#my hero fanfic
misssmina · 2 months
Y’all don’t make use of subtle/weird traits in fics enough.
Bakugou literally has hyperhidrosis. Make him switch shirts constantly, or constantly wiping his hands, or outright refusing to touch things because nitroglycerin is a volatile substance.
Midoriya is constantly chewing on his lips or thumb while in thought. Either his lips are SO chapped or he’s a skin picker and the skin around his finger tips are super rough.
Uraraka is a poor kid. She would absolutely have some kind of financial anxiety. Make her be extremely frugal OOOORRR BETTER YET make her absolutely awful with money.
Aizawa is a hypersomniac. Give the man a nightmare disorder or something. We can be more imaginative than just always kinda tired.
Kirishima has/had really bad quirk envy. Please I need to see this addressed more. Even at the best hero school, in the top class, he talks down on his quirk.
Todoroki really doesn’t think very much. He acts quickly but very thoughtlessly. Coming to incorrect conclusions and moving too fast without knowing what to do next.
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sinfulpanda16 · 6 months
"Proud of you."
You look up at Bakugou who has concerned written in his eyes. He goes to kiss you; you're taken aback but don't pull away and kiss him back. After a moment he pulls away.
"You'll be ok baby."
He walks away and you just watch him. You don't know how he knew but you really needed to hear that.
a/n: wrote this for those who are stressing in life right now. (me with finals)
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slayfics · 9 months
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You fall asleep on Katsuki.
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You got onto the bus excited to get off of your feet. Your class had just finished an off-campus training exercise and was now heading back to UA. The training which required sparing with your classmates left you exhausted.
You were the last to climb onto the bus, as you had sustained some nasty injuries after the training. You moved slowly up the bus steps feeling your body scream at you. Scanning the seats left over, there didn't appear to be many options left.
Of course one of the open and closest seats left was the one next to Katsuki. Whatever, you thought, and made your way over to sit next to him.
It wasn't that you disliked him the way the rest of the class did, but he was the sparring partner who had left you in such bad shape today. It would have been nice to get some space from him.
The bus started up and began to move. Luckily Katsuki wasn't much of a talker. He stared silently out the window making it easy to ignore him. You felt your whole body sink into the seat, your muscles thanking you for relaxing. You leaned your head back against the seat.
"You good?" You heard Katsuki ask next to you.
"I'm fine," you replied. Although in actuality your whole left side felt like it was on fire. Katsuki had landed a direct hit on you, an exceptionally strong blast from just a short distance away.
"Thought you were gonna dodge that last hit dumb ass, I wouldn't have used such a strong blast," he grumbled still looking out the window.
"I said I'm fine," you responded back shortly. Your eyes were beginning to get heavy and you just wanted to nap.
"Yeah whatever," he said and fell back into silence.
You let the hum of the bus and the rocking moments of the road lull you to sleep. The bus went over a bump large enough to throw off your balance from leaning back against the seat, but not large enough to wake you up. As a result, you landed resting your head on Katsuki's shoulder.
Katsuki jumped silently surprised and looked down to see you were knocked out and hadn't leaned on him on purpose. "Ugh-" he grunted in annoyance but looked back out the window deciding not to disturb you.
Mina sitting in front of you guys had not stopped talking to Ochaco since she sat down. She turned around in her seat to ask you a question, when she noticed you knocked out and resting on Katsuki.
"Awe how cute!" She exclaimed.
"Shut the hell up! I'm only allowing it because I beat them down pretty hard today," Katsuki barked at Mina.
"Mhm~ ok Bakugo," she giggled and turned back around.
"Tch-," Katsuki grumbled and looked back out the window.
Katsuki yelling at Mina had disturbed you enough to become slightly aware of what was going on, but not enough to shake you fully awake. You became aware of the sensation that you were lying on Katsuki's shoulder and realized you must have fallen over when you fell asleep.
You were surprised he didn't kick you out of the seat the second you fell over and leaned on him. You decided to play off being sleepy and wrapped your arm around his and dragged it down bringing his shoulder into a more comfortable position for you to rest on.
"Hu?," Katsuki turned to look at you nuzzling up to him. "You're really testing your luck, you know that? If you drool on me I'm kicking your ass off this seat," He barked.
Ah- there it is, you thought laughing internally.
Katsuki leaned his head back against the seat, and you allowed yourself to fall back into a deep slumber.
After some time the bus finally arrived back at UA. Students began to get off and once again Mina turned around to look at you both.
"Ah! Uraraka look!" She exclaimed, pointing to you two.
Katsuki had fallen asleep as well but instead of his intent on keeping his head rested back against the seat, the bus movements caused him to lean into you. His head now rested on top of yours.
Mina quickly took out her phone and snapped a picture, alerting Katsuki to wake up.
"The hell?" He blinked hard and noticed the camera in his face. "The fuck are you doing raccoon eyes?? Give me that damn phone I'm going to explode it to hell!" He yelled.
"Do what you want but it's already on my story," Mina teased, sticking out her tongue and pulling down her eyelid.
"We better go!" Ochaco said, nervously pulling Mina off the bus.
Katsuki’s moment and yelling had shaken you awake. It took you a second to come back to consciousness and realize the situation. You pulled your phone from your pocket to check the time and realized a notification of being tagged in a photo from Mina.
You curiously opened the notification and were greeted with the sight of a picture of you and Katsuki passed out asleep leaning on each other. Your face instantly flushed.
Katsuki looked down at the picture on your phone, "Those damn extras need to learn how to mind their business," He spoke, irritation laced in every word.
You nodded not knowing how else to respond. The truth was you loved this picture, and you knew you would stare at it until it disappeared from Mina's story. That was until a moment later when Mina sent you a text with the picture and a message that read "You're welcome ;)".
"Come on let's get off this damn bus," He said motioning for you to get out so he could too.
You got up and made your way off the bus, Katsuki trailing right behind you.
"Alright let's go, I'll walk you to Recovery Girl she'll have some burn ointment that will help with that," Katsuki said, eyeing your left arm that he hit with a strong explosion.
"Awe, it's cute how much you care Bakugo," You teased him.
"Shut the hell up! I just know if I don't take you you'll be too stubborn to go on your own. I know how much of a wimp you are with anything remotely doctor related," He laughed trying to retort back but you could see through his ruse.
Katsuki wasn't the type of person to vocalize how he felt, ever. Instead, he showed it with actions, and even then he would try to disguise it as if it was a bother to him. Like it was something he couldn't stand doing. However, you knew better, it was too easy to tell that Katsuki just struggled with these types of things.
Whether it was how he was raised or something he experienced in his past, affection, and kindness didn't come naturally to him so he showed it in unique ways that the average person might miss. You wondered how many people weren't able to see past his temper and understand him. It made you sad to think about how many people he might have accidentally pushed away. And you wondered, how many people didn't take the time to understand?
"Thank you Bakugo, I appreciate it," You said, smiling at your classmate.
“Yeah yeah, don't think too much into it or whatever," He said as he began to walk towards Recovery Girl's station.
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Thank you for reading! I smiled a lot when writing this one hehe~
@unofficialmuilover @snowmist-hashira
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pjs-everyday · 2 months
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they know everything about everyone all the time 🤞🤞🤞lol
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nooossyyyyyyyyyyyy 👂👁👃👁👂
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bakuwhcre · 1 year
"wake up."
bakugou shouted as he stumbled over to you. his body was littered with scrapes and bruises. as was yours. you both fought so hard-- and you shouldn't have been fighting out there anyway. not when you both had just figured your life out together.
"wake up, nerd."
dropping to his knees, bakugou managed to pull you onto his lap. he pushed some flyaways out of your face, "wake up, [name]. we won. . you won."
why wouldn't you wake up? his face began to twist into worry. he shook your body over and over, cupping your face as he shouted your victory. "you won, nerd! you won! this isn't funny!" his voice cracked and lowered as his and reached for your stomach, laying there for a moment.
heroes, emts, and more began to flood the scene. your body was ripped from bakugou arms.
you were pronounced dead at the scene, and the hero, dynamight, was never the same.
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luvrkay · 1 year
Shoto loves when you cockwarm him, he's literally addicted to it.
there's something about the feeling of your warm, wet walls engulfing his entire length that has him moaning into your shoulder blade as he tries to stop himself from fucking up into you.
"cmon sho, you were the one who wanted to do this, dont tell me you can't even last ten minutes" it's the way you tease him that has his dick twitching inside your walls.
"i know baby but you just feel s'good" he sucks lightly on the skin below your ear, smirking against your skin when he hears you moan.
"then fuck me"
shoto groans, debating on staying still and having you cockwarm him or fucking you until the sun starts to rise, hmm decisions...it doesnt take long for him to decide, the latter sounding like a much better option.
shoto lifts your leg, pulling out until nothing but the tip remained inside of you before he's slamming up, fucking into you at a quick pace. your hand grips his forearm, nails scratching into the warm skin on his left side. "fuck sho"
he eventually snakes his arm around you, thumb finding your clit and rubbing harsh circles on the sensitive nub as cum around his dick. shoto doesnt pull out, instead fucking your slick deeper into you until there's a white ring of cream forming around the base of his cock.
AN: I��m bored so I’m taking requests! Please don’t hesitate to send some in!
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athynathens · 5 months
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ surprise, princess.
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“If I were to flatten my tongue in this delicate pussy of yours, would you cry or mewl?”
PAIRING. Bakugo Katsuki x You/Reader
ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE. This oneshot covers the My Hero Academia AU. In this universe, Bakugo Katsuki is already a pro hero, but you/reader is a popular actress.
SYNOPSIS. As an actress, your job is to entertain and give content through acting. This also includes fanservice which you don’t mind. However, the only boundary you have is that you refuse to make any pornographic scenes with anyone in the movies or shows because you are only bound to your husband. But, some lunatic decided to disregard your boundary and forces you to film such a scene. Just how exactly will your husband react to this?
WARNING. minors dni, 18+ scenes, mature scenes ahead such as rough sex, cunnilingus, blowjobs, deepthroating, fingering, edging, humiliation, dirty talk, roleplay, knife play, dry humping, passionate kissing
AUTHOR’S NOTES. Idk yall, this scene just happened to popped out my head while rewatching bha lol. Besides, it sounds hot and has an intriguing plot too? So why not decide to make my imagination a reality….through writing lmao. Also please don’t attack me with my shitty smut…it’s been a while since I’ve honestly written one so go easy on me :)
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You were beyond irritated, however, you stopped yourself from showing a foul expression in front of the director. This stupid son of a bitch wants you to film a sex scene for the TV series that they are currently filming. His stupid damn reason is fanservice — not that it’s a bad thing since it’s already a norm in this society, but you have boundaries when it comes to fanservices. Your only boundary is that you refuse to film pornographic scenes with anyone because your body is only for your dear husband, Bakugo Katsuki.
“With all due respect, Mr. Director, I already mentioned that I absolutely refused to film such a scene with someone else,” You reminded, praying and asking quietly for help to keep her sanity.
“Oh come on now! Your beauty is such a waste! You should share whatever you have underneath those clothes to everyone, you know?” The director grinned, looking at you up and down, analyzing you like some kind of meat.
Hold back. Hold back. Hold your fucking mouth back. “You flatter me too much. But, I still stand by my words. I refuse to film such a scene. I have my rights when it comes to choices like this,” You firmly said with a smile.
“Don’t give me that bullshit! You wanna talk about choices?! I make your choices! I make all of your choices! I don’t even know why I asked you! When I say you are filming the fucking scene, you are filming the goddamn scene! You understand, bitch?” He screamed, throwing his folder to the ground, causing everyone to flinch, but they resumed their tasks. This is a normal thing in sets so it isn’t anything special, but to think this yelling is about some narcissistic asshole who thinks the world revolves around him.
The director took a deep breath before continuing, “Your scene tomorrow will be about a gladiator from Rome who’s been in love with you so he decided that he wanted to taste you when you go back to your room in the palace. Is that clear?”
Go to hell, you stupid brainless motherfucking— “Crystal Clear.”
The director’s angry expression turned into a satisfying expression. He placed his hands on top of your shoulders. “I knew you were a good girl,” He said darkly, caressing your shoulders. “I’m sorry if I screamed. Although, I wouldn’t even be screaming if you just listened like the good little girl you are, hm?”
Die, you goddamn extra. “Yes, that was my mistake,” You smiled, trying your best to hold back a fucking punch.
The director gave her one last smile then left her to dismiss everyone on set. After that, the rest of the day just became worse for you. You spent the rest of the night just crying and sobbing at the corner of your hotel room while eating ice cream and throwing candy wrappers around. You wanted to call your husband, but you didn’t want to disturb him either since he is probably doing patrols in Japan.
“Stupid fucking director! If I only knew his attitude was like this then I should have never said yes to this fucking series!” You sniffled, getting a tissue to wipe away your tears and snots.
“AND! If only I wasn’t intrigued by the plot then, none of this would even happen! Here I thought, being away from my husband will be a pain! BUT NOOO!! Turns out! This stupid director is the real pain!” You cried out, throwing the tissue on the floor, and stomping your feet on the ground.
The TV series is called The Tyrant. It’s about the middle princess of the Roman Empire falling in love with a tyrant of a king in Greece. And since this is in the Roman/Greek setting, you can say there are a lot of sex scenes, but you’ve managed to get away from them. This is all because of the character you’re playing; your character is the sister of the Tyrant King who has the reputation of being hard on men. And, because she’s the tyrant’s sister, she’s basically untouchable.
The vibrations of your phone caused you to groan in frustration, standing up from the floor as you wobbled towards the bed to get your phone.
You only choked on your saliva to see the name. “WHAT? ITS MEH HUSBAND?!?!” You screamed in shock, losing your balance a bit and fell down to the floor.
You cursed at your stupidity, sitting back up as you fixed yourself and took a deep breath before answering the call.
“Hey, ‘Suki!! Why are you calling??” You asked, acting cheerful.
Katsuki only chuckled. “Am I not allowed to call my wife?”
Your cheeks flushed in redness. “Yes. I MEAN! No! You are allowed! Sorry! It’s just that…isn’t it late morning in Japan? During that time, you are doing patrols.”
For some reason, Katsuki’s husband's instincts activated. He can sense something is wrong with his wife. You may be a good actress, but you sure as hell can’t hide nor act away your true feelings from Katsuki.
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry to break the mood, but are you alright?” Katsuki asked straightforwardly. If there is one thing he learned about relationships is when communicating, don’t beat around the fucking bush — explode your way right through it! Katuski’s words, not mine.
Your silence only confirmed Katsuki’s suspicion. “Baby, turn on your camera.”
“I-I don’t think it’s a good id—don’t make me repeat,” You shivered at this rough tone, gulping at the thought that you had to reveal your hideous self to your lover.
You hesitantly turned on the camera to see a sweaty Katsuki in his hero suit. Your cheeks flared a bit after seeing your husband’s hot state, but at the same time, you were relieved to see your husband again after 2 months apart. Katsuki fumed red to see his cute wife in this state. His veins popped out his forehead as his jaw flexed in anger — he needed to know who the hell messed with the wife of Dynamight.
“Who?” Katsuki growled angrily.
You shook your head. “Katsuki, it doesn’t even matter—everything that involves you fucking matters to me! So you better start telling me, who has hurt my wife?”
Your mouth left a sigh, refusing to even look into his intense gaze. It’s a bit funny because if she was actually in front of Katsuki, he wouldn’t have shifted your head to make you look at him. Thank the lord that he isn’t in front of you at the moment, right?
With that, you started to tell your husband everything — from the shitty director to the tantrums you made in your hotel room.
Yet, as you were explaining, Katsuki remembered the day you announced that you refused to make pornographic scenes with anyone, and this boosted his love for you even more. As the years progressed, you managed to become famous without making such a scene. You even became famous for acting in known movies of today such as Attack on Titan, Haikyuu, and others. Katuski was really proud that you made it to the top, proving to those worthless extras that you are more than just a pretty face. But as you grew more popular, the increase of demands to see you in an R-18 movie really got him possessive and jealous.
Everytime he would go on patrols, he would hear comments about his wife’s physical appearance. He heard many inappropriate and vulgar phrases that boiled his blood. But due to his hero reputation, he couldn’t just blast them off as he used to in highschool. Hence, he would often just glare down on them at such intensity. This was his only limit to tell those horny assholes off.
However, he fucking almost lost it when he heard from Izuku that the paparazzi are taking pictures of his own wife inappropriately. Of course he took action with this through court, but it wasn’t enough to soothe his frustration.
He gets super annoyed by the fact these extras think that they have a chance with you. He gets really pissed with men who ask him about his wife as if he wasn’t the husband. He gets so frustrated when girls clung up to him when they all know he’s fucking taken. He gets truly angry when people don’t know their fucking place.
“What should I do, ‘Suki?” Katuski’s train of thoughts were interrupted by your sweet voice.
The blond paused for a moment, analyzing his wife’s reactions, expressions, movements. With that, he came up with the only conclusion that will help his wife and satisfy his frustration with those pathetic extras going after his wife.
“Go to set tomorrow. I’ll deal with the problem myself,” Katsuki declared evidently, confusing you literally with what he's planning.
“Okay? Sure? But tell me what you are going to do!! So we can be on the same page!!” You asked, hoping he will answer your question.
“Just so what you always do, bunny,” Katsuki grinned.
Your head tilted to the side, frowning in confusion as you tried to ask more questions on what’s his alibi. But he proceeded to say his goodnight and love yous before ending the call. Once again, you had the biggest “huh” plastered on your face, and the question only repeats in your head…
— what’s gonna happen tomorrow?
The next day came like a fucking flash, and you did exactly what your husband asked you to do. However, as soon as you got there, the staff just pushed you to the make-up room to prepare you. As the makeup is being done, you read the script, and you swear to Katsuki’s abs, you need to bleach your eyes with holy water. You wanted to choke in disgust with this unholy script. It’s kinda ironic given that she has done this before but only with her husband! Not with some random extra!
The staff now motioned you to dress up for the shoot. Right now, you’re really expecting that Katsuki will barge in the shooting scene and blast the director to bits. He used to do something as violent as that during your highschool days, but he stopped now that he’s a pro hero.
You stare at the mirror to see you are in your white long dress with a cape behind you, however, your back is seen by everyone. Your hair is styled with curls and has the golden leaf tiara on your head with some bangs on the front. You look beautiful, but to think you would show this beauty to someone who’s not your husband. Your eyes quivered, wanting to cry at that thought, but you held back.
You began to think, “I thought ‘Suki will do something?”
A knock on the door caught your attention, diverting your eyes to the door to see the staff asking you to take position on set. The staff also mentioned, to lift up your mood, that the director looks very pale for some reason. The staff joked that he probably met a monster or something. You giggled at the staff’s words, and it helped lift up your mood a bit.
After minutes of last minute touches with the settings and make up. Every actor went to their places as cameras began to start rolling in…
“Oh by the Gods! That impudent brother of mine will never learn how to treat a lady right! Tell me Zeus! What did my brother do in his past life to bear such attitude?” You rubbed the temples of your nose as you walked through the corridors of this magnificent hall of the Roman Empire.
“Brother, I did not spend 6 months in this empire of unholiness for you to lose your lover in one sitting…” You muttered quietly, disappointed at how your dear brother treated the middle princess harshly.
“Your highness!” An attendant screamed.
You turned your head to see your personal secretary running to you with loads of papers. “What’s wrong? What has my absurd brother done again?”
The attendant let out a sweat. “You are right that it is your brother, my princess, but it’s more than that,” The latter hyperventilated. “It turns out that your mother threatens your brother to leave his lover at once or else Rome will face the consequences. I even heard that it was ordered by you.”
You let out a small growl, veins popping though your forehead. “This is what mother wants. A war between Greek and Rome for power and a war between siblings for the throne. She knows that I am the only one who is capable of stopping my brother, hence why she is using that advantage.”
“That foul ungrateful woman!” The attendant cursed.
“Indeed she is. Rest assured that I will work on a solution, but now I must return to my chambers to rest for today was tiring,” You said, gesturing to her room with her head.
“Of course, princess. Have a good rest.”
With that, you exited the scene to return to your resting chambers. Your room is an open area with the great columns surrounding the room. You were smart enough to choose a room with a great valley view and is not easily peaked through by anyone. In the middle of the room is a big circular sunken bathtub with rose petals. Your bed is found at the side with large tables filled with papers and books. You only sighed tiredly, walking to your table as you removed the tiara in your head.
That’s when you heard the doors opening.
“Perfect timing! Please tell the rest of the maids to prepare my bathing tools. I will be bathing myself today also so—” You gasped loudly when a pair of large but familiar hands grabbed your tits from behind.
Oh, you are so going to kill the actor for touching you vulgarly.
But before you can even react, those hands immediately pull your nipples, causing you to grit your teeth as you arch your back. A rough arm circled around your waist as the other hand squeezed your one tit with all his might. You gasped at this familiar sensation. This only caused you to think because this familiar sensation is only given to you by your husband…
…but there’s no way that Bakugo Katsuki is in Rome?
That’s when you heard a familiar dark chuckle. “My, oh my, princess.” Your eyes quivered at that familiar rough tone. His familiar hands grabbed both your tits once more, squeezing it but also spreading them apart, causing you to whimper.
“Who would have thought, hm?” You quivered violently as your head looked back to see a familiar blond hair. “That the great warrior princess of Greece would make such an erotic sound?”
You turned pale, freezing on the spot to see your one and only husband behind you — touching, staring, groping you.
“H-How are you he—” A large mouth held your jaw tightly, covering your mouth. Your body hair stood up at this sensation, as you stared at his intense and lustful gaze.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, princess. Don’t ask stupid questions. It’s better to worry about what's happening in front of you now.” You got caught off guard with what he said, realizing that he’s indirectly telling you to continue acting, and asking for questions is for later.
Shit! What was my line? BKBJWOWP!?! Damn you, Katsuki for being too hot! “You insolent peasant! How dare you touch someone superior to you!” You managed to speak out, despite the pleasure you are receiving from your husband.
“Superior?” He lets out a laugh, bending you with his bulky chest. “I believe that it is, I..” He whispered to your ear, fondling your tits more.
“…am superior to you.” He growled inhumanly, pushing you towards your desk. You attempted to get up, but he pinned you harder to the desk. This only brought pain to your pelvic bone and breast. Bakugo looked down to lick his lips, witnessing your struggles.
He grabbed his dagger from his sandals, spinning it around before landing the tip in your back. You shuddered below him, feeling the sharp object traced your exposed back. “Fuck, princess. Did you have any idea how much this outfit of yours arouses me? Your fucking exposed skin is asking to be touched.”
“T-That wasn’t even my intention to do—” You gasped loudly when he traced the dagger lower, circling it as he placed a bit more pressure.
“Don’t lie to me, princess. Bet you’ve been wanting men to fuck you right there? Maybe that’s the reason why you’ve been wearing such clothes…” He grinned, putting the dagger down. You immediately shook your head to respond to his question, but he gripped your soft hips, pulling them closer to his hard bulge. Your eyes went wide to feel how hard and big he is.
You turned your head to the side with the support of your shaking arms to see the huge tip poking up your ass cheeks. “Yeah, that’s right. Fucking see how hard you made me,” Katsuki licked his lips with such tantalization.
He spread your asscheeks apart to make room for the rest of his cock. You tried to grip something — anything — for support, and you ended up gripping a book. Katsuki threw his head back, feeling his cock wrapped around your warm asscheeks. “Fuckkkk, princess. This is way better than my fantasies.”
You flinched violently under him, which Katsuki noticed. His expression turned into a twisted expression, grinning psychotically at your reaction. He bent down till his bare chest touched your exposed back, he traced your stomach to your neck, wrapping his fingers around it.
He brought his head closer to your ear and whispered, “Did you like the idea of me having fantasies about you, hm?”
You were about to respond when he spoke again. “I fantasize about you every night. My cock throbs for you, princess. I would relieve myself almost everyday, trying to imagine what your walls would feel around me. I often think of ways on how to ravish your body in different positions. My mouth yearns for the taste of your exquisite pussy. Tell me, princess. If I were to flatten my tongue in this delicate pussy of yours, would you cry or mewl?”
“I-I don’t know…” You muttered softly, gripping whatever you are holding tighter.
Katsuki’s eyes looked at the wall near your bed. He grinned sinfully, already having an idea. “Let’s find out, shall we?”
He lifted you up with ease, pushing your back towards the wall as he held you tight and high. He held you up so high that you could see your entire room. The blond did not waste the time to fumble across your dress, ripping the undergarments and immediately dived down. You didn’t even have time to react, but you felt a warm sensation against your pussy.
“EEK!” You gasped, throwing your head against the wall, back arching with your teeth gritted and eyes wide.
“W-Wait!” You pleaded, but he flattened his hot tongue on your pussy harshly, not wasting any juices coming out. He continued to drag his tongue all over your pussy, tasting every single corner. You pussy twitched violently when he bit your clitoris, stimulating more juices to come out. Then, he wrapped his arms around your thighs till his hands met your pussy. He used his hands to toy with your clitoris as he sucked harder.
Your eyes went wide as you immediately held his blond hair. You instinctively pushed his head closer to your pussy. He flicked, rubbed, pinched your clitoris, causing you to jump in euphoria, as you mewl louder and louder.
That’s when you felt something warm go inside you. You screamed violently, gripping his hair tighter. His tongue started to wiggle inside you, skilfully tasting you. Your head kept going side to side, not knowing what to even do. Soon, you shivered in ecstasy which caused you to lean your upper body forward. His tongue curled, hitting a specific spot which stimulated you to roll your eyes back.
“P-Please..! S-Something’s c-coming!” You whimpered, hoping for a release soon, but that’s when he pulled away. This made you sob literally.
“W-Why…” You asked, still holding his hair. “W-Why did you stop…?”
Katsuki looked up to only shiver at the state of his wife; messy hair, sweating body, dress crumbled, eyes dilated with tears, mouth dripping with saliva. Holy fuck, his cock couldn’t possibly get harder than before. It’s been 2 whole painful months since they’ve had sex. Katsuki missed this look on your fucking face, and he’s been wanting to see more.
“Now, now, now, sweetheart. It isn’t fair that you are the only one who gets all the fun. As the princess, don’t you think it’s your duty to tend to your subjects?” Katsuki asked with a small smirk, putting you down on the ground. Your only reaction to that is stumbling on your feet. You had to hold him for support.
“I-I don’t know how to s-suck your t-thing…” You confessed shyly.
He only chuckled. “Don’t worry, princess. I got you,” He cockily said with a wink. He then dragged you to the side of your bed, and he pushed down his clothing on his lower region. You only watched, while on your knees, how his muscles flexed at every movement he does. His veins would pop out, scaring you a bit that it might pop. And oh fuck his pecs, they are fucking big and hot.
“Careful sweetheart. I might be eaten alive by your eyes,” He teased, removing the last armor attached on his body. Then, he sat down on the bed with his legs wide open, revealing his humongous cock. Hot damn his cock slapped your face as he sat down on the bed. You licked your lips as you analyzed his cock; it was infact fucking huge and veiny. His tip was already leaking as it would twitch from time to time.
“Princess.” You flinched with his husky tone.
“I am not a patient person…” He reminded, rubbing his thumb across your lips.
He stared down at your mouth sensually “I want this…” His thumb traced your lips “…small mouth of yours filled with my cock.”
He used his thumb to open your mouth wider. “Go on, princess.” He brought his cock closer to your face.
“Wrap those pretty lips around my cock.”
You licked his shaft slowly, tracing your tongue up and down. Next, you wrapped your hands around his shaft, pumping it slowly as you continued to lick areas of his cock. Katsuki threw his head back, leaning backwards as he held his body weight with his arms. He lets out a small grumble when he feels his tip being engulfed by your warm mouth. His hips stuttered, feeling his tip being sucked on harder. He gripped the sheets as his feet curled in ecstasy.
Feeling a bit braver, you began to take his cock deeper in your mouth, causing Katsuki to growl, “Damn, baby girl. Your mouth feels so fucking good.”
The sudden praise ignited something within you, so you began to suck on his cock harder as you bobbed your head back and forth. Katuski screamed in bliss, holding onto your head tightly with one hand as he began snapping his hips into your mouth. Your eyes went wide at the sudden action, tears started to form once more in your eyes.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” He grunted heavily, holding your head with both of his hands, tangling your hair with his fingertips as he thrusted violently inside your mouth. Your eyes rolled back at this new sensation, his cock hitting the back of your throat which made you gag a lot.
Katsuki laughed at the state you’re at. “Yeah. That’s right!” He thrust a bit harder. “Gag on my cock, sweetheart.”
His heavy balls slapped your chin violently, inhaling that muscular gladiator scent of his. Tears began to drop from your eyes as he continued to engulf your mouth.
“Shit! Where did all your pride go, princess? Was that all just an act to rile me up?” He laughed, clenching his jaw after feeling a familiar sensation riling up.
With all of his strength, he pulled away from your mouth as he shivered strongly at the lost sensation. Meanwhile, you cough violently as you sniffle through your nose. You tried to regain the breath you’d lost while sucking his dick. While doing so, you felt warm hands cupping your cheeks.
You looked up to see Katsuki’s eyes full of love and desire. He held you higher, signaling you to stand up from the ground. After you stood up, you two finally crashed into each other’s lips. He groaned loudly, feeling the wave of happiness surrounding him after feeling his wife’s lips again. His hands traveled down his wife’s back to her ass, giving it a tight squeeze. You moaned in his mouth as you continued to passionately engulf each other’s mouths.
Due to the aggressive kissing, the two of you walked back slowly towards the bed. Katsuki sat down first, not even separating his lips from you. His hands began to slide down the strap of your dress, attempting to feel more of your skin. You brought your dress up and sat down on his lap, purposely lining the folds of your pussy on the skin of cock. The blond shivered, feeling how wet you were so he gripped your waist to pull you closer and pressed you more down his cock.
Your hands trace up his muscular shoulders and then to the back of his hair, gripping it tightly. Subconsciously, you began to rock your hips against his hard cock. Katsuki pulled back to moan at the feeling. This immediately made you rock your hips in a steady phase while holding the back of his hair.
“I’ll admit, Gladiator,” You spoke, shocking Katsuki a bit. “You have the balls to even enter the room of the sister of the Tyrant King.”
You giggled, “That’s why I wanna be honest with you, lover boy,” You whispered in his ear.
“The d-day I entered the Colosseum! You were the only gladiator that caught my attention! E-Everytime I would go to the Colosseum, I would often l-look for y-you! I also f-fantasize a-about you!” You moaned, coating his cock with your juices.
“I w-would often p-play with m-myself, t-thinking about h-how your cock would s-shape my insides! I want—fuck!—that to happen!” You whimpered, tears forming on your eyes as you try to reach for your release, thus rocking your hips faster and faster.
Katsuki’s eyes turned animalistic, holding your hips in place. You whined that your husband stopped you once again. “W-Why—Are you sure?” He asked, gripping your hips tighter.
Despite being all messed up, you knew those eyes of his; he’s asking for confirmation if it’s alright to bury his cock inside you right now.
You nodded violently. “I-I want you…! P-Please give me e-everything!”
Katsuki snapped.
“ALRIGHT, EXTRAS! STOP THE CAMERAS! EVERYONE OUT!” He roared loudly, scaring the staff and making you remember that they were filming a scene.
“B-But, Mr. B-Bakugo—didn’t you hear a word I said, you dumbfuck?” He growled one more time, interrupting the director who almost fainted in fear.
“Y-You heard the pro hero! EVERYONE! SCATTER!” The director yelled, throwing his papers in the air and ran away. Every staff laughed at this, relieved that someone has finally put that narcissistic director in his place.
You genuinely forgot that you were filming for a show, and it embarrased you a bit to show this side of yours to the staff and your co-stars. You only placed your head on Katsuki’s shoulders which made him chuckle. The blond caressed your back, comforting you with sweet words and pet names. From time to time, you would lift your head up to see if they left, but you only saw your staff giggling in excitement as your co-stars gave you a teasing smile and thumbs up. After minutes of waiting, they are finally done. They didn’t hesitate to run away to give them the privacy they needed.
With that, Katsuki lets out a loud laughter which causes you to only hit his shoulder. “Damn it, Katsuki! Why did you show up like this? You couldn’t have told me!”
“Sorry, princess,” He grinned, adding a tone with the pet name. “I wanted it to be a surprise.”
You only sulked, hitting his shoulders again which made him laugh. After laughing, Katsuki brought his fingers closer to your face, removing the hair that covers your beauty. “I’ve missed you, [name],” He smiled, caressing your cheeks.
“I’ve missed you too” You shyly confirmed, leaning your head towards his hand.
“Wanna continue this roleplay, sweetheart?” He asked, completely destroying the romantic tension with his horniness.
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “You’re into roleplay, Katsuki?” You asked, rocking your hips slowly to tease.
Katsuki chuckled, slapping your ass playfully. “Didn’t consider it first, but now I might consider it because holy fuck, you look so damn hot acting.”
You blushed with his words. “Well, I thought the same. You look really hot acting as a gladiator,” You admitted, arching your back subconsciously.
Katsuki smirked, pulling the ends of your hair down which caused you to look up. “Is that a yes, princess?”
You returned the smirk. “Show me what you’ve got, Gladiator.”
Katsuki’s eyes quivered in lust, bringing his hands on his wife’s chest to rip out the cloth. The action made your breast bounce violently, making you yelp in surprise. Before you can even react, his mouth dove down to your tits as he sucked them with all his might. He used his other hand to press your nipple down to your breast, causing you to hiccup at the action.
“‘Suki… not too r-rough..!” You pleaded, attempting to pull his mouth away from your sensitive breast.
“Oi,” He growled, grabbing your jaw roughly and stared at you with intense eyes. This psychotic-like gaze made you pale in sweat. “You don’t get to tell me what to do, princess.”
“If I want to do something to you, you will fucking accept it,” The hand on your jaw traced down your breast.
“Meaning, if I want this…” He stopped his hand on your stomach. “Filled with my seed, then it will be filled with my fucking seed.”
Your eyes went wide, standing up from his lap as you attempted to run away from this mad man. Your heart dropped when you felt yourself being pushed roughly onto the bed. You fell by your side as you bounced a bit. Your teary eyes opened to see that the gladiator is on top of you.
“There’s no use of running away, princess,” He chuckled, getting the ends of your hair.
“And even if you run, I will find you, sweetheart,” His lips kissed the ends of your hair as he locked his lustful and intense gaze on your soul.
Katsuki licked his lips, seeing how you were displayed below him. Your eyes are dilated with tears with your cheeks red as lips are puffy. The dress is now torned apart, leaving only the lower skirt; this new look on you only emphasized how erotic you look. Your thighs locked together, staring at him with such a look. And fucking hell your breast, they were smuddered with his salvia and bites.
He wanted — no wait — he craved more.
With that, he grabbed his throbbing cock, giving it a few pumps. Then, he aligned it on your vagina area. That’s when you shot your head up, feeling his twitching tip at your entrance.
“W-Wait! G-Give me a momen—” You screamed when he rammed everything in. Your entire body was trembling violently with your back arched and eyes rolled back. Katsuki almost came when he felt the smooth walls of his wife again. He felt his hips twitching, almost releasing his seed inside of her.
You tried to grab something, anything, but your hands just kept thrashing around.
Katsuki licked his lips, combing his hair back. “You feel this, princess?” He asked, tracing to your abdominal, touching the place where he can feel the tip of his cock.
He bent down and whispered, “Your tight cunt managed to take all of me.”
He rolled his hips slowly and gently. “Ya feel that?” He smirked, pressing down your abdomen which stimulated something inside you.
You only replied with a loud whimper. “W-WAIT! D-Don’t do that!” You begged, attempting to remove his hands. Katsuki only scoffed, pressing his hand down further. This action made you come as eyes rolled back with back arched.
This made the blond left with utter shock. You came, and he hasn’t done anything to you just yet. Although he flinched as soon as he felt your walls tightening, and this made him laugh out loud. Your teary eyes only stared at him with shock, getting scared with what’s going to happen.
Katsuki then wrapped his hands around your neck, giving it a tight squeeze. “I’ll be damned, princess. You creamed my dick pretty damn good.”
A tear fell down from the side of your eye in embarrassment, attempting to hide your face. “D-Don’t say t-that…”
Katsuki’s eyebrow arched. “That what? The warrior princess creamed a mere gladiator’s cock?” He gave you one hard thrust.
“It’s too late to have regrets, sweetheart because tonight’s about ravishing my very own ambrosia,” He declared lustfully.
He pulled out his cock, leaving the tip only to only slam everything back inside you harshly. You choked a sob, your tears falling down your eyes at the feeling. He continued to rock his hips in a rough matter, only leaving his fat tip inside then slamming back inside you. Fucking hell, you can feel the bed creaking like crazy from the brutal force Katuski’s giving you.
Katuski indeed fucks you like you are his last ambrosia ever. His hips continued to abuse your pelvis with his brutal force, causing you to scream loudly at the pain and pleasure. His hands gripped both of your tits, holding it tightly as he threw his head back at this feeling. You can only hold his wrists, attempting to remove his hands away from your sensitive breasts.
“Shit, shit, shit…!” He gasped, shaking in pleasure as he pressed his finger down your nipples.
Your eyes rolled back, arching your back as you came again violently.
Katsuki laughed darkly. “Yeah, that’ fucking right. Cream on my cock, princess!”
You jolted when he actually pulled out, causing you to whine a bit at the lost feeling. But your eyes went wide when he flipped you over like a ragdoll. You are now on your knees with your back arched. His hands fumbled your lower skirt, ripping it to pieces, making your entire body presented to him. He did not waste time and shoved everything back inside harshly, causing your body to move forward.
Your pupils shrunk in shock, feeling his cock even more in this position. You can properly see how his cock harshly pushes inside you — holy fuck, you can feel his pre-cum too. He bent down, colliding his chest to your back as he traced his hand to your pussy while the other was wrapped around your neck.
You choked once again, feeling yourself being suffocated with his hands while shuddering at his fingers stimulating your abused pussy. He kept rubbing it harshly while assaulting your pussy with his cock. In impulse, you hold his hand that’s choking you as more tears flow down more.
“S-Slow down, p-please..!” You begged, feeling yourself too stimulated already.
“Go faster? You got it, sweetheart,” He grinned, inserting a finger inside your pussy as he rammed his cock inside you even faster and harder.
You screamed. Your tits violently moving up and down at the rough pace, your thighs shaking again as you can feel something building up again. You know it’s coming — you fucking know it. There’s no way in hell you can hold this back.
“Hold it! Hold it! Fucking hold it!” He slapped your ass, grabbing both of your arms, holding them together behind your back.
“Disobey, and watch me edge you over and over again,” He roughly grunted, pushing his hips forward brutally.
You can only whine in return, forcing yourself to hold it in, no matter how hard and painful that can be. To help you hold your orgasm, you hold the sheets till your knuckles turn white. Your toes curl till you can’t even feel them anymore.
Katsuki grumbled, “Fuck! Here it is!” He gripped your hips tighter, pounding faster and rougher. He can see how your skin bounces back and forth from every thrust he makes. He subconsciously licked his lips at this alluring sight. Katsuki continued to use your hips at a rapid speed, throwing his head back in ecstasy.
You felt his hips stutter, signaling you he was about to release. Katsuki chuckled, feeling your soft walls getting tighter, “You better cum with me, Princess.”
And you did.
You came in unison with your husband.
Tears fell down your eyes, pupils rolled back as your hips stuttered at the feeling of the hard orgasm from your husband. His thick and hot cum invaded your insides, causing you to shiver in delight. You gasped in shock, feeling your husband still hard. Your head shook in disbelief, knowing what’s going to happen next.
“‘Suki, a-are you gonna pull out?” You asked.
Katsuki chuckled, “You want me to pull out?” He grinned, pulling your ass cheeks apart, glimpsing your wet juices and mixed cum dripping from your pussy.
He rocked his hips slowly, “We ain’t even finished yet, princess.”
Oh, sweet mother of—
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝙣𝙤 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩.
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bonkwrites · 1 year
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Warnings: PIV, afab!reader, slight dom!Aizawa, slight sub!reader, a little bit of uniform kink, some choking, overstim, dirty talk, begging, praise, breeding, wanting a baby. 
Relationship: Shota Aizawa x wife!reader
Shota thinks you're irresistible. He knows you think lowly of yourself, that sometimes you get up in your own head about your body, your personality, your skills… people have put you down, hurt you, but never him. Shota doesn't care if he spends his whole life making you realize you're the best woman on planet earth, he'd do it all over again. 
It's your anniversary tonight. During the day, it's work. You're subbing for Mic in English, his gorgeous wife drilling vocabulary and grammar into their heads until their brains hurt. He sits with you at lunch, watches you eat the lunch he made for you while you laugh at his jokes. You play with your necklace, dragging the pendant up and down the chain, and Shota might sound like a degenerate when he says this but… seeing you in your teaching uniform really does something for him. 
He's thought about before, why he always thought you looked so good while teaching, and he wants to think it's because you're in your element, teaching the kids, doing something you love, but in reality it's because your teaching clothes involve form-fitting clothing and not your normal sweatpants and big shirt combo. He thinks that's sexy too but seeing you in a button down… in a skirt and a short heel… wearing earrings and makeup? He's been thinking about dragging you to the supply closet on the fourth floor, the one isolated from the rest of the school, and hiking your skirt up like the dirty man you've turned him into.
"Shota? Baby?" You regard him with a confused look in your eye and you giggle when he makes eye contact, "you okay?" 
"Of course," Shota replies, "just.. thinking about tonight." 
"I'm so excited to go out," you smile across at him, excited to finally get to dress up and go out, "it's gonna be so fun, we haven't been out in forever and I-" 
Shota fully admits to losing focus on what you're talking about, staring at you as you talk about your dress for tonight while a happy smile on your face. He's lost for words, truly, he's fucking speechless and all you're doing is talking about how happy you are to get to go out again. 
You've talked to him about kids before, but he's thinking tonight has to be the night. He reaches across the table and holds your free hand, thumb rubbing across the back of your hand. You smile at him sweetly and keep talking. 
"This place is fancy," you whisper across at him, glancing around at the tables and decor of the restaurant. Shota takes a sip of his red wine, your hand in his on the table. He smirks. 
"Only the best for you, sweetheart," he replies. You blush but roll your eyes. Shota knows you would have been happy with takeout on the couch but you shine when he treats you like this, like a princess, like you deserve. 
An impulsive thought pierces through his mind, the image of what you'll look like later, bent over on the bed, his chest pressed to your back, his hands pinning yours to the mattress. He knows you like it slow, like to feel every inch of him, and he can almost hear the sounds you'll make. 
"You're…" You start to say something but then you stop yourself, rolling your eyes again and running your hand through your hair nervously. Shota likes watching you squirm when he compliments you. 
Sometimes it's like you're a new couple again, blushing at every compliment, holding hands and smiling to yourselves. 
"What am I?" Shota fixes you with a sharp stare. You bite your lip and avoid his gaze, legs crossing under the table. 
"Fuck off," you mumble. The waiter approaches, main course in hand, and tops off your wine before he leaves. 
You eat, the squirming dying off after a while, and once dessert is done you're both heading home. Shota pays, walks out with you, and of course he opens your door for you. He gets you home, riding you up the whole drive with his hand on your thigh. Your hands grip his arm, leaned into him the whole ride. 
"Shota," you whine at some point, his fingers digging into your inner thighs, you're about ten minutes from home, "Wh-What do you think your doing?" 
"Having fun, sweetheart. Don't act like you don't like it," Shota's fingers dip in and his cock twitches in his pants when he finds out you're wearing lace, "I can feel how much you do." 
You whimper, legs spread open under the skirt of your dress. You grip onto the door and take it, face hidden away from him, as he rubs your clit through your panties. God, the way he wants to make you beg for it. 
He doesn't let you cum, not in the car, and you tighten your legs, rubbing your thighs together to try and ease the ache. Shota feels your mouth, hot and wet, wrap around the tips of his fingers and lick them clean. You know what you do to him, of course you do. 
He's been so unbelievably horny all day, from the second he woke up and saw you dressed in your substitute teacher uniform, from when you bent down and kissed him and wished him a happy anniversary, baby. He pins you to the door of your bedroom, he can't stop, he needs you, his mind swims with every sound you make. 
"God, oh god," you gasp, hands in his hair, neck leaned to the side to give him more room in marking you. His hands grip you tightly, pull you against him. 
"Please," your lips move against his when you talk, "please put a baby in me, please," 
"Can I put a baby in you? Tonight?" He thinks he feels your knees go a little weak when he speaks. You nod and kiss him, heart beating so hard he can feel it in your hands where they touch him. Your touch burns his skin, sets it all on fire through his suit jacket and button down.
Shota turns you around from the door, his hands searching for your zipper on the back of your dress and then your dress is on the floor. Shota's eyes are still closed, he's kissing you after all, but when his hands make contact with the lace he pulls away and opens them to look at you. 
It's all black and red lace, not an inch of support, made just to be taken off. It's like is painted onto you with how it hugs your skin. You sit down on the bed and wiggle off the panties as he pulls his suit jacket off. You watch him undo the buttons of his shirt, eyes following his hands down… until his shirt is open and he's taking off his belt. Your hands skim over your nipples through the lace of the bra. Shota's in a trance, watching you, he can't take his eyes off you, can't believe he got such a perfect fucking wife.
He nearly reached for the bedside drawer in his haze, looking for a condom, before he remembers what he's doing. Naked, he crawls between your open legs, and you gasp when you feel his cock slide between your folds. Your hands reach for his, he takes them and pins them above your head. 
"S-Shota-" you whimper, "please fuck me." 
"Let me take care of you, yeah?" Shota whispers in your ear. You nod, breath shaking. "Good girl." 
"You want it?" He takes himself in his hand and pushes in just the tip, you nod and spread your legs farther, moaning at the feeling. 
"P-Please-!" You cry out, "I-I need it, I need you," 
Shota watched the way your face crumbles with pleasure when he sinks himself into you slowly, inch-by-fucking-inch. He groans when he finally bottoms out, your hips twitching. You wrap your legs around his waist, hold him there, as you lift your hips and fuck yourself on his cock. 
"That's it, baby," Shota moans, "use it." 
"Fuck," you curse, back arched, hands fighting to break free. You're just as pent up as he is, you’ve been just as horny as him all day, you had to be. Shota releases your hands and grips your hips, he helps you along, until you’re reaching for his shoulders and pulling him down over you. 
“Sh-Shota- oh god,” you sob, back arching, a hand snaked between you to touch yourself, “please don’t stop,” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, baby,” his voice is deep, growling, and he can feel you cumming around him. You slap your hands to his back, dig your nails in, and Shota groans as pain mixes with pleasure. 
“Good girl, give it to me,” he whispers, one hand moving to tweak your nipple through rough lace. You gasp, cry out his name, and arch your back impossibly higher. Shota slows his hips down, he doesn’t want to cum so soon, so quickly, and the way your thighs shake when he gives it to you slow like this makes him go crazy. 
“M-move me?” you ask, voice high and weak. Shota rakes his eyes up and down every inch of skin he can see, he holds your hips still for you, and considers moving you to your stomach. 
“P-” you take a deep breath, bat your eyelashes up at him, “please?” 
“Fuck,” he groans, hands tightening on your hips before he pulls out and moves you onto your chest. You get up on your knees and arch your back, presented to him like a goddamn present. He puts his hands on your ass, kneading the skin there, and you gasp at his touch. 
“Fuck, baby, you look so fucking good right now,” Shota groans when you arch your back farther in response. 
“Fuck me.” you whimper. Who is he to deny his wife when she asks him so nicely? Shota guides himself in, slow, and watches the way your body relaxes and just takes him in. 
“It’s like you’re made for me,” Shota says as he leans over you to gather your hair up in his hand. He tugs, gentle, and your neck bends back to leave you gasping and gripping at the sheets. 
“I-I was,” you moan, clenching around him, “I w-was made for- for you,” 
“Damn right you were,” he growls, taking your hip in his free hand and finally starting to fuck you. He snaps his hips, thrusts hard and slow, and relishes in the way it makes you sound. You were fucking made to take it, you had to be. 
“Take it,” he demands, as if you could do anything else, and you sob his name, “fucking take it,” 
“Y-Yes, sir,” you whimper. Shota feels like his whole body is on fire, chasing his orgasm, losing his fucking mind. He raises a hand to spank you just to hear the way you cry out. When he lets your hair go you collapse onto the bed and fuck yourself back on him. 
“Fuck, fuck, shit, baby,” Shota groans out every curse word he can think of as he buries himself deep inside you and cums. You gasp, legs spread wider, back arched lower, gasping for air. Shota lets you come down, he can feel your heartbeat through your back where it’s pressed to his chest, before he reaches beneath you and takes your throat in his hand and grinds his hips. 
“Cum again,” the hand not wrapped around your throat touches your clit and you shake, “cum one more time around my cock, sweetheart,” 
“Shota!” you sob, oversensitive. Shota’s just as sensitive as you are but he’s putting a baby in you tonight and he’s going to make sure it sticks. 
“I-I can’t,” you sob, “p-please, I can’t,” 
But your breaths are already coming out faster, you’re already pulsing around him. Held under him like this, pinned like this, you’ve got nowhere to go and no way to fight back. He could make you cum five, six, seven more times before he lets you go. His cock, spent and sensitive, twitches at the image his brain brings up for him. 
“One more, baby, that’s it,” he encourages, lips by your ear, “good girl, gimme one more,” 
You scream, absolutely scream his name, and he feels the way your whole body gives into your orgasm. Shota stays there but he pulls his fingers away from your clit. You pant, thighs still shaking, and when he pulls out you don’t move. He reaches for a towel in the laundry basket and helps you turn over. He presses kisses to your cheeks, your lips, until you’re giggling and pulling him down to cuddle with you. 
“Love you,” you whisper against his chest. Shota holds you tighter. 
“Love you, too, baby.” he replies. He rubs slow circles on your shoulder and wishes silently for a baby.
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bakugousolos · 10 months
Majorly requested part 2!
Buying a dildo online on a whim while katsukis on a mission because you’re feeling sooo desperate only for it to arrive a week after he returns.
“Who’s at the door?” Katsuki asks yet all you do is shrug, oblivious to what’s waiting for you. “What is it babe?” You question while he’s walking back in with an oddly rectangular box.
“I dunno, did you buy anything?” Followed by “Why the hell is this shit so long” and it feels more rhetorical than a plain question. Soon enough the box rips open and just after you realize what it actually is, he smirks and raised his hand high so you can’t reach.
“W-what is it?!” And he just smiles. “Katsuki im serious, what is it!!” You pout and jump but you know you’ll only be able to reach the box if he wants you to.
“Nothing baby. You waitin’ for a package or sum’ ?” You pout again. “No…” is all you can come up with and it eats at you because his smirk grows wider.
“You sure?” But you just stop and stare because now he’s leaning down towards your much smaller frame with a 5 inch pink dildo in his hand after throwing the box across the room.
“Uh w-whats that doing here..?”
“You think you’re smart or something little girl?” His tone instantly changes. “Is this some sorta joke you got goin’ on?”
“N-no? It must’ve been a mistake” you say haphazardly. Suddenly, his hands wrap around your throat in an instant.
“Yeah? Since you wanna play with these fuckin toys, we can play with them.” He then pushes your body onto the couch cushion and rips off your panties.
“K-katsuki i swear it was a mistake! Please!!” You beg and plead, but he doesn’t seem to take pity. “What, now yer’ swearin on something you know you did? Are you really that desperate for a punishment?” He asks with faux concern.
His eyes squint, staring at you before he pushes the dildo inside you. Moving it back and forth, he leans down to suck and kiss a trail down your body. Hot saliva runs across your torso and his pace feels ungodly slow. “Ka-please. Please, just a little faster ? Please kats ..”
“No. You did this to yourself little girl.” he states as he pushes it in slower than before. “Ahh please, I’ll do anything for more, please?”
Not much time is wasted before he begins to slam the dildo inside your cunt so fast you can’t think straight. Your eyes quickly roll into the back of your head as your hands grip the sides of the couch.
“O-oh my god!” You moan out, gasping for air. “That’s right baby. Call out for me.” he smirks.
“P-please let me cum. Please auhh please!!” But instead of answering, his other hand reaches down to your clit to run quick circles around it. “Cum.” So like clockwork, you do. Your back arches and your toes curl as the world turns white for a moment.
As things settle down a bit, katsuki pulls the dildo out of you slowly and picks you up to bring you to the bedroom. “Sorry Kats” you mumble, already half asleep.
He kisses the top of your head while getting under the covers beside you and pulls you in closer. “Stop buyin’ that shit when I’m right here baby.” But you’re already asleep.
Sorry this took me so long,, it was collecting dust in my drafts 😭
Happy reading!! (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
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ladyymiisa · 2 months
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summary: you’re japan’s most famous singer and hawks is your biggest fan
tags: hawks x f!reader, singer!reader, fanboy!hawks, feminine pronouns used for reader, fluff, hawks is such a loser i love him
author’s note: umm mha brainrot has been going crazy ever since the new season trailer dropped,, i might make a part two for this since im literally such a sucker for the popstar trope,, also this is such an indulgent fic for me i am so sorry chat
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thinking about hawks.
hawks, who besides being japan’s number two hero, is also a man entitled to have his own passions and interests to indulge in, despite his incredibly busy line of work. and one of those interests is you.
radiant, talented, spectacular you, who japan had classified as its top favourite singer. rising to the tops in a short matter of time despite being a young adult, you’ve managed to make a name for yourself through your hard work. you had a certain image about you that lured people in, that made them want to see more of you.
you were absolutely gorgeous, with bright eyes that shone with excitement whenever you got on the stage, a smile that held nothing but affection for your fans as you talked to them during your meet-and-greets, and an aura so powerful that it made them want to have their eyes on you at all times. everyone was enamoured by you, and slowly but surely, hawks found himself caught in your love-net as well.
during one of his patrols (which was surprisingly peaceful considering the amount of people that usually stopped to either take a picture with him or ask for his autograph), he couldn’t help the whistle that fell from his lips upon seeing your image showcased on a luxurious shop’s glass window.
you had just recently done a collaboration with the brand, proudly showing off their clothes and accessories on your instagram stories—which he all hearted, by the way—and boy was he glad you did. the clothing embraced your body perfectly, hugging your curves and enhancing your attractiveness, as if you were made to wear them. you looked breathtaking, and hawks couldn’t find the strength to pry himself away from the glass window.
and don’t get me wrong, your appearance isn’t the only thing that lured him in. your voice won him over the second he decided to watch one of your music videos. the public wasn’t lying, your singing was mesmerising! despite how the music genre wasn’t particularly his favourite, the hero found himself going through all of your albums, singles and even listening to the songs you were featured on. after about three hours of continuous listening, hawks already had a playlist made with all of his favourite songs.
his favourite album is your first one. it really embraces your authenticity with its heartfelt lyrics and story behind it, about some of the hardest moments in your life. he remembers you saying in one interview that said album was the closest to your heart since it was the one that made you reach the tops, and also because it was the first album you wrote on your own. it was raw and sincere, much like the ones that came after, but it was clear that none could compare to the very first.
all in all, you could say that hawks is your biggest fan.
his apartment has a special corner in which he keeps all of your merch. from posters, vinyls, shirts and even exclusive plushies, this man has everything. sometimes he feels cringe for being such a diehard fanboy, but hey, he deserves to have the luxury of indulging in something as normal as having a small very big celebrity crush.
also, he definitely follows multiple stan accounts dedicated to you. pictures taken at any of your concerts? he has them saved. a very cool edit on tiktok of you while you’re performing? he’s hitting the like and favourite buttons immediately. like, this man spends countless hours looking at pictures of you on pinterest while he’s giggling and kicking his feet like a lovesick middle school girl.
and it’s no secret that hawks is your fan. almost everyone at his agency knows, especially since he makes no effort to hide it. not from his agency, and not from the media either. one time during a public interview, one reporter asked him if he had any favourite singers, in hopes of gathering more personal information about the hero, and hawks didn’t hesitate for a second before responding with, “y/n, of course! she’s incredibly talented and i love her music. i think i know all of her songs by heart, haha!” to which the media went wild.
of course, being the devious little shit that he is, hawks intentionally made the information public with the intention of gaining your attention. and to his delight, it did. not even a day after the interview was posted online, he woke up with two notifications from his instagram. the poor hero almost dropped his phone from ten feet up high in the air after reading the name of the account who messaged him.
hey :)
heard you like my music, how about a free vip ticket to come meet me backstage after my next concert? <3
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emotionalmessss · 1 year
A/N: first time writing a Dabi x reader one-shot. I just couldn't help myself with this one, lol. No spoilers. Non-canon plot (ish).
Synopsis: after an incident at Endeavour's Agency, you attract the attention of a certain Villain.
Warnings: heavy non-con, humiliation, slight violence, slight blood, forced, angst, dabi is mean, yandere (kinda?), heat play, spit, choking. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Word count: 8.1K
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You flipped through the pages of your magazine whilst you sat slumped, and cuddled into the couch in your living room apartment. Scanning over the newest headlines and styles of hero costumes while your mind floated, absentmindedly gazing off out the windows every now and then. Fuck, they really publish just about anything, don’t they? You pondered, flipping over to the next page. 
‘Mt Lady Takes Down Villain! Hottest and Best Angles!’  
You huffed, slamming the magazine back down onto the coffee table. The people who wrote these articles were seriously fried in the head. Despite all of the good that Heroes did, there was always someone in the background; waiting patiently to exploit and publish the most taboo garbage. Your cheek rested against your palm as you rested against the arm of the couch, thinking back to the incident that led up to your very own interview. It wasn’t unheard of for rookie Heroes to have interviews, but it was a rare occurrence. And you remember it all too well. 
You sat, awkwardly perched on the plastic chair as the woman in front of you placed a recorder down, pulled out a pen and notepad, and began hammering you with questions. 
“What’s it like working as a Rookie alongside the Number One Hero?”
“Was this the costume you were wearing when the incident occurred?”
“Were you scared?” 
“Why are you working with Endeavor when your Quirk has nothing to do with flames?” 
All of the questions overwhelmed you, and you thought that you would be prepared since Endeavor briefed you prior to the interview. But as soon as the questions came pouring out of the red lipstick lined lips of the reporter - you froze. You tried to answer all of her questions as honestly as you could, but feared that she would turn and spin them on you. It was a habit of reporters to do so, and you refused to be on the next cover of some sleazy tabloid; ‘(Hero name)! Dirty secrets that saved her from the attack on Endeavor’s Agency!’ 
The thought made you gag. 
It was true, your Quirk had nothing to do with fire or anything of the sort, but Enji Todoroki had been a family friend for years, and you were childhood best friends with his daughter, Fuyumi Todoroki. Your Quirk was basic - Telekinesis. It was handy, and you were getting stronger with it everyday. It was useful in the battlefield, proving to be one of the strongest when you attended UA. 
“Did you see Shigaraki?”
“How hot were Dabi’s flames?”
When she asked you about Dabi and Shigaraki, you froze, immediately remembering what the heat of his flames felt like, and the gnawing fear of being turned to dust at any given moment. It was horrible, and you wanted nothing more than to jump off the chair and run out of the room. You knew that would solve nothing and only fidgeted slightly at her question and narrowing eyes. 
You were seated at your desk, filing paperwork from a Villian that you had caught a few days prior. Everyone spoke about the joys of being a Hero, but often neglected the tedious amount of paperwork that followed suit. Hours had passed and you were still working silently at your desk space. You hadn’t even taken your lunch break in hopes of finishing the work before Endeavor returned. 
Your fingers were starting to sting in exhaustion when you heard the first scream, it was loud and shrill; a woman. Your eyes widened and before you knew it, everyone was standing and running.  Flames of blue erupted up the walls as you watched everyone flee from the heat. You pushed yourself up from your desk and flushed, blocking your face with your free hand. Endeavor was sent out on a mission a few hours prior, meaning that he would be gone for the rest of the day. Most of the other sidekicks were with him, and you would’ve gone too if you weren’t stuck with this mountain of paperwork.  
You remember seeing your coworkers shove and scatter their way out of the building, rushing around like frightened mice. It was sad, you thought. You wanted to act, to fight, but fear kept you frozen in place as everyone disappeared. The smoke and heat of the room made it barely breathable, but you shielded your eyes from the smoke and covered your mouth with your sleeve.
The panicked footsteps soon dwindled down, everyone already fleeing down the stairs. And there you stood, frozen in place like a rock. Thinking back on it makes you feel completely useless, but fear makes you react in such strange ways. 
A large chunk of ceiling fell directly in front of you, your feet launching you out of the way before your brain realized what happened. Dust and smoke filtered into your lungs as you narrowly dodged the debris.  
You began to stagger your way towards the exit, until you saw two shadows appear in the doorway. Fuck. They grew closer with each passing moment, and you threw yourself beneath a random desk, curling yourself inwards in attempts to hide yourself. Your breathing was raspy due to all the smoke inhalation, but remained silent as the footsteps echoed.
“That fucker isn’t even here.” You heard a deep rasp, sounding like he was losing his voice. You flinched when you heard the desk creek above you, turning your head slowly to notice that someone was resting against it. Luckily, the cubicle shielded you from their presence, or else you’d be screwed. 
“The message will still be received.” You heard a second voice, which sounded much higher pitched than the first. “It’s only a matter of time before the Hero regimen is brought to their knees.” They snickered, high pitched and eerie. 
You covered your mouth, squeezing back a cough that rumbled in your chest. 
“The sooner the better.” The first voice spoke, which you now recognized as Dabi, the Blue Flame. His boots now eye level with you, with even one small move you would’ve been able to touch him. 
His unprovoked murderers made headlines a few weeks earlier, and you remember reading all about them. He burned his victims beyond recognition, turning them into a pile of bones and dust. It made you sick, and you could only keep quiet and remain still. You could only guess that the second voice belonged to Shigaraki, the leader of the League Of Villains. Fuck. You really were going to die here.      
“We need to get out of here before more show up.” Dabi said, pushing upright from the desk, his jacket swayed in your view. You figured that the Heroes would be pouring through the door at any second now, but you weren’t counting on it, nor were you eager to jump out from the desk. 
Shigaraki mumbled something in return that you didn’t quite catch, and you heard the heavy sounds of their booted feet fade off. You weren’t entirely jumping at the thought of getting caught, so you decided to wait a few moments before regrouping with everyone else. 
You let out a shaky breath, removing your hand from your dry lips. 
Your eyes opened once again, blinking a few times to remove any dust or smoke stuck in them.  But fuck, you really wished you hadn’t. There was a soft sound of crunching gravel that rang out beside you, instantly making your blood run cold. Your eyes darted to follow the sound and as soon as you lifted your gaze from the floor, you noticed a pair of bright blue eyes staring back into your frightened ones. You noticed that he smirked when he noticed your frightened expression, burnt lips carving upwards at your quivering form. Immediately, you let out a cry of surprise and skidded out from underneath the desk. 
“Well, well. Hello there, doll.” Dabi watched you from above. At this angle, he towered over you, watching you with gleaming eyes. Even though you were flat on your ass and resting against your palms, he was enormous. “Thought I wouldn’t notice ya’ down there?” He chuckled. 
You watched him with studying eyes, noting that he hadn’t made a move to grab or burn you. For some reason you expected to be killed on sight, but Dabi seemed to take interest in you. No . He was more interested in making you feel nervous - powerless even. His eyes running down your slim body, watching in excitement as you squirmed uncomfortably. You weren’t wearing your Hero uniform, which made him wonder why you hadn’t escaped like everyone else. 
He laughed to himself. Poor little girl, left to die by the Heroes.   
Finally, you broke eye contact from the charred man, trailing your eyes around him in search of an escape route. You didn’t know if he’d get bored soon and decide to light you up, but you certainly didn’t want to make any impulsive moves. It seems like Shigaraki left already, and you were thankful that you only had to deal with one League member. 
“Are you mute or somethin’?” His head tilted to the side as he scanned you over, his patchwork face pondering in thought. 
Dabi felt bored at your unresponsiveness, his smirk dropping and eyes glazing over. His hands fidgeted inside his pockets, debating on what he was going to do with you. You inched back slightly, noticing the shift in his demeanor. 
Your hands raised instinctively to cover your face, expecting to feel the flash of heat and the flesh peel off your bones. But you didn’t, instead feeling a rush of air around you. Out of fear, you must’ve activated your quirk without thinking too much, because Dabi was no longer standing in front of you. 
Your ears barely registered the sound of his strangled grunt as he collided with a half burnt desk. Not wasting any time pushing yourself up to your shaky feet, throwing yourself out of the cubicle and towards the exit. You didn’t even bother to look back at the scarred Villain, who was staggering back to his feet, letting out a frustrated growl at your sudden attack. You lunged for the door, throwing yourself out of it and down the flights of stairs. 
Dabi coughed as dust particles surrounded him, his breathing deepening with rage as he watched your frightened figure stumble out of the room. Your little surprise move pissed him off - almost as much as the realization he had that you were a Hero.   
Your head shook and you brushed off the incident that still lingered in your mind. While you were terrified, you managed to act quickly and get out safely. Endeavor praised you for this, which felt good, but you were just thankful that you didn’t turn into a pile of burnt flesh. 
“For fucks sake.” You mumbled as you picked up another magazine, seeing a picture of yourself covered in dust, outfit torn in questionable places, and your hair a mess -on the cover . 
‘(Hero Name)! Narrowly Escapes The Blue Flame!’ 
That wasn’t so bad… Maybe Endeavor threatened the poor woman into being nice. You thought, before your eyes roamed over the smaller print beneath the title. 
“Find out how (Hero Name) seduced her way out of death on page six!” 
You threw the magazine blindly behind you, letting out a long sigh. You should have known, these tabloids twisted the truth and made Heroes and Sidekicks look terrible. You couldn’t believe that people actually believed this shit. Luckily enough, no one was killed in the incident, but you knew that if the League wanted there to be casualties, there definitely would have been. You only escaped due to your quick thinking and Dabi’s lack of attention, which worked out in your favor.     
“Fucking bitch.” You grumbled, letting your head drop onto the armrest.   
You were so lost in thought that you barely heard the front door close shut, along with the soft footsteps of someone making their way inside. You didn’t move when you finally clued in, instead you called out blindly, voice muffled by the cushion of the couch.
“Really not in the mood tonight, Fuyumi!” Your voice cracked as you called out towards her, expecting her cheerful response at your dismissive tone, but all you heard was silence. The footsteps stopped, and instead of the soft voice of your best friend, you heard a short chuckle. 
“Not enjoying the Hero life, doll?” 
Letting out a surprised squeak, you jolted upright at the raspy voice, eyes widening and darting towards the rough sound. To say that it surprised you would be an understatement - it terrified you and made you freeze immediately, similar to how you were at the Agency. It frightened you even more when you watched his lazy eyes trail over your form, which was wearing nothing but a pair of PJ shorts and an ill-fitting tank top.  
Almost as if he could sense the urgency that flowed in your veins, telling you to run - he took a step closer to you, studying your reactions. So many questions ran through your brain, how did he get in? Why was he here? But you decided to refrain from hammering questions out, instead shifting your focus to distracting him like you had previously done.
“Why are you here?” You decided this was a decently safe question, turning yourself to fully face the scarred man as your eyes drifted to the front door for a brief moment. It was closed again, and if you were to try and run past him, you’d risk being fried to a crisp. If you were smart about this, then you’d be able to- 
“Go ahead and try it.” He interrupted your thoughts, pulling your attention back to his lopsided grin, which looked menacing as it tugged on his staples. “I can promise that ya’ won’t make it very far.” His hand extended, lighting up a small blue flame at the tips of his fingers. 
Dabi watched as you looked up at him: your big eyes widened, eyebrows furrowed, and full lips parted open. Fuck. He wanted to pounce on you right then and there, but decided to restrain himself. He needed to take his time with this, since his last interaction with you resulted in him being thrown off guard and flat on his ass. He didn’t even think that you had a Quirk - assuming that you were just some mousy little secretary. Until he was shot back from your cowering form, landing hard on a pile of burnt and broken desks. It surprised him, but it also pissed him off. You lingered in the back of his head for days after, which only pissed him off more. He knew that he could melt the pretty skin right off your bones, but for once, he didn’t want to. He wanted to savor this. He was prepared this time, and he wasn’t going to let you escape from him again. No. Not this time.       
The look on Dabi’s face made you squirm, itching to get away from his gaze. He lazily glanced over at his flame before closing his fist. His hand reached down and into the pocket of his oversized coat, searching for something you couldn’t see. 
You can sense the threatening turn that this was about to take, and on instinct, you pushed your hands out, trying to activate your Quirk. Anything to get him away from you. But he was quicker and stronger, even without his quirk. 
He knew that you were going to try and pull the same stunt, but unlike last time, he was prepared for it. In less than a second, Dabi launched himself forward, catching you off guard with his speed. 
“Heh. That’s not going to work this time, doll.” Dabi launched himself forward with a sound that could only be compared to a growl of a hungry animal. He grabbed your wrists with one hand, pinning them against your lap in a matter of seconds, leering over you. His one knee was sandwiched between your thighs, while his foot was still placed on the ground, using it to balance himself over you.  
You let out a sharp cry as he pulled out what looked like a syringe from his jacket. Instantly, your eyes widened and you fought in his hold, twisting and squirming. Your lungs fought for air at the sight of the needle, igniting your flight or fight response.   
“Don’t fight me. It’s a pain in the ass.” He rasped, seemingly unfazed by your weak attempts to push him off. You were no match for him, but he wanted to scare you a little, so he heated up his palms slightly, warning you to stop. 
The heat rushed from your wrists and all the way up to your cheeks, flushing you into stilling. 
“What are you doing!” You cried out.  
“Can’t have you ruining my plans with that annoying quirk of yours.” He grumbled before plunging the needle into your bicep. The pain was jolting, but the feeling of your quirk leaving your body was much worse. You had grown familiar with the constant sense of your quirk lingering in your veins, and now that it was gone, you were terrified. Was it going to come back?  
“I- What!” Your eyes met his, which had deep bag-like scars under them, held in place by makeshift staples. His eyes were bright and blue, but looked as if they never opened quite fully. Scars seemed to liter his entire body, only small portions of his actual skin poked through. He can’t handle his quirk, you thought. 
Dabi felt a shiver of pleasure run down his spine when you looked over his patch-work face, knowing immediately that the sight of him made you uncomfortable. He was used to people shriveling up in disgust at his face, it was nothing new. But this was different. He felt a sense of heat rush all over his body at your confused face, instead of the usual annoyance. 
“Enjoying the view?” He teased, shattering the silence around you two. 
You cringed back in displeasure, the smell of him overwhelming you now. Smoke and burnt flesh singing the hair in your nose.  
“What the fuck do you want from me?” You managed to calm your nerves slightly, but not by much. Dabi was still leaning over you, making you curl up against the back of the armrest. You didn’t like being caged in like this, and you most definitely didn’t like how he peered down at you.
“Your cooperation would be nice, but either way, I’m going to enjoy this.” Dabi answered your question without actually giving you a clear response. The sense of danger only amplified when you watched his lips curl upwards in a manic like smile. You were sure that his staples would have popped out if he opened his mouth any more. You could see them visibly strain, struggling to keep the healthy skin connected to the scarred tissue. 
“Is this because of what happened at the Agency?” You asked, breathlessly moving your attention from his scars to his eyes again. You didn’t want to piss him off more by staring too long at them. Dabi wasn’t an idiot. He knew you were staring at his scars, but could care less. He was used to people staring at him with disgust, and he grew numb to it.
Dabi let out a scoff. “You’re smarter than you look.” 
“Why? I was just-” 
Dabi leered closer to you, making you flinch and stop talking. “Just being an annoying brat? Thinking that you’re better than me because you’re a Hero?” He spat the word out like it disgusted him to even think, let alone speak it. 
Granted, you knew subconsciously that you were better than a murdering psychopath, but decided it would get you nowhere good if you fought that. You weren’t too keen on the idea of dying prematurely, especially by his flames or whatever else he had in store for you. 
“What was I supposed to do?” You asked, brows furrowing in annoyance. “Sit back and take it?” You regretted the words as soon as you said them, watching as Dabi smirked down at you with a borderline lustful gaze. “I didn’t want to die. My body reacted on impulse, that's it.” You quickly corrected yourself.  
You thought you could buy yourself some time by asking him questions, maybe even distracting him so that you could escape. You knew he was unhinged and wondered if there was a way to use that to your advantage.
“Why does it matter? You burned down half of the Agency and the League still made the cover of every newspaper in Japan.” You found yourself getting angry at the reminder. “You’re lucky that Endeavor wasn’t there. You would’ve been-” Your voice morphed into a scream as soon as you mentioned the Flame Hero. The sudden searing heat of his hands make your back arch up and into the Villain, chest brushing against his stapled flesh. He was barely using his quirk, but even the small amount made your skin singe. 
“You think that flaming pile of shit scares me?” Dabi sneered at you, bringing his face level to yours. You stilled when Dabi pressed himself tighter against you, his nose only inches from your own. You realized that you had either struck a nerve by mentioning Endeavor, or that he just really hated Heroes that much. You had assumed the latter, but could tell there was more to it by his reaction. Dabi’s eyes were filled with rage, but the rage wasn’t all directed at you. 
“He’s just another empty Hero that the world praises for nothing. It’s only a matter of time before he’s ripped off that pedestal.” You flinched back at his words, knowing that there was definitely some sort of vendetta between the two flame users.
As scared as you were, you still felt somewhat angered by the Villains words. Endeavor had been nothing but kind to you, seemingly taking you under his wing when you joined his Agency. It was either your pride that made you say the next words, or your own naivety. You didn’t know which one it was. 
“Endeavor is twice the man you’ll ever be.” 
You watched as Dabi’s turquoise eyes narrowed, meeting them as yours widened at his furious expression. If his flames weren’t hot enough, his stare sure was. Dabi’s eyes were blazing with fury, seemingly darkening from their usual brightness. He watched you carefully, weighing his next options. He realized that you were just as surprised at your words as he was, your eyes widening for a moment before glossing over in attempts to hide it. Cute. He could feel you quivering beneath him, fearing what he would do next. 
Despite the swell of pride you felt for a brief moment, you could quickly feel the overwhelming sense of anxiety push forward. Fuck. At this point, you didn’t really care what happened to you. All you wanted was to get away from his terrifying presence. 
Dabi let his guard down for a mere second, maybe even less, and you immediately took advantage of it. Your wrists twisted apart and out of Dabi’s grip, freeing you for a moment from his suffocating grip. Your next move was on instinct; you ball up your fist before winding it back and sending it crashing into his nose. 
Blood immediately gushed from Dabi’s nose, running down his mismatched lips and down his neck. He staggered backwards from the force of your punch, letting out a guttural growl as he wiped the sticky liquid away. 
Again, you wasted no time in throwing yourself over the back of the couch, landing on all fours and scrambling towards the front door. You pumped your shaky legs as fast as they could handle, stumbling as you ran for freedom. You were nearing the kitchen when a blast of sudden heat licked up the back of your thighs, making you shriek in agony and crumple to the hardwood. Your body sprawled out on the cool ground, which was a stark contrast to your clammy and sizzling skin.  
You glanced down at your awkwardly bent legs, seeing the skin begin to redden and sizzle. It wasn’t a fatal burn, but it was one you’d surely remember since the blisters would definitely scar. The pain was too much and you squeezed your eyes shut, sobbing as you still tried to drag yourself away. 
Dabi followed behind you, taking his time as he watched your pathetic attempts at crawling away. He wanted you to have your little moment of hope, afterall, you were going to wish that you were dead after he was done with you. 
He took his time stalking towards you, his rubber soles thudding against the flooring - purposely being slow to hammer more fear into you. He watched your body shake violently from his attack, your face contorting up in anguish as you tried to push yourself up. Dabi could feel himself getting hard as he approached your struggling form. He felt mildly proud, considering you had him in a similar position not too long ago.  
Smiling wickedly, he planted his booted foot on your back and shoved you back down to the ground. “You can’t run from me.”
Your chin met the floor with a sickening crack, eliciting another wave of pleasure down Dabi’s spine at your pained groan. Your body wavered as you felt a droplet of something wet and sticky hit your cheek, directly beneath your eyes.   
“You broke my fucking nose, doll. You’re lucky to still be breathin’ after that.” Dabi chucked, wiping the remnants of his blood from his nose. He relished in your look of disgust when his blood hit your face, seeing the humiliation build up across your pretty face. 
Shakily, you wiped his blood from your face, cringing as he stared back at you. Your teeth gritted together so hard that you thought they’d shatter if any more pressure were applied. Everything was too much; the throbbing in your legs, your quirk being suppressed, Dabi’s taunting gaze, everything. Hatred mixed with hot rage seeped into your blood, making your body vibrate with adrenaline. 
“Weak flames compared to Endeavor.” You hissed roughly, large eyes glaring up at him in spite. 
Dabi ignored the rage that traveled up his body at your words, knowing that you were doing this just to piss him off. Stupid little Hero. You were powerless, weak, and humiliated, but still fought with a sense of pride. He was going to break down that pride of yours, no matter what. He thought as he bent down, fingers lacing through your tousled hair and jerking your face towards his. If you thought pissing him off was going to save you, you were very wrong. Your words only solidified what he was about to do next. 
“Let go of me!” Dabi used your hair as leverage to get you onto your knees, pulling another shocked cry as your hands shot up to your scalp. The stinging of your thighs amplified in this position, and you awkwardly balanced to lessen the pain. 
“I think I have a better use for that mouth of yours.” Dabi’s hand jolted you forwards before releasing your scalp. You hadn’t realized how much you were relying on his grip to keep you steady, because your knees suddenly wobbled and you fell face-first into the bulge of his jeans, letting out a strangled moan as you did.  
Dabi let out a low groan at the feeling of your face pressing into the tent of his jeans. Your hands pressed into his thighs to push yourself upright as your face scrunched up in disgust at the sudden contact. Dabi shuddered while he watched you try and pull away, only to find yourself pressed into his groin again when his hands pulled you back. 
You gasped in shock, not expecting the force of his hand to smush you back into his crotch. The tip of your nose dug into his length, feeling it twitch slightly at the contact. You mewled, senses overwhelmed at the feeling. 
There was something about the way your eyes squinted and you recoiled back in disgust that drove him mad. A weak little Hero like you needed to learn your place, and what better way would you learn than at the knees of a Villain like him? He wanted to humiliate you in the worst way possible, just like you did with him. 
“Oh come on, doll. Don’t tell me a Hero slut like you never sucked cock before?” He snickered down at you. 
You scowled at him in return, peeling yourself away from his crotch to look up at him with reddening cheeks. Try as you might, you couldn’t hide the blush that stung at your pale skin. 
“Awe. You’re getting shy on me now, dollface? Where’d that spunk go?” Dabi released your hair, fiddling with his belt before pulling out his cock. It sprung out and nearly smacked you in the cheek, narrowly missing as you turned your head away. 
“Get the fuck away from me, patchwork!” You hissed, craning your neck up to look him in the eyes.
Dabi watched you with half-lidded eyes, jutting his hips outwards to smack you in the face with his cock. “I’m gonna make sure to force that attitude out of you.” The tip of his dick pressed against your lips, smearing a trail of salty precum all over. 
It was long and thick, bigger than any other you’ve seen. You didn’t want Dabi to think that you were taken back by it, so you kept your face as blank as you could in this position. Your lips pressed tightly in a thin line, refusing entrance. 
At your reluctance, Dabi tapped his foot against the ground and tilted your jaw up with a single finger. “Open up or I’ll burn you again.”
You frowned, swallowing hard before parting your lips for him. Dabi’s eyes wandered across your face, noting how good you looked with your beady eyes and mouth wide open for him.   
You didn’t have much time to think, because Dabi jerked his hips, his cock grazing against your teeth as he hit the back of your throat. 
You gagged instantly, fresh tears pooling at your lash line as you tried to relax your throat. 
“Shit.” He rasped, head tilting back at the feeling of your throat constricting around him. 
You could feel him twitch against the back of your throat, making you gag once again. The tip of your nose flat against his pubic bone, sucking in as much air as you could handle in this position. Your muffled mewls sent Dabi into a frenzy, who gave you no time to adjust before he started to buck his hips. Your hands flew up to his thighs, grounding yourself as you tried not to throw up. 
“Damn. You’re shaking around my cock, you must really be scared, huh?” Dabi rasped above you, his voice dropping a few decibels at the sight of your teary eyes. 
You choked in response, trailing your tongue along his length. He didn’t necessarily taste bad, but the lingering sweat and precum tasted salty on your buds. With your mouth stuffed completely, you couldn’t hold back the drool that spilled out and down your chin.
“That’s it. I knew there was something useful for that mouth of yours.” Dabi brushed the hair out of your eyes, side eyeing you as you groaned around him. The vibrations shot up through your throat, sending a wave of pleasure around him. 
You quickly tore your gaze away from his, focusing on the scarred skin of his stomach instead. You hated this and you would’ve bit him if you weren’t so frightened of the repercussions that would’ve certainly followed. 
Dabi watched you with lazy eyes, peering down at you with a look that could only be compared to a predator stalking its prey. With each thrust of his hips he felt your throat clench around him, wet noises mixing in sync with your terrified sobs. You were a beautiful sight, even with your mascara running down your cheeks and snot coming out of your nose. He hated to admit it, but he had to focus hard on not shooting his load down your tight little throat. 
“There’s no need to be shy.” He rasped, breathlessly before pulling himself out with a plop. A thick trail of spit connected your lips and the tip of his cock. You gulped back air and sputtered, furiously wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
Dabi smirked as you fell back onto your ass with a hiss. He knew you were probably thinking that he would let you go now, or at least praying for it. Silly girl. He wasn’t nearly finished with you. 
He bent down to your level, stuffing himself back into his pants. You were angry and disgusted, the light in your eyes darkening when you met his gaze. The instinct to run was back again, and you were fighting against your natural nervous system's desire to flee. 
It was endearing Dabi thought, but futile. Your eyes darting to the door for a moment gave your intentions away. He made quick work to grab you before you could even blink, letting out a deep chuckle at your surprised reaction.  
His hands wrapped around your hips and hoisted you over his shoulder. You gasped at the sudden movement, laying uncomfortably across his shoulder as he moved towards what you would guess was your bedroom. 
“You got what you wanted! Leave now!” Your naivety was cute, almost entertaining in a sick sense. You knew deep down that he hadn’t gotten his fill. Villains were greedy after all and he wanted everything you had to offer.  
You bucked against him, only earning a quick slap of your thighs in response. Dabi stalked into your bedroom, opening the door and throwing you down onto the mattress. You bounced slightly and curled up into the headboard, while he peeled back his jacket and shirt at the edge of your bed. You could barely see him in the darkness, his face staples barely reflecting the moonlight that peaked through the curtains. 
“Please. Please don’t do this. I- I don’t want this.” Your lower lip quivered and you felt embarrassed to be begging him. You were supposed to be a Hero; brave and strong until the very end. But watching Dabi strip in front of you made your bravery shrivel up and shred into a million pieces. 
“That’s too bad, doll. I want this, so I’m going to take this.” Dabi grabbed ahold of your ankle, tearing you away from the headboard and flat onto your back. You kicked your other leg, trying to hit the side of his head with your heel. Dabi expected this, catching your other ankle and pinning it down. Your legs were spread open, leaving room for him to rest between.
He crawled up to your level, watching carefully as you turned your head to the side to avoid looking at his hideous face. “You’re not going anywhere this time.” He hummed, breathing into your neck as you tried to buck him off. 
His lips were rough against the soft skin of your neck, working down to nip where your neck met your shoulders. You tried to distance yourself from the moisture of his mouth, but his body kept you trapped. You bit on your lip at the feeling, which sent tingles all the way to your toes. 
“Stop. Get off!” 
Dabi’s hand traveled down to the hem of your shorts, toying with the thin material before ripping them off in a shift motion. Your panties followed suit, exposing your core to the cool air. Instead of throwing your panties on the ground with your pants, he brought the material up to his nose before sniffing. His eyes closed and he let out a deep sigh at your scent, like it was the best thing he had ever smelt. Your jaw dropped in a mix of shock and pure repulsion. You kicked and slammed your fists against his chest, but your efforts were fruitless. 
“You can fight me all you want, but I’m the only one with the real power here.” He pulled away from your neck to look into your tearful eyes, lowering himself slowly between your legs again. “Remember that the next time you parade yourself around the press.” His hands wrapped around your thighs, draping one up and over his shoulder. The cool metal of his staples skimmed across your flesh, his hands keeping you planted in place. 
“What are - no!” Your mind raced as you tried to scoot back from his head, which rested between your legs. 
Your breathing stunted as you shook your head adamantly, your palms pressed flat at your sides as you tried to resist. His hands stopped you before you got anywhere, keeping you pinned to the mattress while he dropped his head lower, watching you with slitted eyes. 
“It’s only fair that I return the favor, doll.” You were about to cry out, but quickly clamped your mouth shut when you felt his breath against your weeping cunt. The thought of accidentally moaning or gasping at his head buried against you was enough to scare you into biting your tongue. 
Dabi’s bright eyes shifted from your chest, which rose and fell quickly, and down to your cunt. His fingers dipped down to spread you further apart, blowing softly on the glistening skin. He could feel his erection press tightly against his pants, but knew that he needed to take his time. You were going to regret ever standing up from that desk at the Agency. He was going to make sure of it. 
He licked his lips, giving you no time to protest as he rubbed his nose from your little hole to your clit. Your thighs tensed around his shoulder, digging your heel into his back. He grinned, watching as your hands tangled into the sheets. Sensitive. He barely even started. 
You suddenly felt his tongue, which was unnaturally hot just like the rest of him. He lapped at your hole, gathering the slick that quickly bloomed and dragging it up and towards your clit. The wet muscle circled around a few times, hitting every sensitive spot he could find. Your hands gripped the sheets in attempts of grounding yourself, but it did little in blocking out the wet sounds that reached your ears. 
There was nothing you could do to stop him when his finger slid into you, meeting little resistance at your sopping hole. Your back arched, the sound of his tongue licking and sucking at your clit sending your brain into a frenzy. The noises were lewd and exaggerated, giving you no mind to picture yourself elsewhere. Anywhere but here. You thought.  
“Nuh!” Your hand slapped over your mouth when the moan slipped out, realizing the mistake you made immediately. 
Dabi paused to glance up at you, watching you with a crooked gaze. Your terrified pupils were blown wide, lips curling back in disgust. He continued to watch you when he curled his finger, pressing directly into that spongy spot of your walls. Another mewl rumbled in your throat and you tossed your head into the sheets. 
“Not so tough now, eh? And here I thought you’d have a little more fight in ya’, but you’re too busy soaking my face.” He cooed, which only made his voice sound even more raspy. 
He pulled his finger out slowly, savoring in the way you gushed and clamped down on it, almost like your cunt knew that it needed to be filled. He pushed it back in, curling upwards before repeating the same motions. Over and over, he twisted and pulled his fingers, pumping them in and out.  
You moaned louder this time, clenching your thighs around his head and arching your chest. The back of your mind screamed in protest, begging for the assault to stop. Your limbs felt like mush, unable to do much except squirm. 
“Right there? Is that it?” 
He repeated the movement a few more times as his mouth latched back onto your throbbing clit. Dabi could feel your resolve dwindle away with each passing stroke of his tongue, seeing your fists loosen and lips part open in pleasure. Your reactions spurred him on, knowing that you were close to cumming. 
His cock strained behind the confinements of his jeans, still rock hard from earlier. It was pure anguish, but he knew what needed to be done. He would only have to wait a little longer… Just a little. 
“Oh my.” You whimpered. 
Dabi’s tongue swirled as his finger pumped in and out of you, sending you over the edge with a final cry. Your cunt gushed over his face, taking both you and him by surprise when the clear liquid squirted out suddenly. You could feel yourself clenching down on his finger, squeezing the appendage tightly as you squealed. 
Dabi licked up everything he could, giving your clit one last flick as he lifted himself from your dripping heat. “Fuck doll, I didn’t think you’d take that so literal.” He wiped his face with his hands, smiling down at you. 
You blushed furiously as your slick ran down his cheeks and jaw. You didn’t know which was worse, the fact that you had squirted all over him or that you had never done that before. You felt rage that he forced you to orgasm, let alone from his disgusting mouth .   
Your body relented, heavy breaths leaving your cracked lips. You had been so lost in your head that you never realized Dabi lining his cock up with your hole. “No! Get off of me!” Your hands slammed into his chest, pushing against his scars. 
“Relax, waterworks.” He taunted, shooting you a singular glare before pinning your wrists above your head. 
Despite the slick that stuck against your thighs and ass, you knew that his cock was going to stretch you to the max. Your eyebrows shooting up when you felt him run it along your folds, gathering your arousal before prodding at your hole. 
“Dabi! Just give me a sec-” Your breathing hitched when he slammed into you, eyes wide and unseeing as your head flew back into the bed. Your throat let out another piercing shriek at the sudden intrusion. The sheer size of him made your insides burn up, sending a painful twist inside your gut. 
“Fuck.” He grunted. “Should’ve bent you over the desk when I first saw ya’, didn’t realize you’d be this tight.” Dabi’s eyes rolled back as he closed them, savoring the feeling of your tight, wet heat that clamped on him like a vice. 
You cringed back, shutting your eyes and grinding your teeth. 
Dabi rolled his hips, focusing on stuffing you full. You hissed, feeling his cock brush against your cervix. Despite the searing pain, your body was growing accustomed to his size. You could hear the faintest sound of your slick pussy squishing around him. 
 “Oh fuck. You’re suffocating.” Dabi bent down towards you, focusing his attack on your lips. You realized this and at the last second, turned your head away. He didn’t mind, instead focusing on peppering kisses and licks on your cheek and neck. 
Tears welled up in your eyes when you felt his tongue lick at your cheek. You twisted your body, trashing in his hold in attempts to throw him off. This barely fazed him, only making him heat up his palms to get you to still. 
“What would your Hero friends say if they saw you now, doll? Pinned under a Villain; squirming and cumming all over me?” Dabi teased, dropping his pelvis onto yours to hit deeper. 
Your jaw slacked open at the new angle. A sudden burst of pleasure traveling up your cunt and to your head. In response, your jaw dropped to let out a low-whiny moan. You wanted to scream at him, but couldn’t find the courage to speak. You felt powerless in the situation, hiccuping and moaning as he drilled into you. 
“There it is. Feels good doesn’t it?” 
“Fuck. Dabi- ” He shuddered when you moaned his name, feeling his core tighten at the soft whimpering of your voice. Your brows furrowed, desperately trying to fight the feelings that he was delivering with each stroke of his cock. 
“Shit. Look at you, doll. Such a pretty sight.” Dabi felt the weight of the world lift from his shoulders when his cock bottomed out inside you. Your tight gummy walls were sucking him in, squeezing him to a point that was almost painful. He never realized that you’d be this much of a slut; so easy and wet, begging to be taken.  
Your eyes rolled back. You were so close, and you knew that you weren’t going to last much longer. You just wanted to focus on the pleasure, not the person that was delivering it to you. He knew instantly what you were trying to do; dropping your wrists and grabbing ahold on your peaked nipple. He gave it a sharp twist, drawing out a sharp cry as he tugged on the hardened bud. 
“Stay with me.” Your hands flew to his shoulders, steadying yourself with his forceful pace. The pads of your fingers traced along his staples before quickly retreating. 
Dabi chuckled, “You can touch them, they don’t hurt.” He moved your arms back over his shoulders, planting them against the textured skin. You whined and shuddered at the feeling of his skin. Every one of your senses were at their max, so sensitive and alert.    
 “D-dabi!” You mewled like a kitten, dragging your nails down his back when his fingers began to assault your clit again.  
“Ah- would you look at that?” Dabi hovered his hand in front of your face, scissoring his index and middle finger to show you the slick that connected the two digits. 
If you weren’t so wound up in the sensation of his cock dragging up and down your walls you would’ve hit him. You only squinted at him, earning a dark chuckle that reverberated against your chest. 
The familiarity of tightness coiled back in your gut, snapping immediately when you saw him lick his fingers clean. The crudeness of his action sent your body over the edge and made you scream out. Your walls fluttered, causing him to drop his hand next to your head for support as his body twitched. 
“There you go.” He hissed. 
You were glad that your orgasm made your eyes roll back, because the look on Dabi’s face would have humiliated you more. He grinned manically, his smile stretching wide enough for him to feel his staples strain to hold the skin together. Your tongue lolling out and drool dribbling down the sides of your jaw was enough to make him peak. 
Your body continued to convulse as he painted your walls white, his cum burning your insides as he filled you. 
“Oh god.” You wanted to protest, but couldn’t. 
“Fuck!” He moaned loud, slowing his pace before pulling out. 
You twitched at the loss of contact, head tilting to rest on the bed as your arms fell from his shoulders. The feeling of his cum slipping out of your abused hole made you tingle, bringing your knees up to curl into a ball. 
“You got what you wanted, now leave.” You managed to whisper, not looking in his direction as he wiped his dick on the sheets of your bed before tucking himself back into his pants.     
His belt clicked as he tightened it back up. “What I wanted eh? Weren’t you the one who came twice? I don’t think we're even just yet, doll.” Dabi closed in on you, dropping beside you and wrapping an arm around your waist to pull your back against his chest. 
You let him guide your exhausted body into his heated one, realizing that there was no point in fighting in your current condition. “We’re just getting started.” He cooed into your ear, nose burying into your matted locks. 
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misssmina · 2 months
I hate when yall write the same kind of personality for self insert fics.
I don’t want to keep seeing the same easily flustered, no backbone, cries a lot Y/N. Here are some versions that I think would work better for each character.
Sweetheart Y/N: Caretaker, blushy, scolds character for not taking care of themselves. Best for slice of life AU’s or as a quirkless character. [Midoriya, Hawks, Dabi, Toshinori, Aizawa]
Goofball Y/N: Silly, playfully sarcastic, best friend type, takes nothing seriously. [Bakugou, Shigaraki, Todoroki, Aizawa]
Bitchy/Bratty Y/N: Tackless, competitive, well meaning, emotionally constipated. [Kirishima, Iida, Midoriya, Bakugou, Sero]
Bestie/Sacrificial Y/N: Fun, overly understanding, forgiving, compassionate, competitive. Best for angst and/or character development. [Dabi, Shigaraki, Bakugou, Aizawa, Hawks.]
More variety please & thank you 🩵 also please make it long
Edit: The way people are bitching about this post is crazy. I legitimately do not care how you write, it’s YOUR writing. But you have options, that is the point. This post was not a personal attack to ANYONE. Just have fun writing and push yourself.
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sinfulpanda16 · 4 months
Bakugou would have a picture of you as his home screen. He'd be secretive about it but when he's alone and he opens his phones he'd be like:
"Damn my baby's hot 😏"
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slayfics · 5 months
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Unknown Pleasures Ch.1
You’ve had a crush on Katsuki Bakugo since joining UA, but will another student change your mind?
Warnings: Minor angst
1.2k words
Chapter links
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The hum of the engine filled the car as the song stopped and Denki continued driving down the road. The last few weekends had consisted of Denki riling up whoever he could to come out on an adventure in his new car.
You sat in the middle back seat between Hanta and Katsuki, leaning your head against the headrest you let out a heavy sigh. A wave of relief washed over you finally being able to take your mind off responsibilities for a moment.
These random weekend adventures always lifted a weight off your shoulders and allowed you to enjoy your youth.
In the front seat, Hitoshi shifted uncomfortably. Hitoshi was a new addition to your usual cast of shenanigans. Denki had quickly befriended him much to the dismay of Katsuki who detested anyone new.
"What's Kirishima doing tonight?" Hanta asked curiously. Denki fiddled with his phone at a red light attempting to change the song.
"Oh, he is busy with Ashido~," Denki said in a sing-song voice.
"Tch- that's why you picked up this mind freak?" Katsuki huffed, making his disdain for a new face heard.
"Hey play nice blasty!" Denki called back to him.
Katsuki grunted and you giggled pinching his cheek, "Come on don't be rude," You teased.
"Cut it out!" Katsuki yelled smacking your hand away.
The light turned green, and Denki shoved his phone into Hitoshi's hand. "Why don't you be DJ man?" Denki suggested as he focused back on driving.
"You want me to choose a song?" Hitoshi clarified.
"Yeah, go ahead! I want to hear what you usually listen to!" Denki said encouragingly.
Hitoshi fiddled with Denki's phone until selecting the song Atmosphere by Joy Division.
"Oh! I love this song!" You exclaimed and began to sing.
Hitoshi's eyes wandered to the rearview mirror where he caught the reflection of you singing. The calm smile that painted your face as you sang the words perfectly caused his stomach to flutter.
However, the euphoria your playfulness gave him came crashing down when he noticed how your eyes wandered to Katsuki. Your eyes danced as they admired his face as if you were waiting for Katsuki to acknowledge you.
But what if you knew he looked at you the way you longed for Katsuki too?
His stomach only soured the more he observed the interaction. Katsuki's gaze stayed out the window completely indifferent to the softness of your expressions and the longingness in your eyes.
As if your soft features and carefree personality weren't enough to do him in, your voice was intoxicating as well. Hitoshi was sure he could spend a whole day listening to you sing his favorite songs.
Denki's voice infiltrated Hitoshi's daydream shattering his lovely image of you singing just for him.
"Alright, we're here!" Denki announced.
"About fucking time- had enough of being in this stupid car," Katsuki exclaimed and threw open the door exiting eagerly.
Hitoshi's eyes followed your figure as you quickly jumped out after Katsuki. The way the moonlight hit your skin as soon as you stepped out and your features bounced as you happily sprang in excitement forced him to suck in air to ground himself.
"You ready man?" Denki asked, noticing Hitoshi's slowness.
"Yeah," Hitoshi answered, forcing himself to blink away his desires and exit the car.
You five began to walk up a hiking trail. Denki had claimed the view had to be amazing at night, and hiking was one of the only things he could get Katsuki to agree to come to.
Hitoshi was new to the group and hung back observing the four of your interactions. It didn't take long for him to notice your gaze never left Katsuki. He was always in your line of vision and most of all he was the main person you responded to in the conversation. The other two boys might as well not have been there at all in your eyes.
Eventually, the conversation pushed you out as the three boys got into a heated discussion regarding something pointless.
Hitoshi quickened his pace, taking this opportunity to speak more with you.
"Hey," He called out to get your attention.
"Hey general studies~," You teased.
Hitoshi would have corrected you that he was enrolling in the hero course now, but your teasing caught him off guard and it took all his concentration not to be flustered by your comment.
"How are you enjoying the hike so far?" You asked.
"It's fine-," He shrugged his shoulders." So- what usually happens on these night outs?" he asked.
"Hmm- well usually we try to get in as much trouble as we can before Bakugo yells at us to go back," You giggled.
Hitoshi's nose scrunched up at the sound of how you sang out Katsuki's name. Your crush on him was all too evident.
But why?
What did you see in that belligerent blond?
“Are you excited to be in the hero course now?” you asked, snapping Hitoshi out of his thoughts.
“Yes of course. It’s all I’ve ever wanted… I’m especially excited to get to know everyone more.” He stated.
“Oh, that’s funny~ last I remember you said you weren’t here to make friends.” You teased.
Hitoshi flushed slightly at your comment, “Yes, I did say that- however, I find myself particularly excited to get to know you more. Speaking of that- would you like to go out to eat sometime?” He asked.
His words took the breath out of your lungs and froze your footsteps. Hitoshi stopped and turned to face you, taking in your shocked expression. You had never been asked out so straightforward before- nor did you expect it from your new classmate. And then there was your feelings for-…
Hitoshi spoke, bringing you out of your spiraling thoughts.
“It’s Bakugo, isn’t it?” He asked simply.
His words sent you into even more peril. In the brief time Hitoshi has spent with you he had picked up your crush on Katsuki. Was it that obvious?
“Is he your boyfriend?” Hitoshi asked further.
You stuttered like an idiot not knowing how to form a sentence after being so taken off guard. “He- well no he’s not but- I uh- I don’t-,” you tried to get out anything that would make sense. Thankfully, Hitoshi hated seeing you in such discomfort.
“It’s all right. You don’t have to explain, I think I understand. However… if you’re ever tired of waiting for him to appreciate you like he should- I can assure you I’d do a better job.” He spoke.
Your eyes searched his, completely overwhelmed by his boldness. His expression was genuine, calm, and serious. Hitoshi had every intention of laying out his affinity for you honestly and politely. It was unlike anything you had experienced before- and left you speechless.
“The hell are you two doing back there?” Katsuki spewed looking back at you both. In the fleeting moment you two had stopped to speak, the three boys had made some considerable distance.
Hitoshi let out a disgruntled sigh, the angry chihuahua's temper poked at his nerves. It was past cruel that such a vulgar man would have your affection. However, as Hitoshi averted his gaze from you to Katsuki he saw for the first time a quick shimmer of possessiveness in the blond's eyes.
Did Katsuki have some feelings for you after all? Or was it just his ego that appreciated your attention? Whatever the case, the tension that held between the two students was not going to be the last.
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee
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GIF by koi-feathers
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who met you at a Pro Hero gala last spring. He saw you from across the room and felt drawn to you like a moth to flame. He practically begged his agency team to introduce the two of you.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who accidentally spilled his drink on you, yet still managed to capture your attention for the rest of the evening. He offered to pay for your gown to be dry cleaned, as long as you gave him your number in exchange.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who texts you the morning after the gala to plan your first date together. He's dying to try a hole-in-the-wall ramen shop in your neighborhood. Maybe the two of you could grab a bite and then you can show him your favorite dessert spot?
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who is a not-so-secret foodie. Who loves to talk through taste and ingredients and mouthfeel and who absolutely lives for anything chocolate.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who walks you home with a light hand on your lower back. Who kisses you softly on the cheek before he takes off into the night, his fierce wings glinting in the bright moonlight. Your face burns where his lips brushed your skin.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who prefers when you take initiative in planning dates. He loves when you surprise him with an activity he's never done before - a pottery class downtown, a new nightclub after work, a dessert themed escape room. He loves to get to know you in all sorts of new venues and situations.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who asks you to be exclusive after two months of dates and dinners and quick cheek kisses. He gifts you a bar of his favorite chocolate and asks cheekily if he can finally call himself your boyfriend (everyone at his agency has been referring to you as his girlfriend since the night you met). When you say yes, he finally kisses you satisfyingly slow and deep, his hands cradling your face.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who you quickly learn grew up touch-starved. He didn't grow up with physical affection or hugging, so he's addicted to any small gesture of physical intimacy you give. You find the physical side of your relationship needs to develop very slowly and cautiously - Keigo can easily become overwhelmed and overstimulated since he's not used to being touched by other people. You don't mind one bit - he's worth the wait. He learns how to set boundaries and slowly opens up about his difficult childhood and training.
He loves when you:
Walk by him at an event and possessively rest a hand on his shoulder.
Rest a hand on his muscular chest when taking press photos or selfies.
Card your fingers through his thick hair. (This makes him absolutely melt into your touch!)
Press a quick kiss to his cheek or to the corner of his mouth
Slowly wrap him up in an embrace after a long day of patrols, meetings and press events.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who is a a constant flirt. He has so much rizz in public, but in private he's all mush and emotional intimacy.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who loves bragging about you at work. Who babbles about your hobbies and your cute outfits and your favorite movies to the likes of Endeavor, Best Jeanist and Mirko. They're all thrilled for him, but they find his bragging annoying as all hell.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who revels in seeing you wear his clothes. He loves seeing how small you look in his oversized hoodies. You once put on his hero costume as a joke and he nearly passed out as his heart welled up with affection for you. You look so adorable in his flight suit and visor - he just can't stand it.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who enjoys developing your physical relationship and relishes in every new thing he learns about your body and what makes you feel good. Luckily for you - he's a great student and a quick learner.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who struggles to become good at kissing. The prolonged physical contact makes him uncomfortable at first, but he's determined to figure out the ways you like to be kissed. And you're more than happy to help him learn.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who is a little possessive and likes to give you hickies to remind you that you're his. As he becomes more comfortable with you physically, he longs to make you his in any way he can. He loves to leave tiny love bites along your shoulder - reveling in the way he can make you shudder when he sinks sparkling teeth softly into delicate skin.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who plans a scavenger hunt for your 1 year anniversary. Don't worry - there is a flight component that requires him to wrap his arms around you and to use Fierce Wings to give you both a birds-eye view of the city.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who has an infectious, flirtatious grin. You can't help but laugh when you see that cheshire cat smile spread across his face over dinner or out and about with friends or on a long walk through the park.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who feels that he is perfectly suited for the role of boyfriend, since taking care of others is one of his favorite things.
🔴Boyfriend!Hawks who loves you as you are, and who can't wait to build a life and to grow with you.
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bakuwhcre · 1 year
bakugou knows when you won't like food, so when you go out of your comfort zone spontaneously, he just watches. he sits there and watches your face go from excited to disgust to disappointed. bakugou wants to say, "i told you." but he doesn't and pulls out take-out that you actually enjoy, taking the food you originally had. he's a little annoyed, but you're happy and fed, so that's all that matters to him.
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