#lilith in 10th
astrostaydelulu · 2 months
Short astro notes
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Moon aspect Venus(negatively)/Neptune individuals are the heart of crystal with haze around it. Pure yet blurred, surrounded by distinct thoughts of their needs vs wants. They may try to find their love in people who aren't the one. Be prudent while making choices as you don't want to be wounded in the end.
Lilith in 10th/6th/Virgo/Capricorn or aspect with Midheaven people please be cautious in your work environment. Not only this people get bashed for no reason or for just putting their opinions in front, is so witless. People envy their success/ work and slur too. Authorities can be a big problem for them likewise.
Mercury/3rd house with the influence of Venus is such a beautiful aspect. These people are great at writing( relies on other aspects too). They are good at paring their words in a ravishing way that it's almost bliss to hear them. Also a placement for good writers/poets on the topic of love, beauty, art, appreciation, etc.
Moon's prominence on the midheaven constantly makes great chefs, hotel managers, caretakers/nannies, teachers, preschool administrators,  etc. In general, they are promising in these fields with their ability to manage things.
No one can beat a Venus- Neptune/Pisces Venus/ Venus in 12th people when it comes to having the trope of " one-sided secret admirers". Well, not prefer one-sided but yeah when they fall in love they are the most adorable. They can be so in love with their crushes/lovers, that it is unexplainable.
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punksocks · 10 months
Placements For Romantic Archetypes Pt.2: The Siren (18+ Only)
*Adults only! Minors dni
*just based on my experiences, only take what resonates
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She’s absolutely hypnotic and the only thing she did was walk into the room. Someone with a magnetic air, that always catches attention from the people around them. Seen as sensual and mysterious, some people think they’ve got to be paid to look that good. In a lot of people’s fantasies, even if it’s only for a moment. Gives off maneater energy and brings out some sort of obsessive tendency in others.(Can apply to all genders but is often seen in the form of femmes that have a lot of mascs run after them.)
-Scorpio rising/Pluto in 1st: Classic placement for this vibe lol. I’ve been working on understanding exactly why this placement tends to catch so much obsession (and bruh I don’t know). I have a few theories, but for this one I’ll focus on s*x appeal and power. Scorpio rising gives the native a naturally heavy aura, the kind of energy that can’t be ignored when they walk into the room. Everyone immediately has a reaction to energy like this, and typically it’s either disgust or fascination. When people are fascinated it can easily slip into obsession. Everyone wants to know how you got so -magnetic-, so -powerful-. But not only is the native the mysterious sort that won’t exactly broadcast that information- this sort of power is second nature to them. Death and transformation is the way they’ve moved through this world as long as they could remember. I’ve noticed, this sort of short circuits some people. They want to pick apart every detail. They want to know why they’re so hooked on you even though they barely know you. They want to be immersed in the well of you. It’s intoxicating. (The natives also tend to be compelling and magnetic in general, the type to hold an audience’s captivation)
-Lilith in 1st/10th: Always gotta mention Lilith lol, she explains a lot. So it’s like the birth and death of Scorpio ascendant with something more. Twice as polarizing. It’s like that sort of energy with this potent, heavy dark feminine energy. It’s like they unlock these hidden primal desires in people that people didn’t even know they had. (Typically someone heavy in their feminine energy will have the Lilith energy and be like unlocking something in everyone else). There’s a lot of power in walking into the room and setting people off. Some people (dominant energies)tend to see this as a challenge and then these people want to cage that s*nsual, intoxicating native, and keep them all to themselves. (They also tend to be like curvier body types, so take that as you will)
-Lilith in 12th: People’s secret fantasies. They subconsciously desire the native. The native also brings peoples deep rooting cravings to the surface with their presence alone.
-Scorpio Venus: Power and presence. The native has a very heavy and influential energy. People often find them charismatic in an enigmatic sort of way. They attract powerful friends and romantic interests. They have a very seductive aura and typically can be as obsessive as some of the energies they attract.
-Venus hard aspects (especially conjunct but also square/opposition) to Pluto: Pluto’s tension with the native’s Venus tends to make them have a Scorpionic tinge to their romantic lives and the way they act as a friend/romantic. They can be dark and obsessive and have trouble taking things slow, they tend to attract romantic interests with this energy as well.
-Venus/Mars in 12th: Hidden desires. And also the native (subconsciously usually) has this ability to tap into whatever their romantic/s*xual interest desires on a subconscious level. A lot of like not just having s*x but tapping into and healing or bonding with someone on a soul level. (Sometimes on accident lol, doesn’t make them any less addicted though!)
-Venus/Mars in 8th: The natives have a heavy s*xual aura. They are also very memorable and they probably are a lot of people’s s*xual fantasies. Tendency to go deep in relationships and trysts to find out all they can about what makes their partners tick.
-8th/12th house/Lilith synastry: Ahahaha, Ah yes, the synastry that tends to f*ck people up (usually dudes, when is it ever not dudes). 8th house synastry tends to be dark and taboo and s*xually charged. Like the passion is so intense you find yourself all wrapped up and out of control. 12th house synastry is that like person that gets so on your mind they’re in your dreams. Just when you think you forgot about them they’re running through your mind again. It’s dizzying (especially since this usually is the house of hidden enemies, confusing stuff). Lilith synastry is just.. it can be so messy. The Lilith energy is often going to shine a light on what the other person is dealing with on their shadow side. This could be insecurity, anxiety, s*xual inadequacy, anything deep dark and hidden away. It’s often dizzying for anyone even a bit insecure (and let’s be real, most of us are), and can bring a reactive nature to the chemistry. (Bonus points if any of these placements are in Scorpio)
-How do you get her to be yours? Forever? Slow down, cowboy (very cool of me I know). Before you try to cage the siren (learning nothing at all from all the mythology that says hey don’t do that) have you tried to approach them like a person? Do they have a rich inner world outside of being a s*x object? Try to take a deep breath, look at why you’re only seeing this person as a goal to score or a bird to cage. And then have a polite conversation with them like a person. And expect nothing in return. That’ll put you ahead of 50% of the competition right away, and maybe you’ll get lucky and get invited into understanding the siren and their complex inner world. (Or maybe they are in their maneater phase, in which case have fun or steer clear, it’s up to you lol.)
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fgefrgbghv · 4 months
Astrology notes 1: Family & genetics & my placements
Capricorn Moons - very unstable, irresponsible and childish and overall can have a terrible, irresponsible and childish mother, often absent father, often are the oldest kids who raised themselves, their other siblings and partly also their parents.
Experiences: my best friend is an oldest child cap moon who raised basically themselves, her mother is almost as shit as mine,, which is A LOT,, also her father tends to be on long work trips a lot. like,, majority of her life and ive never actually seen him except her jokin glike two times about him being autistic -
Scorpio Sun - Often Black sheep of their family - raw, wild, different from their family and often put aside in a different box cuz of it.
Experiences: my scorp sun dad - he is literally an adhd energetic worcaholic goofball in a house full of conversative "mental differences & ilnesses aren't real" (I mean, he is this too tho-) lazy people. or at least,,, he grew up to be. I hope we're not like this lol.
Also this thing about scorp placements being neurodivergent -
Experiences: my moon and my dad's sun, both having adhd and possible autism
Scorpio Moon - The worst moon sign to have objectively. A terrible, over-controlling, border narcissistic mom. Were literally taught to be feared by her and her obsessions. Have it the worst. Also they get so much trust issues from their parents and overbearing, too-involved and wanting to be controlling everything in their lives, mother, so they aren't very good with relationships, and often feel
Ecperiences: Me. I have it, also a very terrible and fanatic and often crazy, mad and frantic - not in a good way - described by people who she has around and me, who knows this aspect of her way too much,
On the contrary, Taurus Moons - Objectively the best moon placement to have. Imagine taurian qualities and that in a mother -- boom, now you have won.
Exps: - My brother is this, and remember that frantic mom we have? Well, if you saw her around him, you'd almost believe she is actually normal. They have a great relationship. I mean, she IS kinda awful, but like, doesn't make his life hell,, in contrary to mine.
People often tell people with Lilith in 10th their worst horrible horrible secrets and their dark side. And like when they tell it about them to anyone else they're always like "noooo, them??? They'd NEVER do that." and just people
I have Pluto in 11th - which makes me always on the edge of social groups, people not trusting me easily and always having a thin line between friends and enemies, mixed with my moon sign never knowing who to trust because I KNOW people are gonna turn their back on me a lot. Happened a lot always and will happen, anyways. Also, combined with my Lilith in 10th, women don't like me in general, so, personally, as a man-repulsed person... Yayyy. I have a loooot of people to talk to and to choose from, lmao.
Peace out, guys.
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agirlisdeath · 10 months
I didn't want bodily pleasures or light-hearted love. I needed something deeper. Earth-shattering, rapturous. I needed it to quench my soul.
- Scorpio rising
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astrroloaries · 2 years
Lilith in houses
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Lilith in houses
Lilith changes a lot when traveling through all the astrological houses. Studying the house placement first is even more helpful, but over-all combining your sign and house can lead to the utmost understanding of this part of your natal chart.
Lilith in 1st house
Hiding your deepest desires and wishes is really hard with Lilith in 1st, even if the individual is a bit ashamed and tries to hide it, it just comes out pouring in almost every case. It is very visible and readable. These individuals might also feel a sort of dissatisfaction (the sign placement would help here, depending on the sign Lilith is in, the individual might incline towards those areas the sign represents, so you can discover or learn more about what the dissatisfaction might be about, for example a Taurus Lilith with a 1st house would indicate dissatisfaction of their possessions, wealth, security, image etc.). Some individuals with Lilith in 1st can feel like they are constantly not able to identify with themselves fully and struggling with it. For some, Lilith in 1st can cause body image issues, feeling ashamed of themselves, of their personality, of their looks.
Lilith in 1st can also be described as someone who reacts and subconscious so it can be hard to work with these people. The thing with Lilith is to always transmute it to the highest potential and form which is achievable instead of falling to the lowest instincts (undeveloped) which can cause pain. With Lilith in 1st, these individuals, should always examine their steps and the action they prepare to take. Also they should dig deeper and investigate just what it is that motivates them rather than trying to push themselves into something so they can get rid of the feelings of shame or to get a “hit”.
Lilith in 2nd house
The darker impulses of the 2nd house are all about money, possessions, survival and/or image. Lilith in 2nd individuals might be obsessed with all or either of these things. This obsession comes from fear. Avoiding to deal with this fear, with the obsession, they try even harder to achieve those things.
They might have experienced rejection which deeply hurt them, and the way their mind works is that in order to get over it, or beat it is to achieve everything materially and just show those people how wrong they were about them. This rejection has been carried out with them whether it comes from a past life in order to deal with it through a journey, or it directly happened to them it is very present and felt. These individuals also fear failure, losing everything and being left with nothing, having nothing, having no name, no legacy, no stable foundation, but that fear lives within them. If they truly accept themselves, they wouldn’t let themselves be operated and lead by fear. Their path to healing is through self-acceptance, self-love and inner child work.
Desiring material stability, beautiful things is nothing to be ashamed of, but it shouldn’t be a leading force leading to obsession which can lead to worse things. Keeping themselves in check and not feeding that obsessive streak is by celebrating achieving authentic success and it feels just about right.
Lilith in 3rd house
Before these individuals had walls up which guard them, they were probably so open to the world and got wounded and hurt. The wound is probably connected to communication/the truth. Maybe it has to do with writing, anxiety, over thinking, expressing oneself, social anxiety, public speaking, maybe even learning disabilities or just a different way of learning that others in their surrounding, a disagreement of what’s true and fake and false. All these experiences might have made these individuals super guarded and cautious in communication.
They either stay silent during communication or maybe they create a persona based on what others like to see and hear and want. In some form or shape their communication is sort of inauthentic, they also censor themselves because they carry the fear of being judged and misunderstood and they are afraid they might get punished for it. Lilith in 3rd can heal through a start of communication with their environment in a natural, authentic way, drop the persona, reveal yourself and don’t be afraid, don’t give a flying crap about those people. Through their healing they might learn that truths can be different and real, each of us experience things differently it is important to pay attention to all of the sides but that does not invalidate your feelings and your thoughts on the matter. It is valid and important to paint the whole picture. Interaction with nature and energy is also very healing, it can get the flow going. Don’t be afraid to use your words as they come naturally.
Lilith in 4th house
Lilith in the 4th can be found in early childhood, family, home, memories, relationship with parents here. The side of Lilith carried within the 4th house might’ve been hard to handle by the parents or the parents did not know how to handle those deepest desires and urges that Lilith causes within us in these individuals. Because of that they either suppressed Lilith because they thought it wrong to express it (accompanied by guilt and shame) or they were rejected in some way. A lot of the time Lilith deals with shame within us created by all these urges and desires, with the 4th house here it can be shame caused and felt by themselves, feeling self-disgust even as children. Even as they get older it doesn’t feel any less shameful, they need to heal their inner child.
The shame experienced can be connected with the sign Lilith is in. Inner child work is necessary to heal, as it is forgiving themselves and finding self-love. Lilith in 4th might be one of the slowest ones to go through the path of healing and patching up those wounds.
Lilith in 5th house
Lilith in 5th individuals were probably shamed about something that happened in their childhood by childhood peers/friends. They might’ve played with themes surrounding Lilith which were probably prohibited and/or taboo by society, especially the other children and their parents. They might’ve been deemed inappropriate.
Lilith in 5th individuals are probably really cool, expressive and futuristic but they are more often ahead of their time and are judged because of it and rejected by society. This rejection causes the wounds inflicted and shame that could play out in two different ways: they could either lean more on the obsessive side and display Lilith even more to others, the rejection make you want to express it even more, flaunt it even more, but you don’t accept them within yourself. All the attention is on Lilith here but it doesn’t help with healing. The other way would be suppressing everything and pretending to be “normal”. Which can mean living a double life or pretending these qualities and sides do not even exist. But as time passes, the pressure can become too much and everything can come pouring down as a tsunami.
Issues with children might be present as well, as we mentioned maybe their personal problems expressed since childhood, or causing them to not want to have children.
The healing path isn’t repressing or flaunting. Instead it is to go inward and leave all of these motherfuckers on the outside, outside. Work on yourselves, go inward, start hanging out with yourself, loving yourself which can only bring you closer to your authentic self and it can make you feel good about yourself. In some cases healing can start when these individuals leave their community/town and just find themselves in another place/city/state. But the way isn’t to show or prove anyone anything. It is about shifting the focus in another direction - themselves, self expression through authenticity.
Lilith in 6th
With the 6th house, here we are dealing with mentors as in teachers, parents, bosses or any other authority figures which are in positions of mentorship. With Lilith in the 6th the way these individuals accomplish their goals and their tasks might not line up with the ways of their mentors/authority figures (society) who consider what’s “right” or “wrong”.
These individuals have different ways about going on things and are/were probably scolded because of it. This can be expressed anywhere in their lives, during school, professional life, participating hobbies etc. The lesson with this Lilith placement is to follow their individual way of doing things, even if others do not appreciate it. But, this might develop differently for different Lilith in 6th individuals, some might turn to a way of slavery/servitude in order to survive (in childhood or a past life). They get troubled with what it is they “should” do and the real trouble is them finding their own voice when it comes to mundane life things. They definitely struggle with what others think and what they want them to do instead of following the beat of their drum.
The healing path here is to embrace Lilith and focus on the feelings inside, on the right that you think/feel/have a way to do. Lilith is an outcast for whatever reason anyway, especially for following her heart, which is something that you need to do. The Universe will definitely send them small struggles which turn into lessons each day to help them build up in order to follow up with their further work with following their heart and their gut instinct rather than the voice of society/authorities.
Lilith in 7th
These individuals more than any other Lilith placement might have trouble seeing Lilith within them. They might be the ones to look a partner that has Lilith qualities because they have trouble recognizing and acknowledging Lilith in 7th within themselves. They might sense these qualities but most are suppressed. There is a part of them that they do not embrace and own up which causes them to not use that part to its fullest potential.
They are inclined to end up with a partner which has qualities of their Lilith sign. The relationship itself might be forbidden in a way, taboo, on and off, obsessive. But it is important not to avoid these type of relationships, owning up their Lilith qualities can really be helped through these types of relationships, they awaken these deepest parts of them that they so masterfully suppressed. They attract these partners because they are the ones that can teach them how to express it; they just need practice to do so. It will be difficult at times and painful but it will be worth it.
Lilith in 8th
These individuals have probably experienced pain or trauma early on in life or maybe a past life. A very intense placement. The trauma/pain caused early on or in a past life creates fear. They might feel like they are always running from fear. The fear can create this, sort of, control issues, them wanting to control others, their surroundings or just, themselves.
They might push themselves to believe that this control will stop their fear somehow, or banish it from existence, but they are wrong. Dealing and healing will only help.
As we know, the 8th house is all about going through hell and then rising from the ashes stronger than ever, Lilith in 8th has than transformative power, so the changes are big that these individuals will transform, self-destruct then rise again. Trusting again in the Universe, in themselves is something they will need to re-gain, re-program themselves and such. They should figure out what that pain/trauma caused them, what they felt, sit it out, feel it again, learn from it. See the timeline, how the Universe helped and what did they learn from it.
The intensity of the 8th house here can be channeled into power and passion (especially in relationships) if they heal.
Lilith in 9th
With Lilith in the 9th, the individual’s thought process is different, the way their thinking is wired is different (topics like religion, philosophy, cultures, languages, education, sexuality, etc), but they lack good expression and therefore it can result in them being misfits in society. Lilith in 9th makes them feel different  because it does not agree with society about some or many things (also take into consideration the sign which Lilith is in). Because of the suffering and hardships they may endure they will even try to fit in and conform despite Lilith’s position and they will try to hide and/or suppress their opinions and thoughts or the other case-scenario would be that they would flaunt their opinions even more but at their core they would still be insecure and will not accept themselves fully despite the flaunting.
Healing this should start by them figuring out why they think the way they do and how is that different from most, generalized society opinions, accept themselves and the way they think and also trust that there is a good reason (cause, purpose, mission perhaps (?)) that has lead them to think uniquely and differently.
Lilith in 10th
The 10th house covers public image (among other things). Their public persona carries the effect of Lilith and it is something they might feel they need to hide and/or control better. They probably want to be accepted and welcomed by the public and that would be suppressing Lilith’s influence (to some). The sign Lilith is in (accompanied by the influence of the house) will probably make others uncomfortable which would probably not feel good for the image at that very moment, but that is just the eccentric and magnetic influence of Lilith. For some individuals, this placement can make it a bit harder to settle on a career path that will be satisfying, the other case-scenario would be that other would stay at a job for such a long time even though it does not make them happy at all and they will suppress Lilith, while others might hop from job to job, searching for something that feels right.
When these individuals release the suppression of Lilith that’s when they will find peace, career-wise and with the struggles of their public image. They should honor themselves and their path instead of longing for some kind of popularity, instead of playing by some societal rules that only make you that more miserable and unhappy. To heal and start somewhere is to recognize the reactions of others are based on them and their experiences, not on you, your flaws, purpose or your way of being, you are perfectly fine, we often-times project and channel our inner rage/confusion/loathing onto others who are different and unique and do things differently from us, who are different from us while we are stuck in this system accordingly.
To heal is to commit to yourself just the way you are, your authentic self. Get to know yourself, learn about yourself and your depth and work on how to improve, heal, better yourself and fuck that public image it will never be perfect.
Lilith in 11th
With Lilith in 11th there may be a rejection felt from groups, especially early on in age. These individuals constantly have that feeling that just tells them that they do not belong and fit in anywhere (whether that’s in society as a whole or a small friend group). They just have a deep need for acceptance and might feel shame and guilt for not being able to get it and fit it.
They might differ from desperately wanting to, trying to fit in, or just totally giving up and starting a path of aloneness. A thing to work on is acceptance, but acceptance from yourself, realizing that you have been gifted such unique traits and a special personality that makes you stand out. Figuring yourself out and your differences, acceptance and then, naturally, you would be inclined to offer your gifts to the world willingly.
In the beginning these individuals are naturally drawn to groups who will not accept them, but working and healing on themselves will also naturally draw them to groups of people who will be accepting and perhaps even like-minded as them.
Lilith in 12th
12th house is all about hidden-everything, which means hidden Lilith or to be more exact, the effect is hidden, shadowed which makes the individual subconscious to it or totally oblivious. The other way would be that those around them won’t notice their Lilith influences at all. As I’ve mentioned above in other house placements, the sign has a major influence too, for example Lilith in x (a sign) that draws attention somehow but it is in the 12th house will result in feeling all of that but not wanting or just not acting on it. It’s hidden from themselves and the people around them.
There could also be some types of blockages that restrict tapping into the Lilith power for these individuals. A lack of knowledge, a lack of drive, motive etc. Sex could also be a big subject here, the individual is so subconsciously trapped within self that they cannot understand sexual activity let alone enjoy it, after one has healed Lilith and accepted it can enjoy and delve into sex. Lilith in 12th can be very wild and reckless because she is most suppressed here and also hidden. Some of these individuals might have been bullied a lot also. Lilith in 12th healing can go as far as past lives instead of just childhood trauma/wounds/toxicity, the karma and healing can spread as far as a past life it can make the healing process even harder for this placement. Escapism is also likely with the 12th house, so indulging in activities/substances/behaviors/patterns which are of that nature can also mean the person is running from their deepest instincts, self, but others may decide to start healing right away.
Connecting the physical body and mind is one key to healing. Our bodies are vessels and they are our messenger, they can let us know when something is wrong (chills, a bad feeling in your stomach, every inch of your body saying ‘no’, sleepiness, dizziness etc). Once something is up you can dig deeper, especially if it is anxiety, and discover Lilith, discover what shames you, what guilts you. To realize this connection can also be helped by spending time in nature, grounding can be a wonderful way to start healing.
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clairdelunascent · 1 year
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Introverted Intuition or Ni, is characterized by their inclination towards “a-ha” moments and their symbol oriented perception of the world. With an innate talent for seeing meaning everywhere and striving towards their desired future, INxJs are unparalleled when it comes to big picture thinking.
Astrological placements that I associate with the Ni dominants, INTJ & INFJ:
Lilith in 10th, Venus in 10th, Lilith in 6th, Venus in 6th, Pluto in 6th, Saturn in 10th, Saturn in 11th.
<one track mind for success, a fine eye for detail, goal oriented, ambitious, a heavily analytical mind, and a stern and domineering presence amongst their peers.>
Pluto in 5th, Scorpio 4th, Scorpio 5th, Scorpio Juno, Aquarius/Uranus in 8th.
<hatred for small talk, all or nothing attitude towards relationships, a need for depth in their relationships, and finally for aquarius/uranus in 8th, a deep inquisitive mind that they use to break down their interests and hobbies.>
an updated repost. if you don’t have any of these and are an ni dom, i’m in no way discrediting you. these are just placements that give off the energy of ni inherently.
dt: my fellow ni dom, @8emstar8.
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1-800-cy6er-5lut · 5 months
my lilith is in taurus in the 10H.. i was literally destined to be a sex worker.
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hellastress · 4 months
What i find astonished between 1H and 10H lilith is that 1H lilith won’t feel sorry for yourself while the 10H lilith is you will feel sorry for yourself
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jessicajakdw · 3 months
lilith in saggitarius in the 10th house
I have lilith conjunct my midheaven, conjunct my Mars and my pluto in the 10th house in sag, can Somebody please tell me more about this placement?
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diveinyouastro · 9 months
🌡~My take on scorpio placements ~
☆ scorpio in the 7th house- usually get cheated on by their partners. Go through Toxic/ narcissistic partners at some point in their lives. 3rd party situations. Partners lying and deceiving you.
☆ scorpio mars- usually center of attention (attention grabber not seeker). Females with this placement tend to attract jealously from their so called friends or just other people in general. Men tends to sexualize them alot, Might have spread rumors about them at some point.
Men with this placement, if underdeveloped, tends to be toxic af. The need to control everyone and everything around them is just awful. Fuck around a lot. Sleeping with different different people.
If developed, good achievers. Very strategic mindset. Usually get what they want in life. Bulletproof mindset. Very good at talking to people but still maintaining boundaries. Loyal.
☆scorpio suns- idk why and how, but when people get to know that someone is a scorpio, they get weirdly attracted to them??? Like staring at them, wanting to know them. Intimidated by them.
☆scorpio sun/moons- have a good sense of humour. They can make anyone laugh. And with this, they tend to attract alot of people who wants to be in a relationship with them.
☆ scorpio venus- won't say a loyal lover HOWEVER when they love love, they are loyal 100%. Underdeveloped can lie about being in love.
☆retrograde scorpio venus- feels unlovable. Extreme trust issues. Highly sensitive. Very very very high on trust. You know how they say scorpios take tests? With this placement? Tests x 100. Don't give 2nd chances. It's very very difficult for them to be vulnerable. People have rejected them alot. Might have been body shamed or criticised for looks. They feel like they don't deserve to be loved.
☆scorpio stellium in the natal chart- highly intuitive. Usually sees things beforehand. POWER. THE DARKNESS. THE EYES!!! Very beautiful people inside out. However they don't trust easily but if they do, for the love of lord, don't break it cuz you'll be coming back again and again to win them over.
☆scorpio moon- been through some serious shit. Been through hell and back with themselves. They understand people very well. However, they don't get the same understanding in return. They can see right through you so don't f with them. Hate mind games.
☆scorpio rising- very very intimidating. Females with this placement tends to attract jealousy in any form. People want to dominate you so bad. People telling them to tone it down. Basically people don't like your mindset, it triggers them cuz they can't have power over you. Hates 2 faced people. And the irony is, they usually deal with 2 faced people.
☆scorpio lilith- highly seductive. Very attractive. Sex appeal. Feelings run deep for them. Had people who wanted them only for sexual pleasures, wanted to touch them in any way. High vibration scorpio lilith is THE HEALER. also I've seen yall had some near death experiences?? Or witnessed someone dying in front of you.
☆ scorpio mercury- moves in silence. Very strategic and careful. Committed to anything they put their mind into. Always ready to be one on one while fighting. Their way of talking is very intense and mysterious which makes people wanna know how do you think like that. When they say something they really mean it. They take their time. Expects the worst. They figure things out so fast so don't even think of gaslighting them.
☆Scorpio in the 10th house- achievers. From a young age they had an insight of what they will become. Hold power in their work environment. If your a student, your classmates want to steal your notes, they feel envious that you make pretty good notes of whatever you're studying cuz yall go in depth and make pretty good observations of the topics. Authority figures.
☆scorpio in the 5th- gets extreme reactions from people. Ofcourse with any other placements, attracts jealousy. (Bruh I don't get it, what's with the scorpios dealing with alot of jealousy???? Like that's tiring) Grabs attention in parties, get togethers or any form of social gatherings. Might have dealt with people wanting to take your partners. Might have overly strict parents or very fucked up family issues.
That's it for now🫶🏻
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lunadileo · 4 months
👑 Leo Placements. The Crowned One 👑
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⚜️ LEO IN 8H: Your charisma and self-confidence help you receive and enjoy financial prosperity throughout your life. You easily gain recognition and approval from others. You love sharing success and spoil your loved ones. Possessing great inner fortitude and bravery, you can handle any challenge with authority and self-confidence. You are controlling and possessive in love, physical pleasure and intimacy with your beloved is something you really enjoy. ⚜️ LEO JUPITER: You are very expressive and have a big heart. You draw others in with your charismatic and ambitious personality. Your strong unwavering beliefs and grandiose way of speaking inspire others. You have a natural power of persuasion. You are very energetic, prosperous and have a gift of mentoring and leading others to success.
⚜️ LEO ASCENDANT: You have a larger-than-life attitude. Like the sun itself, you radiate so much powerful and warm energy wherever you go. You have regal features and manners like a straight posture, fearless look in your eyes, gaining all the attention when you step into the room. You love to wear expensive designer clothes, shoes, bags and jewellery. Your sense of style is posh and chic and you are a trend setter. ⚜️ LEO IN 2H: You have a great sense of self-worth and know that you deserve the very best in life. You are a big spender and have a lavish lifestyle. Being generous with people you love and spoiling them with expensive high-quality gifts make you happy. You are very successful in gaining financial security and living in comfort. You possess strong values and can easily influence others. ⚜️ LEO SUN: You are like the Sun itself, full of passion, creativity, confidence and energy. You lead others with warmth, strength and generosity. You are the life of the party and enjoy being in the spotlight. Your natural desire to express your self makes you a great actor, public speaker and influencer. You have a lionhearted spirit that roars with passion and conviction. ⚜️ LEO LILITH: You are extremely magnetic and have a diva personality. Being pleased and satisfied is important for you in romantic and intimate relationships. You love yourself and express your emotions dramatically. You find most pleasure in being treated like the queen and being adored.
⚜️ LEO IN 10H: You are here to shine in your chosen career and be in the spotlight. You are a natural born leader skilled at mentoring others and creating a powerful position for yourself. You are courageous and talented, likely to select the entertainment industry as your field. You are confident and determined in your goals and aspirations. ⚜️ LEO MARS: You always make a strong impression on others with your passionate and demanding energy. Your kingly/queenly sense of entitlement propels you toward achieving your goals. You take an active role in everything and you don't forget to have fun, be playful and enjoy life on the way. You demand unwavering respect and recognition for your hard work and impact. ⚜️ LEO PLUTO: You are all about dignity, honour and authority. You are magnetic, original and dominant. You are passionate about things you want to accomplish and love it when others recognise your success. Being assertive and strong-willed, you strive to gain a deep sense of self. You love having a good time, to entertain and spend time with your friends. You are free-spirited and live your life being confident in yourself and your abilities. © 2024 Credits to my blog @lunadileo.
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lavishlyleo · 1 year
Astrology Observations 3
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The power pisces placements hold is actually insane, like everyone talks about how intuitive Scorpios are, but have you seen what a Pisces can do when they set their minds to something? Especially a Sun / Mercury Combination in this sign. Like these people can not only predict many things and easily read foretold messages, getting insight on something before it happens, but they also have heavy manifesting powers when they have a lot of faith in something that they think will happen. It's like they speak it into existence. These people have a sixth sense I swear.
Like everything people think Scorpios are Pisces IS.
Having a Libra or Gemini Moon in your Solar return chart could indicate you being put in a situation where you appear fake and/or two faced. ( NOT Natal chart, Solar Return Chart ) I remember during 2020 I had this, and I used to always wanna keep the peace and harmony in my friend group, but when certain people left that I didn't like, I used to talk SO MUCH SHIT. It's a thing of not being liked by certain people or not liking certain people and them making you irritated and angry, but not wanting to cause more problems that would make the situation worse. So you just leave it be but as soon as you get the chance to vent about it, it's like a flood gate opening.
Moon in 11th house people CANNOT live without their group. I know someone with this placement and he always has a group to tag along with and he has so many connections to people. He's the poster child of social butterfly.
Being around someone with a Debilitated or Fall Moon ( Capricorn and Scorpio ) when they're irritated or angry is so draining. Like they WILL suck the energy out of the room when they're mad. Like you're walking on eggshells with what you say to them. However usually when the native realizes that it's affecting everyone they will leave the scene until they cool down, or try to sit down and talk about their feelings. This is because they don't want to stew in their own anger because it's draining to them too, so most would rather solve the issue than keep being angry.
Pisces Mars is another powerful placement to have for intuition and being able to dissect people's mind, intentions and feelings. Mars is the energy we put out into the world, but Pisces Mars uses their energy to absorb other peoples' energies to get the feel about somebody. This can also indicate someone who is very sleepy all the time, espeically around emotionally and spiritually draining people because they have to use more energy on these people.
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In synastry, we all know to check Venus, Mars, Moon, ect. HOWEVER! I feel like another huge determining factor in synastry is ruler planet chemistry. For example. If person A has Gemini Rising, and person B has Capricorn Rising, You would check how person A's Mercury aspects person B's Saturn. If A's Mercury trines B's Saturn then they could have a relationship based off similar experiences and having similar ways of thinking, despite their Rising signs being in quincunx. Also take into account where the chart ruler falls in each others charts. Another example is if Person A's Mercury could be in B's 6th house, making their relationship more work related and, and they sharing everyday little details to eachother.
Having a lot of strong and prominent aspects to one planet can make it a key focal point in your life, even if it's not the chart ruler, dominant planet, ect. This also means that planet has a more far reaching and influential power over the many planets it's aspecting. Think of dividing and conquering in a sense. And the planets being aspected by this one planet can even take on the qualities of the planets sign(s).
For example, someone can have many planets in fire or air, initially giving them those fire/air qualities. However, if their Saturn aspects alot of their planets (especially personal planets), then they may take on a more serious and calculated demeanor. Similar to that or a Capricorn or Aquarius.
What is it with fixed Mars signs and BEING SO FUCKING STUBBORN!? Especially Scorpio or Taurus Martians. I mean I know I can be stubborn sometimes but this is insane. In some instances, they KNOW they're in the wrong but will still defend their side of the argument until they day they DIE!! Obviously this is not everyone with this placement, at all times, but I've seen a couple people with this placement do this in when debating or arguing and it's like talking to a brick wall.
Having a lot of planets in the 10th house, or having personal planets in the 10th house in many of your Persona charts can indicate being very conscious of what you say to people, or to the public as to not have anything you say ruin your reputation. Any vile or ill feelings you have towards people are said in private to people you trust. These people are VERY conscious of their social and digital footprint.
Sagittarius Risings can have be very clever and calculating with their addictions. They're excellent at saving up money and rolling on a tight budget, thanks to their 2nd house being in Capricorn, however, with the full intentions of blowing all that money on something most people would find reckless or not essential. For example, saving up a months worth of rent to blow it all at the mall on anything they find and like when they get there. Calculating enough to know how much money they'll likely need for their adventure, but vague enough not to know exactly what they'll buy when they actually get there.
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I think this kinda goes without saying but also look at the house your planets are in along with the sign! For example, Someone with Libra Mars may seem really chill and compromising but if they have it in the 1st house they can be way more agressive and bold than a normal Libra Mars, and take on many traits of an Aries Mars.
On the same note, look at which specific house the planets are in, I feel like planets can be effected by the whatever house they are exalt, domicile, detriment, or fall in. For example, Venus could be in it's home sign, Taurus, however if Venus is in the 6th house it would still be in a somewhat fall because Virgo rules the 6th house and is in fall in Venus.
ALONG THE SAME NOTE, I don't see people talk about this enough but signs in domicile can be just as malefic as signs in detriment!! While a Capricorn Moon can have trouble showing their emotions and opening up to people, a Cancer Moon could be too emotional and always make the topic about how they feel and their emotions. Or while a Pisces Mercury could be avoidant and emotionally persuasive with their words, a Virgo Mercury could be overly analytical and constantly nitpick.
If you don't relate to a house placement, check your chart in whole houses.
With most of us alive today having Neptune sextile Pluto, this means we tend give a LOT of power to people we heavily idolize or are obsessed with greatly, for good or for worse.
I feel like the people who get stereotyped the most and/or have a warped stereotype applied to them that isn't consistant with the signs original stereotype usually have Pluto, Neptune or sometimes Uranus in their first house because those planets stay in a sign for years and can affect that generation of people. For example, Sagittarius Risings are stereotypically optimistic, easy going, adventureous and free spirited. However with most of Gen Z having Pluto in Sagittarius, this gives our generation of Sagittarius Ascendant natives a more serious, intense and secretive qualities.
A conjunction between two planets that are in different signs can weaken the conjunction. This is because while the planets energies are still combining, the planets have different ways of outputting that energy, which can sometimes disrupt the synchronization of the two planets.
This goes for opposition too, and I think it makes it worse because usually when two planets are in opposition, they are in sister signs, which gives them similar qualities and a basic understanding for each others energies. However if two planets in opposition aren't in sister signs, then this can make the placement feel more like a Square/Quincunx combination because there won't be that initial understanding or similar qualities, And the signs won't share the same modality or element.
I feel like Lilith aspecting the Moon can be more detrimental and powerful than the Moon being in Scorpio or Capricorn. This is because Lilith in astrology, like the moon is related to feminine energy (After all it's black MOON Lilith). But because of this very powerful and similar influence to the Moon, this can warp the effects and qualities the Moon has on the native, and the line where Lilith and the Moon's influence seperate can blur for the native. Personally me, I think this placement is the most powerful Lilith placement/aspect to have, even more powerful than aspects to the Ascendant or Sun, and is what typically makes someone a Lilith dominant.
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Placements that indicate having strong manifestation powers -
Jupiter or Venus in the 12th house.
Neptune in the 1st, 3rd or 8th
Having Pisces in a fire house (1st, 5th, 9th)
Sagittarius in Neptune and/or 12th house
Having planetary conjunctions where the planets in conjunction are in Pisces/Aries (One planet is pisces and the other is Aries)
Saturn in the water houses
Stelliums that include saturn or Neptune
Stelliums in the 8th house
Ruler of the 12th house in the fire houses (Co rulers count too)
having many planets in the 10th or 11th house (because they are Saturn ruled houses and manifestation here is a result of good karma and time).
On that note, not every planet in the 12th house is good for manifestation. Brash and scattered planets like Mars, Mercury, Moon, ect can be too chaotic and scattered for accurate and great manifesting.
While Venus Persona Chart can show what kind of lover you are, Juno persona chart can show what your lover's chart may look like.
Look at where the Ascendant of the Ascendant Persona Chart Ruler is in your natal chart for more insight about your identity and what your core themes are. For example if your Acsendant PC Rising is in Aquarius, check where Uranus and Saturn lies in your natal chart.
Personally, I think Venus should be exalted in Cancer and Jupiter should be exalted Pisces, they need to swap because it would make so many things line up with the placements exalts and domiciles for Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, ect. For a more in depth analysis check out my post here
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xeeroo08 · 9 months
Astr observations 《4》
Disclaimer: I am not an astrologer. This post is only for entertainment purposes, so whatever I have mentioned, if it is reasonates, well and good, and if it doesn't, then please take it with a grain of salt. Thankyou.
🛖 Aries in 3rd house may have a very reckless yet mature behind the scenes relationship with their siblings. They also fight a lot with their siblings for no reason. Surprisingly, this usually goes physical more than verbal. Very playful relationship. There is always a strong urge to hit the other person and irritate them to death. It gives them pleasure. When injured, you might immediately stop the fight no matter how serious it is and take care of each other. Oh, and if someone else dares to trouble any of you, hell would break loose. They can't hear anything bad about each other. In certain cases, this could also apply to mars in 3rd house.
🪵 Dirty mind, Dirty mind, Dirty, Dirty, Dirty mind~ Heard the song? Yeah it's made for those who have their personal planets or ascendant conjuct asteroid Prevert. Trust me, the dumb way to die is by sneaking a glance in their minds. You will be traumatized for the rest of your life and will never look at them the same way again. At any given moment their thoughts are always in gutter. Yeah I am calling myself out at this one. Do I care? No.
🛖 Mars in 10th house folks are really good at dancing. They dance so well.... like you can see the passion in their steps. Dancing can be one of the hobbies in their lives. These people can also be known for dancing professionally and being captivating as hell on social media.
🪵 Lilith in 7th house could indiacte having seen a lot of failed marriages in their life. This could be in their immediate family or even include their own parents. Hence these people have a really different mindset when it comes to marriages. They might even resent the idea of getting married and often question, what's the point?
🛖 Moon in 1st house are babies. Literally babies. Like they look so damn cute and adorable that I just can't help myself but give them a huge hug. They are the most genuine type of people I think because its rarely when what's on their mind is not on their faces. They look so innocent and naive (even if they are legit not.) People just wanna protect them at all costs. They bring out the maternal instinct for them from the other person naturally. But no matter what their warmth is the best comfort zone and their arms are home <3
🪵 Mars in 5th house would definitely be that uncle/aunt/cousin/sibling who spoiled small kids to death and taught them to do weird stunts and create a headache for other family members.
🛖 Transit Saturn in 1st house is really frustrating. It feels like you are doing nothing progressive for yourself and just wasting time. Your efforts go in vain and its really hard to maintain consistency. Sometimes you also realize what mistakes you are making but you find it difficult to correct them. Mental state is always fluctuating and self-confidence is very down. This mainly goes on until the very end when you realize that now you gotta be serious. But when you really do hardwork and break the cycle of laziness, it pays off. Its like an immature, careless kid suddenly becoming a responsible and serious person. Remember, our beloved saturn plays mind games with you. Its either you break free from this if you want the prize or pay the price.
🪵 The people that I have seen to be most likely get cornered, misunderstood and targeted are people having chiron in their 1st house. Its really concerning and hurtful. Because of other idiots these babies get hurt on a very deep and subconscious level. They occasionally have identity crisis and depression is their bestfriend. They try to be happy but life always seems to push something in their way.
For example, I have this relative of mine and she lost her brother a year before she got married. She thought if she starts fresh, it would help. But unfortunately turned out her in-laws were not good people. She was gravely misunderstood by everyone. Even if people knew that it was not her fault, they took great pleasure in gossiping about her, blaming her and literally named her a psycho. Which she is not ofcourse. She was just mentally fragile and instead of understanding her, supporting her, they made her more unstable for no reason.
🛖 Leo venus folks love Cats. They are an animal lover by heart and soul. They are someone who might stop their car in the middle of the road because they saw a really cute cat walking on the sidewalk. Just to go their and mingle with it while thinking, If only I could take it home....
🪵 Cancer moons in 3rd house, please, please stop imitating that baby voice just to butter me up and get your work done. You might think its cute but no, I can see through everything and its so annoying plus immature. Ofc now it doesn't apply to everyone out there but those who do, please take my advice and stop it. Usually I have noticed only underdeveloped people do this but until they realize, its too late and others already find them so annoying. Honestly Cancer moons are so smart yet sometimes they.....*sighs*
🛖 Nessus aspecting Mercury could mean that you often end up hurting people through your words or the way you communicate even when you genuinely don't mean it. These people are really misunderstood a lot of times. Also this works the other way too. For example, you get easily hurt or offended when people speak ill about you. They might just share their opinion on your new home decor but instead you would feel insulted when in reality that's not the case. Not that you would hold a grudge, it depends person to person but you will definitely not overlook that. It would just sting a lot for no reason. You will always wonder, why did she say that?
For positive aspects, this could work out well too, for instance they know exactly what to say and what not to. They can be great negotiators, entrepreneurs and social influencers. They also know how to handle people embodying nessus qualities like a troll or opposition hell bent on creating trouble. Hard aspect people will slowly learn to overcome their problems in communication with time and experience.
🪵 Mars opposite MC screams suppressed anger. The thick tension between their anger and self-image is unbelievable. They don't like to get angry in public. They often gulp down their anger to the last extent because they don't want their reputation to get spoiled because of it. Sometimes its automatic they wanna get angry at someone but end up swallowing it anyway. But please don't test their patience. They might just explode unexpected at any time like a nuclear bomb and destroy everything within their range, not caring about their public image whatsoever.
🛖 Lilith in first house/Conjuct Ascendant are the infamous bad examples of the family while Lilith opposite Ascendant are the good examples with secrets darker than nightsky- always holding their sanity with a single string. Ironically, both are siblings, two sides of the same coin.
🪵 Remember, in one of my posts, I said that I don't relate with Aquarius rising and their unique fashion sense? Well, guys, I finally cracked the mystery! It's not our fashion sense that's unique. It's us. We are the aliens. Ok, that was a bad joke. But really, for example, a few months back, I wore a very pretty dress at my cousin's wedding. And istg people were looking at me like I was an alien, like I wore something totally out of the blue. As if It was not something improper or overdressed but very different than what everyone was wearing, which, of course, was not the case.
Now the funny thing is, if it was someone else wearing the same dress, I don't think anyone would've said anything about it. And voila! It happened. A few days back, I attended a family function, and I saw a girl wearing the same dress in different color and design. And fr nobody uttered a word. Those same people overlooked her as if it was totally normal. As if they didn't just make me talk of the town for a whole week because of that dress. So yeah, finally figured out, it's me, I am the problem.
🛖 Its not always true when they say Earth Mars people are calm and collected. I mean they are but suppose you have a virgo mars but you also have a Leo or Aries or Sagittarius stelium, your Virgo mars will be crying in the corner while that fire stellium will create a havoc and burn down the whole world in matter of some seconds.
🪵 North node in 11th house people are so likable. They are that one friend who knows the entire school and vice versa. So many connections and so many new friends. They just keep making connections left and right no matter where they go. People like to be in their contact. This gives me 'popular girl' vibe.
🛖 You sneaky little thing, you think no one knows how much you love reading smut? Yeah you, I am talking to you, Scorpio Jupiter/3rd house. Look me in the eye, I dare you to deny this.
🪵 Mercury conjuct Mars.... man, they literally spit fire when they talk. Can't win any argument against them. Ngl, I told my friend that I would leave her if she doesn't keep her hands off me special mention to her love language that is playfully hitting me at any possible situation. She just laughed and said, "Go, nobody would take you." Me: Cries silently. Her: I know baby truth hurts. Lemme give you a hug.
🛖 If you have no positive aspect to sun in your natal chart, it might be possible that people don't like your personality much. They think you are too egoistical or full of yourself. They might also backbitch about you a lot. Now this is just what I have observed so far. So it may not reasonate with everyone.
🪵 People with Sun conjuct Ascendant make very great leaders. They have a king/queen Aura surrounding them. And when they speak or share their opinion, people actually listen and take them seriously. When they walk in a room, they make sure everyone knows who has the authority.
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gayou01 · 1 year
Astrology observations pt 29
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-people with the Sun in conjunction to their ascendant have a "what you see is what you get" kind of personality and tend to really fit the stereotypes associated with their sun signs
-People with Saturn in the 10th house usually have to work for every ounce of success they achieved. If they unfairly stepped on people to obtain their power though, their Saturn return will make them fall from grace publicly
-People with their MC in Aquarius tend to get embroiled in scandals and allegations and have controversial careers, this would be especially evident in celebrities
-Leo and Pisces mercuries are both prone to exaggerating when speaking about their experiences. The difference between the two is that the latter can genuinely believe the embellished version of their story while the former usually does not
-people with Virgo placements hate when people touch and rearrange their things whether their space is actually clean or not
-Chiron in the 5th house indicates that the native got their creative expression stifled by miserable people in their lives, and/or that they suffered a lot of heartbreak romantically
-if the sun and the moon are both in your 7th house, or aspected to Juno, it is likely that your parents will be physically involved (or at least emotionally invested) in your marriage
-people with mercury-Uranus aspects always know a lot of random things that you would not expect them to know. Or they say a lot of random things that sometimes have nothing to do with the conversation at hand
-people with Lilith in the 9th house get a lot of shit for being honest, especially when they are children
-if a person has Saturn in the 2nd house, money is going to be really tight during their Saturn return and their self-esteem will likely hit an all time low
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agirlisdeath · 10 months
Her body is full of raw, unmatched power. There seems to be a reactor burning at the very core of her physical being, propelling forth magnetic forces that either burn right through you or drag you to her feet.
- Lilith in 10th house, Scorpio rising, Pluto in 1st house
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theastrologylady · 1 year
Astrology Observations #1
Leo moons are, without trying, usually the center of attention. Unlike Leo suns that outright seek attention, Leo moons receive it due to their natural joie de vivre. That joy is so contagious people gather as they hold court when they talk. Even the shyest Leo moon has this.
Women with 7th house Lilith can have a ton of admirers and a play girl reputation when they are in reality the girl-next-door type.
Moon - Saturn or Moon - Pluto aspects make for natural lie detectors. They see the motives of people either with logic (moon - saturn) or a deep intuition (moon - pluto) so that they almost know what you're going to say next.
Sun in the 11th house is everyone feeling you're their best friend but in reality there's only a handful of people that know you well.
Sun in the 10th house people everyone assumes they're doing great when they are probably feeling the pressure of that assumption crushing them mentally.
Moon in the 7th is more of a hopeless romantic than any other planet in the 7th and even more than heavy libra/taurus placements. They need an epic love and someone who will be their other half to feel emotionally stable. Their lesson in this life is to learn to be alone before they can achieve a love to last though.
Neptune - mars aspects is a naturally attractive placement. You morph into anyone's fantasy without trying. Negative aspects of this are tough for men, I think, because they try too hard to become the men their object of affection wants. Even when that's not who they really are.
Lilith - Juno aspects in 7th, 11th, 10th, or 1st house can have a hard time finding a true partner because people find them intimidating. They're a combination of naughty and nice, while also usually very sharp. People around them may feel they don't have a chance with them. Meanwhile, the native with this aspect tends to very unaware of the effect they have on others.
Harsh Sun - Neptune aspects (conjuct, square, or opposition) have an incomparable regalness to them. The way they move transfixes others. Even if they're clumsy and awkward, people will always be taken by that "special something." This placement usually has their head in the clouds, though, so they will literally have no idea.
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