#kny tanjiro
gabbyp09 · 21 days
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ponderingmoonlight · 3 days
Heya, could you write one for Tanjirou where the reader gets hurt on a mission and he feels bad about letting it happen as they were protecting Nezuko and he has feelings for her?
Thanks. I love your writing and take your time x
Tanjiro realizing his feelings for reader after she risks her life to protect Nezuko
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Pairing: Tanjiro x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,8k
Synopsis: Despite being well-composed and never deciding without thinking twice, you find yourself recklessly risking your life in order to protect Nezuko from getting hurt by Daki. Little do you know what an impact your second impulsive choice will have...
Warnings: severe injury, near death experience, fluff over fluff with Tanjiro with probably the cutest ending I've ever written, not proofread, I'll use one collage and one stand-alone AI pic so if this triggers you, I suggest not to read or look at them 🤍
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You never considered yourself impulsive. No, you never acted out of a feeling, never operated without thinking twice. Always kept your composure, a cool head. Maybe this is the reason for you still being alive, the reason why you are able to call yourself a quite skilled demon slayer on the side of your friends.
“You’ll come with me. I need you to look out for my wives.”
It was clear right from the start that this wouldn’t be an easy mission. All of Tengen’s wives enjoyed education when it comes to fighting skills. As a former shinobi, he made sure they were able to defend themselves. If he lost contact to them, it was clear something bigger is behind it. Something way bigger than anything you witnessed until that day.
“I can’t allow you to take (y/n) with you like that. I will join!”, Tanjiro suddenly shouted from behind with his oh so confident voice.
You will never forget the way he smiled at you back then, how much he cared for your well-being each and everyday since you arrived in the red-light district.
“I would never allow a demon to hurt one of my friends!”
Friends. Not quite the word you’d like to use for him. Since you first met each other when he saved you during the final selection, you always kept an eye open for the boy with the special kimono.
And his sister.
Apart from many people who dislike her, you loved Nezuko since the first day you laid eyes on her. Slowly but surely, it became your mission as well to save her, to free her from the curse of being a demon.
“I guess I’ll never be able to thank you enough for your support.”
You didn’t allow yourself to look at him, fully aware of that you’d get lost in his tender orbs again if you do. No, instead your eyes roamed about the glittering city to your feet, drifting over the facial expressions of the people underneath you.
“We’re friends, right? This is what friends do”, you murmured into the night.
Oh, you didn’t believe yourself a single word. What a filthy little lie to call Tanjiro a friend when all you are able to think about is his smell, when his voice is everything that lingers through your mind. Are friends supposed to think about one another constantly, to ponder about how their lips might feel pressed against each other? You promised yourself to never find out. After all, revealing your true feelings might scare him away forever. And losing Tanjiro all at once is definitely far worse than calling yourself his friend. After all, this would be impulsive with a not foreseeable outcome.
But even after you swore you’d never act out of a feeling, you find yourself sprinting into certain death.
It all happened faster than you expected. Inosuke managed to find Tengen’s wives and therefore the demon.
The upper moon six, to be exact.
The devilish who injured not only your friends, but Tanjiro as well. And now, she’s about to injure Nezuko as well.
Apart from your usual composed self, you find yourself dashing forward while grabbing the handle of your katana tightly. This is ridiculous, you don’t stand a chance against a demon like hair. Nezuko is a demon herself, she’d probably recover from her injuries.
You furrow your eyebrows, eyes fixated on both of them. It doesn’t matter right now. All you are able to think about is helping your friend.
“Get your filthy hands away from her”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
A well-placed hit. Your knee hits the ground roughly. Then everything around you is discoloured red.
Like in slow motion, you watch your own body sink onto the ground lifelessly. Your lungs feel like collapsing any given minute while you gasp for air like a fish on land. Blood takes your sight, drips down onto the already soaked floor while all you can do is watch in sheer horror as that hell of a demon grins at you.
“You did well until now. Dumb girl, why would you even think about defending a demon? Look how weak you are.”
The urge to cough becomes unbearable. Over and over, you spit out your own blood until your ribs feel like breaking. Did she hit you? Are you severely injured? Apart from your aching lungs, your body feels completely numb, almost lifeless. Like in slow motion, you watch as she walks towards you, the upper moon six emblem sparkling dreadfully in her eyes.
Is this your end?
What a senseless way to die when Nezuko is a demon. After all, even an upper moon wouldn’t be able to kill another demon without the right blade to do so. You never considered yourself so impulsive, so reckless.
Your eyes dart towards Tanjiro’s beloved sister who puts up a desperate fight against all the debris that buried her. Not everything needs to make sense.
It doesn’t make sense you decided to spare her life in the first place. It doesn’t make sense that you fell for her brother, that you allowed yourself feelings deeper than sympathy in a world full of cruelness and death. It doesn’t make sense that you decided to follow the sound hashira only to rescue his wives, that you actually considered going with him on your own.
All of that because you are so madly in love with Tanjiro. All of that because you view Nezuko as your own sister and could never allow another person to hurt her.
“What an ugly girl you are with your face twisted like that. What’s wrong? Are you in pain?”
You can hear your flesh bursting underneath another merciless hit of her belt, feel the throbbing pain that starts radiating through your bones. You will die right here and now, without any doubt. And you will die without seeing his face again, without telling him a single word about your true feelings.
“Don’t worry (y/n), I’m sure we’ll be fine! And as soon as we’re back, I’ll invite you to a bowl of ramen!”
A bowl of ramen?
Like in trance, you press your hand onto your leg, feel your busted flesh all too clearly, your very own blood slipping through your fingers.
Just like the love of your life.
“You need to get up.”
A distant voice in the back of your brain, muted by the constant ringing that takes over your ears.
“(y/n), can you hear me? You need to get up.”
Is Tanjiro still with Tengen-sama? They will manage to defeat those demons, you just know it. With the help of Inosuke, Zenitsu and Tengen-sama, Tanjiro will be alright. Who knows, maybe he’ll be a hashira in a week from now, maybe he’ll defeat Muzan Kibutsuji. Oh, what you’d give to hear that boy’s voice one last time, to witness his beaming smile again.
“She’s basically dead, idiot. Get lost so I can finish her.”
Are those hands lifting you off the ground or is your soul evaporating from your body?
“Please stay with me, (y/n). You need to keep on fighting.”
You allow your eyes for the briefest second. When you open them again, you barely miss how Nezuko catapults the upper moon six into a nearby building with full force. No, why would she risk to get hurt, what if that woman hurts her? It seems like you’re moving away from the scene and you’re unable to do anything apart from stretching out your shaky hand.
“No…I can’t…leave….”, you breathe out.
“Why did you risk your life like that? (y/n) you…you could be dead right now.”
That voice, it isn’t inside your head. No, someone is talking to you with an oh too familiar voice in a tone you know so well.
“I’m here, (y/n). And I promise everything will be alright? I just...don’t do something like that ever again, not even for Nezuko.”
Even though the sheer movement feels like breaking your own neck, you lift up your head enough to make sure this isn’t just a dream.
But his eyes are already set on you, filled with nothing but worry and threat while he carries you over the battlefield.
For a moment, time stands still. Just you and Tanjiro. No battlefield, no injuries, no demons. Just peace, love and Tanjiro.
“I love you”, you mutter so muted that he almost fails to understand.
You can feel his heartbeat picking up next to your throbbing head, watch how his eyes widen. Oh, how lovely they look in that red light, how easy it is to get lost in their gleam. What a waste of time it was to keep your feelings to yourself when all you were able to do was thinking about him. How lucky you are to feel your body pressed against his one last time.
One last time…
Desperately, you fight against the urge to close your eyes. You need to take this sight in for a little longer, need to stay awake at least for another minute. But your vision slowly but surely starts to get darker and darker until you can’t see him anymore.
“(y/n), don’t give up on me, not when I didn’t told you that-“
-a week later-
“You should really start focus on getting back on your feet yourself, you know? It won’t help her if you don’t get better too”, the Kakushi next to him speaks out.
Since the moment he opened his eyes and realized that you aren’t awake, Tanjiro didn’t allow himself to leave your side. The last time he did that was at the entertainment district. The last time he did that you almost lost your precious life over defending his sister.
“I will stay just a little longer”, he mumbles lost in thoughts.
You always loved Nezuko dearly despite being a demon. Even though your logical thinking and composed acting, you accepted her as the human she was before and supported him in finding a cure for his sister. Still…
He runs his fingers through his hair roughly, frustration almost taking over him. Tanjiro never expected you to almost sacrifice your precious life for his sister. Not when she’s fighting against a demon, not when two upper moons are your opponents. No one would have doubted you, would have judged you for staying in safety. Nezuko would have never allowed you to interfere if she could, just like him.
“I should have arrived sooner. I should have been right by her side all the time. Maybe none of this would have happened if I kept an eye on her like I promised…”
“Don’t be a fool, she would have never allowed you to stay by her side knowing that it might cost the success of the mission. Still, I didn’t expect someone like her to act so reckless. Who’s your sister doing?”, the man opposite of Tanjiro replies.
“She’s been crying the whole time.”
“Did she finally wake up?”, Inosuke suddenly blurts out while entering the room on his own.
“She’s still unconscious”, Tanjiro explains briefly.
“Did you put that horrible bandage around her head? Before you came here, it looked alright”, the Kakushi interferes dryly.
“With the power of master Inosuke, (y/n) will be back on her feet in no time!”
When your eyes flutter open, you get greeted by 3 pairs of excited eyes in an instant, your clouded mind still unable to process that you’re awake.
“Where am I?”, you croak with your throat feeling like sandpaper.
“I will call Shinobu-sama right away”, the Kakushi announces and gets up with a swift motion.
“You’re at the butterfly estate, dumbass”, Inosuke barks at you.
“(y/n)….I was so worried about you!”
Before you’re able to react any further, you find yourself emerged by green and black fabric, surrounded by a scent you know so well by now.
“Tanjiro”, you breathe out.
Over and over, you whimper his name like a prayer in order to convince yourself that this is real. You didn’t die. You are still alive. And right now, none other than Tanjiro Kamado holds you in his arms as tenderly as you always imagined. Is it a dream, maybe? A sweet hallucination to get you through the immense pain?
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there. All of this, only to stand up for my sister. Words can’t express how worried I was. How is it possible that this made me realize how much I-“
“You’re finally awake, how relieving. Would you mind moving to the side so that I’m able to examine (y/n), Tanjiro-san?”
That voice as sweet as honey belongs to Shinobu Kocho, without any doubt.
“You really fought well, (y/n). Surviving that long with such severe injuries took its toll on your body, though. All of this because you wanted to protect Tanjiro’s sister?”
Her skilled hands begin roaming around your skin while you feel her gaze fixated on you. But you cannot look at Shinobu-san right now. No, your eyes are locked with those of Tanjiro next to you.
“They both mean the world to me”, you murmur.
He lets out his breath visibly while taking a step towards you. What is that glimmer in his eyes? Sorrow, dread?
Or maybe affection?
“How unusual for you to act this reckless. But maybe this is what love makes us do, right? I will leave you two alone for now. How about you’re taking a look outside? The sunset looks lovely today. But please use a wheelchair since your leg is still shattered.”
With a last bright smile, the insect pillar is gone in the wind again, leaving you alone with Tanjiro in a suddenly so tensed room.
“What do you think?  Do you want to watch the sunset with me?”, Tanjiro questions with low voice.
“I would love to.”
As careful as ever, he lifts you off the bed and places you into the wheelchair before gently guiding you outside.
Your eyes get greeted by the prettiest red you’ve ever seen covering the whole sky. Like a painting, the beautiful scenery lays itself in front of your eyes. Shinobu-san’s flowers painted in the colors of the sky, the fluffy clouds that look so comfortable from afar.
But what mesmerizes you way more than that is the striking sight next to you, the boy you loved in silence since you first saw him. With his face lit by the downgoing sun and the ever so slight blush that creeps up his face while looking at you, you can’t help but get lost.
“Maybe I needed this”, he speaks out.
You blink a few times, still tired mind trying to process the meaning of his words.
There is it. His usual beaming smile, the optimistic glimmer inside his gorgeous orbs. Careful not to hurt you he grabs your hand and gently strokes it while kneeling down next to you. Is this really happening? Your heart threatens to beat out of your chest, reminds you urgently that you are definitely still alive. Why would Tanjiro Kamado get onto his knees for you?
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An answer so simple and yet so intimate that you can’t help but blush as well. Like in slow motion, you watch as he draws closer and closer until his face is only inches away from yours.
“I love you, (y/n). I guess I was too dumb to realize it until I saw you injured like that because you protected my sister. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The words leave your mouth just in time before he places his soft lips onto yours, making all your dreams come true with one innocent kiss.
You always acted well-thought and composed. But oh, what a plot twist it was to follow your heart twice in a row.
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“Did…Shinobu-san put this around my head?”, you question while staring blankly at your messy hair and the wild bandadge around your head.
“The insect girl? Of course it was me! You wouldn’t even be awake if it wasn’t for me! But don’t worry, you can worship me later”, Inosuke replies while stretching out his chest in full proud.
“You look…”
“I mean…”
None of the three girls dare to raise their voices at him whereas you stare yourself up and down. Of course, it was Inosuke. Shinobu-san would never stitch you up like that.
“Do you want…Kanao to fix this?”, one of them finally suggests quietly.
“Yeah….I guess that would be pretty nice.”
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls (your fic will be next) @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
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colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
Can you do Tanjiro x fem!reader where he accidentally hurts her? Like, he’s asleep and having a nightmare and reader is trying to wake him up and when he wakes up he punches her cause it was a nightmare about demons.
I hope this makes sense😭
Ommmmggg. Tanjiro will be so upset about that! I’m totally doing this, loves! Thank you!
Kamado Tanjiro- Truly Accidental
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No… no… no. It was a accident. Tanjiro swears it! He wasn’t trying to put his hands on you! He was just having a truly vivid dream and he felt his body acting on it’s own. It made him swing at literally nothing, despite the fact his visions were merely fantasy
He truly woke up a familiar pained gasp and loud thud. His plum reds widened in shock and horror at the image before him, it tore his heart out and stomped all over it ten times fold. You, on your flat back and holding your cheek
No. He didn’t punch you, did he? Tanjiro is so panicked and concerned, his head screaming at him with such hateful comments, as he tries his best to crawl over to you to try fix the situation, his heart shattering at the way you flinch
He didn’t mean it… he was so sorry
“D-Dokusha… I’m so sorry… I-I… I didn’t mean to do that, I just—” Tanjiro whispered out in a plunge of disbelief and terror at his own subconscious actions. He woke up from such a horrific, hyperrealistic nightmare consisting of him throwing it down with a wave of rabid demons bare-fisted. He couldn’t believe he could take those monsters down without his katana but his fighting spirit and survival instincts kicked in to try defend himself
You, on the other hand, was sleeping peacefully and cuddled up to your lovely fiancé, Tanjiro when you felt his calloused hands grip your kimono a bit tighter, unintentionally stirring you awake as you scanned over his frowning expression and tighter clamped-shut eyes. He was asleep but imagining a not-so-pleasant situation in his unconscious headspace
In intense worry for your fiancé’s health, you begun to shake Tanjiro’s still frame with no response from him for almost a whole minute after whispering out his name repetitively and repetitive requests for him to wake himself up for far too long for your anxiety to handle. You needed to wake him up and comfort him over that obvious nightmare he was experiencing when the second his eyes shot open, his mighty fist swung at your face and flung you over the futon to the nearby wooden-pane floor. Both of you were really fear-struck and shocked at his actions
“Wait. Please, I-I swear I would never hurt you… I-I’m sorry, I love you. Come back…” Tanjiro whispers weakly at your horrified eyes glaring at him, tears welling up in his own glassy eyes as his brain tried its best to process exactly what happened. He couldn’t believe a single ounce of this situation and the fact it actually happened by his own fist. Why did he punch you when you weren’t a demon? How was that dream so realistic that it made him lash out at his beautiful spouse!
You sniffed softly at him, slowly raising up to sit and maintaining eye contact. Tanjiro was using everything he had to keep himself from crying as his guilt and shame piled up to an uncontrollable rate. How could he make it up to you when he was the one who caused you fear and pain? He would never forgive himself for this incident and he was very tempted to sleep in the kitchen or slice his own fingernails as punishment
He should be able to control himself. Hurting somebody important to him like Nezuko or Giyuu is a awful one thing, but hurting the one person he has developed such a powerful romantic love for such as you, it makes him feel like a worthless pile of shit. Rather it was a accident or not, he was ready to take the blame and accept you yelling at him… but you never did
You gently stroked his face to try comfort him, tears rolling over the soft skin of your hand as he went to protest at your kindness. He doesn’t deserve empathy after hurting you, you’re the victim. Why are you acting like he deserves forgiveness? You keep up a soft smile, further highlighting that nasty reddish mark on your cheek where his full-power fist landed and the mark he made caused his heart to stop beating for a second or two. Tanjiro kept his gaze on you, trying to process everything all at once even though, he just couldn’t keep himself composed anymore
“Dokusha… I don’t get it… I-I hurt you… I just punched you when you tried to wake me up… w-why are you—”
“Because I love you too, Kamado Tanjiro”
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ghostbite0 · 9 months
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tanjiro and muichiro... their friendship is so sweet
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kyojurismo · 1 year
kamaboko/hashira/uppermoon (any of those choose to your liking sweetheart 🫶🏻) with an s/o who’s distracted easily which causes them to be kind of clumsy
tags : gn!reader, fluff, bruises, very clumsy reader bc i needed to laugh lol.
a/n : went with the kamaboko bc i’ve never written anything for them ??? absurd.
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tanjiro would be worried about you 25/8
literally sleeps with one eye open
whenever you’re close to walk into a piece of furniture or in a door he’s quick to pull you away and avoid you getting hurt
that’s because you usually walk with your head turned to look at something or maybe because you’re speaking with someone
or when you’re walking outside, tanjiro is always ready in case you trip over your feet
“you should look where you’re going instead of staring at the sky...”
“but i heard a bird,” pout on your face
“that’s dangerous, be more careful alright?” kiss on the nose
nezuko pushing you out of the way whenever you’re about to hit something
she’s always holding your hand because she’s scared you’ll get seriously injured
“nezuko-chan, look at those flowers!” there you go tripping on your feet
but don’t worry, she jumped in front of you so you fell on her back
she thinks you’re the one that needs to walk inside the box ngl
she loves touching your bruises with her forehead as if to kiss them
zenitsu when he has anxiety because you might get hurt even when he’s around you
would cry if you hurt yourself & feel bad about it
he usually stops you physically if you’re talking with someone or looking at something while walking
because he knows you would end up hitting something or falling on the ground
super sweet whenever he checks your bruises and cuts
“i walked into a tree,” you’re crying while zenitsu checks your forehead and then he pouts because he feels like it’s his fault
treats you like a toddler
holds your clothes 24/7 because man’s on a duty
and his mission is surviving each week without ending with you covered in bruises
he somehow feels you’re about to walk into something and his hands end up wrapped around your forehead or whichever part of your body and take the blow for you
“watch your step! if you lived in the mountains, you would be dead already!” it’s usually what he says to scold you
he saw tanjiro do it, so he would usually kiss your bruises and then smile at you as to copy him lol
another person who feels bad whenever you are the one hitting something
“i’m so sorry!” she helps you get up and checks if you’re alright. “no i’m sorry, i was distracted.”
knows how to medicate you tho and it’s pretty good at it ngl
holds your hand or arm every moment, just in case
“look, that’s uzui-san over there!”
bonk, straight into a wall
“oh my god! are you okay?”
kanao is this close 🤏🏻 to get a box similar to nezuko’s one
man would be so stressed
“watch it!” bonk
“y/n!” straight into the door
“what the hell!” you just hit a table
genya studying your bruises while counting to 10 trying not to snap at you & warn you to be more careful
“i swear there was a beautiful bird!”
“at least stop walking! shit,” genya rolls his eyes
he’s not really mad at you, he’s just worried ):
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reblogs & comments are super appreciated! thank you for taking your time reading it, i hope you enjoyed it. have a good day / night <3
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dearchose · 6 months
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I really need to do more kny fanart! Inosuke is my all time favorite in the show, so its only natural he is in my favorites ship ^^
I'll probably make it as a sticker
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pfpanimes · 1 year
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⌕ kimetsu no yaiba - ep 47.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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broken-spirit101 · 2 months
Kamaboko Squad Yandere Headcanons
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A/N: Reposting this from my Wattpad book because I don't have any ideas for anything new 🤩
Warnings: Nezuko is platonic, mentions of kidnapping, mild language, and of course, yandere themes
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Tanjiro: ➼ If he's the one who loves you as a yandere, you wouldn't even have to lay a finger if you don't want to.
➼ He's the kind who would definitely spoil you. Want some chocolate? You're getting your favorite kind of chocolates, homemade. Too tired to clean up after a long day? He'll help you bathe. He's super respectful, his eyes never wandering to where they don't belong, making you always feel safe within his company. He's definitely househusband material.
➼ He absolutely loves it when he's in both you and Nezuko's company. He adores the fact that you love his sister (probably even more than you love him, but he doesn't need to know that). You being Nezuko's sister-in-law would be his ultimate dream.
➼ He hates the fact that you're also a demon slayer. After almost losing his entire family, his biggest nightmare would be losing you or Nezuko. If he could, he would resign you from the corps immediately.
➼ Tanjiro is more of a protective yandere. Red flag? If you're talking to anyone he doesn't fully trust, you bet your butt he's lurking in the shadows watching you interact with them. If he gets too concerned for your safety, there's a very small chance that he'll kidnap you (it needs to be a very serious concern if he does that). However, he would make sure you'll be comfortable in your room where you're kidnapped, even if you're tied by chains. 
➼ He can't imagine himself being with anyone else. You're his and only his, and he's going to make you see that too. No matter what it takes.
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Zenitsu: ➼ Oh god. He would be a handful to deal with.
➼ Hearing "Marry me!!!" would be a common occurrence for you to deal with every day. Your mans would do anything to please you. If you asked him to, he would probably climb Mount. Everest for you. Around you, he would almost always be blushing and giving you compliments. He would make sure you hear that he loves you every single day, which annoys others to no limits.
➼ Zenitsu would do anything to get alone time with you, which rarely happens as he's always surrounded by Inosuke and Tanjiro. When he does get alone time with you though, he would be over the moon. He likes to make you sweets sometimes when he's free, as he's surprisingly good at baking.                              
➼ He thinks absolutely about you is perfect. Fighting demons? You look so awesome. Drinking water? You're pretty as hell. Talking? His full attention is on your pretty face. Showering? He thinks your body looks- erm, never mind. 
➼ The only thing he dislikes regarding you is how Tanjiro and Inosuke are always around you. If they aren't, you're around Nezuko. Sure, he loves them too, but he loves you the most. Probably more than anything in the entire world.
➼ He would be more of a delusional yandere. Red flag? He gets jealous very often. Really often. If he thinks you're not giving enough attention to him, he'll probably go sulk somewhere till you grow worried and come to find him. Or maybe he'll try to make you jealous instead, by clinging to someone else, probably Nezuko (earning bonus glares by Tanjiro).
➼ In his mind, both of you are meant to be with each other. Maybe he's too scared to actually make a move on you for now, but he'll do it. Eventually. 
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Inosuke: ➼ The only thing I can say is, SAYONARA.
➼ God, it would take him decades to realize his feelings for you. He often mistakes his feelings for competitiveness, so he would demand fights from you at least twice a day at minimum. He gets very reckless with you during fights to calm down his energy from simply seeing you. He would act the same around you as he does with Tanjiro and Zenitsu, but still somewhat calmer and more protectively.
➼ He's happy as long as he's around you, although he would never admit it. You taught him to read and write basic Japanese, so he even writes you letters when you're away on solo missions in distant places, although they usually look like "If you get injured by those bastard demons, I'll kill you." Yeah, Zenitsu taught him to write swear words.
➼ He craves physical touch, whether it's romantic or in a fight. He doesn't care as long as his skin is in contact with yours. It could be simply holding hands, but knowing that you're with him at the moment is very comforting for him. You probably don't mind holding hands with him either.
➼ He hates how you could be reckless and jump in to save someone if needed. Sure, he's even more reckless, but he can't understand why you would risk yourself in order to protect a random stranger. He would much rather sacrifice himself over you.
➼ In a fight, you both are a very good duo. Your abilities are very similar (the only thing is that Inosuke can't detect auras, but he's much better at things like spatial awareness), and his recklessness is often balanced by your strategic approach to battles. However, whenever you tell him strategies to continue a fight, he wouldn't listen nine out of ten times. But when he does get too injured to continue fighting Inosuke style, he puts your strategies into practice.
➼ He's a total possessive yandere. Red flag? He doesn't know how to express his feelings very well. Even if he wants to do something as wholesome as hugging, he's gonna ask for it in a very aggressive way like "OI (Y/N), HUG ME OR ELSE 🔪". Red flag #2? His possessiveness can get out of control. He dislikes it whenever you make independent decisions and/or tell him to do something. He wants you to be fully dependent on him.
➼ If it were up to him, he would kidnap you and never let you out of his sight. You were his, no matter what.
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Nezuko:  ➼ She absolutely adores you, just as much as she adores Tanjiro. She could never choose between the two of you, though. To her, you're both irreplaceable. 
➼ Nezuko. Absolutely. Loves. Cuddles. She wouldn't be able to function normally if she didn't get her daily dose of cuddles and head pats. She hates how she's unable to talk to you normally because of her muzzle. If she could talk normally though, she would spend the entire day chatting with you. Not a single moment of boredom would exist.
➼ She can easily understand you most of the time, and you can understand her too eight out of ten times. In her perfect version of life, Tanjiro and you would be married and all three of you would live in the same home (maybe even along with Urokodaki). She tends to see the three of you and Urokodaki as a family.
➼ Like Tanjiro, she hates the fact that you have to put yourself in danger along with Tanjiro. What if something happened to you while she was peacefully sleeping? Just thinking about that makes her extremely paranoid.
➼ A high-pitched "mhm-hmm" means she's happy. If it's a low-pitched one, that means that she is determined to complete the task that she's been assigned. A single quiet "hmm" means that she's sad and/or craving your attention.
➼ She's a clingy yandere. Red flag? It's easy for her to manipulate you into doing something she wants. She's aware of her cuteness and she's not afraid to use it as a weapon. Nevertheless, she would never manipulate you into doing something that she knows would upset you too much.
➼ I would be willing to place my bets that the Kamado siblings are secretly conspiring with each other to make you know that you belong with them, and ONLY them.
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moumouton4 · 10 months
hihi! i love your writing! this is my first time requesting but could you do hcs of the kamaboko squad (idk if that includes genya but genya as well) with holding hands/pda? fluffflufffluff :))
have a nice day <3
Hand Holding And Pda Hc || Demon Slayers character x reader
Including : Genya Shinazugawa, Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agastuma, Inosuke Hashibira
A/n : Hello love I hope you're gonna love this one ✨ I genuinely didn't know who was part of the Kamaboko so I checked and took only the characters I know I write good hopefully 😂
Warning : None fluff fluff fluff, no mention of gender for reader
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 1443
Genya Shinazugawa :
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Bro is literally flustered as hell when he sees you from afar… so imagine if you were holding his hand or displaying affection in public 😳😱
The first time you grabbed his hand in your he jumped 452187762 meters away, his face was red as a bottle of ketchup ( yeah so American )
It takes him a lot of time not to have a nose bleed anymore when you’re holding hands. He manages to look casual after 6 months or so
His face is still red-ish or pink but he always has a big smile plastered on his face. His hand are moist though ( I mean mine too it’s the anxiety )
He loves it though. The feeling of having your smaller hand in his bigger one feels like he can protect you. And everyone knows that it’s important to him
For the pda I think that at first he is cautious about it
He wants to look strong in front of everyone, especially his older brother and he doesn’t want people to see him this weak for you
So he tries to avoid anything of the sort at first
He pulls you in quickly for a kiss when no one is looking or he hold your hand under the table
But then I think he softens, or maybe he has enough to hide his love. He emerges from the personality he borrowed from his brother and asserts himself ( I don’t know anything about what happens after what was shown in the anime so no spoilers please )
Of course kissing you publicly is emotionally tiring when he feels the gaze of his brother on his back or someone else teasing him… or whining about how cute his partner looks cough cough Zenitsu
But at the end, like everything else he manages like a pro
When you’re about to sit he pulls you on his lap instead
“Come here. I’m far more comfortable than the ground”
His arm is often draped around your shoulders and in the evening around your waist
Quick neck kisses because your neck is so soft and appetizing and he wants to bite you
You discover that he is kinda possessive and that even if at first he was flustered about the thought of pda. Now it seems that he likes to make sure that people know that you’re his and he is yours
Though kiss him out of the blue and he is going to react as if it was the first time
< error404 > Genya.exe.stopped.functioning
Tanjiro Kamado :
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This dude is made of love - like in the Powerpuff Girl but for him Professor X just used Lov
He always makes sure you’re comfortable when he is touching you.
But when he is sure you are well he doesn’t hold back
His fingers are always intertwined with yours as he holds your hand. They are a bit rough but he hopes you don’t mind
For him it’s a reminder of your connection to everyone, not that he cares but he loves you so much he wants other to know as well
His thumb always rubs circles on the back of your hand. He does this to soothe you when he senses that you’re feeling tense. But most of times it’s mindlessly
Concerning pda, well he doesn’t care if people stare or stuff - he wouldn’t notice it anyways. His focus is always on you
“Your skin is softer than the usual Pumpkin. Did you change something in your routine ?”
But man is a classic and he isn’t going to have you sitting on his lap
in the middle of the day. Or his tongue doing the washing machine in your mouth
But he gives you a lot of sweet pecks. And sometimes it’s several pecks in a row. His eyes always end up sparkling
Neck kisses… I think he is too pure for that. Or maybe he keeps his cards close to his chest
But everyday you have your amount of forehead kisses, cheek kisses and shoulder kisses ?!? Zenitsu always whine that if he had such a partner he wouldn’t be kissing the shoulder first
Though when comes the evening and the night his kisses and touches becomes more daring than in the middle of the afternoon
Yeah you heard me right. There are some evenings when you find yourself straddling his lap and kissing him. You wonder where your classic boyfriend disappeared
Zenitsu Agatsuma :
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Ahah he LIVES for physical contacts with you. Give him hand holding HE TAKES. Give him pda OH YEAH HE TAKES
He is stuck to you. You can’t pull him away. No one can
What ? An hashira wants to speak in private with you for an upcoming mission ? He is going to stay
It seems that he can’t live without you
And if you manage to pull him off, he is going to whine whine whine. So you don’t. But he is so cute so must of time you don’t mind
You’re his pacifier lmao. In every ways you could think about
His hands are hyperactive. One moment he is holding you then, then a sec after he is rubbing his thumb over it, then he is intertwining your fingers, then he is rubbing your shoulder, then it somehow lands on your thigh while he leans into you…
Then he plays with your hair… a lot… maybe too much. Then he asks you to play with his, then as you start he cries saying you haven’t thought about it by yourself because you don’t love him as much… J E E Z
“Y/n-chaaaan can you pet my hair like this ?” he’d do it on you first to show you the exact motion
He lives for pda. He isn’t jealous but he is very needy. And he needs people to see that you’re taking care of him. So most of the time you’re the one having to display more affection. Not that you mind here too
Sometimes his hands wander to much and your have to hit - gently - the back of his head or pinch his cheek
If he gets too excited you surprise him with something. Maybe a long and slow kiss or a French kiss 😉 or by pulling him on your lap. He gets so flustered that his shut his mouth and stop moving in case he does or says something that would make you stop
When the night comes Tanjiro and Inosuke, or a friend hashira literally have to knock him out to make him lose his grip on you
(( I must add that he knows you don’t mind because if so.. well no that’s Zenitsu anyways.. ))
Inosuke Hashibira :
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First he doesn’t hold your hand
Well he did it once and it was just to show you how smaller your hand was compared to him meaning that you were weaker and that he needed to protect you. And that was basically it
He likes to hold your arm. When you’re sitting down. When you’re walking as well. It just feels stronger than holding hands
And it’s also a way to warn others that you’re his and not to take anymore
Talking about this he doesn’t know what pda is. But he knows that you belong to him and this is all that matters to him
Though it’s not always easy when he is running after people to fight them. Or when he wears his boar mask. How to say that… it stinks
But even on the rare times he doesn’t wear it, showing affection isn’t inborn for him
Like once you tried to kiss him and he stepped back thinking you were trying to eat him… ?!?
You explained that you just wanted to give him a kiss. but when he looked at you dumbfounded you showed him by kissing the back of your hand. Then you asked him if he wanted to try and kiss your cheek
He did. It was sloppy. But something clicked inside of him and he understood somehow the meaning behind it
“Is that another way of marking you as mine ?”
And since you said yes he never dropped the habit. He kissed you the first time he sees you in a day, before leaving for a task, when he return, when the night comes… and when Zenitsu gets a tad bit too close for his liking
He stays his hot headed self most of the time but when he is with you he gets a little softer. And when he gets sleepy he is drags you to cuddle with him while he takes a nap
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🍝🍢 Again my requests are open 🥗🧀
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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spkyart · 1 year
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Demon Tanjiro AU bc
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jase-is-ace · 11 months
The Cutie Patooties
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I wanted to draw the sillies since their birthdays are so close.
Sorry for not posting anything for so long😬
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aceofstars0 · 5 months
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here have this
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colourstreakgryffin · 9 months
Hii💜 could i request Muichiro, Obanai and Tanjiro with a reader that apologies so much without even realizing that theyre doing it? :) tysmm💜💜
Oooh! It’s pretty cute! Just realised not exactly what you want but hope you don’t mind, and it’s a bit short too!
Tokito Muichiro
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It’s not that bad. Muichiro is just confused on why you always apologise. About 9/10 times, you have done nothing wrong
So Muichiro mentions it to you whilst it’s on his mind. Why do you need to apologise when you haven’t done anybody wrong
“Love. Don’t keep apologising, you don’t need to. You are perfect and you haven’t wronged anybody to need to apologise”
Iguro Obanai
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Obanai does not like it at all. You shouldn’t have to apologise over and over, when you haven’t even lifted a finger against somebody. Why must you, hey?
Obanai won’t scold you. He just brings it up after you apologise to him for the tenth time that day. He is annoyed by the fact you feel required to apologise for nothing
“Darling. You haven’t done anything wrong, why are you apologising. Yes, sometimes you do little messups but that isn’t worth begging for forgiveness”
Kamado Tanjiro
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Tanjiro is more than kinda concerned with each time, you are a real life angel brought to him from the heavens. You don’t need to be sorry, you’re only human
Unlike the other two above, Tanjiro won’t bring it up as it’s happening. He feels like that is rude so he slides it in when you mention your occasional slipups, so it seems more polite
“You know, Angel, that you don’t owe anybody a genuine sorry when you never do anything wrong. Accidents are one thing but you don’t need to keep saying sorry”
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milyki · 6 months
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Suddenly I need to draw them obsessively
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gabbyp09 · 3 months
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justamegafan · 1 year
Demon Slayer Incorrect Quote #1
Tanjiro: Me and Nezuko got a new brother!
Giyuu: That’s nice-
Tanjiro (Slams adoption papers down): It’s you. Sign here
Nezuko (Nods): Hmph Hmph!
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Giyuu Tomioka? More like Giyuu Kamado!
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