24-05txt · 1 year
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PITCH-HIT A GIFT FOR THE GHOSTSOAP SERVER GIFT EXCHANGE 💪never done '09 soapghost so I hope I did them justice <3
Also haven't done a comic in fuckin forever but shshshshhhh
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Ghost, sleep deprived, not paying attention: *kisses Rodolfo's hair* Morning.
Rodolfo, dark red: Um-
Ghost: ...you're not Soap
Soap: *laughing* No, but Alejandro is right behind you
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dairport · 9 months
“x and x are better as friends” have you considered that your partner is supposed to be your best friend and their friendship is literally what makes the ship so good
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whispermask · 1 year
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the grip call of duty-of all fucking things-has on me
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captain-mj · 7 months
Domestic short hair cat shifter Ghost who people look down on when they find out, but it’s actually really useful for stealth missions and as a fellow cat owner pissed off cats of any size are a massive problem.
Roach and Soap take him seriously from the get go also being small critters that are actually terrifying (look up weasels they’re vicious blighters)
Have a great day
This ran away from me
Shifters, on paper, were banned from the military. In practice, a lot of military men were shifters. While Price would never give away if he himself was a shifter or not, the threat of being stripped of the title of Captain a bit too real for him to admit it, he spoke rather vocally against the rules. 
And the 141 was an open secret taskforce. No one on it was just human.
Soap was a badger personally He wasn’t the biggest of creatures, but he could hold his own. Roach was a weasel, a particularly vicious one at that. 
Ghost was a cat. At first glance, a kitten. There was a theory he was a black footed cat but he looked rather… normal? He looked like a simple Tawny cat. 
Soup had scooped him up and pet him the first time he saw him. So few Shifters were Domestic cats, it didn't cross his mind that it was maybe a soldier. The worst part was Ghost letting Soap snuggle him for a Few minutes, letting Soap set him down and letting him kiss his forehead before shifting back and walk away.
Soap had been mortified and Roach had laughed at him.
His shaking shoulders made him feel better. A little at least. 
When Ghost had simply told some nosy recruits that he was a feeling, everyone assumed a big car. Tiger, Lion or Cougar.
Not… a house cat. 
Soap was unsure who told their current base the truth. But it got under Ghost’s skin in a way nothing else did. 
Roach, always the jealous one, did not take kindly to people acting like they now had some familiarity with Ghost. They'd joke around and ask him questions and just in general be... off. Sometimes they'd do things for him like open doors or offer to take hard missions for him. It was alarming, but most were smart enough to disguise it as other things.
Soap didn't understand the frustration until someone had the gall, the audacity, the fucking nerve, to call Ghost "kitty."
"Kitty, we know kittens are not that great at fighting. It's okay. Why not leave that to the actual predators, yeah?"
Soap had almost thrown himself over the table in a blind rage. He had been foaming at the mouth pissed and Ghost had to pick him up and drag him away. The glare he sent to the other person was enough for them to realize that Ghost wanted to let Soap go. Let him be the menace he wanted to be.
Roach stood nearby, glaring into them. He snarled and snapped at them until Ghost made it clear he wanted him to follow. The three made it to Ghost's room with minimal damage to anything other than Soap's reputation. Watching him get manhandled was not something most people expected.
Ghost shook his head. "Now boys."
Soap interrupted him. "No! They're being disrespectful just because you're a cat shifter."
"Uh huh."
"And they're trying to get your attention and just in general being horrible. He called you kitty. He tried to sideline you."
"And I can handle it."
Roach hit Ghost's shoulder and looked displeased. He almost immediately rubbed against him as an apology. "They need to learn respect."
"Guys, I can handle it. I promise."
Soap shook his head. "You shouldn't have to. That's the whole point. You're perfect for stealth missions. Perfect for getting into places and you've even been picked by high profile targets. It's really helpful."
Ghost shook his head at them and butted heads with Soap. At first, he thought it was aggressive before realizing Ghost was being affectionate. "You two are such losers."
Roach huffed and quickly wiggled himself into Ghost's arms. He wrapped his arms around the both of them.
Ghost allowed himself, making little noises of displeasure, to be shoved back. They hung all over him. "C'mon. guys."
Soap huffed. "Just want to help you out."
"Don't need it."
"You deserve it."
Roach pulled Ghost down and kissed him sweetly. Ghost muttered under his breath but he relaxed. "Still. You're sergeants."
"You're still our boyfriend." Roach reminded him.
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tsukibyeollie · 1 year
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"Thought we lost you."
They got separated on the battlefield and reunited hours later. 💀🧼
✨ Available as a print on my INPRNT! ❤️ ✨
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nekronyancer · 1 year
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Enemies to lovers? Mafia AU? Suits and blood? Gun/knife play? Anyone? Only me? Okay. 🧍
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can-u-like-stop · 1 year
Ghost doesn’t say ‘I love you’
This revelation comes to Soap shortly after he’s closed his eyes and whispered the sweet words to Ghost laying behind him.
Soap takes a moment to ponder how it’s taken him this long to notice. And why it doesn’t bother him as much as he thought it would.
Because while Ghost doesn’t say ‘I love you’, he does say ‘got your six’. And he says ‘go rest, I’m taking watch’. He says ‘head to med, you never know.’ He says ‘don’t be stupid, come back in one piece.’ He says ‘take a breath, you’ve got this.’
He finds Soap’s eyes in a crowded room. He bumps their knees together during briefings and on helicopter rides. He squeezes Soap’s hand just a little tighter when Soap starts pulling away. He always finds a way to fit his face into the crook of Soap’s neck.
And Soap remembers the way Ghost’s arm tightened around him when Soap said those three words just minutes ago.
So, no, Ghost doesn’t say ‘I love you’. But Soap knows he means it.
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anothercrisis · 1 year
Wake up, I’ve been brainrotting over the civvie au (with healthy enablement from @alexgalaxyboo) and I’m here to share some thoughts.
Here’s some of the groundwork and some who will be here and how they get introduced:
Price, late-thirties, decides he’s tired of the city and wants to move into a quieter neighborhood. He can work remotely and doesn’t have any real ties or reasons to stay in the city so he doesn’t.
The house he purchases is a shabby thing at the corner of the street. His neighbors are the Laswells, Kate the American and her British wife, along with Kate’s nephew, Alex Keller.
Their houses are a little closer than standardly comfortable. But there is a large oak tree between them (remember that, it’s vitally important later on) that shadows and gives them a bit of privacy.
The neighborhood is friendly enough with each other, but they’re not like a community. Which suits Price fine because he isn’t there to make friends; he just wants some quiet. But the Laswells see this man move in next door, alone, and adopt him. They check up on him regularly, invite him over for tea, and bake and cook for him occasionally.
And it’s good for several years, this little life. But Price didn’t account for the loneliness he would start to feel. So, because of the heart he has and the fact he always wanted to be a father, he signs up to foster kids.
Soap and Gaz, who are about 10 and 9 respectively, are two halves of a pair. (I’m not sure yet why they’re in the foster care system but that’s where they are.) The system has tried to separate them, but Soap is crazy and does all kinds of wild shit any time Gaz is taken away from him, like setting things on fire or running away.
Chaos Incarnate and his Accomplice get assigned to Price, who is nervous at first because of what he’s heard, but this man (in every universe it’s a Constant) can and will adopt and wrangle these boys with his firm father hand and his depthless love.
The fact that Alex Keller, who is Soap’s age, lives next door has nothing to do with why Soap behaves. It’s totally not because Gaz has a crush on the American boy and asks Soap to behave so they can stay. (I’m lying to you.)
But it’s not just that. Soap and Gaz fit in really well with Price. They like him, he likes them. They make a good family. So, after having them for a time, he starts the process of legal adoption. They’re about 12 and 11 when they legally becomes Price’s sons.
Some months later, the Riley family moves into the neighborhood, bringing with them another boy their age. Simon is about 13 and is immediately welcomed into their merry little band of preteens. Which he joins, because he takes any opportunity to be away from his father.
Time passes. The boys are getting bigger and stronger. They play rough, and sometimes do it inside despite Price’s insistent that they don’t. Soap accidentally puts his shoulder through the wall while trying to evade capture. Insert Nik, the big Russian carpenter/repairman who Soap and Gaz immediately decide will be their second dad.
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macriley4everandever · 10 months
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sun-ni-day · 4 months
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Our feral wolfcubs in the wild
MacGyver 5x11 C8H7CIO + Nano-Trackers + Resistance + Maldives + Mind Games
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Rodolfo: Hey, I cooked so I'm just waiting for you to get home.
Alejandro, who just lost a bet to Soap and Ghost and now has to do this on a dare: what's for... what's for dinner, bitch? *shaking*
Rodolfo: *silence*
Rodolfo: *more silence*
Soap: Hey, I think it's gonna be fi-
Rodolfo: *angry Spanish screaming*
Everyone: ...
Ghost: I don't speak Spanish but I don't think he's saying what's for dinner
Valeria: I do and he is not.
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alexgalaxyboo · 1 year
Everyone that writes Soap being like "he'd only seen his face for a brief moment [however long ago] in Las Almas but it'd been etched into his memory" yadda yadda yadda, and remembering Ghost perfectly. I get it and good for you, that man is gay and he tried his best to remember Ghost as much as he could.
But I'm in a projection mood (when am I not tho,) and I'd like to raise you: Soap who's faceblind and couldn't tell Ghost apart from any other blonde brown eyed bloke (if you ignore any distinctive scars) and is AGONISING over his sketchbook trying to draw him so he doesn't forget but he never looks right.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons for ghostsoap?
Oh boi do I
Soap is the possessive one.
Ghost jokes about his mental health and its funny, but Soap tries not to laugh because he knows it encourages him.
Ghost can cook meat. Like... that’s it. The guy goes hunting all the time so he needs to be able to cook something out there, but I just really don’t think he can cook a single vegetable
Soap is pretty competent in the kitchen. He doesn’t like doing it though and they usually end up ordering 
Soap tried out daddy without thinking first and Ghost almost threw up. They avoid mentions of family in the bedroom now
Ghost refuses to learn Scotts. He’s secretly picked up the majority of it, but he can’t let Soap have the win.
One of Soap’s siblings makes a joke that he was colonized because Ghost is British and Soap had to lay down for a while
Ghost once apologized for his mental health issues and then just sighed “At least our sex is going to be phenomenal” Soap shut down and had to lay down again
Soap manages to convince Ghost to do dumb stuff with him a stupid amount. Ghost is always down to do something stupid as long as they’re off duty and no one else is around. It works vice versa as well.
They go cryptid hunting (Ghost’s idea). Soap actually plans a trip to Scotland explicitly to let Ghost see the Loch and try to find Nessie. They see a fish and both are utterly convinced. 
Ghost once jokingly gave Soap a dead guy’s ring, knowing Soap saw him take it off the corpse. Soap still wears it. Ghost hasn’t figured out how he feels about that yet. 
Ghost was big mad when Soap stole one of his masks until he saw him wear it (talking about the red one) and Ghost had a mini heart attack
Soap steals Ghost’s clothes. Has broken into Ghost’s apartment to get them before. Ghost is aware and leaves them organized so Soap takes his least favorite items
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4me2knowandyou2wonder · 7 months
I don’t have details for this AU I just really want to give someone else brainrot
GhostSoap Pacific Rim AU
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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nekronyancer · 1 year
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Some more fluff sketches 🧍
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