lara-cairncross · 2 days
Shows up
Requests art suggestions
Draws Leo and Donnie being besties
"Back when their relationship was still good"
Refuses to elaborate further
im iconic like that yes
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lolottes · 8 months
Flash had to modify the time… then modify a little differently Now he has a sarcastic teenage meta who interrupted him in the middle of patrol
Meta: Flash? you're the one who changed time? well done to you, I'm immune to time change and your last change made my existence illegal, a government agency, my now ex and my own parents want to kill my hero identity and the justice league no longer remembers me! I'm not going to ask you to change the course of time, but if you could tell the Justice League to remove the anti-ecto laws that would already make a big difference for me!
Flash: uh, ok I'll watch that?
Meta: ok then, good luck, I'm going back to patrol my own city
Flash once the meta part: did the first change create a new hero and the second ruin his life? ... oh my gods, how am I going to explain this to the other???
Or Danny and Clockwork take advantage of a double change in the timeline and the Amity Park blackout to lie to Flash
BUT it's for a good cause! for the ghosts, and prevent war crimes which will end in war / massacre of the Earth
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thepersonalwords · 4 months
She's mad, but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire.
Charles Bukowski
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xx-stay-strongxx · 3 months
Immer mehr merk ich wie die Zeit an mir vorbei zieht und ich nicht vom Fleck komme, wie meine Träume immer mehr zerplatzen.
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first rendered drawing in one million billion trillion years I hate mituna he's literally me
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The police covered up killing this man for as long as they could. If the shooter doesn’t kill you, the police will.
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Republicans (and MAGA Morons) always lie when the truth doesn't fit their narrative.
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
So... while I understand your approach, and believe that the prohibitions/ screening questions are not all reasonable:
Working in the medical industry has taught me a few important things: You cannot test for everything, and no test is perfect.
You can have HIV+ without knowing for many years (admitedly therefore damning the time limit, but it is uncommon), so one does not necessarily know that they have HIV.
In addition, the screening is in place more for the fact that.... there are a lot of diseases, they cannot test for all of them, so they do their best to lower likelyhoods.
The Bad Blood issue was increadibly serious.
If you disagree with the screening questions, lodge complaints, try to make it more transparent, lobby, etc.
Do not lie on medical questionnaires. Please.
anal sex is not the only way to contract HIV
screening questions should not exclude anyone and should highlight only the need to test the blood for that thing
literally your whole argument fell apart immediately "one does not necessarily know they have HIV". well quite. and the screening questions aren't going to eliminate it either are they. unless you propose only taking blood from virgins? no? then it remains bullshit
"there are a lot of diseases" yeah. duh. no shit. which is why the screening questions highlight which to test for and not outright exclude the entire population on a what-if
one of my exes is HIV+. he got it from a woman. who would not have been excluded by this oh-so-holy screening. funny ol' world innit
she - you know, the HIV+ straight woman with no tattoos? her? - wasn't excluded and could give blood (she didn't know she was HIV+)
you know who is excluded? and still, in fact forever, technically cannot give blood? me, the verifiably (many times over verified) HIV- person. because I have tattoos and have had sex with MSM and, in the past, IV drug users.
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realpokemon · 1 year
please post more
for you, anon, i am deleting my blog
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yet-another-moron · 7 months
There's some dumass robot lady telling me somethinf about staying alive like fuck off I'm eating choco chip cake you mechanical btich
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nebunulcusentimente · 9 months
“Hurt me with the truth but never comfort me with a lie.”
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lolottes · 8 months
variation of yesterday's idea:
Flash makes a double change in the timeline
Danny this time does not come from this universe. He claims that Flash erased his existence as a hero AND as a civilian and not only that, HIS city doesn't even exist anymore, he doesn't know where his friends or family are now! insert eyes here wet holding fake tears
So ok it was a big lie and blatant manipulation, but the GiW had killed his friends, his family learned of his hybridization and his parents wanted to "cure" him and they gave him medicine to knock him out and he s only woken up because they made him fall down the stairs leading to the labs where the dissection table had been prepared and everything! After a hasty escape and a call from Jazz, who had inquired about their parents' plans, she sent him to get Dani and then demanded that they leave for the zone… then a few hours after confirming that they had both arrived in the area the portal had exploded!
So yes Dani and him had decided to move into another dimension and clocwork had the idea of the stratagem of using the temporal changes of a hero named flash to insert themselves
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hopefulngold · 8 months
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forever you and i
namjoon / jungkook / hoseok / seokjin / taehyung / yoongi
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dreams-incorporated · 1 month
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Everything was wrong!
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superbellsubways · 1 month
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are you guys seeing this. rn hello can angone help me hey.helo uuuuuwhw wbwjalwnwbwk ahwbwj hello Tumblr
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dk-thrive · 5 months
I don’t believe you, she says, the world around you is made up of lies, where will we be if you start lying to me also?
— Paul Lynch, Prophet Song (Atlantic Monthly Press, December 5, 2023)
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