#live action one piece
gravyhoney · 3 days
I think we as a society moved on FAR too quickly from Live Action One Piece. I don’t say this lightly, it was fucking phenomenal.
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dkettchen · 8 months
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in a nutshell
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sidsinning · 9 months
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I am a fan of LA One Piece somehow before the real deal
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burts-baked-bees · 9 months
OPLA Sanji x Fem!Reader
{masterlist for OPLA Sanji ongoing story}
Tags: Slight angst to fluff, slight pining, Sanji and reader are close friends and have truama bonded, Sanji has no clue he's in love with reader the poor sap
CW: Launguage, mentions of abuse, slight WCI spoliers, mentions of drinking
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“I swear I’m one shift away from throwing myself in the godforsaken ocean.” Sanji huffed angrily as he threw himself down in a nearby booth. The Baratie had cleared out for the night leaving the cooks to clean the line and the waiters to clean the dining room, but halfway through the dreaded cleanup Sanji had both metaphorically and physically thrown in the towel. The dish cloth he had been holding went flying across the room as he put his feet up on the booth he was in and groaned indignantly.
“That old shitbag won’t so much as let me breathe on the line! I’m a cook! Not a fucking waiter!” He yelled, turning his head back towards the kitchen, as if Zeff could hear his complaints.
“You think maybe it has something to do with the fact that you call him an ‘old shitbag’?” A voice came from the other side of his booth. A small smile curled his lips as he sat up some and peeked over the rounded edge of the red leather seat.
“Oh I’m sorry, did I interrupt your nap time madame?” Sanji laughed as he took in the sight of Y/n laying on her back with her eyes closed in the opposite booth. “So sorry for the inconvenience, but aren’t you meant to be cleaning tables?” He teased as Y/n cracked an eye open and glared at him.
“Aren’t you?” She asked with a sly grin, earning an eye roll and angry huff from the blonde.
“Seems the only thing I’m meant to do is slowly die from boredom in this trash heap of a restaurant.” Sanji sighed as he fell back into his seat, pulling out his lighter and messing with the lid. Y/n laughed softly before sitting up and resting her arms on the dividing seat. She placed her head atop her arms and looked at him with a mock pout.
“Awww is the best chef in the East Blue all bummed that his dad doesn't like his cooking? Again?”
Sanji snapped his lighter closed and raised a finger at Y/n, pointing aggressively at her with a snarl.
“I am the greatest chef in the East Blue. Even if that geezer can’t see it.” He stated, earning a chuckle from Y/n as she sat up and raised her hands in surrender.
“Easy now, no need to shout at a lady.” She cooed as Sanji chuckled and gave her an angry smile, hanging his head.
“How dare you throw my own principles back in my face.” He chuckled as he began fidgeting with the silver ring on his finger. Y/n sighed and rested her chin on her folded arms again, smiling softly at the mop of blonde hair in front of her. She reached over the divider and brushed some of his hair from his face, earning a soft hum from Sanji as he closed his eyes.
“I think we both know he’s only doing and saying these things because he wants the best for you. Though I’ll be the first to admit, his way of going about it is absolute shit.” She laughed as she watched his lips curl into a smile. He looked up at her, her fingers brushing against his cheek as he moved.
“Yeah, I know…” He sighed as he leaned his head back against the wall. She pulled her hand back and looked at him with sympathetic eyes. “But you're a stowaway as much as me.” Sanji joked, “And yet I’m the one being treated like a sniveling child every fucking time I step foot in that kitchen.” He huffed as he looked over at her through his bangs. She chuckled as she hung her arms over the back of his booth and cocked her head to the side.
“My dumbass thought I could be a pirate and got stuck here paying off a debt cuz’ my ship damaged the hull of this ‘trash heap of a restaurant’.” She fired back, using his own words. He opened his mouth to speak but soon closed it again as he shook his head.
“Yeah that was pretty dumb.” Sanji joked as he pulled his jacket off and tossed it to the seat beside him. Y/n gawked at him before laughing and reaching forward to hit him softly on the shoulder. He leaned away from her and shouted
“Oi! Don’t damage the goods!”
She looked at him with mocking wide eyes and barked a laugh,
“Both Patty and I would have to disagree with you on that one, lover boy.” She snarked as Sanji rolled his eyes. A calm silence filled the space as Y/n sat up on her knees and looked at Sanji. She could see something was going on inside his head, and she knew him well enough to infer that he wasn’t going to say a damn thing. She studied the way his brow furrowed and noted how his eyes seemed more gray then blue in moments like these.
There was a profound sadness in him that she had only caught glimpses of in her three years aboard this ship. A profound sadness that he had more or less shared with her one drunken night in the bar when they should have been sleeping. A profound sadness that she wished every single day she could lift from him. The two sat in silence as the ship rocked softly under them; Y/n felt compelled to speak, to do anything that might help ease his overactive mind.
“Still, knowing what I know, having Zeff treating you like this can’t be good for the ole’ psyche…”
Sanji tensed up slightly at her words and Y/n mentally kicked herself for making that insinuation. She wanted to help him, but after the words left her mouth she felt a heavy guilt fill her bones. She watched as he shut his eyes and took a deep breath before smiling ever so slightly.
“Trust me, love. I may complain like this from time to time-”
“Almost ninety-five percent of the time."
“Ooookay. Almost ninety-five percent of the time, but nothing is worse than… what I came from.” He gave her a somber smile and pulled out his lighter again, flipping the lid open and closed in an almost rhythmic pattern. She returned his sad smile and pushed her baby hairs from her forehead.
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned that.” She spoke softly as she looked out at the empty dining room; the tables were cast in an eerie candle light and the china adorning the tables glimmered like stars. Sanji looked at her, as her attention was placed elsewhere, and smiled fondly. He felt a warmth rise in his chest as he took in the curve of her profile. The slope of her nose, the length of her eyelashes, the round of her cheeks. The candle light of the empty room cast dancing shadows on her face that made her look otherworldly; he felt his smile, and eyes soften as he looked at her.
“Y/n I wouldn’t have told you about my shitty past if I didn’t trust you to check in on me like this every now and again.” Sanji spoke softly as Y/n turned her gaze back to him. She was almost stunned to see the expression on his face. The look in his eyes was, most of the time, reserved for the elegant ladies that entered the restaurant day in and day out. And yet here he was looking at her like that. She brushed the fond gaze off and swayed her head back and forth while giving him an apologetic look.
“I know, but it’s still not my place to dredge up old memories of abuse when I don’t even know the full story.” She responded, playing with the ends of her uniform shirt.
Sanji smiled at her and leaned forward in his seat, one hand braced himself on the seat top while the other reached forward and pulled her towards him. Y/n closed her eyes as she felt his lips press against her forehead.
“I appreciate you checking on me. It shows that you care.” He said softly, his words muffled seeing that his lips were still connected with her forehead. She smiled softly as he placed a loud exaggerated kiss to the skin there before pulling away and holding her face in his hand. “Okay?” He asked with a huge smile. She laughed at his theatrics and moved to stand up, leaving Sanji sitting alone in his booth as he looked up at her standing form.
“Whatever you say-” She began as she reached out a hand to help him up. He took it with a laugh and allowed Y/n to pull him to his feet. “-My favorite Baratie waiter.” She finished as she dropped his hand and started walking away from him, stifling her laughter. Sanji stood there with his jaw dropped as she walked away from him, his shock soon turning into a smile as he watched her shoulders shake from holding in her laughter. He let a chuckle slip out as he pushed up his sleeves and made a beeline for her.
“How DARE!” He yelled as he grabbed her from behind and lifted her off the ground slightly laughing as she yelped and then dissolved into laughter when she broke free. She began running to a nearby table to put distance between herself and him as she pointed at him,
“Not fair!” She yelled, watching as Sanji pointed back at her.
“Don’t you dare get me started on ‘fair’!” He responded as he laughed.
Zeff stood in the doorway to the kitchen watching as Sanji ran around tables with that wannabe pirate waitress. He observed in silence as the pair laughed and threw dish towels at each other instead of cleaning tables.
The small boy he once knew, terrified of making connections with those around him due to some dark past he kept to himself, was smling and laughing as he chased around what could only be discribed as a friend.
A small smile curled his weathered lips as he shook his head and walked away, the sounds of youth fading into nothing.
“Not bad, little eggplant… Not bad…”
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undiscovered-horizon · 8 months
4 A.M. - Sanji x Reader
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SUMMARY: Sanji's doing prep for the next day and you can't sleep which leads to a heartfelt and intimate encounter.
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It's around 4 A.M. when you get up from your hammock-turned-cot and decide to find something to do. Sleep clearly isn't coming. The past two hours of staring at the ceiling and swaying with the boat filled you with annoyance at your sudden case of insomnia.
Walking down the narrow corridor of the lower deck, you can hear the tiniest of creaks as the caravel floats along the waves. The night is so quiet, you can almost hear Luffy's snoring from his room. Usopp is mumbling in his sleep. Something about a pirate crew, carrots and onions. Nami and Zoro seem to be peaceful sleepers although with time you've learned that it's only a game of appearances - the thief and the hunter sleep with one eye open.
With each step, you can hear the repetitive sound more clearly. It's quick, separated by scraping.
The low light of the kitchen makes Sanji look almost inhuman, like the spirit of a chief cook who can't let go of the ship he had spent his entire life on. He's still in the same clothes, although the double-breasted jacket is nowhere in sight. The sleeves of his striped shirt are rolled halfway up his forearms. Where he's standing, the lonely lightbulb illuminates only half of his silhouette. The blond man toes the line of visibility as though he might disappear when you blink.
He looks almost divine.
"Can't sleep?" Sanji asks without looking away from the cutting board.
Only then, when he lets you know he's aware of your presence, do you realize you've been leaning against the doorframe and watching him for a good few minutes. Knowing Sanji, he won't think you odd but you're still a little flustered.
"Yeah. You?" you answer. In a few slow steps you're standing next to him, leaning your lower back against the kitchen counter.
For a moment, Sanji looks away from the cutting board and chopped carrots. His eyes stare into yours for a moment. It's nearly an inborn reflex that a wide smile curves his lips when he sees you.
"Not a fan of sleeping alone," he says and winks at you before going back to cutting vegetables.
The blush on your cheeks darkens a few shades (maybe he won't notice in the kitchen's twilight?). Truthfully, you have entertained that thought more than once and wondered whether similar fantasies kept him awake at night too. But you always dismissed them, thinking it wrong to have such intimate dreams regarding someone who might not even reciprocate your fondness. Sanji is, after all, a ladies' man - flowery words leave his mouth whenever a woman is around, no matter if she's taken or not interested.
Still, you believe there is something more between you and Sanji. Sometimes you think you've deluded yourself into believing this but it's moments like these, like the fond silence you're sharing now, that convince you it's not just your imagination:
Most of the time, the conversation between you and Sanji flows like a swift stream. But now, when the two of you are too tired to sleep, the silence is just as good. Even if you're not exchanging words and ambiguous comments, you feel understood. Like he knows you well enough to be able to guess what's on your mind. And you know what he might say in return, all the advice and wax poetic he revels in telling you. It's perfectly strange to converse with someone without saying a single word.
"Wanna see a trick?" you ask, breaking the silence.
Sanji is putting his chopped vegetables into large bowls. The movement of his hands is both careless and calculated as though he's letting his muscle memory take over the very last step of prepping ingredients for the next day's cooking. He's done this so many times, it's useless to think about the action too much.
"You trying to impress me, princess?" he asks in a low voice with a half-grin plastered on his face. The mischievous glint in his eye never quite seems to go away, especially when you're around.
"Nah," you answer, shaking your head, "just practising to show off in front of Zoro."
Sanji tries to pout but a genuine smile is tugging at the corners of his lips. "Cold."
Still, his eyes are glued to you. Though part of you is convinced it's not because you're about to show him a cheap fair trick. You take one of the teaspoons lying around and lift it in front of your face.
"You better not blink," you warn him.
He gives you a strange look.
"And lose precious few seconds of admiring you? Never."
Like most times, you're not sure how much of his sweet words you can believe.
With a quick move of wrists and fingers, you make the teaspoon disappear. After practising for a few days, the sleight of hand is almost flawless.
Sanji nods with appreciation.
“So you’re a magician, eh?” A low chuckle rumbles in his throat. “This explains how come you’ve bewitched me entirely.”
He leans on his arm against the edge of the counter. His head is slightly tilted as he's looking down at you. The lack of space between your bodies wouldn't raise an eyebrow in any other circumstances but now, when the night is dark and silent, the close proximity makes it hard to breathe. Your chests nervously rise and fall as you're breathing in each other's air.
“Truth be told," you begin in a slightly shaky voice, "I don’t know how to reverse the spell I put on you.”
But it seems as though Sanji has seen through your facade of humour and banter. The playful glint in his eyes mellows, becoming something more heartfelt. Your breath gets stuck in your throat and you must remind yourself to breathe.
“I’m quite content doting on you for the rest of my life."
You clench your jaw and look away for a moment. Flirty banter with Sanji is meant to remain just that - half-hearted comments with no strings attached. The problem is that, against your better judgement, you've been letting his wax poetic weigh down heavy on you, savouring each compliment and ambiguous remark like a soft river wearing down an unmovable boulder over time.
“Sanji," you whisper, "you need to stop saying all those nice things.”
“Why?” His voice is just as breathy and quiet.
“Because I’m starting to believe you.”
Something about his expression changes. You can't quite put a finger on it but Sanji's face looks softer, almost somber. His shoulders become tense as he wipes his hands on the dishrag hanging over his shoulder and tosses it on the countertop.
"Would that be so terrible, love?" Sanji drones his words. Part of you is convinced that he already knows the answer. "To believe that my every thought belongs to you?" His eyelids flutter as his gaze falls to your lips. "That I would tear out my own heart and bring it to you in my teeth if you asked for it?"
The short silence feels unbearable. You can hear your own heart thundering in your chest, beating at your ribcage to finally be freed. To let it make the decision this time.
“Alright, you’ve done it," you whisper more to yourself than to him.
You can hear Sanji sharply inhaling when you grab the collar of his elegant shirt and pull him into a feverish kiss. He tastes like cigarettes and spearmint chewing gum. His shirt is imbued with the smell of cooking oil. All of those strong aromas you've learned to associate with comfort and security.
His lips move against yours with passion and desperation known only to those who made friends with longing. Sanji places his hands around your waist, pulling you even closer to his body. If he could pull you just a little more, merge the two of you into one union, he wouldn't have to go a second without you.
Then, Sanji pulls just an inch away. His hot, heavy breath brushes against your cheeks. Swollen, red lips look even more enticing than they did before.
"Are you really going to woo Zoro with a magic trick?" he asks, somewhat tense.
Your laughter brightens up the dead of night. Sanji feels like his chest is about to burst open with flowers blooming inside his ribcage where his heart should be. And it would have been if he hadn't given it to you the moment you met.
"Just shut up."
Shaking your head, you kiss him again. Still holding you close, Sanji pushes you against the kitchen counter. One of his hands leaves your waist only to rest against the side of your head to deepen the kiss.
It's around 4 A.M. when you wonder whether being in love is like having a song stuck in your head. Or like an echo that forever repeats a single name.
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sweetvixen1996 · 9 months
Very sexy of LAOP Sanji to openly insult his workplace to customers with all the confidence of a boss' kid who knows he'll never actually be fired.
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v1nsmoke · 10 months
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Taz Skylar as Blackleg Sanji, One Piece Live Action, 2023
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billiesbabygirl · 2 months
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Nami really can steal anything, including hearts.
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gaytor-golf · 9 months
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Hes so fun 2 draw :3
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blue-jisungs · 5 months
vanilla flavored kisses
author's note. rewatching opla made me fall for sanji even more 🫂☹️
summary. despite sanji being a professional cook, he loves your – one would say – simple yet adorable dishes
word count. 856
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while dating sanji there’s a lot of things that make you crazy about him.
for example, the way he dresses. always wearing neatly fitted suits and elegant shoes adorning his feet. (not forgetting about the blonde hair – whether slicked back or loose).
or obviously his cooking skills. there’s a saying that the way to a man’s heart is through their stomach… well, you wouldn’t fully disagree. not only did he cook delicious dishes but also will cook anything that you’re craving at the moment (and won’t say a word). panna cotta? his whipping out the whisk already. lasagna? bold of you to assume that it’s not already in the oven. even a simple pizza or spaghetti? coming right up.
and something that you really love about sanji when it comes to his physical appearance is his voice. the accent, the deepness of it… it was just leaving you mesmerized – and you were sure that sanji knew the effect his voice had on you.
your boyfriend is just perfect. he can cook, he can clean… he can fight and whilst all of that he’s sexy. but also caring, sweet gentleman.
so you had your reasons to coo about how much you love him and how perfect he is.
now sanji didn’t understand one thing – if it’s fine for you to gush over him, then why are you getting shy and refusing when he’s honestly listing your qualities?
the thing about you is that no matter what you do or say, sanji will find you adorable.
for instance, he’s a chef. he used to work in baratie, a fancy restaurant where dishes are served in an exquisite manner. even now, while being a cook for the straw hats on a ship, he would still fancy up the food or arrange it in a michelin star worthy way. even plain cereal are going to be served like its a meal worth 500 berry.
and you… you’re so simple that it’s strangely cute.
like, right now.
“wait, don’t look!” you whined and turned sanji around (more like he let you do that because no way in hell you’d be able with all of his muscles). “i’m not finished yet, baby! two more seconds, i promise”
“i’ve got all the time in the world, mon amour” he hummed, chills going down your spine.
sanji sat down at the couch and observed you.
brows furrowed, tongue sticking out in focus and fingers reaching for something in a bowl.
“and what exactly am i waiting for?” he asked, genuinely curious. just when he was about to start preparing dinner, you kicked him out of the kitchen. at first he was offended: the kitchen is his workplace after all, but then he only got intrigued.
even from the other side of the door he could smell some vanilla and almond sugar yet he decided to pretend being clueless.
“a small surprise for my chef” you grinned and finally grabbed the bowl, hissing “it’s hot!”
“be careful, please, i don’t want you to get hurt” sanji smiled and his blue eyes carefully observed you.
after grabbing a spoon and holding the bowl in a way that it wouldn’t burn you, you placed it down in front of sanji.
“ta-da!” you hummed happily, putting your hands on your hips. he leaned over and couldn’t help the corners of his lips from rising.
in front of him there stood vanilla pudding. one would say it’s literally just a pudding, nothing special.
but sanji knew that it’s more than that – it was prepared by you for him, with all of your heart and soul poured into it. so what if the sugar was burned or the consistency would left zeff questioning his existency? sanji was touched.
especially when he saw the small, pink, heart-shaped marshmallows and some purple sprinkles.
“i know it’s no mind-blowing dessert but i wanted to serve you something… y’know because usually you do the cooking” you mumbled and sat down next to him.
sanji pressed a kiss to your cheek and grabbed the spoon.
“thank you, mon amour. i really appreciate that” he said with a genuine smile. then he tried it and you nervously scanned his features. will he like it? is it even edible?
sanji’s blue eyes lit up, sparks of joy dancing in them. then he took another spoon of the yellow pudding with a marshmallow in it and turned around. his free hand tapped your chin and you opened your mouth, blush creeping into your cheeks. he guided the spoon to your lips, the other hand resting below the spoon in case anything fell.
you took a bite and scrunched your nose, which drew a bubbly laugh out of his chest.
“it’s too sweet” you mumbled and sanji just shook his head.
“just like you” he teased and put the spoon down, tucking a hair behind your ear “it’s perfect. thank you so much, mon amour”
then he cut the distance between you two, his plush lips landing on yours; the kiss expressed his gratitude too. and the sweet vanilla flavor lingering on his lips caused you to smile.
masterlist <3
taglist. @eternalgyu ,, @haecien
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dkettchen · 6 months
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guess who finally got around to drawing some opla zosan
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scarletttries · 4 months
Roronoa Zoro Falling In Love Headcanons (One Piece)
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro (Live Action One Piece) x Reader
Rating: Fluff
Word Count: 1.6k
Author's Note: After lacking a bit of inspiration recently I just finished watching the live action One PIece on Netflix and am completely obsessed, especially with Zoro! So here a few little headcanons for him, and I might do a part two of relationship headcanons too. Also requests are now open for any of the one piece characters so send them in! 💗☺️
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- Oh Zoro. Truly the epitome of a heart of gold hiding behind a sarcastic, borderline cold, facade. A man who pretends to be affected by nothing, despite having so much space inside him for friendship and devotion.
- Chances are he'd first come across you when he and Luffy are docked in another new town. Maybe you're a pirate whose name he's heard in passing and considers trying to capture for the bounty. Maybe you're someone who just loves and helps out the small seaside village you live in, trying to make a few Berry from the ships passing through. Maybe you're the next key step to reaching Monkey's dream of finding the piece. Whatever he expects to find when your paths cross, it certainly isn't you.
- Before he even knows you're the person he's looking for, one look at you and he knows you're important. Like you exist in a slightly brighter light than everyone else he's ever met before, and he's not sure if he should shield his eyes or if he can't bear to look away. He stops dead in his tracks at the sight of you, the first glimpse enough to have his heart pounding in his chest like it never has before. Luffy watches his usually stern friend let his mouth fall open in silence, baffled by his actions until Nami leans over and whispers to him. Zoro can't hear exactly what she says but he hears the word 'crush' and feels his stomach churn at the thought. He wants to run, but he's unsure whether he wants to go towards or away from you. He grips his white katana as a panicked instinct when finally you glance up and send a friendly smile to the eclectic group of pirates standing, staring at you.
- Luffy can tell before you ever say a word that you're good and kind, and destined to be aboard the Merry as a part of his crew. Zoro can't bring himself to do anything but loom over his captain as he makes a sales pitch. The part of his brain that likes to be in control hopes that you're busy and tied down, that you'll reject Luffy's offer and he'll never feel as shaken and desperate as he does in this moment again. A much bigger part of him knows that he won't survive if you say 'no'. Like without you he might never dream again, doomed to spend the rest of his days sailing aimlessly, searching for the same rush he feels every time you look up at him over his friends straw hat. Thankfully Monkey rarely asks someone to join his crew that he isn't certain will eventually say yes. And so you do, accepting it's time to try a new path and join this strange group of good-hearted sailors, hoping for a new shot at your dreams.
- Monkey, Sanji and Usopp are all friendly from the get-go. They can't wait to share stories of their journey so far, and make sure you feel as safe and at home on the ship as they do. Nami takes a bit longer to open up to you, but when she does you can understand why, and while her friendship is harder to earn, it feels all the more solid for it. And then there's Zoro.
- You notice that whenever you all walk into a room, he'll always take the position or chair next to you, awkwardly stepping in front of Sanji on more than one occasion, or forcing himself into a tight spot rather than create distance between the two of you. He doesn't often strike up conversation first, but when you ask him something about himself he always looks very relieved and happy to have something to talk to you about. If the group has to split up he'll always stick by your side, taking the role of keeping you safe to heart. Your unspoken bodyguard. It gets to the point that the crew adjust to leaving a spot next to you for him to settle into, and never asking him to go out without you. All the while Nami takes great joy in speculating on his behaviour with you, and teasing Zoro for his complete inability to act like a normal human being. Sanji has to lay off his harmless flirting with you after he notices the daggers Zoro's shooting at him, and he's sure one night at a bar he heard him start to draw his sword when he put a hand on your leg.
- It doesn't take many conversations with Zoro, or many chats with Luffy who spends a lot of his time telling you about how wonderful and impressive Zoro is, for you to start finding his strange behavior more than a little flattering. The tall, talented swordsman can't help but soften under your gaze, and you feel yourself slowly leaning closer to him every time he settles at your side, before long finding yourself practically draped against him when the group find themselves at some gaudy bar on the outskirts of a marine base, failing to keep a low profile. Usopp insists on dragging you onto the dancefloor, and thankfully Nami asks Zoro to come dance with her before he has to either sit without you, or volunteer to dance of his own volition. Despite his athleticism, of course he's a terrible dancer, all uncoordinated movements and awkward energy as he fails to copy Usopp's charismatic moves. Taking pity on him, you take his hand in yours, letting him hold you closer as the rest of the group seem to fade in the crowd behind you having seen more than enough of his desperate longing to stick around for this. As Sanji and Usopp slink off to find another drink, Nami and Luffy can't resist keeping just in view so they can watch on as they finally see Zoro smile widely and let his guard down, relaxing against you as the pair of you sway. Nami wants to make a bet on if Zoro finally gets the nerve to say something about his feelings, but after a few months of being her closest friend she decides to just root for you both instead, trying to pull Luffy just far enough away to give you two some much needed privacy.
- As you feel his arms encircle you, a soft sway in his hips that matches yours, his mouth drops open and closed a few times over. It's always hard for him to find the right thing to say to you, but when he has you this close, with your eyes sparkling up at him, it's almost impossible to even think. It's all consuming living on the same ship, his heart jumping in his chest every time someone enters his cabin in case it's you, his feet taking him to stand outside your quarters almost every day just willing himself to knock on the door and finally put words to his devoted actions. He couldn't fight his longing to be near you for even a day, and watching you open up to him and start to inch closer yourself, he can't help but hope that you might be feeling just a drop of the ocean of affection he navigates for you. His eyes focus intensely on yours as he tries again to speak, stumbling over the word 'I' a few times before resigning himself to silence for another night.
- You could see the conflict of fear and hope in his eyes, the man of few words clearly straining to explain things his training had never left room for. He was trying, and you were sure you knew what he was going to say, but you didn't think you could be the one to articulate it for him. That didn't mean you couldn't give him a bit of encouragement.
- Trailing your hands over his arms to settle on his shoulders, you stepped flush with his body, the extra contact enough to stop his gentle sway and turn his whole frame rigid. With the softest smile you could muster you leaned up onto your tiptoes, giving him a moment to pull away before letting your lips press softly to his. It was just for a second. A mere moment of soft, sweet, contact. The kind Zoro had never even let himself imagine because it felt so far out of reach for him. But it happened, and it was perfect. A wide grin spread over his face at your action, finally feeling like he might be able to share his life with someone other than the ghost he carried with him on his hip.
"WAHHOOOOOO!YES YES YES!"" A deafening cheer echoed through the bar, shaking the light fixtures and turning every single head towards your ecstatic captain. Nami looked mortified as Luffy continued to punch the air in celebration of his first mate finally achieving a dream a little less violent than he'd first set out for, his joy for his friend all consuming and without an ounce of tact.
"Luffy! Stop it! We'll leave you to it." Nami had to physically drag him away as you heard the unfamiliar sound of Zoro laughing to himself, the grin across his cheeks only spreading as his focus returned to you. Leaning back in to find your lips again, he whispered,
"What Luffy said."
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etfrin · 8 months
pretty in white
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warning: suggestive
you wear his shirt and then you guys make out <3
LA!Sanji x female!reader
Sanji knew he was done for when you entered his bedroom at nearly one am with his stolen shirt. It was the same shirt he was looking for today, abruptly missing from his wardrobe and now he sees it on you.
His white shirt made such a lovely contrast against your skin. He felt his mouth watering, his hands twitching because he wanted grab by your hips and pull you in.
"Darling," he said, his voice filled with desire and a hint of amusement. "I was wondering where the shirt was..." He said, with a smirk.
You replied, with a shrug, "You always did say I would look pretty in your clothes." You smile at him, seductive, barely hiding your lust. "Do you l look pretty enough for you, Sanji?" You asked him.
He couldn't take it in anymore, he pulls you on his lap. His face nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
"You're always pretty, my sweet," he whispers, already pressing desperate kisses on your neck.
Your heart fills with warmth at his response. You let him kiss your neck before finally growing impatient and pressing your lips against his.
You let out a small moan when he begins to bite your lower lip with his teeth, his hands gripping your hips hard enough that it felt like it would bruise. You pressed yourself against him.
Your hands in his hair, pulling harshly to hear his beautiful moan into your mouth.
Your tongues tangle, the kisses turning sloppy with time. Each kiss was longer than the last, each kiss was slower. There was no rush, you knew you had each other forever.
When you finally separate for much needed air. His lips were swollen and red, shiny with spit.
His eyes were glossed over with love and affection, just for you. Only for you.
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grandfangarbagechan · 9 months
I think my favorite thing about Netflix One Piece is that at first, it appears that they've made Zoro much smarter than he is in the anime. But then over time there's this dawning realization.
he's not smart.
He's just very confidently stupid.
He comes across as smarter because he doesn't talk enough for it to be immediately clear that his brain is just a hamster wheel with a hamster that only runs if he's holding a sword.
Zoro only looks smart because he's standing next to Luffy, who helped set the standard for shounen-protagonist brain damage.
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miss-atomic-blog · 2 months
I've got art block & can't get a damn thing done so have a little feller
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