#laura and deanna fanning
8nychta · 1 year
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backstage @ kiko kostandinov aw23
via _softersoftest_
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angieebaobei · 1 year
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Kiko Kostadinov SS22 Fittings
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grrl-beetle · 1 year
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Kiko Kostadinov
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grrlmusic · 9 months
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Kiko Kostadinov
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la-situde · 3 months
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Kiko Kostadinov RTW Runway F/W '24
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introspect-la · 2 months
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mmaosa · 1 year
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Beabadobee wearing the latest collection from Marc Jacobs 'Heaven' by Kiko Kostadinov and Laura Deanna Fanning
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source: instagram
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ifelltoyou · 5 months
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kiko kostadinov x hysteric glamour
photographer: rosie marks
directors: laura & deanna fanning
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tierras · 2 years
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kiko kostadinov spring/summer 2023
debut show of womenswear designed by laura and deanna fanning
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ludinusdaleth · 11 months
on a similar note, i do think that there's a lot of people that are just outright evil towards the female characters moreso in this campaign than ever before, with people literally demonizing imogen for so much as breathing in laudna's direction as being an evil, toxic, heartless abuser and "worse than delilah". and people notably didn't care at all about ashton until they realized they could ship them with laudna and further make out imogen to be a monster.
i cant say that this is the worst it's been, historically. the way keyleth/marisha was treated for years was probably the most notable, gruesome, & well known example of misogyny in the fanbase, something that affected marisha ray personally and still does - iirc, part of beau directly spun from her willingness to spite her detractors. many a reddit incel would not shut up about every detail of marisha's rp as the druid. i appreciate that cr responded to that over the years narratively as spitefully as possible.
but, yeah, i think, especially on tumblr, there are some odd attitudes at work. imogen, fearne, & deanna are taking the full brunts of it -
deanna is called evil or disappointing for not being a shining cleric of holy goodness praising the gods bluntly to the screen, and is dehumanized by fans by being put into the mammy stereotype whenever she talks to imogen, even when her plotline is literally centered on realizing she's more than a nurturer (and aabria has liked my tweets on this subject, so maybe, we can assume she shares bitterness at this?). almost no one ever wants to acknowledge her beyond the trait of being motherly, or being lovers with chetney, and dont get me started on how people said she was feral because she killed a goat and made imogen cry?
fearne is treated as a ditzy kooky bimbo fae, with many people ive seen refusing to acknowledge any of her character development - folk get angry when ive mentioned her doing anything, saying shes just a selfish bitch and only that, that she needs to be "put in her place" by any character witnessing her mischief.
and for imogen - i know people dont want to woobify her, but in the process, holy fuck does cr tumblr become judgemental. i have seen, verbatim: "sorry she isnt your girlboss and her actions will hurt others when she turns evil", said pre-solstice, and then, she wasnt. her tendency toward her darker powers and her considering ludinus's pov (yknow. like many a protagonist tries to see the antagonist's pov. thats normal in narratives) because her mother joined him has damned her into the fandom thinking she's a beast to be put down. frankly, even if she did turn evil? id support that narratively, that's fantastic. but she didn't and there is a smugness to the fact that she is now the most clear headed against ludinus when people were sure she would turn, and wanted blood on that assumption.
as for ashton, yeah. i.... have a lot of thoughts on how fandom treats them - they definitely were treaded around til shipping began and only then they were considered palateable, and then were noticeably only called he/him pronouns by the terfs of the marisha/laura-ship brigade. if im being honest, i have not seen them directly used against imogen, and i dont think im the person to discuss imodna or shipping wars with you. but i do think every other bells member is utilized as some kind of cudgel against her (namely, in my experience, orym). to this fanbase, imogen is not allowed to have her traumas in the literal face of ruidis, the source of it.
i know this harsh simpleminded view on the ladies of cr has always existed. i could go into it in every campaign thoroughly. but i do think c3 is unique in how tumblr is treating it. do you know how badly you have to screw up for cr twitter to be calmer & more rational on the topic of women existing in a narrative?
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Yeah, I've definitely noticed that the guests (at least the ones that aren't Robbie/Dorian) have been the ones consistently pushing for Imodna. From Dusk needling Imogen about Laudna and intentionally manipulating our fun-scary witch, to what we've seen from FRIDA and Deanna as well. That, and the fans have been thanking the guests for pushing for it to happen, which... doesn't feel right to me.
I feel like the one exception was Bor'dor as he was asking Laudna questions specifically about Imogen. At first it felt like every other instance... but after the reveal of his Ruby Vanguard affiliation, and that he was there when it all went down, I wonder if it was purely to gather intel, most likely to determine a weakness that he could have exploited had he lived.
A weakness that had been exploited once before by Otohan and could be again.
After all, he most likely realized who Imogen was because of her resemblance to Liliana.
Robbie was definitely fine, and I think that's largely due to the fact that while he is technically a guest, he started the campaign with the group and therefore, was there and gone before the true Imodna shipping began, at least to the degree that it is today.
Utkarsh, while he did definitely bring up Laudna/Imogen, I think his background made it more of a "I don't care what you two define yourselves as, I just know you're important to each other, how can I exploit this" and so it doesn't come across as him trying to push Laudna and Imogen together.
But the rest, definitely pushing an agenda, and it does very much come across as inorganic because like I said, in my opinion, outside of the guests, Imogen and Laudna as anything more than what they currently are isn't something that has been talked about at all among the main players at the table. This, and the fact that, as I've also mentioned, I also noticed some... looks during this last stream that were more "here we go" or "please no" from the actual players that make me think that Laura and Marisha don't want Imodna to happen, or don't want it to happen right now.
Personally, I think my perspective is driven home by the stark contrast of how Beauyasha was treated by the main cast versus how Imogen and Laudna are being treated.
Even in the VERY early days of Beauyasha, the main cast was jumping in and joking around and very much pushing that ship, most likely because they knew on some level, that if things went there with Beau and Yasha, Marisha and Ashley were more than okay with that. We don't see that at all with Imogen and Laudna, in my opinion. Yes, people will post clips of looks that others give when Imogen and Laudna are interacting, but looks are so ambiguous and can mean literally anything. Like from this last episode, when Laudna and Prism are saying goodbye, I saw people posting a brief moment of expression on Laura's face that they took to mean Imogen was jealous, but if you watch the rest of the scene, for the very large majority of that entire interaction, Imogen is laughing and finding their interaction amusing.
Long story short, I put more stock into the actual in-game conversations/actions of the characters rather than the microexpressions of the players because they can mean anything, and so far, in my opinion, there really hasn't been anything regarding anything more between these two from anyone besides guests.
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8nychta · 8 months
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backstage kiko kostadinov ss24 via _softersoftest_
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lvdbbooks · 1 year
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Apartamento Issue #31 Spring / Summer 2023, Apartamento, 2023
Softcover. 170 x 240 mm. Color, black and white.
スペイン発、2008年に創刊した年二回刊行のインテリア雑誌『Apartamento』。第31号の表紙を飾るのは、デンマーク人アーティストであるタル・アール(Tal R)の作品。アールのパートナーでありデンマーク人作家、アーティストのエマ・ローゼンツヴァイク(Emma Rosenzweig)と共に、本誌の編集車であるロビー・ホワイトヘッド(Robbie Whitehead)がインタビューを敢行、掲載した特別な一冊となっている。
毎号異なるデザインで彩られる本誌背表紙の絵柄が、今回は2種類のバリエーションで制作。イタリア人アーティストのルチア・ディ・ルチアーノ(Lucia Di Luciano)とジョヴァンニ・ピッツォ(Giovanni Pizzo)がアートワークを手がける。
今号では、2022年に「ハッセルブラッド国際写真賞(Hasselblad Award)」を受賞したインド人写真家であるダヤニータ・シン(Dayanita Singh)を特集、インド西海岸のゴア州に建つ美しい邸宅を訪れる。モロッコ人映像作家のアブデラ・タイア(Abdellah Taïa)に1日かけてパリで行ったインタビューを収録するほか、ロンドンを拠点とするブランド「キコ・コスタディノフ(Kiko Kostadinov)」のデザイナーである双子のローラ・ファニング(Laura Fanning) とディアナ・ファニング(Deanna Fanning)、アメリカ人ディレクター、ビデオグラファー、とりわけスケートフィルムの先駆者として活躍するウィリアム・ストローベック(William Strobeck)、アメリカ人彫刻家のアレクサンダー・カルダー(Alexander Calder)、セネガル人彫刻家のセーニ・アワー・カマラ(Seyni Awa Camara)に関する記事を掲載。
他にも、ポルトガル人映画監督のペドロ・コスタ(Pedro Costa)、アメリカ人アーティストでありフォトグラファーのポール・ムパギ・セプヤ(Paul Mpagi Sepuya)、アメリカ人デザイナーであり彫刻家のミーシャ・カーン(Misha Kahn)、アーティストであるロバート・バーバー(Robert Barber)、 建築家・プロダクトデザイナーから写真の道へと転向したオランダ人フォトグラファーのバス・プリンセン(Bas Princen)、インド系イギリス人ファッションデザイナーのスプリヤ・レーレ(Supriya Lele)を特集。
また、モロッコ人作家であるアブデラ・タイア(Abdellah Taïa)による短編作品「The Goodbyes」、インドを拠点とする建築家でありデザイナーのクシュヌ・フーフ(Khushnu Hoof)、アーティストのオスカー・ペリー(Oscar Perry)、スペイン人作家のレイラ・ベニテス・ジェームス(Layla Benitez-James)、ジャマイカ人作家のダイアナ・マコーレー(Diana McCaulay)、ベルリンを拠点に活動する作家・美術批評家のエステル・ホイ(Estelle Hoy)、イギリスを拠点に活動する作家のジョン・ダグラス・ミラー(John Douglas Millar)による文章を収録する。
Apartamento is widely recognised as today’s most influential, inspiring, and honest interiors magazine. International, well designed, simply written, and tastefully curated since 2008, it is an indispensable resource for individuals who are passionate about the way they live. The publication is published biannually from its headquarters in Barcelona.
Featuring: Tal R & Emma Rosenzweig, Pedro Costa, Dayanita Singh, Alexander Calder, Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Laura & Deanna Fanning, Misha Kahn, Abdellah Taïa, Lucia Di Luciano & Giovanni Pizzo, Robert Barber, Bas Princen, Seyni Awa Camara, Supriya Lele, and William Strobeck. Plus: ‘The Goodbyes’, a short story by Abdellah Taïa, and texts by Khushnu Hoof, Oscar Perry, Layla Benitez-James, Diana McCaulay, Estelle Hoy, and John Douglas Millar
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grrl-beetle · 9 months
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Kiko Kostadinov
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grrlmusic · 2 years
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Kiko Kostadinov
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la-situde · 3 months
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Kiko Kostadinov RTW Runway F/W '24
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