#librarians rule
thatsbelievable · 4 months
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xlntwtch2 · 7 months
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Awkward stuff the demon brothers would NEVER tell MC (headcanon) part 1
part 2 here [LINK]
Mammon - his failed attempt at creating MammonCoin cryptocurrency
Leviathan - why he keeps his Ruri-chan figurine in a jar, if you keep asking him he'll summon Lotan
Satan - his cat fursona that he posts about on a secret social media account that none of his brothers know about
Asmodeus - his long list of ex-lovers and the fact that he's probably a father after all the succubi he smashed
Beelzebub - there are some restaurants that he got banned from
Belphegor - the last time he washed his sheets (there's a reason he likes to sleep in MC's bed)
Lucifer - his illicit affairs with Diavolo, anyone who finds out gets fed to Cerberus
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brittlebutch · 1 year
honestly Adaine is so good at clarifying/directing Ayda socially that it begins to circle back to a dynamic of like, Ayda saying "i don't know or understand these rules" and Adaine responding "have no fear, I've been carefully studying and manually interfacing with these for years, I will explain:" in a way that to me is so autism4autism
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running-in-the-dark · 4 months
it's so funny when I rewatch a show but with a new/different/additional crush. like I'm rewatching the librarians with my partner right now and it just feels soo different lol
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geekynightowl1997 · 8 months
I'm starting to think all of Christian Kanes characters are nerds in someway. And honestly I'm living for them.
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anotherpapercut · 8 months
it will never not piss me off the way people hated Martha Jones because she was in love with the doctor and they saw that as her only personality trait despite Rose Tyler and Amy Pond also having a significant part of their characters revolve around being in love with the doctor
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alexei: "look at my new dogfish" *tugs at mer! uriah's leash who gasps and flops a few steps forward*
Alexei would probably see helplessly flopping mer!Uriah and just be like "oh, too easy"
zap, grilled fish.
out of my Wildefire cast, Annie is the most likely to make him a poor tormented pet. Out of just the 'heroes', Maggie is probably the most likely.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 10 months
*Child comes into the library with a bag of Doritos, and starts eating them while reading... getting Dorito dust all over the books*
Sun would politely, albeit fiercely, refer to the library rules. One of which being:
No noisy or messy foods allowed inside.
Which would include dorito chips.
So now, depending on how severe the stains are, the parent will likely have to pay for the ruined copies of books.
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maryoliverdotcom · 8 months
a library fine?? babygirl i haven't done anything you know i wouldn't mess with the secret ancient powers of the Library. anyway i am so fucking pissed
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bobfloydsbabe · 1 year
I meant to work on my Librarian!Bob one-shot, but instead I wrote 1k words of filthy Mob Boss Bob smut. Whoops?
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girderednerve · 7 months
i make no claim whatsoever to a deep understanding of restorative justice, but it is remarkable even to me how distorted the proudly 'restorative' suggestions are in professional circles. according to a workplace training my partner did restorative justice mostly involves 'explaining to the person why what they did was wrong, ideally in public'? what the fuck is that
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original-missif · 2 years
the dichotomies between Eliot, Jacob, and Alex be like:
Eliot could work as a consultant with detectives with 0 stress but Alex could never work as Leverage International's chief Hitter without going into a full blown panic attack.
Jacob could work with the Leverage team on any job involving art theft but Eliot could never help The Librarians when it comes to art history.
Alex could work a job with Leverage exposing a drug manufacturer, but Jacob could never act as detective consultant.
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angeltannis · 5 months
Trying to enjoy the interesting and lore-rich world of Forspoken while avoiding thinking about how it’s most likely never going to be explored or expanded or touched upon ever again 🙃
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ocpdzim · 1 year
anyway. banging pots and pans together.
there is a HUGE need for substitute teachers right now, and unlike most jobs which claim they need workers so bad but then don’t hire you, they’re very serious about it when they say they are hiring whoever, at least in my district. i was hired almost immediately w no interview or anything. so was everyone else i know who applied.
depending on the district, requirements for substitute teaching vary, but in some districts you only need a high school diploma. in my district you need some college credits but not a degree.
to my understanding from talking to other subs from around the US, pay and benefits are highly variable depending on the district. mine pays ~$14/hour for most schools, but ~$17/hour for middle schools. from other subs from other districts, the highest hourly pay i have heard of was $34/hour and the lowest was $8/hour, so depending on your district it might be either a great paying job or a really shitty paying job. some districts, like mine, also offer full healthcare benefits including dental and vision, even though it is a part time job.
the best thing about substitute teaching is you get to choose which schools you work at and when. once again the exact details of this vary, but i am allowed to work anywhere between 4 days a month to full time. i can accept sub jobs months ahead of time or in the morning right before i leave to go to them or any time in between, whichever i prefer. i can choose whichever schools i want for this. if i go to one and it sucks i just don’t go back there any more.
worried you don’t have the skills? listen. if you have the very basic skill of “don’t be a dick to children,” you are already ahead of a lot of people in the field, and the kids and the rest of the school’s faculty WILL benefit from having you in the room instead of either someone who is mean to them or nobody at all. the sub shortage is so bad right now and it causes chaos in classrooms when there is no sub to cover an absence - teachers lose their planning periods, students are shoved into other classes than their usual one, it’s a big mess. i went on the job assignment website just now and you know how many classes in my district alone need a sub tomorrow and do not have one? 124. there will be more by morning. if i felt like working tomorrow, i would have my pick of these. if i wake up and decide last minute that i feel like working, i can.
not only that, while it isn’t guaranteed (since some schools will put you on lunch duty or have you cover a different class), most of the time you will get a Long Paid Break when substitute teaching. this is because teachers have a planning period at some point during the day. it’s like an hour long most of the time, but i’ve been to schools before where it was literally 3 hours long. for teachers this is not a break bc as the name implies they are planning their lessons and grading papers during this time, but if you’re a substitute, you aren’t doing that stuff. if you are really lucky this will be the last period of the day and when that happens the school will sometimes just let you go home. i still get paid for the full day when this happens. 
substitute teaching is a job where you can make a real positive difference in your community, you pick your own hours and the location you work at, and a significant chunk of the time people at work are very appreciative of your presence and nice to you. sometimes a child will even draw a picture for you which is the cutest thing ever. like. i cannot recommend it highly enough. if you need a job and have at least a high school diploma Google It Right Now And Check If You Qualify.
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magicjudge · 11 months
How does Epistolary Librarian interact with alternate casting costs like kicker or Launch the Fleet? Can it grant Launch the fleet to each attacking creature?
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(Kicker and Strive are optional additional costs, not alternate costs, FYI.) When you cast a spell without paying its mana cost, you're just saving on the printed cost of the spell, e.g. W in the case of Launch the Fleet. You can still choose to pay optional additional costs (and must pay mandatory additional costs), but you actually have to pay mana for them.
Also, by the time Epistolary Librarian's trigger is resolving, it's too late for the trigger granted by Launch the Fleet to do anything unless you have additional combats later in the turn.
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