#lana lang smallville
patheticblorbloscholar · 10 months
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Is it cheesy? Yes but so are most of my couple and throuple stuff 😅
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clubglee · 1 month
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Thanks for the dance, Lana.
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cinematv · 1 month
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SMALLVILLE (2001 - 2010) S01E01: Pilot
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keenzinemugstudent · 8 months
Clark x Black goth reader! Smut! A not so secret quickie!
Lana hears strange noises in the art room and goes to investigate.
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"Where Clark?"
Chole asked looking around not seeing the farm boy Lana just shrugs her shoulders.
"I'm not sure I saw him earlier though he seemed really out of it."
"Well that's weird."
"Oh I forgot my bag you go on without me!"
As Lana was walking through the hall way she heard noises coming from in the art room hmm maybe it was the janitor? She goes to check it out what she didn't expect was to see you and Clark.
He was holding your hands softly you stood in front of him looking at ground face full of worry. Lana could see you looked troubled she was about to walk in and see if everything was okay until you spoke.
"Clark I don't think this is a good idea.."
"Oh come on Y/n you promised!"
"I know it's just- this is embarrassing!"
You try to move from his reach but he grabs your hand a pout on his face.
"I promise we won't get caught. You don't have to worry so much."
"Clark it's almost the end of the day can't you just ya'know wait than?"
"I can't! I've been waiting for this since third period if I wait anymore I'll go nuts!"
Lana had no idea what was going on what was Clark trying to get you to do? He sounded pretty desperate. She had noticed in class that he kept looking at the clock for lunch to start but just to see you? She heard you let out a surprised gasp Lana leaves from her thoughts only to see Clark pick you up to sit on the teachers desk your face was flustered you put your hands on his chest starring up at the handsome farm boy.
"What if someone catches us?!"
"Y/n please just focus all your attention on me okay?"
You let out a small shaky sigh as his hands slowly move down your hips to your thighs to your knees gently spreading your legs open so he could easily stand between them which caused Lana's face to become warm. What exactly was she seeing? Why was Clark touching you like that?!
He leans down to gently kiss your forehead than your cheek than to your lips making Lana cover her own in surprise, you close your eyes shyly kissing him back holding his arms, you wanted to be strong and not give in but when he kissed you everything else didn't matter anymore.
"Is it okay for us to keep going?"
You was hesitant but nod your head Clark gives you a smile, gently grabs your face to kiss while you start lift up his shirt that was always kept tucked you unbutton his shirt to show his well toned stomach making you bite your lip he was just so damn hot it was ridiculous! You rub his chest going down to his stomach to his pants zipper he lets out a low groan as you grazed his front pants touching his already hardened cock making you giggle.
"Wow you really weren't kidding huh?"
"What can I say you make me excited"
They both give a small laugh than go back to kissing all you could hear was lips and moans around the empty classroom. Lana was still hiding behind the door face red still not understanding what was going on the whenever she saw you two together it was always a friendly interaction, Clark would say "Hi" to you in the hallway and you'd shyly wave back at him before running off somewhere.
Lana that it was weird because you were the quiet goth girl and he was the shy but friendly farm boy you both weren't friends or so she thought but than she remembered when she saw Clark and you at his mom's flower shop once and you two were talking and laughing she had noticed you were holding red roses. Than the next couple days at school she and Chole always saw a red rose either on your locker or on your desk. Whenever somebody would try to question you about it you'd always just shrug your shoulders not knowing who it was, then you'd go the whole day with a smile on your face.
Did that mean that Clark had been the one to give you those roses???
"Ah C-clark!"
Lana looks and could see Clark's hand going under your skirt you try to stop him but could only give out a weak moan as his fingers entered you...Clark freaking Kent was fingering you in the art class.
"Clark baby please! Oh you know I'm sensitive down there!"
He just shh you by kissing you again muffling your cries of pleasure while still rubbing your clit in circles
"You said you'd give me anything if I passed that test I got a A+ all that studying really paid off huh?"
You try to speak but could only moan and whimper as his fingers started to speed up. You were so wet that you could hear it making you hide your face in his shoulder trying to quiet the embarrassing noises.
Lana could feel herself getting wet just from the sight. To say she was jealous was an understatement she couldn't believe that Clark was doing this in school of all places! and to you of all people you were always so quiet but nice enough Lana didn't think you two had THAT kind of relationship!
"Y/n I want you to cum... think you can do that for me sweetheart?"
He whispers in your ear kissing your cheek. You couldn't say anything but nod holding on to his arms moving your hips trying to make his fingers go deeper into your pussy.
"Y-yes! oh god yes yes! I'll cum just please Clark don't stop!"
You sounded so needy Clark moves his fingers faster and deeper making loud moans leave your mouth not even caring if anyone walk by and hear you (too late for that)
Lana should not still be here why was she even still watching this?! It was something private between you two so why the hell was she still here?! Just as you so close to your release suddenly Clark stopped his movements causing you to look up at him with teary eyes upset that he didn't let you cum.
"W-why'd you stop?"
He just moves hair from your forehead to kiss your upper brow removing his fingers making you whimper from the lose, Clark reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a a condom.
Lana went wide as she saw Clark start to pull down his pants revealing himself Lana's mouth was wide open in shock but you just let out low moan rubbing your legs together feeling yourself getting wetter at the sight as he put on the condom even though you've seen it multiple times he just looked so damn good!
Main while Lana nearly passed out when she saw how big Clark was jesus even Whitney wasn't that big! There was no way Y/n would be able to take him! Right?
Clark got closer to you his forehead touching yours once again hands going under your skirt to remove your red underwear he grabs your hips pulling you closer you wrap your arms around his neck kissing under his jaw leaving light hickeys and black lipstick stains on him biting his ear. You looked towards Lana's direction making her freeze on the spot, thinking she'd been caught but you give an annoyed sigh you were looking up at the clock on the wall.
"Clark baby I'm sorry but we're are out of time."
He looked at his watch and saw that you were right but he just shook his head.
"We still have more time."
He spread your legs rubbing himself against your wet heat, you both let out loud gasp as he slowly pushed himself inside you stretching you out, once he was fully inside he stood still all you could hear in the room was their heavy breathing.
"I'm going to start moving okay?"
You were so lost in pleasure all you could give him was just give a lazy nod, he starts to slowly moving his hips letting out a shaky breathe even though this wasn't the first time you two had sex, he was always careful with you seeing as he accidentally left hand marks on your legs once and Chole saw it thinking someone had hurt your since than he always tries to be careful with you but God it was so hard there was just something about you made him crazy!
You lay your back on the desk gently moving your hips enjoying the feeling of him inside you but it was so hot that you had to remove your shirt making Clark give a low growl at the sight of your breasts and your blood red bra the one thing Clark loved most about having sex (making love but he won't say it out loud yet)
Was seeing your chest they were just so perfect! that's when he realized he was wasting time and need to speed this up so he leaning his body nearly covering you and moved his hips faster making your eyes go wide at the usual change of pace.
"W-wait Clark no wait please! Not so fast please! I can't oh god!"
He just ignored your cries of mercy and just moved his hips even faster, skin hitting against skin both of you panting heavily you arch your back off the desk mouth wide open cries of pleasure leaving your mouth. Clark just hugs you closer he grabs a hold of your ass than slapping it harshly making you let out a surprised cry of pain and pleasure. With how fast he was going your chest bounced at each thrust making you feel like you were seeing stars.
It didn't make it any better when he put his mouth on your left nipple gently sucking and bitting it making a small scream leave your mouth.
"Your doing so good for me Y/n."
All you could do was give a him a whine and wrap your shaking legs around his hips in a desperate attempt to pull him closer and deeper in your poor weeping pussy.
Lana was still watching the two lovers go at it like animals in heat she got up slowly legs shaking gave a low quiet moan as she could feel underwear wet. She had to get out of there and hopefully try to forget the scene she just witnessed.
By the end of the day Lana saw you and Clark again but this time he was helping you walk too his trunk you were limping and your makeup was a mess and you still looked flustered Clark he looked fine??? I mean his clothes was a bit ruffled but he looked okay.
"Wow I wonder what happened to Y/n?"
Lana didn't say anything but blush red not being able to say anything to Chole. The only thing she could think was Y/n was one lucky girl.
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I'm probably going to hell for writing this aren't I?
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jesncin · 5 months
Care to share your thoughts on your take on Lana Lang?
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Clark and Lana were awkward childhood sweet hearts. By the time they reached their teens they were both feeling out of place in their bodies. Clark was at odds with his maturing Kryptonian self and Lana just wasn't feeling right about how she presented herself. They dated in high school and Clark eventually opened up to her about his powers (leaving out the ones he subconsciously suppressed). At some point they realize that they're not in the right place in their lives to love each other yet and they break up before Clark moves to Metropolis.
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Skip ahead and Superman's come out as an alien to Metropolis. Things go great for Clark for a while- but having to deal with Lois not returning his feelings as she's falling for Superman starts making him feel lonely and lost. Suddenly a familiar face returns to his life! Lana Lang is now a sought after technical set designer, and she's looking to bring her talents to newer ventures like Jimmy Olsen's web show. Turns out that time apart did let the two grow up after all, Clark has come to terms with his alien self and Lana's a full on butch.
Lana helps cover for Clark as he leaves work and friend hangouts to be Superman since she knows his secret. Clark's feelings for her start to stir again as she's someone he can be his full self to (at least, he thinks so). Is this yet another love triangle? What's Clark gotten himself into?!?
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zepskies · 8 months
Assistant Hottie
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Pairing: Jason Teague x F. Reader (implied Jason T. x Lana Lang)
Summary: Jason Teague, Assistant Football Coach, meets you in the faculty break lounge at Smallville High. He tries to kick you out, thinking you’re a student. Technically, you are. Turns out, you both go to the same university. 
AN: So I know it’s about 20 years late, but I’ve been wanting to write some Jason Teague for a while now. There’s a very dated reference to iPods (remember this show was circa early 2000s).
Word Count: 2,600 Tags/Warnings: Implied love triangle (quadrangle?), fluff, tinge of angst, and a meet cute.
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“Hey, Coach T!”
Jason turns his head, shooting Clark Kent a smile that’s just a little bit forced. He slows down in the busy hallway so the younger man can catch up.
Clark’s friends, Chloe Sullivan and Lana Lang keep walking, though the brunette glances his way. Her hazel eyes catch his.
But Jason focuses on Clark, who’s coming at him with all six feet and three inches of farm boy earnestness.
Jason has City Boy Charm in his arsenal.
“What’s up, man?”
Clark smiles. “Real quick, just wanted to ask you about the drills we’re running today…”
Eighth period is about to start, meaning just another hour until school ends, and another day of practice begins on the football field. Clark takes all five minutes between classes to ask his questions about how he can better move the ball, his throwing technique, how to better communicate on plays with the rest of the guys.
As always, Jason gives Clark the best advice he has to offer. Even a few months into this job, he’s still feeling a bit of imposter syndrome. He’s only a couple of years older than the guys he’s coaching, and Clark is looking at him like he’s got all the answers.
Newsflash, champ. I don’t. Jason smiles though. 
Because Clark is something else. He’s a starting quarterback of a game he’s never played before in his life. Head Coach Quigley thought it was steroids at first, but Jason had a gut feeling about the guy.
“He’s not a cheater,” he’d told Quigley. The other man had scoffed, rubbing his chin.
“Okay, Teague. If you think so,” he said. “…Make him piss in a cup anyway.”
Since then, Clark hasn’t given Jason a reason to doubt him, at least on the field.
No, his reasons for still being wary of Clark are more…personal.
“All right, we’ll workshop the rest later on the field,” Jason says, as the starting bell rings. “You’re gonna be late for class.”
“Okay, see ya later.” Clark nods and holds up a hand in goodbye. To tell the truth, Jason is a little relieved to see him go.
Instead of heading to his office, he makes a pitstop at the faculty break lounge for a cup of coffee. He could use a little pick-me-up, even if it is from a watery K-cup.
When he pushes open the door, he’s greeted by the familiar smell of stale roasted hazelnut and microwaved fish. Along with the wall-to-wall countertop and refrigerator down the end, there’s a small round table fitted with just three chairs.
Uh oh, he thinks.
You’re sitting there with a pair of earbuds in, nodding to your music while you make notes with a red pen. The contents of your messenger bag are half-strewn across the table, displaying a couple of notebooks and binders, different colored highlighters, pens, and a post-it pad.
Your back is facing him, so he has to walk around the table to get your attention. He hesitates, before he taps your shoulder. He’s never had to do this before, and he’s actually a bit nervous.
“Hey there,” he says. His lips quirk when you jolt a little. You stare up at him with wide eyes and the top of your pen resting against your lower lip. 
“Uh…” You remove your ear buds and hit pause on your iPod.
“Did you get lost on the way to study hall, or you just here for the coffee?” Jason gestures to the Keurig machine on the counter. “Hate to break it to you, but that stuff’s not exactly quality joe.”
You blinked at him. “What? Um…I mean yeah, the coffee’s ass. But it is free, I guess.”
Jason tries to reign in his smile. He cards a hand through his blonde hair and taps his free hand on the table.
“Uh, are you ditching class or something?” he asks. “If it’s history, I get it. Snooze fest.”
He makes a flatlining motion with his hand. Your brows knit together in confusion…but then you brighten.
“Oh, I’m not a student,” you laugh. “But good on you for trying to lay down the law, Coach Teague.”
Now it’s Jason’s turn to be confused. “How did you know—”
You point with your red pen, over to the yellow patch emblazoned on his red polo that says: Crows Football and Assistant Coach.
“Pretty sure you’re the one the cheerleaders are calling Assistant Hottie,” you say. Your gaze is wry and a hint playful.
He lets himself smile, albeit with some embarrassment. He points at you.
“And you’re…”
“Part-time teacher’s aid,” you reply. Your hands make a frame around the stack of papers in front of you, that Jason now realizes you’re grading.
Great. His face warms a bit.
“Sorry,” he chuckles, and points to the coffee maker. “Let me just mind my business.”
He doesn’t know it, but you subtly watch him with a small smile while he goes about said business. The Keurig eventually spits out more roasted hazelnut into his Styrofoam cup.
With his prize in hand, he means to leave you in peace to head for his office, but your voice stops him.
“You can sit if you want. I need a break anyway.”
Jason can admit, at least to himself, that he’s curious. (About you.) He goes over to the table and sits down across from you. His eyes unconsciously dart over the splayed contents of your bag, and you don’t miss it.
“Sorry,” you say, as you try to reign in the mess and corral things back into your bag. “I’m kind of an organized chaos kind of girl.”
“No worries. I dabble in that philosophy myself,” he says with a grin. “I’m Jason, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you,” you reply, giving him your name in return.
You like his smile. His long fingers are wrapped around the steaming cup. Meanwhile, the afternoon sun is pouring in from the windows behind him. It shines golden on his hair and broad shoulders, and makes his green eyes look warm.
Those eyes glance down and focus on a familiar badge sticking out of your bag. His brows furrow.
“No way. You go to Kansas A&M?” he asks. “So do I.”
You blink at him. “What, you’re still in college?”
He laughs and leans back in his chair, blowing out a breath.
“Okay, wow! A bit rude," he says. "Just how old do you think I am?”
You bite your lip in embarrassment.
“Second thought, don’t answer that,” he quips.
“I’m sorry,” you say, through a bit of laughter. “I guess we’re both reading each other wrong today.”
Jason shakes his head and crosses his arms.
“No, no. It’s fine,” he says airily. “Lest I be any more presumptuous, can I ask what year you’re in? Major?”
You concede with a nod, but you’re still smiling too hard.
“Secondary Education. Junior year,” you say. Jason’s brows raise with his grin still in place.
“Okay, a future teacher on our hands.” He leans forward. “As it turns out, I’m actually a sophomore.”
A year below you. You bury your reddened face in your hands, though a giggle still bubbles up.
He doesn’t let you stew in your misery for long though.
“Eh, it’s okay. Don’t feel too bad,” he says. You hear the smile in his voice, and you peek out at him from between your fingers. “I’m technically a year behind. Transferred from another school so I could take this job.”
Once again, your eyes widen as your hands fall away from your face.
“Oh, yeah? I assume you play football, but I’ve never seen you on the team…”
Jason’s smile turns playfully cocky.
“I don’t play anymore, but I’ll have you know, I was on track for the NFL.”
Yeah, for about a minute, comes a dull reminder in his brain.
You rest your chin in your hand as you meet his smile. “Okay. You definitely have the face of a guy who almost went pro.”
Your voice lowers at the end there, impersonating every “dude bro” you’ve ever met who thought he could throw a ball across a field.
“I’m serious.” Jason laughs, but then his eyes dim a bit. “I played for Metropolis U. Tore my rotator cuff, and uh…that’s it. Scrubbed. Had to start over.”
You dim along with him. “That sucks ass. I’m sorry.”
He snorts, almost spilling his coffee. “You’ve certainly got a way with words.”
“But you feel better for me calling you old, don’t you?” Your pen taps on your lip, and his eyes are drawn to the gesture.
He also notices your eyes, the shape of your face, the shade of your hair, the black Fleetwood Mac shirt (with a ripped V hinting at cleavage). It doesn’t exactly scream T.A., but you’re pretty.
Beautiful, really.
He tries not to notice that too much.
“Maybe a little,” he allows. He smiles behind a sip of his drink. It’s getting cold, as he forgets to actually drink it.
“My parents sent me to college to be a lawyer,” you confess. It perks his interest with raised brows. “Like my mom, and my uncle, and his father before him, and so on.”
Jason’s smile is back. You consider that a small triumph.
“I sat in one class. Intro to Business Law.” You shudder at the memory. “Jason, I wanted to bludgeon myself with the textbook. And it wouldn’t have taken long. That thing was the size of a Dostoyevsky novel.”
Jason laughs, even though he doesn’t know who Dostoyevsky is. It does unearth a distant memory of his 12th grade English class (he barely passed that one).
“So, I decided to disappoint them,” you say ruefully.
That, he understands all too well. He raises a finger at you. “Hey, a teacher’s respectable. But I happen to be an expert at disappointed parents, so you’re in good company.”
You smile, small but genuine. Jason counts that as a win.
“What’s your major now?” you ask.
“Sports medicine,” he replies, but you both hear the lack of enthusiasm in his voice.
Your head tilts, and your eyes soften. Not with pity, he thinks. Maybe with understanding.
“You could find something else you’re actually passionate about,” you say.
Jason bites the inside of his lip, sets his cup back on the table.
“Sure,” he says.
His lackluster answer is telling, and he can’t even think of a joke to inject into this moment to lighten the mood. (He even disappoints himself there.)
“Look, I get it,” you say at last. “You probably ate, slept, breathed that game. Like that’s what you were put on this earth to do. And I know you must’ve been good. Because the fact that this school hired you while you’re still in college is amazing.”
He meets your gaze steadily. 
Your smile brightens. “But I’m sure football’s not all there is to you.” 
That touches him. Warms him even, though he’s reluctant to let it. 
“We just met, and you’re already sure about that?” he remarks. 
You shrug, gesturing at his cup. “Well, I’m sure that you probably have crappy taste in coffee. I’m broke as hell, and even I don’t drink from a Keurig.” 
Jason laughs. If you only knew that he’d spent his summer in Paris, sampling some of the best restaurants and cafés in the world without even looking at the bill…until his dad cut him off. Needless to say, he’s had to refine his tastes.
“What kind of teacher do you want to be?” he asks, instead of getting to all that.
Your brow arches. “You mean what subject?”
“Yeah. What, like physics or something?”
“Ew. God, no!” 
“What’s wrong with physics?”
“Too much math. I’m shit at that shit,” you reply. 
“Okay. No to the sciences.” He laughs and rubs his chin, squinting at you. “Let me see if I can guess.”
You gesture widely. Go ahead.
“Not economics, I’m thinking. Too close to business,” he teases.
“Business law,” you correct. “But you’re actually right about that.”
“Hmm, history?”
“It's interesting, but it’s also rigged,” you say. “Only the victors in society get to dictate what gets remembered. Just look at Columbus Day. What a sham that is.”
Jason allows that with a nod and a smile. “All right, what then? Algebra? Geometry?”
“That’s math, remember?” you reply, with furrowed brows. “Besides, I don’t like mixing letters and numbers. It’s not sanitary.” 
He chortles at that. You’re a little ridiculous, but he kind of likes that.
“Okay, how about English?” he says.
Your gaze flicks up to his. A small, growing smile. 
“What makes you say that?” you ask. 
“Process of elimination?” he says. His smile curves. He saw your little reaction. “But I don’t know. I get the feeling you’re a hell of a lot smarter than me. The way you’re talking, all quick as a whip… Like I said, you’ve got a way with words.”
You laugh a little. “Oh, do I?” 
Jason’s brows raise expectantly as he leans back in his seat again.
Well, then? that move says. “Am I right?”
Your head tilts, and you answer the unspoken challenge in his eyes. You raise a finger and pull out one of your notebooks and you take up your red pen. You tap the top of it on your lip, in what seems to be your habit, and you begin to write on a clean piece of paper.
Your hand moves with purpose on each word. Jason watches you in curiosity. Though when you realize he’s staring hard at your paper, your free hand forms a wall against his probing eyes.
“No cheating,” you reproach.
He scoffs, but he waits for you to finish.
Finally, you tear off the piece of notebook paper, fold it up neatly, and you slide it over to him.
“What, are we passing notes now?” Jason can’t help but joke, even as he opens the little gift. “I thought we weren’t in class, Professor.”
You shake your head. “Just read it.”
He starts to, and his smile grows. He glances back up at you. “You wrote me a poem?”
“Just a little haiku.” You gesture at him to keep reading while you start to pack up your things. The alarm bell just tolled for the end of class, and you have another job to get to.
Jason’s eyes lower back down to the looping scrawl of your handwriting. His smile deepens into a smirk.
Assistant Hottie
You flatter me, see through me
Smarter than he thinks.
He stares at your words for a while. He rereads the last line a few times.
By the time he looks back up, your bag is packed and you’re standing, ready to go. You smile at him.
“See you on campus,” you say. “I also work at the Writing Center, if you ever need a spruce up on your essays.”
“Can I get you to rewrite my history paper?” he teases.
“Make an appointment,” you counter, still with that smile. “And we’ll see.”
You leave the faculty lounge, and Jason feels a suspicious jolt in his heart.
Something he immediately feels guilty about. 
Because the real reason he came back to Kansas is to continue his summer fling with Lana Lang, a senior at Smallville High. 
Well, to him, it’s not a fling. He used to think it was as close to love as he’s ever been. Recently though, he’s been getting the sense that she’s still hung up on her not quite ex, Clark Kent.
That’s not even the most complicated part.
She’s 18, and Jason’s barely 20, but their relationship could still one day be the reason he loses his job…
And maybe, any chance he might have of being friends with someone like you.
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AN: Lol no shade to my sciences, history, and math people! Just creating a character. Let me know what you think! 😉
And if you liked this...
Read the Sequel!
Check out "Miss Professor" to continue reading. ❤️
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Smallville Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Jason Tag List:
(Includes "Everything" tags + "JT" tags.)
@sleepyqueerenergy @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @ades106 @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @brianochka @branj19 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @globetrotter28
@charmed-asylum @waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @mrsjenniferwinchester @jc-winchester @fromcaintodean @deanbrainrotwritings @jackles010378 @akshi8278 @rachiem4-blog @waters-2567 @jessjad @sweettimelady @iprobablyshipit91 @leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @lokigirl666 @xiphoidbones
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lexanagifs · 1 month
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"Lana, I might have appeard skeptical, but I still believed in you. That's why I send an expert to the site. Whatever caused that crater was not a meteor. Have you talked to anyone else about this? Like Clark?" SMALLVILLE — 5.03 "Hidden"
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ladiesblr · 1 year
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dailytvwomen · 1 year
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fairyroses · 15 days
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— SMALLVILLE, "Tempest" (1.21) & "Fragile" (5.18)
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mrhowells · 7 months
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Smallville + textposts (pt.4)
season 5 edition is hereee
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clubglee · 4 months
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After everything we’ve been through, I thought it would take us longer to get over it.
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kent-farm · 8 months
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—Smallville, “Pilot”
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smallcloisville · 3 months
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Every character as Dawn Stiles
Ma Kent was iconic😂😂👌
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0urgraciousqueen · 5 months
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for @glorianas
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sassylittlecanary · 5 months
Smallville is a show for the English nerds because it’s just ten seasons of dramatic irony and foreshadowing and homoerotic subtext and poetic parallels packed into every scene.
So many character dynamics — Clark & Lex, Clark & Lana, Lex & Lana, Lois & Clark — are so layered because you know they’re doomed or saved by the narrative, you just don’t know how they’ll get to that point.
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