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NRC staff~ Mozus Trein special guestroom
Aww finally....I was able to finish those "headcanon" furnitures we might get in the future for our dear Trein-sensei!
Lots of Cinderella's Disney ref, if you know them all.....you are an awesome little one! I really want to put Lucius in our guestroom haha! Let's wait!
I also have headcanon for Vargas and Sam (Crewel and Crowley got their official one)
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....*nod nod*
Initial headcanon about Trein's furnitures:
I wanted to make the live action armchair instead of this one (the mommy's one)
I wanted to use the famous blue wallpaper pattern for the carpet
more fancy bed for Lucius....
a key on the desk...you know to lock you "you shall not go to the ball"
Lucifer's plushie maybe but Lucius...please Lucius
a chess play to beat Crewel!!!
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k-looking-glass-house · 8 months
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Chibinimation~ Special 30th birthday Halloween!
(edit: I am in hiatus sorry for the non interraction with everyone lately, but you all did such goooood thiiiinggggs!! Arwwgghhrrr it's criminal, wait for me (I'm trying to catch up back)!!!)
Technically we should have the whole NRC staff as 30th Halloween Disney!! Soon or not!!! Enjoy your dear alchemy teacher who is secretly a Christmas freak (Mariah Carey hello!!) in my random headcanon! Jack Skellington would definitely fit!
Outfit heavily inspired by "The nightmare before Christmas"
Game asset for the face, extract by @alchemivich
.....vector animation on csp is fun but I will lose my hair one day with the stress of ....math interpolation, coordination....and.....mattthhhhsss.....
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k-looking-glass-house · 4 months
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Cass' *run run run to Rollo*: Bon anniversaire! Bonne chandeleur!
Rollo (avoiding any form of contact): Thank you....
Cass':..... I brought Champa.....
Rollo: You poor miserable creature, filling with evil tentation toward such pure alternate grape feeding more debauchery for YOU!
I can't believe his birthday is our national "chandeleur" day here in France, meaning "crêpe day" meaning.... he's a crepe baby!! (Still 02/02 here in our time zone o____o, I am not laaate!) So many brainstorming with my partner in crime Pop!Grimm~ I actually don't know around the world.... but here we celebrate day getting longer, the return of the sun!!! And we are flipping crepe in pan while holding a gold coin to bring good fortune! And if you miss..... *pat pat*
See him in a new light.... he's on fire to make some crepe actually!!! (No he's not lol) But the headcanon he did it with his little brother back then....*emotional damage*
Anyhow "Happy Chandeleur everyone!"
game asset extracted by @alchemivich
alternate asset done by @twiwoncrackpopcorn
outfit and animation concept done by me
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Congrates to have found a Spring egg!
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Malleus Draconia- Fairy Gala (The only fairy prince)
.....I think I gave myself a noseblood of epicness... Maleficient being my favorite disney's character evvveeeeer, Malleus follows next to her (as her sweet grand children definitely)!
Seriously..........hn look at him! He's the only true Fairy Prince we ever need, he's perfect an awesome dragon fairy!!!
Minus my cute baby Ortho and the only true prince in twiwon Silver were perfect..... Damn that SSR Leona in fairy gala outfit...... Yay Mister Crewel being the fashion designer he is, in action....
.......................I forgot his cob haiiiiiir!!!!!!!
_ Credits:_
Asset game extract from @alchemivich and twst game
“Twisted Wonderland” concept belongs to Yana Toboso
Malleus fairy gala outfit concept done by me
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k-looking-glass-house · 2 months
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........... Did I say, more were coming......? It's been....so long...so so soooo lonnnng....since it was produced....... The so....so famous......Dancing move from our dear Wednesday!!
Rollo is a dancing "oni"...... I was brainstorming...."cracked-braining" with @twiwoncrackpopcorn (please send them some love and support, they had to support me in any way with that brain of mine...)
But I mean iiiittttt.... The frenchy "prude" boy.....Going "Saturday Night Fever" after all the commotion during "Crimson Lotus ball, Bell of salvation"!
He's dancing with Malleus canonically....
Cass is making him dancing like a magicam pro!!!
"Let's go Rolloooo!!! Champagne!!!" "Infernale.......l'enfer noircie ma chair, de plaisir.....de désir...." "Let's gooooooo!"
Bloody Mary- Lady Gaga....
Oh oh oh!!! He got Esmeralda's move!!!
Gargoyles are proud of him, so are the handsome mob-kun!!!!!! Cass is also very proud!!
Frenchy party hard after causing chaos.....
Imagine Diasomnia gang....dance battle Rollo and the mob-kun...on BLACKPINK...How you like that!
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Anyway....please thank my partner in crime....they did the awesome "skin cg" edit of Rollo....
@twiwoncrackpopcorn Thank you Popcorn!Grimm!!! Going along with my weirdo brain and ideas...... huuuh
Rollo post appreciation from JP server released of his event....
More to come?...!
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Chibinimation~ Diasomnia White Day!
Remember that poll for Valentine's day...
Finally it's happening!! Of course....late.... Please set the mood!!
I know it missed Silver and Sebek.... They'll come... eventually.... or not
And yes Grimm is the best "otome heroine" ever... living the best "shojo" life hn hn~
small spoiler not at all about Sebek and Silver....
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Asset game extract from @alchemivich and twst game
Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge and Grimm concept belongs to Yana Toboso
chibi animation concept (making Grimm the otome heroine lol) one by me
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k-looking-glass-house · 9 months
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The ghost Princess and The Fairy Queen (chibinimation)
Just tiny animation of our dear side charas!
It's somehow "sad" that not everyone has their chibi sd...
....look at that disco afterlife veil..............
game asset extract from @alchemivich
chibi sd version and animation concept by me
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k-looking-glass-house · 6 months
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NBC handsome mob-kun~
*when I told you I haaavvveee a loooot in my draft hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm*
Or how I call them with my partner in crime @twiwoncrackpopcorn
cute handsome mob-kun: Romain
sexy handsome mob-kun: Vincent
Yes basic french babies boys name!
Yes....they look like they came from "Obey me!" don't ask me...that brain of mine....
I really must try to learn "spine" I want to try rigging some vertices to create nice bouncing effect!!!
Just imagine them party drinking "vivant une vie de débauche" far from Rollo lol.
Flirty little one~
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Game asset extract by @alchemivich
chibi concept and animation done by me
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Azul Ashengrotto- Fairy Gala (The fairy "mermaid")
I actually had so much fun imagined him "a merfolk" trying to walk in high heels.... Poor him yet Yana-sensei do loves put heels on her characters.....
I didn't know for the glasses...so well hn~
Anyway Azul fairy gala was suggested by the funny lovely @trixiegalaxy~
Hope you like him a bit!
_ Credits:_
Asset game extract from @alchemivich and twst game
“Twisted Wonderland” concept belongs to Yana Toboso
Azul fairy gala outfit concept done by me
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Malleus hair salon! Chibidition
Because yes.... I brush,..... brush his hair....without touching his beautiful horns huh!
Or Sebek...I can imagine Sebek braiding Malleus's hair, yes definitely!
We need more Malleus's hairstyles!!!
chibi assets extract by @alchemivich
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Chibinimation- Idia Shroud (emotion concept)
I need this so muuuuuch in the game actually!!! Ah ah after all his disney counterpart had a lot of "flame mode" ON... Hades...you're such an awesome characters~
Look at his.....pfff it was pretty much fun making such things for him hn~
Hope you'll like it~
From left to right:
Fear/disgust mode: turn green
Shy/mero mero mode: all pinkkkkk (and it's canon lol)
Inferno mode: turn red
Fever mode: pffff this one came from a comic I saw on twitter... Seriously this is gold!!!!!
Ortho would be like "Nii-san is having so much fun!! I should ask for a spectrum color mode in the next update too!!"
_ Credits:_
Asset game extract from @alchemivich and twst game
“Twisted Wonderland” concept belongs to Yana Toboso
Idia animation concept done by me
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Sebek Zigvolt- Fairy Gala (The fairy .....fan of waka-sama aka the croco fairy aka the sooo loud fairy but pretty)
My dear fanboy duet waka-sama appreciation's club....
Just imagine him being so proud about Malleus showing his greatness ("Waka-sama needs perfect flowers!"), and at the same time..., him ranting about how unworthy we are about Malleus greatness ("Ningen!!!!! Pick only the best worthy flowers for Waka-sama! Don't do any waste!!")~
I love him..... I get the concept, don't worry hn!
Yay croco-boy did get croco patterns!!!!
Also....just imagine.....him running around with tons of flowers just being happy (irridiating fairy sparkle and vibe)! Like maybe he did back then with child!Silver.....definitely they were... that cute back then.... Lilia you raised them so well~
_ Credits:_
Asset game extract from @alchemivich and twst game
“Twisted Wonderland” concept belongs to Yana Toboso
Sebek gala outfit concept done by me
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Chibinimation~ What if arc 7; General Vanrouge
Spoiler not spoiler... But seriously we all want an adult "tall" Lilia!!!
....The reference....do you know it?
Yes it's Rosario Vampire...*nod nod*
"...Those crimson eyes...That demonic aura....Is that a S-class fairy?? Vampireee??!!" xD noooo a dark fairy but vampire hn meh dunno!
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*drop the panty shot ...damn overused fanservice*
game assets extracted by @alchemivich
Lilia "vampire fairy true form revelation" (that title pfff..) animation concept done by me
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k-looking-glass-house · 3 months
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Happy Spring! Spring equinoxe
How are you? Wouldn't be great if for once this world would be only about happiness and watching the sky! Well...one day maybe...
GAME ENDED thank you~
As for me with a pre-tumblr return!!
I am proposing you a little game! I hide 9 secret eggs on my whole tumblr!
Find them if you want or can!
The first one to find them with the 9 screenshots will get a special prize!
A chibinimation of your choice like little K above!
Or a drawing of your choice!
Little rules:
No need to follow me
Eggs are only on my own posts
Only the first one who will commented, reblog, or dm me with the eggs screenshots will get the prize so no deadline
Here the egg to find! ->
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k-looking-glass-house · 2 months
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Yay I'm having an artblock... But I practiced a lot in animation!! And I desperately want this kind of furniture for my guestroom! HAHA pink...Champagne...Bathtub... yes~
And you what kind of furniture do you want?
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K Oswald Junior 101 Fraisier Champagne~
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Chibinimation~ Mozus Trein and his stepdaughter Cinderella
Yes.... Yes, that is all..... You can't tell me... that Lady Tremaine in her twst's version, doesn't love her stepdaugter...
Trein-sensei loves his own daughters, and his stepdaughter too!! Definitely....even iiiiffff the story would still be the same ahah (No ball, no prince, stay at home with chickens and mouses xD)!!
Does it means I'm a Trein-sensei's fan....Yes I am....
Asset game extract from @alchemivich and twst game
“Twisted Wonderland” and Cinderella's ballroom bg concept belongs to Yana Toboso and Disney
Trein and Cinderella animation concept done by me
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