#lucky clover au
If Starlo and Ceroba become grandparents when Clover adopts Frisk, how excited are the Sunnysides to be great grandparents?
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They were beyond excited and extremely accepting and eager (to an almost comical degree) to have another kid in the family to spoil and love! It probably was Orion who was like "Wait. Great grandkid? What're you talkin' about-" for them to actually question why and how Frisk appeared, LOL. They love Clover but they've missed having younger kids around, so of course they latch onto Frisk and give them lots of grandparent love in the time Frisk spends with Clover's family!
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s0ckh3adstudios · 1 month
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normal pair of siblings wanted by the law who collected their own families and will argue who has the better dad /j
(And of course Alexander was spawned by @capt-summer)
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alterworldstudios · 5 months
More sketches of that batim au because it’s been in the back of my mind lately
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Basically Henry, Audrey and clover team up
(And I know the theories debunked but I put in the old “Henry is bendy” theory from years ago-)
The au is called lucky clover btw
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kays-artstuff · 2 months
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I made my versions of designs for ceroba starlo and martlet for the au!!! (Does the trio have a name? Would cowboy fanclub suffice for now???)
Starlo: Still runs the town as a rootin' tootin' Cowboy but now spends his time also helping out at home with his parents. Ever since Clover passed he had gained a deeper appreciation to those he considers close and reconciled with his family! He runs all over town helping provide food and entertainment and has turned the wild east into a pretty popular area. (It likely also helps that he got a decent amount of funding from the king to do this as kind-of an apology since in this au he knows that clover gave up their life and feels prettyyyy bad about it kabdks)
Martlet: Took up a job at the post office (duh) with her speed and agility (that's only present in flying oof) she can go through all the underground within the day. She has a side job as a carpenter and aids in building homes, does comissions n stuff (which doesn't often pay the bills hence the post job) she has a small wooden statue of a western looking figure with a clover indent on its hat always present on her work desk for some reason. Those who visit never ask.
Ceroba: After Clover had passed, Ceroba had spent a while mourning at Dina's when suddenly the towns sherrif took her to a schoolhouse nearby (maybe in waterfall idk, but somehow starlo knows that the teacher was out that day) and asked her to read to the kids, who were starry-eyed at the stories she could tell. She took up a job helping out as a sub/TA 'cause while she likes soke of the kids she doesn't want to deal with the exhausting experience of lesson planning n stuff and now volunteers in bake sales and activities to cope. More recently now that the barrier's broken and Kanako[?] Had been returned to her by alphys she is keen more tha ever to not let her kid out of sight, that may prove to be difficult as the amalgamate that houses her daughter and a couple of other monsters is very curious and after being trapped for so long wants to explore.
(Was tired so i didn't draw dalv but he exists and hangs around, makes books for kids and preforms as shown in canon. But in addition he explores the underground to draw landscapes to practice his art so you can see him quietly walking around listening to music)
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radioroxx · 3 months
would it be self indulgent of me for the art requests to request something from one of my own au’s… if not then. magical clover maybe?? smiley face chin on hands
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EHEHE NEVEERRRRRR i love this silly
tbh i wouldve drawn them at some point anyway soooo…. might as well lol !!!!
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demxters · 10 months
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frat!bradley bradshaw x f!reader
dagger squad college!au
summary: bradley meets the girl he believes to be his good luck charm at a party. the only problem is, he doesn't have a clue who she is or how to find her again.
wc: 2.1k
warning(s): 18+, fem!reader, no y/n (reader goes by nickname clover), a wild jake and ace appears, explicit swearing, alcohol, college parties, slight nudity, tattoos
the lucky one masterlist || find on ao3
You hated your ex with a passion. You knew what he was doing the second you saw his arm around Allison freaking Simpson. Not only was she the dean’s daughter, but she was also one of the top students of their class. 
In other words, she was everything you were not. Your ex was trying to prove a point and you hated that it was working.
Deep breathes, you remind yourself, thinking back to the meditation classes you took over the summer. 
Your eye twitches at the sound of Allison’s obviously over exaggerated giggles. Tyler Jacobs was not that funny. 
“He’s not worth your time,” a soft voice from beside you interrupts your glaring.
It was a girl you recognized from your classes over the years. Quiet, yet incredibly smart and snarky when need be. You’ve never actually talked to her much, but she was thoughtful and much more tolerable than a majority of your peers. 
“You used to date Tyler Jacobs, right?” Apparently, she was also very observant. 
You cringe at that. “Unfortunately.”
She hums, before returning her gaze to her notes. “I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you could do much better.” 
Now that makes you laugh. “Thanks,” you send her a genuine smile. 
You knew she was right. You could do so much better. Tyler was all you’ve known. Dating since high school, prom king and queen, the whole cliche. You just needed to expand your horizons. 
After another grueling hour and a half of listening to your professor talk about god knows what, you’re more than relieved to finally be released from class. 
The girl beside you packs up with haste, almost like she has somewhere to be. 
“Hey, Ace, tell that boyfriend of yours that he can suck my dick!” Tyler yells after her. 
“Go screw yourself, Jacobs,” she replies with a flash of her finger. 
You wrap your arm around her, noticing the tension in her shoulders as you deliberately announce, “I’ve seen it and trust me, your boyfriend would not be impressed.” 
The people around you snicker, making Tyler’s face turn red, and you smirk in satisfaction. 
The girl, who you remember was called Ace, is laughing as you guide her out of the lecture hall. 
“His face was priceless!” Ace says between laughs. 
You shrug with a smile. “I only said what’s true!” 
Ace shakes her head. “Amazing.”
A call of her name distracts her, and you both turn to see a tall, blond man jogging toward the both of you. 
You won’t lie. He was incredibly good looking. But the way his gaze was set on Ace told you all you needed to know. “The boyfriend, I’m assuming?” 
He wraps Ace up in his arms and she playfully rolls her eyes at his display of affection. 
“The one and only,” he grins. “Jake Seresin, pleasure to meet you. It’s so nice seeing you branch out, Ace. She is so anti-social, I swear,” he murmurs from the side of his mouth. 
She scoffs, smacking her boyfriend on the arm. “Shut up!” 
You laugh along with the duo, your heart aching at how in love they were. Even if they didn’t know it yet, you could tell they would be together for a long time. You had a knack for noticing those kinds of things–relationships that were meant to last and matchmaking. You take pride in the fact that you were the one to set up your old high school math teacher with your favorite art teacher. Now, they were happily married and had two kids with one more on the way. 
The one person you were unable to help in the love department, however, was yourself. How absolutely ironic. 
You used to think Tyler Jacobs was the one. You imagined the two of you growing old together, having kids, and telling them the stories of how the two of you fell in love. Being with him since your freshman year of high school and knowing him since kindergarten made you truly believe that he was the love of your life. 
Up until a month ago, when everything came crashing down and everything you thought you knew turned out to be a lie.
“Hey, you should come to the Delta Chi party this weekend,” Jake offers, noticing the sudden lull in conversation. 
Ace nods with a smile. “Yeah, something to take your mind off that ex of yours.” 
You eye Jake, unable to contain your growing grin. “A frat party?” 
Jake winks. “Only the best frat on campus.” 
Ace was right, you needed to take your mind off Tyler. You wanted to prove that you didn’t need him–that you never did. Besides, when did you ever say no to a party? “Alright, I’ll be there.” 
»»————- ♣︎ ————-««
You’ve been to so many parties, the sweaty bodies and loud music no longer deter you. 
Pushing your way through the crowd, you say hi to some familiar faces as you make your way to the drinks. 
One of the Delta Chi guys gives you a cup full of cheap beer, which you gladly accept. You continue to wander around the house, only being there once before. With Tyler. 
Just even thinking of him makes you nauseous. Downing the rest of your cup, you go back to the keg, desperate for another drink. 
Two becomes three. 
Three becomes four. 
Until, eventually, you’ve lost count and the only thing you can feel is the warmth of the alcohol and the beating of the bass in your chest. 
You hardly remember Tyler and Allison nor the aching heartbreak you’ve been going through for over a month now. 
It was just you and the dance floor. And maybe a few frat guys and sorority girls you didn’t know the names of but danced with anyways. 
Your cup was empty again and you groaned at the realization. You stumble your way back to the drink station, no longer able to control your heavy footsteps and swinging limbs. 
Your vision is so hazy that you don’t see the body you haphazardly bump into. 
“Holy shit!” the person says as you catch yourself on the table. 
He turns around with wide, doe-like eyes. Even through the horribly lit area and hue from the alcohol, you could tell that the guy in front of you was hot. His slightly curly hair was plastered to his forehead through the sheen of sweat that glistened on his skin. You could tell he was muscular, even under the ridiculous Hawaiian shirt he was wearing. And his eyes… you couldn’t pinpoint the exact color they were due to the poor lighting, but they were what you would describe as kind. 
He gapes at you like a fish out of water. You catch yourself giggling at his flustered state. 
“Are you some kind of good luck charm or something?” He blurts out. 
“What?” you slur. You boldly grab his forearm in order to steady yourself from swaying too much. You bite your tongue to hold back a sigh as the smell of cinnamon and faint cologne floods your senses. 
“I said, are you some kind of good luck charm or something? Because I just won that shit!” He gestures sloppily to the table where a game of beer pong was set up. 
“No way!” You bounce on your toes, feeling giddy from the excitement oozing off the guy in front of you. 
He nods vigorously. “I was about to make that shot, but then you bumped into me and I still got it in. That was awesome. You are a good luck charm! You’re like a… like a…”
Your eyes light up as he continues to think. “Like a four leafed clover?” 
He snaps his fingers. “Yeah!” 
A mischievous grin tugs at your lips while your fingers tug your shirt upwards. Rolling the loose tee you have on so it’s resting just right above your bra, you turn. “You mean like this?” 
His gaze zeroes in on the image inked below your right breast, on the edge of your rib cage. There lies a delicately etched four leaf clover. 
The tug in your chest is palpable. The pull this guy has on you is strange, yet welcomed. It was unlike anything you’ve felt before, even with Tyler. You wanted to beckon him closer. You wanted him to take his fingers on his large hand and delicately trace the outline of where you are most vulnerable. 
Your grip on your shirt loosens as it rolls back down your chest to your abdomen, suddenly feeling self conscious of how forward you were. Great, you just met the guy and now you’re gonna scare him away.  
He opens his mouth to speak, gaze glancing back up to meet yours, clearly rendered speechless by the unexpected action before him. 
“Yo, Rooster! Come on, someone’s trying to beat your time on the keg!” 
He’s interrupted by another guy who shakes his shoulders and pulls him away without another word. 
He gives you one last look over his shoulder, one apologetic and full of longing before you lose him in the crowd. 
Rooster. What a strange nickname. 
You just hope your sober self remembers it tomorrow. 
»»————- ♣︎ ————-««
Bradley can’t tell if the pounding is in his head or coming from his bedroom door. His head feels like a bowling ball and he can barely open his eyes without feeling like he was getting stabbed through his skull. 
He rolls over, throwing his pillow over his head. He prays that whoever is on the other side of the door gets the hint and leaves him alone. 
Much to his dismay, the person ends up inviting themself in anyway. 
“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty! Welcome back to the land of the living,” Jake’s irritating Texas drawl rings through his ears. 
Bradley groans, tossing his pillow lamely at him. “Go. Away.” 
“No can do, Bradshaw. Up! Up! Up!” He shouts, clapping his hands in front of Bradley’s face like a drill sergeant. 
Bradley wishes it were Jake in his place right now. In another time, it was Jake that was in his place. Bradley would be the one ushering him and his latest fling out of bed. When he started dating Ace, Jake changed. She straightened him up—made him lose the fuck boy act and be more respectful. Now it was time for Jake to have his fun. He hates how much Jake is enjoying Bradley being on the other end of the stick. 
“Go away before I rip your dick off,” Bradley threatens with narrowed eyes. 
Jake doesn’t take Bradley’s comment the way he wanted him to. His cackle and the rush of sunlight that enters the room makes Bradley whine pathetically. Even with his eyes squeezed shut, the light from outside was burning through his eyelids. 
“Reuben cooked breakfast. Hurry up if you want to eat anything other than bread crusts,” Jake announces before, not so softly, shutting his bedroom door. 
Bradley throws his pillow back over his head to block out all the light and sighs. Every time they host a party, he swears that he won’t drink too much. And every time without fail, he ends up blackout drunk and in bed with a sorority girl. Which is why he’s surprised that, for once, he can actually remember the night before. There wasn’t much significance to last night. Just like any other Friday, Delta Chi was throwing another rager. All his friends were there as well as the usual sororities. However, last night at the beer pong table was embedded into his mind. 
He could still smell the perfume of the girl he recalls being his good luck charm. He could see her bright smile and the tattoo she willingly flashed at him. A dopey smile tugs at his lips as he reminisces about last night. 
His euphoric haze is cut short when he realizes he never even got your name. Bradley didn’t know who you were or who you were with. He finds himself getting more of a headache trying to remember if he has ever seen you at any of the Greek life events on campus. He doubts you were in a sorority. He’s sure he would’ve remembered seeing a face like yours. 
The best thing he could do is ask if anyone knew a girl with a clover tattoo, but even that would probably get him nowhere. 
The pounding in his chest didn’t settle as he continued to relive the interaction from the night before. If only he hadn’t been pulled away by Omaha, he probably would’ve mustered up enough courage to get your name and number. He maybe would have even asked you out on a date. But he was whisked away in an instant. After the fiasco at the keg, Bradley wandered around the house trying to find you, with absolutely no luck. He didn’t understand what it was, but he was convinced that he needed to see you again. He had to. 
Even in his hung over state of mind, Bradley was on a mission. First, he was going to sober up and shower. Then was going to find his four leafed clover. 
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this one is dedicated to @blue-aconite for this fic and clover wouldn’t exist without you, ily <;3
a/n: i hope you’re all as excited for bradley and clover as i am. im super stoked to introduce them into the ‘loving you universe’ and for you all to see where their story leads them. as always, the inbox is open and comments and reblogs are encouraged and appreciated.
tgm taglist: @joaquinwhorres @harrycherrylove @smoothdogsgirl @t-nd-rfoot @dempy @ollyoxenfrees @potato-girl99981 @averyhotchner @2guysonascooter @loveforaugust @blue-aconite @fandom-life-12 @stiles-banshees @iamdannyday @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @breezemood @eli2447 @angelbabyange @finelytaylored @pono-pura-vida @hecate-steps-on-me @blueoorchid @aviatorobsessed @blackwidownat2814 @hallecarey1 @averagereader35 @laneylovesglen @atarmychick007 @kajjaka @urfavelocagirl @clancycumber230 @memeorydotcom @kmc1989 @percysaidnever @thestarspangledcaptain
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pledikman · 10 days
I haven't decided if I want to be them or be with them..
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CLOVER FROM @northstarscowboyhat !!!
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voyagefanposting · 22 days
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bshoe28 · 3 months
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Happy st. Patrick’s day everyone 🍀🌈💚💚💚
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northstarscowboyhat · 16 days
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Justice Family Cuddles ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
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s0ckh3adstudios · 1 month
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WHOOPS SORRY @northstarscowboyhat MY HAND SLIPPED HFHGHDSFF had to draw a little more of the lucky siblings I'm so ill about them. Their dynamic is EVERYTHING TO MEEE
(Please bail your Alexander out of jail @capt-summer)
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lovegiroke · 2 months
magical clover au: part 1
magical girl kel
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kays-artstuff · 2 months
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continuing the lil' au concept that i was doodling a while back (design still fairly inspired by user @ howlonomy)
-monsters are still primarily underground because the moving process takes a while
-clover meets kanako while looking through the underground and staying hidden debating their options and building up the courage to talk to starlo, martlet, ceroba and dalv.
-I like the concept of bug kanako ejbfherfb
-kanako finds clover and goes "I like your vibe" and hangs around clover when she's not around her mother
-flowey goes to frisk eventually and goes "yeah so like, i brought the dead humans back but only one is awake rn because they had the least injuries and i'm still healing the others technically" and I imagine frisk panics and is currently spending their free time looking for clover
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shady0220uwu · 1 year
Okay so uh. A lil update on basically everything I have going on, and kinda a masterpost
Discord server: Link!
Ask-TSGM: still opened, I'd absolutely love it if anyone could sent asks there, I have a ton of ideas for it! (the blog -> @ask-tsgm )
(More below the cut-)
Streamer au: rethinking stuff, might not be done before I finish my other stuff, sorry.
Colorful-luck: redrawing the whole thing! Cover page done and page 1 is finished. Out of ideas unfortunately
Incorrect quotes: all queued so yall get twice a day. 3 days planned ahead ;)
Art: I will post small doodles or sketches from time to time. Don't expect a schedule of any sort. I'll try to post daily, no promises <3
Art requests: open!
Art trades: open!
Asks: open!
That's basically it, oh and if y'all want to talk or have any questions at all, go ahead, ask or send me a message, I always love talking to people
Tag list:
#alice draws something -> art tag
#alice animated a thing -> animation stuff
#alice wrote a thing -> writing stuff
Last updated: 09/01/24 (dd/mm/yy)
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thecrazyphantom · 4 months
I have a big brained idea for a danganronpa X Equestria Girls au but i need approval from. A friend before I make anything because I can go to nobody else 😞
I didn't realize til after that you said Equestria girls so idk how that would work. I do kinda wanta make a mlp au tbh
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But hey! May your journey go well
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pledikman · 7 days
The author of my favorite AU allowed me to draw this universe together with mine!!! @northstarscowboyhat , I love you very much, thank you!!!
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I just found it funny, like, Lucky Clover is like, "HOORAY LIFE IS WONDERFUL" and Security Clover is like, "GOD why are you so energetic, where's my coffee"
And in general, I found their dynamics funny, sorry
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And anyway, they're like brothers, I can't see the dynamics of a "calm skeptical younger brother and older energetic brother" in them
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