#like many he’s got a big heart
amareinmortis · 1 year
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ENTP never fails to speak his mind, but his honesty is why he’s admired rather than mocked.
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
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I'm telling you, everything's gonna be all right as long as we're together!
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sometimes i remember that gojo wanted to tell geto “we’ll meet again, right?” just before he died but forced himself not to knowing it would have cursed him and then i start thinking about how kind and thoughtful gojo is as a character and how he hasn’t been able to lean on another human being since geto defected and then i want to . Scream
#like. there’s something almost helpless about that question. because gojo doesn’t *know* the answer…. he’s asking for reassurance#he wants to know if they’ll ever meet again even though deep down he knows the answer#and it’s so… bare? so vulnerable.#if he had voiced it that would’ve been the first time in TEN YEARS that gojo truly bared his heart to someone and asked for help#but he knew it would turn into a curse and so he gulped the words back down. :((#gojo is such a sincerely kind and thoughtful character and it breaks my heart that sooo many people in the fandom can’t see that 😭#he isn’t a saint and he definitely isn’t selfless but above all else his goal as a human being is to make sure no one ever feels alone.#that no one has their youth taken away from them….. that everyone gets a Choice in how to live their life :(((( it’s so important to him.#i just genuinely don’t understand ppl who insist that he’s morally gray ….. gojo is a consistently Good person and that never changes#he wants to have fun and laugh and he wants his students to enjoy their youth. he wants them to think he’s cool.#he’s the big brother slash father Ever and i love him to death#i got sidetracked this was supposed to be abt geto 😔😔 anyway the final scene between them will always be my Favorite ever#and the key to understanding both their characters and love for one another#ty for coming to my ted talk i’m feeling normal abt them today 😇😇#ari noises ✩
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keeps-ache · 2 months
there are a couple changes i would make to the keyboard if i could:
wiggly exclamation mark
bleeding heart emoji
varying snake emojis (more poses would be fun)
question mark with a little heart for the dot bc, well,
more explosions
and that is all thank you
#just me hi#i need these a lot#wiggly bc it makes a lot of sense#i am saying something but with a sort of ~~~~~~ to it!!#/bleeding heart because the other night (it musta been about 3 a.m.) i was looking for an emoji to really get my point across and i sadly#realized that i had imagined the existence of it. the disappointment was immense <//3 hfhs#/SNAKES. need i say more? :>#do i know a lot about them? not yet. am i scared of them? yes. but i love them a lot thanky#/i am asking a question but it's with love#<3#/explosion emoji my beloved#we NEED to diversify hfhsvb#a mushroom cloud would be cool :3 or one that clearly has shrapnel in it#or one with a little heart that's like the exploding head emoji. because it's like that#i'm mentioning hearts a lot bc the heart is willing but the brain is. trying#//anyway in the other newsings i'm remaking those pi.e refs again lmao 👍#ik they're only so many months old but man i changed some of the designs a bit during those months hfhs#funny how i made refs because i thought 'oh i haven't changed their designs in forever - it's not like it'll happen anytime soon yea?'#and then..........#oath's design has changed the most minimally during these - how many ? two‚ three-ish years - so i thought Ahh nothin'll happen#but Then--#aura has morphed So many times - she was at least 3 different people before i actually Got her so hfvhs <3#kinda knew that would happen. but she's actually changed the least so Lollll#hid's usual look has not changed at All - only his actual form‚ which i tweak every second day or something#and i've neglected kira so badly fvfsh - so now i've added and removed and swapped things for her in worldrecord time ! i think i've got he#in a way i like though so :D#but bc of all these changes now i gotta make new refs bc they are Inaccurate#not a big deal. but oh it IS#wonder how long it'll take me this time lol :) only one way to know ehegh#//anywho ciao ! i've got the things and stuffs to be doing.. ooo toodles :33
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ok so whos YOUR favorite link and why is it wild XD
My favorite Link IS Wild, thank you for noticing.
My reason for liking him is two-fold, really.
Breath of the Wild is, to date, my favorite Zelda game. I've played a few of the others (namely a few of the really old ones and Link's Awakening), but I loved the open world gameplay and the ability to explore everything.
In Linked Universe, he's one of the Links that has the broadest range in head canons (or at least for years he was--the fandom has been picking on some of the other boys recently, good for them). Is he an insane pyromaniac that explodes things for fun? Is he an uwu baby that's oh so sad about his past? Is he a distinguished soldier and Champion of Hyrule? Is he feral? Is he an insecure "failure" that seeks the approval of others? Or is he confident in his own abilities and self at all times, having survived this long in the wild? Is his head stuck in the past with his ghosts and all of those that died and regret? Or is he looking towards a hopeful future and rebuilding the kingdom with Zelda? Does he see Time as a father figure, or as an unwanted authority? Does he see Twilight as an older brother, or as an interloper on his own freedom? Does he lean on the Chain as family and the same soul? Who is his family? Who is he to others? Who is he?
Anyways, as someone that was really struggling with their own identity (especially during the pandemic, yeesh) Wild became sort of a comfort character for me. He and this fandom got me through a lot XD in those years.
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crazy-maracuya · 2 months
*cracks open a cold one* The Epic of Gilgamesh but science fiction setting.
#honestly the ideas got so big that I thought about making the Mesopotamian mythology but in a scifi dune like setting where#the gods are all related to each other but ruler over different contellations and have their own houses to control over the planets#Enkidu is artificially made by Aruru who sees that Gilgamesh is colonizing certain planets and exploding them of their resources when#its stated by literal laws that he isnt supposed to do such things as it has once caused great intergalacting wars before (cough deluge myt#) and The whole story halfly revolves around them half around the other gods trying to start more wars due to enkidu's planet that he has t#protect being a planet of ultimate misteries and unexplained phonomena that has been able to protect it from MANY exterior threats#yes even gilgamesh to an extent.#It is also one of the powerful planets that had once been in the dominion of Tiamat before they killed her.#ALTHOUGH plottwist. some gods arent even sure if the had killed her or not. so muhuhuh mysteries#and homo and bi homo and bi.#I also have some thoughts Shamhat being a priestess of a cult trying to protect Tiamats heart.#Enkidu and Gilgamesh scifi battles PLEASE#Ninsun and political science fiction drama PLEASE#The Annunaki being the ones to hold most of the power over the 12 contellations. There are other places out there (other gods ruling)#but its mainly just the twelve constellations that are the important ones. anyaways#mesopotamian mythology#sumerian#ancient history#writing promps#gilgamesh#gilgamesh and enkidu#the epic of gilgamesh
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seiwas · 7 months
allow me to gush for a minnie, my bf just did the cutest thing 🥺
there's this japanese bakery by his gym that we buy bread from whenever we're craving something late at night (it's usually a mix of the last few stocks but we’ve been doing this thing since 2019 where we taste test whatever’s left).
and today, just when he got home from the gym, he messaged me one after the other: "i have smth for you" -> "but i wanted to—" -> "nvm i'll just call" then called and showed me the bread he got for me 😭 he got us one each of our fave one 🥺
and he was doing this face 🥺 saying: "i can never hide anything from you ☹️ i meant for it to be a surprise but i really wanted to show you 🥺" and then after a while, "how come i can't keep things from my *insert petname* ☹️🥺?"
i am so 🥺🥲
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ereborne · 3 months
Song of the Day: March 15
“Over Yet" by Hayley Williams
#song of the day#very exciting to have one of my brothers tell me entirely unprompted that he's enjoying the current playlist#a very big win#I spent most of my work day today doing what I've been thinking of as 'evil rubber-ducking'#where the IT guys throw me the especially Difficult faculty members--the ones who can't be helped because they won't listen--#and I trick them into actually talking me through what they're doing so we can find the problem and fix it#(eternally amazed by people who request help and then refuse it. you called me bud. you submitted a service request ticket on purpose.#oh you can't do your job without connecting to the vpn? that's great we can't fix it until you tell us what's fucking stopping you)#mostly this 'tricking' takes the form of me being a sweet young butter-wouldn't-melt Southern girl in over my head with mean IT guys#bless them (derogatory) these folks who won't let IT even attempt to start working through the 'have you tried' scripts#because they know they're getting something wrong but are too angry-embarrassed to admit they don't know what#are still delighted to mansplain the idea of a remote connection to me#--that's not fair. I shouldn't mischaracterize them it's mostly not mansplaining.#the two today were yankee-splaining me. city-splaining maybe.#what would a hick like me (y'all is one person. all y'all or some'a y'all for multiple people) possibly know about enterprise networks--#anyway they were using the wrong login credentials and were so sure of themselves they'd never even tried the other set just to see#bless. their. hearts.#(IT owes me so many little favors like this now. the latest database tweak I asked for got done live while I described it to them)#anyway anyway! love the chorus on this song#'to get out of your head yes break a sweat / baby tell yourself it ain't over yet'#makes me move my head every time
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crunchycrystals · 4 months
hsmtmts you couldve been such a good show..........
#crunchyposts#hsmtmts#genuinely mourning how good it couldve been but they just got hit with so many scheduling conflicts like#covid and actors being unavailable etc etc horrible circumstances and then also just chose to make it bad after that lol#ive genuinely read fic of the show better than season 1 which is my favorite season and is still flawed#rini slowburn throughout the entire show........ we (ie me a rini fan) couldve had it all#ashlyn realizing shes bi without needing to break up with her boyfriend and same for big red but i know what happens in s4#without even seeing it i heard what fucking happened and im pissed#ricky couldve developed better coping skills w/o needing to immediately break him and nini up again#either dont make them get together after s1 or stretch it out for longer so its not so jarring#i wanna rewatch s1 now :(((( and i wanna reread i bet theres other reasons i warm your heart#btw this post is from a rini fan pov but i do realize that with the way ricky was written it wouldve been best if they didnt end up togethe#i just liked them. and like to believe that they couldve worked it out at some point while also helping ricky get better#maybe instead of. immediately in s1 going for nini he works out his issues which gives him confidence to ask her out again pleaseeeeee#also coming at this from a slow burn childhood friends to lovers fan pov so obviously i am biased and its just what i wouldve liked most#not necessarily what would be objectively best for the show
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danceintheskies · 1 year
just watched spifercerbecb;
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spock-smokes-weed · 1 year
At what point does Anakin ‘Darth Vader’ Skywalker give off the vibes that people think he can make healthy decisions for himself?
And if he did leave the Jedi, who do you think would swoop in and offer him support, probably a job, and what ever else he could need? Palpatine. Who do you think he would run to when he starts having visions of Padme dying? Definitely not the people who dismissed his visions of his mother being tortured before. No. He would go to Palpatine. The Sith Lord. Who orchestrated Anakin’s fall from day one.
Him leaving the Jedi wouldn’t have changed the final outcome.
Honestly you kinda hit the nail on the head. Anakin leaving does not fix the core issue of the Jedi order itself. The whole kinda point of Star Wars is that the Jedi order of the republic created the perfect breeding ground to create a figure like Darth Vader. And denying the roll the Jedi played in leading him to the edge is just kinda frustrating to me.
Like Palpatine was only able to sink his claws into him because he offered a judgment free space for Anakin to express his emotions. 
And saying Anakin should have left because he wasn’t cut out for it really ignores the fact how he had no real choice in being a Jedi; Qui-Gon made that decision for him. The Jedi was his family for over a decade. And he’s been told since getting there “you are going to save the universe.” If you think Anakin wasn’t cut out for it because he was to emotional, that’s literally not his fault lmao. It was the adults in his life. I think it’s so unfair to think Anakin should have upended a life that he loves because he’s not good at something he didn’t choose to be. 
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roryzs · 8 months
the one thing about toh is now i crave more kids that seem cool at first but they’re actually huge dorks. and this becomes progressively more apparent as the series goes on as it should be
#like COME ON FROM EP 1 AMITY WAS HASHTAG MEAN GIRL BUT WE ALL KNEW SHE WAS A BIG NERD AT HEART.#which is not automatically dork but w certain flags is dork adjacent and MY GIRL HAD THEM.#HUNTER WAS FUCKING SILLY MAN#we only got hints of it when he was golden guard but in ttt we got so many moments and i will be eternally grateful.#and by hints of it i do mean he was still hilarious but he still held himself to Absurdly Mature soldier standards#also ‘kids’ is used very loosely here just take it as characters in general. i love this trope#toh#i’m glad we got to see them grow from ppl who held themselves to super high standards that ultimately left them unfulfilled#and manipulated by their parental figures#to kids who felt secure enough to be silly and indulge in their interests and talk about their feelings out loud and see another purpose#for themselves#dude amity went from business tool to LOOK HOW GENUINELY HERSELF AND HAPPY SHE LOOKS IN THE END.#got her own career good relationship w her dad now dork ass girlfriend mutually supportive FRIENDSHIPS#hunter went from destined to be DEAD 💀 FEEDING BELOS PALISMEN TO LITERALLY CARVING PALISMEN + SUPPORTIVE FRIENDS ALSO +#HAVING THE GIRLFRIEND OF ALL TIME + SMILING!!! NO EYEBAGS!!! DO YOU SEE HIM LIKE ACTUALLY#oh ok we get it. i’m passionate#anyway yea. i’m passionate#the thing i like about amity is she seems like a coolkid but u realize she’s a dork. and she’s both#hunter is not a coolkid#hunter is a dork that can make excellent one liners#and kick your ass#‘one liners’ this is doing him an injustice btw#but he is not a coolkid#do i love them both? yea#the kids ever fr
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running-in-the-dark · 6 months
one thing I love about Redemption is Eliot and Harry interacting. I just love those two old men being friends, okay, it's adorable 💖
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marsixm · 8 months
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my squishmallow collection minus one dracula head keychain
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jackgoodfellow · 2 years
My good friend Sunshine Banjo Face~
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[Image descriptions in alt-text]
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hqmillioncorn · 9 months
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FFXIVWrite Day six: Ring
"-And then!!" Babycorn swung back and forth on the railing by her legs as she continued her story. "Then-! They got down on their knee and handed me a tasty looking circle!" She recounted how she couldn't resist just eating it right then and there. So she did! With a big chomp!!
Never in a million years would Babycorn have guessed that Pupusa would have actually agreed to visit her and Tilika in Old Sharlayan. Pupusa and her family had really only known each other for almost a year now but Babycorn was glad she was able to meet them at all. And while Pupusa was a little prickly on the outside, that didn’t stop Babycorn from trying to be friends with her.
Mostly because Babycorn just couldn’t tell that Pupusa had wanted nothing to do with her at first. 
By now Pupusa had softened up significantly to her younger cousin but that didn’t mean she was going to change her entire personality for her or anything. 
That’s why she even found it surprising that she agreed to go to Old Sharlayan for a few days to visit Babycorn and Tilika. 
“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Pupusa threw a bag over her shoulder. It was packed with a few changes of clothes and little else. She was a pretty simple gal who didn’t really have much use for anything else other than her hairbrush and toothbrush. And maybe a blanket or two. 
As she waited outside for Babycorn to arrive (most likely a few minutes late) Pupusa was certain that most of her family was just out of view, watching to see what would happen next. They weren’t really subtle about it at all.
Pupusa sighed, “Tia Niniki! If you’re going to stare at least try and hide behind the curtains!” This came as a genuine shock to Niniki as Pupusa was currently facing away from her. How would she know that she wasn’t fully hidden behind the curtains? Unless she really did have a pair of eyes on the back of her head, like Pupusa had always told her younger sibling. 
“I can tell because you always do this!!” Pupusa yelled out.
“See?! See?! I told you she could read minds!!” They did it before her first day working for the Immortal Flames and even during her first date. Now that had been mortifying. 
Pupusa recognized that voice as her niece, Libra. 
“That’s right! And even when I’m far away I’ll be able to tell when you’re lying to your mama!!” 
Pupusa heard a shrill yell and smirked to herself. 
That smirk immediately dropped when Pupusa noticed Babycorn excitedly running right for her. If that wasn’t enough, Pupusa could also hear Babycorn’s voice getting closer and closer. “Pupusaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!” It looked and sounded like she was really excited about this. 
Everyday Pupusa thanked the Twelve that Babycorn was not a touchy feely kind of person. 
As Babycorn screeched to a halt in front of Pupusa, Pupusa watched as Babycorn hopped up and down giggling to herself. “Yay! Yay! Yay! Are you ready to go Pupusa?!” Babycorn let out a loud “Squeeee!!” that Pupusa was worried would break the glasses on Babycorn’s face. 
“Yeah. I’m ready.” Pupusa adjusted the bag on her shoulder. “So…How are we getting there? Are we taking an airship to Limsa or are we just an airship the whole way there or-?” Despite how it appeared, Pupusa had listened to Babycorn when she retold stories of her adventure. Babycorn had traveled to Old Sharlayan by boat, so maybe they were going to do the same thing?
Pupusa had to admit she was a little excited. She had never been on a boat before-
Babycorn grabbed onto Pupusa with an apprehensive hug. It was clear that doing this was making her just a bit uncomfortable. “Hold on! Okay?!” Babycorn warned. Then she began to concentrate entirely on her Return spell. 
“Hold on?! To what?!” 
Then in the very next second, Pupusa and Babycorn disappeared in a cloud of purple aether. 
Their family more confused now more than ever. 
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Babycorn’s trajectory was just a bit off as she and Pupusa ended up teleporting straight into Old Sharlayan’s port Thankfully they didn’t land in the ocean itself. Unfortunately they did land right in the middle of a fisher’s boat. 
While this meant that Pupusa did get her wish of being on a boat it also meant she had to deal with Babycorn’s constant screaming until the captain of the boat was able to drop them back onto shore. On the bright side, Pupusa had no problems with touching dead fish so it was a fun way to entertain herself in the meantime by waving a fish at Babycorn. 
The trip down to Labyrinthos was far less hectic. Since Pupusa knew what was going to happen ahead of time when Babycorn led her to the Aetheryte in the middle of town. 
The whole walk to the home Babycorn talked Pupusa’s ears off about everything they could do while she was here. Things like eating at the Last Stand, eating some of the fruit they grew here, eating some of the school lunches at the Studium while Tilika was busy working and chasing frogs.
Pupusa nodded and agreed to everything that Babycorn planned, not only because she was only halfway listening but also because she was genuinely excited about the whole trip. This was the first time in a long time that Pupusa felt out of place somewhere and while it was sort of a scary feeling, it was exciting all at the same time.
Knowing that the sky above them was all a fabrication was an extra funky feeling.
Suddenly Babycorn took off running, leaving Pupusa behind. 
Just in front of them, a pink viera was waving them down. A group of dolls were waiting just behind her. It was a good thing that Pupusa already knew about Babycorn’s doll situation or she would be tempted to turn around and walk all the way back to Ul’dah.
She wasn’t a big fan of dolls.
“Tilika!!!!” Babycorn ran up to her cousin with a big smile and looked back to Pupusa who was making her way to where they were at her own leisurely pace. “Look! Look! Pupusas here!! Yaaay!!!” She did a little excited twirl in place and the dolls spun around in place with her. 
“So you did!” Tilika nodded and looked down at Pupusa, holding her hand out to her. “Hi there! I think this is the first time we’ve met but I’ve heard a lot about you!” Babycorn hadn’t been able to shut up about meeting Pupusa’s part of the family for weeks. “My name is Tilika Stark! It’s nice to meet you!” Tilika’s heart shaped ears wiggled to themselves in happiness.
Pupusa was beyond relieved that Tilika was a short Viera. “Nice to meet you too.” She took Tilika’s hand and gave it a firm shake. While she was not unfamiliar to asking taller people to please kneel down or to stretch out her arm for shakes, she didn’t have the energy for that right now.
“I see you managed to survive the Special Babycorn Transportation Special.” As Tilika liked to call it, “Don’t worry-the second time around is a much smoother ride!” Tilika could still remember the first time that Babycorn teleported them into a random tree instead of the Labyrinthos aetheryte.  
Pupusa moved aside to let Babycorn run inside and let her continue yelling about how Pupusa was here. “Really? Did she drop you into the ocean too?” 
“The OCEAN?!” Tilika put her hand over her face in embarrassment, “Oh, Babycorn…” Talk about bad first impressions.
“It’s fine. We landed on a boat.” Pupusa decided not to elaborate any further. “Is it okay if I come in?” Normally she would just walk in without a second thought but in this case it was probably more polite to ask permission. 
Not only that, the looks on the dolls faces made her feel if she did that, she wouldn’t live to regret it.
Tilika perked up instantly, “Of course! Come on in! Yes! Yes!” Tilika led Pupusa in as the dolls moved around to create a non-cluttered walkway for her. Some of them twirled all the way into the darkness and away from where Pupusa could see them. 
The living room was small (and very pink), with a small kitchen (also very pink) connected to it. Just a little far away Pupusa could see a few doors that probably led to Babycorn and Tilika’s rooms. (they were probably pink too if Pupusa had to guess)
“Go ahead and take a seat! I’ll get you some fruit salad me and Bebe made earlier!” Tilika rummaged through the fridge and as always let the Calca and Brina dolls spin around the kitchen and get everything else ready
Pupusa set her bag down and sat down on their very pink couch. She could hear the sounds of Babycorn rummaging through things in the other room. She was talking to herself (or the dolls) about how excited she was. Using words that Pupusa had never heard. Just what did “Jeepers” and “Tubular” mean anyway? Those didn’t sound like real words.
“Uggghh” A wave of fatigue suddenly hit Pupusa and she laid down on the couch. 
Once she did that, something caught her eye. A large bag tucked away in the corner of the house. There was something twinkling inside of it. It was really none of Pupusa’s business and she would have gladly ignored the bag all together if not for the events of the next few seconds.
“Oh yeah, can you put this in the bag with the others?” Babycorn’s voice came from her room and then next thing Pupusa knew-a stuffed kitty doll came walking in with a whole-ass engagement ring in its stubby hands. 
“HUH?!?!!?!” Pupusa sat up with a jolt and a yell that caught everyone’s attention. 
Tilika came running up behind the couch, a bowl of fruit salad in her hands, “What? What?! What?! Did something happen?!  Even though she was in a panic Tilika still took the time to gently hand the fruit salad over to Pupusa, who gladly took it. 
Babycorn came running in shortly after. “What’s wrong?!  Did something happen?!” She was holding her White Mage staff in her hands, ready to aim a Glare at anyone and anything that was asking for it. 
Pupusa leapt from the couch (making sure to place the fruit salad on the small table in front of it) and snatched the engagement ring from the stuffed cat’s little paws. “What are you doing with an eternity ring?!?!” She held the ring up to Babycorn’s face as if she wasn’t the one who gave it to the stuffed cat in the first place. “Since when?!?!”  
Being from a family of goldsmiths, Pupusa could also recognize the work of the Manderville family from anywhere. Rings like these weren’t cheap!! Whoever had given this to her meant business!! Surely Babycorn getting eternally bonded to someone would be something she would bring up to her family!! Or even to her!! 
Babycorn and Tilika exchanged a pair of looks that could only be described as “playfully nervous”
Tilika laughed nervously, “Well…I suppose now is a better time than any to find out.” 
“Find out my cousin is getting hitched?!?!” Pupusa was so busy pulling at her own hair that she didn’t notice Babycorn skip right past her. 
“Not…Entirely…” Tilika motioned for Pupusa to turn around, and turn around she did. 
Only to be met by Babycorn grabbing the bag she had seen earlier and tossing it all on the ground. “Look out belooooow!” As soon as she said that, an avalanche of rings and trinkets all descended onto the living room floor. Pupusa could recognize the makers all from a glance. If one Manderville ring was enough to make her lose her mind then seeing more than a dozen of them was about to send her off the deep end. 
There were even rings from the famed goldsmith that had famously helped out the Sultana herself a few years ago. The little ‘BB’ emblems on the rings were a dead give away. That particular crafter was actually impossible to get ahold of just what was Babycorn doing with these?!??!?!
“WhYYY do you have all these?!?!” Pupusa grabbed a fistfull of rings from the pile and looked at them in bewilderment. 
“People keep giving them to me!” Babycorn said with a smile.
“They WHAT?!?!?!” Pupusa was floored. She knew that being a Warrior of Light gave you lots of fans and attention but she never imagined it to this extent. 
Tilika sat on the couch behind them, her own fruit bowl in hand. “That’s our Babycorn for you. Just yesterday she had three people come up to her and propose to her.” She took a bite and waved her spoon around, “You should have seen it. One was a gleaner who brought her a bouquet of different kinds of flowers from all over Eorzea. It was pretty impressive.” 
“And delicious!” Babycorn licked her lips. 
“I wish you would remember to wait till we got home to eat the bouquets people give you.” Tilika had told her countless times already but the lesson still really hadn’t sunk in. 
“I’ll remember next time I promise!” 
Pupusa listened to their conversations while digging through the rings in front of her. If the countless amount of rings wasn’t bad enough, there were some that had clear bite marks in them. She didn’t even have to guess what those were about. But it would be really fun to ask about it anyway.
She grabbed one of the rings she couldn’t recognize and held it up to Babycorn, for some reason it was glowing with a ring of light. “What’s with the bite marks? Did you try to snack on some of these?” 
Babycorn nodded, “Yeah! I ate a lot of them before Lunya and Vertical told me I should stop eating them!” It had taken her a while to stop entirely but eventually Babycorn had moved from eating rings to just taking small bites of them, all in front of the people that were giving them to her. “I can’t help it! They’re really yummy!” 
“There’s yummier things out there sweetie…” Tilika tiredly explained.
“Yeah! Like flower bouquets!!” 
“No! Not like those!” 
“Wait.” Pupusa put the ring down onto the pile and looked around. “You’re telling me you had more rings than this?! You just ate them?!?!” 
“Yuppers!” Babycorn laughed to herself, as if this was much much less of a huge deal to her than it was for Pupusa or literally anyone else. And that’s because it was. 
“That reminds me! I still have two rings to put away! Be right back!!” Babycorn skipped back to her room, a group of dolls trailing behind her. 
Pupusa was left in a state of shock, as Tilika made her way next to her. 
Tilika knelt down and gave Pupusa a reassuring pat on her shoulder. “Welcome to the club.” 
“The club…?”
“You know! The being single club while Babycorn gets like fifteen potential suitors a day club!” Despite Tilika’s wording, there was still a smile on her face. 
“Um, I have a boyfriend.”
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