#mha eijirou
dior4you · 2 days
Scenario: A Third Year and A Second Year Together?! God, in what world?
Pairing: Eijiro Kirishima
Warnings: cursing, a two year age gap, a first time writer for kiri here!!😭 tell me how I did!!!
It all started when you couldn’t find your way to class. You were a transfer and were new to the idea of Japan and their … ways. The only reason you were even here at UA was because Midnight—the infamous pro hero who tended to wear ..suggestive clothing offered you a spot there. She found you to be a silent yet strong minded teenager. A frown sat on your face as you slowly walked up the stairs that led to the second floor. The principal who you found to be absolutely adorable looked into your records and determined you were a second-year.
You finished walking up the shit ton of stairs and found your way on the second floor. Doors.. doors were on every wall.. you almost felt a bit afraid? The doors were tall and had Japanese writings on the front. “what the fuck..?” You muttered to yourself as you took a double take from your schedule. Luckily, your schedule was writing in English instead of Japanese like all the others you saw scattered around on the principal’s desk. You looked up and started walking again. Every door looked to be the same to you. Some doors had different symbols from the rest but still.. you couldn’t read anything for shit right about now.
“Damn it..” You muttered to yourself as you looked down at your schedule again. You were supposed to be in Room C4.. but these writings made it all difficult to find Room C4. You groaned loudly and crumbled up your schedule and turned to walk back down to the office and demand a tour of this overly large school. “Hey!” You heard a loud, booming voice call out to you, making you stop in your tracks. “You okay?” The same asked seemingly getting closer as you slowly turned. A boy with long, red hair and red eyes started walking toward you.
“You look lost, do you need any help by chance?” He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. A big toothy grin, he kinda looked like a shark.. “Uh.. yeah!” You immediately snapped out of your thoughts and scrambled to uncrumble and straighten your schedule back to normal.
“Can you—could you.. maybe help me find Room C4?” You asked showing him the schedule and looking up at him. He was tall—like really tall.. It almost hurt your neck having to look up at him. “Oh, yeah, let me see this here..” he trailed off, bending down to your level and taking the crumbled schedule out your little hands. “Ohhh, you’re on the other hall.“ he gestured down but you didn’t seem to get it. “The left side of the hall.” He said, as he gestured to the side and pointed to the door your class was in making you let out a small “oh..” and another small “Th- thank you!” you mentally slapped yourself for stuttering—you were probably going to see this boy in your classes one day and look back at this embarrassing ass moment!!
“Uhm.. are you a second-year, too?” You asked, your face flushed as you dumbly crumbled the paper back up put it in your pocket. You couldn’t help yourself.. you just had to ask. Besides the stuttering part you hoped someone as kind and oddly.. fine as him was in your grade level. “Ah.. Unfortunately not. I’m a third year.” he said in a low tone as he rubbed the back of his neck. A small groaned escaped his throat once he saw your pout.. even though you two met literally 5 minutes ago he couldn’t help but love that little pout of yours.
“sorry.” he spoke again, putting his hands in his pockets—which wasn’t necessarily a good idea since his hands were sweaty. “No! It’s fine. i can’t control that.. i was kinda hoping we could be friends..” you trailed off craning your neck to the side a little which made him raise his eyebrow. “Who says we can’t?” He asked, genuinely interested why you thought the two of you couldn’t be friends just because you weren’t in the same grade. “What do you mean?? you’re a third year.. wouldn’t you be way too busy to even look my way?” You fiddled with your freshly pedicured nails .. kinda embarrassed to be talking to someone more superior and older than you. Not to mention—wouldn’t that be weird? To you that’s like if an eighth grader was talking to a ninth grader..
“Oh no! Us third years have wayyyy less work to do since we’re about to graduate and stuff.” He said as that big, puppy-like smile spread across his lips. He slowly put his large hand on top of your head as a little gesture to ease your tense frame, which did help. “Oh..” you mumbled, you completely forgot about your classes at this point.
“Wait—if you’re a third year.. why are you on the second floor?” You asked, raising your eyebrow in confusion. “Boys bathroom on my hall is closed because some idiots decided to smoke in the big stall.” Even though he sounded annoyed, his smile told you that he wasn’t that annoyed about the whole ordeal. “Oh..” you chuckled slightly out of embarrassment for getting in his business. You were about to ask him another question but the bell suddenly rung and the big doors opened almost immediately. “Uh.. it was nice to meet you!” You squeaked out as students started to flood the once quiet and clear halls, separating you from the red headed boy. “Nice meeting you, too. My names Eijirou Kirishima! keep it rolling in your head, we just might see each other again.” He gave you a wink and started walking toward the stairs, narrowly avoiding some of the second-years that were rushing to their next class.
“Bye..” you mumbled under your breath as students left and right started to push past you. Your feet felt glued—no, super glued to the school floor as you watched him walk up the stairs.. your heart was thumping as the both of you kept eye contact until he disappeared onto the other set of stairs above that led to the third floor.
God.. you hoped you would see him again.
Every since that day, you’ve found yourself growing closer to the gorgeous red head.. you felt your heart thump rapidly every time he came down to eat lunch with you, or whenever he went out of his way to walk you to your classes his, whenever you’d ask him why he’d just show you that shark like grin you’ve come to love and let out an affectionate “Because I want too, after all.. I can’t let my favorite second year running around the halls lost again, can I?” his eyes were round like a puppy’s every time he gave you the explanation.
He was so boyfriend material.
Little<3 A/N: this is only part one so stay tuned 😈😈
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misssmina · 2 months
Y’all don’t make use of subtle/weird traits in fics enough.
Bakugou literally has hyperhidrosis. Make him switch shirts constantly, or constantly wiping his hands, or outright refusing to touch things because nitroglycerin is a volatile substance.
Midoriya is constantly chewing on his lips or thumb while in thought. Either his lips are SO chapped or he’s a skin picker and the skin around his finger tips are super rough.
Uraraka is a poor kid. She would absolutely have some kind of financial anxiety. Make her be extremely frugal OOOORRR BETTER YET make her absolutely awful with money.
Aizawa is a hypersomniac. Give the man a nightmare disorder or something. We can be more imaginative than just always kinda tired.
Kirishima has/had really bad quirk envy. Please I need to see this addressed more. Even at the best hero school, in the top class, he talks down on his quirk.
Todoroki really doesn’t think very much. He acts quickly but very thoughtlessly. Coming to incorrect conclusions and moving too fast without knowing what to do next.
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slayfics · 7 months
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Late night texting with Eijiro.
Warnings: Eijiro aged up | NSFW themes
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Eijiro tossed and turned in bed unable to drift to sleep with the memories of today's spar plaguing his mind. He had been rougher with you than he intended to today and he couldn't help but feel guilty.
Giving in to his worry Eijiro grabbed his phone and decided to message you.
Hey, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about today's spar. I didn't intend to be so rough. I hope you're alright.
You responded to him almost right away,
Kirishima it's late you should be asleep!
I couldn't help it! I just wanted to make sure you were doing ok.
I'm fine, no need to worry. Look, it isn't even that bad.
You texted and sent over a picture of your injuries from the spar. Eijiro felt his breath catch in his throat as soon as his eyes focused on the image.
You were lying in bed and had pulled your shirt up to show the injuries to your abdomen left from the spar.
He knew you were just trying to ease his mind by showing him the injuries weren't anything to worry about, but he couldn't help his mouth from falling open and his cheeks warmed by an excited blush.
The image showcased your body so perfectly lying delicately in bed. Eijiro couldn't look away from it as badly as he wanted to. This isn't manly at all. He thought as he found himself excited by a picture of your bruised body. Even still knowing it was wrong, his grip tightened on his phone and his heart rate increased the longer he stared.
Just as his hormones shot him nefarious thoughts causing his member to enlarge, you messaged him again.
Hello? You fall asleep on me Kiri?
Fuck, he typed out a response fast.
I'm still up! I guess it's not too bad, but I'm still sorry!
Stop apologizing! Besides, I got you pretty good too right?
Yeah, you did! You did amazing today!
Alright, let's see it then!
Eijiro felt himself freeze for a second time tonight. You- You wanted a picture of him? Eijiro shook all crude thoughts out of his mind. Don't be a perv, he told himself. You were just wanting to make sure his injuries weren't bad.
Eijiro must have been contemplating the meaning of your request for longer than he thought because you texted him again.
Unless you feel uncomfortable then it's totally fine you don't have to!
No no, it's fine! Give me a second!
Eijiro jumped out of bed panicking. You wanted a picture of him! He looked around his room and clumsily stumbled into the restroom deciding that was the best place to do it.
Ok ok, you can do this, he thought trying to hype himself up. Besides he is usually shirtless in his hero costume right? But for some reason, this felt so different. Eijiro struggled to keep his hands from shaking as he ripped off his shirt and nervously took selfies in front of the mirror.
What the hell am I doing, he second-guessed himself as he scrolled through the pictures he took deciding on the best one. Finally settling on one he nervously pressed the send button.
Your response came in minutes but felt like ages as he shakingly waited. Did he show too much skin, he wondered? He hoped his picture didn't look too suggestive. But you asked for one right? So it's fine, he thought, trying to ease himself.
Eijiro's eyes snapped to his phone as soon as it buzzed with a response from you.
Was all your message said.
Damn, what?! He thought, running his hands over his face. Maybe you meant his injuries? Of course, right? That is what you two were talking about.
Yeah, you got me pretty good, but don't worry I'm alright!
He responded, commenting on the darkened bruises on his own abdomen that you had given him.
Not the injuries silly. You. You look good.
Eijiro's face burnt red hot reading your message. Do you really think he looked good? Was that the real reason you had asked him for a picture? Were the injuries just an excuse to ask, he wondered.
You look good too.
He typed and sent before thinking, panic caused him to quickly send a follow-up text.
Oh man, that sounded so pervy I'm sorry! I didn't mean for that to be weird or anything!
However, you didn't respond to Eijiro with a text but with another picture instead. This one was more provocative than the last showcasing even more of your body.
Eijiro suddenly felt his sweats become tighter as his excitement grew at the revelation that you were doing this on purpose. You wanted him to look at you with lustful eyes.
Yet again, Eijiro found himself staring too long causing you to send him a follow-up text.
Don't be rude, send one back.
Eijiro dabbed at the blood beginning to leak from his nose, as he realized: this was going to be a long night.
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries
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crushmeeren · 7 months
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🍓Kirishima SFW & NSFW Headcannons
Everyone involved in this fic is aged up/18+; continue scrolling or block if you aren’t into it
Warnings; daddy kink, praise kink, rough sex, hair pulling, mentions of choking, throat fucking, pussy eating, vaginal sex, Kirishima spits into readers mouth and you swallow that shit happily, cream pie, sweet aftercare, sleepy sex
Note; I’m in love with Kirishima, I’ve been writing a lot of headcannons lately but I simply could not resist the urge to write about the overgrown puppy that is Kirishima. Enjoy this meal with me 🍓
Eijirou who is the actual human embodiment of a ray of sunshine (he is the definition of golden retriever energy—you know if he had a tail it would wag non stop, definitely smacking the shit out of you)
Eijirou who you met for the first at the gym—you were uncomfortable & unsure of what you were doing when this mountain of a man with bright ass red hair came up to you so shy and explained how to back squat without hurting yourself (this fucker had the sweetest smile, despite his sharp teeth—but Jesus Mother Mary & Joseph—you thought you would fall to your knees just looking at him)
Eijirou who stuttered and turned pink every time you asked him to be your spotter whenever you saw him at the gym, until finally he asked for your number (you were gonna ask for his if he didn’t do it first—you definitely did not fist pump afterwards)
Eijirou who is a heart stopping amount of stacked, but is the biggest softie you have ever met, who gets overly excited to play with your dog-wrestling with him and cuddling him (you swear your dog now loves Eiji more than you, ever since you moved in together they’re two peas in a pod- much to your chagrin)
Eijirou who is really smart — okay maybe not top dog when it comes to book smart but he is street smart and exceptional at reading people, who always knows how you’re feeling even when you don’t say anything (it’s always a relief that he can tell when you don’t feel like talking)
Eijirou who is oblivious to how he looks, who has a shit ton of of instagram followers—not because he tries, no it’s because he started posting pictures of himself at the gym just for fun and unbeknownst to him everything he posts is like a goddamn thirst trap (he only realizes after you point it out because you’re starting to get jealous of all the comments but he always says he only has eyes for you)
Eijirou who almost never says no to you, who always goes with the flow, an easy smile lighting up his face, who lets you pick out the movie for date night more often than not (you make sure to pick something he likes anyways)
Eijirou who really likes cherry twizzlers, who has literal hearts in his eyes whenever you buy him a pack every Friday (he coos adorably at you when you hand him the bag saying you’re so sweet to me pretty girl, I love you so much! How did I get so lucky??), who shares them with you anyways
Eijirou who loves to wear athletic clothes—but also likes to dress punk?? (he’s very diverse), who has his ears pierced (two on each lobe), who looks otherworldly when he wears nicer outfits (you definitely make the joke about his clothes looking better on your floor)
Eijirou who is best friends with Katsuki, (you’ve shockingly been able to become close to him as well), who often plays video games online with his friends (Katsuki, Denki, Sero, also Izuku & Shouto), who likes it when you sit on the floor between his legs while he plays
Eijirou who purrs like a cat when you scratch his scalp whenever his hair is down, who lays his head in your lap while you watch TV so you can continue to play with his hair, who falls asleep halfway through the movie because he feels too relaxed
Eijirou whose presence is calming and friendly, who makes you feel safe, who everyone likes (you’ve never heard a bad word said about him—you’d curb stomp anyone who did)
Eijirou who has made you feel more loved then anyone else you’ve ever been with before, who fills your chest with a warmth so intense your eyes often sting with tears—who brings you your favorite food or drink out of blue, who makes you laugh so hard your stomach cramps (he’s the funniest motherfucker you know)
Eijirou who has become your other half, like a limb you didn’t realize was missing all this time, who becomes your husband, who becomes the father of your children, who you share a love with that only comes once every five life times (you know you’ll never love anyone else no matter what comes your way)
🍓NSFW Headcannons Below🍓
Eijirou who kisses you so softly, lips sliding with yours lazily as he lets out little sighs, thumbs slipping under your shirt to tease the smooth skin over your hip bones as you straddle him—until he lets his sharp teeth snag on your bottom lip, chomping into the flesh there, wrenching a startled gasp out of you (he sucks on it apologetically afterwards)
Eijirou who has a thing for letting you dry hump him (while you’re both still clothed), head thumping back on the couch cushion, fingers tight on your waist, flushing, groaning, eyes fluttering shut as he helps you drag your clit back and forth over his cock—dick throbbing painfully from the friction through his jeans
Eijirou who has a switch that flips once he gets to a certain level of aroused, who tosses you onto the bed effortlessly, caging you between his arms, who grips your jaw tightly —forcing it to pop open (he spits possessively into your mouth, telling you to swallow it baby girl, which you do gladly)
Eijirou who loves the feel of your hot, wet mouth sucking his cock, who gets you sitting on your calves on the floor, back against the mattress as his fingers hold the back of your head in place, so he can fuck your throat, who keeps one knee up on the bed next to your head as he thrusts, groin tightening when you look at him with teary eyes (he murmurs lowly baby girl s’good at sucking daddys cock aren’t you? —Your pussy drools)
Eijirou who eats your pussy from behind, soft tongue consistently licking at your clit, fingers stretching your pussy as your face is shoved into the sheets, ass in the air for him, your belly flutters warmly as he smacks your ass with his free hand (it doesn’t take you long to cum like this)
Eijirou whose cock is thick, and you’re talking thick thick, enough that he has to get you dripping before he can get his dick wet (but you love it, the stretch is almost an overwhelming pleasure)
Eijirou who has a daddy kink, who makes you beg for his cock when he has you folded in half—knees almost touching your ears, he teases your pussy with his tip telling you condescendingly you gotta ask daddy nicely if you want to be split open sweetheart (you absolutely do sob daddy please)
Eijirou whose chest gets slick with sweat (hair always falling from its spiky position when you start to go at it), whose moans raise in pitch when he can feel your nipples slipping over & over on his pecs as he fucks you, the sensation making pleasure blister through your limbs, pussy fluttering which makes Eijirou cry out
Eijirou who has a filthy deep stroke, who pants & whispers toe curling praise in your ear but fucks you like he’s trying to carve out your guts, you weave your fingers through his hair, tugging sharply as he moves, (pussy s’good to me sweet thing, daddy loves fucking you, such a tight little thing)
Eijirou who growls under his breath when he fucks you from behind, sliding his cock back in your pussy all the way to the root, forcing a choked sob out of you, who is brutal from the get go, pelvis smacking wetly against yours
Eijirou who makes you cum instantly, wailing please daddy just like that! when he threads his fingers through your hair, forcing your neck back at a sharp angle, activating his quirk just enough on his left hand so he can leave bruises on your hip (oh? right there angel? that was a big one wasn’t it baby, so good cumming for daddy — voice dripping in your belly like honey)
Eijirou who pulls you up into his lap, back against his chest, hand around your throat as he bounces you on his cock, who makes your back arch as he bites on your shoulder, whining lowly as he cums, whose cock you can feel pulsing as his sticky release fills you up (fuck daddy, love when you cum in me — that makes his eyes roll back)
Eijirou who has you limping to the shower afterwards, but he washes your body, rubs your lower back, who tells you how much he loves you as he carries you back to the bed in a towel, who makes you giggle as he pokes your ribs when you change into one of his large T-shirts
Eijirou whose face you pepper with kisses when he climbs into the bed with you, who lets you wake him up in the middle of the night to ride him sweet and slow, foreheads pressed together, breathing the same air, limbs heavy with sleep, who cradles you against his chest when you eventually fall back asleep
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gamblersdoll · 16 days
“there you go, fuuck.” kirishima groans, rolling his eyes back and focusing back on you. “my god, babygirl, shit.” his hand rests on your hear, ruffling your hair as his thighs clenched.
your cheeks hollowed out, bobbing on his cock. you look up at him, fluttering your eyelashes as you swirl your tongue around. your cunt clenched, leaking from the moans he emitted.
“fuck, ohmygod.” his sharper teeth bite at his lip, immediately drawing blood and he grips at the cushions. “please, god, fuck.”
“ike tis?” you say, still bobbing your head on his cock. his breath hitches, hand pounded on the couch.
“yes— dont talk with your mouth full, fuck.” he whines, looking back at you as his face flushed. “need to cum in your throat. that’s what real men do— shit!” he spoke too soon, his orgasm hitting him like a ton of bricks.
you swallow eagerly, coming off his cock with a pop.
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glitterycvm · 8 days
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[•~college!au, aged!up kirshima x reader~•]fluff/slight angst/smut
[•~synopsis: you find out your boyfriend was just using you, don't worry ejiro will help you forget all about that~•]
[•~a/n: inspired by a situation my friend was js in, send requests!!~•]
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you couldn't believe it. after all that time? all those memories you two had together. it was all for nothing.
you and your (ex) boyfriend had been dating for a couple weeks. even though it was merely a couple weeks, you were convinced that he was the love of your life. you knew that he was the one. or at least you thought so-
gradually things got distant, he stopped making an effort overall, while you put in everything you had. you were confused and frustrated. you didn't do anything to him? so what was going on?...
then earlier this afternoon, you were catching up on some nearly-late homework assignments. as you scribbled your way through some equations a light buzz vibrated against your thigh.
curiously, you took out your phone and glanced over at the notification. you had got a message from your boyfriend.
you open his chats eagerly, for once he started a conversation with you. but your moment of glee soon came to an abrupt end as you read the first couple words.
"y/n. we need to break up"
you felt your heart shatter into a million pieces. your stomach dropped making the guilty and panicky feeling overtake your senses even more.
you continue reading the paragraph, each word making that sick feeling grow in you. you couldn't believe that this was happening. it had to be a nightmare.
"tbh i was desperate for a prom date cs all my friends going had one and i didn't wanna be left out and at that point they were making fun of me so yea i shoulda js told the truth from the start instead of lying"
emotions flooded your mind. betrayal. disappointment. anger. were just to name a few. you were at a loss for words. you thought he actually loved you. he treated you better than any other guy you were previously with. and you get played?
you drop your phone, tears flooding your eyes as you fall onto your bed, head buried in the pillow below you. the only thing you felt like doing now was to cry your eyes out dry. sob until you got better if that was possible anymore. you felt stupid.
teardrops dampened the pillowcase below you face as you say there in sorrow. but your moment of mourning was soon interrupted by a series of knocks. a familiar voice following.
"y/n? you left your textbooks in the library-"
you quickly fix yourself up, taking in a couple deep breaths and wiping the tears off your cheeks. you swiftly get up from your bed, praying that the faint pink tint plastered all over your face wasn't too obvious.
your hand curls over the doorknob and you open the door slowly. being greeted with a familiar red haired boy. eijiro kirishima, your best friend. one of his arms holding up a stack of books, while the other was shoved in his jacket pocket.
"h-hey eijiro... thanks for bringing me these" you whispered, hiding your shaky rattled voice. eijiro looked down at you with a small frown. "you okay, y/n?" he asks, handing you the books, worry and concern evident in his tone.
those three words were all it took to make you crack. you erupted back into that familiar sorrow, eyes overfilling with water.
you then feel strong arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into a warm and comforting embrace. without any thought you cry into his chest, a spot in his hoodie getting soaked.
a hand strokes your back softly as his soothing voice whispers in your ear "let it out, it's all gonna be okay y/n, I promise..." you hug him back even tighter, too lost in your emotions.
a couple moments pass before eijiro pulls away for a quick moment, arms still wrapped around you.
"you wanna tell me what's wrong?..."
you explain to kirishima everything that had just happened. he knew about this boyfriend you had and wasn't too trusting of him to begin with. he has a gut feeling something was off but he didn't want to burst your bubble so he kept quiet.
at least that's what he told himself. in actuality he couldn't tell if he was just jealous of him or if he actually had a guy feeling. something eijiro had never told you was that he had the biggest crush on you ever since you two had met. and every time you mentioned or introduced him to a new guy the only thing he could think of was how much better he was.
this moment was no different either. you told him in the past about how your boyfriend was treating you. from all the dry and lackluster conversations to the lack of attention. he heard it all. and he tried his best to comfort you, to try to look out for the both of you. when in reality he wanted you all for himself. he wanted to tell you how much of a better boyfriend he could be.
his blood boiled and his heart was full of fury. "that is so messed up." he grumbled arm wrapped around one of your shoulders as he held you in close, inhaling tye sweet scent of your shampoo.
"I know... im so tired of this ejiro. am I really that unlovable?.." you ask, glancing back up at the red haired male, eyelashes decorated with tiny teardrops. kirishima feels his cheeks reddened and blush as he thinks carefully about his reply. he could ruin your friendship if this doesn't go his way. but if it does workout, his dreams will come true. a moment passes before he replies.
"y/n, honestly I can't even hide this anymore from you. I love you. I mean it I swear. it drives me mad seeing you let these guys take advantage of you like this, you're too pretty and perfect to be treated like this. please- let me show you how good I could treat you-"
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and that's how it all started. you were laid down on your back, thighs pushed all the way to your chest as kirishima towered over you.
"relax for me mamas... ima make you feel so good..." he cooes into your ear, hand caressing your cheek. you listen to him and let go of all the tension you were holding in, a breathy exhale leaving your lips.
kirishima teases his tip in between your fold and clit, making the both of you let out a small moan. soon enough he gently pushes himself in, groaning at the way your wet walls clam down on his length. you grip the bedsheets next to you as the feeling of the pleasureable yet painful stretch engulfs your senses.
"you okay princess? can I start?..." he asks, checking in for any signs of discomfort on your face. it took everything in him to not start moving and pound the life out of you, he had fantasized about this moment since forever and it was finally in his hands.
you nod, and kirishima starts moving at a slow pace, making sure you were okay, after all the last thing he would ever want to do, is to hurt you. but soon enough he picks up the pace gradually, making you cry out for more. "your takin it so well for me mamas..." he praises, his hips bucking into your cunt even quicker.
"f-fuck she was made for me hm? bet that lameass boyfriend couldn't get ya like this" he mumbles, pointing your chin down to make sure you maintain eye contact with him.
he begins to get rougher, hands quickly shifting your legs from pressed against your torso to now your calves on his shoulders. the new position made him ram into that spongy spot, making your moans even louder.
it all felt so good, from the way his cock was now even deeper in you, the way his thrust became harsh and passionate you could only shut your eyes from the ecstasy.
"don't close your eyes on me mama, keep them open or I'll stop." he commands, drilling into your hole even faster now, the sound of skin slapping follow suit. you open your eyes, listening to his warning. he smirks and whispers down into your ear "good girl... you're so obedient for me mamas" he grins.
he pounds into you harshly, faint mumbles of " so-so sorry mamas... can't hold back anymore" as he drills into you, his grip on your hips was sure to leave a purplish bruise the next morning.
you feel the familiar know in your stomach tighten. "m'so close eijiro please!-" you mewl. "cmon baby... tell me who fucks you better? me or him?" he teases. "y-you do..." you mutter out, somewhat inaudible. he lightly slaps your cheek "the fuck was that?. tell me who the fuck you belong to-" he grunts out. "y-you, I only belong to you eijiro-" you cry out
"good girl, listenin to me so well..." eijiro grins and places a hand on your bud, digits rubbing quick circles all over it. bringing you over the edge.
your back arches and your thighs tremble. you let a loud moan as you feel the pleasure overwhelm you. the sight alone was enough to make kirishima reach his own high. he pulls out and begins to stroke his cock, letting out pretty groans as his lips part slightly.
long ropes of cum decorate your stomach as you both pant out heavily. you close your eyes, as you catch your breath. while you do so kirishima notices your phone on the other side of the bed, open.
he grabs it quickly without you noticing and snaps a quick photo. hurriedly tapping on your exes icon and sending him the photo.
"kinda sad that you let such a pretty girl like her go. it's okay i'd understand, you didn't deserve her anyways"
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princessfizzintine · 1 month
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dating eijirou ᘏ
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t3ag3rs · 2 months
i loved your bakugo headcanons omg, the joy i feel when someone writes for characters and actually includes their canonical personalities lol idk if you write for any other characters, if you don't then you can just ignore this, but if you do then could you write similar relationship headcanons for Kirishima or Shinso? :3
hi! im so glad you enjoyed my Bakugou headcannons! I hope this kirishima one fits to your liking! sending lots of love <33
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i definitely think kirishima first ends up seeing you talking to mina on a random day. you and her are just talking about dance when you two are suddenly interrupted by the outgoing redhead inquiring about who you are.
he suddenly realizes that you had went to junior high with them but had never really hung out with the popular group due to having a close circle of friends- one of whom is mina.
"actually? I never saw you..!" he chuckled rubbing his neck with a slight blush, you just wave it off with a quick smile, "nah dont worry bout it.."
well fuck... now at least kirishima knows what exactly he likes the most about you. your gut wrenching, heart pumping, adorable ass smile.
would immediately try and get mina to help him out with you in every. single. way.
"mina, whats her favorite color? And chocolate? To add to that thought- flowers as well. god mina I sound desperate!"
poor baby is so whipped for you he actually cant even manage to hide it in front of you.
kirishimas the type of person to rant to his friends about you with absolutely no knowledge about his surroundings. so much so that he doesnt realize you can hear him occasionally..
do you mind? of course not! its not like you dont have a small- okay fine. major thing for the red head as well...
"kiriiiii..!" groans mina, "stop obsessing over her and just confess goddamnt!" she exclaims frustrated while throwing her hands in the air.
"tell who what?" you grin overhearing their conversation.
you look at the two confused before mina starts, "you see y/n, kirishima here has a-" until you see a hand slapped over her mouth.
"nothing!" grins kirishima quickly. you nod slowly before you see mina side eyeing him with a knowing glance. "fine.." sighs kirishima dropping his hands.
"as i was saying.. our little man over here has a fat crush on you" she says nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders. you immediately break out a shit eating grin, "oh- yeah i kinda know.. he isnt very good at hiding things..." you chuckle.
"why didnt you say anything!" whines kirishima, "you couldve saved me so much time and effort!" completely forgetting that you hadnt given an answer to his confession.
"because i thought it was cute.." you admit with slightly flushed cheeks. you look away to avoid making eye contact before you feel kirishimas hands wrapping around your torso.
"so you like me back then right? please say that means you like me back.." he exclaims happily into your neck.
you just smile and wrap your arms back around him to give him his answer.
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koishiro · 2 months
Dating Eijiro Kirishima <3
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takes1 · 24 days
thank you so much!! this is a fav of mine. i've had like half of this written for a whole year and lost motivation for it. picked it back up a few days ago and i'm rlly excited to post! soft end, so if anyone has suggestions for continuation, i can keep it going.
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warnings. nsfw, safe sex, f! receiving oral, big fingers, sharp teeth, size kink
details. nsfw / rough sex / gymbros with benefits / aged up!kiri / fem!reader / mentions of f! masturbation / f! rec oral / clumsy kiri / aftercare, cuddling / mutual size kink / shy reader / support course student!reader / scars thirst / sharp teeth thirst / 2.8k words
🤍 scenario series. part one thru three + more here / kiri headcanons
more links. my ao3. request box is: open!
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As soon as the door clicked shut, a calloused hand first draped your thigh over his other leg, then wasted no time to palm your cunt.
"Fuck," He sighed against your mouth to look down at his soaked hand.
It was totally his fault with the leg thing-- embarrassed, you pushed his hand back down and felt warm at his chuckle.
He slid his fingers under your useless panties, eliciting a very sharp, closed-mouth moan and another squirm. He locked you back into his chest.
No guy had spent so much time on you before. Kirishima seemed to get his kicks by pleasing you instead. His habit of waiting around to pull his dick out was a new concept, but you really liked it.
Still, that empty feeling in you was only heightened by his careful attention to your clit, and messy smattering of kisses over the side of your face and neck.
Your hand was already shaking on the back of his hand as he pushed his middle and ring finger into you, smooth and slow with the help of your own lubrication.
"Mmmh- Aah," You scratched on his already heavily scarred knuckles, breathless at how much bigger his fingers were than yours.
"That feel okay?"
His breath brushed by your cheek before he pressed a soft kiss to it. You gave a whimpery, 'Mhm' and completely missed his mouth when you tried to kiss him.
Thankfully, he had no problem holding you by the back of the neck to help -and to keep you still when you tried to pull away-. He lapped up every choked sound and broken phrase that left your lips.
"You're so cute," He muttered, done with keeping you hostage in more drawn-out, clumsy kisses, and pressed his forehead hard into your temple.
The compliment went straight to the tightness forming in your stomach. You squeezed around him, goosebumps formed in your skin.
"Please, just fuck me already," You struggled to get out.
Your head hit his shoulder with the focus it took to not cum around his hand.
The laughter of the man under you made your entire body shake with him. Based on his reaction, you thought he might say no, but were relieved to hear a smiley:
"Yes, ma'am."
Ma'am? He was full of funny names and habits for you.
Once again, that terrible, empty sensation came back tenfold when he took his fingers out in order to carry you over to his bed. He would've rather fucked you on the desk, but the height difference would've made it incredibly inconvenient.
Your back was still to him when he set you down. You slid your arms up so your chest was pressed on his already fucked up sheets. He hiked his shirt up to give your ass a few lovetaps but stopped all too soon.
"You just sit there, nice and pretty for me."
When he saw you poke your head up to watch him root around in his bedside table drawer, he bit the inside of his cheek and palmed a painful throb away.
The sight of a few condoms made you feel a little ashamed that it had completely slipped your mind.
You slid so you could lay on your stomach, heels locked together in the air, and watch him start to tug on his waistband, finally.
A straight-up monster bounced up from his sweatpants, so heavy it looked like it weighed itself away from where it would usually sit closer to his stomach.
You blinked at the slight bend in it and what looked like a scar underneath, then lowered your open mouth to bite your forearm.
He acted like he wasn't looking at your reaction while he plucked a condom from the drawer, but would sometimes glance and never fail to see you still gawking.
"How big is that...?" You whispered. Your eyes were starting to burn from not blinking. Maybe you should've let him stretch you out more.
Kirishima stroked his tortured cock again with a bashful smile, "I-I'm not sure, I've never measured."
You pushed yourself up onto your elbows and sat on your heels to make grabby hands at him.
"Let me hold it."
It was only right to let you feel on him, he concluded after a moment's hesitation.
He was such a beautiful man-- that was all you could think as you took his warm cock in your hands, his entire body bare before your eyes.
"You have a scar--?"
"Yeah,"  He choked, tummy flexing, face twisting at your slow pumps, "Yeah, it's- uh--ha, from my Quirk. I was- 13."
That must've been an insane hospital trip. It was a long scar, too. Poor thing.
You pressed a long, slow kiss to the tip, but it was cut short by his flinch away. He played it off before you could dwell on it with a replacement kiss on the mouth, instead.
He put his knee on the mattress, which brought you into the throws of your ignored ache and inspired you to hook your legs over his bulky thighs.
"Anyways, where were we--?"
Kirishima grinned through a playful groan, seizing the back of your thighs to smush into your chest instead, muffling your delighted laughter with another round of deep, albeit rushed, kisses.
His body was extraordinarily heavy; he was squeezing all of the air out of your lungs in this position.
The gasp you took when he shifted his weight off was one of immense relief- yet full of longing for him to return.
There was a smile so distracting in his crimson eyes when he looked up at you that you didn't notice the one giant arm snaked around your hip, the tongue darting out of his mouth to wet his lips, nor the hook of his fingers under your panties.
"I'll be real careful," He lulled.
Your face grew hot, your heartbeat hastened, at the brief sensation of cold air on your sex. Being the object of intense attention never did get easier, even if he had the goofiest, sharp-toothed smile plastered across his face.
A sharp pang of pleasure hit you like a brick wall. With the messy kisser he was, you should've anticipated his pussy-eating to be just as inconveniently skilled.
"Mm-m, Ah!" You bit the heel of your hand but were robbed of it almost right away.
His free hand trapped your wrist like it was nothing and you felt a smile spreading once more at your useless attempts to free it.
You settled for fixing his long hair up and out of the way, since he had absolutely no intention of helping the cause, and let him slide his rough, heavy hands onto the back of your thighs.
"Mm-mmn," You whimpered at the mercy of his tongue and resolve to get you as slippery as he possibly could, with what little patience you both had left.
He was so good that you didn't care if he'd practiced on a million other girls before you, as long as he just kept edging his tongue around your clit like that.
The man used little to no force to press your thighs up further. His big, warm palms engulfed your hamstrings like they were nothing. Your heart fluttered at the sight.
It was only embarrassing for a moment, because the way he kept lapping at you was downright sinful.
One hand slid down your thigh- you watched as he slicked up two of his middlemost fingers down to the knuckle. Given that his fingers were so long and thick, it was strangely hot watching that happen. He really did keep surprising you.
"I knew you'd taste s'fuckin sweet," He mumbled against your cunt before getting a good position with his hand and sucking at your skin once more.
An uncontrollable whine caught in your throat at the slur in his speech and how easily you took his fingers. Your thighs flexed and twitched as he pumped, nice and slow, filling you up as far as he could reach.
"Oh my- god," Your moans were just noise to you at this point- catching your breath was difficult when your body was in such a state of bliss.
He seethed with a boyish laugh against your bitten-up thigh, "You're takin' me so well- That feel good?"
No man could compare to Kirishima's methodical, yet passionate care around your pleasure.
You gasped as he slipped a third finger in- just as you got accustomed to the stretch of the other two. It's like he could feel for himself when you needed more. And he always had more.
No coherent words that could escape your mouth. He made eye contact with you that you couldn't seem to look away from. He wore a sympathetic grin, understanding that you couldn't tell him just how good you felt with just how far gone you looked.
The tension in your belly was growing all too quickly- you'd be useless if you came now.
But he was so lost in it. You had to tug pretty hard on him to get him to yield. He stalled and you finally found your breath.
"Eij- I," You gasped at his quick grin that gave way to a long, gentle kiss to your clit, "a-Ah-Ha- okay-mm, stop, sto-op-,"
He sighed and slowly earned his pruny fingers back- he made sure to lick every bit of you off of them before he rose to meet you for a tender, but still very messy, kiss.
His cock weighed heavy between you, but it felt much more achievable of a goal now.
If you weren't ready for him now, you'd never be. What was this? Like at least an hour of foreplay?
You were shaky and weak as he lined himself up with your sex after sliding on a condom.
"Let me know if it's too much-," He used his free hand to hold your face, not giving you anywhere else to stare but his attentive gaze, "I don't wanna hurt you."
It helped that you were feeling so empty prior- because as he pushed past your entrance, the realization hit you that you never felt so stretched past your limits before.
A couple taps kept you in the land of the living. You blinked slowly up at him with a bitten lip, practically drunk on the feeling of being split on his cock.
"Y'don't talk much, d'ya?" He huffed, swallowing his own pleasure to keep responsible for yours.
It goes without saying the guy couldn't bottom out without hitting your cervix- and that was a drastically different endeavor depending on the woman, so he didn't attempt it.
You didn't notice.
Lines blurred between discomfort and acute pleasure as soon as he felt you relaxed enough to stuff his thick shaft further into your tight body.
"Can't've fucked ya dumb already," He drawled with a feverish, dirty look in his eyes.
He seethed as your body responded, your thighs tightening around him, tummy stirring at the stretch and that probe of a comment.
You gave a playful grin at how he easily spread your thighs apart, his cock able to stuff you better without your unnecessary flexing.
A gasp racked you at the sensation and you leaned your head back with a whine.
He gave your hip a pinch when you kept trying to make him do it again. He was intrigued at your reactions, and more than willing to oblige with how good you were at taking him.
"Mm-mm, you've gotta open up for me, pretty girl," He lowered himself to drown you in a rough kiss.
You just couldn't catch your breath with him inside of you- like there was no room for air in your lungs when your entire body felt like it was filled with him. A sleepy smile roused at his occasional force.
Soon, with your mouth as a distraction, his pace grew to a less kind speed.
"Mmn-Ah! God-," You yelped, sounds soon to be covered by a firm, calloused hand.
"Shhh," He grinned just briefly- it was overshadowed by a grimace of intense pleasure, "A-ah, you're way too loud."
The incredulous look on his face explained that he clocked exactly how you liked to be fucked as soon as he put it in. There was a reason you went for big guys.
"nd' way too tight for me," He added with an honest groan.
He was slowly sinking into you. All 290 pounds of him. You felt lightheaded, like you were getting pounded to Cloud 9 with the most handsome, blurry face as all you could see.
The hand he used to keep you silent slipped. His hips stalled for a moment.
He asked you something but you couldn't hear it. All you gave was another whimper at his hesitation when you were just getting there. You didn't realize you had been crying until he wiped one away with the rough pad of his thumb.
You blinked away the sting.
"'M fine," You mumbled, smiling at his concern, "You jus'feel so good..."
Another surprised expression could be briefly seen in his eyes, while an excited smile still remained plastered to his jaw.
You were the little freak of his dreams. A match made in heaven.
It was the final confirmation he needed to really put his dick to good use.
Nice and pliable now, you reveled in his slick, heavy body crushing you into his mattress. His hands slid under your ass, a brutal grasp as he picked up pace and force to how you preferred.
No room to move, hardly enough air to keep you intelligible, and fucked senseless under him. Exactly how you fantasized in your own bed right after you first met him.
His grunts and groans at the mercy of your tight cunt were so clear against your ear, his forehead against the sheets.
He kept your adorable sounds muffled with his hulking shoulder in your useless bite.
"Fuck-- a-h, f-uck," A subtle, clipped whine at the end of his curse stroked your ego a bit.
One hand came up to support his weight and fist a section of hair, forcing your head to one side.
"A-h!" You whined again, but this time he smiled at it.
His bottom hand slid to one hip with a brutish squeeze as he brought you down on his cock. The grip on your scalp was electrifying and reassuring all in one.
"Feels so fucking good," He groan-laughed, "God, you--Mmn-! Got such a good pussy,"
You were swimming in the buzz of your climbing orgasm. Drunken, whimpery sounds were coming out of you, but you couldn't register them. His shaky affirmations served as stepping stones towards the strongest build-up you've had in a long, long time.
It crashed over you without more than a mere second's warning-- your nails dug deep trenches down his well-muscled back, as you came hard around his cock.
Your loud mouth was no longer muffled or of his concern other than wanting everyone in the building to hear how fucking good he made you feel.
He watched your body squirm and tremble under him in adulation; he fucked you to completion, but no more.
Tired, weak, and shaky, you had no room to respond to him pulling out of you, his lack of orgasm, or his cuddly shushing. He brought you back down gently, with no pressure, or judgement.
Your head was pressed to his oversized chest, a grounding hand scratching lightly in your hair.
A light, soft blanket over your prickly skin settled you at last. His big, puppy dog eyes met yours with enthusiasm as you peered up at him.
"You're so cool."
Somehow, that compliment stunned you the most out of all his endearing habits and sayings.
His bitten-lip smile matched your embarrassed giggle. "What're you talking about?"
"Just, aah," He showed off those pointy teeth you just couldn't get enough of. You watched them in a delightful and soft daze, "You're so-o good! I've just..."
A bashful sigh, though the graceless palm on your bruising hip didn't express such modesty, "Never been with someone who... could..."
He trailed off. It could've meant many things.
He was a master at keeping his experiences vague, though you could tell it wasn't intentional.
The softness behind his lashes, the speed in which he let up on your hip at your subtle wince, and the hesitancy that characterized him this whole night helped you understand.
The partners he must've been with before-- he probably hurt them. Badly enough to carry that guilt with him to now.
"You made it easy," You slid up to give him a peck on his stubbly chin. "You...take good care of me."
Your body raised as his chest swelled with pride. It threw you a bit off balance, so you slid to lay yourself on top of him, slow and steady. The comfort of his big, warm body was unparalleled.
"We're," Kirishima's rumbly voice tugged you out of a light slumber, "Totally dating now, right?"
His voice didn't sound entirely sure.
You chuckled and rubbed an eye, "Mmm, you still--," A big yawn made him giggle, "Gotta take me to dinner."
He squished a big kiss to the top of your head. Hulking arms linked back over you for extra warmth to let you sleep a while longer.
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@dough-yo-bu @yellowflowerbub @fairywriter-oracle @kirismoon
@kwiwin @cringingmemeries @leo6472 @nijha2tact @lotusstarr @straows
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angelshimaa · 7 months
thinkin bout countryboy!kirishima
i have had him on my mind for DAYS and @maeby-cursed has motivated me to write him. gn!reader
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countryboy!kirishima who is well-loved in his small town, known by all. he's always around to help the elderly with a bright smile, chuckling at the comments of how handsome he is from the elderly women— hours of tending to his family farm has certainly had its benefits. his smile comes with laughs that he shares with the younger children of the neighborhood whenever they convince him to play with them (they never have to beg for long).
countryboy!kirishima who hears the news of new people in the neighborhood and is curious to see who the people happen to be, and who's curiosity increases in realising the new people have moved in right next door. it's a shame he didn't catch a sight of them, he would've offered to help them move in.
countryboy!kirishima who knocks on the door of his new neighbours' house, a jar of his family's famous homemade jam in his hand as a welcoming gift. he hears someone call out 'coming!', and he prepares himself to give a warm welcome to the neighborhood.
countryboy!kirishima who's smile falters when you open the door, red eyes widening a little when they see just how pretty you are. you greet him before he does, and it takes him a solid moment to recollect himself and greet you with a warm smile.
countryboy!kirishima who introduces himself as your neighbour and offers his greetings as planned, but isn't quite sure if his words are as coherent as he hopes they are— your eyes are so very pretty; would it be abrupt for him to ask for your number?
countryboy!kirishima who listens as you tell him your name, trying his best to commit your name to such a pretty face. your smile is so very contagious— are you even aware?
countryboy!kirishima who almost forgets the jam in his hand and hands it to you with a sheepish grin, trying to focus on your thanks and not your fingers brushing against his when you take it from him.
countryboy!kirishima who says 'see you around, neighbour!' as his goodbye, and when you say 'nice to meet you, kirishima' with a dazzling smile, he hopes the universe does let him see more of you.
countryboy!kirishima who makes it a mission to get to know his pretty new neighbour, promising to work up the courage to ask you out one day when you're both way past just being acquaintances.
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✧ — thank you for reading !! rbs and feedback are greatly appreciated <3
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taglist (fill in this form to join!!) :: @maeby-cursed @katsukismrs
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misssmina · 2 months
Y’all don’t make use of funny character traits enough.
Bakugou is the nosiest kid I have ever seen. Put it in your fics. Make use of him constantly coming to incorrect conclusions.
Midoriya is actually a really violent kid, he just has the patience of a patron saint. The entire world is lucky he’s too sweet to act on his anger. (Go look in his notebook)
Iida is so shady. “One is my friend and the other one is Bakugou.” COME ONNNNN
Kaminari is such a girly pop y’all. Y’all don’t give him enough silly gen z slang. Please go listen to how he speaks in dub. Sounds like he has 6 sisters.
Uraraka is so unreasonably chill. Almost nothing bothers that girl. Please make her more vulnerable to things because she just can’t be assed to care.
Kirishima is a shit talker, and regularly puts people in their place. Y’all keep writing like him like he’s some little puppy. This man is a Doberman.
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slayfics · 2 months
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Eijiro teaches you how to use his headpiece.
1.2k words
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“You guys are all wrong,” Minoru declared. “Yaoyorozu has the best hero costume.”
“Can you not be a perv just once Mineta!” Mina yelled, bonking him on the head.
You all had been discussing who had the best hero costume in the common room of the dorms before Minoru interrupted with his own opinions.
You rolled your eyes ignoring him and moving on, “Kirishima, I think your costume is pretty cool,”
“What really?!” The redhead perked up on the couch.
“No way! How is that any less of a pervy answer than Mineta?! Come on, what about me? My jacket is pretty cool!” Denki said eager for attention.
Mina ignored Denki’s desperate cry for praise and turned to you, “It is kind of an interesting choice since Kirishima’s costume is basically just pants,” Mina giggled.
Your cheeks flushed at your friend’s words, “No no! I’m not trying to be a creep or anything!” You backtracked.
“It’s ok don’t worry! I uh- didn’t think that” Eijiro said blushing alongside you.
“I was thinking about your headpiece when I answered, you designed it yourself?? It looks so cool!” You spoke trying to redeem yourself.
“Nah- don’t lie. You just like watching him run around without a shirt,” Denki huffed.
“Leave them alone man!” Eijiro said shoving Denki off the couch. “Yeah, I designed it myself,” he spoke turning his attention back to you. A prideful smile on his face from your praise.
“That’s really impressive!” You smiled. “How does it work?? Is it hard to get on?”
“The thing breaks every time he’s in a fight! It’s not that impressive…” Denki mumbled to himself on the floor.
Eijiro ignored him and answered, “It just latches on- it’s pretty simple. I can go grab it and show you.” He offered.
“Oh-ok!” You blushed, as he sprang off the couch to head up to his dorm.
“Wait!” Mina called. “Why don’t you just go upstairs with Kirishima? Then he doesn’t have to make so many trips up and down the elevator,” Mina suggested with a sly smile.
“Are you kidding me?!” Denki exclaimed, but Mina covered his mouth.
“Go you two!” Mina encouraged, shooing at you both with her free hand.
“I uh-,” you hesitated on the couch.
“It’s ok with me,” Eijiro spoke but quickly added- “I mean as long as you’re comfortable with it!”
“I am, as long as you don’t mind me in your room,” you answered.
“Go go go, we’ll be here. Right, Kaminari?” Mina said aggressively to him. Denki giving up just nodded and rolled his eyes at Mina.
“Alright let’s go,” Eijiro waved at you to follow him, with ab apprehensive smile.
Once you both were out of earshot Mina let out a laugh. “Man, they need so much help,” she declared.
“Maybe but- you don’t have to be pushing them together,” Denki complained.
“Oh, get over it. They have been crushing on each other for a long time now.” She answered.
The elevator ride up to Eijiro’s room was long and filled with awkward conversation.
“Could I get in trouble for being here?” You asked nervously.
“Nah I doubt it- besides I’m just showing you how my headpiece works right? I suppose that could be useful to know in the future if we’re ever teamed up together,” Eijiro justified.
“Yeah, you’re right,” you agreed nodding happily.
You both made your way to his dorm door. You briefly remembered what his dorm looked like when your class held the dorm competition- but when Eijiro opened the door it was more intense than you remembered. The bright red curtains brought a whimsical sense to the room, and the posters covering the walls illuminated the room with his personality.
“Oh wow,” you exclaimed following him inside.
“I know I know- I already heard it from Hagakure. It’s not a very appealing room,” Eijiro said sadly.
“No! I love it!” You sang.
“What really?! Thanks,” he said smiling and blushing as he looked around for his hero costume. “All right, here it is!” he said, pulling his headpiece out.
Eijiro sat on his bed, and you nervously followed his lead sitting next to him.
“It’s easy I just put it on like this-,” he said placing it on, “then lock into place on the side.” The headpiece made a snapping sound as he locked it in.
“Oh, I guess that is really easy,” you laughed nervously feeling silly for asking how it worked now. “Can I see it?”
“Yeah, sure!” He answered and took off the headpiece, handing it to you.
It was heavier than you expected and cold to the touch. "Wow, this doesn't bother you?"
"Nope! Keeps me protected from getting hit in my weak spots," He answered.
"Can I try?" You asked.
Eijiro nodded and chuckled in amusement thinking it was cute you wanted to try on a part of his costume, but when you moved closer and placed your hands around his head he froze. He hadn't realized you meant you wanted to put it on for him.
Eijiro felt his breath catch in his throat as you were just inches away from him carefully placing his headpiece on.
You secured the metal piece around his face before catching sight of him staring intently at you. His gaze made your hands start to shake as you went to snap the headpiece in place. His vermillion eyes sparkled as he looked at you with a bashful smile.
The warmth of your hands on either side of him was intoxicating and he felt how could get lost there when suddenly, "Ow!" he yelped.
Your shaking hands had caused you to pinch the side of his face as you snapped the headpiece together.
"OH MY GOD, I'M SO SORRY!" you exclaimed springing up off the bed.
"It's ok!" Eijiro said, reaching his hand out to reassure you.
You wanted to believe him, but you saw a drop of blood drip down to his cheek.  
"NO, YOU'RE BLEEDING!" You yelled, horrified with yourself. You booked it to his bathroom to find some first aid supplies. Eijiro followed behind you- blushing at you rummaging through his stuff in a panic.
"It's ok promise- but let me help you!" He offered.
"Oh man, you're right! First, I hurt you then I rummage through your stuff without asking! I'm the worst!" You proclaimed, dropping your head into your hands.
"No no! Really, it's not a big deal!' Eijiro said attempting to calm you as he brought out a band-aid.
"Here let me help you please!' You begged.
Eijiro smiled sweetly and handed you the band-aid and a cloth, then took his head headpiece off so you could inspect the injury.
Your eyes misted at the sight, "I'm so sorry- that looks like it hurt." You sniffed and dabbed at the injury gently with a cloth to clean off the blood. You moved closer to tend to him, and Eijiro once again felt lost in your close presence.
He smiled down at you, cheeks tinting as your hands grazed his cheek to place on the band-aid. "Believe me- I'm not even thinking about that right now," he said voice low and sultry.
You caught his gaze and blushed at realizing how close you had come to him in your panic. A blush dusted your own cheeks as you tilted your head and asked, "What are you thinking about then?"
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sinners: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @derangedmango @reneinii @zanarkandskylines @pastelbakugou @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55
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gglitch1dd · 16 days
Us & You pt 5
DILF Kirishima Eijiro x Teacher Reader
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Context: Kirishima Eijiro has done everything to forget Bakugou Katsuki in his life and just focus on his daughter, his amazing and loving daughter. The light of his eye. Due to an incident, Eijiro meets you, a teacher at his daughter school who he can’t help but fall for. However, as his daughter grows older and questions start being asked, it feels like the peace he tried to cultivate is slipping through his fingers.
Note: Prolife vs Prochoice, friends to enemies to strangers. Katsuki is TRANS!!! (AFAB)
PLEASE NOTE BEFORE READING THIS SHORT SERIES: There will be some deep discussions about morality, children, abortion arguments pertaining to Pro life vs Pro choice as well as the father’s role in raising a child/conceiving a child. It also deals with the struggles of being a single parent. It’s very messy and very much real life. Katsuki is Trans in this story (mostly cause I couldn’t find another character to be Sachiko’s mom and you’ll see why).
[PART 3] [AO3 Link] [PART 4]
You sat on the couch with Eijiro, his hand moving up and down your thigh as the both of you watched a movie on the TV. It was just the two of you this afternoon considering Sachiko was gone to stay over at a friend’s house for the day. From what you heard from Sachiko, it was rare for her father to allow her to go over to other people’s houses especially if him or the Kirishimas didn’t know them personally on an intimate level. She had apparently never gone to a sleepover, which after you took some time to think about it, you understood Eijiro’s fears.
She was a young girl, and you knew yourself that sleepovers at friend’s houses, even when you trusted them, was not always safe. Especially if there were adults or older individuals there that you weren’t aware of. You were glad that Eijiro had that rule to protect his daughter.
Eijiro leaned over to kiss your jaw, making you giggle as you were pressed up against his side. He seemed really touchy today. You weren’t sure what it was, but you couldn’t complain. “Eijiro, you aren’t watching the movie.” You reminded him.
“Hm?” He asked as he placed another kiss to your neck. Half of you was sitting on his lap but you felt him pull you more and more on top of him. You giggled at his lack of attention to the movie at all. “I’m more interested in you right now.”
His large hand travelled up your thigh even more, you wore loose shorts today that allowed him to slip his fingers further up your legs. You felt him grab at your skin making you suck in a breath but allow as you turned to look at him. His ruby eyes were half lidded as he looked down at you, focused on your being. You took in a deep breath, your eyes looking him over.
Eijiro was in nothing more than grey sweatpants and was otherwise shirtless, allowing you to freely gaze over the large expanse of his muscles. It was times like this you were reminded of how big your boyfriend was. He was absolutely huge. With broad shoulders and large muscles that were more meant for sweeping you off your feet than anything. You felt so small in his hold, almost dainty. You shifted your legs a bit as you tilted your head up to kiss his lips.
He let out a hum in gratitude, as his hands tightened around your body. His lips quickly moved to dominate yours, pulling you close and keeping you there. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you pulled yourself closer to his body, with a stuttered breath. You felt his sharp teeth nibble on your bottom lip, requesting access. You nodded your head breathlessly, as he easily took that opportunity to devour you.
He easily picked you up and settled you on his lap fully, allowing you to face his body as your thighs rested at either side of him. You ran your hands through his dark black hair making him hum in pleasure at the feeling of your hands on him. One of his hands moved up your body to feel the curvature of your back. You sunk down into his lap but gasp at the feeling.
You separated the kiss, a line of saliva connecting your lips as you looked down to where his tented cock was. You were then reminded of how much you loved his sweatpants. You glanced back up at him, trying to figure out how he was feeling. He nodded his head to you, wanting you to do as you please.
Was this it?
You looked back down at the imprint of his cock. Despite Eijiro being all for your pleasure, and having eaten you out multiple times, you had never actually seen his cock before. All you knew was that by the imprint in his sweats and the feeling of it against you, he was hung. You bit down on your bottom lip as you moved your hand up and down his shaft that seemed to only be growing hard at just your gaze.
Eijiro let out a groan as he felt you grasp his cock with your hand. He tilted his head back as he shifted, you felt him buck his hips just slightly. “Y/N…” He groaned.
You weren’t even paying attention to him as you had all your attention on his sex. He was thick. Really thick. You hadn’t even seen it out of his pants, and you felt a rush of fear go down your spine, but then it was quickly replaced by excitement.
Your hand moved to his waistband but then his phone rang. You turned to it.
“Who is it?” He asked, although you could see it in his eyes that he just wanted you to continue and ignore the phone call.
You reached over and grabbed his phone to see who was calling. Your eyebrows raised. “It’s Misaki’s mom.” You let out softly. Your eyebrows furrowed. “I thought you agreed with her that you’d pick up Sachi at half past four?”
“I did.” He sighed as he sat up. You handed him his phone. “Maybe Sachi isn’t feeling well or something.” He reasoned before picking up the phone. “Kirishima Eijiro speaking.” You refrained from touching him as you stared down at his crotch. You wondered how on earth that happened. You also wondered if this whole exchange meant he was comfortable with sex now? You surely hoped so. “What did you just say…” The low tone immediately snapped you out of your lewd daydreaming as you looked up at Eijiro. He had gone stiff, his eyes wide as his grip on his phone turned tight. You looked at him worried. “How on earth did you manage to lose her?” Your eyes widened at the news. “Well, I don’t care if there were many kids at the park! She’s my only daughter and you lost her!? How long has she been gone?” All you could hear was distressed crying from Misaki’s mom on the other side. You could imagine how scary it must be to lose someone’s kid especially when left in charge of them. You had gone through the same thing when Sachiko disappeared at the family derby event.
You saw Eijiro bring a hand to the bridge of his nose as he took a moment to think. “Okay. Okay. Just breathe. Stay there encase she comes back. I’ll find her.” He put down the phone and you quickly got off of him.
“What happened?” You asked urgently.
Eijiro stood up without hesitation. “Sachiko’s missing.” He told you, moving to head somewhere else in the house. You quickly followed after him. You could tell by his large strides and furrowed eyebrows that he was worried. “She hasn’t been seen in the past twenty minutes.” Eijiro walked into his office and immediately moved to the other side of his desk to where his laptop is.
“So how are we going to find her?”
Eijiro switched on his laptop and quickly signed in. “I’m going to track her.” He answered simply.
“You have a tracker on Sachi?” You asked surprised.
“No, her watch has a tracker that just so happens to be on Sachi.” He stated nonchalantly as if that wasn’t the exact same thing. He opened up a little app that looked more like a gaming app than anything. Suddenly a little icon appeared that said “Sachiko” with a baby photo of her. She had cute chubby cheeks with wide eyes with beautiful lashes, she was made out of chubby little rolls as she sat on the ground looking at the camera. You would have wanted to coo at it all day but there were more pressing matters. Soon the page turned into a map of your city and a little icon appeared on the other side of the city. Eijiro’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the location, she was in. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
“What doesn’t make sense?”
Eijiro hesitated. “How did she get all the way there?” He asked his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “If she was taken, she would have hit the panic button that’s attached to her watch. I don’t know how she got there.” He motioned to the map.
You moved to zoom in to the map. Your eyebrows furrowed. “Isn’t that the Bakugou building?” You asked as you pointed to where her little icon was. “What would she be doing there?” You turned to look at Eijiro. The large man had frozen in his seat, fear in his eyes as his pupils shrank. He looked to you, asking a silent question that you almost instantly picked up on. You stood up straight. “She can’t know, and I doubt he would want to see her.”
“Then why is she there?”
Kirishima Sachiko held the straps of her small backpack as she walked through the hallways of the Bakugou building. She followed the group of children around her age that were there for modelling clothes for the brand. She was silent as she spectated everything around her, certain marks that she would use to remember her way out.
She felt bad for having to leave Misaki but her friend understood what she was trying to do. She had to be quick. In and out. Then she could head back to the park or back home. She knew her father would most probably be angry at her, but this was one thing she had to do by herself, cause she knew he would never allow or tell her otherwise.
Sachiko turned to the elevator, just managing to disappear away from the group as she clicked the second highest floor. She wasn’t too far away from the top so it wouldn’t be a long ride. Once the elevator gave out a sound, she stepped out and walked straight to the desk infront of a set of doors. It seemed to be a secretary’s desk.
Sachiko walked over to the secretary who looked up from his laptop. His eyebrows raised in surprise. “Hello little girl. What are you doing here?” He asked surprised as he stood up from his desk to walk over to her. “Did you get lost from the others?”
She shook her head as she gave him a smile. “No. I’m Kirishima Sachiko, I’m here as a representative of the Kirishima Diamond company. My dad said I’m supposed to be part of the photos, but I’m supposed to check in with my uncle Bakugou.” She told him with a soft hiccup. She was glad her father wasn’t here the else he would have known she was lying right out of her front teeth.
The man raised an eyebrow not that convinced. He could admit that she did look like a Kirishima, but she was a kid after all. “Aren’t you a little young to be a representative of a company?”
“I’m just here to see my Uncle Bakugou.” She told him once more.
The tall man sighed as he adjusted his glasses. “Mr Bakugou didn’t tell me he was receiving a guest. But since she was let through…” He grumbled. He moved to the door as he knocked before opening it. “Mr Bakugou, you have a guest here.”
“Who is it?” Sachiko heard a gravelly voice ask from the other side.
The man glanced back at Sachiko before looking back through the door. “A Miss Kirishima Sachiko. Apparently, she was told to check in with you when she got here.”
There was a beat of silence, which made the young eleven year old girl nervous that she might have come all the way here for nothing.
“Send her in.”
The secretary’s eyebrows raised in surprise, but he turned to Sachiko with a smile. “Looks like it’s your lucky day, Miss Kirishima. Bakugou-san never wants to see anybody.” He opened the door wider allowing her through.
“Thank you, sir!” She chirped out with a kind smile as she bowed at the waist. She walked into the office, allowing the doors to close behind her.
Sitting at a large desk with a tablet in hand was a man with ashen blond hair and piercing crimson eyes. He lacked facial hair nor was he as big as her father, but he was pretty handsome. There was something about his eyes that were so feline, piercing and almost made her feel like she had done something wrong.
Crimson eyes stared at each other.
Katsuki frowned at the sight of her. She looked like a doll. She stood in a ruffled light blue dress with white stockings and black shoes, with a red backpack. Her hair was cut short, just barely touching her shoulders as she stared back at him with eyes that made Katsuki feel like he was staring into a mirror.
Suddenly he felt sick.
He let out a shaky breath as he put down his tablet. So, it really was her. He had talked to her briefly at the derby, just thinking of her as one other many of the Kirishima children that he probably just didn’t know about. He didn’t think it would actually be it… her. He reached over to the phone on his desk. “Please call Kirishima Eijiro and tell him his daughter is in my office. Allow him clearance up…” Katsuki’s eyebrow raised. “He already called? Huh.” He put down his office phone as he turned to look at the young girl in front of him. He leaned back in his chair. “Your father is looking for you.”
“I figured.” She let out softly, her voice was gentle as she spoke to him. “I’m sorry for the lack of warning Bakugou-san, and good afternoon too.” She bowed at the waist formally, her left hand over her right. Katsuki watched her with a harsh glare. He could see the conservative Japanese upbringing from a mile away. He could see it in her manners and her voice. It was something that he only saw in Eijiro whenever he interacted with elders or people that were not his friends. Formal, proper, rich. He wasn’t sure if he liked it or not. “My name is Kirishima Sachiko, we met at the derby two weeks ago.”
“We did.” Katsuki acknowledged.
“I’m just here to ask you a few questions.” She told him honestly. “If that is alright with you…” Katsuki didn’t say anything or give her a sign, so she continued. “You know my father?” She asked softly.
“I did.”
She hesitated. “You both went to the same university, right? The two of you were close?”
“We were.”
“Then…” She seemed scared to ask her question. Her grip on the straps of her backpack tightened as she tried to keep her composure. “Do you… do you know who my mother is?” She asked softly. “I’ve already tried every one of Daddy’s friends but they won’t tell me.”
So Eijiro really kept his word?
Katsuki was silent for a long while. He sighed. It was better he got this over and done with and was frank with her so that she would leave him alone. He wasn’t sure why ghosts from the past were now suddenly haunting him after nearly twelve years of him being free from this. He pushed himself out of his chair and stood up. “You don’t have a mother.” He told her frankly. “But I do know who gave birth to you.”
Her eyes lit up, almost in excitement. Katsuki saw the same expression that Eijiro would make whenever he got excited about something. Katsuki hated that expression on her face. “You do?” She asked, stepping forward. “Do you mind telling me who she is?”
Katsuki moved over to the other side of his desk. He leaned back against the hard wood as he folded his arms. “Not she, he.” He corrected her, making her eyebrows furrow in confusion. Katsuki swallowed down hard, trying to ignore the lump in his throat. Years of trying to erase the very thought of her and her father all gone now that she stood in front of him. “I gave birth to you.” She paused. She blinked twice and tilted her head confused in the same way her father would. God, she was just like him. “I’m transgendered, kiddo. So the bonnet doesn’t really match the engine.” He tried using a euphemism to explain it to her.
She took a moment, nodding her head as she took it in. To Katsuki’s surprise, he didn’t see disgust or anger on her face. She seemed to be taking a moment to think it over in her head. “H-how did that happen?” She asked.
“Me being transgendered? I don’t know, trauma I guess.” He shrugged, scratching the back of his head.
She shook her head. “No, not that. I mean me. How did I happen?”
He raised a single eyebrow. “Your father never told you about the birds and the bees? Or what do they call it? Giving a man your umbrella?”
A soft blush went to her face. “Daddy never told me, but Miss Y/N explained it to me after I got my first period.” She revealed to him.
He raised an eyebrow. She already had her menstrual cycle? Had it been that long? Katsuki sighed, scratching the side of his head. “Well, yah. Birds and bees happen and then you happened. Congratulations.” He spoke monotonously.
“Did… Did you and daddy love each other?” She asked.
Katsuki hesitated. He looked away from her. A red croc key ring sitting on his desk. “In some way or another.” He answered softly.
She took another moment. “So then why… why aren’t you together? Why don’t I have a mom… well… other dad?”
Katsuki didn’t like her questions. He didn’t like her presence here and he didn’t understand why on earth he had to explain this all to her. Clearly, she was here without her father’s permission, and clearly she wanted answers.
If she was old enough to understand birds and bees, she was old enough to hear the truth.
Katsuki sighed, detaching himself of all emotions as he looked to her. “You were a mistake.” That one phrase had the girl freezing. “A reckless mistake Eijiro and I did. We weren’t ready for children, and I certainly did not want a child. Unfortunately, your family doesn’t share my sentiments when it comes to bodily autonomy.” He moved his hands to rest back against his desk. “So your father and I had an agreement and thus you were born and I am to play no part in your life.”
She let out a breath before tilting her head confused. “Bodily a-autonomy?”
“An abortion, kiddo.” He stated it simply. “I’m not sure your father would have allowed you to know what it is, considering how conservative your family is, but it’s when someone doesn’t want a kid and so they get rid of it before the foetus is born. Your father’s family didn’t want that despite what I wanted and thus here you are.”
Sachiko was pale, not a single thought in her head as she tried to digest all of this information. Her eyes dropped to the ground as she swallowed down hard. “So… you never wanted…” She wasn’t sure if she could say it. “B-but I’m your child.” She whispered softly, tears in her eyes. “Every parent should love their children. Don’t… did I not mean anything to you?”
“Oh, you did.” Katsuki acknowledged, nodding his head certain of that. “You did. You meant approximately three hundred thousand US dollars. That’s how much your father paid me to keep you. So, in exchange of that ridiculous amount of money as well as birthing you, your father lost his dreams and ambitions, resigned to working for his father which he hated the idea of, and became a dad, stuck with you. So if that is all your questions, I have a meeting in thirty minutes that I’d like to prepare for.”
Sachiko stared back at him, her eyes wide in the same way that Eijiro looked at him the day Katsuki told him to move out of his life. Sachiko looked down with a shaky smile on her face. “I see.” She whispered. She shuffled as she bowed her head to him, closing her eyes. “Thank you for your time, Mr Bakugou.” She whispered.
Katsuki knew he was being harsh, borderline inhumane, but if he wanted her to leave him alone, he’d have to take such drastic measures. This would be something for her to learn so that she would not come into his life again, and so that they could live their separate lives as agreed upon.
He opened his mouth to speak but the sound of his door opening, took his attention. Borderline sprinting into his office as Eijiro who had a scowl on his face. His eyes moved to Sachiko and instantly they eased. “Sachi.” He whispered as he moved over to her. You quickly came into the room as well, staying by the doorway. Katsuki raised an eyebrow, wondering who on earth you were exactly. Maybe her nanny? Eijiro crouched down in front of his daughter and took her by her shoulders. “Sachiko, are you okay?” She nodded her head speechless. He kissed her forehead and looked back over to Katsuki. “Go to Y/N please, and wait outside. I’m coming now.”
She silently followed his order as she walked over to you. You brought the little girl into your arms as you closed the door, allowing Eijiro and Katsuki some time alone in over a decade.
Once the door was closed, Eijiro’s face dropped as he scowled. He looked to Katsuki. “What on earth did you say to my daughter?” He asked with a low growl.
Katsuki raised an eyebrow. “No hello? How are you? How have you been the last twelve years?”
“Answer the question, Bakugou.”
Katsuki let out a tsk, as he stood up off his desk. He pointed a finger to Eijiro. “Your daughter came to me, Kirishima. She found her way through security and up the building just to come and talk to me, to ask who her real mother is.”
Eijiro’s face fell at that news. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to know but he had to. “And what did you say?”
Katsuki put his hands on his hips. “I told her the truth.”
“You did what?”
“I told her the truth!” Katsuki repeated with a glare on his face. “I warned you, that after that… she was born that she and you were to never come into my life again!” He shouted at what used to be his best friend. “So I told her the truth, that I never wanted her and that she was here only on the pure grace of God that I decided to take up that deal with you.”
Eijiro’s face twisted into something close to disbelief and disgust as he took a step back. He almost wanted to refuse to believe it but Katsuki had no reason to lie. “How on earth could you say that to a child?!”
“She wanted to go digging in graves, she found what she was looking for.”
Eijiro looked down at the blond in disbelief. He let out a scoff as he frowned. “How can you have such hatred in your heart for someone that has done nothing to you?” He asked. He motioned to the door. “She’s a good eleven year old girl, who’s apparent only sin against you was being born!”
“Only sin?” Katsuki asked with a tilt of his head. “No, she ruined me!” He shouted as he took a step closer to Eijiro. “You have no idea what it was like being forced to carry that child and have it change your body to its will.”
“Forced? Katsuki you weren’t forced to do anything!” Eijiro shouted.
Katsuki let out a loud cynical laugh, stepping back as he turned away from Eijiro for a moment. “Eijiro, you forced me to carry it!”
“Don’t you dare call my daughter and ‘it’! I gave you an alternative!” Eijiro corrected. “I gave you another choice, a way that I could have my daughter and it would have no ties to you. You chose that alternative. I didn’t force you to do anything.”
“Yah, you only bribed me into having a child!”
“If it was the only way to keep her alive, so be it!”
“Keep her alive!?”
“Tell me Katsuki, why could my daughter not be human enough for you to keep her? Is she only human now that’s she’s older?”
Katsuki tsked as he looked away from Eijiro. He shook his head as he furrowed his eyebrows looking away from Eijiro. “Well I hope you’re happier now.” He spoke snidely and lowly, not answering Eijiro’s last questions. His hands gripped his biceps as he walked back to behind his desk. “And real good job by the way, raising her to be such a prim and proper princess. I almost didn’t feel judged.”
Eijiro frowned. “Did my daughter say anything that insulted you?” He asked, wanting a straight answer. “Did she show you any hate or admonish you in any way shape or form?”
Katsuki rolled his eyes. “Please, it doesn’t matter. I could see that Kirishima upbringing from a mile away. Tell your parents they did a stellar job.”
“A good upbringing that taught her to be kind and respectful?” He asked with a tilted head. “Stop trying to villainise an innocent girl in your life! Unlike you Katsuki, I am happy.” He put a hand to his chest as he looked to the blond. “I really am.” Katsuki looked back at his old best friend. Eijiro didn’t have an inkling of regret on his face. His eyebrows were furrowed as he looked straight at Katsuki. “I’m happy with my daughter and my girlfriend and my family. I have no regrets.” He stated as he moved to turn around to leave. “I hope one day you’ll find it in your heart to not have any either. And for what it’s worth…” He paused at the door as he looked at what was once his best friend. “I hope you know that the best thing you have ever made was her.” Eijiro left the room, deciding to leave the past where it was.
Eijiro closed the door of the apartment as you took Sachiko by the hand. You had been trying to talk to her but she hadn’t responded beyond nods and shaking of her head. Whatever happened in there was greatly affecting her. You looked down at her worried.
“Sachiko.” At the sound of her name, the eleven-year-old girl paused before looking up at her father. Eijiro moved to stand in front her, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at her with a frown on his face. “You deliberately left the park without adult supervision or consent. Do you know how dangerous that is? You could have been in danger. How on earth did you even get to the Bakugou building in the first place and why didn’t you tell me you wanted to know who gave birth to you? I could have talked to you.”
“No, you wouldn’t.” She let out softly as her eyes were down casted. “You never want to talk about it. You always just tell me that every kid is different.”
Eijiro paused. He sighed, knowing she wasn’t completely wrong. “Still. If you wanted to know exactly, why didn’t you just ask me directly? Do you know how worried Y/N, Masaki’s mom and I were for your safety? This isn’t-”
“Then why don’t you just get rid of me!” She shouted up at him. Eijiro’s eyes widened in shock. She had never shouted at him before. Tears fell from her crimson eyes as she looked up at her father with a broken expression. “I know you never wanted a kid anyway! I’m a mistake, right?”
Eijiro’s arms fell to his side as he looked at her confused. His face scrunched up in pain on why she would ever say that. “Sachi…” He tried taking a step forward to her but she took a step away from him, closer to you.
“No!” She shouted. “I know I make life difficult for you! You’re always worried about me, and you never get time to hang out with your friends or do anything you like with me here! Why-why did you even spend all that money for him to keep m-me?” She sobbed as she hiccupped, trying to catch her breath. “You would have been happier if I were never born!”
“Don’t say that.” Eijiro said with a serious expression as he crouched down in front of her with his hands on her shoulders. “Please, don’t ever say that.”
She let out a hiccup as she rubbed her eyes. “But it’s true, Daddy.” She let out with crippled cries, her face pink as she was overcome with emotions. “At least t-that way…” She hiccuped. “I wouldn’t be able to make life difficult for you.”
He shook his head. “No, it’s not true.” He denied it. He carefully moved his large hands to cup her round face. Her jaw shivered with quite cries as tears came out of her eyes. He moved her black hair out of her face and wiped the tear marks from her eyes. “Sachiko.” He started speaking softly. You saw a gentle smile come onto his face as he looked at her with so much love in his eyes. “You are the best thing to have ever happened to me. Intentionally or not. You gave me purpose that I never knew I needed in my life. Life felt so much brighter ever since you came into it. Do you know the first moment I loved you?”
She shook her head with a sniffle. You took out a tissue and gave it to her, allowing her to wipe her nose.
Eijiro smiled broadly, tears in his eyes as he leaned to put his forehead against hers. “The moment I heard your heartbeat at seven weeks. Sachi, you weren’t even born, and I had enough love for you that it made my chest hurt.” She let out a soft whimper as tears fell out of her eyes. He let out a gentle laugh. “So many people love you, I love you, Y/N loves you, your grandparents and aunties love you. Sachi, you aren’t a mistake. That’s why I named you Sachiko.” He reminded her. Tears finally fell from his eyes as he looked at her with a genuine smile. “You’re my little miracle.” She hiccupped as she nodded her head, rubbing her eyes as she tried to stop her tears. “The reason I wake up every morning and Did you do your affirmations today?” At the question, she couldn’t help but chuckle and smile but she shook her head. Eijiro shook his head with tsks. “Come on, you know the words.”
Sachiko she closed her eyes for a second before opening her crimson eyes again. “My… my name is Kirishima Sachiko… daughter of Kirishima Eijiro.”
“Yes, you are.” He affirmed for her, rubbing her soft knuckles with his thumb as he smiled up at her. “Go on.”
“I… I am constantly growing and developing into a g-good person. I am b-beautiful, I am strong, I am smart and I am talented. I kn-now my values. I am as strong as a mountain and as proud as a dragon. I am a Kirishima, worthy, l-loved and true.” She finished.
Eijiro smiled broadly, pride brimming in his eyes. “That’s my girl.”
She burst into sobs as she fell into his arms. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she cried. He chuckled as he held her in his arms. He tightened his grip around her. He looked up at you, and you smiled with emotional tears of your own. You nodded your head as you picked up her backpack.
“There, there, you can cry.” He told her as he comforted her. He picked her up easily in his arms. “How about you take a nap, hm? Naps always make me feel better.”
Eijiro laughed as he stood up and took your plates to the kitchen. You leaned back into the couch as you looked out at the dark night sky.
After the fiasco of Katsuki and Sachiko finding out about him, things sort of went back to normal which you were grateful for. It was you, Eijiro and Sachiko. However, Eijiro had been acting odd for a bit. He was odd in a way that you couldn’t really put a finger on it. He seemed to be giggly recently, and a bit nervous. All until tonight, when he invited you over with Sachiko out at Akari’s house.
“Y/N.” You turned to look up at your boyfriend who walked over to you. He carefully motioned for you to stand up, offering his hand to you. You raised an eyebrow but took his hand standing up onto your own two feet. He gently guided you up onto your feet.
You watched your large boyfriend guide you away from the comfortable couch and to who knows where. “Eijiro, where are you taking me?” You asked skeptically as you looked back at him.
He shushed you sweetly with a smile on his face. “Don’t worry about it, my love.” You hummed, not taking a word he had just said seriously. He chuckled as he guides you forward. His ruby eyes focused forward, a gentle look in them that had you wondering what he was planning right now.
You opened your mouth to speak but then your eyes caught on something making you pause. You were standing in the doorway to Eijiro’s bedroom, but it seemed totally different. There were roses everywhere with low lighting and special candle light. You looked around his room with wide eyes at the romantic set up he seemed to have made all himself. “Eijiro…” You let out softly. “What… what is all of thi-”
You turned around to face him but your boyfriend had disappeared. You looked down and your eyes widened. Sitting on one knee was Eijiro. He wasn’t nervous, he wasn’t anxious, he was sure. His eyes were sure. His face was sure. He let out a breath but smiled up at you, as he took your hand. “Y/N.” His large hands, large thumbs rubbed over your knuckles as he kissed your hand.
“E-Eijiro, what… what are you-”
“I know that I came with a lot of baggage,” He started off as he looked up at you. “I came with a little girl who had never known a mother in her life, some trauma and apprehension too. You deserve far better and yet you allowed me into your life. Initially, I was scared, but I’m not scared anymore. Y/N, you are one of the few good things in my life. You are wonderful, you are kind, you are such an amazing mother to my baby girl, and I couldn’t have asked for anything more from you. You did this all effortlessly. You didn’t have to begged or forced. You were patient with us, and you were at our side when all this chaos was happening. I…” Suddenly out of his back pocket, you saw a velvet box. The lid was flipped up and staring up at you, with beautiful diamonds was an engagement ring. “I know we haven’t been dating long, not even longer than a year but, I’m sure about this, I’m sure about you and I wanted to ask you this before I lose myself. L/N Y/N, would you do me the honour of marrying m-”
You didn’t even let him finish as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his lips. Eijiro’s eyes widened in surprise before a chuckle stumbled out of his lips as he wrapped his arms around your arms. He smiled against your lips as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. You were crying as you held him. Disbelief giggles stumbled out of your chest as you couldn’t help but smile against his lips as you giggled and cried.
Eijiro blinked, thick lashes brushing his cheeks as he stared at you with wide ruby eyes. He searched your face. “So that’s a-”
“YES! Eijiro, yes, I will marry you!” You affirmed, nodding your head as you pulled him into another kiss.
Eijiro wrapped an arm around you as he pulled you in tighter. He let out a stuttered breath as you deepened the kiss. Your hands moved to the back of his head, feeling his locks and baby hairs at the back of his head as you did so. He groaned as he bit your bottom lip and slipped his tongue into your mouth.
You were perfect, you were perfect for him, you were perfect for his girl, you were perfect in their lives. All he wanted was you and right now he could barely think past his tight boxers.
He pulled back with a heavy breath. “Wait… wait, wait, wait.” He breathed out heavily.
You looked up at him, waiting on whatever he had to say. “Do you still want to wait?”
“God no.” He shook his head firmly denying it. He leaned forward, closer to you, his eyes hooded with lust and want. “No, I want to be as deep inside you as possible.” You felt a rush go down your back at the look in his eyes as you tried to stifle a giggle stupid smile. “But I want to do it with you wearing my family diamonds, with my ring on your finger, treated like a real Kirishima wife should be treated.”
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Cat's Game
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Warnings: Fluff, dating, smut (blowjob, fingering, p in v, creampie, aftercare)
Summary: College au, aged up characters, Kirishima x fem!reader, Kirishima is somewhat of a soft dom - partners for a project becomes... something else...
Word Count: 6.2k
"The partners for your project will be posted on the board at the beginning of tomorrow's class," Mr. Aizawa drawled in a tired voice, as usual. You wondered if he got any sleep, ever. The class collectively gathered their things and got up from their seats. 
With your things in your bag, you walked out of the school and to the local coffee shop nearby, since you and Mina had planned for a day together after school. She had another class before she was done, so you grabbed out your laptop and started looking at possible topics for your research project. It was a National History Day project, except your teacher had to make it mandatory. And of course, you couldn't even choose your partners. 'I just hope I get a good partner,' you thought. 
This year's theme for the project was "Turning Points in History", so a lot of major events that had a lot of evidence would be pretty good. You started to write out a list of events that would be good, when Mina walked through the door and into the shop. 
"Mina!" You called out to her, getting up to give her a hug. You both have been super busy this school year, so it always feels great when you get to see each other after a while. In the embrace, you could tell she smelled like bubblegum, her favorite perfume. She wore white dress pants with a pink blouse, and her hair was down. She is one of the most fashionable people you know, and always lives up to that. 
"You look so good today!" You told her, gesturing at her outfit. 
"Thank you! You do too!" she said. Your outfit was not at nice as hers - just some lighter jeans with a long pink sweater on. It was funny that you were matching, without coordinating at all. 
You waved her over to the table you were at, a smaller booth in the back of the shop. It was cute, and had multiple like this one - closed off on 3 sides, cute small pillows on the booth seats, and a large lamp hanging overhead. It was actually a really nice place to study. 
You two sat down, and you closed your laptop as you moved back to where you were sitting. 
"So how have you been? Is there any new tea?" Mina asked, a smirk poking at her lips. 
"I don't know," you said. "Nothing new with people right now, thank goodness." Your luck with drama was not always the best, as it usually was more negative.  Thankfully, though, there hasn't been much drama at all, so it's been good so far, and you told her this. 
"There is this huge project we have to do for my history class, and the partners are assigned. I just hope I get someone good for that." 
"Well, that's good," she said, her smile sweet. "I hope that any drama that comes your way is good drama that you can tell me about, and I hope your partner is who you hope it is," she said, and her sweet smile quickly became a smirk. You both laughed. 
There wasn't anyone on your mind that came up at her comment, but you hoped that soon someone could fill that void. 
The next class finally rolled around, and so the partners were posted on the board at the beginning of class. Since everyone was already crowded around the paper, you decided to set down your things and then come back. You maneuvered your way around the people that were done looking at it, and found yourself in front of the paper. You scrolled down the list of names. 
Denki Kaminari, Sero Hanta
Bakugo Katsuki, Izuku Midoriya
Yn/Ln, Eijiro Kirishima
Kyoka Jiro, Momo Yaoyurozu
You didnt look much after that, since you saw your own name. If you were being completely honest, you didn't know a lot of these people name-to-face. You would have to find Kirishima, whoever that was. The hope that they were someone good still remained in the back of your mind as you looked around the classroom, walking back to your seat. 
Once Mr. Aizawa started calling out attendance, an idea popped up in your head. You would have to pay attention to figure out who Kirishima was, especially since they would be one of the first ones to get called. A few moments passed until you finally heard Mr. Aizawa call out their name. You looked around the room to find that the person who responded was a bright red-haired guy towards the back of the class. 
You realized you would have to talk to him after class, and your anxiety shot up. 'I need to push through this and just talk to him,' you thought to yourself. Calming yourself, you took out your laptop to take some notes on the requirements for the project. You didn't want to look, but you hoped that he was taking some notes of his own at least. 
After you made a whole rubric and watched a few videos, you felt more prepared about the requirements. 
"The next few classes will be structured so that you are learning about National History Day and the requirements for the project, because apparently I have to show you those. Also that way you aren't learning anything new while also trying to do this entire project," Mr. Aizawa stated, his tone laced with boredom and fatigue. Contrastingly, his statement brought a few smiles to the students. Class time for a project would be a great way to get ahead on it. 
Tentatively, you raised your hand. 
"Yes, Ms. L/N?" Mr. Aizawa asked. 
"I was wondering if we would be able to move closer to our partners so that we could use this time to work with them?" you asked, your voice a lot quieter than it normally was. 
"Yes, you may," he answered. "As long as you are still quiet and not making too much noise. This is supposed to be a lecture class, so it's supposed to be quiet except for me, but I'm nice today."
A nice smile was brought to your lips, despite the anxious butterflies flitting around in your stomach. You snuck a glance back up at Kirishima, and found that he was looking at you as well. Quickly you turned away, your cheeks flushing red. You realized that you needed to talk to him, though, and turned back around. 
"Do you want me to move up there?" you mouthed at him. He gave you a thumbs up and a smile in response. 
"Okay, you may get started," Mr. Aizawa told the class. You packed up your things other than your open laptop and got up from your seat to move closer to Kirishima. 
"Hi," you said as you placed your laptop down in the seat next to him. 
"Hi," he replied. Out of the corner of your eye you saw that he was looking you up and down. Your skin erupted with goosebumps, and you set down your bag behind the seat. You pulled the chair next to him out and sat down, re-logging into your laptop. 
"Do you know what topic you want to do?" you asked Kirishima, turning to him. On your laptop was open the list of different topics you thought might be good. 
"Right to business, huh?" he chuckled, taking a glance at your laptop. You laughed with him. 
"Well, we have the time now, I'd rather use it and have to work less outside of class," you explained. 
"That's... valid," he decided. "I wasn't quite sure yet, was there anything you had in mind?" 
"Well..." you began. 
The two of you ended up going with the Civil Rights Movement, which wasn't exactly the least common topic, but it was perfect for the theme of the project and you had decided that you were going to make the best presentation you could possibly make. Soon, though, the clock was close to the time the bell rang, and so you had decided to wrap up. 
"Since we're partners for this project, do you wanna work on it outside of class? This might be the only class time we have to work on it," you told him. 
"Yeah, that's fine," Kirishima said. 
"Okay great," you paused, opening your phone. "Do you wanna put your number in and I can text you?" 
"Yeah, sure," he said, taking your phone from your hand offering it to him. Quickly he typed in his number and his name, and then handed back your phone. It wasn't a moment too soon, either, because the bell rang right then. 
"Awesome, thank you!" Closing your laptop and putting it in your bag, you shot a sweet smile at Kirishima. This time, he smiled back. 
The walk back to your place wasn't that bad, and with his smile in your mind, you felt like you were back in no time.
That night you couldn't sleep. Turning over, you checked the clock, and it read: 
You groaned as you turned back over. You had been doing so all night, and you were tired of it. You turned on your phone to see if you had any notifications. There weren't. 
'Oh shoot,' you said aloud in the dark. Of course there weren't going to be any notifications. First of all, it was 1AM, and second of all, you were the one who had his number. Not the other way around. You went to contacts and found his name. You clicked on the info button and went to message. 
'Hey, it's Y/N - can't sleep so I figured I'd text you even if you aren't up - if you see this, I was wondering if you are free tomorrow after class to work together for a bit on our project? If not it's fine, just let me know. Thanks!' You sat there with the message in the draft box, not yet sent. Finally, your 1AM self decided that it would be a great idea and sent the message. You closed the app and turned off your phone, setting it down on the nightstand next to you. Turning over once again, you closed your eyes and tried to sleep. 23 minutes later, you received a message. You grabbed your phone off of the nightstand to open a text from Kirishima: 
'Yeah, of course - I have practice but I am definitely free after that. Couldn't sleep either btw' Kirishima responded. 
The butterflies came out of their cocoons in your stomach at his response. You tried to calm the butterflies as you responded, but it was tough when you were trying to schedule studying with him. 
'Okay, when does practice end for you?' you asked. 
You saw the typing bubble pop up after he read your question. 
'Around 7:30' he answered. 
'Jeez, that's kinda late' you replied. 7:30 would be around dinner, possibly after depending on when you made it. 
'Yeah, if you're cool with that?' he asked. 
Probably making a bad decision, you replied: 'Yeah, sure - my place' 
'Ok cool' he answered quickly. 
':)' Ending the conversation, you sent an emoji, put your phone down, and went to attempt to sleep again. 
The next day went by extremely slow. 
You weren't exactly happy about the late study time, but you weren't exactly opposed, either. Throughout the day, though, you watched as the time ticked by, taking as long as it possibly could, it seems. Your classes never seemed to end, the assignments and lectures dragged on and didn't help to pass the time, either. Finally, though, you were able to pack up your things and get back to your place. On your way home, you texted Kirishima your address. He probably wouldn't see it, but it will be there when he's done with practice. 
When you got home, you rewrote your notes from your classes and got started on a few papers and assignments. Once you were done, you got started on making dinner, which was around 7. You weren't exactly the best cook, so it took you a lot longer to make things, but you got it done. 
You had started the sauce for spaghetti, when you heard the doorbell ring. Your roomates wouldn't be home tonight, since they were going to a party. Expecting only one person to be at the door, you walked over and opened it. 
There he was. Kirishima. And he was... wet?
"Sorry I'm late, I had to shower after practice," he said. "Took me a bit longer than I wanted to." 
Quickly you glanced over at the clock to see what time it was. Chuckling, you said, "It's not even 8 yet."
"Oh, shit, my clocks run a bit fast. Forgot about that," he replied sheepishly.
"That's okay," you said, moving aside so he could step through. As he did, you took your split second of a chance to glance at him up and down. He was dressed comfortably (you couldn't blame him, he was just coming from practice) in sweatpants and a black t-shirt. The t-shirt was school merch, with the logo printed large on the front. 
He walked in enough to close the door, so once you did, you started walking back to the kitchen where you were finishing up making dinner. 
"You can sit down in here if you want, you don't have to be a lurker," you told him, chuckling. "None of the girls are gonna be home tonight, so we have some privacy." 
"Oh, sorry," he said. "I didn't want to intrude."
"That's fine, you're in here now, so you might as well get comfortable. Plus, I'm almost done with spaghetti if you want some," you offered. 
"I might take you up on that offer," he said. While you stirred the sauce, you could hear him behind you sitting in one of the seats at the counter. Your laptop and a few paper sources were also over on the counter. 
A few minutes later, the sauce was done, and the noodles were now in the strainer in the sink. 
"How much do you want?" you asked Kirishima. 
"I can get it," he said. "I don't want to take too much." 
"Okay," you said, grabbing out plates from the cabinet. You left the door open so that he could grab one too, and you went to grab your own food. 
You sat down at the counter where your laptop was, and when he came and sat down next to you, he said, "Wow, this looks really good y/n. Thank you."
"Of course," you replied. 
Since it was already late, the study session went by pretty fast. The two of you were getting a lot of work done. 
When you took a pause, you glanced over at the clock, which read: 11:24
"Oh my gosh, you need to get back and get some sleep!" you exclaimed, not realizing how long you had been working for. "We have been working for way too long!" 
"It's fine, no worries," he reassured you. "You do too, though, okay?" His gaze was soft as he looked at your panicked face. He must have been tired after almost 3 hours of work, plus it being after practice. This was normal for you, but you didn't know if it was for him. His soft gaze had to have been from tiredness, you told yourself, trying to push the butterflies and blush away. 
"Okay, I will, but you need to get home first." You told him. 
"Alright," he decided. 
Even though his room was within walking distance from yours, you drove him home (because it was so late, you told yourself. Definitely not because you like him). In the walk back to his room from your car, you both listened to the light sounds of the night. It was sweet and calming after studying for so long. 
"Thanks for coming over and working with me," you told Kirishima. 
"Thank you for inviting me, and your spaghetti was great, too," he told you. 
"Definitely. We should do this again," you suggested. 
"For sure. Maybe my place next time?" he asked. 
"Yeah, sure." 
"Awesome. I'll text you."
His last glance at you of the night was one where he was smiling, and it filled you up with a warmth inside that you couldn't get rid of all the way home. That warmth helped you to sleep better than you had most nights at school yet. 
3 weeks later and almost completely done with your project, you closed your laptop for the night. Kirishima was next to you, finishing up his last bit he needed for the presentation. 
"This Friday was a bit rough, huh?" Kirishima asked you. 
"Yeah, definitely. Classes lately have not been fun," you replied, a small smile sneaking onto your face. 
"Glad we're almost done, though - this project will definitely be worth it once we're entirely finished," he commented. 
"I did enjoy spending this time together, though," you said, trying to bring a positive aspect back to the topic.
"Same, I'm really glad we're partners," Kirishima said, his face flushing a pink where normally you never saw that. He turned away quickly, and you did too, smiling a bit at his blush. 
Tonight you were dressed a bit nicer, since you were coming from dinner with an old friend, and you decided not to change. He was dressed nicer too, but you weren't quite sure why. It was definitely getting to you though, since normally you both dressed casual when you studied together. 
"Hey," he said, clearing his throat. "Um, so normally I would ask if you wanted to study sometime this weekend, but since we're almost done with the project, would you like to go on a date with me instead?" 
Immediately your heart swelled, suddenly your stomach was filled with hundreds of flitting butterflies and your face was hot, blush lighting up your face with red. 
"Yes, I would love to," you said, the wave of joy finally breaking with a huge ecstatic smile on your face. 
Kirishima's face lit up with red, almost as bright as his fiery hair. He proceeded to celebrate by jumping into the air as high as he could, pumping his fists in the air. 
"YES! Okay, awesome!" He almost yelled, his excitement making you giggle. 
"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow, then?"
"Yes, I'm free tomorrow so that should be okay," you told him, a cheesy grin stuck on your face. "Text me any other details I might need, okay?" 
"Okay, awesome," he replied, his excitement still clearly showing on his face, also still bright red as well. 
Soon after that he drove home, and when he stepped out the door to leave, you closed the door and pressed your back against it, standing there for a minute with a wild grin. Your emotions were running high, and you stepped away from the door only to jump around cheering in your front hallway for a bit. 
The next day was the longest you have ever been through. He texted you in the morning that he was going to pick you up at 6, and that you could dress casual (because you asked him what you needed to wear). However, after waking up at 8 with a free day ahead of you, you didn't know what to do with yourself. Somehow, though, you managed to fill your day (partly because you were in a call with Mina half the morning, describing the situation and her giving you advice) and you were ready by 5:30 for Kirishima to arrive. You had decided to wear a dressier t-shirt with leggings. 
Before 6:00 rolled around, Kirishima got to your place and walked up to your door, and before he got to knock on it (he took a second to hype himself up before he knocked on your door), you opened it and saw him standing there in a cute white shirt with black pants on. The outfit accentuated his figure well, and you could tell he was strong, and his muscles were toned. His bright red hair was fluffy, like he normally has it, and he donned a cute smile as he checked you out as well. 
"Wow... you look really pretty," he said, blush creeping onto his cheeks. Your eyes were planted on his, and you could see he couldnt take his off of your shirt, which was a low, V-cut shirt and helped to show off your cleavage a bit. 
You laughed as you replied, "Thank you, you do too." 
This finally brought his eyes back up to your face, and the blush that was creeping up just onto his cheeks now covered his entire face as he realized he was totally caught. 
"I'm sorry, you just... your outfit is- it's-" he stuttered, trying to explain himself.
"It's okay, I'm the one who wore the outfit," you told him. "Come on, take me where you want to, Kiri," you walked out the door and past him. 
After a second he followed you back to his car, and he unlocked it so you both could get in. 
The ride there wasn't very long, so you only got through a bit of small talk before you saw he was taking you to a mini-put course. You smiled as the memories of the last few times you had gone mini-putting, and you thought it was very cute that it would also be your first date with Kirishima. 
The man who checked the two of you in was old, and he could tell that you were on a date together. He had a very dopey smile on while you both got putters and balls, and when you were walking out the door, he called, "Have fun, you lovebirds!" When the door shut, both of your faces were bright red, but you looked at each other and burst out into laughter.
Still laughing, you walked over to the first hole. This one was probably the easiest, being the most straightforward with only a few obstacles. After that, though, it only got harder. 
The theme of the place was cute - it was a bit plain, being that it was outdoors-themed, with a few water features, but it was cute and it was fun. There were only a couple other people there, one group being a cute older couple that was almost done by the time you and Kirishima had started, and the other group being a small family that was about mid-way through the course. It was nice, though, because it meant that the two of you could go at your own pace, and talk about the things you wanted to, and just have fun together without any interruptions. 
At each hole, you tried to get Kiri to go first so that you could stand behind him and sneak a few looks. Sometimes it worked, but other times he would catch you and laugh, or he would refuse (so that he could do the same thing, even though you definitely caught him more times than he caught you). 
The evening was filled with laughter, teasing, and fun, and in the end, you both tied. At the last hole, Kirishima was in the lead by 1, and his first putt missed the hole by inches. He ended with 2 on the last hole. When your last turn came up, you gave it your best shot, even though you thought you weren't going to win. Your ball ended up making it in one shot, and when you went to pick up your ball out of the hole, Kirishima was there, his mouth wide open in shock. In the adrenaline of your comeback, you walked over to him. 
"Cat's game," you whispered in his ear, planted a quick kiss on his cheek, and gently closed his jaw as you did so. 
Quickly you walked back into the check-in building, the heat in your cheeks rising extremely fast after that. You put back your ball and putter, told the older man that you would be right back, and rushed to the restroom. While you were in there, you took a second and washed your hands, calming yourself down. 
You hadn't bothered to see if Kirishima followed you into the building, so when he burst into the bathroom, you were only half shocked. The shock only hit you when you turned around, your back to the sink, and he grabs your hips.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks, his face red with blush, his voice deep, but a little desperate.
"Yes," you responded, your voice shaky with shock and emotion. The clash of his lips against yours was electric, sparking throughout your body. One of his hands reaches up to your cheek, while the other stays at your hip. Slowly, the one at your hip moves from its position towards your stomach, where he slides his hand underneath your shirt and up, his thumb brushing against the bottom of your cleavage. At the same time, he moves his lips from yours and towards your jaw, moving down to your neck. He finds your sweet spot and begins to suck, earning a small moan from you. 
"Kiri.." you start, but trail off when he continues. 
"Don't worry, no one's coming," he says, trying to reassure you. 
"Kiri, no," you pause, making him stop. "I want you, and I want more, I just don't want it here, in this bathroom at a mini-putt-course."
His bright red eyes change from hurt to confusion, to bright again when you tell him this. 
"Ohhh," he says, pulling away gently. "Shoot, and I still have to pay for the date, too. Good idea," he commends you, which earns a laughing smile from you both. 
Thankfully, when you leave the bathroom, the old man is turned around, reading something. Together, you walk up to the counter. Kiri pays for the time at the course, and together again you walk out and to his car. 
When you sit down, Kiri takes a second before he starts the car to move your hair out of your face and behind your ear. The contact is filled with electricity, and makes you shiver, only being able to hope he didn't notice. After putting the car into drive and pulling out of the parking lot, he puts his hand on your thigh, and you shiver even worse than you did seconds ago, goosebumps lighting up your skin. Discreetly, you try and close your knees to hide the heat pooling between your legs. You realize it doesn't quite work, though, when you see his smirk, and he proceeds to move his hand a bit further up. 
Once you get to his place, he moves his hand from your thigh to put the car in park, and you immediately miss the contact. You don't have to miss it for long, though, when you get inside.
The door barely closes before his hands and his lips are on you again, making your skin light up with electricity. He starts to suck on your sweet spot again, which also earns another moan from you. You can barely get out the next few words, he's making you feel so good already.
"Kiri.." you try to tell him. This time it works - his head perks up, ready to listen to you.
"Kiri, where is your room?"
The simple question ignites a fire in his eyes, lust being the fuel. Quickly and easily, he picks you up so that he is holding you by your thighs. You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck to help him, and he takes you to his room.
Gently, he places you on the bed, where you take a breath before you kiss him again, pulling him down on top of you. He takes this and moves his hand onto you again, one on the bed by your head, the other carefully placed against your stomach. Your hands are in his hair, tugging and pulling it, showing him how much more you want.
Once again, he moves his hand up and under the bottom of your shirt, just underneath the cup of your bra, his thumb barely brushing it. The slight touch sparks electricity through your body, and it pools in your core.
You push back at his collar, and he lets you sit up enough to take off your shirt. His eyes are on you the whole time, and once you get it off, his jaw drops once more.
"Holy shit, you're beautiful," he says, still not taking his eyes off of you.
"Hold on a minute, though," he continues, once you reach out towards his collar again. "Are you sure you want this?"
The question brings back that warmth he shared from his smile weeks ago, and it was something even as simple as asking for consent. That warmth ensured that the fire burning inside of you right now would never go out.
"Kiri, I have wanted you since the first day we became partners for that project," you stated. "Yes, I am sure I want this."
"Okay, good, because I have, too," he says, and as you finally pull him down onto you, at the last second you flip him over so that he is on the bed and you're on top.
He grins wildly as you start unbuttoning his pants, and he helps you by taking off his shirt and tossing it to the side.
You pull down his boxers to reveal his erection, and his huge cock. Your core throbs at the sight, and you fight the urge to lick your lips, failing miserably.
When you place your lips around the tip of his length, Kiri throws his head back with a loud moan. Slowly, you start to bob your head up and down, sucking gently as you did. Your hand stroked the rest of him as well, and you could tell the sensation was doing lots of things to Kirishima. He was moaning so loud, you were sure the neighbors could hear, but you didn't want to stop. Kiri tried (and failed) not to thrust up into your throat, but you didn't mind it too much.
"Im.. so close-" he said, just a few seconds before you felt his white hot release in your mouth. When you were sure you had sucked him dry, you swallowed, earning yourself another groan and a wild grin from Kirishima.
"My turn," he said. He helps you to unclasp your bra, your cleavage falling out and bouncing in front of his face. Quickly he flipped you over, so that you were underneath him, your back against the bed. Contrastingly slow, he pulled your leggings down your legs, revealing your underwear and soaking pussy.
"Wow, all for me?" He started, pulling aside your underwear and rubbing a single finger through your folds. This immediately follows by a groan from you.
"Yes- Kiri, all for- for you," you just barely manage to stutter out once he puts that finger inside of you and starts to pump it in and out. The action makes you bite your lip, trying to stop the loud moans escaping you.
When Kiri sees this, he grabs your chin and pulls it to face him, still not stopping his fingers inside of you.
"Don't hide your voice, I want to hear every single sound you make tonight. And no one is going to hear but me," he says, and you let go, loud moans breaking free from your lips.
"Atta girl," he praises, which only goes down to your pussy, where he adds another finger inside of you now. He hits your G-spot every time, curling his fingers just so that he can get it. And he definitely does - you were close to your release.
"Kiri-" you warn, feeling the string of ecstacy being pulled tight, about to snap. "Don't stop-"
You gasp as your orgasm hits you like a waterfall, ecstacy and electricity rushing through you as that string snaps. You cum on his fingers, the stringy substance coating his fingers thickly. You ride your orgasm out on his fingers, and once you're done, he puts his fingers in his mouth and tastes your sweet release.
"You taste so fucking sweet," he praises you. You're still panting from your orgasm off his fingers, and it doesn't help when he pulls your underwear off your hips, tosses it to the floor, and pushes your legs up so that your knees are almost touching your shoulders.
He lines up his cock with your entrance, and your eyes widen as you realize you are about to take his monster of a cock inside you. He passes through your folds a few times before he slowly enters you, one inch at a time. He gets through just the tip before he stops so that you can adjust to the pleasant burn he gives you. Once you're adjusted well, he pushes inside of you just an inch further. He pushes down to the hilt inside of you, and you gasp again as his dick hits your cervix easily.
You adjust to the burn quickly, and thankfully because he begins to pump in and out of you, earning multiple pornographic moans from you. You can feel the buildup of pressure already, building up like a wall about to crash.
Kirishima drives into your pussy, moans releasing from both of you as you get closer to your high. His hands roam your body, one cupping and kneadind your breast and nipple, the other holding onto your waist.
He fucks into you harder and harder, faster and faster, until you can feel the cracks in the wall, a dam about to burst. Your moans mesh together as you both reach your high simultaneously. The dam breaks, erupting as his does too, resulting in a mix of his and your release together at the base of his cock, still hilt deep inside of you. Your legs shake from your release, and the last few pumps of your orgasms fall out of you both.
You lay on the bed in ecstacy as Kirishima pulls out of your ruined pussy, gets up from you and goes to the bathroom to cleanup. He comes back with a towel for you, and helps you to clean up the mess that is the two of you. Once he is done, he puts your previously discarded clothes into the hamper, and gives you a pair of shorts and a too-big shirt for you to wear, and he changes into a loose shirt and boxers as well. He helps you change, and when the two of you are done, he climbs into the bed next to you and places a kiss on your forehead.
"So, does this mean I'm your boyfriend now?" He whispers. You turn around and push his forehead lightly back to play with him.
"I think we need to play another game to determine that," you reply, a coy smile playing at your lips, despite recent events.
"Or..." Kiri trails off, trying to think of a comeback or an easier situation.
"Or... what?" You tease him, giggling as you watch his eyes light up with an idea.
"Or I could just fuck you again, except harder," he states, and this time you can't tell if he's serious or not.
"Harder?" You whisper, thinking about how he could possibly do that after what he did tonight.
"Yeah, although we might have to wait until the morning to do that, cause then you can walk," he says, his tone nothing but factual. He places one last kiss on your cheek this time, spooning you in the bed. The kiss makes the warmth inside of you burn brighter, never to go out again.
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gamblersdoll · 13 days
hard dom kirishima, spitting, slapping, bondage, degrading etc, porn with no plot
“get on your tippy toes, bitch.” he chuckles, venom seething through his lips. “just had to be a fuckin’ brat!” he sneers, ripping your panties off. the sound of cloth shredding was a rough one, then your ass burning from the slap he landed.
your muffle a cry against the tape on your mouth, him laughing at your squirms. he meanly spits on your right ass cheek, then slapping at the glistening space.
you muffle his name, trying your best to stay bent over the couch. “cant say shit now, can you?” he says, slapping the left harder. “poor needy bitch, arent you?” he spreads your legs, hand palming your cunt.
you muffle, but its not heard. he grabs your hair, pulling you to his chest and whispering in your ear. “something you have to say, slut?” he says, ripping the tape off.
“sorry! ‘m so sorry!”
“yeah, i bet cha are!” he chuckles, slapping your ass again. he pulls his cock out, it brushing against your skin, “you want this, dont you?” he asks, pressing it against your slit. “say it, say that you want it.”
you bit your lip, looking up at him.
“oh, you little nasty bitch—“ he says, slamming your upper half over the couch. he slides himself in balls deep, slamming his hips into your own body. “wanna bite your fuckin’ lip and nod huh?”
you moan, clenching around him as he ravaged your walls, biting down onto your shoulder and drawing blood.
“needed a real man to ravage you—“ he says, groaning against your shoulder as his hot tongue slides around your skin. “— needed a man to claim this whore pussy of yours!”
his hips stutter, him rolling his eyes and you taking every last inch he could ever give you. “ oh fuck, fuck!” he moans, balls slapping against your slit and he digging his teeth deeper. he growls out, “yeah, yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah!” slamming his hips harder into you.
his balls tightened, watching you try and run but knowing your arms are tied behind you. he laughs, pride and lust sweltering in his chest. his face curls and scrunches, feeling his balls now empty inside you. “shit!”
you still, feeling his seed coat your walls and emit heat. he speaks, nervously.
“im sorry, are you okay? did i go too far?”
“no, im okay.” you assure, looking up to him. he smiles, a toothy grin and he kisses his bite. “im sorry, i probably went too far.”
“youre just fine, i love you.”
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