#last reblog made me think of them
anxietyfrappuccino · 2 months
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bottom he xuan be like
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get's railed while thinking !!evil!! thoughts
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raccoonaday · 5 months
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#3: Errands Raccoon
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romansmartini · 10 months
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shirt for when you are definitely normal about that man 👍
buy here!
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eshithepetty · 2 years
I think there's a deep existential sadness to Dimple.. like he's clearly not that bad of a guy at heart. Every time he's tried to take over he's done it in the least violent way possible (he even remarks during his first appearance that he made the LOL cult the way he did because it was the least harmful way to attain that power and admiration. Just by making people laugh), and yet, he keeps insisting he's evil, and that he wants to be god, and that there is no reason to trust him. There's that disconnect, between what he is and what he wants, and what he does and claims to be. Not to mention how in the fanbook he says that he literally doesn't remember who he was when he was alive. So he's been a spirit for a long time. He's been hanging on for very, very long.
I think... however he died, he clearly died unsatisfied. And over time he realized he was still unsatisfied, that he was lonely. Sometimes I think about how being a spirit feels, disconnected from the living, not being able to even be seen by normal people. I think he was plagued by the realization that he couldn't change anything now, that he was dead. Not in a way that was good.
And it kept plaguing him.
So he eventually decided to aim for godhood. To place himself on top. That way, he could be an influence. That way, he could be seen. That way, he wouldn't be alone.
And maybe most importantly, with a goal so lofty, near impossible even, he always had something to reach to. So that way, he wouldn't die.
I think he was afraid of dying most of all. Of passing on.
So. With that in mind, it makes the fact that he made peace with it finally, just for the sake of Shigeo, all the more devastating. This was his everything for possibly centuries. All his fears, his ambitions. And he decided, in the end, that he could let that finally go. Just for that little boy.
For that one person who finally saw him.
For Shigeo, because of whom, he found a new attachment.
To just be a friend <3
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
I miss the early chapters Harukawa style that made Akutagawa look like he came straight from a Tim Burton stop motion movie 😔
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bittersweetresilience · 8 months
there are twenty seven songs in my félix playlist which means a few more and i can do a monthly writing game. why am i saying this when i have several important wips i am meant to be doing? well, you see
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mortellanarts · 5 months
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2023 go bye bye
#999 spoilers#art summary#art summery 2023#my art#shoutout to all my monster high drawings that are still in the oven#I haven't posted them anywhere but! my friends made them pins and I've sold them on cons throughout the year :3#I only started drawing them as a request from a boothmate actually and they're such fun designs to draw!!!#I went to a lot of local conventions to participate in the artist's alley and made so many friends that way it was wonderful#I think the next thing I'll reblog will be the game I worked on!#found out the nda doesn't cover me simply saying 'hey I worked on this thing coming out in a few months!'#so I made artist and cosplayer friends selling my art on the beach and I got my first proper job#....then I proceeded to give me a shoulder inflammation because my setup was terrible and it had to catch up to me eventually#but! already managed to get a new tablet and desk for myself!! it's even a screen tablet so there'll be a learning curve but I'm excited#I'm hoping this display will make things easier I always had trouble sketching on digital#and I am more carefully taking breaks now also because turns out relying on hiperfocus is bad for you? never knew#I was going through some stuff in the middle of the year there though I had so many vent drawings of akane from may to october qwq#not featured here are the tons of utena and umineko wips I have accumulated those were my favorite new media I got to experience for sure#in fact I'm watching the adolescence movie rn!! what in tarnation is this last act lol whatever! go Anthy go!!! floor it queen#also not featured the tons of oc stuff I made :D I'm glad I feel like I can start properly working on them soon ^^#but yeah that's that I felt like writing a whole diary entry in these tags and you read it and that's what tumblrs all about ♡♥︎
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kissformuppet · 5 months
The other day I was showing my partner a stupid Christmas show and in it they kept referring to a felt doll (not even a puppet) as a Muppet because it was purple I guess? I didn’t say anything, but at one point my partner said, “that’s not a Muppet, stop calling it a Muppet.”
Thank you, I love you, you understand me
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yoohyeon · 4 months
I miss you all and I wanna come back, but the minute I’m back here I sigh and close the app I just can’t 😭 but I hope you all know :
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rotisseries · 11 months
im so completely obsessed with the loz au byler concept every single post of it I see I HAVE to reblog and then I'm in the tags losing my mind in all caps and then the post just says something like "I think a zelda byler au would be neat"
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so-very-small · 2 years
i will say though, it’s very sweet when you have like a friend who does not know about g/t until you introduce them, and in their blind enthusiasm they chatter about ideas with you as the wrong size, and you’re sooo so glad they’re Getting It but also baby. they’re not getting it at all. you’ve identified as tiny your entire life and your friend is saying “what if you were big! like the size stuff you like! like i think you’d be good in a Godzilla scenario” and you so desperately want to correct every word in that sentence but also you’re just glad they’re having a good time
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rohirric-hunter · 3 months
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queerlyquillish · 6 months
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ok but the thing is that "hurt" is an adjective, verb, and noun. so the linguistic poeticism is still there, albeit in a slightly different way. yes, "hurt" as a description of a person's state holds true across tenses because it is indeed an adjective, but the fact remains that it's a lexicologically interesting word! personally, what i find really neat is that "hurt" is both an intransitive verb used for the person being wounded and a transitive verb for the act of wounding someone. it's an intriguing concept to think of pain as something that draws connections between people. something that weaves together victim and perpetrator in some inseparable way. that you can't hurt someone without it changing you as well. idk what exactly that says about pain as a human experience, and it's a lot of using imagination and metaphor to extract and extend meaning from language, but it's still fascinating!
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neurodiverse tumblr friends, I have some autism questions!! if you have autism, and especially if you were older when you found out about it: at what age did you begin to suspect you had autism? when/if you got an official diagnosis and how you went about it? would you recommend pursuing a diagnosis or at least talking to a medical professional about autism to someone wondering if they may have it? to you, what are the benefits of having a diagnosis/not having a diagnosis (depending on which one applies to you)?
#autism#neurodiverse stuff#neurodivergent#I'm really trying to get serious about answering some of my questions about myself and my oddities before I go to college#and since we're currently at about....9 months? if everything goes as planned? before I head off to school#I really am trying to get on top of this now#also I was helping my mom take the RAADS-R test last night and reading thru all the questions again made me remember#how much I related to a lot of the autistic traits described in the test#and ftr: I'm not saying I /AM/ autistic#I just suspect that there are some Things that I Experience that aren't necessarily true of a vast majority of humans#and I'm trying to learn as much as I can about different forms of neurodivergence in order to hold them up against my experiences#and see if any of the hats fit. as it were.#I still very much think I have ADHD and autism is just a slight possibility but I gotta be frank here and say that#the more research I've done on autism--esp female-presenting autism--and really the more I've read behind the experiences#of people /with/ autism (especially women)#the more I've noticed similarities and discovered what may be explanations for things I've experienced#some of which I hadn't even fully noticed I was experiencing until I became aware of their existence due to reading others' experiences#gurt says stuff#reblogs on this are totally fine btw!! and feel free to leave your answers in either the tags or the comments/replies!#considering making an AD(H)D version of this too so I can get some opinions on that from people who've lived with it as well...
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spookyboywhump · 1 year
Thinks about Zander and Nicholas
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