#lorenzo berkshire x april hart
wordsarelife · 1 month
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫: 𝐢'𝐦 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞 (𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢'𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲)
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: the line between lust and hate is awfully slim between theo and you, resulting in something that changes everything between the two of you
warnings: (like massive) spoilers for the great gatsby, mentions of sex, cursing, let me know if i missed anything else
notes: i’m just gonna quickly leave this here hehe
previous part | masterlist | next part
monday felt like you had woken up in a different world. cursed legacy had made it their personal task to spend their time with you, much to yours and theo’s dismay.
they treated you like you were their friend again and while you had to admit that you didn't hate that, you still hated theo and being their friend meant being in his presence the entire time.
it started during math-, when enzo and mattheo decided to sit down in between april and you. leaving no other option but for their friends to follow behind them,- and reached it’s peak during english.
it was the only class that mattered to you, like really mattered to you. you knew it did to theo too, so you couldn’t understand how he had to ruin everything. atleast all had gone great, until the end. then all hell had broken loose.
"okay, we don't have too much time left" mrs walker said with a look to the clock "but i do have one last question: do you think daisy and mr gatsby should've ended up together?"
you raised your hand and mrs walker nodded. "yes, y/n?"
"i don't think so" you said honestly "i don't think they should've been involved with each other in the first place. i get that she had a shitty husband and she should've definitely left him, but she was at fault for everything that went wrong in gatsby's life and her loved her too much to realize that"
"thank you" mrs walker nodded before she gave the word to theo.
you turned your head in surprise. you hadn't even noticed him raising his hand. honstely, you had thought that he didn't even read the book in the first place.
"i disagree" he said.
"what a wonder" you muttered under you breath.
"daisy was everything he always wanted. she was the green light at the end of the peer and he might've been blinded by love, but isn't that what love is about? being so blinded that you would do anything for your person?"
you raised your eyebrows and send a look in theo's direction. you noticed that draco was wearing a similiar look as his eyes glided back and fourth between theo and the book in his hands, probably wondering if they had read the same story.
"sorry" you raised your arm "you could be right, but your're not"
mattheo beside you snorted.
"gatsby threw everything away for a woman that loved him for a short while before she went back to another man. he could've easily found someone better"
"maybe he didn't want to" theo was talking to you directly now "maybe it was enough for him to love her from afar"
"then he could've stayed on his fucking side of the lake" you argued "instead he threw these gigantic parties, just hoping for one single person to show up. is that what it is to you? having an unhealthy obsession with something that could lead to your death and calling it love?"
theo's chair scrapped over the floor when he stood up. you could see the anger in his eyes and stood up from your chair as well.
"you don't know what you're talking about" theo was not far from screaming "he loved her because she wasn't easy. he loved because being with her meant not knowing what's to come, because being with her meant to never grow bored"
"that's what you took from this story?" you laughed in disbelief "did we read the same book?" you caught blaise and draco hecticly turning pages as if they were asking themselves the same thing. enzo and april exchanged glances and the smirk on mattheo's face died.
"because i read a book in which a foolish man spends his entire time obsessing over a woman who doesn't love him, atleast not as much as he loves her and later he dies, because he wants to save her and she doesn't even bat an eye, before she goes back to her husband"
"she had no other choice" theo screamed.
"she had plenty of choices, theo" you screamed back.
"stop! the both of you!" mrs walker screamed.
all eyes turned to her. theo and you sank down in your seats defeated.
"both of you, detention" mrs walker said, right before the bell rang out.
you sighed as you packed up your things and grabbed the detention slip from her, before you left the room.
detention was not the kind of activity you would normally choose to do during your day, but here you were, holding a cleaning cloth and a bucket, while theo was holding the broom. you were standing in one of the classrooms, that hadn’t been used for these past few years.
"alright" mr platt clapped his hands. he was a bit too excited about your detention, particulary because he had a one sided feud with theo, who was always a bit too sassy in the janitors eyes. "you're gonna clean this entire room. you have two hours-" he was interrupted by his ringing phone, which he picked up as he walked away from the both of you.
"this is all your fault" you whispered.
theo huffed. “that’s rich”
“is it?” you wondered “because it’s always you that has to ruin everything”
“calm down, pixie” theo shook his head “i thought you were smarter than this”
“i have to admit i thought you were too, but then you proved me wrong in english and here we are”
“shut the fuck-“
mr platt turned back around and both you and theo put on an innocent smile.
“i have to get a few things for the school banket next week. do you think you’ll be fine on your own?” he looked more in your direction than in theo’s.
“of course, don’t worry, mr platt” you smiled and the janitor nodded relieved.
“alright, i will be back in two hours” he walked out of the room and theo turned his head to you.
“don’t worry, mr platt” he mocked in a high pitched voice. you rolled your eyes, before you slapped him with your cloth.
“come on, just start sweeping already”
to your annoyance and ultimately not to your surprise, theo sat down on one of the tables. “i’m not cleaning anything”
“mr platt just said—“
“i don’t know if you’ve noticed, pixie” he smiled “but i don’t really listen to the things mr pratt says”
you were ready to start fighting, until you remembered how you had gotten into this situation in the first place. this was your first detention and you would make sure that it would also stay the last.
you mindlessly started cleaning the tables around the room. when you were done with that, you filled the bucket with fresh water and cleaned the cloth in the sink until it was spotless again. then you walked across the room to take the broom.
"what are you doing?" theo pulled the broom away from you, when you tried to grab it.
"i'm doing what you should've done" you crossed your arms "i'm not gonna get in more trouble, because of you"
"i'm not giving it to you" theo said and you raised your brows.
"why do you even care? you're not gonna do it? okay, fine" you shrugged "but someone has to"
"it's not your fucking problem, pixie" theo pulled the broom further back "you did your task"
"why are you always so stubborn?" you tried to reach around him, but he pushed you back with his other hand "just give it to me"
"no" the bratty smile on his face made your blood boil.
in a few seconds of uncontrollable anger, you took the bucket, ready to drench him in the cold water you had just filled it up with. "give me the broom" you said once again, as if to give him a last chance.
"you wouldn't dare"
"oh i would" you nodded.
theo stayed unmoving and you raised the bucket from the ground, so that it was now hanging in the air between you. but theo was faster than you. he let go of the broom (which fell to the ground with a thud) before he ripped the bucket out of your hands, making water slip over the edge and directly onto your shirt.
"you fucking idiot!" you screamed, and turned away from the boy, once theo had put the bucket down on the table behind him.
"i actually did not mean to do that" he laughed "but it's pretty fucking funny"
"shut up" you started patting your chest with the cloth in an attempt to dry the water stain on your shirt. you did only make it worse.
you could hear theo giggle behind your back and swerved around, before you threw the cloth in his face. he was not as happy anymore when he took the cloth off his face and let it fall to the ground.
"what did you just do?"
you shrugged your shoulders "not like you didn't deserve that"
he stepped slowly closer "repeat that. i dare you"
you stepped back and he followed. your back hit the wall and he came closer.
"you deserved that" you muttered as you looked up at him. you could feel his hot breath on your cheek and thought about just pushing him back and slipping away, but you honestly doubted that you were stronger than him.
"you're very brave sweetheart" he smiled sarcastically.
you laughed humorless. "i fucking hate you"
theo smiled and the eye contact intensified.
"looks like you're having the hots for me now"
"fuck you, theo"
your breath hitched when he quickly pushed his lips against yours. it took you a second, but then you pulled him closer by his shirt, deepening the kiss.
theo's lips brushed against yours and you melted into his kiss, surrendering to the passion that consumed you both.
the kiss was like a storm, fierce and consuming, yet filled with a tenderness that left you breathless.
you had only kissed him once before, back when you were children. back when kissing was something disgusting and didn't make you feel the things you were feeling right now.
you whimpered when he pulled your head to the side with his hand and started kissing your neck.
"i loathe you" he muttered between kisses "but you look so fucking hot in that wet shirt"
you smiled triumphantly and saw your opportunity to push him backwards, away from the wall and to the teachers table. you connected your lips again, as you turned around and climbed on to the table. he stepped between your opened legs and rested his hands on your thighs as he moaned.
you gripped the hem of his shirt, he stepped back and helped you to pull it off, before you repeated the same process with your shirt. your hands pressed to his chest, while he kissed you and unhooked your bra.
you weren't proud of the things that happened next. and especially not of where it had happened.
when it was over, theo looked almost as regretful as you did.
"this was a mistake" you muttered, as he pulled down your shirt and gently fixed your hair. you weren't used to this side of him, not anymore. but even if you said the exact opposite, your were yearning for him.
"yeah" he nodded and then he frowned "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have-"
"-no, it's alright" you shook your head. this was worse than before, it was uncomfortable and awkward. you would've preferred him yelling at you, but the room grew silent as neither o you said a word.
"we can never do this again" he whispered, but it sounded more like he was telling it to himself.
"i know"
"and we can't tell anyone about this"
"i know"
"we're not good for each other" he said finally.
you wanted to say something, anything. it was like everything between you had just died with a simple touch. you almost missed the tension, because now there was just nothing. you tried to reach for his arm, but before you could do or say anything else, the door opened and theo stepped back from you.
"looks alright" mr platt nodded, once he had given the room a look. "you can go" he held the door open so you could walk through.
"bye" you said and mr platt nodded. "theo" you called, but the boy only quickened his step and left you standing alone in the entryhall of the school.
you sighed, before you decided that theo was right, you should just forget about everything that had happened. your relationship with him had not been anything else than hate lately and you had to admit he was right, it would never work, you weren't good for each other.
the shift in atmosphere did not go unnoticed by april or the rest of the boys. atleast not until the next saturday when she was spending the day with enzo and matt, chilling in their parent's basement before they head to the rehearsal later.
"have you noticed that theo and y/n have been acting weird lately?" april asked "i mean y/n's been totally denying it, but it's weird right?"
"for sure" mattheo nodded with big eyes "i'm glad you said something, i was dying to ask you"
"isn't that kind of normal?" enzo wondered "i mean for them to be weird?"
"you're not getting it the way we are!" mattheo criticized.
"okay, sorry" enzo raised his hands laughing until mattheo and april send him a look.
"i honestly always thought they would end up together" april admitted "and of course i hated the way their friendship evolved to constantly fighting with each other, but at least that was something. now they aren't even talking to each other"
"right?" mattheo pointed at the red-head "i always thought they were in love with each other, but then she dated that scumbag and leo, well" he left the sentence unfinished and the mood shifted.
"i thought the same" april patted mattheos shoulder. “i think what they have yet to realize is that everything that is between them is not hate, it’s sadness”
mattheo nodded and april could see that he was getting sad too. they both felt helpless, like they couldn’t do what they were supposed to do as best friends to theo and you.
all while enzo found it a bit weird how serious mattheo and april were talking about your relationship with theo. it didn't even concern them, yet they were so... concerned.
"it's not really our problem is it?" enzo tried gently.
the looks he received made him shut up immediately.
"they belong together, enz" his brother exclaimed with a roll of his eyes "they just don't know it yet"
"yeah" april nodded "that's what they have us for" she pointed between her and mattheo.
"but you still like me more than him, right?" enzo joked.
april and mattheo started laughing and enzo joined in hesitantly. "not right now, though"
enzo's laughter died down as he send his soon-to-be-girlfriend a betrayed look.
when the three arrived at the rehearsal, theo and you were already there, setting up the instrument and sorting notes.
"woah" blaise said when he and draco entered the garage after mattheo, april and enzo. "it's cold in here"
you send him an aggravated look, before you just rolled your eyes and continued to turn the pages of your notes.
"did something happen?" draco whispered in the direction of april.
the girl shook her head, before mattheo took it upon himself to inform draco about the newest form of relationship between theo and you.
"haven't you noticed?" he muttered not exactly quiet, but you acted like you couldn't hear him. "they've been acting like this all week"
"really?" blaise asked surprised, before he thought for a second "wait, no, now that you say it, it has been a really peaceful week." his eyes fell upon you "too peaceful"
"hey, y/n" draco called and you looked up "i think theo put down the wrong cable for you again"
"oh" you looked down to confirm that he was right "that not a problem, i'll just quickly change it" you walked around theo, without even acknowledging him and draco looked like he had lost his mind.
april elbowed enzo, who shrieked, but then quickly caught the hint. "theo, ehh" he thought for a second "did you talk to y/n about those notes she needs to play differently in cheap wine?"
theo shook his head, before he turned around to look at you. "you have to play two c-chords and then the a-chord"
"got it" you nodded.
enzo and april exchanged a look. enzo looked to his older brother helplessly, who looked as lost as he rest of his friends. he had no idea what else to say, before it quickly dawned on him. he had to force a reaction out of theo and what better way to do that than compliment you? an insult from theo wouldn't be far.
"you look really good today" mattheo said "i like the way you styles your hair"
"thank you" you smiled.
"theo?" blaise asked as the boy didn't react.
"huh?" theo looked up from the cables he had been sorting "eh, yeah i agree"
both you and theo returned to your respective work while the rest of your friends exchanged looks without you noticing.
"theo, i said y/n looks good today"
"i'm aware" theo nodded "i can hear you, you know?"
"we would love to hear your input" mattheo further encouraged.
"you're acting fucking weird today" and to all their shock, you and theo were now exchanging glances as if they were the ones behaving weirdly.
blaise huffed and mattheo and april crossed their arms silmutaneously.
draco seemed to have had enough of the way you were acting. "stop fucking acting this way! can't you just make up or something? or at least get back to hating each other?" he was close to tears.
blaise rubbed draco's shoulder. "see, what you're doing to him. his parents are divorced"
"okay?" you asked confused "i don't see what that has to do with us, though"
"what's going on?" april asked gently "did something happen? you had this until someone cries mentally, well, did someone cry?"
"no" you shook your head "theo and i are just mature enough, that we decided to stop fighting"
"bullshit" draco screamed from blaise's arms. "you're always fighting, even before you hated each other."
you looked in the direction of theo and thought about what he had said to you in that classroom. he had been right, you weren't good to each other, even before you had been at each other's throats constantly. all of it had been so obvious that even your friends had noticed it.
"would you rather have us fighting again?" theo asked with raised brows "we were going nowhere with this"
"you're not even talking to each other" mattheo muttered.
"we are" you shook your head as if you couldn't believe what he was saying "we just did it like a minute ago"
"can we please start rehearsing now?" theo asked and all of you could feel the annoyance radiating off his body. the boys nodded, giving in without further discussion.
you could still feel april's eyes lingering on you. she didn't believe a word you had said.
even if you tried to ignore it, what your friends had said stuck with you. you knew that theo was thinking about it too.
after the rehearsal you stayed longer.
"we have to stop acting his way" you said as soon as the two of you were alone. "they will find out if we don't"
"i know" theo sighed and it was the biggest reaction you had gotten from him all week. it kind of pained you to admit that you missed your fighting, but something in you clearly did.
"can't you just fight with me? just do something so we go back to normal"
"i can't" theo admitted "i can still scream at you, after-"
"after we had sex" you interrupted. he had been dancing around what happened all week, you were tired of not calling it what it was.
"it should've never happened"
"i know!" you said loudly "and i agree, but this is not the solution we need. we can't go back in time, theo, we can do nothing to change it."
"yeah, but i can do as much as possible to make sure it won't ever happen again"
"why are you so bothered by all of this?" you asked frustrated "it was just sex, it was a one time thing, what makes it different? it's just like any other one night stand"
"no it's not"
"then tell me what it is!" you were screaming now "because i'm tired of playing a game i don't want to be a part of! you confuse me"
"can i kiss you?" theo asked and you had almost screamed from shock.
"what?" you asked instead. "theo!"
"i'm- sorry, i just-"
"okay, kiss me" he did not wait for you to tell him twice, before he had already walked closer and pressed his lips against yours.
you really had to stop doing this. well, after this time.
you continued to come to the rehearsal three times a week over the following weeks. the more time you spent in the old loft, the more it felt like everything was slowly going back to normal.
your friends couldn't explain what had happened, but theo and you had started interacting normally again, having your occasional fight, but being friendlier than ever.
even if they found it weird, they accepted it. they were just happy you were talking to each other again.
april had tried to find out what had been going and between you and the boy, but you had stayed strong, not revealing your secret to her, even if she was your best friend.
you were joking with the boys, the forced friendly gestures you used to exchange were long gone and it was no longer uncomfortable to just sit around when you were taking a break.
mattheo told stories of enzo and their vacation in spain, how they had gone snorkeling and how enzo had lost his trunks in the water, making all of you break out into loud laughter.
each of you shared memories of a time where you had not spoken to the others, as if you had to catch up. and it felt good.
even theo had to admit it did. it had been easier than he thought to be civil. he had been sure he was having a stroke, but as soon as he started to act nice, you did too and after everything that had happened between you both these past few days he was honestly just glad.
it was another saturday when you were once again rehearsing. you had gone through the entire setlist (except for daddy issues, theo had said that it was way too slow to play) and now only had to play eight pack of cigarettes, which was one of your favorite tracks to play, especially because it had a guitar solo in it.
you had spent much time learning the solo and enzo had been of great help, teaching you like a proud parent, even if he was younger than you.
the song began slow, theo started singing as the guitar played slow, while the other instruments stayed silent.
in the glow of street lights, underneath the city's haze, you found me in the darkest nights, lost in a nicotine haze.
the drums set in just a second after, making the heavy rock of the song shine through clearly. shortly after that followed mattheo, strumming the bass. draco only joined at the chorus.
eight packs of cigarettes, burned through these lonely nights, trying to drown out regrets, but you're still in my head.
the solo came just after the brige and both enzo and april watches excitedly how you plaed it so effortlessly. theo watched you and he couldn't help the proud smile settling on his face.
in the haze of smoke and dreams, i'll keep searching for some reprieve, but until then, I'll keep the smoke, eight packs of cigarettes full of hope.
the song ended with the last note of draco's keyboard. you admired how they could go from a full on rock song, to a slow and almost sad outro.
you helped theo to unplug the instruments. draco and blaise said their goodbyes pretty soon, walking out of the garage mumbling something about a new videogame, mattheo was close behind them.
enzo and april exchanged a look, before he threw his not broken arm around her shoulder.
"we're going to the cinema" enzo exclaimed when he noticed your questioning gaze.
"okay" you smiled as you send april a look. 'call me later' you mouthed, before you watched them walk out to april's car.
"y/n" theo said to gain your attention "thank you for helping us, really, i appreciate it"
"it's not a problem" you smiled "just, why did you ask me? i know that you can play, you didn't need me"
"you're way better" he smiled "my heart also belongs to the acoustic guitar and it's way more fun to move freely on stage"
you rolled your eyes laughing at his dumb reasons, but nodded understandingly anyway. "can i also ask you something?"
theo raised his brows "sure"
"did you write daddy issues to hurt me?"
"i understand why you might think i did" theo muttered "but back then, no" he admitted "i wrote it for you to listen to whenever you felt like that. i thought about not putting it on the album after everything that happened, but i wrote it for both of you and leo had made me promise"
"typical" you laughed "he demands something and once he leaves everything goes to shit"
"i'm sorry i made you play it" theo muttered.
"it's alright" you took the acoustic guitar from the couch and held it in his direction. "can you do something else for me? could you play it for me? the way you intended it to be played?"
he nodded and took the guitar from your hand before he sat down across from you. he softly stroked the chords and the words that were coming out of his mouth didn't feel like they were supposed to hurt you, they felt gentle, like a hug.
gentle, like the days you had spent up in the treehouse, crying in his lap as he stroked your hair the same way he was now stroking the chords.
go ahead and cry, little girl nobody does it like you do i know how much it matters to you i know that you got daddy issues and if you were my little girl i'd do whatever I could do i'd run away and hide with you i know that you got daddy issues
he played softly, almost cautious, as if he wanted to fix you with his singing alone. he ended the song and you couldn't help but smile at him, even if tears were running over yours cheeks. he put the guitar down and sat next to you on the couch.
"why did you ask me to do that?"
"because i don't want to think of the song as something bad…not anymore" you explained as you wiped your tears away. "not when leo didn't intend it to be"
"he loved it" theo said softly "made him cry like a baby"
"because you're so good at writing" you laughed.
"no" theo shook his head "he cried because of you, because i think for the first time he could really understand how you felt"
"thank you" you said.
"nothing to thank me for" theo smiled softly.
"do you want to hear a secret?" you asked. you knew not everything between you was normal again, but you trusted him enough and right now, there in the garage, was a time where safety was all around you.
"sure" theo nodded and watched you expectingly. you turned your head to look at him.
"i haven't spoken to my dad in a year" you admitted.
"oh" theo breathed surprised. "why not?"
"i don't really know" you shrugged, it wasn't the whole truth, but you were not at the point of telling whole truths yet "but i think it's alright, i don't think there's anything we could still say to each other"
"i'm sorry"
you shrugged "it is what it is, right?" you tried to smile, but theo shook his head.
"it shouldn't be like this"
"it's not like i can miss anything" you shrugged and theo frowned.
"it's just unfair. i'm sorry, y/n"
"where did pixie go?"
"i thought you hated when i called you that"
"i did" you smiled lopsided "but now i kinda miss her"
"do you ever know what you want?" theo laughed and you shrugged, while you shook your head. he looked at his phone, to check the time. "are you free tonight?"
"sure, why?"
"a friend of mine is throwing a party and his band is playing, i promised to come, do you maybe want to accompany me?"
you shrugged "it's not like i have anything better to do, so why not?"
"i feel honored that you spend time with me nonetheless, pixie" theo smiled and you mirrored his expression. for the first time in a while his nickname for you did not sound malicious.
@7s3ven @madi-potter @shereadsandcries @getosbeloved @mischieftom @wolfstar-jpg @t00thfairy20 @chcrrysblog @aestramjackson @elina3011 @kr1nqu @hopeless-y @mitskiswift99 @fallingblackveils @ahead-fullofdreams @helendeath @schaebickel @chubbychasermattheotruther @punkprincess03 @subparslytherin @girlbooklover555 @sakanelli-afc @cobrakaisb @ellen3101
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wordsarelife · 1 month
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐢 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐯𝐲, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐢'𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: theo and you seem to be a pretty good match, until things go out of control
warnings: underage drinking, cursing, trauma (bad relationship with parents), sexual references, depression, fighting, mention of death
note: this is absolutely the most gut wrenching chapter so far! get ready lmao!! and for the people still wondering who leo is: you will find out in this chapter!!
previous part | masterlist | next part
theo walked you both through a forest, taking weird paths that he claimed to be shortcuts. you giggled anytime he almost fell over a branch and he laughed deeply and almost lovingly as you stumbled against him a few times, because it was already dark.
at the party he walked you around, introducing you to foreign people and it made you heart flutter, that he did not introduce you with your name alone.
"curtis" he said when a blonde and tall boy entered his field of vision "this is my friend, y/n"
"hi, theo's friend y/n" curtis greeted and you smiled up at his tall figure.
"is your band playing tonight?" you asked and curtis nodded proudly.
"i'm the keyboarder" he explained "you will love it, i promise"
you normally hated boys with too big of an ego (maybe because of theo), but curtis was actually lovely and seemed like he meant it in a nice way. he reminded you of enzo and you instantely liked him.
"get your lady something to drink, theo" curtis patted the dark haired boys shoulder before he turned back to you "zero manners, huh?"
you giggled and curtis promised to come back and talk to you after the gig. theo walked you to a small table filled to the brim with different kinds of alcohol.
"what do you want?" he asked and you raised your brows as your eyes glided along the table.
you would rather not drink any alcohol, but there was nothing without it. also, you didn't want to explain why, so you just pointed to the bottle of sparkling wine and watched how theo filled a glass for you.
he took a bottle of beer for himself and walked you back into the crowd so you could listen to curtis and his band.
you had to admit that they were really good, but (and you did not say that to theo or curtis when he came to talk to you later) nothing in comparison to cursed legacy.
you sipped your sparkling wine as theo walked you around the party and talked so some of his friends. there were a few you found pretty funny, boys that reminded you of blaise and draco, as they were dancing weirdly across the dance floor.
and curtis' girlfriend was like a carbon copy of april. she joined you as you watched the boys and couldn't hold your laughter at their ridiculous dancing.
"friends like that keep your soul young" lily had said as she sat down next to you. "i'm lily" she added as she noticed your surprised expression "curtis’ girlfriend"
"y/n" you smiled "theo told half the people here to call me pixie, but don't listen to him, he's an idiot. and i know, i have the exact same friends on the other side of the town"
"so a few meters from here?" lily joked and you joined in on her laughter.
"something like that"
"are you theo's girlfriend?" she followed your eyes that were watching him as he was talking to curtis and another boy you hadn't been introducted to yet.
"no" you shook your head. theo turned his head and smiled at you, before he waved for you to come and join the conversation.
"they way he looks at you tells a different story" said lily as she followed you through the crowd.
you shook your head laughing. lily stepped next to curtis, who threw an arm around her body and you stepped next to theo, who, to your surprise, did the same.
later, theo and you started walking back home. you had said goodbye to the people you had met tonight, while theo had to promise both curtis and lily that he would bring you around more often. lily was so drunk that she almost cried as you told her that you were leaving, which made you like her even more.
you loved people that didn't get aggressive or angry when they got drunk, but rather emotional or funny.
"are you sure this is the right way?" you mumbled as you followed theo through the forest, your hand in his as he took paths that looked like they were not supposed to be walked on.
"trust me, baby" theo laughed and the nickname made your heart flutter. you were glad that he couldn't see your face.
to your surprise you came out of the forest right in front of your houses. the moon was shining down on the street, making it easier to see his beautiful face.
"so much music tonight and we didn't even dance"
"you're right" you smiled "what do we do now?"
"i have something on here" theo said as he took out his phone. "it's a song that was supposed to be on the album, but i scrapped last minute"
"oh" you said surprised "what is it about?"
you laughed unsurely "so pixie dream girl or daddy issues part two?"
"no" theo said quickly as he shook his head "it's not like that, it's not mean"
"why did you scrap it?"
"because leo was helping me to decide which songs were good enough for an album and i didn't want him to see this one"
you smiled up at him, before you finally nodded. "play it"
he set down the phone and pressed play, before he took your hand in his, one hand on your hip. the song was soft and gentle and you could hear the guitar and dracos keyboard.
"how did you record the guitar if leo didn't know about it?" you wondered.
"i played it myself" theo shrugged and you smiled as you heard his voice. "i wrote the song when you started hanging out with cormac and we stopped spending as much time"
i know a place it's somewhere i go when i need to remember your face we get married in our heads something to do while we try to recall how we met
he twirled you around on the street, moving you away and then back close to his chest again.
the bridge was definitely your favorite part of the song, as you softly hummed along.
there was something 'bout you that now i can't remember it's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender and i miss you on a train, i miss you in the morning i never know what to think about
you didn't want him to know, but you cried a bit. the song was so incredibly beautiful that it made your head hurt. right before the song was over, theo started singing along, supporting the theo from months ago.
about you about you do you think i have forgotten about you? (don't let go)
he hugged you close to his body while you both swayed to the last few tunes of the song.
"that's how you felt? all while i was still there?" you asked him once he had pushed the phone into the back pocket of his trousers.
"it felt like you were worlds away" theo muttered "you were so obsessed with cormac that all i could do was write a song about how you were slipping away"
"i was sixteen and in love" you argued.
"i know" theo smiled "i was too"
you looked up at him in surprise and a bit of hope in your eyes. "and what about now?" you asked
"now i'm seventeen" he shrugged.
"and in love?" you asked carefully.
"deeply" his hands wandered to hold your hip, as you stepped closer to his body. your hands went to his neck. he drew you closer and slowly connected your lips. his lips were soft and warm and they felt like home in a place that hadn't felt like a home in a long time.
he brushed some of your hair out of your face as he deepened the kiss, softly pushing his tongue through your lips. you smiled at that.
as you broke the kiss, he softly leaned his forehead against yours.
"do you want to come inside?" you asked as you pointed to your house.
theo smiled as he nodded. you took your key out of your bag and opened the door. to your surprise, you could hear someone move through the house.
it was well past midnight, so you shrieked in surprise when your mum turned on the light. she screamed at the same time as you did.
you wondered what she was doing up here. normally she wouldn't come out of bed or up here in general. she would spend most days in bed, curled up under leo's bedsheets.
"y/n!" she screamed and you noticed the tears on her cheeks.
"mum" you muttered as you looked back at theo, who was still standing in the entryway, unsure what to do.
"where have you been?" she screamed. "you're soaked!" theo's and your eyes went down your body simultaneously. you were completely dry.
"i'm not, mum" you shook your head "maybe you should go back to bed" you tried to grab her arm but she moved away from your hold.
"i told you not to go out in the rain"
"mum, i didn't, really"
"where have you been all night?" she screamed and winced. "i have been sick with worry! you've been gone for hours, y/n!"
"mum, i-"
"i don't want to hear another word!" she grabbed your hand and pulled you closer. "leo, sweetheart is that you?" she only seemed to notice theo, now that you were not standing in front of him anymore.
you and him exchanged a look. "no, mum" you softly said "that is theo" you turned your head back at him "maybe you should better go"
he nodded at your suggestion.
"leo, sweetheart" your mum called as she saw him moving. theo froze. "where are you going?" you held her in place as she tried to move closer to him.
"go, home, theo" you said "i'll call you"
"where's leo?" the calm in her voice was suddenly gone and she was screaming again. theo turned around alarmed.
"go, i'll call you" you repeated. "you shouldn't have called him" your mother screamed "why did you call him?" she sank down on the ground sobbing and screaming as she held her arms close to her chest. you sat down beside her.
you looked up and saw the sad look on theo's face. "please, go, theo"
he left and closed the front door behind him.
your mother calmed down quickly and you were able to bring her back down to bed. she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow and you watched her for a few minutes as you wiped your cheeks to get rid of your tears.
you shared the color of her eyes and hair, the way she used to walk down the street and the sound of laughter, that you hadn't heard since that night a year ago.
you kissed her head softly, before you got up and left the room. "goodnight, mum" you mumbled before you closed the door.
then you walked up to your room. the curtain of your window was open and you saw theo sitting at his window on the other side. you saw him scribble something down on his blog, before he pressed it against the window.
is she always like this?
you shrugged, before you took your own blog and wrote an answer.
not always, but sometimes she freaks out and thinks it's that night again
what is she doing normally? it's the first time i saw her in a year
you weren't sure what to answer. you didn't want to lie to him, but the truth embarassed you.
she stays here
she doesn't leave the house?
you could see the same look of pity in theo's eyes as you always saw in april's. she was the only one who really knew how bad your mother had gotten.
i'm sorry you had to see that, you wrote
theo shook his head, he held his hand against the window, as if to touch yours, i'm here
you held your hand against the glass too, as you smiled at his gesture. i know
you sat there for longer than you should have, only going to bed as soon as you couldn't keep your eyes open and were almost falling asleep on the desk.
sunday was warm and thick and theo came to pick you up. all of you, the rest of the guys and april, went to the lake behind the garage to go swimming.
the sun was relentless but you were so happy that you did not mind.
april and enzo had arrived hand in hand, kissing each other all over their faces, before they announced that they were finally dating. you were more than just happy for them and exchanged conspiritorial looks with theo as they mentioned how they had spend their night.
none of your friends knew about your and theo's adventure from the night before, or the times you had spent in each others embrace. you were glad that they had stopped asking questions about the way you acted after the last time.
you hadn't been sure if you would have been able to lie, but your friends kept their mouths shut, silently smiling and fully accepting the new normal.
theo had send you the demo of about you and you had spent any free minute listening to it. this was your song, the song that was truly about you and you couldn't love it more.
and for now, everything that had happened between you just belonged to the two of you.
theo walked into the garage to get a few more beers as he ran into mattheo, who came back from the toilet.
"hey, mate" he patted theo's shoulder, as the latter bend down to open the fridge.
mattheo's eyes wandered to the window that overlooked the lake. blaise and draco were standing on top of the tree that was hanging over the water, while they tried not to fall down. april and you were loudly laughing as you tried to throw each other into the water. enzo came up behind the two of you and helped to throw april inside, before he pushed you in after her. mattheo watched as your head came back up and you began laughing.
"you have to tell her" mattheo mumbled "the concert is in a few days"
"i know" theo muttered, before he took a big sip from his beer. "but she's so happy" his heart fluttered as he watched you run across the grass as draco and blaise were chasing you.
"all the more reason to tell her" mattheo nodded "maybe she doesn't mind"
"i don't know" theo shrugged "i still lied to her"
"not if you just tell her" theo nodded at his friend before he left the room. mattheo bend down to get a beer for himself, as his eyes returned back to the glass. you were in the lake again and you face lit up as your eyes fell on theo.
you held your hand in his direction, before you dragged him in to the water. mattheo could hear you giggle, followed by theo's warm laughter as he held you close to his body and dipped you down in the lake. "so, that's how it is?" mattheo mumbled smiling as he watched the two of you.
monday came fast and so did the bad weather. it had been raining since the morning and you couldn't be more glad that april and theo both had their own cars so no one had to walk.
"good morning, baby" theo greeted as soon as you sat down in his car. he turned in your direction expectingly, moving his lips. you giggled before you kissed him and he leaned back with a satisfied grin.
on your way to school you picked up draco and blaise who were talking about a switch in the atmosphere. you and theo listened to their blabbering as you exchanged looks with each other.
"this was disgusting" mattheo said as he climbed from the backseat of april's car. she had driven him and enzo to school with her. "two people in love and i have nowhere to escape"
"yeah" draco nodded "i kind of feel the same" blaise and him exchanged confused gazes, not quite realizing what they were talking about just yet.
"should we head to english?" you asked before one of them was able to further think about it.
"sure" april took your arm as she dragged enzo behind her. theo stayed close to you, but did not hold your hand.
mrs walker was on time today and she even smiled as she noticed the friendly conversation you and theo were having. "war is over, huh?" she smiled and you softly nodded.
it was the first time in months that you did not mind theo sitting so close to you. you needed his warmth, as if his and your body were magnets of opposite sides, always pulling each other close.
during class, theo was drawing hearts on your hand with his finger and you wondered when you had forgotten how soft love was.
love was back, because theo was and you had missed him terribly, even before there was that wall of fault between the two of you. you had thought that there was no way to fix what had been broken, but maybe you had been wrong.
theo had felt the same, as he had told you. and he understood you, understood the way you could not have a relationship with your father, the way you felt sad anytime your eyes fell on your mother and why you had taken down every photo of your brother and put them in a box under the bed.
"i take them out when i want to remember" you had told him "when i'm ready to feel him"
"do you think you will be able to hang them up again?" theo had asked.
"i don't know" it broke a piece of your heart that you weren't able to really tell "maybe there will just always be something broken inside of me"
"and your parents?" he had pushed a strand of hair behind your ear "are they broken too?"
"more than me" you had said "that's why i can only be broken at certain times"
theo squeezed your hand before he had to take it away to write something down. you smiled at him, before you started writing too.
suddenly your phone buzzed in the back pocket out your trousers. there were only fifteen minutes of class left, but maybe it was important, so you took it out without mrs walker noticing and opened the message that had been send from an unknown number.
hey, peanut it read and you heart stopped beating. it's dad. how are you? dave called me to tell me about the record deal for leo's band, i heard they're making great music. theo messaged me too, is he your boyfriend? he told me that you needed to talk. call me!! xoxo dad
you stared down at the message and your whole body froze. dave fraser was the guy that was eventually giving the guys the record deal? you knew it had to have been leo who contacted him. and theo had messaged your dad? a thousand questions were running through your mind, but before you got a chance to answer them, another message came in.
i'm sure everything will work out with the deal. dave is obsessed with the guys and pixie dream girl! he told me i should come and listen to them play on saturday. will you be there too? didn't theo used to call you pixie? kinda funny!
yeah, you thought, funny.
"y/n?" mrs walker called "do you know the answer to number five?"
"what?" you muttered as you looked up from the phone in your hand.
"i asked if you knew the answer to number five" mrs walker repeated, but her eyes grew wider as she noticed the tears in your eyes "are you alright?"
you shook your head before you grabbed your bag and pushed your blog inside. "can i please leave?"
"ehh" mrs walker seemed to be caught off-guard before she finally nodded. you grabbed your things and ran out of the room under the confused eyes of your friends.
"excuse me" you could hear a voice call and quickly, steps were following after you. it was theo and you just quickened your pace.
"y/n!" he called. "are you alright?" there were another few pairs of feet running over the floor.
"you can't just all leave class" you could hear mrs walker say.
"it's important" april said.
"we will write an extra essay" enzo promised and you could hear both mattheo and draco groan.
"are you nuts?" blaise said loudly, before he was scolded by mrs walker.
you walked down the steps, theo behind you and behind him april, enzo, mattheo, draco and blaise.
"where are you going?" theo asked, but you ignored him. he followed you outside into the rain, where he finally caught up with you, holding your arm so you had to freeze in your step.
the rest of your friends waited under the little roof before the doors.
"what has gotten into you?" he asked.
"what has gotten into me?" you repeated laughing "what the fuck is wrong with you, huh?"
"what are you talking about?" you both were already soaked.
"you're playing pixie dream girl on saturday?" you asked.
before he could stop himself, theo had already answered "how do you know?"
mattheo hid his face in his hands and enzo groaned audibly.
"so it's true then?" you asked "and i bet all of you knew" you looked behind theo and into the guilt-ridden faces of your friends.
"we wanted to tell you-i mean i wanted to, really"
"yeah, you did? were you waiting for the right moment? taking bets when would be the funniest time?"
"no, you don't understand"
"oh, i think i do" you shook your head as you cried "you're still punishing me for everything that happened a year ago"
"what? no, i'm not" theo almost pleaded for you to believe him.
"did he tell you everything?" you turned to the other boys "how's your next song about me called, huh? y/n's psycho mother?"
"y/n, we don't know what you're talking about" mattheo said.
"oh you don't? well, let me clear things up as long i have the chance to do so myself" you clenched your hands together, you were already shaking from the harsh cold of the rain "what did you miss? my mother has gone completely off the rails since my brother died, my dad and i haven't spoken in a year and i think i have a lot of issues too"
you could hear april cry and the rest of the boys also looked like they were absolutely distraught.
"theo was a great friend" you said bitterly "while i went to him crying, he wrote a song that he knew would hurt me and he still put it on the album. and after i told him i how i felt about it, he claimed it was supposed to help me, while he aired out my dirty laundry to everyone in this fucking town"
"daddy issues" draco muttered under his breath.
"damn right" you pointed in his direction.
"daddy issues is about y/n?" enzo asked and he looked as betrayed as you felt.
"y-yeah" theo muttered "but i did not mean to hurt her"
"that's funny, theo" you laughed sarcastically "did you also not mean to hurt me when you messaged my father?"
"you did what?" april asked angrily and was ready to step next to you, but enzo held her back before she could walk in the rain.
"i know you don't want to talk to him, but i thought-"
"thought you knew my life better than i do?" you asked angrily "the night of leo's death, my dad spent hours screaming at me. my brother had just died and he stood in front of me while he told me how everything was my fault. he was the one telling me that he didn't want to see me again" you raised your arms "but who am i to complain about that, right? at least he's paying his child support, more than he has to actually, or mum and i would live on the street now. because she doesn't leave leo's fucking bed" you screamed in the direction of your friends "she never gets up" you added.
april sobbed and you noticed that all of the others had tears in their eyes as well.
"she's a mess" you muttered "but even she thinks it's my fault. you remember theo? that night in my house, when she thought you were leo? do you know how it feels to come home and she turns on the light and there's a flicker of hope in her eyes, because just for a short second she thinks i'm her dead son? and when she notices that it's me, just me, she just goes back to bed"
"we didn't know" blaise said softly.
"because i didn't want anyone to know" you said "but theo is running around telling people whatever he feels like and all of this will probably be featured on your second album anyway, so fuck it, right?"
"i'm so sorry" theo cried and you couldn't tell what was rain and what were tears on his face.
"sorry isn't cutting it this time, theo" your voice was a lot calmer now "you asked if i will be able to hang leo's pictures up again and the most honest answer i can give you is that i don't know if i could bare to look at his face while knowing that i killed him"
"you didn't kill him" theo argued.
"it doesn't matter to me how you see all of this, theo" you shook your head "just leave me alone, okay? but this time for real. i don't want to see you and i don't want to speak to you" you paused, before you added "because the real reason why we aren't friends anymore is that after everything that happened, you didn't even have the decency to come to leo's funeral. he was your friend, your best friend"
you send one last look in the direction of your friends, before you started to walk away.
theo called your name and you turned your head, but mattheo held him in place. you nodded at him, thankfully. april looked between enzo and theo, before she shook her head and ran after you.
she put her arm around you and let you cry into her shoulder as you both walked through the rain. away from your friends and away from theo, who you swore in that moment, had broken your heart for the last time.
@7s3ven @madi-potter @shereadsandcries @getosbeloved @mischieftom @wolfstar-jpg @t00thfairy20 @chcrrysblog @aestramjackson @elina3011 @kr1nqu @hopeless-y @mitskiswift99 @fallingblackveils @ahead-fullofdreams @helendeath @schaebickel @chubbychasermattheotruther @punkprincess03 @subparslytherin @girlbooklover555 @sakanelli-afc @cobrakaisb @ellen3101
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wordsarelife · 26 days
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: the night of the concert is here. will theo be able to fix everything between him and pixie?
warnings: bit angst, idiots in love, a bit cheesy
note: not really happy with the outcome of this chapter, but whatever..
you tried not to think about it too much, but despite everything, saturday did not feel normal. it felt like you were missing something.
after you had ignored his messages, your dad had called you several times. you didn't want to speak to him, but you had to admit that it felt good being wanted by him for once.
you didn't know when he last tried to reach out to you.
you spent your day ignoring the time, staring blindly into your book and reading the same page over and over again. you were tempted, but you didn't open the curtain.
your mind had run in circles after what your mother had said last night.
you had worried that everything she said had just been a temporary state, but today she had gotten up before you to make you breakfast. she had still looked a bit sick, but colour was slowly returning to her face and today the had a meeting with her doctor.
she was trying to find a therapist too. not only for her but also for the both of you. she wanted to repair your relationship and she was slowly becoming her normal self again.
she had been right, if you could forgive her, you would maybe eventually be able to forgive theo too.
the pain and fault that had rested on your shoulder had slowly evaporated into thin air, lifting everything that had made your and theo's relationship hard in the first place.
the doorbell rang at around six and you wondered who it was. your mother was still at the doctor's and your friends were already all at the concert hall. or at least that was what you had thought.
"what are you doing here?" you asked as your eyes fell upon enzo and april. "shouldn't you be there already? it's an hour drive"
"that's all enzo's doing" april rolled her eyes jokingly "you would think for someone that has claimed yours and theo's relationship to be none of his business, he would act like it wasn't, but here we are"
enzo ignored his girlfriend's words completely. "you have to forgive him, y/n" he almost begged "you should've seen how distraught he looked at rehearsals today. he's hating himself for what he did"
"enzo, i really-"
"i'd do anything, y/n" he interrupted "he's not himself without you"
"you should've seen him" april pointed to enzo "i let him drive my car this once and he turns it around in the middle of the street and drives back here. we were also already fourty minutes into the drive!"
you had almost laughed, if enzo hadn't been nearly crying in front of you.
"you're everything to him" enzo continued unfazed. "he has loved you for years! all of us saw it right before our very eyes, even your brother! theo loved you from afar for so long, don't you think you can love him back?"
all colour suddenly disappeared from april's face as realization dawned on her. "repeat that!" she said.
"what?" enzo turned his head at her confused "don't you think you can love him back?" he repeated, but april shook her head.
"i mean what you said before that" enzo and you looked both confused now and she rolled her eyes "theo loved you from afar!"
"what?" you asked, but it looked like enzo had realized what she meant.
"yeah!” he threw a fist into the air and turned around himself, loudly screaming.
"am i being filmed?" you looked around for invisible cameras.
"y/n" april laughed as enzo continued dancing behind her. "you're daisy"
"i'm what?" you asked with a dry laugh. "are you alright?"
"daisy buchanan" enzo said loudly "you're daisy buchanan and theo is jay gatsby"
"no, that's-"
april interrupted you, before you could tell them how crazy all of this sounded. "he loved her from afar" she quoted in a deeper voice, obviously mimicking theo.
as if that wasn't enough enzo chimed in, spotting a high-pitched voice, undoubtly quoting you "then he could've stayed on his fucking side of the lake, instead he threw these gigantic parties, just hoping for one single person to show up. is that what it is to you? having an unhealthy obsession with something that could lead to your death and calling it love?"
"he loved her because she wasn't easy. he loved her because being with her meant not knowing what's to come, because being with her meant to never grow bored" april continued.
"did we read the same book? because i read a book in which a foolish man spends his entire time obsessing over a woman who doesn't love him, atleast not as much as he loves her and later he dies, because he wants to save her and she doesn't even bat an eye, before she goes back to her husband" enzo rattled that down like he had learned text for a whole musical.
april smiled. “that’s why he defended daisy as if his life depended on it. because she is you!”
they both looked at you expectingly.
"i don't know what is weirder about this" you shook your head "that you both can effortlessly quote something theo and i said weeks ago or that you decided enzo should play me. that was the worst girl voice i ever heard, april's mimicking of theo was at least believable"
"that's what you took from this?" april sighed.
"she said we effortlessly quoted them" enzo pointed out "that means she remembers" he tapped a finger to his head.
"wait, you're right" april laughed "oh, you're so smitten!"
"we should really go now" enzo reminded with a look to his phone. "well, are you coming or not?" he asked.
"i don't know, guys"
"as is said before” she pressed “theo was obviously talking about you" april reminded "you're daisy! what's there not to know?!"
enzo seemingly had enough, as he massaged the space between his eyebrows. "why are you and theo always making it so unnecessarily hard? do you love him?"
you smiled "i do"
"do you want to see him?"
"then what are you waiting for?!" he took your arm, pulled you out of the house and closed the door. "come on!" then he pushed you and april to the car.
"first he has time to come and get you and now we have to run like someone is chasing us" april muttered under her breath and you giggled.
enzo was really reminding you of a family father right now.
he started to drive just as your arse had hit the seat. you were able to close the door just in time, before it could make contact with the stone wall.
"enzo!" april scolded "that's still my car!"
"hold on tight, woman!" he screamed "we're not going to miss this concert!"
and he was right, because he turned the car as if he was testing at how much speed he could take the turn.
to your surprise, you made it in time, with all your body parts still attached.
"that was—"
"awful!" april interrupted as she opened the door and got out "you're never driving this car again!"
"sorry, sweetheart" enzo was close behind her and you followed suit, unsure if you could come inside without them.
inside the venue, enzo kissed april goodbye before he headed behind the stage. “let’s find a good place to watch them, yeah?” april smiled and you nodded.
you walked through the crowd, not too close to the stage, but good enough.
“hey” a voice said and both you and april turned around. “you’re y/n?” the guy was wearing a headset and clipboard. he looked like he belonged to the venue.
“yeah?” you asked surprised. were you not allowed to be here?
“mr l/n told me to come and get you” the guy explained “he has a vip place on the right side of the stage. he said you both were with him?”
you looked around the people in front of you until your eyes caught the space he was talking about. there was your father, staring right at the stage.
april followed your line of sight. “we don’t have to” she said to you, before she turned her head to the unfamiliar man “we would rather stay here”
“are you sure?” he asked and looked to you expectingly.
“no” you said quickly and were surprised by yourself “we’re coming”
you followed the man through the crowd of people.
“what are you doing?” april muttered, clutching your arm.
“i can’t always run away from difficult feelings”
“okay” she nodded “just give me a sign and i’ll knock him out”
“thank you, april” you smiled “you’re the greatest friend i ever had”
she smiled and you could see how much your compliment flattered her. “i’m glad that you are coming back to normal” she giggled, as she wrapped an arm around your body.
“hey april” your father greeted when you stood in front of him. april said a hesitant hello, before she nudged your arm and told you she would wait for you.
once april had left you alone, both of you didn’t know how to act.
“h-hey” your dad said, before he opted for an awkward side-hug.
“hi dad”
“how have you been?” he pushed a hand through his hair. you could see him struggling, he didn’t know what to say, just how you didn’t know.
you smiled and shrugged. he nodded.
“can we stop doing this?” you finally asked “this feels so forced. we haven’t talked in a year and that’s shit, but we don’t have to ignore it happened, okay?”
“i’m sorry” your dad shook his head “i thought all of this would be easier, but you’re not little anymore and-“
“-i’m not as forgiving as i used to be” you interrupted “what you did and what you said was actual bullshit, dad. you messed everything up and i think you’re responsible that i have such a hard time trusting people”
“peanut” he muttered.
“why didn’t you call?” you asked as tears fell over your cheeks “why didn’t you want to be my dad anymore?”
he couldn’t look you in the eyes. “what happened wasn’t your fault”
“i know”
“yeah, but i made you feel like it was” he admitted “i said horrible things and i brought you back home like i didn’t want to see you. i was ashamed, i thought you didn’t want to see me after what i had said to you that night”
“i needed my parents. there’s no excuse for you not atleast trying to be there” you shook your head “you could’ve tried” you added, crying.
your father didn’t say anything. he nodded, before he softly touched your shoulder. “i would love to try” he said gently “if you still want me to”
“yeah” you nodded “but i don’t think i can just forgive. it’s gonna need a lot more than a promise from you”
“i know” a tear slipped over his cheek. “i want to make it alright. theo made me realize what i did to you and i’m so ashamed, peanut” he gulped “i just want to be your dad again”
“i want you to be that” you softly hugged him and it felt more normal than before. “but we have to fix a lot for that to happen”
“i know and i will try to make it work again”
“hey, sorry” april leaned around the body of your dad “they are starting now”
you smiled at your dad, before you loosened the hug and all three of you walked further up to the barrier.
“hey guys!” theo said into the microphone “we’re cursed legacy. this is cheap wine!”
you watched him closely, how he gripped the microphone. his voice flew through the speakers, making you shiver. the veins on his necks were more obvious when he came to the chorus, pouring his heart right into your ears.
now you’re dancing along,
to his newest song,
laughing like you did when you were mine,
and it hits me, cause i can’t fix it,
on the bottom of your lip,
reminder how it is,
but there’s still a drop of my cheap wine.
the song ended and you opened your eyes. april was jumping up and down, loudly screaming.
your father smiled impressed. “they’re really good”
“i know” you nodded proudly.
after cheap wine, cursed legacy played eight packs of cigarettes, you get me so high, only angel and neon nights.
before theo could announce the next song, dave fraser entered the stage.
you and april exchanged a confused look, when you noticed theo and dave eagerly discussing something. theo shook his head, more than once, before he sighed.
“and now” dave had grabbed the mic that had been standing next to enzo unused. “make some noise for pixie dream girl”
you clenched your teeth and noticed the look on theo’s face. he looked about as happy as you did.
enzo started playing the chords, blaise and mattheo starting right after him, before finally draco joined.
theo‘s eyes wandered over the crowd, before they finally landed on you.
no, you thought, as you saw the conflict in his eyes. then he did what you had feared. he didn’t start singing.
the band exchanged confused looks, before they repeated the same progression of chords. the crowd hadn’t noticed that theo missed his cue, but they would if he would continue to not move and just stare at you.
“is something wrong?” your father muttered beside you.
you didn’t take your eyes off of theo, but shook your head.
“i’m sorry” theo finally moved and started speaking. the music behind him died down. “i can’t do this” he sent his bandmates a regretful look, before he jumped down from the stage and started making his way through the crowd in the direction of the door.
you started walking at the same time. but not to him.
“y/n?” april called confused.
you walked behind the stage. maybe theo really wanted to throw everything away because he had been an idiot and wrote that dumb song, but you wouldn’t let him.
“hey” you said into the spare microphone, when you entered the stage. the crowd, who had been turned in the other direction as they looked after theo, turned around.
and so did theo.
you could almost hear the sigh of relief that escaped mattheo‘s lips. the rest of the band seemed to be relieved to see you too.
“ehh, i’m pixie” you smiled and you were as confident as if pixie really was your name. “and this is pixie dream girl”
you nodded to enzo, who promptly started playing. after a few seconds of confusion, the rest of the band joined in.
i’m an average girl, with tangled up hair,
my laughter's like nails on a chalkboard, it's more than he can bear.
i flutter around, like a clumsy old crow,
leaving chaos behind me, wherever i go
if you had to sing that stupid song, you would at least change the lyrics in a way that was fun.
he‘s pretty average too,
a thorn in my side, believe me it’s true,
he‘s up all night, screaming his songs,
i‘ll stay awake, and sing along!
you could see the smile enter theo‘s face.
the rest of the band seemed pretty impressed by your spontaneous ability to change the lyrics. you could also hear enzo add a few improvised riffs.
you raised your arm, waving for him to come and join you. he walked his way back through the crowd, as you sang the chorus.
but oh, as she dances and sings to her favorite song,
in nothing but a long shirt, dancing all night long,
she’s enchanting, in her rhythmic twirl,
oh in her eyes, she‘s a pixie dream girl.
he entered the stage and his laughter was reaching your ears through the loudness of the crowd and the instruments. you laughed with him.
he smiled to his bandmates, shaking each of their hands as if to apologize, before he walked up behind his own microphone stand, a few feet away from you.
you nodded for him to start the next line. it seemed that he had caught on to your lyric changes.
she's a pixie dream girl, and i get the hype,
she sings in the shower, it‘s just my type.
she talks too loud, and she never shuts up,
but i’m pretty sure i won‘t ever get enough.
you turned your head and smiled at him. he looked so beautiful as he was illuminated by the stage lights. his hair seemed to glow and you felt the sudden need to touch it and push it out of his eyes.
you started singing the pre-chorus.
he's a daring challenge, a relentless test,
but i need him around, never giving me rest.
theo added the last two lines, before the chorus began again.
she'll chatter and flirt, driving me mad,
i'm losing control, it's really too bad.
it was the first time that you guys sang together in a long time. your voices harmonized perfectly and you could see enzo and matt smile at each other when they noticed.
theo smiled his typical smile, the one you grew to despise, but could not love less right now.
you got rid of the pullover you were wearing (deciding that it wasn't the right piece of clothing for a rock concert) and were left in just a top. the stage lights were hot.
you pulled your microphone from it's stand, walking across the stage. draco winked at you when you put the pullover down next to his keyboard stand. you smiled at him, as you started laughing.
you walked back to the microphone stand and continued singing the bridge.
but oh, she turns behind the window glass,
It’s not the first time, but maybe it’s the last
I just hope she’ll never stop her twirl,
oh, in my eyes, she's my pixie dream girl.
before the instrumental part of the music started, you turned to theo, who was already looking at you. he took a step in your direction. you did the same.
"i'm sorry" he said "about everything, i should never have-"
you weren't even angry anymore. you had already forgiven him everything.
"no" you shook your head "i'm sorry for pushing you away at a time where we both needed each other"
"we both are idiots, huh?" he muttered over the music and you nodded laughing.
the band started playing the same set of chords again, dragging out the instrumental part.
"i love you" theo finally said. his words made your heart flutter. and up here on this warm stage you couldn't have been happier.
"i love you" you replied, the same sincerity in your voice.
theo's smile grew impossibly bigger, before he softly took your face in his hands and connected your lips. the crowd roared. you both turned to theo's microphone as you sang the chorus together.
but oh, as she dances and sings to her favorite song,
in nothing but a long shirt, dancing all night long,
she's enchanting, in her rhythmic twirl,
oh, in my eyes, she's my pixie dream girl.
the last few chords of the song rang out the crowd started cheering. you smiled down on all the people who were before you, before your eyes turned to the barrier, where april and your dad were still standing.
april was holding two thumbs up, while your dad looked a bit confused.
theo outstretched his hand and drew you close to his body. you hugged him tightly and he pressed a kiss on your head.
the crowd was still cheering and you could hear nearing footsteps. a second later, mattheo threw his arms around the both of you. it didn't take long for enzo, blaise and draco to join your group hug.
you laughed loudly as they began jumping around on the stage, loudly celebrating their very first official concert.
you were sure you could not have been happier than in that moment.
taglist: @7s3ven @madi-potter @shereadsandcries @getosbeloved @mischieftom @wolfstar-jpg @t00thfairy20 @chcrrysblog @aestramjackson @elina3011 @kr1nqu @hopeless-y @mitskiswift99 @fallingblackveils @ahead-fullofdreams @helendeath @schaebickel @chubbychasermattheotruther @punkprincess03 @subparslytherin @girlbooklover555 @sakanelli-afc @cobrakaisb @ellen3101 @simp-for-fantasy
additonal note:
this is cursed legacy's debut album. i was supposed to upload this in chapter four, but actually forgot..
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leo is the one in the middle. (mattheo mentions it in chapter four)
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wordsarelife · 2 months
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: you’re not particularly happy about theo’s song, all while he doesn’t even admit it’s about you.
warnings: none i think, apart from cursing :)
notes: mention of twitter because i refuse to call it X (elon musk is a puppeteer and i’m not falling for his schemes)
this is also still a bit of introduction, getting their dynamic and getting to know the other characters (april!!) better.
previous part | masterlist | next part
you woke up to your phone, flooding over with messages. most of them were from your best friend, april.
you and her had met in first grade, stumbling into each other. she had been new to town, knowing no one. it only took a week for the two of you to become the best of friends. she knew best of your hatred for theo, how it all had went down, from being friends to not even looking in each others direction.
the first message read. you ignored the twenty following ones and scrolled down to find the latest one.
give me a call when you're up. you won't believe this
you sighed, internally sacrificing the idea of a calm morning and raising your phone, already calling her.
"hey" she said and you could hear the unsureness in her voice.
"is everything okay?" you asked confused. april was normally the opposite of calm.
“yeah” she muttered and then it all came out at once “theo wrote a song and i’m pretty sure he wrote it about you. get ready, i’ll be there in fifteen minutes, okay?”
“he did what?” you asked flabbergasted, while you put her on speaker and opened twitter, checking if there was any evidence. “what the fuck” you muttered once your eyes landed on cursed legacy’s latest post.
“did you see the post?” april asked alarmed “you did right?”
“yeah” you muttered while you scrolled past the reposts “i mean pixie dream girl? do i look like a pixie dream girl?”
april was silent and you closed your eyes exhausted.
“i’m sorry, y/n”
“not your fault” you walked into the bathroom, already putting toothpaste onto your toothbrush “well have some time if you’re gonna be here in just fifteen minutes”
“i thought we could drive to sammy’s and have breakfast”
“just what i needed to hear now” you breathed “i’ll see you in fifteen”
“yeah” you could practically hear her smile “wait! don’t listen to the song alone, okay?”
“yeah” you muttered “i promise”
“it’s not as bad as it thought it would be” april said as soon as you had sat down in her car.
“you’re only saying that to make me feel better, aren’t you?”
“no, i promise I’m not” she assured “you will think it’s bad the first time you hear it, but it’ll become more and more harmless”
“how many times have you listened, april?” aou asked through clenched teeth.
“only like fifteen, but i needed to analyze”
“sure” you rolled your eyes “you don’t have to lie to me, it’s alright if you like the song. my feud with theo has nothing to do with you”
“really” you nodded. you loved april incredibly, she was the sweetest person on earth.
“i only like it so much because enzo sings the backing vocals” april had been in love with enzo since the third grade. even though you had told her about a million times that enzo was in love with her too, she never acted on her feelings. you weren’t sure if it was because she was scared or because of you and your hatred for theo. still, enzo was your favorite out of the band and april knew that. you would never have a problem with them dating, you just hoped she knew that too.
“and?” you raised your eyebrows, sensing that there was something else she wasn’t telling you.
“and it’s really catchy” april admitted.
“well, I never said that theo can’t write, i’m just not a fan of him as a person, but his band and their songs are alright. so are you going to let me hear the song or are you not finished briefing me yet?”
she smiled, before she pushed the play button. you noticed her fingers trembling and the unsureness as she send you as smile, before she parked at the side of the road.
“what are you doing?”
“saving our lifes” she shrugged.
before you could ask her anything else, theo’s voice was already flowing through the car. the song was a mix of pop and rock, it took a lot to not bop your head along. the melody was really addicting and you hated theo even more.
“maybe the song isn’t even about me”
april send you an uncomfortable expression. you could tell that she was sure it was “maybe”
she's an average girl, with tangled up hair,
her laughter's like nails on a chalkboard, it's more than i can bear.
she flutters around, like a clumsy old crow,
leaving chaos behind her, wherever she goes
she's a mess wrapped in chaos,
a thorn in my side, no matter the cost.
she'll stumble and fall, then blame it on me,
i'm tired of her games, can't you see?
“well, it definitely is about me” you nodded with a forced smile.
“yeah” april nudged your arm “but the chorus is kinda nice, i guess”
you send her a look and she smiled apologetically. as soon as the song had ended, you were more than glad that she had decided to park. you got out of the car and the first thing you did was scream at the top of your lungs.
“fucking idiot!” you screamed “what the fuck is wrong with him?” you turned to april who had been quick to climb out behind you.
april shrugged her shoulders. “i don’t know” she said “how could he?” the way she forged the anger made you almost laugh. she was trying to be angry, she really was, but april was really rarely angry, not even when you two would fight. she wasn’t making fun of you, she was trying to relate.
“i’m gonna climb up the stupid tree, smash his window and throw everything that he loves out and when i’m finished.. then, then i’ll burn his stupid song book! ha!”
“you should totally do that!!” april screamed back “or maybe we could take all this anger and put it into something useful?” she suggested
“like destroy his car?” you perked up.
“no” april smiled while she walked back to the drivers side and took out a blog and a pen. “you could write everything that your feeling down and after we had breakfast, we’ll burn it on the bridge on our way to school”
“i don’t know if that will cure the murderous rage i’m feeling right now”
“we could try?”
you nodded and couldn’t help but smile at the way she was always trying to fix you. sometimes you wondered if she stayed up late only to google therapeutic ways to handle anger or sadness. she had never ending ideas considering that topic.
while she drove you both to sammy's you spend your time writing down everything you were feeling. the absolute anger and general questions and critique you had considering some of the song lines. when had you ever blamed him for something that happened to you? you could only think of a few things and all of them had been absolutely rightful. what games was he talking about? the way you were not interested in upkeeping any sort of relationship and he made it his daily task to annoy you to the best of his ability?
who was really playing games?
you finished your writing right as april parked the car, resulting in one full and another half page and a single sentence scattered on a third one. you held the two pages in her direction and watched as she put them in her bag.
"we'll burn them after" she assured you "what about the third page?" she asked as she noticed the single piece of paper you were folding up.
"that is for me" you explained "i don't want to forget how i felt"
"okay" she smiled unsurely "as long as you didn't plan theo's murder on that, it's fine"
"no promises" you shrugged and april laughed as she followed you into the restaurant.
you ran into theo sooner than you had anticipated, almost making him topple over on the stairs of the school. april was right about to run into you, but could stop just a second before colliding. she turned her head to the side to look around you and theo, noticing enzo behind the other boy.
“hey enzo” she greeted smiling.
enzo smiled as he noticed her, a rosy blush creeping onto his cheeks. “april, hi” you could see that he was trying to say something else, but before he could do so, theo started talking.
“watch where you’re going”
you sighed “just who i needed”
theo smirked, already guessing that you knew about his bands new song. “what was that?”
“nothing” you shook your head “what is wrong with you, theodore?”
“woah, theodore huh?” he raised his hands, laughing as he saw how angry you were “that does not sound like nothing”
“don’t act stupid” you rolled your eyes “you know exactly what I’m talking about”
“do i now?” he quirked a brow.
“pixie dream girl, really?”
“our new song?” theo wondered “what about it?”
you would’ve loved to just give him a gentle hit so he would fall down the stair, but you were smarter than that, at least you hoped.
“it’s obviously about me”
“well, it doesn’t say your name”
“no” you dragged the word out “but we both know you called me pixie since we were kids. don’t act dumber than you are, theo”
“no need to get offensive” theo tried to nudge your arm, but you pulled it back before he could reach it. “so you accept that as your official nickname? because as far as i remember you always hated me calling you that”
“i still do”
“so then the song is not about you” theo shrugged.
“one line literally says ‘she turns behind the window glass’ and my window is the only one that happens to be right in front of yours” it was a bit shameful that you could recall the line from the top of your head and you had to admit that the song was kinda catchy.
“it’s about a fictional girl”
“sure” you nodded, smiling ironically “just like daddy issues is. do you really think I’m an idiot, theo?”
“do you really want me to answer that question?” theo shot back and your smile died down. the two of you knew that both songs had been written about you. theo was good at writing songs, but also at fighting with you, so it had been easy to recall the lines he had said to you after he had incorporated them in his song.
daddy issues had come out with nine other songs a few months ago. it had been the second single on cursed legacy's debut album. you hated to admit how much the track had hurt you, how theo was able to use something you had trusted him with, against you. he was one of the few who knew about your issues with you dad and he had always been able to calm you down after one of many fights. to hear the sentences he used to whisper to you, used in the chorus really felt like a knife in your back.
but you and theo weren't friends anymore and you had to accept that you would never be again. he wasn't going to go easy on you.
“stop writing songs about me” you said, finally having enough of the endless back and forth you were used to with him.
“stop making stuff up” theo answered with a smile, before he straigthened his backpack and turned around, walking down the rest of the way.
“we have geography” you reminded him.
he just shrugged, before he turned around. “you don’t mind bringing me your notes later, do you?”
“fuck you” you spat and the grin on his face frustrated you.
“is it alright if i accompany you two?” enzo’s voice made your head turn. you had completely forgotten that he had been there the entire time.
“sure” you nodded and he smiled gratefully.
it was only during english that theo and also mattheo, who suspiciously always disappeared when theo did, turned up again. without an invitation, theo sat down in the open seat beside you. april was sitting on your right side and next to her enzo, who had also followed right after your friend for the next class and was seemingly not about to leave her side. so this arrangement left place for theo and mattheo to sit down on your left side.
"hey, pixie" theo greeted, still spotting that annoying smirk of his. you would have loved to smack it right off his stupid face.
"i had hoped you wouldn't be coming back"
"and just leave you hanging like that?" theo raised his brows "i could never"
you could've guessed that he would show up for english. you hated to admit it, but theo was pretty smart and english was not only his best, but also his favorite subject. it often seemed like he was mrs walkers favorite, considering she loved to read what he wrote and you had to admit he was doing a great job at writing the bands owns songs, even if some of them were about you.
"you're right" you nodded your head, acting as if you just remembered something "now that i think about it, i remember how little maturity you have in you"
"shot right through my heart" theo gestured to his chest and mattheo next to him had the nerve to giggle.
"what are you laughing at?"
mattheo's smile died down. "i see, we're not having a particulary good morning, are we?"
"well, you're onto something, genius" you said sarcastically.
"jeez" mattheo tried to hide behind his best friend "she must've heard the song" he whispered loud enough for you to hear"
"obviously i did, riddle" you rolled your eyes "does at least one of you have critical thinking skills? because this is getting repetitive"
mattheo kindly ignored your comment about his intelligence. "i really don't get you, i didn't think you would be this angry, honestly. i mean, it's just a harmless song isn't it?" mattheo shrugged "who can say that a band wrote a song about them?"
"harmless?" you repeated laughing in disbelief "you called me and i quote 'clumsy old crow'"
"oops" theo looked up the ceiling, as if something interesting was happening up there. you could see the amusement on his face and you hated how much fun he was having by only listening to you and mattheo talk.
"we also called you enchanting if it helps" mattheo smiled.
"it doesn't" you deadpanned and his smile faded.
mattheo shrugged "as i said before, i'm not getting you. the song might not be the nicest, but you have to think into the future. in ten years you can brag about the song!"
you send him a look "not the nicest" you repeated "your little bitch friend here is a petty asshole, who cannot, for the love of him, let go of anything" you said every word as slow and calm as possible, so mattheo was able to follow your train of thought. "and also i am thinking into the future. right now your band is as famous as my left toe and will probably always be. in ten years one of you will, a hundred percent, be in jail and if it's not zabini, i bet it'll be you. so, nothing to really brag about, you get me now, matty?" you leaned back in your chair with a triumphant smile. mattheo was pretty stunned at what you had said and it took him a few seconds to find his confidence.
"wha- i'm not gonna be in jail" he crossed his arms. theo next to him just shrugged and mattheo looked at him in betrayal. "okay, maybe, but only because i threw out a tv from a hotel room after we got that record deal"
theo's head turned at him as fast as yours did.
"record deal?" you asked.
"yeah" mattheo laughed, before he turned to theo in confusion "you didn't tell her?"
theo shook his head "it's not like we're the best of friends, mate"
"well, i thought because of le-" theo had elbowed his friend into the side, which made mattheo shut up immediately.
"what about leo?" you leaned over theo, knowing that he would rather ignore your question than mattheo would.
before mattheo could answer you, or theo stop him from doing so, mrs walker walked into the room, effectively shutting up the whole class.
you took one last irritated look in theo's direction, whose eyes were fixated on the teacher in front of you, before you turned to the book april and you were sharing, opening it to the right page.
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@7s3ven @madi-potter @shereadsandcries @getosbeloved @mischieftom @wolfstar-jpg @t00thfairy20 @chcrrysblog @aestramjackson @elina3011 @kr1nqu @hopeless-y @mitskiswift99 @fallingblackveils @ahead-fullofdreams @helendeath @schaebickel @chubbychasermattheotruther @punkprincess03 @subparslytherin @girlbooklover555
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wordsarelife · 2 months
UPDATED: 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖊 𝖒𝖊 🗝️ m.list✨
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IN WHICH theo is the lead singer of the band cursed legacy and also the one who you hate most in the world. easy enough right? things only get complicated when theo puts out a rude song about you, the band starts to rise to fame and one single accident might ruin everything they worked for so hard. eventually theo is forced to ask for your help, but you wouldn’t be you if you would say yes without a very important rule: theo can’t play his most famous song: the one he wrote about you.
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
content: rockstar!au, no magic!au, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst, a bit social media, so it’s modern as well
warnings: angsty, sad at times, language, fighting, cursing, mentions of sex, rude teenage boys, mentions of a loved one dying (there will be chapter specified warnings)
note: i know i said i would only add one more part, but i'm insane (we already talked about that) so here's the new masterlist!!
-> let me know if i should add you to the taglist!!
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞: 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 (0.9k)
➻ you and theo stopped being friends a long time ago. now there’s only hate between the two of you, tempting theo to write a song
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 (2.8k)
➻ amused isn’t the word you would use to describe your reaction to theo‘s song. while everyone else is sure it is the best one he has written yet
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨: 𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 (3.5k)
➻ as a result of absolute stupidity, theo has to ask you for a favour
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐦𝐲 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 (4.3k)
➻ theo and you continue to clash during rehearsals, but would it be fun any other way?
【NEW!】 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫: 𝐢'𝐦 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞 (𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢'𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲) (4.9k)
➻ theo and your fighting ends in one eventful night, bringing up old feelings, but also the need to lie to your friends
【NEW!】 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐢 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐯𝐲, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐢'𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 (4.5k)
➻ you fall back into old routines and maybe friendship isn't quite what you want from the boy you knew since childhood
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱: 𝐢'𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 (4.4k)
➻ theo knows he got everything wrong. he would do anything to make you stay. but is a song really enough?
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲
➻ the competition is on. but is theo ready to risk everything to win?
𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞: 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞
➻ happy ever after???
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authors note: i actually hope this is the last time i have to add a chapter haha! i have to say that writing these characters has been so much fun and this story is literally addicting! i haven't felt so inspired by a story in a long time!
@7s3ven @madi-potter @shereadsandcries @getosbeloved @mischieftom @wolfstar-jpg @t00thfairy20 @chcrrysblog @aestramjackson @elina3011 @kr1nqu @hopeless-y @mitskiswift99 @fallingblackveils @ahead-fullofdreams @helendeath @schaebickel @chubbychasermattheotruther @punkprincess03 @subparslytherin @girlbooklover555 @sakanelli-afc @cobrakaisb @ellen3101
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wordsarelife · 27 days
chapter seven of don’t blame me tomorrow!! so i’d love to know:
also additionally (in the comments) : there are only two chapters until dbm is over.. who should definitely have a few more interactions with pixie? :)
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wordsarelife · 2 months
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨: 𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: mistakes can happen but this one might cost them a record deal, so they definitely needs some help from you
warnings: cursing, unsafe driving, someone gets hurt, let me know if i missed any!
notes: mattheo and enzo are brothers in this story, i just decided hehe. (they both keep their respective name, they’re step brothers, since childhood so they are practically real brothers anyway lol)
let me know if you’ve enjoyed this part :))
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"you're so funny, enz" april was laying belly down on your bed, while she was busy giggling into her phone. enzo had asked her if she still had the same number she had in middle school and promptly followed her confirmation with the question if she would be free to call after school.
april had agreed before she remembered that she was going to your place. but, because you were a good friend, you had told her that it was no problem.
now she was laying on your bed talking to enzo, who, you were pretty sure, was at theo's.
you now regreted telling her that it wouldn't be a problem, considering they had been talking for the last hour or so.
you sighed, deeply, before you decided that there was only one way to get your friend back. you took the blog from your desk and scribbled the words down, before you hung it in your window.
as if he had waited for you to write something, theo stood in front of the window and read your message.
do something you had written, featuring at least 7 exclamation marks.
theo looked at you as if you had gone crazy. why should i do anything to help you?
because i bet enzo is just as annoying, isn't he?
theo only spotted a face that made an answer from him unnecessary. he just nodded and walked away.
"oh, already?" you could hear april ask behind you "no, it's fine. i get it, i'll be waiting" and with that she ended the call.
"i'll be waiting?" you asked, with a quirked brow.
"that was embarrassing wasn't it? i should've just said bye like a normal person"
"well, you're not a normal person" you smiled "and i don't think that you could do anything to make him leave you alone at this point"
"you really think so?"
"of course i do, april" you sat down beside her "why did he have to leave so suddenly?" you tried to not sound suspicious, but you were really curious what theo had done to get enzo off his very important call. luckily, april hadn't even noticed what you had been doing.
"band practice" she shrugged "theo is a strict boss"
"i bet" you mumbled while your eyes were still fixated on the piece of paper in his window. why should i do anything to help you? catapulting you right back to the night a year ago. you shuddered at the thought of it and tried to ban it from your head as fast as possible. theo was a constant reminder of your mistakes and maybe it wasn't him you hated but the realization of fault that hit you anytime your eyes fell on him.
the garage was filled with thick air that had been warmed all day as the sun beamed down tremendously. theo rubbed the sweat off his forehead as he sat his bag down inside.
enzo walked to the couch to open his guitar case. he halted in his motion and the rest of his friends perked up at his lack of movement.
"no, enzo" blaise muttered "not again, come on"
"it did not do it on purpose" enzo turned around to face his friends and theo looked around his body to confirm what he basically already knew.
"where's your head at?" draco's tone matched the annoyance that was bubbling in theo's chest.
"is that a serious question?" matt laughed "it's deep under april's skirt"
"matt" enzo sighed as he rubbed his neck in embarrassment.
"april hart?" blaise asked "the one you've had a crush on since she moved here in first great?" enzo nodded and blaise laughed "that's what i call consistancy, mate"
enzo would've probably laughed if it weren't for the bitter look the bands' leader was still spotting. "are you angry?"
theo sighed. "it's the third time you forgot it, enz"
"i know, i'm sorry, theo" enzo brushed a hand through his hair, before he turned in draco's direction “can i lend your car and get it, please? i won't take long"
"are you kidding me?" draco asked humorless "my mother is gonna kill me if something happens to that car. i'll drive"
"i'll come with ya" mattheo stood up from the couch.
"why don't we just all go?" theo asked sarcastically.
"yeah, why not?" blaise smiled, not catching that theo was just making a joke.
"no, i meant-" the group was already walking out to the car and theo just accepted his fate. "why not" he mumbled before he got in the back seat.
enzo was sitting in the middle of him and blaise, while mattheo had been able to plant his arse on the passenger seat next to draco, who was already setting the car back.
"it's so silent" mattheo mumbled "why don't we listen to some good music" he grabbed a cd from his pocket and just a second after, the loud drums and guitar of blood//water, the first song on cursed legacy's debut album floated through the car.
the boys broke into cheering. "you made a cd?" draco asked smiling, while mattheo nodded proudly.
"old school" enzo grinned, but clapped mattheo's shoulder nonetheless.
"hey" draco said harshly "you stay back there" he pushed enzo back into his seat. "i told you guys to hold him" he looked into the mirror and found theo's eyes, who looked not entirely happy, but did as he was told.
the seatbelt of the middle seat in draco's mums car had been broken for a while. she had originally forbidden them from riding in the car with five people, but draco tended to ignore her rule, even if he normally was quite fussy about anything happening to the car, banning drinks and food completely. but theo's car was still getting fixed by his uncle, so it was their only option.
"while we're on the topic of the band" blaise said "did you call that guy back? the one from the record label?" he asked theo.
theo smiled "i did, yeah. thats what i originally wanted to talk to you all about, but enzo was busy talking to the demon's bestie"
"demon is a rather harsh word" draco muttered.
"aren't you guys a bit too old to upkeep that childish feud?" mattheo asked. "you used to tell her everything and now you're not even saying a word about the record label thing"
"i really thought you guys would go back to normal after everything with leo" enzo added and all heads turned to him.
"i told you not to mention him" theo said angrily and enzo slumped down in his seat.
"it's been a year, mate" draco’s eyes found theo's in the mirror.
"it doesn't matter" theo shook his head, before he abruptly changed the topic. "he wants to see us, as the preact of some band in six weeks"
"the record guy? really?" mattheo perked up "thats like super soon"
"he seemed really excited" theo shrugged "this could be our chance guys. we get that deal and in less than a year we're off to america or tokyo and probably recording our second album, while already writing the third"
"as long as our little shakespeare keeps working that won't be a problem" blaise ruffled theo's hair, his hands letting go of enzo, while theo was busy slapping his friends hands away, hence why he also let go of the younger boy in the middle.
"hey! what did i tell you?" draco full on turned around in his seat.
the next three seconds happened all at once. mattheo was the first who screamed. it had taken draco less than a second of not looking to effectively drive off the street and in the direction of the nearest tree. draco turned around alarmed, swerving the car to the side, luckily not driving frontal into the tree. he stopped the car at the same time, what would've been fine, if blaise and theo had held on to enzo again, or if his seatbelt had simply been working.
he went flying trough the car, mattheo's arm darting to the side, to stop enzo flying through the car's windshield. sadly, his force wasn't enough and enzo still hit the dashboard quite hard, but at least he stayed inside the car.
"ow" enzo cried, holding his arm.
"shit, shit, shit" draco muttered under his breath. "is anyone hurt? are you all fine?" theo could hear his voice break.
"blaise and i are fine" he said quickly, to calm his friend "but enzo.." all eyes turned to enzo who was laying in the middle of the car, between mattheo and draco, who was staring down at him wide-eyed.
mattheo excused himself to call an ambulance.
"this is all my fault" draco brushed a few tears away from his cheeks "i should've just given him the car, or gotten the guitar on my own, i should've never-" he was interrupted by theo.
"it isn't your fault, draco" he assured "blaise and i let go of enzo in the first place, it was our job to keep him safe and we got distracted"
"i shouldn't have screamed at you like that" draco put his head on the steering wheel, trying to hide the stress on his face.
"theo is right, mate" blaise added "it's on us"
it seemed like draco wasn't even hearing him. "i will probably lose my license"
"you won't" enzo muttered through clenched teeth "we'll say there was a deer"
"i'm so sorry, enz" draco excused, it seemed like he only remembered now that enzo was still laying in the middle, holding his arm. "does it hurt badly? i actually don't care about the license, they can take it, as long as you're fine"
"i think my arm is broken" enzo held up his right arm, which was bloody and looked like it wasn't supposed to be formed the way it was right now.
"shit, enz" draco rubbed a hand through his face, before he quickly opened the door and threw up on the floor.
"the ambulence will be here in ten minutes" mattheo said, as he poked his head through the door. "what is he doing?" he wondered once his eyes fell on draco, who was still hanging half out of the car.
"puking" enzo, blaise and theo chorused.
"gross" mattheo shuddered, before he opened the backdoor of the car. "you guys should come outside, so the medical team can assist enzo better. we shouldn't move him"
"yeah" theo nodded, while he pushed blaise out of the car.
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“why did i have to come with you again?” you were walking from the parking spot to the entry of the hospital.
“because someone had to drive the car” april pointed to the phone in her hand, which she had used to try and call enzo the entire way here. her hadn’t picked up so she insisted on visiting him, but not without a few different sorts of chocolate (she wasn’t sure which he liked) and flowers.
“yeah i get that, totally” you rolled your eyes, so that she wouldn’t see “but do i really have to come inside?”
“i need moral support”
“you’re not the one who broke his arm”
“enzo might be happy to see more than one friendly face”
“it’s not like he’s laying on his death bed, april” you nudged her arm “i’m sure he comes home today, we could’ve just gone to his house tomorrow”
“i want to see him”
“okay, fine” you groaned, but followed her inside, where she was already leaning half over the receptionists desk.
“how can i help you?” the lady was rather unimpressed by april’s eagerness.
“we’re here to see enzo, ehh lorenzo berkshire” she quickly corrected.
the woman raised her eyebrows, before she started tapping words into her computer.
“pixie?” a voice called and your head turned to the side. you tried many times not to react to the name, but you sometimes couldn’t help it. theo had been consistent for the last ten years so it was in your nature.
“mattheo” you greeted.
the dark haired boy was holding two cups of what looked like coffee. “they belong to me” he told the lady at the reception. “i’m lorenzo’s brother, i came with the ambulance, you remember?” he waited for some kind of confirmation, but she was already busy with something else, easily going back to ignoring you.
mattheo made a gesture for you to follow him down the hall. “pretty unfortunate, heh?” he grinned awkwardly.
“it’s horrible” april declared “i mean how is he supposed to play? he told me something about a record deal that you guys might get”
“yeah” mattheo looked to the ground, before he changed the topic. “he will be so happy to see you” he smiled at april and april mirrored his expression.
mattheo halted in front of a door. “could one of you..?” he trailed off, as he looked down at the cups in his hands.
“oh of course” april said quickly.
“i should maybe stay outside” you held the flowers and the chocolate in april’s direction, who raised her eyebrows.
“are you kidding?” mattheo laughed unimpressed “of course you’re coming inside. enzo will be ecstatic to see you both”
“her? sure, but me?” you asked unsurely “also, theo is probably in there, so i don’t-“
“he will behave himself” mattheo promised “come on, pixie”
you send him a look. mattheo knew about the nickname as long as it existed and he would only call you that sometimes. theo used it to make fun of you, but when mattheo said it, he meant it in a friendly way. you all had grown up together, naturally as you lived so close and in a small town. for mattheo, pixie was not in insult, but the last bit of proof that you had been friends once. after theo and you had fallen out, you had automatically fallen out with all the boys.
sometimes it hurt you to remember. remember how you and mattheo had spent hours listening to sherlock holmes and climbing trees. or how you had helped draco to read as he was having problems, days when you were washing gum out of blaise’s hair and taught enzo to tie his shoelaces. and theo, theo had always been where you were, he was never far. and everything had slipped away in a single night.
but it was too late to make amends. mattheo knew that as good as you. maybe you all could stop fighting, but go back to normal? probably never.
“hey” enzo raised both his arms when he noticed april and you walk in behind mattheo. “ow” he muttered.
blaise and draco were sitting on chairs on either side of enzo’s bed. theo was standing a bit away from the rest of his friends, leaning against the window.
“what is she doing here?” theo stepped forward when his eyes fell on you.
“hey, don’t talk to my guest that way” enzo pushed theo back, so he was leaning against the window again.
“april needed some help carrying all this” you opened your arms, displaying the different sorts of chocolate and flowers.
“how are you feeling?” april asked, slowly touching enzo’s cheek. “does it still hurt?”
you could practically see the flip switch in enzo’s head, as he realized how much she cared.
“a bit” he said dramatically and his voice dropped a whole octave. “but i think i’ll live”
you exchanged a look with mattheo, who raised his eyebrows at his little brothers dramatics.
“how long do you have to wear the cast?” you asked, while you put the chocolate down on the night stand. blaise immediately took one of them.
“hey that’s for me!” enzo protested.
“we need emotional leverage” blaise rolled his eyes, before he unpacked the chocolate and bit a whole piece off. he then held it in draco’s direction, who took it and started nibbling on it like a mouse.
enzo sighed before he looked back at you “between four and twelve weeks”
“shit” april deadpanned “what about the record deal?”
“okay, are you guys really getting one or are all of you in on a bit i don’t know about?” you wondered. there had been a few too many mentions of a possible record deal.
“no” mattheo shook his head smiling “there’s this guy from the label and he wanted to see us at the preact for a band who plays in the concert hall outside the town in six weeks”
“we can forget about that now” draco whined.
“that’s shit” you looked down “i’m sorry, that’s really awful”
“don’t act like you’re not making internal jumps of joy” theo spoke for the first time since you had entered. “you hated the band from the minute we..” he paused and cleared his throat, before he added “continued”
“you really think i’m that big of an asshole?”
“come on, theo” blaise added “don’t be like this now”
“it must be the first point on that little to do list of yours, huh? what do you want to hear? you were right? we’ll never get famous”
“shut up” you shook your head at him.
“stop fucking lying about the way you feel about my band”
“mate” draco tried to push theo back, who was walking closer to you.
april and enzo were exchanging worried glances as they noticed the tears building up in your eyes.
“theo” mattheo stepped next to his friend, laying a hand on his chest, to hopefully calm him down.
“why did you even come here?”
“i’m only here because of april and enzo” you said between clenched teeth “now stop acting like i’m here to laugh about your misery”
“the band could’ve made it big”
“i know” you simply said.
the others were following the discussion between you attentively, turning their heads, like a tennis match, from side to side, whenever one of you spoke.
“my band could’ve made it big”
you looked up at theo with teary eyes, before you nodded, once, finally. then you turned to look at april. “i’ll walk home” you turned to enzo “get well soon, enzo”
“thank you” enzo replied breathless.
you send one last look in theo’s direction, who gulped as he saw the tears flowing over your cheeks, before you left the room.
“what?” theo asked as he turned around and noticed the angry looks of his friends.
“was that really necessary?” mattheo sighed. “she came here because of enzo, knowing well that you would be here. she wanted to wait outside and i convinced and even told her that you would behave this time”
“you really are mentally seven aren’t you?” blaise asked and theo felt bad that he made your visit to enzo all about himself.
“you know how i feel about seeing her”
“how could we not?” draco muttered “you make it clear over and over again”
“it doesn’t matter anyway, the record deal is through and we can just stop being a band now” theo sank to his knees.
april and enzo exchanged a look, before enzo cleared his throat. “technically you just need a stand in for me”
“what?” theo looked up.
“it’s not over, theo” enzo said “you just need to find someone who can play the parts, or at least learn them in six weeks and after my arm is alright i can come back”
“he’s not wrong” blaise nodded “we just need to bag that deal and the rest is not important right now”
“okay, who?” theo deadpanned “you’re incredible on the guitar, who could we possibly find to be just as good?”
“you know that there is someone who was better” enzo looked down in his lap. the rest of the group grew silent too.
“what has that to do with anything?” theo asked defensively.
april turned her head to look at the dark haired boy. “he taught her” she said. “everything”
“what?” theo asked, not believing what he was hearing right now. “what are you saying?”
“we’re saying that you should ask y/n” draco put it simply.
“absolutely not” theo shook his head “i’m sure we can find someone else”
“you just said that there was no one good enough to stand in for me” enzo noted “she might be our best option”
“even if he taught her” theo added “that was over a year ago, who says that she even still plays anymore?”
“she does” april muttered “she’s good, really good”
theo sighed.
“just ask her, mate” mattheo, who had mostly stayed silent, clapped a hand on his best friends shoulder. “we need this record deal”
“i know” theo sighed.
“she’s a slow walker” april pointed to the door and theo raised his eyebrows.
“go!” his friends all chorused when he did not move. he left the room.
“beg her on your knees if you have to!” mattheo called behind theo, before the door fell closed.
“do you really think she’ll help us?”
“i honestly don’t know” april shrugged “but i’m sure theo has to find a way to go even lower than just his knees if he really wants to beg her”
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@7s3ven @madi-potter @shereadsandcries @getosbeloved @mischieftom @wolfstar-jpg @t00thfairy20 @chcrrysblog @aestramjackson @elina3011 @kr1nqu @hopeless-y @mitskiswift99 @fallingblackveils @ahead-fullofdreams @helendeath @schaebickel @chubbychasermattheotruther @punkprincess03 @subparslytherin @girlbooklover555 @sakanelli-afc @cobrakaisb @ellen3101
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wordsarelife · 1 month
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱: 𝐢'𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: theo tries to make everything right, but it might seem to be too late. all while your brother makes an unexpected appearance and interfers with your love life
warnings: mentions of a loved one dying, car accident, trauma, underage drinking, angst
notes: feels like an eternity since i posted the last chapter lmao
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one year ago
cormac had left the party an hour ago. he had just left you there, standing in the middle of the dance floor, as he bid off the passenger seat of his cabrio to a girl whose name you couldn't even remember now. all you knew was that she was sitting on the passenger seat that had been supposed to be yours.
you were drunk out your friend and had zero idea in which direction your house was. you took a look out of the window. it was raining and it would be a stupid idea to just blindly walk in one direction in the dark.
you thought about a way to get home, when a voice behind you made you perk up.
it was theo. he was taking to two guys you had never seen before. you smiled as your heart beat calmed down.
you knew theo, theo would help you.
"theo" you slurred and hiccuped.
theo did not look as happy to see you, as you were to see him.
"cormac" you hiccuped again "left me and i wanted to ask if you could drive me home?"
"i told you, he was bad news" theo rolled his eyes as the two other guys walked away.
"i know" you hiccuped "and you were right"
he nodded. his eyes already fixated on something or someone behind you.
"could you please drive me?" you asked "it won't take long, i promise"
"it would take half an hour" theo argued "we're not in town anymore. do you even know where you are?"
you shook your head and he sighed. you thought he would maybe say yes and rip you a new one on the drive home, but theo shook his head and your heart sank.
"call a taxi or something"
"please, theo" you pleaded "please, help me"
theo laughed sarcastically. "just yesterday you told me we couldn't be friends anymore, because i don't approve of your asshole of a boyfriend. so tell me, why should i do anything to help you?"
tears were running over your cheeks at this point and you could only watch as theo threw off your grip on his arm and walked away from you.
you got your jacket from the hanger at the door, before you walked out into the cold. the rain was dripping into your face, but you didn't mind. you started walking in any direction, as you took out your phone and dialed your older brother.
"leo?" you hiccuped as soon as your call was answered.
"y/n?" leo's voice was hoarse, he had probably been asleep.
"i'm sorry for calling you so late" you cried into the phone.
"is everything alright?" he was sounding a lot more awake now. "what happened?"
"cormac left me at this party and i don't know how to get home"
"i'll come and get you" he was moving around, probably getting dressed "can you find out where you are? can you send me your location?"
"yeah" you said and quickly did as he has asked. "i'll wait on the street"
"okay" he checked the location you had send "that's pretty far from mum's house, but it's not as far to dad's place, i will probably be there in ten minutes"
"okay" you said "thank you, leo"
"of course" he said, before the two of you ended the call.
you waited ten minutes, twenty, thirty, before your drunken mind decided that walk in the direction leo would probably come from. maybe he had gotten lost in the dark.
you weren't sure if it was intentional, but at some point you had just started to follow the sound of sirens that were coming from the street a few hundred meters away. the lights were making it hard to miss.
he was already dead when you arrived. the police was busy pushing back the people, but you had recognized your dad's car. and you could see his hand slipping out from under the black cloth. he was still wearing his bracelet and you were wearing the same.
your tears mixed with the rain that was still dripping from the sky. you screamed and two police officers came to check on you.
"are you alright, miss?" the man couldn't have been older than twenty-six.
"that's my brother" you cried.
he turned around to look in the direction of your eyes.
"that's my brother" you repeated. "please" you begged.
the officer helped you to stand up, before he took you by the arm and brought you into the middle of the street, where an older police officer was waiting. the younger one brought you a blanket when he noticed how much you were shivering.
"what's your name?" the older asked
"y/n" you stuttered, your eyes still fixated on leo.
"she's not older than sixteen" you could hear one of the medical assistants whisper.
"how old was he?" the other asked.
"eighteen? or nineteen?"
no you wanted to scream he's only seventeen
“where do you live?” the police officer asked.
“can’t i see him, please?” you cried. the police officer exchanged a look with one of the medical assistants, before he nodded.
you followed them to your brother, who was still laying on the street unmoving, but they wouldn’t raise the cloth. you just touched his hand and the bracelet on his arm. his hand was cold and your heart shattered even more.
“come on” the police officer said. “i’ll drive you home” you didn’t react when he softly took your arm and walked you to sit in his car. you just told him the address of your dad when he asked and watched the street as it moved past you.
he followed you to the door and you could see the smile on your dads face die down when his eyes fell on you. “where’s leo?”
“i’m sorry, sir-“ the police officer began and you blended him out. your eyes were focused on the jacket in the entryway. did leo leave it? did he drive without a jacket to get you? he must’ve been cold.
your fathers sobbing was what brought back. the police officer excused himself, before he pushed you inside the house.
“he wanted to pick me up” you said as you stared up at your father.
and then the screaming began. it only stopped when it was half past three in the night. your father send you a last look, before he told you to grab your things.
he didn’t want you to stay the night.
he stopped the car in front of your mothers house and told you to get outside.
“dad, please” you had begged, but he hadn’t even looked at you.
“i don’t want to talk to you” he had said before he drove off and left you standing in the middle of the street.
you opened the door with your key and as you walked inside, someone turned on the light.
“y/n!” your mother screamed “where have you been? you’re soaked!”
you had sat on your bed and started at the wall for what felt like days. april came to look after you, but both of you didn’t speak. the boys came, but you told april that you didn’t want to see them, so they left.
the only person you wanted to see was theo, but he didn’t come.
the funeral was beautiful, from what you could notice through tear filled eyes and april stayed close to you the entire time, clutching your hand like her life depended on it. hers didn’t, but yours maybe did.
the boys had come, all but theo and after the funeral you all had went to the lake, because it had been leo’s favorite place in the world. it had been his idea to throw together some money and buy the garage. it had been pretty run down when you found it and all of you spent half a year renovating, but in the end it was worth it.
it was the perfect place for all of you and the perfect place to practice songs for the band theo and leo had started.
before enzo, leo had played the guitar. now the band was missing a member and none of them new if it was even fair to go on.
after a few months, enzo, mattheos little brother started playing for them. they continued rehearsing in the garage, april went from time to time to watch them play, while your visits became less and less.
you didn’t want to see theo and from what you heard he didn’t want to see you either, because he stayed away whenever you were near.
weeks turned into months and what seemed like a separation for now turned into normality.
you had almost been glad when theo started talking to you again, even when it was in a malicious way. but that was safe territory, you were having a relationship that allowed both of you to not talk about everything that had happened. you could just ignore it that way.
theo spent his days running around his room, thinking about ways to make it up to you, to excuse his actions.
there were lines flowing through his head. a song was forming and he couldn't stop the need to sit down and write everything down, everything that you deserved to hear.
he didn't have the intention of airing out anything. he just wanted to show you what you were worth to him and how sorry he was that he had been the reason you had felt so alone. he had robbed you of your friends, he had robbed you of him, when you had needed him most.
later that day he drove up to the garage to use enzo's guitar. he wanted to feel the words, to make sure they were the right ones.
he played the first few notes, slowly and gently. before he began to sing, crossing words and adding new ones that fitted what he wanted to say better.
when he was finished he called enzo, begging him to send you a message, because you would ignore any message he would send anyway.
can you please come to the garage? please, i really need your help, it's about april
the message enzo had send made you worry. april didn't answer when you tried to call her, so you got the leo's old bike from the shed and rode there as fast as possible.
when you arrived, you walked inside quickly, searching the place with your eyes for kind of sign from enzo or april.
"hey" your eyes fell on the couch where theo was sitting.
you turned around, ready to walk back outside, but he quickly stumbled to his feet, holding your arm before you had the chance to flee.
"did you get enzo to send that message?" you asked "i thought something had happened to him or april. i was worried sick" you slapped a hand against his chest, trying to push him away.
"i know, i'm sorry"
"doesn't cut it this time, i know" he interrupted "just please, sit down and listen to this"
"another song?" you huffed.
"please, y/n"
you sighed, before you sat down on the couch, you watched him walk around the keyboard, before he took the acoustic guitar and sat down across from you.
"it's called matilda" he muttered "and it's everything i want you to know"
you listened attentively as he played the chords, his voice only a whisper.
you were riding your bike to the sound of "it's no big deal" and you're trying to lift off the ground on those old two wheels nothing about the way that you were treated ever seemed especially alarming 'til now so you tie up your hair and you smile like it's no big deal
your heart beat faster when he looked up and found your eyes.
you can let it go you can throw a party full of everyone you know and not invite your family, 'cause they never showed you love you don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up, mmh
your eyes filled with tears as the soft shiver in his voice and you realized that he was crying too.
matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright but i know that you feel like a piece of you's dead inside you showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days it's none of my business, but it's just been on my mind
this song felt realer than any he had written before. it felt like everything theo wanted daddy issues to be, before it had been used in a way to hurt you.
you're just in time, make your tea and your toast you framed all your posters and dyed your clothes, ooh you don't have to go you don't have to go home oh, there's a long way to go
you can let it go you can throw a party full of everyone you know you can start a family who will always show you love you don't have to be sorry, no
you knew he was referring to the boys and april. it had taken you way too long to realize that they had been your family all this time, even during the hardest year or your life, they had tried to be close and show their love, you had just been too stubborn to accept it.
but love wasn't something that could end. not this kind of love. you had always loved them and you had always loved theo, but right now your heart was too heavy to forgive him, even if you so desperately wanted to.
"thank you" you said and theo looked up with hope in his eyes. "but did you think a song would be enough to fix everything that is broken between us?"
his heart sank and he shook his head.
"i tried to ignore it these past weeks, tried to be your friend" you muttered "because it was easy, it was familiar. but it's like everything that you did this past year comes back anytime i look at you and it makes me wonder how you can say you love me when that was the way you acted"
"i hated myself for what i did" theo admitted "it was my fault that leo needed to come and get you in the first place. i could've brought you home, but i didn't want to, because i was so damn jealous and stubborn"
"why didn't you come to the funeral?"
"because i was ashamed of what i had done that night" he looked down and for a moment you were sure he was gonna grab your hand. he didn't. "but i'm gonna make it up to you, if you just let me"
"it's too late" you shook your head "i appreciate your effort, but it's just too late, theo. i'm sorry"
"just give us one more try" he begged "i know that we belong together"
"theo" you said as you softly touched his cheek, he leaned in, capturing as much of your warmth as possible. "it goes great for a while and then we start fighting. that's just our nature. and we're so fucking immature when it comes to the other"  
"we can make it work"
you shook your head "no we can't" you looked to the ground "you were right when you said that we weren't good for each other. it's because we're not good to each other, at least never for long"
you left the garage and took all in you to not turn around when you heard him sob. there was a part of you that so desperately needed to be close to you, but an even bigger part was just hurt at his actions. that part had been in constant pain since leo had died and you truly did not know how to get rid of that pain.
theo tried calling you about a thousand times, you didn't answer and after some time just blocked his number. he stared at your window all day, but you kept the curtains closed.
you didn’t even mind him telling dave that you would be playing pixie dream girl on saturday, it was just that he had lied to you. and on top of everything else that hurt the most.
enzo had called you too, apologizing for the way he had led you on. he also told you that he had been at the doctors and gotten his cast removed. his hand was well enough for him to play saturday, so there was no need for you to show up.
you had been happy to hear that. after all that had happened you weren't sure if you had had the strength to stand on that stage with him.
it was friday, one day before the concert, when you sat down on the floor of your room and your hands went under the bed, pulling out leo’s box. you were looking for one of his photos, your favorite one of him and you, but you couldn’t find it.
“where is it?” you muttered, as you got back on your feet and looked around the room.
maybe it was downstairs. maybe it was in his room. maybe your mother had took it.
you walked down the steps slowly and carefully, as to not wake her.
leo’s room looked like it always did. it was organized, everything was were it was supposed to be. it had looked like that ever since he had moved in with your dad and only spent the weekends in here.
you walked around the bed and to the shelves where a few photos were displayed. you and him, him and the rest of the band. photos from your childhood, from summer at the lake, from band practices and late nights spend renovating the garage.
you opened the drawer that was filled with his clothes. parts of him that were still here, while he was so far gone.
you didn't find it and your eyes just slipped past your mother when you left the room. before you could continue your search in the livingroom, the doorbell rang.
"go away, theo" you said loud enough for him to hear through the door.
"it's me" a voice said "matt"
you opened the door and it was indeed mattheo who was leaning against the wall.
"if theo send you, you can tell him-"
"he didn't" mattheo interrupted, before his hand went to the back pocket of his trousers and he held a small box in your direction.
it had been wrapped and looked like a birthday gift.
"what is that?" you asked suspiciously.
"it's from leo" mattheo explained "he made me keep it, because you always searched his things for presents, remember?"
you did. you had always done that. it had been a way for yourself to try and react the best way to the gifts you were getting.
"it's from a year ago" mattheo continued "he made me keep it from you. i would've given it to you sooner, but i honestly forgot about it. i just found it because i had to clean out my drawer"
"which drawer?"
"i'd rather not say"
you nodded.
your birthday had been just a few days after the accident. april had baked you a cake and you had spent the day with her, laying in your bed, eating cake and watching movies. it was probably the saddest birthday you had ever had, mostly because you felt leo's absence extra hard.
he had loved birthdays. and he had loved giving gifts.
"thank you" you said finally, as you took the box from his hand. "do you know what's inside?"
mattheo nodded. "i don't want to tell you what to do"
"then don't" you smiled, ready to close the door, but mattheo wouldn't let you go so easily.
"yeah, but i will" he grinned "what happened was pretty messed up, okay? everything with your mum and dad.. theo acted like a fucking idiot and i'm not saying you should just forgive him, but just- both of you should stop punishing yourselves for something that wasn't your fault"
"just because leo died doesn't mean you owe him something" he continued "none of you is at fault for that. it was that fucking drunk driver okay? you and theo aren't cursed or anything and leo wouldn't be angry if you just stopped beating yourself up for something you had no control over"
"i appreciate-"
"just watch what's on this" he tapped the box "then we can continue this argument"
you finally nodded and watched as he walked back out to the street, he waved at you before you closed the door.
despite the uneasiness, you slowly opened the box. in there was just a dvd. you raised your eyebrows. leo had been a bit old school with these things.
you walked into the living room, turning on the dvd player and putting the dvd in, before you started the video.
"hey, y/n" leo was sitting right where you were now. "happy birthday! hopefully you like my present, at least you definitely need it. it's fine if you really like cormac, but don't forget us and uh, don't forget theo, hm?"
what followed was a black screen and then laughter, your laughter. a video started playing. your were chasing theo around the lake, while you could hear leo cheer you on behind the camera.
before you could start to wonder, music started playing and not just any music. about you, theo's unreleased song. so leo had known about it, about the song and probably also about the way theo had felt.
you began crying as other videos followed. leo and you trying to hit the last two bowling pins and failing. mattheo, enzo and you as you tried to make a human pyramid. laughter was heard all throughout as draco, blaise, april and you ran a race that you and april lost by far.
there was a video april had taken of you during practice, as you had sat on the ground before the band. your eyes had been fixated on theo the entire time. you didn't even know this video existed.
"who's taller?" theo asked into the camera. "what do you think?" the camera swung to leo, who smirked.
"you or her?" he pointed between you and theo. "is that a serious question?" your brother laughed and the camera swung back to you, making a face and crossing your arms.
"you're just saying that, because you like him more than me" you muttered with fake offense.
"never" leo laughed, before he pressed a kiss to your cheek, which you immediately rubbed off.
the last video was one of you all sitting at the fire. theo was playing the guitar and you were sitting next to him, watching his every move.
leo turned the camera around. "they're in love" her whispered with his mouth close to the lens, before he turned the camera back at theo and you and zoomed in on you, as you sang along to the song theo was playing. "theo doesn't want to admit it to me" leo continued "but she is his pixie dream girl" you could hear him laugh about the joke to himself as the video ended.
that's where theo had gotten the song title from. someone must've showed him the video at the campfire, maybe that was what tempted him to write about you.
"he was happy in his last months, wasn't he?" you almost shrieked as you suddenly heard your mother speak. you turned your head. she was standing behind the couch and she looked unusually awake. her face was as tear stained as your cheeks and you nodded.
"he was" your eyes fell on the on the photo she was holding pressed to her chest. she followed your eyes and sighed.
"i'm sorry" she exclaimed "i found it in your room and took it. it wanted to have my children near me and i always loved this picture of the two of you. i was about to give it back"
"it's alright, mum" she was so clear all of a sudden.
"come here, baby" she sat down beside you and opened her arms, so you could crawl under the blanket next to her. "i missed you"
"you did?" you asked surprised.
"i know it's my own fault" she said "i shut you out. you didn't deserve the way i treated you, i'm so sorry"
"mum" you muttered. "it's alright"
"no it's not" she pressed a kiss to your head "i will get healthy, okay? i promise. i lost my son that night, but my daughter is still here and i have to become a better mother"
"it was my fault" you whispered "that's why you got so sick"
"oh, baby" she shook her head "it was never your fault, i should've gotten help for myself immediately, but i just wanted to be alone. i never wanted you to feel like anything that happened that night was your fault and i was wrong to worry you, to let you feel like you had to get through this alone"
"i wasn't alone" you assured her "i had april"
"and theo right?" your mother pointed to the paused picture of you and theo at the campfire.
"theo and i don't really talk anymore"
"why not?" your mum asked surprised "you were always so close"
"we started falling out before leo's death and after that we didn't really talk to each other anymore" you explained "we became friends again, but he did some pretty hurtful things"
she looked at you expectingly, waiting for you to continue.
"he wrote a few songs about me and he messaged dad"
"oh" your mother breathed, before she cleared her throat "do you think you'll ever be able to forgive me?"
"there's nothing to forgive, i was never really angry" you admitted "i just felt so alone"
"i know, sweetheart" she nodded "i promise i will make it up to you" she nudged your arm "but if you're able to forgive me after all the horrible things i did to you these past months, don't you think you will be able to forgive him too?"
your eyes fell on the tv. you thought about the way theo's and your eyes connected and you thought about what leo had said.
they're in love.
"yeah" you nodded "maybe i will"
authors note: what do you guys think? should pixie forgive theo? :)
taglist: @7s3ven @madi-potter @shereadsandcries @getosbeloved @mischieftom @wolfstar-jpg @t00thfairy20 @chcrrysblog @aestramjackson @elina3011 @kr1nqu @hopeless-y @mitskiswift99 @fallingblackveils @ahead-fullofdreams @helendeath @schaebickel @chubbychasermattheotruther @punkprincess03 @subparslytherin @girlbooklover555 @sakanelli-afc @cobrakaisb @ellen3101 @simp-for-fantasy
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