#leon could fuck me awake any day every day all day
gamblersdoll · 9 days
rain makes leon feel.. rougher than most.
maybe its because of the louder sounds of the water hitting the windows, or the ground. but he knows it sparks something in him.
“holy shit.” he growls, gripping the under of your ass. “s’fuckin tight..” you hear the whine in his throat, forcing his cock deeper into your soppy pussy.
“leon!” you moan, nails digging in the pillow. you clenched around his cock, hair being pulled back as he pounded into your creamy walls.
“fuck baby..!” he groans, face coming close to your ear and breathed heavily. “all mine.. all mine.” he chants, all of his body weight in each thrust pushing you up. the rain poured harder, his hands on your hips.
“m going to cum, gonna cum!” he babbles, gnawing at your shoulder and licking the tenderized skin. “take me, take me please sweet girl!”
you nod, looking back at him and looking into his eyes. “cum ‘fer me, just like that, right there baby.” his lower jaw slacks, drool dribbling out into your thigh as he fucks his warm seed into your abused cervix.
“thats it, my baby..” you praise, throbbing your walls and moaning from his come seeping from your pussy.
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The Terrifying Ordeal of Falling in Love with Leon Kennedy
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader (female reader)
Series Warnings: Minor injuries, Leon teases reader a lot, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Drinking, Drinking followed by driving, DO NOT DO THAT THIS IS FICTION, Anxiety, Leon S. Kennedy has PTSD, Leon has an anxiety attack, Anxiety Attacks, Swearing, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Nightmares, Leon S. Kennedy has Nightmares, Cuddling & Snuggling, Probably incorrect medical talk, Strangulation in one tiny little scene, Reader's brother was a cop who was KIA, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Grief/Mourning, Christmas Fluff, Mistletoe, Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Arguing, Love Confessions, Looking for Alaska is mentioned, Inconvenient Love Confessions, Penis In Vagina Sex, Dirty Talk, Dirty Thoughts, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Leon loves eating Pussy change my mind, Shower Makeout, romantic smut, Desperate Leon S. Kennedy, They are both desperate for each other tbh, They say I love you as they come, Scar Kissing, Enthusiastic Consent, Always pee after sex, UTI PREVENTION, POV First Person, No use of Y/N
Words: 2.2K
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July 2004
Every little thing she does is magic
Everything she do just turns me on
Even if my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for her goes on
-Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, The Police
The tin of the light music in the background makes me smile, but Natalie’s god awful singing and her attempt at dancing while 7 months pregnant? Now that makes me laugh. And not just any laugh. A full, abdomen hurting, cheeks pinching howl that brings tears to my eyes.
“Love, you’re going to hurt yourself,” James calls from the couch, hands folded over his waist as he watches his wife with stars in his eyes.
“No I won’t, you big baby!” She yelps, hands finding mine to spin me around in a giggle filled twirl, her bright emerald eyes swirling with the childish energy she carried with her into adulthood. Her cocoa colored hair was tied up 10 minutes ago, but now the strands fall out, flyaways sprouting from every direction.
“Did you want to play rummy, Nat?” James suggests, standing from the couch to tower over the both of us, frame not quite as muscular as Leon, but definitely enough that he could throw two women of our size around easily. She squeals happily rushing to the dining table as quickly as her little waddle will allow, resounding laughs coming from James and I as we follow her. James’ caramel locks flow back, especially more so as he runs his fingers through it, and he smiles at his wife still dancing lightly to the quiet music as he adjusts his glasses on his nose, sitting down and shuffling the deck. The scent of the soup in the crockpot wafting toward us.
“Okay, I swear, I need you at my house every single day to cook cause that shit smells delicious,” she practically moans the words, leaning back in her chair with her hands resting on the table. James starts throwing cards down, dealing us all the cards we need before Natalie gets too carried away with her antics. Three rounds pass, muttered ‘fuck you’s and ‘damnit’s flying around like birds in the sky. James starts dealing cards once more, hitting 7 cards in each pile when I hear the lock click, immediately pulling my attention, confusing Natalie and James for a brief moment. The door opens.
“Leon!” I shout, launching out of my chair toward him. He drops his duffel bag to the ground, completely adjusted to the excited greeting he gets whenever he gets home - if I’m awake, that is. Leon opens his arms, welcoming the hug by wrapping forearms around my waist. It’s hard not to smile and release a tiny snort at my feet being lifted off the ground.
“Hey you.” He sounds drained as he sets me back down, soles landing back on the hardwood floors. I quickly give him a once over, not noticing any outstanding injuries besides a small bruise on the left side of his jaw. “I’m good. Just tired.”
“Hi!” Natalie shouts, standing herself with a huge grin that screams ‘who’s the hunk and why is he in your apartment?’, the sound finally catching Leon’s attention, and he slowly removes his hands from my waist, almost as if he’s self-conscious. I then notice James’ confused glare. That may be why he pulled away.
“Hi, sorry I didn’t realize you had friends over,” he utters, glancing back at me before keeping his eyes trained on James and Natalie.
“I didn’t know you were gonna be home tonight, otherwise I would have planned for them to come another night.”
“To be fair, I didn’t know I was gonna be home tonight.” Natalie clears her throat dramatically and I shoot her an irritated glance.
“So are we gonna get an introduction or…?” She giggles, dopey grin still plastered on her face. I hesitate before speaking, talking to Leon now.
“Are you up for some intros, or do you need some time?”
“I can meet some of your friends, then I really need to-”
“Take your post-mission shower?” I tease and he rolls his eyes in response.
“Hi, I’m Leon.” His hand comes up, offering it to Natalie which she takes surprisingly calm, given her usual excitement. Despite being a chaotic jumble of limbs most of the time, I’m grateful that Natalie can read a room, sensing the man’s energy levels and acting accordingly.
“This is Natalie, my little sister,” I explain and watch as Leon’s eyes light up with recognition.
“Ah, sorry. You look different than the picture we have up.” He gestures to it with his arm. She chuckles.
“It may be my hair,” she suggests sarcastically, hands landing on her baby bump.
“Well, sweetheart, I think I figured out where you learned your sass.” The comment isn’t lost on me and I place a smack against his arm. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice James’ eyes narrow, particularly on the ‘sweetheart’ before he stands. He’s only slightly taller than Leon, but suddenly the testosterone in the room becomes thick enough to choke me.
“Leon, was it?” He asks, and I can practically hear Natalie’s ‘what the hell?’.
“Yeah. You must be Natalie’s husband,” he infers, not taking his eyes off of James.
“James,” he supplies. “And you are?”
“James, he just told you-” But I am cut off.
“Oh, I’m not asking his name.” Oh not this overprotective bullshit again, James.
“James, she’s talked about her roommate before.” Natalie to the fucking rescue. She steps forward, placing a hand on his chest. He deflates a little at her touch, finally breaking the staring contest him and Leon had going on to look at her. The atmosphere calms in an instant as if Natalie had some kind of magical powers. James’ huffs a quick breath before turning back to Leon.
“Sorry man,” he apologizes, offering his hand, which the agent takes gratefully, his own shoulders dropping in relaxation. “I worry about this one,” he adds, gesturing to me with his chin. I roll my eyes at the notion but it’s quickly overshadowed as Leon chuckles.
“Yeah, me too. No big deal.” He worries about me? “I’m gonna take a shower and then probably turn in, it was nice to meet you bo-”
“Do you wanna have dinner with us? I made plenty.” I don’t want him to feel like he has to hide away just cause I have people here.
“I don’t wanna intrude, sweetheart.”
“Nonsense. According to Squish, you’re practically family.” Natalie’s arm slings over my shoulders - almost knocking me off balance - before my cheeks burn hot at the use of the nickname.
“Squish?” Leon questions, eyes landing on me with a quizzical smirk.
“Come eat with us, and I’ll tell you the story,” she offers, that small victorious smile still decorating her small face.
“Sure, just let me take that shower.” His back turns then, heading to his room, presumably for clothes and I walk into the kitchen to check on dinner. Nat comes in shortly after, smirk plastered on her lips, as if she knows some huge secret that I’m not aware of.
“What?” I ask, refusing to face her.
“You like him.” My eyes snap to her before changing my expression to say ‘duh’.
“I live with him. Yeah I like him.” If she knows, she’ll lord it over me for however long she can.
“No, you like like him.” Damn her and how well she knows me. I fake a laugh as I face her, leaning back against the counter, blush spreading across my cheeks unconsciously.
“It’d be a little awkward if I had a crush on my roommate, wouldn’t it?”
“Oh my god,” she starts again, jaw practically hitting the floor. “You love him.” The second sentence is whispered, and before I can even argue, she jacks the radio up, ‘Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic’ fading in as she begs me to dance with her with grabby hands in my direction, and I scoff a laugh before taking her hands, joining her in her weird movements that she calls ‘dancing’ in the middle of my kitchen, with the radio blasting, the smell of soup leaking from the crockpot, and a silly little grin on my lips. We quickly take to bobbing our heads to the beat while jumping around, yelling the lyrics a little louder than what is probably acceptable at this hour.
Both so absorbed in the dancing, we don’t notice the men looking at us with amused glances until James let’s out a snigger and I immediately freeze, eyes locked on Leon, seeing something in his gaze that I don’t think I’ve ever seen. Fondness? Admiration? Lo- No. Don’t go there. James moves forward, pulling Nat into a hug and a tender kiss, and I look on, making gagging noises behind them, until Natalie flips me the bird.
“Hey,” Leon says, deterring my attention. His arms open up, and the instinct to let them fold around me is too strong, and I rush forward, pressing my ear to his chest as he envelopes my small frame. His heart is beating faster than usual. “I missed you,” he mumbles into my hair and I find myself looking up at him, chin resting on his pecs, and it takes me a second to realize how close our faces are. The silence stretches on, seemingly like waiting on the other to do something. Anything. I could just lean in…
“I missed you too,” I admit before burying my burning cheeks back into the soft cotton of his tee shirt. “You sure you’re okay?” I mumble into his shirt. Even though it’s a clean shirt, it smells like him, pine mixed with a freshness that reminds me of citrus. He nods against my head, nose pressing into my scalp gently.
“I’m good. This one was alright,” he remarks, before silently adding, “Physically.” I lean up again, getting closer to his ear to whisper.
“Do you wanna sleep next to me tonight?” He chews on the inside of his cheek for a second before nodding, resting his head on my shoulder, arms still wrapped tightly around my shoulders. This moment feels more than intimate, arms wrapped around each other, him breathing me in while I do the same to him, but that intimacy is shattered as my sister clears her throat, a knowing grin spread across her lips as we separate, and I have to silently plead to her to keep her trap shut.
“Food’s done, cuddle bugs.” Bitch.
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After a painstaking game of Settlers of Catan, which James won - due to Natalie giving him the win - James steps outside onto the balcony with Leon for a glass of whiskey and his one daily cigarette (he’s quitting) while Natalie and I perch on the couch to watch a rerun of Jeopardy. After 15 minutes or so, I head into the kitchen for glasses of sparkling cider for Natalie and myself. While pouring, I notice the porch door is open, screen closed to keep out the bugs, but their conversation is clearly audible.
“I am sorry about earlier, man.” James’ voice floats across the room. I don’t mean to eavesdrop.
“No, it’s okay. You’re protective of her. I get it.”
“Her brother was my partner. I was there when he died.” He pauses, presumably to take a drink or puff his cigarette. “He died in my arms.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I kinda feel responsible for these girls, you know? Keegan set me up with Nat long before his death, but… It’s hard to not be worried about Squish.”
“You gonna explain that nickname?”
“She sat on a caterpillar once when they spent all day looking for them. She sobbed when she realized its guts were all over her ass, and Keeg started calling her Squish shortly after that.” They laugh, and I feel my heart do a flip at the sound.
“Why can I see that perfectly in my head?” Leon snorts, tone light and teasing. I frown to myself.
“She’s got a good heart. Bit too prone to offer help when it’s not needed but, you know.”
“Oh, I do. First time we met was in January and she pressed me for answers to questions I wasn’t quite ready to deal with.”
“Sounds like Squish.” They go quiet, and for a moment, I debate booking it back into the living room, but then James speaks again and my cheeks flush at his words.
“She really cares about you, you know that?” Silence. I wish I knew if it was because of some unspoken conversation or if Leon truly just doesn’t know what to say. “She loves hard. Friendships, romance, family. Doesn’t seem to matter to her. If she loves you, she really loves you.”
“I know.” What? “God, don’t I know it. She’s one of the few things in this fucked up world that actually makes me think it’s worth it.”
“I saw you, man. I saw the way you looked at her.”
That’s my cue to leave. I stumble out into the living room, trying to rid the conversation from my mind. The boys come back in after 30ish minutes, Natalie and I dozing on the couch comfortably. Bidding them goodbye with hugs and smiles, I watch as they head out the front door before Leon clears his throat, tilting his head toward the bedrooms.
We fall asleep the same way we did the first time I let him into my bed, arms holding me against his front, his breath on my neck, and for a split second, despite his light snoring behind me, I swear his hands cup my stomach the same way James’ held Natalie’s.
Leon: @house-of-kolchek @bonnibuckets @athanasia-day @muffimtv Everything: @chaosandbubbles @kassiekolchek22 @akiramoon8088
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61a7ax22 · 4 months
Ghosts of the past
Content: death, grieving leon, mentions of vomit, gross misuse of the word "crying" and the word's synonyms, ghost dreams, Leon failed to save Ashley AU, Leon and Ashley being friends beforehand AU
(This is the first installment in this AU, please feel free to give me criticism as I do not write a lot of fanfics.)
Leon's hands trembled as through blurry eyes, he watched the backend veins in his hands pulse.
He looked to Ashley, or what had remained of her, he felt the bile come forth from his stomach full of raw fish and eggs depositing onto the chicken shit covered ground. He had been so close. So, so close to saving her. He had failed he had failed he had failed he had failed her, he had failed his country and he had failed himself.
The coughing and weezing that had happened shortly after the vomiting episode that looking at his slaughtered friend had endused made his lungs burn. A choppy sob moistened his dehydrated dirty face, and he clutched his side in anguish and moved to her corpse, cradling her head. Her eyes once so lively, now opened in rigamortis.
How long had he been out? How long had she been alive begging for him to wake up with her last breaths? Was she even able to call for him? Her cooled blood stained his clothing, mixed with his hot tears and he clutched onto her with all of him.
The rescue was hardly so. A half dead man desperately clinging to the remains of a dead woman was a hard sight for the helicopter operators to see. Any moment of trying to get him to let go of her remains was met with an almost animalistic protection of the corpse. Sobs broke through the pilot's headphones almost every moment of ride back home, and when they finally got 'home,' the corpse was separated from his arms did Leon finally quiet. His body shook softly.
They'd known each other for roughly a year before her kidnapping. He had blamed himself, a night off he had taken to celebrate a promotion. Maybe that's why he got so lost in killing everyone of those bastards that even made her yelp with fear. Maybe if he hadn't - Maybe if he had been more level-headed, separated his relationship from the rescue, she would still be alive.
The questions were the worst part, having to tell so many people who looked up to him as an example of how he had failed so horribly to protect her. He had to look at her body again to explain every cut and bruise he could recall. They wouldn't stop asking questions even when his sobs clouded his words. To look her father in his eyes as he had to explain why his daughter had died. The hurt of the hug that had happened afterward. Feeling the fingers of a broken father clutch the back of his finest suit in agony as he had tried desperately not to acuse the man his daughter once called her best friend of being the reason she was dead.
The sleepless nights clouded his head as if he were actually dreaming of being awake. The dark bags under his eyes and the alcohol bottles that contained a liquid almost to the same color of his yellowing used-to-be white shirt. It's then when he first saw her in his beer endused nap, the first one in weeks he had claimed to himself.
Her blurry face focusing into the woman she was, wearing that damn coat he had lost that fucking damned day. He ran to her stopping inches to her face as he didn't want to hug her, to grasp onto her just for her to be gone. He cried silently looking at her face.
"Leon." Her calling of his name was short and simple her arms opened as she enclosed the distance between them as a fuzzy hug warmed what had been cold since her death.
"Ashley." He sobbed as his arms grabbed onto her. It felt real- too real. His body shook as the feeling of remorse, regret and udder despair had washed away from him for just a moment.
"Leon." This time his name was whispered before letting go of the hug, he had harder bared it and tried to cling onto the remains but failed. "I-ive been trying to-" Her face went blurry again and when it had focused she looked worried for a moment and grabbed onto his hand as if they were as a shopping mall again, as he was about to buy her a treat.
"I've been trying to tell you. It's okay- it's not your fault you had-" her voice had become fuzzy this time. He couldn't make out the rest of her words but she smiled at him with wet eyes when her static was finished being spoken.
Maybe it was that pang he had felt realizing how much he had missed that smile. His hand entertwined with hers, almost knowing this was a goodbye.
"I'll see you again." Then first clear words in a while had come from her mouth, and leon buried himself in them as his warm dream had broken from himself. He woke up to that damnned room and was crying, his hands wrapped around air. He grasped at his own hands and covered his face.
He took his first shower in a while. The grime leaveing his body with every pelt of those artificial raindrops from the shower head. When he stepped out of the shower, he looked to the fuzzy mirror and held back the urge to punch it.
"I'm gonna see you again." He mumbled to himself as he swallowed the urge.
"I promise."
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asterlark · 3 years
ok. samwell college of music au. i wrote all four years let's go babey
eric bittle is this lovely southern tenor (sounds kinda like mitch grassi or ben j pierce) who posts covers (& sometimes originals, but always with neutral or no pronouns because he can't post anything that says he or him ☹) on his youtube channel and has major stage fright but is very talented; he also plays ukulele
he got into samwell college of music on a voice scholarship and his dad doesn’t exactly approve but eric was never the 6′2″ masculine football player he wanted anyway so why not go for his dreams
he auditions for the very competitive samwell men’s contemporary chorus (there’s like 20 choirs; chamber choir, jazz choir, a cappella groups (lax bros do a cappella), combined choirs, etc- smcc does contemporary pop/rock music) and while he’s very very nervous and shaky as he auditions, directors hall & murray see a lot of potential in him (with major grumbling from student director jack)
(the rest of this ridiculously long au under the cut)
the group is small, for a chorus, because the point of the group is not a wall of sound but a focus on all of the very talented guys’ voices coming together in these gorgeous harmonies and basically they’re like one of the best choruses on campus and all the male singers want in
so there’s jack zimmermann, who of course eric knows because everyone knows who he is, he’s the son of bob and alicia zimmermann, both incredibly talented and famous musicians, and basically those genes were in his favor because he’s mega fucking talented
(jack was supposed to sign a recording contract to be in a band with his best friend kent parson when he was 17 but something happened between them and the pressure was too much and jack overdosed on something- there’s so many rumors no one knows what’s real- and kent signed solo in LA & went on to win grammys for his albums about a mysterious ex and jack disappeared for a few years to be a counselor at a music camp and reappears at samwell, knocking everyone’s socks off again like he’d never left, except with a renewed vigor and intenseness that freaks everyone out)
jack is a contemporary writing & production major, freaky talented and sings like a modern day frank sinatra, and he plays like 20 instruments and can read music like breathing air and writes songs like if he stopped he’d die; his music is folksy and mournful and he plays all the instruments on his tracks himself- guitar, piano, strings, drums- it sounds like a full band but nope. just jack. he’s intense
“we all get nicknames in this choir,” justin informs eric on his first day, “we’re those kinda guys.” so he’s bitty, which he finds vaguely offensive (bc he’s not that short!) but still cute, & the rest of the group is introduced to him:
“shitty” knight (voice like colyer) is a musical education major and an enigma of a singer with this awesome, earthy, raspy voice that’s really interesting to listen to and a very.... unique style & look; he writes cheesy but shockingly good raps about social justice topics and he will sing-lecture you if you’ve said something offensive (he also plays banjo)
justin “ransom” oluransi is a music business & management major with an angelic voice you can’t help but listen to; he’s sultry and has an incredible range and does runs like nobody’s business (with a voice like daniel caesar or leslie odom jr UGH)
adam “holster” birkholtz is a voice performance major, wants to be on broadway and it’s all he ever goddamn talks about basically, he’s a belter and has a lot of charisma and starpower and he’ll charm the pants off of you within one note; can also play piano and irritates everyone constantly because his regular volume is like a level 11 (voice like the frontman of my brothers and i combined w/ x ambassadors lead singer)
larissa “lardo” duan is at the local art institute because performing arts is not her jam and she’d much rather paint; she’s a barista at annie’s and supervises open mic nights and keeps the annoying choir dudes from driving away all her patrons
“i’m not even in your dumbass choir,” she says when the group gave her her nickname. holster just told her that she was an honorary member and then started sing-shouting a song at her about how good she is
bitty’s first year is hard because he’s talented and he works hard but he shies away when anyone asks him to sing outside the group and like, he can sing to a camera by himself but being on a stage with everyone looking at you and the sole responsibility of the song on your shoulders is terrifying and no thanks
jack does not. understand this. he’s been performing practically since he came out of the womb and he doesn’t really get performance nerves (what he gets is anxiety about how he did after he gets off stage that follows him home and makes it so he can’t sleep) - so he bothers bitty about it constantly like “you just need practice, you just have to sing by yourself a lot and then you’ll get over it” which like.... that’s true but it’s also hella scary and bitty’s like “no thanks!!!!”
but jack’s annoying and intense so he makes bitty do open mic with him every saturday night and it’s going okay and bitty loves his choir and loves his school and these new friends he’s making and he finally feels comfortable enough to come out to them during his second term
then during their spring choral showcase at the end of his freshman year bitty has a solo and he’s worked really hard on it and he’s feeling good- okay he’s completely freaked out but he’s trying to feel good- but when he gets up on stage there’s so many people and the stage lights are so hot on his face and he flips out a little and maybe he passes out from anxiety and stress right on stage and it’s terrible and he’s so embarrassed and ashamed that he ruined their set at the showcase
of course jack blames himself because “we shouldn’t have given you a solo before you were ready, i misjudged it, i’m sorry” - and they all feel kinda bad bc holy fuck they didn’t know his stage fright was that bad like they didn’t know someone could pass out just by being anxious to sing
he practices all the time over the summer and goes to his local open mic at jack’s insistence and it actually helps a lot because instead of a sea of strangers judging him it’s a bunch of people he knows and they’re all smiling at him and when he finishes his song they cheer for him and it boosts his self-confidence a lot
his sophomore year they have three new members- chris ”chowder” chow (voice like ieuan), an excitable music education major with impressive rapping skills, derek "nursey" nurse (frank ocean or leon bridges type), a songwriting major who can also play violin and guitar, and will ”dex” poindexter (like tom west), a production & engineering major who tried out with chowder bc he needed moral support and didn't expect to get in but impressed the directors with his voice
the year’s going pretty good, bitty’s still pretty scared of singing alone but more confident now and the open mic nights with jack haven’t stopped, so he’s getting better. and one night they’re hanging out at annie’s after closing waiting for lardo to be done so they can walk her home, and bitty suggests that jack sing with him one of these nights, and jack says he doesn’t know any of bitty’s songs and bitty says they can write one together half jokingly but then jack is like “yes.” with that Intense Look
SO they get together a couple days later in jack’s room at the house they all live in together (bitty moved in at the beginning of the year after previous smcc member john johnson called him- how’d he get his number?- and told him he could take his room if he wanted), jack with his guitar and bitty with his ukulele, and it’s a little awkward until bitty says jack should play him one of his songs
and, okay, he doesn’t really know what to expect because the only music jack ever released to the public was that one single he did with kent parson when they were 17 so bitty doesn’t even know if he has anything to play him, but he does- he starts playing these soft, sad notes on the guitar and opens his mouth and sings about being lonely and scared and unsure, about false starts and shaky ground and not knowing where you stand with someone, about expectations and lying awake at night and wishing so hard you were someone else, and bitty watches him sing and just kind of... realizes he’s head over heels for this boy and internally Freaks Out a little
he tries to put that aside and they start to write this song, at first it’s weird because jack’s like “all your songs are love songs i can’t really relate to happy love songs” and bitty’s like “listen... i’ve never even had a boyfriend i just write a bunch of sappy love stuff because it’s not about me it’s about whoever’s listening to it, they’re gonna project their own experiences on my music anyway so it doesn’t matter if it’s my real life or not” and jack’s like “alright while fake af that’s smart and i respect you” (what bitty doesn't say is that he writes about what he really wants which is to fall in love & be in a happy relationship)
they say they’re just gonna write this kinda vague sad song but they both secretly write lines about their actual lives so it ends up being really personal and real and raw for the both of them
they sing the song at open mic that saturday and the crowd at annie’s is never that big but they’ve never got a standing ovation here before, and some girl shouts “MAKE AN ALBUM” (it may or may not be lardo) and they both blush furiously and bitty’s like “... that was really nice, jack” and jack’s like “... yeah it was good good job you’re really getting some confidence out there nice work” (bitty: “THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT AAAAH”)
around this time jack’s really thinking about what he’s gonna do when he’s done at samwell, talking with his parents and his agent and looking into different record companies and deciding if he wants to sign with anyone or possibly start his own company- the head of a small company called falcon records in rhode island has been talking to him a lot, and jack talks to bitty about how he thinks it’d be nice to start small, and the record exec georgia and the producer marty had both been really nice and welcoming, and bitty’s so happy for him but also just... sad that he won’t be around jack every day after he graduates
THEN at a haus party celebrating their win of a local choral competition, who shows up but none other than pop star kent parson to Ruin The Fun
bitty sees the way jack pales when kent walks in, notices them disappear upstairs together and feels a little sick worrying about jack but chalks it up to the highly alcoholic concoction shitty and lardo had cooked up but nonetheless decides he’s sick of the party and goes up to his room and hears.... a little too much
and YIKES he’s standing right there and kent parson, pop star, two-time grammy winner, is looking a little rumpled and staring right at him and he puts his hat on and clears his throat and snaps at jack- “hey. well. call me if you reconsider. but good luck with rhode island. ...i’m sure that’ll make your parents proud.” and jack’s shaking, and bitty doesn’t know what to do but jack goes back into his room and bitty’s just kind of standing there like What The Fuck
so.... he kind of stews over winter break but tries not to think about it too much and he and jack text a bit and jack tells him to practice and bitty’s like “oh, you” and jack’s like “im serious” and bitty’s like “>:( it’s christmas”
spring semester starts and they're doing well in competitions and they go to semifinals and then finals for a prestigious collegiate choir competition and the pressure is mounting but they all are so optimistic and really feel like they're on the same page and bitty’s confidence is better than ever and then.... they don't win
jack especially takes it very hard, but then he also has signing to worry about, which everyone helps him with and he decides to sign with falcon records and start work on an album after graduation
speaking of graduation, shitty and jack graduate and it's hard for them but harder for bitty who feels like he's losing jack in a way, he knows how intense jack gets when he's making music and it doesn't feel like he'll have any time for bitty anymore so when they say goodbye bitty goes back to the haus and listens to his and jack's song and just cries
but, like in canon, dadbob has words of wisdom to impart and jack has an "oh" moment and races across campus to kiss bitty
they get together and the next few months are spent with jack working nonstop on his album (which tbh, he'd had many of the songs written already so it's mostly recording and producing) and texting bitty constantly and coming to visit him and playing him demos of all the songs
jack also asks bitty if they can record the song they wrote together & have it as a bonus track on his album & bitty says of course, so when jack visits they set up an impromptu studio and record vocals in the guest bedroom and this deeply personal song they wrote before they were ever together means so much more to them now
and bitty is so happy but so scared and sad too because jack is playing him these songs telling him "they're all for you bits, & a lot of them are about you" and he just doesn't know how he's going to keep all this love inside even though it feels like jack's career is at stake
he tries to shove it down and stay strong though, especially since he's now an upperclassman and they're taking on new members- connor "whiskey" whisk (voice like finneas or the male singer in valley), a music business/ management major who seems to hate bitty's guts and tony "tango" tangredi (like chaz cardigan), a jazz composition major who astounds everybody with his endless questions but also his ridiculously impressive composition skills & naturally perfect pitch (he can also play saxophone??)
i want ford in this au so fuck it she is a composition major with dreams to write scores for musicals and she stars training as a barista at annie's (aka training to corral the smcc)
the pressure of it all proves to be a lot and bitty and jack have their hi, honey moment where bitty's like i can't be this deep in the closet!!! and so they tell the smcc and also jack's label that they're together and that eases things a bit
jack's album comes out to much critical acclaim and shouting in the groupchat ("#1 ON ITUNES BRAHHHHH!!!!!!!!") and several months later, when smcc has already been eliminated from choral competition in an earlier round, jack is nominated for SEVERAL grammys including best album, song of the year, and best new artist
when the time comes he takes his parents and bitty on the red carpet which, everyone keeps being like "who are you here with jack?" and he's like "my family and my good friend :)" and yes it is awkward
jack wins... all three awards. it's the comeback everyone is stoked to see and when his third win is announced, he and bitty are so elated that they kiss before he goes to accept the award
his speech is basically just "um... wow. thank you. i just kissed my boyfriend on live tv. this is amazing and i'm so humbled. i'd like to thank my boyfriend and georgia and marty and my parents and my friends and my boyfriend"
obviously the press has a FIELD DAY with this but bitty & jack are honestly vibing and so happy that it doesn't matter untiiiillll bitty's mom calls and he has to tell her "mama i'm gay and i'm going on tour with jack this summer okloveyoubye"
the last few months of bitty's junior year pass quickly and he's voted student director which is a huge honor considering how much he struggled with stage fright and confidence & how he'll now be stepping into ransom & holster's shoes
r&h and lardo all graduate (the smcc basically crashes the art school graduation and all scream when lardo gets her diploma lmao), which is a bittersweet occasion and they all do a bit of tearing up
that summer bitty goes on tour across the u.s. & canada with jack and his touring band (snowy is a bassist, tater is a drummer and poots does backing guitar, he also brings nursey to play violin on a few songs) as well as georgia who's there to manage logistics
and tour is so fun & chaotic with many bi and rainbow flags in the audience that end up thrown on stage and draped around jack's neck and they spend so many nights in the bus drinking and laughing and fooling around on the guitars and bitty's uke and exploring new cities bitty has never been to before and it's the freest bitty has felt in a long time
summer ends though, and jack leaves for the uk/europe leg of the tour, and with the new school year brings a few new members- river "bully" bullard (voice like gregory alan isakov), a music therapy major who draws his own cover art for his songs, lukas "louis" landmann (like jr jr), an electronic production and design major with a penchant for EDM, and johnathan "hops" hopper (like keiynan lonsdale), a film scoring major who wants to write music for movies and video games
bitty meets and befriends some of the other student directors- shruti, sd of the women’s contemporary chorus; sharon, sd of the chamber choir; and edgar, sd of jazz ensemble (even chad l., sd of the all-male a cappella group)
senior year passes similarly to the comic; coach visits and sees one of bitty’s competitions, jack comes to madison for christmas, smcc does well in competition and goes to regionals etc
however… bitty keeps putting off and putting off gathering the songs for his senior recital
he has a hard time doing that because he’s so focused on the group and making sure they’re performing well and as they advance in competition, everything else starts to fall away
eventually the rest of the smcc has to lock away his uke and change his youtube password and FORCE him to choose songs for it and start preparing because he cannot graduate without doing this recital and doing well on it
he chooses (of course) a beyonce song, a few of his own songs, an ellie goulding song, and an adele song
with all that his breath hitches and his hands shake before he goes on stage, he does really well and his voice instructor prof atley tears up a little in the audience as does his mom
meanwhile smcc goes to semifinals, then finals, of the national collegiate choral competition they participate in
and i imagine bitty faces somewhat less homophobia in this au because i mean, he’s in the performing arts, but i think it’s still there and he also faces a good amount of classism from richer students and performers who think they’re better because they had the resources and money to be performing professionally from a very young age, and he has been practicing via filming himself on a shitty camcorder and posting it to youtube
but they still get there! and the national finals are fucking HUGE and a big deal and a little overwhelming
bitty’s stage fright is Present because this is the biggest stage and the biggest stakes he's ever had and he has a big solo in one of their songs so if he fucks up, he fucks up a national championship for his whole group and school
luckily though, when he steps on the stage with his best friends and sees his boyfriend and family and smcc alums in the audience and they perform their first song, a high-energy pop medley that always gets the crowd going, everything seems to melt away and it's just him living in this moment and singing his heart out
when it gets to the next song and his solo, he forgets to be nervous and belts it out, getting screams of approval from the audience when he finishes
(dex and nursey do have a duet together that they had to practice for many long nights in the practice rooms alone but that's neither here nor there)
their time on stage seems to last both hours and no time at all and then they're done, the crowd gives them a standing ovation and it's at least 30% r&h & shitty's hooting and hollering and jack's enthusiastic clapping that makes bitty & the others beam with pride
then it's just waiting, giddy and nervous beyond belief in their green room, for the judging to be over
after what feels like forever they're back on stage, arms linked together waiting and hoping for their name to be called and it is, they win and it feels like years have built up to this moment, and bitty tears up because years ago when he was fainting from anxiety at having to perform in front of people he never could've imagined that he'd do this, that he'd be the student director that led them to a championship
they get the trophy and a ridiculous amount of flowers from their loved ones and they all are just in giddy disbelief that this is happening, they're national champs!!! they are the best choir boys in the nation!!
they come home and the rest of the school year passes by so quickly that it's very suddenly graduation and bitty can't believe his college career at samwell is over 😢
(he and ollie and wicky take pictures together, o&w talk about how excited they are to devote full time attention to their band & wedding planning and bitty's just like wait you're gay??)
bitty got plenty of offers from record companies but he likes his freedom of creativity and he has a built in fanbase from doing youtube all these years so he decides to make an album independently (jack helps him produce & master it 🥰)
when bitty's album comes out about a year later, full of bops about being gay and in love and having struggled but come out the other side more confident than ever, it doesn't get any grammy nominations- and he didn't expect or need that.
what it does do is it resonates. it makes the rounds in youtube and queer internet circles; people his age reach out to him saying this is the music they wish they had as a kid and kids reach out to him saying he's a role model and they're so glad to have his music to listen to. his album is written about as an underrated gem that shines with queer brilliance and is sure to start a party when it comes on.
his parents may not fully understand the road he's chosen for himself but they're still so proud and promote the album as hard as any of his loyal fans (especially the one country-inspired song on the album that he wrote and dedicated to them).
and jack, jack who saw this album from its infancy to its release date, who took the film photo that ended up being the album cover, who worked with bitty to make sure his vision was realized exactly how he wanted it to be, is proud beyond words.
jack starts using his semi-abandoned twitter again to tweet "stream [album name]" every day and bitty retweets them sometimes, with just a "this boy. ❤"
and they're happy. they're good. they have come so far and they are reaping the rewards of all the hard work they put in to make the music that they truly love.
the end :)
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leon-scott-kennedy · 3 years
Chreon, Rated-T
Read on Ao3
For a price, anyone could check into a seedy motel, even three people covered in blood, guts, and grime, no questions asked, especially with the ashes of Raccoon City still cooling 100 miles away. So the horizon still held a faint glow of destruction when Leon and Claire stumbled, barely conscious, through the front door of the Tadpole motel at 2 PM October 1st, using each other as support and Sherry clinging to Leon’s back like a koala if a koala drooled and snored.
Two other motels along the highway turned the odd couple away, rumours already flying about Raccoon City, zombies, and a nuclear cover-up. But at the right price, triple the going rate, Claire managed to convince the manager to let them bunk down, courtesy of Leon’s stressed credit card.
The fact Leon’s credit card worked, or that he even still had his credit card, was a miracle. His wallet hadn’t exactly been a priority, and honestly, they could sleep in a cockroach-infested basement, and Leon would be happy because they were dead on their feet after hiking on foot what Leon estimated to be a good 30 miles of rough terrain to get to the nearest town. The sun barely peeked over the horizon when the sky behind them exploded.
Raccoon City was gone. The people Leon had sworn to defend were gone. Sherry and Claire were all he managed to protect, and he’d be damned if he failed now.
The motel room wasn’t terrible; two double beds, a small tube TV, and a leaky faucet. It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t something out of a horrible nightmare. They’d left that behind them.
“I’m glad we don’t have a blacklight,” Claire joked, but her tone fell flat.
Leon nudged the bed farthest from the door suspiciously with his boot, dragged back the yellow duvet, and inspected the mattress before he lay Sherry down and tucked her in. He even let Claire shower first, insisted, while he watched Sherry sleep, tossing and turning and whimpering from reliving the horrors in her dreams until Claire emerged from the bathroom, hair still damp, and crawled into bed beside Sherry.
By the time Leon scrubbed his skin raw, the water was cold, and Claire had passed out cold with Sherry cuddled up beside her, little hand tangled in the front of Claire’s dirty tank top like a lifeline. Leon passed out face first on the other bed. He couldn’t even muster the energy to get under the covers.
Movement woke Leon. He jolted awake, reaching for his gun on the bedside table, only to find Claire, fully dressed, perched on the end of his bed and tugging one of her boots. She smiled sadly at the gun levelled at her head.
Leon lowered Matilda, gasping for air. His arm fell limply to his side. “Claire?”
“Hey.” Claire pulled on her second boot. “Sorry.”
Leon blinked at the sleep crusting his eyes. “What... what are you doing?”
Claire sighed and set her foot back down solidly on the ground, hands grasping her thighs. “I need to find Chris. I need... I need to know he’s okay.”
“Now?” Leon glanced at the clock. The bright red numbers read 7:46. The setting sun outside glowed faintly behind the curtains.
“If you ever need me...”
“Forget me. What about Sherry?” Leon snapped, somewhat mollified when Claire winced.
“I know you’ll take good care of her.” Claire’s attention briefly snapped to the sleeping 12-year-old that had survived literal hell. “Leon... if I didn’t have to.”
“Yeah. Yeah, whatever,” Leon scoffed, then rolled over. His heart thundered in his chest. He heard Claire briefly wake up Sherry to say goodbye, promising they’d be in touch, that if Sherry ever needed her, all she needed to do was call.
The door creaked open. Leon clenched his eyes shut, willing down the panic swelling in his chest until it ached. This was it. He was all Sherry had left. They were on their own.
“Take care of our girl for me.” Claire’s voice was barely a whisper.
Leon’s hands trembled, buried in the sheets and pillows, he struggled to suck down air, and his hearing fuzzed. Claire was gone.
For hours, Leon faded in and out of consciousness, barely able to keep the crush of dread at bay. Finally, at some point around 3 AM, he gave up all pretense to sleep and kept a vigilant guard. He jumped at a car alarm, tensed at the slam of a door, and clenched Matilda tightly when soft footfalls passed their door. Eventually, Sherry climbed into his bed to watch early morning cartoons with him.
“Is Claire going to be okay?” Sherry asked softly. She hugged Leon’s arm, cuddling into his side like he used to with his grandma.
“Yeah. Don’t worry about her,” Leon said. He slumped to the side, gently resting his head on top of Sherry’s. “She’ll be fine, kiddo.”
When the sun rose, Leon and Sherry trekked down to the front office to extend their stay another night, then hiked into town searching for clothes and sustenance. Being out in public, surrounded by people, set both Leon and Sherry on edge. They jumped at the slightest sound, and Sherry refused to release Leon’s hand for anything less than going to the bathroom, and even then, he had to stand guard outside the stall. Thank god he had pissed before they left the motel because Sherry was clinging to the back of his jacket while he tried seemed ridiculous.
Their shopping trip was quick. They grabbed what they could, Sherry setting a brisk pace through the little thrift store they found, dragging Leon from rack to rack. They scrounged up a few changes of clothes, socks, underwear, which Leon was a little uncertain of, a jacket that fits over his side holster since he had a license to carry, and a backpack that they filled with snacks and a deck of cards from a little corner store. It turns out Leon’s palette was similar to a twelve-year-old.
The tenuous credit limit finally crapped out on Leon when he tried to buy a six-pack at a shady liquor store on the way back to the motel.
“No job. No money. Just great,” Leon sighed.
For the rest of the day, they holed up in their room munching on junk food, watching terrible daytime TV, and playing Go Fish until Leon made the brilliant decision to teach Sherry how to play poker, and she fleeced him for all the Cheetos.
Leon had no plan beyond survive, and he hadn’t even planned for that. His body ached from being tossed by mutated monsters and shot. His wrapped shoulder twinged.
“Shit,” Leon cursed and clutched his wound. They needed help. He needed help. Taking care of a kid without any resources would be impossible; never mind, he’d never taken care of a person in his life. He had no siblings, no parents. His grandma died when he was nine.
Leon smiled at Sherry in reassurance when she questioned him. This little girl couldn’t be another statistic of the system. He could fix that. He would fix that.
Covered in orange Cheeto dust, Sherry crashed around 8 in the evening. The glow of the sun behind the curtain reminded Leon of the mushroom cloud that had enveloped the sky 36 hours ago. Leon’s stomach twisted in knots. Every creak, every thump, every squeaky break, Leon tensed, waiting for something to crash through the door and disrupt the precarious peace.
Leon hunkered down on his bed, the one closest to the door and any potential threat that came for them, and prepared for another sleepless night on edge.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Around one in the morning, his eyes beginning to droop, Leon nearly fell off the bed in his mad scramble for his gun when someone knocked heavily on the door. Checking his clip, Leon cautiously crept to the door, motioning for now very awake Sherry to stay out of sight.
“Who is it,” Leon called.
“Hi. Look, I’m sorry to bother you. My name is Chris Redfield. I’m looking for my sister Claire.”
Leon blinked and glanced back at Sherry, whose head had popped out of the blanket at the sound of Claire’s name. Then, double-checking he had bolted the chain, Leon opened the door a crack to peek out.
A man a little taller than Leon stood under the flickering light outside the door, his hair cut short and a 5 o’clock shadow. Chris Redfield, decorated member of the Racoon City Stars Division. Leon recognized him from the old photo Claire had shown him, but also the records he’d run across during his frantic hunt through the Police Department.
“Chris?” Leon said, astonished it was actually him. He slammed the door, unbolted the chain, and flung the door open again. “What the- Claire’s looking for you. What are you doing here?”
Chris, who eyed the gun uncertainly, brightened at the mention of his sister. “Is she here? The manager at the front recognized her. Said she was here with some guy and a kid.” Chris glanced past Leon into the room to Sherry curled up in the other bed peering out with curious fear from under the blankets.
Leon shook his head, eyes scanning the parking lot. “She’s not here. She left this morning to find you.”
“Fuck.” Chris winced and glanced at Sherry again. “Shit, sorry.”
Sherry giggled into her hands, and Leon rolled his eyes. “I think she’s dealt with worse.” Like the apocalypse.
“But she’s okay. She’s alive?” Chris asked.
“Who? Claire? Yeah. Yeah, she’s fine. Saved my ass more than a few times.” Leon smiled wistfully and then frowned. So Claire had left, and now, here, her brother was trying to track her down. It must be nice to have someone that gave a damn about you.
“Oh, thank god.” Then, finally, all the tension and stiffness in Chris’ posture melted. “I got her message, and...”
Leon scanned the dark parking lot again for any sign of life, then gestured into the motel room. “You should come in.”
“No.” Chris waved off the invitation. “No, I need to find her.” But the fatigue in his voice threatened to topple him, and that would definitely fell Leon if he tried to catch him.
“Dude, you’re dead on your feet,” Leon said. “It’s the middle of the night. Crash for a few hours.”
“Yeah!” Sherry chimed in, bouncing on her bed. “Stay!”
Chris shook his head. “I can’t.”
Leon pursed his lips. “Look, I don’t know you, man. But I do know that if you pass out behind the wheel and wrap yourself around a pole, you’re pretty damn useless to her.”
Chris opened his mouth to argue, and Leon sighed, tilting his head to the side, ready to give up when Chris snapped his mouth closed and cleared his throat. He studied Leon closely, scrutinizing him like he would a suspect, but Chris must have been satisfied with what he found - weakness, terror, immaturity - because he finally said, “just a few hours.” And the anxiety squeezing the life out of Leon eased, just a tiny bit. Enough that he could breathe.
Chris excused himself to run and grab his go-bag, and Leon cursed his stupidity because nothing was stopping Chris from running. That tightness immediately returned, but a few minutes later, another sharp knock sounded at the door.
Leon smiled tiredly and welcomed Chris into the room, relieved to have the company, someone who knew what they were doing; an adult. Leon grew up fast, but he’d never been an adult in his life. Racoon City was supposed to be a fresh start, and now, he was back to square one. Not even. He was in the basement of square one—the root cellar.
Leon finally caught a good look at Sherry with the lights on, still covered in orange dust, her fingers and cheeks stained. “Jesus. Did you eat the Cheetos or roll in them?”
Sherry laughed. “Leon taught me to play poker, and then I won all the cheezies,” she said to Chris, who grinned.
“Nice job.” Chris offered her a high-five, which she eagerly accepted. The hero worship was already forming.
“He gets a little wrinkle right here when he lies,” Sherry said, pointing a small finger between her eyebrows.
“Okay,” Leon said, scooping Sherry off the bed and carrying her off under one arm. “Let’s get you cleaned up and back in bed, munchkin.”
Cheeto dust proved a formidable adversary, but they managed. When they walked back into the room, Chris was standing exactly where they had left him, his bag still slung over his shoulder and his boots laced.
Getting Sherry tucked back into bed became a struggle now that the brand new company hyped her up; no hesitation whatsoever. She liked Chris. She even made Chris put her to bed, Leon faking offence at being disregarded for the new guy, but there was something about seeing a six-foot boulder of a man coax a tiny twelve-year-old back to sleep that made Leon’s chest ache. Especially when Chris told the story of how Claire was convinced that if she left fake teeth under her pillow, she could trick the tooth fairy into giving her more money. It never worked. The tooth fairy left chocolate coins instead. Fake money for a fake tooth.
Leon watched perched on the edge of the other bed, a little envious of Chris’ skill with kids. He double-checked the safety on his handgun, then the clip. Chris eyed Leon as he set his weapon back down on the bedside table, and Leon couldn’t muster the energy to be self-conscious about his paranoia.
Chris may be Claire’s sister and a fellow survivor of Raccoon City, but Leon didn’t actually know him. For all he knew, he was a traitor like Irons or Wesker. Maybe he wasn’t the man Claire believed him to be. What the hell had he been thinking? Inviting a stranger to stay with them?
With Sherry asleep again, Leon and Chris were left to settle in for the remainder of the night. For Chris, that meant shedding his bulky jacket and combat boots.
“It’s Leon, right?” Chris said. He stood awkwardly beside the bed, watching Leon click off the light and climb under the blankets, tucking himself up against the edge of the mattress as close as he possibly could without toppling off. “Claire mentioned you in one of her messages.”
Leon almost facepalmed. He hadn’t introduced himself. He really was doing everything backwards. “Yeah. That’s me. Leon S. Kennedy.” He curled up into a small ball.
“Jesus Christ.” Chris swiped his palm across his mouth. “You’re the new rookie.”
Leon chuckled humourlessly, his hands tightening into fists around the sheets pulled up to his neck. “Was a hell of a first day.”
Chris picked up real quick that Leon didn’t want to talk about it. So instead, he climbed into his side of the bed, the one closest to the door. The mattress dipped under his weight, and Leon tensed. Where else would Chris have slept? The floor? The last person Leon shared a bed with was his ex, who had seemingly saved his life. If she hadn’t broken up with him, if he hadn’t gotten drunk, if he hadn’t slept in hungover as hell, he would have arrived right in the middle of the initial panic, and who knows if he would have survived that. No one else in the department had.
What would it have been like? The screams, the moans, the pleas for help- the sounds still played on repeat in Leon’s head. Lieutenant Marvin Branagh, mouth agape, stumbling towards him with his hands out. Leon had put two bullets between his eyes.
The first indications of a panic attack slammed into Leon. Abruptly, his throat closed. He couldn’t breathe, his vision slid out of focus, and his chest compressed. Like someone reached into his chest and squeezed his heart in a vice. His entire body shook.
Suddenly, a warm voice murmured in his ear, the soothing tone talking him down, calming him. Leon wasn’t alone. He wasn’t trapped in the police station battling endless waves of the undead, the people of Raccoon City he’d taken an oath to serve and protect.
“Leon, kid, you need to breathe,” Chris said. His presence was a solid wall behind Leon. “I’m going to touch you, okay?”
Leon focused on Chris’ voice. His vision began to swim back into focus, his hearing rushed back in a sudden wall of familiar night noises like the drip of the faucet in the bathroom or the lonely car that passed on the highway. He nodded, not fully understanding what Chris was saying. An arm slid around his waist and pulled him back into a firm chest. Leon flailed, seconds from panic again when Chris’ voice rumbled in his ear.
“You’re going to be okay. I got you.”
Leon grasped Chris’ arm, his grip probably tight enough to leave bruises, and he choked on a shuddering sob.
“It’s okay, Leon. You’re going to be okay.”
Gasping for air, Leon rolled over and buried his face in Chris’ chest, and Chris let him. Leon’s sobs were muffled in Chris’ arms, not wanting to disturb Sherry in the next bed. He felt every subtle muscle flex when Chris tightened his grip or shifted them into a more comfortable position. That’s how Leon passed out, wrapped in the reassuring embrace of a complete stranger, one who understood the hell he’d lived through and the fear and uncertainty he felt in his soul.
Morning came quickly. Leon woke up still curled into Chris’ chest with a death grip on the other man’s faded t-shirt. Chris’ nose was buried in Leon’s hair, each soft snore ruffling his hair, but his embrace hadn’t lessened overnight.
The warmth of embarrassment burning, Leon snuck out of bed, anxiously loosening Chris’ hold and dashing for the safety and solitude of the bathroom, horrified at his complete lack of control the night before. No one had held him like that before, at least not since he was a child and his grandma would sit up with him after a nightmare. But, sadly, this was another type of nightmare, a waking one.
When Leon finally mustered the courage to wander back into the room, Chris was up, sitting on the edge of the bed with his elbows on his knees.
“You okay?” Chris asked the same time Leon burst out, “I’m sorry!”
Chris sighed. “You didn’t do anything wrong. When I showed up on your doorstep last night, I saw right away that you were barely holding it together.”
Leon’s fists clenched at his side. He couldn’t meet Chris’ gentle gaze.
Chris crossed the room in two enormous strides and considerately grasped Leon by the shoulders. “It was the shock finally hitting you. It happened to me too, but I was alone,” Chris admitted. “Hey. Hey, come on. Look at me.”
Leon bit his lower lip, but he slowly looked up, eyes stinging. “I don’t know what to do.”
Telegraphing his movements, Chris gently pulled Leon into a tight hug. “You’re not alone. We’re going to do this together. I want to take Umbrella down, but first, I wanna make sure you’re okay.”
Leon jerked back so fast Chris stumbled. “I want to help. I want to make those sons of bitches pay.”
Chris smiled. “Good. But first, I have a safe house.”
Together, they set the plans. Leon and Sherry would meet Chris in two days, hopefully with Claire in tow, at Chris’ new safehouse three states over. Sherry and Leon could catch a bus a couple miles down the highway to get them most of the way. The trick would be getting up the mountain to the cabin. But they were in this together. Hope simmered once again.
Armed with a freshly drawn map on motel stationery, Leon watched Chris pack. Umbrella wouldn’t know what hit them.
“Here. Take it.”Chris handed Leon two rumpled twenties, a five, and a few ones he dug out of his wallet. “It’s all the cash I have on me, but it should be enough to get you there. I’ll drop you off-”
“No.” Leon took the cash, but waved off Chris’ offer to give him and Sherry a lift to the bus station. “It’s in the opposite direction. We’ll be fine.”
“Two days,” Chris promised. Sherry had climbed out of bed and now clung to Chris’ arm as if he couldn’t leave as long as she was attached. He ruffled her hair. “With or without Claire, I’ll be there and we’ll go from there.” Chris grabbed Leon by the back of the neck and dragged him into a gruff hug, their foreheads lightly pressed together. “It’s gonna be okay, kid.”
And Leon believed him. That is, until two hours later when an unmarked vehicle pulled up on Leon and Sherry hiking down the side of the road, hand in hand. They never made it to the rendezvous.
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sstarcry · 3 years
Into the fire chapter 2:
Smut ahead minors DNI
When I woke up, he was still holding me close, soft snores leaving his mouth as I slowly drifted back into sleep.
Some time later, I was awoken by a few kisses to my forehead. “Gmornin baby boy. How’d you sleep?” He asked, his voice still laced with sleep.
“I slept great. Thank you for that.” I mumbled into his chest as he pulled me closer. A small hum left his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck after pulling me into him.
“Let’s just have a lazy day. I’m off and Hunnigan said you don’t need to come in today. We can watch all the sleazy slasher movies your heart desires.” He spoke into my hair. “But first, let me love on my baby okay?” He asked, waiting for a response from me but when he got none he realized that I was back asleep. A small chuckle reverberated in his chest as he closed his baby blue eyes, relishing the moment seeing as these mornings were rare.
It was probably about ten when I woke up, the bed feeling slightly empty as I sat up. As soon as I did, he walked out of the bathroom, stretching his arms up to the ceiling. “Good morning sweetheart.” He said climbing back under the covers, pulling me close as humanly possible. “Now, can I love on my baby boy?” He asked, placing a few kisses down my neck, eliciting a small gasp from me.
“Of course.” I said placing one hand in his hair, carding my fingers through his hair.
“You are absolutely handsome.” He said attacking my collarbone with small nips, more than likely leaving hickies in his wake. I felt his hands grazing my back, resting on my hips. “Fuck baby, you have no idea what you do to me.” He said, pulling me back into the bed, slowly grinding himself into my hips. A gasp left my throat as he began attacking my chest with kisses.
“Leon, fuck babe.” I said slightly pulling on his hair causing him to let out a groan.
“If you keep doing that I might have to punish you.” He said with a chuckle nipping at my top surgery scars.
“Ahhh t-those are sensitive.” I said gripping his hair tighter accidentally pulling at it. “I-I’m sorry babe I didn’t mean to.” I whimpered massaging his scalp.
“It’s okay baby, I just like to tease you.” He said, kissing down my torso, stopping just above my sweatpants. “Are you okay with this sweetheart?” He asked, grabbing my hand, smiling up at me.
“I’m perfectly okay with this. I love you.” I said, squeezing his hand slightly, returning a smile to him.
“Atta boy.” He whispered, hooking his thumbs on my sweatpants and boxers, pulling them off my body. “God Christ almighty you are absolutely handsome.” He said kissing my thighs, running his hands down my sides. He slowly moved up, stopping right at my slit. “God look at you. Did I make you this wet? Hm? Even your t dick is hard, baby.” He groaned, running his finger through my slit, then rubbing my t dick.
“Leon -ah fuck babe.” I moaned, rutting my hips into his hand. “I- just- Mhmm it feels ah- so good.”
“You’re so cute like this. Flushed and writhing.” He said as he started to lick and suck on my t dick. I instinctively closed my legs due to the amount of pleasure only to receive a small smack on my thigh. “Keep em open baby. Fuck you’re so hot.” He moaned out, jerking me off. “Look at you, clenching around nothing fuck.” He said beginning to eat me out like his life depended on it. I felt his nose on my dick causing a loud moan to escape my lips. My hands practically flew down to his hair, trying to pull him closer. He slowly inserted two fingers, causing me to whimper and buck my hips. “God baby.” He moaned, sitting up. “Always so tight for me hm?” He hummed in my ear, removing his fingers from my desperate hole. Words escaped my mind at the sudden emptiness I felt, only a loud whine leaving my body.
“Let me make you feel good.” I said, trying to sit up.
“No no no, this is all about you okay?” He said gently pushing me back onto the bed. He rested his hand on my cheek, caressing my face. “God you’re adorable baby boy.” He said removing his boxers. “See something you like, baby boy?” I nodded at him.
“Come on now. Use your words like a big boy.” He said in a teasing tone, toying with my nipple.
“Y-yes daddy.” I moaned into his ear.
“Daddy hm? Fuck. Didn’t think you had that up your sleeve.” He groaned in my ear, spreading my legs further apart. “Guess daddy will have to treat his baby boy then.” He said lowly as he started pushing his cock into me, causing a moan to leave my throat. “Fuck you’re tight.” He moaned, bottoming out into me. “God it’s like you’ve never been fucked before. But you and I both know how much of a dirty boy you are.” He said, rolling his hips against mine. “Besides, I know how much of a slut my boy is. You love being so fucked out that you can’t remember anything but my name, don’t you baby?” He grunted into my ear, and began to thrust into me, as hard as he could. His grip on my hips was tight, sure to leave bruises behind. “Cum as many times as you want. I’m not letting up until you cum at least three times.”
A whimper left my lips as I felt him speeding up his thrusts, causing me to cum almost instantly. “Fuck baby, alrighty cumming? Hm? I guess my baby boy really is that sensitive.” He moaned into my ear, fucking me though my first orgasm of the day. “Let it all out baby. I wanna hear every cute noise you make.” He whispered in my ear, causing a shiver to run down my spine. He latched on to my collarbone, attacking it and my chest with small nips and leaving a path of hickies in his wake. “L-Leon baby ah,, it’s t-too much fuck.” I moaned out as he slowed his thrusts and tears left the corners of my eyes.
“Shhh, here, let’s take a break. I don’t want my baby boy to cry.” He said pulling out of me. “Come here. Let’s just go back to sleep okay?” He asked, pulling me into his chest.
“B-but you didn’t cum yet.” I whispered, burying my head in his chest.
“It’s okay baby, I just wanted to make you feel good.” He said, resting his hands on the small of my back. “Besides, getting to see you come undone like that is enough to make me happy.”
“But I want to make you feel good.” I whimpered, rolling my hips against his for good measure. “I can take it. It wasn’t pain that made me cry. It’s just been a while and I wanted to be your good boy so I didn’t touch myself the whole time you were gone.”
“Fuck baby, that’s hot. Didn’t think you had it in ya. Don’t worry I’ll take good care of my good boy.” He said, propping me up in his lap as he scooted up to the headboard of the bed, leaning against it. “You don’t have to do anything, I’ll do all the work. Just enjoy yourself baby.” He said, wrapping an arm around my waist, using his other hand to guide himself back into me.
“Leon I- fuck ah.” I moaned out, falling forward onto his chest, my head resting under his chin. “Feels s-so good d-daddy.”
“Shhh shhh shhh I’ve got you baby. Just lean on me and I’ll do the rest.” He said, kissing the top of my head and slowly thrusting up into me, causing me to cry out in pleasure. “Look at you, taking all of my cock and just letting go. With the way you keep squeezing me I might not last that long.” He half moaned, speeding up his thrusts.
“I’m close fuck. Please daddy please give me your cum. I can take it. I-.” I moaned out, my orgasm hitting me fast and hard.
“Good boy, I’ll give you what you want.” He said helping me ride out my orgasm as he came in me. “Goddamn baby, are you okay?” He asked slightly lifting me up so he could pull out.
“I’m fantastic. Thank you Leon.” I said moving off of him to lay back down on our bed. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too baby. Let’s take a nap and then we’ll get cleaned up okay?” He said pulling my back into his chest, snaking his arms around me. I felt him rest his head on top of mine, letting out a content hum. Shortly thereafter I drifted off into a blissful sleep, feeling safe in his arms.
I woke up to him playing with my hair, moving a few strands out of my face. “Good afternoon handsome.” He whispered kissing behind my ear. “Let me help you to the shower.” He said picking me up off the bed.
“LEON SCOTT!” I yelled flailing a bit. “Don’t scare me like that.” I frowned.
“Hehehe, I thought I’d surprise you and now you’re awake.” He said placing me on the bathroom counter before heading over to the tub and turning on the water letting it get hot. “We both have to go in tomorrow. I just got a call from Hunnigan about 10 minutes ago. You’re a really heavy sleeper.” He said, placing a hand on my knee.
“I figured that. We never get a vacation or any breaks.” I sighed, placing my hand on top of his. “Maybe one day we can have two days off.” I chuckled, smiling at him.
“Probably not. We have important jobs, and somehow others get a break but we don’t. Besides, as long as I can fight by your side, it’s all worth it.”
“Leon Scott Kennedy, are you getting soft on me again?”
“Only for you. Also I made dinner reservations for us at 7:00. How does Italian sound?” He said hoisting me up to place me in the tub before taking his spot across from me.
“Well I do love Italian food, so I’m definitely happy with your choice.” I said, leaning back and letting the hot water soothe my aching muscles.
“Someone looks happy.”
“I’m always happy with you.”
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@void-of-anarchy @thatgoblin @questionedturkey
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kaito-is-baby · 4 years
Can I request the THH cast and a reader who has sleep paralysis often?
Ohhh I love this so much!!! Just today I was watching a lot of videos about sleep paralysis so I hope I get it right. This idea and how many different opportunities it gives... I love it! Plus it's the THH cast and that's always great
The second part is here
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Man, looking for this pic made me very very sad
Makoto Naegi
• It came out as a normal topic while you were talking one day, you didn't even gave it any importance but he did find it pretty concerning
• He didn't want to make you uncomfortable by asking about it so he investigated by his own
• And tried to find a way to stop them or at least notice when you are having one and wake you up then
• He found someone talking about how they always managed to move a feet on a sleep paralysis and their boyfriend knew that that gesture meant that they needed to be awaken
• So he told you about it
•Wow, Makoto, how much have you been investigating about it?
• And since then you tried to find that part of your body you could move while he watched you sleep
• And when you two find out he was very happy
•Now he can wake you up whenever you are having a sleep paralysis!
Sayaka Maizono
•Sayaka has a very light sleep so when you wake up from your paralysis she wakes up with you
•"Is everything okay, honey?"
•Now that you have heard her voice yes, she has such a relaxing voice, you feel totally restored now even if you were about to have a heart attack out of fear no longer than a minute ago
•You tell her about your sleeping problem and she listens to every one of your words, nodding at you
•And when you are done she asks you to curl up on her arms until you fall sleep again
•You feel a little ignored, almost as if she had said that your problem wasn't a real problem and just a little nightmare but you don't really care, you fall asleep like a baby on your girlfriend arms
•And the next day she tells you a lot of ideas to try and help you stop the sleep paralysis, she has been all night awake not only caressing you but also searching for a way to help you
•She wasn't ignoring you, she was trying to make you get a good sleep
• And now that she knows about it when you wake up after a paralysis, and wake her up too on the process, she sings you to comfort you. It always work, you feel a lot better after hearing her angelical voice
• And if you are taking a nap she will try to mumble some songs during all your nap to try and make a sweeter environment for you to sleep
• Incredibly it works and whenever she sings while you sleep your sleep paralysis doesn't attack you
•Of course it is probably just a coincidence but you two don't want to risk it and she always sings while you sleep, it is good for her too, she can write new songs or practice the old ones
•And she doesn't have to worry for you, it's a win-win for the both of you
Leon Kuwata
•You were quite used to the sleep paralysis but you had never had one sleeping with him
•The first time it happens you try to call his name or touch him but, of course, you can't move or talk
•Your sleep paralysis are horrible and even if you know they aren't true you feel like you are going to die
•Luckily Leon can't sleep on the same position for more than 10 minutes so he moves on your bed, moving you too and waking you up
•You wake up with him cuddling onto you and it really does make you feel better
•You don't even need to tell him about your sleep paralysis, he is just your perfect company while sleeping, his impossibility to stay still always saves you from your sleep paralysis
• Since then you always want to sleep with him and even if he loves it and won't complain he does ask if something happened
•Maybe something happened and you are afraid to sleep alone? He doesn't want that, he wants to help and to make sure you are calm
•When you tell him about the sleep paralysis he is very interested and kind of want to have one too even if you try to explain him that it is a lot worse than nightmares and he really doesn't want to have one
•Even if he doesn't take it seriously he knows that it scares you and tries to be even more agitated while sleeping to make sure he wakes you up
• He doesn't want to be sleeping while you are suffering, he is actually kinda worried for you
Chihiro Fujisaki
•You were just taking a nap when the sleep paralysis appeared
•Chihiro was there too, working on some computer program
•You could see him just in front of you, sitting on a chair and, at his side, a big man staring at you with no face or eyes but still you knew he was looking at you
•And you couldn't move of course
•You tried to relax and remember that it was just a sleep paralysis
•And after some seconds you woke up
•Chihiro didn't even notice that something was wrong, he turned to you with a happy smile on his face
•"Good morning! Have you slept well?"
•You don't want to worry him, he is too cute and sensitive to scare him with that kind of things
•And his bright smile is more than enough to make you forget about the horrible things you see on your paralysis
•Luckily he only needs to see your face to smile that way so you always receive it when you wake up
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
•On one of your usual study dates you can't really focus, you had a very bad sleep yesterday, with your sleep paralysis attacking you it was impossible to get any rest
•And Taka notices it, you are usually very hard working, that's what he likes the most of you, but today you are really absent. What happened?
•You explain to him that you had a bad sleep and the reason to it
•And now he is giving you a lecture about why you can't let those sleeping problems affect your energy during the day
•Usually you wouldn't mind to hear him say that kind of... inspiring things, is a part of him, but today you are too tired to put up with him
•So you explode, you've been tired all week for your sleep paralysis, now is stronger than ever and you are a little scared to go to sleep because it will attack again
•You tell him how weary you feel and he seems to understand it
•He reprimands you about your bad habits, claiming that your sleep paralysis is caused because of your lack of a good sleep schedule
•You know perfectly that that's not the reason, you have tried everything to stop them already, but you find a good opportunity on this
•Taka never wants you to sleep with him, that's not an appropriate behaviour for two young teens like you
•But you make a deal with him, you will follow his sleep schedule as long as you two sleep together
•That way whenever he goes to bed you will go too and, according to him, your sleep paralysis will stop
•It, of course, doesn't stop but sleeping with Taka makes you feel capable of endure it
Mondo Owada
•You are used to your sleep paralysis, nothing you can't control
•But this one is really horrifying, some black silhouette is trying to strangle you and you really feel like you can't breathe
•With the blanket over your face you can't really see what is going on, you can only feel an amazing pressure on your chest
•Why is your face covered on the first place?
• "Oh, baby, sorry!"
•Thanks god Mondo's voice get you out of the sleep paralysis
•And when you wake up he is taking the blanket of your face
•"Damn, I was cold and wrap up, sorry, I didn't count with you"
•So... you were under the blanket because... he forgot you were there?
•You had no time to think about how Mondo could be so forgetful while sleeping, you were still having problems to breath properly, afterall you had just been choked
•"Fuck, babe, are you alright?"
•Now the two of you are panicking, Mondo won't use a blanket ever again in his life
•Once you manage to breath again you explain him everything about your sleep paralysis
•And he is amazed, if he had to deal with all of that while sleeping he would wake up very upset and would probably punch everyone on the face during the day
•You were very strong and determined
•Even if he admires you he wants to help you get out of those paralysis
•He doesn't really know how to help you and ends up spending almost all if the nights awake, ready to comfort you once you wake up from your sleep paralysis
•And even if he does not find a way to help you you feel a bit better having him at your side when you wake up
•His main thing to say while comforting you is that you don't have anything to fear, he would beat up anything attacking you
•And it helps, you know that your boyfriend is amazingly strong, if one of those monsters attacking you were real they wouldn't stand a chance against Mondo
•And he would do anything to keep his S/O save
Celestia Ludenberg
•Another one who secretely wants to have one
•She is a freak of the whole oneiric world and specially the sleep paralysis. You are seeing demons! Doesn't it make you feel special? She finds it very special, she finds YOU very special
•But once you explain her that you hate them she knows perfectly how to end them
• Don't sleep face up, don't do any exercise 4 hours before going to sleep, try to get at least 6 hours of sleep....
•Now you have a long list of things to not do while/before sleeping
•And your girlfriend has another with the same things but instead she will try to do them all
•Now she has another reason to try and have an sleep paralysis, she will win against the deamons and also understand you better, your sleep paralysis is a signal that she should try to have one
•Poor Celes didn't expected what she was going to see
•You two wake up on a horrible state, your list didn't work and you had another sleep paralysis
•Her list, on the other hand, did work making her have a horrible sleep paralysis
•What woke you up from your paralysis was Celestia's face hiding on your neck
•Your girlfriend, the girl with the expressionless poker face, was crying on your shoulder
•She had a horrible time and you can't stand to see her like that, you spend all night cuddling, trying to comfort her
•And now you two have sleep paralysis every once in a while
•And you have to take care of her and comfort her
•Afterall she isn't as used to them as you are
•But you have absolutely forbidden to tell anyone that the Liar-Queen has to be holded like a baby to sleep because she is too afraid of the sleep paralysis she herself forced her into
•That's something only you are allowed to know and it's because she loves you and trusts you
•And you would never break that trust
Kyoko Kirigiri
•You tell her about it the first day you two sleep together, you don't want her to get very surprised if you wake up suddenly on the middle of the night
•And now your plan for the night has changed
•Eating a pizza watching a movie and cuddling on the couch? I think no
•You spend all day on libraries looking for books about sleep paralysis
•And once the libraries are closed and night is falling you think maybe your original plan will be restored
•Well, it isn't, the same research but with her computer instead
•When you are too tired to keep reading weird articles about how to stop the paralysis Kyoko agrees to go to sleep
•Even if she wants to stay a little longer investigating about it, she had just found a page full of people experiences
•While you two brush your teeth and get ready to sleep she is remembering you everything you have to do and everything you can't do
•And once in the bed Kyoko convinces you to spoon sleep
•Doesn't really matter who is the big and who is the small spoon, she just want to make sure that you sleep sideways and are holded in case the paralysis attacks anyways
Okay, I will stop here and make a part 2 in a couple of days because I'm running out of ideas and I think this post is growing too long
But don't worry anon, I promise I will finish your request! And I hope you like what I have until now, I personally love it
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Title: Observation.
Word Count: 3.3k
Pairing: Mini!Yandere!OC/Mini!Reader. 
Synopsis: It’s like being the pet of a pet. Shrunken down, trapped, and isolated… There are worse things you could do than keep your head down and try to play happy-family.
TW: Shrinking, Violence, Imprisonment, Gaslighting and Mentions of Kidnapping. 
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“It gets better, after a few days.”
His voice was calm, laced with an unidentifiable accent and heavy with a calm, complacent undertone, the kind you’d expect from someone talking to an old friend rather than another hostage. You’d only been awake for an hour or two, but if he was going to panic, he didn’t seem to have any intention of doing so in front of you. Rather, he’d just greeted you and offered an insincere apology before helping you to your feet, spurring you on with promises of tea and explanations, both of which he seemed in no particular rush to provide.
The strangeness of your current state seemed obvious, by now, even if it didn’t really make sense. Your host was normal, a man of few words and tan skin with the barest hints of a spiraling tattoo peeking out from just beneath his sleeves, but he was the only normal thing you’d seen so far. The kitchen table was too low, pushing against the tops of your knees, but your chair was too high, the soles of your feet barely able to touch the ground. The empty vase on the nearest counter was ornate, but plastic, the cheap, overly-decorated sort of thing you’d decorate a playroom with. Most of the cabinets were false, but the few that weren’t contained plates too thick and too wide, cups that were just too small to be held comfortably, silverware that didn’t feel right in your hands. They were tools for toys, faux-commodities for dolls that didn’t need to really use them.
Things for people like you, now.
You crossed your arms on the smooth tabletop, staring down at your hands. Trying to see if anything about you was different, as you spoke. “I don’t know how you can say that.”
“It does,” He assured, making no exceptional attempt to sound any more convincing than he cared to be. “The headache will start to fade with a little sleep, and you get used to making do. We have a lot, but there’s always something missing.” He paused, chucking under his breath, as if the minor inconvenience was his own, personal joke. “I think he does it on purpose. To ‘simulate the difficulties of real-life’, or whatever excuse he wants to use to explain why I’ve been doing laundry by-hand for the past year and a half.”
You stiffened at the mention of your kidnapper, the person who forced you into  their little fucked-up experiment. The details of your abduction were blurry, a nonlinear series of pricks to your arm and nonsensical threats you couldn’t quite remember, but you didn’t push yourself to recall much else. You had a feeling you wouldn’t like anything you managed to dredge up. If someone had the capability to make you into something so small, something so helpless, and the apathy to put you on display like a prized pet… You weren’t sure they’d be nice enough to make the transformation as painless as you’d hope.
“I don’t live here,” You mumbled, more to yourself than to him, although the stranger saw fit to hum in response to the admission. “In this town, I mean. I just moved here for a job - I didn’t even really want to, but I needed the money. They set me up with an apartment and everything.” A kettle whistled, and he nodded sympathetically. He didn’t turn to face you. “I didn’t even get to see it, not before I got… shrunk, or whatever.”
“New faces make the most convenient targets. If no one knows you, no one can look for you. Everyone you used to know is too far to do any good.” You sink into your seat. Somehow, his words of comfort did little to inspire much hope. “I think I was a tourist. I was passing through, stopping at a bar, and then--” He clicked his tongue, waving in some vague, dismissive gesture. “--this.”
You frowned, biting the side of your cheek. “Were you scared?”
At that, he glanced over his shoulder, sending you a loose, careless smile. You attempted to return it as he pulled a mug from the nearest drawer, preparing a still-boiling drink with the idle concentration of someone who’d done this a thousand times before. “At first, but as I said, it gets easier. You never get used to it, but the homesickness fades, and you find ways to keep yourself occupied. The only thing that’s changed is your size.” Your shoulders slumped, your attention quickly drifting back to your own self-pity, but a sturdy hand came to rest on your shoulder before you could start to spiral. “You’re not alone, either. You have me, and we will get you through this. In the meantime, drink.” A mug was delicately placed in front of you, the handle just a little too thick to hold comfortably. “It’ll help with the nausea. You’ll feel better once you clear your head.”
You only leaned back, letting him rub slow, soothing circles into your back as you lifted the mug to your lips and took a sip, if only to see the way his smile seemed to grow.
By the sixth day, you’d come to terms with the fact that you were, undoubtedly, in a dollhouse.
The layout was massive, but easy to navigate. The building was split down the middle by a spiraling staircase, the dizzying structure decorated with halls in either direction, all leading to bedrooms or bathrooms or spaces so sickeningly domestic, you’d come to think of the kitchen as a neutral zone. Most were unused. Leon’s (he’d introduced himself properly later on that night, once you were stable enough to ask) bedroom was tucked into a corner of the ground-floor, but there were signs of life everywhere. An empty cup left in an otherwise unoccupied parlor, a book abandoned halfway through, little things, but things Leon didn’t seem like the type to overlook.
The only aspects of the house that hadn’t been tampered with were the industrial-style security cameras, each protected by a metal box and a colorful array of warnings, and one of the spare rooms on the top floor, this one covered floor to ceiling with pastel colors and stuffed animals, things for someone much, much younger than you or the home’s only other occupant. You didn’t try to investigate further. There’d been a camera in that room, too, and if your captor saw you looking around, they might’ve assumed you were curious about...
You’d moved on quickly. That’s all that mattered.
None of the doors had locks, either. You’d only found two so far, a row of deadbolts on the symbolic front-door and a padlock on the basement, both of which seemed to be later additions. Currently, you were lingering near the latter, unsure if you should persist and risk the wrath of your all-seeing voyeur or leave it alone, live to dwell in paranoid anxiety for another day. A part of you was scared, honestly. Nothing else had to be locked away, hidden behind a bolted door, and if there was something you weren’t supposed to see, you weren’t sure you wanted to. If it was Leon’s secret, you couldn’t--
You never got to reach a conclusion. Without warning, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you against a broad chest and pretending not to notice how quickly you went rigid. There was a laugh, a playful squeeze to your hip, and just as quickly as you were restrained, you were let go, forced to turn around and meet the dark eyes of your only companion. Leon was like he always was, cheerful and much too enthusiastic, despite neither emotion having an obvious motivation. Still, you fell into it quickly, attempting to mirror his joy. It was the least you could do, considering how kind he’d been, over the past few days. “I didn’t realize you were up,” He explained. “It’s still strange to have another person here. I wasn’t--”
Suddenly, he stopped, pursing his lips and scanning over you. His eyes never managed to rise above your neckline, though. “What do you think you’re wearing?”
It took you a moment to process the question. There was a closet full of clothes in the room you’d picked out, but you’d managed to avoid them, so far. Every piece was stiff, unyielding to shame or preferences, and the color scheme was akin to something you’d see in an ancient sitcom. It was a futile progression to dread, and yet, you planned on putting it off for as long as possible.
Judging by Leon’s expression, ‘as long as possible’ wasn’t for much longer.
“I didn’t want to change,” You admitted, a hand absentmindedly drifting to your wrinkled shirt, smoothing over the thin fabric. “It just feels… I didn’t want to, alright? Is something wrong with that?”
That earned a scowl. It took more self-restraint than it should’ve not to step back. “I left something out for you.”
You’d woken up to a pale-pink monstrosity laid out on the foot of your bed, still on a hanger. It’d been disregarded without a second thought. “I didn’t realize,” You mumbled, bowing your head just enough to seem apologetic. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would be a big deal… Does it matter?”
His scowl deepened, grew, but just as quickly as it’d come, Leon found a way so cover it up. It was there, but a second later, it wasn’t, an expression of disappointed sympathy sewing itself seamlessly into his features. With a gentle, patronizing sigh, he pulled you into another hug, choosing once again to ignore the gesture’s one-sided nature. “It does, angel, but we’ll make an exception this time, alright? When I do something thoughtful, you’re supposed to show me you appreciate it. That’s how this is supposed to work.”
You opened your mouth, thinking for a moment before closing it again. Suddenly, you were glad he couldn’t see your face. The concern slowly infecting it would’ve been… worrying, and you weren’t sure if you could think of an unimportant agitation to explain it away. “The basement,” You said, instead. “Do you have the key?”
“Don’t ask silly questions.” Leon pulled back, tapping the tip of your nose with his index finger. “Hopefully, that door will stay locked. I don’t see a reason either of us should have to go someplace so unpleasant.”
You nodded, and Leon took you by the hand, wordlessly guiding you back towards the center of the house, towards the spiraling staircase and towards your bedroom, where his selected outfit was still waiting, sprawled out over your comforter.
This time, you didn’t argue when he told you to put it on.
He waited three weeks to start sleeping in your bed.
It might’ve been an impulsive decision, on his part. It felt impulsive to you. One moment, you were huddled underneath thin sheets, just beginning to close your eyes and welcome the darkness, and the next you were wide awake, terrified and paralyzed as your mattress dipped, creaking as Leon moved onto it. If he cared that you were awake, he didn’t make an effort to show it, only sliding under your sheets and throwing an arm over your waist, holding you with a practiced intimacy, an undeserved intimacy. The kind of closeness you didn’t want any part in.
“Leon,” You mumbled, much too quietly to be taken seriously. As if there was anyone else you should be afraid of waking up. “Are you alright? Why--”
“Hush, now.” His voice was low, but not tired. Perfectly awake. Perfectly aware. More of a half-hearted threat and a command made out of fatigued necessity. “Sleep, sweetheart. Don’t ask questions.”
He closed his eyes, his forehead coming to rest against the nape of your neck. You didn’t.
“I see you're fond of your new companion”
Elias didn’t make an effort to pose the sentiment gently. He seemed bored, if anything, his chin resting on his fist as he stared down at you and Leon, seemingly numb to the oddity of talking to two people that barely measured up to his thumb. He’d been generous enough to let out of the dollhouse for - as Leon affectionately put it -  the ‘monthly check-in’, or… onto the table it rested on, at least.
It was disorienting, seeing the space that surrounded your world, all bare walls and scientific instruments you couldn’t identify, sterile but cluttered, like an unused room in a very lived-in home. Elias was nothing special, either, not the ominous, foreboding figure you’d imagined. He seemed average, if anything, a pair of black glasses and a head of unruly hair making for a rather unimposing figure. A captor, but not an intimidating one. A man with a hobby that just so happened to need a few unwilling volunteers.
Of course, that didn’t stop you from shrinking into Leon’s side when his gaze shifted towards you.
“They’re good company,” Leon answered, his composure never wavering. Why would it? He’d done this a thousand times before, and as far as you knew, he and Elias got along. As well as a captor and their captive could, anyway. “To tell the truth, I’m starting to think I’ve been here too long. I was almost glad this one wasn’t so stubborn, after last time.”
You felt your throat go dry. “Last time?”
“I don’t want to have to deal with another incident,” Elias warned, brushing off your question as if it’d never been asked. “You got along with your other roommates too, at first. Everything’s wonderful and terrific and perfect, until I come to check on you and find one less participant than I should.” He pursed his lips, shaking his head as he let out a noise of frustration. “I can move (Y/n) to another enclosure if this isn’t going to work. I don’t want to lose resources because you don’t get along with them.”
Leon gasped, pressing a palm to his heart in a show of betrayal. You couldn’t tell if he was trying to make a joke or distract you from the topic at hand. “I’ve never done anything that wasn’t necessary. You told me to take care of my home, and I am. I shouldn’t have to suffer because you have poor taste.” Elias rolled his eyes, and Leon laughed, slumping against you, intertwining his fingers with yours mindlessly. “You picked a timid one, and they’re coming along nicely. I don’t plan to waste such a rare opportunity.”
“Are you sure?” Elias asked, leaning back in his chair and fishing for something on the floor at his feet. A notepad, but you couldn’t make out what was written on it. “I’d hate to disagree, but your track-record says otherwise. I’m patient, but I do have my limits, Leon.” 
He glanced towards you for the first time since the start of their conversation, keeping you in the corner of his eye. “(Y/n)’s going to behave.”
You didn’t know whether or not you should correct him.
You should’ve corrected him.
“No,” You spat, not bothering to hide your disgust. It was a terrible feeling, a vile sense of wrong, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be surprised. Everything about Leon was telling, from the grimace pressed into his lips to the anger in his eyes, bright and fiery and terrible. Unconsciously, you pressed yourself against the tiled wall, gripping your towel a little tighter. It was the only barrier between him and you, and by god, you weren’t going to give it up. “Get away from me. Don’t touch me.”
“You’re being irrational,” He said, crossing his arms and taking a step closer. You considered making a run for the bathroom door, but you doubted you’d be able to reach it before he reacted, catching you and doing something worse than staring you down. “Couples bathe together. It’s normal, you’re just--”
“We’re not a couple!” It was the first time you’d yelled at him, the first time you raised your voice, and Leon didn’t try to hide his offense. He edged closer, but you were quick to press yourself against the wall, to bare your teeth and try to make it clear he couldn’t intimidate you just by existing. Not again. “We’re captives. We were kidnapped, I was kidnapped, you were kidnapped. You can’t keep acting like this is normal, and you can’t expect me to. I’m not just going to sit back and play nice while you--”
“I don’t think I like your tone,” He warned, his eyes narrowing. The shower was still running, hot steam beginning to fill the room, but Leon didn’t seem to feel the need to turn it off. You’d barely had time to cover yourself before he came in, your hair and your skin still dripping, but you were glad you had. If only to protect the few traces of dignity you had left. “Stop,” He ordered, grimly. “You’re going to say something you regret.”
That was your sign to back down. That you should give him what he wanted, or at the very least, do your damnedest to make sure you weren’t the reason he didn’t get it. When he stopped trying to patronize you, it meant he was mad. And when he was mad…
You tried not to think about what happened when Leon got mad.
You should’ve backed down, but you didn’t. You didn’t want to let him have his way. “You don’t even want to get out of here, do you?”
Grit teeth. A locked jaw. Your second warning. “You shouldn’t--”
“I shouldn’t ask questions?” You cut him off without hesitation. “What do you not want me to ask? What are you so scared of my finding out? That you like feeling powerful? That you want to be in control? You can’t lie to me, I’m the one that has to deal with you. All your rules and your comfort and your fucking clothes.” You forced yourself to stop, to take a breath and seek out the same composure Leon was so good at maintaining. He took the chance to make his argument.
“You’ve been here for a month, I’ve been here for nineteen. You don’t know what it’s like when Elias doesn’t get his way. You haven’t had to deal with that because I’m helping you.” Another step. He was practically breathing down your throat, now. “You should be grateful.”
But, you didn’t want to be grateful. You wanted Leon to stop acting like you should be.
You swallowed, letting the silence grow tense before you broke it. “Someone was here before me.” He made no move to interrupt. You persisted. “What happened last time?”
He flinched, and made no attempt to hide it. You didn’t need another warning.
You lunged to the side, aiming blindly for the door, a weapon, anything that could help you escape or fight or act. Leon was faster than you, though, and much more practiced. A fist closed around your shoulder, blunt nails tearing into your skin, and just as swiftly, a heel found its way to the back of your knee, sending you crashing to the ground, something in your ankle cracking as you collapsed. You were slammed into the unforgiving floor, your cheek soon pressed against the cool surface and Leon’s body bent around yours, his weight and his strength keeping you pinned down. Weakly, you tried to push yourself up, but Leon only growled, his resolve strengthened and his grip iron-clad. There was nothing you could do to squirm away, not unless he had a sudden change of heart
“Bitch,” He spat, letting out a string of less specific profanities under his breath. “I took care of you. I kept you safe. All you had to do was let me.”
You didn’t respond. Leon sighed, but his hold on you never loosened.
“You still want to know what happened, don’t you?” He sounded defeated, exhausted, but that didn’t stop him from kissing your shoulder as you struggled to nod, the gesture both fleeting and far too prolonged, at the same time. He pulled back, but didn’t let you go, only scanning over you with the same tight, loving smile he always wore when he was about to do something awful.
You’d never thought that smile would make you feel so sick.
“You’re about to find out, angel.”  
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writer-jamie · 4 years
Bear Hug - Chris Redfield x Reader
Summary: You hid your child from Chris for months, but it all comes crashing down when he finds out about her in bad circumstances.
Word Count: 1,619
A/N: i was inspired by @alex-brooklyn ‘s fic called Monsters and i wanted to write my own take on that prompt! i love their work so make sure to check them out! i'm not sure what chris this is...maybe between re5 and re6? not quite sure, anyway! enjoy this cute fluff ❤️
When you and Chris met, you didn't tell him you had a daughter. You couldn't, after all everyone always runs away when they find out you are a mother. But you also never had the chance to tell him. It wasn't supposed to happen the way it did but when Chris bursted into your home with Leon and Claire, you refused to hide her anymore. Honestly, you weren't even trying to hide her, both Claire and Leon knew about her, you just didn't tell Chris because you didn't know why you should. You also didn't want to scare him off. It wasn’t like you were dating or anything but you were partners, and very close. You should have told him, after all you had been working together for three months at this point. You just didn't know how to bring it up in conversation. What would you even say? ‘Hey Chris. By the way I have a daughter, who’s Father fucked off when she was born because he couldn't deal with it.’ But when he realised you didn't tell him, his heart broke. 
The three of them rushed into your house and sat around the table, papers in hand. You could tell something big was happening. You stood there, bottle of milk in hand. You didn't know what to say. Just as you were about to talk, your daughter waddled out her room and towards the adults. Chris’ face dropped and he just looked at you. She looked just like you. Claire noticed the awkwardness and staring between you two so she picked up your daughter and took the milk from your hands. “I’ll put her down for you.” And with that she left the room. Leon couldn't deal with the awkwardness of the situation so he decided to join Claire in the bedroom, leaving you and Chris to sort out whatever was happening between you two. 
“What’s happening then? Something urgent?” You ran a hand through your hair and walked towards the table, looking at the papers. Chris was gobsmacked that you could just continue working as if nothing had happened. You could feel his eyes on your head as you looked around the notes. “Y/N..” You ignored him and continued to figure out the situation. You couldn't do this. Chris grabbed your arm and turned you around so you were facing him. “Why didn't you tell me?” Chris furrowed his brow and looked at you. He looked hurt. “I didn't feel that there was any need. Lottie has nothing to do with my work, so I keep them separate. She doesn't need to get involved in my work life.” Chris scoffed. “You don't think that I'm more than just ‘work’? Claire knew? How long has she known?” You shook your head and looked away from the man. 
“Hey!” Chris pulled you up to him fast, so fast you hit his chest. “Fucking hell Chris!” You swore at him and sighed. “Claire has known for a long time. I worked with Claire first remember!” Chris bit his lip and looked around your house, seeing the baby photos of your girl and professional photos of you and Lottie. “How old is she?” You scratched your neck. “Two. Three in December.” You told him. The room went silent and you didn't know what else to say. You pulled yourself away from Chris. He watched as you disappeared down the hall, into the same room where Claire and Leon went. Chris put his hands over his face and rubbed his eyes. “Fuck.” He swore underneath his breath. 
The sun went down but your daughter refused to sleep. She was struggling to sleep for a couple nights now so you were wide awake at 10pm with your daughter on your chest, watching Peppa Pig. Your mind was slowly going to mush as the programme was on loop, listening to the British pigs talk about muddy puddles and rubbish that you would remember for the rest of your life. You hadn't spoken to Chris much after the situation that happened the other week. He had sent you multiple messages apologising for the way he acted but you didn't reply, you only replied to one message telling him you won't be in work because you couldn't get child care. This made Chris realise how many days of work you missed because you couldn't get childcare. It upset him that you did it all alone. 
After an hour straight of watching Peppa Pig, there was a knock at the door. Luckily your daughter wasn’t asleep yet, because if she was, you could have murdered whoever was at the door. You held your daughter to your hip as you walked to the door, looking through the peep hole. Chris. You swore underneath your breath before unlocking and opening the door, looking at the man. He looked tired, like he hasn't slept in days. “Y/N..” You cut him off by opening the door move. “It’s chilly. Come inside.” You invited him in and he didn't argue. He walked inside the house to see that it had become more messy than it was when he was last here. But you did have a toddler, so he let you off. He saw the empty wine bottles on the kitchen table as well as some take away wrappers and some empty milk bottles. “She isn't sleeping, so Peppa Pig will have to do until she drops off.” Chris nodded and walked to the couch, taking a seat in the dark room. The screen was blaring light that bounced off every shiny surface of the house. He watched as you grabbed another bottle of milk for your daughter. You did everything one handed like you've been doing it your whole life. You looked like an expert. He wanted to get up and ask you if you want some help but by the time the thought popped into his head, you had already done it and were walking back to the couch. You sat next to Chris, allowing Lottie to slide between you and Chris. She looked at the man and tilted her head, confused who he was. “That’s Chris. Say hi Lottie.” You told her. She waved at the man before cuddling into her mother’s chest and drinking her bottle. 
You and Chris sat there in silence, listening to the children’s television show in the background. You had moved your hand that was underneath your daughter to the top of the couch for comfort, since Lottie wouldn't move. Chris moved one of his arms next to yours and held your hand, playing with your fingers before he took your hand into his. You felt heat begin to rise on your cheeks as he did so, wanting your daughter to sleep now so you two could talk. 
Finally, after another hour, Lottie dropped off. You couldn't move without waking her so Chris picked her up and walked her to her bedroom. You followed behind, watching as the man laid her down in her princess bed and tucked her in. He placed a kiss on her forehead and passed her the teddy that was next to her. You smiled and walked up to Chris, before leaning down yourself, placing a kiss on your daughter’s cheek before leaving her nightlight on. You left the room and walked back into the living room, turning over the channel and sitting down on the couch. “I don’t think I could take much more Peppa Pig.” Chris joked and looked at the you, running his hand over his eyes before putting his hand on your leg. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just didn’t want to mess anything up.” Chris shook his head and looked at you, moving his hand to yours, taking your smaller hands into his. “You couldn't mess anything up.” He shook his head and placed a kiss on your lips before pulling away, holding your head to his chest. 
You woke up with the sun blaring through the blinds. You moved in your bed and put your arm over your face. Chris grunted next to you and pulled you closer, rubbing his hands up your back. “Morning grumpy.” You smiled and kissed his chest, rubbing your hands up and down his shoulders. Chris rubbed his eyes and pulled you into his chest, kissing your head. 
The room was silent until you could hear footsteps enter your room. “Mommy? Chris?” Lottie rubbed her eyes and looked at you two in bed. “What’s up, Princess?” Chris asked and turned onto his back. Your daughter waddled over to Chris’ side of the bed and rubbed her eyes. Her favourite teddy hung from her other hand as she stood at Chris. “Can I cuddle?” She whispered into his ear. You smiled at the scene; your little daughter whispering into the ear of your large boyfriend. It was very cute. Chris nodded and picked up your daughter with ease, rolling over so she was in the middle of you two. “Oh hello there.” You laughed and showered your daughter with kisses. Chris joined in so your daughter was smothered by you two. “Stop!” She laughed loudly and kicked her legs around. You pulled away and watched as Chris tickled her and giggled along with her. After they calmed down, you kissed Chris gently. Your daughter fake vomited and looked at the two. “Gross!” She joked and looked at you two. “You are so dramatic!” You told her and kissed her cheek. “I love you.” You put your hand on your daughters cheek and looked at Chris. “I love you too.” He replied and gave you two a bear hug. 
“Ah! You’re squishing me!” Lottie screamed out. 
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vampiresuns · 3 years
A and R from the dirty headcanons for your main four!
I was asked A already, and I asked you if you wanted to change and you went for R + S, so let’s go. Under the cut for 🍋
R - Routine (do they have a routine when it comes to picking up one night stands? do they have scheduled sex with their partner? are things spontaneous or planned ahead of time?)
✴︎ Anatole
Nana’s prefers sex with partners to one night stands. He will still have them, and he has had his couple of sex only flings, but that’s not his preferred option.
If he’s gonna do flings or one night stands he prefers to keep him that way. Established amount of time, hermetic, safe. All boundaries are all always previously discussed with him, and he will be keeping to them.
You can change things along the way, there are a couple of notable times where what was supposed to be a fling ended up in a relationship (Leon and Haider), but he likes genuine connection and honest communication, and if that’s too much effort into a fling or a one night stand, the door is very wide.
He’s high demand for a high reward.
He needs to find you nice and good-looking, after you pass the safety boundary test, that’s all he needs. He is the least likely to have one night stands with someone he just met, even if he is aware that’s kind of the definition of a one night stand.
Partner-wise, it depends on him and his partner, always. Sex involves two people and for the sake of this man’s trauma and his mental health never forget it involves two people or you’ll fry his nerves.
So it’s a mix of planning and spontaneity. Sometimes you want to set a scene with props, or bondage, and you need time for that, usually.
❥ Amparo
The key is to give her attention. If you pass the vibe check and you know how to get her attention, you’re going to find yourself with the possibility of a one night stand. Lucky you.
She doesn’t always knows in what mood she is in before having sex (she just knows she’d like to have sex with you) so she’d very much like to discuss things at least briefly. She’s less nitpicky than Nana because no one is as nitpicky and Nana (and he’s allowed to be) but you know, the point of one night stands is to have fun, so let’s talk fun.
With partners she’d like to be more spontaneous. She is fairly so, but once again, there’s mood discussions, unless you’re into something specific, so it helps her to materialise the horny if you talk about the horny. Also, if she’s going to receive and you’re doing penetration, she has to prep before, so you can’t hit her out of the blue for that.
Anything that doesn’t require her receiving penetration though is more likely to fall into spontaneity. Just don’t before she has a play.
☽ Milenko
He likes having sex with people he can flirt and have conversations with, and that doesn’t change with one night stands or partners.
If he feels that something between you, he is very likely to make a move. If you’re not into it, then you’re not into it and there’s no problem here.
For scenes and things which require specific things, he would prefer to at least have it discussed before, at some point. Not even when, just tell him what you have in mind at some point, and he’ll do the same.
He’ll accommodate his partner if they preferred planned sex, though. Everything is game with Milenko, he’s the king of being easy going.
⟡ Artemisia
Art SUCKS at making moves on people, because she never knows if she’s reading the cues right or if she’s hallucinating. Just tell her, please, just don’t flirt with her at work that’s weird.
Seriously though, she’s spent half her adult life wondering how do people even get to have the possibility of having one. When they do happen she just hopes for the best and shoots her shot, and if it happens it happens.
She prefers planned sex, actually. ‘We could have sex later’ works as planning enough for her. Just gives her a heads up so she can say no, or get in the zone, the sexy zone.
S - Sleepy sex (do they give oral to wake their partner up? do they like receiving oral to wake up? do they like fucking their partner awake? being fucked awake? how about being fucked to sleep at night? do they have lazy morning sex?)
First thing I gotta say is none of mine are ‘wake up someone with oral’ or ‘wake me up with oral’ people. I personally prefer situations where everyone is awake and can clearly consent, and kinkwise that’s not one of my things. Same goes with fucking someone awake. It’s a hard no.
✴︎ Anatole
Just like I said he’s most likely to masturbate because he can’t sleep, if he’s with his partner and they’re awake, his going to ask if they like to have sex, because why not?
Sex at any time of the day is fine by him, but  he does like sex when his day is done. It’s a good time to unfold, and what better way to relax than fucking.
Lazy morning sex is one of his favourite activities though. Breakfast of champions, what better way to begin your day than with coffee and sex. He’s more likely to bottom during morning sex too. Some nice, lazy riding to go with him getting head too, please and thank you.
This is the only one I’ll mention it again, but with Nana is worth saying it: never, and I mean never wake Anatole up with sex, or by anything other than kissing his face. Do not ask him to do the same. You’ll find yourself partnerless. Fucking him awake or asking for the same is absolutely out of the question, and if you have the audacity to try it out of the blue (assuming you haven’t discussed it) you’re also going to find yourself partnerless.
If you wanna have sex and he’s sleeping still, please just wait for him to wake up.
❥ Amparo
Sex at night is romantic, sue her. Change masturbation with sex if she’s with her partner, and besides, when you live with your partner every night can be date night if someone (not her she can’t cook) makes a nice dinner.
And all nice dinners need dessert.
Welcomes morning sex always, but specially when both of you can stay in bed for hours without a single obligation
☽ Milenko
He wakes up at the crack ass of dawn, and though he often just goes back to sleep for another hour or two, if you wanna use those hours having sex, he’s game.
Make it lazy, sensuous, make it so that he goes into his day a little more whimsical than yesterday.
And the nights were made for loving, so...
Okay, I lied. I’m mentioning it again, but you know how I say anything goes with Milenko unless it’s one of his hard nos? Waking someone up with sex, of any kind, or being woken up with it, is a hard no for him. Makes him uncomfortable. You can wake him up for sex, tho.
⟡ Artemisia
She’s learnt to find the appeal of morning sex, because she didn’t understand how people had the time to both have sex and get ready in the morning.
She prefers afternoon sex for daylight sexy activities in all honesty.
But sex at night before sleeping wins here. There’s nothing better than tiring yourself out with your partner and sleeping like a log next to them after sex? Just yes.
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askmeforafic · 4 years
That was June and now it’s October
I know it's been a minute since you walked right through that door But I still think about you all the time
It had been months since Merlin had seen Arthur, three to be exact but that didn’t stop him from thinking about him almost constantly. They had gone from best friends to lovers then to not speaking at all and Merlin wasn’t sure what had caused it.
The last time he seen Arthur he had been joking about Merlin managing to be late to his own funeral (or party as it were), shouting goodbye before stopping to kiss Merlin breathless and wink. After that Merlin had continued on with his day eventually being late through no fault of his own.
He was greeted by Gwaine first, hugging him, pushing a beer into his hand and toasting him before he looked around at his friends. Pausing slightly he huffed and muttered the word prat under his breath.
“He had a cheek to tell me I would be late and he’s not here yet, you send him to pick up more booze before he got here?”
If Merlin hadn’t been watching closely he wouldn’t have seen the wince Gwaine tried to hide from or the frantic look he shot at Leon. He tried to fight the realisation that was dawning on him, he mimicked Gwaine and looked at Leon with a pleading look.
“Sorry, mate he’s not here yet but I’m sure that somethings just stopped him momentarily. He’ll be here soon, don’t worry the boy’s arse over tits for you, he wouldn’t miss this. Knowing him, he’s probably worrying about your gift.”
Nodding Merlin tried to let Leon’s words have the effect they were intended to have, he managed a weak smile before downing his beer and going to greet the rest of his friends. He tried to put it to the back of his mind but by the time he had spoken to everyone and had had a couple of more beers an hour had past. He snuck into Gwaine’s room to clear his head from the music that was flooding the flat. Pulling his phone out of the tight jeans he had put on after remembering the reaction they had got from Arthur he decided to text him.
“Hey, are you going to be long? I think Gwaine was mentioning shots and some club in Soho he’s been to? Love you xxx”
Merlin’s phone told him it was sent but not delivered, shaking he hit the call button and pulled the phone towards his ear.  It rang once before he heard the message, he hung up and tried again and again when it happened. Trying to keep himself calm, he poked his head out the door and seen Lance before dragging him into the room. He quickly put his finger to his mouth when Lance went to make a noise.
“Shh, do you have your phone on you? Mine doesn’t seem to be working and I’m trying to get Arthur.” Merlin was starting to regret being talked into pre gaming before he came.
Lance pulled his phone out and quickly dialed Arthur, waiting for him to answer he looked at Merlin who was starting to look a little worse for wear.
“Arthur! Where are you? Did you forget that we decided on Gwaine and Leon’s place?... Huh? That’s not funny Arthur, where are you?...  You’re boyfriends already had a little too much and is missing you, you better get here soon... What?... Arthur, what are you talking about?...  Arthur I don’t know what you’re playing at but if you want to say that to him, you can tell him yourself!  … You’re going to regret this in the morning Arthur and when you do I’ll not be helping you”.
Merlin listened getting more and more despondent as the call went on, by the time Lance hung up he was in tears. He must’ve been too loud as the door opened to reveal Percy who took one look at Merlin crying on Gwaine’s bed and Lance standing there and let out what could only be described as a growl.
“What happened?”
Lance sat beside Merlin tucking him into his neck and haltingly went through his phone call with Arthur. By the end of the explanation Percy looked like he wanted to kill someone, he walked out muttering and then came back with Gwaine, Leon and Elyan.  Gwaine took Merlin from Lance’s arms and folded Merlin into him, gently shushing him. Merlin calmed as he felt his friends arms come around him, he looked up at them and with his breath hitching between words asked.
“Why? Why would he do this? Why tonight? I just saw him earlier and everything was fine! He told me he loved me Gwaine! Why isn’t he here?”
Gwaine pulled him closer, cursing Arthur in his head as he was sure the others were as well.
“I don’t know darling, I don’t. I know he’ll end up regretting this, Leon was right earlier when he said Arthur was arse over tits for you so I can’t believe he’d want to cause you pain. We’ll get this sorted in the morning but for now I think we’d best go and call this party off.” He said the last line looking at Leon and Percy who silently slipped out of the room to go arrange it after taking the key Gwaine handed them.
Merlin didn’t remember the rest of the night, buried in his friends’ embrace he sobbed out his confusion and anger over how Arthur seemed to turn so callus toward him in only a few hours apart. He woke up tangled in the limbs of his friends, his head and heart aching and knowing that he wouldn’t be able to look his friends in the eyes this morning. Slowly he extracted himself from the tangle and on wobbly legs left the flat to go home and hopefully find his boyfriend was there with an explanation. Instead when he got back to his flat it was to a box overflowing with things he knew he had left at Arthurs. Fighting the urge to continue his sobbing from last night he pulled out his phone and sent a photo of the box to Gwaine before picking up the box and entering his flat, the sobs starting before the door was fully closed.
It's been me, myself and why did you go, did you go? Oh
Arthur completely ghosted him.  Merlin found out the reason he couldn’t call him was because Arthur had blocked him on everything.  He tried for the first two weeks to contact him to figure out what had changed and talk about it but by the end of the first week he realised it was probably pointless.  He continued for another week, their friends also still trying to get the reason for this sudden change out of Arthur with no success.  The only reason Merlin stopped was because as he came out of the tube station on his way home he saw Uther waiting by a car. He would have kept walking if not for Uther calling out to him.
“Merlin! You will stop this, do you hear me? You have put Arthur through enough without trying to contact him every which way every half an hour. If you don’t stop I’ll have to take action”
He was stunned, his jaw dropped open as he stared at the older man.
“He’s been through enough?! I got dumped by him without even so much as a word let alone an explanation! Excuse me for trying to figure out why he told me he loved me and then decided that I wasn’t even worth a phone call or text to tell me that he wanted to break up! Fuck you Uther! How dare you appear as some high and mighty saviour for the son you didn’t support when he came out! I know you blamed me for that but to rub salt in the wound like this? I thought better of you, you can tell Arthur I’ll stop contacting him. Clearly when we said we loved each other, I was the only one that meant it”.
With that he shouldered past Uther, trying not to make eye contact with any of the other commuters who stopped to watch him and Uther shout at each other.  He done what he had done for the past two weeks, tried to hold himself together in public before crying to Gwaine.  (Gwaine just as furious at Uther and knowing Arthur wouldn’t answer his call messaged into the group chat with Arthur ranting about pompous pricks who get their daddy’s to threaten ex’s with restraining orders. Arthur as it would turn out didn’t know Uther went to see Merlin, let alone threaten him.)
I still watch the shows you showed me, I still drink that wine. But these days it tastes more bitter than sweet
Slowly Merlin stopped having to try to hold it together in public, stopped crying to Gwaine and stopped crying what felt like every night. It had been a month since his run in with Uther and Merlin’s heart felt like it was glass that had been glued back together. He and his friends were waiting on something else to go wrong.
He had been on autopilot since this morning, stumbling out of bed almost but not quiet late and barely remembered to stop in at the shop before getting home. He quickly put together dinner absentmindedly pouring himself a glass from the bottle of wine he had picked up. It wasn’t until he pressed play on his TV remote and looked down at his dinner he realised that he had made Alfredo pasta which was Arthur’s favourite or that he had put on The Good Place which Arthur had shown him. He quickly paused the TV again and put his plate on the table to take a drink of his wine. He winced as the sharpness of it hit his tongue, moving back through to the kitchen to see what one he had chosen he stumbled when he seen it. It was a wine Arthur had given him when they first started dating to expand his palate. He took a breath when there was a knock on the door, walking to it without putting down the bottle of wine. Lance was waiting on the other side and took one look at Merlin who was two seconds away from crying, the TV still paused on The Good Place and the bottle of wine in his hand and gathered him into his arms muttering a quiet fuck into Merlin’s hair.
I miss those nights when you would come over, spent all night just tryna get closer
Merlin never really got over the feeling that when Arthur left him he took part of Merlin with him. When he woke up still half asleep he would roll over still expecting Arthur to be there, in the middle of the day when his phone would ring with a text he would forget and think it was Arthur. When he was cooking dinner he would sing along listening with half an ear for a chuckle and his name said in the way only Arthur could. When he would fall asleep on the couch and his eyes would flutter awake at a sound, expecting Arthur to be crouched down in front of him ready to drag him to what was their bed.
Mostly though, Merlin just missed having Arthur in his flat. His flat felt darker and quieter without him like he had taken all the life with him. It felt lonely without him even though when he had been in Merlin’s flat he didn’t take up much space regardless of if he was sprawled over the couch or sat on the counter in the kitchen while Merlin cooked. He didn’t realise how often Arthur was in his flat until he suddenly stopped coming over. His flat didn’t feel like his anymore, after all the time they had spent in it together it felt like theirs and Merlin didn’t know how to not think of it as that.
Merlin remembers when they were on the border of friends and lovers and Arthur would come over almost every other night with a flimsy excuse for why. They would start at a reasonable distance apart on the couch if Arthur had brought take away or in the kitchen if Merlin was cooking for them. Inevitably though they would slowly fall into each other as naturally as they were breathing. Merlin would blink and suddenly Arthur’s chin was on his shoulder looking at the food as Merlin cooked or they would be pressed together from shoulder to hip on the couch with Merlin’s head almost leaning on him. Merlin had worried that he was reading into things to start with but then Arthur’s arms would come round him in the kitchen before swaying them to the radio. Or Arthur would subtly manoeuvre them so he was pressed against the back of the couch and was spooning Merlin while they watched a film. When they finally got together they somehow got closer and yet they never stopped trying to get closer. Merlin thinks he’ll always remember the feeling of Arthur holding Merlin against him as if he was trying to make space in his chest so Merlin could live there forever. Merlin doesn’t know if he’ll ever feel Arthur’s arms around him again or the warmth of his gaze and that uncertainty was both the worst and best thing about this situation.
So sorry if I say some things I mean
Gwaine had messaged him after work asking him to meet him and the rest of the group at The Whip (& Fiddle) for a drink. When he got there he went straight to the bar and ordered a vodka and cola and a round of tequila for everyone. Putting the tray on the table as he slid in the booth he noticed a half drunk pint opposite him. He didn’t have a chance to question it before everyone grabbed their shot and toasted him.
He realised why they had tried to distract him a moment later when a recognisable head of blonde hair walked out of the mens room. Quickly grabbing Gwaine’s arm in a bruising grip without moving his eyes from Arthur he let out a breathy version of Gwaine’s name to get his attention.
“Ahh, I thought we’d have more time” Gwaine muttered as he tried to peal Merlin’s hand off of his arm.
“What do you mean more time? Did you plan this? Gwaine why would you do this? I need to go!” Merlin got higher pitched as the sentence went on, realising that he was going to see Arthur for the first time in three months if he didn’t leave and soon. He didn’t think his heart could handle speaking to Arthur again after so long, it was trying to beat out of his chest to try and save itself from what Arthur may say to him. He tried to get out of the booth to flee only to find Gwaine had grabbed a hold of his collar uttering a firm no.
Arthur slid into the booth, finally looking up from his phone only to find he was staring into Merlin’s eyes which were wide with shock. Looking away he searched his friends faces which showed no signs of the same shock meaning they had planned this. Grabbing his pint he downed it, before glaring at them and attempting to leave the booth. Much like Merlin had he found his collar being pulled back and then Percy’s hand landed on his shoulder to stop any further attempts at leaving.
Merlin stared at Arthur wide eyed trying to soak up the sight of him, the months between when he had seen him last only serving to dull the memories to try and protect his heart. He felt like this was a mirage and if he moved wrong it would disappear and leave him alone with his still mending heart. He stayed like that until he heard a snort come from Arthur.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” he heard in a scathing tone Arthur had never taken with him before.
“Well excuse me for staring at the person who told me he loved me in the morning and then walked out not to be seen or heard for in months! Arthur you didn’t even tell me you wanted to break up with me after almost a year of dating! You just left without a word! I’ve been driving myself mad trying to figure out what happened.” Merlin replied red creeping up his cheeks as he worked himself up.
That earned him another snort.
“Trying to figure it out? Come on Merlin, it couldn’t have been that hard to work out or did you not want to admit it? Where is your other boyfriend anyway?” Arthur’s tone turned mocking and scornful in turns.
The rest of the group looked at each other with confused looks on their faces and then to Arthur as if he had grown another head.
“Other boyfriend? What other boyfriend Arthur? I haven’t been with anyone other than you in the last year and a half! I haven’t so much as looked at another man like that since you started flirting with me!” Merlin was trying not to shout because he didn’t want the whole pub to hear their domestic.
“You don’t have to lie Merlin, I saw you with him that day! Why would I stay with you while you made a fool of me? Especially when it was right outside my work!” Arthurs voice had started to raise and was catching the attention of the other people in the pub.
Merlin’s eyebrows were furrowed as he tried to work out what Arthur was talking about, he hadn’t been near Arthur’s work had he? Merlin face went through a couple of different emotions as he realised what happen before settling on anger.
“You prat! You absolute idiot! You’re talking about me being outside the train station aren’t you? Where I had my legs around a guy?” He paused, waiting for Arthur to nod which he did with a smug look on his face. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME ARTHUR? YOU COULDN’T HAVE ASKED ME ABOUT IT?! I WAS MEETING WILL, YOU KNOW THE BEST FRIEND I HADN’T SEEN IN SIX MONTHS? FOR FUCK SAKE, YOU GHOSTED ME ON MY BIRTHDAY BECAUSE YOU SEEN ME RUN UP AND HUG MY BEST FRIEND WHO WANTED TO SURPRISE ME BY COMING TO THE PARTY?”
Merlin wasn’t sure how to feel after that revelation apart from the anger he had responded with which was slowly dying away into a hollow feeling. He had spent three months grieving their relationship and wondering why and it had all been because Arthur seen him hug Will and didn’t bother to ask? Shaking he stood up from the booth, flung the rest of his drink at Arthur and walked out without a word.
Arthur’s face fell as he realised what had happened, scrabbling out of the booth shouting for Merlin to wait. He was stopped when one of the men at the bar moved and put his hand on his shoulder to stop him from moving. He shook the short mans hand off with a glare only to find himself stopped once again. The second man who stopped him was the same height if not taller than Percy, with dark skin, a shaved head and a beard with a goatee. His arm when he moved it to stop Arthur looked to be the size of Arthurs thigh, his grip and gaze were both steady on him and when he spoke he had an American accent.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, best case you catch up to him and he swings for you. Hell, with what he just shouted I think half this place wants to swing at you.” He paused to look over at the booth Arthur left where his friends were watching in interest but making no move to step in. “Your friends there don’t look like they would help you if that happened, they might even take a swing themselves. I think the best thing for you to do would be to go home and wait for him to contact you when and if he wants to.”
Reluctantly Arthur nodded, he turned back to the booth that held his friends and walked up to them. He didn’t know what to say to them so instead when he got to Gwaine he reached into Gwaine’s pocket grabbed an open packet of cigarettes. He put a twenty pound note on the table in front of Gwaine and walked out. He was half out the door when he heard Gwaine’s voice call out.
“That bastard! There was forty pounds worth in there! It was supposed to last me the weekend cos he’s not got more” This was quickly followed by a mix of groans and laughs.
“It’s fine Gwaine, I’ll text Robert and we can grab it on the way back to mine” Percy said before finishing his pint and standing up. “And yes Elyan we can order food to mine before  you ask.” He started to walk to the door the others following, he paused as he passed the man who had spoken to Arthur and clasped his shoulder. “Thanks mate, he needed to hear that from an outsider. You weren’t wrong when you said we might swing for him, it’s been a long couple of months trying to figure out what happened”
The man chucked before responding “It’s fine, sometimes it takes that for someone to realise what they’ve done wrong. I’m sure they’ll work it out eventually, I had a couple friends who had a misunderstanding like that.” At Percy’s raised eyebrows he continued “Not exactly like that but they got over it, they got married last year.”
“From your lips mate” Gwaine interrupted and took a hold of Percy’s hand continuing the journey out of the pub.
Fuck, come hold me
It took six weeks and a few times where they would try to call or meet up and Merlin would have to call it off as the same rage from the pub would appear before they were able to meet up without it ending in shouting or tears from one or both of them. Other times it would be Arthur who couldn’t go through with it, his emotions and guilt swirling into a hurricane as soon as he heard Merlin. Once they were able to talk without that they were able to talk about what had happened and Arthur was able to talk about his insecurities and how they had fed into the problem.
Arthur had been hiding his insecurities and anxieties from Merlin, thinking he could handle them himself and they would go away. While Uther had come to respect their relationship and Merlin the cutting comments had already taken seed. Uther had made it clear when Arthur told him that he had started to date Merlin that he thought Arthur was experimenting and that the relationship wouldn’t last. This along with comments from one of the new employees at work had Arthur convinced that Merlin wouldn’t want to be with him for much longer. They thought because Merlin was gay and Arthur was bi that they wouldn’t work out because Merlin wouldn’t stay with someone who “couldn’t commit to a sexuality”.
By the time Merlin’s birthday happened Arthur was torn between trying to savour any moments he had with Merlin and being afraid it would end at any moment. When Cenred had pointed out that Merlin had his legs around another man he was convinced that their relationship was doomed.  He spoke to Merlin about it, who wanted him to speak to a professional about it. Once he spoke to a therapist about it he also told his work who didn’t realise the comments that Cenred had been making.
Merlin and Arthur weren’t back together and things weren’t perfect but it was a start and Arthur was happy to start the journey again with Merlin by his side.
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alolanrain · 4 years
Raihan taking pictures with ash having fun with friends, raihan social media followers didn’t know who’s that person with raihan, many followers thinks that raihan best friends just like Leon and others just ship it with raihan and ash as a joke/fanfic
This honestly got away from me very quickly, so have this basically fic that does really keep to the ask.
They were out on some camp sight, Ash’s property he got through his grandpas will that he never touched until last summer when his mom reminded Ash about the property. it was just Ash, his closest friends, their significant others, and Raihan.
Over all it was good. He couldn’t remember a time when he went camping-camping. Like without constant training and devising a way to kick Leon’s ass which he never ended up doing but that’s besides the point. They even brought three awesome Malibu Boats between the semi large group. Most people were paired off into to their respective partnerships or friends pairing up for the night. Raihan was with Ash and they had a good system down.
Raihan is usually placed on the supper side of the two sleeping bags that were dipped together to creat one large one because then Ash wouldn’t accidentally open it up while they were sleeping and stumble off the air mattress and onto the cold floor. Raihan also cornered him to the side of the tent and the past two nights they’ve been essentially cuddling, which they didn’t mind since both were naturally warm and Unova nights can get pretty cold out in this dessert... forest?
Over all they started to slowly stick more around each other. Raihan taking a bunch of pictures and Ash happily joining him when ever he asked. It got to the point where Ash would either slide into Raihans lap or side without prompting when he saw the Rotom Phone flying around Raihans head. It honestly felt good holding Ash by his side and Raihan refused to look at May and Misty’s pointed eyebrow wiggles as they cuddled through the trip. It’s also gotten to the point where, at night by the fire, Ash would pad over with the s’mores stuff and happily sit his cute little butt down in Raihans lap.
Internally Raihan is freaking the fuck out slightly, wanting to either pull Ash closer and kiss the top of his head all over or kinda push him away and go to their tent because Raihan is definitely sure a boner is gonna pop any second, outwardly Raihan keeps his face in his phone and raises a hand to hold onto Ash’s hips as the shorter male kept wiggling about. Getting comfortable while also setting s’mores crackers, chocolates, and peanut butter cups on one of his legs Liz neutral look on his face forced on, especially when Ash did a hard grind against his hips as he wiggles about to get even more comfortable. Inside Raihan was dying, though that didn’t stop him from raising his phone a little and pointed the super HD lense at the smaller one in his lap.
“Hey Ash?” Raihan rumbled. Keeping his voice down because it looked like Brock was dozing off with Olivia happily tucked in his side and fast asleep as well.
“Whu?” Ash spluttered. Desperately trying to swallow the mouthful of a s’mores that he just made and turned to look at Raihan.
“Smile.” The gyn leader grinned. Trying to not sound dreamy as Ash gave Raihan one of his most stunning and happiest smiles Raihan had ever gotten out of him. “Thank you.” He reached out. Gently caressing Ash’s back and smiling a little when Ash lent back a tiny bit, arching his spine to press more into Raihans palm before returning to his s’more that Pikachu had tried to steal without its trainer noticing.
Raihan was angled enough that neither anyone sitting besides him on lounging chairs would be able to see his phone screens. Not like they would anyways because Zoey is trying to silently argue with Dawn that four s’mores is already enough and Gary was sleeping in Tracey’s side, one of the firsts to go down and even before the sun had set.
Raihan looked back at the photo he just took of the Champion in his lap. Ash looked absolutely stunning with the almost twisted almost side profile he gave Raihan. Brown eyes and white teeth lit up by the roaring bonfire behind him and Raihan could easily pick out where Marshmello stuck to his upper lip and chocolat at the sides of his mouth. Half of his freckles on his nose lit and looked like golden specks flicked on while the others were darker but could still be seen by the faint mini lap that was held on by a branch a little up ways and behind the two. Raihans signature hoodie was big and loose on Ash, gathering at Ash’s elbows and exposing his back and fluffy black hair that was a little greasy. Raihan didn’t hesitate posting that picture to almost every sight he was on. Insta, Facebook, Twitter, both private and public Snaps, you name it and it was on there. Captioned it all with;
“Can’t believe I’m out here with him and everyone. such a blessing to know Ash and the gang ❤️”
He did something he normally didn’t do unless he was at home and was one hundred percent certain that he wasn’t gonna be headed for the day and told his Rotom to go have some fun and charge up as well. The shiny little electric Pokémon zoomed off to where Ash’s Charizard and Raihans Flygon was. Hopefully the little bugger won’t make anyone mad. Setting down the now rotom-less phone Raihan leaned back more into the reclining camp chair. Being careful not to knock Ash back or off the chair entirely. Soon enough though some telekinesis snatched the box away and sent it back into the main trailer where they soley keep their utensils and food cold and dry, also because Gary had hurt his back a week prior before the planned trip so they had to be accommodating as much as they could because Gary refused to be left behind.
Ash glared at Zoey and her new Gothorita and the two stuck their tongues out at him before turning back to Dawn and squishing her under her quite complaints. He shrugged and looked back at Raihan. eyeing his chest and bitting his bottom lip like he wanted to ask a question, that sight sent more blood down south because Arceus dammit that was a sinful look and Raihan really wants to cover Ash’s face so he can either calm his dick down or not see Ash’s realization on what’s going on.
“Can I...?” Ash waved his hand and pointed to Raihans chest where one of his arms were crossed over. A hopefully look in his eyes and he leaned down while giving Raihan a look.
“Su-sure!” Raihan coughed into his fist. Thankfully his face was a little to far from the fire and skin to dark for anyone to notice his raging blush. Raising the arm over his chest Ash gladly sunk down. Moving and wiggling about, much time Raihans enjoyment and torture, until he tucked his head a little under Raihans head and had one of his arms reaching across and up to cling to the light jacket Raihan was wearing at the upper shoulder area.
“Comfy?” Raihan couldn’t help but chuckle. His own hands falling back down to curl Ash closer and shift him slightly so that he was hurting each other in anyway like this.
“Mhmm,” Ash sighed, deflating slightly and closing his eyes in bliss, “you’re warm.” Punctuating the last part by Turing his head up and nosing along Raihans lower neck before stilling and enjoying the heat he was getting from both the fire and Raihan.
Raihan really couldn’t move his head much because of how Ash was laying on him and he was thankful. No doubt by the prickly feeling in his spine everyone else, who was awake, was wiggling their eyes at him or giving Raihan a pointed glare. Choosing to take the moment he started running one of his large palms up and down Ash’s back slight. Tipping to the side and not his hip so that he didn’t rub Ash’s ass and and going as far down Ash’s thigh that his long arms could allow without jostling Ash to much.
Said trainer his his arms was practically purring as Ash was becoming putty in his arms. Arching and leaning his back a little into every touch before soft snoring could be heard and Ash didn’t move anymore. Sighing Raihan moved both arms over Ash again and tilted his head back, looking at the stars above and trying to find some constellations to pass the time before someone calls bed time and the rest follow afterwards.
Raihan didn’t post anymore pictures after that one surprisingly, it was only the third night there out of the week stay, though that doesn’t say he didn’t take a lot of pictures.
Most of them just happened to be of Ash or Ash with him or Ash with everyone pokemon. Especially of Ash in his swimsuits.
Raihan drove the biggest Malibu boat, not very keen to know what kind it is or power it had just that it could go fast and faster then the other two boats piloted by Gary and Brock. Everyone was happy that there was a public boat launch not to far from Ash’s property and that they’ve been out in the sun and taking dives into the cold water that had come from a nearby mountain.
Back to the phone, it was flying everywhere and being careful not to attract a lot of bird Pokémon, Rotom was currently near the back of the boat. Catching videos of Ash and Dawn surfing separately on the waves the boat made. He had to be careful and not go to fast if he didn’t want to automatically sink Ash and or Dawn. Ash was currently the one who was surfing. Dawn had quite two sessions ago and held onto the green rope that they use to get up and into the wave.
Zoey did her call, “flag up!”, and Raihan immediately slowed down to boat even more as he turned to the right. Letting the giant waves crash into the haul head on and grunted at the up and down motion as the boat bobbed.
“You good?” Raihan called. Motioning first Zoey to keep the bright orange flag up just in case Ash wanted to go again.
“Little sore,” Ash called from the lake water, grinning up at Raihan before squealing when Dawn all but hurled the green rope at his face when he came into launching distance, “I’m hungry though.”
“Yeah,” Zoey piped up, “Lunch sounds good.”
“I agree,” Dawn yawned into her hands, “and I actually want to get some tanning done today.”
“Sounds good!” Raihan directed his lazy smile at the three, the only ones who wanted to do some water sports as the others just wanted to swim and play with water squirter‘s and chillax, “I’ll call Brock and see how far we got away from the other boats.”
He quickly turned back to the control panel at the steering wheel. Not keen on catching a glimpse of a happy and wet Ash out in the bright sun. That would K’O his ass right then and there and nobody needs that since Raihan is the only one on the boat with a legal driving license.
“This is Big Dragon calling to Hot Chef and Country Gay, where’s your guys’s location? Over.” Raihan had to keep himself from chuckling. Both Gary and Ash were insistent to use fake names over the clip on radio and nobody knows why. Raihan also didn’t have to wait long.
“This is Hot Chef, Country Gay is currently in the water and we’re by the Deschutes side of the lake. Over.” Bricks voice was a bit staticky but it was all good.
Raihan also didn’t bother answering. Just telling everyone to hold on as he slowly ramped up the speed until they were shooting across the water back near to where the boat launch is.
Rotom had fluttered near a holder that the boat had for phones before the take off and decided to be a little shit and show him all the photos it took. Especially all the ones of Ash’s. It only took one look and a sharp under the breath curse to note that Rotom tried especially hard to get some absolutely stellar pictures of Ash. If he was honest with himself and Ash even had a social media account, the smaller trainer would have girls and guys just begging on their knees to take him out on dates.
That irked Raihan a bit much then he was expecting. Hot searing jealous flashed in his chest until a smaller hand came out of no where and gently settled, as much as it could with the wind that was buffing everyone, on his bicep.
“You good?” Ash called over the wind.
The jealous settled down. Content to know that all the photo’s Raihan room were his and that no one else had the exact same pictures as the one in his phone, except for the one he had already posted before. “Yeah.” Raihan answered. Not wanting to bother anyone with his own emotions at the moment.
Ash nodded from the corner of Raihans eye and went to sit back down. A hard wave hit them and Raihan cursed a bit more loudly and quickly apologized before continuing off.
At least he has those pictures.
Which he uploaded when they got to the airport after their stay. Olivia and Dawn were particularly happy about the air conditioning and so was Tracey who had to carry most of his and Gary’s luggage because Gary’s back still hurt a little.
Ash and Raihan were almost always together as they waited for their flights. Raihan was going back to Kanto with Ash, Tracey, Gary, and Brock while the rest were saying good byes to each other.
Raihan, which hes finding a common reoccurrence this week, ignored most of his other media to focus on posting a few more pictures on his accounts. Slightly arguing with himself not to post to many pictures of just Ash and also sprinkle in some other candid shots of a few other friends and a group picture they took at the entry way into the park that they had to drive through to get to the property. Though most of his pictures still ended up being dominated by Ash.
His favorite was the one one, that he didn’t take but Zoey did by snatching his phone out of the air as quick as she could before Raihan noticed, of him and Ash. Shoulder to thigh as much as they could with their feet on the backboard and letting water wash over the hot tips of their feet. Zoey at the time was on another boat during lunch, helping Misty take out the drinks from a cooler in Gary’s boat, and had a perfect clear view of just Raihan and Ash in Raihans boat of the two. Raihans head was ducked down more towards Ash, his original hat was long gone in favor of one of those straw sun hats with some cool orange colored fabric on the bottom to keep more of the sun from his eyes from shining through the little holes of the weave. Ash had a more sturdy floppy sun hat, pushing the brim up to he could smile at Raihan. Cheeks rosie and brown eyes soft.
It competed with the fire and s’mores picture Raihan had taken the night before that day happened. Putting his phone down Raihan focused back on Ash and Gary who were joking easily together about buying each other some touristic Unovian hats just to give to Ash’s Mom and Gary’s Grandpa. An easy smile glittered over Raihans lips as he came over and sling an arm behind Ash as they both asked him what hats should they get.
Raihan didn’t look at his phone, after posting yet another picture of the gang before they had all split up, until after he and the other three had touched down in Kanto.
Gary kept giving Tracey jaw kisses in apology for not being a big help this trip around. Tracey didn’t object to much as he was enjoying the extra treatment that he was getting from his Fiancé.
Raihan was lazily pulling Ash along. Pikachu decided long ago that Raihans shoulder was better then his trainers and had tucked his head against his jaw. He didn’t mind but it did make it a little hard to keep track of Ash who stumbled and grumbled behind Raihan, clinging to his large hand, until they got to the front where Daisy and Professor Oak were waiting. Two separate cars because Ash had warned ahead that Raihan is a tall bastard and is gone need a full back seat to himself.
He was to tired to fully freak out over meeting two very high end Professors, he just wanted to get to Ash’s place and take a three day nap. Raihan gently pushed off Ash and nudged him over to the front of the car where Daisy caught him in his stumble and helped him sit down in the front passenger seat. Raihan placed their luggage in the back of the trunk and cursed under his breath as he awkwardly climbed into the semi small car and tried to situate himself the best that he could with his lanky ass body. Raihan waved away Daisy when she made a wounded noise as she looked how scrunched Raihan was as he took up the whole back seat with his legs and his shoulders were still slouched down with his head to avoide hitting the roof of the car.
It was an hour drive home. An hour where Raihan couldn’t look anywhere without hitting his head but directly at Ash. Who, for the love of Arceus, woke up from his slumber to look back at Raihan with the most sappiest looks Raihan as ever received in his life and shifted so he could reach out a hand to Raihan. Wiggling his fingers until Raihan’s slow moving brain caught up and he reached out his own hand to grasp Ash’s. Who then promptly fell asleep seconds after. Their hands still connected.
Daisy made a snorting laughing sound. Raihan could barely see her goofy smiling reaction through the review mirror as she eyed him and Ash. “You like him.” She quietly sang. Eyes moving back to road again after taking one last look at Ash.
“Uh. Wrong,” Raihan slurred, head not really catching up to what his mouth was saying, “I love him.”
“Even better.” Daisy replied.
“Damn right.” He sniffed before shifting his hand that was holding Ash’s a little.
Next thing Raihan knew he was waking up in Ash’s small childhood bed. Legs cramping horrible and back aching from the way it was arching and how Ash’s elbow is digging into his stomach. His Rotom Phone was right above his face, bright light shining down in his eyes, and displaying over fifty different text messages and calls and stuff from his social media apps.
Raihan blindingly reaches up and snatched his phone out of the air with an angry half growl. Lips curling in a sneer when he noticed that it was only five in the morning. Lazily looking through his messages Raihan only garnered that his fan base was blowing up about his pictures that he posted and that it’s causing the league to freak out as well for some reason.
For all Raihan cared that was the normal with his fan base, even his more normal chillaxed fans, so he didn’t even see a reason why anyone would be calling him this early in the morning.
“Mute all calls and messages unless it’s a complete dire emergency.” Raihan mumbled loud enough for his Rotom to hear before letting go of the phone and trying to gently shift about without waking Ash up. It was an impossible mission to find a better sleeping position with how small the bed was compared to him so Raihan just let it go and slung an arm over Ash curled up body. Feeling the tinnier trainer shift more into Raihan’s chest at the motion.
Eyes falling shut with a heavy sigh. Raihan went back to sleep. Completely and blissfully unaware of the storm that was raging over Galars social media for the last week.
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bumblebeereus · 4 years
Go Solo.
Word count: 2222k A/N: Look who’s back, back again, tell a friend. I’m back with this whole thing of thinking that I’m a writer. Not everything is bad while being on quarantine, found the time to write again and this is the result. English is not my first language so sorry if there’s any typo. Sorry for the spacing if you’re reading this from your phone. Hope you like it. Feedback is always welcomed, thanks for reading this. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Her friends told her first, but deep down she already knew. There’s no way on Earth that she couldn’t have fallen for him. They started as an on and off thing, fuck buddies, no string attached whatever you wanted to call it. She knew the deal, all the cards were on the table when they decided to start what they have now but that hasn’t stopped her from developing feeling for him. Leon hasn’t lied to her, he wasn’t ready for a relationship, but he wanted her company and he has fun whenever she’s around, not only when it comes to bedroom activities. They met thanks to a common friend and they clicked almost immediately. And a couple of beers later, they were even able to finish each other sentences. That’s why it has worked so easily, it simply flows and they go with it, they thought it could be a great idea. He found her attractive and she couldn’t lie either, he was handsome, to say the least. So yes, when they started their things it seemed perfect on the paper but a few months later…she isn’t so sure about it. She turns her head to look at him, he’s sleeping next to her oblivious to all the thoughts that are running around her mind right now. All she knows right now is that she can’t keep it for herself. Otherwise, she’s gonna end up exploding in the worst moment for them. Unconsciously, her hand runs through his curls, she always loved the feeling of stroking his hair. A grin flashed on his face. That’s the moment it hits her, she can’t keep it up with that they have. She needs to leave now before things get more complicated than what already are. She can’t have her heart broken by him, he hasn’t done something bad, he’s not guilty of that one. He made it crystal clear, he wasn’t ready for a relationship, he wasn’t ready for falling in love for someone. It’s game over for her. After all, she always knew that this could turn out like this. She didn’t expect to fall for him it simply happened they more they spent time together. She gets out of the bed and changes into her clothes before looking at him, peacefully sleeping unaware of all that's happening. She trips over one of his shoes, cursing under her breath, she looks back at his bed when he stirs. Leon opens his eyes, half asleep half awake looking at her using his elbow to sit up. “Where are you going? It’s 3 am, go back to sleep.” His fingers run through his hair as confusion flashed across his face. “I have tons of papers to finish before the end of the month, I wanna wake up early tomorrow, well today, and I didn't want to wake you up.” Hopefully, his half-asleep state helps her this time, she knows that he wouldn’t buy her bullshit if he were fully awake. “Can I give you a ride at least? I don’t like the idea of you walking home alone.” He sits on the bed resting his head against the headboard looking at her. “It’s okay Leon. I’ll call a taxi, don’t worry.” She smiles but somehow it doesn't reach her eyes and he notices it, he knows her. He has made her smile before, he knows when it's genuine. “Am I missing something here? Did I do something?” She shakes her head searching for her phone to call a cab. “It’s all good, I swear. I’m just a little stressed right now, you know me.” He opens his mouth to say something but shakes his head before talking. “I do. That’s why I’m asking…you know you can tell me whatever’s happening on that mind of yours, right?” She should have known better, he wasn’t gonna let her go away that easily. “I know, I’ll tell you as soon something is happening. But right now, it’s just my responsible self calling me out for not being focus on my work.” He’s not buying but he knows that she isn’t gonna tell her a thing right now so it’s better to let her go now and ask later. “Okay. Are you sure you don’t want me to give you a ride? Send me a message as soon as you’re home at least.” She shakes her head one more time before heading to the door. “Don’t worry I’ll text you as soon as I make it home, safe and sound. See you, Leon." “Thank you. See you, gorgeous.” Leon’s name and face appear, once again, on her phone screen. He has been calling her all day, well more like since he finished his match. She’s aware she’s gonna have to face him someday, but she's not ready to do it now. He didn’t buy her bullshit and knew that something was off with her. After all, they were friends and if she didn’t want to share what she was dealing with, it somehow offended him. He thought they were friends and he thought that she would feel confident enough around him to tell him whatever was going on with her at the moment. But what he can’t imagine is that he’s the main reason for her being off with him. Avoiding him forever wasn't an option for her, their friends were mainly the same and she couldn't be around them without him being there most of the times. It wouldn’t be fair for their friends to chose a side when it’s not a side to chose in the first place. They had nothing to do with what they have or had. She’s aware of what she needs to do. Face him, get all out off her chest and then call it quits. But everything seems easier on the paper, she knows she'd crumble under his presence. Focusing on her work rather than spend the afternoon thinking about him was her plan, but it hasn't worked at all. He was constantly on her mind, and the phone ringing across the room hasn’t made it easier for her not to think about him, even tho she put it on silent mode the seconds time it ringed. Leaving the house seemed like the perfect way of getting her head to stop thinking about him, nothing like strolling around the city with a cup of coffee. The crisp air of Munich during autumn gives her chills as soon as she steps out of her house. She walks around the city not knowing really where she is going, she simply walks while her favourite playlist is put on shuffle freeing her mind for at least one hour. When she looks around, she knows exactly where she is, she’s been there before. Indeed, she’s been there a lot recently. All the times she's been there instantly crosses her mind, all the laughs, hugs, kisses and the sleepless nights. God, she's gonna miss him. “Are you looking for me?” She’d recognize that voice anywhere, in all of the possible different tones. She turns around to face him and he’s looking way better than the last time she saw him if that’s even possible. Is she a joke to everyone? Because at this point, she truly thinks she is. “Kind of…yes. I think I was.” She nods as he places one hand on her back slightly pushing her to the door. “Let's talk inside then.” She’s on his couch with a cup of tea on her hands while he comes back with one for himself as well. Sitting next to her he puts one hand on her knee, his thumb rubbing it as he looks at her with concern on his eyes. “What’s wrong? You’ve been avoiding me for days. And I know you were stressed with work and all that but…” She can tell by the tone he is using that he’s been beating himself up for this. He knows it because of him but can’t put his finger on what he has done to her. “It’s not something you’ve done. I know you think you’re the reason and somehow, you are but not in the way you think. God, I’m not making sense, aren’t I?” He smiles sweetly at her, he always thought she was adorable but she reaches her own peak when she starts acting like that. “You can try tho, talk to me. What’s the problem? What’s going on? I don’t know what I did, but I’m pretty sure that I’m sorry.” His hand covers her hand resting on her knee and her whole body shivers under the subtle touch. “You don’t have to apologize, you did nothing wrong. I’ve always known that you can’t control how someone else feels. You’re not the one to blame, well, there's no one here to blame.” She tries not to look at his eyes, for all that’s good in the world, otherwise, she knows she’ll crumble. “What are you trying to say, baby?” “I’m falling for you if I haven’t had already. And I know what you said, you’re not ready for a relationship, you aren't ready to fall for someone and I do get it. That’s why I’m calling quits with this. I can’t keep seeing you and spending time with you and having sex with you when I already know how this is gonna end. I don’t wanna ruin our friendship, you’re one of the most incredible human beings I've ever met.” He hasn’t seen her since told him that she was falling for him and that she needed time to clear her mind before seeing him again. He tried to tell her, he tried but words didn’t leave his mouth even tho they were dancing on his tongue. “I'm falling for you too” She didn’t even give him a chance to speak, she kissed him for the last time, hugged him and smile at him before leaving his house. That’s the last time she saw her. He wanted to giver her the space she asked for and yet he wanted to call her every single day. He has missed her like crazy. He missed watching her along with his friends at the stadium cheering for him, he missed talking to her before an important match. He missed celebrating every win with her. He missed the way her fingers traced his back when he snuggled with her watching lame tv shows. He missed the way her eyes were always waiting for him whenever they were, he knew as soon as he looks for her, she was already there waiting for him. He missed the way he could always talk about anything and everything and she'd never judge him no matter what. Maybe his friends were right, maybe he took it for granted thinking that she’d always be there for him. Maybe he didn't accept the way he was feeling about her. Maybe he should have said it and she wouldn't have left him. Maybe, but it was too late now. She wasn’t in his life now, she called it quits, she needed out and he was too afraid to say he didn’t want her to leave. And he knew it, all too well. His friend called him that day asking him to go out with him, to have dinner. He missed most of them, but being around them was a reminder of what he’s missing. He knows it’s been a while and she hasn't been around whenever he was out with them, so she won't be there that night. That's what he thought and the main reason she went out with them. The same reason why she said yes to go out with them that night. His heart skipped a beat when he saw her. She was glowing, her smile reaches her eyes, they’re sparkling and he can’t but smile when he sees her like that. Like the old times, she’s smiling just like he did when he was around her. But this time, he isn’t the one making her smile. His hand is on her lower back, they’re talking with a bunch of friends. She rests her head against his shoulder as they speak. She seems happy, way happier than the last time he saw her. She laughs and he can’t help but smile, a sight for sore eyes. When she stops laughing their eyes meet and his whole body shivers, all that he has felt until that day explodes. He wants to go and talk to her, he wants to say something but deep down he knows it too late. The guy next to her leans over and kiss her, his hand on her lower back and hers on his chest. That’s when he realizes it's too late, she has found another one and she seems happy he has no right to say something, he wants her to be happy and she is now. One of his friends pats him in the back when they watch the whole scene. He smiles, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes and says goodbye. He needs to leave. He turns to look at her one last time and she’s already looking at him. She could have been the best right in a million wrongs but now, he goes solo.
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solaneceae · 5 years
Dave wakes up in the jungle. AU where Mateo got out of the plane with the other two, because frick u QCODE my boy deserves better than this and i will NOT accept he’s dead until i see a body-
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21035054/chapters/50876287
A comforting warmth surrounding him. Something soft cushioning his oh-so heavy body. An earthy, grassy scent filling up his nostrils.
Dave blinked into awareness slowly, like he was being dragged out of a quagmire. He was greeted with mostly darkness, though he could start to make out a mess of intertwined wood and large, glossy leaves above him. He was laying on his back on a mass of long, lush grass, his face and fingertips tingling with lingering sleep, in the very same position he’d fallen asleep the previous… evening?
For a second he felt disoriented, a jolt of panic making his breath hitch; but then he remembered.
They had made it. All three of them. They’d finally found the Whale, and those strange tribesmen, the Morandi.
For now at least, they were safe.
“Dave? Holy shit, you’re awake!”
Dave rolled his head to the side; Mateo was sitting next to him, his back propped against one of the support beams of the shelter. He felt his heart swell at the sight; Mateo was here. He wasn’t alone.
He noticed his friend’s arm had been dressed in clean, off-white bandages, reminding the smaller man of the dozen or so cuts he’d caught sight of back on the boat, and he was hit with a rush of pride and admiration -and only the slightest pang of guilt and worry- for his long-time partner; god, Mateo really had gone above and beyond to fly them all the way here. The tall male definitely looked better than he had back then, which Dave was grateful for.
He rubbed his eyes, trying to clear out his vision; ew, crusty. “ ‘teo… where’s Linda?”
“She’s fine, woke up a lil’ while ago. Went to talk to the old man, try to get some more answers out of him. How you feelin’?
Dave considered the question silently, assessing his current state. “Mmh. Sluggish. Like my body’s made of lead. And… kinda loopy. What time is it?”
“Dunno. Late. Early. My phone and watch died back in the plane.”
Mateo looked up; as he followed his friend’s gaze, Dave noticed an opening in the roof of the shelter, letting in pale rays of moonlight. The night sky was a pitch black, an inky darkness home to hundreds and hundreds of stars. They ranged from pale yellow to bluish white, shining bright and strong and unperturbed by any light pollution; a far cry from the California sky the night guard was so accustomed to.
“ ‘bout one or two in the morning maybe?” Mateo mused aloud, stirring him out of his reverie. Dave sighed; the sun had been setting when they’d conked out. “Shit. No wonder I’m still tired.”
“Dude. It’s Sunday. We slept through last night and the whole day after that.”
Dave’s eyes widened in shock.“Wh- What? We’ve been asleep for more than a day? How?!”
“After three days without any shut-eye it ain’t that surprisin’ to me,” Mateo shrugged. “Also Linda said somethin’ about the meds we took messing with our brain or some shit?”
Dave groaned, trying to pull himself up into a sitting position; but he was struck by a sudden dizziness and his trembling arms buckled under his own weight.
“Wow, hey!” Mateo caught him before his back could hit the ground, gently supporting his head to lay it down in his own lap. “Don’t move too fast. You haven’t eaten anything since we left California, if you try and get up you’re just gonna pass out again.”
Ah. That would explain the slight nausea and steady rocking of the ground under him. The former night guard breathed in slowly, letting the sudden discomfort fade before gratefully peering up at Mateo. “Sorry…were you waiting for me?”
“Duh. Gotta watch over our local dream warrior, right?”
Dave groaned at that, hiding his face in his hands. “Oh my god, don’t.”
“What? It’s true, isn’t it? Those guys over there,” the latino gestured at the other side of the clearing, where a few tribesmen were conversing quietly, “said they’d been waiting for you. Specifically you, Dave. I mean shit, there’s obviously something going on with you.”
“No there isn’t! Why the fuck would it?”
“Oh, I can think of a few reasons. You survived after falling asleep, twice.”
“You woke me up the first time-”
“You,” Mateo continued, all but ignoring Dave’s protests, “had scars all over your chest, and now they’re gone. That’s not a thing that happens, scars don’t just magic out of existence.” He waved his hands around in bewilderment. “And to top it all off you went all oracle on us, right before this shitshow went down. You told us about the whale, you told us where we needed to go!”
Dave shook his head in denial. His hair rubbed against the fabric of Mateo’s pant leg. “Wasn’t me. The old man did it. Robbie was the one who came into my dreams. I would’ve-”
His breath hitched. He remembered the torture he went through in that desert. The thirst. The despair. The insanity. “I- I would’ve died like everyone else if he hadn’t come.”
Mateo sighed. “Maybe. But he came to you, Dave. Out of the millions of people who’d been asleep at the time, you were the only one who saw him.”
A second of silence. Dave slid his hands down his face, peering up at his friend with confusion. “How do you know this?”
“Robbie told us. Me and Linda.” Mateo said, looking down at him with a curious look on his face. It looked suspiciously like awe.
Dave hated that look. It made him feel like the world was pressing down on his ribcage.
“He said… something about reaching out. Spreading the warning to the world.” Mateo continued, unaware of his partner’s inner turmoil. “Nobody outside the tribe responded, Dave. Except you.”
He let Mateo’s words sink in for a few seconds, his face twisting into a sorrowful grimace. The implications of those words were far too daunting, too terrifying to consider. He didn’t want this. He never wanted this. He didn’t need supernatural bullshit sprinkled on top of the already massive pile of issues that was his life.
“Listen…” he breathed out, his baritone on the verge of breaking, “I… I know, okay? I’m not an idiot. I know I’m… involved in this mess, for some fucking reason.”
He grabbed Mateo’s sleeve, something desperate flickering in his warm brown eyes. “I know I’m probably about to- to learn some stuff here. About myself. And that shit… that shit’s terrifying. So…”
Mateo stayed silent, attentive. Dave was grateful for that.
“So…” he took a deep breath. “Can we hold off on that? Can I just be a normal dude for just a little longer? Just Dave, local insomniac and night guard at DeckSalont. That’s me. Just your friend. Please?”
For a few seconds, only the sound of the wind blowing through the jungle answered him. Then Mateo rolled his eyes with a huff.
“Okay. Okay, Davie. I gotcha.” the latino relented, gently patting the smaller man’s hair draped on his thigh. “Linda and the old guy should come back soon anyway. They’ll be glad to see you’re up, they were getting worried.
“What about you?”
“How are you taking all this? This whole time you and Linda have been worrying about me, but what about you?
Mateo blinked, then snorted humorlessly. “Man, I don’t even know anymore.” He shook his head, eyes clouding over in confusion. “Everything feels so… unreal. I guess it didn’t really sink in yet.”
Dave felt a pang of sympathy for his friend; he remembered the latino’s worried glances at his phone back in Cali. His dismissive attitude when Dave had asked about his family.
Everyone’s dead, Dave thought to himself, testing out the concept in his mind. Everyone’s dead. How could the human mind comprehend this without breaking? Were they even capable of truly comprehending that the three of them, save for the strange tribe that had taken them in, were probably the last living people on Earth?
“Mateo… I’m so sorry.” he said quietly, peering up at the taller male. Mateo Leon, veteran, pilot, and god damn hero for flying them all the way here. His best friend, and partner.
Dave’s chest seized; he was starting to understand how precious he and Linda were to him. Without them, he’d be completely and utterly alone, even among the tribesmen scattered in the jungle.
Mateo waved him off. “Don’t be. We all lost a lot these past few days, if not everything.” He chuckled, rubbing his face in his hands. “S’all too fucked up, we're too fucked up at this point.”
Linda’s face came to the forefront of Dave’s mind. Her striking green eyes, the way her nose would scrunch up whenever she was annoyed. Her airy laughter. Her blinding smile.
He shook his head, biting back a mournful sigh. “I know. Still, you’re my friend, I care about you. I- fuck man, I don’t wanna lose you too.”
“You won’t!” Mateo asserted, flashing him a cocky smile. “You won’t, y’hear me? I’m a vet, I can deal with some tough shit. Those spirit things? Let ‘em come at us, I’ll fuck ‘em up.”
Dave blinked, taken aback by the sudden mood whiplash. Then let out a chuckle, almost immediately followed by a yawn. Jesus, he still felt drowsy. How was he still drowsy?
“Dude, are you serious. Wasn’t a whole day enough?” his partner asked him incredulously.
Dave shifted into a more comfortable position, the edge of his vision blurring and darkening every second that passed. “Just…” he mumbled, “You’re fuckin’ comfy, okay? Anyone ever told you that?”
Mateo let out a fake, overdramatic sigh. “Fine then, you lazy fuck. Ya can snooze a lil’ bit more. But I’m waking you up when the others come back, got it? Linda said she’d change our bandages, and you need some food in you. Like, badly.”
Dave hummed noncommittally, eyelids already drooping close. He let out a relieved sigh as he curled up against his friend, relishing in the warm feeling of Mateo’s thigh under his head and his hand on his shoulder. “Mh. Thanks, buddy.” he murmured drowsily, before letting sleep overtake him once more.
Just a little longer. Let things be normal again. For just a little longer.
thanks @believeinasmilinggodtoday for the prompt! i kinda deviated from it, but it helped me get it out :D @caustic-synishade @teosbc @thepurple-n @shrinkthisviolet @mother-dweller
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moody-bloosh · 5 years
For the yandere prompts: 17 with Abbacchio please?
w-well… since you asked so nicely,,,, oh who am I kidding,, I love me some goth daddy
content warning: yandere, violence, homicide, manipulation
repetitio (Leone Abbacchio)
Your phone buzzes in the middle of the night, stirring you awake. You groan as you glance at the clock on your nightstand: 3 in the morning. You want to ignore the call, but you assume it must be something important. Perhaps your partner finally had a break in the case you guys were helping out with. Seems some new hotshot detectives from upstairs had finally gotten tired of all the corruption within the precinct and decided to take it upon themselves to try to get to the bottom of it. The discreet case was only known to you and a select few, knowing how Passione has its strings in almost everything. Your hand blindly gropes for your phone on the nightstand beside you, your fingers moving on muscle memory to answer the call. You peek to check the caller ID and sure enough, its your partner. 
“Hello?” You said sleepily, “this better be good.” 
Your partner is silent for a moment and you wonder if they misdialed. Your partner’s name is barely out of your mouth when they finally speak. Their words finally stirring you awake. 
“You damn dirty cop,” they hiss, so hatefully, so spitefully that it sends a chill up your spine. 
“E-excuse me?” You sit up this time, it was too early for fucked up jokes like this. 
“You’re disgusting, thinking you can play with people’s lives like this!” 
“I-I don’t understand… what are you say-“ 
“You’re going to get what’s coming to you,” your partner snarls, “you won’t get away with this.” 
The call cuts off before you can even get another word in. Sitting in silence in the warm embrace of your bed, you close your fingers around the phone. Did Passione get to them? What- what was going on? You don’t hesitate. You head to their home to investigate. 
So selfless, so foolish, that was what he loved about you. 
Your hands tremble as your gaze falls upon the paperwork on your partner’s desk. An incriminating report painting you as the ringleader of police corruption within the precinct. You walked right into their trap. You shouldn’t have come, but if you didn’t… damned if you did and damned if you didn’t. You curse, casting a regretful look at the vomit by the doorway, you couldn’t help it. The stench of blood was so thick and the sight of your partner, or rather what was left of them. Their head was bashed in so hard you could see bits of gray matter all over the carpet. You cried then, right there on the floor, holding yourself as you wept for the loss of your closest and most trusted friend, your partner in the line of fire and, some small part of you was hoping. Your partner for life. 
But you can’t dwell on that anymore. You have to move. You know what this will look like and you’ve already tainted the crime scene with your presence enough. You have to do something, prove your innocence in some way but how. Despair nips at the pit of your stomach, would you even be able to do anything? How wretched, how cruel this world was. Snuffing out every good and pure thing until only ugliness was left. So this was what it meant, to chase after meaning and justice, this was the reward. A painful and lonely death. 
No. You couldn’t submit to this fate, there were embers still, little bright spots that you can still cling to. You mumble a goodbye to your partner before you leave. You run to the only other person you can trust. 
You’d known him even before he became a police officer, you’d known him when you’d spend afternoons playing hide and seek in the park, sharing popsicles, and walking home together from school. You’d followed him and his dream of being a policeman, meant to uphold law and order. And even after his duplicity was discovered, you refused to believe it. He could never, perhaps he was framed, like you were now. That’s right, Abbacchio would help you.
You knock frantically at his door, you stand for a few breathless minutes before he stumbles, opening the door. He takes in your disheveled state, the bits of dried blood on your clothes your and then he’s shuffling you inside, leading you to his living room and ushering you to the couch. It is in the comfort of his home that you break, telling him everything. You don’t even realize you’re crying until he is wiping away your tears with his finger. And then you crumble. 
“Why- why did they have to die,” you whimper as you lean into his embrace. “W-why- why is this happening? Why is this world so fucked up?!” 
Abbacchio cradles you in his arms as your body is wracked with sobs, as you grieve for your partner, as you weep at the unfair situation you find yourself in. 
“I’ll protect you,” Abbacchio whispers, his voice so gentle and kind. “I’ll keep you safe, remember that, _____.” 
“I’m the only thing keeping you safe from a filthy, disgusting world.” 
You step willingly into the prison of his making.
There are things he keeps only to himself, things he must hide from you to safeguard your happiness. Never mind the fact that you can’t ever show your face in polite society again, that was just how he wanted it. You sequestered in his home. No, what he couldn’t ever bear was the sight of your tears and knowing that he is the cause for it. Some days, his resolve wavers. Some days he wishes he can tell you the truth to comfort you when you wake up from a nightmare.
‘It’s not your fault, it’s mine. I’m the selfish bastard who’s making you suffer.’ 
 You cling to him when you cry, words slurring as you recount the details of your dream. He holds you as you weep, his arms around you as if to steady your trembling form. He holds you until you drift off once more. He never wanted you to suffer, he never wanted you to have to endure all those terrible nightmares. But then, you look at him like he’s everything that’s right with the world, as if he’s still that idealistic idiot you’d trailed after in school. Like he is still whole and worthy, and he reasons that if two lives were all it took to have you in his arms, to have your love and adoration, then it was all well and good. 
Because you are his and he is yours. 
And no one can take that from him.
It had been months since he’d last seen you, he couldn’t bring himself to show his face to you. But when you reached out to him, on one sweltering afternoon, your smile still as radiant as he remembered, it felt like he’d never left you behind. You had given him a big hug and then dragged him someplace quiet. You chatted excitedly as you told him about your latest case, something about snuffing out dirty cops in the police department. He tries to remain impassive, dismissive even with his curt replies but you persist, insistent on catching up. He can’t help it, seeing you again brings back reminders of senseless, carefree days spent at school, when he still had something to believe in. He can’t help it; he snaps at you. Did it please you to see him brought low? Disgraced and shamed, barely even able to show himself in public, tormented by his sins. 
“What are you even doing talking to someone like me?” He sounded so worn, so broken, the tone of a man defeated. “Don’t you know what I’ve done.” 
He was so different from the man you looked up to back at school. But despite all that, despite his flaws he was still that same person you knew. That same person you’d adored so much. You can’t help it, your heart bleeds for him. It takes you a moment to compose yourself, to find the words you want to say to him. But he takes this an entirely different way and just as he turns to leave you you reached out to take his hand in yours. He stops, startled by your sudden gesture. 
“I know. I know it all, Leone,” you said, a sad yet resolute smile on your lips, “but I know deep down, you’re still that same idiot I played with, the same idiot who’s dream I believed in. 
Your eyes shown with such genuine sincerity as your hand squeezes his encouragingly, “I know there’s still good in you.”
 This is when he understands that strange feeling welling up in his heart now and all those years ago. 
He wants you, he thinks. He wants you all to himself. The only one from his past who hadn’t turned their backs on him, who reached out to him, who believed in him. Who can blame him for falling? You reminded him so much of himself, his old self. He could delude himself into thinking that he was someone worthy enough for you. That was your fault, you believed that he could still be kind, that he could still be good. But if that was what you wanted to believe, he could pretend. 
Even though he’d long since abandoned any notion of being good. 
It’s easy, all too easy to break into your partner’s home. It’s even easier to forge the documents that will incriminate you. He knows how to make it look like the perfect crime scene, tossing aside and resetting the furniture. A heavy thud resounds through the apartment as your partner falls to the floor, bound and gagged. Their words are muffled, filling the apartment with grunts and groans. They are the helpless accomplice to his crime. When he is pleased with the outcome, he turns to your partner, hooking his fingers around the cloth.  
“You damn dirty cop,” they had hissed at him as soon as they were able. “You’re disgusting, thinking you can play with people’s lives like this!” 
He snorts, looking down at your partner with a contemptuous look in his eyes, “are those your last words?” 
Your partner spits at him and Abbacchio only shifts, the spit lands on the floor, useless and to be forgotten. 
“You’re going to get what’s coming to you,” your partner snarls, “you won’t get away with this.” 
Abbacchio chuckles, a deep unnerving timbre that sends a chill down your partner’s spine. He angles the baton to your partner’s forehead and for a moment, a primal fear flashes through their eyes. 
“I already have.” 
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fonulyn · 4 years
Chris and Leon, sick fic, with a twist??? (Whats the twist? You decide!)
for this! | read this on ao3!
I’m sorry anon it doesn’t really have a twist it’s just shameless cuddles :’D but I do hope you’ll find it satisfactory enough~
Grumpily Leon heaved himself upright, tossing the covers to the side. He could’ve sworn he ached all the way to the tips of his hair, with how utterly shitty he felt. The floor was cold under his feet but he didn’t have the energy to find himself socks, so he decided he’d deal with it.
Leon didn’t even remember the last time he’d been sick, much less with a cold that hit him like a freight train, hard enough to knock him off his feet for days on end. He’d been forced to stay at home and in bed, and it never did wonders to his mood as he wasn’t exactly good at this entire doing nothing -thing. The first two days went by in such a haze he didn’t even have the energy to get restless, and it was only by the fourth day that he felt good enough to go find something to eat after basically living off painkillers and water until then.
He only got as far as into the living room, though, before he heard the sound of a key being fumbled into the lock, despite the fever clogging his thoughts. Distantly he hoped it wouldn’t be anyone who wanted him dead, as he wasn’t exactly in the best fighting fit. Quickly he went through the possibilities in his mind, and eventually stepped closer to the bookshelf so he could grab the handgun hidden in there if he’d need to.
The door opened and Leon let himself relax as he immediately recognized who it was. In hindsight, he had given Chris the spare key to his apartment, so he probably should’ve seen this coming. Chris and Claire had both been in possession of a key to his place for long before this… whatever it was had started developing between him and Chris.
It was almost comical though how Chris’ eyes went wide in surprise, as he apparently hadn’t expected to come face to face with Leon the second he stepped inside. He held up his hands as if in a peace offering, flashing an awkward grin. “Hey there. Sorry for just… barging in,” he started, adding as an afterthought “Claire told me to check up on you.”
“Well then, you’ve fulfilled your duty,” Leon answered, more annoyed than he had aimed to be. He blamed the sickness, usually his self-control was much better but now every single little thing seemed to get on his nerves so badly he could barely keep his cool. “Consider me checked up on. I’m fine. You can go.” In a huffy movement he brushed his fingers through his hair, grimacing at how greasy it felt. When had he showered, again?
He didn’t even fully know why he was acting up. Maybe he would’ve wanted Chris to actually care instead of just come here under orders, but admitting that would’ve meant admitting how hard he had fallen himself and that… wasn’t really an option right now. Especially not when he was standing there, downright filthy from days of not showering, dressed in only an old ratty t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants slung low on his hips. It was a wonder Chris hadn’t run off screaming already, after seeing his… whatever Leon was for him, in a state like this.
“Hey, c’mon,” Chris sighed, obviously detecting the not-at-all-concealed strain of irritation in the other man’s voice. He stepped closer, bringing his hand up to softly cup Leon’s cheek. Leon had half a mind to slap the touch away, but it felt kind of nice, and he might’ve even leaned a little bit into it. Just a little. Only barely. “I wanted to make sure you’re alright,” Chris went on in a mere whisper. Then he frowned, his voice firmer again. “Fuck, you’re really burning up.”
Leon sighed, allowing his eyes to fall shut. “I kind of really feel like shit.” He surprised even himself with the admission, not usually the first person to admit it when he wasn’t at his best. Damn cold, fucking with his mind, too. There went his resolutions of never showing weakness in front of anyone.
“Then let’s get you to bed.” Chris had always been a man of action and even now, he didn’t hesitate before unceremoniously wrapping an arm around Leon’s waist to walk him to the bedroom. He tucked him to bed, before disappearing into the kitchen only to return some time later with a heated bowl of soup that he told was from Claire. (‘She told me to tell you she made it. But don’t worry, it’s edible, she bought it.’) He even made tea, and shrugged off Leon’s “when did you become such a mother hen?” with a good-natured grin and nothing else.
Eventually Chris appeared back into the doorway of the bedroom, stopping there to lean against the doorframe. “I should get going.” Somehow the words were more a question, less a statement, as if he wasn’t sure if he could afford to leave Leon alone already. He’d literally spent a couple of hours in the apartment already, while Leon had been dozing off, dutifully staying under the covers after getting most of the soup down and finishing his tea.
“Thanks,” Leon managed, even offering a smile he hoped seemed genuine instead of just delirious from fever. “Appreciated.”
Chris didn’t answer, only fidgeted with his jacket a little, reluctant to leave even though he was basically already dressed and ready to step out. After a good moment he sighed. He kicked off his shoes, each landing on the floor with a thud that sounded oddly loud in the silent apartment. His jacket followed, thrown haphazardly onto the dresser. “C’mon, move.” First the words were accompanied by a soft nudge, but when that gained no reaction it was followed by a more demanding push.
Confused, Leon craned his neck to look over his shoulder. “What are you doing?”
There was no answer, not before Chris managed to make himself comfortable on the mattress. He took his time, too, wriggling in his place and shifting several times, until finally settling with a content sigh. He was so close they were almost touching, his breath warm against Leon’s neck when he finally answered. “Sleeping. What else.”
Leon huffed out a laugh. “If you sleep that restlessly, you might find yourself on the floor rather sooner than later.” He tried to play it off as a joke, but he was suddenly wide awake, all traces of sleepiness gone as if they were never there. It wasn’t like he had the best track record with relationships to begin with and this… whatever this was between them, was wildly different from anything he’d gone through.
But he craved. He yearned. He surprised even himself with how badly he didn’t want to screw this up. So he tried to relax, closed his eyes and hoped he could force himself to fall asleep. It wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to do, though, considering he’d been in life threatening situations that had gotten him less tense than this.
Leon almost jumped when suddenly Chris threw an arm around him, shamelessly pulling him closer as if it was the easiest thing in the world. “You think too much,” Chris murmured, apparently already almost asleep, even though he was still fully clothed and lying on top of the covers. That made Leon smile, and he didn’t argue. Instead he allowed himself to relax back against the other man’s solid chest, kind of hoping that the covers wouldn’t be there between them.
He’d probably never been held like this. Yet it’s definitely something he could get used to.
Sleep came surprisingly easily. And for the first time in ages, the night terrors stayed away.
The first thing Leon realized when he blinked his eyes open was that his headache was gone. The second thing was that he could actually breathe easier, and that he wasn’t hurting quite as much as he had when he’d fallen asleep. The third, coming slowly after the first ones, as his brain gradually kept crawling towards proper consciousness, was that there was an arm around him.
Automatically Leon tensed, but then the happenings of the previous evening came back to him and he slowly allowed the tension to seep off him, relaxing into the embrace. Chris was a warm, solid presence right there next to him, and if he was honest with himself he was afraid to even breathe for the fear of shattering the delicate moment.
“How’re you feeling?” Chris muttered in a low, sleepy voice, shifting until his lips were practically brushing against Leon’s ear with how close he was. “Want me to get you anything?”
“No,” Leon answered the latter question first, even gave the smallest of headshakes. He couldn’t help but smile. All of the irritation from the previous day was gone, vanished like it had never been there to begin with. Belatedly he realized he hadn’t answered the first question, and with a hum he went on. “I’m fine.” And this time? This time he actually meant it.
Chris shifted and patted Leon’s chest with his hand, leaving it there, his palm over Leon’s heart. “You mind if I stay?” he asked, and there was something… almost hesitant in his voice. Almost something nervous. As if he was expecting to be thrown out of bed any second.
And Leon couldn’t have any of that, not now. Even though he was wrapped in blankets he somehow managed to turn around, until they were face to face, and with Chris’ arm still around him. “You don’t need to even ask, Chris,” he said, as earnestly as he could, “You’re always welcome. I’m sorry I was so…”
“Unbearably grumpy?” Chris hazarded a guess as Leon trailed off instead of going on. He was smiling, though, obviously not holding any grudges. “It’s fine.”
“Still,” Leon sighed. They really hadn’t done this whole relationship thing for that long yet, and although they’d been friends forever before that they’d never really been ones for long heart-to-hearts. Talking about feelings was something they were learning. Slowly. Together. “Thanks for staying.”
Chris leaned in and pressed his lips against Leon’s forehead, the touch barely there but still enough to make Leon’s heart feel like bursting. When Chris pulled back he hummed thoughtfully, even wrinkled his nose a little theatrically. “You could use a shower, really.”
“Ouch,” Leon chuckled, pushing at Chris’ chest to get some space between them. Only a little, though. Never too much, not when he was enjoying his own personal space heater so very much. “Are you telling me I stink?”
“No,” Chris immediately denied, with even a quick headshake. Then a grin slowly spread on his face. “I just thought you might invite me to join you.”
“Isn’t that a little presumptuous of you?” Laughter was laced into Leon’s voice, clearly audible within every word he said. Chris didn’t even give him an answer, only looked at him with a raised brow, as if he was gracious enough to give him some time to realize the error in his question. So Leon gave in. “Yeah you’re right. Wanna take a shower with me?”
This time, Chris leaned in and stole a quick kiss, despite what was probably horrendous morning breath on Leon’s end. So much for the romance. Not that Chris seemed to mind, as he just smiled brightly. “Oh I thought you’d never ask!”
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