bluesnafu · 3 days
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One Piece as tumblr posts, part 1 of we’ll see how many
Been missing the Straw Hat vibes lately, I need someone to appear and ask me to join a high seas adventure 🌞 🌊 🦀 🏝️🐚🏴‍☠️
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potatopassenger · 2 days
Something hilarious about Mihawk in both the anime and OPLA is them alluding to him deciding to fuck up a fleet of ships because they woke him up. In OPLA he's sarcastic but no other explanation is offered and in the anime Zeff suggests it and they all believe him and then Mihawk leaves to sleep when he gets bored saying Zoro was the only interesting part
They really said screw motivations or backstory, one thing you WILL know about Mihawk is he's Petty as Fuck
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arami-004 · 2 days
Zoro: We agreed that’s how we’d raise our kids, stupid cook.
Sanji: Our kids? Marimo, we’re not married.
Zoro: Dude, we’re a little married.
Sanji: I know. I love it.
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opshizt · 3 days
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usopp was definitely 200% convinced that zolu is dating in opla
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This is disjointed as hell but take it, Monkey D. "of course Ace is hot r u dumb" and "my grandpa doesn't like blondes" Luffy offshoot of this post
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Shout out to Emily Rudd who has played not one but two anime lesbians
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clownjuicebox · 8 hours
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They make me homophobic /vpos
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Sanji being kidnapped by your father and the two of you falling in love would involve…
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Sanji x reader
🩵 Imagine being the daughter of a feared criminal; most of the world knows him as an important businessman, but that is actually only a facade covering a vast criminal empire, whose activities range from extortion to kidnapping, theft and racketing. The list of murders he has ordered is endless, and he has never shied away from killing people who had betrayed or posed a threat to his business himself. Few are those who can hear his name without shuddering with fear, but the general public only knows him as a wealthy, driven but otherwise innocuous entrepreneur, at the head of an important company.
🩵 You are his only child, who he loves dearly and tries with all his might to keep in the dark regarding his criminal activities, knowing you would be horrified. Because of this, you have grown up somewhat sheltered, unaware of your father’s criminal activities and convinced he is simply an important and powerful businessman, respected -and not feared- by partners and employees. He has also made sure all his subordinates and the people you come into contact with keep up the ruse; you are tutored at home instead of attending a normal school, only go on holiday accompanied by him or his bodyguards, and your friends, mainly children of your father’s associates, are likewise vetted to make sure they don’t reveal the truth.
🩵 Unaware of the world of lies he has constructed around you, you adore your father, spend as much time as you can with him and trust him completely. Something you share is an appreciation for good food: the two of you enjoy visiting the most refined restaurants and trying food from different cultures. You also have a private chef at home, the last of a long series, since your father is very picky; he once had a cook beaten to a pulp because he had forgotten to salt the water when preparing pasta for the two of you.
🩵 One day, during what you believe is a brief holiday but that is actually a business trip that your father took advantage of to meet the head of another criminal organisation and make plans for the assassination of a few politicians who opposed their activities, you visit the Baratie, and are both impressed with the quality and taste of Zeff’s food. You are particularly enthusiastic, eating your fill and expressing your appreciation for each and every dish; your father, who never misses an opportunity to make you happy, immediately sends for the chef and asks him to come work -and cook- for you. Zeff thanks him for the offer but refuses, preferring his restaurant to a role as a private chef. Your father is highly displeased, but can’t insist too much, given the fact you are present, listening to their conversation; nonetheless, he plans on sending his most capable henchmen to force the chef to reconsider, and then have you informed Zeff had changed his mind.
🩵 He has no time to implement his plan since, having requested a background check on Zeff to make sure he is actually suited to work for your family, your father discovers the man had an adopted son, who also worked at the restaurant and was known to be an excellent cook; Sanji, a young man who is now part of a pirate crew. A man your age would probably be better suited, your father reasons, since he’d know what sort of food is more appropriate for and appreciated by a girl your age, and he’d probably also be easier to keep in line than a powerful former pirate captain like Zeff. Without wasting any time, your father has Luffy’s crew located, and a team sent to kidnap the chef. When they find him, on the latest island the Merry has docked on, Sanji is at the town market, gathering supplies; he is unfortunately alone, as he prefers to be when choosing the best foods and ingredients for his crew, which means no one notices when your father’s men attract him in a back-alley with an excuse and jump on him. Sanji valiantly defends himself, but he is vastly outnumbered and in the end the men force him at gunpoint to follow them; he has no way to let his friends know what happened to him, or even just to inform them he is in danger.
🩵 Sanji is brought to the huge kitchen of your family villa, where your father is waiting for him, having made sure you’re away; he orders Sanji to cook a few of your favourite dishes, which he does, furious at having been kidnapped but forced despite himself to do his best as always. The result is good enough to satisfy your father, who then informs Sanji he is hired for the job he never applied for, and has no way to refuse. “Your main task is to cook for my daughter; whatever she asks for, whatever she wants, you will prepare it, even if it’s a fifty people banquet on an hour’s notice or a snack at three in the morning; buy the best ingredients, the best tools, hire assistants if you need to; I don’t care about the money. Make sure she’s satisfied, and that her health is not badly affected; this is the only thing that has to matter to you.”
🩵 At first, Sanji refuses; he doesn’t need to know your father’s name to realise he must be a criminal, a man used to get whatever he wants through force and intimidation, and in any case he is not interested in any job that is not cooking for Luffy and the crew. He orders your father to release him, and even violently hits him with a kick in the stomach; as a result, he is locked in a cell, kept there for four days without food, and beaten mercilessly. In the end, starving and bleeding, Sanji decides to obey and bide his time, waiting for an opportunity to escape or contact his friends; he already hates his job, and while his pride as a chef forces him to cook at the best of his abilities and make sure his employers are well fed, he prays he will soon find a way to regain his freedom. 
🩵 And then he is introduced to you, and everything changes - even if Sanji doesn’t immediately realise. “You are our new chef? It’s a pleasure to meet you. You can call me (name), I hope you’ll like working here, and I can’t wait to taste what you’ll prepare for us. Is the kitchen of your liking? My father is very picky, so if I can offer a suggestion, make sure you always salt the water for the pasta! He once dismissed a chef without references for that. Do you like the room you’ll be staying in? If you need anything please let me know.”
🩵 Sanji can’t believe it. How can a kind, friendly and unpretentious -not to mention very pretty- girl like you be the daughter of a violent and cruel man like your father? At first he treats you coldly, convinced it’s just a mask, and you’re feigning courtesy and cordiality even though inwardly you are as bad as he is if not worse, but he soon realises the truth couldn’t be more different: you really are genuinely courteous and friendly, and more importantly, you have no idea who your father actually is, and what he does. “Miss (name) knows nothing about her father’s activities; he has always made sure to keep her in the dark.” the housekeeper tells him “The master must have forgotten to tell you, since he hasn’t hired anyone new in a while, but this is very important: you mustn’t tell her, if you don’t want to be killed.”
🩵 And so Sanji’s new life begins. From a professional point of view he has nothing to complain: he can use the best ingredients, his kitchen is every shef’s dream and his employers are invariably satisfied with the dishes he presents them; he sleeps in a comfortable room, and even the pay -because he is paid, unlike what he expected- is more than acceptable. On the other hand, he is virtually a prisoner in the house: your father’s men keep an eye on him constantly, make sure he cannot ask for help, either writing a message or calling with a Den Den Mushi, and escort him when he goes to the market or to the shops. Only a few days after his hiring, while you are out of the house with friends, your father has the whole staff gathered to witness the execution of one of his men, guilty of having written a letter to the local head of police asking for help against him; the man is shot in front of everyone’s eyes. “This is what happens to those who betray me.” your father states calmly “You do your job, obey, and you’ll be safe; but I want all of you to remember how you’ll be repaid if you prove disloyal.”
🩵 Your father is a monster, an unmerciful tyrant who kills people without a second thought and commits crimes of the worst kind; and you, his only daughter, have not the faintest idea. It’s not like you are stupid, or even particularly naive: rather, you are an intelligent young woman, surprisingly humble and unspoiled for someone who has grown up in cotton wool, with money and power enough to satisfy any whim, but while you have received a good education and enjoyed many privileges, you have always lived a sheltered life, detached from the world outside. Your father has carefully surrounded you with people on his payroll or that he can control, and has bodyguards accompany you everywhere, keeping away anyone who could even just suggest the truth is different from what you have been led to believe. You don’t really question it, since this withdrawn existence is everything you have ever known; sometimes you do wish you could have gone to school like most children, or travel alone, but you are sure your father only has your safety at heart, and chose to have you educated at home to hire the best tutors in the country. Yes, sometimes you feel like he vets people your age before you have the chance of making friends with them and it’s strange sometimes his employees look nothing less than terrified while in his presence, as if they had something worse to fear than being reprimanded or fired, but he’s your father, and an important man: it’s normal he wants to make sure you don’t associate with unsavoury people, and expects the best from those who work for him. 
🩵 You love him, and trust him completely; he’s your family, your role model, the person you care about the most in the world. Sanji sees it, and also sees how protective and affectionate your father is towards you, not only buying things for you and paying for holidays and other treats, but sincerely making sure you’re happy and well looked after; he treats you gently, spends with you as much time as he can, and welcomes as a priceless gift every care you have for him, even just a cup of tea brought to his study or a small surprise party organised for his birthday. When you are with him, your father is a different man, and Sanji can’t blame him for wanting to keep you in the dark regarding his activities; you would be undoubtedly horrified, because you… you are different, and he likes you more with every passing day.
🩵 At first he keeps his distance, since he has no idea of what sorts of person you really are and can only imagine what would happen if your father saw him flirt with you like he’s used to doing with girls; he does his job keeping his head low and waits for a chance to escape. Soon enough, he starts growing fond of you; he likes how kind you are towards the other members of the house staff and your father’s employees you come into contact with, sometimes even warning them of any mistake that would lead them to incur his wrath; the fact that he’s the only person your age in the house also helps. Unlike your father, who sometimes wakes him up in the middle of the night requesting a snack he could simply take from the fridge or forgets to warn him he’s going to host a dinner for ten of his associates, your requests food-wise are never outrageous; you enjoy most of what he prepares, and never fail to thank and compliment him. Once he finds out you dislike one of his dishes, one he has prepared many times already for your father; he asks you why you never told him, since he could have simply prepared something else for you. “Well, I didn’t want to inconvenience you.” you admit, blushing a bit, perhaps out of embarrassment or because of the attractive young man in front of you, who is looking at you with those lovely brown eyes “I know it took you hours to prepare that dish, and it wouldn’t have been fair to ask you for something else, since it’s only two of us. Anything you prepare is delicious; it’s not like I was forced to eat something I actively disliked.” 
🩵 Sanji can’t help appreciating how considerate you are, which in turn leads him to make an even greater effort to please you and prepare your favourite dishes; he tells himself it’s only because of his pride as a chef, because cooking -and cooking well- is what he does and not because he cares about you and wants to make you happy, but less than a month after meeting you he already knows in his heart the truth is different. 
🩵 One night he notices you have barely touched your food, even though you insist it was well-cooked as usual and you are simply not hungry; your father is not at home that night, and Sanji can’t help noticing you seem sad as you stare wistfully out of the window, unenthusiastically picking at your food, a tell-tale redness at your eyes. Sanji is immediately worried: have you discovered your father’s secret? Did the two of you have a fight? Did he -unlikely, but you never know- hurt you in some way? The matter doesn’t concern Sanji, not to mention he doubts you’ll want to confide in his since he’s just an employee that you have only known for a few weeks, but he can’t help it; he prepares your favourite dessert, waits for the housekeeper to have retired to her room, and then goes to knock to your door.
🩵 “I’d like to be left alone tonight, please.” you murmur from the inside, your voice breaking as if you had started crying again. Sanji clears his voice and “Miss (last name), this is Sanji. I have brought you a dessert.”
🩵 A moment later you have opened the door, vaguely diffident. “I already had dessert tonight; you served me crème brulée less than an hour ago.” “I did, but… well, I saw you seemed unhappy tonight, so I prepared your favourite.” Sanji explains, holding the dish in front of him as an offering. He’s already regretting his idea, fearing you will tell your father he has bothered you, but suddenly a tiny smile appears on your face. “Wow, that’s… so kind of you, Sanji. Please come in; you want something to drink?” And so, a minute later you’re both sitting at your desk, you busy enjoying your dessert and him sipping a glass of wine you have poured from your mini-fridge. You share a smile, both aware of how anomalous, not to mention potentially inappropriate, his presence in your room this late at night is, and you tacitly decide to ignore the matter. You freely share the reason for your sadness: one of your dearest friends, who you have known since infancy on account of your fathers working together, has suddenly broken all ties with you, without even explaining why. “I can’t understand; we were as close as siblings, I loved and trusted them more than anyone else besides my father… Their father died last week, and I tried to support them, but they told me I was a naive idiot and they couldn’t wait for me to see the truth. I honestly have no idea what they meant! And now they swore they never want to see me again… I miss them already, but what really hurts me is that I don’t understand what I did wrong…”
🩵 Sanji easily perceives the truth: your father had your friend’s, his associate, killed for some reason, maybe a suspected betrayal, and they blame you, if only by association. Seeing you so sad, partially comforted by the delicious dessert you are eating but still frustrated and lonely for the old friend you have lost without knowing why, breaks his heart. You don’t have many friends, you admit, and are well aware that many of the people you know only pay attention to you on request of your father, because he knows their parents and employers, or because they hope to benefit from the money and luxuries he grants you. “You must feel very lonely; I’m sorry, (name).” Sanju murmurs, using your first name without realising; he is all too aware of how your knees are touching under the desk “You deserve to be surrounded by people who appreciate you for what you are, because believe me, anyone would be fortunate to be your friend.” He fears you might think he’s only telling you what you need to hear, since you still know each other so little, but you smile at him, shy and grateful, as if you could perceive how sincere he’s being. “Thank you, Sanji; the truth is, this has already happened more than once. People I cared for -friends, members of our staff, employees of my father I had been acquainted with for years… they simply leave without a word, or disappear in thin air as if they had never been there. Now, I know it’s normal for a person to change jobs and even the best friends can grow distant, but…” “But?” he invites you to go on. “... but sometimes I feel as if there was something weird about it; as if those people hadn’t simply left… they were gone. And my father had something to do with it.”
🩵 You force a smile, as if to apologise for the absurdity of that idea; no matter how suddenly tense he is, Sanji can’t help noticing how enticing your mouth looks at that moment, the teeth biting into it emphasising the plushness of your bottom lip, your tongue darting out for a moment to clean a minuscule spot of cream left from the last bite of your treat. “I know it’s absurd; I feel guilty just talking about it, but… most of the people I know, friends and otherwise, I have met them through my father, and he’s a good and kind man, but he’s so protective of me, and sometimes I feel like… well, that he’d be capable of pushing away, or even firing, people he doesn’t approve I make friends with. I know, I sound like an idiot, and ungrateful, given everything he does for me; you can laugh if you want.” But Sanji has no intention of laughing; quite the opposite. He can see how close you are to realising the truth, to understanding your father is responsible for the disappearance of your friends and other people you have lost contact with - even though he did much more than dismissing them or ordering them to stay away from you. No matter how much you love him, and he you, you are no longer a child and you deserve to know the truth about the man you live with and are so devoted to; for a moment Sanji is about to tell you, fuck the consequences, but then something -perhaps the fact that he still knows you so little, or that it is not up to him; or simply that, maybe, he’s afraid of how you could react- stops the words in his throat. “I can’t speak for your father; what I know for sure is that even if he only has your best interest at heart, he has no right to make choices that should be yours, and you deserve to know the truth.” he softly murmurs in the end; for a moment he regrets those words, fearing you could decide to confront your father with dramatic and even potentially dangerous consequences, but then you smile at him, comforted and relieved, and he can’t think about anything that is not the beauty of your face and how your naked knee has been pressing against his for the last five minutes. 
🩵 You change the subject, spending a bit of time talking about your lives and your dreams; in the end, it’s time for him to go, since your father will be home soon. You walk him to the door, and “Thank you, Sanji.” you murmur, meaning those few words more than any declaration you have ever uttered; you felt so lonely until an hour before, and now you feel much better, thanks to a delicious dessert and more importantly to the young man who served it to you, out of pure, selfless worry for your well-being “I know you’re already so busy in the kitchen, so… I really appreciate you coming; I often feel lonely, but tonight in particular I didn’t want to be alone.” “I’m glad I did it. I’m sorry if you feel alone, and… well, if you need to talk, or you have nothing else to do, you know where to find me.” That is a promise Sanji knows he shouldn’t make, because no matter how fond he has grown of you, he’s still waiting for his occasion to escape and leave without looking back - which will mean you will lose another person you care for. He doesn’t want to pain you, and you don’t deserve it; but when you smile at him, your face filled with the childlike and almost painful joy of having found a new friend, Sanji knows he has done the right thing, no matter how much you both may come to regret it in the future.
🩵 From that night, a quiet friendship develops between the two of you. On the nights he sees you sad or pensive for some reason, or he simply wants to surprise you, Sanji brings a treat to your room, careful not to be seen by anyone, and you spend some time talking; in turn, you begin visiting him in the kitchen, to observe him as he works and even help with the dishes after a meal. You bring him little gifts, not necessarily costly but that he appreciates because he perceives the thoughtfulness behind the purchase: a tie in a colour you thought would look good on him, a cooking book he had mentioned he wanted to read, a new apron with his name embroidered. Slowly, quietly, you become important to each other. You appreciate the fact that unlike most people in your life Sanji does nothing to endear himself to your father -rather, he seems to dislike him a lot, even though in your presence he makes an effort to hide it; who knows why he accepted your father’s job offer, you wonder, since Sanji loathes him so much?- and that he is sincerely interested in what you have to say; in turn, Sanji can’t help appreciating your kindness and quiet intelligence, that few in your life value as they should, and thinking that you’d deserve more than living a lie, chained to a father who does not deserve you. 
🩵 You are also very aware of how attractive you find each other, even though you both hesitate to make your feelings known. You fear the potential inappropriateness of a relationship, given the fact that after all you are the daughter of Sanji’s employer -you would never ask your father to fire him if you were to fight or break up, but still- and the possibility of losing what is already a precious friendship. Sanji, on the other hand, is more and more anxious with every passing day, hating himself for his inability to tell you what sort of man your father actually is; he is lying to you, though simply avoiding telling you the truth, which he knows is unacceptable both for a friend and a romantic partner, and he feels unworthy of your affection… no matter how often he fantasises about holding you in his arms and kissing you until you both forget how to breathe. What’s more, he still plans on leaving, as soon as he can; Sanji has started planning his escape since day one, keeping note of the least guarded exits of the villa and the possibility to steal a vehicle to reach the harbour, and already feels guilty at the thought that he will have to abandon you, like so many people already have. The last thing he wants to do is break your heart, making you believe he never cared for you; all things considered he should have never formed a relationship with you, not even a purely platonic one, given the fact he didn’t plan on staying and he could never give what you needed and deserved, but he couldn’t help it! You’re so lovely, so pretty and kind and devout to the people you love; how could he not become fond of you? 
🩵 He is, if not confident, at least hopeful he can keep his feelings for you under control until one morning you join him in the kitchen, and ask him for cooking lessons. “I can’t do anything; not even boil an egg or cook pasta.” you admit, only partially embarrassed, because you know Sanji will not mock you, not even if you admitted you cannot even tell a fork and a knife apart “And I’d like at least to learn the basics, since it may come in useful one day when I have my own family to cook for, or maybe I could prepare something for my father to surprise him. Could you help me, Sanji? It’d be our secret, and I know you’re already so busy, but I’ll pay you…”
🩵 He immediately tells you he could never accept to be paid, and that he’ll be happy to help. From that night on, you start meeting in the kitchen at night after dinner or in moments of the day where the two of you are alone at home. Sanji is a capable teacher, patient and understanding since he appreciates your desire to learn, and you are determined not to waste his time. You start from the very basics, and as he teaches you the right time to wait to boil an egg -five minutes if you prefer a runny yolk, eight if you want to make hard-boiled egg, never go above twelve- or to calculate how much salt to put in for the pasta depending on the quantity of water, you feel happier, more active, than you remember ever being; you usually enjoy studying and your tutors are more than satisfied with your results, but this is different… not theoretical notions of history or mathematics you could never find an use for, but a practical ability that you could employ in your everyday life, either to surprise the people you love or to avoid giving yourself food poisoning. It’s nothing grandiose, only a fish soup or a plate of vegetable spaghetti, you still require Sanji’s constant supervision and make so many beginner’s mistakes, but you’re having fun, and you feel well… and all of it is due to the blonde young man next to you; you know a relationship between the two of you would probably be complicated, given the fact he works for your family, and you’re not even fully sure he has feelings for you, but in the privacy of your heart you’ve come to hope Sanji will remain part of your life, that he will not leave like so many have in the past… and that he will never lie to you. 
🩵 After three months of regular classes, you decide to prepare your father’s favourite dish to serve to him as he returns from a business trip; you’re more than a little nervous, wanting to prepare it by yourself but fearing the dish is still too advanced for what you have learnt, but Sanji has faith in your abilities, and promises to warn you if you make some grave mistake. In the end, the dish turns out perfectly; Sanji is proud of you, and your heart is full of joy and gratitude for all his help. As you celebrate together, you hug him tight, and you’re about to tell him how happy you are that he is now part of your life, but a moment later, on impulse, you decide you better show him, and press your lips on his. Sanji immediately kisses you back, his chest pressed against yours as his hands hold you by the waist; it’s lovely, sweet and intimate, and like most good things it ends before you want it to, with the house door slamming and your father’s voice announcing he is back. “I better go.” you murmur sadly, loathe to end that moment of intimacy now that you have discovered how soft Sanji’s hair is as you caress it, how pleasant the feeling of his body against yours “I… I’ll see you later, alright? And… thank you, Sanji; you made me happier than I’ve ever been.” He smiles, but there is sadness in his eyes as he does, and as he lets his hands fall from your hips. “Believe me, (name); you have nothing to thank me for.”
🩵 Later that night, Sanji has just finished cleaning the kitchen and is about to return to his room when your father enters, followed by two of his bodyguards. “You have been giving (name) cooking lessons.” he states; it’s not a question, so Sanji doesn’t answer, simply standing in front of the older man; part of him fears your father knows about the kiss, since someone might have seen you as the two of you were too focused on each other to notice, but a moment later he decides he doesn’t care, since he has nothing to be ashamed of. “She told me tonight, since she didn’t want to take all the credit for the dish she had prepared for me, but I knew already; if you had hoped to keep it secret, you never could. There is nothing that happens in this house without me knowing.” Again, Sanji remains silent, and your father looks at him, a merciless look in his eyes. “I don’t mind if you teach her to cook, since it makes her happy, but I want you to know one thing; if you think about taking advantage of those moments alone to… touch my daughter, or even flirt with her, you better change your mind now. She is not for you; she deserves better than a simple cook and former pirate, and in any case she’s still too young for a relationship. You only touch her with a finger and you’re a dead man. I’m not kidding; if you think the lashing and starving you experienced when you first came here were painful, you have no idea what I’m capable of doing if you hurt my (name).”
🩵 Again, no answer. “Well? You have nothing to say in your defence?” your father asks, curious despite himself, and finally Sanji speaks. “Do you know why (name) wanted to learn to cook?” he asks “To surprise you… and because she thought it could come in handy once she has a family of her own. Your daughter is not a child; you may have done everything you could to keep her prisoner in this house, surrounded by people you trust and have chosen, but you can’t keep her from thinking with her own head. Don’t you think one day she might fall in love, desire to get married, and have a home of her own? Will you force her to live here with her spouse? Will you choose her partner for her?” Your father doesn’t answer, for once in his life taken aback; the truth that Sanji cannot know but easily perceive, is that he has already compiled a list of potential spouses for you, children of his associates or people he trusts, to casually introduce to you and have them ask you out. The last thing he wants is for you to get a crush on someone undeserving, someone he can’t trust and who would take you away from him… someone like that young blond cook who is now looking at him, rage burning in his eyes “I’m right, aren’t I? Don’t you see how everything you do hurts (name)? She is an adult, she doesn’t need to be protected! All you have done is lie to her about the sort of man you are, surround her with people who don’t really care for her instead of friends she has chosen, and stop her from learning to take care of herself! You know what the truth is? That your daughter is a lovely person, good, kind, always ready to help others, and you can’t help keeping her in the dark regarding your activities, because you know she’d be horrified about all the atrocities you have committed! You know she’d hate you, because you are a monster who doesn’t deserve her love and sure as hell you don’t deserve her!” 
🩵 Sanji knows perfectly he will pay dearly for his lack of respect, and he does: your father, livid with rage at the young man, his prisoner, who has spoken to him like no one has ever dared to do and forced him to confront his sins and admit in his heart how deeply he might have ruined his relationship with you, orders his bodyguards to punish him, which they do. Once again, Sanji fights back bravely, alone against five armed opponents, and in the end is beaten to a pulp. Your father seriously considers having him killed, since the young chef is clearly trouble, and telling you he decided to resign, but you were so enthusiastic about your cooking lessons, and he doesn’t want you to have to renounce them. Furious, and scared for the first time he might seriously be unable to protect -this is the verb he uses in his mind- you from the truth, the man warns Sanji that he’ll kill him with his bare hands if he tells you anything and leaves.  
🩵 The next morning you’re horrified when, coming into the kitchen to greet Sanji and ask if he needs help with breakfast, you see his bruised face, and the cautious way he walks, as if he had a broken rib or was hurting in some other way. “What on earth happened to you?!” you scream, brushing your fingers against his cheek, your heart immediately filling with pain “Did someone jump on you? Sanji, you need to tell my father, he can protect you…”
🩵 Sanji looks at you; he has known you for six months, but suddenly he feels as if he’s seeing you for the first time. “Are you sure you want to know?” he asks in a murmur, wincing at the pain shooting through his body at every breath; you blink. “Why, yes, of course, if you want to tell me…” “I’m not talking about what happened to me; well, that as well, but the whole story is much bigger than that, and concerns you more than me. Is there a way we can talk without your father or his men knowing?” He is so serious, so tense and openly worried -not for himself, perhaps- that Sanji is starting to scare you, but you keep your questions to yourself, and admit there is a corner of the villa that everyone else has all but forgotten about: a tiny shed at the back of the garden, empty except for a few tools and bags of soil no one has touched in years. As a young girl -and also, err, until six months ago- you used to go there and hide to eat sweets you had stolen from the kitchen without your father knowing; you know for sure no one else has set foot there in years. Sanji asks you to meet him at the shed that night, making sure no one sees you, and also to ensure your father doesn’t suspect you’re worried about something; you promise, and then leave, your heart heavy with fears you can’t even give a name to.
🩵 Soon after midnight that night, both you and Sanji are at the shed, having eluded the guards who patrol the estate; security has always been your father’s top priority, even though you privately think he exaggerates a bit: he keeps a large sum of money in his personal safe and you do own a few precious objects, paintings and jewels he has gifted you, but after all he is just a businessman, why does he feel the need to protect himself as if a whole army could try and invade you? Who in the world could want to hurt a good man like him?
🩵 “So? What do you have to tell me that is so important we had to meet in secret?” you ask Sanji; you have allowed yourself to hope he had asked you to come there to spend a little time alone, doing what you had started in the kitchen that night, but the expression of the man in front of you immediately dispels those romantic musings. Sanji looks scared, tense… and guilty, as if he were about to confess some grave sin he has committed; and he does, having taken your hands in his. “Before telling you the truth, I want you to know I have never wanted to hurt you; in these six months I have grown to care deeply for you, and you deserve to know what is really going on here. I should have told you months ago, as soon as I realised you knew nothing; I was afraid to do it, afraid to make you cry, and please believe me when I say I am really sorry for it.” Dumbfounded, you listen as he spills it, revealing the truth everyone you have ever known has accurately kept from you: that your father is a criminal, the head of a powerful and dangerous organisation involved in shady business of all sorts, who has threatened, tortured and killed countless people. Most of the people who you were told had suddenly resigned or decided to move away have actually been murdered, because your father couldn’t trust them to keep his secrets or were simply an obstacle for his business; some of them he has killed personally. The authorities and the police know, even though they have never been able to incriminate him, or have been bribed to look the other way. 
🩵 In short, everybody knows… everybody except you, his daughter. “As far as I understood, he has always made sure to keep you in the dark; he has surrounded you with people he trusts to keep his secret, didn’t let you go to school, always has his men accompany you wherever you go… and probably has spread the word that anyone who made you aware of the truth would pay with their life.” Sanji explains; you’re sitting on a pair of old garden chairs, your hands in his, a chaste but sweet intimacy you are at the moment unable to appreciate “I know it’s a shock; but your father… I do believe he loves you very much, and would never hurt you, but he is not the man you think he is; he has lied to you your whole life, even choosing your friends for you and making sure you remained under his influence, to stop you from thinking for yourself and realise you are a prisoner in your own life. I’m sorry I’m upsetting you; but I know you deserve to know the truth.” 
🩵 Sanji looks at you, afraid you’re going to faint or to start screaming any moment, but you don’t; dumbfounded, you remain on your chair as you feel all your life, everything you thought true and safe, your whole world, crumbling around you. Your father, the kind, patient man who taught you to ride a bike and knelt to check there were no monsters under your bed, is a criminal - no, he is a murdererer, a man who resorted to violence to reach his goals and kept you completely in the dark, forcing you in a bubble where nothing is what it seems and all the people you came in contact with were actors playing a part. Everything you own - everything he has given you, from your education to the clothes on your back, is the results of those crimes; everyone you ever cared for, and who appeared to care for you, had been chosen, paid, or even threatened by him, in order to surround you with people he trusted would keep up his ruse. You feel as if your life until now had been a dream, from which you’re finally waking up… to discover reality is a thousand times worse than you could have ever imagined. 
🩵 What will you do from now on?, you wonder. Even Sanji admits your father, for all the crimes he committed and the cruelty he treated so many people with, loves you deeply and has never wanted to hurt you, but you only need to reflect for a moment to know you can’t remain with him, going on as if you never knew the truth; you don’t even know how you’ll be able to look at him in the face from now on, and the last thing you want is to keep eating the food, living in the house and enjoying all the comforts his criminal activities have paid for. But what else can you do, given the fact that you own nothing that your father hasn’t given to you? You are not afraid to work hard and you could find a job to support yourself, but disgust, shame, and fear for the future make you feel as if you could suffocate. You need to act, you think, to stop your father and find a way to make up for his crimes; you did nothing wrong, you honestly never suspected anything, but having benefited from his crimes more than anyone else you have the duty to do something. But what?
🩵 Sanji is still by your side, silently and patiently waiting for you to come to terms with the truth; in the end he sees you sigh, and straighten your back as you remind yourself you have more important and urgent things to take care of before succumbing to a mental breakdown. “Was it my father who did this to you?” you murmur quietly as you brush your fingers against one of the many bruises on his face; your touch is gentle and delicate, and Sanji feels himself leaning into it, his heart full of tenderness. “It was; well, his men, but the order came to him.” he reveals, hating himself for the guilt and shame he sees reflected on your face “He also had me kidnapped to have him work for him; his men waited for a moment where I was alone, and my friends have no idea what happened to me.”
🩵  “Oh, that explains everything…” you murmur, and confess that a couple of months ago, while your father’s men had accompanied Sanji to the shops to buy provisions, two people had come to the villa, claiming that their friend, who they had been looking for after he had disappeared, was working there: a red-haired girl and a boy with a straw hat. You had heard your father deny knowing Sanji, and tell them that there was no one matching his description at the villa, whatever the two had heard. “I… happened to pass by the door as they were talking, and listened from behind a corner; later I confronted my father, asking him why he had lied to those two, and he told me that you had confided in him that someone could come looking for you, a crew of pirates who had kidnapped you some time ago, and that he was only trying to protect you. I… thought it was a bit of an unlikely story, but I trusted my father, and he asked me not to tell you anything because it would only upset you to know your former captors were onto you once more.” you admit, your heart full of guilt; had you been less naive, you could have saved Sanji months of captivity! “I am so sorry, Sanji, I should have told you…!”
🩵 Luffy and the others had been looking for him! If only he hadn’t been out of the villa at that moment, Sanji thinks with a sigh, but it can’t be helped, and he knows his friends will not give up until they have found him. “What are you going to do now?” he asks once he has reassured you he doesn’t blame you for having kept silent on a matter he dearly wished he had known about, and with a sigh you recognise you have a duty to expose your father and make sure he pays for his crimes; for this purpose, tomorrow you will wait for him to have left, find as many incriminating documents as you can in his study, and bring them to the local police. In part, despite everything, you feel ashamed, because he has been a good, doting father to you and you’re going to put him in jail for the rest of his life, but his victims deserve justice, and if you don’t act there’s no knowing how many more people he could hurt and kill. Sanji promises he will come with you, and you decide that in the morning you will pretend to feel sick and remain in bed; he will come to serve you breakfast, and together you will slip over to your father’s study, hopefully unnoticed. 
🩵 It’s time for both of you to return to bed, and pretend nothing is amiss. Instead of the ardent kisses the more naive, innocent you -in other words, the girl you were an hour ago; and yet, you feel as if you had aged a decade since then, almost not recognising the scared, jaded person you are now- had hoped you would exchange taking advantage of the privacy of the shed, you simply embrace, both apologising and forgiving the pain you indirectly inflicted on each other. That night, after you have said goodbye to Sanji and stolen back to your room, you lay awake in your bed and cry silently, mourning a man you had loved and trusted with all your heart and who, perhaps, never existed to begin with.
🩵 On the next morning, hearing you don’t feel well your father offers to call for the doctor, but you convince him you just need to rest for a while and you’ll feel better soon; he kisses you good-bye, a kiss you force yourself to respond to with a smile even though it tastes like poison. An hour later Sanji comes to your room with a tray full of food that remains untouched; you succeed in walking to your father’s study without being noticed, and after you locked yourselves inside you begin searching for the proves of his crimes - which you find pretty easily, in the form of letters and photographs that connect your father to a long list of crimes, including several murders. Sanji opens the safe hidden behind a painting, containing several bundles of banknotes… and an old paper envelope, with your name written on it. It’s a letter, you discover after opening it, from a woman whose name you have never heard… and who claims to be your mother. “I… I can’t believe it; he always told me my mother died when I was born.” you murmur, once more appalled by the magnitude of your father’s lies “Here it says that he forced her to leave me to him, after promising he would give me this letter when I was ten, so that I could decide if I wanted to meet her or not.” He never did, no doubt as part of his all-encompassing plan to keep you for himself, preventing you from forming relationships out of his sphere of influence. Your own mother has been alive all this time and you didn’t know! This is the ultimate betrayal, a breach of trust you know you will never be able to forgive him for, but you have no time to reflect on the potential consequences of this discovery, because suddenly your father’s men are knocking at the door, having realised both you and Sanji are not where you should; you are able to escape through the window, and he defends you from the men who try to stop you.
🩵 Fortunately, the local head of police is one your father has never been able to bribe or intimidate, and hates him with all his might; he’s at first suspicious of you, fearing this is all a plan your father orchestrated against him, but he changes his mind when you hand him enough evidence to formally accuse your father of at least a dozen crimes. The whole time, as you answer the many questions the police has for you, Sanji remains by your side, holding your hand and silently reassuring you have done the right thing; you are too heart-broken, too full with self-loathing and shame and fear for the future to find some comfort in it, but you are nonetheless happy, and relieved, at least one person in your life respected and cared for you enough to prevent you from living the rest of your life in a lie.
🩵 Hours later, as you are still at the police headquarters, your father is brought in escorted by a small army of agents, his hands cuffed. When he sees you, for a moment he thinks you’ve also been arrested, perhaps on suspicion of having taken part in some of his crimes, but then he sees Sanji next to you, and the way you are looking at him, ashamed and furious and heartbroken, and the truth dawns on him; he looks away, and lets the agents lead him to his cell. “You can talk to him, if you want, provided that one or two agents are present.” the head of police informs you, but you shake your head: you have nothing to tell him, and you don’t have the heart to find out what he thinks of you now that he knows you have betrayed him. 
🩵 Now that your father will pay for his crimes, your next intent is to help Sanji return to his friends - which is easier said than done, since while the Straw Hat Pirates may have suspected their cook was kept in your home against his will, months have passed since then and now they could be looking for him on the other side of the sea. Suddenly, you have an idea: knowing Sanji’s friends have the paper delivered to their ship, and that the news of your father’s arrest will appear on the front page, you pay for a message to be printed at the bottom of the article, with Sanji’s name and your Den Den Mushi number, through which his friends will be able to contact him. Sanji thanks you for your help, and tells you how brave you have been to expose your father knowing well how your life would change from then on, but you don’t feel particularly proud of yourself, let alone worthy of being praised: rather, you feel empty, dirty, on account on the kinship with your father, and alone, knowing that you have no fault for his crimes, and at the same time that no matter how much you do to rectify them, you will never stop feeling guilty for having remained blind to the truth.
🩵 Another unconfessable source of pain is the fact that Sanji will leave soon to rejoin his friends, leaving you completely alone. He’s the only friend you have left, the sole person you know for sure has stood by you and offered his friendship of his own accord and not because your father has paid or threatened him, and even though you have only known each other for six months you can’t imagine your life without him, and you know you’ll miss him terribly for the rest of your life. The truth is, you have grown more than a little fond of him, and while you wish you could ask him to remain there with you, not necessarily in the role of a paid chef, you know Sanji has suffered more than enough at the hands of your family, and even just an offer he could be free to decline would be unjustifiably egotistical of you. You do know -or is it simply wishful thinking? After all, for all you know, perhaps he has a girlfriend waiting for him somewhere, perhaps that very pretty red-haired girl who came looking for him months ago- Sanji cares for you, and you are confident he will remember you fondly; that is - that has to be enough. 
🩵 As you expected and hoped, the newspaper with the message for Sanji’s friends -and a four pages-long article regarding your father’s arrest and the revelation of his crimes, with so many people now coming forward to attest the abuse and violence they suffered by his hand- has only been circulating for a few hours when your Den Den Mushi receives a call from Straw Hat Luffy himself. Twenty-four hours later, Sanji and his friends are together once again; the others thank you profoundly for what you did, even though you still feel unworthy of their gratitude, convinced as you are that your father’s cruelty and crimes have rubbed off on you, if only because you were too naive, too dumb, to realise what was going on, and you deserve the solitude and shame you already feel. 
🩵 You offer Luffy and the others to stay at the villa for the night, before they -including Sanji- depart to resume their journey. That night, the two of you take a walk in the garden, enjoying what you know is your last moment together. “What will you do now?” Sanji asks after a while, and after he has taken your hand in his as you walk, and you admit you are not sure. “I want nothing of what my father owns; I have decided to sell the house, and the proceeds, and all of his money, will go to his victims, the people he wronged and hurt, and their families. It will not cancel his crimes, or bring back the people he killed, but it’s better than nothing. The designer clothes, the jewellery, all the precious things he bought me… I will give everything away; I want to own nothing I have to thank him for, even if it means going around naked and starving.” you explain “All I want to keep is the little money I earned recently with a summer job I had at the company of a friend of his; that I think I earned, even though it was my father who got me the job… and I will use it to go look for my mother. I know where she lived when I was born, and when she wrote that letter; I will go there, and if I can’t find her, well, I will decide on the moment.” Sanji agrees it’s an excellent idea, and that finding your mother will surely make you feel better and help you give a new direction to your life. For a moment he seems about to say something else, but then he bites his lip, and swallows, and “May I kiss you?” he asks in a murmur, and thank all the Gods the night is pitch black, because this time you’re outside. An hour later Sanji walks you back to your room, and after a moment of embarrassment you part at the door.  
🩵 The next morning you accompany Sanji and his friends to the harbour, and as the others carry the provisions you have insisted they take -almost all the food that once filled the house’s pantry, and that would have otherwise gone to waste, since you plan on leaving that very day as well- Sanji thanks you for all your help and hands you a paper envelope. “Please read it after we have left.” he asks you, and you promise, unsure of what it could mean but willing to trust him. “I don’t know what I will do without all the good things you have prepared for me.” you murmur, forcing a smile despite the tears that fill your eyes; you’re only partially comforted by the fact that Sanji is clearly as upset as you are. He kisses your hand, and a moment later he has climbed aboard, leaving you alone. 
🩵 You remain on the pier until the candid sails of the ship have disappeared on the horizon, a gentle wind pushing it towards lands you don’t even know the name of; as a new warm day rises around you, you open the envelope in your hands, finding as you expected a message from Sanji, short but sufficient to fill your heart with joy. “My darling (name); I know you want to find your mother, but once you have met her would you like to join our crew? Luffy and the others would be happy to have you, and I think you’d enjoy being a pirate. I care for you more than I can put into words; you would make me the happiest man in the world if you just let me show it to you. Take your time, the offer always stands; I know you will make the right choice. With all my love, your devoted chef Sanji.” 
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agoodroughandtumble · 22 hours
Vienna - Zoro x Reader
Status: Part 2 of 2 [Part 1 is Sanji x Reader] Summary: Inspired by the Ultravox song - Reader is going through a break up. Zoro offers some words of comfort Warning: 18+, Language, angst
Your heart hurt. Your nose hurt from all of the less than preferable tissues. Your chest hurt from heaving. Your head hurt from crying so much. And you were fucking exhausted. Not just from crying or feeling sorry for yourself – although you had done plenty of that. You were exhausted from everyone on the crew knowing your business and constantly evading their questions, shrugging of their pitying looks with a joke and a laissez-faire attitude and a spring in your step, and pretending that everything was a-ok. You wanted to drown, to suffocate, to get crushed under as much rubble as your heart had been buried under. But, more importantly, you wanted to get drunk and forget about everything. You wanted to dance and laugh and flirt and not even remember the name of the person who had broken your heart less than a week ago.
“Do you want to get absolutely shit-faced?” You asked Zoro, although it wasn’t really a question as you sat down next to him on the deck and placed two bottles of sake in between the two of you.
Zoro raised an eyebrow. “Do you think that’s a good idea? Given the…” he searched for the right word. “Situation?”
You scoffed and took a swig. “As if you need an excuse to drink.”
The swordsman studied you curiously. You had been surprisingly upbeat the last couple of days, uncharacteristically so, which had only made sense when Nami had let slip your sort of on-off-whatever-it-was-relationship had ended. Not your decision. Everyone else thought you were taking it in your stride. Zoro knew you well enough to know otherwise. “No,” he said trying to prize the bottle from your hand, “But maybe a reason to get shit-faced.”
You pouted. Normally Zoro of all people would find any excuse to have a drink with you but for some frustrating reason he was choosing the worst time to stop playing ball. You took another sip – relishing the burn – before passing the bottle to your slightly begrudging drinking partner. “Well if you don’t want to you can fuck off. I can drink perfectly well by myself.”
You let out a small, irritated sigh, clenching your fists slightly. Being a dick to Zoro hadn’t been your plan – especially when you were just being pathetic and taking everything out on the only person who would actually understand that you were Not Doing Well. “I’m sorry. I’m just-”
“I know.”
You couldn’t work out whether it was out of awkwardness or a mutual understanding – either way you were unable to think of anything of anything to say him – to explain how much you just wanted company. Maybe his company. Fuck. Maybe you were already shit-faced. Still, you picked up the other bottle – it would be rude to let Zoro drink by himself after all.
With each second that passed you could feel the tension building. Irritatingly, Zoro seemed completely unaware, and completely engaged with his bottle.
“Turns out I’m not good at break ups.” You half laughed, trying to relief some of the ever building tension.
“I don’t think anyone is. Especially when it wasn’t their choice.”
You tensed, his words going straight for the jugular. Anger began to rise at his callousness. “Right. Well, thanks for that.”
He remained unresponsive.
Your fists were now clenching so tightly you could feel fingernails digging into your palm. “Fuck, you’re such an arsehole.” Your tone was deflated, accepting. Of course this was all the emotional depth you were going to get.
Another silence.
Fuck, you hated him. Hated that for some foolish reason he would be anything other than himself. You angrily swigged at the sake in the vain hope that at some point it would start to kick in and suddenly you would forget all of your troubles.
“I don’t get it.”
You glared at him. “Get what?”
“Him. You. I don’t get it.”
Your eyes narrowed. If he was just going to be insulting you would much rather go back to drinking in silence. “Explain.” Unsurprisingly you were in no mood for niceties.
Zoro shrugged, taking another drink. “You’re… you. And he’s an arsehole. Obviously it wasn’t going to work.”
You sighed. He was right. Of course he was right. Zoro knew you better than anyone else. You let your head rest against his shoulder. It was pointless to deny the obvious any longer. Your fingers fidgeted with the bottle label. “I just didn’t think I was that repulsive.” Leaning against his shoulder you could feel a low chuckle reverberating. Despite yourself, you felt your heart warm a little.
“You’re not repulsive.”
“I’m just an idiot.” Brushing some stray hairs from your face you took another drink before speaking again, “You know you don’t actually have to indulge me. You of all people can tell me to fuck off and go to bed.”
“You’re not an idiot.” Zoro replied, pointedly ignoring everything else you had said. “You just have terrible taste in men.”
“Not always.” You sat up, shuffling away from him slightly so you could sit opposite him. Despite your best efforts, despite everything you were telling yourself to ignore it wasn’t just the sake causing your cheeks to blush as his eyes met yours. You bit your lip – feeling as though you were on a cliff’s edge about to jump over – either to dive into the cool abyss or crash head first into the jagged rocks. But Zoro was there. So, so close. And despite everything, you knew deep down there was one specific reason why you had wanted to drown your sorrows with him and no one else. There was one specific reason all of your relationships failed and Zoro was the one picking up the pieces afterwards. There was one specific reason you so desperately wanted Zoro.
The kiss was chaste, nervous, begging him to respond. He didn’t. You pulled away sharply, an all too different flush on your cheeks and the lingering feeling of his lips on yours and all the guilt that came with it.
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kuroashims · 24 hours
You're sims are the coolest btw 😎
You're the coolest for telling me this! Blushing Marimo style 🖤🖤🖤
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goldenvulpine · 7 months
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We did it gang
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reineydraws · 8 months
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this is a scene from opla s2, black leg gazpacho told me himself!!!
src by @op-trash-blog-of-hell
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imperialnyx · 2 months
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what gear is this..?
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panicawa · 9 months
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Their accents truly were *a chef's kiss*
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nesbiter · 9 months
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I'm loving how Zeff put Luffy's wanted poster underneath 'Employee of the Month'.
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soaked-doors · 8 months
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the history book on the shelf is always repeating itself
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