help the elderly with a bright smile, chuckling at the comments of how handsome he is from the elderly women— hours of tending to his family farm has certainly had its benefits. his smile comes with laughs that he shares with the younger children of the neighborhood whenever they convince him to play with them (they never have to beg for long).
countryboy!kirishima who hears the news of new people in the neighborhood and is curious to see who the people happen to be, and who's curiosity increases in realising the new people have moved in right next door. it's a shame he didn't catch a sight of them, he would've offered to help them move in.
countryboy!kirishima who knocks on the door of his new neighbours' house, a jar of his family's famous homemade jam in his hand as a welcoming gift. he hears someone call out 'coming!', and he prepares himself to give a warm welcome to the neighborhood.
countryboy!kirishima who's smile falters when you open the door, red eyes widening a little when they see just how pretty you are. you greet him before he does, and it takes him a solid moment to recollect himself and greet you with a warm smile.
countryboy!kirishima who introduces himself as your neighbour and offers his greetings as planned, but isn't quite sure if his words are as coherent as he hopes they are— your eyes are so very pretty; would it be abrupt for him to ask for your number?
countryboy!kirishima who listens as you tell him your name, trying his best to commit your name to such a pretty face. your smile is so very contagious— are you even aware?
countryboy!kirishima who almost forgets the jam in his hand and hands it to you with a sheepish grin, trying to focus on your thanks and not your fingers brushing against his when you take it from him.
countryboy!kirishima who says 'see you around, neighbour!' as his goodbye, and when you say 'nice to meet you, kirishima' with a dazzling smile, he hopes the universe does let him see more of you.
countryboy!kirishima who makes it a mission to get to know his pretty new neighbour, promising to work up the courage to ask you out one day when you're both way past just being acquaintances.
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✧ — thank you for reading !! rbs and feedback are greatly appreciated <3
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taglist (fill in this form to join!!) :: @maeby-cursed @katsukismrs
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rumisgf · 16 days
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summary: kiri boyfriend hcs because he needs more love. also this has been in my drafts for too long but i finished it y’all, round of applause!
includes: fluff, female pronouns, black!reader cs duh, crack
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✧ and the best boyfriend award goes to
✧ before y’all even started dating he was always so sweet to you, opening doors for you whether it was at the food place or a car
✧ he has absolutely no shame making sure whenever he’s around, you never have to lift a finger
✧ he helps you up the stairs, buys you food whenever you’re hungry, even ties your shoes for you
✧ i mean he’s your boyfriend, it’s manly!!
✧ speaking of, one of the most attractive things about him is how good he is with kids
✧ if you have nieces/nephews or baby sibling/cousins they definitely adore him and it’s so sweet
✧ and when you get far enough into your relationship, he’s eager to express that he does wanna have kids one day
✧ if you let him pull out his list of baby names he will be so happy
✧ i think eijirou is one of the men very comfortable in his masculinity compared to all the other men he’s around
✧ not to say they aren’t, but he definitely has no issue doing things deemed as “feminine” in the slightest
✧ besides, manliness to him is about not always having to prove you’re manly. you’re simply just manly.
✧ kiri will let you do his makeup all the time and he’ll post pictures on his story after
✧ and he’ll love if you do things deemed as “masculine” with no shame
✧ no matter how it sounds out loud, he’ll be like “my gf is so manly i love her”
✧ yes, you wanted to pop him the first time you heard him saying but it’s truly just how he talks he can’t help it😭😭
✧ (one time he called mina manly as a compliment and she smacked him dead in his face, though, so he doesn’t say it often)
“wow babe, you’re so manly!”
“thank you eij— wait.”
✧ even though he’s willing to do it in a heartbeat for you, kirishima has a hard time letting you buy him things
✧ it’s one traditional standard he can’t seem to shake and even then he just feels bad for some reason
✧ but weirdly, he still likes when you ask even if he’s just gonna say no😭
✧ it makes him feel bubbly that you still wanna spoil him too and maybe he’ll let you a few times
✧ one thing kirishima loves is helping you do your hair
✧ he already dyes his hair himself so i feel like he’ll be very knowledgeable about hair care
✧ and he’d do his own research for you
✧ mans learned how to part hair, he oils your scalp for you, even washes your hair for you, and he learned how to braid
✧ in return he loves when you help him dye his hair whenever his roots grow in too dark
✧ this man can barely go to sleep without cuddling you it’s starting to concern his friends a lil
✧ it’s the one thing he looks forward to at night and he always hold you so tight
✧ which is completely fine because i feel like he’d also have warm skin
✧ he’s definitely the type of boyfriend to refer to you as his lady
✧ he definitely has clips floating the internet of him calling you that during interviews at hero galas
“oh, tonight i’m here with my lady!
“i’m sure she’s somewhere, she’s still a little camera shy.”
✧ if you’re the quiet type, he absolutely has no problem speaking up for you or just talking when you’re too nervous
✧ kirishima loves picking you up, you could be with friends and he’ll randomly just hoist you up into his arms
✧ when he works out, he begs you to do things like spot him or sit on his back while he does push ups
✧ or lay under him while he does them so he can give you kisses
✧ although one habit he does have is hugging up all on you while he’s still sweaty after he comes back from the gym
✧ i think he’d love a partner who does sports, so if the school has any college teams he’ll try to convince you to join even if you never did sports in high school
✧ he also thinks it would be fun for you and he always wants you to have fun
✧ in general, he loves being able to make you smile
✧ if you’re every having a bad day, he’s the best at giving advice or just comforting you
✧ and not to mention, gives top tier hugs
✧ when you start crying about anything he literally drops everything and runs to you
✧ to the point where even your friends will text him whenever you do and he’ll be there in an instant
✧ eijirou absolutely loves giving you flowers
✧ he’ll seriously find any excuse to show up wherever you are with a bouquet in hand ready to give to you
✧ valentine’s days? flowers
✧ birthday? flowers.
✧ passed an exam? flowers.
✧ having a bad day? flowers.
✧ having a good day? flowers.
✧ just because he felt like it? flowers
“awww this is so sweet baby, but what’s the occasion?”
“don’t worry about it sweetheart, just post with ‘em so i can take pictures of your pretty self.”
✧ in conclusion, he’s the man of your dreams
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@ rumisgf
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gamergirl-niffler · 6 months
Alright, listen up! I'm throwing it out there — hit me with some fluffy Christmas prep scenarios featuring Bakugo, Kirishima, Shinso and Eri (together), Midoriya, Present Mic, and Aizawa. Politely asking, of course 🎄
YAY! Time for some Christmas Spirit!
Hope you will enjoy it!
Christmas preparation with MHA men
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- He isn't much of a "Christmas enjoyer"
- He has better things to take care of! Like his hero work, training, getting better. 
- But seeing how much you like christmas... He is willing to go with it all for your sake.
- Katsuki makes sure to get you THE BEST christmas tree there is. He is going to fight for it if he has to!
- Bakugo helps you with decorating the flat and he complains about it a lot.
- He complains about the amount of stuff you put around the flat and about all the stuff you hang all around BUT he still helps you by lifting you up when some place you try to decorate is too high for you.
- What Katsuki actually loves is helping you with cooking, altho his help is scolding you during this. We all know he is a perfectionist when it comes to cooking, so you are ready for some hard times. It's worth it in the end. 
- If you ask really nicely, he reluctantly puts on a christmas sweater. Just don't tease him about it, if you cross the line the sweater will be ripped into shreds.
- Same goes for Christmas music. One year he blew up the radio because it was playing too much of it! 
- Katsuki tells you that he doesn't want any gift from you, leaving you puzzled about what to get him since he never shows the need to have something. He himself already has few gifts for you. All of them were bought even months ago.
- Christmas with Bakugo are indeed difficult sometimes but in the end he is trying to make it nice for you because he knows it makes you happy. 
Your happiness is his happiness.
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- He. Loves. Winter!
- The moment the first snow falls Eijiro is glued to the window watching the pretty snowflakes fall upon the city.
- As soon as you are back home, you're pulled out outside to enjoy the fresh snow with your excited boyfriend.
- Winter means Christmas and it means lots of fun! 
- Buying the tree, ornaments and decorations is just so magical for him, all because the shiny, glittery atmosphere it creates.
- The two of you decorate the whole apartament, from floor to ceiling. Of course to make stuff easier for you, he is letting you sit on his shoulder to help you reach high places.
- Cooking is fun but baking is even more fun! Both of you make delicious food and cute gingerbread cookies to enjoy.
- Matching Christmas sweater is a MUST.  Maybe they aren't too pretty but they scream Christmas and that's the most important.
- For Kirishima, the best evening is just the two of you, snuggling up under the warm blanket with hot chocolate and some christmas movie on, bathed in this magical atmosphere and warmth.
- He showers you with many gifts! Even if you asked just for one thing. According to him it's what you deserved.
- Gift from you is treated like the biggest treasure. No matter what you gave him, he doesn't care. It's a gift from you and that's what counts.
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Shinso and Eri
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- They are an interesting mix. Shinso doesn't care that much but still enjoys Christmas while Eri is EXCITED about them. 
- You can't blame her, she has been celebrating Christmas for just a few years.
- Before she was rescued she never celebrated Christmas.
- Shinso is like a big brother to her, so he is doing his best to make it as great as only possible and you are there to help.
- Your shared apartment is decorated with lots of lights and many cute and pretty Christmas decorations which you also love.
- The tree you buy is big, and of course Eri helps decorate it. Whole fun is finished by Eri being lifted up by Shinso so she can put a star on top of it.
- Baking gingerbread cookies, decorating them is fun. You create a cookie that looks just like Shinso while he decorates his own cookie to look like a cat.
- Later, you help Eri with building the gingerbread house.
- After that it's time to go outside and it's a blast!  Shinso actually looks happy while building the snowman with Eri or while throwing you into a pile of snow.
- As fun as it is, you two have no chance against Eri in a snowball fight. 
- According to Shinso, your snow angel is the prettiest but not prettier than you.
- Back at home it's all about hot chocolate and Christmas songs. You and Eri can sing your hearts out but Shinso won't join it but he will agree to dance with Eri.
- It turns out your boyfriend is a decent dancer and you are recording this as a souvenir.
- When Eri is asleep after all the excitement and fun the two of you spend some alone time just talking and enjoying each others presence.
- Getting gifts for Eri is easy, she clearly voices what she would love to receive, Shinso on the hand is a little tricky.
- He may not seem like it but he is very perceptive and already has gifts prepared for his favorite girls.
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- He is excited but he isn't over the top.
- The two of you celebrate in a calm way. Just getting your shared apartment all nice, cozy and full of christmas spirit.
- Izuku loves to visit family during this time, and you visit his mom together, and then visit your family, no matter how big it is.
- Back at home, the two of you bake Christmas cookies and even build a gingerbread house together. It's too pretty to eat.
- Your Christmas tree is full of All Mighta ornaments because of course it is. Izuku collected a lot of them over the years and he bought new ones this year as well.
- Your favorite is the little All Might in Santa's hat.
- Not to mention he owns a few All Might Christmas sweaters. Some are already too small for him so you get the privilege to wear them so you both match! 
- Radio is playing the whole time, blasting the Christmas music. You both even sing together if you know the lyrics.
- Buying him a gift isn't easy since you want to give him something special. He on the other hand already planned what to get you.
- Christmas with Izuku is simply wholesome, full of fun and love.
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Hizashi Yamada
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- This man loves to celebrate, so Christmas is a great time of the year. (Not to mention that pretty soon after Christmas there is New Year!)
- Christmas music is playing in your flat from the very first day of december and there is lots of singing.
- Your flat is decorated in a pretty flashy way; a lot of glitter and colorful, flashy lights.
- Hizashi loves to randomly grab you and pull you into a dance right in the middle of your living room to whatever song is now playing.
- Celebrating together is fun but what's even more fun? Celebrating with friends.
- You two invite Shota and Nemuri to have a drink and a good chat about something different than just kids, school and work. 
- Of course he is not only all about partying and being loud all the time. Hizashi loves taking you for a walk so the two can take a look around the city and enjoy all the lights and decorations. 
- Not to mention he loves to snuggle up with you on couch or in bed, share earphones and just spend time together.
- Each year you aren't sure what to get for him as a gift but in the end you end up getting something he loves.
- When it comes to him, he is a master at this! No idea how he is doing this.
- You don't mind any of the stuff he does, this makes your Christmas even more special. You couldn't be more perfect than they already are.
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Shota Aizawa
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- Shota wouldn't celebrate Christmas if it wasn't for you.
- Sure, it's a nice festive time but he prefers to use this free time to get some much deserved rest. It was like this until you showed up in his life.
- When others have big christmas trees that are fully decorated in rich lights and ornaments, he prefers a simple, small fake tree. 
- It's still not safe from the two cats you own but it's not as messy and won't hurt any kitty if they decide to hunt it down. 
- Not to mention the real tree is expensive, takes up the space and in the end it will leave a mess. It's not worth it, according to him.
-  He isn't up to decorating the whole flat but seeing how much you love it, he agrees to put up some more decorations.
- Shota wants to rest and hates cold weather but he agrees to go on a walk with you or help you with Christmas shopping.
- He reluctantly helps you with cooking, even if he prefers to just take a nap.
- There is one thing he actually loves to do, and it's dressing up your two cats. Shota loves seeing them in cute Christmas outfits. His phone is full of pictures of them just looking cute.
- His recipe for Christmas is easy. Tasty supper, exchanging gifts and snuggling on the couch while watching or listening to something. Shota really doesn't need much, all he wants for Christmas is you. 
- You can enjoy your movie/song while he naps holding you close.
- Surprisingly he has no problem with getting you a perfect gift, Shota is really perceptive so it's easy for him to pick something you need or will enjoy.
- When it comes to you getting him a gift it's even easier; a new sleeping bag or cozy blanket. That's all this man needs besides your love.
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titancanvas · 5 months
haii maii wishin u a good day~ may i join ur ask game? ૮꒰ ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ྀི꒱ა wit kirishima from mha pwetty please! ♡ xoxo
𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀 . . . is nothing short of a charmer, chivalrous and kind. always sprinting to hold open doors for you, tuck your chair in at a dinner table, bring you flowers on sunny days and lend you his coat when the weather starts getting chilly. absolutely adores any form of praise he gets from you — his eyes light up and he sports a toothy grin for the rest of the day. has no problem hauling you over one shoulder and carrying you around when you say your feet are tired from walking. purposely happens to forget his shirt when he goes for a jog, just to come home with his sweatpants hanging low on his hips and covered in sweet. bear hugs bear hugs bear hugs, gives the absolute best hugs ever, smushes you to his chest and keeps you there until you feel like everything is okay again. the type to leave hickeys and bite marks in places he knows only he'll be able to see. chronic biter when it comes to sex, hope you're okay with being marked up. likes to show off his strength, often holding you up or guiding you, low rasps of "f-fuck, that's it. look at you taking all of me. s'big, right? tight fit each fuckin time. it's like your pussy can't get enough of me 'n you can't even take the whole thing."
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miyamoratsumuu · 1 year
♡ 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝, 𝐰/ 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 ♡
characters: h.sero, k.bakugou, e.kirishima, d.kaminari, m.ashido
note: quirkless au (?), implied fem partner for all of them, lowercase intended. pictures used are not mine, all of them are found on pinterest!!:)
navigation . . .
mha masterlist
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SERO HANTA "let me make your heart happy, amor"
afternoon naps on his hammock!!! being wrapped up all cozy in his arms while the hammock gently swayed the both of you side to side.
dates with him could range from eating ramen on your bed while watching the latest episodes of your favorite series, to going to different places (ex. an aquarium, a restaurant, a park, yeah you get it) just because he adores seeing you dressed up in different outfits.
and even though you think you practically wear similar outfits to almost every date you guys go to, he still thinks you look stunning. he's a grateful and appreciative man, what can I say?
before the two of you head out, though, he has this thing where he would always take your hand and twirl you around. he says he has to relish being the only one to see you this gorgeous before stepping outside the door and having everyone else see your beauty as well.
hanta is big on acts of service. the two of you just pulled up at home from a date night and he's already stepping out the car to jog over to the passenger's side to open the car door for you.
the two of you have been walking around the park for some time now and he notices that your shoelaces got untied. before you know it, he's asked you to stop walking for a sec and is already kneeling in front of you and tying your laces.
and for the nights the both of you just want some fresh air but are too tired to get out of the house entirely, you guys spend hours upon hours on the rooftop lying down on a futon bed, watching the stars, and content with each other's company.
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BAKUGOU KATSUKI "you're such a dumbass, sweetheart. you're lucky I love you"
it's been said and reasoned that bakugou would be someone that loves hiking or mountain climbing, that it would be a hobby of his, and he has done it multiple times. meaning he would know the areas on the mountain he's gone hiking on like the back of his hand.
he would know the spot where the air would be the breeziest, the spot where you could gaze at the sky at night and have a clear view of the stars, the spot where the river is clean and safe to rest by. most importantly, he knows where the both of you could watch the sunset together in peace, basking in the comfortable silence between you two.
katsuki is a morning person. he wakes up at 4 or 5, most likely to go out on a jog. on the mornings he comes back from his run and you're asleep still in bed, he makes breakfast and coffee for the both of you. and when he's feeling extra generous, he'd wake you up with breakfast in bed.
whenever the two of you go out for example to the mall, and you're feeling more hyper than usual, you somehow end up wandering away from katsuki without him noticing just because you saw a pretty keychain at the window of a store. when he turned around because he didn't feel your hand holding his anymore, he was surprised to see you weren't there at all. he had a pretty hard time finding you that day since he forgot he couldn't call you because you gave your phone to him saying you're afraid you might accidentally leave it somewhere and forget.
after that's happened a couple of times, he learned to just carry you around (in a not so elegant way, may I add) just so you would stop wandering away from him and having him look for you everywhere.
we all know he cooks. and he's good at it, obvs. some time in your relationship, you ask (beg) him to teach you how to cook. whether you really don't know how to, or you were just looking for ways to spend more time with him. at first he thought it would be a waste of time since he could cook for the both of you anyways. his words not mine. but eventually, after some convincing, (he knew you wouldn't stop pestering him about this) he gave in and taught you how to cook.
and on the nights neither of you have the energy to make dinner, you take quick trips to any fast food restaurants that are close by. (much to katsuki's dismay)
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KIRISHIMA EIJIRO "put your hand on my chest, darling. can you feel how it beats for you?"
when I saw the pic at the middle left I immediately thought of kiri. it's just idk I always thought of him as such a loveable sap.
whenever you feel sad, under the weather, or generally just upset, eijiro sets a mission to make you feel better asap. he often does that by taking it upon himself to wrap you in his arms completely. almost in a sense of shielding you from the world and anything that could possibly harm you.
he's aware of how big of a man he is physically. why wouldn't he be after so long of consistently going to the gym? despite that, he's the type to engage in play fights with you. doesn't matter if it involves pillows, tickles, or whatever else.
and obviously, with all that muscle of his, it's given that he'd win all those fights. but he doesn't. he humors you, let's you win from time to time, just so he could see that wide grin of yours when you manage to pin his arms down after hitting each other with your pillows for minutes now.
eijiro loves physical touch. being able to feel you reminds him of how this is real. it reminds him that you're there for him. and he'll always be there for you too.
therefore, he always has to be touching you. whether it be in the form of a hug, intertwined fingers, his arm around your shoulder, or just a single finger poking at you.
every time the two of you go on a date, he always brings you a gift when he picks you up. one time it was a shark stuffed toy, another time it was a slice of your favorite cake, and sometimes it was a bouquet of flowers. he would give you anything that reminds him of you and everything he knows would make you happy. heck he'd give you the world if he could.
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KAMINARI DENKI "hey, sunshine! you're everything to me. you know that, right?"
every time the two of you go out, it's an unspoken rule in your relationship to make sure you take pictures of each other. the both of you say that it's for the memories, but the truth is that you guys just think that one another is so pretty.
denki is starting to think how ridiculous it is that he still gets flustered by how good you look whenever the two of you go on dates, considering the huge amount of times you have gone out with each other.
dates with him often include games, theme parks, arcades, and whatnot. he says it gives him the chance to show off to you how great of a boyfriend he really is whenever he wins a game or when he wins you something.
on late nights where neither of you are managing to get some sleep and are starting to get restless, you end up either at a playground or a convenience store near by. you go to a playground when both of you still have a decent amount of energy you need to get out of your system. on the other hand, you two go to a convenience store just to pick up snacks for a late movie night where you both know very well you're going to fall asleep to before 30 minutes has even gone by in the film.
there are afternoons where the both of you prefer a quiet time, and you could only be doing one of three things. you playing with denki's hair, denki writing on your hand, or you both taking a nap while having your arms around each other.
y'all def make playlists for each other
denki absolutely adores the idea of having matching outfits and clothes with you. the clothes that you both wear that pair well together makes him feel like you two make a great pair yourselves. he goes shopping with you just for the chances to find matching clothes for you both. whether it be pajamas, casual clothes, or something like the pikachu onesies he loves.
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MINA ASHIDO "you're the prettiest sweetheart I've ever set my eyes on, honey"
there's something about the way mina dances that just wants you to do the same. you may not know how to dance but that doesn't matter. she guides both of your bodies through the rhythm of the music that's playing in the background, all the while both of you are looking at each other like you're the only people that matter right now.
yeah, that's how some late nights are when you're with her.
I also feel like she's the type to know how to roller skate, and she loves it. she loves the feeling of being able to freely glide on the floor without a care in the world. and since she loves it, it only makes sense that she introduces it to you.
the two of you often go on dates to the roller skating rink, and she makes sure that the both of you have so. much. fun. she's not letting the day end until both of you have jaw aching grins on your faces.
she loves loves loves having matching things with you!!! unlike denki, she doesn't only like having matching clothes with you. the two of you have matching shoes, necklaces, bracelets, hair accessories, purses, almost anything you could think of.
you know when you're supposed to be doing a deep clean in your room but then you find stuff that you completely forgot you own underneath your other stuff that's been piled up then you get distracted by it and play around with everything? yeah that's you and mina on weekends you decide to actually clean up either one of your bedrooms. any found accessory that you guys come across, you manage to put everything on.
intimate times with mina consists of doing skincare together, doing each other's makeup, and generally just making each other the prettiest you've ever felt. all while you're listening to music together.
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period care with our favorite boi kirishima! gn!reader
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doesnt really fully understand the biology of it honestly
he just understands that sometimes you'll bleed and that it's painful
he does his absolute best to comfort you or help you in any way, goes to the store to get you little snacks and pain killers
he secretly prays you don't ask him to get pads coz he's a lil scared for some reason
mina gives him advice bcoz they're gud frens
will give you cuddles and rest his head on your tummy as to relieve some pain
he'll try to make you laugh or send you funny memes so you're not glum
super patient and stuff so if you ended up snapping at him, he understands
all you lovelies bleeding rn, you're doing great!!
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quiveringdeer · 1 year
I've never seen a more accurate headcanon
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mypimpademia · 9 months
So idk if you write for Kiri, but you know how kirishima is kinda like a total boys boy? Like a gym bro, kinda hyper masc? Well do you think you can write him with a hyper fem/hello kitty kinda girl? Like he always thought that he would be with kinda a gym girl, or someone more his speed with that kind of stuff, but instead he falls in love with a girl who always is wearing pink and something hello kitty themed? And how once he tells the bakugo buddy bunch about his crush on her they totally bully him for it (lovingly ofc)
Or maybe denki? I love both the silly boys bc iykwim they jus so adorable!
Like denki has a type, and [insert reader name] did not meet the standards of that, but little sparky boy did not think he would fall in love with her so quicky, especially because she's jus so feminine, and not necessarily that it's bad, he is just so confused on why they feel the need to dress like that. He's not opposed to trying new things or matching outfits tho.....
— Contrast
Kirishima x Hyperfem! Fem!Reader
TW: Swearing
⇶ Eijiro himself was confused when he developed feelings for you
⇶ He would never tell you this now, or probably ever, but you were nothing like the type of girl he imagined himself with
⇶ He always thought he’d date a girl that was similar to him interest wise, athletic, very fitness focused, into stuff like protein shakes
⇶ Not to say that it was bad that you weren’t like that, but it just wasn’t expected
⇶ Even the Bakusquad was perplexed when he revealed that he had a crush on you
“No fucking way.”
Eijiro waved off Denki’s response, slumping into the sofa with a sigh.
“Hey, don’t be an asshole! What’s wrong with Y/n? She’s cool and pretty!” Mina defended, shoving Denki by his shoulder.
He groaned dramatically, jokingly rubbing his arm in the spot she made contact with.
“I don’t mean it like that,” he explained. “She’s just the complete opposite of what Eiji always said he was lookin’ for in a girl.”
“No fuckin’ kidding, have you seen the girls room? It’s like she set off a pink paint bomb in there,” Bakugo chimed in.
“I like it!” Mina exclaimed.
“Yeah, I wonder why,” Bakugo muttered, earning a pillow to the face from Mina in response.
“I dunno, I kinda like it. It’s cute, and it’s actually a really nice contrast to me and my usual type,” Eijiro said.
“Yeah, you guys would look good together,” Denki, urged. “Honestly, I was gonna go for her, but I’ll let you have her!”
Eijiro rolled his eyes at the cocky remark from his friend.
“Let him? It’s that Denki for ‘I couldn’t pull her if I tried?’ Or?” Mina teased.
“Hey, what happened to ‘don’t be an asshole,’?”
⇶ When you do eventually get together, Eijiro comes to love your hyperfeminine all pink aesthetic
⇶ At first, the constant stares of all your stuffed animals would scare him when he slept over, and he had more nightmares of them attacking him than he’d like to admit
⇶ But now, your room is his favorite place to sleep, especially after a good workout and shower
⇶ Loves seeing you all dolled up whenever you go out anywhere
⇶ Sending him daily fit pics is a REQUIREMENT.
⇶ Calls you his doll all the time because that’s what you remind him of when you’re all dressed up in some frilly outfit and covered in pink from head to toe
⇶ Doesn’t understand the obsession with Sanrio and Hello Kitty and why you incorporate it into all your outfits, but he loves guessing the names of whatever character(s) you have on your clothes that day and gets so happy when he guesses right
⇶ And even though he doesn’t understand, he still buys you anything Sanrio that he sees in the store because he knows you’ll like it
⇶ If you make him watch Hello Kitty and Friends with you though, Eijiro will quickly learn to love it and know all the characters names by heart
⇶ Gets you both sleep masks of your favorite characters as well as matching pajamas
⇶ Eijiro might just love your cutesy aesthetic more than you, even though it’s not exactly what he gravitates towards for himself
⇶ Although you weren’t necessarily the type of person he expected to fall for, he could never imagine himself with anyone else <3
Taglist: @megurulvr @ivanari @planetlunaa @romiantic @szaplsdropthealbum @dreampurpledreams @goldenglow149 @gender-queery @roaringlion @cosmiles @tatiquichi @kxtsxkii @lillizxzz @starsoir @nikorubakugou @ruubric
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peachsukii · 1 month
Hai Rei! I hope you're having an amazing Sunday! ❤✨
I was thinking of Kiri for Softie Sunday today. Like, imagine he makes sure you always have all your everyday necessities with you 🥺 
If you wear glasses, he'll make sure you have an extra pair so that in case you lose or break one, you'll always have the other. If you have long hair, he carries hair ties with him because he knows you have a habit of losing them. He pulls one out of his pocket when you're complaining about your hair getting all in your face. Once he gets to know when your period starts, you'll never have to worry about buying pads and tampons again because he'll always have them stocked weeks prior. He just wants to make sure your day goes smooth without you having to worry about silly lil things <3
That's all. Take care!
morning azzo! i hope your sunday is going well for you, too! 💜
i absolutely love this! kirishima would be the most thoughtful partner, sometimes in ways you didn't think could be possible.
"here, babe, sit back. let me put your hair up for you!" and he'd just carefully use his fingers to comb through your hair and tie it back.
he would be the one to notice when you're running low on your favorite snacks, or maybe some other random groceries he knows you use daily, showing up to hang out with bags of items "cause i thought i'd save you a trip to the store."
kirishima would be the boyfriend to show up to work at lunch with a bundle of flowers and a coffee for a mid-day pick me up, just to see the way you smile when you spot him in the lobby. if you're having a bad day, and he happens to be busy, he'd still make time to drop something off to brighten it, even if it's just a pint of your favorite ice cream or one of his hoodies to snuggle in.
『 #reis softie sundays 』
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kissagii · 1 year
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thinking about being kirishima's trans younger brother.
older brother!kirishima who's super understanding from the moment you first came out to him
older brother!kirishima who helps you build the confidence to come out to your parents
older brother!kirishima who lets you wear the old clothes that don't fit him anymore, and always offers to help you put outfits together.
older brother!kirishima who loves watching you copy his vocal mannerisms as you start voice training
older brother!kirishima who teaches you how to shave and tie a tie, all the things you never learned
older brother!kirishima whose heart swells as he watches you express yourself and become more confident
older brother!kirishima who proudly introduces you to his friends as his younger brother
older brother!kirishima who stands off to the side as you stand your ground against rude people, ready to jump in if things escalate
older brother!kirishima who'd protect you with his life
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gottalovesuki1 · 2 years
Are you accepting requests at the moment? If you are I'd like to request for things that Kirishima says when fucking me since I loved the Bakugo one ❤️❤️❤️
Things Kirishima Would Say While Fucking You
warnings: Kirishima being a sweetheart, ughh I love him so much, smut, praise kink, riding, and cursing also he goes hard on you.
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“Such a pretty girl for me huh?”
“This might hurt a bit sweetie”
“Don’t worry I got you hon.”
“Tell me if you wanna stop okay.”
“Im taking it slow I don’t wanna hurt ya after all? You want me to go full hard on you? So naughty for me baby.”
“So good for me yeah beautiful bouncing on my cock for me.”
“Fuck..does it feel good?”
“Darling- oh god!…you take me so good.”
“I want to fuck you all night long so will you let me sweetie?”
“Don’t be shy baby show me what your made of.”
“Am I to big for you? Don’t worry I’ll ease you in.”
“Such a tiny little pussy for me to fuck huh?
“Don’t fall on me now love .”
“You comfortable sweets?”
“Why’re you crying beautiful? Is my love to much for you.”
“I can stop if you like baby.”
“Such a good girl for taking my cock so good yeah?”
“I love the way you scream my name darlin.”
“I can fuck you all day and night just tell me when.”
“I love you so much it’s killing me sweetheart.”
“Fuck-! Yeah right there beautiful.”
“Your so perfect laid out like this darlin.”
Authors Note: as you can tell Kirishima adores you and calls your beautiful, darlin, love, sweetie etc. he loves the way you get flustered and that turns him on even more. Anyways hope you enjoyed!
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lizandbo · 2 years
could i request a scenario with mha boys where the reader is midsize and she is a foodie. she like cooking in the dorm kitchen, but her bf notices her not cooking as much and feeling self-conscious. srry if it sounds stupid :) <3
thankyou for requesting<333 i literally squealed when someone actually requested something :,) sorry if its long tho lol
if you wanna request other things go ahead!
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Since you like to cook and katsu is good at cooking, yall can have lil dinner dates yk?
anyways yeah katsuki doesnt care if you eat like 6-8 times a day n make a lot of food
whatever makes you happy and comfy is what he wants for you
Usually you make food for the two of you in the afternoons, a mini date(?)
he spots you in the dorm kitchen and makes his way over to you; snaking his arms around your plush waist, putting his head on your neck
Katsu observes the food that your stirring rn and goes:
“Are you making a plate for yourself y/n?”
“Why’s it such a small damn batch then?”
“Im just… I guess im not that hungry today”
“Damn nitwit you think I dont notice? yesterday you only ate itty bitty snack. now today your portion of the food is rat sized shit”
he left the silence for you to answer, which you didnt really wanna answer since katsuki would quite literally explode if you told him the truth
“Theres nothing to worry about i just kinda got off tack the last two days ig”
the next couple days hasnt been any better
he saw you scrolling through tumblr, but around this time you were eating or at least both at the same time
“y/n stop fucking with me”
you: 😀❓
“tf do you mean”
“Im not blind y/n you stopped eating, this isnt like you”
he was practically towering over you while you were sitting on the bed
Kat stared in the middle of your gorgeous soul
“speak damnit..”
“… do you like me this way?”
“Like.. big? and i know eating all the time wont help either”
“This is the most dumbassery I've ever encountered in my whole life, it doesnt matter to me if you are bigger than most people. the only damn thing that matters is the person who you are in the inside… im not tryna be sappy damnit”
katsu crossed his arms “now, were going to eat your f/f whether you like it or not” he grabbed your hand and dragged you to the kitchen to have a lil dinner/ cooking date
throughout the dinner/cooking date he said lil reassuring words to you to help out your insecurity
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^ this is basically how he acts after sparring
Kiri hugs you from the back placing gentle kisses on your neck, going up down n across the nape
the gesture tickles you a bit, scrunching your shoulders up a bit
he squeezes you, loving the way that your whole body feels like a pillow
“How about we go out and eat today?”
“But its really expensive, i can just make something quick for you”
Kiri squishes you even more and basically hops on the couch with you still in his arms “but we can get all the food that we want tho!”
All you wanted to do is just run away, laser all the fat off and just be done with it and feel like a ‘normal’ person, without feeling like your being judged all the time
“Yeahh but we can also eat something… more healthy”
“but you always love to eat with me! whats wrong?”
“Idk i just dont feel like it today”
“Its ok, somedays are just like that”
he kisses you quickly and yall stay and cuddle there for a bit
eventually you guys pick up some snacks together
even just picking out something or mentioning food just makes you go uneasy and eiji notices
for the whole week you havent been doing your normal cooking, just simple quick snacks after school and avoiding eating out
kiri realizes he has to do something bout this
“hey baby?”
you were sitting at the table, scribblin things down
“did you eat today?”
“Yeah i ate some cereal and thats about it”
😐 “baby no you gotta eat more, why dont you cook for us!”
you continued scribbling
“But i dont need to eat more do you even know what i look like??”
“Yes i do and its a wonderful sight”
“Eijiro no”
“Eijiro yes!”
“wtf is wrong with you kiri”
“I look like a bloated walrus or a whale about to explode”
“No you do not look”
he squat down to your tummy, lifted the fabric that was covering it kissed it a bunch of times n nuzzling and everything
your cheeks got heated really fast by the action
he looked up to you “see? you got nothing to be ashamed of, its a really nice pillow” he went to your chest and nuzzled that too “and heres your really sweet personality”
he hugs you really tightly and kisses at the crown of your head and his hands goes to your cheeks and squishing them too
“your so cute, you know that?”
yall ended up cooking together, mostly you tho
“Your like a wizard in the kitchen!”
“And your the goblin that never learned how to cook”
“Damn y/n ig someones grouchy”
after yall are done making the food he spoonfed you, making sure that you felt loved and understood
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thania-keiji-gf · 2 years
imagining having boyfriend who always complain when you put your fav snack with mini pack in the trolley (everytime you guys shopping in supermarket). he will take your fave snack then replace it with the big pack while start scolding you why grabbing the mini pack when you have him the best boyfriend in the world who could even buy all of the stock of big pack your fave snack in the supermarket.
"baby~! i told you, grab the big one. not the mini one. can't you just understand me?"
"you know too much snack isn't good for my health, aren't you?"
"i know but i'm talking about how the best boyfriend treat his gf by buying the large size of her fave snack to make she happy!"
— KIRISHIMA, Kaminari.
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snowwriter · 1 year
𝐄𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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Paring: Eijirou Kirishima x GN Reader Relationship established: Romantic
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♡︎ Just like Midoriya, Kirishima is so supportive of you and will do whatever he can to see you smile.
♡︎ He loves to call you nicknames such as: Honey, Sugar, Angel, Baby, Sweetheart, Beautiful, and Baby Shark.
♡︎ Your nicknames for him are: Red, Crimson, Kiri, Baby, Rocky, Shark Boy, Ei, and Meat Lover.
♡︎ Whenever his roots start to show, he finds this as an opportunity to spend time with you. He’ll just send you a text asking if you could come over to his dorm to help dye his hair again and smile when you send a thumbs up in response. This man is absolutely melting as he’s sitting in between your legs as you re-dye his hair.
♡︎ He leaves little notes, whether they’re encouraging or ones reminding you how much he loves you, where you’ll be able to find them. He leaves them in your locker, on your desk in your dorm and in class, and even on your mirror.
♡︎ This guy will pull you gently against him by the waist with one hand and cup your cheek with the other as he places a sweet kiss on your lips. He’ll then pull away, resting his forehead on yours and say “I love you so much, hon.”
♡︎ This big guy loves it when you give him bunny kisses. He finds it so adorable that he does it too to see your cheeks turn slightly pink.
♡︎ He’s the big spoon, no doubt about it. It makes him feel like he’s protecting you from the dangers of the night as you sleep soudly against his chest. But he doesn’t mind if you’re the big spoon once in awhile, he likes to lay his head on your chest as your steady heartbeats lulls him to sleep.
♡︎ He absolutely loves seeing you wear his clothes which are way too big for you. Be it hoodies, shirts, shorts, sweatpants, or tank tops, he finds them all cute on you. He even gave you a few of his shirts and hoodies that you would frequently use when you stayed in his dorm.
♡︎ He’s very protective when it comes to you, but he admires and praises your strength and how amazing you are that you don’t need him to protect to you. But that doesn’t stop him from having your back in combat and in training.
♡︎ Will give piggy-back rides when you’re too tired to walk. What can he say, he loves having you in his arms in some way or another.
♡︎ Now, Kirishima isn’t really the type to get jealous because he trusts and knows that you love him too much to cheat on him. But it doesn’t stop him from being close to you with an arm wrapped around your waist as you talk with someone that he feels is really just some perv pretending to be nice.
♡︎ Loves it when you sit on his lap, seeing you relax as you lean against him while his head is in the crook of your neck makes him happy. He also likes it if you’re sitting in a position where you’re facing him as it gives him access to your lips.
♡︎ You normally hang with him and the Bakusquad during lunch or an outing in the city. Congratulations, you’re part of the pack!
♡︎ Whenever you’re upset or in that dark period of your life where you feel lost, confused, scared, and alone, he’s always there for you. He’ll come running to you wherever you are and stay by your side to provide comfort. He’ll do his best to bring back your smile, he always does.
♡︎ He’ll wrap you up in his embrace as he wipes your tears away gently with his thumb, his eyes staring into yours with nothing but love and care. “I know that you’re going through a hard time right now, but things will get better. You’re strong, stronger than anyone I know. You’ll get through this. Just don’t give up, okay Angel?”
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